#shmi and her dumb son
Ok so about all the relationships in star wars:
Qui gon is obi wan's and anakins dad
Anakins biological father is the force and his mom is shmi
Obi wan and anakin are brothers obi wan the big and anakin the little brother,
But obi wan is also anakins dad,
Anakin and ahsoka are big brother and little sister and obi wan is their tired dad,
But obi wan and anakin adopted ahsoka together and are co-parenting her but anakin is not her father,
But obi wan is also ahsokas grandmaster what is basically her grandfather,
Ahsokas great grandmaster so her great grandfather is qui gon,
And Ahsokas real father is plo koon who is also adoptive father to the entire wolfpack
Obi wan and anakin also co-adopted R2D2 together without knowing
Anakin build C-3PO whick makes anakin his father
Padmé is ahsokas mother and married with anakin,
Obi wan and padmé are besties,
Padmé and bail organa are besties,
Obi wan and satine are deeply in love and were on the verge of getting married,
Obi wan also is korkies father and satine his mother while bo katan is his aunt,
Darth maul is obsessed with obi wan to a point where obi wan is the only reason maul is stil alive
obi wan and cody are in love
Rex is kind of ahsokas and anakins mom but also their brother
Rex and cody are Cousins aswell as the entire 501st and the entire 201st
Since count dooku was qui gons master he is obi wans and anakins grandmaster and therefore technically their grandfather
Yoda is dookus master that makes him the great grandfather/great grandmaster for this big chaotic familiy, that kind of great grandfather who teaches you dumb shit and tells dirty jokes at the dinner table
Next generation:
Lukes biological father is anakin,
Owen Lars is his adoptive father and his biological uncle,
Beru whitesun is his adoptive mother and his biological aunt,
Lukes biological mother is padmé,
Obi wan is lukes grandfather but also his uncle and his master,
Lukes real master is yoda
Luke and leia are brother and sister but also had a short relationship affair
C-3PO is lukes and leias big brother since mentioned before, anakin build him which makes him his father,
R2D2 is lukes and leias big brother too because also mentioned before, anakin and obi wan co-adopted R2,
C-3PO and R2 are bothers
Lukes lover is din djarin
Ahsoka is lukes aunt but Luke would much rather like to f*ck her,
Leia is married to han solo and Ben solo is their son,
Ahsoka is leias aunt,
Leias biological mother is padmé
Leias dad is bail organa while her biological father is anakin
Leias uncle but also her grandfather and also her emotional adopted father is obi wan,
Next generation:
Din djarin is the dad of grogu,
Grogus biological father is yoda, his biological mother is yaddle,
Grogus mom is bo katan
Grogus adoptive mother is omera the village lady on sorgan
Her daughter is winta which is also grogus adoptive sister,
Omera and din were in love once, before din met bo katan
Bo katan and din are married and are co-parenting grogu,
Luke is grogus master
Cara dune is grogus aunt while din and cara are brother and sister,
Fennek shand is also grogus aunt,
Boba fett is grogus uncle,
Boba and fennek are in love,
Grogus grandfather is greef carga, but he is not dins father,
Dins biological parents died of the seperatists battle droids, names unknown
Dins Master (if you wanna call it like that) is the armorer,
The armorer is grogus grandmother,
The frog lady is grogus adoptive grandmother,while grogus real grandmother is peli
IG-11 is grogus brother,
Paz visla and din are dadbesties and always fighting big brother and little brother
Axe wolfes and din are enemies but ('with benefits' definetly possible)
Boba and din are mando'bros
And last but not least kuill is grogus adoptive grandfather
That should sum it up entirely once and for all but this is just my opinion pls correct me where i'm wrong
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My Modern Clone Wars Bad Batch AU
Aka I just needed a place to brain dump.
Shaak is the ultimate clone mom. She had some of the the eldest of the clones except for Rex and Cody since Jango was unknowingly cheating on her before the divorce. Yes, they were married in the AU. IT JUST MAKES SENSE OK, CLONE MOM AND CLONE DAD. After the divorce, Shaak has a few more boys through embryo adoption of the embryos Jango didn’t let any other of his surrogates/baby mamas use.
Rex and Cody raise their younger brothers that make up the 501 and 212 on screen. Jango visits occasionally but has his own reasons for liking or not liking them.
Boba lives full time with Jango, but he’s not related to the others. Cue the loneliness and slight resentment- there are definitely a few restraining orders here and there.
The most-visited of Jango’s boys is clearly the Bad Batch. He doesn’t like the twins (Tech and Crosshair) but he has high hopes for Hunter and likes Wrecker enough (but does think he’s a little dumb and clumsy, little does he realize Wrecker is intentionally doing that in order to not have to leave his other brothers). Being the excellent dad he is (sarcasm) Jango’s logic is that a kid of Hunter’s would be ✨perfect✨. What he didn’t account for is for Omega to be a girl, so he automatically doesn’t like her and leaves Hunter with three brothers and a newborn.
Then he tries the same trick with Rex and decides Tup isn’t good enough either.
Neither Hunter nor Rex tell their brother/sons who the mom is, although they both know and resent Jango for taking advantage of them like that, because that’s basically what he did.
On thé non clone side of the world, Qui-Gon raised one foster-to-adopted son named Obi-Wan who fell in love with his high school sweetheart Satine and has a son named Korkie. Also in the family is a refugee named Anakin and his mother Shmi.
Well, Qui-Gon has a habit of just adopting random children so soon Anakin has a sister named Ahsoka, and her best friend’s name is Barriss. Barriss happens to be Luminara’s adopted daughter, and Luminara is Shaak’s best friend.
