#shitty story
garbagebinne · 10 days
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idk-hi-iguess · 7 months
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Day0 flutter shy hasn’t been seen around town for a few days everyone has tried to get into her home to find her but her door was blocked. Weirdly enough with the disappearance of flutter all the animals have been acting weird from the birds attracting people to the pets acting feral.
Day3 twilight has been looking into getting into flutter shys home and working on figuring out what wrong with the animals she realized that some of the animals are looking rotten and weird. Pinkie pie was the one who managed to break down her door only to find flutter shy dead veins growing out of her back it kinda looked like it was giving her wings and animal ears her hair trapped in the veins pinkie ran out of there to tell the others
Day 15 through some point rarity got infected and through her they either found the cure or a way to slow down the infection with mint leaves and honey slowing down the first stage and second stage the stage rarity is at raw meats the iron it it keeps her alive it seams the infection is slowly going away as the veins on her face have slowly gone away it was hard for her to eat meat as she lived a vegetarian life her whole life the meat really hurt her stomach.Rainbow dash has been quiet the main person going out for supplies.
Day 20 apple jack watched her sister die from a stage three pony just a few days ago apple couldn’t handle the loss of her sister going out and killing as many of them as possible hurting her self and nearly avoiding infection with the loss of her left leg. Pinkie went back to flutters house with a knife there wasn’t much she could do for flutters she couldn’t give her a funeral but she could at least free her. She cut her hair off the wall with no real reason a few sobs before burning the house down and making a shitty joke she was attack while watching the house burn she was probably already infected if not from the attack then being near flutters dead body
This was a really bad story and you can tell I was lazy with buy drawings but I’m so happy with how am turned out
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ms-beezelbub · 2 years
Heyo whats up!1!!!1! I made a little MUGEN inspired story becuz I was bored. I used my MUGEN oc's for this story. So uh, here lsiten to it!!1!!
There was once a void, it was just nothing, nothing at all, nothing was ever ever.
But... That minute
Something became something, I wonder what that thing became... The sun...
Well, theres something now in nothingness...
" Well, i wond'r what i couldst maketh in this nothing w'rld. Oh, i knoweth "
The something made a orb... With a face... Weird...
" Holla th're dram one, I am uh. The travelling lamp! "
" ... "
" ... I hath said holla! "
Complete silence from the orb.
" ... "
The Sun's face would light up from his anger, you can see him fuming.
" Salve ibi sol! Nomen meum est... exspecto nomen non habeo- "
" Oh s'rry fir screaming... Well I can giveth thee a nameth? "
" Quod nomen est mihi, Sol? "
Sun would eub his chin thinking about a good name for the orb. Once he decided the name, he would glare at the orb and say:
" Oh! thy nameth shall beest... Zefs! "
The orb, now called Zefs, would look at the Sun, it would be taken over from the beauty of their looks. And say:
" Magnum id nomen sonat! Quid ergo? Nihil est et ego in cassum incidam et peream... Exspecta! Ideam habeo! Fac terram ubi manere possum! "
The Sun would look at Zefs and say:
" Well, yond doest soundeth liketh a idea, I am not restful of floating in a exsufflicate void "
The Sun would create the ground, trees, grass, even mountains.
" Hmmm, the sky looks too white. Alloweth me changeth the col'r... "
The Sun would bring his arms up and turn the sky blue, also some clouds started to appear.
" Well thats bett'r anon... "
" welp I guesseth i'll catch but a wink the next 10 centuries "
The Sun would just, poof. Leaving Zefs alone in the fields. He would look around for any other living creatures like him.
" Bene... Probabiliter aliquid ex ligno facere possum. Cum profectus est. Possi- tum valebat ad alia entia. "
Yeah, thats all ig... You can bully me if you want- I tried my best-
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mylittlesecrethaven · 2 months
Johnny The Wiggle Shark
I got a sensory shark toy at an arcade and thought of this story.
I hope I can type it out well.
Johnny was a shark.
But he wasn't a normal shark.
Johnny was a wiggle shark.
But he didn't know it.
He thought he was a swish shark.
