#shout out to my friend who was in voice call with me while I drew this. asked it for a cryptid to draw and it said 'them little leggy fucks
baalzebufo · 1 year
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another pick that is more of a name pun than thematically appropriate, but im sure if I read into it more I could wrangle a meaning that fits with Midnight Star. but im too lazy for that and the meaning was mostly 'i wanted to draw it', so nevermind! enjoy todays card, instead!
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cameronspecial · 1 year
The Other Drew
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings:  Getting Hit By Car, Amnesia, Almost Drowning
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.6K
Summary: Drew's crush on Y/N gets him hit by a car and causes him to lose his memories. She doesn't have the heart to tell him the truth.
A/N: This is inspired by The Other Zoey trailer drop.
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The invisible waves from the sun steam off the pavement. She readjusts her claw clip in her hair to keep the hair off of her neck. She looks up from her textbook occasionally to watch people walk past her. The sudden sound of a ball hitting the ground and yelling coming from behind her attacks all of her senses. She is about to turn around to ask if they could shout any louder, but a sharp pain to the back of her head stops her. “Sorry, that was my fault,” a voice calls out. Y/N turns to see the voice belongs to Drew Starkey. She gives a roll of her eyes, “Well, next time, keep your balls to yourself.” He approaches closer to her and she is surprised to be overcome by the fresh and clean scent of the man, considering the sweaty dripping off of him. He lets out a deep chuckle and smirk forms on his face as he bends down to pick up the basketball. 
“Darling, I am more than capable of controlling my balls,” he teases, finding the scowl on her face adorable. Y/N shakes her head, “That doesn’t even make any sense.” “I think you know what I mean, Darling.” Drew brings the bottom of his shirt to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, which Y/N is a hundred percent sure he does to show off his defined abs underneath. She has enough of his cocky attitude and picks up her bag to leave. He doesn’t want her to leave, so he hesitantly reaches out to stop her. The pressure of his fingers on her bicep causes her to glare at him, yanking her arm away. Her defiance to his charm is rare to him and he likes that she doesn’t just bite down her remarks for the sake of him liking her. He watches as she walks away and the scent of her lavender perfume fades away. Drew wishes she would stay to tell him her name.
Drew wouldn’t say that he stalked her, but he did ask around about her. Y/N Y/L/N is a psychology major in her junior year. She doesn’t have much of a social presence on campus, yet it is known that she hangs out with Addy Morrison, who Drew has spoken to at a few parties. He is close to a friend of Addy and he told him that Addy frequents Page Turner, a bookstore just outside of the campus. The reason for her habitual visits, Y/N works at the store. 
He wipes his palms on his pants before opening the door to the shop. A little girl and her mother are on the other side and he lets them walk out then enters. His gaze darts to the counter with the cash register; disappointment flashes through his face when he sees that she isn’t at the counter. He has been in the store a couple of times before and while he does enjoy the dusty smell of books, he hasn’t been able to find what he has been coming to the store for. The unoccupied register does give him hope that she might be working today because no other employee seems to be working at the store. He browses the books until he hears the creak of a hinge opening from the back of the store. He waits for a second to check over his shoulder at the door, but the smell of lavender filling the room tells him who it is. He hides his smirk and waits for the patter of her footsteps to stop. 
“Does this place sell phone chargers?” he asks, walking toward her. He waves his dead phone, which is really just turned off, in the air before placing it on the counter. She gives him a raised eyebrow and an annoyed look. “This is a bookstore, not Apple,” she mocks. He laughs at her remark, “Does your boss know that you are always so rude to the customers, Darling?” “You know you should try reading more. You might be one of the 36 million Americans, who can’t read over a third-grade level,” she quips, ignoring his previous comment. He grins at her, “Interesting. Could you get me a statistic book on that?” Surprise flashes on her face. “Really?” she inquires, turning towards the computer. He amusedly shakes his head, “Nah.” She gives him a crossed look, “You know people don’t like sarcastic people.” “They also don’t like know-it-alls either, Darling,” he fires back, turning towards the door and exiting. 
Y/N glances down at the counter to find his phone still there. She does not want to give it back to him but fights against her better judgment. She runs out after him, calling his name. He stops in the middle of the street and turns toward her. She goes to give him his phone when the blaring of a horn fills the air. The car slows down, but not fast enough. Drew is knocked off his feet and his head slams against the ground. Y/N lets out a small scream, running to check on him. 
“Are you fucking crazy? Watch where you are going. That was a crosswalk, Jackass,” she screams at the driver, who came out of the car to check on the person he hit. When Drew comes to, all he sees is the ray of sunshine standing above him. Her hands are waving around in the air as she screams at someone in front of her. He doesn’t know who she is, but he feels an overwhelming feeling of affection for her. She must be his girlfriend with the way she is defending him. Once she gets the driver’s information for the insurance, she helps Drew up from the ground. “Darling, what happened?” He questions, letting her guide him to her car. She sends a quick text to the owner explaining what happened and that she locked up, “You got hit by a car. I’m going to get you to the hospital.” She settles into the car and helps him buckle his seat belt. “Oh, that’s good. Hospital good. You are such a good girlfriend,” he babbles. She ignores his statement about being his girlfriend, hoping she just misheard him. 
“The doctor said he has a concussion, so wake him up every so often to make sure he’s fine. If he pukes, take him to the hospital just in case,” she informs Austin, one of Drew’s frat brothers. He nods his head and helps guide Drew to their couch, “Got it. So you’re Y/N?” She gives him a puzzled look. She’s never talked to him and she sure as hell never told Drew her name. “Uh, yeah,” she awkwardly responds. “Austin, you should know her. She’s my girlfriend,” Drew scolds, looking at her with loving eyes. Austin gives her a confused look. “He also has amnesia. He thinks I’m his girlfriend,” she whispers the last part. “I don’t exactly have the heart to tell him otherwise, so I’ll just wait until he remembers.” Austin’s mouth opens in understanding. 
She hands Austin a post-it note with her number, “Give him my number when he is feeling a little better. I have the driver’s info so he can file an insurance claim. I’ll also ask the owners of the store around where he got hit for surveillance footage.” Austin takes the number into his hand. “Got it. Thanks for taking care of him,” Austin thanks, leading her out of the door. 
Got the insurance claim :). He texts her, sitting back on the couch. He sees the bubbles pop up and a smile spreads across his face. That’s good. He hasn’t gotten to see her since the accident. Every time he tries to take her on a date, she says she is either busy with work or school. God, his girlfriend is so hardworking. It’s cute. He remembers he is supposed to go back home this weekend and decides that this is a good time for her to meet his family. Darling, I’m gonna go to my mom’s place this weekend. Wanna come? 
Y/N stares at the phone with a grimace. She wants to tell him no and she also knows she has to tell him in person that she isn’t his girlfriend, which she could do after dinner. Okay, I’ll go. 
The car ride is quiet with Drew trying to make conversation with her. She keeps shutting him down. She parks the car on the street and he gets out of the car, going around to open her door before she can do anything else. “Thanks,” she mutters, feeling guilty, she takes the arm he offers for her to grab. The door opens before they can get to it and out comes a beautiful blonde. “Drew, are you feeling better? How’s your head?” she worries, checking over his head before going to give him a hug. He shakes his head with a smile, “I’m fine, Mack. My girlfriend was there to take care of me.” Mackayla, who Y/N knows is his sister because he gave her a breakdown of his family, does a double take upon seeing her. “So you weren’t joking about that. You actually have a girlfriend,” she states, holding her hand out for Y/N to take. Drew gives Mack a funny look, “Of course, I wasn’t joking. What are you on about?” Y/N squeezes his arm in reassurance, “Drew, it’s fine. Let’s just go in.” 
Inside, they find Drew’s other sister, his brother and mom in the kitchen. “Hey guys, I want you to meet Y/N, my girlfriend,” Drew introduces, using his hand on her lower back to nudge her toward the kitchen island. She awkwardly waves to his family. “Wow, he wasn’t joking,” Brooke says. Drew and Y/N watch as she hands Logan some money. Drew’s face turns to shock, “You guys bet on my girlfriend being real or not?” “I thought it was easy money. Drew, you’ve never talked about her before,” Brooke defends. Y/N notices Drew’s pouty face and feels bad for him, “Yeah, it’s because the relationship is relatively new. Your brother is a great guy though.” Jodi rounds the counter to give Y/N a hug. “Don’t listen to my children. He talks about you all the time since he got his concussion. Maybe, it knocked him to be more confident in your relationship,” she promises, taking a step back to admire her son’s girlfriend. 
“So you’re studying psychology, Y/N,” Jodi states with interest. Y/N looks up from playing with her food, “Yes, ever since I was younger trying to figure out the reasoning for our behaviour fascinated me. My parents like to joke that I was the little therapist of my preschool class, always trying to solve everyone's problems.” “That’s pretty funny,” Logan notes. Drew gives her a massive grin and throws his arm over the back of her chair, “See, my girl is so smart.” His pride feels so genuine and he gives her a kiss on her cheek. 
“Y/N,” Brooke calls out to capture her attention. “We are going to the beach house during Drew’s reading week. Do you want to come? We would all love to get to know you better.” She should’ve said no. There was no reason why she should say yes because she was supposed to tell Drew the truth. But then she remembers saying she would let Drew figure it out on his own time so she doesn’t break his heart. Plus,  who doesn’t want a free trip to the beach house? He turns towards her with wide puppy dog eyes and she knows her only answer could be: “Yes.” 
Y/N is meant to meet Drew at his house so they can drive up to his mom’s house together and then with his family to the beach property. “Drew is out getting some things for the trip. He said you can wait in his room,” Chase tells her, leading her to Drew’s room. She thanks him and enters the room. The amount of books in his room truly shocks Y/N. His shelves are filled with classics and profound books that even she doesn’t have the patience to read. She spots his schedule printed on a paper above his desk. This is another source of shock as she notices both classes for the stage and screen program as well as the English program. If Drew is in the stage and screen program, then why does he have so many English classes? 
“Have fun snooping?” Drew pulls her out of her exploration. She turns towards him with embarrassment on her face, “Uh, yeah. Why do you have so many English classes?” 
“Right, most people don’t know that I’m doing a double major. Stage and Screen, and English. I like to read.”
“And yet you went into a bookstore looking for a charger. What’s your favourite book?”
“Well, I had to charge my phone if I was going to take pictures that try to capture your beauty. And East of Eden is my favourite book. I like how it explores the mystery of identity. How it shows the inability to explain love. And how it demonstrates that the absence of love can lead to murderous outcomes.”
“Wow, spoken like a true English major.”
They both laugh at her joke and smile at each other. Y/N, stereotypically, never thought that there was more to Drew than his fratboy, actor persona and she is happily being proven wrong right now. He changes the subject, placing something in his suitcase before closing it up, “Are you ready to go?” “Yep, my suitcase is downstairs already,” she nods. “Great! Let’s go.” They pack their bags into his car and start the drive to his mom’s house.
The drive to the beach is filled with laughter and car games. Y/N really does enjoy being in his family’s company. After the car ride, everyone wants to just relax for a little bit, so they retreat to their own rooms. She is sharing a room with Drew. After unpacking their stuff, he settles at his desk with his laptop. She can see he is reading something but doesn’t know what. Instead, she concerns herself with trying to finish up her work so she can have the rest of the week free. 
“What are your thoughts on cognitive dissonance?” he turns towards her with an inquisitive look. She looks up at him in surprise that he is asking her a psychological question, “I think that I have major cognitive dissonance when it comes to eating healthy.” 
“Well, you know one way you could ease some of your discomfort from it is either by changing your attitude, so maybe just stop thinking that you need to eat healthy. Or you can change your behaviour by eating healthy. Or you can think of a new cognition about not eating healthy by saying that your busy schedule sometimes doesn’t allow you to eat healthy.”
“All that is very true. Are you planning on adding another major to the list? Why do you sound like my introduction to psych textbook from first year?” 
“No, no thoughts on a new major. I just thought it would be nice to have something to talk to each other about and you like psychology.”
“That’s sweet. We can talk about books too, you know.”
“We could, but I have a feeling the books I like to read aren’t the kinds you like. The book I ordered still has come in yet, so we’ll have to wait to be able to talk about those.” 
“What book did you order?”
“The Library of Lost Things. I saw it on your dashboard the day you drove me to the hospital.” 
“You ordered a book just because I’m reading it.”
“Of course. I want to know what you like, Darling.” 
Butterflies erupt through her stomach at his charming gesture. “Do you mind if I play some music? It helps me think,” she asks. He nods as he hands her his Bluetooth speaker. Her music plays as she works and Drew can’t help but dance to the song. He stands up from his chair. His hips move from side to side and his finger gun hands move in a circular motion like a train. She giggles at his dancing. He holds out his hand for to get up from his bed and dance with her. She moves her hips to the beat of the music, twirling in his hands. Feeling a little silly, she does the shopping cart move, which he mimics. The upbeat music stops and a Lewis Capaldi song starts to play. Drew quickly places his hands around her waist, bringing her in for a slow dance. 
Her head rests on his chest and they sway to the beat of the music. This peaceful moment is one she never thought she’d have with him. 
“Come on, just try. I promise to be beside you the whole time,” Drew begs, holding onto her bicep. She turns her head away from him, “Are you crazy? I am not getting on that surfboard.” “Nothing will happen to you. I’ll protect you,” he breaths out close to her ear, causing some heat to build in the pit of her stomach. She looks out to the ocean where others are surfing and they look like they are having fun. She guesses she can give it a try. “Fine, but you can’t leave my side,” she threatens, walking towards the water with the expectation that he will follow. “Deal.” He picks up his surfboard and jogs after her. 