All this can be roughly recapped in the very complicated family tree I have attempted to make. And if this piques your interest, maybe check out the AO3 stories I have written in this universe! It’s mostly Clone Centric cuz I love them…
(All twins/multiples are circled)
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tennessoui · 3 years
I know Shmi is Hella Mad when she finds out Anakin basically tricked Obi-Wan into being married, but do you have any headcanon about how exactly she comes to know this?? Is it before Obi-Wan finds out what they mean??? I’m kind of imagining her grabbing Anakin by the ear, bitching him out for an hour, and then forcing him to wear a braid that means NAUGHTY CHILD like the Tattooine equivalent of those “I ate my owners underwear” dog-shaming signs for the rest of the time they’re visiting
bestie i love that its an official au and everything it was only 3 posts back in june but im absolutely loving the love for it now tbh <3<3<3 because braid au my b e l o v e d anakin does something he doesn't think obi-wan will every actually find out about but then obi-wan finds out about it >>>>>>>
as for shmi i feel like i adore the idea of there's some free time in the war where theyre near tatooine and obi-wan suggests going for a visit and anakin at first is like yes!!!!! but then he's like :0 wait master take those out take those out take those out right now--
and obi-wan is like ? my good fortune braids?? should i not have good fortune upon meeting your mother padawan mine??
and anakin loses like two minutes trying to sort through all the feelings that brings up but then he's like 'ah she'll be really mad i gave them to someone not from tatooine and i don't want her to be mad at me when i've only got a few minutes to see her'
and obi-wan's heart melts at anakin's (mostly fake) distress so he takes them out and anakin helps and it's awful
but literally does he know that shmi has been following the war news from tatooine and absolutely knows about obi-wan's braids and exactly what they mean (and she has this whole long speech to give to ob-wan about how disgusting marrying his seventeen year old padawan is) but then she sees obi-wan without the braids and then she clocks how skittish and guilty anakin looks and then obi-wan says something about how so many people here are wearing the good fortune braids it almost makes him sad
and she slowly turns to her son and she's like 'master kenobi, please stay here for a second, enjoy the market, keep your coin purse close. i need to discuss something with my son'
and i absolutely love the idea of there being a naughty child braid she yanks into his hair as she berates him for having the nerve to tie his and obi-wan's souls together without obi-wan's permission
and anakin's like yelping and his scalp hurts because obi-wan is always softer when he's practicing his braids and he's like 'ahhhh you don't understand i was afraid he'd die without me'
and shmi is like 'so you MARRIED HIM????'
and anakin is like 'shhhh shhhh shhhhhhhhh please mom please shhhhhhhh'
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transmalewife · 3 years
a jedi like my father before me
i fucking love this line, and i especially love how it is repeated in every movie. It changes slightly, it grows with luke, but it stays with him because this line is who luke is, at his very core. He's a hero, he's the strongest there ever was, he is a dumb blonde, the best pilot, but he is all those things because he wants to be like his father, because he cares and loves, just like anakin did. And just like Anakin did he said i will be a jedi when he was nobody on a hellish sandpit of a planet, and then he was.
And the best part is Luke said, to Obi-Wan's face, that he will be a jedi like his father, and then the crazy son of a bitch* actually did it. Boy got the all inclusive Skywalker experience. he fell in love and got married, he toppled a galactic goverment, he called obi-wan on his bullshit, he said fuck you, i'm gonna go save my loved ones to his master, he was the best pilot and greatest jedi. But unlike Anakin, he actually succeeded. He took on a Hutt and won (with Leia going one step further and killing the toad). Where Anakin and Padme were forced to negotiate with Jabba, tied up by diplomacy and the war, forced to protect a crumbling republic that was willing to make deals with slavers to transport their slave army, their kids just fucking murdered him!!! Luke didn't wait weeks to go save Leia, like Anakin did when Obi-Wan told him to put the mission before Shmi, he got in his spaceship and saved her. He refused to kill a sith lord. When Mace told Anakin to kill Palpatine, he refused. When Palpatine told Luke to kill Vader, he refused, and that's when Anakin finally turned on Palpatine, when he saw a jedi like him, a jedi worth listening to, a jedi giving even him a second chance. Because the best parts of both of them, what really made them the best jedi of their generations, are the parts that weren't jedi at all. They knew what was right, they cared for people not doctrine, they did what they knew was good and not what they were told to do. And one of them got the chance to actually do it, without the council, the threat of being expelled, without the rigid structure of a corrupt goverment and a stagnating order.
*I want to make it abundantly clear when i say bitch i mean Anakin. We do not disrespect Padme in this house.
I also love how he says it to the people who need to hear it most, and what it means to them changes way more than what it means to him.
he says "I want to learn the ways of the force and become a jedi, like my father." and Obi-Wan hears I want to be a jedi, like my father did. My father stood on this planet and said he would be a jedi before you ever even met him. he wanted nothing else than for someone to teach him. and now you're getting a second chance, old man, don't fuck it up this time
he says "Mostly because of my father, I guess" when yoda asks him why he wants to be a jedi, because his father is the only family he has left, the only connection, and he will hold on to that and let it guide him through anything. And yoda hears he is here because of anakin. This new hope, this bright and powerful boy would not exist if not for the child you almost sent away, who you called afraid and attached and dangerous, but still expected him to save the world. You are in this swamp with this boy because another boy decades ago lost your trust, but never his attachment, got married, and didn't get the help he needed when he asked you. It's his fault, but also yours. will you try to use this one as a weapon too? and yoda fails the test again. but then maybe he realises his time has passed and holding onto the past was his mistake. that someone who can hold his own against vader after two weeks of training, doesn't need any more, and that the best parts of both skywalkers were there from the start, and this one might actually have a chance to use them
he says "I'm a jedi like my father before me"
and Anakin hears it. "I will never join the dark side" Luke says, because despite the living proof in front of him he truly believes his father would not have joined the dark side. that he was the greatest jedi, and could have been so much more. that there is a world in which he didn't, and maybe it's this one. maybe he was made to, maybe the man he hoped he'd be when he was a child would never join, and this broken husk he is now is just a mistake, a creation of palpatine, that that childish dream of helping people is still in there somewhere and is still worth acting on.
And palpatine hears you're dead, bitch, because anakin skywalker turned the war around. he was the only jedi you needed to kill all the rest, and the one without whom you never could have won. He was the jedi who ended the separatists and the republic in one day, and he would eat this empire of yours for breakfast. as indeed he will, because if there is one part of him, of anakin skywalker the jedi, the chosen one, the hero with no fear still alive in that rotting carcass it's his love for his family, and he'll never let you lay a single nasty shriveled finger on me.
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newswcanonprompts · 4 years
the skywalker family tree
so, we were all saying that the empire chain of command is just... so, so messy and weird and doesn’t work (because palps never had a plan for if he or vader got killed). convo spiraled. eventually we said that the only reason the empire survived for so long was sheer dumb luck, and that the skywalkers were all dotted across the galaxy and not banded together (yet).
we ended up making a skywalker family tree. there’s 30 of them, which is why the galaxy is such a mess. now, without further ado...