He moved like a swish shark, swishing his tail back and forth.
He acted like a swish shark, swimming as fast as he could everywhere he went.
His family thought he was a swish shark, just like they were.
But he never felt comfortable with how he swam.
He always found it easier to wiggle his tail in a circle while he swam.
But his parents didn't understand it.
He was afraid they'd be mad if he swam like he wanted.
So he swam like everyone else did.
On his first day of shark school, he ended up meeting some new sharks.
He had been hoping maybe he'd find someone who'd swim like he did.
But he didn't.
Everyone swam like a swish shark.
So he hid it from everyone at school, too.
He eventually made friends.
And he shared everything with his friends.
And he told them about how he liked to swim.
He thought they'd be ok with it.
But they only saw it as something weird.
So, he went back to hiding it.
And swimming like everyone else did.
One day, a new shark showed up at school.
Johnny didn't pay much attention.
Until his friends said something.
But they weren't saying nice things.
They were saying mean things.
Calling the new shark mean names.
Making fun of them for something.
Johnny didn't know what for, but he joined in on making fun of them, too.
He was afraid his friends would think he was weird if he didn't.
One day, his teacher shark gave them each shark a partner for a project.
And Johnny got paired up with the new shark.
Doing as his friends would, Johnny made fun of the new shark.
However, the new shark didn't seem to care.
Johnny kept making fun of them.
Until he saw the new shark swim.
The new shark swam like he used to.
Moving their tail in circles and moving slowly.
The new shark swam just like Johnny wished he could.
He was scared to talk to the new shark, though.
He had just made fun of them.
And he was scared his friends would make fun of him.
But he decided to be brave and be kind.
So he did.
He was kind to the new shark the next day.
He asked them why they swam like they did.
And they said "Because I'm a wiggle shark"
Johnny then showed the new shark that he swam just like they did.
And they accepted him.
He explained why he had been afraid to swim like he wanted.
And why he was so mean to the new shark.
They forgave him and told him it's ok to be who he is and wants to be.
Yes, standing up to bullies is hard, but he'll learn how.
Until then, they'll be right beside him.
And now, Johnny and the new shark swim to school like they want to.
They swim to school like wiggle sharks.
And even when somebody says mean things about the two, they don't care.
They're who they are.
And they can be who they want to be.
And they are and want to be wiggle sharks.
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second-accounts-blog · 5 months
The day my world burned
We go out to one of Lucy's favorite restaurants, and as soon as we walk in, I ask for a table for two. The waiter looks at me funny but he takes us to a table with two chairs as requested. Lucy looks up at me, “I think we should just get a to-go order.. I don't feel well.” I look at her, “Are you okay?” I ask. “I'm fine, I just don't feel like being out anymore.” She says. I try to reason with her but she's already out the door. I chase after her and grab her arm. “Lucy, wait. I have a present for you.” I say quickly before she could go any further. She looks at me curiously. I pull a box out of my pocket, and inside is a promise ring. I look at her, “we always said we were gonna get married, so when I first got to LA I looked everywhere for a promise ring that would fit everybody. And I finally found one and I kept it safe for you and-” I rambled on and on, but before I could finish I felt her lips on mine. I took a step back before I went back in for another kiss. Her lips felt soft but cold. She pulled back slowly and looked up at me, “Cas, I would marry you in a heartbeat. I could never change my mind about that.” She smiles sweetly. “Why don't we get married then?” I ask. She laughs, “We should.” She jokes,“but for now, let's go back to the house.” She adds. “Okay, sweetheart.” I say and I see her face go pink.
When we get In the car I can't stop looking at her. She's so perfect. “Hey, dumbass. Let's go.” she pokes fun at me. “Sorry, darling. You're just so pretty.” I replied as I turned the car on and put it in drive. She looked at me, “you know, nobody's ever said that to me before. I mean my mom used to but I've never heard it from anyone else.” She admits. What? “You're lying right?” I slightly look at her but still keep my eyes on the road. She gave me a small shake of her head. “How? You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid my eyes on.” I replied, utterly shocked.
