#shiro is not a token gay
chipper-smol · 2 months
QUESTION what are some things you’d recommend about isat? I’ve been thinking about maybe getting it but I don’t know much about the gameplay and I’ve gotten spoilers for it just from seeing posts on here but it seems interesting!
do you like amazing quality of life measures that make playing games fun instead of a grinding slog? ISAT does this and more. Because its a time loop rpg, its easy to think that gameplay will become repetitive and annoying, but there are in game mechanics that prevent this
do you like object heads who serve cunt?
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(also you can make fake dialogue screenshots, gifts, and more thanks to kongkrog)
are you tired of token gays being shoved in your face while at the same time being barely present at all, like Disney's FIRST GAY [insert extra here] and Voltron making Shiro gay at the last second, for kudo points? ISAT's got your back by NOT doing that. It focuses on the story first but makes time for the characters to have their moments.
speaking of character moments, this game has FANTASTIC chemistry between all of the characters. It's refreshing to follow the story of a friend group and actually be able to believe they're friends by how they talk and act with eachother.
Also the things i've reblogged are unfortunately from a small portion of the game. theres SO MUCH
It has more words than all of Lord of the Rings. This is not a short game (unless you play it straight for 3 days without breaks)
canonically there's no britain
idk theres just... so much... good stuff...
it's a game i'd come back to. repeatedly. It's not the sort of game where you play it once and go "huh that was neat!" and shelve it because you did everything in it. It's dghmghmdgdm its good m sorry my brai n is getting tired im definitely missing stuff but i've been sent so many asks of people blaming me for getting them to buy ISAT so maybe you could become another?
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kismetconstellations · 2 months
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@sockdooe You absolutely do not need to apologize, ever, for "dumping" rants in the tags of my posts. I happen to love reading everything you have to say, and look forward to these "dumps", every time I see your username pop up in my notifications.
People are allowed to write and headcanon whatever they want (Looking at you, "Black Paladin Lance" AUs), but, it's concrete, indisputable canon that the Black Lion and Shiro had the strongest bond of any human Paladin and Lion pair.
Yes, Lance was the first to have a connection with a Lion, and the Red Lion came to Keith's aid of her own volition, just as the Green Lion likewise rushed to protect Pidge. That in no way negates just how much focus was given to building Shiro's bond with Black, and establishing him as the Paladin she chose, because they understood, valued, and trusted one another. Sure, the Black Lion absorbing Shiro into her inner quintessence might very well be a reference to the episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion where Shinji Ikari's body is similarly absorbed by his EVA Unit. Goodness knows there are plenty references to NGE and other anime scattered about. Shiro's Season One/Two design seems to have taken some heavy inspiration from Guts- shock of stress-induced white on a head of black hair, strong, square jaw, prosthetic arm, distinct lateral scar across the bridge of his nose-
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-and he was originally intended to marry Roy Focker.
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Nevertheless, it speaks volumes that this ancient, sentient force looked at a traumatized, battle-scarred, yet still extraordinarily gentle man with blood on his hands, sins to atone for, and feelings of self-loathing and desperation to prove himself worthy, prove that every fight in the Arena and every life he took to keep himself alive, every precious second of time he was able to steal back from Death's inescapable grip meant something if he can do good with all of the evil that has touched him, permeating the very essence of his being, and decided Him. He's the one I want. To the point of holding onto whatever she could of him after he died.
And, as much as this show tried to undermine that with Keith and the Clone Shiro being able to pilot the Black Lion, and later showing the previous Paladins also being preserved by their Lions' quintessence- inside of Haggar/Honerva's mind, despite the fact that she killed them outside of their Lions, because Season Eight's writing is an absolute convoluted mess- it will never, ever diminish the fact that Shiro is so special, not one, but two magic-powered sentient spacecrafts adopted him as their Person.