When they get deep enough into the water, he helps onto the board. “Okay, for now, you’ll just do some paddling to get used to the feeling. Then hopefully, as the week goes by, you can work your way up to actually standing up on the board,” he advises, helping her lie down on the board. She gets the hang of it; however, a sudden wave catches them both off guard. Y/N gets thrown off of the board and into the water. She isn’t expecting this action, which causes her to panic. She can’t tell up from down and she doesn’t have enough air in her lungs for her to feel comfortable. A pair of arms wrap around her waist, which helps her to the surface. Her panic starts to die down with the relief of air entering her lungs. 
Her gasps worry Drew and he rubs her back reassuringly. “It’s okay. I got you, Darling. I got you,” he whispers, kissing her temple. She nuzzles her head into his neck and feels the comfort of his embrace.
Their day ends for them in a domestic way. They both lie on his bed, reading their perspective books. The silence isn’t filled with dread or awkwardness; instead, comfort haunts the room. She feels his eyes looking at her book over her shoulder and gives him her attention. “Can I help you?” she inquires with raised eyebrows. His head moves from side to side, “Not really, just interested in what you are reading. Maybe, I could read it to you?” She sighs, handing over the book she is reading. He scoots over closer to her and wraps his arm around her. She leans into his touch. Her eyes start to droop as he reads to her; she can’t stop herself from falling asleep. 
The sound of the birds chirping wakes one of the sleeping pair up from his slumber. He didn’t realize they had fallen asleep cuddled next to each other. She is still asleep, so he checks his phone to see Austin tried to call him. As quietly as possible, he tries to move out from under her. Y/N is still in deep sleep, so he takes the call out on the balcony. “Yo, what’s up?” he greets into the phone. Austin’s voice fills the air, “How is the planning going?” 
“It’s going pretty well. I feel like she is slowly falling for me.”
“I still can’t believe you haven’t told her that you remember the truth. It’s pretty messed up.” 
“I know, but I couldn’t tell her. She would never give me a chance if she knew the truth.” 
“You’ve been lying to me?” A voice from behind him stops their conversation in its tracks. Drew turns towards a now awake Y/N and hangs up on Austin. He takes a few steps towards her, “Y/N, let me explain. Please.” She doesn’t let him as she runs out of the door. 
He finds her sitting on the beach, looking out to the ocean. “Why did you lie to me?” she asks, not looking over her shoulder. He comes to sit beside her. “I mean, technically, you lied to me too,” her glare causes him to change courses. “This might sound a little creepy, but I had a crush on you and I knew you wouldn’t give me a chance at all. I really did think you were my girlfriend after the accident, but after a few days, I started to remember and Austin told me the truth.”
“Okay. Keep going.”
“He told me and I thought that if you didn’t want to break my heart with the truth, then I might as well see if I could make it work in my favour. You got to admit, you were starting to like me.” 
“That is not true at all.” 
He looks her in her eyes and leans forward. Their lips are practically touching; no one moves. “If that’s not true, then why aren’t you moving?” he whispers. She is at a loss for words so he brings his lips to hers and then pulls apart. “Please, just give me a chance.” The hope in his eyes tells her that his feelings are authentic. She also lied to him by not telling him the truth right away, so what does she have to lose? “Okay.” 
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mynameismckenziemae · 3 months
All of Me
Part 12
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You
Summary: You see a different side of Jake when he spends the night again.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, femdom, edging, teasing, slight exhibitionism, sexting, etc.
“Go sit down in the living room,” Bradley insists, pushing you out of the kitchen to clean up after dinner because you cooked, “Pick out a movie or something, just no chick flicks.”
Jake helps him as you settle on the couch, eventually picking ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ as they finish up.
“Oh come on,” Bradley huffs as he sees it on the screen.
You laugh, sitting up so Jake can settle behind you. “You can pick next.”
“You don’t mind if I stay awhile?” He asks, flopping down on the couch across from you two.
“Would it matter if I did?” You tease, laughing as he tosses a pillow. “I’m kidding! Of course, you can stay.”
“Alright,” he replies, tugging at your heartstrings when he continues. “I just don’t want to intrude on your alone time together.”
“Hey,” you toss the pillow back, hitting him in the face. “You’re still my best friend. That isn’t going to change because I’m dating someone.”
“Alright,” Bradley says, glancing at Jake who gives him a nod.
Drew calls as your movie ends, and you put him on speakerphone so the guys can talk too.
“…and then we went out on the canoes and everyone else’s tipped but not ours!” He rushes out, talking a mile a minute. “Did you guys talk yet? Jake? Are you my mom’s boyfriend now?”
“How much sugar have you had today?” You laugh, teasing him.
Jake’s smiling too. “Yes, I’m her boyfriend now. Is that-“
“Yes!” The volume of answering shout makes you wince. “Roo, did you hear that? Our plan worked!”
“What plan?” You ask, looking up.
“Nothing,” Bradley and Drew answer together.
You roll your eyes but a smile pulls at your lips. “I just can’t with you two sometimes.”
“Are you guys gonna get married too?” Drew asks, not waiting for an answer before he’s asking another question, “Oh! Are you gonna have a baby? I really want a brother, but a sister-”
“You’re getting way ahead of yourself there, little Kernsie. Remember what we talked about?” Bradley saves you from having to answer while you avoid looking at Jake.
“Oh yeah, my bad,” Drew replies. “Now you just need a girlfriend, Roo.”
Bradley laughs. “I-“
“Wait,” Drew interrupts, suddenly sounding so small, making your heart pinch. “Can we still have boys' nights if you get a girlfriend?”
“Nothing is gonna stop us from having boys' night,” Bradley says, voice thick.
“Promise?” His little voice asks.
“I promise,” Bradley replies, not looking up.
“Okay good,” he replies, perking back up. “I gotta go. We’re gonna have a campfire before bed. Love you guys!” He hangs up before any of you can reply.
The room is quiet, heavy with emotion as Bradley scrolls for a movie. Jake lays back on the couch before guiding you back against his chest. You melt into his embrace; it feels so good to be held after years of having to be the one doing the holding as a mom.
Bradley starts snoring a few minutes later.
“He okay?” Jake murmurs as his fingertips trail up and down your arm. Bradley had quickly wiped his tears and changed the subject earlier when Jake had entered the kitchen.
“Yeah,” you murmur, looking over. He always acts so happy and carefree but you know he’s lonely. “Grief is weird. I don’t know how to else to explain it.”
“I bet,” he murmurs, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch over you both. “I won’t…I would never expect your friendship to change because of me. Or he and Drew’s relationship.”
“I know,” you smile, turning your head for a kiss. “He knows that too; I don’t think he’s allowed himself to grieve fully and big changes like this bring up a lot of emotion.”
He nods, attention returning to the movie; for a few minutes at least. The fingers trailing over your arm fall lower, fiddling with the hem of your tee shirt before tracing over your stomach.
“Your skin is so soft,” he murmurs by your ear, making you shiver as his cock twitches to life behind your back. He trails nonsensical patterns up over your belly button to the underside of your bralette-encased breast.
It feels naughty with Bradley snoring just a few feet away, but you still arch your back in a silent request.
He chuckles lowly and obliges, pinching your nipple as his other hand slides down into the front of your leggings, groaning when he finds you already wet.
“You like this, huh?” He murmurs hotly, nipping at your earlobe as he finds your clit.
You bite your lip to keep from whimpering as you nod.
“Gotta be real quiet then,” he whispers, sliding two fingers inside you. “Can you do that? Not make a sound?”
You nod again, gripping his thigh when he curls those fingers against your g-spot as his palm rubs your clit.
Instead of getting you off quickly with the possibility of Roo waking up any moment, he drags it out; slowly fucking you with his fingers while teasing your nipples. Finally, you start to tighten, on the edge of release, but he stills his fingers.
“What are-why’d you stop?” You whisper, chest heaving.
“Thought he was waking up,” he replies, a smug smile evident in his voice.
Bradley’s snores haven’t changed nor has he moved.
You turn slightly, hand slides up behind you into his hair and tug. “Liar,” you reply, nipping his sharp jaw.
His cock twitches at your back as he resumes his ministrations, pushing you back to the edge, but he stops when you’re on the brink. Again.
“Jake,” you groan softly, frustrated yet loving this side of him you haven’t seen yet. “Please?”
He hums against your hair as the hand on your chest begins teasing your breasts again; pinching, rolling, tugging your nipples until your hips begin to gyrate against his motionless fingers still inside you.
“Come on, Jake,” you whine, bringing your hand down over his to encourage him. “Please?”
He shudders behind you before finally giving in. “God, I love hearing you beg.”
“Don’t get used to it,” you reply, sighing as your orgasm approaches rapidly. He starts to slow again when he feels you clenching but you turn and capture his lips. “I won’t let you cum for a week if you stop again,” you warn, sinking your teeth into his lower lip to send the message home.
“Y-yes ma’am,” he breathes; instantly folding as you take back the reins of control. His hips begin to rut against you as your orgasm washes over you, with nothing but a soft, breathy moan leaving your lips.
Bradley is still snoring away as you pull Jake’s hand from your pants before bringing his fingers to your mouth to clean. Jake groans quietly as your tongue swirls around the digits like you would his cock before releasing them with a soft pop.
“You get a taste of being bad and decide you no longer need to listen?” You ask as you kiss along his jaw.
“I-fuck,” he gasps when you suck on his neck, hard enough to scare him but not enough to leave a mark.
“You’re gonna pay for that,” you smile against his skin at the way he shivers.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies.
You both jump when Bradley snores himself awake.
“How much did I miss?” He yawns, looking at the TV.
It takes a while for Jake’s erection to go down behind you, especially with the way you keep moving.
Jake picks a movie after the credits roll but you fall asleep a few minutes into it.
The sun is just starting to shine through the living room windows as you’re gently shaken awake by Roo.
“Hey, it’s a little after 6, I’m gonna go home and shower. Thanks for letting me stay,” he murmurs, kissing your forehead. “See you at lunch?”
“Any time, Roo,” you yawn, nodding, “I’ll bring leftovers for lunch.”
“You’re the best,” he smiles, heading for the door.
“Morning,” you turn to kiss Jake awake. “Wanna take a shower?”
“Yes,” he replies sleepily, not opening his eyes while his arms tighten around you. “In 10 minutes.”
You laugh but let him hold you for a few minutes more as you listen to his slow heartbeat as the room begins to brighten with the new day.
Your own heart begins to race as you realize this is how you want to wake up from now on.
“Shit! It’s after 7!”
You jolt awake at Jake’s words, having fallen back asleep in his warm embrace.
“Fuck fuck fuck, I’m sorry,” he apologizes as he follows you up the stairs. “What time do you have to be in?”
“It’s okay, I fell asleep too,” you reply, whipping off your clothes and pulling out a clean pair of scrubs. “7:30ish. My first patient is at 7:45.”
“You’re wearing those?” He gulps, looking at the first pair of underwear you grabbed and pulling up, black, lacy boy shorts that show off your ass nicely.
“Yeah, why?” You ask, turning around and seeing precum from his morning wood staining his briefs. “Oh you poor thing,” you coo, time forgotten as you walk over to him. “I might’ve taken care of this in the shower,” you say as your hand brushes over his cock and around his hip to grip his ass. “Too bad we overslept.”
His eyes close and he sucks in a breath when you land a sharp slap to his still-tender ass before you turn to get dressed.
He pulls you in for a deep kiss that has you wanting more before you drive away. With your lead foot, you make it with 30 seconds to spare.
The morning schedule is busy and the boys are already in your office with your warmed-up leftovers when you break for lunch. It’s brief though, as they have a meeting before their afternoon hop.
“See you tonight?” Jake murmurs before stealing a kiss.
You nod, seeing him out before Sophie comes in a moment later, looking ready to cry.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Sit down,” You gesture to one of the chairs across from your dress that the boys vacated.
“I got accepted to the UCLA program to get my master’s in nursing,” she smiles tearfully.
“Oh Soph, that’s great!” You say, reaching out to squeeze her hand. This had been something she’s been working towards for a while. “Congratulations!”
“You’re not mad?” She asks, lip quivering.
You laugh, “Of course not! Why would I be mad?”
“Because I have to quit,” she replies, tears now spilling over.
“Oh Soph,” you sniff, coming around to hug her. “I’m definitely going to miss you. But I’m happy that you’re finally pursuing this. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up back here as a nurse practitioner.”
She nods as she wipes her tears before giving you all the details.
“I better go get your first afternoon patient checked in,” she sighs, “thanks Reese, for everything.”
“Of course,” you smile, but it falls once she leaves your office.
Not were you only going to miss her, but now you have to find a new nurse.
You pull your phone out to text Jake but he’s already sent one, with a picture attached.
Jake: You were right. Every time I sit down I remember what you did to me yesterday.
The picture is taken under the table, it’s dark but his straining erection is obvious.
Reese: By the looks of things, you enjoyed it.
Reese: Is that why you edged me last night? Was that your way of asking for more?
Jake: Never
Jake: Bradshaw kept moving. I didn’t think you’d want him to catch us in the act.
You bite your lip at his little act, the panties he liked so much this morning growing wet.
Reese: I know you’re lying to me. I’ll find out the truth one way or another tonight.
Reese: Before you suit up for your hop, I want a video of you jerking off.
Reese: and no, you can’t cum. 😘
Sophie’s knock makes you jump. “All set.”
“Thanks,” you reply, cheeks flushing like you’ve been caught.
You can almost hear his sigh before his next text.
Jake: …
Jake: Yes ma’am.
A/N: I just love these two. This version of Jake is quickly becoming my favorite. I dropped a hint for Bradley’s story…any ideas?
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs!
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Human Illustrator Wally x Reader (part 2)
Fun fact: I like to listen to music that fits the vibes of what I'm writing and I wanted something more cheery an whimsical for this... but my dumb brain likes sad/creepy music and I couldn't find anything I liked that was truly happy, so I ended up listening to Bo en's My Time while writing this.
