#should I even tag it on emperor belos or belos?
Hey (discord) sis….could I ask why you got Lord belos as Phantom Krueger?(/hj) (aka the sketch’s)
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(this is drawn as a joke)
Phantom Krueger did not take that lightly/j
NDJNDJD That question made me laugh real hard and that meme came to mind XD!!
Regarding his design, I based him around the 1989 version of Erik
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But I do admit in the sketches he does look like Belos in a way XD
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rolanslide · 2 years
I think Philip thought that Evelyn had bewitched or cursed Caleb and that's the real reason that he left him. Because there's no way Caleb could choose Evelyn and the demon realm over Philip and still love him. Maybe he thought killing Caleb was a kindness, saving him and his soul from the spell he had been put under. And maybe he thought he could bring back the true Caleb, the one from his childhood, the one that loved him. Maybe that's what he means when he goes off about wild magic, it's magic that made his brother no longer love him, it's magic that made all of the grimwalkers stab him in the back. It's not him. It's not him. It's not him.
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sat-in-a-rat-trap · 2 years
whoops my hand slipped
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ashpkat · 1 year
i think emperor belos and master joseph would be necromancy pals if they ever met
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Something Ventured, Something Framed + Escape of the Palisman
Synopsis Masterpost Link
Previous [Lost in Language + Once Upon a Swap]
Next Part [Sense and Insensitivity + Adventures in the Elements + The First Day]
Starting to double down way more, but we have a Luz-centric ep and a sibling ep today!
Something Ventured, Something Framed
There’s not much plot I wrote for this one. Luz goes to Hexside to tutor Amity, since she basically fired Lilith from the position in Covention. Amity gets some Luz lore, mainly that she’s the same age as her and that she was taken in by the Emperor when she lost her family. 
Eventually, Amity notices that Luz is a bit uncomfortable getting stared at by the other kids, and she pulls her to the bathroom to change her into a Hexside uniform.
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(hood is up, so ears aren't showing)
On their way to a classroom, they run into Gus. Luz and Gus hit it off pretty instantly, as Luz recognizes the acronym on his HAS president crown. Luz introduces herself as a Human appreciator, and Gus gets his nickname. They get to talking about humans, but at some point Luz’s learned-bias against humans comes up.
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(This isn’t stuff that Belos taught her necessarily, but it’s definitely something she picked up given how much he says she’s helpless without Hunter to protect her. It's more self-depreciation than anything she'd think about anyone else.)
Luz goes to the bathroom to angst about knowing less about her own humanity than someone who isn’t even human (cool visual of her looking at her ears in the mirror and sighing), when Amity comes in and comforts her a bit. It doesn't work super well considering she has no idea what Luz is going through and Luz can't exactly tell her.
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Their goal in tutoring is to get Amity to learn the spell she learns in Adventures in the Elements, the purple fire spell. After a few failed attempts, Luz's haphazard explanations of how she thinks casting spells should feel, and generally hitting a brick wall, Luz tentatively shows Amity the fire glyph and explains some of the glyph theory behind fire spells in general – you need to know what you need in order to cast it.
While they do that, Gus goes through some stuff of his own – mainly, Mattholomule succeeds in stealing the H.A.S. presidency from him since Gus doesn't have human Luz to fall back on. He's walking outside the room Luz and Amity are training in after losing the presidency when he recognizes the glyph as something that Hunter brought up in Hooty's Moving Hassle – that if you see someone using one, chances are you can't do magic naturally. He connects the dots as Luz not being able to do magic (not necessarily that she's human), and gets some context for the whole "magic-less = useless" spiel she went on.
After they stop training, Gus approaches them and he and Luz hash it out. Luz admits that she probably doesn't know a lot about humans, and that Gus was probably right. Gus says that they can learn a lot from human ingenuity, and that the fact they do the things they do without magic is inspiring (hint hint).
Then Willow probably comes in, has tension with Amity, recognizes Luz's voice as the GG, and Gus freaks out as an ending gag.
Escape of the Palisman
Luz and Hunter are on a GG mission in the Bat Queen’s woods to gather palismen for Belos.
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Eventually, they hear a screech, and all hell breaks loose as the bat queen appears. Luz is kidnapped while Hunter is fighting off the babies. He chases after them, but is quickly lost when…
Flapjack appears!
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(i had this written before the name reveal, so Flapjack is Rascal in my notes occasionally).
Cut to Luz, who wakes up from being kidnapped and finds herself in the Bat Queen’s cave. They talk about the situation, mainly that Bat Queen is pissed and figures she’ll take the Emperor’s child since he keeps taking her own. Some dialogue about how Luz feels about Belos taking her in and BQ’s views on that until Hunter appears and frees Luz, and THERE’S FINALLY A TAG TEAM SIBLING FIGHT.
It’s pretty slapdash, though. Luz gets knocked out, the staff is kicked away, and Hunter is cornered by BQ.
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He escapes on Flapjack with the bag of palismen, the staff, and Luz. He lands in a clearing and Luz wakes up.
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They go back to the castle. There’s probably a scene where Belos chews them out, and the way he talks to them kind of hints towards him being more pissed at Hunter than Luz. 
Previous [Lost in Language + Once Upon a Swap]
Next Part [Sense and Insensitivity + Adventures in the Elements + The First Day]
Synopsis Masterpost Link
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Aroace Hunter Week 2023 Day 6: Squish
“What’s a good username? Should I make one that Uncle won’t think to look for? Wait, that’s bad, right? Right, I should just put my name, or the golden guard. It’s not like I’m hiding the Penstagram. Darius said it would be good, and he’s a coven head, so he wouldn’t… tell me to do something treasonous… right? But he did say he wouldn’t tell Belos about you, and he knows I’m not supposed to have—but other coven heads have Penstagrams and it’s fine. It’s fine, you know what, it’s fine. I’ll just… do something I’m interested in. Would putting ‘flyer derby’ be too desperate to them? Oh, I’ve got it.”
The Penstagram scroll flashed an error message at Hunter.
This username is already taken.
“Ah, okay… uh…
“Because z is close to an s. It’ll work this time.”
This username is already taken.
“Maybe different?” Flapjack suggested.
“One more try.”
“Because four looks like an a! Clever, right?”
Please create profile picture.
“How much set up does this need? I just want to…”
Hunter held the phone out at arm’s length, pressing the photo button.
“Okay, okay, here we go. What was the username again? H. E. L. L. O. Underscore, where’s the u—oh, there it is. W. I. L. L. O. W.” Willow’s profile showed up, complete with a photo of the team as her first post. “Okay! Here we go!”
Hunter hit the follow button.
Request sent.
“Mmmm, what if she doesn’t want me to follow her? I mean. I did. Kidnap the entire team. Hngh, let’s try someone else, let’s dooooo…” He clicked on the post, looking at the ‘tagged’ usernames. “Uh… ThorneyVines, that’s gotta be Viney, right? Follow. Maybe I should leave a comment? I should leave a comme—”
The scroll buzzed in his hands, and he threw it across the room. “Ah!”
Flapjack fluttered over, pecking at the scroll. “Is dead. Won’t hurt.”
Hunter wandered over and picked the scroll back up.
1 new message from Hello_Willow.
Hunter’s fingers hovered over the little notification without actually hitting it. “What if it’s her telling me to leave them alone? I mean, I thought that she kind of implied that maybe it would be okay if we saw each other again, but what if I read that wrong? What if she hates me? What if all of them hate me? I wouldn’t blame them.”
Hunter groaned, burying his head in his arms. “I’m going to fail at friendship. I’ve taken too long to respond, I should have paid attention immediately. It’s over.”
Flapjack hopped over and slammed his foot onto the message box. “There.”
“AUGH!” Hunter scooped the scroll up so fast he nearly dropped it. “What’s it say?”
Hunter jumped up, pacing around. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh she doesn’t hate me. Good. Excellent. Wonderful. Do I ask if anyone else hates me?”
“That was very decisive.”
“Alright, alright. What do I…” Hunter set the scroll down with a sigh. “There’s no point.”
Hunter picked his mask up off of his desk, turning it over and over in his hands. “There’s no point,” he replied, “To answering, to talking to her or any of them. I don’t know why I even bothered making the Penstagram. It’s like Willow said; my next day off isn’t for another fifty-two weeks. And I certainly can’t bail on missions to—to play flyer derby!”
“Want friends?”
Hunter set the mask back down. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t have them.”
“Want friends?”
