#short hair kiri my beloved
ash-n-stone · 2 years
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happy national coming out day! some notes about this:
they're second years
kirishima is 6 foot and still getting taller
bakugou is a gay trans man (also demiromantic/demisexual but i didn't want to make his outfit too busy)
bakugou is post-op for his top surgery :)
kirishima is unlabeled - he's only ever liked one person (he insists crimson riot doesn't count) and he's convinced that bakugou is The One so he doesn't really care what his sexuality is
they're in love and thriving
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Headcannon: Kirishima LOVES wearing Bakugo's clothes.
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When they first get together, they can't keep their hands off of each other. Eijiro is constantly running his fingers across the hard planes of Katsuki's abs, and Katsuki constantly has his hands wrapped up in Eijiro's bright red hair.
After hours of passionate kisses and experimental touches, Eijiro loves to dig through Katsuki's drawers and find the perfect pair of worn-in sweatpants. He loves the way that all of Katsuki's clothes are well loved and lived in.
Eijiro is constantly stealing Katsuki's band t-shirts and sweats, his gym shorts and fitted jeans. Every time Katsuki's clothes go mysteriously missing, the explosion hero just rolls his eyes and sends Eijiro a mock-angry text. He always receives a cheeky photo in reply - a mirror selfie of Eijiro wearing Katsuki's favorite t-shirt, pulling up the hem to flash a toned stomach. Or even a scandalous pic of Eijiro in nothing but a pair of Katsuki's boxers; Eijiro's sweet face mean mugging for the camera.
Katsuki finally gets his revenge when he swipes Eijiro's favorite black crewneck. He's surprised to find himself drowning in the material, not having realized that Eijiro loves his clothes oversized. The look on Eijiro's face when he sees Katsuki in his clothing is priceless. He immediately cancels all of his plans for the day as he pulls Katsuki into his bed and takes his time stripping off the beloved black crew.
They keep trading and stealing clothes this way until their closets are completely intertwined, and no one is quite sure whose shirts are whose any longer.
Thanks for reading!! You can check out more of my Katsuki + Kiri fics on My Master List! ❤️
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Return To Me (Pt 1)
For the safety of your family your father, Jake, decides to move the family out of the forest. Now you and your siblings must navigate your new lives in the reefs. (Warnings Spoilers) Word Count: 1837
Sa'sem: Parent(s) Sempu: Daddy Sa'nu: Mommy Tawtute: Skyperson/Human ______________________________________________________________
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Life has been like a dream and a nightmare all at once. My siblings and I grew up with stories about how our sa'sem met. Also, about how Sempu became Toruk Makto and led the Na'vi to victory against the tawtute, sending them back from where they came. For many years that's all they were...stories. Now they've become reality. A bad man has come back to Pandora, looking for revenge on Sempu. That man and some others ambushed my younger siblings and taking them captive to get to him. Sa'nu, Sempu, Neteyam and I managed to save them, barely making it out alive. Tragically they managed to kidnap our beloved friend, Spider. Instead of attacking the tawtute and saving Spider, Sempu has decided to give up his title as Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya and flee.
“Sempu!” I call from my ikran as we fly away. “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere safe.” he answers.
Then I look back to the forest, our home. Neteyam was supposed to be the next Olo'eyktan, I was going to help him protect the people by being the next Toruk Makto. Kiri has to leave her mother behind. Lo'ak hasn't found his place in the forest yet. And poor TukTuk might never be able to tame her own ikran. Worst of all, I don't know if we will ever see our grandma, whose now all alone.
"When are we coming back?" I ask Sempu.
"I don't know." he sighs.
It took about a week to arrive at our destination. A feeling of relief filled me when I saw the Matkayina village. When they see us, a horn is sounded, and I can hear the people making different calls before diving into the water. When we land a crowd quickly forms around us.
"Be cool. Sempu tells us. Then he spots Sa'nu taking her bow. "Leave it."
He holds up his arms to show that he is not a threat and Neteyam copies him. Sa'nu takes TukTuk's hand so she doesn't stray too far away. Kiri pulls her shawl closer to her body, seemingly uncomfortable with the attention on us. Lo'ak seems to be taking in the surroundings.
"Hey." Sempu says coming to a stopping in the center.
The crowd parts for two boys. The shorter one had short curly hair and the taller one, who's actually a little cute, had his hair braided into a bun. They must be important giving how the crowd parted for them. My brothers and I greeted them, but they didn't return it. Instead, the circled around us and started to mock our bodies.
”What is that?” The shorter one laughs pointing at Neteyam’s tail which causes the other one to laugh as well. “Is that supposed to be a tail?”
"How are they supposed to swim?" the taller one laughs.
I let out a hiss and make my way over to them. But I don't get far when Neteyam grabs ahold of my wrist.
“Easy.” he warns. “Just be cool.”
I send the boys one last glare then relax my body. But Neteyam doesn't let go of my wrist, he knows me so well. This time a girl joins the crowd and scolds the boys for teasing us. The first thing she does is scold the boys for mocking us.
“Hey.” Lo’ak smiles to her which she responds with a blush.
“We just got here baby bro.” I giggle nudging him.
I share a smirk with Neteyam as Lo'ak blushes and turns away. Then a beast flies over us causing everyone to duck. The rider is Tonowari, their olo'eytkan. Lastly, Ronal, their tsahìk, joins his side. We greet both of them but only Tonowari returns it.
“Why do you come to us Jake Sully?” Tonowari asks.
“We seek uturu.” Sempu announces. “A sanctuary for my family.”
”You are forest people.” Tonowari points out as Ronal starts to circle us. “We are reef people. Your skills will be useless here.”
“We will learn your ways.” Sempu says and we nod in agreement.
"Their arms are thin." Ronal says grabbing TukTuk's arm them mine. After that she starts to tug on tails. "Their tails are weak. They will be slow in the water."
“Ow.” Kiri whines when Ronal tugs her tail next.
“Y/N.” Neteyam warns. I didn't realize that I started to bare my teeth at the tsahìk. “It will be over soon.”
“Not soon enough.” I grumble.
"These kids are not even true Na'vi." she proclaims holding up Kiri's hands.
"Yes we are." Kiri says, snatching her hands away.
"They have demon blood!" Ronal continues as she holds up Lo'ak's hands next. Then she moves to Neteyam and I. "This poor child is so mixed with the demon that one hand has four fingers while the other has three."
As I look around I seem some of the people look scared and even disgusted. But when I look at the tall boy who was mocking us earlier, he looked curious more than anything. I doubt they will let us stay. I wish I could grab Sempu, tug him back to the ikrans, and fly back to the forest. We don't need to run and hide, we must fight. Sadly, I know Sempu will not fight anymore if he can help it.
“Look. Look. I was born of the Skypeople and now I am Na'vi." Sempu says holding up his hands so he can take Ronal's attention off of us. "You can adapt. We will adapt."
“My husband was Toruk Makto.”Sa’nu tells them which dad cringes at. “He led the clans to victory against the Sky people.”
“This is what you call victory? Hiding among strangers?” Ronal questions walking between our sa'sem. “It seems like Eywa has turned her back on you, Chosen One.”
They get into a hissing match which Sempu has to apologize for. Much to our surprise the clan leaders let us stay. Tonowari tells us that his children will show us what to do. They are Ao'nung, the tall jerk who was teasing us about our tails, and Tsireya, the girl who Lo'ak has a crush on. They show us to our new home and tell us to fins them when we have settled in so they can show us around the reefs.
"Okay Sullys." Sempu says. "Fall in."
"Remember?" Neteyam asks pulling Lo'ak into the mauri. "Family meeting.
"I need you kids to pull your weight and be on your best behavior." Sempu starst, directing the last part mostly to Lo'ak and I. "Learn fast and stay out of trouble. Understood?"
"Yes sir." Lo'ak answers. Neteyam smirks and grabs his neck.
“I want to go home.” Tuk responds with tears in her eyes.
“Awe Tuk.” Sa’nu says sympathetically.
“Tuk, this is our home now.” Sempu tells her taking her small hand in his big one. “Now we’re going to get through this together.”
“What does your father always say?” Sa’nu asks.
“Sullys stick together.” we mumble together.
“Now with some feeling.” Sempu smiles softly. “Come on.”
“Sully stick together.” we say again a little louder.
After the family meeting we join Ao'nung, Tsireya, and their friend, Rotxo, on the docks. Rotxo was the one who was teasing us with Ao'nung when we arrived. They're going to show us around the reefs. Swimming in the ocean should be easy, we have many ponds and lakes back in the forest. The metkayina teens dive in the water while the others cannonball in. Tuktuk hesitates so I hold a hand out to her.
“Just think of it like the pond we swam in back at home.” I smile.
“Okay.” she says taking my hand and together we jump in the water.
The water is surprisingly warm when I enter it. Tuk and I catch up with our brothers who are already following the Meykayina teens. It’s so amazing underwater. There are so many animals that are different colors and sizes. Completely different from the land animals we grew up with back in the forest. But it quickly starts to get harder to hold our breath and we have to go to the surface to take a breath. Once we are collectively able to catch our breath we poke out heads back under the water. Tsireya does some hand movements under the water. When she notices our confused faces she just signals us to continue to follow them. So we dive back under and continue to swim. But again we don’t make it far before we need to go up for air again.
“Are you alright?” Tsireya asks joining us above the surface.
“You’re too fast.” Tuk cries. “Wait for us.”
“We don’t speak this…finger talk.” I tell her.
“Yea, we don’t understand what you’re saying.” Neteyam adds.
“I will teach you.” she tells us.
“You are not good divers.” Ao’nung says popping up out of the water. “Maybe good at swinging through trees-”
Tsireya smacked him in the head. I laughed which caused him to scowl at me.
“Kiri?” Rotxo asks. “Where is Kiri?”
“Who?” Ao’nung asks.
“You’re supposed to be watching her.” I say splashing Neteyam.
"Bro, we're twins we're both supposed to be watching her." he relies, splashing me back.
“What do you mean you’re twins?” Tsireya asks curiously.
“Well, we have the same face and were born at the same time.” We explain together.
“But you two are different.” Rotxo points out.
“True.” Neteyam says. “Think of us as two halves of the same whole.”
“Anyway, I’ll go find Kiri.” I say bringing the conversation back.
“I’ll join you.” Ao’nung announces. When me and my siblings give a weird look, he quickly adds. “She doesn’t know the danger of the sea.”
Without good reason to refuse Ao'nung and I swim off from the group to find Kiri.
“So, tell me more about you and Neteyam,” he says out of nowhere.
"No." I grunt.
“Why do you speak at the same time or finish each other's sentences?” he asks anyway
“We know what the other is going to say.” I explain.
“So, who would be the leader of the forest?” he asks. “Since there are two of you.”
“Technically it is going to be neither of us since our father gave up his title. But it was agreed that Neteyam would be Olo'eyktan and I would be Toruk Makto.” I say through grit teeth. “Can you let me focus on finding my sister?”
After that he stops asking questions. I poke my head under the water and i finally spot Kiri. I take a breath and make my way to her. Suddenly, something wraps around my body. I try to fight it off but it won't let go. Just when I feel like I'm about to pass out I'm brought to the surface. The first thing I hear is Ao'nung's laughter/
“What is wrong with you?” I demand.
“You should’ve seen the look on your face.” he answers, still laughing. “You were so scared.”
“I thought you said that you were going to make sure I was safe.” I hissed. “Why did you do that?”
"If you were more observant, I couldn't have snuck up on you." he smirks. "Regardless on if you're new to the reefs you should always be aware of your surroundings."
I just splash him and dive back under to get my sister. She's playing with a school of small fish, which swim off when I approach. I give an apologetic smile and she waves it off to signalling she is not upset. Together we swim to the surface to talk.
“I know you’re excited to explore the ocean but try to stay with us.” I plead with my younger sister.
“I’ll try but everything is so wonderful.” Kiri smiles dreamily. "You must join me sometime. Eywa has made such wonderful things."
“We must get back to the others.” Ao’nung announces. “We’re going to show you how to ride ilu next.”
