#short stories about azula
likeabxrdinflight · 8 months
I have read azula in the spirit temple, because of course I did. it's like 7 bucks for the digital version and honestly? wouldn't pay much more than that.
it's...fine. it's fine. it's not offensive, it's not groundbreaking, it's just...fine. I will say I do really like the art style, it's a vast improvement over the yang-led comics. there's some great drawings and all the characters look really good.
otherwise...? I mean it just doesn't do much with its story, and I think that's kind of intentional. I strongly suspect that now that avatar studios is a thing, major story beats in the comics series are over for the time being. this very much feels like a tease of "can azula redeem herself?? we just don't know!!!" and then they very much do not commit one way or the other with it. which tells me that if any major storylines featuring azula are going to be happening in the future, they probably won't be happening in the comics, but in some future movie or animated series.
and honestly? good. I always felt comics were the wrong medium for telling stories in this universe, they have never managed to replicate the gravitas or complexity of storytelling of the animated shows. so if this comic is meant to be like...a palate cleanser, a teaser for things to come in future projects...fine. that's fine. but it does mean this particular story comes across non-committal and honestly...kinda boring.
like, every character azula interacts with outside the first couple pages is a spirit. none of it's real, the stakes are so low, and everything that happens once azula arrives at the temple is a vision from this guardian spirit, who tells azula that if she could accept what the visions were saying then this was her chance of redemption. but honestly that just feels like a cop-out and I don't really buy it, because none of it was real. and azula knows that.
what this story felt like instead was less redemption arc and more character exploration. and as a character piece it's...it's fine? like I said, it's not offensive like the search or smoke and shadow were (though it does loosely play off where smoke and shadow left off, it mostly ignores the search, so props to it for that lol). but there's nothing in here that will come as a surprise to anyone with basic reading comprehension who's watched the original show. the writing's a bit shallow but broadly inoffensive.
honestly the most surprising thing for me was azula acknowledging out loud to a vision of ursa that she's entirely aware that her father used her as a weapon, and felt that ursa failed to protect her from that fate by leaving. which is an interesting dichotomy given that much of azula's character is bound up in that identity as her father's perfect daughter in contrast to zuko being the failed son. (then again, quite a bit of time has now passed in universe since the end of the tv series, so maybe it's not overly shocking that azula has done a little introspecting in that time.)
other than that, there's some fun interactions with spirit!mai and ty lee, and then there's a final vision with spirit!zuko that comes so close to being a halfway decent climax to this little story, but none of it's a major revelation to anyone who's been paying attention to azula's character. the spirit visions all serve the same function that azula's hallucinations did in the series finale- they act as her unconscious mind telling her the truths she already knows about herself deep down.
the ending leaves azula in kind of a middle ground place, very little about her circumstances have changed except she's decided to ditch her girl gang and go run off to do something else- which is kept extremely vague. I can't help feeling that is an intentional move to set her up for a totally new story in a different medium that likely doesn't want to rely on any foundations laid in any of the comics series. and I wouldn't be shocked if that medium is one of the alleged movies that avatar studios is supposed to be producing. so this feels less like a real character arc so much as a character reset.
and from a creative, lore standpoint I don't have a problem with this. that's probably what they needed to do if they want to use azula in their future animated projects. my problem is that the story the comic tells to give us this reset is just kinda boring for someone who's been with this fandom since the original series aired.
The fact is that I've read and seen fan works that addressed these exact same issues and character beats with much more finesse and for much higher stakes. this comic gave me the feeling that the dialogue was directly addressing what fans have been saying about azula for years and putting a neon light on it. and that's...again, it's fine? but it's not groundbreaking for those of us who've been saying this shit since 2008. and I guess it's nice to see some of those character beats canonized officially, especially if there's a likelihood that we'll see animated azula again, but as far as I was concerned the fact that azula wanted her family to love her and was used as a weapon of war was already obvious, so spelling it out with another comic felt...redundant.
and I guess that's how I'd describe this. it felt redundant to me, as someone who's spent a lot of time with this character already. maybe it's good that it exists so that larger and newer swaths of the fandom can see azula in this light, but for long time fans of the character? there's truly nothing in here about her that you don't already know.
if this really is a reset button for the old comics canon/jumping off point for an animated project, then...I'm not mad about it, exactly. but as a stand alone story it's just...fine. it's fine, but little more.
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burst-of-iridescent · 6 months
Hey does everyone remember when Aang physically hurt Katara via burning her due to his own negligence with fire because he didn't listen at all to her concerns? But all of Katara's concerns were her being worried for him getting hurt and not herself, and then he hurts her badly, this never gets addressed again in the show, but I remember this vividly.
i actually like this scene on its own.
aang burning katara is a good character building moment because it's a brutal reminder of his own capacity for destruction. he needs to understand that his reckless actions can have horrific repercussions in order to fully realize the weight of his responsibility as both a firebender and the avatar, and it makes the moment where he uses zhao's recklessness against him more impactful. it also sets up the "water = life, fire = death" dichotomy that's part of katara's arc on viewing the world in binaries, which will later be broken down in book 3.
but ultimately the incident is still of greater significance to aang, and he's the one to bring it up in the guru and western air temple episodes, telling both guru pathik and zuko about his guilt over burning katara and his refusal to firebend ever again. this experience is also what leads him to accept zuko as his firebending teacher, and then finally forgive himself when he learns the true meaning of firebending. for the most part, it's a well-sustained arc and one of the few narratives aang has that is actually brought to completion.
do i wish that katara and aang had actually talked about his actions beyond this episode? yes. do i wish the aftermath had been focused a little more on katara instead of showcasing the impact of her physical injuries mostly through aang's continued self-flagellation? yes. but as a one-off incident contained to a single episode, i don't mind it.
what i do mind, however, is that this is not the last time the show is going to use katara as a lynchpin for aang's character development.
in the book 2 premiere, katara is turned into a pawn to propel aang into the avatar state. in the guru, her imprisonment is the reason that aang chooses to go back to ba sing se instead of unlocking his chakras. that is three separate times now that katara has been damselled in order to facilitate key turning points in aang's narrative, but not once does the same apply in reverse. there is never a moment where aang is the only one put in danger solely to drive katara's arc, the way she is in his. the closest we get is katara bringing aang back to life, but even then his death is still the result of his own choices and more integral to his storyline than hers.
now, compare this to the final agni kai.
at first glance, katara being put in danger just to complete zuko's redemption looks like the same tired trope, and had the scene ended at his sacrifice, it would be. but crucially, it's katara who continues the fight. katara who defeats the scion of fire nation destruction at the height of her power. katara who saves zuko just as he saved her.
in proving herself a master waterbender powerful enough to defeat azula and save someone she loves - someone who sacrificed themselves for her - from fire nation aggression, katara brings her own arc full circle. it is in triumphing over azula by saving each other that zuko and katara become the people they were always meant to be, and so their individual arcs are brought to their narrative culmination through bookending the other. the final agni kai works where the kat.aang moments fall short because it is of equal significance to both zuko and katara's narratives.
obviously, this is not to say that it's bad for certain characters to exist just to drive another character's arc. it's inevitable that some will be written solely to fulfill that purpose because a story only has so much narrative space, and it usually can't - and shouldn't - be divided equally amongst every single character.
but if we're talking about two main characters who end up in a lifelong romantic relationship, and it's the female character being repeatedly damselled to drive the male character's storyline within an already imbalanced dynamic... perhaps it's time to rethink a few things.
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atlabeth · 2 months
everything happens for a reason part 22 - zuko x fem!reader
I've been waiting on you
part 21 | masterlist | part 23
a/n: UHHH happy one year anniversary of me not updating!! i missed it by a day but honestly that's very in character. i kind of have no excuse for taking a year long break from this. lol. all i can really say is i lost all my avatar inspo and got really into a bunch of other things and poor little ehfar got left in the corner abandoned!!! but i could never abandon this it's my baby and even if it takes me 1000 years to finish it i will finish it. it's kind of embarrassing that it took so long for this to come out and it's a short filler chapter like who do i think i am.... but everyone is happy and on the beach and yn finally gets some clothes of her own after spending like 7 chapters in prison clothes. anyways enjoy (three more chapters left what?? will it take me 3 years who knows)
wc: 4.8k
warning(s): yn and zuko talk about their pasts and what theyve been through but overall this is a very fluffy chapter
chapter title from seasons (waiting on you) by future islands
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The days after their arrival back to the island passed by with relative ease. 
Y/N practiced waterbending with Katara and Aang so she could work on getting the hang of it again. She’d been close to mastery before Ba Sing Se, and her muscle memory was stronger than she realized, but prison and the months without her bending had weakened her. Zuko continued working with Aang on his firebending under the looming deadline of the comet.
Sokka and Suki trained with each other too, working on their hand to hand and sword fighting, and Y/N would occasionally join in to stay sharp on what Suki had taught her back in prison. Her time without her bending made her realize how much she relied solely on it, and she never wanted to feel defenseless again. 
They continued to share stories every night over a campfire. They all had plenty to talk about after everything they’d been through, especially when Zuko had been against them for half the time, Suki was leading the Kyoshi Warriors, and Y/N was stuck behind bars. 
And of course, Zuko and Y/N spent as much time together as they possibly could. They were practically attached at the hip—sitting together at meals, watching one another bend on their breaks, training against each other the way they used to, exploring the island together, just being with each other. After everything they’d been through, Y/N thought they deserved it. 
Eventually though, it was decided that they had to leave. Being in Fire Nation territory, even in the middle of nowhere, was risky. They were running out of food and supplies in general, and the possibility that Fire Nation ships would still somehow discover them weighed on their minds. They couldn’t afford to get caught so far into their mission, especially with the traitor prince of the Fire Nation on their side. 
Zuko’s idea, however, was possibly even riskier. 
“Ember Island?” Y/N asked hesitantly. “That’s… bold.” 
“We’re already being bold by staying in Fire Nation territory,” Zuko said. “We’re safe from Azula for now, but it’s only a matter of time before she somehow finds us again.” He shrugged. “My family’s vacation home is the last spot anyone will think to look.” 
“I think it’s a great idea,” Sokka said. “It’ll be nice to not fight for our lives for a minute before we make the final push.” 
Aang adjusted his hold on the reins—they’d already packed up Appa and started flying before Zuko proposed his idea—and shrugged. “I’m okay with it. Zuko and I will be able to keep training, and you all can relax in an actual house.”
“And we’ll be able to go to the beach!” Toph exclaimed. “I’ve been meaning to work on my sandbending. And,” she grinned, “I’m betting none of you have heard of sandball fights.”
“We’re really getting ourselves into something,” Katara said dryly. 
Y/N smiled and she leaned into Zuko’s side. He wrapped his arm around her immediately and pulled her closer.
“I’ve always wondered what Ember Island was like,” Y/N mused. “I was always so jealous when you and Azula got to go there on vacation every summer and I was stuck at the palace.” 
“You weren’t missing much,” Zuko said wryly. “Yeah, there’s beaches, but mostly it was just unbearably hot.” He frowned. “My father still made me do work even when we were supposed to be on vacation. I’ve done a lot of swordfighting here.” 
“I missed you,” she said, and she knew that she would never get tired of seeing Zuko’s cheeks flush red. 
“Really?” he asked. “Even then?” 
“Especially then,” she clarified. “It wasn’t like I had much going on for me there. The palace was extremely boring without you.” 
“Spirits, you guys are gross,” Sokka groaned as he looked out at the sky. “Suki and I haven’t been like this, have we?” 
Katara chuckled. “You definitely have. You could barely stay off of each other when you got back from the Boiling Rock.” 
“Just imagine what they were like when they first got back together,” Zuko said with a frown. 
“Neither of you can say anything,” Toph asserted. “I can hear both of your heartbeats shoot up every time you’re around Y/N and Suki.” 
Zuko scowled, Sokka’s face flushed, and Suki and Y/N just smiled at each other. 
“So Ember Island is a yes?” Aang asked. When everyone nodded in agreement, he looked at Zuko. “I’m in need of your navigation skills, Sifu Hotman.” 
He groaned. “I told you to stop calling me that.” 
“I know,” Aang said cheerfully. 
Zuko just sighed, and he kissed Y/N on the cheek before he moved to sit next to Aang. She smiled, and she let her hand hang over the side of the saddle. 
“...I guess it is nice not seeing you two argue all the time,” Sokka said after a moment. 
“It’s nice that you two aren’t moping around all the time either,” Toph added. “That was kind of annoying.” 
“Imagine how I felt,” Y/N said, though it was absent minded as her gaze stayed on Zuko. 
“I don’t have to imagine it,” Toph said. “You were very clearly mopey.” 
“And when you weren’t mopey, you were angry,” Suki contributed. “You said you were imagining Zuko’s face whenever I taught you new moves at the Boiling Rock. You beat him up a lot there.” 
Sokka and Toph laughed, but it was a moment before she said anything. It took Katara saying her name for her to turn back around, and when Y/N did, she blinked for a moment. “What?” 
Katara chuckled, glancing at Zuko before she looked back at her. “We’re just glad you’re back.” 