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(I do wish the Atlas's interior wasn't so dark, dreary, and dull, though. They couldn't have given this poor man a ship with white walls and turquoise accents, or something? It had to be dingy gray and Galaxy Garrison orange?)
Even if we ignore the fans who hyperfocus on Lance and Keith, determined to turn them into the ultimate tragic heroes/victims of the universe/hyper-competent badasses/supremely empathetic Hearts of the Team (sorry, but that title belongs to Hunk. It will always belong to Hunk)/discount Shiros, the treatment of Shiro by the fandom has, since its inception, been dubious, at best.
He's a cheerleader for Keith/Lance. He's an obstacle to Keith/Lance, so we'll pair him off with Allura. No, wait, never mind, he's twenty-five, and therefore, absolutely off limits to every single one of the Paladins, and Allura, as a potential romantic partner, and anyone even slightly okay with one of these ships deserves to be harassed and indiscriminately labeled a "pedophile", including Shiro's voice actor. (We'll completely overlook, of course, that Keith is also a legal adult, and shipping him with any of the younger Paladins should, by those standards, be verboten, as well.) Shiro is the "Token Gay" who we'll cast aside in favor of Keith and/or Lance, but throw him the meagerest scrap of bone in the form of pairing him off with either the (dead) man who canonically ended their relationship on poor terms because he couldn't handle the emotional strain of another one of Shiro's medical scares, or the piece of glorified set dressing with no personality to speak of who Shiro barely interacts with, and whose name is never once spoken onscreen. Wait, no, Shiro's actually not gay enough (because he's not a mincing, flamboyant stereotype?), so we'll complain that we were "queerbaited" over a ship featuring a canonically heterosexual teenage boy that was never, ever going to happen.
And, the fans who do gravitate toward Shiro tend to sexualize him to the extent of discarding- or fetishizing- his trauma to get him naked and railing (in the most Out of Character portrayal imaginable), or being railed by, their character of choice as swiftly as possible.
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I can only hazard a guess that Shiro has been afflicted with so much extensive, irreversible trauma, fanfiction authors who are simply writing for fun with the intention of living vicariously through these characters don't want to have to confront the ugly, less than titillating reality of that trauma, or so much as touch it with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole. So, they choose to pretend it doesn't exist, or gloss over it, in exactly the manner the show, itself, does. This includes his illness, which, if we take Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos at their word, was written into Shiro's character from conception, along with his homosexual identity.
"I think a lot of his backstory was created independently, even from his sexual orientation, ‘cause that was just a part of who he was but it wasn’t necessarily a discovery moment. So the vast majority of the conversations of his backstory were around figuring out what else is there, the illness and those aspects of it. Him being gay was just something that we had always wanted to do with him from early on."
And, in the case of fans who try to turn their favorites into Shiro, which is one of the strangest, most inexplicable phenomena I have ever encountered in all of my years on the internet in fandom spaces- why designate a character as your favorite if you desperately need them to be someone else, instead of accepting them as they are?- they have to be slapping a prosthetic on those characters purely for the cheap angsty aesthetic.
Which is to be expected when people steal distinct traits from another character to apply to their favorite like a patchy, uneven coat of paint layered over top of what was already there. They don't understand why that other character had those traits, to begin with. They, presumably, see Shiro with his scars, his personal history with Sendak, Haggar, and Zarkon, the three most powerful and intimidating villains in the series, the physical and emotional evidence of the experimentation and torture Shiro was subjected to while in captivity, his relationship with the Black Lion, his irreplaceable presence and role on the team as a firm but gentle guiding light, and decide, "That's unique and makes him stand out as someone special and important. My favorite deserves to be special and important, too! So, I'll take what he has and give it to them!" It really is like a kid wanting another kid's favorite toy because their own isn't "good enough", and I can honestly say I've never seen this sort of behavior in any other fandom. If Lance and Keith fans, as they tend to be the prime perpetrators, recognize that Shiro has innate narrative significance and desirable qualities, why not adopt him as their favorite, instead?