“I’m head of a coven, I’m the golden guard. Having friends puts them in danger, and it puts me in danger, and it puts the emperor in danger!”
“Hunter. Want friends?”
Hunter tugged his hood over his head, face burning. “I do.”
We’re number one!
“I can’t.”
But I do.
He wanted to go back so badly it almost hurt. There hadn’t been any backstabbing or judgement for being half a witch. Just open skies and flyer derby and the team.
I want to go back
I want to be friends
I want to start over, and this time I’ll do everything right, and they’ll want to be around me.
Just like they did before I ruined it.
I want to be their friend.
“Respond. Start.”
“What’s the point?!”
“Want to be friends. Nothing else.”
“I can’t.”
“What if I fail?”
“I already messed up with them, if I fail again, it’s over.”
Hunter took a deep breath, picking up the scroll.
H. E. L. L. O.
Hello, Willow.
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
Based on @snoozu possessed Willow art! This is a very angsty oneshot!
Willow leaned down and placed a quick kiss on Hunter’s lips. It was spontaneous. Rambunctious. Risky. It just kind of happened. It had shocked both of them to the point of standing there in shock. Staring into each others eyes. Silently asking if that was ok. If they could do that again. 
So they did.
What they didn’t know, was Belos was hating every second of this. From the moment this grimwalker‘s galderstone picked up pace at the sight of that good for nothing witch, he felt the pain all over again. Caleb was helping this witch. Smiling at this witch. Working on some wired artifact to fix her clothes up when she should be wearing garbage. And then what? She kissed him! She-
Oh. Oh? He had a plan. Different from what he originally had in mind. But this would be better. He’d just have to show Caleb just how despicable witches truly are.
Willow scratches the back of her neck irritably. She had tried to readjust the collar. Cut out the tag. Move her hair. Nothing. She didn’t see any marks or anything on her neck. She frowned in the mirror. She shook her head and replaced it with a smile. Well at least she looked good. 
Ok Willow. It’s Halloween. Tonight’s the night we tell Luz about the scroll. We get to experience probably our last human culture thing before going home. Get to take more pictures. And… hang out with Hunter. 
“Ah!” Willow grasped the side of her head in pain and nearly tumbled into the door. She grabbed the handle just in time to stop the fall but the pain still pierced. 
No Hunter! A voice seemed to yell at her. A familiar, very eerie voice. She glanced back up at the mirror, her blood turned cold. What in titans name?She saw herself. Which was fine. What wasn’t was the figure of the monster they had fought all those months ago, the one they thought was gone. He growled. “No!” 
She quickly whipped around to face him, Clover forming out of hyperspace and took her stance. Only to be faced with nothing but the feel of goop along her hand. 
“Alright kids, it’s time to go!” Camila called.
Willow turned back towards the mirror and noticed nothing there. She gulped and quickly washed her hands, grateful the figure was gone. Is this what Luz meant about spirits and stuff on Halloween? She hasn’t expected that. Even if it was some kind of human plane figment or illusion of the old emperor. 
She walked out the bathroom and trotted up next to her favorite blonde. They entered the car and took their places. 
The kids chatted about the human delicacy and pranks and stuff they’d like to get or do. Luz seemed only a little off. Amity was happy. Gus excited. Hunter… he was there too.
And Willow was very tempted to take his hand, subtly of course, didn’t need the rest of them saying or teasing them tonight. But something was stopping her and she didn’t know what. Nerves maybe?
Hunter turned ever so subtly towards her and smiled softly. Eyes crinkled at the edge and his face slowly turned redder. 
She wanted to smile back. She felt herself try. But. Something- she felt herself heating up. Burning almost I’m her arm and hands. “Titan is it just me or is it hot in here?” 
“Oh sorry baby, I can turn the AC up if you want?”
”Are you ok?” Hunter asked, concern layered thick in his voice.
Willow turned away from Hunter and nodded. She didn’t know how or why but she knew he was the reason she was feeling this way. Something practically screamed at her that he was off limits. Clover buzzed uncomfortably, noting her owners stress. 
Flapjack seemed to pick up on it too. Chirping worriedly. “What is it, Flap?” The grimwalker asked.
Grimwalker? Grimwalker?? What the- 
“Alright. I’ll be back to pick y’all up at 9 ok?” 
“Yes mama. Please help Vee with the trick or treaters, they can get a bit out of hand.”
”Of course. Love y’all.”
Willow felt like her head was going to explode. The whole time this person talked about the “Wittebane” brothers all she could think about was Hunter. But as… Caleb? Something wasn’t right. Something wasn’t adding up. And why the heck is she putting two and two together?? She glanced over at the blonde and frowned. He looked fearful, confused, hurt even? Serves him right. 
“Sounds to me big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and lil bro got upset.” They shrugged. 
“Not true!” She hollered. She immediately clamped her hands over her mouth and flushed. Oh my titan. “I mean. Maybe he really was trying to… help him?” 
She looked at the others, who all knew Belos was far from ‘helping’ someone, they looked confused. She was confused by the outburst. 
“Hmm maybe. Who knows. Everyone has their own perspective of what’s right or wrong, doesn’t necessarily make it true though” They stated nonchalantly. 
Willow shook her head and rubbed her eyes. She then exited the ride behind the others. Gus stopped her. “Hey Willow? Is everything ok? You’ve been acting… strange today.” 
“Strange? Huh. I didn’t notice. I’m too distracted by that corny outfit of yours.” 
Gus gasped and frowned. He narrowed his eyes and looked at her as if trying to read her. “Well whatever it is, you might want to pay attention to. Cause this isn’t the Willow I know.” 
Willow then watching the boy walk away. Unaware of… really anything. Her only thoughts were of Cale- Hunter. He’s Hunter.
”Don’t call him that!” 
Willow jerked her head towards the woods and met blue glowing eyes. Oh titan. Was that… 
She quickly looked towards their makeshift group of friends and spotted the human. Perfect! She’d helped before- right? 
She ran up and grabbed her by the shoulder, “Sorry Amity, I promise I’ll give her right back, I just need for for ooone second.” 
Amity gave a confused look but nodded. 
Willow dragged the human off and out of hearing distance. “Ok this is gonna sound crazy but. I think Belos is here!” She whispered shouted. 
Luzs eyes widened and she looked around. “Hunter said the same thing last night. Are you sure? I thought he was just. Well dealing with things but if you saw Belos too-“
”Exactly! He’s here. Oh titan. But what would he want? The titan blood? Oh. Yes! That must be it!”
”Titan blood? In Connecticut? I don’t think so.”
”What no! It’s true. Flapjack found an old map of sorts of old gravesfield! And it leads to titan blood. We just need to get that rebus. Clover.” Clover came out of Willows hood and buzzed uncomfortably. Willow narrowed her eyes. “Get. The . Rebus!” She growled.
”Woah now. That was a bit much don’t you think?” Luz stated. 
“I- I know. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Titan let’s just get this-“
”This wayyyy” Belos taunted. 
“You!” Willow then took off after the villain. She could hear his taunting as if he were right next to her. But she knew that wasn’t the case. She jumped onto her staff as soon as she felt was far away enough no one saw and flew after him. Carefully watching where she was going while looking at the map. And soon enough, she was there. It was… a graveside. But full of water. One Little isle on the middle with a great tomb on it and a large archway. The fog made it even harder to see but she flew over to the small piece of land. 
She kept her battle stance up as she hollered out. “I know you’re there! And you’re crazy if you think we’ll let you just hurt anyone. You’re not getting your hands on that blood either. What are you doing here?”
”You really wanna know?” He purred sardonically. 
She gasped as she was then face to face with the killer. 
“Finishing you witches off, starting with you.”
”Willow! Oh. There you are! You had me worried for a second running off like that.” Luz laughed in relief. She then crossed a frozen bridge she had made and walked towards the girl. 
She stood there in silence. Hidden behind the shadows and fog Luz could barely make her out. “Did.. you find anything?” Something felt wrong. 
“Oh. Nothing yet. Just keep looking I suppose.” 
“Ok. Good idea. I think it’s close you know. The glyphs are stronger over here.” 
A shadow then fell in front of Luz. Something eerie told the human to run. But she couldn’t. She was frozen in place. Luz slowly turned around, her heart dropped in fear when she met the glowing turquoise eyes of her friend. 
But it wasnt her friend. 