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed part 1 of return to me. I'm not too sure how many parts this will be, but I can promise that I will work hard on this <3 I'll see you in the next story. Pt. 2
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
please PLEASE write more abt bully bkg!!! what happened next?? what did kiri do omg
tw ;; mild toxicity, bully!bkg, kirishima being a shit, fem!reader 18+, spanking, oral (f!recieving), bkg accidentally worships your pussy instead of punishing you :/, unprotected sex, praise kink 
PT. 1
a/n ;; have i mentioned he makes me absolutely out of my mind yet? have i said that?!??#?$# 
i think we’ve established about the two of them enough by now so here’s how i picture it. 
like i said before - bkg is a campus athlete, popular and well-rounded and all around has that like image to him and so when he essentially confesses to you after fucking you stupid in the library, that’s basically him making you his girlfriend. you don’t know that for a long time but we’ll get there later. 
anwyays.. right after he fucks you nice n full of his cum, he slides your panties and shorts right back on and snickers as he watches you struggle to get to your feet before eventually helping you. he keeps your bra as a punishment and makes you keep his hoodie, almost biting you when you try and take kirishimas to return it to him. he’ll do it himself, don’t test him. 
when you’re all dressed - he makes you pack up and ends up walking you to your dorm room in the middle of the night (which you beg him to not do) but he’ll be fucking damned if anything bad happens to you. it’s his version of affectionate but you don’t know that yet so you’re mostly awkwardly trying to dodge him on the way back BUT he’s still bkg so when he notices that he yanks you. 
he makes you hold his arm and licks your cheek cause he’s such a fucking dick. hits you with a “get used to it, princess” with the most condescending tone. but he’s being so serious. you just think he’s teasing you but he’s not.. he means it. get used to him, basically because now he’s a constant presence in your life. 
he drops you off in front of your dorm and you’re about to wave him off but before you can go he grabs your waist and basically dips you for a kiss. and it’s so good - fuck, you wish you could say you hated it. but bakugou is experienced as much as he’s mean so he kisses you like his life depends on it, his fingers digging into your sides and his tongue in your mouth. you almost forget your in public until he pulls you back up 
he gives you a little breathless grin, patting your cheek with his hand and telling you “get cleaned up, dumbass” which is his way of telling you to get home safe. 
and you do get to your empty dorm. you take a shower and just kinda reflect on the actualy fuck transpired cause you were pretty positive he wanted you in a casket but?!?!?! you fucked him and he kissed you? so ???? 
youre in the middle of your exams and you’re honestly tired since you got fucked within in an inch of your life so you shower and just.. go to sleep. in his hoodie cause it smells good and it’s big and comfy and you’re like... thinking about it really hard but it just makes your headache. 
you conclude after a lot of tossing and turning that he’s probably still just trying to fuck around with you and maybe thinks you’re an easy lay.  you can’t say you aren’t since you were willing and ready for him (the thought of how easily you gave in has you flustered) 
you sleep, eventually. and you wake up the next morning not really expecting much. you don’t have bkgs number or anything so you just.. continue with your day as is. unlucky for you - you have classes with bakugou and kirishima 
but you don’t think it’ll be all that different. still so non-chalant. and you go to class that day dressed normally - with bakugous hoodie in hand. 
you sit in your regular seat that day and this is your first mistake. 
kirishima is in class before bakugou is. and he is.. as always, a little shit. so he pulls up right beside you because even though bkg is pissed at kiri - they are besties so he tells him everything. kirishima wont tease you abt it and u still think kirishima is quite nice and handsome so you’re pleased to greet him. 
ah.. another mistake on your behalf. this action WILL have consequences. 
kirishima gets so cozy with you btw. he loves that you’re so comfy w him - strokes his ego so good. and he chats you up for a better part of the hour before your morning class. 
he makes jokes and smiles and laughs and thinks about how easy it would be snatch you from bakugou and keep you to himself. he’s not good enough of a person to leave you alone. 
aaah kirishima is a sweetheart and he treats you well. so when you feel his hand on your thigh underneath the table - rubbing little circles into your knee, you don’t even notice. and when he gets super close to you to hear you talk - telling you your voice is too soft even tho a class is empty, you let him. 
and when you point out that ppl keep staring and whispering you, he tells you to ignore them and you do. you ignore the whispers and even the click of camera. 
it’s only when you hear bakugou that you get a strange feeling in your gut. he stomps into the classroom - vicious. his schedule is so busy he normally doesn’t get to lounge around before class making sure to keep everything tight 
but he got..  many messages about how you and kirishima were seating today. mostly from kami who likes to cause problems - he decided he should get there a lil early 
well.. lo and behold he does - and he finds you and kirishima looking incredibly cozy with each other. and kirishima being.. kirishima - is the first to see him and he shoots his beloved friend the most smug fuckin smile. 
bkg is pissed, naturally and stomps his way over to the two of you. he’s doing the thing again where he’s icy mad. he doesn’t even bother w kirishima and there’s a whole crowd around the three of you. 
“get your shit,” he demands, clearly seething. you give him a wild look, noticing the now obvious tension before being completely confused.  you’re about to protest w him but he sends you a spine-chillingly glare. 
your whole class watches as he yanks you by the wrist out of the classroom as kirishima sits back and gives u a little wave. ur lost. obviously. and once you leave the classroom ur like “where are we going?” 
the answer is to bakugous very nice car - a custom c3 corvette. he opens the door and stares you, grabbing your bags and taking them to the trunk. but u stand ur ground, cross your arms over your chest like 
“what are we doing out here?” 
bkg doesn’t hesitate in pushing you up against his car, his hands on your waist and his teeth nipping at your neck - sore from old bruises. and you gasp when you feel his fingers dig into your hips, all tongue and teeth. 
“the fuck did i say about you cozyin’ up t’ that shitty haired bastard yesterday,” 
this makes you swallow because bakugous mouth is travelling further and further and his hands are getting more bold. and you shiver, something hot and heavy in your core cause fuck he’s so possesive over you. it makes you dizzy, something sticky and warm in you. 
“i.. i d-didn’t think you were being s..serious yesteryday” 
he growls a little against your throat. 
“guess i’ll have to teach you another lesson. im gonna get in the car and then you are. easy enough, nerd?” 
you can’t do anything but nod and watch him open the car doors. when he gets in you follow and within the blink of an he manuevers you till your over his lap. you let out a loud yelp as his strong hands come down on your ass. still clothed. 
you let out a soft yelp - a noise of surprise at the sudden sensation and you feel bkg bend down to speak in your ear. 
“wanna act like a fuckin’ brat and flirt with your boyfriends friends? fine. i’ll fuck that shitty ass attitude right out of you,” 
the firs thing you think is “boyfriend?!” but your voice gets muffled when you feel bakugou pull down your bottoms along with your panties. his hands are so strong and so big - long thick fingers covered in callouses from playing so many games. you can’t help but squirm under his touch, a growing wetness making your stomach clench. 
he’s so so mean about it yk? a big strong hand smacking against your ass hard enough to leave a handprint. he chuckles when you whine, when your body shivers - bare cunt expose to him and nothing else. a wave of humilation floods through you. 
“‘s not my fault you’re like this y’know? all you gotta do is follow instructions - i know you now how to fucking do that, right? always bein’ so prissy,” ― bakugou tsks, smacking your ass hard before spreading your cheeks out. he admires the way your cunt trembles with mean laugh ― “but you wanna go flirt with shitty hair that much, huh?” 
you’re gonna protest and tell him it’s not even like that.. which makes you question why’re so eager to go with his demands. but the words get lost as the sound of spanks slowly drift and it’s just bakugou admiring your ass. he didn’t really get a good chance too when he was fucking you yesterday but now he’s got eagles on you n your pretty little cunt. 
“never gonna let anyone touch your pretty little pussy but fuckin’ me,” ― and he groans, sliding his fingers through your folds ― “fuck.. fuck” 
you’re not expecting much but within another few seconds you’ve got your cheek pressed to the glass window, ass up and body folded with your cunt directly in bkgs face. you’re not rlly sure why this was happening because you were sure you were getting punished. and maybe the humilation of having your face pressed to glass is enough 
but it doesn’t negate the fact bkg is tongue deep in your cunt. both hands massaging your ass - spreading your lips apart so he can get into fucking deeper. sliding his tongue against your folds and slurping on your clit until you’re jolting with pleasure like you’ve never known before in your life. you’re moaning so loud the whole campus could probably fucking hear but bkg doesn’t care and doesn’t stop 
and your thighs give out, he goes from eat it from the back to getting underneath you and has you sitting on his face. you just keep cumming and bakugou is rock fucking hard - but he doesn’t even bother jerking himself off. he spends all of his time n effort worshipping your sweet cunt  
you cum on his face so many times you’re completely limp by the time he sticks his dick in you. but it feels so good when he does that too - oversenstive walls stretched out his big cock, a hand on your sides as he shifts you into missionary. 
he doesn’t even intend to make you cum again but the position has him so deep in your cervix that you do and he’s so close. and when bkgs close, he’s fucking obscene. 
but it’s not all that vulgar like you’re expecting and that makes you fucking whine. hearing bakugou praise you and your pussy does something terrible to your brain and in your fucked out haze - arms around his shoulders, you’re fucking whimpering. 
and bkgs just in your ear like 
“such a sweet fuckin’ girl for me, taking my dick so damn good, haah fuck. all mind. know how to behave when i fuck you like this don’t you? be a good girl and take it all.. there you go, just like that,” 
when he cums inside of you he stays there for a while and stares at your completely gone expression. it’s unusually soft and you wont see it often but he grabs your face and kisses you hard 
“you’re my girlfriend now you fuckin’ dweeb so start fuckin’ acting like it yeah?” 
you whine and nod, unable to refuse even if u want too 
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mayxxday · 2 years
Get used to it- Katsuki Bakugou (part III)
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Katsuki wasn’t the one to shy away from anything, let alone anyone, but he made an unusual exception when it came to his crush, you. He would freeze up uncomfortably, losing all his words as his eyes zeroed down to you. Where was he again? Right, the convenience store buying you, your beloved snacks. His hands twitch, whether itching to hold yours or blasting off his own face, he wasn’t sure; but he knew for a fact, with how much he was sweating, he would burn down the whole shop.
Katsuki stood amused, seeing you struggle to reach your snack at the top self, moving close behind you, he grabs the pocky sticks for you. Placing the snack in your hands, he ruffles your hair. The grandma beside the pair, who was watching this, smiled, “He’s a keeper”, turning to her husband. Katsuki’s red ears were a giveaway to the fact that he just heard the lady. Well, he was still Katsuki Bakugou, competitive as ever, wanting to be the best, taking their hand, he turned her to face him. Leaning forward, he reaches for the snack again, feeling their breathing against his neck.
“Um- Katsuki?” Looking down, but then Katsuki realized how out of place his actions were, blushing red.
“Just making sure, you don’t fall face first into self, drooling for the snacks” he playfully flicked their forehead. Taking a hold of their hand, Katsuki leads them to the counter to pay, finding the same grandma there, flushing as he looks down.
“Did the couple find everything fine?” She smiles, scanning their snacks,
“We did” you smiled politely, Katsuki’s eyes were wide, scanning you to see if you noticed the lady calling the both of you, a couple. Seemingly unfazed, he concludes you didn’t, clutching your hand tighter.
On the way back to the dorms, Katsuki walked alongside you. Peering in your direction, he smiles shyly. You turned your head, feeling the boy’s eyes on you, innocently offering him some. Katsuki was about to bashfully deny it before choosing otherwise.
“Smidge never learned the right way to eat it, is that it?” Katsuki smirks slightly, placing the pocky stick in your mouth, before biting on it, inching closer to your face slowly. Katsuki’s heart was pounding unlike any hero training he did. A hand on your neck keeping you in place.
Katsuki was knocked off his feet, breath caught in his throat, all quite literally pinned under a huge husky. Gasping, you kneel beside Katsuki, his eyes shut in embarrassment, waiting for you to ask him if he was alright.
“Oh, my- CUTE!!” Katsuki blushed,
“Smidge, I’m literally on the street, under a dog. What's so cute about that,” He sighs as the dog licks his lips.
“Katsuki, I was talking about the dog” You giggle before turning into full-fledged laughter as you sit on the streets beside him. Katsuki was one second for blasting himself to infinity,
“But you’re cute too” You smile coyly, playing with the dog’s fur.
Sighing, Katsuki lays his head down, smiling, ‘he could get used to this’
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“I don’t understand why that would happen to me” Katsuki exhales deeply, re-telling the incident to the boys in Kiri’s room.
“Bakubro, don’t kill me, but you smell like caramel and I believe you must be sweating tons just at the sight of your crush. I can only imagine how much you must have been sweating so close to their face.” Kiri says, as Denki and Sero laugh in the back.
“STOP LAUGHING” Katsuki jumps up, explosions crackling in his palms.
“Oh my, it smells like caramel in here” Denki laughs, earning himself a smack on the head.
