#shout out to the five brave ones out there who message first
napping-sapphic · 10 months
I think we should create a Whatsapp group or something. We are all looking for a girlfriend somehow 😭. I want someone to cuddle with, and cook with, and laugh with...and go to the theatre with..and...oh well..I'm so single. This can't be right. 😩
It’s always so good in theory but in my experience sapphic group chats usually end up with everyone being too shy to talk to each other rip💀💀
I hope you find someone to do all those things with soon, I’m rooting for you <3
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Dwarrowtober 2022 Day 22: Message- Dwalin x OC
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Dwalin x Astrea
Description: After a year of no word from Dwalin, Astrea finally receives a message from him.
Word Count: 1.2k
One year. It had been approximately one year since Dwalin had bravely decided to follow Thorin on a quest to retake the Lonely Mountains. Astrea missed him dearly. Not a day went by where she didn’t think of him or pray to Aule that he was okay. Of course, being so short for time, she knew Dwalin wouldn’t have time to write to her and update her on everything. So, she had to seek comfort in her prayers.
It was quite difficult for her to go on without her husband by her side every day, she couldn’t lie. But she thankfully made do by seeking solace in Dis, who was roughly in the same position as her. And, while the Princess offered her some peace, it didn’t stop Astrea from missing him more and more every day. She desperately hoped that her husband was okay - or, at the very least, alive. But, with things so quiet around the Lonely Mountains, she could only keep hoping and praying.
It had been day 193 (yes, she had been keeping count) when Astrea got a knock on her door. It was considerably early in the morning, the sun having only just started to peek over the horizon, and she knew not a lot of people were out and about at this time. That’s why she was confused as she walked over to the front door. Upon opening it she was greeted by nothing. No one was there, which only served to confuse her more.
She was just about to close the door and shrug it off as the wind when something caught her eye. An envelope sat on her doorstep precisely in the middle of the mud rug. Curious, she bent down to pick it up and examine it. Her first name was written on the front, and there was no sort of return address or anything else that could signal who it was from. After looking over her name, however, she came to a shocking (and exciting) realization: this was her husband’s handwriting. Without a second thought she ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter inside.
My Astrea,
Apologies for not being able to write to you sooner, but things have been rather hectic on this side. To make things short, we did it. Smaug is retaken and Erebor is ours for the retaking. That came with the price of war, however, as both Mirkwood and Laketown were after our treasure. Not to mention hordes upon hordes of Orcs that tried to trample on our lands. Fret not, though. Thorin had sent word to King Dain so the armies of the Ironhills aided us in our victory. Thorin, Fili and Kili were severely wounded, but a Hobbit witch managed to keep them alive and their healing process is underway. Other than that, we’re all fine living in the palace of Erebor until further notice.
With all of that out of the way, I’ve decided that I wanted to be the one to share the news that the Dwarves are finally able to migrate back to Erebor. Hopefully I’ve reached you before the messengers did. I expect you’ll probably be amongst the first group of settlers, and I cannot wait to see you again.
Dwalin son of Fundin
As Astrea read over the contents of the letter she couldn’t help but tear up. Not only was her beloved husband alive, but the entire Company was and Erebor had been taken back! A wide smile formed on her face as she heard people faintly shouting the joyous news. Looks like Dwalin ready had reached her before the others, he’d be happy to know that. And she couldn’t wait to tell him about it when they were reunited.
Astrea didn’t pack much. She only packed their clothes, weapons, some rations as well as the sentimental things before heading out into the world with the first group of migrants. Since they weren’t constantly in danger it didn’t take them nearly as long to reach Erebor as the Company. It took them only five months in total as it was now just a straight shot to the Lonely Mountains.
Though Astrea had never been there before (having been born after the Dwarves settled into the Blue Mountains), she couldn’t help but join in the excitement that her fellow travelers felt as they grew closer and closer to their home. Perhaps their happiness was just contagious, or maybe she was just excited that she was that much closer to seeing her husband and holding him again, or perhaps it was a mixture of both. No matter what it was, she found herself cheering along with the other migrants as they finally reached Laketown - or, rather, what was left of it. Astrea had been told about Smaug attacking the poor town by Dis, who was also in the first group of settlers, during the journey as Dwalin hadn’t mentioned it in his letter, and her heart went out to Laketown. But, from what she’s heard and from what she saw in Dale on the way to Erebor, they would be okay.