Her expression instantly brightened as she smiled. “I’m glad to be back.” 
It didn’t take long for them to arrive at Ember Island—and if it did, Y/N was far too busy conversing with her friends and watching Zuko for it to matter. She grimaced as she slid off of Appa, one hand taking Zuko’s and the other wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. 
“Spirits,” she mumbled, “I thought I was used to Fire Nation heat by now.” 
“Me too,” Sokka groaned. “But this is already worse than all the other places we’ve been to.” 
“Ember Island’s always been like this,” Zuko said. “The good news is that it’s Ember Island. There’s plenty of beaches—we’ve even got our own private one.” 
“Good for practicing waterbending,” Katara said with a glance at Aang. 
“Good for practicing all kinds of bending,” Zuko said. “You’re gonna need to practice your firebending every day if you want to stand a chance against my father. We’re running out of time and you’re nowhere close to being a master.” 
Aang frowned. “Way to bring down the mood, Zuko.” 
“I’m being realistic!” he defended. “You can’t just end one hundred years of war with some good luck and an optimistic mindset!” 
Sokka shrugged. “It’s worked for us so far.” 
Zuko opened his mouth to say something that would definitely cause an argument. Before he could, Y/N laughed, looping her arm through his and tugging him along. 
“Come on,” she said. “Show us around.” 
Zuko sighed, though his show of annoyance was negated as he pulled Y/N closer. “Fine. It is about time I’ve brought you here.” 
“Ugh.” Toph kicked at the sand with her foot. “I think Zuko’s just brought us along on his couples vacation.” 
“Oh, quiet,” she joked. “We’ve earned it.” 
Toph stuck her tongue out. “Doesn’t mean we can’t complain about it.” 
Y/N chuckled as they walked together, the rest of the group trailing behind them. 
“Spirits, Zuko,” Sokka marveled when they stepped inside the house. “This is huge.” 
“It is the summer home of the royal family,” he said dryly. “My father never settles for anything less than perfection. It also gave us more room to avoid each other when he was causing arguments.” 
“I can’t imagine that happened a lot,” Katara said sarcastically. 
“Never,” Zuko agreed with the same tone. “He almost burned down the place a few times.” 
Aang frowned. “Sounds like a great guy.” 
“I know you’re not a violence guy, but if there’s anyone you’d enjoy fighting, it’s my dad,” Zuko muttered. 
“I’ll do it for the good of the world,” Aang said. “Not because I’ll enjoy it.” 
Zuko grimaced and opened his mouth to say something, but Y/N interrupted once more before they could devolve into this conversation again. 
“Like Sokka said, this place is huge.” She placed a hand on Zuko’s arm. “Will we have our own rooms?” 
Zuko’s brows creased a bit, but he nodded after a moment. “Yeah. There should be enough for all of us.” 
“Suki and I can share,” Sokka said, stretching his arms out casually to reach one around Suki. She laughed and leaned her head against his chest, and he looked far too pleased with himself. “Tryna make up for lost time, y’know?” 
“Gross,” Toph scoffed. “I’ll take my own room, please.” 
Aang glanced at Katara for a moment before he cleared his throat and nodded at Zuko. “Yeah. Me too.” 
Katara was too busy looking at a mask sitting on a mantle. She picked it up and glanced back at Zuko. “What is this from?” 
“One of my mother’s favorite plays,” he said. “She was an actress before she married my father, and every time we came here, we’d always go see some shows. They gave her the mask of the lead character after the end of one production a few years ago, as thanks for her patronage.” 
“Oh, we should definitely go see a play while we’re here!” Y/N exclaimed. “I got my hands on some old play scripts when I was still working in the palace, and the other servants and I would spend hours reenacting our favorite parts.” She chuckled. “It would be nice to see actual actors do it.” 
“We should be able to carve out some time for that,” Zuko said. “Between all the training, of course.” 
“You are such a downer,” Aang groaned. 
“I’m seeing the full picture!” he defended. “We’ve still got a lot of work to do—just because we’re at our vacation home doesn’t mean we’re on vacation.”
“After all this is over, we definitely deserve a vacation,” Sokka muttered. “Before all the rebuilding and restructuring and relegislating starts…” The smile fell from his face. “Wow. We’re never gonna get a vacation.” 
“Oh, perk up, ponytail,” Toph said. “We’re going to end the endless war and defeat the undefeatable Fire Lord. If we want to take a vacation, no one can really stop us.” 
The smile reappeared with surprising quickness. “That’s true!” 
Zuko laughed softly. “Your rooms should be on the first floor. You can explore and divide the rooms yourselves. I,” he looked at Y/N, “want to show you something.”
She smiled as Zuko pulled her closer with an arm around her shoulder and made for the stairs, leaving a rapidly growing argument over room selection in their wake. 
“Do you think they’ll have decided by the time we get back down?” Zuko asked. 
Y/N shrugged. “This is the first time they’re sleeping in rooms instead of camping on the ground in… Spirits. Since Ba Sing Se, I think. I wouldn’t be surprised if they go at it all night.” 
He chuckled as they stopped in front of a room, and Zuko pushed open the door so they could walk in together. 
“This was my room whenever we came here,” he said. “I figured we could share it.” 
“This is the height of luxury,” Y/N commented, stepping out of Zuko’s embrace to run her hand over the sheets. Her lips quirked into a smile. “I can’t believe you slept on a bed like this every night.” 
“You’re telling me they don’t have this kind of stuff in the North?” Zuko asked wryly. 
“No,” she chuckled, “definitely not. We were more focused on not freezing.” 
“Well, we’re more focused on pointless displays of luxury,” he said, “so you’re not too far off.” 
Zuko ignited the tip of his finger and began lighting candles around the room, and Y/N glanced at him with amusement as she sat down on the bed. 
“Mood lighting,” he explained with the sliver of a smile. “I think we deserve some time alone after the past few days.” 
She pressed a hand to her chest. “You know the way straight to my heart.” 
Once he was done he sat down next to her, and Y/N intertwined their hands together and pulled him down so they were laying on their backs. She rested her head on Zuko’s chest and he moved his arm around her to keep her close, tracing lazy circles on her shoulder. 
“Wonderful mattress,” she sighed. “So this was what you were up to while I was sewing clothes and doing endless loads of laundry.” 
“I thought about you a lot more than you probably think,” Zuko said. She turned her head a bit to look at him, slightly surprised, and he shrugged. “Honestly? When we were kids, I thought about you pretty much constantly. My father always told me not to talk to servants, but I didn’t see you as anything other than my friend. You were… kind of my only normal friend.” 
“Well, you were kind of my only friend, period. All the other servants were way older—they just felt like a different version of my mom.” Y/N’s gaze rose to the ceiling. “I wonder how they’re all doing.” 
“They should be okay,” Zuko said. “No one really caused as much trouble as we did.” 
Y/N laughed as her gaze flitted around the room, taking in all the details. A portrait of the royal family hung on the wall, while a much smaller, lone portrait of Zuko sat on a desk in the corner. He didn’t look very happy, but she couldn’t imagine sitting for that many paintings as a child was fun. What looked to be a half-finished message sat on the desk, the ends of the scroll rolling up and obscuring most of the inked letters. A neat stack of towels and blankets were on top of a clothing chest in the other corner, and she chuckled a bit. In her experience of doing his laundry in their youth, it seemed to be something he still hadn’t grown out of. 
“I can practically see little Zuko running in here after a day at the beach,” she mused. “The ends of his clothes singed from fighting with Azula, his hair drenched from swimming, getting sand all over the sheets.” 
“I wasn’t that messy of a child,” he complained. “I… I did come home with my clothes singed a couple times, though.” 
She chuckled. “I know. My mother had to fix a lot of your outfits because of it.” 
“It’s not my fault that ‘hide and blast’ was her idea of fun!” he defended. 
“Hide and blast?” 
“One person hides, the other person searches. By… blasting fire everywhere.” Zuko shook his head. “I don’t know all kids around the Fire Nation were as crazy as us or if Azula invented it herself.” 
“...Yeah,” Y/N said with a slight laugh. “We definitely didn’t play that in my village.” 
“Of course you didn’t,” he said. “None of you were firebenders.” 
“I was the only waterbender in the village though,” she said. “There were a couple other earthbender kids, but it made me feel so special. We would always play together and try to mix our bending together.” A small yet wistful smile tugged at her lips. “That feels like forever ago, though.” 
“I know what you mean,” Zuko murmured. “I was banished three years ago, but a lifetime has changed since then.” 
“For the better?” Y/N murmured. 
She could feel Zuko nod. “Definitely.” 
Their door was then pushed open more, and Suki poked her head in through the gap. A grin appeared on her face at their closeness. 
“I see the lovebirds are making themselves at home,” she mused. 
Y/N laughed as she sat up, pulling Zuko with her. She smiled at the sight of his flushed cheeks. “We’re trying.” 
“We believe in knocking here in the Fire Nation,” Zuko grumbled. 
“The door was open,” Suki said cheerfully. “And I’d like to steal your girl for an afternoon outing.” 
Her eyebrows shot up. “What for?” 
“Well, I’d like to explore the island some, and I figure we’re the lowest profile out of our whole group,” she said. “We’ve also missed out on some shopping while we were stuck in prison—we’ve gotta get our hands on some Fire Nation clothes.” 
Y/N’s eyes lit up. “That’s a great idea! Leya’s dress is beautiful, but Earth Kingdom clothing sticks out a bit more than I want.” 
“And I’m in literal prison clothes,” Suki said. “The sooner we’re in red, the better.” 
“That’s… probably smart,” Zuko amended. “There’s some gold pieces in my bag. It should be more than enough for both of you.” 
“Are you sure?” Y/N frowned. “You don’t have to—” 
“You think I didn’t take a bunch of money from the palace before I left?” Zuko asked wryly. “Don’t worry about it.” 
Suki’s smile grew. “Just call it reparations.” 
Zuko huffed a laugh, but Y/N cut him off as she pulled him in for a kiss. 
“You’ll be alright while we’re gone?” 
“Of course,” he said. “This is my home, after all. If anything, I should be asking you that.” 
“I’ve got the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors with me,” Y/N said. “If anyone decides to mess with us, it’s going to be their problem—not ours.” 
Suki laughed and gestured with her head, and Y/N stood up and started walking backwards. “I’ll see you later—try to have some fun here.” 
“I don’t have fun,” he called out as she was walking out, and she just shook her head with a smile. 
“You’re really dating a ball of sunshine there, aren’t you?” Suki joked. 
Y/N bit back her growing smile. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
The rest of the day went by in a breeze. 
Y/N and Suki spent a few hours in town, chatting and shopping and even doing some reconnaissance at the end, just to make sure they were truly undercover at the vacation home. Doing rookie spy work with a Kyoshi Warrior was surprisingly just as fun as the shopping part—and after what she and Zuko did to free her village, it was surprisingly easy. 
The sun was still high in the sky when they got back, dressed head to toe in Fire Nation finery. Zuko and Aang were in the midst of training when the two of them went around back to find their friends, and when he saw Y/N, his fire died out and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. 
(“Yeah,” Zuko had stammered when she asked his opinion, “You look really good.”
“Thanks,” she said, and she felt the heat rush to her cheeks. “I feel pretty good.”
“Fire Nation clothes suit you,” he said, and he pulled her into a kiss. “It’s about time you’ve gotten some.”
“Technically, I wore them for a few months,” she said wryly. “Prison clothes and all.”
Zuko scoffed. “That doesn’t count.”
“And I wore them for most of my childhood,” she mused. “Servant clothes and all.” 
“That counts even less!” he insisted. 
“But thank you,” Y/N finally said with a smile. “I was hoping you would like them.” 
It was an effort to bite back her joy every time Zuko would sneak a look at her while they continued their training.) 
The rest of the day was just mostly spent getting used to everything. The last time the vacation home had been occupied was when Zuko, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee visited, so a lot of adjustments needed to be made. 
Katara insisted on washing all the sheets, and Y/N decided to join in because of her waterbending—Aang wanted to talk with Katara, Zuko wanted to be with Y/N, Toph wanted to ask him a bunch of questions about Ember Island, and Sokka didn’t want to be left out, so soon enough, the seven of them were all sitting on the steps of the house doing laundry and telling stories. 
Soon enough, the sun had set and the house had been cleaned what felt like ten times over. Everyone had retired to their own devices except for Y/N and Zuko, who were walking along the shore arm in arm. 
“I think I like beaches,” she mused. “The nearest ocean had no beach back home, and all we had in the North was ice. You Fire Nation folk are lucky.” 
Zuko chuckled. “I don’t know if it’s luck. We’re just one big island with a lot of humidity.” 
“Still,” she leaned her head on his shoulder, “it’s nice. We should visit here together once all this is over.” 
“Of course,” he nodded. “I know I’m going to be the Fire Lord if all goes well, but there’s going to be a lot of diplomacy trips.” She felt his eyes on her. “You can join me on all of them.” 