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Get used to it! Bakugou Katsuki: Part 1:
Get used to it! Bakugou Katsuki: Part 2:
Hey guys, sorry for the short update, my dog fell sick. There are longer updates on hold for the future. Please keep an eye out for these two. Let me know what you guys thought of the development. The taglist is open, please leave a comment to be added. Love y'all <33
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Taglist: @carpediem1219 @jacimari @i-love-stamps-blog @amatamajiki @codename-hiraeth@tar0sw0rld @sammythesussymango @lexxurts @readinggurl
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spaceaceathena · 3 years
nancy drew name meanings
so this is the work i’ve been doing over the past couple days, I want to give you guys a heads up that list will contain spoilers for some of the characters/games so please be aware of all of that. if this garners interest, i’ll do maybe the penvellyn family tree (that thing could not fit in here) or last name origins!
Main Cast
Nancy Drew: Grace (Hebrew)
Bess Marvin: god of plenty (English)
Georgia “George” Fayne: farmer (English)
Edward “Ned��� Nickerson: wealth, fortune, prosperous OR guardian, protector (English)
Joe Hardy: god will increase (English)
Frank “Franklin” Hardy: free landowner (English)
Jacob “Jake” Rogers: supplanter (Hebrew)
Daryl Gray: open, from Airelle (English, French)
Connie Watson: strong willed, wise (Irish)
Hal Tanaka: army ruler (English)
Hector “Hulk” Sanchez: holding fast (Greek)
Mitch Dillon: Who is like God, gift from god (Hebrew)
Detective “Steve” Beech: crown, garland (Greek)
Mattie Jensen: lady, mistress of the house, might in battle (Aramaic or German)
Richard “Rick” Arlen: brave ruler (English)
Dwayne Powers: swarthy (Irish, Gaelic)
Lillian Weiss: lily, a flower (English)
Millie Strathorn: industrious (German)
William Pappas: resolute protector, strong willed warrior (German)
Ralph Guardino: counsel wolf, famous wolf (Norse, English)
Rose Green: rose, a flower (English)
Abby Sideris: father’s joy (Hebrew)
Charlie Murphy: free man (Charlie)
Louis Chandler: fame, warrior, famous in battle (French)
Hannah Gruen: favor, grace (Hebrew)
Emily Foxworth: rival, wily, persuasive (Latin, Greek)
Professor Beatrice Hotchkiss: she who makes happy, bringer of joy, blessings (Italian, French, Latin)
Dexter Egan: right handed, fortunate, one who dyes (Latin)
Lisa Ostrum: God’s promise (English, Hebrew)
Jacques Brunais: supplanter (French)
Brady Armstrong: spirited, broad (Irish)
Joseph Hughes: he will add (Hebrew)
Nicholas Falcone: victory of the people (Greek)
Simone Mueller: god has heard (Hebrew)
Maya Nguyen: good mother (Greek)
Eustacia Andropov: fruitful, productive (Greek)
Sherman Trout: shearer of woolen garments (English)
Joanna Riggs: god is gracious (Greek/Hebrew)
Alejandro Del Rio: defender of mankind (Spanish)
Taylor Sinclair: tailor (French)
Henrik Van Der Hune: ruler of the home, lord of the house (Swedish, Danish)
Franklin Rose: free landowner (English)
Poppy “Penelope” Dada: weaver (Greek)
Prudence Rutherford: prudence, good judgement (Latin)
Red Knott: person with red hair (English)
Jeff Akers: pledge of peace (English)
Emily Griffin: rival, persuasive, wily (Latin, Greek)
Sally McDonald: princess (Hebrew)
Vivian Whitmore: lively (Latin)
Mickey Malone: who is like god (Hebrew)
Lucy: as of light (English, French)
Iggy: fiery (Latin)
Vitus: lively (Latin)
Xander: defender of man (Greek)
Yogi: one who performs yoga (Indian, Hindu)
Harlan Bishop: army land (English)
Ingrid Corey: beloved, beautiful (Norse, German)
Elliot Chen: with strength and right, bravely and truly, boldly and rightly (English, Breton)
Joy Trent: joy, happiness (Latin)
Paula Santos: small (Latin)
K.J Perris: Petros-> the rock (Greek)
Tink Obermeier: love (English)
Jenna Deblin: white shadow, white wave (English, Welsh)
Katie Firestone: pure (English, Greek)
Andy Jason: manlike, brave (Greek)
Holt Scotto: woods, forest (English)
Casey Porterfield: vigilant, watchful (Irish, Gaelic)
Dr. Irina Predoviciu: peace (Greek)
Hilda Swenson: battle (Norse)
Dave Gregory: beloved (English)
Tex Britten: from Texas (American)
Mary Yazzie: bitter, beloved, rebelliousness, wished for child, marine, drop of the sea (Aramaic, Hebrew via Latin and Greek)
Shorty Thurmond: a short person (American)
Bet Rawley: god is my oath (Hebrew)
Ed Rawley: wealthy spear, protector, guard, frend (English)
Sheriff Hernandez: son of Hernando (Spanish)
Dirk Valentine: famous ruler (German)
France Humber: free one (French, English)
Meryl Humber: shining sea (English)
Linda Penvellyn: beautiful, pretty, cute OR clean (Spanish/Portugeuse, Italian)
Mrs. Leticia Drake: joy, gladness (Latin)
Jane Penvellyn: god is gracious/merciful (English)
Nigel Mookerjee: champion (Irish, Gaelic)
Ethel Bossiny: noble (English)
Hugh Penvellyn: mind, spirit (English)
Mrs. Petrov: petros-> rock (Greek to Russian)
Emily Crandall: rival, wily, persuasive (Latin, Greek)
Jane Willoughby: god is gracious/merciful (English)
Richard Topham: strong in rule (English, French, German, Czech)
Jim Archer: supplanter (English)
Carson Drew: son of marsh dwellers (Scandinavian)
Gloria Crandall: glory, fame, renown, praise, honor (Latin)
Marion Aborn: star of the sea (French)
Mrs Farthingham: a house supplying food (Scottish)
Josiah Crowley: god has healed (Hebrew)
Lori Girard: bay laurel (English)
Tino Balducci: little, junior (Italian)
Charleena Purcell: free man (German)
John Gray: graced by god (Hebrew)
Jake Hurley: supplanter (Hebrew)
Camille Hurley: helper to the priest (French)
Fatima: captivating, shining one (Arabic)
Minette: star of the sea, love, will helmet, protection (French)
Heather McKay: evergreen flowering plant (Middle English)
Jing Jing Ling: perfect essence (Chinese)
Dieter von Schwesterkrank: army of the people (German)
Jean-Michel Traquenard: god remits (Hebrew)
Lynn Manrique: pond, lake, pool, waterfall (Welsh)
Hugo Butterly: mind (German)
Zu: knowledgeable and voracious reader (French)
Tammy Barnes (Minette): palm tree (Hebrew)
Noisette Tornade: hazelnut (French)
the n*zi will not be appearing on this list
Pua Mapu: flower (Hawaiian)
Big Island Mike Mapu: who is like god, gift from god (Hebrew)
Dr. Quigley Kim: descendant of Coigleach or maybe messy hair (Irish)
Dr. Malachi Craven: messenger of god (Hebrew)
Ollie Randall: olive tree (Latin)
Yanni Volkstaia: god is gracious (Greek)
Bill Kessler: resolute protection (English)
Lou Talbot: renowned warrior (French)
Guadalupe Comillo: river of the wolf (Spanish)
Chantal Moique: stone (French)
Elsa Sibblehoth: pledged to god (German)
Freddie Randall: elf, magical counsel, peaceful ruler (English, German)
Isis: throne (Egyptian)
Henry Bolet Jr.: house ruler (French)
Dr. Gilbert Buford: bright pledge/promise (French)
Lamont Warrick: the mountain (French)
Renee Amande: reborn, born again (French)
Summer: season, half-year (German)
Bruno Bolet: brown (German)
Bernie: strong and brave bear (German, French)
Iggy: fiery (Latin)
Colin Baxter: whelp, cub, young creature (Irish, Scottish, Gaelic)
Margherita Faubourg: daisy (Italian)
Helena Berg: light/bright (Greek)
Enrico Tazza: homeowner, king (Italian)
Antonio Fango: priceless one (Spanish, Italian)
Sophia Leporace: wisdom (Greek)
Kyler Mallory: bowman, archer (Dutch)
Matt Simmons: gift of god (Hebrew)
Kit Foley: bearing Christ (Greek)
Donal Delany: world leader (Scottish)
Alan Payne: precious (German)
Fiona Malloy: white, fair (Gaelic)
RAN - Her Interactive refuses to acknowledge this game and so will I.
Corine Myers: maiden (American)
Danielle Hayes: god is my judge (Latin)
Mel Corbalis: council protector (English)
Megan Vargas: pearl (Greek)
Izzy Romero: god’s promise (Hebrew)
Leela Yadav: play OR night beauty (Sanskrit or Arabic)
Rachel Hubbard: ewe, one with purity (Hebrew)
Kim Hubbard: of the clearing of the royal fortress (Old English)
Rebecca Sawyer (Nancy): join, tie, snare (Hebrew)
Rita Hallowell: pearl (Spanish)
Scott Varnell: from Scotland, a Scotsman (old English)
Debbie Kircum: bee (Hebrew)
Tobias “Frosty” Harlow: god is good (Hebrew)
Chase Releford: to hunt (French)
Shimizu Yumi: reason/cause, beauty; abundant, beauty; evening, fruit; tenderness, beauty (Japanese)
Shimizu Miwako: child of beautiful harmony (Japanese)
Shimizu Kasumi: mist, clear, pure (Japanese)
Nagai Takae: filial piety, obedience and large river (Japanese)
Aihara Rentaro: dependant on kanji used (Japanese)
Savannah Woodham: treeless plain (Spanish)
Karl Weschler: free man, strong man, man, manly (German)
Anja Mittelmeier: grace (German, Russian)
Lukas Mittelmeier: man from Lucanus (German, Greek, Swedish)
Renate Stoller: Reborn (Latin)
Markus Boehm: dedicated to Mars (Latin)
Chief McGinnis: son of Angus (Irish)
Deirdre Shannon: broken hearted, sorrowful (Irish, Gaelic)
Brenda Carlton: sword (Norse)
Alexei Markovic: defender (Russian)
Antonia “Toni” Scallari: priceless, praiseworthy, beautiful (Roman)
Abdullah Bakhoum: servant of Allah (Arabic)
Lily Crewe: lily, a flower
Jamila El-Dine: beauty (Arabic)
Dylan Carter: son of the sea, son of the wave, born from the ocean (Welsh)
Jon Boyle: God is gracious, gift of Jehovah (Hebrew)
Victor Lossett: winner, conqueror (Latin)
Ryan Kilpatrick: descendant of the king, little king (Irish, Gaelic)
Mason Quinto: one who works with stone (English)
Ellie York: shining light (Greek)
Gray Cortright: color, black mixed with white (English)
Niko Jovic: people of victory (Greek, English, Slavic)
Jessalyn Thornton: he sees (Hebrew)
Clara Thornton: clear, bright, famous (Latin)
Wade Thornton: to go, ford (Anglo-Saxon English)
Harper Thornton: harp, son of the harper (Scottish, Irish, English)
Colton Birchfield: swarthy person, coal town, settlement (Old English)
Charlotte Thornton: free man, petite (French)
Addison Hammond: son of Adam, son of Addi (Old English, Scottish)
Alec Fell: defender of the people (English)
Bridget Shaw: power, strength, virtue, vigor, noble or exalted one (Gaelic, Irish)
Ewan Macleod: born of the mountain (Scottish, Gaelic)
Moira Chisholm: destiny, share, fate (English)
Kate Drew: pure (English)
Samantha Quick: listens well, as told by god (Aramaic, Hebrew)
Sonny Joon: son (English)
Patrick Dowsett: nobleman, patrician (Latin)
Leena Patel: young palm tree, tender, delicate (Qunaric Arabic)
Kiri Nind: skin, bark, rind (Māori)
Jin Seung: rise, ascent, victory, excel, inherit (Sino-Korean)
Xenia Doukas: foreigner, outlander, welcomed guest, hospitality (Greek)
Niobe Papadaki: fern (Greek)
Thanos Ganas: immortal (Greek)
Grigor Karakinos: vigilant (Greek)
Melina Rosi: honey, god’s gift (Greek)
Soren Bergursson: severe (Scandinavian) 
Dagny Silva: new day (Old Norse)
Elisabet Grimursdottir: pledged to god (Hebrew)
Magnus Kiljansson: great (Latin)
Gunnar Tonnisson: fighter, soldier, attacker, brave and bold warrior (Nordic)
Burt Eddleton: bright, glorious (Old English)
Alex Trang: man’s defender, warrior (Greek)
Mei Parry: beautiful (Chinese)
Teegan Parry: special thing, little poet (Cornish, Gaelic)
Olivia Ravencraft: olive, olive tree (Latin)
Judge Danforth: hidden ford (Old English) [Last name]
Lauren Corey: laurel tree, sweet of honor, wisdom (English, french)
Alicia Cole: noble natured (Germanic)
Jason Danforth: healer (Greek)
34 notes · View notes
redhawtriot · 5 years
Caught in the Act (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
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So… this is technically like half of the request but I had way too many ideas for this (and its already long as hell. oops). I’m only doing one Bakugou cheating scenario on this page so go big or go home, right?