It all comes back to the fanbase's rampant ageism, the ages of the fans, themselves (you'd have to be pretty darned young to think a twenty-five year-old is old enough to be a teenager's "dad"), and, I think, the fact that Shiro is a conventionally masculine gay man, rather than a skinny twink, so it isn't as easy to project more effeminate characteristics onto him.
Lance uses skin masks and moisturizes.
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Shiro either doesn't sleep, or wakes up inhumanly early to do push-ups.
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Characters with more reserved, subdued personalities also tend to be cast aside and written off as "boring" in favor of overtly loud, flashy, mostly comic relief ones. There is nothing wrong with preferring one or the other, and both have their place, especially in stories aimed at child audiences where a bit of levity is necessary after watching characters go through high stakes and intense emotional strain. But, it has always been my opinion that people who overlook the guarded, noble, self-sacrificing leaders who voluntarily bear the weight of the world on their shoulders have poor taste. That sort of frank dismissal demonstrates an unwillingness to peer past the supposedly "uninteresting" surface and see what makes these characters pillars of leadership, virtue, and heroism, in the first place.
Like reaching out to a kid the rest of the world has given up on, and offering him a helping hand.
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Like being willing to paint yourself as a bloodthirsty savage and attacking a scared friend to keep him out of a fight where he surely would have lost his life.
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Like offering encouragement, guidance, and support to the people in your care, so they come to trust you as a friend, and confidante.
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And, never hesitating to protect someone who can't protect themselves.
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Takashi Shirogane is beautiful, inside and out.
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The "fans" who don't understand or appreciate that, and especially the ones who think this show could have possibly stood to benefit from killing him permanently, have objectively rancid opinions. And, should almost definitely steer clear of trauma survivors, because they fail to understand what Shiro means to us as a representation of the kind of person we all could be if we're willing to never give up on ourselves, and try.
Let him be showered in all of the tender forehead kisses, get to sleep on the comfiest plush mattress, and be surrounded by an army of soft and fluffy plushies. Forever and ever.
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pidges-lost-robot · 10 months
I think the idea of Lance "Defo a token straight" and Keith "Pidge I'm a trans ally" starting Voltron thinking they know their shit coming out a bisexual and a gay non binary person to be very funny. Like just Lance gets flirted with by a guy alien and is like "hang on a second" and Keith figuring out who pidge is and bumbling their way through a speech about how he's an ally cause shiros trans too and spending most of the plot being like "what even is a man I mean God, if I could choose, I'd be neither... or maybe both? Who knows certainly not me haha...ha... wait?"
And both of them bonding cause they were the only two that didn't know cause apparently it was "super obvious" to everyone else but the relishing in the fact that no one guessed they were dating later on in the show and high fiving like all good couples
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wolfiered23 · 2 months
Hi Voltron fandom, I just started a brand new fic for it which takes the 80s anime, dub and the remake and gives care to the characters and their origins. If you like Kallura, Plance and Shiro NOT being a token gay, come check it out!
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headspacedad · 1 year
Coming to you because I know you’ll get me. I was talking to my friend’s fiancé this weekend as we went camping for their Jack/Jill party and we somehow ended up talking about the IMDB ratings of voltron and I was laughing (crying on the inside) about how their season 8 score tanked so badly and this poor man was like “yeah isn’t it a coincidence it was the season one of the characters was revealed as gay tho”, and started directing it towards the belief it was homophobes tanking the score.
I was like ok yes sure partly that but I am so so sorry that you are not prepared for all the ways I passionately feel it was not just the homophobes but the majority queer tumblr fans who were so very and despairingly betrayed by the story, especially the way they treated that gay character (and also the only main woman of color on the team). He triggered the disappointed and mad about it voltron fan within me and neither of us were quite prepared for it.
oh I SO get you!