The gates of Erebor had been opened and ready for them to enter. The settlers couldn’t help but gasp in awe, and some of them even began to cry as they looked around while entering the kingdom. And Astrea couldn’t blame them. It was hauntingly beautiful, like it had seen some bad things in the past but the joy in the future would make up for it. It looked a little worn down now, but she knew that once it was up and running properly, it would be one of the greatest kingdoms of Middle Earth.
King Thorin, along with the rest of his Company, stood just a few yards away from the entrance of the (soon to be) mighty kingdom, all with smiles on their faces. It didn’t take the Hobbit long to find her husband. He looked almost exactly like she’d last seen him aside from wearing more casual clothes rather than traveling clothes. Their eyes met almost immediately, and Astrea couldn’t fight back the tears that welled up in her eyes. Without even realizing it she’d dropped the bag she was carrying and made her way over to him, practically sprinting once she hit the halfway point.
Dwalin’s arms were open and ready when she practically jumped into them, embracing him with all her might. A small, happy sob tore from her throat as she clung to him like he’d disappear if she let go. She felt him return the hug as tight as he could without hurting or suffocating her (though she would have died happily in his arms if he did), stroking her hair gently.
“I see you got my message, aye?” He joked softly as they pulled away. Astrea laughed as he lifted a hand to wipe her tears away.
“You could say that,” she answered tearfully with a nod before hugging him again. “I’ve missed you so much. I’m so happy you’re okay.”
“I am too,” he responded simply. It had been a long year and a half away from each other, but now they were reunited and they were safe in the home they were going to build together.
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norrington-hell · 4 years
Yesterday, I, and one of my dear friends, participated in ‘The Defiant Walk of Resistance Against Injustice’ in Seattle, Washington.
When we arrived at 3pm, there was already a heavy police presence surrounding the intersection next to the Westlake Center where the march was supposed to start. I assumed they were there to close off streets and stop traffic, like they had during previous marches I’d attended in the city. But this time, even early on, I could tell things were different.
The Seattle PD was in full riot gear, every one of them standing in the line was holding a baton across their chest. They had barricaded the street by forming a wall and not letting anyone past, which meant that anyone approaching from the north could not join with anyone approaching from the south. From the very beginning they were separating us from each other.
Protesters filled the streets in all four directions, we could hear chanting and drumming. Our branch to the north was the quietest of the groups, but was still hundreds strong. Nearly every protester I encountered was wearing a mask, and those that were not were quickly offered ones by helpers who had come prepared.
I want to be very clear on this point: I was at the front of our portion of the protest, not ten feet from the police line, and there was no violence on the part of the protesters. We shouted and clapped and waved our signs and took hundreds and hundreds of videos and photographs. Nobody attacked the police on our side.
But that didn’t stop things from turning ugly fast.
The police began switching out, putting on gas masks and then rejoining the line. Then, they started to push forward. Without warning, the police used their batons to shove back the front lines, spraying mace and foam at anyone who didn’t move fast enough for them. Shove and spray. Shove and spray. Flash-bangs started going off, echoing down the streets. Protesters were scared and confused, with no idea why we weren’t permitted to march or why we were being herded back down the street.
The police line stopped advancing after about a block. Back at the original intersection, we could see the same thing was happening to the other branches of the protest. Helpers ran in with canteens of milk and spray bottles of baking soda and water to wash the eyes of those maced. They were handing out gloves and holding each other up. I have never seen so many strangers banding together.
About five minutes later, the police started advancing again. Now, with so many people, it was not possible to get out of their way with any speed. And many of us had taken to sitting in order to show that we were peaceful and had no intent to fight back. The cops marched forward regardless, forcing the line of protestors in front back over the seated ones and creating a pileup.
This is when I was maced. A woman fell back over my seated form and pinned me to the ground. I could not stand up. My friend had a death grip on my hand, trying to pry me free. But I could not move. The cop behind me sprayed pepper spray over the top of my head and down the back of my neck and into my jacket. Some got in my eyes. I was trapped and scared and I could not move out of the way.
Then a woman came forward and grabbed hold of my hands. I’ll never forget the look in her eyes. She was terrified, but she still came forward to pry me and my friend out of the pile. She risked getting maced too to save us.
