#should i post the dvd collection or would that be showing off
gayfour · 4 months
Everyone shut up and look at her!!!
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shimonerin · 9 months
Secret Santa w/ the Jujutsu High Students
Content: Giving Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara their favorite gifts Tags: fluff Words: 1.7k
a/n: literally my first time writing again after a year or two and also my first time actually putting myself out there and posting lol I apologize if it's messy or lengthy TvT
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Itadori Yuji
I feel like Yuuji would ask for a DVD/cassette collection of his favorite movies and TV shows since he really is a “TV child” and grew up watching those. And also because DVDs/cassettes are not really a thing nowadays, it kind of gives him nostalgia to be watching the same movies he used to when he was younger. 
Another thing I think he’d like is a snack basket. Just a basket filled to the brim with sweets and snacks and sodas. Just something he can eat and share with someone while he’s watching his shows.
Yuuji doesn’t ask for much and he’d be completely fine if you only managed to buy one of them or even a completely different gift. I mean, he’s basically going out every weekend in the cinemas and he’s more than capable of buying a few snacks for himself at the store. Everything else is just a bonus.
What he didn’t expect was for you to go out of your way to buy him everything on his wishlist and even gave him a meal voucher to one of the popular ramen restaurants in Japan. You know he likes rice bowls a lot and what’s better than giving him a voucher that’s worth at least three different rice bowls.
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“No way! You bought all of this for me?” He exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with stars as he looked over the rack full of DVDs, a large snack basket, and a meal voucher. He could feel the tears well up in his eyes, seeing you make an effort into giving him something special. 
You smiled fondly at him, chuckling softly at his lightly pouting face “I might as well, right?” You tell him so casually, as if you didn’t just crawl your way into this man’s heart with your gifts.
Without a second thought, he threw himself at you, wrapping you in a tight, almost suffocating embrace before burying his face at the crook of your neck “You’re so awesome, you know that? I was secretly hoping you were my secret santa.” He murmured softly, which you find extremely endearing. Nobara and Gojo snickered behind you and you knew you’d find yourself in the middle of another teasing session over the next few days.
As soon as Yuuji let go of you, he grabbed both of your hands, holding it in front of your chest “We should definitely stop by that ramen restaurant later! You’ve only been there once, right?” He suggested as he shook your hands excitedly like a child.
As much as he wanted to hang out with his friends this Christmas, he didn’t want to miss out on some one-on-one time with you. He’s basically begging the universe for it so he wouldn’t trade it for the world or for an extra day of training. That can wait.
Megumi Fushiguro
I feel like Megumi isn’t even interested in joining Secret Santa. Poor boy was just forced by Gojo and Itadori lol. As he’s not interested in receiving any material gifts anyways, at most he’d probably just ask for a book.
He didn’t even give you any specific book he’d want you to buy so you had to ask Gojo “Oh, he’s not really into fantasy books, if that’s what you’re thinking,” He tells you as he leaned back onto the sofa “He’s leaning more towards nonfiction novels. Like the classics, you know?”
Heading straight towards the bookstore after training hours, you decided to go for “In Praise of Shadows” by Junichiro Tanizaki, simply because the title reminded you of his cursed technique. Though, the synopsis for the book isn’t too far off from his tastes.
Giving him only the book felt empty so you decided to look for mini figurines for his shikigamis at a nearby pottery shop. You wanted to give him something to symbolize his immense care for these animals, which was one of the things you loved the most about him. In the end, you had bought a total of 10 mini clay figurines. You placed it alongside the book inside a neat box with Japanese wrapping paper and a small bunny origami that resembles one of his shikigami on top to finish it off.
When it was time to give your gift to Megumi, he was quite impressed with the way it was wrapped but kept his reactions to a minimum “Ah, thanks.” He’d say, with a hand behind his neck
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Only when he opens his present will you see the visible change in his expression. He pulls out the book and the mini figurines of the Divine Dogs, his gaze darting all over it in subtle fascination.
You purse your lips, tilting your head slightly “Do you like it?” You asked him, albeit a little nervously.
“Hey! Say something, won't you?” Nobara shouted, crossing her arms at the boy “Don't just sit there and stare!”
Megumi lifted his head off your bundle of gifts as he gazed back at your smiling face, a sudden feeling of happiness swelling in his chest but he kept it in.
“It’s…nice. I like it.” He spoke quietly, as if he’s only talking to you, blocking out all of the other sounds around him “You shouldn't have bought so much.”
He wanted to say more than that but his real feelings can't be summed up in a few words and he didn't want to come off so cheesy in front of his friends.
You laughed in response, waving off his words “No, no, I want to! You seem so indifferent with Christmas and I just wanted to give you something to smile about!” You lightly teased him, knowing you would have loved him either way.
At this point, Itadori and Nobara were forcing Megumi to smile for you as a joke, poking and prodding at his cheeks like they always do.
In the middle of the teasing session, you could definitely make out a small genuine smile from his otherwise stoic face, one that's easy to miss if you’re not looking closely enough. 
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Later that evening, when you finally got home, you received an unexpected call from Gojo, saying “Hey, just called to tell you Megumi loved what you gave him.” He tells you “In fact, he’s arranging those figurines you bought him at his bedside table.”
Without a second thought, you could hear Gojo put his phone closer to Megumi’s room, as the faint sound of soft clashes of wood on wood fills your ears.
Gojo puts himself back on the call “Oh, and the book that you gave him? Yeah, he started reading it on the way home. Looks like you really got him this time.”
You couldn't help the smile slowly spreading across your face like a child “Really?” You say, trying not to let your voice give out what you're feeling “That’s…that’s great! Tell him to cherish it for me, Gojo-sensei!”
Unbeknownst to you, you were on speaker the whole time.
Kugisaki Nobara
Oh it was anxiety-inducing to think of what to give to Nobara. She’s a girl who knows her worth and knows exactly what she deserves. And while that was an aspect of her personality that you love and admire a lot, there’s only so much that you can do with your allowance.
Her wish list states that she wanted stylish clothing, accessories, or anything that looks good on her, given how much she loves shopping. Of course, she didn’t ask for Balenciaga or Onitsuka Tiger. She’s not that delusional.
But you can’t help as if every gift you’d think of wouldn’t be good enough for her. You only wanted to give her the best things because that’s when you’ll see her smile the brightest. And you’d probably do anything to see it on her all the time.
Over the weekend, you made a plan to go to Shibuya, going straight to the popular fashion mall, Shibuya 109. Entering one of the more affordable clothing chains in the establishment, you purchased a cute, oversized graphic tee for her. You also decided to buy her a box set of accessories like hairpins, bracelets, chains, and scrunchies.
Buying one last thing for her with the money that you have, you go to a local chocolatier and order a box of macaroons. Nobara has always been a fan of sweets, after all.
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On Christmas Day, when it was your turn to give your gifts, you glanced towards Nobara who was sitting beside you before handing her a beautifully wrapped gift with a ribbon on top.
“Merry Christmas, Nobara. You’re gonna love this.” You’d sweetly say as she widened her eyes, delicately loosening the ribbon string.
As soon as her eyes landed on the top you bought for her, chic accessories, and the box of macaroons, she couldn't simply contain her excitement.
Her eyes were basically stars as she immediately tried on the shirt, twisting and turning to see how it looked “(Y/N), this is gorgeous!” She exclaimed 
Opening the box of accessories next, she quickly tried on the hairclips and wore the bracelets, hurriedly trying them on all at once “Where did you buy all this? It honestly looks so good.” She asked you, a wide smile plastered on her face
You scratched the back of your head and grinned “I…I honestly went to Shibuya this Saturday. I thought I might find you something different from the shops there.”
She immediately dropped everything she was holding and perked up in interest “And you didn't bring me with you? That would have been the best Christmas gift you could give me!” She says, her warm hands immediately wrapping around yours “Then maybe you shouldn't have spent all your money on me. I heard some stores there are so expensive.”
Your grip on her hand tightened into a gentle squeeze “You don't need to worry. I got my money's worth so it’s okay, really.” You reassured her.
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You could see the tears forming on her eyes, only for her to wipe it off as she pouted “Well, at least let me share my macarons with you!” She tells you before picking one from the box and feeding you a strawberry cream-filled flavor macaron.
Nobara made a promise to be the one to take you to Shibuya next time and even go as far as to spoil you, even when you told her not to. 
How could she not? She’s so picky with everything but you’re the only one who seems to pinpoint her tastes so well. She’s never met anyone who could match her as good as you do so she’ll make sure to return the favor.
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Happy holidays x
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crippledinafunway · 10 months
Slowly working through my old childhood dvd collection, and I can't help but thinking that DC would benefit immensely from just. using older source material. So much creativity was put aside for profit. And yes, I know that profit is what drives every business etc. etc. capitalism yadda yadda.
But you shouldn't need a doctorate in Character-specific Lore just so you can read a comic run or watch the latest movie. The MCU is obviously a major perpetrator, but DC hasn't had enough successes to even attempt over-complicating, which I guess is a good thing in its own way. Let the JSA fight some cheesy looking aliens for a few episodes, just because it makes a good story.
Of course this all comes down to the studios constantly trying to squeeze every cent out of a property, which means shorter seasons spread thinner in order to milk the hype.
We need filler episodes!
We need more 13 or 24 episode seasons!
We need shows to be less about producing content and more about doing it because its what people would watch even without the incentive being put on the audience to push for more.
And yes, it goes without saying that the artists & writers should take as long as needed to get things done right, with fair compensation. I don't wan't this to in any way come off as some anti-union whining.
This whole post is a rambling mess but it wasn't even a decade ago when things weren't nearly as fucked as they are now, and it drives me nuts that I could see the trend coming as a child.
In short: Support unions (the animators are looking to a possible strike next year!) Let the people in positions of power know that you're watching (even though, as stated, the fact that campaigning like this is even necessary is ridiculous) And of course, preserve media in its physical form when possible so that it can't be taken away from you!
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Very pleased to see that Dominic Maxwell at The Times has written an article about how Jerry Seinfeld is correct when he says PC culture has ruined comedy (I won't link to it because fuck that guy, but I guess in the interest of being fair to him, I will clarify that he did not specifically endorse Seinfeld's more outlandish claims about "the extreme left" taking over, but Maxwell did agree with the idea that comedies that appeal to "a niche" are less funny than comedies that appeal to "everyone" (everyone who saw themselves in the broad comedies where only a few demographics were represented), and agreeing with that is enough to make him a dick). He's my least favourite comedy reviewer (of the ones I actually read sometimes). I first took against him over the review of Andy Zaltzman's stand-up show from just after John Oliver left The Bugle, calling Andy a "left behind sidekick" and spending a bunch of the review explaining how Andy could never have the successful TV career that John did because he's not telegenic enough, even though it was a review about Andy solo stand-up show that had nothing to do with either John Oliver or TV. Since then I've gone to his page occasionally to read his recent reviews, and sometimes he comes up when I search old reviews of something, and I almost always disagree with him, even if it's just in a little way. So I'm pleased to have a legitimate moral reason to dislike that guy now, rather than just thinking he's incorrect about comedy and shouldn't have been so mean to Andy Zaltzman. Turns out the guy who writes for The Times is a dick, who would have thought?
Jerry Seinfeld specifically cited Cheers and M*A*S*H in his comments. I grew up watching Cheers, M*A*S*H, and Seinfeld nearly every morning for years. Not because they were on TV, but my parents had the DVD boxsets and I watched every episode until I had them memorized. I enjoyed them all, but Cheers and M*A*S*H significantly more so than Seinfeld.
It's such an odd idea to me that anyone thinks that's where comedy should have stopped. I was obsessed with them, but I was about 10. I re-watch them occasionally now (Cheers and M*A*S*H, not Seinfeld) and they make me laugh, but there is just nothing in those shows that makes me think you couldn't make that today, or that no one's making anything as funny as that today. The joke rate is no higher than the joke rate in plenty of more modern sitcoms. The jokes are not better and are in some ways worse, than what I see in more modern sitcoms. I watch them with a bit of nostalgia but even if we do assume that nothing in comedy should matter at all besides laughs per minute, they don't objectively stand out as better than modern shows. They look like prototypes for modern shows.
I'm talking about Cheers more than M*A*S*H, I guess - M*A*S*H, more than Cheers, had some unique stuff going on in it that I haven't seen since. But the unique stuff was mainly based on what they did with characters and plot and, crucially, setting. If you judge a comedy only on laugh rate and consider nothing else, M*A*S*H doesn't stand out significantly more than comparably good comedies from other eras either.
I loved Cheers, but obviously lots of things are as funny as Cheers. What an odd thing to say, to suggest otherwise. This was a bit of a tangent as I was not planning to dignify Jerry Seinfeld's attention-grabbing comments by responding to them (and I wish the people with actual platforms would do the same because then maybe people would give up on trying for attention that way, though I have to admit Chortle's collection of headlines responding to him the other day was funny), the point of this post was just to say I'm glad I can now justify writing off Dominic Maxwell as a dick. Fuck that guy.
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francesderwent · 2 years
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I posted 5,391 times in 2022
That's 542 more posts than 2021!
1,125 posts created (21%)
4,266 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,316 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#taylor swift - 427 posts
#tvd - 376 posts
#text - 320 posts
#in which cate tells stories - 316 posts
#cate liveblogs! - 214 posts
#btvs - 150 posts
#batfam brainrot - 135 posts
#teen wolf - 131 posts
#stranger things - 120 posts
#this is me admitting i need a music tag - 113 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#(& she’d be like ‘i don’t even remember doing this where did you find it’ or ‘i was like wow that’s so sad! then i remembered i wrote it)
My Top Posts in 2022:
I think it’s worth reminding ourselves that the first thing that moved Shia wasn’t studying Padre Pio himself, who probably would have been absolutely incomprehensible as an inroads to faith for someone lacking any sense of it, it wasn’t the liturgy, it wasn’t any of the books that he would eventually become so versed in. it was people letting him eat their ice cream and pet their cats, people telling him jokes, people who weren’t demanding anything of him. and then, it was the Gospels.