There was SO MUCH wrong with seasons seven and eight and blaming it all on homophobia just ignores SUCH egregious issues with all the rest of the story! It's literally reducing Shiro to 'the token (again)' and ignoring the way the writers utterly trashed his character long before that point and the way they sidelined him from his own story and ignored him as a main character or even a character at all. It completely ignores the way they kept knocking Allura further and further down, taking her from the leader to a follower to a girlfriend to sitting everything out until she needed to be sacrificed. Hell, even Lance got downgraded to 'supportive boyfriend and nothing' and they had already taken his plot beats away from him seasons before. The villains were given excuses for what they'd done expect for the one villain that had an excuse and he was written as the 'final evil' for a unnecessary 'bad guy maneuver' while his abusers were both let slid and given happy endings. And that's even before the fact that the story literally made no sense by the final season. It was pretty, it was flashy - and there was absolutely no sense in anywhere the story went. The story beats didn't connect, the characters weren't in character, the lines of the story didn't make sense. Things jumped from situation to situation without any rhyme or reason.
VLD's last seasons were a horror of terrible issues, and people not being happy that Shiro was LGBTA+ was such a drop in the very large downpour of reasons people ended up not being happy with things. I feel you SO hard! I think I'm over how frustrated that show makes me and then someone says something and it all bubbles up and I'm right back where I started. I can feel pity for your friend. He put his foot into something he couldn't have begun to realize how deep it went. People who didn't go through it with the fandom can't begin to fathom how entrenched we were and still are. It's disheartening to think that writers and the EPs of the show are getting excused for the drek they passed off as professional paid-for writing simply because people are excusing the backlash it caused as 'its because that one guy was gay'.
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thestarseersystem · 2 years
For fun, naming my male alters and listing their sexualities.
Shiro. Bisexual with a preference for guys. practically gay, flirts with everyone though. He likes pop music a lot and a huge simp for lil nas x. also jack harlow.
Damien. Probably demisexual. His bf was a friend of another system. He doesn't really have any other connections that much.
Charlie, probably full on bi. We don't know much about him. He's not the type to date anyone.
Yuuma, token straight (i think), but he's got a lot of sexual trauma.
Ashley, likes girls def, probably bi or pan. Doesn't really have much to say on it. He's a himedere, so you gotta give him some lenience.
Jay. Preference for girls, but def bi.
Other Yuuma subsys members? Some of them have a preference for girls, others don't care, others haven't spoken to me.
Pan is literally a little boy. non applicable.
Dmitri, hasn't really given me much explanation, he might be on the grey-ace spectrum or multi attracted spectrum.
Ace has said he doesn't mind either way. He flirts too, but he's like an older man. sugar daddy vibes.
Boogeyman won't give me an answer. I would intuit it, but he's a lil eerie. I'd rather not. I also asked an introject of his, but he said "Kid, why are you asking me?"
And I think that's most of them, there are surely others I've missed. But these are the ones who want to/are allowed to give testimony.
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Why Shiro is not poor queer representation (Season 8 Spoilers)
Let me make one thing clear from the very beginning, while I think that Shiro is great gay representation there is, of course, still room for improvement. Regardless of this I can say that I whole-heartedly love Shiros ending.
So far the most common arguments I have heard were that Shiro is being made into a token-gay and that the man he married was just a minor character, who was there for the sole reason of marrying him.
I first want to discuss the first point. In season 8 Shiro is still captain of the Atlas and has a major part in the council when making decisions. Especially in the last fight the writers have made sure that he stays important by merging his ship with Voltron. All of this is the clear opposite of a token character.
Even the filler episode “Clear Day” featured Shiro winning an armwrestling contest, which is nothing typically gay that would make him into a token.
This however brings me straight to my next point, the man who Shiro married was not some random Adam-lookalike the writers added just for the last minutes so he could marry Shiro. Curtis can be seen throughout the entire season, in the council room (next to Shiro), on the bridge (working with Shiro) and most noticably during the armwrestling contest, cheering for Shiro.