This pattern continued on. The cops would advance, shove, spray, then stop. We’d regroup, help each other, share water and energy bars and masks and tend wounds. Flash-bangs were detonated right in front of us. Smoke was visible further down the street. Tear gas, I later learned. That, and on the south end, someone was starting fires.
After what felt like an eon of confusion and police provoking a crowd that was determined to stay peaceful, our branch peeled away and turned Northeast, finally beginning a march. We eventually met up with the fleeing south branch and headed toward the I5. A huge portion of the protesters blocked Southbound, and our group climbed up the median embankment to spread across Northbound.
Cars were stopped, half of their drivers leaning out to chant with us or honking to cheer us on. As we started working our way south, people lining the overpass joined in with encouraging support. Eventually, we took the nearest exit and headed back in the direction of downtown. The rain that had been present all afternoon was starting to come down harder, washing the chemicals in our hair down into our eyes. But the helpers were there. Brave people who came prepared.
This was when the emergency message was sent out. A five pm curfew had been put into place. That didn’t give us enough time to actually leave. Much of downtown had been blocked off. My friend and I, like many others, were kept from our vehicles. We could not leave the city. We were trapped.
I was very fortunate. A friend of a friend generously came to our rescue, taking us back to her home further away from the pandemonium. She washed our clothes and gave us milk soaked towels to ease the sting of our chemical burns and fed us grilled cheese. In the morning, when the blockade was lifted, she took us back to our car. It was not damaged. We got home safe.
I’ve watched the same feeds as everyone else. I’ve seen footage of protesters being maced and struck and fired upon with rubber bullets. I know this sort of thing does happen. But my previous experience in Seattle, one of the most liberal major cities in the United States, had not prepared me for the violence exhibited by the police yesterday. We were peaceful protesters exercising our First Amendment Right to peaceably assemble. We were given no warning and, in many cases, no chance to comply. The Seattle PD were the instigators. And their abuse of power was cowardly and wrong.
This experience has changed me. What I witnessed has shaken me to the core. I cannot, and will not, remain silent. From now on, when I hear a protest began peacefully, I will believe it. I will join with those who speak out against police brutality. I will pay less attention to rioting than the circumstances that drove people to it. And I will continue to fight for the rights of the oppressed.
Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
CONGRATS ON 100 FOLLOWERS FREN 💖💖 you deserve it and so much more
If you're feeling up to it (DONT FEEL OBLIGATED DO U HEAR ME MY DEAR) movie verse Jay my beloved
asfljdlkj tysm Amour! I'm so glad to have you as part of my tumblr family, ur one of my best friends on here 💕✨
i really needed to write something movie!verse because I LOVE movie!verse and haven't written anything yet, so I was excited for this one
(@fabro-de-omres you've said in the past that you would love to read it if I wrote something movie!verse, so here's ✨content✨)
I'll chase you to the moon and back
Summary: When you’re in a secret ninja force and are your city’s primary protectors, pulling your weight is important.
Jay tries to be an asset to his team, but it’s difficult when he’s viewed as the scaredy-cat who cracks lame jokes. He loves his friends with all his heart, but sometimes it’s hard to know if they return those feelings.
Jay wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t.
Sometimes, Jay felt like he was a burden to the team.
He tried not to, he really did- he knew the others liked him and cared about him. But standing next to strong Cole, smart Zane, brave Kai, determined Nya, or warm-hearted Lloyd, it was difficult not to feel… inadequate.
It didn’t help that Cole hadn’t answered any of his recent texts.
It could be anything, Jay told himself as he stared down at the unread messages, resisting the urge to send another text. He could have an appointment he forgot to tell me about, or maybe he’s just not looking at his phone right now, or he simply doesn’t share my urgency to answer a text message so quickly. Cole had always been much more laid back about that, raising an eyebrow as Jay always scrambled to answer the text from his mom, or whoever had sent it this time.
But Cole was also Jay’s best friend. He knew he got anxious when someone left him unread for too long. Because of that, he had always been good about answering Jay’s texts quickly, even as the others still groaned about the earth ninja taking ages to respond to them.
For him to go an hour without responding was… concerning, to say the least.
Jay pushed the thoughts aside. He was probably just overthinking this, like he always was. Cole would get back to him soon. It wasn’t like he was ignoring him, or anything.
Maybe the others are up to something. He opened the group chat, but although there were usually a hundred notifications at any given time- he had learned that the hard way the first day he had joined, turning on his phone after school to a whopping 785 texts- it was empty now. The last text was from Lloyd, asking Kai to meet him at his locker before lunch.