TW: None
🐻 When you arrive at the daycare, you quickly show everybody the book. Opening it to the back page, where he signed it, you see his name scribbled down. It is slightly messy, with all the letters being capitals and the "L"'s being slightly sideways. From what you can tell, it fits his silly little personality.
🐻 However, right as you begin showing everyone the book, you remember that some of the kids won't be able to see it that well, if at all... Oh no, now you feel like garbage...
🐻 One of those exact kids, a little girl related to Howdy, the local store owner, asks "Can I hold the book? I wanna see if something I heard works!" You grow quiet, before saying "Sure." To your surprise, all of the kids are watching and whispering "Right... Let's see if it works..." What in the world are they talking about?
🐻 She holds the book in her hands, which you made sure to keep opened to the signature. She runs her hands across it, before she makes it to the signature. She flinches, before gently pushing down on it. Her little face beams with the joy of a thousand summers as she chirps "He cares! I can feel it! I can feel his name! Johnny! Johnny, get over here!" "You're right, Henny!"
🐻 You are shocked, as well as a bit confused. You don't understand and want to investigate, but you want to wait for the children to calm down and let them have their fun. Even a few of the children with no visual impairments are pressing their hands on the book, chirping that they can feel it, too. You have an idea as to what it could be, but you want to check, first.
🐻Henny calls you over "Ms./Mr./Mx. (Y/N)! Come on! Feel it! I know that you probably didn't think to do so because you can see it, which is alright, but it's so cool!" You gently take the book, staring at the signature, before placing your fingers on his name. Your suspicions are confirmed as you grin.
🐻 While writing his name, he must've pressed the pen down hard enough to leave an indent to let all the kids be able to experience his signature. "Wow... Henny, how were you able to tell he would do this?" Henny, as well as the other kids, all start speaking over one another. You can hear Henny's voice over the rest, though, as she practically shouts with pride "My dad is friends with him! He constantly talks about how Wally does things like that for kids! My dad was the one who gave Wally that idea!"
🐻 You look down at her, expecting the other kids to tell her that she is lying, however, they go along with her claims. "I saw Mr. Wally at his store a few months ago with my mama! He tries to do that thing where people dress up as someone else, but his blue hair is very recognizable!" "Yeah! He helped me reach that apple toy on the top shelf! He then got another one and bought it for himself!" "Howdy is so cool for knowing celebrities!" "Doesn't Wally also know Ms. Poppy, that baker? I saw a show where she baked a cake in the shape of one of the bears he drew!" "I heard Mr. Wally gets his clothes from Julie's Joyous Clothes Company and is friends with Julie Joyful, herself!" Slowly, but surely, the talks about Mr. Darling and Howdy knowing each other turns into children's gossip about which famous people Mr. Darling does and does not know.
🐻 You think about the number in your pocket, subconsciously placing your hand over it. You don't know enough to know if any of their gossip is true... But you have the means to find out more about the mysterious, cheerful man. You can also make these kids so happy by having him visit! They can ask him questions about what they want to know, too!
🐻 Mr. Abbott walks into the recreation room, smiling as he asks you "Looks like these kids have Darling Fever, eh, (Y/N)? Do you want to go outside to relax? It is, technically, your day off today. Andy can take it from here." You giggle at the words "Darling Fever", before nodding. "Yeah. I actually want to talk to you about something, if you don't mind."
🐻 The two of you walk outside, sitting on the bench at the front of the daycare. You take out the paper from your pocket, saying "Mr. Darling gave me his number to call if you ever want him to visit the daycare." He gasps, looking at you "He... gave you his number? That's amazing! Wait, why are you trying to hand it to me?" You tilt your head and you hold it out to him "Well... you own the daycare? So it would make sense for you to call?"
🐻 He shakes his head quickly "No, no... he gave YOU his number! He very rarely gives out his number to people. I don't know why, but I think it might be that he doesn't trust many people with it. So, I can only assume he gave it to you because he trusts YOU. If I called, he might be uncomfortable." You look down at the paper, asking "Really...? There is so much I don't know about him. Should I call to see if he can visit? He must be a busy man... I don't want to bother him while he is doing something."
🐻"It's now or never. I know you. You'll be too nervous to call if you don't do it now." You smile, taking out your phone and calling the number on the paper. It beeps a few times, before somebody picks up and says "Hello?"
🐻 You take a deep breath. You can hear the voices of the crowd at his book signing in the background. You must've called during it... You hesitate, before saying "Hello! Umm... Is Mr. Darling there? I am from the Apple Castle Learning Center. He gave me his number and told me to call to see if he can visit?" The man on the other end of the line hums in thought, then says "Let me go get him. He has been waiting for you to call. It might take a moment, so be patient."
🐻 You tense up, feeling your heart race. He has been waiting for you? You look to Mr. Abbot, who places a hand on your shoulder to try to comfort you. He whispers "You're doing great! You got this!"
🐻 The man on the other end of the line suddenly shouts "COMING THROUGH! MR. DARLING'S GOTTA VERY IMPORTANT CALL! OUTTA THE WAY! HE'LL BE BACK IN A MOMENT!" You flinch from how loud it is, but you are shocked when you hear Wally's voice in the crowd, asking "Did they call? Please tell me it's them!"
🐻 It takes a bit, but you hear the crowd's voice die out, before Mr. Darling says a quiet "Thank you, Barnaby." Then, your heart races when he says "Hello? Is this (Y/N)?" You grin, saying "Yes, it is! Umm, I was wondering if you would like to set up a date and time to visit the Apple Castle Learning Center?"
🐻"That would be just lovely. We can talk about it tomorrow. Do you want to meet up at Howdy's Place? I'm friends with the owner. We can sit and talk at the little cafe area near the back. They serve some lovely milk tea. We can talk it all over then. I know you have some phone anxiety from your tone." "Of course! How about we meet there at 12 PM?" "That would be lovely. I'll see you then. Goodbye, (Y/N)." "Goodbye."
🐻 You end the call, looking over to Mr. Abbott and telling him the plan. He pats you on the back, telling you how well you did on the phone. You write down some things you need to ask Mr. Darling about, such as what date and time would be best for him to visit, as well what activities would be best. Then, you suddenly realize something... You never told Mr. Darling your name and there is no name tag on your uniform. The daycare doesn't have enough funds to make them... So how did he know it...?
🐻 You write down at the bottom of the list to ask him about it at Howdy's.
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mydnyteraven · 3 months
Something I wrote about a year ago about the confrontation with the suitors in the Odyssey after listening to a preview of song 38.. then called King. Now it’s titled Odysseus. It’s still King to me.
They’d taken everything from him, piece by piece, and now… this trial. Like the final straw, something in him snapped, and he stepped forward. The watching crowd and all the men who had struggled before went silent, watching him come.
“You think you can accomplish what a hundred of Ithaca’s finest could not?”
He paid them no mind. His eyes were fixed ahead.
Reaching out from his ragged cloak, he took the bow.
After so many years, his fingers felt the familiar grain of the leather grip, the smooth polished wood of the limbs.
He handled it carefully, tenderly, as if he were holding, not a weapon, but the woman it represented. The one that watched everything with a owl’s gaze.
He lowered the hood of the cloak, and took up the bowstring. Bracing one limb against his foot, he bent the bow over his shoulder and strung it.
The action was smooth, instinctive, even after so long.
He felt the old strength in his hands and in his arms, like he hadn’t felt in years now.
The axes were lined up, the crowd murmured expectantly. He was handed a quiver of bronze-tipped arrows, which he accepted, knocking one smoothly.
He took a single breath, aimed and on the exhale, loosed the arrow.
The arrow flew true and hit the barrier on the far side.
The crowd, silent no longer, erupted like a crash of thunder, hundreds of voices shouting.
Then she stood. He watched her, as she stepped down from the stands and toward where he stood. She moved like a queen. But gone was the girl he remembered, with the quick smile and razor wit. This woman looked at him with suspicion, and exhaustion. He knew she had felt every moment of these last years, the same as he had. She may still look like a queen, while he stood before her in rags, but she carried the same weight. The same pain.
“I’m sorry I took so long,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “I… I tried—”
She lifted a hand to his cheek, and looked into his eyes, and briefly, he saw a hint of her smile, brighter than the sun.
“I waited for you,” she said, eyes welling with tears.
“No!” Cried the man who had led the competition. He took up one of the axes from where they were lined up.
“This stranger is not even part of this!” He cried. “He has ruined the sanctity of this competition!”
The man in rags turned, and placed himself between the dark man and the queen.
“I have more right to be here than you.” He raised the bow, nocked with another arrow. “Get out of my house. I knew you all when you were children. I know each of your names! Now I stand before you and you say you don’t know me!” The ragged man turned his bow on each man in turn.
They flinched from his aim, shying away from the arrow point. All except one, who still wielded the axe, as if it would do him any good.
“And you…” The ragged man drew the bow. “Your father was a friend. I cared for you like my own son, and now you’ve come, hurt my family, and thought you deserved to take my place!? No.”
He loosed the arrow, and the crowd screamed and began to flee. One of the braziers lighting the room was knocked over and went out, casting the room in darkness. The ragged man’s shadow stretched behind him in the low light, larger than life against the wall.
He stepped slowly forward, and over the body of the dark man, whose blood stained the tiles.
“Who’s next?”
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this is based on the song "Mutiny" from Epic! Fitz is Odysseus and Keefe is Eurylochus
"Tell me you didn't know that would happen," Keefe almost begged Fitz, though he could already feel the guilt wafting off of him, almost as thick as the rain pouring down.
"Look me in the eyes, Fitz." Fitz wouldn't look away from the ocean, so Keefe stepped forward. "Tell me you didn't just give up six of our friend's lives, Fitz, please."
Fitz gripped onto the side of the balcony tighter. The feel of guilt almost choked Keefe, but what made him stop was the resolve.
"SAY SOMETHING!" He shouted, hating how his voice cracked. Finally, this seemed to get a reaction from Fitz, who spun around and Keefe got his first real look at him since Scylla. His hair lay stuck to his face, artfully messy in a way Keefe couldn't help but admire; his eyes were darting everywhere, almost wild-looking, but the teal still took Keefe's breath away.
He was always so effortlessly handsome.
"I CAN'T!" Fitz's scream cut through his thoughts and shattered the silence.
Keefe swallowed, and the lump was almost painful. He drew his sword, determined to protect the last few men he had with him.
"Then you have forced my hand." Fitz seemed to pale.
"Keefe..." his voice was quiet, nervous, and his emotions radiated it too. "Lower your weapon." What did Fitz think Keefe would do? He'd willingly let six people die. Keefe couldn't let that happen again.
"You miss Sophie so bad you're willing to kill." Keefe spat out Sophie's name like it was poison-she was a great person, sure, but worth sacrificing people? No. A hot flash of anger erupted from Fitz.
Fitz drew his own sword. "I don't want to fight you! You would do the same if you were in my position."
Keefe adjusted his grip on his weapon, his palms feeling sweaty. "If you want to make all the choices you get to have all of the blame!" He lunged at Fitz, slashing a cut through his clothes.
How am I supposed to trust you now? Keefe thought as hard as he could, wondering if Fitz's telepathy actually didn't work or he was lying.
The captain seemed to flinch, though that might have been from the cut.
Fitz advanced forward. "Keefe, you need to move because you are not getting in my way." With each flash of their swords Keefe could feel himself get more and more lightheaded as Fitz's guilt seemed to melt away, hiding itself into something smaller. Fury and determination grew in its place.
Keefe lunged forward, and in an attempt to block Fitz's sword, he moved forward too far and it cut through his clothes-and, Keefe realized with growing horror, embedded itself in Fitz. Fitz let out a loud, horrible scream, and staggered back.
A huge wave of pain rushed through Keefe's blood and he immediately kneeled next to him.
"No, no no," Keefe muttered, and yelled behind him. "Do any of you know how to clean a wound?"
No one answered, so he yelled at them to find the nearest island. He needed to help Fitz. He was furious at him, but he was still his friend.
He turned around, trying to ignore Fitz's body, and called for all the crew to dock at the nearest island-they were running low on food.
In a few hours, they'd found one, with hundreds of bright red cows dotting the landscape. When they landed, Keefe told everyone to stay on the ship while he scoped it out.
After a few minutes, he'd decided that it seemed generally safe, though he still couldn't find a single human soul that he could ask to give Fitz come help.
Next to him, a cow mooed.
Keefe could feel his stomach growl.
"Where are we?" asked Fitz, and Keefe jumped, hating himself for letting Fitz sneak up on him. Turning around, Keefe saw that Fitz was being supported by two of the crew members, his dark brown hair frizzy across his face and his signature smile a little wobbly.
Keefe wanted to make a comment about how he shouldn't be standing up but kept his mouth shut.
"We're on an island-the first we found." Keefe turned to him, forcing a grin on his face even when he felt the huge amount of pain Fitz was in.
He kind of deserves it, though. A tiny part of his brain reminded him. Because of him, six people are dead.
Fitz pointed to one of the cows, talking to him almost like Keefe hadn't nearly killed him hours before.
"These are Apollo's cows, you see that statues over there?" Keefe could barely hear him, fingering the grip on his sword. How long could one cow feed the crew?
At least a week, and they'd be actually full for the first time in a while.
A wave of panic coursed through his veins, and he snapped his head over to Fitz.
"Please don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing." Fitz told him. "These cows-they're sacred. We can't kill them."
Keefe laughed, a sad, quiet laugh. "Fitz, you know as well as I do that we're never going to make it home."
Fitz shook his head quickly, and placed his hand on his sword again. "You don't know that, Keefe." He stepped back, and Keefe quietly missed the proximity. "This is the home of the sun god, do you know what will happen if we kill his cows?"
