#should i revisit this? it was pretty fun in the moment of making it
lucethekiller · 2 years
Came here from badly-drawn-creepypasta and I do not regret it.
ooc: I'll give you reasons to regret visiting /j
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gunnerfc · 7 months
Baby Fever | Steph Catley x Matildas!Reader
Summary: having young children around during camp has you and your wife thinking about the future 
Warnings: just fluff!! Which is the complete opposite of my last steph fic LMAO
WC: 1.3K - a tad short but wanted to have something posted this week! 
AN: two steph fics back to back…. Just love her very much i fear 🤧
Being in camp with some of your closest friends and your wife was always a fun experience. You were thrilled to be back in camp, playing the sport you loved with the people you loved. However, recently there has been a specific thought in the back of your head about you and Steph expanding your family. It didn’t help that two of your teammates had adorable kids that usually came to camp with them.
Here you were, sitting with some of your teammates after a long day of training watching Kyra and Charli playing with Harper. The small girl’s giggles filled the room as she tried to escape Kyra’s grasp. You watched from your spot on a couch with a fond smile on your face at their interactions. 
“You and Steffy are next then yeah,” Caitlin’s voice pulled you from your thoughts about what it would be like seeing Steph play with your kids.
You turned to face the forward, offering a light shrug in response before mumbling a “maybe.” You and Steph have talked about kids before you were engaged and it was something you both wanted, you just weren’t sure when. With it being an Olympic year, you knew it wouldn’t be any time soon and that was fine and you knew this was a conversation that needed to be revisited. 
The next few days before the game, it seemed that no matter where you went, you saw parents with their young kids having the best time. It was like the universe was trying to make your baby fever worse than it already was. You had decided to bring it up to Steph the next time you two got a moment to yourselves, which with the hectic pre-game schedule wasn’t until you were sat next to her in the locker room after warm-ups.
“My love,” you started as you leaned closer to her. “I think we should have a baby,” your voice was low enough for only Steph to hear but with the loud chatter and music filling the room, you could have spoken normally and no one would have heard you.
Steph, who is in the process of retying her boot, jerked her head up and almost hit you. Her eyes were wide at your words but before she could form a response, Tony was ushering the team into a huddle for a quick speech before walkouts.
Was telling Steph you wanted to have kids right before a match your brightest idea? No. but if you didn’t say anything soon then you were going to go crazy. Your words stuck with the defender throughout the match and she tried her hardest to shake them, needing to focus on the game.
Steph wanted kids with you as well, and she’d be lying if seeing how much the team loved Harper and Harley didn’t make her want kids more. She just was not expecting you to say that right before you walked out onto the pitch for a game. The Matildas came away with a three-to-one win over New Zealand and as the final whistle blew, you were jumping in her arms, celebrating your goal that she assisted. 
“I’m so proud of you, pretty girl,” Steph swooned, her arms tightening around your waist. 
Your arms tightened around her neck as your face flushed at the pet name. It didn’t matter that the two of you had been together for years and were married, every time Steph called you a cute pet name, you felt the same as you did when you first started dating.
“Couldn’t have done without you, baby,” you whispered in her ear as you pulled back slightly, your eyes locking with hers. Normally, you would have been hesitant about bold PDA moves but in that moment you didnt care as you pulled your wife into a kiss.
Over the loud cheers from the crowd, you could hear Kyra and Charli mocking you and Steph and the teasing comments from Caitlin and Hayley to “get a room.” You giggled into the kiss before pulling away and subtly flipping off your teammates. 
You heard your name being called by a staff member to come do a quick post-match interview and you groaned into Steph’s shoulder, you didn’t want to let go of her.
“Go, we’ll talk back at the hotel,” the defender smiled as she lightly pushed in the direction of the staff member. You took a deep breath at her words, knowing she was referencing what you said before the game. 
You weren’t expecting anything bad but you were nervous about the big step you and Steph would be making soon. The interview went by quickly and you were once again in the locker room, this time freshly showered and in comfortable clothes. Steph had waited for you to take a shower and change before you two joined your teammates on the bus. 
The ride back to the hotel was quieter than normal, everyone feeling the effects of long training sessions mixed having played over ninety minutes. Your head was resting on Steph’s shoulder as your eyes fluttered closed from exhaustion. “Sleep. I’ll wake you when we get there, pretty girl,” Steph whispered as she gave you a small kiss on the top of your head.
A few minutes later, the defender was lightly shaking you awake, whispering that you were at the hotel. You blinked a few times to wake yourself up before light stretching your arms as you waited for your teammates in front of you to move down the aisle. Taking Steph’s hand you exited the bus and made your way through the lobby. Before you could reach the elevator, Steph pulled you towards the hotel's indoor pool, she figured it would be a relaxing way to talk since you weren’t roommates this camp.
As you two reached the entrance, a family exited the pool room laughing. You were sure the universe was just teasing you now. The indoor pool was empty after the family left, which made things a bit more peaceful for you and Steph. The two of sat on the edge of the pool with your feet in the cool water.
You sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying just being in your wife’s presence. Steph was in an intense staring contest with the reflections in the water, her mind racing with similar thoughts to yours.
“I know we’ve talked about kids,” you started, breaking the silence. Steph turned her head in your direction, giving you her full attention. “But, seeing the team, and you, with Harper and Harley this camp has me thinking about us, and when we will be parents. And, it's like the universe is trying to tell me something because every time we leave this hotel, all I can notice are families having the best time and I want that,” you rushed out, taking a deep breath when you were finished.
Steph watched as you rambled with a small smile on her face, she was over the moon at the thought of starting a family with you. “Obviously, I know it can't happen now, we have the Olympics and the rest of the season to focus on but after, maybe we could start then,” you offered when Steph hadn’t said anything.
“I want nothing more than for us to have a family. I couldn’t tell you the number of times I've watched you with kids, picturing you with our kids,” the defender mumbled as she thought about it again. 
“After we win the gold medal and the league, we’ll start then,” Steph confirmed your earlier statement with a promising tone. Your face lit up at her words as you scooted closer to pull her into a deep kiss.
You pulled apart when air became an issue and leaned back with a content sigh. “I know you’ll be great with kids, my love,” you said before a teasing smirk that Steph knew meant you were going to say something unserious. “Plus, you’ll also be a milf!” you smirked, watching Steph roll her eyes at your words.
You two had some time to figure out everything about expanding your family, but for now, you were going to live through your teammates who brought their kids to camp, knowing soon you and Steph would have your own kids to love and adore.
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esterzach · 11 months
The price of the small pleasures
Alanna's character feels like a needed contrast that helps shape the perception of Moiraine's character. There is this whole episode where it's all about family and home. Alanna comes back home with a huge family, the kids are having fun, laughing, and playing with her Warders, it's warm, sunny, and cozy, a beautiful nature around, with lots of food as usual. Alanna is open, speaking with everyone, and making jokes. Life is good and people seem happy. Alanna is never alone and it looks like she is often home, where she is accepted and loved. And then there is Moiraine. Oh, boy... It's almost hilarious if it wasn't so fucking depressing.
This one comes back to her huge house, dark and gloomy even during the day, and revisits her memories, but it doesn't seem happy. It looks like a museum of someone long dead. Her things are covered, someone is keeping her room, all her things, but she is never home. She barely says two words to her sister and immediately they have a fight. And I get it - Moiraine is not exactly pleasant in her behaviour, even though she has her reasons. But she refuses tea. TEA! Alanna is cooking, having full meals, and enjoying life, and Moiraine refuses even that small pleasure. And tea is one of the few things Moiraine loves. It's almost as if she deprives herself of every pleasure. And it's not like she can't spend 20 minutes with her sister and say at least a few nice words.
Moiraine doesn't eat. They make a point with that one. We never see her eat. Lan eats, Nynaeve eats, Alanna( almost all the time - she is green, after all), her warders, Lan, Thomas, Verin, and Adeleas is all about LET ME enjoy my meal and wine ( half of the time she is completely out and doesn't know what happens around her and the rest of the time she is horny (now that is not exactly true, but that is for later). Perin even eats. Egwene drinks with Elayne. Everyone at some point is shown to eat. Never Moiraine.
Food is not just necessary for survival. Food is also a pleasure. It should be a pleasure if done correctly. Meals also mean connection with other people. If and when Moiraine ever eats, she eats alone. She refuses to join the others in Verin's house, her sister, and she refuses the sandwiches of her nephew. They make yet another point of showing how isolated she is, even from people, who genuinely care about her.