Jay felt his heart rate spike. The lack of an argument between Kai and Nya in the last five minutes alone was worrying- because heaven forbid they actually talk things out in person, even if they literally lived one bedroom down from each other- and his mind quickly spiraled into possibilities. Had someone kidnapped them? Had their parents grounded them? Or maybe they had committed a crime and gotten thrown into jail. He wouldn’t put it past Kai and Nya to pull something dumb- Cole and Zane would go along with it, and Lloyd would never speak up enough to voice his disproval-
No, don’t be ridiculous, they wouldn’t commit a crime.
Well… Kai might. But the others would stop him.
What if they made a separate group chat without me?
No. His friends would never do that. They’d be more likely to commit that crime.
But the thought wouldn’t leave Jay’s brain, and before he knew it, he was sending a text in the group chat.
jaybird123: What r u guys up to? Wanna hang?
He immediately regretted it. What if he came off as too clingy? Too overbearing? They probably just wanted some time to themselves.
That didn’t sound quite right to Jay, but he stuffed his phone in his pocket, forcing the thought out of his mind.
He decided to go to the park- watching the people there always gave him good ideas for inventions. He was too late to catch a bus down there, but it wasn’t too far to walk.
His phone buzzed, and he glanced down.
thegreendragon: sorry jay, got plans 2nite. maybe tmrrw?
Jay tried to stop the pang of disappointment. Lloyd wouldn’t lie to him. The others probably were just busy. It was no big deal. Tomorrow, things would be back to normal.
A couple of blocks away, he caught the sounds of annoyed shouts, the kind that usually hinted towards the presence of-
He stopped, blinking, as a boy darted past the onlookers and into the shop.
Huh. Lloyd?
Starting towards the store his friend had vanished into, Jay peered through the window, looking for Lloyd-
Jay froze. Lloyd was standing with the others, animatedly babbling something to them as they watched him happily.
Jay shrunk back. They really had met up without him, and had lied about it, too. He wasn’t being paranoid- his friends just didn’t want him around.
For a moment, the shock left Jay floundering. He had no other friends. The other ninja were his entire livelihood. What was he meant to do now?
He quickly wiped at the tears pooling in his eyes. I’ll go home. My mom will know what to do.
He had the worst feeling that this was something that even his mom couldn’t fix, though.
About halfway home, a buzz in his pocket interrupted him from his stupor. Pulling out his phone, he saw there was a new message in the group chat.
rock’n’cole: hey jay, something just came up, can u meet us at the warehouse asap?
Jay just stared at his phone for a minute, debating whether to actually show up or not. After all, the others had ditched him, why shouldn’t he do the same? And he still felt hurt- he wasn’t sure if he was ready to talk to them yet. He really should just go home.
jaybird123: sure, i’ll be there in 20
Jay had never been good at holding grudges.
Thirty minutes later (he had ended up stalling a little bit just for the spite of it) he pushed through the doors of the warehouse. It was pitch black inside, and as he fumbled around for the lights, he couldn’t help but notice that no one else was there. It was stupid of me to come. They just abandoned me. Again.
Suddenly, the lights burst on, and the others were jumping out from behind the furniture, cheering and hugging him. Jay stumbled backward, taken aback. “What’s going on?”
Kai looked at him like he was crazy, gesturing widely at all the balloons and streamers that Jay could see now that the lights were on. “It’s a party, dumbass, what else do you think?”
“What for? It’s not my birthday!”
Nya scoffed, as if he had just told her that men lived on the moon. “Of course not, this is for your Ninja-versary!”
“My… what?”
“The anniversary of the day you first became a ninja, stupid!”
“Oh.” He blinked around at all the decor. “All this? Just for something as simple as that?”
Kai wasn’t the only one looking at him like he had sprouted a second head, now.
“Are you kidding?” Cole said. “We’re not going to skimp on celebrating the day one of our favorite people came into our lives.”
Jay blinked at him. “I…” I’m so sorry for ever doubting you. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.
“Now, what are we waiting around for?” Cole threw an arm around Jay’s shoulders. “Let’s go get some cake!”
As the ninja hurried over to the table, squabbling over who would get which slice, Jay squashed between the middle of his big, loud, bickering family, he couldn’t have felt more at home.