237 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
twosday is definitely a holiday specifically from the hundred acre wood
780 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
oh my gosh you guys I think “screaming, crying, throwing up” has the same usage and meaning as “wailing and gnashing of teeth”
2,743 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
reblog this and tag with a food you no longer have access to (closed restaurant, state you moved away from, ex’s mom’s cooking, etc) that will haunt you until your dying day, mine are the spicy chicken sandwich on the employee menu at the fine dining restaurant I was a prep cook at, and the onion bagel from the kosher place down the street from my house when I lived in the city
50,089 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
wish list for people who don’t want anything
aka possessions which are just possessions, but which have noticeably improved my quality of life: for when people ask you “what do you want for your birthday/Christmas/graduation” and you instantly transform into St Francis and pledge fealty to Lady Poverty because your mind went blank
nice. new. sheets. I cannot emphasize this one enough. if you’re still using the same sheets you had in college, you should probably get new ones. get yourself some 100% bamboo rayon sheets—they're silky and perfect for summer and great for sensitive skin! or, if you’re cold all the time, flannel sheets!
kitchen knives. or even just one really good kitchen knife.
new curtains—blackout if you are a creature of the night like I am
fleece lined anything, but especially sweatpants and hoodies. wool lined socks are also good. if you don’t have the option of coming home after work and putting on an entire outfit that is loose and fuzzy, you should change that, because you deserve that option.
cookie sheets with a layer of air between the top and the bottom. the bottoms of your cookies will never burn again.
kitchen scale!!! no more leveling off flour with a knife and getting it all over the table!! now all your measuring is just shoveling stuff in and out of bowls like you’re at the beach. baking is both more accurate and also way more fun.
coffee bean grinder. if you want to upgrade your coffee experience, this is a great one-time purchase. just-ground beans have a much better flavor than pre-ground.
CDs!! ask for a gift card and expand your physical music collection! or a collection of the DVDs for your favorite show!
72,082 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ultramagicalternate · 2 months
ULTRAMagic Interlude (BC) Chapter 37
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Blood-Wraith was in a better mood the following day, humming the tune of an upbeat, motivational rock song as he came down for lunch. Drusa knew why this was. “I take it you started on those DVDs?” She asked.
“Yes! Geez, giant, alien robots… your timeline is strange.”
She laughed. “Agreed. And the funny thing is that everyone thinks those aliens are fictional… haha, Earth is in for a rude awakening.”
Blood-Wraith silently stared at her. “Well as long as they don’t try to abuse The Unlight.”
“Kind of makes me glad Eustorgio kept me from doing what I needed to” Vexation remarked. “I was considering heading to Earth for my reincarnation.”
Drusa nodded. “A blessing disguise. Honestly, Rich, you dodged a bullet. I know how Earth is going to end up…”
“Pardon? Just how bad is it…”
“What’s… oh never mind, I don’t want to know” Blood-Wraith said. “So are we going to do more delving into the collective unconscious?” he asked as he took some food from the platter at the center of the table.
“Nope,” Drusa replied. “We’re going to manipulate cause & effect!”
This caught Vexation off guard. “Excuse me? That was your idea?” She nodded again. “Are you mad, woman?”
“Very much so.”
“Okay, what does this entail?” Blood-Wraith inquired.
“Hold up a second, Blood,” Vexation interrupted. “Drusa, I’ve looked into this idea before. It’s very dangerous, the gods don’t like it, and I do not condone it. Are you sure about this?”
“And you trust Blood to be responsible with it?”
Vexation looked at Blood-Wraith, then back to Drusa. “What makes you so sure?”
“Blood has had no unjust conflict in his life. No leaky roofs, no parents fighting, no taxes for everything under the sun… He yearns for nothing more than to protect the ones he loves and cares about. With a little discipline, he’ll use our knowledge for great things. I’m sure of it.”
Getting up to think, Vexation paced back and forth. “I suppose… I trust that you looked at his past when you went looking for information about Fausta?”
“Of course I did, the little of it that was there.”
Blood-Wraith frowned a little. “That small?”
“Yes, but it’s not like you haven’t left a mark on the Cosmos, regardless of how minor it is in the grand scheme of things.”
He groaned. “Alright, enough talk. Let's get busy.”
Drusa could not just tell Blood-Wraith her methods, she had to show him. Even then, this would be a little tricky. Touching her forehead to his, the two entered a special state of mind that opened up all of their experiences to them. Blood-Wraith quickly found the cause & effect knowledge and realized that it was borderline impossible to teach conventionally. It had to be thought of. The method was so simple yet infinitely complex. When the two finished, Blood-Wraith was a bit disoriented. This led to him tripping and falling on his face… except, that did not happen. He remained standing as a ghostly version of himself hit the floor and vanished.
“What in the source…?” Vexation questioned.
Drusa laughed triumphantly. “Cause & effect manipulation. So it’s real after all…”
“Hold up! You weren’t even sure to begin with?”
“Well, it was just an idea at first…”
Blood-Wraith was not so happy as he was starting to cry, interrupting their back and forth. “Guys? My nose is…”
Drusa quickly went over and gave him a hug. “Oh no no no, sweetie. It’s alright. You’re fine. You didn’t actually hit the ground.”
He sniffled, realizing his nose was not actually bleeding. “I didn’t?”
“Nope. You should have, though.”
“So I did it then?”
“Yes indeed. And you proved that it can be done too.”
Vexation inhaled and exhaled in a concerned manner. “I don’t know how I feel about this. We’re playing with fire here.”
Drusa shrugged. “No worse than what brought Blood into existence…”
Naturally Vexation gave his wife a stern look. “Excuse me, but Leif, Eustorgio, and Achasiah all knew what they were doing…”
He groaned loudly. “Are you sure madness isn’t one of your domains?” Something then pinched Vexation. “Ow, hey! What in the blue blazes? Drusa, how did you do that?”
She cackled mischievously. “I didn’t… or did I?”
Vexation sighed. “Well, this is certainly going to be interesting… seriously, be careful, you two.”
Blood-Wraith looked at his hands. “Hum, only for accidents…”
The rest of the day was spent practicing. Blood-Wraith and Drusa would take turns making contact with each other with various degrees of strength. As they did this, they agreed that it would be best to save the manipulation for emergencies. It was likely that flippant usage of the technique could damage reality (barring their practicing, as it was incredibly simple and mundane). Plus it would lead to them shirking their responsibilities. Blood-Wraith also realized that if he never got sick, his immune system would never grow. While this self-awareness did make Vexation feel a bit better, he was still incredibly worried.
It was the next day, with the cause & effect manipulation becoming better known to the two students. They felt they could start tackling curse magic at this point. Vexation was still a little hesitant, but conceded to them. The entire process was incredibly tedious. Blood-Wraith went first, trying to figure out how to get around the seal. His main idea was to remove the effect of the seal. This started to work until the seal itself inevitably kicked him out of the collective unconscious. The shadow entity was watching and laughing, but it was sympathetic laughter.
“I think I get it now…” Blood-Wraith commented as he got up from another round of getting kicked out.
“What’s that?” Vexation asked.
“The riddle, I’m starting to get it now.”
Vexation gave an expression that was in line with a slight grimace. “That means the entity foresaw all of this…”
Drusa seemed a little distracted. “Rich, what’s with this black and white color scheme for your suit? You should change it to pure black. You’d look nice in black…”
“Drusa, not in front of Blood…”
Blood-Wraith shook his head. “I’ll get back to it then.”
Another day was needed as Blood-Wraith messed around with variations of the method. Nothing was working until it finally occurred to him: He had to manipulate both the seal and the knowledge, not just one of them. First he removed the cause of learning curse magic, keeping the effect. To deal with the seal, he also kept the cause, but removed the effect. Hopefully this would trick the seal into thinking everything was alright. Little did Blood-Wraith realize that he was taking longer than what had been expected.
Blood-Wraith came back to reality a little tired, but incredibly excited. “Guys! I… did it.” The room was empty and dim for some reason. “Guys? Hello?” He called out as he left the ritual room. “What the… why is it morning all of a sudden?” He wondered with a yawn.
Heading downstairs, Blood-Wraith noticed the mail was on the floor. Did he forget to pick it up the day before? He opened the door and picked up the newspaper, which did not have the correct date. All of this was disorienting him to no end and was starting to overwhelm him. Blood-Wraith went back inside, unsure of what was real anymore.
“Vex, Drusa? Help?” he called out.
Drusa showed up and took him by the hand. “Don’t worry, kiddo. We’re right here.” She then led him to the dining room and sat him down, with Vexation serving him some breakfast.
“What day is it?” The confused boy asked.
“The next day,” Vexation replied. “You took so long that Drusa and I ate dinner and went to bed. We were just about to come check up on you… of course this mischievous goddess was going to trick you into thinking that way more time had passed…”
Drusa chuckled regretfully as Vexation gave her a slight glare. “Ha, I’ll save it for April Fool’s Day… So, get any results this time?” she inquired.
“I did it,” Blood-Wraith answered.
They were both stunned. “Really?” Vexation asked in return.
Blood-Wraith nodded. “I’d like to show you, but can we do it in front of my family?”
“I don’t see why not,” Vexation replied. “Incredible if you pulled it off, Blood.”
“Ooh, Blood, share that knowledge with me real quickly,” Drusa insisted.
“Oh, right, sure” Blood-Wraith accepted, followed by them touching foreheads.
“HAHA! I’ll be back in a second!” Drusa then rushed up the stairs.
Once Blood-Wraith was finished with his food, he and Vexation went over to the mansion. Drusa could figure out where they were, so they did not worry. Rose was getting ready for her day when the two showed up. Upon hearing the good news, she quickly rounded up everyone she could. Dragoslava, Desislav, Kresimira, and Corentin were all present. The only one that could not show up was Radovan, but he was busy with his duties and Blood-Wraith did not want to bother him. Once Drusa was present, everything was ready to go.
“Alright, everyone? I believe I learned how to perform curse magic” Blood-Wraith announced. Everyone else clapped.
“Well done, Blood,” Desislav congratulated.
“I knew he could do it, despite the fooling around,” Dragoslava pointed out. “If only we had this back when we fought The Lich…”
Vexation shook his head. “Curse was something I was going out of my way to keep The Lich from learning about. The last thing we needed was him poking around in the collective unconscious where he shouldn’t.”
“Ah… fair enough.”
Kreismira lightly cleared her throat. “My, it feels like he started this only yesterday” she commented.
Corentin nodded in agreement. “Time flies when you’re having fun. So, Blood, what can this magic do?”
“Yes,” Rose added. “For those of us not in the know.”
“Well, it’s self-perpetuating magic,” Blood-Wraith started. “Curses create a situation where you subconsciously cast magic, even if you can’t cast magic normally.”
“Goodness!” Corentin said with wide eyes. “Are you sure about that?”
“Indeed,” Vexation confirmed. “It’s the reason why I was so insistent on sealing it away in the first place. Scant few could actually learn it, but it could do untold damage in the wrong hands.”
“I presume you trust Blood and Drusa then?” Kresimira questioned.
“Yes. I mean, they’re not perfect, but I think they can handle it.”
“Then perhaps a demonstration is in order?” Rose suggested.
Blood-Wraith thought about what he could do for a moment. Then he remembered why Vexation had begun teaching him. “Oh! I got it…” He snapped his fingers, which made him glow for a moment.
“Interesting… What did you do?” Desislav asked.
“I cast a curse that will always bring me into existence, regardless if whoever or whatever created me has the ability to do so. Think of it like a backup for me.”
Vexation smiled and hugged him. “Well done, Blood.”
“Oh, Rich…” said Drusa. “Also, Blood, you just did your true creator a massive solid. Now in regards to me, I’m not sure what I want to do yet. I’ll need to sit down and think before I commit to any ideas. Ideally I want it to be something that will help me become 6th dimensional.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” Kresimira assured.
Corentin pondered Drusa’s predicament, musing on the fundamental forces within the 6th dimension. “Now that’s a quandary. I recommend staying here for a while as people born in The Unlight are typically omni-dimensional. The degree of it varies from person to person, but we are capable of understanding the nuances of higher dimensions better than people on say Earth could.”
Drusa slapped her fist into her palm. “Very good point, Mr. Schindewolf.”
Funnily enough, Radovan had sensed what had happened and showed up just as Blood-Wraith was about to leave. After a quick explanation, Radovan picked up his boy and congratulated him with a hug. He also shook Vexation’s hand and thanked him for the honor he had granted his son. Things had been sluggish for Radovan, but the good news made his day. Once back at his house, Blood-Wraith plopped himself down on the couch and relaxed. He was very tired.
“Vex? Can I take a break?”
He chuckled. “Blood, take as long as you need. I do want to teach you some other stuff about curses, but that can wait for later. You deserve a break.”
Blood-Wraith turned on the television. “Good. That left me exhausted…”
Drusa patted him on the shoulder. “Hey, do you want to meet my fellow spiritus sometime soon? I’m sure they’d love to meet you.”
“I guess so. Are they nice?”
“Octavia, Athena, Hestia, and Aphrodite are some of the coolest gals I know. They’re also utter sweethearts, despite how war grizzled they are, ha.”
“Alright then, but not right now. I got the weirdest feeling something big is about to happen tomorrow… and today? Why does it feel like something incredible is happening?”
Vexation shifted in his recliner. “Blood? This wouldn’t happen to relate to that letter Andelin had you deliver now, would it?”
Drusa’s eyes glowed for a brief moment. She then laughed. “Oh baby, Blood’s right on the money…”
Blood-Wraith sighed. “Oh hey, my worry just came back.” He knew his anxiety would return eventually. Hopefully it would be for the better this time.
Next: Chapter 38
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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hopeididntscareyou · 2 years
I may be a sweet person but one thing you would know about me is I have a health condition where I always feel like throwing up after eating something sweet. I can never finish an ice cream, cake, or shake/smoothie. I've never been a fan of chocolates. I thought its just because I didn't just like sweets but I realized that I am physically just intolerant of sweets. I can still consume sweets like juice, a few bites of something sweet but anything more than that the consequence is me vomiting. It really sucks but hey sweets are not my favorite foods anyway.