The first time her sister is actually nice to her, her first reaction is to get defensive and snarky and, after a couple more words, Moiraine literally crumbles and starts to cry. This is the first time in months, after The Eye she shows emotion in front of someone. And it's almost forced, she is exhausted, and hasn't slept in... a while and someone basically reads her and finds exactly her weakness and confronts her about it. That is just for a moment and she composes herself immediately. Seconds later she gets help and she shows emotion again. It sort of seems like showing vulnerability and weakness, and asking for help is something that she has no right to do, or... I don't know.
The one time we saw her doing some for her own pleasure was Tar Valon. The tea and the spa. And Siuan. And this was it. Now it sort of feels like she is avoiding that on purpose. Either she thinks she doesn't deserve it or thinks that this is a distraction.
Her baths in Verin's house are more self-punishment than pleasure. She doesn't have to carry water alone, but she does it anyway. And something tells me that this well is probably not the only one around that house. Both women are Aes Sedai, which means they can use The One Power for ... a lot of things. They have a garden and a bunch of flowers in the house, that look pretty fresh and green for the Mediterranean climate, considering the grass around is dry. Usually, every house has a well or some source of water close by. Yet, milady goes to a well, that is so far from the house, that is practically useless. Good luck bringing enough water from there for all the needs in this house, but anyway. Even with nothing to carry, in this heat, a walk like that is, to put it mildly very unpleasant. With something that heavy to carry up that hill... I don't know.
The other thing is - small pleasures are distractions. The only time she actually sits in the company of the others in S2 is when they are on their way to Tar Valon. And that is because she doesn't have a choice. And something happens there, that I think she thinks is a mistake. A moment of distraction, a small weakness, that threatens to ruin her plan. She is having a conversation. That scene is brilliant! Subtle, well-written, and perfect and I watched it like probably 30 times so far but I was focused on the wrong thing. The night when Lan and Moiraine travel to Tar Valon, everyone is around the campfire. Moiraine is again standing at a distance, isolated from everyone else until Verin goes to her, reveals what she knows and basically tells her "You know what I am not promising anything, you just have to trust me." They cut to other things and when are back again Moiraine folds and decides to sit with them. What could go wrong? Adeleas is drunk again, floating on a pink cloud, imagining romantic stories, speaking of sex life, and trying to make Lan talk. She asks how Lan and Moiraine met. What follows in uncomfortable silence! None of them speaks, Lan seems uneasy, and Moiraine glares annoyed. She continues to avoid his eyes. Verin tries to help, by saying that it's late and they have to go to bed. Adeleas ignores her, in her drunken haze and blabbing some imagined overly sexualized story, which gets on Moiraine's nerves. She quickly interrupts Adeleas's idiotic monologue with the true story of their first meeting. Whether it is because she is already annoyed with Adeleas' behaviour toward Lan, or wants to save him from an uncomfortable moment, is irrelevant. Lan is surprised. Moiraine speaks! But what was meant to be just a way to make Adeleas shut up, turns into a sweet moment. Because this memory is precious for both of them. Lan smiles and joins the explanation, they look at each other, and she smiles too throughout the whole time she tells the story. It turns into a banter between two very close people. Bond, no Bond, at this moment it doesn't matter - they are in synch again. This is beyond sweet. They joke! hell, Moiraine jokes! This is what they look like. This is them. For one very small moment. Everyone laughs. And then, all of a sudden, with a serious voice, a laser-sharp focus, and a very sober-looking expression, Adeleas says her great line. "And that's when you knew. Any old Warder can save you from Trollocks, that right one can save you from yourself." Adeleas wasn't drunk at all. You can pretend to be drunk when you are sober, you can't act sober when you are drunk. It was a setup for Moiraine, to open up, to speak, and she knew exactly how to make her drop her defenses and finally speak to him. An attempt to make her get close to Lan again maybe? Lan was happy for sure. Moiraine though... is on the verge of tears.
She knows what her goal is with him. She knows what the plan is and that little moment was a failure. The small pleasure of this moment would probably cost her. In order for her plan to work, she has to be awful to Lan. One small distraction, and she falls back into her normal self. A tiny moment of happiness, a shared memory, and the old, cold, and sour Aes Sedai is a normal woman with feelings. The danger - Lan sees through her and never wants to leave her side which eventually will lead to his death. That's how much a moment of weakness might cost.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Okay I know you made this art like AGES ago but the womb tattoo Idia lives rentfree in my head and I wanted to ask if you had any hcs connected to that, like which character would love it and breed him nonstop, who'd find it hot in theory but not actually want to knock him up, who'd just make him get rid of it to not even risk it... or maybe someone would just make him a public breeding stock?
Hi again, Anon!
I am so happy you liked that one; I randomly remember that idea from time to time as well. We definitely should revisit it, and I should draw it again, but for now I’ll use your ask as an opportunity to talk about it!
First of all, “public breeding stock” is a phrase that feels so wrong yet so right when you apply it to Idia… thank you for putting this image in our heads. Ah, the way he should be treated 😔
As for the boys, I think none of them would want to get rid of the tattoo in an easy non-sexual manner; maybe it’s because of magic, maybe it’s horny monkey brain, but the moment they see it on Idia’s stomach, they’ll go ballistic lol
I also think that the majority of the boys we ship Idia with wouldn’t actually want to knock him up BUUUUT there is some nuance to this whole thing, so let’s go through the list of our main Idia ships…
Azul – this one actually has some hcs, since the original comic is Azul/Idia-centric! The moment Azul learns about the true meaning of the tattoo, he’ll play the “oh how dare you, did you want to use me for your own satisfaction, Idia-san?” card, of course being very obviously fake about this heartbreak and betrayal of trust. And he would completely ignore the fact that Idia wasn’t planning on doing that at all… and he’ll keep talking about it, while having sex with Idia, completely ignoring Idia who is trying to explain that this isn’t the case. The fact that Idia’s mouth starts smiling involuntarily due to how good it feels doesn’t help his case at all.
Azul doesn’t really buy the breeding thing, but he’ll still get overly horny simply due to how much power he has over Idia in this state, especially as the tattoo lights up with his every move and how Idia exhales whenever the dick leaves his body. They’ll break the spell, but Azul will definitely use it in the future. Controlling Idia by having the one thing that he wants sounds like too powerful of an idea to ignore it. Azul is on his way to learn how to cast it! (he’ll also try not to think about how much he genuinely loved seeing Idia looking like this and desiring him…)
Jade and Floyd will get super into in this exciting new thing that Idia did to himself. It’s like a fun toy just got upgraded into the best toy! Idia is already pretty easy to chase and freak out, but when he’s barely running because his body actually wants him to get railed by these two, even though his mind isn’t… it’s perfect. It also feels like when Idia is scared of them, his sexual frustration gets even worse, so by the time they finally get tired of playing around and pin him down, his tattoo would be so bright and hot and his hips would move on their own because he’s desperate. These two would really push the tattoo’s effect to its absolute limits before they even get to touch Idia directly. So of course they’ll comment on how pathetic Idia looks, and of course they’ll play with him for hours!
While they probably won’t be very interested in the breeding part, they would love how Idia begs them to stop but also keeps clinging to them. They’ll also love how his belly is getting filled and stretched as they finish inside for the 5th time both, and Jade would be the one to not only comment on that, and then Floyd would put pressure on the belly to make Idia squirt out everything he’s been storing inside for the past two hours. His tattoo almost started disappearing, too..! But now that Idia is empty, it’s bright and hungry again.
Ortho – Of course he’ll help his niisan/niichan out! Isn’t it for the best that they can do it together and Idia won’t have to embarrass himself in front of other people? Not to mention, they’ve read a hentai manga just like that about a younger brother who helped out his older sister in the exact same way! What do you mean Ortho shouldn’t have access to this type of literature? Too late! Anyways, he’ll ignore Idia moaning about how wrong this it because he’s too busy enjoying how the tattoo colour changes whenever he changes the settings of his robo-dick.
Ironically, I can picture him of all people kind of wishing to knock Idia up, both as AI Ortho and as actual human Ortho. Not only he’ll say it while fucking the living daylights out of Idia, he’ll also make sure that by the time of his third orgasm Idia would start agreeing with him while crying of pleasure. This would’ve instantly became a cringe memory that Idia could’ve easily brushed off (he wasn’t really himself, it was the tattoo’s fault) when the whole thing is over; but Ortho would say that it’s a bummer that actually knocking Idia up is impossible… Ortho, please, you are the one person who SHOULDN’T think about it!