“I- nevermind” She stops mid sentence. I went to ask her what she was going to say, but I decided not to press her anymore.
As soon as we went into the house, we started talking about our lives for the past 8 years we were apart. She told me she didn't really do much, she just went to school and never went to college nor graduated. I told her about how I worked at the mall in LA for a bit before I quit, and how my mom is working as a waitress at a restaurant there. She looks intrigued. “Have you ever worked anywhere?” I ask her, curiously. She looks at me and just shakes her head no. “Is there a certain reason?” I continue to ask. “no.” She says quietly. I had a random urge to tell her that I love her, like really love her. And I still wanted to marry her. 13 years ago is when we first said we were gonna marry each other and I still wanted to go through with it after all this time. But as I go to tell her, she says something first, “Remember when we were 5, and I told you I was gonna marry you no matter what?” I look at her with confusion, “Of course I do, that's the whole reason I got the promise rings for us..” I told her. “I would marry you in a heartbeat if I could..” She says, in a saddened tone. If I could? But she can, right? “What do you mean, “if you could”? were both 18, we could.” I told her, trying to see where she was going with this. “Cas.. you know how I told you, after you left Oregon I went into the drain to grab the bracelet?” She asks me. “Well yeah? What about it?” I replied, sadness sitting on her words and her face as the next lines came out of her mouth, “Well.. when I was trying to climb out of the drain, I was too small to reach, and I grabbed something that wasn't stable,” she breathes before finishing, “and I fell down and hit my head on the ground..” She finishes. “Oh.. I'm sorry.” I say, kind of confused where this was going. “You don't understand, do you?” She asks. I shake my head slightly. “Cas, when I fell and hit my head, I died.” Tears fell down her cheek. Why didn’t she tell me sooner? Is this why my mom would make sad expressions whenever I’d bring her up? My eyes widen and tears weld in my eyes. “But how come I can see you and touch you?” I ask her. “Because in the afterlife, I heard your wishes.. And I pleaded with God to let me see you. I have no clue how you can touch me though..” She answers. “You heard my wishes?” I look down at her. She nods. “I can't go without you again, darling.” I admitted to her as tears fill my eyes. “I know.. I don't want to leave you. But I think it's my time to go.” She pulls the promise ring off her finger and hands it to me. She's my world and I can't fathom her leaving me like that..
Before she can leave, I grab her arm and kiss her one last time. Last time. This will be the last time I ever see my other half. She breathes slowly as she leans into the kiss, then shes fading away. she's gone. my world is gone.
That was the day my world burned.
that’s the end 😶 it was short but I don’t think it was terrible. 👍
Previous- chapter 3
What I intended my character to look like (my art)- Lucy.
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swagboi7tmblr · 20 days
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Minecraft movie post credit scene leak
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lotus-pear · 8 months
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bsd rewatch w my friend means obligatory art of my fav found family ever
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bigfatbreak · 9 months
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warmup of the day is: here's to hoping for another year
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gizkasparadise · 10 months
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tojosuggestionbox · 7 months
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No comment.
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literally screaming at everybody “pete and ted can’t ever interact with each other, they’re played by the same actor : (“ DO YOU FORGET WHO WE’RE DEALING WITH HERE??
there are the insane quick changes of which we have: joey richter himself playing what i can only assume to be the entire population of independence (plus an ox) in one song:
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and then, of course, the master himself, brosenthal, playing frankly 80% of the cast, but ESPECIALLY in this one scene. ONE SCENE:
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“oh but joey left the scene for some of the quick changes in tto, he can’t do that if the spankoffski bros are supposed are supposed to have a conversation” FINE, the other option: just play two characters at once. which starkid has done before.