All his appearances before the marriage leave room for a lot of time were Shiro and him could have interacted and gotten to know each other. Now, this is the main point were there was room for improvement since there is no actual scene were we see them do all that getting-to-know the other as I mentioned above, which is a real pity in my opinion.
Still I get why it made sense to keep that off screen introducing a whole new character and developing his romance with Shiro would have been very hard to squeeze into the plot of the 8th Season.
This why many people say that bringing Adam back instead would have been a better option. I disagree. While getting Adam and Shiro back together is a really cute idea it wouldn´t have worked. The only logical way to get Adam back would have been by finding a version from an alternative reality. But,as we already saw when Honerva tried the same with Zarkon and Lotor, things like this do not end well.
Another option would have been to take another main character and make him marry Shiro but honestly no matter which person that would have been it would have looked forced.
Therefore taking a minor character, while still showing that they have known each other for quite some time was the best possible option in my opinion. At least when trying not to make Shiros sexuality a major part of the plot, as it should be in an action show.
There is one more and final argument I want to address: Shiros ending seemed out of character and he should have kept on making the world a better place like the others.
To this I can only say that Shiro has worked for the peace of the universe way longer than all of the other remaining Paladins and he truly deserves to find his  own happiness. In my opinion his ending was in no way out of character for someone who has already given their everything for a better world like him.
So to sum up: Shiro has had an important part until the very end of the series and while he married a minor character it was still cute and did not look forced (unlike a marriage with Keith or an AU Adam for example). Shiro is was not used as a token-gay, his sexuality played only a minor part in his story just like all the other paladins´. I view him as a great representation for gay people. His sexuality is in no way made into his main character trait, instead he has great qualities such a good leadership, strength, kindness and he is a wonderful diplomat. A well written and complex character like Shiro is how more gay characters should be like.
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lilflowerpot · 4 years
I was reading one of those angsty "Shiro marries end-credits Random Guy even while knowing Keith loves him and everything hurts" fics. And since all things Voltron now apparently filter through a LB lens, I was just imagining how utterly outraged and disgusted Lotor would be by that.
While Lotor would definitely be blindsided by that scenario (between someone as ferocious and loyal and beautiful as Keith, and the prim human wallflower who hangs off the Champion’s arm, Lotor certainly knows who he’d choose... and without hesitation, at that) at the end of the day you can’t force attraction. Shiro cares for Keith, he does, and evidently Keith knows it too, so while he would obviously be hurt in that situation, he can’t blame his friend for not returning his feelings either.
Lotor would think the Champion mad, or stupid, or both, but so long as he’d rejected Keith clearly and gently, the Prince wouldn’t be able to fault the man’s honour.
Besides, his loss is Lotor’s gain.
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ringlov · 6 years
Sorry about the impromptu hiatus, friends! Hope you didn't miss me. Much. 😅
I went into emergency radio silence to avoid vld s7 spoilers and then just... stayed there. Idk.
But I'm back now! 🎉🎉🎉
Ps. Don't read the tags if you don't want s7 spoilers
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mintycanoodles · 6 years
replied to your
yeah ok cool..shiro's gay. he had a serious...
I think it is a bit early to say that, since we don’t know how this new info will be incorperated into the future seasons . Unlike with dumbledore where Rowling just kinda put it out there(from at least from what I remember). Do understand that doubt though…but I’m always crossing my fingers for more Queer characters of color haha!
i. sorry. but I don’t think it matters how it’s incorporated into the future episodes, given how zilch it’s been there so far. he’s been gay this whole time (supposedly. or bi?). there’s no reason he, as a character, had to hide it, or for the showmakers to, unless it wasn’t the plan at the start. i don’t mean to rant but...here’s my train of thought.
if this had always been shiro’s backstory, there would have been a really easy way to reveal it real early on with...keith.  