“Of course,” she repeated. “The Fire Lord’s Earth Kingdom-born, waterbending girlfriend will be so welcome.” 
“If you’ve learned one thing through all of this, it should be that I don’t care what anyone thinks when it comes to you,” Zuko said. “I want you there with me. You want to be there with me. That’s reason enough.” 
Y/N chuckled, and she ran her thumb over Zuko’s knuckles. His hands housed callouses, borne from hundreds of hours of explosive firebending and sword-fighting and years of life on the road. She always wondered how hands that treated her so softly, that revered her, were so capable of violence. 
“I know there’s going to be a lot of expectations for us,” she said. “Especially once you take the throne. But I— I’d like to take things as slow as we can.” 
“Of course.” Zuko squeezed her hand, his brows creasing. “I don’t care what anyone says or wants or expects. I love you, Y/N—we’ll go at our own pace.” 
“It’s just because we’ve spent the past year trying to kill each other,” Y/N said with a nervous laugh. “If we could spend this next year being in love with each other, that would be really great.” 
That actually got a laugh out of Zuko, and he gestured with his head towards the sand. When they sat down, he pulled her into his side. They fit perfectly together. 
“Don’t worry,” he murmured. “I think we’ve already gotten a headstart on that.”
“Good,” she said. 
Y/N sighed as she moved closer into Zuko’s embrace, his warmth a shield from the cool night breeze. She’d always run cold, and having a personal hearth made things much easier. 
“I wish we didn’t have to go through so much to end up with each other,” she murmured. 
“Believe me,” Zuko sighed, “I know.” 
“But my mother always told me that everything happens for a reason,” Y/N said. “And… I guess she’s right. Because I don’t think we would be here if all this hadn’t happened.” Something inside of her twisted, and though she tried to suppress it, the words came out before she could really think about it. “And sometimes I— I wonder why I’m still here.” 
He frowned slightly, allowing a short glance down at her. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean… you know what I’ve had to go through to get here. My village, the palace, the North, this journey with Aang, the capital prison, the Boiling Rock…” she shook her head. “Countless others have died or gotten hurt trying to protect me or save me. Our group— we were the first ones ever to escape from the Boiling Rock. So why do I get to be here? Why is my father gone, but I’m still here? I don’t deserve it more than he did. I certainly don’t deserve it more than Yue. So… I don’t know. Sometimes I just can’t understand why I’m the one that got to make it when so many others haven’t.” 
“Don’t say that,” Zuko urged. 
“It’s not the way you think,” Y/N said honestly. “It just feels like we’ve beaten every single odd.” 
“Maybe we have,” he said, “but it’s certainly not out of luck, or chance.” Zuko took her hand and intertwined their fingers together, giving her hand a squeeze. “You fought every step of the way to get here—a lot of the time, you were fighting against me. You’ve earned every good thing you’ve gotten, Y/N, and I think I might spend the rest of my life trying to be someone worthy of you.” 
“Zuko,” she lamented, “you already are.” 
“It’s not the way you think,” he echoed wryly. “I’ve loved you since the beginning, and despite everything, you still love me too. You kept giving me chances because you believed in me for some stupid reason. I wouldn’t be where I am without that—without you. I want to be the best version of myself every day so you know you made the right choice.” 
Y/N felt the heat rush to her cheeks as she smiled, squeezing his hand back. Nowadays, they were almost always touching in some way. Tonight reminded her why—she never felt more comforted, more at peace, then when she was with Zuko. 
“You… kind of just hit my next point,” she said with a nervous chuckle, curling into his side further. 
“Don’t tell me it’s more self-doubt,” Zuko said. 
“I can’t help it!” she defended. “I— I just have to make sure.” 
“Of what?” 
“That…” Y/N paused, her mouth suddenly dry. “That I’m still the one you want. Even after all that’s happened. After all that’s going to happen.” 
Zuko frowned, and he took her other hand, lacing their fingers together.  “Of course. Y/N, it’s always been you. It’s been true forever, even if I haven’t always known it.” 
“It’s not going to be easy,” she said softly. “I’m Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom. Your people aren’t just going to accept that, especially with you as their leader.” 
Zuko actually laughed at that, and he gave her a sideways smile. Months ago, staring into his hardened eyes used to bring her close to tears. Seeing him smile now, reassuring doubts that seemed so pointless in the face of his love—even after everything, Y/N considered herself the luckiest girl in the world. 
“Y/N, we’ve gone across the whole world doing things no one ever has,” Zuko said. “The seven of us are going to end a war that’s been going on for a century. Aang is going to defeat my father, and he shouldn’t even be alive. We’ve beat every single odd against us. I think getting my people to like you will be the easiest thing we have to handle.” 
“You think so?” she asked. The tension had dissolved some from her shoulders, her worries dissuading with each honeyed word. 
“I know so,” Zuko assured. “I’m gonna have to change the Fire Nation from the ground up. There’s no one else I’d want by my side while I do it. My people will see you the way I do, and they’ll love you just as much.” 
Y/N leaned closer and pressed a kiss to his lips. Sometimes she still couldn’t get over the fact that she could just… do that. Just kiss him, just smile with him, just be happy with him. Yue shone down on them as she pulled away, Zuko’s features glowing in the moonlight, and Y/N hoped her friend knew she was so much of the reason she’d gotten here. 
Happiness seemed out of reach, out of her cards entirely, for such a long time, and when she had it, it always felt like such a precarious thing. Sometimes she still remembered those days in the tea shop, the night in the catacombs. 
But with Zuko finally by her side, it was a tangible thing. Something she deserved. Something she already had. 
“We’ll do it all together,” she murmured. 
“Together,” Zuko agreed. 
And she laid back down on the sand, bringing Zuko with her. He pulled her closer, tucked into his side as he wrapped his arm around her. They laid there in silence, Zuko’s warmth heating her from the inside out, staring up at the starry night sky and reveling in the feeling of just being with each other. 
i'll tag ppl here because it's been uhhhhhh fucking YEAR and everyone's prob forgotten it exists and i also did tag lists while this was coming out but please do not ask to be added bc i dont do them anymore!!
ehfar tags: @chandies-sideblog @zacatecanaaaa @anzanity @randomthingssssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895 @ilovespideyyy @whats-my-question @selfship-mishaps @ilistentotayswifttocope @i-make-questionable-choices @3leni @thatobsessedreader @lostgreekgod @oriontingz @zerode-unhinged @badpvn @mimi-sanisanidiot @adhdhufflepuff @aquaamethyst96 @hollyismentallyillhelp @holypoetrygarden @islandgayneery @pitrii-petra @jinxed-jk @veras-fanfic-reblogs @cloud-9ine @lucifersidepiece @kiskzawagnerwhore @froggi-00 @eajalova @mrsyixingunicorn10 @xxxxxxdelenaxxxxxx @cafesho @the-natureofme @whoevenfrickinknows @a-bit-late @zukowantshishonourback @settlebackeasy @jemssafespace @wildwallflower24 @calmoistorm @mich1551-blog @inutheangel @sagemastah @avrilh
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the-badger-mole · 2 days
I think it’s you that said this but I think you’ve mentioned how there are parallels between Aang and Ozai? I wanted to know what led you to these conclusions considering.. y’know.. the plot of ATLA. Like, genuinely! What parallels are there? /gen
I was speaking mostly about Aang and Ozai as fathers. I've discussed it here, but the short of it is the way Aang played Golden Child/Scape Goat with his kids is very reminiscent of how Ozai was with Zuko and Azula. Right down to the fact that Bumi didn't feel like an acceptable son to Aang until he changed something fundamental about himself. I'm not saying that Aang is Ozai...necessarily. But there are parallels...and such😏.
In the tradition of the fandom having more interesting stories to tell than Bryke, there's a headcanon floating around that I adore about Zuko connecting with Aang's kids because he can relate to having a father that's disappointed in him for not being enough like him. I love the idea of Zuko bonding with Bumi over sword fighting, or teaching Kya how to incorporate other styles of bending into her own. I really, really love the idea that Zuko is the first person to really understand what Tenzin is going through because Zuko witnessed how horribly damaging being the Golden Child is through Azula.
Anyway, I'm off topic. Yeah, there are parallels between Ozai and Aang. Mainly as fathers, but, come on. Could you not see Ozai opening a lava fissure in Ursa's face if she wasn't giving him what he wanted from her?
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loneduet · 7 months
Secrets - Part 1
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Summary: You love Sokka and it scares you. You don't know what he'll do if he finds out. (Your a firebender)
A/N - ngl I wrote this for myself because of my recurring obsession with this lovable boy.
warnings: kissing, kinda short sorry
Hope you enjoy!
It all started when I met aang.
I ran way from my home not too long before i met them. Growing up in the fire nation was rough, especially being the emperors daughter. After zuko left to search for the airebender, i soon followed suit and left my status behind. All I ever was to my father was a dissapointment and I couldn't deal with Azula alone.
I was left with few options of where to go. I ended up living undercover in ba sing se where I soon met three kids my age. They were strangers at first, but now I don't know how I lived life without them. They have become my friends. My family.
While I know they are the exact people my brother is hunting down, I couldn't help but join them on their journey. I don't know what I'll do if I have to face my brother, but I know that I will never betray them.
Each of them showed me a kindness I have never known or deserved. Katara immediately accepted me, she loved having another girl be on the conquest and she insisted on braiding my hair everyday. Aang was kind and understanding. Deep down I know that he is aware of the secrets I keep, but he respects my boundaries and he shows me the fun to be had of everyday things. And than theres sokka. He is a completely different story.
When I met him my whole world was changed. At first he was wary of me and my additional presence to the group, but we soon started to get along. Really get along. He was protective and caring. At first glance, i immediantly respected the way that he treated his sister. While they fought like all siblings do, it's obvious that they truly love each other and I know that sokka will take care of her until the end.
I can see that all sokka wants to accomplish is to be a good leader and brother. He doesn't have bending abilities and he has admitted to me that this is one of his greatest insecurities, but it is far from a flaw. He hides a lot of his fear through his stupid jokes and ridiculous attitude, but I have learned to see through his disguise.
I have fallen so incredibly fast for this water tribe boy and he is completely unaware. Knowing his story, I can't let him find out about my past. He will never love me especially if he knows that im fire nation scum.
"Y/N, do you want to share with me?"
I looked over to see Sokka and his adorable puppy dog eyes looking at me.
"Of course." I giggle, helping him set up the tent.
Due to our constant travels and relocations, we had very few supplies which resulted in only three tents between the four of us. I wasn't complaining though.
"Goodnight Y/N." Aang said, giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek before heading to his tent.
"Yeah, goodnight!" Katara said with a wink. To her, it was obvious that I liked her older brother. She immediantly approved when she found out about it. If only she knew who I was.
I climbed into our shared tent and zipped it up behind me. Sokka was already laying down opening up the covers for me.
It was a normal thing for sokka and I to fall asleep in each other's embrace. Ever since we accidently fell asleep during one of aangs stories we have been inseparable. Sokka claims that he sleeps better because of how warm I naturally am and frankly he helps me keep the nightmares of my dad at bay.
From an outside perspective, our relationship is definitely weird. It's not normal for 'just friends' to cuddle up to each other every night. Deep down though, we both knew that their are feelings, but neither of us wanted to ruin what we have. What we could have.
I slipped under the covers next to him, his water nation blankets being especially fluffy and comfortable. Naturally his arms wrapped around my smaller frame and I tucked my head against his chest. His slow heart beat helped lull me to sleep.
"Y/N?" Sokka asked right before I dozed off.
"Yea?" I softly replied.
He than looks me straight in the eye. "I'm really glad I met you."
The statement takes me aback and I look maintain his eye contact, sitting up.
"Can I kiss you?" I whisper, not being able to help myself any longer.
He doesn't reply but leans forward and captures my lips with his. His body radiates warmth as he scoops me into his lap. I slide my hands into his soft hair that is let out of his usual ponytail. He grunts softly and let's go of my lips and puts his forehead against mine.
"Y/N, I think I love you."
Before he could return to kissing me my entire body freezes. He notices when I tense and looks at me questionably.
"I cant." I reply, leaving the tent in haste. The boy of my dreams watches my figure go, wondering what he did wrong. I cant do this to him. It has to stop.
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Let's talk about Zutara
I thought I should finally use this second blog of mine for the reason I made it.
To scream into the void and find mutals.
So let's talk about one Ship which people to this day fight over.
The fanon ship (at it pains me to write this) made out of Zuko and Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender aka. Zutara.
I read a lot of analyses, arguments and so on about this ship.
It probably all has been said about Zutara, but since I'm writing an AangXOC story which will include Zutara, I felt like I should give my stance on it.
Back when Avatar first aired in the country I lived in the time I was like 11-12 years old.
I had an instant crush on Aang since he was so funny, kind and gentle.
I never saw Aang's crush on Katara as a problem, because it always seemed to me, till season 3, that Katara was just motherly to Aang.
Giving a friend a cheek kiss in thanks doesn't automatically mean that you like-like them.
At this time I only really shipped Sokka and Yue and cried my eyes out how it ended.