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wonlouvre · 4 years
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pairing: doctor!wonwoo x lawyer!female oc genre: modern royalty, arranged marriage, fluff and future angst word count: 5.2k!! WARNINGS: is an awful lot of fluff a warning?
author’s note: FINALLY!!! AGAIN!!! i can’t believe we have reached part 5, you guys ;_; i never imagined this fic would even be liked by so many of you. i am so grateful to even receive notes from the first part up to the latest. i appreciate all of you! please let me know what you think. this is the part i have been excited for, so i hope you are excited too! enjoy!!!
five: the one | masterlist
What happened at the hospital made you cling to Wonwoo in the most subtle way possible. You wouldn’t even consider messaging his phone clingy. But yes, you have finally taken a hold of his phone number. Back then, Jeongyeon was the one who contacts him about your joint schedules. And now, it’s you that personally calls or messages him. Mostly messages. Aside from talking about the official duties you have been assigned together, one of the main reasons why you took the initiative is you just want to hear about whatever from him firsthand. You did notice, however, during the first time you sent a hello, it surprised the Prince a little but he just shrugged it off. You’re embarrassed but you brave through it because it’s only normal to communicate with your future husband.
You try to start and hold conversations with him from time to time but it doesn’t last long. It’s alright though. It’s not like you want to talk about his childhood through message bubbles. You’re also aware that a buzzing phone is the most unwanted item when he’s on duty unless it’s an emergency call. It’s also the same for your job. Staring at your phone while waiting for his reply has caught Jeongyeon’s attention already and she has not hesitated to reprimand you. 
“What’s gotten into you?” Jeongyeon asks and drops two lunchboxes on the center table of your office. “Are you still sick?”
You purse your lips and shake your head no, eyes not leaving the bright screen of the small device.
“Come on,” she calls and steals the phone from your hand. “It’s time to eat. I prepared this especially for you.”
You scoff in disbelief, but the smile on your face says otherwise. You stand from your chair and follow her to where the mouthwatering food is at. 
“I didn’t hire you to cook for me though,” you say, reminding her how she doesn’t have to do this. 
“Ey,” she dismisses your words and hands you the spoon to start eating. “I’m just helping His Highness out.”
Your ear perks up at the mention of the Prince. “What?” 
“He didn’t tell me to cook for you, don’t worry,” she quickly informs, noticing your face forming a frown. Then, she smiles. “He just wanted to make sure you’re eating right and well. And, it just so happened I had the time earlier to prepare this. Ta-dah!”
She opens the lid of the first food container and your stomach growls in hunger at the sight. A set of colorful vegetables, fully cooked meat and warm rice were presented before you. By the looks of it, she really did have the time earlier.
“Should I thank you or the Prince?” You ask in jest.
“Of course you should thank me!” She holds her chin up and points to her chest proudly. “I’ve been taking care of you for the longest time while His Majesty just started. He can actually learn 
a thing or two from me, you know?”
He’s taking care of me, your thoughts echo, making you smile. 
You’re definitely calling him later. 
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The wedding planning resumes in no less than two weeks after navigating back to your usual routine. And on this one fine Saturday afternoon, Wonwoo decided to drive his own car and have you with him to go to your wedding planner’s office together. He messaged you and you welcomed the thoughtful gesture. He picked you up from your apartment, much to both of your security details’ dismay. Jeongyeon sent you a bunch of heart gifs afterwards and you can picture her screaming (silently) at the top of her lungs. 
This is the first time you’ve seen Wonwoo in the two weeks that passed and it’s kind of awkward to be alone with him in one small space. This is also the first time you have witnessed him driving. Security is tailing behind though. They are really not fond of letting the two of you out of their sight. 
This car ride is quiet aside from the radio playing some mellow music. Wonwoo has his hands on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road. Which is good because as much as you want to stare at his handsome face, you need to hold yourself back. You let your eyes wander to the view outside the window instead.
Wonwoo doesn’t seem to notice your shyness and that eases your worry because you really don’t want him to think you’re shying away from him. You actually want to talk. Talk about anything and even everything. But, how? 
After you called him that one time, you’ve started speaking to him by call here and there. Before his shift starts, after his shift ends, before he goes home or when he’s at home and even before he goes to bed. They’re just casual calls that didn’t even last longer than ten minutes. That’s about it. Phone calls. But now, you are face to face and you don’t seem to know how to form words anymore.
Unbeknownst to you, Wonwoo noticed your dilemma and spoke up first.