keith would’ve said something about adam after they found shiro alive. this...isn’t something one does not discuss with a previously believed to be deceased close dear good friend. only way he wouldn’t have is if keith didn’t know about adam. which i find hard to figure, if keith was really like a brother to shiro and had known him so many years. 
so. hiding a boyfriend? from very close personal (family) person? maybe “justifiable” with a story reason to hide adam from keith. which is ew. skeevy. . 
but. if it wasn’t originally part of shiro’s backstory, it sure...feels a whole lot like a consolation concession. like, hey, we noticed some non straight people watching this show, how about. uh. here, here you can have one (1) character. we cool now? aight. good. we’re square, right? 
so - if it was the plan from the start why make people wait until nearly the end to have one (1) unambiguously non straight character? 
and - if it was not planned from the start, they waited until nearly the end to have one (1) unambiguously non straight character. 
you can’t just have zero lgbt rep for the vast majority of the show, retcon one (1) character as lgbt and call it a day. too little too late there bud. 
maybe i’m looking a gift horse in the mouth. maybe i should just be happy there finally is one (1) unambiguously lgbt character in a show where i never thought they’d take that risk. that’s a valid point. but maybe i’m just tired of this. 
tl;dr not a fan of this whole oh yeah, he was gay this whole time didncha know thing
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Is Shiro is canonically gay (or at least not straight) I think it's unrealistic to assume the other team members are also part of the lgbt spectrum. It's just not realistic
Okay this had me CACKLING
Idk who you are or what your friend groups are like but???? In my old friend group we had a token cishet friend, the other six of us were on the lgbt spectrum. I know media tends to show it the opposite way around but in my experience, and multiple other people I know, lgbt+ people tend to move together.
Anddddddd it's a fictional show about space lions if people wanna headcanon the entire team as members of the community let them.
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fearixfox · 3 years
My top husbandos list
Based on who I've drawn over the years (1 for each year)
1. Sousuke Yamazaki (2014-15)
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He was my first husband and my very first figure purchase. I love him to bits to the point where I can't tell if I've changed even 7 years later. Daddy vibes
2. Daichi Sawamura (2016)
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Honestly he's my personal husband. I would marry him and have no regrets. He's probably the least flashy out if all of them but I think that would suit me best. Daddy vibes
3. Shiro Takahashi (2017)
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Is this a list of dads now? Yes. Yes it is. Shiro has always been a favorite. I love leaders and I felt so bad for him. He didn't need to be that tortured in the series, my poor gay husband. He deserves all the love. Daddy vibes
3. Toshinori Yagi (2018)
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I have no explanation for this one but do I really need one? Sunshine dad that needs to be protected. He's sweet but can tear you and all the villains in half. 10/10 dad/daddy vibes
4. Asra Alnazar (2019)
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MY TOKEN BALL OF FLUFF. He's prettier than me and I'm okay with that. He's sly and cute so he gets away with a lot. Different from the rest but just too cute to pass up. Cute soft dom vibes
5. Diavolo (2021)
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According to @bazzpop he's ginger sousuke with a bright personality. I can't argue that sadly. He's a happy go lucky prince with a tad bit if mischief in him. He's also my current obsession. Daddy vibes
6. Leviathan (2021)
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ANOTHER TOKEN BABY. He's my comfort character for sure. I love marine biology and weeb shit as you can see. So he's an embodiment of myself I guess. We would get along quite well. Cute vibes
There's two 2021 due to 2020 being a shitshow.
Honorable mentions (JJK)
1. Megumi Fushiguro
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HE'S SO PRETTY AND BADASS like who doesn't love an emo boy from time to time. I really like him in this current manga arc. He's doesn't really fit with my type but I can't help but love him. I have 3 figures of him for some reason. They just appeared I swear.
2. Gojo Satoru
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Would never trust him but would totally go and commit crimes. He's really just an indulgence but I have a figure of him too. Sorta Daddy vibes
3. Nanami Kento
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Now this man. He would have you taken care of even after death. He's just so well put together and cares about the kids. What more can I ask for. Also getting a figure of him.