1) Luke- sunshine son living on a farm, not knowing where or who the rest of his family is, doesn’t know what it means to be a skywalker™
2) Anakin- lost most of his limbs in a fire and is now in a medical nightmare, has become a cyborg murder bot
3) Leia- angry rebel princess who also doesn’t know she’s a skywalker™
4) Obi-Wan- sad desert hermit who wants his family back, watching over sunshine son
5) Rex- former captain surviving on a deserted planet with two of his identical brothers
6) Ahsoka- little sister of cyborg being a badass rebel spy
7) Cody- marshal commander who BETTER be okay, but we still don’t really know
8) R2- badass droid working with the rebellion but can’t do much since he’s a DROID
9) 3PO- memory wiped and is literally a protocol droid, can’t really do shit (but means well!)
10) Han- a smuggler who isn’t a skywalker yet but will be soon (def not prepared to marry into this disaster of a family)
11) Shmi- dead grandma/OG family member who’s not a force ghost
12) Padme- dead wife / queen who’s also not a force ghost
13) the Force- the actual Force itself who is not very good at parenting, helicopter parent and deadbeat dad (there is no in-between, it is a good parent but also a shitty one)
14) Qui-Gon- sad desert hermit’s weed dad who bowed out of this bullshit a long time ago, him and his ponytail are chilling in the cosmic force or something, watching his foundling (the cyborg) fuck up the galaxy
15) Feemor- weed dad’s other child who is the only sane member of this family, he’s hiding out on some backwater planet trying to get away from his insane family members (he really shouldn’t take vacations, he left these idiots alone for ten minutes and the galaxy went to shit) 
16) Hondo- chaotic pirate lord who’s *technically* not a part of the fam but is anyway, they adopted him (more like he adopted himself into it, but they still call him one of their own)
17) Ventress- edgy former sith assassin who’s other family got killed so now she’s saddled with these weirdos
18) Satine- former duchess of mandalore who is now dead and not a force ghost (but when she was alive, she was the wine aunt)
19) Maul- other former sith assassin who wants to beat the sad desert hermit, just once, please, let him win something 
20 & 21) Owen and Beru- Tired Desert Aunt and Uncle who just want the best for everyone but Jabba (have kept a skywalker off his bullshit for 19 years, which is much longer than desert hermit’s record of 2 hours- it was so short because the hermit is just as bad as the rest of the family)
22 & 23) Bail and Breha- tired royal parents who are trying to politician the skywalker out of the angry rebel princess (spoiler alert, it doesn’t work)
24) Yoda- troll great grandpa who went kinda crazy and now lives in a swamp and is  waiting for farmboy sunshine son to come so he can get some training as a magical wizard knight
25) Dooku- tired dead royal grandpa who is looking down on his family like “seriously” and has many ghost conversations with his crazy troll dad on the swamp planet
26) Chewbacca- the massive walking carpet that has the most braincells out of anyone, smuggler’s best friend 
27) Xanatos- the weird neighborhood kid who lights your garbage can on fire during family dinners
28) Quinlan- desert hermit’s chaotic brother, has zero braincells and is sounds stoned all the time, is good at tracking people and nothing else
29) Aayla- dead daughter of chaotic stoner, surprisingly graceful and composed but also mischievous, cousin of murder bot (fell in love with former captain’s brother, blyla is real y’all)
30) Jocasta- dead librarian wife of tired dead royal grandpa, is still mad at him for messing up her archives that one time
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bluescluelessly · 4 years
can i request maulobi in a modern au where they go to prom together? (doesnt matter who asks who) ((im not saying you *have* to draw them in their prom outfits buuuuut))
you sure can <3
This idea was so cute!
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They were in rival high school garage bands, Obi-Wan is a singer and Maul is a drummer
Anakin is Obi-Wan's younger step-brother and Qui-Gon and Shmi are their parents (Qui-Gon is Obi-Wan's dad and Shmi is Anakin's mom. And Qui-Gon is a teacher who helped Anakin while he was struggling in school, and met Shmi that way, and they started dating and eventually living together with their sons.)
Maul and Asajj and Savage and Feral are all siblings by different parents and their mom is Mother Talzin, a very rich woman who loves her children and needs no spouse.
Maul lost his legs in a car accident, coincidentally the same one that paralyzed Qui-Gon from the Waist down. Some drunk old Man named sheef or something dumb hit them both and died and nobody missed him
Obi-Wan was dating Satine, and Maul was dating Pre Viszla, Satine’s Sister (Bo-Katan)'s best friend.
Maul and Obi-Wan had only known each other as "the other Band's singer/drummer" until Bo got them all together for a double date she was fifth wheeling on because she's sorta friends with them all.
Maul and Obi-Wan got along really well and got caught up coming up with a song together
Satine thought it was cute and when Maul stole Obi-Wan from her, she wasn't all that upset. She's still good friends with Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan helps Maul with his schoolwork and Maul helps write new songs for (now) their band.
Obi-Wan knows about caring for prosthetics and such from helping Qui-Gon at home, so he's a pleasant surprise to Maul, who is used to having to go through the whole "just because I'm handicapped doesn't mean you should treat me differently but also sometimes I need a hand up" song and dance with him.
Maul is very loud and dramatic about Obi-Wan
He didn't have to stand outside and yell.
Qui-Gon invited him inside but he just wanted to stand outside and yell for the Aesthetic™️
Obi-Wan gets a kilt for prom in part because of his scottish heritage, and in part to show exposed-lower-leg solidarity with his boyfriend.
They aren't prom kings, partly because they hijacked the DJ to sing a new song of theirs and got disqualified.
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A follow-up to This
He doesn’t get back until dawn, wandering into the senate building instead of going back to the little house he and his parents have been sharing. His head is buried in his datapad, which he’s uploaded with as much information from the Temple as it could hold. 
“You do know your mother is ready to slice your head off with your own lightsaber, right?” Connix asks as she spots him.
Anakin looks up and grins at her. “Eh. She’s a soft touch when it comes to us kids.” 
“Which makes you very lucky.” 
Anakin grins wider and flits off, just in time for his mother to grab him by the collar of his shirt and drag him into a corner. 
“Where have you been?” she asks, looking bewildered. “I told you not to wander off.” 
“I know,” Anakin nods. “I know, I know, but also when old Jedi ghosts tell you to haul ass out of bed and down to the abandoned Jedi temple, you go.” 