I also saw that this blog  that I made like two weeks ago has like 100 of you guys following it wtf?! So to celebrate, I’m making my first actual series an interactive one! The following chapters will be very short (besides this one, she thicc), but each will have a question at the end that will determine the events of the next chapter! I made an account on OpinionStage where you guys can vote on through Tumblr, so hopefully at least one of you is excited.
Part two (the other half of this request) is where this fun will begin, so stay whelmed.
Fuck this site for making me repost this :)
Love you guys
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Warning: Don’t read this to your fucking kids
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Essentially, your girls night for the week had been, in lack of better words, a shit show.
The brisk, fall air pierced your skin, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to wrap your arms around yourself for warmth. You didn’t even want to touch your sticky filth.
You just wanted to run home to your Bakugou– he was all the warmth that you needed and more. More than anything, you wanted to forget about the foul man that had assaulted you at your now ex-favorite club.
A frown momentarily sneaked its way onto your face to corrupt the brave expression you had held in front of your girlfriends,
“Hey” you had raised your hands to halt your friend, “Don’t do something ridiculous! I promise I’m alright, Jirou!” You had begged her when she had prepared to fight the man as he grabbed your arms. You had already politely asked him to back away from you after he tried to grind himself against you. He called it dancing—you called it sexual harassment.
The nightclub security had already been watching this man and immediately closed in on him to escort him out of the club as soon as he moved in towards you. But it must not have been fast enough.
Everything happened so rapidly that you could barely blink in time before you were drenched in a sticky liquid. Still, you kept a calm expression on your face. Your friends’ careers as heroes depended on how calmly you acted,
“No, it’s okay! I needed to head home anyway!” you had argued with your girls after the man had thrown his drink at you. You tried to bring a smile onto your face as the slight sting of the alcohol penetrated your eyes, “Bakugou will pick me up,” you blinked heavily.
Of course he wouldn’t pick you up in front of the club.
No, that would just be a disaster waiting to happen.
He would more than likely blow the entire place up once he found out what had transpired.
However, after the fourth failed attempt at calling Bakugou, you had given up. It was honestly a stretch anyway. He barely made it past nine o’ clock most nights, and it was well on its way to midnight. You could see your breath as you gave off a heavy sigh, but you never faltered in your steps.
You just wanted to go home to your man, clean your pathetic ass in a hot shower, and forget other men existed in this world.
You groaned to yourself as you remembered how late your guys’ roommate, Kirishima, would stay up in the front living room playing video games—the same front living room you would have to sneak past to make your way to the sanctuary of your shower.  
You opened the front door as quietly as you could and prodded your, matted, liquor-contaminated head into the threshold of your home. You probably looked like a wild animal as you scrunched your eyebrows and stared at the dark living room for a while before finally building up the courage to tiptoe towards your bathroom.
You didn’t even want to go to your room in fear of interrogation from a very sleepy, very pissed off Bakugou.
Better not poke the bear. Better just wash the stink and sins away and keep it moving like nothing had happened.
Kirishima not being awake on his Xbox for once was a blessing on a normal day, but today it was truly god sent. Hell, even Bakugou not being able to pick you up might have been a blessing in disguise—or so you thought.
As soon as you turned your shower off you heard it– a steady, creaking noise.
“What the fuck?” you whispered to yourself as your face crinkled upwards in disgust. Kirishima hardly ever brought girls home, and when he did, he was as quiet as a mouse with them. In fact, you hardly even knew the women were there until the next morning when they awkwardly wobbled out of the apartment with their heads tucked down.
The pace of the creaking sped up and the smack of the headboard joined in a repetitive thudding, causing you to freeze in place.  Breathless feminine moans joined the little musical number in increasing volume for short while before they became more ‘shrieky’ in nature.
A grimace fell upon your expression, “What the fuck?” you once again mouthed. You quickly snatched your towel and wrapped it around you with haste as you tried to run from the unholy concerto that was being orchestrated in your room.
Your room?
Your room was the room that was connected to the bathroom walls—not Kiri’s.
It was in that moment of realization that you heard the moans return, this time a gruff male voice joined the duet,
“Shit!” The moan was drawn out until it faded into a heavy, guttural groan.
You paused again as your heart dropped deeply into your chest. You stretched your hearing and waited for his voice to appear again over her constant whines, “Just like that, baby,” his voice reemerged as he groaned deeply. Your heart harshly reminded you of its existence as it lurched suddenly.
That sounded like Bakugou.
But it had to be a mistake. You rehearsed this thought repeatedly as you sped to your room as quietly as you could—your mind racing even faster than your legs. Your Bakugou was sound asleep in his bed like he was this time of night every night. He was sound asleep and stretched out on his side of the bed with the lights off and with a sock thrown over the flashing light of his work desk computer—he hated that light at night.
You faltered as your hand stuttered uncontrollably toward your door handle. Bakugou’s never even looked at another woman before. It took him years to throw even you, his current fiancé, a second glance. He would never in a million years be on the other side of this door with another woman making those ungodly sounds.
Sounds you hadn’t heard in months.
It had to be Kirishima you tried to convince yourself as you gently twisted the door handle, ‘Please god, he just went into the wrong room,’ you prayed as you threw the door open.
Every single muscle in your body froze as you ingested the sight in front of you—your heart included.
You caught the tail end of their act, and you could only watch in complete disgust as the muscles of your beloved’s back violently contracted in sweat glistened pulses.
The woman made horrified eye contact with you as she was being pinned against your grandmother’s dresser, yet she couldn’t fight the last moan that ripped itself from her, her legs spasming as Bakugou’s flesh smacked into hers for a final time.
He desperately pressed himself into her like he was trying to become her, “Fuck,” he groaned into her neck. You noticed his nails dig deeply into her raised wrists as his hips rashly stuttered to a stop, “Don’t clench around me like that, babe. Relax.” His shaky breath demanded.
The woman looked far from relaxed, “H-Hey!” she anxiously tapped his shoulder, trying to warn him of their impending doom. Her wide eyes were still fixated on your ever-growing livid ones.
“BAKUGOU!” You screeched. The relaxed emotion that you had so desperately tried to keep plastered onto your face that night completely shattered as you angrily marched up to him and snatched the back of his hair, “You bastard!!”
As you yanked downward, he surprisingly fell to the ground, disconnecting with the other slut on trial as they both flew to the ground.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” he yelled as his body heavily thudded into the ground.
“That’s my line, you fucking jackass!” you felt your voice crack. Everything hurt. There was pressure in the back of your eyes, the front of your chest, your legs, your throat, your toes, your everything. Everything in your body felt weak under your boiling blood as if you were about to explode.
“Y-Y/N…?” you saw his trademark pissed off expression drop to an unfamiliar one as his eyes finally adjust to you in the darkness of the room. It must have resided in an area between fear and sadness.
You fought the unruly emotions that threatened to take control over your body as you clenched your fist.
Fuck him. He doesn’t get to be sad.
“What?? Were you expecting someone else!?” you spat as you roughly kicked one of his nearby feet, “You probably were expecting more company, you whore,”
No response.
You dug your nails deep into the palm of your hands as if it would somehow release the excruciating pressure that you were feeling.
The woman’s meek voice suddenly broke the extreme silence you all shared, “I-I’m gonna g—”
“GO!” you angrily whipped yourself around to her before grabbing the nearest item that you could, “You dumb bitch! You’re lucky I don’t fuck you up too!” You threw the item as you cursed, not even bothering to know what it was.
It barely missed the naked girl and loudly shattered against one of your walls as she scurried towards the door. You went to reach for another object from your grandmothers’ dresser, promising that you wouldn’t miss this time, but you froze as you found yourself in the mirror connected to the dresser.
You hadn’t realized in your rage that you were crying until you saw your tear-soaked face in the dark reflection. You tried so hard to keep yourself together. You prided yourself on being level-headed in stressful situations, but you were far from level-headed. You were conceited to ever even try to take on that persona.
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you could only lament about how pathetic you looked—how pathetic you were.
“I…I’m such an idiot!” you painfully gripped at your hair as you fell into your knees in front of the man you loved. Heavy sobs tore themselves free of your burning throat. You heaved yourself forward into your lap in a failed attempted to catch them, but it was too late.
“I don’t… know what to say.” Bakugou finally spoke up, his face completely flipped upside down from its usual tenseness.
Of course.
Out of all of the times you wanted this loud-mouthed jerk to shut up, now is when he is at a loss for words.
You couldn’t help the small laugh that fell from your lips.
“I don’t see what’s so fucking funny?” he angrily retorted, as he stumbled to make his way up. You were suddenly met with his member being swung at your eye level as you stayed crouched onto the ground. That’s when you noticed–
He didn’t even have a condom on.
He made you get tested for STDs and pregnancy before he even had sex with you with a condom.
“I don’t know where that thing has been,” He had said then. It wouldn’t be until months later when you had started birth control when he had finally decided to risk sex without latex protection. The memory jolted an unexpected emotion from you as your chest bobbed from an oncoming laugh.
“G-get out.” You laughed again, tears still steadily falling from your face. You probably looked absolutely psychotic right now, but it was like all of the emotions that you had been stifling all these years had resurfaced with a vengeance. You struggled to drag yourself to stand so that you wouldn’t have to look at his still wet dick.
You continued to laugh and cry as Bakugou stared at you, his expression becoming disgruntled from the disturbing sight,
“What the fuck is wrong wi—”
“Get. OUT!!” you angrily interrupted him as you roared into his face. He blinked spastically in response as the shock of the altercation finally began to sink into his decelerated mind.
His heart sank, ‘What did I just do?’ He racked his brain as he tried to remember all of the events that had taken place to lead him to this moment, but the world seemed to be spinning ferociously, shaking up and mixing the timeline of the night.
He was plucked from his thoughts as he caught a glimpse of your face in the darkness of the room.
Why were you looking at him like you hated his existence—like if you could disintegrate his body with your eyes, you would. For the first time in years, Bakugou felt hot tears tingle against the back of his eyes, “Y/N, I…” his voice became stuck in his chest as his heart gave sudden jolt, “I’m so s–”
His chest became tight as you whipped away from him and silently threw a pointed finger towards the door.
He stumbled back a few feet as if you had just thrown a physical attack his way.
After a few moments of watching you hold the same position, he noticed you had started to cry again as your rocking shoulders lurched forward.
His face fell even further into the expression of despair before he froze. He could fix this if you would just let him, dammit!
He growled in annoyance at your ignoring him before he finally thawed his body, “FINE!” he yelled at you before smacking your pointed hand out to the way so that he could stagger out of the room. He loudly slammed the door shut, leaving you alone with your deafening thoughts.
You immediately dropped back to the ground before you curled yourself up into a ball and released painful sobs.
You had absolutely no fear that he would catch you in this state. His pride would never allow him to come back after storming out like that.
However on the other side of the door, Bakugou had already turned back around. Instant guilt had created a cacophony of loud feelings in his mind. How could he have hurt you like that?
The thought caused his heart to thrum and his hands to flinch away from the door handle; however, he strengthened his resolve and firmly grasped the handle once more until suddenly–
“BAKU-BROOOOO!” Kirishima’s booming voice could be heard moments before the front door was slammed open and bounced against your living room wall, “Ya made it back alive, man! We were all worried about you after you disappeared…” he slurred as he fumbled over to his best friend like a toddler taking his first steps.
Bakugou couldn’t find it in himself to reply to the redhead as the latter threw himself at him with a hearty laugh. The laugh, however, came to an abrupt end as Kirishima stared blankly at Bakugous face, “Hey… wha’s wrong, best buddy? Holy hell, w-why are you crying?!” he loudly whispered. A loud rumble could be heard before Kirishima violently gagged, releasing the contents of his stomach.
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windup-dragoon · 4 years
|| FFXIV write - 2020
|| Prompt #15 - Ache
|| Post ShB - Some years later
|| Kirishimi lore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eyriwolk and Lynawyb are Kiri’s adoptive parents who have been missing since the fall of Dalamud
|| Word Count: 2,154
|| In which the Stray becomes broken 
>>> Warning!!!! This piece involves mention of slavery, torture, blood, bodily injury and death!!!!!!!! 