He ignored Fitz, and quietly unsheathed his sword. "How much longer do we need to suffer, Fitz?" Taking a step forward, He heard Fitz's panicked voice behind him, asking him to stop.
"How much longer until you decide that we're not important enough to go home? How much longer until you decide that you want to see Sophie so badly that all of us have to die?"
Fitz flinched, and Keefe took the opportunity to kill the cow, and Fitz let out a yell.
"What have you done?" Keefe spun his head around at the terror in Fitz's voice and in his veins. "You've doomed us all, Keefe! The cows were immortal-the sun god's friends! Who do you think he'll send now that you've killed one?" Keefe's blood turned to ice.
Fitz staggared up to the ship, but Keefe quickly scooped him up and sprinted onto the ship.
"Everyone, grab an oar and row as fast as you can!" Fitz roared.
The entire crew did as they were told, with punctuated with shouts of "Faster!" coming from Fitz, until a clap of thunder came and pure terror radiated off of him, his face turning deathly pale.
"We're too late."
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'i can take care of you. you won't need anyone but me.' for ithaqua? Please I love how you write him!
Sorry anon ithaqua decided he wanted to be a weirdo lol
Rated Mature | Warnings: that classic 'everything is going bad so we are gonna blame this one redhead'
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“I can take care of you. you won't need anyone but me.”
Those words linger in your mind, his masked face above you as he towered over you, his breathing nearly silent while you were breathing heavily. You had been running from him until he corralled you near a cliff overlooking the village.
Ithaqua, the creature of these woods, is mysterious and murderous.
“You don't need them. I will protect you.”
You ran from him, denied him, pushing past him to escape towards the voices calling out to you. His arm snatched you and kept you in place despite the fight you put in to get away from him. He only releases you to run into the priest's arm when the small search party finds you.
He has been seen, the Night Watch, the creature that haunts the Icy Forest. Yet as you hide burying your face in the chest of your God's speaker, the eyes of the Night Watch remain on you.
If only you had known the plan he pulled would bring you back to him one way or another.
The return home was silent, the priest told everyone to remain calm. The creature that plagues their land will fall; they will defeat the evil that haunted their ancestors.
“My child,” Ithaqua must have known what they would do, “Why have you forsaken us, those who have given you shelter and love?”
You looked horrified, you tried telling them what happened! You wrote the words on the paper you carry, they took it away as they grabbed you. Friends and family turning against you in an instant.
The village is not going to survive if this weather keeps up. The storm is keeping everyone inside their homes, and most of the supplies are dwindling. Many fear they aren't going to live to see the next spring.
You only left your house to try to find meat; a rabbit hole or a fox's den, anything to help. This they know, especially the priest who went looking for you.
“You will draw the creature here, witch! We will slay you and your master!”
It is a blur after that as if your mind could not handle the madness and tried to mentally escape. They hit you, a punch here or kick there, maybe a slap that cuts your lip. They tied you to a tree near the edge of the forest.
The plan to kill the creature is to use you as bait, claiming hellspawns always protect their own. But you are no hellspawn, no witch, you are just a misfortune soul who wants to help.
Was it because you could not speak? Was it because you are shy? Or was it the red hair you have… Your head hangs low as you pray to be saved, for this all to be a dream.
“I can take care of you. you won't need anyone but me.”
He spoke to you, approached you in silence like a breeze, his hand touching your hair before you could run away.
Why? Why? Why?
“Fan out!” One of the village hunters shouted as the wind kicked up around you.
You do not lift your head as the sound of crunching snow and a shadow soon looms over you. His long thin claws caress the side of your face. He leans forward, the sentences repeated.
“Say my name.” You now look up at him with an expression of defeat. “Say it and none will harm you ever again.”
The why is simple: You remind him of her. It was the hair that drew him to you, watching from afar this human with scarlet hair try so hard to be good. A natural kindness the people of this cursed village take advantage of too many times.
Under disguise he came to see you, a meek-looking young man passing through— None were the wiser. None truly wanted to be bothered with him or so much as to smile at him. Yet, there you were smiling and holding up a paper with a simple greeting, then waved.
You gave him food and shelter without expecting anything in return, you even gave him preserved food you made for his journey.
Such a sheep, Ithaqua feels, should not be left with wolves in sheepskin.
“I-Ithaqua.” A whisper followed by the thunderous roar of gunfire.
The hunters and the priest moved to where they set the trap only to see nothing, any trace of life taken by the blizzard.
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nowjumpinthewater · 15 days
@ilikebookssomuch and i wrote a crossover of KOTLC and Epic but we started in the saga so there's no backstory :P
Here's their part!! (thunderbringer!)
My part is Mutiny, so hope you enjoy!! (Keefe is Eurylochus and Fitz is Odysseus!)
This is my half for @myfairkatiecat's birthday gift!
Hope you enjoy :DD
you can also find more of these @epic-kotlc-crossover :)
"Tell me you didn't know that would happen," Keefe almost begged Fitz, though he could already feel the guilt wafting off of him, almost as thick as the rain pouring down.
"Look me in the eyes, Fitz." Fitz wouldn't look away from the ocean, so Keefe stepped forward. "Tell me you didn't just give up six of our friend's lives, Fitz, please."
Fitz gripped onto the side of the balcony tighter. The feel of guilt almost choked Keefe, but what made him stop was the resolve.
"SAY SOMETHING!" He shouted, hating how his voice cracked. Finally, this seemed to get a reaction from Fitz, who spun around and Keefe got his first real look at him since Scylla. His hair lay stuck to his face, artfully messy in a way Keefe couldn't help but admire; his eyes were darting everywhere, almost wild-looking, but the teal still took Keefe's breath away.
He was always so effortlessly handsome.
"I CAN'T!" Fitz's scream cut through his thoughts and shattered the silence.
Keefe swallowed, and the lump was almost painful. He drew his sword, determined to protect the last few men he had with him.
"Then you have forced my hand." Fitz seemed to pale.
"Keefe..." his voice was quiet, nervous, and his emotions radiated it too. "Lower your weapon." What did Fitz think Keefe would do? He'd willingly let six people die. Keefe couldn't let that happen again.
"You miss Sophie so bad you're willing to kill." Keefe spat out Sophie's name like it was poison-she was a great person, sure, but worth sacrificing people? No. A hot flash of anger erupted from Fitz.
Fitz drew his own sword. "I don't want to fight you! You would do the same if you were in my position."
Keefe adjusted his grip on his weapon, his palms feeling sweaty. "If you want to make all the choices you get to have all of the blame!" He lunged at Fitz, slashing a cut through his clothes.
How am I supposed to trust you now? Keefe thought as hard as he could, wondering if Fitz's telepathy actually didn't work or he was lying.
The captain seemed to flinch, though that might have been from the cut.
Fitz advanced forward. "Keefe, you need to move because you are not getting in my way." With each flash of their swords Keefe could feel himself get more and more lightheaded as Fitz's guilt seemed to melt away, hiding itself into something smaller. Fury and determination grew in its place.
Keefe lunged forward, and in an attempt to block Fitz's sword, he moved forward too far and it cut through his clothes-and, Keefe realized with growing horror, embedded itself in Fitz. Fitz let out a loud, horrible scream, and staggered back.
A huge wave of pain rushed through Keefe's blood and he immediately kneeled next to him.
"No, no no," Keefe muttered, and yelled behind him. "Do any of you know how to clean a wound?"
No one answered, so he yelled at them to find the nearest island. He needed to help Fitz. He was furious at him, but he was still his friend.
He turned around, trying to ignore Fitz's body, and called for all the crew to dock at the nearest island-they were running low on food.
In a few hours, they'd found one, with hundreds of bright red cows dotting the landscape. When they landed, Keefe told everyone to stay on the ship while he scoped it out.
After a few minutes, he'd decided that it seemed generally safe, though he still couldn't find a single human soul that he could ask to give Fitz come help.
Next to him, a cow mooed.
Keefe could feel his stomach growl.
"Where are we?" asked Fitz, and Keefe jumped, hating himself for letting Fitz sneak up on him. Turning around, Keefe saw that Fitz was being supported by two of the crew members, his dark brown hair frizzy across his face and his signature smile a little wobbly.
Keefe wanted to make a comment about how he shouldn't be standing up but kept his mouth shut.
"We're on an island-the first we found." Keefe turned to him, forcing a grin on his face even when he felt the huge amount of pain Fitz was in.
He kind of deserves it, though. A tiny part of his brain reminded him. Because of him, six people are dead.
Fitz pointed to one of the cows, talking to him almost like Keefe hadn't nearly killed him hours before.
"These are Apollo's cows, you see that statues over there?" Keefe could barely hear him, fingering the grip on his sword. How long could one cow feed the crew?
At least a week, and they'd be actually full for the first time in a while.
A wave of panic coursed through his veins, and he snapped his head over to Fitz.
"Please don't tell me you're doing what I think you're doing." Fitz told him. "These cows-they're sacred. We can't kill them."
Keefe laughed, a sad, quiet laugh. "Fitz, you know as well as I do that we're never going to make it home."
Fitz shook his head quickly, and placed his hand on his sword again. "You don't know that, Keefe." He stepped back, and Keefe quietly missed the proximity. "This is the home of the sun god, do you know what will happen if we kill his cows?"
He ignored Fitz, and quietly unsheathed his sword. "How much longer do we need to suffer, Fitz?" Taking a step forward, He heard Fitz's panicked voice behind him, asking him to stop.
"How much longer until you decide that we're not important enough to go home? How much longer until you decide that you want to see Sophie so badly that all of us have to die?"
Fitz flinched, and Keefe took the opportunity to kill the cow, and Fitz let out a yell.
"What have you done?" Keefe spun his head around at the terror in Fitz's voice and in his veins. "You've doomed us all, Keefe! The cows were immortal-the sun god's friends! Who do you think he'll send now that you've killed one?" Keefe's blood turned to ice.
Fitz staggared up to the ship, but Keefe quickly scooped him up and sprinted onto the ship.
"Everyone, grab an oar and row as fast as you can!" Fitz roared.
The entire crew did as they were told, with punctuated with shouts of "Faster!" coming from Fitz, until a clap of thunder came and pure terror radiated off of him, his face turning deathly pale.
"We're too late."
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fleurswn · 4 months
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La belle au bois dormant: The Sleeping Beauty.
Pairings: Tom Riddle x Female!Reader
Word Count: Bla blabla
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: You are a great friend to Hermione Granger, staying by her side despite being a year younger. As the Battle of Hogwarts rages on and the darkness of the night grows thicker, you stayed with the Light side. When Voldemort and his Death Eaters emerge from the depths of the Forbidden forest, silence falls upon the battlefield. The air is heavy with dread as Hagrid steps foward, revealing the limp body of Harry Potter in his arms.
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After casting a spell that sent a death eater flying away, you collapsed against the crumbled wall of the corridor.
Once vibrant and full of life, it now exuded the sense of sorrowness. A sharp, stinging pain in your abdomen drew your attention, and upon examining the wound, you saw the deep, bleeding gash that marred your flesh.
"Fuck!" you exclaimed, the pain and shock causing your voice to tremble. The sight of crimson liquid flowing steadily from the wound left you feeling lightheaded and weak.
Suddenly, you hear footsteps approached, you clenched your teeth, shut your eyes, and held your breath, desperately hoping to remain undetected and praying to whoever above for a chance to survive.
When you sense someone standing in front of you, you part your eyes slightly, only to catch the sight of Tom Riddle himself standing there, the firstborn of The Dark Lord.
Despite your parents' allegiance to the Dark Lord, you have always feel a deep hatred towards Tom. The idea of pureblood supremacy has never sat well with you.
However, your rejection to your parents believe had led you to run away from home when your parents attempted to pressure you into taking the dark mark. Fortunately, your aunt welcomed you with open arms into her home.
Now, Tom Riddle looms over you, as you struggle to conceal the bleeding gash on your skin. Memories flood back from the time before the Battle of Hogwarts, when Tom had cornered you upon your return to Hogwarts after running away from your household. He expressed disappointment in what he perceived as wasted potential, urging you to join the his side, the winning side.
In a moment of anger, you had slapped Tom that day. While any other person might have to face consequences for such an act, Tom merely responded with a smirk before walking away.
That absolutely make you feel more ang—
"Oh, Doll," Tom cooed, interrupting your train of thoughts.
Tom knelt down in front of you, his fingers gently wiping away the blood trickling from your slightly torn lips. You felt the urge to bite his fingers, but he quickly pulled them away. His gaze shifted to the blood seeping from your abdomen.
"Oh, my poor darling. Does this hurt?" he taunted, mocking your pain. "Fuck off, Riddle." You hissed and tried to move away, but he grabbed your shoulder firmly, keeping you in place.
"Stay still now, would you?" He pulls out his wand, pointing it to your abdomen.
You held your breath, expecting a deadly curse, but instead you watched in suprise as he flick his wand and muttered, "Vulnera Sanentur."
The bleeding slowed and your wound began to mend. "Why are you doing this?" you asked, fighting back a whimper as the magic stitched your skin back together.
Ignoring your question, Tom chuckled darkly. "It's not too late to join me, Y/N. It's clear who will win the war," he said, cocking his head slightly.
"Don't underestimate the other side, Riddle. You know nothing," you retorted, gritting your teeth against the pain. His face hardened as he stood.
"Silly girl. You will come to me eventually. And when you do, I will forgive you. I am, merciful, afterall." he declared before walking away.
"Go to hell!" you shouted after him, watching as he disappeared, leaving you leaning against the wall.
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You sat there, not sure of how much time had passed until a familiar voice called out your name. Instantly on alert, you reached for your wand in your pocket, ready to cast a shield until you realized it was Hermione approaching you.