Leia sighs slowly, watching him carefully. “Explain.” 
“So there’s this old Jedi named Mace Windu-” 
“I’ve ready about Master Windu.” 
“Right! He told me to go to the Temple. And we talked and he wants me to piece together Jedi, Sith and galactic history so that the same dumb stuff doesn’t keep happening,” Anakin explains. 
“We’re trying to rebuild after the war, Anakin, we don’t have time-” 
“Mom, what if the key to keeping this from happening again is somewhere out there and we don’t know it?” Anakin asks pleadingly. “Master Windu - one of the greatest Jedi in all of history - thinks this is important enough to drag me out of bed and tell me himself from beyond the grave. I know that things are still dangerous, even though the war is over. But this kinda feels like destiny.” 
Leia watches him for a long, quiet moment.
“I’ve already learned so much,” Anakin says quickly, crowding in next to her to show Leia his datapad. “Did you know that your grandmother’s name was Shmi? And she was a slave?” 
Leia blinks and takes the datapad, reading quickly. “Nik, this is not the right time-” 
“There isn’t a right time,” Anakin points out. “There’s only now.” 
Leia sighs softly and turns to her son, taking his hand. “I need you here. With Jacen on Hapes and Jaina with X-Wing Squadron rooting out leftover factions-” 
“I know, I know, you want me to stay,” Anakin says quickly. “But this is important, Mom. I think this is my purpose. And besides, this might clear up all of those crazy ‘Lady Vader’ rumors people threw around about you when they first found out about Anakin Skywalker being Vader and your dad.” 
“Let’s just...discuss it with your father when I get home,” Leia tells him. 
He sighs softly, but nods, drumming his fingers on his datapad gently as he watches her walk away.
“You wanna do what?” Han Solo asks that evening.
“Explore the galaxy for Jedi and Sith artifacts,” Anakin repeats. 
“And you were given this mission by a ghost,” Han says, confirming. 
“Yes I was.” 
“You weren’t supposed to go to the Jedi Temple,” Luke scolds gently. “It’s off-limits.” 
“Tell that to the ghost of Mace Windu,” Anakin grumbles. “Look, I know, nobody wanted me to go there. I get it. But i went there, and now I have a mission.” 
Han shakes his head. “Look, kid...I know you’ve been goin’ kinda stir-crazy since the war ended. It’s rough tryin’a go back to some kinda normal life. But this might be an overreaction.” 
“It’s not,” Anakin insists. “It’s not an overreaction. I think it’s important.” 
Han sits back, thinking this over as he gazes at his son. The end of the war brought its own special brand of heartache. It’s understandable that Nik would want  to get away from all of this. 
“Alright,” Han says slowly. “If your mother’s okay with it, I’m okay with it.” 
Anakin jumps to his feet from the dinner table, arms outstretched. “WINNER!” 
“I just don’t see why he has to go,” Leia says as she brushes out her hair that night. “We need him here.”
“No we don’t,” Han says. “Come on, Leia. You and I are fine. We’ve got Luke. Rey is makin’ a recovery, and Nik’s not a kid anymore. He needs to find his own way in life. And it’s not like he’s runnin’ off to join a smuggling ring or something equally stupid.” 
She lifts a playful eyebrow at him. “Was that a hint of disappointment I heard in your voice, General?” 
“Hell, I’m relieved,” Han tells her. “Nik is way too smart. If he put his mind to it, he’d be more powerful than the Pikes or Black Sun.” 
Leia shudders a little at the thought. “No thank you.” 
“We raised a helluva brood,” Han mutters, sitting down on their bed. “I just wish…” 
“I know,” she says softly, turning to look at him. “And...you’re right. This is important. And Anakin isn’t a child anymore. If this is what he feels he’s meant to do, then he should go. I just worry about him going alone.” 
Han nods thoughtfully. “Well, maybe he won’t have to.” 
“Look, I know it’s a lot to ask. But Nik’s…” 
“A moron?” Rose Tico asks, lifting a teasing eyebrow. 
“No,” Han defends as he follows Rose around the shipyard as she helps take stock of fighters and equipment. “He’s not a moron, he’s just...kind of a bantha brain sometimes. He’s got this Jedi mission he got from a ghost, and now he’s dead set on running around the galaxy, finding Jedi and Sith stuff.” 
“Why not ask Rey?” Rose asks. 
“She’s still healing up,” Han says. “Besides. Those two, traveling around together? They’d still need somebody to watch out for ‘em. Neither of them are particularly good at staying out of trouble.” 
Rose laughs. “And I am?” 
“Better than they are,” Han points out. “Luke wants Rey here to help him with the new Jedi Academy stuff anyway. I just want someone along to keep his feet on the ground, and his head out of his ass.” 
“No offence, but your kids seem to have that problem pretty much across the board,” Rose tells him. 
“Believe me, I’m aware,” Han grumbles. “So? At the very least it’s a chance to travel the Galaxy without fear of being captured by the First Order.” 
“That just leaves the smugglers, pirates, leftover First Order die-hards and whatever bad Jedi are still out there.” 
Han smirks at her. “You’re in.” 
Rose blows out a breath, but nods. “Yeah. I’m in. It’ll be fun.”
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Good things from Star Wars: Rise of the Skydude, A List I Made To Cheer Myself Up And Mostly Consists of Headcanons Anyway:
Leia is grieving. Leia is always grieving, so it often barely registers, but she notices in the wake of Crait especially---she said goodbye to her son, to a lover, not long after a husband. She is running out of excuses for putting off her misery.
If Rey had killed him on the Death Star, Leia would have understood. Would have drawn her close and kissed her forehead, forgiven her a dozen times over. (Rey never asked, and does not ask for it.)
Post-Crait, once things settled down a bit, Poe and Rey went through an extremely fraught period where they were being crushingly polite to one another while secretly, grudgingly hating one anothers’ guts. It mostly has to do with how Rey is held back for training under Leia’s direct supervision, while Poe is sent out into the teeming, terrifying galaxy to fight his General’s war. In too many awkward slantwise ways, they envy each other, and both of them are bad at expressing it in any actual way.
(Finn is mostly miserable, playing grav-ball referee between them. As Rose recovers from her injuries, he spends a lot of time ranting at her---at least until she kicks him out of the modified medbay, because “You’re being so annoying.”)