Many types of ache exist in the world. 
From the physical ache of old injuries - 
His hands, so gnarled and broken over the years, no longer able to thread the line of a fishing pole. Scar tissue marred his face and pulls at the corner of his lip; his back is more broken skin then muscle any more. The once welcomed breeze off the ocean now stings at his injuries and gives him reason to shiver that evening. 
He was forced to his knees beneath the glow of a single lantern, a motion that had him murmuring with pain. The years had not been kind to the old captain, the scars that disfigured him could attest. But a hissed growl from the Roegadyn woman at his side had silenced him. 
She had promised him freedom. Spoken of his hearts true desire, the only dreams he still clung to so hopelessly in the middle of the night when sleep was outside his grasp. She was not a kind woman, but what else did he have to lose? He was a broken, lonely man, patiently waiting for death to claim him. Oh the sweet embrace it would be; at least he would be reunited with those who had parted before him. 
But this offer? This once in a lifetime chance? He saw no other option than to reach for it with both mangled hands. Just maybe it would be enough to breathe life into him once more; to rekindle a spark that had been snuffed out years ago. Time and time again the little flame in his thundering heart had left him. He has suffered so much loss. 
“Twelve, please...” He whimpered brokenly to any deity that would hear him. “Give me this at least...” 
Just as his captor rose to her feet, a massive ax clutched in her hands, footsteps echoed. 
They were along the coastal region of La Noscea to be sure, some long abandoned port that was previously overrun with carnivorous beasts. What were once pristine white buildings were now dilapidated skeletons. The only light casting long shadows was the swaying lantern, rocking listlessly in the breeze. The ebb and flow of the tide beneath the dock seemed to fade with the approach of the stranger; everyone in his company, including himself, held their breath. 
From the darkness she emerged, stepping cautiously into the pool of color and light. The dock creaked beneath her footfalls. And all at once, Eyriwolk choked on a strangled gasp. 
Snowy white hair glittered beneath the faint lanterns glow; familiar mismatched eyes widening as she looked him over. He would know this girl from a crowd of thousands and it made his broken heart swim for the first time in many moons. 
Caution was thrown to the wind as the ran the short distance between them, the jetty beneath them all swaying in the tide. Although shackled still as he was, he raised his bound arms to catch her as she hurled herself to her knees before him, her own arms immediately thrown around his neck. 
Scars along the length of his neck and scattered across his now thin shoulders kept him from feeling the sting of tears falling, staining his already tattered and dingy shirt. But he felt her sobs in the way her shoulders hitched; he could hear it in her broken hiccuped voice. His own tears welled and crested over his swollen cheeks. 
His daughter. His sweet, beloved daughter. 
She had grown since the last he laid eyes on her. From a little pup with a permanent scowl, to a beautiful young woman. He had never known such pride until now. 
The woman pulled herself from him, taking his too thin shoulders in her hands and looked him over with bleary eyes. 
“Da’...” There was hurt in her voice as she took in what the years without her had done to him. Once a powerful Roegadyn himself, who could eat supper for two without batting an eye and sang sea shanties well into the night with his crew; now little more than skin, bone, and pain. 
“She said I could see ya’ again, lass.” Eyri choked on his own voice, the smile on his lips hurting his cheeks. How long had it been since last he smiled? 
With this, mismatched eyes lifted from his to stare up at the company he shared. 
There had been three others in total. The ax wielding mountain of a woman, Eyri had to double take at the resemblance she shared with his own daughter. A hyuran woman, young and frail who hadn’t spoken a word since they had taken him from his handlers. The way her eyes seemed vacant had unnerved him dearly. And the third, a Garlean man. However, he was more machine and technology than man any longer. Magitek parts kept him together like some old broken toy, a patchwork of metal and weeping flesh. 
The roe woman moved between them, her ax breaking their reunion. 
Kiri reeled back on her heels, not quite knocked back but still unsettled. “Yer letter,” his daughter ground out as she rose to her feet. So tall she had become, no longer the little pup he had found stranded on some island out at sea. “Ya’ wanted ta’ bargain?” 
Her eyes shift between the company. Eyri feels his stomach churn as the conversation begins to fill in the missing pieces he lacked. Why would anyone free a slave to reunite him with lost family? Kindness? Not in this cruel world. 
But he had been desperate to see her. At least one last time. 
It was the Garlean that advanced next, his movements mechanical and jittery. “My my! You’ve grown!” He announced with a voice filled to the brim with joy and happiness. Did he know Kirishimi? Had Eyri’s assumptions of her past been accurate all these years? 
Was Kirishimi Garlean? 
But Kiri crossed her arms, shifting her weight from one foot to the other impatiently. “Sorry, mate, but have we met?” Before she receives an answer, she moves on to her next question. “What do you want?” 
“Ah, you waste no time I see. Fair enough.” The Garlean man reaches a hand for Eyriwolk’s head, patting ever so softly at his now silver touched hair. If he had been stronger, younger, Eyri would have taken that hand and cast the man into the ocean in one swift motion. Instead he deigned to grimace. “A trade, my dear Warrior of Light.” 
Eyri’s stomach falls. His blood runs cold as ice. His round eyes stare blankly up at his daughter, her stony features and furrowed brow only causing his heart to thunder like drums in his ears. “No-” 
“You, for your fathers freedom.” 
“No!” Eyri finds his voice at last and calls out with a boom that shakes his core and echoes along the forgotten stonework of the ruined port. His eyes search hers although she does not remove her fixated stare from the Garlean before her. “Kirishimi, you bull headed- Don’t’cha DARE think-” 
It is the sound of metal grinding metal that stops him cold. The blade of an ax drags across his shackles, just shy of taking fingers. A practiced swing or a lucky miss; no matter which, the action had startled both he and Kirishimi. 
There’s a feral look to her mismatched eyes as she glares and snarls at the roe woman. “Bitch-” 
“Not my name,” The woman sighs casually and hefts the ax over her shoulder. “But nice guess.” 
“Ladies! Please!” The mechanical man steps to the other side of them. “Lani, take a seat and cool off for a moment, hm?” 
There’s a groan of protest, but the woman abides and marches out of Eyri’s sight, no doubt alongside the other girl lurking in the shadows at the edge of the dock. 
“Look at your father, dear. The man who raised you. Took you in and cared for you.” The man kneels beside Eyri now, grabbing him forcefully by the chin and tilting his head back. He squints against the light of the lantern but sees the concern glittering in Kiri’s eyes. The tears beginning to shimmer beneath her thick lashes. “He hasn’t much life left to him. Refuse and he will be returned at once to the slaver that neglects him.” 
Eyri tries to plead with Kirishimi but his voice is lost to the Garlean man. 
“Where’s Lynawyb?” She asks at last, tearing herself to look away from him. “The letter said-” 
“Ah. There was a... lack of communication, to put it simply. At the time the missive had been sent, we had the full intention to return both your parents to you.” He says this sorrowfully, as if truly apologizing for the misunderstanding. 
Eyri’s heart echoes with a hollow thump in his chest. His wife... His wife... 
Kiri lurches forward and grabs the collar of the mans shirt, dragging him to his feet despite the weight of his metal parts. Her lips curl back as a snarl fills the night air. “Where is she?!” 
But the man is once more unaffected and merely chuckles. “...Why not ask your father? Eyriwolk, be a sport and tell her?” 
Her grip loosens and the man slips away as her eyes slide back down to Eyriwolk. Her lips tremble even as her jaw slackens. “...What?” 
“Gods, please!” Eyri fights through a sob that makes his throat hoarse. He casts his eyes away, shaking, his whole body shaking. “She shouldn’t have’ta hear it.” The memory will always be fresh in his mind. From the scent of ash and smoke, to the wails and cries echoed on the wind. 
But without telling her, Eyriwolk has already shown her. 
Kiri crouches suddenly with a hand to her temple. 
Lynawyb, his beloved wife... The woman she called mother... 
Eyriwolk’s last memory of her is of a frail woman cradled in his arms. Crimson blossoms across her apron. Blood splutters in her mouth and spills over her lip as she stares up at her husband with hopeful, broken eyes. She had been cut down in an attempt to free themselves, and others, from their hell. Countless others lay motionless around them while the house of their captor burned. 
“Don’t’cha cry....” Lyna had whispered. “I’ll go see... Fraethota first... I’m sure she’s waitin’...” Trembling as she was, the dying woman clutches her husbands hand. “...A-And if you see her.... Tell our little pup.... Her ma’ loves her....” 
To the ache of the heart- 
Hours had come and gone. She tried to drown out the pain as her lip was split from a punch; desperate to busy her mind with thoughts of Hien and the others as she heard her arm snap and Lani curse her to the Hells and back. 
His coronation was only days away. He had been a child at a carnival with excitement for it as he and his company delighted in the details of the festivities they would have. He would be King or Emperor or something along those lines, Kiri couldn’t focus long enough to remember which it was... But she knew he would be perfect for the job. He would do his father and mother proud while ruling Doma. But... he would have to do it alone. 
Kiri tried to forget the events that transpired only hours ago before she had been thrown like cargo onto an airship. The trade agreement had been complete, she should have been elated. Her father was a free man once more. It would be a shell of a life, broken as he was... But what better gift was there than freedom? 
The chains at her wrist rattle and slither across the floorboards as she lays herself down. Lani had exhausted herself for the evening, talk of resuming her punishment in the morning was the last Kiri had heard before she slammed the door to her cell and locked it. 
A sob, painful as it was to even breathe, ripped through Kiri as she lay curled in on herself, knees to her stomach and shackled hands buried against her drumming heart. The echo had granted her one last chance to see Lynawyb alive. All she had ever wanted for all these lonesome years was to know her family was still breathing and living... but what sort of life had that been? How long had Lynawyb been waiting for rescue? How many nights had she stared up helplessly at an expanse of star dusted sky and wished on every falling star for her freedom? Just how many nights... did Lynawyb dream of the day the Warrior of Light... her own daughter... save her from her misery? 
She had been a coward for not searching for them all these years. Fear of what she might find had kept her from investing herself to the task... And now? 
She paid the price... 
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audacity-city · 6 years
Soap Suds - Werewolf!Kirishima x Reader
A/n: This is definitely based off of @thetrashyartwitch Werewolf!Kirishima x reader mini series she’s been working on recently. I’m in love, and I know tons of other people are as well, so we came up with a whole bunch of headcanons for it and this was birthed from the combined creativity. I hope you enjoy, my requests are open, and feel free to leave comments as well!
Warnings: Mild Cursing. All characters are 18+!
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Living with a dog, that’s one thing. Living with a werewolf? That’s not only a different subject, but a different planet! That fact seemed nearly literal to, seeing as there were endless differences between you and your beloved Kirishima. Several were painfully obvious, you lacked a tail, ears, and the ability to change into a dog upon viewing the full moon. There were some that were not so obvious, though, and to you those were some of the better ones (even if Kirishima’s ears were super soft).
They way you slept for example, although it had begun to change over time, for the both of you. Kiri liked to ball himself up, knees nearly tucked all the way to his chest, arms filling the space in between them. You however, slept any way you could get comfortable, depending on the temperature or what part of your body seemed to ache that day from your tedious desk job.
Another thing that was (highly amusing) yet slightly different? How you viewed different interactions, verbal or physical. Especially physical. Kirishima saw no problem in giving physical displays of affection or gratitude, taking all opportunities to wrap you in a comfortably crushing hug, or patting your head when he was proud of you. He also seemed fairly fond of just resting his own head on top of yours, or you forearm, or you leg, just whatever was available and comfortable at the current point in time would suffice. You yourself became comfortable with allowing your fingers to traverse his vibrant hair, never giving a second thought about lightly scratching the base of his exceedingly soft ears.
When it came to Kirishima learning about different things he could do to help you out around the house, seeing as he couldn’t really go out and work to help support your home, he was more than willing...but that didn’t mean he was always had complete successes. The first incident occurred when you were trying to teach him how to shower by himself. While he was still a dog for a few short periods of time, you would bathe him yourself, and before this, you had first attempted to just scrub him down with a wash rag, seemingly forgetting that, in his human form, he could just take a shower.
This series of thoughts is why had lead you to your current predicament.
“So I’m just supposed to willingly get into a container full of water? That sounds fake,” Kiri gave you a skeptical look, glancing back at the bathtub full of water. You had tried to make it seem more enticing by adding your favorite bubble bath, but Kirishima didn’t seem to have any more of an inclination to it that way either.