Concern etched on her face as she knelt down beside you, "Oh, Y/N, what happened?" she asked, her voice trembling. "A Death Eater stabbed me, but I think I'm alright now," you muttered, gesturing to your now stitched wound evident through your torn shirt. Hermione's eyes followed your gaze, filled with worry.
"Do you think you can stand?" Hermione asked, her voice filled with concern, to which you shook your head. Despite your attempts to rise, the pain from your fresh stitches made it feel like you would stumble with every attempt. You had tried to cast any spell that could help you, but when you try to focus on casting a spell, the pain made it difficult to concentrate on anything else. "Could you help me up?" you requested.
Hermione looped her arm around your shoulder, supporting you as you struggled to steady yourself. You leaned on her for support, feeling a sense of relief at her presence.
"Where are Harry and Ron? Are they okay?" you asked, noticing the worry etched on Hermione's face. The change in her demeanor only heightened your anxiety, prompting you to ask again, "Hermione, please tell me what happened," your voice trembling, a sinking feeling settling in your gut.
"Harry went to surrender himself to Voldemort," Hermione choked out, causing you to gasp in shock. Trying to compose herself, Hermione wiped her eyes, her features now marked by despair. Realizing now was not the right time for grief, she spoke solemnly, "We have to focus on the task at hand. We need to destroy the snake; it's Voldemort's final Horcrux," her words carrying the weight of their urgency as she help you in walking.
You took deep breaths, struggling to calm the turmoil within you, unable to understand Harry's sacrificial decision.
Your breath caught in your chest as you reached the scene, witnessing the horrorfying sight of Hagrid carrying Harry, his still form appearing pale and motionless.
Denial flooded your thoughts, a chorus of "no" echoing in your mind. He couldn't be gone, it couldn't be true...
The voice of the Dark Lord boomed, "Harry Potter is dead!" You saw the fear and despair in Hermione's eyes mirrored your own. The dark laughter of the Death Eaters surrounded you, creating an atmosphere of pure terror.
Hermione reached out to you, but before either of you could react, a spell hit you square in the chest. Your body convulsed with the impact, and a wave of dizziness washed over you. Your vision blurred, and you felt like as if the world was spinning out of control.
Through the haze, you could hear Hermione's panicked voice calling out to you, but it sounded distant, as if coming from far away. Your eyelids grew heavy, tempting you to surrender to the darkness encroaching upon your consciousness.
As you sway on the brink of unconsciousness, a last image seared itself into your mind - the triumphant smirk on Tom's face as he stared directly at you. Eventually, you give in to the welcoming embrace of oblivion.
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And that's all what you could remember, before you found yourself lying on a soft mattress inside a glass coffin.
Panic tried to grip you, but failed.
Your torn clothes were replaced with clean ones, and you felt refreshed for the first time since the battle. Despite feeling light-headed and tired, a strange sense of calm coming over you.
You tried to move your fingers, hands, and legs, a tingling feeling spread throughout your body. After some effort, you managed to move your arm and reached out to touch the glass of the ornated coffin. It was decorated with gold in the shape of a flower.
Struggling to clear your foggy mind, you slowly tilted your head to have a look at the room.
It was dimly lit by a dying candle and the faint daylight streaming through a window covered with a thin curtain.
The room you find yourself in is undeniably beautiful, so much so that you can't help but wish you could live there if only your aunt's wealth wasn't so limited. It's the kind of place you imagine Malfoy, with his extravagant tastes, would call home.
The only sounds that fill the room are the gentle rhythm of your own breathing and the distant rustle of leaves outside the window.
Everything was so peacefull until you hear creak of a door opening breaks the silence, followed by the steady thud of boots crossing the floor.
Panic flares within you, yet your heart stayed strangely steady.
It's as though your mind has been wrapped in a soothing fog, leaving you calm and almost detached from the situation. You close your eyes. You felt like you were under a.. sleeping-draught potion.
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gracexthoughts · 5 months
of violent delights chap 22
the champions
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31 october 1996
Mattheo’s POV 
“It’s not going to wooork!” Granger calls in a sing-song voice as the Twins soak in the scattered applause from the other students around, ready to submit their names. The Goblet of Fire has been set up towards the front of the Great Hall, the tables pushed back and squished together to accommodate the large cup and magical age line surrounding it. 
“C’mon, ‘Mione!” One twin groans. 
“Have a little faith,” adds the other, which I think is George. Mia has been trying to show me how to tell them apart and if they would stand still I probably could do it. 
“She’s right,” Mia says from my side. It’s a Saturday so Mia and I went to Hogsmeade for lunch and as we were entering the castle on our way back, the Twins were running into the Great Hall like they were about to win a race. “You didn’t account for the age line.” The Twins turn to look at her eyebrows raised. 
“This right here, is an age line,” Mia says, pointing to the silvery blue boundary that encircles the Goblet.
"Dumbledore drew it himself!" Granger says, seeming very pleased that Mia agrees with her.
“I highly doubt Dumbledore’s magic can be fooled by a dodge as obvious as an aging potion," adds Mia.
“Ah! But that’s why it's so genius, Phe,” Fred says; I can tell it's Fred because he steps so close to Mia that I have to make an effort not to push him back. Fred is much more physically affectionate with Mia than George and while I trust Mia, I can’t help the jealousy that flairs in my chest for the guy that knows my girlfriend better than I may ever be able to. 
“Because it's so obvious that they would assume no one would try it!” George answers. 
“By all means, if it works then you can brag for the rest of the year about how genius you both are,” Mia laughs at her friends and the Twins high five, drink their potions, and turn to the Goblet, very slowly and carefully stepping over the age line, which bends against the legs but does let them pass. Mia bites her bottom lip as she watches it all happen and my mind wanders as I watch her for a moment, no longer interested in the Twins but rather focusing on my jumping her right here.
My focus is pulled from Mia’s lips as the Twins shout and fly over the crowd surrounding the Goblet and land hard on the floor. I follow my girlfriend as she pushes her way through the crowd frantically only to see Fred and George fighting on the floor as old men. Mia fails to stifle a laugh and I don’t even try not to bust out laughing as the Weasley Twins, in their new found old age, wrestle and yell at each other on the floor of the Great Hall. Eventually, Mia sighs and steps forward, lightly kicking their sides until they release each other. 
“Not to say I told you so but-” 
“Mia, you gotta help us fix it!” One of them begs, their voice cracking as they stand, rubbing their back as if it pains them. Well, they are elderly now I guess. 
“What? How is this my fault? I think you both look rather dashing,” Mia teases, clearly trying hard not to bust out laughing again. “I’ll walk with you to Pomphrey,” she adds before turning to me. “Met up after the feast?” 
“Sounds good, princess. Good luck with the grandads,” I press a small kiss to her forehead before she turns and shoves the elderly Twins forward, the three of them leaving with their laughter echoing in their wake. 
“Can’t believe you’re dating her,” Draco’s voice sneers from my side and I turn to face my cousin, his hair reflecting the blue flames coming out of the Goblet. 
“Bugger off, Draco,” I grumble, turning back to see Krum throw his name into the Goblet as well, all the girls in the room admiring him as he turns and leaves. 
“Father was surprised, of course, but sounds like your mother wasn’t. Although, he supposed it could be a very clever ruse. Breaking the heart of The Girl Who Lived, a small revenge for the death of a father,” Draco continues. Like a little brother, he has always loved winding me up, and unfortunately, I’m an easy man to anger. 
“You and your father need to keep your noses out of my life,” I snap, turning and shoving the smaller boy slightly, causing him to stumble back a step. “You leave the Potters alone.” 
“You can’t tell me what to do!” He cries indignantly but before I can respond, Ella appears by his side. 
“C’mon Dray, don’t lower yourself by fussing with blood traitors,” she coos cruelly, her dark eyes narrowed at me angrily. I clench my jaw at the insult but I don’t rise to their taunts. 
“Come off it, Elladora,” Enzo says, appearing at my side with his arms crossed. Theo appears on my other side and gratitude floods in me for my two best friends. Ella and Draco roll their eyes and sneer as they turn their backs and leave the Great Hall whispering intently. 
“Malfoy-Riddle holidays are gonna get super fun for you,” Theo comments, trying to break tension, and I grunt in acknowledgement. 
“Don’t worry about them, Matt,” Enzo says calmly. 
“Easy,” I respond simply. “You guys want a smoke?” I ask, wanting to escape to the Astronomy Tower and ignore the rest of the world. 
“Yeah, let’s go. Tired of this display anyway,” Theo nods and the three of us exit the Great Hall and make our way towards the tower. 
“The time has come to select our Triwizard Tournament champions!” Dumbledore announces, stepping down from the teachers table towards the Goblet of Fire, his hand outstretched as he dims the torches around the Hall.
“Ah, here we go,” Evan mutters, turning in his seat so he can watch, leaning his back against the table. I catch Mia’s eye at the next table over and she smiles, scrunching her nose adorably before turning back around to watch the choosing ceremony. “Once the champions' names are called, please come up to the top of the Hall and proceed into the next chamber and await your instructions,” Dumbledore motions towards a door to the side of the teachers table.
The entirety of the hall waits in tense excitement as the Goblet of Fire begins shining more brightly, so bright it's almost painful to look too closely at it. Suddenly, the flames turn bright red and jump up to a height of a foot or so and a burned piece of parchment flutters down and Dumbledore catches it easily. “The Durmstrang champion is… Victor Krum!” 
Applause echoes through the halls for the Bulgarian Seeker as he stands and sweeps up towards the table and is congratulated by Karkaroff before he disappears through the door. 
“No surprise there,” Enzo mutters back to Theo and I as the flames just up again and spit out another paper. 
“The champion for Beauxbatons is… Fleur Delacour!” A lithe blonde girl stands from amongst the sea of blue silk uniforms, looking quite proud, and saunters up to Dumbledore before continuing in Krum’s path as the student body cheers, especially the boys. 
“Oh man,” Evan says as he leans back to watch Fleur as she walks, adding a low whistle to punctuate his sentence. Astoria reaches over the table and smacks Evan on the back of his head. The French girl is beautiful for certain, but it seems I am one of the only ones not fawning over her. 
Just as Fleur disappears, the goblet shoots the third and final paper. “The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!” The Slytherins around me groan, but Hufflepuff explodes in uproar as they cheer for their champion. 
“What a pretty boy,” Theo mutters but I’m focused on Mia as Diggory smiles and nods at Mia as he passes her, his eyes lingering longer than on anyone else he passes. I see George and Fred glaring at him and I’m glad someone else agrees that the newly appointed Hogwarts champion should stay far away from my girl. 
“That’s it!” Dumbledore yells, the students quieting down as Diggory slips through the door. “We now have our three champions, and I’m sure the rest of you will be very supportive.” The Headmaster falters in his speech as the Goblet begins sparking and the flames turn red and shoot out a fourth paper. 
Dumbledore, looking quite bewildered, reaches for the paper and squints at it. He murmurs a name but I’m sitting too far away to hear it but the students up front begin whispering rapidly and looking towards the Gryffindor table. 
“... Potter,” my blood runs cold at the last name, although I didn’t catch the first name I’m terrified for Mia. She never said she found a way to enter, she didn’t even seem like she wanted to. “HARRY POTTER!” Dumbledore roars louder, interrupting my thoughts and relief floods my chest, soon followed by guilt.
For a moment no one moves. My eyes find Mia a table over, seemingly frozen in time with wide eyes. She doesn’t move until Harry passes her on his way up to Dumbledore, and even I can tell Harry doesn’t understand what’s happening. At the sight of her brother, Mia moves suddenly, like her brain was struggling to process information but now that it has she jumps up from her seat. 
“Headmaster, it must be a mistake!” She calls and Harry looks back to his sister, the fear and confusion in her eyes mirrored in his near identical ones. Mia steps over her seat, trying to go after her brother, but one of the Weasley Twins, I can’t tell which from here, stands and pulls her back. She struggles against him as she watches her brother take the parchment from Dumbledore and walk dazed towards the door. Evan, Enzo, Theo and Astoria all look at me with varying degrees of confusion. 
“How did he get past the Age Line?” Evan whispers but I’m not listening. I don’t listen to Dumbledore as he dismisses us either because all I’m aware of is the terror on Mia’s face. Students begin standing around me and I push my way through the crowd to try and reach Mia. 
Mia doesn’t stay put though, she begins pushing her way towards Dumbledore, who is speaking to McGonagall next to the goblet. I’m a few steps behind Mia as she reaches the professors. 
“Headmaster! How is this possible? Harry didn’t enter, he couldn’t have!” She cries and I can hear the panic in her voice as I step up behind her, the Twins next to me now as well. 
“Miss Potter, please,” Dumbledore says placatingly but Mia forges ahead. 
“You can’t let him compete! He’s only sixteen!” 
“We will do everything we can to ensure-” 
“I’ll compete for him!” Mia interrupts again, and I share a glance with the Twins. “I’ll be 19 in a few months, please! You have to let me take his place, he’s not-
“Miss Potter!” Dumbledore snaps, halting Mia in her tracks. “Please, let us handle it and you can come speak to me about it tomorrow if you still wish,” and with that Dumbledore turns around and sweeps back towards the teacher’s table, followed by Karkaroff, Madam Maxine, and an entourage of Hogwarts teachers. 
“Professor, please, I’ll do anything if it means Harry doesn’t have to do this. There has to be a way,” Mia begs of McGonagall, whose face is grave. McGonagall reaches out and puts a hand on Mia’s shoulder. 
“I know you’re frightened, Miss Potter, but there is not much that can be done tonight. I will speak with the Headmaster and you and I can speak tomorrow. For now, just go on back to the common room, and be there for your brother,” McGonagall squeezes Mia’s shoulder and gives her a small, reassuring smile before turning and following after Dumbledore. 