“Do you want to grab something to eat after?” 
“Huh?” You ask, snapping yourself out from the thoughts occupying your mind.
“I figured it would be nice to catch up and all,” he explains, sparing you a small glance before quickly bringing his eyes back on the road. “Coffee or tea will do if you’re not that hungry.”
Warmth surged to your face. What kind of question was that? Of course you’d love to! You’re just holding yourself from shouting a loud YES! with a bite of your lip because you don’t want to sound overexcited. 
After a beat of silence, you boldly answer, “I’d like that.”
Wonwoo smiles and reaches his hand out to yours, squeezing them not only once but twice. His touch reminds you of how he held and kissed your hand that one time he accompanied you back to your apartment. Your breath hitches and you hide your surprise with a small smile. He lets go after a few seconds but those few seconds almost made you faint. 
You gulp, heart attack is inevitable with this man.
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The meeting was short so you and Wonwoo decided to drive to the nearby coffee shop you passed by earlier. The place wasn’t packed and the facility was notified by security to make sure that distance and privacy from the public is observed. Such protocol is not enacted all the time and you are free to go out and about together or individually but sometimes these measures are taken into consideration to make sure that your safety is not compromised. Especially if there are topics or discussions that should be reserved only for the parties involved. 
Such as now when Wonwoo just casually dropped an engagement party bombshell to you like it’s the morning paper.
“An engagement party?” 
“Yes,” Wonwoo confirms, a nervous smile drawn on his face. “My mother, in her own words, thought it would be lovely to hold an intimate and simple party back home.”
“Oh,” you mutter and place the cup of coffee back on the table.
“Do you mind leaving us for a moment? I’d like to speak about this with the Princess alone,” Wonwoo politely dismisses the security detail and they obeyed with no protest. 
Once they’re gone, Wonwoo stands from the chair he sat on when you arrived and takes the space on the loveseat you chose. He takes hold of your hand, an action you noticed he’s been confidently doing lately. You opened your palm for him because you don’t mind. But a little warning next time is much appreciated because your heart can’t take any more of his surprises.
“I didn’t know we had to hold an engagement party,” you start and he agrees in a heartbeat. “I thought after going public, that would do it.”
“I know and I’m sorry,” he apologizes in a pout and that gave you the strong urge to squeeze his cheeks. Which you actually did. Your urges are becoming stronger than your own will whenever you’re with him.
He smiles at your touch and you roll your eyes when he winks at you. You guess it’s not only the hand holding that Wonwoo has been confident of lately. He has started to always search and meet your eyes and stay as close as possible to you.  Earlier after locking the door of his car, he  held your hand and the wedding planner couldn’t hide her pleased grin when she opened the doors of her office.
He also has the same confidence to escape from trouble, just like now. Although, of course, you’re not saying Her Majesty is causing trouble. It’s just nerve wracking to go to your future in-laws house for the first time. You’re sure any soon-to-be wife would feel the same way. 
But then again, you’re not just any ordinary soon-to-be wife.
“I heard the beaches there are lovely,” you mention to lighten the mood.
“Yes, they are,” Wonwoo guarantees, his arm now completely around your shoulders, fingers grazing the skin of your shoulder every once in a while. He’s completely warm and you wonder if he’s warmer when you finally get to see him in his hometown. 
You exhale and reach for a napkin to wipe the remnants of the cupcake he took a bite of off the corner of his lips. “Well, I guess I’m gonna have to file for a vacation leave then.”
Wonwoo’s eyes light up, an excited smile forming on his lips. No words were needed to describe how ecstatic he is to visit home. 
With you.
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A week went by and you are now officially invited by the neighboring kingdom for a two-week stay at their Royal Residences. Your parents, the King and Queen, have received the official invitation and they have given orders for you to travel at the convenience of your time. They wish to come along but they do respect the Prince’s parents wishes to spend time with their future daughter-in-law. 
This is your last day of packing and preparing before the long car trip tomorrow and Jeongyeon is all smiles while helping you. She had mentioned before that when she was younger, her family annually travels to the beach there because of how breathtaking and relaxing they were. You can tell she’s very excited through her humming as she zipped the last of your bags.
Jeongyeon placed everything you’ll be bringing near the door of your bedroom to not miss out on anything when you depart tomorrow. She then leaves after resting for a few minutes, bidding you an excited goodbye and see you tomorrow. 