exhibit one, twisted. these two are not the same:
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exhibit two, tgwdlm, a hatchetfield show. this already happened in a hatchefield show:
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(also, it is two different characters, do not fight me on this. this scene is too confrontation from jekyll & hyde-coded to be the same character) SPEAKING off confrontation:
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joey did already. play two different characters at once. i’m not here to argue the semantics or implications about personhood of saying confrontation and let it go has two different characters each, i’m just saying, acting-wise, there’s two distinctive characters in both songs. like. guys. absolutely joey could just simply play both of them simultaneously. they literally do this all the time. what’s your excuse now
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sharonccrter · 5 months
Here's the thing: I don't think Tashi and Patrick would have worked in the long run, even if Art hadn't meddled, because neither of them was willing to be a 'fan in each other's club,' which is why in a lot of ways their both drawn to each other – neither of them are gonna coddle each other, their going to call each other out on their bullshit, to criticise each other, to be each other's biggest critic and I think both Tash and Patrick are attracted to that, as well as attracted to the raw talent they both have. However, that doesn't mean they have the makings of a long term relationsip.
But don't get it twisted. Art did meddle.
I see a lot of people here wanting to make Art a passive participant in this, but he's not. Whether it's because he doesn't want to be left out or jealous (he wants Tashi, but he also wants Patrick), he deliberately planted the seeds of doubt in both Tashi's and Patrick's minds. Yes, they both clock it right away; Tashi says, "your a bad fucking friend", as well as what Patrick says in the churro scene.
He still ends up being the catalyst for the fight, putting doubt in both their minds that the other just isn't really into the thing they have together. As Zendaya herself says: Art is a snake. And here's the thing: they're all bad people at certain points in the film. That's literally the point; people don't have to write analyses as to why Art isn't. He's just as messy and ruthless as Patrick and Tashi are. The only difference is that Art is a sheep in wolf's clothing. He's not outwardly those things, but deep down inside he is.
For me, that's why the throuple works; they've all done shitty things and been shitty people to each other. But they need each other to survive; all three of them, they all need something the other brings to survive, that's why it's codependency the movie. We don't have to 1) make anyone the centre; they are all equally important to the throuple, and I need people to stop pushing out the POC women in favour of two white guys alone and 2) make anyone the victim or doormat.
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nanstar200 · 6 months
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cowardlykrow · 5 months
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"Hah, dude doesn't even know he's in my tamagotchi."
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beepborpdoodledorp · 1 year
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best sb fanfic trope
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
okay unironically I love so much that porter is like this world SUCKS its BAD here and it HURTS you why do you care abt it!!! and literally every single bad kid is like ngl we just hate ur ass it does not matter what ur philosophy is
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#not art#fhjy spoilers#its!!! gods I will Be My Ass in the tags rn. but thats so like. deliciously setting typical#like porter's desire is to transcend and his contempt for the world he's in feels. idk Real#like he plays the game bc he wants to win and be done with it. how do I word this#yknow. being a god would like. be his win state. when he gets that happening thats it his story is done he checks out#meanwhile the bad kids do actually just like playing the game lmao. like they love adventuring!#theyre so solidly Of This World. they carry the values that can only be born of it and they like having mastery over it#its a meta angle that I think is very fun specifically for d20 being in such a unique position in the zeitgeist when it first started#the rat grinders are from DnD Writ Large. porter wants to escape. but this is the bad kids' home its Their Actual Play Show#which makes it so fucking excellent to me that porter's question is somewhat of merit! its their show and it tries very hard to punish them#and they just straight up dont listen to him here lmao bc they hate him but! since the moment the academic track ended its been clear#that they save the world bc they Like Playing. With Each Others#thats what riz thinks the core of adventuring is! thats why fig stayed! and I also think thats why this hovers over elmville now and#a dead god is coming back in the school gym. porter is a shit evangelist but even if hes a good one I dont think it wouldve worked like he#wants it to. the only way he couldve escaped is if he'd not involved elmville at all. thats where the bad kids met dude#its a shitty place that fucks with them but they all come back here bc they wanna play with each others#and in that regard I think thats what the stress tokens ultimately means. Is This Game Still Fun To Play. ITS A RAGEQUIT LIMIT#Im literally running from one end to another of this conspiracy board Ive pulled out of nowhere#Ill draw after this I just wanna get this out. gods this episode has done nothing but furthering my delusion of grandeur actually#Im the hottest smartest manthing on earth Im king fucking midas over here. anyways uh! great ep!
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