4. Toji Fushiguro
No gif of him yet but honestly I don't think you can get more daddy like than daddy Fushiguro himself so. That aside he is badass and crazy powerful. One of the coolest jjk characters I think. Will get a figure of him for sure.
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liquidstar · 3 years
they especially did shiro so dirty by going “ look a token gay dude” knowing the fandom would eat that shit up and it would have admittedly be nice if like. he actually had/got a boyfriend but all there was was a dead ex people tried desperately to ship but it’s hard when all you saw was a final argument and discovering you ex has been dead for years and this just threw the fandom in another deeper circle of hell but i got bored by season 4 and vicariously watched it ourosboros into itself after that
no yeah for sure like, honestly i feel like its been talked about to death at this point and we alllll know it was beyond shitty and it really was just. pandering to the fanbase. i stand by it that that was the biggest issue w the show bc like i said in the tags they literally dropped the storyline they were doing to do what the fans wanted instead and then had no where to go from there and just did random shit for like fanservice or to look cool and it was boring as hell and then they made it homophobic LOL
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
Okay so theoretically speaking, if they did make Zuko (or any other character) gay in the live action just for the fan service and woke points (which they won’t, but this is just theoretical) to what extent are we allowed to just ignore it and go “yeah no that’s not canon” and keep shipping Zutara?
Honestly, like, at the end of the day, the Live Action AtLA is probably going to be on the very bottom rung of the ladder (well, ok, one rung above the movie that Shall Not Be Named, assuming they don't screw the pooch as far as casting goes) in terms of avatar canon, and no one is going to be obligated to follow it even if any of the characters are made explicitly gay. (Although even if they do add queer rep to the show, it's more likely to be ambiguous rather than labeling any of them with an exact sexuality, so like giving Zuko a boyfriend wouldn't do anything to change my HC that he's bi and falls in love with Katara.)
VLD pulled this with Shiro (complete with having the crew calling him a gay man but deliberately leaving his on-screen sexuality ambiguous so that anyone could project their own HCs onto him, which basically gave the fandom license to go after anyone still shipping him with a woman and it's incredibly irritating), and revealing him to be queer at the show's 11th hour did nothing to deter Shallura shippers, and they only had a year and a half or so of investment. (And then there are shippers like me, who eventually watched the show long after the hype and discourse died down and shipped Shallura bc I saw their chemistry early on in the series and loved the potential their relationship had, and since the show screwed them both over in the end I'd prefer to keep my 'bi!Shiro married to Allura who did NOT die' headcanons and ignore everything else lmao.)
So making Zuko into the show's token queer rep wouldn't have any affect on zutara existing as a ship, imo, even if they made him explicitly gay. That said, it would undoubtedly invite a whole lot of 'if you still ship zutara then youre homophobic' takes, but there are a lot of people who already believe that just because zukka had a popularity spike and they think that the only reason to still ship zutara instead is homophobia, rather than the fact that Zuko's relationship with Katara is very different from his relationship with Sokka, and shipping one because you enjoy their canon relationship dynamic does not mean you would ship the other. (Although there are a lot of people who really want one relationship dynamic, but they don't want to admit they like a 'straight' ship, so they superimpose that dynamic onto the other sibling, but that's a whole other discussion.)
All I can really say is that if the LA does go there, I recommend turning anon off and keeping it off for a while lmao. (But I really don't think it will. I doubt those are the kinds of creative differences Bryke would've left the project over.)
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johannepetereric · 3 years
If Ichigo is gay/bi, then Shiro is omni/pans
And Ossan is the Token Straight
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fallinglntokillugon · 5 years
KilluGon Fanfics Galore - Winter 2020 [Part 3: Alternate Universes (X)]
It has been about 1.5 years since I looked at the list of my longer fanfic ideas and, well, I have to add and organize them now… How many large-scale projects have I created for myself? How many will I start and continually think about forever?