Where the girl had once wore fake little devil horns, thick real green ones were in their stead. Dark green goop like substance stretched down between her eyes and across her cheeks. Down her neck. Her hands. Only her hands were claws now. Gripping her lifeless staff. The cute little ‘W’ Hunter had seen in the night before was torn and hanging now. “Hello Luzara!” The familiar voice greeted excitedly. 
“Hehe always the smart one! You’re glyphs are working aren’t they? Which means it’s here somewhere. Looks like I have no need for you though!” The possessed witch then flung a clawed hand at her, giving the human only seconds to dodge it before cries of ‘Willow’ and ‘Luz’ was heard from a distance. 
The human then grabbed some glyphs and attacked the assailant. Willow was strong. She knew she wouldn’t hurt her. But how the heck do you fight someone that possessed without fighting the victim? 
Belos could easily see that. Cunning bastard. 
“Oh Luz. Not even trynna hurt me? You must care about this witch.” He seethed as of the very word was offensive to him. “Always wanting to help people aren’t you? Just like you helped me meet the collector!” He laughed maniacally. 
“No! I didn’t know!” 
“No no don’t worry! You did a good job! I’m gonna save a lot of people this way. This particular witch has a strong connection to the titan and the isles itself! I can finish them all easily now!” 
“No!” A voice cried. Hunter stood to the side. Eyes wide in disbelief at the sight of his crush. Belos stood where she should’ve been standing. “You bastard!” 
Belos frowned. “So ungrateful.” 
Hunter pulled out his staff and teleported in front of Luz. Gaining a battle stance. So many mixed emotions. So much pain. Fear, hurt, guilt, for the girl. Anger, confusion, and having enough of the old emperor. 
“Let her go!” He cried. 
“Don’t you get it, Caleb? The power that this witch holds should be enough! She’s no god! She should be dead!”
”You should be dead!” The cotton candy haired girl called out as she went in for an attack. 
Belos was quick to dodge it before other attacks were blown off. Vines erupted the ground and grabbed Hunter in particular, pinning him against the grave. Gus then flew around. 
Eyes glowing blue in anger. “Let her go!” His own strategy was different from the others. Get in her mind. Free her. Don’t hurt her. 
Amity created a large mud abomination to try and hold the witch down. Luz drew a bunch of glyphs. 
Vee stepped up. “I’m sorry Willow, please hang in there!” Before using her own powers to try to suck his magic out of her.  Willow had been there for her. Vee wanted to do the same, even if it meant facing her old torturer. 
“Enough!” Belos growled, throwing them all away with a single burst of energy. He then scooped his hand through the ground and pulled out a small tube. Titans blood.
Flapjack flew to Luz quickly, not able to free her own witch. She  tweeted in panic. Luz grabbed the staff and teleported behind the witch. “Willow this isn’t you! Please snap out of it!” 
“Willow please!” Hunter cried out. Struggling against the vines.
The girl froze for a mere second before growling and throwing the human off her. “No!” Sending the main flying towards the lake and the tube rolling over next to Hunter.
’tweet tweet tweet tweet!’ Flapjack. Poor precious little flapjack tweeted mercilessly against against Hunters vines. Trying to free him as Belos made his way up to him. 
Belos smirked gleefully. Snatching the bird out of thin air. “Let me prove to you how wicked witches truly are!” 
Belos clamped his claws shut around the palisman. Letting the vines fall from Hunter. Flap let out a painful chirp.
Hunter stared up and pure shock. Tears pouring out his eyes now. He squeaked out a weak heart wrenching, “Flapjack?” 
“No!” The possessed witch then grabbed her face angrily and turned away. Grabbing her arm and releasing the small red bird. “No!” She screamed out again. Eyes reverting to a green again as she met the magenta eyes of the boy she loved. They then started glowing green, a deep green as she walked towards the lake. “You bastard.” She seethed. 
“No he doesn’t want you! Don’t you get that!” She cried as she grabbed the sides of her head. “Stop trying to ruin his life and let him be happy!” 
Everyone watching could see her internal struggle. Hunter fell to his knees and scooped the heavily breathing bird in his hands. “She’s right. Belos.” He whispered. 
The possessed girl went still. Slightly looking over her shoulder at the boy. At Caleb. 
“You know what I do want?” He said louder. Scooping the container of titan blood into his hand, holding flapjack to his chest in the other. “I want to never step foot in that throne room again. Quit working for the emperor. I want to learn how to carve palismen and go to school and learn magic. I want to play flyer derby with my friends and do whatever the heck makes ME happy! But most of all…” he trailed off. Walking past the witch towards the lake. “I want to make sure you never hurt anyone again!” 
The golden headed boy then threw the only thing keeping Belos rooted to gravity in the deep water. Green eyes turned blue. “Noo!” She then jumped in. 
Hunter gasped. Ready to take off after her before Camila jumped in head first. 
They ran to the edge of the bridge where Camila pulled the girl out of the water. Hunter was the first to get there, pulling willow into his lap. 
All of a sudden the goop left her in a frenzy and Belos took form again. “How could you stab me in the back for them Caleb!”
“You did it first!” Luz snapped back.
Belos then grabbed to tube and ran towards the cemetery. Smashing it against the archway. A portal then formed and Belos last words before he went through was, “I’ll save you.” 
Camila freaked over the fact that that was who they had been fighting while Hunter shook the lifeless girl in his hands. “Guys…”
They looked towards him. Noting the girls new scars and pale face. Clover then woke up and immediately buzzed furiously. She kept budding the sides of her owners face. Clearly distraught.
“She isn’t moving.” Hunter cried.
Amity and Gus gasped, tears forming the brim of their eyes. Gus collapsed to the ground beside them. Hunter shook his head, tears falling now. 
“Vee call a doctor!” Camila called.
”Do they know about possession?” Hunter whimpered out.
Flapjack emerged now. Slowly but surely. Nuzzling his owners face quickly, softly. She tweeted something only Hunter understood. ‘I save her. I save both of us. Then you never be alone again’ 
“What?” His voice broke. Confusion thick in his voice. 
The red bird then layed down on the girls chest. The bird smiled up at her owner one last time. ‘I’ll always be here. Right here my boy.’ 
Hunter nodded, still confused as the bird then layed down. Then she started glowing. Breaking apart into bundles of light. 
Everyone looked on in awe. The beautiful light surrounding them. Before settling to nothing. 
Willow stirred. When her eyes opened up, one was golden brown, one was her same green. She looked up at the faces of the ones surrounding her before tilting her head back to meet Hunters magenta eyes. 
She quickly jerked up and tumbled over, Camila caught her and steadied her. “Baby no! Careful!” 
Willow met the boys eyes and shook her head. Tears falling down her face. “I’m so sorry.” She croaked out. 
Hunter lunched forward and pulled the girl to his chest. “No. It’s ok. I promise.” 
“I’m so- so sorry!” She cried out now. Loud sobs pierced the night. Gus quickly joined the hug and cried too. 
“It’s ok. I promise Willow. It’s ok. It’s ok.” 
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cartoonsofthecosmos · 2 years
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I posted 125 times in 2022
89 posts created (71%)
36 posts reblogged (29%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 125 of my posts in 2022
#toh - 89 posts
#owl house - 89 posts
#the owl house - 87 posts
#toh thoughts - 79 posts
#toh spoilers - 47 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 39 posts
#personal post - 32 posts
#ask - 25 posts
#toh theory - 18 posts
#toh season 2 - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#the positions and types of glyphs representing the physical worlds around them which they are teleporting through? great idea
My Top Posts in 2022:
In Any Sport in a Storm, Darius tries to push Hunter to start thinking independently and stop following the emperor's orders blindly. That’s without a doubt a good thing, and we were all happy for Hunter when he started to think more carefully about which orders he should be following. But...
We have to assume that Darius knows that when Golden Guards start to stray from Belos’ plans, they die. Darius must have spent a long time grappling with whether to let Hunter keep living a life of blind obedience in order to keep him alive or give him a bit of freedom, knowing it could mean that this kid, this sixteen-year-old kid, could be killed. Did Darius believe that Hunter would be able to find a way to escape from Belos alive? Did he decide that having Hunter on the side of the rebellion was so important that it was worth risking his life? Or did he think that Hunter deserved to learn the truth and taste some freedom, even if it ended up only being for a brief period of time before Belos found out and... put an end to it?
I don’t know. But man, what a hard decision to make.