“And you can’t drink it either. You’ll get sick.” You pointed a finger at him knowingly, the memory of poor Kirishima trying to help you do the dishes once flashing through your mind. The poor guy had taken a plate from you, that wasn’t completely rinsed off, and licked up a mouthful of soap. He didn’t help you do the dishes for a while, was all you had to say on the matter.
“And remind me why you can’t take a “bath” with me? I’m going to forget half of the steps you told me to do by the time I actually start man.” He was pouting now, pulling at you heart strings. Maybe there was a way to make that work? You tapped you index finger against your lip, trying to think of a solution. You smiled to yourself, giving Kiri a pat on the arm before jogging out of the bathroom and towards you shared room.
“Give me a second, I think I have an idea!”
He could hear you giggling as your feet padded against the floor. Kiri waited patiently, curious to see what you had come up with. He always loved how you had the oddest ideas and solutions when it came to teaching him things.
Kirishima hadn’t realized he was lost in thought, until he was suddenly looking straight down into your (e/c) orbs, rather than at the floor. You held out a pair of weird shorts to him, which he examined quizzically before realizing you were also wearing two pieces of clothing made from the same smooth fabric.
You felt like a genius for not coming to this realization earlier. Obviously, the easiest way to teach Kiri would be to show him, but you hadn’t figured out the easiest way to do that quite yet, but the answer had been so blatantly obvious! Swimsuits, while a bit showing, were the easiest way for you to accomplish the task at hand. You would do it just this once, and Kiri would be able to get a step by step instruction on how to shower or bathe by himself. You tossed the swim shorts onto his head, sliding back through the door.
“Change out of your clothes and put those on, so let me know when you’re done, and I’ll come back in, alright?”
Kirishima nodded at you, lifting the shorts from his head to peek out at you as you made your way out of the bathroom again. You were so proud of yourself for preemptively buying him a pair of swim shorts, since you had been considering maybe taking him to the lake one evening to teach him how to swim, but you hadn’t had the time to do it quite yet. This would work for now, too, though.
Kirishima opened the door, a large smile spread across his handsome features, his sharp teeth on display. You giggled to yourself at the pattern that adorned the pair of swim trunks. They were a simple, but you knew when you had seen them that Kirishima would love them unconditionally. It seemed you were right. The shorts featured a simple ocean wave pattern, with different shades of blue for each no strip of waves, but on the left thigh of the shorts, was a cute cartoon shark with its own pointy teeth bared in a smile. Kiri pointed down at the shark, and then back up to himself excitedly, “(y/n), he looks like me! Well, sort of anyway!”
You covered your mouth to try to stifle the laughter bubbling from within, but Kirishima saw right through you. He moved forward, happily wrapping his arms around your shoulders in a tight hug, resting his head atop yours easily.
“I don’t understand why I have to wear these, but I don’t even care, I love them! They’re so manly!” Kiri nuzzled his head against yours excitedly, continuing to hold you close. You smiled into his chest, hands unintentionally rubbing the skin of his back in response. “I’m glad you like them Kiri, I hoped you would.”
You pulled away from the warmth that was Kirishima, realization dawning on your face. “Well, we’re going to have to take a shower instead of a bad, we both won’t fit into the bathtub together.”
With that being said, you moved past Kirishima, draining the tub and starting the shower instead once the tub was empty again. You turned the temperature up pretty warm, knowing from previous endeavors that Kiri like to be bathed in pretty warm water, before turning to face him.
“Well, after you!”
Showering with Kiri was interesting, to say the least. He was really curious about all the different products you had, and of course he had to smell each one before he used it himself. You had taken the liberty to go out any buy him his own shampoo and body wash, figuring he didn’t particularly want to use your sweet smelling products. He did like to be “manly” after all. It was hysterical watching him mimic your actions, eyes wide with curiosity while he rubbed face wash into his skin in small circular motions.
“Kiri, you’re going to have to close your eyes, or you’ll get soap in them, you dork!” You closed your own eyes, rubbing face was gently over your brow bones and eyelids. When your face felt clean enough you gathered water from the stream of the shower head and rinsed the soap from your skin. When your eyes finally blinked open you could see Kirishima just standing before you, soap still on his jaw and forehead in bubbly masses.
“Did I get it all (y/n)?” He questioned, looking to you for assistance. You shook your head at him, cupping your hands to catch more water. “No honey, not quite.” The two of you burst into a fit of laughter as you splashed the handful of water up at Kirishima, the rest of the suds effectively washed away by your attack.
Kirishima splashed water back at you, the two of you continuing like that for some time before the two of you were leaning against one another, enjoying the warmth of the water together. Your breathing had finally returned to normal, and you let out a final laugh as you reached for you shampoo bottle. Popping the cap, you squirted the lightly tinted substance onto your head with a smile. The familiar smell brought a smile to your face, but you hadn’t noticed the matching one on Kirishima’s face as he watched you replace the bottle onto the small corner shelf. You went to raise your hands to your head, but Kiri caught them in his own before they could make it to their destination.
“Let me try?”
The heat that quickly spread across your cheeks betrayed you, and you silently cursed yourself. Were you not used to Kiri’s affectionate and helpful nature at this point, how could you not be? You noticed Kiri was looking at you expectantly, waiting for your answer, and it took all you had just to nod your head at him, quietly giving him permission to wash your hair for you.
Kirishima was always gentle with you, afraid of accidentally hurting you, but he took even more care to avoid that as he massaged the shampoo into your hair. The way you were gazing up at him had his heart melting into a puddle, and he couldn’t help but stare. You had tilted your head back a little and closed your eyes, a precaution to prevent soap getting into your bright (e/c) eyes. Like this, Kirishima could look at you all he wanted, committing your features to memory. The slope of the bridge of your nose, the shape of your brows, the curve of your jaw. Everything about you had enticed him since the first day you two had met, that day at the animal shelter. He had been there so long that he had begun to lose hope that someone would ever rescue him from that dark place, and then you appeared.
Your presence had been light, and you smelled so sweet that it almost made him whine from within the kennel he was locked in. You had looked at him with some kind of wonder in your eyes, and at that moment, unbeknownst to Kirishima, you had already chosen him. When the caretaker had opened the door he couldn’t help but wag his tail and jump towards you, and action that would likely have scared most potential adopters off, but you wanted nothing more than you reach out and pet the new addition to your home. You were probably more excited than he was, he had no doubt in his mind about it.
The memory was so fond to Kirishima, and had become so vivid in his mind’s eye that he didn’t realize that, once again, you were staring right back up at him. The heat that had previously plagued your features now spread across Kirishima’s as well. You seemed to notice this, and gave him a shy smile, unable to prevent the deepening blush on your own face. You tilted your head into the stream of water, allowing Kiri’s fingers to slip from you (h/c) locks and brush down your arms as you shifted your body away from his.
The sudden distance was creating a pain in Kirishima’s chest, and he couldn’t help but close the distance once more, wrapping his arms around your stomach from behind. You jumped, head turning quickly to glance at the redhead, “Kiri what are you-”
“(Y/n), I love you.”
You couldn’t remember what you were about what ask Kirishima before, new questions circling through you mind in a wave of panic. “You...what?”
“I didn’t stutter. I said, I love you.”
You sighed deeply, a sound so foreign to Kirishima’s ears, turning your head to face the shower wall. “I don’t think you understand what your saying Kiri…” You whispered, your voice trailing off into silence, the sound of the showering running the only sound filling the small space. Kirishima couldn’t believe this, how could you not believe his words? He had never lied to you, and would never dream of doing so, so why would you mistake his intentions?
Kirishima leaned down, hooking his chin onto your shoulder, an action so common between the two of you now, and he could feel you tilt your head into his.
“(Y/n), I know what I’m saying, and I know what it means. I think I’m in love with you.” When had you started holding your breath? You didn’t know the answer to your question, but you couldn’t breath as Kirishima continued speaking quietly into your ear. “How could I not be? You’ve accepted me for everything that I am, allowed me into your home, and into your life. You’re the center of my attention at all times, even when you’re not home, all I can think about it you.”
Kirishima nuzzled his forehead against your neck, hiding his face from you, quickly becoming embarrassed at the words that were spewing freely from his lips.
“You saved me (y/n), and for that I’m so grateful. I’ll keep telling you until you believe me, too. I love you, with everything I have.”
As Kiri’s rambling had continued, your eyes continuously widened. Did he not know how you felt, was the dork of a man beside you that oblivious to how he affected you?
“Kiri?..” You could feel your voice shaking, but you couldn’t help how your nerves affected you. “I-I love you too, you dork!” You stated adamantly, turning to wrap your arms around him as well, needing to feel him in your arms, needing to know that this wasn’t some kind of sick dream.
Kirishima only held onto you tighter, nearly suffocating you, but you didn’t care. Your head came up from his chest and the pair of you locked eyes. The close proximity had never really bothered you before, only made you nervous, but now all you felt was adoration for the man before you. You leaned forward, pressing your lips to the wet skin of his cheek, then the tip of his nose, and finally his lips. He met you halfway there, closing his eyes as he had seen the actors in the sappy romance movies the two of you had watched.
The feeling of Kirishima’s lips on your made you feel elated, but you still needed to consume oxygen, and that was difficult enough with how tightly he held your smaller frame, let alone with your lips locked to his. You pulled back and Kiri tilted downwards to rest his forehead against your own. A snort escaped you as you came to the realization of how long you’d been in the shower, the water beginning to run cold against your skin a telltale sign of the passage of time.
“I think we should get out, we’ve both turned into prunes,” you continued to laugh, turning off the shower and pulling back the curtain.
“Plus, I have to cook you dinner still, don’t I? How’s steak sound, huh?”
“Oh hell yeah!”
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 208: [S] Bakugou: Win and rescue.
Previously on BnHA: Teams BakuJirouSeroSatou and TokaBondoAwaKama began the 4th round battle. Over on the sidelines, Aizawa chided his students for not being as strategic as class B, while All Might said that class A hadn’t yet shown everything they were capable of. Anyway, so Bakugou’s strategy consisted of “let’s just charge at them while Jirou keeps an ear out”, which predictably resulted in them running into an ambush. Class B’s Bondo used his glue quirk to try and entrap the group, but Bakugou stopped him, which was fairly impressive considering that he was also battling Tokage’s various amputated body parts which were all attacking him like Buggy the Clown because quirks are fucking absurd you guys. Anyway, so then Kamakiri from class B dove in to attack Jirou. But as All Might and Deku looked on, thinking flashbacky thoughts about the whole “win by saving people and save people in order to win” thing, Bakugou dove in to intercept Kamakiri’s attack.
Today on BnHA: We learned that Bakugou’s strategy of “let’s just kick their asses” also included a supplemental strategy of “and if you guys get in trouble I’ll save you.” Everyone on the sidelines is like “whaaaaat!” and Monoma nearly has an aneurysm, poor kid. Bakugou says he wants a perfect victory, meaning 4-0 with everyone unscathed. He heads after the fleeing Bondo, only to be ensnared in a trap by Awase. But then Satou busts him free, and we learn that Bakugou’s plan also included a second supplemental strategy of “and if I’m in trouble you guys save me.” In short, this kid has finally learned teamwork, and within the span of about two minutes, Sero and Jirou take out Awase, Satou restrains Bondo, Bakugou KOs Kamakiri, and then with the help of the others -- using Sero’s tape and his grenades -- he takes out Tokage as well. Anyways, you guys know I don’t like to exaggerate, but this is the best chapter in the history of time, and now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to go pick up my “Congrats on winning the manga, son, you make me proud each and every day” cake. Peace.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 224, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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wow, seeing it from this angle I can appreciate just how close that was. Bakugou had to blast himself in between Kama and Jirou with incredible precision and with barely any time to think, let alone pull it off. Satou didn’t even manage to turn around in the same span of time
(ETA: Satou actually makes this panel look like some kind of renaissance painting and it’s hilarious.)
not to mention from this view you can see how close-range that shot actually was. like how is Kamakiri even alive
oh I see, he blocked it with his swords
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you know. because explosions are famously weak against swords
also, “concludes”? already?? like, we’ve barely even gotten started. damn Bakugou, do you have an appointment or something after this? is your coach going to turn back into a pumpkin or what
oh hey
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so the saving them part was so important you went and made it an Official Part Of Your Plan, huh. wow. when this kid commits to something, he fucking commits
but we already knew that, didn’t we. he has always been like that. putting 100% into everything. aiming for the top. it’s just that for the first time, we’re seeing that determination aimed in the right direction. or well, not to say that he was aiming in the wrong direction before, but it’s more like his destination was a bit too narrow-minded. and now he’s finally seeing the full picture of what a hero needs to be, the kind of person he needs to become. so now, imagine this tenacity applied toward the aim of keeping the world safe. he is gonna do it. people will know that’s a fucking promise. that is how you become someone that people can put their trust in
basically this boy is going to kill it when it comes to heroing. this chapter has barely even started and already I’m so fucking proud. future numero uno right here. the Symbol of Victory. fuck yeah
anyway I should stop gushing over Bakugou’s character development so I can finish the chapter. I’m sure I’ll break down like six more times to gush some more anyway. probably
so Bakugou is all “you blocked it, eh?” in that manner of his that’s both acknowledging and insulting
yeah Bakugou. he blocked it with a sword. you know. how swords do. I’m sorry, I still can’t get over this lol. it’s like a medieval knight against a fucking bazooka
but anyway, so when in doubt, simply blow them up again right?