And then the famous scene from book 2 in the crystal catacombs under Ba Sing Se happened.
Short recap, in that season Zuko goes through a lot of chances and I root for, wishing him the best.
Now back to the scene, I said.
The scene turned me into a Zutara shipper in one instant.
Zuko and Katara opening up to each other, sharing their traumas and feelings about the Fire Nation, Katara offering to heal his scare...it was poetic cinema.
I was shivering all over and was like kiss, kiss, kiss!
Let's not forget that before this scene I didn't even see them as a potential couple...but this scene, this beautiful moment they shared with each other, opened my eyes.
I was like, yeah this is it, this is something one should want from a partner. Mutual understanding.
Then Zuko decided to betray Katara for a chance to go home and I cried right there with our favourite waterbender.
I felt also betrayed.
The scene they shared made me feel things, which I experienced as a young girl for the first time, I felt the connection between Zuko and Katara like it was my own.
I was Katara at this moment and couldn't believe that the boy who opened up to me, who understood what it was like to have their mother taken away from the Fire Nation, who said that he wanted to change, that he turned his back on me.
Didn't I/Katara mean nothing to him?
Didn't he feel how special our/their moment was?
I was devasted.
When Zuko then joined the Gaang in the middle of season 3 I could understand Katara's anger towards him.
Katara and I trusted him first and he betrayed our trust.
We had a right to be angry.
As the Southern Raiders came on, as I saw how flawlessly they worked as a team, I felt my own heart heal.
I swerve to this day, that I thought they would kiss at the end of the episode, but we got a hug.
However, this hug, made me feel all giddy and mushy inside.
I felt it was something special.
Maybe even more than a kiss.
It was a huge of forgiveness and the start of a new bond.
And then the last episode comes on.
Zuko sacrificed himself to save Katara from Azula lighting, she healed him then...I thought, yes this is it, now comes the kiss...but nothing.
Then suddenly Zuko is back together with Mai and I was like WTF?!
And Aang and Katara share this really intense kiss at the end.
I was literally like:
It came out of nowhere for me.
That Aang wasn't over his crush on Katara we all know, but when did Katara decide she liked Aang?
When did this realisation happen, when in the Ember Island Player, which was like a few days before Sozin's Comet Katara made clear that she didn't want to have a romance or get kissed by Aang, which he didn't respect.
Did he ever actually apologise for the unwanted kiss? I don't think so.
Remember I had a crush on Aang, but through the seasons I became a Zutara Shipper and literally felt all their moments like they were my own.
I was Katara and Aang wasn't on my radar anymore.
I really doubted my interpretation skill, did all these lovely, mushy, heartful moments have been really romantic or did I project?
I felt like Zuko and Katara had broken up with me.
Yeah, so much inpact had their "friendly" moments at me!
To this day, the hug Katara and Zuko shared on the Southern Raiders is one of the most lovely moments of any of my ships.
Not even kissing made me feel, what this hug made me feel.
Think about how powerful this is!
If Zutara had kissed, I would have probably passed out or cried like a baby in happiness.
I don't know and I will never know since it's a fanon ship.
Anyway, years passed and as I mention before I read a lot of analysis and so on.
What shocked me most was that Byrke originally planned to have Zuko and Katara together but then changed their minds.
It did reassure me, how I wasn't imagining things between them, however reading then how the Souther Raider Episode changed a lot of times because Bryke found it too shippy, tells you a lot.
They wanted to make Kataang canon and better, than the natural flow Zutara had going on.
I want to repeat again, a HUG was MORE ROMANTIC and INTENSE than the crappy kiss Kataang shared.
Like what?!
How is this possible?
Well, yeah, if you don't force things and actually make people interact in a wholesome way it can be.
Zuko and Katara felt never forced because they just clicked. They were different, but the same in many things, that it was so natural to understand the other.
Aang and Katara felt always more like a mother-and-son duo, than real lovers.
And Maiko was kinda lame too.
I have this theory they just wanted to pair Zuko with a Fire Nation girl and be done with it.
I don't know why they chose Mai when it could have been worked with Ty Lee too, if it was only to pair Zuko with someone who doesn't understand him or doesn't want to try.
Excuse me, maybe Ty Lee would have been better since she seemed to care for her friends, in contrast to Mai who just tried her hardest to be goth and hate everything.
What I'm trying to say with this rant?
I think, as someone who had liked Aang and then felt more connected to Zuko and Katara, I can clearly say that if Katara had been a real girl and not a fictional character controlled by men, she would be together with Zuko.
Why would I/Katara choose someone who I need to mother, who is younger than me, who can't relate to me, if there is an older handsome boy who is kinda dorky and awkward and tries his best, understands my feelings and helps me to parent the Gaang?
Yeah, no, Katara would have smooched Zuko if she had been a real girl.
Now, who of you who knows me, can say, but Empress some of your OCs are older than their canon partner, how can you say that Kataang can't work if you do this in your stories?!
I want to make clear I don't have general a problem if the girl is older than the guy or taller.
It's just that their supposed age gap is when they are together makes it creepy.
Look at an example.
My parents have a three-year age gap.
Nothing much.
They are both in their 60, mid 60, so it's not weird.
They are in the same mature stage in life and understand the struggles of the other.
Now think if my parents meet at 12 and 15.
My dad is the older one.
Are you going to say with a straight face that it wouldn't have been creepy if my parents started to date at this age?
What does a teenager want with a pre-puperty child?
Also, they live in completely different worlds, how can they relate to each other?
The same goes for Katara and Aang, what does a 14-year-old want from a 12-year-old?
I bet if it was the other way around, we would all give Aang shit for preying on a 12-year-old girl.
The gender shouldn't decide if we find a couple creepy or not, even if it's so sadly.
What I want to say, Kataang would have worked better if let's say season 3 ended with no pairing, just all being friends and happy and then in the comics when they age, when Katara is 22 and Aang is 20 they got together.
They would have matured, been on the same level, probably dated other people and had experience.
It would have been okay.
Even if I still think Zutara is superior in anything.
Anyway, I hope I could explain myself and no hate to the canon ships and their shippers.
Ship and let ship.
I just wanted to explain my reason why I will be always a Zutara Shipper and don't reconsider the ending of Avatar as the end and Legend of Korra.
I will forever be Team-Season-Four-Where-Aang-Finds-Hiding-Airbenders-And-Falls-in-Love-With-A-Airbender Girl-His-Age-And-Zuko-And-Katara-Marry-Eachother-And-Katara-Becomes-The-Most-Beloved-And-Badass-Fire Lady-In-History!
And they find also Zuko mom ^^
So for now this is it for me.
If you want my take on an Aang and OC story, where Zutara will be canon, go to my other Tumblr profile empressofthesunwriter and read Yin and Yang.
Here is the link to the Index
I wish you all a nice day/night!
Till next time!
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pizzaboat · 3 months
I'm thinking about Azula's attempt at tricking Zuko and Iroh to come back home and the horrible things she says to him in the episode. And like, I obviously don't have to say that Zuko didn't deserve that shit before I continue my next thoughts
But I personally, Azula's aggression makes me think "resentment"
I don't buy into the "she's evil so she said it to be evil"
It didn't seem like the kind of moment she'd look back on to laugh about, because while Azula definitely enjoys messing with Zuko, I don't feel it ever really looked like that unless she was slipping (much like after Mai and Ty Lee betrayed her)
I just headcanon she resented Zuko for being banished because Ozai had both them convinced it was Zukos fault. With Zuko not around to take the brunt of their fathers negative attention, Azula got it more often
And I wouldn't even say that Ozai blew off steam at her. Because it would be far more calculating than that, he just made her think that's what he was doing. Really, Ozai would've been breaking her down from just the favourite child who needs his praise, to the only child, who will be discarded and all affection withdrawn from her if she falls short of any standards he sets
Zuko being banished marked the acceleration of her adultification and isolation. Zuko still acted like a kid when he was 13, but Azula doesn't at 14, that tells you a lot
And of course maybe it started when Ursa was banished and Zuko was left with no one on his side in the Palace while Ozai groomed Azula into his mini me
But I do headcanon that Zukos banishment was the big push to isolating Azula fully and focusing on bending her to being only a weapon
And Ozai has Azula resenting Zuko, because while she's so smart and cunning, she's only been fed the stories she can imagine
That's my headcanon anyway. Azula resents Zuko for being banished because she ended up alone, and deep down, she knew something was very dark and off about her life at that point. There was just a cognitive disconnect on why it was all so miserable because she was getting all their fathers attention, and that's what Azula thought she wanted
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writermai05 · 3 months
Arsonist's Lullabye
Chapter 2: Wasteland, Baby!
Summary: Y/n makes new friends, and Zuko….tries. 
Pairing: Zuko x fem! reader (Live Action or Animated) 
A/N: Not “this is me trying” starting to play as I was writing Zuko’s pov…Anyways, this is a long chapter, which is why it took me so long to write. I was struggling a bit, but I think it came out good! I would love any feedback / constructive criticism to help me improve on the story. 
Word Count: 1,897
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Avatar: The Last Airbender, I am merely a nerd who hyperfixates a lot. Lots of divergence from the canon story lol. 
Warnings !: Zuko is insecure, Mentions of bullying, I think that’s it? 
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Y/n was excited to start classes. After all, she was a social butterfly, floating around from person to person like flowers in a garden.  Her morning sociology class was pretty small for a lecture, but it was full of interesting new people. 
But there was one person who stood out to her most. A girl with jet black hair, held in a bun at the top of her head with a gold pin, and golden eyes with an intensity enough to make even the most powerful cower. She wore a bright red long sleeved top under a black tank top, with matching black pants and black leather boots. She stood strongly, and with perfect posture. But Y/n noticed how she stood off to the side of the room, all by herself. Maybe the girl was intentionally avoiding people? Y/n thought. Or maybe, the mere aura of this girl was strong enough to deter people away from her. Either way, Y/n was intrigued. 
As their classmates mingle about, asking the same two questions over and over again, Y/n quietly snuck next to the girl. She took notice of her height. If the girl’s hair was down, the two of them would be about the same height. Y/n quietly took in her presence in an attempt to learn more about her.
“Who are you?” The girl snapped, looking Y/n up and down, sizing her up. 
Y/n brushed off the hostile advance as if it were nothing.  “I’m Y/n. I’m a second year psychology major. And you?” 
The girl appeared a little surprised. Perhaps she was used to people being scared, or intimidated by her. 
“...Azula.” The girl replied. 
Y/n nodded. “Well Azula, what is your year and major?” 
“I’m a first year business administration major…”  Azula responded, clearly uninterested in the rest of the conversion. Y/n wasn’t an idiot. She could tell when people were not in the mood to converse. 
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Azula. If you actually feel like talking, I’ll be over there.” And with that, Y/n left, fluttering away to a brand new person on the other side of the lecture hall, leaving Azula thoroughly confused, and kind of impressed. 
When Katara and Y/n had lunch last friday, the younger girl had insisted that Y/n had lunch with her, Sokka, and their friends. To which Y/n happily accepted, of course. 
The dining hall buzzed with high spirits as students lined up to get their lunch. Looking out amongst the crowd, she spotted the group of friends, their laughter and their energetic conversations added to the noise within the room. 
Sokka was the first to spot her, “Y/n!” He said, bringing the girl to the group's attention. There were 5 of them at the table, an air-nomad boy sat next to Katara, and next to him sat a short girl in green, then Sokka, and another girl next to him. 
“You guys this is Y/n, my mentor for the scholarship program Sokka and I are a part of!” Katara took hold of Y/n’s arm, leading her to sit in between her and the taller girl. The girl in question smiled at y/n. 
“Nice to meet you y/n! I’m Suki-”
“My girlfriend!” Sokka cut her off in an excited tone. Suki narrowed her eyes at Sokka, making the boy reel it back a little. 
“Yes. I am indeed Sokka’s girlfriend. That’s Toph and Aang, Katara’s boyfriend.” Suki pointed at the short girl and the air-nomad boy. Aang smiled while Toph gave a little nod of her head. 
“It’s so nice to meet you guys. Katara and Sokka talk about you a lot.” Y/n said with a smile. 
“So Y/n, what do you like to do?” Toph asked curiously, her unseeing eyes trailing around the area where y/n sat. 
“Well, I’m a psych major, and I minor in Water Tribe studies. I practice water-bending sometimes too..” Y/n trailed off. 
“You’re a water-bender? Why didn’t you mention it before?” asked Katara. 
Y/n Shrugged. “I’m not very good. Plus my parents are kinda…disconnected from that part of our culture.” 
The group nodded in sympathy. The rapid urbanization of their nations left no room for things like the practice of bending. Nowadays, only the rich, as well as some members of the Water Tribe, continue to teach their children bending. It was almost more common for people to not know bending than to know it.  
Amidst the clinking of utensils and the hum of conversation, the group of friends savored their lunch, grateful for the simple things. They rattled on about going to Toph’s Power Disc game next week, and watching Suki in the Kyoshi color guard. Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n saw a certain cashier. She turned her head to look at him completely, which grabbed the attention of Katara. 