Speaking of vomiting, I find it hilarious that people are shocked to find out that Lucifer V. is an actual, IRL-psychopath who exploits mentally ill children and abuses the fuck out of them so he could use them to film his stupid vomit porn. Why is that surprising? How stupid are you to think that someone who makes snuff porn is a good person? The fact that Marian Dora's films features real animal abuse should be alarming. It disgusts me even more how people proudly say they love LV movies like what the fuck? You are basically consuming child porn/animal abuse/sexual debauchery material and you love that huh? Even if you say the actors/actress are of legal age at the time of filming the literal plot of these garbage films is about being devoid of morality so why are you denying you are consuming the exploitation of children? In A Serbian Film there was the "newborn porn" - a literal baby being raped, the young son of the main character was raped by his own father, another underaged girl was sexually abused as well. August Mordum shows countless of raping of children. Salo is all about sodomizing and doing scat porn with boys and girls. These are not grown adults these are children not only engaging in sexual acts but disturbing and vile sexual acts. Congratulations for proving that watching the torment and sexual abuse of distressed & exploited human beings let alone children makes you feel good about yourself. I do admit I have seen the same stuff but would I say i love them? No. Would I go out of my way to purchase DVDs and post a collection of these childporn posession on the internet? No. You fucking degenerates need to be locked up and get fist fucked in prison. Anyone who claims these banned films is art is pretentious as fuck who doesn't understand anything about existential philosophy yet embarass themselves even more by throwing Nietzsche quotes to sound edgy. Its amusing to me how do fucked-up individuals can just freely roam around doing the most depraved shit you can ever imagine and getting away with it because people are too busy getting offended and cancelling people over racist/homophobic words on twitter. People are so fucking ignorant, it makes me feel ashamed to be a human being. I actually wish there were more Jeffrey Dahmer in this day and age so people could be aware of the actual dark side of the humanity rather than focusing on the slavery in the 1500s or some shit in stone age. How about the slavery in todays age where big chain companies pay workers a minimum wage which is not even livable at all because how the fuck could someone pay for an apartment in the city that costs atleast $1,000 excluding utilities, electricity, car and gas while only making $8.00 per hour? People would just rather get offended about things that shouldnt concern them like celebrity news being racist or some shit. If I was a serial killer, my goal would probably to eradicate stupid people in this planet . The other day though, I carelessly mentioned to a friend how I would want to publicly execute a celebrity billionaire. That was awkward cause the intention of murder threw them off and they did not get my humor at all. I guess this is why i only genuinely get along with aspies despite not autistic enough to care about chemistry.... ( this just goes to show that my final exam on chem was a GG)
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tamagotchivideo · 3 years
Ribbit king series lost media!!
ribbit king is a very interesting and obscure series especially the other parts of it aside from just the game of Ribbit king!! i've been finding some pieces of obscure/lost things relating to and thought i should make a post to share information about them!! enjoy!!
Lost Kero Kero King short anime (KEROKERO NEWS SHOW)
first thing i wanna discuss is about Kero Kero king! kero kero king itself is a Japan exclusive ps1 game that is actually kind of a prequel to ribbit king in a way! it does not feature any of the same cast or locations but i still really like it! its very interesting its a neat game!! the game itself isnt whats lost though that is a known and found game (i own a copy!) this part is talking about a lost anime relating to it!! it was called "KEROKERO NEWS SHOW" and from what i've found its described as a short anime featuring various stories with characters from the game along with characters exclusive to the show!!! it aired on TBS in the "Oshiete a geru" program! it aired from April 23rd 2001 to maybe January 11th 2002! it's hard to find a lot of details of the show but!! a while back i was browsing the old archive of the kero kero king website and they had a preview of the anime!!!! and the file still worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can watch it right here!!
i'd love to see this get found in full!! i love the kero kero king cast even if they're not as well known as the ribbit king ones!
Ribbit king Plus shorts
onto a ribbit king topic!! this is about the ribbit king plus disc that came with the game! it contains multiple short japanese commercials dubbed into english, unlocked by doing various things in the game! there are 27 in total on the disc, but that isnt all of them! 3 were cut out of the english version and i havent found an upload of them yet! with the japanese version of the ps2 version of the game, there was a preorder bonus of a DVD containing the three missing shorts! i've seen a few listings of this DVD on japanese shopping sites so luckily these might be found soon if someone buys that DVD and uploads them!
Kero King Online
THIS ONE IS A LOT!!!! THIS ONE IS A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!! i learned about this one only recently and dont have a ton of info on it but i am fascinated by it!!!
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i was doing research actually on the kerokero news show and stumbled across this!!!! apparently there was an online ribbit king game (maybe exclusive to korea?) called Kero King Online! i really don't know a ton about it but im super interested in it!!
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in this picture i found of it it has a super different ui if you look! i found articles talking about it being shown off and also closed beta testing and i'd love to learn more about this if anyone has any information about it or has heard of it! the thought of ribbit king on pc is so wild to me and i would love to see more of this........
but yeah!! that was the collection of interesting or lost ribbit king stuff that i wanted to share!!! thank you for reading!
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farfromharry · 4 years
summary: just cute domestic tasks with peter parker
peter parker x stark!reader
w/c 3k
a/n - i’ve had this in my drafts for so long snd forgot to post it :)
buttoning or zipping up clothing
“hey, peter?” you called. he hummed, coming to stand in the doorway of your closet where you were getting dressed for your dad’s gala. his eyes widened as he admired the way you looked in the dark blue colour, especially how the dress fit your body so perfectly, completely in awe of your beauty.
“once you’re done drooling parker, can you zip me up?” he nodded, snapping out of his lovesick daze and walking over to you. his hands touched your bare back shyly and you jumped, throwing a look over your shoulder. peter pulled away instantly, scared he’d done something wrong.
“your hands are cold.” you giggled. his heart warmed at the sound of your adorable laugh, the boy falling even more in love with you, if that was even possible. he moved his hands back to your skin and revelled in the sound of your laugh again as his cold fingertips brushed your warm body.
he tugged the zip up, gently moving your hair so it rested over your shoulder. the lightly touch of his fingertips made you shiver, a cheeky grin spreading across his face that you couldn’t see.
“all done.” he mumbled, pressing a gentle kiss to your bare shoulder.
“you look so pretty.” you blushed, turning to face your boyfriend, finally taking note of how good he looked in his suit. you whistled lowly, raking your eyes up and down his form, clad in a smart black suit and a blue tie that matched your dress.
“you look so good, wow.” it was now his turn to flush pink, his cheeks becoming rosy and making him look even cuter.
“we’re gonna be the hottest couple there.”
“gonna take everyone’s breath away, you’re so gorgeous.” he placed a few more kisses on your shoulder, trailing up your neck and jaw, right until he reached your lips.
“you’re perfect.”
putting on their necklace
“hi.” you smiled, leaning your head around the doorframe to look at peter seated on your bed.
“hi.” he laughed.
“i need your help again.” you whined. watching him stroll over to you with a smile.
“what’s up?” he asked, leaning his cheek on your shoulder, nose nudging against the skin of your neck.
“i can’t get my necklace on.” you pouted. he kissed your pout away, your lips following his when he pulled back, peter let out a beautiful laugh, one that made your heart yearn for his lips even more.
“later.” he said. he took the piece of silver jewellery from your hands, asking you to turn around. with one hand he tried to lift all of your hair out of his way, finding himself utterly unsuccessful. laughter bubbled up in your throat that you tried to stifle, not wanting to embarrass him for merely trying to help you.
to aid him you lifted your hair out of the way for him, giving him access to your neck and upper back. a ‘thank you’ slipping past his lips.
he brought the two ends of the necklace together and easily clipped them on, a scoff slipping past your lips at how easy that was for him.
“how did you do that so quickly?” he shrugged, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“magic hands i guess.” you smirked at the underlying dirty meaning, seeing peter’s features contort into a confused look, your heart soaring at his innocence.
“what?” he asked, his adorable cluelessness showing through. you cupped both of his cheeks and gently kissed his lips, grinning after seeing the tips of his ears turn pink.
“nothing baby.” you giggled. you heard your dad call your names, prompting you to take peter’s hand and lead him downstairs to the gala, where the night would truly begin.
any hair touching at all
study dates with peter were some of your favourite kinds of dates. even though you couldn’t count how many times you’d been scolded for pda or been kicked out for laughing too much.
mj and ned didn’t particularly enjoy accompanying you on them, at least not that they let you know, but secretly your friends were your biggest supporters. they thought you were utterly perfect for eachother. it had grown late, ned waving a goodbye as he had to go home, mj following shortly after.
that left you and peter, you weren’t really studying anymore, just watching how his eyes drooped as he tried to keep up with his biology work.
“pete.” he hummed in response, eyes snapping open to pretend like he hadn’t been half asleep.
“why don’t we go home?” he shook his head, his curls falling loose around his forehead.
“need to finish this.” he grumbled. you sighed, pouting at the sight of your tired boyfriend. you reached over and brushed his hair out of his eyes, gently scratching behind his ear. he practically purred, his eyes fluttering shut, pushing into your hand for more.
“we can go back to my house and you can take a nap, come on.” he huffed, reluctantly packing away his stuff and standing up from his seat. you’d already texted your dad a few minutes earlier, asking him to send happy to pick you both up. little did you know, your dad had decided to come for himself, watching the cute form of affection between you and peter through the window and as much as he hated seeing his baby girl grow up, he was happy you’d found someone as amazing as peter.
you kissed his head, running your fingers through his hair, watching as he almost fell asleep on your shoulder.
“c’mon hunny.” you laced your fingers with his, pulling him with you to head outside. your eyes widened seeing your dad, giving him a quick hug and a greeting.
“what’re you doing here?”
“i’m not busy tonight, so i uh thought we could all watch a movie together, get some food.” you smiled. you hadn’t spent much time with your dad lately, him and peter had been busy in the lab, so you were more than happy to accept his offer.
“think peter might pass out though.” you giggled, looking at the boy whose eyes were closed resting on your shoulder. your dad laughed, nodding his head.
“let’s go home.”
giving them a bite of your food and you feed it to them off your own fork
as soon as you got back to your dad’s penthouse, peter all but collapsed on the couch and passed out, a giggle bubbling in your throat.
“well, i’ll order food, you pick a movie and sort the kid out.” you nodded, heading to your dad’s dvd collection. you ended up picking one of your favourite disney movies, setting it up on the large tv before trying to wake your boyfriend.
“peter, hunny?” he opened his heavy eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them with the back of his hands.
“we’re getting food, are you hungry?” he shook his head.
“i’ll just have some of yours.” you nodded, kissing his head and telling him to make himself comfy. you went and grabbed him a blanket, coming back and laying it carefully over his sleepy body.
after your food arrived you woke peter up, letting him lay his sleepy head in your lap.
“pete, do you want some?” he lifted his head from your lap, looking at your outstretched fork and nodding. peter took a bite, you moving your fork back afterwards, peter mumbling a quiet thank you. your dad chuckled at the two of you, feeling slightly like a third wheel in his own home.
“even me and pepper aren’t this touchy.” you scoffed, shooting him an accusing look.
“you so are!” you defended, peter chuckling quietly. your dad shook his head, showing you his hand sassily.
“i’m the adult, so I automatically win.” you gasped, glaring at him.
“don’t abuse your power.”
“too late.” he laughed. peter watched the interaction with a smile, knowing you’d been missing spending time with your dad lately. the night ended with you falling asleep on peter, missing the end of the movie. after it was over he offered to clean up but your dad brushed it off, telling him to take you to bed.
peter hoisted you up into his arms, his super strength making you feel like a feather. he gently laid you in your bed, tucking you under the covers and kissing your head. watching as you shifted until you were comfortable.
“thank you, peter.” he jumped slightly, turning around to see your dad in the doorway. peter furrowed his eyebrows.
“what for?” he asked.
“taking care of my baby girl.” he patted peter’s back before leaving without another word. your hand suddenly reaching for your boyfriend.
“come cuddle.”
catching their eye from across the room
“loverboy’s staring again.” your friend nudged you, pointing over in your boyfriend’s direction. you turned your head and locked eyes with him. his big, brown, puppy dog eyes sparkling as he looked at you.
he had a goofy smile on his smile as he looked at you, ignoring ned’s attempts at trying to talk to him while he was in an almost trance.
peter’s smile was contagious, a similar one breaking out onto your face. you tried to hold back your blush, not wanting to get teased by any of your friends for being utterly smitten for peter parker.
he rested his chin in the palm of his hand, watching you admiringly from the other side of the cafeteria, a longing look of adoration in his eyes.
“peter!” ned finally called loud enough, the boy in question snapped out of his daydream and looked at his friend, initiating in conversation momentarily to find what he wanted, before turning his head and going to look back at you.
his face dropped when he noticed you were gone, a frown sneaking onto his lips as his eyes searched for you.
your arms wrapped around his neck, hands resting on his chest.
“you need to stop staring.” you whispered, your lips brushing his ear. his grin returned, turning his head to the side to see your beautiful face.
“i can’t help it, my girl’s just so pretty.” you blushed.
“your girl, huh?” peter’s eyes widened, shaking his head and stuttering out his response.
“uh, i-i didn’t-“
“peter, i’m kidding.” he rolled his eyes, moving over for you to sit next to him. ned made a quiet gagging noise, a giggle slipping past your lips as peter scolded him. you laid your head on peter’s shoulder, lacing your fingers with his underneath the lunch table.
“maybe i should stare more often if we end up like this.”
picking fuzz off their clothing
you felt his stare on your face, turning to look at him and catch him in the act of staring.
“c-can you help me?” he looked up, holding the two sections of his tie with an adorably confused face.
“c’mere.” he shuffled over, watching your face intently as you tied his neck tie for him.
“when did you learn to do this?” he asked, curiously.
“before dad and pep started dating, he could never tie his tie for all the parties and things, so i learned.” peter stared at you in awe, finding you absolutely adorable.
“you’re so cute.” you blushed slightly, finishing the knot and pecking his lips.
“you look really good.” he became his old blushing self again.
“t-thank y-you.” you grinned, checking over his blazer and picking a small piece of fluff off his shoulder. you brushed a few more of his right sleeve and gave him a soft smile.