Based on that scene where Rose is tenderly supporting Kaydel as she hobbles off a damaged aircraft, they are girlfriends now. Can’t wait for them to resurrect the New New Republic with some help from slick politician and networker, who knows, owns, or owes, half the galaxy, Lando.
 And, because no generation of the Galaxy Far Far Away is complete without a discussion of liberalism versus progressiveness, there are a lot of arguments about that too.
I’m just saying, Lando and Rose would have a lot to argue about, given their respective perspectives on beautiful oases of capitalistic luxury and their impact on the galaxy as a whole.
Other things I know are true: Lando Calrissian finally gets his daughter, in the form of a wary, whipsmart ex-stormtrooper who’s better with animals than people. (But Lando knows what it looks like, when one of the galaxy’s battered orphans is in search of a home; it’s been an age and a half since Han and nevertheless, he’s weak in the face of that need.)
Rey moves into the old Whitesun/Lars farm, and immediately becomes the talk of Mos Espa---even though Luke Skywalker came through 30 years ago and killed Jabba, it’s still a small community, and gossip travels like the sun over sand. The girl who looks like Shmi’s clone but talks like crazy Old Ben, is all anyone can mutter about.
Rey gamely ignores the whispering, at least until Sandaa Redsky brings her youngest daughter to the door. Rey is covered in engine oil and probably smells worse---but Sandaa pushes lightly on her daughter’s shoulders and says, “She can make things happen.”
(The ‘things’ the Redsky girl can make happen include: floating rocks, making the sand dance against the wind, knowing when it will rain, and sensing emotion as it’s felt. “I’ll teach her,” Rey offers, feeling very young, ”but---” “Good,” Sandaa Redsky says. “She’ll be here tomorrow morning for her first lesson.”)
Can you believe that Poe goes on to helm the New New Republic Armada, and one day looks up and finds his cadets looking at him like he once looked at Leia, at Wedge Antilles?
(I forget who it was who suggested that Wedge would have been Poe’s instructor, and they might have had a thing, but that was a good headcanon, and it makes him showing up for the final battle that much more painfully interesting.)
Once, Kylo Ren tries to appear to Rey in the Force---like his mother, his uncle. Rey (standing in the middle of a busy market, watching Finn and Poe argue about credits) looks at him out of the corner of her eye, and mutters, my grandfather used to fuck yours, leave me alone.
He does. it’s a little amazing.
(I love the idea that Kylo Ren acknowledges that Rey has some sort of right over him, because her grandfather bossed his grandfather around on the regular, and how you want to interpret the scope of that ordering is up to you.)
................just for the record, when I said I wanted kylo ren super dead? whatever that was is absolutely not what I had in mind.
I have....so many questions, about things no reasonable person would expect to include in a star wars movie!!!
The First Order: what the heck is it? Do they have a base of operations somewhere? Are there a bunch of administrators on some dirtball somewhere who are like, “well I guess the supreme leader, the previous supreme leader, and our council are dead now, so....?” are there civilians? do they care?
Does anyone in the Resistance care about democracy or reestablishing it, at.........all?
On the other hand, it feels weirdly cruel to ask these question?
........god, this movie was so dumb, it’s not even fun to ask pointed worldbuilding questions. It doesn’t know! it is a dumb, dumb movie and knows nothing, and I can’t even hate it for that. It’d be like hating a particularly dim puppy for chewing your shoes---like, yes, it’s frustrating how stupid the puppy is, but it doesn’t understand “narrative stakes” or “character development” or “plot” and can hardly be expected to.
What a disappointment.
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twilightofthe · 5 years
For the Star Wars questions- 16 & 19. :)
Thank you!!! (y’all this got ridiculously long for two damn questions lol)
Send me a number and i’ll tell u my fave/least fave:
16. Book/Comic (Aight, so I’m actually not a huge comic reader in general, most of my comic knowledge comes from other fans on here posting about them, so this is gonna be mainly book-focused)
FAVE:  Welllllll, since I’m literally incapable of narrowing down my favorite anythings, I’m gonna do faves for both canon and EU novels.  
Canon-wise, it’s a tie beween A New Dawn and Ahsoka.  I know I don’t post about them as much on here, but I truly have a super soft spot for Kanera and Kanan and Hera’s characters, they’re just so GOOD and I love themmmmm aaaaaaaaa.  You get super good insights to how Kanan was running wild and traumatized and trying to repress everything and how Hera was a little naïve but still tough as nails and she had a dream and she was going to make it happen or so help her, ugh I just love how the story showed how they’re strongest as a team working together and I just love character dynamics where the two are so obviously married and kinda snark at each other sometimes but they have each other’s backs through everything and know each other like the back of their hands and uggghhhh this is just such a healthy good ship and such a good book.  The Ahsoka novel is just fantastic all on its own because it shows Ahsoka as a young adult, kinda floundering and lost in this new world, full of guilt over what happened with Anakin and the Order, trying to do what she can to help people and just enduring because she’s a survivor, she was raised (by two argumentative, adoptive parents who love her very much SO SAYETH THE BOOK) to be a survivor and handle herself, but that doesn’t mean she’s not lonely as all hell.  And oof I just fucking adore Kaeden Larte and her relationship with Ahsoka (who absolutely comes back and marries her once the war is over oh yes) and her relationship with Miara and ugh just all of it is A+++++.  E.K. Johnston is just an amazing author in general and her other book, Queen’s Shadow is one of my two canon runner ups because I am in love with her Sabé and her Padmé.  Other canon runner up is A Certain Point Of View, if only for the “Time of Death” chapter.  Don’t get me wrong, the rest of it is also fantastic, but oh god it kills me DEAD OBI WAN DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER AND I CRY I REALLY CRY
EU-wise (oh god, I haven’t even gotten to least-faves yet), it has to be the Revenge of the Sith novelization.  Without a question.  Y’all it’s SO FUCKIN’ good, and in my personal opinion should be considerrred canonnnnnn (look I think the reason they gave for excluding it is that there’s no mention of Ahsoka or Rex or Mandalore or any of the stuff that happened literally the day before which is valid, but I counterpoint that Anakin is a mess with A Lot Going On At The Moment, he could have just forgot?  He forgets most of his morals, all of his common sense, and three of his limbs by the end of the story, Snips could have just slipped his mind! xD).  Anyway, besides the fact that it’s like 99% written in Obikin-colored glasses which really just makes me happy as a person because I love it being acknowledged just how important they are to each other, it really offers a deeper insight INSIDE the chaos going on in Anakin’s head, the mess, just why he falls so quickly and so awfully.  I love it gives the Padmé plot that got cut on screen some validity.  The beautiful beginning and the goddam introductions to Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi are just A++++++++++++++ and oof other people can more accurately describe just how good this book is, but I love it a Big Lot ok?