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lol now that’s more like it. “you blocked it” smdh. for fuck’s sake
lol now Kama is turning tail and thinking “avoid fighting Bakugou head-on. if that happens, retreat immediately!”
and yeah, that’s a valid strategy
now we’re cutting to our audience!
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first of all there was no kick, Kaminari. wtf are you talking about
(ETA: thank you @asukaskerian for pointing out that this is referring to him shoving Jirou out of the way with his foot in the previous chapter. I swear I reread that half a dozen times trying to see if he kicked Kamakiri and it never even occurred to me that it might’ve been Jirou instead lol.)
and second, what exactly is your angle here, Monoma? are you attempting to mock Bakugou for... doing the right thing? being a good person?? did he throw you for a loop. do you need a moment to collect yourself
lol Kirishima
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every now and then this kid just blows me away though. like, obviously he knows there’s nothing wrong with Monoma’s eyes! so a line like “your eyes are working fine” would normally carry an undercurrent of passive-aggressiveness in a situation like this! you know, like “okay but that’s my bro, dude. so if you’re about to try and make fun of his hard-earned character development, I’m gonna need you to step the fuck off right now”
but because it’s Kirishima, he somehow impossibly manages to deliver this line without any bitchiness. he’s defending Bakugou while at the same time subtly telling Monoma to back down, but somehow he still keeps everything friendly. this is genuinely amazing to me, and I’m sincerely jealous of how effortless he makes this look
lol Monoma
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okay I’m starting to think he may not actually have had an angle and his entire worldview has in fact just been shattered
it’s okay Monoma, you can still maintain your beloved rivalry with class A even if they are actually lovely people who have been nothing but kind to you and now even their last bastion of ill-mannered and bratty behavior is turning out to be an upstanding citizen. a little friendly competition never hurt anyone
awwww Kiri
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I still want Bakugou to have a gets-hurt-saving-someone moment also, but so far he’s been too damn competent. still, the dream is alive! I love this manga
anyway! so back to the boy in question!
Jirou is all “thanks” and he’s all “shut your mouth!” lmao
see, you have to be able to speak Bakugou. what he means is “forget about it, just stay focused.” which they know! doesn’t mean they can’t still get annoyed by it, of course, but his classmates understand him by this point I think
haha my boyyyy
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look at their faces. “a hero is someone who brings reassurance.” well I don’t know what you would call this, but I’d say they all look pretty damn assured right now
and yet, the tiny beads of sweat. because there’s always that flash of hesitation that’s like “oh no, I’m being inspired by Bakugou. is this okay. quick, moral alignment check. we still good?”
but once they realize that yeah, they are, they can’t help but feel the same excitement as him. fuck yeah, let’s do this. let’s beat this challenge. let’s win the day. let’s get stronger
(ETA: and this is also what I was talking about yesterday about his smile being contagious. because it is, though. and also do you remember way back in chapter 106 when Aizawa was talking about how he and Deku inspire the rest of the class and get them all hyped up? about how “they infected the rest of the class with their passion and fervor”? fucking this, though. I love this so much.)
oh my poor class B
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this is not actually a strategy. this is them straight up acknowledging they can’t beat Bakugou and saying “well we’ll just keep trying and hope it works out”
and what bits of strategy they do have appear to be entirely focused on him only
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like, this doesn’t even make sense. first of all, the fact that they’re following his lead is a strength, not a weakness. every good combat unit needs a leader. in fact I’d argue that was something the previous class A teams messed up to some degree
and second, just because he is leading them though doesn’t mean they’ll just fall apart without him. if you think that you’re gonna have another thing coming
basically this is just a lot of wishful thinking which is unfortunately heavily reliant on exploiting a bug that was fixed in the Bakugou 2.0 release. sorry Tokage. you guys are fuuuuucked
anyway so Jirou’s trying to hear what they’re up to, but it’s difficult with all of Tokage’s interference. but she says there’s less of the Tokage Noise than there was before though
so the others assume that means they’re regrouping for another attack
yeah Baku they’re trying to wear you down and trick you into making a mistake or something. then step 2: ?? and step three: profit. idk
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I want to ruffle his hair so bad. this might not be a normal person’s response to a panel like this. I’m aware, but this is how I live you guys
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at first I was like “the hell are you doing” but boy he’s got good eyes
also I fucking love the ZOOM effect of these two panels though?? like, you see how far away he is in the first panel, and then in the next you see how he’s crossed that gap in an instant, and it’s just like, !! like oh shit. even knowing how fast he is, it’s still so jarring to actually experience it like that though. and hella cool
Awase what are you doing
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are you using your quirk to make some kind of weapon or something. like LEGOs
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well there go the gauntlets! those things are fucking expensive, Awase
I’m not so worried about those, but the ones that seem to be attached to his torso are definitely a problem. or is that just his shirt? if so, less of a problem
so Sero figures that the perfectly staged ambush means that Tokage’s eyes must be hovering around nearby again
and he’s shooting some tape up to where Baku and Awase are
Awase’s looking smug and thinking that Sero will never be able to hit him with all the obstacles around
I mean, yeah. like that seems obvious. I figure he must have had some other aim in mind, though I can’t figure out what
oh sweet!
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no pun intended by the way! but that is indeed a sweet assist! glad Satou got to fucking do something finally lol
also my thanks to him and Awase as well for smashing the gauntlets to bits. I have to assume he’ll just get new ones, of course. but if you ever feel like going for a sleek redesign though, Katsuki... I’m just saying. at least until you grow into your fucking costume so it doesn’t feel so much like you’re trying to make yourself into an action figure
(ETA: yeah he has them back a mere ten chapters from now. he doesn’t listen to me. whatever, I’m only trying to help kid but you do you.)
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I’m fucking dying omg
so now Awase is frantically sticking a steel plate from another of his pockets onto his face like a welder’s mask
!! what’s this??
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holy shit
someone send the recording of this over to the Hero Public Safety Commission. you can give Bakugou his license now. no need to keep spending the people’s tax dollars on babysitting classes
by the way I fucking love Jirou’s little bluetooth speakers holy shit? I know they’re not bluetooth cuz she’s got her earjacks plugged in, but I’m just referring to their size, okay? anyway they’re fucking awesome. and the new sleeves on her costume are badass too. you go, Deep Dope
anyhoo it looks like Bakugou’s heading after Bondo since we’re seeing the latter turn around now and he’s got that deer-in-headlights look. which, it’s pretty impressive how Horikoshi managed to convey that from a dude with a colander face, by the way
Tokage’s shooting a bunch of her body parts over there trying to save him, but you know it ain’t gonna work
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you fucking maniac
although hell, this is still fucking tame compared to the shit those kids pulled in the first three battles though
now Satou’s grabbing him and it looks like they got him!
meanwhile Sero has restrained Awase!
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sorry Vlad King
lol again Monoma
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holy shit. so what level would we say Bakugou’s teamwork has grown to? he still has room for improvement, obviously, in spite of my giddy enthusiasm. maybe halfway there? little more than? say level 25-30? it’s difficult to say, because Bakugou’s level 50 teamwork is more than likely going to look very different from Deku’s. and also because his level 50 combat skills are pretty effective at concealing any weaknesses in his teamwork skills because they more than make up for the gap right now
for what it’s worth, though, despite what Monoma says, this isn’t the first time Bakugou has shown himself capable of teamwork. in fact, the actual first time we saw a hint of that was all the way back during the cavalry battle. it was, in fact, against Monoma himself. maybe he was just too traumatized by it to remember lol
okay so this is quickly becoming the “everyone is shocked at Bakugou’s character development” show though
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you guys really should have watched season 3 of the anime through to the end before you came in here all cocky
haha now she’s all “what is this team?! it’s too perfect!!”
that’s what I’ve been saying! this team was never not going to kick ass and take names
lol class A is so proud
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lmao poor Deku and All Might. Jirou’s getting all of your credit
I can’t say I’m complaining though. also, do I suddenly ship BakuJirou?? quick, shipping alignment check. we still good?
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hmm, yep, we good. and yep I do
well this sure is a momentous day
wtf Sero
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okay first of all, ew. like what happens to the discarded body parts after? ew. ew
and second of all, can someone please check under the mask and make sure that really is Sero and not Deku. holy shit Sero let me go check your class rank again
-- holy shit you guys, Sero is ranked 17th. either he’s been focused on self-improvement as much as Bakugou has been, or class A is so fucking smart that even the 17th smartest kid is out here giving detailed analyses of quirks they’ve barely even seen
and shit, you guys, he’s still going
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meanwhile Kacchan is flinging poor Kamakiri into a wall
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oh my god I can’t wait to see that one in the anime. gonna be like two fucking years, but I’ll be sitting right here, waiting
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oh my godddd
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my son is all grown. you guys. I’m so proud. I fucking can’t
this chapter might as well have been titled “Bakugou wins the manga and everyone is shocked and amazed and proud.” that’s basically what just happened here. oh my god. what a blessed glorious day
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re-portrait · 6 years
true bakuheroes
pairing; kinda kirikami. mentioned minamomo.
summary; people would usually think that no one can stay friends from high school to their adulthood. sometimes though, it happened. because at times friends stay together through every trouble they get in. maybe that's how ones of the most successful hero agencies get born.
words; 1713. it's kinda short, yeah.
for the first day of kaminari denki appreciation week!
past | present | future
“I wouldn't try to rush in so fast. I bet they already know we're trying to get them. It wouldn't really be too useful for us to charge at the thoughtlessly.”
“Yeah! I agree with Kirishima!”
“If they already know we're going to go after them, that makey the chance of them attacking us instead bigger, doesn't it?”
“Yes, it does.. That's why we have to give it some thought.”
Talking and then unusual silence from the whole group which was seated around a desk, where they usually thought of what to do privately. Without any other workers. Just the five of them. Only thing that could currently be heard in the whole room was Bakugou's impatient tapping of fingers on the wooden desk. It seemed like everyone was trying to think of an idea of what to do.
“What if,” a voice that spoke up for the first time at the meeting said, “we just try to find their hideout or something? There is only a little chance they will see us, so they won't most likely go after us. Does that make sense? I hope it does.” Kaminari finished talking with a sort of worried tone in his voice, turning his gaze around the room to see reactions of others.
His gaze stopped at one person though. The one who sat next to him and also happened to be his significant other. The redhead gave him a small smile and lifted one of his hands up to show him a thumbs up. This made Kaminari much more calmer than before.
“That's.. actually a pretty great idea! Don't you guys agree?” Mina questioned out of sudden, looking at others with a grin.
Sero nodded his head slightly with a loud "yeah!" leaving his lips. “It almost seems like Kaminari's getting more and more improved in thinking about such things with each mission.” he added after that.
Kaminari only laughed, but did nothing else after that.
“Yeah, I would say you're maybe even getting a little less stupid everyday, Sparky.” Bakugou remarked with a smirk as he sunk his back deeper into the chair he sat on. Kaminari could hear others chuckle at the explosive blonde's remark.
Kaminari would never say it out loud to his friends' faces, but he felt like he appreciated their existence more and more each day they spent together. It felt almost like a miracle. He didn't know he could love all of them even more but it always happened when they did something and he just thought: 'That's exactly why I end up appreciating you even more, you idiots.' But he could not say it out loud. God, what would happen if he would? What would be their reactions? He didn't want to know or even fantasize about it or something. But he still knew for such that he loved all four of them. One more than the other three and in a different sense, but he did.
He appreciated Hanta Sero. He loved how he always grinned out of pure brave when the team was in danger. How he always put other people's feelings before his own or how he managed to make everyone smile even in the worst of times. How he would laugh hysterically at jokes that weren't even that funny. How he would whisper to him or Kirishima about Bakugou's new outifits while chuckling uncontrollably in between his words. How he sometimes didn't understand references of some jokes Denki told him but Sero laughed still, knowing that it would make the other happy. How he styled Mina's hair and complimented her clothes when she asked him to. How he would help Kirishima with shopping useless stuff he didn't need, but still he would approve of it just for the fun of it. How he always reassured the team that everything will be better after a while when everything would be solved and good. He was just.. So selfless and caring. It was nice.