705 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
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See the full post
1,204 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
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look at amity’s face in the second frame. that is a face that says “the fuck do you mean she’s had a name. of course she’s had a name luz what the heck”
this is one of the funniest jokes in the whole series my god i laughed so hard
1,371 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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Here’s a closer look at the anatomy of Philip’s teleportation glyph. Pretty crazy, especially considering that this was done with only 3 of the 4 glyphs.
Some quick facts: there are 8 fire glyphs, 8 plant glyphs, and 5 ice glyphs. Fire glyphs seem to be the most important glyph type in this spell. A large fire glyph is in the center, which is the glyph that Philip hits in order to activate the spell, and the other fire glyphs appear to be making two main rings around the central glyph while the ice and plant glyphs exist mostly in rings that branch off from the two main ones. Ice is definitely the least prominent glyph type, with only 5 glyphs that are small compared to largest fire and plant glyphs.
What does all this mean? Not sure. I just wanted to get a closer look at exactly how Philip did this. Teleportation is a very powerful spell, and knowing that Belos has the ability to make glyphs like this and potentially even more powerful ones is huge.
1,672 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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trying to look on the bright side here
1,828 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
been quite a year folks. thanks for experiencing it with me. happy 2023.
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cowprintsillies · 1 year
Hunter seeing Caleb in the mirror- but i comedied it
Hunter cannot sleep. The mattress is uncomfortable no matter how many times he turns over, the tag on his clothes is itchy and everything is to hot or too cold and everything sucks.
He sighs and stares at the ceiling and rubs his tired eyes. Continuous sleepless night number 3. His friends are going to kill him. He knew that logically he needs more sleep, but they’ve really been making their point recently. Hunter recalls the time Amity asked what shade his eye bags were so she could by eyeshadow in that colour.
He wonders what stage of sleep deprivation he’s at.
Hunter resolved himself to his fate and stands up in a perfect imitation of an absolutely plastered new born deer.
Now he as options. He frog blinks and takes a few good seconds to remember which way is left before deciding to head to the bathroom and down a glass of water and maybe eat some instant noodles afterwards.
Hunter steps over the uncoordinated mess of limbs that make up the rest of the slumber party with a surprising amount of precision for someone running on yesterday’s microwaved pizza and a dream. (it isn’t a slumber party, Camilla didn’t have enough space in the house and the group unanimously decided to sleep on the floor of Luz’ room.)
Slipping on his obligatory slippers (they pink fluffy ones Luz insisted he get, for reasons beyond him. What even was Undertale?)
He finds the doorway through muscle memory alone, then makes the mistake of forgetting the squeaky floorboard right outside of it. For a second, the fear of God itself enters Hunter and he stands completely frozen for a good minute because if Willow wakes up there’s a real threat that she strangles him herself for being up so late.
The universe pities him for once and Willow remains conked out in the blanket pile. Hunter let’s out a long breath, threat to his life averted.
He awkwardly feels along the wall until he momentarily blinds himself when turning the bathroom light on. He’s arrived at his destination with zero casualties. Success.
Hunter stares at the cracked wall tile 3 from the ceiling as if it would solve the meaning of life. Yep, he’s definitely feeling the effects of sleep deprivation.
Right, water. Cup. Drink the water, tell your internal thoughts to piss off. Sounds good.
Luz’s bathroom is cluttered. It felt very lived in, you could say. Especially with the new addition of 4 new toothbrushes Camila got them at Tescos for £2.50. The Emperor’s Coven wasn’t cluttered. And Belos certainly didn’t have a Good Witch Azura nightlight perched on the sink.
His hands turn the tap on before Hunter acknowledges he’s doing it, like his brain is a millisecond behind with a bad frame rate or something. Probably half delirious he decides the best course of action is to throw water in his face in hopes it shocks him into sentience.
And by god does it do that. He curses and wipes freezing cold water out of his eyes, definitely awake now. Fuck.
While filling up his plastic cup he turns his gaze to the mirror and does a double take.
Hunter looks at the reflection of a man he should not recognise. And yet he knows exactly who he is because He recognises him in his cheekbones, his nose or the way that one strand of hair never falls right.
Caleb Wittebane is looking back at him.
All Hunter can do is flinch backwards and continue the impromptu staring contest from his place on the floor in a state of shock.
Do sleep deprived hallucinations last this long? Hunter lifts a hand. Caleb lifts a hand.
Huh. Odd.
He goes back to the mirror. Hunter’s fear morphs into cautious confusion. He blinks and Caleb blinks. He waves and Caleb waves. He flips him off and Caleb does it back. Ha.
He should definitely be more worried over whatever the hell is happening but he’s also not properly slept for 48 hours, so Hunter continues doing random things in the mirror completely confused over why Caleb seems to be his reflection.
That’s when he notices Caleb lagging behind for a second. Hunter pauses. Caleb pauses a second after. Now that is more worrying.
Hunter slowly lifts his cup. Caleb lifts his cup. Hunter has a very stupid hypothesis. And Hunter has a very stupid experiment in mind.
He raises the cup over himself then pours the water directly over his head, and Caleb does the same.
Then splutters something sounding like “curse the lord” and wipes his sobbing hair out of his face.
Hunter stares in shock for a moment before cold water runs down the back of his shirt shocks him out of it and hastily dry his hair off with a towel. Titan, thats definitely cause for concern.
When he pulls the towel off his face Hunter is greeted with a drenched and completely unimpressed Caleb in the mirror. ‘Angry wet cat Caleb’, as Luz would probably say.
Hunter didn’t really think past this point and just blurts out the obvious question.
“Why are you in my mirror?”
“The hell was that for, man?”
Apparently Caleb had the same idea. Holy shit he can talk.
“You can talk?”
Caleb tries to semi-successfully shake the water out of his hair like a dog.
“Yes i can talk.”
Hunter looks incredulous.
“A) why are you in my mirror B) how are you in my mirror and C) why were you copying me?”
“Fuck if i know, fuck if i know, fun.”
Hunter sighs. This is not what he thought would happen if he ever met Caleb. Speaking of, the other buts into his train of thought.
“My turn to ask a question. Why was your first instinct to dump water on us?”
“I have had no cohesive sleep for the past 48 hours and I’m still partly convinced you’re a hallucination.”
Despite Caleb’s existence being literally coded into his DNA but Hunter has never wanted him to fuck off more than right this minute. It’s still the-sun-hasn’t-even-risen-yet early and Hunter really didn’t need this today.
“You good kid? Your eye bags are rivalling mine and I’m a corpse.”
Hunter has half a mind to just walk out the room and forget this ever happened. Instead he sighs and looks at Caleb.
“Can you get out of the mirror and back into, i don’t know, wherever the hell you were before?”
Caleb thinks for a moment. Then knocks on the glass. That’s weird as hell.
“That’s weird as hell.”
Caleb makes a noise of agreement. Whatever was going on with Luz’s bathroom mirror was too much for the both of them to comprehend in their current states.
Hunter decides to come up with a compromise.
“Listen dude, I’m still operating on the logic that i must be dreaming or something fucked up so I’ll make you a deal. I go back to bed and forget this happened, and if you’re still here in the morning i can deal with it then because it is 5:30am and I’m still used to waking up at 6. Capiche?”
Caleb grins at the sheer audacity and nods.
“I haven’t got any other ideas, so we’ll go with that.”
Hunter turns heel and walks out the door.
“Are those… fluffy pink slippers?” Caleb calls from behind him.
“Oh don’t diss the slippers-“
A new voice floats down the hall.
“Hunter? Who are you talking too?”
Oh fuck oh shit that’s Willow. Turns out he’s been caught not sleeping after all. And it’s all Caleb’s fault. Damn it.
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snortlaughs · 2 years
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fandom: the owl house
pairing: none! please don’t tag as ship!
characters included: ler!hunter, lee!darius
word count: 949
genre: fluff!
warnings: none
author’s note: at the time that this fic takes place, darius and hunter are both still in the emperor’s coven and living at the emperor’s castle. hunter is oblivious to belos being... belos. 
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hunter and darius comfortably sat down together on darius’ bedroom floor and played hexes hold’em.
darius was winning, but that was only because hunter was distracted.
he learned something quite… curious… about darius earlier that day, and it was all he could think about.
he and raine were chatting over some juice boxes, and it came up that darius is ticklish.
hunter nearly spat out his apple blood when he heard this.
“b-but… darius is so tough!” he sputtered, feeling awestruck. “he can’t be—”
raine abruptly cut him off.