LEAST FAVE:  Okey doke, here we go....  So firstly for canon, I’m not the biggest fan of how Claudia Grey writes Leia’s character.  She’s a wonderful storyteller and I love her worldbuilding, but just the way she characterizes Leia herself never felt... right, ya know?  Idk, I can’t really explain it, but it makes it difficult for me to enjoy her Leia novelsWarning right now that this is a VERY unpopular opinion and my opinion alone, please do not yell at me!  So as skilled and admired an author Timothy Zahn is, I don’t like the Thrawn books.  I’m sorry, I don’t.  To me, Thrawn is just.... ok so he’s like BBC!Sherlock but in space.  The plot makes a big deal about how “oooh cool and intelligent and Literally Better Than Everyone Else” Thrawn is, but the only way they really show his “cleverness” is by either him solving problems by pulling together information that literally no one but the writer knows and then acting like it was oh so obvious and in front of everyone OR, the story dumbs down other characters to make him look smart.  And maybe it was because the one Thrawn book goes after Anakin/Vader in particular to do the latter is what kinda ticked me off on Thrawn books in general, but y’all, it really ticked me off, because Anakin is like the lowest hanging fruit for an author to pick to make their character look good in comparison, and therefore it is done All The Time (LOOKING AT YOU, CLONE WARS), which I think is lazy and an insult to Anakin’s character.  Look, I am fully aware Anakin Skywalker is a dolt to the highest degree sometimes, but he is ALSO A GENIUS.  He is SMART.  IT IS CANON THAT HE IS SMART.  So when the Thrawn book has Thrawn constantly one-upping Anakin The Useless Doofus (and Padmé a bit!!!) and then doing it again once he meets him as Vader, that just makes me hmmmm.
The canon comics are actually gonna be featured on the list here a bit because if y’all don’t already know my hatred for That One Particular Vader Comic (not the rest of the series run as I have not read it and from what I hear, it’s excellent and I’d probs like it a lot) doing the implication in a dream sequence where it says that Palpatine used the Dark Side to impregnate Shmi and create Anakin, well I HATE IT.  Look, I know the plot was literally about Sidious trying to mess with Vader’s head and that dream shouldn’t be trusted, but it fooled all the fans too and now like 60% of Star Wars fans actually believe Sidious fathered Anakin and I am so damn tired of hearing about that.  Yeah, now that Reylo is canon, that comic’s authors are trying to do damage control by saying that no, Sidious isn’t Anakin’s father and Rey and Ben are not second cousins, but they’re still being mysterious about it and “oh well it COULD be this--” so now there’s just more fans who are digging into that theory just because they don’t like Reylo and I don’t really care for the ship either but I really HATE the entire “Born of the Dark” concept for reasons I can explain more separately, so I’m pissy at that particular comic for spawning it.  I know it’s petty but I do.
EU-wise, well, this is gonna be unpopular too, cuz I haven’t read most of the EU stuff, and from what I’ve heard of it, there doesn’t seem to be much that I WOULD like.  The movie novelizations all seem good, but everything else???  “Obi Wan prequels but guess what, he had a shitty childhood too!” uh, no thanks, the rest of his life sucks enough, I want to see him happy.  “Mandalorian worldbuilding, but they’re all a bunch of stoic, overpowered badasses who are Good At Everything And Better Than Literally Everyone and the plot bashes the Jedi left right and center!” ehhhhhhhh pass.  “What happened after Return of the Jedi, except the Skywalkers still don’t get a happy ending because the galaxy goes to war again, Han and Leia’s son turns evil, Luke Suffers, and Palpatine comes back again!” nah, that sounds too depressing-- oh wAIT :) :) :)(at least the EU actually lets Han and Leia grow old and happy together okay okay that’s enough sequel salt for one day)
19. Outfit
FAVE:  Everything Padmé Amidala wears in the movies.  No I will not narrow it down.  I am in love with her whole wardrobe and I want it. 
 I also love the standard Jedi tunics and tabards and cloak (c’mon, the cloak completes the picture!)  It’s just such a signature and unique look that’s supposed to combine medieval European knight tunics and samurai warrior clothing and just the #aesthetic is oof, just wonderful.
Also Sabine Wren’s armor and its various paint jobs.  It’s just so uniquely her and bright and beautiful and badass in all its stages and yes good I like it.
Also Lando Calrissian’s cloaks!  Swooshy and colorful and good!  I love cloaks!  
LEAST FAVE:  Gonna go with my petty, silly ones first, and those are all of Padmé Amidala’s outfits that are only seen in the The Clone Wars TV show (so not the ones that were based off of movie costumes).  Eh, actually three of them were nice, her orange outfit she visits Mina in, her white casual housedress, and her black slinky Clovis dress.  All of her other series-only outfits made me highkey pissy because they were either A.) Wrong for the situation she was in, B.) Defied the laws of physics and should not have held the shape they did/stayed on her body, or C.) just plain UGLY (the highest crime of all), and for the animators to have the audACITY to put any of those things in the mere vicinity of the most stylish woman in the galaxy is an insult to Padmé, an insult to ME, and an insult to Star Wars as a whole (yes, I am mostly joking, but come on!).  No, I will not give the designers the excuse of clothing being difficult and expensive and time consuming to animate because I have SEEN the fancy, PRETTY outfits of the other ladies of Padmé’s status on the show.  Everything Satine Kryze wore was intricately beautiful as all hell and I loved it.  Riyo Chuchi’s two outfits were lovely and fashionable.  Heck, I’m pretty sure I liked Mina Bonteri’s outfit too.  There were tons of people on that show with stylish clothing!  How hard would it have been for the animators to remember Padmé doesn’t wear exposed midriffs on official government business?  That dresses with no sides or back cannot be sleeveless or they will not stay up?  Not give her hairstyles that looked like either a goddam tuning fork or like Jimmy Neutron’s mother?  That beige jumpsuits are BORING and adding a mauve vest is NOT enough to make it exciting!!!! xD xD xD 
Aight, now in more seriousness, I also hated both of Ahsoka’s outfits in the original TCW show.  Enough people have spoken on why sending a fourteen year old into an active warzone in a tube top and miniskirt is a BAD IDEA, but like it just makes me extra mad when you remember her older and more experienced at Not Getting Pulverized Masters were both in full concealing robes and chest and shoulder and shin armor, so you can’t even pass it off as Jedi not getting hurt as easily.  Her updated outfit was only slightly an improvement because her Masters STILL got at least fully covering robes and arm bracers, while Ahsoka still had her entire back exposed, leg holes exposing valuable arteries and stuff, and a goddam boob window that basically signals “shoot me here”.  Look, I know the animators goofed, and I know how they have learned from it because from Rebels on, they never show her as improperly covered for battle, in the new TCW season both outfits are cute and practical too, but seeing her running around in her red outfits actively impeded and took me out of my watching experience because I was cringing over her having a lack of protection, that it made her that much more vulnerable to injury.