“Ugh. Zuko.” She said with a roll of her eyes. 
Y/n perked at the mention of his name. “You guys know him?” 
“Unfortunately, yes. Why do you ask? ” Katara stabbed into her food, causing Aang to put a hand on her shoulder, calming her down. 
“I met him at the Jasmine Dragon.” Y/n explained vaguely. Based on the reactions around the table, she knew she probably should not have asked about him.
“We went to high school together…He wasn’t the nicest back then.” Aang explained. 
Sokka scoffed at Aang’s passivity.
“He burnt Toph’s feet. He literally shoved you into a locker! That’s like, some shit you’d see in a mover!” Sokka exclaimed in an over the top fashion. 
Toph shrugged, “That was an accident. We were sparring in PE-”
“Toph, you’re a 5 foot tall blind girl-”
“Hey! I’m 5’1!” 
Aang tried his best to get his friends to settle down. 
“Okay that’s enough. Sokka, weren’t you and Zuko in the same class last year? He wasn’t mean to you then right?”
“Maybe because he was embarrassed from completely bombing his first year of classes-”
Aang’s eyes widened, “Katara!” 
“What? It’s true.” She said matter of factly. 
Suki was the one to get the group to settle down. 
“That’s enough you guys.” 
Now was probably an awful time for Y/n to mention Zuko was very nice when they had met the previous week. Instead, she opted to sit quietly, pondering all the information she had just learned. 
Zuko was mortified. 
Of course Y/n was friends with the people he tormented. Of course they had mattered to shoot down any chances of friendship between him and Y/n. Of course, he would never get a chance to finally make amends with Aang and his friends. He knew for a fact he had done this to himself, and yet he couldn’t help but immediately blame the circumstances that had followed him up until this point. 
As he walked into his next class, Zuko began to feel an unprompted sense of dread overwhelm him. 
Oh. That’s why. 
Low and behold, sitting right in front of him was the girl he had served at the boba shop mere days ago. The girl that had literally just listened to Aang and his friends completely dragged him about his past behavior. 
Y/n made eye contact with him, her eyes filling with warm recognition. She smiled at him, giving a small wave. Zuko quickly averted contact, sitting as far away as he could with the limited seats left in class. He tried his best to avoid catching her gaze, but it was useless, because she was staring at him now. Each time their eyes met each other's, Zuko's would dart to the floor, in an attempt to not feel the heavy weight of his past transgressions on his conscience.  
It worked for about 15 minutes, before the professor grouped everyone in the class up to talk. Of course, it was just his luck that his stupid professor would group Y/n and him as a pair. 
“Just talk with your partner a little about yourselves. I really encourage you to get to know one another, as you will be with these people for the rest of the year.” Their professor had said. 
Yeah, thanks. 
The tension between the two was palpable. Zuko refused to make conversation, simply nodding at everything that Y/n would tell him. He assumed it would be better if they kept the conversation minimal, maybe then she didn’t have to pretend to want to know more about him. 
However, Y/n was starting to get annoyed. What was going on? This is literally what she had wanted, and yet Zuko sat there, pretending to care about what she was saying. 
“What is your deal?” She asked bluntly, shocking Zuko, and even herself a little, with the brash tone she had taken up. 
“What is my deal? What is your deal?” he fired back, as if he were a child retorting to a schoolyard taunt. 
“Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying? If you don't want to talk, you should just say something. You don’t have to go the extra mile to ignore me for virtually no reason?’
“Why are you talking to me?” he spat back at her. 
Y/n looked at him with dismay. “Because I can? Do I need a reason?” 
“Well after the conversation you and your friends had at the dining hall, I figured there was no reason you’d want to.” Y/n noticed the way Zuko pulled back after he said that. He once again looked everywhere else but at her. 
“I’m sorry.” said Zuko. 
He knew this was a mistake. He should have never tried in the first place. Silence overtook the two of them for a minute. 
“Look, I don’t know what happened between all of you. But this is all new to me, and I don’t know how exactly to navigate this. I forgive you for being an asshole just now.” Y/n was being honest, but she couldn’t quite tell whether or not Zuko had understood. 
“Time’s up! Back to your seats.” Their professor proclaimed as the timer chirped a loud, annoying, song. 
Feeling like a kicked puppy, Zuko began to gather his things and return to his seat. But not before Y/n reached out and grabbed his wrist. 
“How about we sit next to each other on wednesday? We’ll talk more then?” She raised her eyebrows expectantly. 
Zuko was confused. Had she not realized just how fucked up of a person he is? Why isn’t she giving up?
“Okay…” he responded with a curt nod. 
She gave a gentle smile, nodding her own head. “Okay.” 
With that, she let go of his hand, letting Zuko walk away. He stared at the wrist that she had held onto. Her grasp was gentle, but unyielding and it had felt like a jolt of lightning against his scarred skin. 
Y/n had felt the roughness of his scarred skin underneath her fingertips, her eyes trailing Zuko as he walked away. She found herself even more curious about him than before. 
Within the wasteland of his mind, Zuko picked up the pieces of all his hopes and dreams, for maybe a secret oasis could finally be found in Y/n’s kindness. Maybe, his luck was beginning to change. 
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comradekatara · 5 months
for tbe atla people who has had in-universe fanfiction written about them (along the lines of tina belcher who came from bobs burger belcher)
your asks are always so strange (both in content and wording) that I end up having to read them like 5 times before I can begin to parse them. anyway I love that you cite tina belcher instead of just. rpf. like the literal terminology for this phenomenon that we do very much have at our disposals. so I even can’t tell if you’re asking “who would have rpf written about them” (which also presumably differs from historical fiction about past avatars or smth like that) and “who would write freaky friend fiction (like tina)?” i’m gonna go with the latter bc it’s way funnier.
i think that girl meng would definitely have written some….things…..about aang, iykwim. zombie apocalypse au, enemies to lovers, there was only one bed, etc etc.
i can also just kind of see jin doing this (abt lee from the tea shop or otherwise) i can’t explain it she just has fujoshi vibes. like, whenever ppl talk about how jin, zuko, and jet should have all been friends in ba sing se, i’m usually like “uhh… why tho….” but now i see why. it’s so that she could write jetko rpf about them.
for therapeutic purposes mai probably writes a lot of really cathartic short stories about her entire family, the entire royal family, and ty lee all falling into a sinkhole. but then mai saves ty lee from drowning at the last minute, which teaches ty lee to appreciate her instead of that stupid sinkhole bitch azula (this is all pre boiling rock, obviously).
at one point mai and sokka find a notebook of really angsty fanfiction about the blue spirit and they’re like, “oh my god this is amazing we gotta show this to zuko, he’ll get a kick out of this,” not realizing that zuko actually wrote it himself as a way to work through his identity crisis. he’s just like, “yeah….wow….so cringey, right? but also, kind of incredible how this writer articulates the struggle of the bisected self in extremis so beautifully……right? you guys think so too?” and sokka and mai just look at each other and silently go, “okay…. we may have made a mistake…..”
when katara was a child she would make up stories in her head about finding the avatar and befriending him and having him fall in love with her due to her courage and beauty and (hopefully, someday) waterbending talent and they would defeat the firelord together and live happily ever after. but thankfully she never wrote any of this down, because paper is a very scarce commodity in the southern water tribe and even she knows better than to invoke gran gran’s wrath on that. she never tells aang. although at some point (in sworn secrecy) she does end up telling zuko (assuming that he’d understand considering he also devised fantasies of finding the avatar to cope with his miserable existence), and he laughs for hours.
during their time together in the nwt, yue’s diary gets filled with all kinds of lurid fantasies of sokka killing hahn (in increasingly brutal ways) and sneaking her out of the palace so that she can join team avatar and they can be together forever. of course, whenever they talk about it, she’s just like “yes I love hahn he is great and I love my people and I would never leave my home” so sokka’s just like “okay girl you do you.” but then during the siege, yue actually sees sokka kill a man, and she’s suddenly so conflicted because all her self-indulgent fantasies were a bit too real (and in reality, he’s way more efficient about killing people than he was in her fantasies, almost like he’s done it before….) and she has no clue how to feel about it. anyway, thankfully, yue has learned how to hide her diary really well at this point, because if arnook ever found those particular pages he would’ve tracked down sokka and killed him without hesitation.
ok bonus follow up to the fujoshi jin writing jetko rpf au: eventually they find it (or maybe she’s bold enough to just straight up give it to them. you know what, she might be) and read it. jet’s like, “uhhh…. jin….. i’m not gay. you know that, right?” (he’s actually been hitting on her for… a while now…) and zuko’s like, “okay well i might be. BUT NOT FOR HIM!!!”
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ragzonacamrencruise · 1 month
Thoughts on Azutara but featuring either Katara or Azula drinking a love potion?
ooohhh yesss soo many thoughts!! okay hear meowt-
Everybody thinks it's safe to assume that Katara is the one who'll fall for Ty Lee's old trick of making everyone drink love potion intead of the supposed drink she's handing them. But Katara knows better than to gulp anything that Ty Lee gives her, having heard all the hilarious but embarrassing stories that come along with it.
So, she doesn't think much when one night, she finds Azula staring at her from across the courtyard in Ozai's Ember Island House. It's a full moon night and Katara has never been able to get much sleep whenever there's a full moon. The Gaang had just finished their meal around a campfire, all of them now soundly asleep.
Or, so she thought before she made out the silhouette as Azula's against the rising moon across the courtyard. The dying campfire flickers in Azula's eyes, and Katara's never seen it be so . . . golden.
"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" Katara asks softly, as she starts walking towards a cliff that sits on top of a hill that gently rolls down right outside the courtyard near Ozai's house. Azula doesn't answer, but Katara can feel Azula following right behind her. Katara sits at the edge of the cliff, dangling her feet in the air, with the house behind her and the rising moon in front of her, basking in its soft glow, filling her to the brim with power and a rare sort of energy she hasn't yet experienced. It's new and urgent and she just needs to cool it off before she does something stupid.
But that plan goes down the drain when she feels Azula come up behind her to take a seat right beside, golden eyes scrutinising her with wonder, making Katara's stomach flip uncomfortably.
Okay, she should not be feeling this way about Azula.
She blames it on the full moon hormones.
"Anything in particular that's keeping you awake?" Katara tries again. "For me, it's the full moon."
When Azula doesn't respond, Katara turns to look at her with a slight frown, wondering what's going on inside the fire princess's beautiful mind.
Did she just call her beautiful? God damn it-
She blames it on Azula's change in hair-do with just a ponytail and her bangs framing her face. She looks like she jumped to ground directly from the Sozin's Comet, burning hot. And it doesn't help when Azula's looking at her like this too, with her golden eyes softened in the glow of the full moon.
"Did Toph offer you something to drink?" Azula wonders at Katara finally breaking her long held silence.
"Yes." Katara answers eagerly, glad to make some kind of conversation. A few seconds more of this excruciating silence and she would've gone mad for sure. "But it was just watermelon juice. I made sure to check."
"Are you sure it was just watermelon juice?"
Katara squints her eyes. "Are you suggesting it was something else?"
Azula shrugs, her eyes still unable to waver from Katara's. "I donno. She offered me some too. And I haven't felt this weird since that one time in the Royal Fire Academy for Girls."
Katara's frown deepens. "What do you mean?"
"When we were little, Ty Lee learnt this secret to boil down a love potion that makes you incredibly infactuated with the person the potion demands."
Katara nods. "Yes, I'm aware of it."
Azula lets out a short huff in irritation before continuing. "Ty Lee tricked me into drinking love potion when we were in the Academy and I think she convinced Toph into her little devious plan cuz it felt just like how weird I'm feeling right now."
Katara knows she shouldn't be doing this. She shouldn't be asking questions like this, but something foggy in her brain just lets the query fall from her lips like rain on a hot day. "How weird are you feeling right now?"
A moment of silence passes between them as Azula lets those words hang in the air. "Weird enough to do something I've always wanted to do since I laid my eyes on you." The firebender's hair moves with the breeze, against her steady dialated eyes on Katara.
You see, Katara is not the one to miss an opportunity where she can be bold. Bold enough to say-
"Then do it."
And before she can even blink, Azula is upon her. Her hands find Katara's hips and she's a goner. She lets herself get drowned completely when Azula leans in to place the softest lips Katara has ever known on her mouth, claiming her once and for all. She's always dreamed of how it'll be when Azula finally gets over her resolve and avows her like she's doing right now, but she never came close to even fabricating the real thing.
The urgency Katara felt before hits her back with a force she can only describe as 'waterbending-bomb like'. She desperately grasps onto Azula's top collars, finally getting what she's wanted since she saw Azula in those Fire Nation party outfits when they went to watch the Ember Island Players again.
Azula runs her hand through Katara's hair and her braids fall helplessly open, springing Katara's wavy locks free from its confines. She cluches it in her fingers, pulling Katara's head back with it to gain more access to her.
An involuntary noise escapes Katara as she feels herself completely submit to Azula's needs and desires.