Sebek – no thoughts head empty; after figuring out what kind of curse this tattoo implies and yelling at Idia for being so obscene, he’ll get consumed by the desire to breed him. Maybe fae react to this type of tattoo stronger? Maybe it’s just a Sebek thing. But the moment he stares at the tattoo for longer than 2 seconds, his pupils will dilate and he will get super horny. He might get a vague desire to actually  impregnate Idia, and it’ll keep his hips going like crazy, but it wouldn’t go further than that. Even though for a moment there he really would feel like Idia’s body is capable of handling fae eggs or anything else for that matter… Still, Sebek will fill Idia with to the brim and just keep creampie-ing him until both of them pass out.
Lilia – he is the one guy who is actually aware about the tattoo and what it represents, and he would be very impressed by the fact that Idia managed to do this to himself somehow. This is absolutely the first time Lilia witnessed someone doing it on accident… He’ll scare Idia with stories about how some infertile fae casted this spell on themselves and pumped out like 5 babies that year in one go, and how the tattoo means that Idia won’t go back to normal until his body is properly satiated with thick and potent seed. Idia could just ignore it of course, it won’t kill him, he’ll just feel incredibly horny all the time and start feeling the urge to shove anything even remotely phallic inside his ass—this is where Idia would beg Lilia to stop talking and making everything worse lol
Lilia will fuck Idia alright! And he’ll feel him good, while still talking about how Idia’s body will start changing whether he wants it or not. Idia will be completely terrified but also too horny to think about anything because Lilia would feel way too good.
But ALSO. When Lilia himself is done (grandpa can’t go 10 rounds like he used to…), he could actually do the “making Idia a public breeding stock” thing and just invite all the Diasomnia students to have their way with Idia. He’ll stay there the whole time, holding Idia’s legs and patting his head playfully while Idia completely loses his mind because both his hair and his tattoo would go absolutely crazy because of how overwhelmed and horny he is. He wouldn’t remember just how many guys he took that day, but thankfully, they left plenty of autographs on his body with a marker that Lilia found somewhere.
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lightandfellowship · 27 days
IMO an underrated part of KHUX's (admittedly) pretty repetitive and sometimes boring Disney world visits is that one time the Player revisited a bunch of completed worlds just to check on their friends and say hi.
For example, revisiting Dwarf Woodlands and running into Snow White who's like "Oh, hello again. Thank you so much for all the help. The prince and I are doing great at the castle and I visit the dwarves whenever I can. By the way, I'm making you a flower crown. :)"
It's sweet, it's different, you get to see what Player's good deeds accomplished in the long-term, and it makes the worlds feel more like living places rather than just stories that end the moment you've finished your business there (I know in this context they're projections from the Book of Prophecies and thus not real, but still, I think more KH games should do this regardless.)
KH2 sorta does the same thing with the 2nd world visits (and I guess Atlantica + Hundred Acre), but there it's more like the world stories have been split in half and the second visits are what complete the world, rather than the second visit just being for fun and catching up with old friends.
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syrpai · 1 month
Some kind of muttering
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I love visiting Tumblr and seeing how amazing people keep the Mirai Nikki fandom alive. It makes me smile and wonder why I didn't stumble upon this community sooner. To all you wonderful people out there, thank you for existing. You've restored my faith in the fandom after ten years of aimlessly wandering alone.
But anyway, that's not the point. Seeing how my feed is overflowing with posts has inspired me to write something of my own. I decided to gather a few fun facts and details that I find intriguing but perhaps not widely known. You might already know some of these, but I'm going to share them anyway. Cause I love to geek out… Sorry in advance!
Fact 1: Filament isn't about Yuno
The single "filament" was released on February 8, 2012. In the lead-up to this, Yui-sama - the vocalist and lyricist of Yousei Teikoku -appeared as a guest on the online show "Lantis no! Anison Tuesday!!" to promote the upcoming release. The show is your typical Japanese variety program: lively, full of laughs, and Yui-sama constantly making witty remarks with her signature stone-cold expression. The most interesting part comes toward the end.
At one point, Shiraishi Minoru (Kosaka Ouji CV ❤) asks Yui-sama what thoughts she had while writing the song. Her response:
This song is dedicated to one of the key characters of Mirai Nikki, Akise. The lyrics are about him. I can't go into too much detail, but I tried to capture his unspoken feelings and hidden thoughts in my own way.
But it seems Asread either didn't notice this or chose to focus on the main fan-favorite Yuno, so the video highlights her. The fact that no one noticed this divergence between the creator's intent and the final product says a lot about the similarities between Yuno and Akise. Or perhaps it speaks to the limitless freedom of artistic interpretation.
Fact 2: Favorite Characters
This is fairly well-known, but it made me think deeply when I first learned about it, and I realized it's pretty obvious even without direct confirmation.
Esuno Sakae's favorite character is Uryuu Minene, which he mentioned in the guidebook and at the Lucca Comics 2012 conference (very cautiously and vaguely, unlike in the guidebook). Sorry, Esuno, but you didn't exactly hide it, constantly making things easier for your favorite…
Another one of his favorites is Houjou Reisuke. But I'll stop here so you can wait for the guidebook translation from other wonderful people and read all about it yourself~.
Murata Tomosa's favorite character is Kurusu Keigo, as she mentioned in a promotional review of pachinko machines. For some reason, her choice made me really happy (maybe because Kurusu is one of my favorites too).
Fact 3: Gundams
As you may know, a certain percentage of the Murmur's Section is an adaptation of omake from the manga. And the one I'm talking about here is no exception.
In the Murmur's Section 12, Kurusu tells us about an incident from his childhood involving a figure of a mecha from the anime Gundam, which indirectly inspired him to become a detective. In the manga, he starts his story with:
When I was a kid, I wanted a plastic model of Zaku Recon Type.
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The conversation then proceeds exactly as shown in the anime. You might think, what's the big deal? Well, here's the thing.
Let's revisit the same moment in the anime:
When I was a kid, I wanted a plastic model kit badly. It was a Gyan.
Interesting. Why did Zaku from the original become Gyan? It's understandable when a studio changes some details during adaptation to fit the runtime, but here Kurusu goes out of his way to express his love for Gyan, even at the cost of extra screen time. Why did the poor Zaku get swapped out by Asread?
The issue isn't with Zaku but with Gyan. To uncover the reason, we need to check the role list of Tanaka Masahiko (Kurusu's CV), where we quickly notice…
That's right, Tanaka voiced a character in one of the Gundam movies, M'Quve. If you're familiar with the Gundam universe, you should have already figured it out. But all I know about Gundam is that it has big robots. Beep.
Looking up the character, we finally find what we're searching for.
It turns out that Kurusu's CV, Tanaka Masahiko, once voiced a character in Gundam who, in turn, piloted a Gyan. So how could Kurusu love Zaku when he has his own beloved robot?
Fact 4: The Kansai Dialect in Hinata's Family
One of Hinata's traits is her Kansai dialect. I won't delve into the details since most of you probably know what that is.
What's interesting is that in the park flashback, Hinata's mother and Tsukishima Karyudo also speak in Kansai dialect, emphasizing their closeness and familial ties. However, during the game, in the few moments where Tsukishima Karyudo appears, he speaks in Tokyo dialect. Right up until his last conversation with Hinata. Tsukishima teases his daughter and mocks her entirely in standard Japanese. But then, at the very end, when he asks Hinata not to become as bad an adult as he is, he suddenly switches to a warm, gentle Kansai dialect. And it's just…
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I don't know if this nuance was conveyed in the English translations, but I wanted to mention it because it really hit me hard when I first noticed it.
Fact 5: The Suggestive Billboard
At the end of episode 12 of the anime, Yukiteru tries to call his father to pick up a telescope… with a pawn shop ad in the background. Someone on the background art team clearly has a sense of humor.
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Fact 6: Tired Artists and Their Deadlines
In the episode 6 of the anime, Yukiteru meets his mother at Sakuraimi Station. The station itself is modeled after the real-life Sagamihara Station (相模原駅) in Kanagawa Prefecture, where most of the anime's action takes place, based on other clues. In the TV version, it seems the poor artists were in such a rush that they forgot to change the name on one of the stands. This was fixed in the Blu-ray release, but I imagine for seichi junrei fans, this mistake was a treat.