Finally just gotta give a standard raised finger to the Slave Leia Bikini.  Carrie Fisher hated it so I do too.
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cogentranting · 5 years
Some Thoughts on Attack of the Clones
Corde’s like “I’m sorry senator, I failed you” but dying in Padme’s place is literally her job description and she does it perfectly
Palpatine is the one who suggests Anakin and Obi Wan guard Padme-- is he trying to play matchmaker??
Within the first twenty minutes of the movie we’re given a very clear picture of Anakin and Obi Wan’s complicated relationship. They’re laughing and bantering one minute and very tense and antagonistic the next. You can see some of Obi Wan’s shortcomings as a mentor (he’s impatient and clearly frustrated with Anakin a lot and doesn’t seem to have a good sense of how to help Anakin through any of his emotional difficulties) and we see the kind of student Anakin is (he can be witty and likable, and he’s smart and talented, but he does not  listen to anyone, he’s incredibly reckless and impulsive). It’s a really interesting contrast to the master-padawan relationship of Qui Gon and Obi wan-- that one seemed much more clearly a father-son, teacher-student dynamic, while Obi Wan and Anakin struggle a bit trying to figure out what they are--- sometimes they have that dynamic, sometimes it become more like friends or brothers. Obi Wan would never have talked to Qui Gon the way that Anakin talks to him. And once we see the two of them in action it’s clear that they work together very well, but in a very chaotic, always one step away from disaster sort of way. 
“Why do I get the feeling that you’re going to be the death of me” oh it’s so simple but I love it so much
The way Yoda acts in his Youngling class is much more similar to the way he acts in episode 5 than at any other point in the prequels. Therefore we must conclude that Yoda is just treating Luke like he’s 7. 
If my planet got invaded and our teenage queen raised an army and then stormed the palace and personally captured the leader of the invaders, I think I’d want to keep her in office too. 
Is the sand line dumb? Yes. Is Anakin right? Absolutely. When I was little we duct-taped our back door shut so sand wouldn’t blow in during the dust storms. Sand is the worst. 
The romance in this movie is written really awkwardly at times, but there are moments when both Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman seem more relaxed and they have chemistry and they seem genuinely to enjoy each other. There are just some really good glimpses of the love story we could have had if the dialogue was little less stiff. 
Anakin and Padme really sat down to a meal that was just fruit and Padme tried to eat a pear with a knife and fork
I really do love the prequels. But it’s a lot easier to love episode 2 if you just skip the fireplace scene on Naboo. 
The mystery element of this movie really makes it stand out from the rest of the saga, and I like that. 
I also really enjoy seeing Anakin return to Tatooine as an adult, even though it’s a relatively small part of the movie
There’s also some really nice contrast between how Anakin interacts with Watto as a jedi, vs how Qui Gon did. Qui Gon would never have been as aggressive, blunt, even threatening as Anakin is. It’s a good showcase of how Anakin operates and a foreshadowing of where he’s headed. 
we were robed of an emotional reunion between Darth Vader and R2 and C3PO in the original trilogy
I just want to know what Owen and Anakin’s relationship would have been like if they’d interacted for more than a minute
John Williams is a gift. The music when Shmi dies and Anakin attacks the tuskens. and then the Vader theme coming in when Yoda senses what happened. So good. 
“Anakin do you copy? This is Obi Wan Kenobi.” How many Obi Wan’s does Anakin know? You really had to throw your last name in there?
Shmi’s grave is right there at the house that Luke grew up at, and Owen seems to have known Shmi, which means Luke probably grew up knowing at least something about Shmi...
The arena sequence with the different creatures is another part of this movie that I really really like. The creatures are fun and the different ways that each of them fights it is great and it’s just a good time. 
Bringing C3PO into the action on Genosis was... such a choice. 
Wait those are the deathstar plans, i forgot about that. Galen Erso is a liar, he didn’t design the deathstar, some Genosian dude did. 
The first duel with Dooku is a really underrated fight scene. THe part with Anakin and Obi Wan is pretty shot but it’s intense and it has good character moments built in and it’s pretty brutal and establishes how powerful Dooku is. 
Anakin and Padme aren’t even a little bit subtle about their relationship. 
The timeline of this movie is weird. Obi Wan definitely seems like his story line takes only a few days. Anakin and Padme behave as if it’s been weeks. 
Why is Dooku “count” instead of “master”??
The structure of this trilogy is really unique and interesting as you watch everything fall apart. I don’t know of another like it. 
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Several days after Anakin's sixteenth birthday, a letter arrives in your mail slot addressed to you in his unique scrawling.
I'm so sorry we lost touch. I was not allowed to send letters due to the nature of my training and the focus it required of me. I'm able to stay in contact now as long as you're still wanting to.
My Master, Ben, is still amazing as ever. He's funny, and really smart, and I think the two of us will always be really great friends. But he could never be the close friend that you are- the absolute soulmate you are to me. I can't wait for you to meet him one day, it's like... introducing you to my older brother or something. Of course he needs to meet mom too.
How are you doing? How is mom? What are things like now on Tatooine? I miss home. I miss home so badly it hurts almost all the time. Ever since I was told I had to take a break from sending letters I've nearly been beside myself if I think about it for too long. I... hope I didn't upset you with my absence- if I knew I was going to be gone, I would have let you know. I promise.