“i think you’re all good to go.”
“it sucks that you can’t come.” you frowned, resting your head on your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“i know, but you can always come back here later.” he nodded, kissing your forehead.
“are you sure i look okay?” he asked again, nervously. you rolled your eyes.
“yes, pete it’s going to be fine.” your dad was taking peter on a small mission, going undercover to try and track down some guys. peter was freaking out, wanting to impress your dad and scared he wouldn’t be able to do so.
“y/n?” you turned your head and greeted your dad with a smile, laughing at the material in his hands.
“i thought you would’ve learned by now.” he shrugged, letting you tie the silky material the same way you did for peter.
“there, all done.” he thanked you, kissing your temple and leaving the room, telling peter to follow behind.
“have fun you two.” you waved them off, watching your dad guide peter to the car. “and please don’t die.” your dad rolled his eyes and peter’s widened.
“no promises kiddo.”
“dad!” you yelled. “mr stark?” peter questioned, in sync to your yelling.
“i’m kidding, god get a sense of humour.”
sitting in the same room working on different things together in silence
you and peter always found it comfortable to just be around eachother, even when you weren’t doing anything. right now you were working on math homework, him on physics and the atmosphere was peaceful.
he was sitting in his desk chair, turned slightly so he could still see you, but so he could still work at his desk. you were laying on his bed on your stomach, head resting on your hand.
you’d occasionally lose focus and just admire your boyfriend, how his left eyebrow rebelled, how his lips moved while reading, the little dimple in between his eyebrows when he got confused.
“can feel you staring.” he lifted his head, a slight blush coating his cheeks.
“you’re just really pretty, can’t help it.” you explained like it was obvious. peter was guilty of doing the same to you, he’d watch as you worked out ridiculously hard math questions that he could never do, he watched as you’d pull your bottom lip between your teeth when you got stuck, or how you’d chew on the end of your pencil.
“c’mere, come sit with me.” he opened his arms out for you, letting you crawl into his lap on his desk chair.
“are you stuck?” he shook his head no, a sigh coming from you.
“jus’ wanted to hold you.” he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your temple and returning to his work.
the two of you stayed sitting like that for a while. you watched peter work, occasionally pressing kisses to his head that made him blush every time.
“i need to go finish my homework, pete.” he whined, nuzzling his face in your neck and tightening his grip on your waist.
“don’t leave me.”
“ ‘m not leaving you, just going over there.” he shook his head, keeping his grip on you tight.
“peter.” you whined.
“nope, not letting you go.”
teaching them how to do something
“no, like this pete.” you giggled, you were currently trying to teach peter to box, as weird as it sounds, you didn’t trust any of the other avengers to go easy on him.
“this is so hard, y/n.” he pouted. you ran your fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek.
“we’ll just keep practicing, you got this.” he nodded. peter parker was not one to give up easily, so he was definitely going to try.
you kept slowly talking him through the moves, holding up your gloved hands in front of your face.
“i don’t wanna hurt you.” you rolled your eyes.
“you won’t.”
“but what if i miss?” he asked, with the cutest puppy eyes.
“you won’t.” you reassured, quickly kissing him and moving back into position.
“do it pete.” he took the first jab and decided it wasn’t as bad as he had originally thought. this continued for a little while, occasional comments on how to better his tactics or posture to help him out.
bucky and sam had entered the training room by the time you and peter were finishing up in the ring.
“kick his ass y/n!” sam yelled, laughter bubbling in your throat.
“last one pete.” he took one final, rather strong, jab at your gloves and you cheered, congratulating him on his first proper boxing session.
“i did it.” you laughed. the boy smiled, wrapping his arms around you.
“now try it with bucky.” he looked at the scary super soldier and gulped. you laughed loudly, shoving his shoulder.
“i’m kidding, but he’s a sweetheart, he wouldn’t hurt you anyway.”
“he could crush me with one finger, y/n.” you giggled.
“now you’re sweaty, get off.” peter pouted, nuzzling his face in your neck.
“that was mean.”
“but you love me anyway.” you teased.
“yeah, i do.”
doing something for them because their hands are full
“dad please?” you begged, pouting as he tried to turn you away from the lab, telling you he wanted no pda or distractions to deal with.
peter was on your side, finding he actually worked better in your presence.
“fine, fine, but please let him work.” you nodded, grin forming on your lips as you kissed your dad’s cheek.
“thank you!” you ran into the lab and took a seat at the workbench, a little way down from peter so you wouldn’t distract him, but could still watch him work. you ignored your dad’s eye roll, he’d told you many times not to run in his lab and here you were, still doing it.
“y/n?” peter mumbled, words muffled from the screwdriver that was hanging from his mouth. you nodded, pushing yourself up and walking over to where he was seated.
tony was watching like a hawk, his protective dad instincts kicking in at seeing his baby girl so close to a boy. even if he trusted peter with his life, he was also weary about his baby getting hurt in any way.
tony felt slightly bad for thinking you’d be a distraction to peter at first, now seeing that you were a huge help to him fixing his web shooters.
you took the blue handled screwdriver out of his mouth, a ‘thank you’ coming from him.
“can you put this on for me, i can’t do it in myself.” you nodded, letting him slip the web shooter on your wrist and lay it in his lap. you admired his concentration face, the way his brows pulled tightly together in focus.
“can you pass me that other screwdriver?” you nodded, reaching over the desk and handing him the red handled one, keeping your wrist tightly secured in his hand so he could properly fix the tech.
“and, done.” he grinned, pressing a sneaky kiss to your lips while he thought your dad wasn’t looking.
“thank you for helping me baby.”
“of course.”
grocery shopping together
“can i actually rely on you?” he asked, subtly glaring at you.
“yes dad, stop being dramatic.” you rolled your eyes, taking the list from his outstretched hand.
“i’m trusting you both, okay?” your dad asked, unsure about the grins on yours and peter’s faces. he looked between you both one more time before handing you some cash and shooing you away.
“move, come on, i don’t have all day.” you left your home with a goodbye, waving to your dad as you and peter started your journey to the grocery store.
“so, we get the stuff on his list and then leave okay, no messing around.” he pointed his finger at you accusingly.
“i won’t do anything.” you said.
“not sure i can.” you teased, already rushing ahead of your boyfriend in the store. he rolled his eyes at your childishness as he tried to catch up with you.
“y/n, come on.” peter felt like he was leading a child around the store, grabbing the sleeve of your jacket and pulling you into him.
“we gotta get this stuff.” he motioned to the list your dad had given you.
“live a little pete, come on, he’ll never know.” peter sighed.
“but i’ll be the one in trouble.” he pouted. you rolled your eyes and cupped his jaw.
“he loves you, don’t worry.” you wrapped your arms around him.
“can we please have fun?”
time had flown while you and peter were simply just enjoying yourselves, taking the groceries home to be met with a very impatient looking, tony stark.
“where have you both been?” your faces dropped, sending your dad a sheepish smile as you tried to hand him the groceries he’d asked for.
“we were getting your stuff.”
“for 3 hours?” he asked. he sighed and brushed it off.
“can i atleast have my change?” he held his hand out towards you.
“about that, uh-“ you started, only to be cut off by your angry father.
“i gave you almost a hundred dollars.”
“and we used it very wisely to, go get food.” you whispered the last part to yourself, hoping he wouldn’t hear.
peter parker taglist - @seutarose @theliterarymess @drie-the-derp @parkerlovebot @bvttercupbby @call-me-baby-gir1 @fallinfortom @hopelessly-harry @iwearheadphones @kerrswriting @geminiparkers @blossomparkers @siriuslyslyslytherin @musicalkeys @itstaskeen @icyhollands @tpwk-grande @zspideyy @chrisosterfield @starkweasley
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barricadebops · 3 years
For the prompts post, if it's possible to choose two, how about Fluff number 3 and Misc number 4 for Enjoltaire? And if not, you can choose the one you want. Also, your writing is amazing ❤
"Have you seen my hoodie?" "Nooooo..." "You're wearing it, aren't you?"/"Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!"
I split up the first prompt part in different places, I hope that's okay?
It started on a stormy day, hard rain and thunder crashing down upon the pavement, battering down on houses, the crack of lightning as if a whip across the sky, like Zeus's masterbolt, like how Grantaire had told him about, the--
Well, this much description was hardly necessary, really. But Enjolras supposed the thought was influenced by the constant poetic Jehan is constantly waxing. Forgive him for taking the time to listen to his friends.
But, for simplicity's sake, it started on a rainy day.
In foresight, it perhaps would have served better if Enjolras told Grantaire it would be raining on the day that he suggested they go out for a picnic, but the sparkle in his eyes had been too bright for Enjolras to break it to him. Besides, the weather forecast he listened to was wrong half the time (and honestly now that he considers it, he really should change which weather station he listens to.)
Unfortunately, this one time, the weather forecast had been correct, and right as they finished laying a blanket to sit upon, the first drops of rain that Enjolras had tried hard to ignore morphed into a battering of rain as the sky suddenly gave way to grey and thunder rumbled the ground.
From there it was a mad dash to the car, but even the little time spent in the car had them both soaked to the bone.
So much for a picnic.
And yet, as they got back to Grantaire's place and stumbled through the doorframe into his apartment, Grantaire was laughing brightly as the sun that they had hoped to see that day, and Enjolras simply couldn't find it in himself to be upset when hearing such a delightful sound. In the past, he had heard Grantaire chuckle bitterly or let out bursts of drunk laughs not appropriate for the moment, but this was one that warmed him from his chest down to the tips of his toes despite the chill of the rain soaking through to his skin.
Courfeyrac would likely say Enjolras' affections are blinding him. And they were, considering Grantaire's laughs were loud and gruff, hardly the stuff of dreamy sighs, but one in love remains impervious to such truths. Something Marius would likely say, but hey doesn't mean it's wrong. That Marius is a good fellow, Enjolras wondered if he can perhaps persuade Courfeyrac to bring him back to the Musain.
But at the current moment, he had just returned from a steaming shower and grimaced a little as he stared at the clothes a little. They would all dangle off of his lither, shorter form as compared to Grantaire's; it wasn't as if he wasn't used to it. Most of the clothes he's ever had to borrow in the past have been considerably bigger than him, but it was always just the slightest bit a hassle to have to roll up the sleeves and the legs of the pants so he doesn't go tripping and falling and breaking an arm (that last comment is a true story--just ask Combeferre. Or maybe not. He burned that pair of pants after he was distraught about Enjolras sustaining an injury from it. Courfeyrac was delighted. Not from Enjolras injuring himself of course, from the whole burning thing. It rather reminded him of that time he burned one of Charles de Gaulle's speeches in the fireplace.)
Whatever the case, he did have to roll up the sweatpants, but the shirt was short sleeved and fine, if but a bit baggy on himself.
But it was the hoodie that made things a lot better.
In truth, it wasn't even in the folded pile of clothes Grantaire gave him. It sat on the rack of clothing, but Grantaire never minded when he borrowed clothes, and how could he resist. It was his favourite. He never actually had the opportunity to wear it himself, of course, but he had seen it on Grantaire a number of times, and he allowed himself one indulgent inhale of its forest green fabric before he slipped it on and nearly laughed at the proportion of the hoodie to himself--it nearly reached knees, but if anything, he saw it as a good thing. The day was chilly, and the hoodie was warm and soft. Yes, this was definitely his favourite.
"Did you trip and break your arm again?" he heard Grantaire ask as he reentered the living room. He was searching through his collection of DVDs on the carpet, but at the sound of Enjolras going "Very funny," he looked up, his eyebrows furrowing for a moment and his mouth opening for a few seconds before closing. "That's my hoodie."
Enjolras raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Grantaire all of these clothes are yours."
Grantaire blinked. "Wait. Yes. Yes they are."
He laughed before plopping himself down beside him on the carpet, leaning against the back of the sofa until Grantaire draped an arm around his shoulders and drew him to lean against his broad chest.
"And where did you find the hoodie, huh?" he heard him mumble into his hair.
He hummed. "Your shelf."
"And who gave you permission?"
He froze. "Oh. I'm sorry, I thought you would be okay with it, I can give it back--" he moved to take the hoodie off, but the arm around his shoulders tightened.
"I was joking, Enjolras, I don't need you to take it off, God, I'm not a brute." He felt himself moved to lean more comfortably against Grantaire. "Besides, it looks nice on you."
He rolled his eyes. "You once said I would look good in a potato sack, but I'll chalk it up to you being drunk."
"Being drunk is exactly how you get every truth out--"
"Grantaire," he sighed exasperatedly, but not without a smile. He burrowed in deeper and contented himself to relishing in the warmth provided by both the hoodie and Grantaire himself, Grantaire's breath ruffling his hair.
As he sat there, watching Grantaire sift through all sorts of movies, he couldn't help but agree.
Yes. Yes, the hoodie did look good on him.
Grantaire was almost done packing, and as always, just like everyone else, he was scrambling around the apartment, throwing things into his bag that he thought of last minute.
He watched Grantaire threw open his closet for the fifteenth time in the last five minutes and silently wondered what he was searching for. Enjolras kicked his legs off from where they hung, too short to reach the ground where he sat on a high chair.
"Have you seen my hoodie?" he asked at last, reemerging from the depths of his closet.
Enjolras snorted. "You're going to have to be more specific than that. You own quite a few hoodies."
Grantaire ran a hand through his curls. "The dark green one."
Enjolras pursed his lips and hoped his admission of guilt didn't show in his eyes as he thinks about the aforementioned hoodie sitting back in his closet, hidden away from the prying eyes of Courfeyrac--something to hold onto before Grantaire leaves for four months on his art tour. "Um. Noooo..."
The way he trails off, however, is definitely enough to rouse the suspicions of anyone who has even the slightest bit of sense to know when something's off. And for a second, Enjolras thinks that Grantaire, clever as he is, has detected it too, for there's a strange look in his eyes when he stares at Enjolras, but ultimately, he shakes off whatever it was he was thinking about, shrugs, and says "okay," and heads back to packing frantically.
He doesn't resume looking for the hoodie, though.
It had been a few weeks, and they're no stranger to Skyping. With Grantaire's art having recently grown ever more popular, he's left before on tours and exhibitions.