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Fact 7: Choroi
Choroi (ちょろい) is the line Yuno says as she brings an ax down on one of Omekata's followers in chapter 7 of the manga. It translates to "a piece of cake," but there's something memorable about this "a piece of cake." To simplify, it became a meme among Japanese fans that was cut from the anime, causing a flood of "choroi" on forums. Eventually, we got our "choroi" in the Blu-ray. Choroi?
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Fact 8: Kanagawa?
As I mentioned earlier, it's generally accepted that the anime takes place in Kanagawa Prefecture. At least because that's what it says on the police cars. However, there's one exception. On the postal delivery that Reisuke receives in episode 7, it says とうきょうと, meaning Tokyo Metropolis.
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Fact 9: Miura Azusa?
I've seen posts about this even in English, but yes: many people recognized Miura Azusa from THE IDOLM@STER on the Bridal Fair poster in episode 10.
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Fact (?) 10: I still want this art in high resolution
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I found this piece of art when I was young, naive, and just beginning to learn Japanese, driven by a desire to read fan-made manga and fanfics about NishiMine on Pixiv (yes, that was my motivation to learn the language), so I have no idea what it was originally attached to. Japanese NishiMine fans were raving about this art, so you've probably seen Minene in that red dress. I don't know much more about it, but I still love it dearly.
I'm sure there were plenty of other amusing facts that I've come across over the years, but as soon as I decided to gather them all, most of them scattered to the corners of my memory. So I probably forgot a few more interesting tidbits… But oh well. At least I've managed to collect these ones in one place now. And as everyone knows…!
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festivating · 3 months
do you have any tips/tricks for keeping characters' voices ic in a fic? not thinking of any in particular but in general (i love how you write everyone in attrition, including the minor characters 🥰). or does it come naturally? (that happens to me sometimes but only with the characters i'm obsessed with enough haha) thank you 💗
Ahhh you're very kind thank you, and thank you for asking me! 💚 I'll talk more about characters that have tons of canon content, like Elphaba and Glinda, but this also works with the ones that don't show up a lot it just involves a lot more of filling in blanks and making things up.
But generally I revisit the source material sometimes, it helps when I'm trying to keep things accurate but it also helps when I'm doing something that's wildly different from canon (which happens more often) because it makes me able to pinpoint where the diversion is, why it's happening, and makes me more conscious of my own choices.
I also make a Conscious Effort to learn a character's speech patterns and mannerisms, but most importantly how those change depending on the situation. Think about how in the book, Glinda tends to speak in long sentences but the way she words things depend on who she's talking to, she uses fancier words and loves to ramble when she's in Society Mode, but when she's with her peers at Shiz or with Elphaba later on, her speech is pretty juvenile. Meanwhile Elphaba speaks in the same acerbic way to pretty much everyone except her dad, who she is more soft-spoken to. That alone told me sooo much about them.
This makes it very fun and distinct when those patterns break, whenever Elphaba speaks softly to someone who isn't Frex it sticks out and draws attention and always feels like a bit of a Moment. When Fiyero's narration calls out Glinda for breaking that Society Mode pattern to tell him something genuine, it also feels like a Moment.
I think good characterization is mostly dialogue, if characters "sound" like themselves you can justify almost anything they do in a fic if your story is consistent.
The most important thing I do is become irrevocably unwell and rotate characters in my head 24/7
Also I think the easiest way to get that "in character" feel is to analyze how characters go about the things they want. A character should always want at least one thing, and whether they know what those things are or not will impact a lot of who they are. It's likely if you're writing a fic they won't want the same things they want in the source material, but if they go about getting those things in a way that feels familiar (eg Elphaba is direct, Glinda is calculating) then generally they'll feel "accurate" to canon. Tailor this to your context (in attrition Elphaba's depression makes it hard for her to know what she wants, but she still takes a direct approach when she can) and you'll be golden.
Lastly just keep in mind the longer your story is, or depending what sort of AU you're writing, it's okay if characters aren't 100% true to canon, because they are not living the same experiences and aren't developing in the same way. It's more important that they develop and change from things happening within your story, than to chase canonical accuracy in my opinion.
Everyone in attrition at this point is very different from their canon counterparts, but because they talk almost the same way as they do in the book, and they almost always strive for what they want in the same way as they do in the book, it feels like they are in character haha
I hope this helped!! This was very nice to answer :)
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2023 writing gif-making round up
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about. Thank you for the tag, @thisbuildinghasfeelings!
Um. Coming to terms with the idea of 2023? I dunno. But certainly nothing creative happened here.
Boyfriend → husband (Schitt's Creek) — A side-by-side comparison of how David refers to Patrick in season 4 and season 6. (Brought to you courtesy of a lovely text post by @jesuisici33.)
David questioning Stevie's motives (Schitt’s Creek) — A fun look at David's expressive face. 😄
March and April
An existential crisis. Or two. Or five. 🙃 Managed to finish absolutely nothing.
I did come in contact with a lot of 911 Lone Star content, however. Which explains everything that follows. Oops?
Marry me. (911 Lone Star) — Ah, my first gif set for this show. A parallel of TK referring to Carlos as his husband when he proposes, and then during their wedding ceremony.
Wedding → honeymoon (911 Lone Star) — Holding hands right after they first kiss as husbands. (Promo footage that didn't actually make the final episode cut). And holding hands poolside on their honeymoon.
Note: From here on out, everything in this list is for Lone Star, unless otherwise specified.
TK and Andrea helping Carlos get ready — A parallel set highlighting similar moments from Best of Men and a deleted scene from In Sickness and in Health
We almost forgot. Your boutonnière. — In which I attempt to put a couple pieces of unaired footage back together: the deleted scene with Andrea and Carlos + promo footage of what must be the same scene
Heart tutorial — Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato teach Rafael Silva how to make a heart sign with his hands at the First Responders Reunion 🫶
🤨 (affectionate) — Listen. I love this dynamic. Had to do the parallel set.
Nothing ever stays the same, Carlos. — A look at TK and Carlos' conversation in 2x04 in parallel with Carlos' wedding vows. The first set I wanted to do for Lone Star. Took me a while to get to it because I wasn't sure how to put it together.
TK needs you all to RSVP — My first attempt at this type of post. Incorrect quotes? Text post memes? I don't know what to call them, really. But it was definitely fun. And then it became the thing I did most often. Lol.
And if it never changes? // What if everything changes again? — A parallel set for me and ~5 other people, putting Tarlos in 2x04 side by side with Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
You're a menace to society *smooch smooch smooch* — My next incorrect quotes/meme post. And my contribution to ascribing cat-like behavior to TK.
I like him a normal amount — A fandom reaction gif, essentially. Courtesy of Joey Tribbiani on Friends.
Love is stored in humans finding out we can make heart shapes with our hands — Had to revisit the heart tutorial for Rafa. This time as one of the incorrect quotes/text posts.
When you can be silly and slutty with them — Oh, I had fun with this look at TK and Carlos' relationship. 😍
Pretty sure this happened at least once — In which we learn TK was seen trying to catch a frog outside the firehouse. Obviously.
Carlos is lit like an angel — Commentary on that beautiful moment from 2x02 where TK falls into Carlos' arms.
I put my emotions into my cooking. // This tastes… horny? — A playful and sexy look at Carlos in the kitchen with TK, and then heading upstairs… 😏
I adore you. Why are you like this? I’m going to kiss you with such fervor… — Oh, just exploring the Tarlos relationship dynamic with a text post and a scene from 3x18.
Unedited Gif Game (26 entries so far) — This has been very fun. I think it was good for me to have a bunch of low-stakes gif projects where I was not in charge. Lol. I will spare you individual links to each of them. But they should all be in the tag linked here. I will probably make this an ongoing thing, as long as it's not annoying everyone.
Episode vs. Promo: Yee-Haw (1x02) — Let's start diving into some more unaired footage, shall we? And let's start with some alt takes on that first make-out scene.
Missing moments: then and now — From an almost-kiss in 1x02 to an alt kiss from their wedding.
You're a miracle, TK Strand. My miracle. — A rather large close-up gif of that alt wedding kiss. Why? So we can see the teardrop that beads up under Carlos' eye.
Tags below the cut…
Tagging: @rmd-writes, @reyesstrand, @strandnreyes, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @carlos-in-glasses, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @birdclowns, @welcometololaland, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @rosedavid, @heartstringsduet, @noxsoulmate, @chicgeekgirl89, @paperstorm, @tailoredshirt, @guardian-angle22, @swearphil, @carlos-tk, @three-drink-amy, @orchidscript, @danieljradcliffe, @lightningboltreader + open tag!