Mia watches her go for a moment before turning back to me, Fred and George. Her beautiful green eyes are wide with fear and her bottom lip is trembling. 
“C’mon, Mia. Let’s go back to the common room, I’m sure Harry will be back up there soon,” Fred says calmly. The Great Hall is almost completely empty now save us and a few stragglers. 
Mia turns her eyes to me, “Will you com-” 
“Of course, Mia. C’mon,” I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and I lead her out of the Great Hall behind the Twins, the last people in the Hall eyeing Mia suspiciously. 
As we enter the Gryffindor Common Room, students shoot us looks, emotions ranging from suspicion to hatred. I mean, every time I’m anywhere near Gryffindor Tower I get plenty of wary stares and glares but I’ve never seen this reaction for Mia. Mia begins to follow Fred and George to the couches where the rest of her and Harry’s friends sit but she looks around for a moment at the rest of the room, her jaw ticking. 
“I have to go write to Remus and… I have to go write to Remus,” she says in the general direction of the circle of friends and then continues through the room, her head held high. I follow after her and find her frantically searching through the piles on her desk.
Something I’ve learned about Mia in the last two months, she’s kinda messy. I mean she’s brilliant and seems to have a system, but she’s also a little chaotic. Typically, every surface in her dorm room is littered with books and quills and parchment and the occasional dirty coffee cup. It doesn't help that her friends are in here all the time as well, I'm sure, but she doesn't seem to mind.
I close the door gently as Mia manages to find a quill and some clean parchment. She leans over her desk, perched on the very edge of her chair as she furiously scribbles out a letter. 
“Mia…” I say gently, placing my hands on her shoulders. 
“One sec,” she mutters, pushing one paper addressed to Remus Lupin, her godfather, away and switching to a second piece of parchment and starting a second letter. 
“Who’s Padfoot?” I ask curiously, having never heard the name before. 
“Nobody,” she mutters distantly and I sigh, backing up a few steps. I stand in the middle of the room, my mind running a hundred miles a minute at who the hell she’s writing to. I grit my teeth as I try to control my jealousy and worries. After another minute of the scratching of her quill she stands and moves to grab her cloak. 
“Woah, where are you going?” I ask, stepping in front of her. 
“Owlery, I have to send these,” she says, not looking at me. Once Mia gets her mind set on something, not much can stop her. 
“Mia, just stop for a second and think! It’s dark and Harry will probably be back any minute. You can send them tomorrow!” I say, still blocking her path. 
“Mattheo, stop! Let me go! They have to know! I need their help!” Mia yells as panic starts to overtake her again. 
“No! Mia, just take a breath!” 
“Get out of my way!” 
“No!” I yell, and put my hand out towards her, without thinking, and she flinches. “Oh fuck, Mia. Princess, I’m sorry. I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise,” I say, lowering my voice and my hand slowly. My heart breaks as I look at my girlfriend looking at me like a cornered animal. 
“No, I know. I’m sorry,” Mia says, dropping her gaze to the floor and shaking her head. I hesitantly take a few steps forward until I’m standing toe to toe with her and reach out, lifting her chin so she looks up at me. 
“Don’t apologize. What they did to you is not your fault and I shouldn’t have yelled. I’m just… worried about you,” I say earnestly, cupping her face as a tear spills over her eyelashes. “Shit, I’m so sorry,” I whisper, pulling her into a hug and, finally, she relents into my embrace, shaking as sobs wrack her body. “You’re safe, baby, no one’s gonna hurt you.” 
After a few minutes, Mia takes a deep breath and steps back, moving to sit on her bed and I follow, sitting next to her. “Padfoot is Harry’s godfather… Better known as Sirius Black,” Mia says quietly. 
“What?” I say, surprised and turn to look at Mia.
“I’m gonna explain, it's a long story though, so just hang on, okay?” Mia says, setting the letters down on her nightstand and leaning abc against the headboard. I nod and lean against one of the posts of her bed, watching her intently as she tells me the story of her second to last night of fifth year. How she and Harry found out that Sirius Black is innocent and the person who betrayed her parents was actually Peter Pettigrew, who had been hiding as the Weasley family rat. 
“We write to him as Padfoot in case the Ministry intercepts one, so… yeah,” Mia finishes with a sigh and I can’t help but laugh, a memory resurfacing suddenly. “What? I’m telling the truth!” 
“No, I believe you, I just… So at that party last year when I asked if you had anything to do with Sirius Black escaping, well I just never thought you actually had!” I laugh, and after a moment Mia laughs too. 
“Bloody hell, I forgot about that,” she laughs, but too soon the levity fades from her face, worry creeping back in. I move to lay next to her and pull her into my embrace. She lays her head over my chest and wraps her arms tightly around my waist as I do the same around her shoulder, holding her close to me. 
“It’s gonna be okay,” I whisper into her hair, rubbing circles on her arm. “We’ll figure it out.” I hold her like this until her breathing evens out and she slips down into her dreams.
The first thing I notice when I wake, is Mia is nowhere to be found.
a/n; ayo new banner!! i was spending way too much time trying to find the perfect gifs so i decided to make a banner instead. the amount of time i spent on those stupid letters is kinda ridiculous
taglist; @purplegardenwhispers @somethingswiftandstyles @weasleyreidstyles @mayamonroem @girlbooklover555 @abaker74 @stxrsberkshire
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sirdolraan · 21 days
Escape from Dalaran, Part One
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Dalaran was in chaos. Lorellai had barely managed to link up with Dolraan and Janosis, and introduced them to her new friend Spiru before the Nerubians had appeared, emerging from portals to attack the entire city at once.
Lorellai pulled her scarf up over her nose to try and keep the dust and rubble from choking her as she fired her pistol at an advancing nerubian, silently thanking her da' for giving her a full box of explosive rounds. The four of them fought well in tandem, despite the chaos and screaming all around them.
Janosis ducked behind Dolraan's armored form, firing arcane bolts at the fliers overhead. "Please tell me we have a plan beyond shoot them until they overwhelm us!" he cried, doing his best to keep the skies in their immediate vicinity cleared.
Stroganoff lashed a Nerubian with his big tongue, allowing Spiru to land a flying kick to its head, cracking its carapace and casing it to fall lifeless. "I can hear calls from the mages to evacuate, where would they be trying to get to?"
"The landing!" Lorellai shouted, "that's the muster point for evacuations, since it has all the teleport runes and flying creatures! Hey! Everyone, get to the landing!" she cried, but her voice was lost amidst the chaos. "Dangit, it's too noisy, we'll have to go house to house?"
A glare of pure Light got her attention, as she turned to see Dolraan's armor and shield glowing along with his eyes, and his voice boomed out. "PEOPLE OF DALARAN! THE CALL HAS BEEN MADE TO EVACUATE! PROCEED TO KRASUS' LANDING! WE SHALL PROTECT YOU!" he shouted, punctuating his sentence by throwing his shield at a big nerubian and knocking it from the wall it was crawling on.
The effect was immediate, as several citizens began to emerge from hiding places, dashing towards the landing and covering their heads. "Alright, move with them, keep the spiders away, we'll worry about the rest later!" Dolraan ordered, taking the point and leading the survivors as the rest of them followed, Lorellai and Stroganoff taking up the rear. The nerubians began to swarm at them, seeing so many moving targets at once, and the four adventurers were hard pressed to keep them at bay. Lorellai unloaded her pistol at several advancing nerubians, but in the chaos she lost her count, and the click of an empty chamber filled her with dread as a cluster of flying horrors descended on her. She drew her spear and got ready to call out when she was knocked to the ground as Stroganoff lept in their path, the flyers striking into his massive hide instead of her body. He croaked in pain as he spun and lashed at them with his tongue, and Lorellai let out a cry as she lashed out with her spear, stabbing and sweeping the monsters off her, wincing at the deep wounds their fangs and probisci left. She felt two sets of arms pull her to her feet as mirror images of Spiru lifted her, while the third continued to hold off the right flank. Whistling for Stroganoff, they continued to retreat.
At the landing, things were calmer. The contingent of Dalaran guardians were bolstered by Silver Covenant and Sunreaver warmages, protecting the civilians and the mages who were teleporting them to hopeful safety down on the surface below. Lorellai breathed a sigh of relief until she heard Stroganoff's strained croak, and turned to see him looking very worse for wear. "Buddy! Dolraan help, Stroganoff's been poisoned!" she called, trying to lift her listing hornswog back into a comfortable sitting position as he listed to one side. Dolraan and Spiru came over, Dolraan's hands glowing as he called upon the Light. "Whoof, whatever it is, it's fighting back, I'm having trouble purifying him."
Spiru hopped up Stroganoff's back, peering into his eyes, and encircling him with mists. "The poison is tainted with void energies. He requires medical aid beyond my capabilities."
"Not likely with the city in shambles," Janosis said, "I'm pretty sure the medical quarter was one of the first hit!"
Lorellai looked into her buddy's eyes, tears stinging hers, and he croaked apologetically. "It's okay buddy, you did real good, I love you so much," she said, digging in one of her pouches, and pulling out a device. "Everyone get clear, I'm sending him home," she declared, activating her emergency Dimensional Ripper. "This is going to be loud!" she continued, tossing the device in Stroganoff's mouth so he wouldn't drop it as Spiru hopped down and Janosis moved behind Dolraan. After a three count, there was a beep sound, and then Stroganoff appeared to explode as the Dimensional Ripper activated. Lorellai held her scanner tightly, watching the light turn from yellow to green. "He made it... I think!"
"Your dad will take good care of him. Alright everyone, there's more people in need, I'm going back in for them. If you're able, I'd appreciate you at my back." Dolraan declared, adjusting his shield.
"I was afraid you were going to say that. I'm with you," Janosis sighed.
"I came here to help, and that's what I intend to do," Spiru declared.
Lorellai stowed her scanner and reloaded her pistol. "For Stroganoff."
Dolraan nodded at the trio. "Alright, let's go meddle!" he shouted, as he led them back into the chaos of the ailing Flying City.
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╭₊˚ ๑︰Loud Music, No Thoughts ๑ ꒱
✧.* featuring: yn being tasked with distracting Tweek while Craig is away for the weekend leading to them showing him a new form of stress relief
✧.* tags: college au, comedy, established relationship (tweek x craig)
✧.* Characters: tweek tweek, craig tucker
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"What do you mean 'I'm in charge of Tweek'?"
Craig sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose as though he weren’t the one dropping his boyfriend on me for the weekend without asking me beforehand. I’m not sure why he gets to be the annoyed one in this situation. I’m the one who thought they were being invited to a coffee hang with their friend only for it to turn into a job request. 
“I mean, I need you to watch him this weekend.”
“Isn’t that literally your job?”
“Yes, but my family’s annual camping trip is this weekend and it’s strictly family. So you need to hang out with Tweek until I get back.”
“Why do I need to watch over a literal adult?” I asked, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair, confused as to why this was my problem.
“Because he gets freaked out every year when I go and doesn’t sleep until I’m back because he assumes a bear is going to maul me in my sleep.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“So you have to distract him.”
“And how exactly do I do that?”
Craig shrugged, “I don’t know, just hang out with him or something.”
“Very descriptive, thank you for putting so much care into ensuring your boyfriend rests well this weekend.” I said in a deadpan voice, staring at him blankly. 
“Can you actually shut the fuck up.”
I straightened in my chair, looking at Craig with an aghast expression. 
Is he really going to ask me to babysit his boyfriend that I barely talk to then bitch at me about it? 
“Oh? What was that?” I asked, looking down at a fake watch on my wrist then looking back to Craig with a pout, “Sorry, I think my weekend just filled up-”
“Come on, yn.” Craig tried to protest but I continued the act.
“What was that?” I lifted my phone up to my ear, pretending to take a call, “I’m getting a call from Kenny? He wants to have a Mario Party marathon all weekend?” I lowered the phone and looked at Craig with an exaggerated apologetic frown, “Sorry, dude. It looks like I’m busy this weekend. If only someone had said please when asking me to babysit their anxiety ridden boyfriend instead of being asshole of the month-”
“Okay, fine!” Craig shouted, averting his eyes while his hands gripped the bottom of his sweatshirt as though it physically pained him to consider asking nicely, “Will you please hang out with Tweek this weekend?” His eyes darted to my face to catch a glimpse of my reaction before looking away quickly.
I made a show of pondering the request, tapping my finger on my chin and letting out many inquisitive “hmmmm”s. It's not often that THE Craig Tucker asks for something nicely and I wanted to savor the moment in its entirety, but the longer I drew out the bit, the more visible annoyed Craig became. I gave a final inquisitive hmmm before turning back to Craig with a smirk, shrugging my shoulders as I agreed to help.
“Yeah, sure. How hard can it be?”
“No Tweek, Craig’s not going to drown while attempting to catch salmon with his bare hands. I don’t even think he knows what a salmon looks like.”
Turns out it is very hard.
 I arrived at Tweek Bros Coffee at 12:30 pm. It was currently 1:43 pm and I've run out of things to do. I brought coloring books but Tweek kept breaking the colored pencils then freaking out about said broken colored pencils. I brought Yahtzee! but Tweek couldn’t figure out how to shake the dice without sending them flying across the cafe. I didn’t even try the Uno deck I’d brought. I only brought it because I genuinely didn’t know much about Tweek and if Yahtzee! wasn’t his thing, I didn’t see Uno being any better. 
So here we sat, awkwardly avoiding eye contact at a table as Tweek continued to spiral about the various terrible things that could be happening to Craig on his trip. I had never spent much time with Tweek one-on-one. We’d mixed in a group just fine but the dynamic shift was throwing me off as much as it seemed to throw him off. 