I love you so very much. My training is going well and Master says I'm progressing really quickly which means I may get to come free you and mom even sooner than I had ever thought possible. Do you two live together now? If not, do you see her often? I was kind of hoping that Watto would take it easy on her with me being gone- hopefully that is true. Do you still work under the same Master as before?
Lastly, I wanted to apologize for this letter being so short- I feel like deep down I have so much to say but I don't want to talk about any of that. The only thing(s) I care about right now are you and my mom and what all I've missed with you two. Please, tell me everything. Even if you think it's dumb or irrelevant. I want to hear all about you.
Please respond soon. I cannot wait to hear from you.
From the same boy who loved you on the sand dunes,
May the Force be with you.
~ Ani
My breath hitches as I pull the letter out from my small slot, quickly tearing open the letter and heading inside to read it. I smile tearily at the news that he’s alright, that he’s happy and move to the desk in the corner of the room.
You have no idea how happy I am to hear from you. It’s certainly a bright spot in my mundane life. I wish I had known your last letter was your last, it would have saved me years of worrying. But still, I am glad to know you are happy and safe.
The news that your Teacher is kind to you is lovely to hear, I’m glad you have family where you are. It seems like you truly are thriving.
As for news about me… well, there is hardly any. I was sold around four years ago now, but this Master isn’t so bad. So long as he does not learn of my bleeding, I am safe. He likes my “pretty face” enough to keep me in the storefront and near rather than out to dig for melons or to be sold for pleasure. All in all, it could be worse. I am thankful. He is a water mogul, I don’t earn a lot of money, but I get water to take home! And I get to use the showers in the slave quarters in his building, rather than the slave sonics. It’s very nice.
Oh Anakin! Your mother! She was freed earlier this year!! She fell in love with this very nice moisture farmer named Cliegg. He is so good to her, and he freed her and asked for her hand. They married just last month. He has a son named Owen, exactly our age. Owen has a girlfriend named Beru. I’ve met them only twice as they cannot come visit often. It is very busy on their farm and, well, I am not free. Owen… has a grudge against Jedi, it seems, but he is so nice. Shmi is a good mother to him, but she will always be yours, too.
I do not have a lot of paper, so I will not waste it to send more than one page, double sided, to you in each letter. Please tell me about Coruscant, your duties, the Temple. I want to hear about your exciting life far more than I want to talk about the sand here.
We are happy and we miss you.
From your fake wife,
P.S. May the Force be with you, too. (?)
P. P. S. Will you please send a photo of the rain?  
I send it as soon as I’m able to afford the postage, two weeks later.
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xvlvxvr · 3 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ahsoka Tano & Darth Maul Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ezra Bridger, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Yoda (Star Wars), Anakin Skywalker, Kanan Jarrus, Cere Junda, Quinlan Vos, Darth Maul, Tusken Raider Characters (Star Wars), Krayt Dragon (Star Wars), Shmi Skywalker, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-6116 | Kix, CT-7567 | Rex, The Ones (Star Wars), Grogu | Baby Yoda, Mon Mothma, Alexsandr Kallus, Dor Wieedo, Navik the Red, Rodian Characters (Star Wars), Able Nereno, 2-1B (Star Wars), GH-8 (Star Wars), Sinjir Rath Velus, Mace Windu, Morai (Star Wars), The Son | Fanged God, Kilindi Matako Additional Tags: Post-Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Pre-Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Blood and Gore, Gore Summary:
Former Rebel spy Ahsoka Tano continues her unrelenting search for the Force-sensitive Ezra Bridger, accompanied by her friend and ally since the times of the Rebellion, Sabine Wren. The two companions have been scanning the uncharted regions of Wild Space beyond the Outer Rim, to no avail. Although their mission is important to her, Ahsoka is soon pulled towards a different destiny…
Okay, so I’m sharing this here, because my dumb brother ( @berkinix ) never gets on Tumblr to promote his own shit. Go read the story! Then leave a comment trolling him! I make fun of his writing all the time! :D
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tennessoui · 3 years
just realized shmi is alive in Kuwtsk? omg can we get her meeting obi wan and immediately seeing right through him
she'd totally see through it even if he doesn't know it yet!!!!
she'd hear how her son talks about obi-wan and be like interesting he's obviously almost in love if not in love, but (padme aside) he's always been into pretty dumb people, not accredited professors?
and then she meets obi-wan and she's like ohhhhhh oh okay.
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bingbinghe · 8 years
It's Obikin time! Let's celebrate our favourite ship! Reply with a random headcanon, a fic or art rec, or just why you love Obikin! Feel free to tag people!
 Wow, I honestly didn’t think I’d be active enough in this fandom but still! Thanks for the ask my dear anon (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥ Here’s a miniature fic (prompt??) for all the obikin fans.
I quite like the idea of Anakin never been found by the Jedi, so he grows up on Tatooine. He and Shmi are freed by Owen. Obi-Wan’s part of the Order, a very fine Knight but still kinda adventurous and bit of a loner (thanks to Qui-Gon’s influence). So, Obi-Wan takes a few years of leave from the Order to travel and see the galaxy and especially the Outer Rim after Qui-Gon finally gets himself killed by being an idiot. Obi-Wan finally ends up on Tatooine, having damaged his ship because he got into a fight with pirates/slavers. Anakin has a workshop in the city Obi-Wan ends up landing nearby and they meet. (Repairing the ship is quickly forgotten.)
They get along like 200% right from the start, instant friends. Followed later by Lots of Drama since they both end up developing feelings for each other and they both think their feelings are unrequited. Shmi and Owen follow their dancing around each other from the sidelines, part amused part despairing (just how dumb is her son, anyway? Poor Shmi) After some light angst and them both being idiots they get their act together = The Dynamic Duo. They’re a total menace to the Hutts and other slave owners, freeing people and generally doing good deeds.
Obi-Wan also feels right away just how strong Anakin is with the Force, has some flashbacks about Qui-Gon’s rants about the Chosen One, and decides ‘fuck it’ and never tells the Order about Anakin’s existence. Still, he trains Anakin to control his powers. He also ends up never returning from his leave (Yoda laughs when he hears the message Obi-Wan sent, Mace throws a mug to the wall).
Bonus: Obi-Wan somehow finds and adopts a) a baby krayt dragon (which is released to the wild by Anakin) and b) a herd of banthas. He also gets invited to be a honorary member of the nearest sand people tribe, how, he never tells. 
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