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yandere-wishes · 8 months
With who would you ship yourself in MHA? 👀
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Omg, it's been a hot minute since I dabbled in MHA… But let me crack open the vault real quick.
So first off, and this should be obvious…
Dabi! The reason I started the show in the first place!! This boy's Frankenstein aesthetic had me swooning from the moment I saw a GIF of him!! And unconventional colored flames that probably symbolize a deep-seated trauma!! YES!! I honestly think we would make a good couple, kinda like Frankenstein and his bride (in a romanticized way), we'd have the Goth BF x Lolita GF vibes which are a bonus. I also get the inkling we'd share the same taste in music (Chase Atlantic, Neighborhood, Mr.Kitty)
Shigaraki is next and tbh I don't really know when I feel for him. Just that at one point he was all I could think about. I think it's something about his twisted legacy and conflicting nature that has rendered him into a decaying amalgamation of hate and misplaced ambitions, that really gets a girl's heart beating out of her chest, you know? He was always like an odd species that I came across in the backyard one day and had to analyze under a microscope. Desperate to learn his fundamentals, to unravel his soul. Understand him in the same way an archaeologist longs to understand the past.
I think our love is something like that of an obsessive scientist and her new discovery. Chaotic and all-consuming yet so frail and feeble to onlookers. A tame fire that leaves one utterly devoured, yet still longing for more. I think we'd be pretty good for each other.
NINE! He appeared in one movie and I was SO obsessed with him!! I had a countdown for when his movie would release. I remember for my 16th birthday we went to the fancy movie theater in town just to watch this guy on the big screen. And then all my friends burst out laughing when he died at the end. Ultimately my 2 month long craze over him died in that dark movie theater. TBH I don't really think we'd make a good couple, maybe just a casual fling or some hookups when life gets tough/boring. Nothing serious yet still a fundamental part of each other's lives.
Finally, we have Bakugo, the love-hate relationship I had with this guy was crazy. I was so madly in love with him one minute and the other I just wanted to suffocate him!! IDK what it was he was just so irritating and lovable at the same time. Another relationship that wouldn't work out. I don't even think he'd notice me in school and I'd just be in the corner secretly hating him because he has the perfect life. Popular, lots of friends, good grades. Even if we were in UA together I still don't think we'd end up together. Maybe a slight nod of acknowledgment in the halls one time when he's in a particularly good mood. But that's about it.
Now that I'm revisiting my tween crushes, I got a fun little au for Bakugo.
Imagine being Pro-Hero Bakugo's mistress. Just his girl on the side. For whatever reason you can't be together in public, you'd ruin each other's images. I think the reader kinda wants to ruin Bakugo's life just because she hated him in middle/high school. But Bakugo becomes too infatuated with her to let her leave him. Somehow they both end up destroying each other's lives. Yet ultimately Bakougou couldn't be happier.
This was such a long awnser🤣🤣
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illbeyourreasonwhy · 6 months
Andi Mack Gift Exchange 2024
surprise bonk @sapphosclown!! I got you for the andi mack gift exchange!!
you mentioned wanting to see the gang in high school, so have some pre-prom shenanigans featuring established tyrus and mutual pining ambi!! hope you like it :)
and thank you thank you thank you to @paracosmicat for organising this! it was so much fun revisiting these characters!
« Do you think I should ask Andi to prom?”
Cyrus found TJ’s eyes easily, the two of them exchanging an amused look as Amber looked around the cafeteria table imploringly. Across from them, Buffy rolled her eyes, while Jonah tilted his head, confused.
“Didn’t you already ask us this yesterday?”
“And the day before?” TJ offered.
“No,” Amber said. “I asked if you thought we should get Andi to come even though she goes to a different school. This time I’m asking if you think I should ask her. As my date.”
She looked around the table with a mix of vulnerability and expectation, like she was waiting for them to burst into shocked exclamations and follow-up questions at the revelation. Instead, Jonah nodded as if that were a given, and TJ turned back towards Cyrus, shaking his head at him in amusement.
“Go for it,” Buffy said; Cyrus was pretty sure she was just barely refraining from rolling her eyes again. “You know she’ll say yes.”
Amber’s eyes widened. “You think so?”
“Yeah,” Jonah said as if it were obvious, “why wouldn’t she?”
At that, Amber seemed to deflate a little, her mouth opening and closing. “Well,” she managed eventually. She glanced around the table, still looking a little taken aback at their lack of reaction. She worked at her jaw for another moment, then said: “You know I don’t mean just as friends, right?”
This time, Cyrus couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped him. “Yes, Amber, we’re all fully aware.”
Amber looked at him, then at the rest of their friends, then leaned back into her chair. “Huh.”
Buffy took pity on her after a moment. “I hope you didn’t expect us to be surprised.”
Amber crossed her arms, pouting a little. “A little bit of surprise would be nice,” she mumbled.
As one, Buffy and TJ pretended to gasp, while Cyrus threw his chair back, his face going slack. “You like Andi?” he asked, clutching at his chest. “I never would have guessed!”
A sheepish smile broke onto Amber’s face. “Okay, okay, I get it,” she said. “I guess I’ve been a little obvious.”
“You’re not the only one,” TJ muttered. Cyrus elbowed him.
The conversation was interrupted by Marty’s arrival, slamming his tray down on the table next to Buffy and making half of them jump. On the other side of the table, Iris dropped into the seat next to Amber’s much more quietly.
“Hey, guys,” she said. “What did we miss?”
“Amber’s angsting about asking Andi to prom,” Cyrus said.
Marty’s face scrunched up in confusion. “Yeah, I thought we went over this yesterday.”
“No,” Amber hissed, exasperated. “We didn’t.”
Marty exchanged a puzzled look with Jonah, then shrugged, picking up his apple.
“Well, answer’s the same. You should do it.” He took a bite out of his apple. “It’ll be a cute second date.”
Amber almost choked on her drink.
“Second date?” she spluttered.
“Yeah, what are you talking about, Marty?” Jonah said. He grinned innocently. “They’ve been on at least six dates by now.”
“We’ve what?!”
Cyrus burst out laughing, burying the most of it in TJ’s shoulder for Amber’s sake – not that it did much to hide it, considering TJ was also laughing. Across from them, Buffy was pressing her lips together in an obvious attempt to stop herself from doing the same, and even Iris had hastily hidden her face away behind a large gulp of coffee.
“I’m sorry,” Amber started, her voice a little strained, “what do you mean by six dates?”
“Yeah, I’m also confused,” Marty said, looking between Amber and Jonah with only the slight twitch to the corner of his lips betraying him, “I thought you and Andi finally got together last week. Didn’t you go to that art museum this weekend?”
“Wh – what?” Amber’s head swung wildly from side to side as she looked between all of them. “Yes, we did, but that wasn’t a date.”
“It wasn’t?” Jonah asked, still looking politely bewildered. Cyrus was tempted to believe he was genuinely surprised, with how oblivious Jonah could be, but – Jonah met his eyes across the table, the barest flicker of amusement betraying how funny he was finding this. That realization was enough to send him into another fit of giggles. “What about all those times you get coffee, just the two of you? Or that time you went to the flea market together? Those weren’t dates?”
Amber gaped at him. “… Not as far as I’m aware. Did Andi think those were dates?”
“She hasn’t said anything to me,” Cyrus quickly said, because the last thing they needed was Amber beginning to spiral. “I guarantee you I would have heard if she thought you guys were dating.”
“Yeah, same,” Buffy said. “Even though you kind of have been dating.”
TJ shrugged. “Guess it’s a good thing you’re both just as oblivious as the other.”
Buffy narrowed her eyes at him. “Okay, Smitten Kippen.”
TJ’s cheeks went red. “Don’t call me that.”
“Aww, but I like it,” Cyrus cooed, running a hand through his hair. “I called you oblivious to your face and you still didn’t figure it out.”
“Like you were any better,” Jonah said, and – ouch. It was a low point if Jonah Beck was the one to call you oblivious.
“Okay, okay, that was three years ago, though,” Amber cut in. “Can we go back to my thing, which is happening right now?”
“Listen, it’s not our fault if you and Andi can’t figure out you’re going on dates.”
“We haven’t been going on dates!”