That seems to pull Azula out of her daze, as she quickly halts their ministrations, untangling herself from Katara's body. "We shouldn't be doing this."
And Katara's gut bottoms out. Just when she thought she had a chance, Azula goes and breaks her heart like this. She shoulda known better than to-
"The love potion's still in our systems." Azula continues and Katara looks at her with wide eyes. "Come find me tomorrow if you still think this is what you want when the love potion is out."
And with that, Azula stands up and leaves a reeling Katara still dumbstruck over her luck at finding gold in the middle of a desert.
okay . . . i didn't mean for this to get this looongggg, but, how do you like that?? tell me tell me tell me :)
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calderacitylovers · 10 months
Wholesome Zutara Short Stories
Tell Me Where Your Heart Is by badlucksav | Published: 2021-04-12 | 2,363 words
Katara accidentally discovers a secret stash of love letters Zuko has written to an anonymous woman but never sent. Could he be talking about her? “And I can’t help but hope that maybe that’s a sign, that you feel for me as I feel for you. Maybe you’re afraid to put it to words, as I am. But I cannot ever speak these feelings to you unless I know...I won’t put you in that position.”
Tales of Tenderness by emicha | Published: 2021-04-06 | 3,068 words
Toph, Iroh, Sokka, Gran Gran, Aang, and Azula observe how the relationship between Zuko and Katara unfolds over the years. “This is the picture of two souls that have seen too much bad already, who’ve grieved and hurt more than one single lifetime should permit; the picture of two people who still have it in them to hold a person so different from oneself this close.”
MOONTIDES by  MarkedMage | Published: 2020-11-24 | 10K Words
He smells like fire and feels like home. She smells like rain and feels like love. A short story about Zuko and Katara’s first kiss inspired by this and this glorious animation by Hayley Foster Wong.
GOLD by ifyouwereamelody | Published: 2020-11-27 | 3,7K Words
Zuko and Katara’s first kiss in a fall garden.
A Love Story Told in Reverse by cablesscutie | Published: 2021-04-26 | 9,324 words
A collection of sweet outtakes from Zuko and Katara’s life: from their childhoods to becoming parents. “Her head tips to rest on his shoulder, and with his heart in his throat, he gives into the months-old urge to kiss her hair. She makes a happy little hum, and Zuko can’t breathe.”
just say when by hawktasha | Published: 2021-03-16 | 6,131 words
After Sokka and Suki’s wedding, Katara wakes up with the worst hangover of her life, with the best friend she has been harboring feelings in secret for the last few years laying next to her, no clothes at all on either of their bodies. Oh, and she had no idea how they ended up in that predicament.
Engagement Chicken: The Engagement Scheme by DontStopHerNow | Published: 2022-09-18 | 23K words
After a night of commiseration about marriage expectations, Katara and Zuko agree to fake an engagement to get the meddlers off their backs. They'll call Chicken on the arrangement when everyone else objects. This can't last a month! Featuring: meddling friends, heartfelt words cloaked in half-truths, chaperones, Fire Nation engagement traditions, Southern Water Tribe wedding traditions, background couples, and a squid-whale with a mistaken identity
The Dragon of the West’s Guide to Flirting by bluesunflower44 | Published: 2021-05-12 | 4,341 words
“Now. Take very good care of this, it’s a family heirloom. Although no one passed it down to me, since I wrote it, it will be a family heirloom one day. I just know it.” Uncle Iroh is good with the ladies. So taking his advice when it comes to romance should go just fine...right?
Strike a Match by Naladot | Published: 2022-09-03 | 22K
At Republic City's second annual HeiBai festival, Fire Lord Zuko has contracted a matchmaker to find him a permanent political ally—or, well, a wife. He asks Katara to chaperone his meetings. But this arrangement only threatens to reveal the truth: there are a lot of things neither of them have ever dared to talk about.
Seven Years Bad Luck by riathermopolis | Published: 2021-08-08 | 20.6K words
The gaang reunites every summer for a week on Ember Island, which in theory Katara supports whole-heartedly. The only problem is that apparently some higher power on the island is on a mission to humiliate her. At least, that's her best guess for why she suddenly can't act like a normal person around Zuko. Or: Katara repeatedly embarrasses herself in front of Zuko.
Maiden Mother Crone by MoonShoesReyes  | Published: 2021-02-12 | 10,8K Words
Post-canon. After the ravages of war, Katara learns to wear three faces: maiden, mother, and crone. A sweet story of Zuko supporting Katara in her journey of self-discovery and finding a purpose. A sprinkle of Blue Spirit and Painted Lady. "After years of being empty, Katara finally knew who she was - or at least, she knew who she was at the core. Though her cast of masks stayed ever-changing, the Painted Lady was always kind and just."
Bound to Burn by Selemetis | Published: 2020-10-02 | 10,3K Words
Post-canon. Zuko witnesses the kiss between Aang and Katara. Over the coming months Zuko and Katara work their way back together. "Zuko knew he had to let Katara go for her to see where she wanted to stand."
So Close and Still So Far by EKWolf2020| Published: 2022-09-18 | 6,4K Words
It is the ten-year celebration of the end of The Hundred-year-old war. Expectations and excitement are in the air for most of the world. But for Katara, she feels dread as some news has come to her that could change everything. Will she follow with expectations, or will she find that there is another path for her?
The Brave Man Only Once by ifyouwereamelody | Published: 2021-02-19 | 2,2K Words
Firelord Zuko and Ambassador Katara’s first kiss. “He flinches as a voice rips him abruptly out of his own thoughts and drops him back into the meeting; the table of council members is watching him, staring with raised brows that beg the answer to a question he doesn’t know, but Katara refuses to look his way.”
Til Kingdom Come by bluenebulae | Published: 2020-07-26 | Words: 6,2K
Four years after Sozin’s Comet, Katara finds her way home. A proposal story. Supportive Gaang. “I’ve spent four years exploring every corner of this world, Zuko. I’ve been a waterbending master and a shop girl, an assistant in an abbey and an advisor to the Earth King and a whole bunch of people in the Fire colonies still think I’m an actual spirit. I think, now, I just want to be Katara. And that means being here.”
Voyage by amoeve | Published: 2015-07-24 | Words: 4,2K When Zuko asks Katara to marry him, it is for love. But it’s also an alliance that shows the world that the war is truly over, and everyone wants to get in on the fun. For their wedding Zuko and Katara work their way through over-the-top combination of customs and traditions from the four nations. Hilarious and absurd, but wholesome. “She’s a waterbender. When they travel, the little ship skims across the surface of the sea, eating up the miles, and they have ice houses to sleep in every night. He’s a firebender. He lights their way when the fogs descend, keeps them warm when they sleep, and fries the fish she catches in his hands.”
But Who’s Counting? by halfhoursonearth | Published: 2023-12-28 Words: 7K
After the Last Agni Kai Zuko and Katara are waiting for the news from the GAang and get to explore their friendship and growing connection. A tender and beautiful story. “Tears are gathering in her eyes, and a new tightness pulls at Zuko’s chest. Though he still isn’t used to the casual way his new friends touch one another, this is not the first time he has felt the instinct to reach for Katara, in particular—to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder or arm. But wiping tears from her face is something new, and Katara watches him with wide eyes as his hand rises to her cheek.”
happiness (that's all rolled up in you) by soopsiedaisies | Published: 2024-01-17 | 3,8K words
A first kiss story. Zuko and Katara are cooking dinner for the Gaang on the Ember Island. Sweet, thrilling, and beautiful. "She reckons that she likes a lot of things about Zuko. She likes his face, for starters: his nose, his eyes, his mouth. She likes his scar and the way he dresses. She likes how he picks up the slack left by the others like those tasks were his anyway and she likes his smile. She likes the way he kisses and she really likes his hair."
For the Fire Nation | 2019-11-25 | 2,8K words
He falls in love with her for his country before he falls in love with her for himself. A short and beautiful AU story that explores how love and duty aren’t always mutually exclusive.
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zuko-always-lies · 3 months
What exactly were everyone's character arcs supposed to be?
This is an interesting question for ATLA, and one sometimes without a clear answer. Some characters have reasonably complete character arcs, and others simply don't, to a degree which is often not acknowledged today. A few are in-between. This not necessarily a function of screen time. Jet and Yue have reasonably complete character arcs despite only briefly appearing, while others with far more screen time do not.
Without further ado, I'll go through the characters one by one and try to give an answer:
Yue, as I said, has a story which feels complete with a beginning, middle, and end. She's a very duty bound person committed a political marriage to help her tribe, a person who was saved by the holy symbols of it in the first place. Then she falls in love with Sokka but refuses to break off her engagement out of duty. And finally she sacrifices her life out of duty to save everyone.
Jet also feels like he has an arc. You can take issue with how it was written and how it plays out, since he really got the short straw, but it's an arc. From being orphaned by the Iroh-aligned Rough Rhinos, to fighting the Fire Nation and going "too far," to trying to make a new start in Ba Sing Se, to correctly getting suspicious about Zuko and Iroh, to being brainwashed by the Dai Li, to dying fighting against Long Feng. It's not nearly as coherent as Yue's arc, but it's something.
Suki, by contrast, doesn't have much of an arc. I've heard before the concept of "character arc" being defined as "either the character changes or the audience's perception of them changes." Neither of those things ever happen with Suki. She remains unchanged, and we learn nothing really about her. The only meaningful character change which happens is that she and Sokka fall in love.
Aang quite obviously has an arc: grow into the position of Avatar, defeat the Firelord, befriend Zuko, and the end the war. And, of course, get together with Katara.
Zuko also has an arc, which the show probably spends more time on than with anyone else: change sides, become friends with the Gaang(although that bit was very poorly written), and reject his abusive father and instead start worshipping his uncle. And I suppose grow strong enough to beat the crap out of his sister, like he's always wanted to do.
Iroh, by contrast, couldn't have less of an arc. Any attempt to read an arc into the mess of extremely incoherent writing he was would require extreme charity. In the end, we're supposed to both accept he "changed" offscreen before the show(that his arc was already mostly complete?) but also that he was "always good" anyways.
Toph doesn't have an arc. 90% of her character development, such as it was, is confined to her first two appearances. After that, she's merely a hanger on to the Gaang. As much as people love her, there is so little to her story. Her character is better defined than Suki, but her story isn't.
Azula is supposed to have an arc. It's supposed to be about falling apart, going insane, and being lain low. But it was extremely rushed and shoved unconvincingly into the last few episodes, and the writers were uninterested in explaining what actually happened to make her fall apart, so I struggle to say she has anything resembling a coherent arc.
Ty Lee also doesn't have an arc. Her arc, such as it was imagined, was supposed to "betray Azula." Yet none of the character development she gets over the series leads in that direction, and we have every reason to believe she would have acted the same at the beginning of the series as she did at the end. And of course there was no "redemption" aside from switching sides for her.
Mai has slightly more of an arc than Ty Lee, but that's only because it involves her getting together with Zuko and eventually sacrificing herself to protect him. Otherwise, it's about as coherent as Ty Lee's arc.
Sokka's arc is an interesting one. I would say that there are four things they experiment with as the basis for his arc. First, there is his distrust for Aang, which is rapidly resolved. Second is his sexism, which is equally rapidly resolved. Third is unease over being a nonbender, but that's only rarely referenced over the course of the series, and is fully "resolved" in the truly awful episode "Sokka's Master" early in Book 3. Finally, there is the issue of his daddy issues and his desire to prove himself as a warrior. That is something his story keeps coming back to over and over again. However, it is almost entirely resolved in the Day of Black Sun episodes, where Sokka leads the SWT in battle, despite a couple weird later references in the Boiling Rock episodes. Thus, I would Sokka has an arc, but it's resolved well before the series ends.
Finally, we reach Katara. I don't think Katara really has much of a coherent arc in the series. In Book 1, it was all about her trying to become a master waterbender, but she achieves that by the end of the Book. After that, her character lacks clear direction. What's her story supposed to be about after that? Getting together with Aang? "Forgiving Zuko"? The daddy issues which show up for exactly one episode? The conflict with Toph which shows up for two? "Accepting that ordinary Fire Nation people are people too," even though she was always shown to be compassionate to ordinary Fire Nation people not actively engaged in genocide? The "mommy issues" which she often brings up but which are rarely taken seriously by the show, and are ultimately used to get her to forgive Zuko (two separate times!)? All of these seem completely unworthy of hanging her arc on, and I have to say, I don't think Katara has much of a coherent arc past Book 1.
If we had to order these characters in terms of coherence of arc from most to least, it would probably go something like: Aang, Zuko, Yue, Jet, Sokka, Katara, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Iroh, Toph, Suki.
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imagines--galore · 11 months
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Eight
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. A little fighting but nothing too detailed.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
A/N: We’re on our way to Ba Sing Se! And if its not too much trouble could you guys just leave your thoughts and tell me what you thought of this chapter and the story overall please? I would really appreciate it.
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To say things were awkward between her and Zuko would be an understatement.
Where there had been some form of civility between the both of them, despite their constant bickering, now it was............silence. Sure there were a few words exchanged, but they were short and curt, and neither of them would look at the other when they spoke.