He also appreciated Ashido Mina. He appreciated her cheeky grins and how she would cooperate with people she didn't even like just for the sake of something which was needed to do. How she brought some kind of a positive atmosphere to the team when they needed it the most. How she would act like a real, true hero when he or other members of their squad couldn't. How she would pull pranks mainly on Bakugou, only to be first chased by him and then praised for the idea (which was rare thing for Bakugou to do, so that's why the sight made the whole team happy). How she could dance so perfectly and Sero would sometimes join her just to make her laugh to his horrible dance moves. How she would help Kirishima style up his hair to new styles that he would like. Or how she would lift Kaminari's spirit when the one who did it the best wasn't there. How she managed to fill the team with energy which they thought they lost long ago in a while. She was just so energetic and full of positive energy which kind of radiated from her. It was great. No wonder why her girlfriend loved her so much.
Actually, Kaminari also appreciated Katsuki Bakugou. He loved how his personality changed to less angry in the last few years and how he smiled more. He appreciated his laugh, his attitude and his arrogant looking smirks. How he would always be determined to do what he wanted just to reach his goal (with or without the team). How he would first laugh at how "stupid" the rest of his team is, but then apologize in his own way, making the others laugh as well. How he was the least cooperative in the whole group, but still tried to do his best when it came to team work. How he could calm Kirishima down even better than Kaminari when the said redhead was sad for some reason. How he would buy all of them flowers after a hard fight or mission, trying to adapt to the whole "caring about the fact you're not dead" thing. How he gave Sero tips on how to fight better or how he sparred with Mina when she asked him too just for the fun of it. Or how he would let the other blonde help him with things which neither of them couldn't understand for life. His explosive personality was something. He still loved that, how he always fought till the very last moment, aiming for a win. He was just so determined and confident. It was kind of good.
But.. The person he appreciated and loved the most had to be Eijirou Kirishima. His beloved significant other, who Kaminari would die for if it was needed. He lived for his smile, for his laugh, for his grin.. For everything he did. The thought of something happening to his boyfriend made him feel sick. He didn't think about that much though. He mostly thought about the happy moments, everything positive they could have or already had together. It brought a wide smile to his face. Everything Kiri did brought a smile to his face. He was always just so heroic, honest and perfect. Too perfect for his own good. He was like a ray of multicolored sunshine. Giving happiness to others and getting it back from other people when they saw him. It fascinated Kaminari. Not like his friends didn't already fascinate him enough with their way of doing things, but Kirishima was nearly all the time the one who managed to catch his attention the best. Was that really what loving other person felt like? Because if it did, then Denki never wanted to feel lonely or alone again.
He just now realized that he couldn't live without Kirishima and his friends Mina, Bakugou and Sero. It would be practically impossible and he doesn't want to imagine how it would feel like to live his life without them. God, it would be so boring. And meaningless. How can people live without any friends and/or love? It must seriously be horrible. What if they don't care though? What if their personalities just-
“Hey!! Earth to Kami! Are you alright?”
“Yeah, Sparky. You really spaced out there for some fucking long while.”
Kaminari blinked.
“Huh?” he managed to let out, kind of confused as he glanced around the room. There was only Bakugou and Mina left, Sero and Eijirou nowhere in sight.
“The meeting's over, idiot. We would be already home if you didn't act like the rest of the world doesn't exist.” Bakugou rolled his crimson colored eyes as he watched Kaminari stand up and stretch.
“I was afraid I would miss my date with Momo because of you!” Mina chuckled softly as she made her way towards the exit from the room slowly, Bakugou following after her without any other word.
Kamimari smiled a little to himself as he ran after them, stopping when he was near enough. “I really love you all so much, you know?” he sighed happily as he questioned that, eyeing the floor.
“Yeah, yeah. Leave your sweet talk for somewhen else.” Bakugou muttered quietly. Kaminari looked up, his smile only widening a bit. “Don't forget your cheesy boyfriend is waiting home at you with a dinner or something. He wanted me to tell you he was going to make it.” he added afterwards, his voice much louder.
Kaminari nodded his head slightly, happy that his boyfriend still remembered how much he hates cooking and was mindful enough to cook it himself.
Mina then started talking about how she is excited about her date with Momo and stuff while Bakugou groaned that this whole "romance stuff" isn't for him as they exited the building.
Kaminari listened to their conversation only a little though. The only thing that was in his mind at the moment was that he truly did love his squad. The Bakusquad. Or now more like.. Bakuheroes. That sounded fitting.
And.. He would never trade them for any other people. Even if they had their flaws. Even if they sometimes happened to be too much. He still appreciated their existence.
And he would never ever do anything to hurt any of them. Never.
That's why he did agree to join that agency Bakugou decided to lead after all, no?
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misspandalily · 7 years
darling it’s better down where it’s wetter
Just in time for week two! prompt: AU, things we wish we said
"I'm telling you - no one will ever lay in your clam shell if you keep acting like there's kelp up your tail hole."
Neji rolls his eyes and swims over to his front door, spotting a giggling Tenten webbed-arm-in-arm with his cousin. Naruto stops yammering and follows his line of sight. "Is that Hinata?"
Neji whips his head around in time to see Naruto's gills flare up - a sign of giddy excitement that definitely should not be appearing as far as he's concerned. Tails of pearl-white and burgundy float closer towards them; Neji wrenches on a smile as Naruto swims to the incoming mermaids and envelopes them in a big hug.
"Lady Hinata. Tenten." Both mermaids greet him with toothy smiles. Naruto's nose catches a current of fish soup as he turns around at the exact same moment Hinata manages to eke out a greeting. Tenten, being the kindred spirit that she is, immediately whacks Naruto's shoulder.
"Ow! Hey, what's your problem?"
"Hello to you too, you dugong."
At that, Naruto smiles bashfully. "Sorry - just a little hungry."
"You ate an entire whale ten waves ago," Neji says flatly.
"Hilarious," Naruto deadpans. "But I'm a growing merman! I need the sustenance!"
"You turned five hundred just last moon. In no wave is that young," Tenten snorts and prods his cheek with the back of her portable mini-trident.
"Younger than you," he sticks out his tongue in response and hides behind Hinata when Tenten charges toward him. "Help! It's a bull-shark!"
Neji uses another moment to emphatically roll his eyes at Naruto and opens his door. "You ready?"
Tenten nods several times before swimming into their red coral apartment. They hear Naruto let out a long seal-whistle when the door shuts behind them.
"He doesn't know what we're actually doing, right?" Tenten glances at him in amusement as she blows kisses at Naruto and Hinata from the window. Neji finds himself struck silent with the reminder of what's to come. She'd been planning her expedition of the Pacific Ocean a solid three moons prior to their graduation yesterday - it'll quite literally be the only time in his life that Tenten won't be a fixture in his daily routines. He proffers a cup of his infamously bitter seaweed tea to her and smiles when she accepts it gratefully.
"No. But I'm sure he somehow found a way to interpret a discussion of the complexities of sea-air transformation as procreation."
"He probably zoned out before he heard the 'ex' in 'complexities'. Naruto isn't exactly academically inclined."
"He can be," Neji practically pouts, "I know he can - I've seen him in high-shoal."
"Not everyone in Konoha goes to shoallege like we do, Neji. The Mer can only do so much in one place before they want to explore." Neji watches her swim to the gigantic oceanic map dominating on one of their walls and stare at it wistfully. She's an unusual being, even in a settlement like Konoha that reputedly has the highest rates of marine diversity in the ocean.
He sighs. "Are you ready?"
Tenten nods her head solemnly. "Exploration is in my blood, Neji; I can feel it. I just wish I didn't have to leave you behind." He catches the regret in her gaze and sets his own cup of tea down.
"It had to happen some day," he assures her quietly, "I just hope you find what you're looking for."
"My people, you mean."
He shrugs. This is no revelation to Neji. He'd known her since she was one-hundred and even as a young merling he knew she didn't fit in completely. The webbing under her arms were a dead giveaway - she was the only one in the entire city with such features. And her tail, common colour as it was, wasn't scaled like theirs. It was smooth to the touch, like sealskin.
Physically, Tenten had never been able to integrate herself into their society, even though she'd been around since seven-hundred years ago and grew up with the same customs and traditions. She had friends, for sure, friends like Lee and Gai and Naruto and Hinata who all loved and treated her like a sister. She had shoallege friends who drank purified kelp juice with her until the early waves of the morning before returning to their apartment with her sea-shell bra clearly missing.
And she has him - he's not sure where he stands with her, he's not sure if he likes it that way, and he isn't about to consult anyone about his completely non-platonic feelings for her anytime in the near future. Soberly, anyway. The few times he'd been drunk enough to psycho-vent to someone was when Naruto had also been around, and sadly, the merman hadn't been completely sloshed like he was so he heard everything.
Everything, being the fact that Neji is irrevocably in love with his best friend, and that his guts are the approximate size of a shrimp. Five-hundred years loving Tenten's kindness and her ability to be simultaneously open yet firm, and the closest he ever got to telling her was - ironically - when they were both inebriated beyond relief.
And to this day, Naruto remains the most terrifying part of Neji's life for the secrets he's holding in that head-hole of his.
Neji's point is, despite being a beloved member of their community, Tenten is distinctly different because she wants to go. When tiny merchildren of Konoha cower in fear of the deep blue sea stretching beyond their village, Tenten is the one who tells them stories about the underwater - from the fantastic beasts swimming over them with their gigantic tails and expert current manipulation to the smaller ones that make homes out of strange places like rock pools.
He's even heard her talk about the 'neighbouring' villages on occasion. Suna with it's never-ending sandstorms and sinkholes, Kiri with its more volatile currents, Iwa where the entire city is embedded and carved within a deep trench, and (admittedly) terrifying Kumo where the seas are almost impossible to live in.
Neji rarely ever misses the spark in her eyes when she speaks, and never fails to notice the way it dims slightly when she's asked where she wants to go first. She wants to go everywhere, Tenten says with a laugh.
And then her face turns slightly purple after the merchildren are gone. She wants to go home.
"Where do you think it is?"
Neji looks up slowly and realises he's floated to the ceiling; although, Tenten hasn't seemed to notice either. Her back is still facing him, brown hair lazily curling around in response to the currents.
"Not the five villages, so where?" He frowns when she does.
"I don't know," Neji says honestly.
"I want to find it," she echoes the same words she's been saying for the past three centuries. "I need to find my home." Even if it means leaving you, is the unspoken phrase when she yet again turns to him apologetically. He's heard her mantra enough times to numb himself from the pain that comes with her departure (he hopes). The only difference was that he'd always remained silent before, but now that she’s actually leaving...
Neji stops her with a hesitant touch on her shoulder - she looks at him, a purplish tinge to her nose. His next words feel like spears piercing through his chest. "Next moon, we'll all be searching for our own strings of Fate. Mine is standing before me," he plows on when something akin to shock passes through her expression. "But I know yours lies beyond the waters of Konoha."
Tenten appears to have been hit by two whales and a giant squid, because she's catatonic by the time he finishes his speech. He rubs the back of his necks, steadily growing more nervous the longer she stays silent. Was it something he said?
"Am I-" Neji perks up when she looks at him sharply. "Am I your string of fate?"
"Your- what?"
"You said I was your string of fate," she asserts, a glimmer of something in her eye that unsettles him. He stares back at her blankly as he hurriedly flicks through the conversation and oh.
"Well," he coughs, his mind reaching a blank. Tenten shakes her head, amused, and short-circuits his brain by placing the palm of her webbed hand on his cheek.
"You're right. Thank you for understanding."
Briefly, Neji contemplates backtracking his earlier reassurances and changing her mind - they don't graduate for another month for one, and he honestly doesn't know how he'll cope without her there to buffer Naruto's...uniqueness.
A deep part of him will forever curse him for letting her leave without at least telling her that he's loved her since they met, but Neji is a man of practicality above all. He won't help her achieve anything by confessing - not now, at least.
He settles for a rare hug, pulling her in and allowing the scent of raw salmon shampoo in her hair to waft into his nostrils comfortingly - achingly. The words are on the tip of his tongue.
"I," Tenten makes a humming sound when he speaks, "I wish you a safe journey." Neji closes his eyes and soaks himself in her scent again, knowing that he's her last stop before she goes.
"Thank you again, Neji," she gives him a watery smile and clasps his hands in between hers. "For everything."
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