“You kind of have, though,” Iris said – gently, because unlike the rest of them she was kind enough to actually try easing Amber into the realization. “You’ve basically been dating Andi for at least two months.” At Amber’s disbelieving look, she shook her head. “Come on, Amber, that trip to the bookstore two weeks ago? When you each picked out books for the other? That was the most middle-of-the-rom-com-cute-date-montage thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Iris, you were there for that.”
“Yes, and I’ve never felt more like a third-wheel in my life than then. And I’ve crashed dates with TJ and Cyrus.”
“Hey,” TJ said, sounding offended, “I resent the implication that Amber and Andi are cuter than we are.”
“Uh, we’re so much cuter than you guys,” Amber said.
“You didn’t even realize you had a girlfriend until ten seconds ago!”
Amber’s face froze. “Oh my god, is Andi my girlfriend?”
TJ threw his hands into the air. “See, this is what I’m talking about!”
“Yeah, I gotta go with Teej on this one, Ambs,” Marty said. He smirked, wrapping an arm around Buffy. “Besides, if we’re talking cutest couple, me and Buffy win, hands down.”
“No you do not!” Cyrus said, affronted. “TJ and I went on a stargazing date last night!”
“Iris, what have you done?” Jonah whispered. “You’ve created a monster.”
Iris nodded grimly. “No, Jonah. I’ve created five monsters.”
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cryley · 1 year
Petrichor - Part 5
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matty healy x reader (fluff) word count: 2.3k warnings: mention of cigarettes A/N: (moved from @cryley-fics where it was originally posted) Hey besties! ♡ AHH it's the last chapter! I had so much fun writing this fic and I hope you all enjoyed it. Will I continue this series with a sequel? Who knows ♡ ▹ masterlist ▹ part 1 ▹ part 2 ▹ part 3 ▹ part 4 ▹ part 5
“Sorry about the slight mess.”
I locked the door behind us and placed my bags on the couch. 
My place was small, but it was mine. I was proud of myself for getting a place of my own even if it was just a small 1 bedroom apartment. 
Matty chuckled as he looked around, “What mess? You should see how the studio back home gets when we’re all in there.” 
“Well I typically try to keep everything as tidy as possible, but I’ve been busy with work lately.”
He scanned the artwork that littered my walls. I tend to impulse purchase every piece of art I enjoy before forgetting I don’t have wall space to display the art, so my decor style looks a bit maximalist. He was silent as he walked through my living room as if it were some sort of museum. I watched him as his feet were almost rhythmic until he stopped in front of a particular piece. 
“Oh, uhm.” I started to become a bit embarrassed, “I used to photograph shows a while ago while in college.” 
He looked back at me with a smile. I froze a bit as my mind seemingly zoomed out to view my tiny apartment in a wide-angle lens. Matty Healy standing in my living room. Me standing awkwardly in my kitchen. Matty looking at a photo of himself on stage. A photo that I took and hung up in my living room.
“When was this?” He turned back to the photo. 
“I’m pretty sure it was 2015.” I moved a bit closer to him and the photo. 
In the print, Matty stood center stage in front of the classic neon box. The lights hit him so perfectly that I didn’t have to do much editing for this shot. Only a bit of his features were visible as it was mostly a silhouette. 
“This is pretty good. Do you still photograph shows?”
“I mostly do portraits now.” I moved next to him, “I think I’d like to revisit shows again, but for now I’m enjoying my current projects.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell that he wasn’t staring at the photo anymore. His eyes were planted on me. I tried my hardest to pretend I didn’t notice. 
There were little moments when he looked like he was interested in me, but I knew that wasn’t the case. I was probably just reading things wrong and didn’t want to make a fool of myself. I tried to ignore things the best I could to keep myself from getting delusional or excited about what I knew wasn’t possible. Matty Healy, a famous musician, could have any model he ever wanted, interested in me? Even him asking me on a date in London was probably just him being nice in a friendship kind of way. Returning the favour for me showing him a cool record store and keeping him company while he’s bored on tour. 
“So, uh, I’m going to shower while we’re here if that’s okay.” I turned to transition to my bedroom door, “I’ll only be a bit, but there should be drinks in the fridge, and feel free to peek through my vinyls or tv.”
He gave a thumbs-up accompanied with a smile. 
I did the same with a chuckle before closing my bedroom door behind me. I sat on my bed silently for a minute just to try to process the last day and a half. His footsteps echoed as he was slowly walking around and stopping every once in a while. 
I later emerged from my bathroom now fully feeling clean. I pulled on a long-sleeve dress I quickly picked out. It wasn’t too formal, but definitely nicer than my typical jeans. 
I could hear through my door that a Cure album was lightly playing. He must have taken me up on the idea to search through my vinyl. 
I light knock tapped on my door just as I sat down at my vanity. 
“You can come in.”
My door opened to reveal Matty, now in just his white undershirt. 
“Hey, can I possibly also shower really quick?”
“Definitely!” I nodded and stood up to go fetch him some towels from my linen closet. 
He smiled as I handed him the towels, “Thank you. I didn’t get the chance to this morning and I probably smell horrendous.”
He didn’t smell horrendous at all. Somehow he still smelled perfect. 
I giggled to play along, “You can use any of the bottles in the shower. I don’t know if they’ll work great for your curls, but they’ll manage.” 
I continued back to my vanity to start my makeup ritual as I listened to the sound of the shower mixed with the Cure lightly in the background. Every once in a while, I thought I could hear Matty lightly singing something, but couldn’t be too sure of what he was singing or if I was just imagining things. 
I pulled on my shoes and jewelry as my last step of getting ready as I heard the door slowly open. 
“You look nice.” 
My eyes couldn’t help but pan up and down in awe as he re-entered my bedroom now shirtless and damp. I could feel my heart thump through my chest. 
“Thank you.” I leaned against my wall. 
He looked into my eyes for a long moment before his voice cracked a bit. 
“So, I’ve been wanting to do something, but have been a bit hesitant to just out of misunderstanding and time and place and all that nonsense.” he walked a bit closer to me until he was close enough to touch.
His eyes looked less tired but deep in thought. I wish I could peer inside his mind. 
He stepped one step closer, “I don’t want you to think that you’re just another fan I pull onto stage or that I’m doing anything purely to add a number to an imaginary list I have hidden somewhere to create some high score.”
I allowed my eyes to meet his. All of my thoughts spilled out of my brain and onto my floor. Was I wrong this whole time?
He was incredibly close to me. He still had a slight smell of sweet tobacco lingering on his skin. His longing eyes shifted down. My eyes did a similar switch from staring into his deep brown eyes to moving my gaze down to his smooth lips. 
Before I could question what he meant, his lips pressed into mine. The kiss was soft like his lips. I could feel my heart speed up with every second that went by. His hand found its way to my hip as he shifted his body closer to mine, gently pushing me closer to my bedroom wall. 
I was waiting for this. 
I smiled into the kiss and his mirrored soon after. I didn’t want this to end. 
His other hand moved up to cup the side of my jaw as he resumed the kiss, deepening it even more. The taste of tobacco lingered on his lips. I could sense that he was trying his hardest to keep the kiss soft and sweet, but the grip of his hand on my waist was telling me he wanted more. 
I took that as a sign to softly bite down on his bottom lip. An unexpected, and probably unintentional, moan escaped him. I smiled into the kiss again. 
His breathing became a bit shaky as my hands moved from his waist up to his neck and then up to tug lightly at his curls. Our lips moved perfectly in sync. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Without removing his lips from mine, he pulled me away from the wall and over to the edge of my bed. Our kiss broke for only a second as he sat on the edge and softly pulled me onto him. I gladly followed his directions, causing my dress to bunch up from placing my legs on either side of his lap. 
My hands settled into comfortable spots on his bare chest while his settled on my hips. He returned the light nibble I teased him with before. I returned the unintentional slight moan. I wanted nothing more than this. 
The kiss continued for some time before he broke it to rest his forehead on mine. 
“As much as I want to continue this, we’re going to be late for dinner.” he smirked, “Also, I wouldn’t want to move too quickly and spoil what I had planned for our date in London.”
I chuckled and kissed the tip of his nose. 
This caused him to smile a bit bigger than he expected. Sometimes I could catch him off guard enough for him to give a goofy smile instead of the kind of smile he probably practiced in the mirror. While both genuine, the unrehearsed one made me feel more accomplished in a way. Like I made him smile so much that he forgot about his whole act of trying to look handsome. As if anything he did made him look less handsome. 