Tweek’s leg bounced at sonic speed as a hand tapped on the table with a similar rhythm. His eyes darted around the cafe, focusing on different spots for a second before moving to the next. Anywhere but on me. He’d worn one of Craig’s sweatshirts today, probably as a way to try and calm himself down even if it was a futile attempt, and his other hand twisted the aglet of the hood’s drawstring. 
If I hooked him up to a hamster wheel, he could power the whole city for a week. 
I shook off the idea. Craig probably wouldn’t approve of me utilizing his boyfriend’s manic energy to generate clean energy.
“So…” I started, trailing off as Tweek snaps his head in my direction, not knowing where I was going now that I had his attention. “What do you and Craig normally do?” 
“Well, we usually watch movies or-” He cut off momentarily as a twitch shook his head, “Or he helps me bake something. But now he won’t be able to help me bake if his car is hit by an avalanche on the way back-”
Oh god, not again. 
“But that’s not going to happen because they’re going in the opposite direction of the mountains!” I quickly retorted. Tweek’s tense shoulder’s didn’t relax from the response, only pausing his most recent spiral until the next thought crossed his mind. 
The awkward silence returned as I wracked my brain for something we could do other than sit here and play verbal tennis with Tweek’s anxiety for the next 48 hours. 
I could text Jimmy, Tolkien, and Clyde? Maybe they’ll be better at this than me? Hell, anyone would be better than me at this. 
“Do you listen to any music?” I asked. As much as I hated small talk, if Tweek and I are spending the next two days together I might as well take the opportunity to get to know him more. 
Tweek shook his head. But with the twitching it looked more like a rapid shake to get water out of your ear. “Not really. I’ve tried listening to lofi or classical music to relax but it’s always so quiet that I can’t help but think about everything that’s bothering me.”
As he spoke, the hand on the table stopped tapping as quickly and his gaze slowed it’s constant jumping. His leg still moved like a rabbit but it seemed he’d forgotten about Craig’s impending doom in favor of music for a brief moment,
“Dude yeah, that’s because you shouldn’t be listening to chill music if you don’t want to think.” I said, jumping at the first conversation topic which seems to have distracted him. Tweek turned to look at me, eyebrows furrowed.
“What do you mean? Craig said that calm music is the best way to calm down-” His eyes widened as he remembered Craig was currently camping his way to death. 
Fuck get him back before he spirals again!
“What I mean,” I began, putting both hands on the table to grab Tweek’s attention, “is that when you don’t want to think, you need to listen to loud songs so that you can’t think.”
“How does that even work? If I can’t think then I’m not sentient and if I’m not sentient then am I even human-” I cut Tweek off, pulling out my headphones and connecting them to my phone. 
“Here, let me show you.” I put my headphones in his hand, guesting for him to put them in when he stared at me with blank eyes. Once Tweek secured the headphones in his ears, I queued up my favorite ‘life is too much, I need to scream’ songs starting with the classic I’m Not Okay by My Chemical Romance. I made sure the volume was nice and high then sat back to let Tweek experience the true serotonin boost of loud music, no thoughts. 
As the song played, I observed Tweek’s movements. Or more accurately, the lack of movement. His leg’s bouncing slowed before eventually coming to a stop. The hand which has incessantly tapped an unknown tune on the table switched to following the familiar beat of the song. His head even began to slowly bob to the music, the once erratic rise and fall of his chest slowing to a natural pace. 
Oh my god. I fixed Tweek.
The song came to an end and Tweek remained in his spot, staring into the distance as if in a trance. A small grin snuck onto my face at the sight of the usually jumpy man finally relaxing. 
“So, how’d you like it?” I asked, tapping my fingers on the table in a mimicry of a drumroll. Tweek snapped out of his trance, turning to me with a surprisingly calm expression. His eyebrows weren’t permanently furrowed and his shoulders seemed to finally relax from their permanent stiff position below his ears. 
“Do you have more?” He answered with a question. 
I quickly nodded, opening my phone and beginning to scroll through music as I spoke, “Oh yeah, I have a ton more!” I glanced up at Tweek, “Do you want to listen to more?” I asked, hoping his question wasn’t misunderstood. 
Tweek nodded, “You’re right about the music being louder than your thoughts.” He raised a hand to his head, threading it through his blonde locks as his voice dropped to a quieter volume, “I couldn’t hear my own voice. I don’t think I’ve ever not been able to hear my voice in my head.” He snuck a glance in my direction as if to see if I’d noticed the mutterings. I flashed him a smile, hoping to reassure whatever inkling inside of him that it was okay.
“That’s the best part about loud music. You get a moment to sit there and just breathe.” I gestured towards the door with my phone, “Let’s go to my car. Loud music is even better when you’re driving around with a friend.” 
As I said “friend”, a small smile pushed its way onto Tweek’s face. He gave a quick nod in response before pulling out my headphones and setting them on the table. We both stood and said goodbye to Tweek’s parents, heading towards the exit. 
“Any requests?” I asked over my shoulder as I pushed open the door. 
“Anything loud like that last song.” Tweek said then added, “Or louder.” 
A laugh burst from my mouth as we walked to my car. 
“You listen to one MCR song and now you’re hooked? I must be some sort of miracle worker.”
I walked around the car to the driver’s side while Tweek stood in front of the passenger door. We locked eyes from over the hood. A chill snuck its way up my spine, leaving an energetic tingle over my skin. The awkward atmosphere which suffocated us had dissipated, evaporating into the air and leaving a warm comfort settling in the air.
Tweek looked so much better with a smile. The worry lines never suited his face. I much preferred the smile lines carved into his face. 
I wonder if he’ll ever have wrinkles there instead of his forehead.
My face broke into a grin as I pulled the door open.
“I cannot wait to show you KISS.” I said before ducking into the car, Tweek following close behind. 
Craig’s going to be so pissed when he comes back and I’m best friends with his boyfriend. Serves him right for leaving, little bitch. I thought with a grin, starting my car and pulling out of the parking lot with Detroit Rock City blasting through the speakers, leaving a trail of vibrating air in our wake.
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writingdumpster · 2 years
pairing: Cassian Andor x reader
warnings: language i think
summary: Cassian introduces you as his friend instead of his girlfriend prompting a fight.
word count: 1.4k
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You were enjoying a night out with Cassian. He had taken you to a nice restaurant and you had just ordered your food when a woman you’d never met came up to your table.
“Cassian! How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while,” the woman said.
“Hello, Elaine,” Cassian greeted. “It’s nice to see you,” he said.
“Who is this?” The woman asked, referencing you.
“This is my friend, y/n,” Cassian said. You frowned sharply. Friend? You thought. You weren’t his friend. You were his girlfriend. You had been together almost three months.
You made some polite small talk with the woman. Cassian reached across the table for your hand when she walked away, but you drew your hands back into your lap. He frowned.
“What’s wrong?” Cassian asked immediately.
“I just don’t think ‘friends’ should hold hands,” you said.
“What are you talking about?” Cassian asked.
“You introduced me to her as your friend,” you said.
“So?” He questioned. You pursed your lips and took a deep breath.
“So, we’ve been dating for three months. I’ve slept at your house almost every night for the last three weeks. I was under the impression that I was your girlfriend,” you said.
“We haven’t talked about it before,” Cassian said weakly.
“Is that how you think of me? Your friend?” You questioned.
“Do we have to do this now?” Cassian asked. Your expression tightened.
“No, we don’t,” you said shortly. You stood up and grabbed your coat.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Leaving.” You walked out of the restaurant leaving Cassian seated there. He was left dumbfounded and alone as he watched the door close behind you.
When he got back to his house you weren’t there. Your things were, but it was clear you hadn’t stopped there after leaving your date. Cassian stayed up past midnight in the hopes that you might return to him. He had a lot of trouble sleeping alone after he’d spent so much time with you. He wasn’t used to the bed being so cold.
The next day Cassian was helping Brasso with some work.
“Why are you in such a bad mood?” Brasso asked after Cassian snapped at him for the third time that morning. Cassian sighed.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Y/N and I are fighting.”
“What’d you do?” Brasso asked.
“How do you know I did something?” Cassian asked angrily.
“I just assumed,” Brasso said with a smirk. Cassian grumbled quietly in response.
“I introduced her as my ‘friend,’” Cassian told Brasso.
“But she’s your girlfriend,” Brasso said.
“We never discussed it!” Cassian snapped, already hearing the same argument you had used with him last night.
“Hasn’t she been sleeping at your place for the last month?” Brasso asked.
“But we have never said it before!” Cassian was raising his voice, stuck in the same place he had been with you.
“Well, what did you think she was?” Brasso prodded.
“I know! I know!” Cassian shouted, more angry with himself than Brasso. “I messed up.”
“What did you tell her?” Brasso asked.
“I did not know what to say,” Cassian answered. “She left before I could figure it out.”
“Have you gone to see her?” Brasso asked.
“Not yet. She’s working tonight, but I was going to visit her,” Cassian said.
“Might want to bring flowers,” Brasso suggested.
Cassian walked into the cantina where you worked. You were standing behind the bar making a drink for a man who was seated alone. Cassian approached the bar, choosing a seat one away from the man. You noticed Cassian as he took a seat and scowled harshly in his direction.
“Here you go, sir,” you said sweetly as you placed the man’s drink on the counter. The man smiled at you brightly and his eyes moved down to your cleavage, clearly displayed in your work uniform.
“Thank you, sweetheart, ” The man said. Cassian’s expression hardened at the nickname. You were not this man’s sweetheart. You were Cassian’s sweetheart.
“Don’t call her that,” Cassian snapped at the man.
“Cassian, don’t,” you warned. The man turned to look over at Cassian.
“And why do you care what I call her?” The man taunted.
“She’s my girlfriend,” Cassian spit. You couldn’t help the smile that rose over your lips.
“You? With a girl as pretty as her?” The man asked incredulously.
“I know. I got lucky, didn’t I? You will not if you do not walk away,” Cassian threatened. The man glanced down at the blaster on Cassian’s hip. The man grumbled and took his drink, going to find another seat in the cantina. Cassian turned to you. You had a small smile on your face.
“Can we talk?” He asked. You nodded before letting your boss know you were taking a break and taking Cassian to the empty office in the back of the Cantina. You closed the door and the music turned to a low hum. You turned back to look at him. You stood in front of him, taking his hands in yours.
“You called me your girlfriend,” you said with a smile.
“You are my girlfriend, are you not?” Cassian teased.
“I thought so,” you said pointedly. Cassian sighed.
“I know and I’m sorry,” he said. “I have never cared for someone the way I care about you and I got scared.”
“Are you sure? You actually feel like I’m your girlfriend, not just your friend?” You asked.
“Of course I do. I was just afraid,” Cassian said. “If we are a couple, then it means I can lose you.” You smiled softly.
“You’re not going to lose me, Cass,” you comforted him.
“I know. I just worry,” he said.
“Don’t. You have me. All you have to do is keep me,” you said. Cassian’s lips tipped upwards at your soft voice.
“I brought you something,” he said. You chuckled.
“Are you bribing me to stop being mad at you?” You asked.
“Not a bribe,” he told you. “An apology.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope. “Sorry it’s not wrapped better.” You took the envelope in your hands. It had something heavy in it. You opened the envelope, turning it over to empty the contents into your hand.
A small flat square stone pendant fell into your hand. The stone was blue and had gold lining the edges of it. The pendant was hung on a chain matching the gold lining. There was one small detail that made it special. Laid onto the front of the tile was a gold “C.”
“Cassian,” you gasped softly. “It’s beautiful.” Your eyes were bright and he knew the pendant was the best thing he had ever bought.
“You like it?” He asked as you looked down at the pendant. You lifted your head to look at Cassian with a warm smile.
“I love it,” you said. “Help me put it on?” You requested. Cassian smiled. He took the necklace from your hand and you turned around lifting your hair off your neck. He wrapped the chain around your neck, locking the clasp carefully. He pressed a kiss to the back of your neck before leaning back. You let your hair fall back down as you turned around. You looked down and held the pendant in your hand. You could feel the outline out the ‘C’ as your fingers ran over the pendant.
“I like that,” Cassian said as he looked at his initial hanging around your neck. “Maybe the assholes here won’t bother you so much if they know you’re mine.”
“I’ve got to get you something that’ll keep all the ladies’ eyes off you then,” you said with a smile.
“There’s never any eyes on me,” Cassian said.
“Oh, please. You’re my handsome scrapper who can fly any ship. Every woman’s eyes are on you.”
“Well, I’ve only got eyes for you,” Cassian replied with a smile. You leaned up on your toes and pressed a tender kiss to his lips. His fingers tangled themselves in your hair, pulling your head back and earning a light moan from you. He pushed his tongue into your mouth, moving it against yours slowly. You were losing yourself in Cassian’s affection when the door banged open behind you. You pulled away from Cassian to see your boss standing in the doorway.
“Oi! Stop kissing your boyfriend and get back to work! There’s four tables waiting out there!” Your boss turned out of the room and back towards the bar.
“Yes, sir!” You called. Cassian’s hands were still on your hips. He leaned down and stole another kiss.
“You’ll come back home tonight, won’t you, baby?” Cassian asked. You smiled softly at the idea that Cassian considered you a part of his home. You nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll come home.”
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novankenn · 1 year
Coco's Search for a WAIFU or The Purgatory of Jaune
= Seventeen = (Master Chapter List)
The rapid, almost machine gun like staccato of knocks drew Jaune from his trance. As he rose from his bed, he heard the shouts of his first friend of Beacon.
Ruby: Jaune! Jaune! Jaune! We need your help! Pyrrha and Coco are really trying to hurt each other!
Jaune didn't waste another moment and rushed to the door, yanking it open. Before him was the very worked up form of Ruby Rose.
Jaune: What's going on?
Ruby: Coco challenged Pyrrha to a spar and it became a real fight! Neither is calming down.
Jaune: Where?