He's never left for quite so long, however, and though they don't yet live together, Enjolras still misses his presence in Paris.
And it was time, eventually, that led to his slip.
For all his Skype convos with Grantaire, had had never once donned the hoodie that he now wore freely around the apartment, regardless of Courfeyrac's teasing and Combeferre's insistence that he would only end up giving himself a heat stroke. It was especially important that he wear it on those days when he felt especially lonely, when Combeferre had an extra long shift at the hospital, and Courfeyrac was made to stay longer on accounts that a lawyer had to "make their way up through hard work when they first start off" and Grantaire was miles away in Croatia and all Enjolras is left at home with is a stack of papers to mark and a wish that someone was there to maybe hold him and make him feel not quite so empty inside.
So the hoodie was of vital importance. But it never came on during their Skype sessions. Grantaire could never know. What would he say when he saw that Enjolras had lied to him that day, that he actually did know where the hoodie was, and that he took it? He could never know.
And Enjolras had been so careful. He thought he was doing well. But on this particular night he came home exhausted after a lengthy and quite frankly irritating meeting with the principle on advocating for more funding to the school's arts programs, and he was simply much too tired to realize that when he changed at home, he threw on the hoodie and sat in front of the screen, waiting, as always, for the call to come through.
And there it was, there was that face he had missed so dearly, with a grin that seemed to lift even the smallest bit of exhaustion from his shoulders and let him breathe a little easier, a grin that softened into something gentler at the sight of the way Enjolras seemed so tired this night.
At first, the conversation was as it always was; moments to share, repeated I miss yous, and of course, the bickering that stemmed from concern. Enjolras let his guard down. He hadn't been paying enough attention. Not, until, Grantaire had started again--
"By the way," Grantaire said abruptly. "I never did find my hoodie. And that one you have on right now looks kind of familiar, don't you-- shit Enj, are you okay?"
He asked because Enjolras had toppled off the chair quite unceremoniously in his haste to get off screen. The hoodie! He looked down in horror at what he was wearing. Of course Grantaire recognized it, that was his hoodie! The one Enjolras hid from him before he left!
"Enj?" he heard from the laptop screen.
Well how would he face him now?
"Enj, are you okay? I'm kind of getting worried here."
Well there was nothing to do now. Throwing off the hoodie would only cause more suspicion. So with a red face, he made his way back up on his chair and muttered, "I'm fine."
Grantaire looked flabbergasted. "What's wrong?"
He let his eyes flit briefly into his. "Nothing."
"Is this about the hoodie?" Grantaire asked, amused.
He bit his cheek.
"You're wearing it, aren't you?" he heard him say, voice smug.
He buried his head in his hands. "Yes."
Grantaire's laugh, loud and bold, rang through the screen, and Enjolras was quite confused to say the least. Why wasn't he pissed? "I fucking knew I didn't just lose it. Joly gave me hell when he heard I left without it, told me I was always losing stuff--"
"Aren't you mad?" he blurted out. Grantaire's face turned confused for a moment before he let out another burst of laughter.
"Why the fuck would I be mad?"
He waved his hands in a frenzy. "Because I took your hoodie! Because I lied to you when you asked me where your hoodie was! Now you're stuck without a hoodie in Zagreb--"
"Zagreb's pretty warm actually--"
"And you were left wondering all this time where it was when I knew all along! Why aren't you pissed?"
Grantaire looked both amused and bemused. "It's really not that big a deal, you know. Although, I mean you don't have to steal it, you could just ask to borrow it. Or to keep it if you're so fond of it."
He bit his lip. He still felt guilty. "Still..."
Through the screen, his boyfriend squinted and shook his head gingerly. "You're overthinking things again, Enj. I'm not mad just because you took a hoodie, though I'll admit it would be nice if you just asked next time. I think everyone knows I wouldn't say no to you for something like this." He paused for a second before cracking a grin. "Besides, I already knew the hoodie was with you before this. Courfeyrac sent me a picture of you sleeping in it."
Enjolras hoped the thought of his plan to eat all of Courfeyrac's baking chocolate chips in front of him while he stood helplesssly as revenge for this wasn't showing too clearly on his face. Which he probably didn't have to worry about considering even he could feel how heated and red his cheeks had blazed.
"Sorry," he muttered again with embarassment.
Grantaire quirked an eyebrow. "I just told you I'm not mad." His voice softened, "Besides, like I said before--it looks good on you." This last part, this at least, was able to wring a genuine smile from Enjolras.
He pulled the hoodie tighter around himself. "I miss you," he admitted softly.
Grantaire gave him a gentle smile. "I know, Enj. I miss you too."
They remained silent for a minute, soakihg up the bit of presence online meets allowee before Enjolras cleared his throat and asked, "So what are you wearing overtop at the hotels if not your hoodie?"
"Hm? Oh I bought a new hoodie. From a store when I was in Madrid."
A new hoodie he says? That detail... Well... it was quite interesting to Enjolras...
When Grantaire finally came back, after months of touring, Enjolras vowed to spend the entire night and then well into the next day, in his arms.
And he did. He allowed himself to burrow deep in his chest and take a greedy inhale of his clothing, lingering with his scent, and drift off to sleep peacefully, satisfied after having his fill of the news of the success of Grantaire's art.
It was the next day, that his mind cleared a little enough of the excitement and euphoria that had clouded it the previous day, enough for him now to be able to realize that he'd never seen the cloth that Grantaire now donned, where Enjolras was now watching him put away the last of his dishes in the sink from where he was sitting on the table. He beckoned him closer, Grantaire coming to stand in front of him, lightly skimming his fingers over Enjolras' hips.
"What's this?" he asked as he tugged a bit at the cloth of the new black hoodie Grantaire wore.
"It's just the new hoodie I bought."
He pondered for a minute. "Have you worn it yet?"
Grantaire frowned. "Well, yeah, when I was back at the hotels and done for the day I--"
"I want it."
Grantaire blinked. "What--"
"I want it. Your hoodie. I want it."
With a laugh, Grantaire shook his head. "You already stole one of my hoodies, Enj, this--"
"I want this one too."
Grantaire stared at him in amused disbelief. "Are you going to steal all my clothes?"
Raising an eyebrow, Grantaire smirked and said, "You can't have this one."
So, really, he brought it on himself when Enjolras climbed a chair and launched hinself through the air at him.
"What the fuck!"
They both crashed to the ground as Enjolras landed atop him and tugged at the cloth. "Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!"
"Enj, holy shit--"
They went rolling on the carpeted floor until Enjolras managed to rip the hoodie out of Grantaire's hands, jumping up and throwing it on himself.
On the ground, Grantaire groaned.
Enjolras pursed his lips. "I thank you for your valuable contribution," he said seriously, before cracking the smile he had been trying so hard to hold back.
Grantaire huffed. "Well, you stole my old hoodie. You stole my new hoodie--"
"That's because they smell like you!" Enjolras interjected distressedly, unable to figure out why Grantaire wasn't aware of this.
"--Do you think maybe you could at least give me a hand?"
Rolling up the dangling sleeves, he reached a hand to clasp Grantaire's own and made to tug, only to feel himself tugged down atop Grantaire's broad chest. He yelped as he fell, Grantaire laughing as he wrapped arms around his waist, holding him close.
This time, Enjolras huffed. "What's this for?"
Grantaire hummed. "Payment. If you're going to take my hoodies, you're going to pay for them."
He raised an eyebrow. "In injuries?"
He got an eyeroll in return. "In cuddles."
"Well don't you think that would maybe be a better idea if we weren't on the ground?"
"Yes, but consider this: I'm too comfortable to get up."
Enjolras huffed once more, but burrowed further into Grantaire's chest anyways.
All in all, not a terrible price to pay.
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okay i’m not in the fandom but i have been hooked so pls tell me about mercy’s miraculous survival and memory loss!!!! <3
You are an ask a fairy godmother to me you know 🥺I appreciate you so so much because I always get to gush about my ocs with things I keep to myself.
Especially something like this that I want to gush about.
I didn't plan on getting so deep into the Sherlock fandom again, it just happened when I was reorganizing my DVD collections and saw my completed collection boxset.
I've been a fan of everything about Sherlock Holmes since reading the stories when I was a kid and of course, when BBC Sherlock came out I was beyond obsessed. It's just been a few years since I had gotten back into it so now I'm watching an episode every night with my dad when he gets home from work and he's never watched the show so it's like getting to experience it again so to speak lol.
I also will recommend the show to you if you haven't seen it...
Anyway onto that fateful day. This is a long post so that's why it goes to keep reading. It's to spare some people scrolling through all of this.
I should go into a tiny bit more detail about why she was shot so I will.
Mercy had thrown herself into a heavy caseload in Scotland Yard after Sherlock's 'death' because she hated going back to 221B alone. She had her dog, Pepper, for company of course, and her nan always popped in to check on her but it just wasn't the same without seeing either John or Sherlock.
A year after there had been a serious leak in Scotland Yard about dangerous information being leaked to criminals that shouldn't be given in regards to the safety of London and Greg recruited Mercy's help because she was the only one he could trust during that time.
So of course Mercy took the case, but she had taken a Sherlock type of route and investigated things on her own. It was obsessive trying to follow the clues and figure out who was doing this game and well when Mercy finally found the truth she herself was shocked and couldn't believe it herself it was in an abandoned factory, texting Greg that she had found it, was caught by that person.
It was there Mercy was shot in the head and left for dead, the 'killer' didn't know she had sent Greg a text message that told him to come immediately to the factory and just thought she would be left to rot there or until somebody stumbled upon her body.
That person had gotten rid of the evidence Mercy found in the factory and left just before Greg showed up and found Mercy, saving her life in the process by slowing down the bleeding and requesting immediate help.
Now there's a lot of science about surviving a gunshot wound to the head, like the angle of the gun, which gun is used, which lobe is damaged and a front-to-back shot is more survivable than receiving a shot from the side. So I will do more research about how Mercy survived medically, should I finally get off my ass writing and finishing my fanfics, so in fewer words, Mercy's case is like any few lucky survivors from getting shot in the head.
The only people by Mercy's beside while recovering were her grandmother, Mrs.Hudson, her boss, and friend Greg Lestrade. John was trying to cut ties with Baker Street so he didn't even know this had happened to her.
Mycroft knew of course but never told Sherlock what had happened to her knowing that it would distract him and force his brother to come clean about faking his death just to visit her.
So neither John nor Sherlock knew she had almost been killed until returning to Baker Street a year later.
Mercy was released in the care of her grandmother 6 months after being shot. This only meant that Mercy wasn't close to death anymore, she still had to deal with the long-term effects.
Mercy also had to leave Scotland Yard and take a momentary leave of absence as a working detective while she tries to recover. So Mercy focused on her therapy and art since she is a painter and painting helps calm her.
She had to have therapy help her in the hospital to grasp and hold things again normally. Sometimes Mercy will fumble and drop things accidentally now and again, but it doesn't really stop her from doing things.
Mercy also struggles with PTSD, any sounds that are similar to gunshots she gets in a panic, she course knows from doctors reports she was shot in the head Mercy can't remember who had done it. When she hears gunshots her mind is brock back to a jumped mess of a memory, a disorientating voice talking to her, feeling something press against the back of her head, and the BANG.
The thing Mercy really has trouble with is her memory loss. The doctors aren't really sure if it will be long-term or short-term because a year after being shot isn't much time to tell.
But to give a few examples, which are angsty, on some details on what she forgets is.
Mercy forgets who John and Sherlock are sometimes it's for a moment or it takes more than a few minutes for her brain to register who they are. The only two that Mercy never forgets are her grandmother and her canine companion Pepper.
She even sometimes forgets where she lives when walking Pepper and can be lost for a bit of time.
There's no real reason or trigger for these mini memory loss episodes it just happens in the spur of moments. Mercy can look distracted or lost when it happens.
Luckily when Sherlock and John are back in her life they both help her through her struggles with memory loss.
I get in my feels thinking about the small understanding things that Sherlock does for Mercy to help.
For example, the fluffy thought of Sherlock going out for a ‘walk’ turns into finding Mercy on her walk with Pepper and without making her feel silly or pressuring her to admit that she forgot where Baker Street was and even him for a moment, both end up walking back home together.
Like his silent patient understanding too🥺 it makes me weak.
If he looks at her and sees that she's struggling he always manages to coax her out of her episodes and act like nothing happened to help Mercy feel normal.
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sailormoonandme · 4 years
Where to start with Sailor Moon?
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From time to time I’ve seen people ask about how to get into Sailor Moon or how they might introduce it to someone else. 
As such I’ve made this to (hopefully) help people out.
So first of all you should know that the official name for the over all franchise is ‘Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon’. This can (and has) been translated a few ways, but the current official name is ‘Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon’. Basically everything connected with Sailor Moon carries this full official name, but for the purposes of this post I’m just going to shorten things to ‘Sailor Moon’.
Moving on,  there are in fact different versions of the Sailor Moon story, even putting aside the various attempts at translating the story into different languages. Each version is best viewed as its own entity, sort of how there have been various versions of Sherlock Holmes that exist independently of one another. 
For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to mostly keep this post to the original Japanese iterations of Sailor Moon, albeit from the point of view of an English speaking audience member.*
The main versions of the Sailor Moon story are as follows:
1) The Manga
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The manga iteration of Sailor Moon began around late 1991/early 1992. It includes around 50 chapters, a handful of side stories and a prequel manga of sorts called Codename: Sailor-V. There have been several different English translations of this material over the years. However, my personal recommendation would be to experience the story through the ‘Eternal Editions’. These are easily available in print and digitally. As of this writing Codename: Sailor-V is scheduled to be collected in at some point in 2021, thus collecting all the manga stories.
2) The 1992 anime
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This is the most famous iteration of Sailor Moon and loosely adapts the manga to the point where it is its own entity. It spans 200 episodes across five seasons, with each season being given its own subtitle. E.g. season 2 is referred to as ‘Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon R’. Additionally there were a handful of shorts and specials connected with the anime and three films. I have already compiled a watch list for the show that I hope will help you navigate everything.