“don’t be ridiculous, you little brat,” they said with a chuckle. “even the baddest witches out there are ticklish. i know a few others that are, too.”
hunter could have sworn that he saw a subtle flush meet their cheeks when they said that, but that wasn’t the point.
“little prince?” darius said, waving a hand in front of hunter’s face.
hunter jumped in surprise and blinked at the man in front of him.
he had been lost in thought.
“are you okay?” darius asked, grabbing hunter’s hand of cards and shuffling them into the large deck. he wasn’t playing, anyway, so it was no big deal.
“your smile is a bit more annoying than it usually is, hunter,” the man sneered as he put the deck of cards back into the box. “what are you thinking about?”
hunter smirked smugly and rested his chin in his hands.
“it’s funny you should ask me that, darius~!” he said, already starting to tease. this was a bold move, considering that raine could have been pulling his leg.
“i heard from a little birdie that someone is ticklish.”
“oh, did your secret palisman tell you that?” darius joked, feigned confidence in his voice.
he attempted to keep his cool, and he thought he was doing well.
surprisingly well, actually.
however, hunter wasn’t afforded the time to give a witty response.
immediately following his sharp jab about flapjack, his hair spewed a small glob of abomination that landed on his bed sheets.
hunter looked at the groaning glob, astonished, and slowly turned his head back to darius — who’s face was completely burning up.
“i thought that i was getting better at controlling the hair thing...” darius thought, running his hand over his beard in embarrassment. 
hunter pointed at the purple mound on the quilt.
“that only happens when you’re nervous, darius… do you have something to be nervous about~?” he said, wiggling his fingers.
oh, titan. this is bad.
“kid, i-if you do this, i swear i’ll get you back,” he stammered as he started to scoot away from hunter, who was getting increasingly excited. 
“we’ll see about that~!” hunter sing-songed as he pounced, knocking darius over and digging his stealthy fingers into his ribs. 
hunter was now sitting on darius’ belly; he was trapped. 
nothing could have prepared hunter for what he was about to see and hear. 
immediate hysterics. 
“HUHUHUNTER!” darius screeched, his whole body completely overtaken by the tingly sensations from hunter’s hands. “I SWEHEHEHEAR!”
he tried to push hunter off of him, but his arms were extremely weak already — and, hunter was actually really strong. 
emperor’s coven training was intense, after all. 
darius would never outwardly praise him like that, though; his ego would get far too big. 
anyways, darius’ boisterous laughter filled the bedroom.
“wow, darius, you are really ticklish~!” hunter teased, alternating his hands all over darius’ torso. “and such a strong guy like you... wow, it would be baaad if this information got into the wrong hands...”
“DOHOHOHON’T — DON’T YOU DAHAHARE!” darius pleaded, barely able to speak through his dorky laughter. 
speaking of, his laugh was so... childish. not to mention, it was contagious. it was completely ridiculous. he gasped, wheezed, snorted, hiccuped; everything. 
“titan, darius...” hunter said, unable to hold back his own giggles. “with a laugh like that, i am surprised anyone takes you seriously. it’s a miracle that you’re a coven head~!” 
hunter’s hands darted up to darius’ underarms. 
he didn’t think that it was possible, but darius became even more inconsolable. at this point, he was legitimately unable to speak; he just laughed and laughed.
his smile was... so big. he really looked happy. it was hard to believe that he wasn’t enjoying this at least a little bit. 
hunter, feeling merciful, removed his hands from darius’ body. 
“it’s not as fun when you can’t talk. i can’t hear you try to get your words out~!” hunter said, triumphantly crossing his arms over his chest. “that was fun.”
darius gasped for air, and slowly lifted his head to attempt to glare at hunter. 
unfortunately for him, his attempt was unsuccessful. he couldn’t muster anything close to a negative emotion, much less show it on his face. when he tried, all he could do was smile.
“pff— hehehehe!” darius chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand. 
“what are you laughing about now?” hunter said, unable to suppress a grin.
he looked at darius’ face, admiring his smile.
a real, genuine smile... hunter had never seen darius like this before.
he never knew that darius had dimples. 
darius took a second to compose himself and to think about how he would respond to hunter’s question. 
there was no way that he was going to be honest and say that he... had fun. 
instead, he just ignored it and countered the question with something stronger.
“you heard what i said, little prince. i’m going to get you back. you better start running now.” 
hunter’s eyes widened with the realization of what he just got himself into, clumsily falling off of darius’ tummy and trying to get away.
of course, to no avail.
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lonewolfel · 2 years
Read on AO3
Based on a tweet about how Hunter was going to be covered in Belos's goop.
Belos is dead but he's still with Hunter.
Warning: cannon character death, ptsd, survivor’s guilt, vomiting
Belos beast form was before them. They were all going to die. Though Hunter couldn't even focus on that.
All hunter could feel was the pain that spread from his right wrist. He could feel his very life force leaving his body, He was at the point where couldn't even stand. It was worse than anything he had ever experienced.
"Whatcha playing?" A boy's voice asked. Hunter looked up and saw a kid with moons and suns on his clothes holding onto the Belos's goopy ax. Belos backed up.
"Collector. You're free. Just as promised." Belos said. What shocked Hunter was his tone. He was scared of this Collector.
That didn't fit Hunter's image of Belos. The Emperor was infallible, unafraid of anything. The most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles. This kid shouldn't scare Belos.
"As promised? I remember someone throwing me off a bridge. I'm not angry though. Say, you wanna play tag?" The Collector said. He twirled his finger and Belos moved to be right in front of him. "I'm it." The kid touched Belos's forehead and he went flying.
Belos went flying so fast into the door that he became nothing more than a green splat. Some of the green goop went forward. All the teens rushed out of the way to avoid it, well except for Hunter. He saw it flying towards him but he was in too much pain to even try to move.
With a splat, the green goop landed on Hunter.
That was all he could focus on. The green goop dripped down his face onto his neck and clothes. It smelled like rot and decay. Everything about it screamed that it was unnatural.
Hunter wanted to scream, to cry, to do anything and yet he couldn't. He was frozen. He couldn't even breathe.
There was talking and movement and yet Hunter couldn't register it. He could be killed by the Collector for all he cares. It would be better than feeling the green goop drip down his body.
He felt two people hall him up. If he could he would have told them not to. After all, they were just covering themselves with Belos's remains.
Then suddenly the pain left. The draining spell must have been stopped. Hunter should have felt relieved after all everyone in the Boiling Isles has been saved and yet he couldn't.
It was everything that his uncle had worked for only for what remains of him to be a green smear across a doorway and on him. Somehow that didn't seem fair.
Hunter knew he was evil, but he couldn't decide if he truly deserved this. Perhaps it was that small part of him that will always be loyal to Belos that thought he didn't.
Then he was being moved again. Though this time it was further and faster with everything that he should have been looking at blurred together.
He felt something wet and cold drip onto him. It was beginning to wash away the green goop from him. It seemed to be enough to finally snap Hunter out of it.
Hunter's lungs were empty as he gasped for air. He could see Luz opening and closing a door to an old house. He went to look at his surroundings.
All around him was green. Green grass and green trees surrounded him and his friends. That was enough to push him over.
Hunter leaned forward and began to vomit. What little bread he had eaten and the bile in his stomach mixed with the green of the grass and the cold liquid that was falling.
"Hunter" Came a bunch of frantic calls from his friends. Well except for the person sobbing.
Hunter couldn't get oxygen into his lungs. Despite nothing coming up, he continued to dry heave. Though soon those dry heaves became sobs. Tears began to help wash away the green goop.
"Hunter." Willow's calm voice said. She placed a hand on his shoulder. Hunter shuddered violently. "Hey look at me." Hunter looked up and met her green eyes.
Willow's green eyes made him feel sick it didn't help that he could see the green goop on her clothes from where she helped him. He began to gag as he looked away only to be met with more green. The human realm, the place where his uncle promised to show him. It was almost funny cause Belos was technical with him being washed away by the cool human rain. He closed his eyes.
It should have been him. Hunter should have been the one that had been splattered onto the doorframe, not Belos. Belos was human he belonged in this realm. Him... he was an artificial being that was made to serve one purpose that he betrayed. He should never have been here in the first place.
"Willow, why don't you take care of Gus I got him," Luz said softly. Willow stood up and left. A part of him wanted her to be with him but knew that it was for the best. Gus was more important than him. "Hey buddy, can you look at me?" Hunter moved his head towards where he heard her voice and opened his eyes.