With a quick peck, I reluctantly maneuvered off of his lap. I straightened my dress in the mirror as he pulled his sweater back over his head. 
“You look beautiful Y/N.”
His arms slid around me from behind as he placed his head on my shoulder. I smiled as I looked in the mirror at the both of us. We looked good together. 
“You look beautiful too, Matty.”
He craned his neck around to kiss my cheek before letting go. I moved to the living room to turn off my record player and put away the record. 
“Good choice by the way.”
Matty appeared in my doorway, “Thank you. It was hard to choose from your collection. All good choices.”
I grabbed my jacket from the coat rack and slid it on over my dress, “Ready to go?”
“One second.” His gaze was back on me as he moved next to me. 
He smirked and leaned down to place a peck on my lips.
“Okay, now I’m ready.” 
I playfully rolled my eyes as we exited my apartment. I wasn’t going to complain at all about the spontaneous kisses, but how he got them was very cheeky and he knew it. I often stole some extra glances while with him. I wanted to take in every single moment and remember everything. I never wanted to forget how he cocked his head to the side as he smiled. The way his lips curled up ever so slightly as he chuckled, forming small smile lines in the crease of his cheeks. I didn’t want to forget the way his hair smelled of shampoo with the lingering hint of cigarette smoke in the morning. The way his curls draped over his forehead and that some of them were speckled grey. 
“Y/N, are you coming?” Matty waved at me from the street, snapping me out of my thoughts. 
I nodded and joined him in my car. We had to drive back to the venue to meet the boys for dinner. I wasn’t sure where we were going yet, but I assumed it was going to be a nice place due to the boys talking about what they were going to order this morning. 
“So,” my fingers drummed on my steering wheel, “When do I have to request off work for London?” 
He scrolled through the calendar on his phone, “I’ll fly you out on December 31st. Be prepared to stay for around a week, I’d assume.”
“A week? I don’t know if I can take that much time off work, Matty.” 
“Don’t worry about it. I can cover your paycheck.”
“Matty - “
“Don’t worry about it Y/N!” He playfully threw his arms in the air. 
I smiled even though I was a little embarrassed about not being able to pay for my flight or felt insecure about taking that much time away from work. I’m sure he wasn’t used to having someone like me in his life. He surrounded himself with successful musicians and models that could pay their own way I’m sure. 
I was interrupted by Matty’s hand placed on my thigh, “You’re in your head again Y/N.”
I was surprised that he was able to tell when I was distracted or in my head about things. I think he knows from experience. 
Sooner than I had expected, I parked my car on the road near the buses. I dreaded him and the rest of the boys leaving tonight after dinner. Yeah, Matty promised to fly me out to London to see him again, but for some reason, I feared that he would change his mind in the time between now and the end of the year. What if he met someone else while on the rest of the tour? What if I don’t hear from him after he leaves? 
“I’m excited to show you around my city.” He smiled over at me in my passenger seat. 
I couldn’t help but to smile. His reassuring words made some of my worries go away. 
“Me too. You haven’t even left and I’m excited to get to see you again.”
His hand gave a light squeeze of my thigh. 
My eyes gazed forward out of the windscreen, “Promise you won’t change your mind?”
His eyes changed and his smile dropped its shape. The side of my face was met with his cupped hand. 
His lips were my favourite part of him. They pressed against mine. Soft and passionate. Longing and sweet. I could sit here in the front seat of my car for hours with my lips against his. Our mouths moved slowly in unison. It was a sweet kiss where neither of us were wanting dominance. It just was. 
“I promise, Y/N.”
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winterswrandomness · 11 hours
hi hello this is me realizing you sat through all of my oc ramblings but i never asked ab your oc's. so this is me asking what your favorite oc is and who your oldest oc is (in terms of when you came up with them)
oh! hiiii! uhh hm. currently, my favourites are Rodi (they/them) and Chanterelle (she/her), because I loove them and they're some of my recent ones. they're a yuri moment but neither of them are actually girls in the normal way. they're overly attached exes who never actually got back together, and then rodi fell off a building and died then got isekaiied! they have a fun internal "politics" in their world, which is basically just a complex social dynamic and environment with other faeries in their forest
then Minh K. (which if you say it really fast, sounds like mink, which is the animel nym is based around) is also way up there because I adore my chaotic alchemist <3 nym has a prosthetic arm (right forearm) which can pick up metal via magnetics. nym is pretty crafty, but never got a proper childhood
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as for my oldest, then that'd probably be Ally! I've doodled her really quickly for you. she's been around, but went on the backburner for a While. she has her roots in the creepypasta fandom, which should explain the. everything with her
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if I were to revisit her (see: left) I would probably still make her a murderer but in a more toned down way. the like cringe, overthetop, in-your-face edginess was Important to shaping me as a person, but I think she can be a bit more dangerous!
she also has a best friend named Sora, and the two of them sort of come as a package deal <3 I would put a big emphasis on their relationship in a rewrite. which, I've actually done in the past a couple times! but I never went anywhere with those, it was mostly redesigning them for fun
(also additional fun fact, Minh K. and Ally are both vietnamese/viet-equivalent in their worlds, because. well I am <3)
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Some replieeeees, also hey it’s Summer (just noticed that)
Anonymous asked:
SURPRISE, ANON! Motorboat them to your heart’s content.
I am very happy that you liked Rook tits; it was probably very naïve of me to think that his nipple won’t be the main star of the drawing lol
Anonymous asked:
Planning on revisiting aus?
We might, but there isn’t any planning involved here; we just randomly remember about them from time to time and sometimes want to add to them lol
 I’ve sketched a comic for the mafia AU not so long ago, but we only posted it on ko-fi for now…
Anonymous asked:
More Lilia content when?
Hopefully soon! We have some new stuff with him, so it’s a matter of time... If everything goes well, you should see a lot of more stuff relatively soon. For now he’s also on ko-fi, being unable to post regularly has fucked up our posting flow really badly.
Anonymous asked:
I'm not exactly caught up on the Savanaclaw Rook stuff,
But that doesn't mean I don't have some pretty fun thoughts.
Like one I had while looking at that art you recently posted.
And I'm just imagining Savanaclaw Rook and Pomefiore Rook are in the same room, for whatever reason, who knows, and Vil walks in-
And Pomefiore Rook looks at Savanaclaw Rook-
And he just sees the hearts in Savanclaw Rook's eyes while looking at Vil.
And he knows that Savanaclaw Rook's already as hooked on Vil as he is.
Cause Rook just having an "on sight" moment when first meeting Vil is something I absolutely love.
Awwww, this is so cute. At first I thought you were going to make a ménage à trios joke…
He absolutely had an “on sight” moment when he first saw him at NRC; and while I think it’s fair to assume that this isn’t Rook’s actual first time seeing him (being such a theatre nerd and all),  seeing him irl probably felt different somehow.
Looking at S!Rook’s reaction is probably pretty nostalgic for P!Rook.
No but really they really should hug Vil together and show him all kinds of love-
Anonymous asked:
Thinking nonstop about the characters being called daddy and master post,, it makes me imagine a scenario where Silver's sleeping around campus (probably because his father told him to so he could live a little) and someone asks him to call them daddy... He would be so confused like "???? I am not your son 🤨" save my boy LOL
Silver calling Lilia daddy or papa in bed would just end up being so cute 😭 Lilia stopping what he's doing and totally breaking his image as a cool and strict dom to be like "Eh?? Ehh??? You haven't called me that in years 🥺"
(this is about this post)
I am very happy you enjoyed that one, Anon!
Oh poor Silver lol Or should I say poor people who will never be the father that Silver loves dearly… even though this isn’t what they wanted from him at all. And these poor fools would think that the issue is that the word is too familial, and this is why Silver doesn’t consider it sexy. If only they knew…
Imagining Lilia dropping his dom thing to gush over his precious son being very cute and suddenly calling him daddy/papa is very funny though, he wouldn’t expect that at all. Despite being all kinds of cursed, for some reason  this is the one moment that Lilia would consider pretty wholesome… which only makes it even more cursed lol
Although to be honest it’s surprisingly difficult to imagine Silver calling Lilia anything other than “oyaji-dono”. Imagine Silver’s first word being not “papa” but “oyaji-dono” instead…
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fanby-fckry · 6 months
12. 20. 26. 31. 69. Of the new one please :)
Fanfiction Writing Asks
Thank you! :3
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
I outline multichapter fics, because if I don’t, then I the plot suffers.