It was beginning to get on Iroh’s nerves. He would take their constant bickering any day over whatever this was. Once more he wandered what had happened when Orora had gone after his nephew. Zuko had returned first, dripping wet and without the ostrich horse or Orora. Iroh didn’t have time to worry long. She soon returned as well, perfectly dry and with a protective covering over both her and Chairo to keep from getting wet. She had simply offered Iroh a small shake of her head at his offer of a hot meal, pulled out her sleeping bag, and disappeared under her blanket. 
It had been a few days since that day, and his injuries were on the mend. They were healing remarkably fast. All thanks to Orora and her healing abilities. She would have two healing sessions with him everyday. One in the morning and another one at night. After a few days she allowed him to start practicing a few firebending stances to help his muscles heal properly. But she was always ready in case he pulled a muscle or something of the sort.
During their stay in the rundown hut, Orora had taken to practicing her waterbending stances. She would go through them over and over, until every step was seamless like water running over a rock, and every movement of her arm was as fluid as the water she bended. Given that she needed to practice near water, and Iroh wasn’t about to let her out of his sight for fear of Azula returning, all three of them would go down to the nearby river. And while Iroh would dip his feet in the cool water and Zuko would sulk nearby, Orora would step into the water and practice.
Of course before stepping into the water she had to shed the baggy brown pants and tunic she had worn since the day she had begun her journey disguised as a boy.
Which left her in her underclothes, which consisted of a light blue bandeau wrapped around her chest, leaving her shoulders and stomach completely bare. Around her hips was a sarong type skirt under which she had a pair of, what looked to be, short pants that ended mid-thigh.
Since the time she had chopped off her hair, the strands now just touched her cheeks. Where her pale blue eyes had been the most prominent feature against her tanned skin, now white portion at the front of her hair was what stood out more. The months of traveling had led her to loose whatever baby fat had been left, and while she still thought of herself as unshapely, anyone could see that she was filling out quite well when it came to the curve of her hips and the swell of her breasts. Not to mention the constant walking and waterbending practice she did helped kept her in shape. And though she was eating significantly less then she normally did, she didn’t have a starved look about her face.
All in all, she looked rather healthy considering the circumstances.
After a few moments of contemplation where she stared at her reflection in the clear water, Orora inhaled softly before assuming her first stance and starting her practice.
Completely unaware of a pair of golden eyes taking in her every movement  sitting on the river bank almost entranced. 
Iroh had seen his nephew looking, and a smile pulled at his lips at the expression on the young Prince’s face. “What has you so deep in thought Prince Zuko?” He asked, though there was a certain teasing tone in his words, there was also curiosity and sincerity. That words acted as a reminder that he was staring and he quickly looked away, his cheeks a little red at having been caught staring.
Silence followed his words as Iroh chuckled and returned to watching his student execute a particularly difficult waterbending move to perfection. “Bravo Orora! You are doing very well.” Orora pushed her wet hair back from her forehead to give the older man a grin before returning to her practice. Zuko had caught the move out of the corner of his eyes, and though he would never voice it, he knew that under his Uncle’s guidance, despite their different elements, Orora would become a skilled bender.
“Tell me Prince Zuko, now that you have found your soulmate, is there anything you intend to do something about it?” So perhaps he was being a little nosy, but Iroh was hoping that Orora would be the person to bring a little light, laughter and perhaps love into his nephew’s life. He had been so starved of all three since his mother’s disappearance, and though Iroh tried his best to fill that void, perhaps having another person would help steer Zuko down the right path.
Zuko had visibly stiffened at the question, stubbornly refusing to meet his Uncle’s inquiring gaze. Once more he didn’t reply, though his mind wandered back to the night of the storm. When they had both finally acknowledged what they had been trying to fight since the day they met.
“There is nothing to do about anything, Uncle.” He stated in a flat tone. “Nothing will ever become of it. Our destines will never allow it.” How could anything happen? She was of the Water Tribe and he was from the Fire Nation. If he was ever to have any chance of going back home, he would never be able to take her with him. A prince of the Fire Nation with a water bending soulmate?
Even if the Fire Sages let it slip, his father would never allow it to happen.
Iroh’s expression grew a little grave at what his nephew was implying. “As I have often told you Prince Zuko, destiny works in mysterious ways, but it never throws a problem at a person that they cannot figure out.” He reached out to gently place a hand on his shoulder.
“You will find the answer to this my boy. And sometimes the answer is standing right in front of you.” As he spoke, Iroh’s gaze moved to Orora who was still practicing. Unconsciously Zuko followed his gaze.
And continued to look at her until she was finished with her training and approached the shore. Zuko stood abruptly to his feet as she did, turning his back to her. “I hope you’re feeling up for some traveling Uncle, we will be leaving in the morning.”
Orora frowned, opening her mouth to protest but a silent look from her Master had her sighing. “Well I suppose I should start packing up.” She spoke softly as she quickly dried herself off using waterbending and donning her clothes. Zuko didn’t hear her response, having already started down the path back towards their temporary abode.
“He shouldn’t be traveling this soon.”
Zuko glanced up from where he had been saddling Chairo. Orora had just exited the small hut from where he could already hear the sounds of his Uncle snoring away. He had probably just finished a healing session with him.
“I know, but if we stay here, my sister might find us again.” He didn’t miss the look of surprise she gave him at his calm response. It was a first for him, to respond normally to anything she said. But he was just tired, and didn’t feel it in him to argue with her. “True.” 
If he could be civil, she could be civil.
“I guess we just have to be careful with him.” Zuko gave a small smile as he shook his head. “He may not look it, but he’s tough. He can handle it.” His tone was as reassuring as it could get, and it did ease Orora’s worry a little. A particularly loud snore echoed in the night prompting Orora to smile and for Zuko to let out a small groan of embarrassment.
“Especially after he’s had a good night sleep. Which we should be getting as well.” With one final tug to make sure everything was well and truly packed, Zuko picked up his sleeping mat and moved to walk past Orora and towards the hut.
“Hey Zuko?” The sound of her calling out his name made him pause. He had stopped barely a foot away from her, so the placement allowed them to stand face to face. Just as they had done a few nights ago on the mountain.
There was a certain nervousness about her, but the question that had been gnawing away inside her was what finally compelled her to speak her mind. “Is it because I’m from the water tribe that’s........stopping you?”
He stared at her, the surprise at her question evident in his expression given his parted lips and the how his eyes had widened. Her heart beating almost unbearably fast in her chest, Orora continued. “Because your being from the Fire Nation, not to mention being the Prince is whats stopping me from...........” Her voice trailed off, but her eyes dropped to the finger where the thread was tied.
Pale blue met bright gold, and their gazes held. They held for a long time.
Long enough for Orora to memorize they very shape of his scar, something that she had never really allowed herself to observe before. She also noticed some other things. Like how, for example, how nervous yet soft he looked in that moment. And how when he wasn’t frowning he was actually rather handsome. She was aware how some people would find the scar off-putting, but she didn’t. Scars were a part of life. And while most people hid them, Zuko didn’t have that choice. Still, she did feel herself begin to blush under his intense gaze, but she didn’t let herself look away.
Probably because she wanted to memorize the exact color of his eyes.
Zuko had spent the entire day observing Orora, and even in the past, when he had allowed himself to do so, somehow, she managed to reveal something new and intriguing about herself to him. At the moment he was wandering if the white patch in her hair was just as soft to touch as it was to look at. And then there were her eyes. It was utterly ridiculous how those eyes had the power to invoke feelings within him. Feelings he had made sure lay dormant lest they find the strength to grow stronger. At the moment, he was beginning to feel a little nervous as he struggled to find the words to answer her question.
“Its....not the only thing stopping me.” He responded truthfully, finally diverting his eyes to instead look at the ground between them. Normally he would have brushed her off, but something in her eyes had compelled him to answer.
“I suppose other then being a prince and a firebender, another thing stopping you is my scar. And if you heard how I got it, it would only add to the list of whats stopping you.” What better way to bring himself down even more then to speak of the ugly truth that was in front of her. That she probably looked at everyday. He really should win a prize when it came self-deprecation.
A small sound from Orora made him look back up. And watch in surprise as she stepped forward, her hand raised to gently place her fingers against the scarred skin of his face. The sleeping mat he had been holding fell to the ground as his eyes clashed against the blue of her own. The slight difference in their heights had him tilting his head forward a little.
His mind flashed back to their second meeting, when she had removed the blue spirit mask and seen his face for the first time. She had done the same back then. Did that mean she didn’t find his scar repulsive?
Orora was glad for what she did. For the way she had reached out and touched him. And though he had been surprised at first, she made a promise to never point out to him how she had felt his head lean slightly into her touch. Her thumb brushed against the scar, and all Zuko wanted to do was close his eyes and savor in her touch.
But he didn’t.
He couldn’t.
“It has never stopped me Zuko. And I doubt the story of how you got it would either.” Her voice was soft, so soft that if he hadn’t been standing so close, he would never have heard her properly. As was the norm an argument to negate her words rose in his mind, but another sweep of her thumb had the words fading from his mind. And this time he did allow his eyes to close.
If only to savor in her gentle touch for a few moments.
To allow him this little moment of selfishness.
“Maybe one day, you can tell me. When you’re ready.”
With one final gentle stroke of her thumb and fingers, she pulled back. Zuko didn’t open his eyes, as the younger waterbender began to walk back to the rundown hut. And as she settled into her bedding, she couldn’t help but feel that she had somehow helped put Zuko’s mind and heart at ease with her words.
The thought made her smile. She was still smiling as she slowly fell asleep, thinking of the Fire Nation Prince.
Now all they had to do was work past the fact that he was a prince of the fire nation and she was a waterbender. And though such a feat would take some time, for the first time since he had been made aware of Orora, Zuko allowed himself to feel a little hope.
“Orora! Watch out!”
The warning came just as the stray flaming arrow flew straight towards her exposed arm. Given her sharp reflexes, the waterbender was quickly able to throw up an ice shield and watch it shatter. As the new threat, who Iroh had introduced as the The Rough Rhinos outnumbered them, the best tactic would be to retreat. Which was exactly what Iroh was thinking as he rode past her with his arm stretched out to help her get on Chairo. She was quick to grasp the back of Iroh’s robe to steady herself before throwing her own arm out to help Zuko jump behind her. The momentum of his jump very nearly threw him off the other side, but Orora managed to grip his arm and wrap it around her waist to keep him from slipping any further.
“It's nice to see old friends.” Iroh said, laughter evident in his tone as they made their escape. Behind her, Orora could hear Zuko scoff as he growled. “Too bad you don't have any old friends that don't want to attack you.” His tone was spiteful and normally Orora would have told him off for speaking like that but he had a point. And it seemed Iroh seemed to be thinking along the same lines as well. 
“Hmmm...old friends that don't want to attack me.”
She leaned forward to glance at him from the side. “Do you have anyone in mind who could help us Master?” She asked to which Iroh gave a nod. “I do. And we are by luck heading in the right direction.” So saying he spurred the ostrich-horse to go faster.
The sudden change in pace caused Orora to fall backwards and into Zuko’s chest.
“Watch it!” He still had an arm around her waist to keep himself steady, and perhaps it was the close proximity that made Orora fell just a little nervous about the situation. “You watch it. You nearly fell to the other side when you jumped.” She glanced over her shoulder so she could look at him while they argued.
Zuko glared at her, his eyes narrowing. “Next time we’re attacked by one of Uncle’s old friends maybe you shouldn’t rush into things before assessing the entire situation!” He threw back, to which Orora rolled her eyes.
“Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t realize we had the time to asses the threat before attacking. They sure seemed in a hurry to attack us didn’t they?! Or have you forgotten the giant fireball they threw at you?”
Iroh barely suppressed a laugh as he listened to the two teenagers argue. It was nice to hear them speaking properly once more.
“Something amusing, Master?” She may be his student, but Orora had an uncanny ability to make him think before speaking lest he make the young girl angry.
“Not at all. You two carry on with your conversation.”
Though neither teenager felt like doing so. Not when they both realized just how close they were to one another. With Zuko’s arm around Orora’s waist, and back resting against his chest as she leaned against him. They couldn’t even pull away for fear of falling off. With obvious blushes on both their cheeks, they prayed for the journey to soon be over.
For this had to be the most awkward yet pleasant thing that had occurred to the both of them in such a spontaneous manner.
Luckily Iroh’s friends, whoever they were, were not so far. They entered what had once been a lovely oasis, at least according to the inscription Orora had read at the gate, but now it was all rundown and filled with some of the most unsavory people she had ever seen.
While Zuko and Iroh did not seem bothered with the way they were looking at them, Orora felt shivers go up her spine with the way some of the people looked at her. 
At first she tried to glare back. 
Tried to make them stand down. 
But that only made the looks persistent. An uncomfortable feeling settled in her stomach. And though she knew she could take them out if she wanted to she had to keep her head down for Iroh and Zuko’s sake. 