Luz was safe. Her skin, eyes, hair, and clothing held no green. He could see tears...it might be the rain tho, streaming down her face. She gave him a weak smile.
"There we go. Try to match my breathing." Luz said. She began to exaggerate her breathing. Hunter began to try and copy it. He didn't even realize that he had been taking shallow gasps until he tried to copy her.
After what felt like an eternity his breathing finally calmed down. Hunter felt exhausted to his very core.
"There we go. We'll get you to my house and then you can get cleaned up. Everything will be OK." Luz said. The last part was a lie. They both knew that. Though Hunter didn't call her out on that.
It was always nice to be able to believe in the lies.
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sat-in-a-rat-trap · 2 years
whoops my hand slipped
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A lying witch, a warden and a grumpy teen
Synopsis: Hunter is abandoned at a playground, his babysitter simply disappeared. Alone, Eda finds him, and takes him in, unaware that he's Emperor Belos' nephew and he grows into being Hunter Clawthorne, or the Owl teen. Link to AO3 will be posted on the notes. Tags: mentioned raeda, hunter clawthone au, angst, the owl house au
"And the two, and the monster ate them whole! That was all that was left of the!...... Patrol!" The little kid was sitting on the bench of the playground, alone, with small legs kicking the air, too small to reach the ground yet. It was past 8am, and he was cold and hungry, but their babysitter told them to wait there. It was been some time, though. She was gone since…. Hunter couldn't tell. Kikimora had called his babysitter and she didn't come back, he knew that she would get in trouble for getting him into the playground, his uncle didn't like it when he was out of the castle reach, for safety. His new wound for the last time he disobeyed was still new, itching and hurting at the same time, on the right side of his face. He shivered when a cold breeze passed by, shrinking to try to keep himself warm, and trying to control his own fear. The streets were devoid of people, most people that were passing by were ignoring him, and some even looked at Hunter like he could be a tasty snack.
He waited a bit more, stomach growling more. This, with the cold, made him sleepy, and slowly he fell asleep there. 
"Hey, kiddo. Wake up." Someone called him, gently "Can you hear me?"
"Huh?" He asked, trying to open his eyes. He slowly sat on the bench and rubbed his eyes, yawning.
"You're alone there, small one?" It was a soft voice. The witch was tall, her hair orange, cut short and with a grey streak "Where are your parents?" 
"I…. My babysitter said I should wait here." He yawned again.
"Oh. It's kinda late now. Do you have a name, an address where I can take you?"  Eda was afraid that he was abandoned there. Well, it wasn't impossible. Some parents were heartless enough to just let young witchlings to die if they didn't feel like taking care of them, and that seemed like an abandoned kid.
"My name is Hunter. I…." He considered telling "Emperor Belos" but remembered the scar he made just because he was out of the castle, playing in the mud "I don't know any name." He lied, looking at her. Lying was second nature already. 
"Oh, ok then, young Hunter. Huh, it might be best for you to follow me. It's not safe for kids after it gets dark. Unless you have your magic, then I could let you wander around. But you're too young, it's best for me to take you home, ok? Then tomorrow we can see if someone is looking out for you." 
"Ok" that's all he said, getting out of the bench."
"Are you hungry? I can get you something to eat before getting home." She said, reaching for his hand and waiting for him to grab her hand. He did so, careful. He nodded slowly, looking to the playground and around once again. "Don't worry, tomorrow someone will be looking for you, and you will return safe and sound to your family, ok?" Eda reassured, smiling at him. 
Eda walked somewhere with food, and got something quick for him to eat, and walked to her home. She needed her potions, but that could wait. The kid was yawning and rubbing his eyes, so she carried him to home, when they got there, putting him on the couch and a blanket over him:
"Is that a kid? You're going to eat it?" Hooty said, getting close to her and Hunter.
"What? No! Shut up, Hooty!"
"Oh, so you're adopting him!"
"No! I can't… take a kid in, you know that. I will return this small one to his parents tomorrow."
That was true, she couldn't take care of a kid. 
Being a mom was something that Eda wished for when she was younger. Eda and Raine had talked countless times about THEIR family. THEIR kids. THEIR house. Now it was past. Destroyed by that stupid curse she had. It had been years since the break up, and she still wasn't over it, she would never be over it. The curse took away many things from her. Her future, her dad, her mom, her sister, Raine and the dream of having a family. She couldn't let anyone be near her, she was too afraid of hurting them. She needed to return that kid, because she couldn't risk hurting him too. 
"Tomorrow this kid will be with their real family"
That was what she thought. 
In the morning, she made breakfast for the kid. Hunter was a picky eater, and she didn't mind doing what the kid asked for, since it would be his last day there, and the last day of having someone else in the house. Hunter had a bit of a talk with Hooty, and they went to check the wanted posters. 
Hunter spent another day in the owl house.
They went to check again for posters.
Nothing. Hunter spent another day in the owl house. They bought a better pillow for him. 
They came back home, and on the other day, they went to the wanted posters. Nothing. Everyday, check the wanted posters, nothing. They bought a new blanket for Hunter.
It had been two weeks now. The couch was already Hunter's bed, and the fridge was full of his favorite foods, since apparently he couldn't digest a lot, and most common foods would make him sick (Eda had a hard day on the toilet with him vomiting almost his guts out after eating a earthworm plate that was common for most witches) and Hunter was sad about no one coming for him. She decided two things, she needed to keep the curse in check, to keep him safe, and she would keep this kid. She simply couldn't throw him out after no one came for him. He was a weirdo, much like her, apparently.
One month had passed. Hunter was complaining about his back hurting, and she bought him a bed and put on the extra room she had. She bought him new clothes, and tried to find what more he could eat, to diversify his diet at least a bit. Things were changing in the owl house. Eda couldn't lie she liked having someone there, the nights didn’t feel so alone, and the days were more easygoing. 
She started selling human trash, and apparently a kid made her look more needy of money, and that was certainly nice. The kid also had fun pickpocketing random passersby, and getting in trouble. 
When King joined, the house didn’t seem more the house of a 35-year-old single lady, but as a family house, even though Eda wouldn’t admit it so soon. Both Hunter and the demon seemed to bond, especially over making Eda mad, and teasing her, and she would pretend to get mad, but she really couldn’t do that. Eda would say to others that Hunter and King were her roommates, Hunter helping her to collect human trash, sell potions and to get rid of emperor guards, and even without magic, they’re good on hand-to-hand combat, and very good on potion making, using it in self-defense, to sell them,but mostly for pranks. 
The addition of the human in the house was a surprise, though.
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Okay time to elaborate on the Wild Witch Lilith au bc its actually a lot more than her being. You know: a wild witch
So while Lilith’s running away is the CAUSE of these changes, Raine and Hunter are both more prominent in this as well.
Lilith messed up and was going to be petrified, but got out before they could even announce it. She becomes a wild witch but keeps in contact with Raine Whispers, a school friend, as well as one child in the Emperor’s coven: Hunter, the golden guard.
She leaves hunter a note that directs him to Raine and the two of them learn to get along (after, of course, it’s explained that Lilith allegedly left him a note. Even then, Hunter is suspicious. He didn’t know Lilith further than a nod or possibly a shared mission. But she expressed worry for him, so after a lot of time, he decided to - hesitantly - take her up on her offer to meet a friend. It will take him a while to trust them truly.)
More in a storytelling form under the cut
It’s about two months later that Lilith manages to catch Hunter at Raine’s house. She comes in through the back door and is searching lazily through her bag for the spices she apparently promised last time she intruded. Seeing Hunter makes her falter. “Ah, the golden guard.” While she doesn’t seem particularly excited, she certainly doesn’t sound upset.
Raine looks confused. “Was he not the one you gave the letter to?” 
“Oh no, he is.” Lilith says, still standing by the door. “I just didn’t particularly expect to ever really... see him.” Now she moves to the table where they’re sitting and seats herself in one of the chairs. “You won’t hand me over to the emperor, will you?”
Hunter shakes his head.
Raine elbows Lilith in the arm. “Never expected to see him? Don’t tell me you were planning on leaving me to take care of a kid alone every other Saturday?”
Any stress that Lilith may have had drains from her as she laughs. “Is that when I should have been dropping by? Our friday date nights don’t work for you?” Raine laughs too, and Hunter doesn’t recognize the atmosphere. It’s calm, and it’s teasing, and it’s nice. He comes back more often.
(Lilith and Raine talk a few weeks later, Hunter having come and left for the day. Raine raises a brow over their glass of cider and asks if this means they have both have custody over a child. Lilith laughs. She says that, well, maybe they do.