My outlines aren’t very detailed, though. Usually they’re just bullet points with some rough ideas for scenes/dialogue. Sometimes I even put memes in there.
The bullet point for the Unholyverse version of Dad Beat Dad currently just says, ‘Play dumb Lucifer; Not that dumb!’
Meanwhile, in the outline of my current WoE WIP, A Far Cry From Eden, we have the juxtaposition of me describing Eve’s first impression of each of the Seven Deadly Sins in a decent amount of detail, vs a chapter that was described as:
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Totally not projecting my own sapphic experiences and/or fantasies onto Eve, there. No, never. (I’m gay and they’re both so pretty, I can’t help it!)
I do occasionally stray from my outlines, but that’s part of the beauty of making them so vague. I can usually adjust them as I go.
When I was working on Bloodlust and Butterflies, I had quite a few secondary bullet points that got dropped – although I’ll be revisiting the ideas later in other UH3 works – and one that got moved to a different chapter.
I need a plan for my multichapter fics. The plan is subject to change, but it’s still a plan.
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
I feel like between the Unholyverse, the Little Demon AU, and my miscellaneous, canon-divergent Geraskefer fics, I should be legally required to answer this with AU, but canon has been looking kinda good lately.
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3/5 of my current Ace Alastor Week WIPs have been canon-compliant. And it was kinda fun to work directly within the frame of canon. Like a little obstacle course for me to run. Enrichment.
I don’t think I’ll be switching to a steady stream of canon-compliant fics any time in the near future, but it’s been nice to explore.
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
Whichever part I happen to get stuck on when my executive dysfunction flares up. Or my psychosis.
If I had a consistently effective treatment for my ADHD and psychosis that didn’t give me terrible side effects, my life would improve sooo much.
Other than that, I don’t have a consistent part of writing that bothers me. Certain subject matter trips me up, and I get writer’s block from time to time just like everyone else, but there’s no part of my writing process that I’d call my least favorite.
31. Do you use a beta reader/editor?
I do! Specifically a beta reader. I edit my own work based on his suggestions. My lovely boyfriend, who now has a tumblr: @giggypoet .
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
Obligatory nice.
My favorite fics at the moment are (in no particular order) Death to Death by @moonrose91 , the entire 66.6 Live On Air! series by @prince-liest , and Means to an End by @iirationall .
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bisamwilson · 2 years
…out of envy or jealousy. for sambucky or any sam ship you'd like :D
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#46: ...out of envy or jealousy (this turned out pretty sambuckyquin i'm ngl)
Joaquín's been getting a bit bold as of late.
He'd known the baby falcon had had a thing for Sam this whole time, of course, had watched him flirt and blush his way through every conversation back when Sam and himself were still firmly just frenemies.
It had been kind of fun to watch then, is still kind of fun to watch now, even though Bucky's less and less sure with each new flirty remark that Joaquín's not actually trying to shoot his shot.
Bucky trusts Sam. He knows they're solid. They've even talked about Joaquín's obvious crush on occasion, though it's pretty obvious to the both of them each time that the conversation's still ongoing.
Bucky's a little tipsy tonight though, halfway to drunk off that heavy Asgardian ale he really never should have touched, and he's teetering over the line of annoyance.
Joaquín's an affectionate drunk, as he and Sam are both learning tonight.
He's got an arm around Sam on the couch they're sitting on, and is leaning over on him, his head on his shoulder. Sam's got that amused look in his eyes he gets when Bucky is being particularly ridiculous or stubborn about something that doesn't actually matter, and something flares a little hot in his stomach at seeing it aimed at someone else.
Whatever Joaquín's saying is being mumbled into Sam's shoulder, so Bucky doesn't actually hear their conversation till he gets up closer.
"...look so amazing when you're flying, Sam," he says, voice filled with awe. "You always look so beautiful up there."
Bucky sees green. "He does, doesn't he?" he says sincerely, hoping Sam can't hear any trace of jealousy in his voice. He sits down on Sam's other side, pressing their legs as close together as he can, and tilts Sam's head towards him. "Every day I wonder how I got so lucky."
He leans in, then, capturing Sam's lips with his own. He makes a bit of a show of it, admittedly, parting his lips and pulling Sam's head in closer. He kisses him for just a little too long to be polite, but not too long it can't be explained away by the last drink he'd downed.
It's not quite long enough to really savor the taste of the whiskey Sam's been nursing on his own tongue, but he figures they've got all night for that later.
He pulls back slowly, relishing in the way it takes Sam just a moment too long to open his eyes after, and places his hand down on Sam's thigh, entirely too high up not to be deliberate.
When Sam turns back to Joaquín, just on the side of dazed, Bucky turns towards him too, smug and satisfied.
He finds the baby bird staring back at him already, his eyes wide and his lips parted as he looks between them both, breath a little heavier as his gaze catches on Sam's chest, on Bucky's arms, on the edge of a hickey poking out from under the collar of Bucky's shirt.
Bucky moves his hand up even higher on Sam's thigh.
They might just have to revisit that Joaquín conversation again, he thinks.
send me a ship and a number and i'll write a kiss!
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starghost-fics · 1 year
It is extremely strange to get to the end of this fic…again. But wonderful! I write fanfic for myself first and foremost, so it has been an utter delight to revisit this and all my other Octopath fic on this tumblr. I have some more wrap-up thoughts under the cut, but for now:
Chapter 13—if he caught me: The gang faces Darius. The gang patches themselves up and finds an inn. In the morning, Therion and Cyrus make plans.
I had not been in any fandom, at all, for something like twelve years before I played OT1 and idly thought "what if the thief learned from the scholar like that banter alludes to. and what if they kissed."
History was made. I have been unstoppable since. Well, kind of stoppable. I've written a few things. But I did write a novel's worth of fic for Octopath in the same year I wrote an actual novel, and mostly during a global pandemic. What happened to that person, eh?
I re-read all the comments as I read each chapter, and going over the comments here, the little collection of people finishing or re-reading... it warms my cold black heart, truly. I will never get over how enthusiastic and thoughtful AO3 commenters are, even/especially in a tiny fandom.
I'm still stupidly fond of all of these characters, and I'm mystified why none of the characters really hit the same in OT2. (It came close with Partitio and Alrond! But some key element is missing. I think Partitio is too much of a straight-shooter, no true opportunity for him to not say how he feels, which is a basic requirement for me, apparently.) So I'm terribly glad that I was able to write another chunky fic, albeit at an excruciating pace. (Coming soon to an internet near you.)
Anyway, specific to this chapter:
Darius is so fun to write. What an asshole.
Writing staging for fight scenes is awful. My go-to move is to just get past actual movement as quickly as possible, and get to a moment when I can dive into how a character feels. I think this works pretty well with Cyrus because he's analyzing the battle anyway, not diving into physical fights.
when he draws a knife on his boyfriend's betrayer
(but tbh his mind is still churning)
Ohhh the verbose one being unable to find the words for feelings. Classic.
Another beloved dynamic is the person who opens your world up, sparks things in you that you never knew you were capable of.
When I started thinking about the sequel, I knew it needed to be about their continuing relationship, and contain some conflict that would come up after I wrote a vague happy ending for them. I thought, is it going to be about Therion being a bad boyfriend? Still shying away? And then I remembered all my actual feelings about Therion and this scene of him massaging Cyrus's hand—again—and him desperately wanting to follow Cyrus home but playing it cool, and I thought, no, that, at least, is not the sequel.
"the gate that had been flung open in that moment, and he without a map...He is wonderfully unmoored, at sea in a new world." — hell yes, babe
"He hurt you" / "You, too" — aggh god
"Because he had woken up warm in a frozen waste, and how could that be?" ajklsdjflaksd
i'm sure it's gauche to keysmash over my own writing but idc, I was so pleased with those lines at the time and still love them.
lol oh man, I'm also a sucker for this sort of joke:
"How did you get such wonderfully talented hands?"
"Stole 'em," Therion says.
after darius, after sleeping, after a lazy morning, the boys are saying the things at last, the feelings. love is terrifying and love is wonderful, love is putting a piece of your heart in a fragile container outside of your control
therion. what is home to you now. be honest.
When Alfyn joins them and sees them holding hands, he thinks nothing of it because he holds hands all the time! With everyone! He used to hold hands with Zeph! Wait, what do you mean everyone doesn't hold hands like that, Primrose?
Yes, it appears I ended with a group hug. GROUP HUG.
okay thank you for reading! <3
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