Ruby: Training Room One.
Jaune: Alright, I'll head...
Ruby: No time! I'll take you!
Ruby grabbed Jaune about the wrist with a surprisingly strong grip.
Jaune: Wai...
The pair vanished in a burst of rose petals, becoming nothing more than a red and yellow blur travelling down the corridors of the school. Jaune didn't know how long it took to make the trip, but when the world about him sudden;y stopped being a blur, he found himself in the training room.
Jaune: I'm going to... (Drops to his knees and starts to heave)
Yang: Great Rubes... now go find Professor Goodwitch!
Ruby: Where should I...
Yats: Just call her!
Ruby: Right! (Pulls out her scroll, and starts going through the faculty contact listing.)
Coco: Let me go! That cunt needs to be put in her place!
Pyrrha: That's rich coming from a slut like you! Let me go, and I'll show her!
Jaune: ENOUGH!
The room fell silent, and both girls stopped their struggling. In fact, everyone in the room froze at the pure authority of Jaune's booming voice.
Jaune: Let them go, and the pair of you come here.
The two groups loosened their grip on the pair of once out of control young women, who then shuffled their way to stand before Jaune. He didn't look pleased, with the situation he now discovered himself in.
Jaune: What was the meaning of this? Why did either of you, no why did both of you, think this was a good idea?
Pyrrha: ...
Coco: ...
Jaune: (Crossing his arms over his chest) I'm waiting.
Coco: ...
Pyrrha: ...
Jaune: I'm waiting. What do the two of you have to say about yourselves, and these actions?
Yang: It was supposed to be a ...
Jaune: Yang, thank you. All of you thank you for stepping in, I have no idea what could have happened, but I am deeply thankful for you all being here.
Jaune turned his attention from the pair before him, and let his azure gaze travel over the combined group of teams RWBY, JNPR and CFVY.
Jaune: I think the three of us, need to privacy. Can we have that?
The assembled first and second years, just nodded, and one after the other filed their way out of the room. Yang hesitated.
Yang: If you need anything... I'm only a scroll call away.
Jaune: Thank you, Yang, I mean that.
Yang: Okay, I'll leave you to it then.
Soon the trio were alone in the expansive room, and Jaune returned his gaze upon the two standing with heads bowed before them.
Jaune: So out with it. What happened, and what is going on with you two?
Coco: I challenged Nikos to a spar, and things got out of hand.
Jaune: I see. Why did you challenge?
Coco: They... they... they don't think my feelings for you are real. So I wanted to prove...
Jaune: And you thought by beating up the other person who is showing affection for me was a good idea?
Coco: ...
Jaune: Pyrrha, why?
Pyrrha: She hurt you, she embarrassed you. What she did was wrong and... and...
Jaune: You thought it was your job to hold her to task about those actions?
Pyrrha: Yes.
Jaune: It is not up to you to pass judgment on her actions towards me. It is my choice if I wish to forgive her, or not. Your actions, while I understand, to a point, were not warranted.
Pyrrha: ...
Jaune: Neither of you need to justify yourselves to the other. It is MY choice to forgive or not. It is MY choice to decide if reparations are warranted. You both seek my attention, and this is NOT the way to get it. In fact, actions like this make me wonder what your true motivations are.
Pyrrha: ...
Coco: ...
Jaune: I am not some prize to be fought over or won. IF any of us have a more intimate relationship with the other, then that is a choice just for only those involved.
Coco/Pyrrha: Sorry.
Jaune: So there will be NO more fighting. NO more unofficial spars. Understood?
Pyrrha/Coco: Yes.
Jaune: I am not going to force either of you to apologize to the other. That is not my place, and any relationship between the pair of you is up to you guys to figure out, BUT you will be civil to each other. Understood?
Coco/Pyrrha: Yes.
Jaune: Thank you. Now you both can go and find some place to calm down. I need to think some more about this whole situation, and I will be considering this farce while doing so.
The pair of women just nodded and then one after the other just shuffled out of the room, going their separate ways as soon as they were in the hallway.
Jaune: I don't know how, but I can see the desire and truth in your hearts, so your feelings are not in question. (Sighs) It's my ability to return those feelings, or if I even deserve them.
After speaking his piece to the empty room, Jaune turned and started to leave. Reaching the door, he suddenly groaned and doubled over. A second lance of pain cut through him, dropping him to his knees, gasping. Looking up, he caught the reflection of his face in the reflective surface of the door.
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Jaune: How?
With those final gasped out words, he fully collapsed.
(AN: So this has turned from an attempted comedy, into something a little more serious. I hope that you are all still enjoying this, and to anyone turned off by the new tone. My apologies. This is just how the story is evolving in my mind. Thank you to everyone who is liking and sharing the story. I'm very appreciative that you like it well enough to do so.)
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ejzah · 1 year
The One Where It’s Twins, Part 2
“Wait, I think I see them,” Kensi said, arching her neck to see above the crowds of people milling around the airport. “Oh, no, that guy’s wearing a three piece suit.”
“Yeah, definitely not Eric then.,” Deeks agreed.
With they very little convincing, Eric and Nell had accepted Kensi and Deeks’ offer to visit for a week. As soon as they’d started discussing when to tell people about her pregnancy, Kensi knew she needed to tell them in person. A phone call or zoom, just wasn’t going to cut it.
“Shaggy, Wonder Woman!”
Nell suddenly appeared through the throngs of people, pulling a grinning Eric along with her.
“Nellvarine!” Deeks shouted back, catching her in a hug as she ran at him. Once she was finished doling out hugs, Eric followed up just as enthusiastically.
“It’s so good to see you guys again,” he said. As they headed outside, Eric tilted his head up towards the sun. “We keep promising ourselves we’ll come back to LA more often, but then it never happens.”
“Yeah, Tokyo is amazing, but it has nothing on this sun. Or the friends who live here,” Nell agreed, tilting her head up towards Kensi as they walked arm-in-arm.
Kensi gave Deeks look and they drew to a stop.
“Well, I think we have something that might keep you coming back a little more often.” He retrieved the two boxes they’d brought with them. They’d intended to wait until later, but now seemed the perfect moment.
Nell’s box was small and square while Eric’s was a larger rectangular package.
“Ooh, presents!” Nell happily accepted hers, and if either of were confused by the unexpected turn of events, they didn’t show it
“Oh, this is beautiful!” Nell carefully extracted a delicate silver necklace with a turquoise, silver backed pendant. It spun as she held it up, revealing an inscription on the back. “Auntie Nell.”
At the same time, Eric unboxed a t-shirt that read “Crazy Like My Uncle”.”
“Kensi Marie Blye and Martin Atticus Deeks, do not tell me you’re pregnant,” she said, voice trembling and with a would-be severe expression.
“Sorry, guilty as charged.” Deeks shrugged, holding up a copy of the sonogram.
With a little happy dance, Nell ran into Kensi’s arms, careless of the passersby who stopped to stare a little. She moved on to Deeks, wrapping her arms around his neck, and he spun in her in a couple circles.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe this!”
“But, I thought you couldn’t,” Eric murmured. He winced almost immediately. “Sorry, that probably sounded really insensitive.”
“No, you’re ok. We keep questioning it too. At this point, we’re calling it a miracle,” Deeks declared.
Shaking her head, Nell took the sonogram from Deeks, and studied it more closely, Eric peering over her shoulder. His brows furrowed after a minute, then rose significantly. He drew his finger across the image in a circular pattern.
“Wait, why do I see two heads?”
Nell looked up so quickly Deeks was surprised he didn’t hear something crack.
“Shut the front door!” she shouted. “Twins?” When Kensi nodded, she ran forward and gave them each another hug, her enthusiasm infectious.
“Wow, congrats times two,” Eric said. “This is amazing.”
“We think so too.” Deeks leaned down to kiss Kensi’s head and she looked her arms around his waist.
Shaking her head, Nell studied the sonograms again. “These Densi babies are going to be the most spoiled children in the entire world,” she declared happily.
A/N: You know I had to include Nell and Eric.
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Too Much Love Will Kill You Vol.1 Chapter 1
Summary: Hel is more than willing to show some of the bar’s costumers why is it a bad idea to go up against her and old “friends” paying her a visit. 
warnings: violence, use of firearm, knives, mention of blood, injury and death, curssing aaand I think that’s it (let me know if you find anything else worthy of warnings)
word count: 1235
Author’s note: I suck at writing fight scenes soooo apologies in advance. Also it really sucks when you start to write something in first person and that it turns out it would be better in third...
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Before the clones could even get away from their table I got two of the guys on the ground and draw out my blade looking at the still standing ones. 
“Come on boys!” I said with a mocking smile. “Who’s next?”
The trandosan leaped at me without any kind of hesitation, trying to tackle me to the ground. Taking advantage of the fact that the move threw him off balance, I kicked one of his legs out from under him in a simple motion, and when he started to fall, I kneed him on his chin, causing his head to snap back. The fourth man held me down from behind, while one of his friends stood up from the ground and headed towards me. Taking advantage of his strong hold on me, I lifted my feet off the ground and kicked the other in the chest with full force making him stagger backwards knocking the trandoshan off his feet again. 
The three on the ground didn't look like they were going to get up soon, so I focused on the last one. I turned the blade over in my hand and with a well-aimed motion, I slashed into the thigh of the one behind me. He cried out and loosened his grip, and I snapped my head back hitting him square on the chin, causing me to lose my balance for a moment. Blinking rapidly, I turned and punched my opponent in the throat, who made a choking sound, then punched him in the chest and stomach, and when I hit him on the back of the head he finally went down.
All of them was out cold except the trandoshan, but he couldn’t stand up either, I slowly walked up to him still holding my bloody blade. 
“They were right about you, Protégé” he hissed with a painful voice. 
“If you’ve heard about me, you should have known better” I kneeled in front of him holding the vibro blade right under his nose. 
“Will you kill me?” 
“No one paid for your death” I said and after some tense moment I put away my blade and he breathed a sigh of relief. “But now you will pay my bill” I stated while standing up. 
“That was quite impressive” I heard from behind my back. Tech. 
“Well thank you Handsome” I turned with a smile. “Sorry for the mess.”
“Don’t be sorry Little Lady!” Wrecker exclaimed. “That was amazing!” he was almost shouting which made me chuckle. 
“Thank you, Big Guy. I’d really love to stay boys, but duty calls” I looked at them my eyes lingered at Hunter and Crosshair, both were very quiet. 
“Bounty hunter?” asked finally Hunter with an unreadable expression. 
“A bounty hunter who is really running late” I turned for the door.” I’ll see you around boys” and not waiting for their answers I was out the door. 
I turned into one of the alleys which led to my ship. I wish I could have just one simple night, only one simple job. But no, this night for sure not anyway. I was almost out of the alley when I got the feeling that I was not alone. I slowly reached for my blaster when someone gripped my wrist. 
“Should have stayed where others could see you Protégé” he whispered in my ear. Force I hated that nickname, but it stuck. 
“Noelhas” I said with a sickeningly sweet smile. “Long time no see. How have you been lately?”
“You stole my bounty on Akiva, remember?”
“Hm, was it really stealing it if you made it so easy for me to take it?” I asked and without waiting for his answer I turned, ripped my wrist out of his grip and punched him in the face. He drew his blade and without hesitation he swung it at me, making me jump backwards. “Oh, you really that angry because of it?”
“Me” he snapped and then his mocking smile turned into a disgusting grin. “and the whole crew.”
Then they came out of the shadows, six men in whole gear. That night just got better and better. I took a deep breath and drew my blade. 
“Who wants to be the first?” I asked and the fun started. 
I was out of breath, my legs were shaking, and there was still three of them standing besides of Noelhas. I was so focused on where to shoot, hit or cut first I realised too late one of them was right behind me. I was about to turn around when I heard blaster fire and the man behind me fall onto his knees. When I turned, I saw Hunter and his brothers standing at the end of the alley, Crosshair point his rifle right where the man - now lying dead on the ground - stood behind me seconds ago. 
“Away from the Little Lady!” Wrecker grumbled and at that moment the gentle giant really looked scary. 
“I would do as he says” added Hunter, his voice sounded dangerous, it sent a shiver down my spine, it sent a shiver down my spine for an entirely different reason than in the bar.
Noelhas looked at his two still standing and breathing men then back at the clones. He knew there was no way he could win that fight. He gathered the last of his men and with his tail between his legg he fled in the direction where his ship probably was, but not before promising that wasn't the last time we saw each other.
“Thanks for the rescue boys. Force knows I needed it this time” I said while trying to straighten up, still a bit out of breath.
“Are you alright?” Hunter stepped up to me and gently grabbed my arm.
“Yeah, I’m fine” I smiled up at him. “Wasn’t my first rodeo.”
“You are bleeding” it was Tech who stepped closer looking me over carefully.
“What?” I looked down and that’s when I realised, I was indeed bleeding from my side warm, crimson blood soaking my shirt. I didn’t even feel it while the adrenaline was still pumping through my veins, but then. “Kriff” I rasped out losing my balance, feeling a bit lightheaded. “They tagged me pretty good.” Hunter held me even tighter, pulling me a little closer to him.
“We can treat your injuries on our ship” Tech offered, and I just shook my head. “You're losing blood fast, if we don't treat you soon, you'll lose consciousness and could die.”
“Tech!” snapped at him Hunter but it was like he didn't hear it.
“Okay” I breathed out, I knew he was right I could feel my pulse quicken and I could barely feel my legs. “your ship it is.”
I vaguely remember the way to the ship. I could hear someone talking to me constantly, I could feel arms around me, but other than that, I couldn't recall much more than that even if they held me at gun point. One thing I remember clearly is that for the first time in a while I felt safe.
That was my last thought before I lost consciousness.
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Tags:  @techs-stitches   @lokigirlszendaya​ 
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