Raine leans back in their chair. “However will we assure we won’t fall in love?”
Lilith rolls her eyes fondly. “Easy. I think you’re stupid.” She’s teasing and they know it.
“That’s a bold move against a teacher, Clawthorne.” Then, in retaliation: “Well, it’s good I think you’re annoying, then.” They’re teasing too.
A pause after their laughter has subsided. Then, and Raine asks this one too, “Wait- are we sharing custody with the Emperor?”
Lilith makes a choking sound over her glass of water, and then, a dribble of water coming from the corner of her mouth, says, “I can promise you I won’t fall in love with him.”
Raine raises their glass with a mock solemnity. “Cheers to that.” Their cups clink together.)
Lilith and Raine are there for Hunter. They’re there for when he’s hurt and there for when he’s happy. Raine is a wonderful teacher and Lilith is happy to show the magic that they can’t supply.
(Hunter has no magic and can’t use what the two of them teach him, but Lilith, out of all of them, is the closest to having the ability to use wild magic. Wild magic is the ability to mix magic as one pleases, and it’s with great annoyance that she finds she can’t do that. “I thought the emperor’s coven was the only coven where witches don’t get their magic restrained!” She complains, later.)
Hunter learns how to play instruments, and Lilith enjoys attempting the xylophone, when Raine chooses to bring one home.
(She enjoys the simplicity and the sound, she says. Raine steals the mallets from her and produces two more, playing a quick song with the mallets pressed between their fingers. “Is it simple now, Clawthorne?” They ask, and turn around to their awed audience. There’s a sudden realization that they have a two person crowd watching, and with a flushed face, they call off the rest of the day’s music lessons.)
Hunter enjoys the guitar and clarinet, they find. The piano is an old friend to him, and he’s happy to play it mindlessly when he has nothing else to do.
(He plays it the day Raine first finds him with a bandage on his face. They can’t convince him to take it off, but he wears it for a month. There’s a scar on his face after the bandaid is gone. He doesn’t say anything about it and Raine doesn’t press. There was something sad about his song on the day Raine found him playing.)
Raine and hunter convince Lilith to dye her hair a light blue grey (They requested white, to match with their general scheme, but she refused.) and Lilith gets Raine to add a gem to their outfit. Hunter can’t get anything permanent, but both adults enjoy playing with his hair while he’s with them.
Lilith and Raine have cared for Hunter for two years now. Raine’s been climbing up the ranks, and while Hunter is away, (Hunter is a good kid, but he feels an obligation to his uncle. Neither adult knows what to do about it. All they can do is give him as safe a space they can.) they talk about ways to mess up any plans Belos may have. On a late night, Raine admits that Eda (the name is spoken with mixed feelings. Neither saw her last under good circumstances.) was the cause of their drive to do something about the terribleness of the coven system. Lilith says nothing.
She lives more at Raine’s house now. Sleeping on the couch after helping them with a plan, then leaving if there’s ever a knock on anything but a window (Hunter refuses to come in through a door) to keep from the possibility of them getting arrested for holding a criminal in their home. Wandering the city never ceases to be nerve wracking, even with the difference in her appearance.
She was only at the convention to cheer on Hunter. While his place as the mystery guest unnerved both her and Raine (He was only sixteen. Taking place as figurehead of the coven was too much.) he seemed excited, so they congratulated him, and Lilith confronted the terrifying possibility of being recognized to go clap for his performance.
She was recognized. Somehow, her sister spotted her (Was she not also a wild witch? She hated covens, and really, Lilith saw no reason for her to be at such a convention.) and asked about her disappearance. Lilith rolled her eyes and dusted off every question, interrupted only by a human child asking for Eda’s help.
“I’ll leave you to it then,” Lilith said, and walked off. Her sister’s “I’m not done with you!” Only made her chuckle as she searched for Hunter in the crowd.
Lilith attempted to leave a long while later. Apparently the place where the human’s witch’s duel had taken place was broken rather severely. She’d stuck around only long enough to see that most spectators were gone, and she watched both the young Blight and the human storm out of the door before Edalyn pointed up at her.
“HEY LILITH!” Eda called. “I WANT TO TALK!”
Lilith narrowed her eyes and called up magic. “WELL I DON’T!” She yelled back.
That was how Lilith ended up in Raine’s house, bruised and annoyed. Lilith refused to admit how she ended up hurt, tight lipped as she healed herself and avoided eye contact with the equally amused and concerned bard on the sofa.
The next time Lilith saw Eda was after making a bet with Raine. Lilith was terrible with alcohol, honestly, and it didn’t get much wine to get her talking smack. It was a blurry memory, but all she knew is that she needed to get some sort of powerful artifact, to prove... something to Raine.
A flower of youth sounded good. She gained a map, and with a small offhand comment about what her sister must look like now (She’d seen posters, and a younger Eda’s hair was growing white already). She was doing perfectly fine on her own, but somehow, for some reason, her sister had decided to tag along. Which was fine! They were bonding a bit, really. Especially after the blood sucker (emphasis on sucker. Little bitch.) started trying to scare them. Cute, but the sisters were mean when they wanted to be, and oh, did Lilith want to be.
She lost the bet, but she saw her sister again. Under better circumstances (though only barely) and without a fight. She could call that a win.
It happened again (Not a clue how she got roped into a grudgby match, but it was fun while it lasted.) and again (Eda finally getting caught on account of that little human she found was terribly tragic.) and again (also getting caught after accidentally slipping to the human that she’d caused Eda’s curse was more than a little embarrassing.)
She wanted to say sorry. She didn’t think it was enough.
Eda was understandably upset.
Lilith didn’t have a proper cure. She’d been looking for one for a while now, but even any knowledge about the curse she’d used was gone. All she had to make up for it all was her backup plan.
“With this spell declared, let the pain be shared.”
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erzaguin · 3 years
Huntmira After: Chapter 2
This is also available in Wattpad and Ao3.
“I’m scared,” mumbled Steve. “The look in her eyes is really unsettling.” 
"Why does she keep side eyeing us?"
"I don't think she's looking at us."
“Her laugh is creeping me out. I don't know how much longer I can take this.”
“Captain, maybe you should say something” suggested one of the guards in a hushed tone. 
It had been hours since the masquerade ball had ended. All of the guests had already left and they had been assigned with clean up duty with Kikimora supervising them. Although currently all of the guards were feeling extremely uncomfortable due to her current behavior.
She kept mumbling under her breath too fast and low for them to make out what she was saying. She kept looking around almost like she was expecting someone to jump out at her. She had an almost crazed look in her eyes which made her sudden bursts of laughter seem maniacal. The guards were afraid that she had finally lost it and would randomly attack one of them.
The captain looked at the other guards who looked completely disheveled by their commander's odd behavior. She let out a sigh before making her way to Kikimora. She was responsible for every individual in her unit which also included Kikimora. It was her duty to make sure everyone was ok no matter how much she didn't want to.
She cleared her throat to get Kikimora's attention "Ma'am…"
“Hehehe this is so wonderful?! The Golden Guard made a complete fool of himself.” giggled Kikimora “Did you see? One dance with a girl he just met and he turns into a complete fool. He was so embarrassed after I pointed out he had lipstick on his helmet that he went to hide in his room" laughed Kikimora.
So that's why she's been acting so weird. Kikimora always seems to lose herself when it comes to matters involving the Golden Guard. Though she was right about one thing after the dance the Golden Guard disappeared and nobody has seen him since. 
 "After tonight I’m sure Emperor Belos will realize how incompentet that  brat is and how I am clearly far superior." gleed Kikimora who looked to be doing a little jig. "You'll see that come tomorrow I'll be promoted!"
"I can't believe that happened. Wait what if it didn't happen and it was all in my head" mumbled Hunter to himself as he continued pacing back and forth in his room. 
It had already been some time since the ball had ended and he still had a hard time believing that he had spent most of the night dancing with Em. He couldn't help but blush whenever he recalled the events of the night. 
"I can't believe I kissed her" the sudden realization almost completely filled him with dread. 
"What if she thinks I'm a creep now? She's probably mad at me," he was interrupted by a chirping sound coming from the small red feathered bird sitting on his bed.
Hunter's expression visibly softened at the sound of his companion. 
"You're right she did kiss me back," he said as he smiled to himself. "I still can't believe you tagged along."