Like the manga, there have been multiple efforts to subtitle the show into English, particular among fan subbing circles. However, the easiest way to watch the show with English subs is to do so via a streaming service (last I checked it was available on Hulu and Crunchyroll) or to purchase the DVDs and Blu-rays from Viz Media, although you can also purchase them digitally on Amazon.com too.
3) The musicals
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 On and off since 1993 there have been stage musicals produced for Sailor Moon. If you ever see the term ‘Sera Myu’ being used by fans (or even official sources) understand that it’s shorthand for these musicals.
The musicals are based chiefly upon the manga and the original anime, although with some original embellishments here and there. The degree to which a musical cuts closer to the manga, or the anime or does something all its own varies from one production to another. I’m not very well read up on the musicals I must admit, but it is to my understanding that each production exists independently from one another beyond at times carrying over cast and staff members. In essence there is no particular order you need to watch the musicals in. However, if you want more info on the musicals see the below EDIT, which is more well informed than I am.
To my knowledge, (which is limited in this particular case) all the musicals have been filmed but there has never been any kind of official English release for them. There have however been fan subbed efforts made for all of them. 
4) The 2003 live action TV show
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In fan circles this show is referred to as ‘Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon’ or ‘Pretty Guardian’ or ‘PGSM’. This is because it was the first piece of Sailor Moon media to bear that particular English translation of ‘Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon’. Basically if you see ‘Pretty Guardian’ or ‘PGSM’, understand it is referencing this show.
The show exclusively adapts the ‘Dark Kingdom’ storyline, the first storyline in every version of Sailor Moon. The show was made in a similar vein to shows like Kamen Rider or Super Sentai and the latter’s American adaptation, Power Rangers. However, it also incorporates elements of Japanese soap opera dramas too, original elements that were never in any version of Sailor Moon beforehand and many different spins on the plot points that had been covered before. 
To my knowledge, like Sera Myu, no official English release for this show exists, but English fansubs are out there somewhere. If you manage to find the show then you should watch the various episodes and specials in their original broadcast order. For this Wikipedia is your friend. 
5) Sailor Moon Crystal
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Sporadically since 2014 a new Sailor Moon anime has been in production. This new anime cuts much closer to the original manga (although it still makes some changes ) than any other version of Sailor Moon. As of this writing, the show has yet to be completed and still has material from the manga left to adapt. The show is available to watch with English subtitles from the same sources as the original 1992 anime, including DVDs and Blu-Rays from Viz Media.
Like the original anime, Crystal’s story arcs and seasons have gone under different names. The first two seasons/arcs are officially just called ‘Sailor Moon Crystal’, whilst the third is explicitly titled ‘Sailor Moon Crystal Season III’. In place of a fourth season two films, Sailor Moon: Eternal Part 1 and Part 2, were produced. As of this writing, the Eternal films have yet to have any kind of English release. To make your life easier, watch this show in the order of the original air/release dates. Just remember the Eternal films are to be viewed after Season III.
Which version should you start with?
Whilst that is how the franchise breaks down, it is not the order a Sailor Moon newbie should try experiencing it in.
My personal recommendation would be to begin with the original 1992 anime and then move on to any of the other versions from there. This is because the original anime is aimed at a younger audience and was incredibly influential on basically every other version of the story. 
However, if 200 episodes or more is too intimidating for you, then simply check out the manga. It’s far shorter, skewed a bit older and tells a concise and complete story. 
And if you are still apprehensive then I’d highly recommend watching the first Sailor Moon film, Sailor Moon R The Movie. This is a very good film unto itself but it is a microcosm of the characters and themes that define the franchise as a whole. If you dislike this Sailor Moon just isn’t for you. 
P.S. If you are simply dead set against subtitles then you should know the original 1992 anime and Crystal have in fact been dubbed into English by Viz Media. In fact, the first four seasons of the original anime, along with the first three films, have two English dubs, variously produced by DiC, Cloverway and Pioneer. These dubs were made in the 1990s and early 2000s and are currently not legally available anywhere. 
*Things get more complicated when we consider that even in Japan there have been updated and altered versions of the Sailor Moon manga, anime, etc. We aren’t going to worry about that in this post though. They exist and maybe someday you might be inclined to check them out, but you know...baby steps...
EDIT #1: The following information comes from https://euribear.tumblr.com/
Just something I want to add on about the Sailor Moon Musicals.
If you see a musical with the word Kaiteiban (revision) at the end of the name, that means it’s a revised version of the previous musical. Things added or taken away, different cast members at times, etc.
Also, there are three musicals (technically four) that have a continuous storyline. Starring Miyuki Kanbe as Sailor Moon, Last Dracul, Transylvania no Mori (and its Kaiteiban), and Death Vulcan should be viewed in order.
The Bandai era of musicals were from 1993 to 2005.
The Nelke musicals started in 2014 and there was one each year for five years. One musical for each arc of the manga.
There are also the NogiMyu. These are musicals that solely focus on the Dark Kingdom arc and they star various members of the pop idol group Nogizazaka46.
There were two teams of cast members for the inner senshi for both years, 2018 and 2019. The same story overall, just different actresses.
There was also Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon The Super Live. My personal favorite, this was a musical performed only a few times. A couple of days in Japan in 2018 and then once in Paris in 2019 and then in Washington D.C. and later in NYC. I got to see this in person on one of the three showings in NYC. A dream come true. Unfortunately, this was never recorded, though they did release an instrumental musical album of the show.
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
Ephemera Week (2002)
It’s still ephemera week, and we’re still talking about John K. I said most of my piece on him in the last post, so don’t expect there to go full bore on this one, except I forgot to say he’s animation’s Jerry Lewis. His current stuff is basically Hardly Working. I will not elaborate, because I’m being mean to you0.
In March, Adult Swim advertised a run of one-off specials. A couple of them were already covered because they fell under the parameters of “Adult Swim original production”. They were Welcome to Eltingville (March 3rd) and Saddle Rash (March 24th).
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Day in the Life of Ranger Smith | March 10th 2002 - 11:00 PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
This was one of two specials commissioned by Cartoon Network re-imagining Yogi Bear. The artist what took this assignment was John K, who I REEEAALLY skewered in last night’s post, didn’t I?
This is about Ranger Smith harassing animals and writing them up for violating park rules, basically. It’s short! I remember liking it at the time! Okay, maybe I’m going crazy here, but I distinctly remembered a part at the end where Ranger Smith is in bed and he solemnly confides in the viewer that the noises of wilderness give him nightmares and then it just ends. Did I imagine this? It does end with him in bed, but this doesn’t happen in the version on YouTube (which is from the Adult Swim airing). Huh.
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Boo Boo Runs Wild | March 10th 2002 - 11:15PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
Boo Boo Runs Wild was another one of these stand-alone Yogi Bear John K specials. This one was 30 minutes long. The Ranger Smith short was a brief 7 minutes; I’m guessing they aired a couple Capt. Lingers or something to fill time.
This one is about Boo Boo reverting to his feral nature and causing BIIIIG problems! This special would later go on to be kind of a weird trolling thing Adult Swim would do where they aired it every Sunday for a few months, even promoting regularly. This was like 2006, I think? They’d also air it as part of April Fools. Is that Adult Swim admitting this special sorta sucks? Does it sorta suck? Again, I liked these at the time and REFUSED to actively rewatch these for this write-up. Sorry.
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The Jetsons: Father and Son Day/The Best Son | March 10th, 2002 11:45PM (Originally aired on CartoonNetwork.com in 2001) Our John K rock block ends with a pair of Jetsons shorts, Father and Son Day and The Best Son respectively. This is kinda the same deal as his Yogi Bear shorts, but these were exclusive for Cartoon Network’s website. I remember watching them on there. They are as bad as you’d expect late-period John K internet shorts to be, though the second short is a superior version of Spielberg’s A.I. (in that it’s shorter).
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Night of the Living Doo | March 17th, 2002 - 11:00PM (originally aired on Cartoon Network, 2001)
Night of the Living Doo originally aired as wraparound segments during a Halloween Scooby Doo marathon on Cartoon Network. It’s kinda like an episode of the Scooby Doo Movies, which shoehorned in a guest star each episode. Suddenly my man Dick Van Dyke be running a carnival and shit. That’s the Scooby Doo Movies. At the end of the night they played all the wraparound segments in one uninterrupted sitting, so the viewer could appreciate it as an actual full-on Scooby Doo episode. Night of the Living Doo functioned both as an extension of that series as well as a parody. The guests were Gary Coleman, David Cross, and the very cool band Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. It was all very self-deprecating and had jokes about the absurdity of Scooby Doo tropes. Well trod territory by this point, sure. But this is better than most irreverent Scooby Doo things. It didn’t hurt that I was a HUGE David Cross fan when this aired. Is this where I tell the stupid-ass story about getting mad at a message board guy for not liking David Cross? Sure. Okay, yeah. When this aired on Adult Swim a guy on Kon’s (hi Kon) message board posted something about not finding David Cross funny, shrugging that he didn’t get the hype. He cited this and his appearances in the Men in Black movies, and nothing else as proof for his lackluster comedy skills. It’s kinda like deeming Eddie Murphy as a bad comedian after watching Dr. Doolittle.
The point of this special is that David Cross is a little wooden and stilted, like in the old Scooby Doo Movies episodes. This poster revealed that he never heard David Cross’s stand-up or seen Mr. Show, explaining “I don’t watch puppet shows” A response that still baffles me to this day. Why Mr. Show isn’t a-- WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT? I’m not even sure if there was EVER a puppet on Mr. Show*. David wasn’t even a guest on Crank Yankers at this point! SO WHAT THE FUCK? To this day whenever mutual pals from that board get together and watch a movie or show and a puppet appears we make a joke about this guy. Good story? No? Fuck you.
Other stuff about this show: When it originally aired on Cartoon Network it was a little bit longer than the Adult Swim version. There’s a missing scene. I think it’s David trying to play an improv game with a mummy or something. At one point I had it on tape, but I’m not sure I kept it. Sorry.
*sorry to be coy here, but I do know of at least one puppet on Mr. Show, episode 204 there is brief footage of Grass Valley Greg putting on a puppet show for his staff. This CAN’T be the source of the confusion, can it? It’s literally like, 5 seconds.
This’ll teach me to skip a day cuz this really piled up. Thanks, guys. I love all the attention. It is my favorite thing.
I never really saw oblongs as something for the hot topic set. They had Invader Zim and Squee for that kind of shit. Oblongs feel like it was always directly targeting me: the shut-in comedy nerd who would appreciate will ferrell and the sklars being in a thing. Since they ended up doing the exact same show with Janeane Garofalo and David Cross a few years later it seems like that was the goal.
Yeah, I guess that also makes sense. There were a few elements that were kinda gothy but this show was mostly just Angus Oblong ahem, clowning around (puckering mouth to stifle laughter like Chris Elliott in Cabin Boy)
What are your thoughts on the other adult animation blocks of the past couple decades? Spike's notriously failed attempt. Animation Domination. Apparently Syfy has had their own going?
Spike was irredeemably bad. People think this shit is easy. Animation Domination is sorta legit, but it’s anchored by mostly crap. That ADHD thing was kinda good and underrated. Is that still going on? I wish I were more diligent about watching/recording that. Some of them bumpers were good. Also, we mustn’t forget MTV’s oddities. They were kinda the first cable network to court Adult Animation as their thing. They deserve some kind of credit for that. I’m sure they’re doing fine.
I'm having a nice big thing of spaghetti for dinner with some chicken parm? Jealous?
I’ve never had those are they good
What does Ephemera mean? Why is this happenening? Why aren't you talking about 10 Home Movies episodes in a row like a good boy.
In dude time, my friend. In dude time
What would be your Adult Swim dream come true?
Having a complete archive of Adult Swim blocks on a harddrive like Don Giller has with his Letterman archive. Even the commercials and shit. I know of a guy who was a regular taper of the entire block from night 1 but I’m not sure he kept up with it when they went nightly. I should ask him if he still has his tapes, huh?
That or they bring back the BUILD YOUR OWN DVD thing but with blu-rays and you can make your own bumps, which was a different thing they had. THEY SHOULD COMBINE THEM. And you can master it in SD if you wanna put 10 hours of stuff on a disk.
All this is archival bullshit dork shit. Real answer: Clay Croker comes back from the dead and every block is hosted by Space Ghost. That’d be it, right?
If anyone has genuine/better answers please write in with them I wanna keep this conversation going. ‘kay?
McDonalds reintroduces limited edition Adult Swim Toys. You can get them all (plus an extra to keep wrapped for collectors purposes) but you have to spend 20 dollars at McDonalds to grab them all. This is the last day of the promotion. You have to personally eat everything you buy but you can take it home. You can only buy one of each food item. What are you getting? I know the longer the mailbag message is the quicker you are inclined to give some glib remark but indulge this one for once.
Oh wow. I’m literally going to take this seriously. I’d roll in as breakfast was ending. Get myself a McChicken Biscuit and a Bacon Egg & Cheese McGriddle, hashbrowns and a Coffee. Gobble that knob on down. Wipe my mouth with a napkin. It’s lunchtime, bitch. Big Mac, Large Fries, BIG ass soda. You feel me, dude? Lemme tally up. Okay, probably need more. 20 piece nugget. Take that home cuz I’m probably gonna have to save some for dinner. That’s probably 20 bucks right there, especially if you go to the McDonalds on Burnside where all the menu items are more expensive because of the amount of security they have to hire (did you know that different McDonalds have different prices even in the same city? I didn’t until very recently). If this somehow doesn’t satisfy my price point I get a Vanilla shake and eat it anally DURING my BIG D squirt sesh, so it’ll spend as little time in my body as possible. Wait, do I get something for this? I might do this tomorrow just cuz. It sounds like a funky thing to do
Do you think you'll open an Adult Swim mueseum at some point? You seem to be the only steward of its history.
Unless I’m hired to by a large corporation, probably not. Also I don’t think I actually have much in the way of merch other than DVDs. I stopped being a DVD completist at some point around Freaknick The Musical. Oh, I never EVER bought a Robot Chicken DVD, EVER. I literally had a nightmare once that one appeared in my collection.