Here, we add MANY new KilluGon stories/concepts that I’ve been thinking about since the last time we did this! We will also add in some updates (like genres and years)! If you like one in particular, let me know~
Alternate Universes
X1. Japanese Schooldays AU [Concept WIP, Works Written]
<2019> Japanese School AU, No Specific Genre, KilluGon and LeoPika (G-M)
Killua Zoldyck is a cool new transfer student who starts going to Hunter Junior High School in the second half of the first year. In Class 1-A with the annoying witch Bisky, he doesn’t think this new school has anything to offer him. Suddenly, the popular and cute Gon Freecss from Class 1-E tries to befriend him. Killua falls hard for the other boy and they start dating. Watch their relationship as the token best friend gay couple in this AU that is way too realistically Japanese daily life. Most of the stories takes place in their second year of JHS and after, when their relationship is well established.
X2. Plump Puppy Gon AU [Concept Art, WIP]
<2019> Owner-Puppy AU, Light Sci-fi Romance, KilluGon, LeoPika, and one-sided HisoGon (G-M+)
Killua is part of the Zoldyck Family Breeders, a family that breeds “pet dogs”. Created to fulfill the sexual desires of certain types of people, “pets” are creatures that wear collars that allow them to transform between an animal form and a human form. Born as a runt of his litter, Plump Puppy Gon was taken in by Owner Killua because they couldn’t sell him. Always eating snacks and carrying around his beloved Killua doll, Plump Puppy Gon has a bit more weight than he should. Still, he lives each day happily being spoiled by his beloved Owner Killua. Leorio is a vet with his companion Rabbit Kurapika. Hisoka is a snack inventor who always visits Gon to test new products on him.
X3. Shiro-Kuro AU [Concept Completed, Mixed Works Written]
<2018> Black and White AU, No Specific Genre, Innocent Couple and Lusty Couple KilluGon (T-M+)
One day, Kuro Killua and Shiro Gon’s love creates a portal between their Kuro Dimension and the Shiro Dimension of Shiro Killua and Kuro Gon. Read a mix of love stories from cute to steamy as Shiro Killua the tsundere prince and Kuro Gon the innocent angel must deal with Kuro Killua the emotionless assassin and Shiro Gon the insane slut. Pure and lewd collide with every adventure these four have, be it together on dinner dates or separate in their apartments. But, are things as fun as they seem, or is there trouble in paradise?
X4. Hikari-Yami AU [Concept Completed, WIP Main Story]
<2018> Light and Dark AU, Adventure Drama, Canon Couple and Nega Couple KilluGon (T-M+)
Canon Killua, the teasing pervert, and Canon Gon, the kind-hearted boy, find themselves stuck in the Nega Universe due to a Dimensional slip. There, they immediately run into Nega Gon, the angry emo, and Nega Killua, the crybaby spoiled brat. The Canon Couple want to get home quickly until they learn that the Nega timeline is much darker than their own. Follow the Canon Couple as they try to solve some of the Nega Couple’s problems, learning that they have some issues to work out between themselves as well. 
X5. KilluGon Dimensions [Concept Completed, Mixed Works Written]
<2018> KilluGon Dimensions AU, No Specific Genre, Innocent, Lusty, Canon, Nega, and Adorable Couples
With god powers Shiro Gon has learned how to control, he brings the boys of the Shiro-Kuro AU and Hikari-Yami AU together. Meeting up as a group about once a month, their activities and interactions are as much fun as they are crazy. To add to the interest, the Shiro-Kuro AU is two years behind the Hikari-Yami AU due to the city they live in having a slightly slower timeline. With four sets of KilluGon in various stages of relationship, read how they live their teenage lives in this KilluGon insanity that FallingLntoPieces can’t stop thinking about each and every day.
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