In response he received more chirping sounds from his small friend. The little rascal had followed Hunter without him noticing. It wasn't until he had jumped on Hunter's head to meet Emira that he found out he had tagged along. Apparently he has been very excited to meet her after hearing Hunter speaking about her.
"You and I need to have a conversation about boundaries some time" noted Hunter as he took a seat on the bed next to his friend. 
". . .So do you think she likes me?" asked Hunter looking down at his boots so his friend couldn't see his eyes.
The question earned him a sharp peck to the head from his companion who seemed to be angry at Hunter's self doubt. He had never really liked seeing Hunter being down and now that he could understand him he made no attempt to hold back his opinions.
"Ouch ok I get it no need to be so aggressive." said Hunter as he nursed his head. 
His companion settled back down on the bed and started chirping away. Scolding Hunter for doubting Emira’s feelings for him especially after tonight. 
He had to give it to the little guy he really knew how to get through to him. He really helped in keeping negative thoughts away. 
Hunter took a deep breath to steady himself and released it. "You're right buddy, thanks," he said as he gave the little bird a gentle pat on his head. 
Just then there was a sudden knock on the door which sent the little palisman into hiding. It was important that nobody found out about the palisman. If Emperor Belos where to find him no Hunter did not even want to think about that. 
"Who is it?" responded Hunter after making sure his friend was out of sight. 
From the other side of the door came a voice that stated "Sir Emperor Belos wishes to speak to you." Hunter relaxed once he realized it was just a guard. 
Even though he had already changed into his regular uniform hours ago he still made sure that he looked presentable before stepping towards the door. If he was going to meet with Emperor Belos he had to make sure that everything was in order.
 Hunter opened the door to find one of the guards standing there doing his best not to make eye contact with him. "Thanks you are dismissed" said Hunter in an authoritative tone.
The guard, who seemed to have been startled by Hunter opening the door forcefully and closing it quickly behind him, gave Hunter an awkward solute before scurrying off. What can you expect even if he was young he was still Emperor Belos' right hand man. A lot of the guards felt intimidated being in his presence and Hunter’s deminor did not help to ease their nerves about him. 
As Hunter made his way to his uncle's throne room he kept thinking about how upset he must be. He was not surprised that his uncle had called for him. In fact he had been expecting it. He had completely disappeared after his first dance with Emira and never came back to his post. 
"Way to fo Hunter he probably thinks you were too embarrassed to come back out" thought Hunter to himself as he came face to face with the doors of his uncle's room. He was about to knock on the door before stopping. In that instant he was completely consumed by the sudden sense of dread. The realization that Emperor Belos might be angry at him had just hit him. He could be in serious trouble. What if he retaliated against Emira? He knew who she was? If his uncle was mad enough at him he could do it and get away with it. No, he had to make sure to keep her safe. Even if it meant never being able to see her again. 
He was brought back by the sound of the door in front of him opening. The small surge of defines he had felt at the thought of Emira getting hurt was completely overtaken by the fear he felt at that moment. 
“Come in Hunter” came a voice from inside the room.
Hunter hesitated for a moment before making his way inside and closing the door behind him.
“Come let me take a good look at you” said Belos as he becond his nephew forward. He was not wearing his mask anymore. He was dressed in his casual robes which was rare to see. Hunter always felt more comfortable speaking to his uncle when he did not have the mask on so seeing him now made his nerves settle a little. He made his way forward to his uncle who placed his hands on his shoulders. 
“So, you had your first kiss” noted Belos with a warm smile on his face and an almost childish joy in his eyes. Hunter felt his face grow warm and found himself at a loss for words. But just as fast he felt the blood drain out of his body.. Was he teasing him? How did he know that he had kissed Emira? Ed had created an illusion so that nobody could see them. How did he know? Did he see? Does he know about my palisman too? 
“I would not have thought you would have become smitten after just one dance and a kiss on your helmet” teased his uncle. “You know after that dance you disappeared but I couldn’t help but notice that so did she. Tell me, did you return to the party?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. 
If someone were to enter the room at this moment  they might have interrupted this as a tender moment between him and his uncle but the tension Hunter was feeling was so intense he could hardly breath. He was not sure if the kiss his uncle meant was the one Emira had given him in front of everyone. How much did his uncle know? Lying to him would be dangerous especially if he knew more than what he was letting on. Besides, Hunter had never been able to lie to him. 
“I..um… yes I did” started Hunter feeling his face growing hot again. “I wanted to ask her to dance not as the Golden Guard but as Hunter.” he mumbled, unable to make eye contact with his uncle. “Her brother created an illusion to keep us concealed and we ended up dancing for the rest of the night.” Hunter tried to focus all of his concentration on keeping his breathing steady.
“I see well I am glad that you followed my order to have fun” he said, placing a hand on Hunter's head, “but i'm sure that dancing was not the only thing you did.” added his uncle in a tone that made Hunter’s veins turn to ice. His mind was racing trying to come up with a response for his uncle but his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by his uncle ruffling his hair as he let out a warm laugh. 
“So you really did get your first kiss tonight?” he continued to laugh as he made his way to take a seat on his throne. “I have to hand it to you, you really do know how to follow an order.”
Hunter was beginning to feel light headed due to the emotional whiplash. He could never read his Uncle. Talking to him always felt like he was treading through a minefield filled with live and fake bombs.
“You know when I said that I wanted for you to stay safe it was not to punish you but to keep you out of harm's way. The titan has big plans for you Hunter so until the day of unity arrives you have to stay safe. So starting tomorrow you will be reassigned.” noted Belos in a somber tone. 
“But sir,” started Hunter but stopped as soon as his uncle lifted a hand signaling silence. “As I was saying, starting tomorrow your new mission will be to find the Blight girl..." Hunter felt his heart drop at his uncle's mention of Emira. A thousand thoughts filled his head in that instant but he clenched his fists in an attempt to restrain himself.  “...and ask her out on a date.” finished Belos with a soft smile on his face.
“Sir?” Hunter’s mind was spinning. Did he hear that right? No that couldn't be. Did his uncle just order him to ask Emira on a date?  
“Who knows how many days of peace we will know once the day of unity arrives. Go enjoy the few days you have left. Now go it’s late and I need my rest.” stated Belos as he dismissed Hunter. 
“Yes Emperor Belos,” responded Hunter with a bow before quickly making his way. He walked back to his room in a daze trying to make sense of what had just happened. Was he that disappointed in him that he no longer wanted to send him on missions? Or did he honestly want to keep him safe and happy. This was very unlike his uncle and Hunter was sure that there had to be a bigger motive for his actions. 
Upon reaching his room he confided in his palisman everything that had happened with his uncle. The small bird convinced Hunter to not overthink things and to ask Emira out on a date. 
“I don't know, it doesn't feel right to just send her a message. What do you think?”
The small bird responded to this with a few chirping sounds. 
“That’s actually a really good idea. I think she would like that a lot.” noted Hunter as he took out a pen and paper to write a letter to Emira. 
Once he was done he attached the letter to the small palismans foot. 
“Ok buddy I’m counting on you.”
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darthkvznblogs · 2 years
Dp-Have you seen the new Amphibia and Owl House episodes? I have a theory that the Amphibian Empire was unstable and lasted for a relatively short period of time, and the episode added to that(not to spoil anything for you)! By the way, did the situation with Vee go differently? Also, did they undo the thing that restricted witches' magic? I'm also guessing they either abolished the monarchy or placed someone more benevolent on the throne like Hunter (if he wasn't killed off).
Not yet, but I usually skim the tags on tumblr just to make sure I’m not blindsided by, like, my favorite character dying or something like that.
(RWBY Volume 3 trauma? What RWBY Volume 3 trauma?)
I tried to keep the ending of SSMH as canon compliant as possible on the Owl House side of things, which is why Luz and co. either use very vague sentences or describe the events that led to Belos’ downfall “off-screen”. I’d like to keep it that way in writing as long as possible, because I believe the show will deliver a satisfying conclusion, but if you’re asking me in a headcanon capacity, then:
1) I think Vee did have to return at least once to the Isles and was probably part of the final showdown, but she very clearly never wants to return.
2) Fixing the Coven system would indeed include getting rid of the magic locks.
3) Call me a radical, but I really don’t think any modern society should have a monarch, even as a figurehead. So yeah, no kings or emperors anymore.
Obviously, I’d have to see the end of TOH to figure out if canon can stay as is or I have to do any modifications to fit the Kryptonverse, but I’m optimistic that things will work out fine!
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