Hey! Please keep us abreast any time you put more of your garbage on eBay. Maybe you can put your wedding dress on there, you big girl.
Fucking sexist/trasphobic behavior.
Check out my eBay auctions I got season 18 of NCIS up there and some other things :)
The Ripping Friends blow chunks. I don't care if a rapist or the opposite of a rapist (a virgin who volunteers, lol) made it. It sucks a high hard one like when Ozzy banged the Cheiftan's Wife in that Black Sabbath TV Funhouse cartoon. Tell me more.
Tell you more?
Name one rap song you tolerate lol. You can't say anything by weird al or marky mark.
I guess I like the song the pest sings from the motion picture The Pest
Are there any good podcasts on adult swim?
The official one hosted by Matt Harrigan is good, but I’ve only bounced around on it. I don’t know if there’s any formal recap ones. I simply don’t know!
Buddy, you are BANNED for LIFE from my MAIL BAG! You drive me CRAZY!
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c-c-cherry · 4 years
Our local mafia dads meeting their childrens’ parents!!
Okay, I’ve gotten A LOT of asks about Bruno + Abba meeting Dio and I’ve also gotten an ask or two about them meeting the gang’s parents so they all kind of correlate together so I decided to make one post about it!
For the sake of Polnareff’s sanity, I have to keep all the crusaders alive or else things will end up messy hehehe
*someone asked for Diego but like,,,I haven’t read that much of SBR yet so I don’t think I can do it solely because of lack of character knowledge. I'm sorry anon :(*
I got a shit ton of asks specificically for a post like this so I hope y’all enjoy <3:
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Our boy Giogio has a very complicated family tree, but let's just start with the elephant in the room. Or should I say, the literal fucking vampire.
-Dio would be...interesting, for sure. But he wouldn’t exactly look out of place in their household, considering they’re all wearing ridiculous outfits. 
-Depending on how Dio actually acts, Bucciarati would probably invite him in for tea and Abba would sit there silently admiring his green lipstick which he’s 99% sure he saw at Sephora earlier
-You know how fucking extra the man is. The moment he sees Giorno this man literally bursts into dramatic tears with mascara rolling down his face and everything and Giorno is just like “????”
-They would have never guessed that Gio and Dio were related by personality alone. They contradict each other so much its almost funny
-They DO know where our boy got his sense of style from, though,,,and that fucking hair,, :’)
-Even if Dio is absolutely fucking pretty feral, I could see all of them having a pretty civil conversation about everything
-If Giorno wanted to go live with him, he was free to, (but he doesn’t have to)
-Dio learns about Giorno’s previous home life and it takes like 6 people to hold him down for him to not go and march down to his old house to commit vampire crimes
-Dio is scared of shit like tvs and the microwaves and they pay no mind to how weird he is and don’t pick up on the fact that he’s a vampire at all
-Until Polnareff emerges from the turtle, takes one look and him and GOES FUCKING OFF-
-Dio Brando is no longer welcome in the Bucci household
-Though he can see Giorno on weekends if he’s good :3
-Abbacchio can and will sneak out to go shopping with him because Dio always manages to have way too much fucking money and no one knows where it comes from
-Once Bruno finds out, (which he does from the empty Versace and Louis Vuitton bags stashed under his bed) the fun is over >:(
Giorno’s mama and step-dad...yeesh...
-you’ve seen how I made them react to those two if you read The Storm a few months back, and I still stand to the fact that if Giorno didn’t talk about his parents, they would just assume that he just had a weird relationship with them and didn’t want to talk about it
-Once they find everything out, though…*cracks knuckles*
-Bucciarati is the type of person to pick his battles. Would he have tea with Giorno’s mother just to learn her weaknesses and then slowly deteriorate her? Would he civilly promise Giorno’s step-father money only for an assassination team to show up at his door once he gives Bruno his address?
-Abba will go straight for the kill once he’s pissed. Don’t tell me otherwise. Man is ready to throw hands at all times and he’s not afraid to beat the shit out of some shitty middle-aged people
Narancia’s mom, like any other sweet mama, would probably sit down to lunch with Bruno and thank him for looking after her son :)
-It would be sweet, very nice and wholesome
-Like literally if the two of them ever met they would probably just sit down together and talk about Narancia and that’s literally it
-Abba claims that he “doesn't pick favourites” (because all the fucking gremlins drive him crazy) but he secretly does favour Nara over any of the other kids
-Knowing everything Nara’s gone through, he would only treat Mela with respect if he ever had the chance to meet her
His dad on the other hand...
-Bruno wants absolutely nothing to do with the man
-He knows that it isn’t entirely his fault for everything that happened with Narancia throughout his childhood, but he wasn’t there when he should have been
-People that simply don’t care to the point of neglect absolutely infuriate Abbacchio because he was like that once too and he’s seen the damage that it does firsthand
-Abba knows if he ever ran into the guy, there’d be hell to pay
-But that’s how he feels about most of his “kids’” parents (considering most of them are absolute assholes)
-I feel like how they would react to her father is pretty self-explanatory,,,
-but Oh MY GOD Donatella Una and Bucciarati going on shopping sprees together? Being fucking bougie as shit together??? Can I say gucci and mineral water dream team????
-I can bring her back to life if I want to >:(
-She’s the kind of person who’s really great to go out with—like to bars, clubs, restaurants, etc,,,and is willing to do absolutely anything as long as she gets the social rush
-Trish is pretty quiet but her mama’s atmosphere is fucking CONTAGIOUS
-Abba and Dona would do each other’s makeup and she’s the kind of lady that shows up at his door with a pile of DVDs and those fucking cucumber face masks
-Also she collects those expensive-ass collector’s edition barbie dolls and Bruno and Abba always give her the latest holiday barbie for Christmas :)))))
-Honestly, I kinda see Mista’s parents as pretty ordinary people with nothing really defining their personalities
-They both work a lot and were never really around that much, but once Mista went to jail they pretty much just never reconnected with him and don’t really plan to
-Bruno isn’t particularly angry at Mista’s parents; the kid fucked up pretty bad and even Mista knows that he can’t really blame his family for not wanting to reconnect with a murderer
-It would be pretty mutual if he ever met them; probably a dull greeting over lunch and then they would get back to work
-Abbacchio wouldn’t even bother. He has no tolerance for people that don’t want to interact with them (although if Mista really wanted him to meet them he would suck it up and be decent)
-They seem like the kind of stiff people who would freak out if they were talking to a gang member or someone who lives rougher so their interaction wouldn’t exactly be a long one lol
-Fugo doesn’t hate his parents
-In his heart, he still really just wants approval from them even after all they did
-I’m not sure how Bruno and Leone would possibly meet them, but if they did, Bucciarati would probably be pretty civil about it
-They wouldn’t want to talk about their son at all, which would make Bruno pretty irritated and Abbacchio infuriated
-When they do talk about him, they just talk about his anger issues and the fact that he failed their family in both the education department and the social aspect and it takes everything in both of them not to flip the fucking table over
-Because obviously his “parents” never spent any time with him or else they would know how intelligent he is and how much he loves playing piano and helping Bucciarati bake bread and how much he cares about everyone around him
-Surprisingly though, Bruno is the one who holds a grudge about it. If they hadn’t put him in college as young as they did, maybe things would have been different and he wouldn’t be working for the Italian mafia >:( (but he still feels more than blessed to have Fugo in his life) :)
I have so many posts now that I feel like my headcanons might get lost within my sea of all my other stuff as the time passes,,,I’m thinking of just making a fic/headcanon masterlist and keeping it constantly pinned! (I would link it in my bio but that shit isn’t working no matter how many times I try sjhdkjgfd I hate Tumblr)
If you’ve got an ask, request, or headcanon, hit me up! (I do just enjoy y’alls immaculate vibes, too) <3
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression, radio version - Ep 23 - Fan comments, Child killer identity leak, Politician suggests shutting down politically biased content - March 2016.
Kaoru starts this episode by stumbling over the pronunciation of 'Expression' in 'The Freedom of Expression'. He introduces Joe, and Joe asks him about his recent activity since Budokan. He says he has been in the studio, working hard on the new single. Joe then asks whether his opportunities to speak with other people have reduced. They have reduced, says Kaoru. Joe tells Kaoru to call him if he gets lonely. Kaoru thinks this is a bad idea, because Joe would tell him to come out drinking.
Kaoru says that this week he would like to read out some more of the fan messages which were written in notebooks at the booth in Budokan. The first comment says 'Freedom of expression is a contitutional right, and must be respected, but determination is also needed. Its a brave thing to boldy speak out, despite knowing the drawbacks. I look forward to the future episodes'. Joe thinks it impressive to wait out in the cold for so long before the live, and then write this after coming in. Kaoru says this message gives him courage. Joe says, yes, its true that freedom of expression is written in the constitution, but with complacency, this right will become eroded. Vigilence is needed.
The next message says, 'It's said that Dir's live shows are all about expressing pain, but is it ok to say the live was 'fun'?'. Kaoru says there are two ways to look at this, fun for him, or fun for the audience. As for him, he feels very happy when he sees people coming to watch him, in both small and big venues, which is similar to fun. As for the audience...he recalls when the band were making Dum Spiro Spero, and the huge earthquake/tsunami happened in March 2011. They asked themselves whether they should quit this album, was it right to continue with it in those circumstances? But they came to the conclusion that it may give people hope, and help people to look forward if the album could be finished and released. It may be a trivial thing, but if it makes a positive difference in someone's life they (Dir) are happy. So in that sense, he thinks its totally ok to say lives are fun. It may seem odd that everyone leaves a live with a smile on their face, but when you think about it, that is a part of what makes us people. Joe says that just after seeing Dir en grey live for the first time at Budokan, he went to interview one of Kaoru's favourite manga artists, Urasawa Naoki, at Urasawa's own house. Urasawa is a huge fan of 60s and 70s rock, and has a big collection of vintage guitars in his house. Joe says their conversation naturally turned to, 'What is "rock"?'. Urasawa said it may be the idea of 'understanding'. For example, when rock star (Imawano) Kiyoshiro sang, 'Kimi no kimochi, boku ni wa wakaru/I understand how you feel'...that sense of understanding may be what rock is. That includes understanding feelings of lonliness, or of fun etc etc. 'Sharing' may not be quite the right word, but Joe says he felt this at Budokan, this sensation of understanding. Kaoru feels like its a sensation of becoming closer with each other. Joe says there may be people who feel 'fun' out of this, but it comes from a sense of understanding. After speaking to Urasawa, Joe realised that this is how he had felt at Budokan.
Next Kaoru moves on to read out some emails which the show has recieved. The first email is from a fan who was very impressed with the Budokan shows, and hears Arche in a different light since then.
The second email is from a fan who saw the two days at Budokan, but didn't see 'Day 3' (the show at Liquid Room a week later). Some fans who had gone to 'Day 3' had posted online that they thought THIS was the real finale to Arche. The fan was disappointed that they didn't get to experience this. Kaoru feels that at Liquid Room they played Arche in a new style, showing a kind of step forward into a new path.
Next Kaoru welcomes Hiranabe for the Tokyo Sports corner. Hiranabe says he had been very busy at work lately with the whole Kiyohara drug scandal. But the first story Hiranabe brings up this time is the news that the gossip magazine Shukan Post had published the place of living and other details about the child killer Shonen A/Boy A (Search: Kobe Child Murders). Joe says he rarely buys gossip magazines, but he did this time, and not only did he realise what a huge leak of information this was, he wondered why the magazine had published this. What was the point of making this into news? Hiranabe thinks this is a plan by the police. He says there is a trend of high profile criminals finishing their sentences, leaving prison and then writing a book, or appearing on tv and getting royalties or fame (Ten years after his release, 'Boy A' wrote a book detailing his crimes).The police don't like this trend, and there has been a slew of such cases where the police have made a fresh arrest after a book release or tv appearance. Kiyohara Kazuhiro is a good example, but other examples include businessman Ikawa Mototaka (arrested after releasing a book), and motorcycle gang leader Ishimoto Taichi. Hiranabe thinks the Shukan Post must be cooperating with the police over the publication of this information. There is no proof of this, its just his opinion. He also says he wonders how often 'Boy A' has to move house, which he probably needs money for. If his place of living is discovered he will have to move, and finding a new place will be hard. He must be getting some kind of support. Kaoru jokes that since he himself has also released a book, will the police be after him now? He wants someone to support him too. Joe wonders whether the police are intending to re-arrest 'Boy A' with this info leak, and whether there is someone somewhere assisting him to escape further.
Hiranabe's next news story is that Internal Affairs and Communications minister Takaichi Sanae had made the sugestion that broadcasters who repeatedly broadcast politically biased material could be taken off the air. Hiranabe asks, if broadcasters are shut down, what happens after that? You can't listen to the radio any more? For them, if this show got negative press, would they be taken off air? They all agree this would be pretty undesirable. Joe says that the minister might say that a move like this is permissible by law, but as for freedom of expression on radio stations for example, in Japan there is never any instruction from radio stations to take material off air or to take certain songs off air, it is down to individual radio programs to decide on this. In the USA they have station-wide policies when taking songs etc off the air, but in Japan it depends very much on each program, rather than the radio station itself. As a result, people on radio programs have to be very aware of the atmosphere around them. The Japanese are a culture whereby reading the atmosphere is very important. Its very different from America where the rules are often set down clearly. When the Japanese musician Aska was arrested, there was a time after this where his songs ceased to be played on radio, but there was no instruction about when it would be ok to start playing them again. People just though, 'Ah, he's been arrested, so we'd better not', and then after a while, gradually just started to think it would be ok to play them again. So with this kind of comment from Minister Takaichi, its possible people might just react in the same way, and read the atmosphere as appropriate. Joe also mentions that recently some tv announcers had be axed from a few channels. He thinks this is a result of pressure from political quarters, and if such things continue to happen, freedom of expression in Japan will get narrower. Hiranabe and Joe say it sounds like intimidation tactics are being implemented by the government. Hiranabe laments at how useless the main opposition party is against this, with their constant in-fighting over petty matters. The voters have no choice. Kaoru agrees with this. Joe asks Hiranabe what solution can be found to this. Hiranabe suggests forming the 'InterFM Party'. The others laugh at this, then suggest they could unite with the 'Tokyo Sports Party'.