Beside there were so many of them. It was enough leering that it made her loose a little confidence in herself as she directed her gaze towards the ground, hoping to avoid any more unwanted eye contact.
Unconsciously she had stepped a little closer to Zuko, her arm brushing against his as they walked. He had glanced at her, about to tell her to step away a little but he stopped when he caught sight of the slightly fearful expression she wore. He frowned, his eyes instantly assessing their surroundings in case she had seen someone threatening. What he did manage to see were several male onlookers nearly ogling Orora.
White hot anger flashed within him, and his hands clenched as he shot a deadly glare at each and every person who dared look at her that way. One of them seemed to not take the warning look from Zuko, prompting him to nearly take a step in his direction just to throw a punch at him.
However, a hand timidly grasping his stopped him. He did not need to look down to see who it was, but he did begin to walk in front of Orora, almost as if he were shielding her with his body. Orora felt herself starting to relax. If any of these people tried anything she had both Zuko and Iroh to help her.
She wasn’t alone.
Given that their gazes were trained straight ahead, neither of them noticed when the thread between them suddenly glimmered with color before disappearing.
They had entered the rundown shop where apparently they served the best mango drinks. Sipping on her drink, Orora concentrated on the taste as Iroh looked around in search of his friend. “Are you sure they will be here Master. This place doesn’t rally boast......good company does it?” She was referring to the several mercenaries around. They looked like how mercenary would at least.  
Zuko grumbled in agreement. “No one here is going to help us. These people just look like filthy wanderers.”
“So do we.” His Uncle replied with a grin before pointing at something behind Zuko. “Ah, this is interesting. I think I found our friend”
The two teenagers quickly followed Iroh as he led them to a table where an old man sat as if he were waiting for someone. Orora recognized the table and frowned slightly. Zuko seemed to realize what was going on as well. "You brought us here to gamble on Pai Sho?” He said, sounding just as irritated as he looked. Orora rolled her eyes at him, getting a little tired of his rudeness. Sure his presence helped her feel a little safe, but that didn’t stop her from being annoyed by him.
Iroh shook his head. “I don't think this is a gamble.” So saying he led the way towards the table with Zuko and Orora following after him. “May I have this game?” Iroh asked in an almost serene voice. The other man gestured for Iroh to sit down. “The guest has the first move.” He said. Iroh gave a small nod before turning to look at Orora. “My dear, if you would please allow me to borrow a certain tile from you?”
Zuko looked between the Master and Student in confusion. Orora for her part gave a small nod before slowly retrieving the white lotus tile Master Pakku had given her all those months ago and handing it over to Iroh, who placed it in the center of the board.
“I see you favor the white lotus gambit.” The other man said. “Not many still cling to the ancient ways.” Iroh gave a small nod of agreement. “Those who do can always find a friend”
Seemingly satisfied with what Iroh had said, the old man nodded. “Then let us play.”
Orora watched, almost mesmerized as Iroh and the other man placed tile after tile on the board. Never once were they out of sync, neither did they speak a word while they did. Zuko was watching just as intently as she was, though he did sit down while she kept standing.
Finally they each placed the final tile and revealed the pattern they had created.
A lotus flower.
"Welcome, brother.” The old man greeted by opening his arms wide. “The White Lotus opens wide to those who know her secrets.” Never before had Orora felt both curious and perplexed simultaneously. Zuko was helpful enough to voice what they were both feeling in that moment. 
“What are you old gasbags talking about?” Instinctively her hand darted out to slap his arm for being so rude. Knowing what the slap was for, Zuko simply threw her a brief glare before turning his attention back to his Uncle who was smiling widely.
“I always tried to tell you that Pai Sho is more than just a game.” He said as he rolled Orora’s tile over his knuckles and clutched it.
A sudden commotion caused all of them to look up to see a man approach their table. “It's over! You two fugitives are coming with me!” Instantly Orora was on the defensive. She uncorked the water bag at her side, twin ice daggers forming in her hand as she took up a defensive position in front of Zuko and Iroh. Iroh’s friend quickly placed himself before Iroh and Zuko, preventing the man from reaching them.
"I knew it! You two are wanted criminals with a giant bounty on your heads!!” He exclaimed, pointing at the two firebenders. Zuko growled. “I thought you said he would help!” He had reached out to grasp Orora’s elbow to prevent her from attacking anyone who would throw back a bigger punch.
Iroh simply placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder to reassure him, still smiling. “He is. Just watch.” Orora allowed her stance to soften, but only slightly.
“You think you're going to capture them and collect all that gold!?”
That seemed to do the trick. Suddenly the entire establishment was looking at them. Some of the patrons even stood up, pulling out their weapons, ready to attack. Within moments, it was chaos. Through it all, the trio managed to escape with the old man leading the way. And though it wasn’t necessary, Zuko kept a firm grip on Orora’s hand as they ran.
And despite her always thinking she didn’t need help, Orora allowed herself to be helped in that moment.
It felt nice to have someone worry about her safety for once.
They didn’t have to run very long. Soon they reached a small village at the very edge of the desert, and were all ushered inside a little flower shop.
The man, who had introduced himself as Fung, bowed to Iroh. “It is an honor to welcome such a high-ranking member of the Order of the White Lotus. Being a Grand Master, you must know so many secrets.” Zuko, who was getting a little annoyed with the lack of answers snapped. “Now that you played Pai Sho, are you going to do some flower arranging, or is someone in this club going to offer some real help‌.”
This time Orora punched him in the shoulder. “Why do you have to be so rude Zuko?” She admonished him. His only response was to glare at her, which she returned with just as much heat as it was given. While the two teens bickered, Iroh had moved towards the door at the end of the shop and was already going through it. Both Zuko and Orora made to enter but the door was slammed shut in their faces. Iroh opened the small window to smile at the both of them. “I'm afraid it's members only. Wait out here.” With that the window closed and Iroh disappeared.
“Are you pouting Zuko?” Orora asked in a teasing tone. The young Prince gave a response in the negative in an almost annoyed manner. The girl laughed softly to herself before moving off to wander around the flower shop. A still annoyed Zuko frowned and crossed his arms before he moved to lean against a nearby table.
Discretely he shifted his head slightly to sniff at the flower next to him before pulling back.
The atmosphere in the shop was rather relaxed now that they knew someone was willing to help them. Not to mention the little.....talk they had a few nights ago had helped clear the air a little. Neither of them spoke, too tired to actually say anything from the constant running and traveling they had done throughout the day.
Once she was done exploring, Orora came to sit down where Zuko was standing. It didn’t take long for Zuko to finally get tired of standing and lower himself down to the ground beside her. They didn’t have their bed rolls, so it seemed sleeping while sitting up was the best option.
Orora was the first one to fall asleep. Her eyes had been drooping for nearly ten minutes before they finally closed completely and she drifted off to dreamland. Of course, not before her head fell to the side, landing on Zuko’s shoulder where it stayed for the rest of the night.
For his part, Zuko only blushed at the close proximity. It didn’t bother him though. He was beginning to find a lot of things concerning Orora that didn’t bother him. As he felt his own eyes growing heavy with sleep, he let his head rest against the leg of the table behind him.
Of course during the night, his head slowly slipped down to come to rest on top of Orora’s. But neither of them stirred an inch that night. Unconsciously drawing comfort from the others presence.
And during the night the thread between them continued to flicker with color.
Tag List - @wavesofchaos​ @violet-potter​ @rennysketch​ @emma-andrea1
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heraldofcrow · 23 days
Writing a little rant to my friends helped me realize what types of villains really speak to me, and I guess it’s the type I have jokingly called the “INFP” villain.
Basically this meme:
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Lmao, basically the character will be SO mentally ill and fucked up because of things they’ve endured + a very specific collapse of identity, but they refuse to even see it. They think they’re cured and on the right path, they have a brilliant purpose, a well-thought out philosophy behind their motives, but their evil actions are obviously just their overblown reaction to what preceded their mental break. EVERYTHING IS FINE AND I AM DOING THIS FOR A GOOD REASON, TRUST!
*is murdering people* I think I first started to like it when I watched this Azula scene as a kid. It was too perfect jddhdh. She was my fav for a reason.
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Even when I was small, I heard this and thought, “Girl shut the hell up, your entire life is a sob story 💀” but it’s obvious she is so blind that this doesn’t even register in her mind. It’s very human and real.
It’s not even one of those multi-layered complexes you observe in that type of toxic person with a very comfortable and positive life who will say, “I’m one of those people that smiles through the pain” but they say it so much that you start to realize they are pulling some manipulative strings with their audience.
Half the time, the characters like Azula actually believe their own lies about them not being upset about shit and preach these lies so well that other people believe them. People still think Azula was this child who was born evil and sadistic, that she doesn’t give a shit about her family issues, and that she was not shaped into a monstrous fighter that she felt she had to embrace as her image. They forget that she lies constantly, even to herself, and her saying “I really don’t care about my background” is just another falsehood she crafted in her head.
It’s this type of villain that is so high off of their own copium to the point where they can’t see how badly they need help that is most intriguing to me. They commit war crimes out of obvious rage, but noooo, there is a good reason! Look they’re even having fun and laughing about it! They’re having the time of their life!
Them: I’m not wrong! This isn’t personal! It’s for the greater good!
Narrator: It was, in fact, very personal.
That’s also why the traumatic events that shape them are important, but not key! Because in the end, it needs to be clear that this character is capable of choosing the right thing despite their background, but they are so emotionally disturbed that they end up choosing evil with a “moral justification” so that they have an excuse to lash out. They know they shouldn’t lash out, but a mix of lies, manipulation, and ultimately conscious choice lead them to feel comfortable doing it. They WANT to take out their anger on the world, but they can never admit to the obvious reason why.
This is also where the madness comes in, because crafting a new identity or purpose that allows you to feel okay to lash out practically requires a certain level of madness, instability, and delusion. If the character was ever a morally conscious person, they have to completely break off from that rationality to allow themselves to fully embrace cruelty and evil. They have to lose their minds.
This is, to me, also what Jinx does in Arcane when she accepts her “cursed name” as her new identity. She embraces the monster as a shield, which is acknowledged to be a “reborn” version of herself that is stronger than her true self….the broken inner child. She is perhaps the most honest about this choice, but she still fully believes the lie that it’s the right choice, or the superior choice. It also seems to mark the turning point for her madness. You can’t embrace a monstrous persona and not break your mind doing it. Circumstances may help, but overall it’s still something you choose.
In short, a character standing in front of their intentional arson like, “I am no longer mentally ill” is my favorite type of fucked up character lol. Ever. That will win me over every time because it’s too believable and horrible and sad and funny and entertaining all at once.
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drpoisonoaky · 2 months
I made something a little different out of nowhere.
I always write Zuko, Ty Lee and Mai as people who care or cared about Azula but i wanted to try something new.
Unconditional love (2601 words) by drpoisonoaky Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Azula/Katara (Avatar) Characters: Azula (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Ursa (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar) Additional Tags: Azula needs a hug, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, nobody really loved or cared about her, Complicated Relationships, Angst with a Happy Ending, i think so, it's kinda sad thought, Past Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar), Past Aang/Katara (Avatar), Minor Mai/Zuko (Avatar), I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping Series: Part 18 of Kazula short stories Summary: Everyone talks about unconditional love or the simple fact of being loved. Azula never knew what that was. or A little story about how Azula has been betrayed her whole life and how Katara helps her to love and be loved.
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lupanaoflaminar · 3 months
Part 2 of Making My Parents Watch ATLA
“Is the earth king even alive?”
“Zuko looks better with short hair”
So I was legit concerned for the episode Appa’s Lost Days bc my mom is very sensitive to animal cruelty. But she was okay! Dad forgot who the Kyoshi warriors were XD
DAD SLEPT THROUGH TALES OF BA SING SE. Mom had nothing to say about Iroh’s tale. Sorry guys.
Loved that Appa got revenge and bit Long Feng.
“That’s not gonna be Suki. He said 3!
Mom: “How many seasons are there? What happens after that?”
They enjoy Toph’s blind jokes.
Dad correctly guessed Toph metal bending because “Metal comes from the earth!”
Mom thinks Zuko is going to turn good.
Season 3
About Mai: “oh geez what a little witch” (I didn’t ask for your whole life story!)
“Aang has hair now!” - Mom
More of “Sokka is a moron/idiot/dummy”
(About secret dance parties) Oh are they gonna do dance fighting? (Aka that scene from Jumanji)
“Long ago we decided to skip the intro, and then everything changed when we decided we didn’t care anymore.” - Dad
Dad: “He (Zuko) wants to be good, but he still wants to be daddy’s little Flameo!”
Iroh training: “Oh he’s pretending and training! Ha!” “Look at what you’ve become indeed! Now he’s all fit.”
I could tell dad enjoyed Sokka’s Master. He appreciated the meteor sword.
They loved Azula’s “Sharp Outfit Chan”
Also: “Yeah let’s just throw these 4 in a room and see what happens!”
S2 bonus: Azula asking if the tides command the ship.
Which had the same energy as Sokka’s “can your science explain why it rains.””YES IT CAN”
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