To finish Kaoru says the TFoE stickers have been made already. He expains one more time that the stickers wil be revealed on the show's blog after they have been sent out to the winners of the Arche cover design contest. Joe suggests Hiranabe should get some stickers. Kaoru then plugs the Budokan bluray/DVD, upcoming new single and tour. He also reveals that his Offical Blog magazine TheTheDay will put out its first edition on the 11th of that month (11th March 2016), and will update every second and fourth friday. Finally,  Joe mentions how impressed he was with Hiranabe's energy as he entered the studio that day. He had arrived just in time, and says his driver had got lost on the way and made him late.
Songs - Dir en grey/Revelation of Mankind, New Order/Blue Monday.
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thefloatingstone · 5 years
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If you’re doing Self Quarintine (and you should be if you can help it) here’s some Youtube recommendations! Some of these I have posted about or recommended before but with almost all of us stuck indoors now’s a good time to remind you of some cool things you can watch for free!
I’m not gonna imbed the videos, I’ll just post the link because otherwise I would only able to post 5 and I want to collect a few so you can make a playlist or something. (I could make a playlist too but then I couldn’t tell you what each video is and you can’t pick and choose which one sounds interesting to you)
In no particular order:
Polybius: The video Game that doesn’t exist
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An hour long documentary in which the youtuber did extensive research to find the origin of the “Polybius” Urban Legend, which speaks of an early arcade game reportedly seen around the early 1980s which reportedly gave people migraines, insomnia, nausea, subliminal messages, and in some cases heart attacks.
The Universal S
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A shorter video in which LEMMiNO does his very best to try and track down where exactly this S that we all drew in middle school comes from? Why does literally every country on earth seem to HAVE their children draw this S?
I also recommend LEMMiNO’s video on the Dayltov Pass Incident and the perplexing UFO cases
Down the Rabbit Hole: Henry Darger
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Fredrick Knudsen has an incredible fascinating series called “Down the Rabbit Hole” which simply focuses on... anything you can discover and go digging into. From weird internet personalities, to bizarre happenings in history. This video is about the artist Henry Darger, a man who lived in the early 1900s and for all intents and purposes had a perfectly average, lonely life, until it was discovered just before his death he had spent literally decades writing and drawing a fantasy world in what is possibly the longest piece of literature ever written.
I also recommend his video on the Hurdy Gurdy
Bedtime Stories Channel
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I’m actually just gonna link the whole channel for “Bedtime Stories”. If you like weird and creepy stories, all of which at least claim to be “true” then Bedtime Stories is great. Coupled by illustrations and subtle sound effects, Bedtime Stories is literally listening to someone tell you a story about such things like hikers who mysteriously went missing, Sightings of Bog Men in Florida and giant Birds over Chernobyl, as well as weird and unsettling murders that remain unsolved. Sometimes the facts are a little dubious or have been disproved, but that’s not the point of the channel. It’s here to tell a creepy story, not give you a documentary.
A Journey Through Rule of Rose
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Rule of Rose is a Survival Horror gave for the PS2 which has rather bad gameplay... but a FASCINATING story with just as many layers and symbolism as Silent Hill 2 could boast. It tells the story of one young woman traveling back into her own childhood in an orphanage in the 1930s, and all the horrors that contains. From repressed grief, abusive relationships, child neglect, abuse, and bullying... but it ALSO contains symbolism of societal class structure, politics, eating the rich, and how power structures work. Not for the faint of heart, but HIGHLY recommended.
I also super highly recommend his video on the similarities between Silent Hill 2 and Solaris
Clemps Reviews Crisis Core
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Mr. Clemps is a great internet gamer who reviews JRPGs and other games he simply enjoys. Sprinkling in a heavy dose of comedy and very fast jokes and observations, Clemps’ videos are always upbeat, fun, and incredibly enjoyable to watch. I’m linking part 1 of his Crisis Core video in which he explains why the PSP game remains a personal favourite of his despite its flaws.
I also recommend his video on Eternal Sonata
Defunct TV: The History of Dragon Tales
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Defunctland is a channel that deals with theme parks and theme park rides that are no longer standing, or which are no longer around in their current form. Defunctland also has a sub series though, called “Defunct TV” where they look at the origin of children’s TV which are no longer airing. I recommend the video on Dragon Tales which is incredibly wholesome, and a genuinely uplifting and soft story of good people trying to make good things for children. (I also recommend the videos on Bear in the Big Blue House, Zoboomafoo, and Legends of the Hidden Temple)
Hagan’s Histories of Polar Exploration
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A Playlist for Diamanda Hagan’s videos about the doomed Franklin Expedition from the late 1800s, where England tried to find a passage through the Northern Arctic to the Pacific Ocean. This went horribly horribly wrong, with every member of the Expedition dead. Over a 100 years later we are still fuzzy on what EXACTLY happened, but apart from the arctic chill, there is also evidence of faulty canned food, a series of bad decisions, and cannibalism. Caution advised for this series.
I also recommend the rest of Diamanda Hagan’s channel. She is NOT for everyone, but if you enjoy somebody reviewing Z grade indie movies as well as just BIZARRE films, really bad Christian media bordering on Science Fiction (without making fun of religion itself) hot takes of classic (and modern) Dr. Who, an introduction to Red Dwarf, She’s an EXCELLENT channel to check out.
Good Bad or Bad Bad: Pass Thru
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A half podcast half review show where two guys watch a terrible film, decide if it’s “Good” Bad or just Bad Bad and tell you if you should watch it too.
That’s it. That’s the whole show.
I recommend diving into the untold madness that is one of the best(?) bad film makers currently still producing batshit insane movies, the immortal Niel Breen.
There is literally nothing I can say that’ll prepare you for Niel Breen.
(I also recommend their more recent video for “Dancin’ It’s on!”)
History Buffs: Apollo 13
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Do you like History? Do you like movies ABOUT History? Do you want to know if the movies about history you watch actually resemble what really happened in any way at all? History Buffs is an EXCELLENT channel, which does talk about the merit of a film itself, but is mainly focused on letting you know just how true to life that historical film you watch is. I highly recommend his longest video which covers the space race between the USA and the USSR, leading to what is known as “The most Successful Failure in NASA’s History”. The Infamous Apollo 13 and where the words “Houston, we have a problem” came from.
If you’re not interested in Apollo 13 however, I also recommend his video on the movie Casino, as well as his video on the female philosopher, Agora.
The Internet Historian: The Goodening of No Man’s Sky
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With videos with literally MILLIONS of views, you probably already know the Internet Historian. But I still want to recommend him very highly because his videos are just THAT good and entertaining. I recommend his newest video, documenting that time we were all pissed off about No Man’s Sky, the difficulties the game studio was in when the game released, and how they have been working hard to finally create what is now a truly brilliant game which is winning major awards. A really good underdog story of how a video game company actually saw what was wrong with their game, and FIXED it.
I also recommend his video on Fallour 76 as well as the Failure of Dashcon
8 Creepy Video game mysteries
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Hey. Did you know that sometimes there’s some REALLY weird shit in video games, hidden easter eggs which took literal decades to find as well as just a lot of “what the actual fuck?”. Oddheader is a channel with a dedicated discord and Reddit form solely focusing on trying to find or replicate bizarre video game finds, mysteries, and hidden glitches. Even if it means getting in his car and driving to a specific arcade just to check a rumour about Street Fighter II’s arcade version. So if you like getting spooked by weird game shit that’s not just some dumb creepypasta, this is a great place to start.
I also recommend his video on weird discoveries in DVDs and movies.
Red Letter Media: Best of the Worst
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Look you already know who Red Letter Media is.
You know... these guys:
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Here’s a video of them and Macaulay Culkin watching 3 terrible movies together.
I recommend literally any and all of their videos. Their discussion on Carpenter’s The Thing is amazing.
The Impact of Akira: The film that changed Everything
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Ok trying to pick just ONE Super Eyepatch Wolf video is literal torture. Originally I was going to suggest his recent video on Final Fantasy 7 for the PSone but I realised I recommended something FF7 related with Clemps, so instead I will recommend The Impact of Akira, a video talking in depth about Akira both as a film as well as a manga, how it completely and utterly changed the anime industry both in Japan as well as the west, and why it is still a meaningful and one of the most important anime/manga even to this day, still being unsurpassed despite so much competition.
However, ALL of Wolf’s videos are incredible, so I also recommend his videos on wrestling (despite me not caring about wrestling at all), His video on how media scares us, The bizarre reality of modern Simpsons, Why the Dragon Ball Z manga is great, and literally any other video he’s made. He hasn’t made one bad video yet.
Was Oblivion as Good as I remember?
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Exactly what it says on the tin. The Salt Factory goes back to playing The Elder Scrolls Oblivion and now with hindsight and modern sensibilities, gives feedback on his experience and whether Oblivion still holds up. This isn’t a super in depth review of the game’s mechanics or how its put together or how it was made. This is simply one guy talking about his experience replaying it with somejokes thrown in and how he felt revisiting it. It’s pretty good.
I also recommend the video he did on Morrowind (because I’m biased).
Weird Japan Only PS1 games
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Thor High Heels is SO GOOD and deserves SO MUCH MORE subs than he currently has. THH focuses a lot of obscure and lesser known games as well as big popular titles like the Yakuza series, talking about what he likes about them, what he thinks is cool, and just what kind of atmosphere and mood a certain game has, even if the game itself is kind of ass. He’s done several videos on games that were only released in Japan, as well as videos talking about the fashion in Squaresoft games and how it inspired as well as was inspired by real world street fashion, the aesthetic of PC-98 games and other topics. He also styles his videos and thumbnails after promotional art for video games from the 90s and generally just has an excellent style to his channel over all. Very chill.
Blue Reflection Review
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ValkyrieAurora is a channel run by Sophie where she talks about games she personally likes and enjoys. Her videos are really laid back and her voice is really calm and pleasant to listen to. She’s made a bit of a reputation for herself as “The channel that talks about the Atelier Games” and general is just a really enjoyable channel worth checking out if you just want something soothing to listen to.
Ancient Chinese Historians Describe Japan
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Voices from the Past is a channel were historical text is read out loud in english. These can be anything like the above video where Chinese historians describe the people of Japan around 297 AD, Accounts of “Dog-Men”, or the worlds oldest letter of complaint from 1750 BC. If you’d like something interesting historically to listen to but don’t want a full blown history lesson, this is a really good way to hear contemporary people talk about their experiences and what they thought about each other in their own words, without opinions or input given by the narrator.
The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet
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Whang! is a channel that covers weird internet stories, some horrifying, some curious and interesting, and some just plain weird. His video on The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet and its update, are about a song which was recorded off the radio in Germany around the 1980s, and after one person online asked if anyone knew who the artist was as they couldn’t find any information, led to the realization that NOBODY online knows where this song came from or who sang it. It’s a fun mystery to look into that, unlike some others on this list, is not creepy or unsettling, although perhaps a little frustrating.
I also recommend his video on The Most Mysterious Anime theme song, and the haunted Ebay Painting.
5 Lost, Destroyed, and Locked away Broadcasts
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Yesterworld is similar to the Defunctland channel in that it talks about obsolete rides, theme parks and other forgotten pieces of entertainment. Although the majority of the channel focuses on movie rides, rollercoasters and Disneyland, I recommend the video on lost and locked away broadcasts which you can no longer see. I also recommend the video about Lost and Rediscovered movie props.
The Nightmare Artist
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I talked about this one recently as I just discovered this channel. This video is about the renowned Polish artist Zdzislaw Beksinski who painted surreal and horrifying paintings during his lifetime. There is no mystery here or anything like that, it merely talks about the impact WWII left on Beksinski and how the trauma his country and people suffered influenced his painting, and how certain images and motifs can be seen to directly reference this terrible part of Poland’s history.
Disabilities in Prehistory
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Modern media likes to portray how “savage” the ancient past is, and tell us stories of how any person born with a deformity or disability would be thrown over a cliff or dumped in a well because they would be too big a drain on a community to look after. But here’s the thing... according to archaeological evidence, it turns out our ancient ancestors actually did their best to look after its disabled members to the best of their abilities. This video talks about archaeological finds of people who had genetic disabilities and what we can learn from their remains. TREY the Explainer is a great channel for archaeology and also talking about what answers we could have for sightings of cryptids. (not ALL of which we have answers for)
I also recommend his video on Pre-Contact dogs as well as Homosexuality in Nature and the Genetic History of the Ainu.
Decoding “The Secret: A treasure Hunt”
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“The Secret” was an art book released in the 80s full of beautiful paintings, but it is also more than that. The book has a fantasy story talking about 12 fantastical races who left wonderful treasures for humans to find,and the book’s paintings and riddles will tell you where you can find each of these treasures which are yours to keep if you can solve the puzzle... and the treasures are 100% true and can actualy be found and claimed, if you can solve the riddles in the book. The video tells the story of the artbook, who was behind it, what the treasures are, how many have been found and various other facts and details.
I also recommend the videos on this channel “The Game: A scavenger Hunt” and “The investigation of Erratas”.
5 Ancient Inventions That Were WAY Ahead Of Their Time
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I would recommend you be careful with this channel as its main focus is existentialism and rather alarming topics such as “how close are we to the apocalypse” and other things whose titles alone are enough to upset me. However this video is nothing like that. This video is exactly what the title suggests it is. 5 ancient inventions that were so incredibly ahead of their time you’d think they were made up. From the computer used by ancient Greeks to steel swords we don’t know how to replicate, this video is a great mix of mystery and history.
Although I caution you with this channel, I recommend Joe’s other videos about mysterious books, as well as his video on the most inbred people in history.
However, I know I keep repeating this, I highly recommend caution with this channel. Perhaps its just me and the topics of life and existent are just triggering for me, but I’d recommend maybe just doing a search for the titles I mentioned and not to go searching through the video library unless you’re not bothered by this kind of thing.
Anyway I could keep going, but I think that’s a LARGE amount of videos to keep you occupied for the time being as well as some suggestions for further viewing.
Please enjoy, let me know if you found something interesting, and look after yourself!
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