A while later, after scanning your whole room with hands on your hips, you let yourself breathe out and plop down on your bed. The week that went by was oddly busy and tiring. It scared you for a moment because you thought this might hinder you from leaving. But thankfully, after meeting your deadlines and satisfying clients that asked for your legal counsel, the two weeks to come is all yours and Wonwoo’s for the taking. 
You draw your phone from your pocket, thinking of ringing Wonwoo to check on him. But the sound of your doorbell distracted you from doing so. Your brows knit in confusion. You’re not expecting anyone other than Jeongyeon today. Well, you don’t expect anyone other than Jeongyeon ever. 
Nevertheless, you stand up and walk outside the comforts of your bedroom. 
You peek at the monitor near your door and your eyes widened like saucers when you saw the person waiting on the other side.
It didn’t take your fingers long to punch your code and unlock the door. You didn’t even bother checking if you completely unlocked the door because your feet sped to open it yourself. 
“Hey,” you greet and finally get a good look at his form. He’s wearing an oversized grey hoodie and black jeans outlining his long legs. It won’t take a minute to guess he just finished his shift. 
“Hi. Sorry. Did I come at the wrong time?” 
“Did you drive here?” You ask instead of answering. Exhaustion can be clearly heard from his voice and it makes you frown in worry. 
“No, no,” he assures, giving you a tired smile. “I am way too exhausted to drive.”
You didn’t need words to let him in. You just opened your door wider and turned around to walk back inside, certain he’d follow.
You can’t see it, but Wonwoo’s tired smile brightens when he sees you comfortable around him. The first time he stepped foot here was brief and today he’s hoping it lasts a little longer.  The moving car earlier almost lulled him to sleep, but he resisted to not miss telling the driver where to drop him off. “I’m sorry again. You were probably busy.”
“Don’t be,” you say and sit on your couch. You then give him a smile and pat the space next to you. “Now sit.”
Wonwoo returns your smile and takes a seat, dropping his small backpack beside the couch in the process. He lets his head rest sideways and closes his eyes briefly to regain some energy. 
You pout and reach out to remove the fringe blocking his eyes. “Have you eaten?”
He gives you a quiet nod before snuggling closer to the couch. “I just wanted to see you before we leave tomorrow.”
You’re rendered speechless with his words, heart definitely swooning. Without thinking twice, you pulled him close to your body by his arm before securing his head to your chest. His eyes blinked in surprise, but he welcomed the affection anyway. He closes his eyes again and nuzzles his nose to the crook of your neck. Soon, his arms are wrapped around your waist and your legs are over his lap, almost sitting on them. A cozy silence is shared between the two of you. 
“You have two weeks to see my face uninterrupted,” you whisper while running your fingers through his soft locks. 
Wonwoo’s lips stretched to a blissful smile and you can feel it against your skin. “Can’t wait Princess.”
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Your first day at Wonwoo’s kingdom has you booked. Similar to the act of kindness their Majesties extended to your kingdom, your parents returned their generosity by donating for the construction and development of a public hospital. 
Although a courtesy call to their Majesties should have been your first agenda, their Majesties granted you permission to attend the ceremony commemorating the official start of the project. 
Wonwoo’s arm served as your anchor as the two of you stand before a cheering crowd. You make sure to keep a genuine smile and give enthusiastic waves whenever they shout for you. But, you are aware that they are much more excited to finally see their Prince back on their soil. You smile and give Wonwoo a glance who does the same. He holds the hand that’s snaked around his arm, a comforting touch to help keep you calm. 
After the Secretary of Health gave his closing remarks, the ceremony ended. The two of you bid farewell but not before you have extended your greetings to everyone present and wave one last time to the persevering crowd. 
The climate here is no different from your home. However, you must say that there are still some distinctions after seeing the port and the view of the sea. Even though you have been here before, this trip is a whole new experience because you’re about to be wedded to someone who belongs here. 
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“Y/N, my dear.” The Queen joyfully opens her arms after you formally greeted their Majesties with a curtsy. You gladly reciprocate the gesture and hug her back. 
Wonwoo greets his father on the other side with a bow, but His Majesty wanted to envelope him in a hug instead. His embrace definitely says how much he missed his son after a long while. 
“I am so delighted to have you here,” the Queen says, rubbing both of your arms to warmth. “I hope the car ride wasn’t exhausting.”
You shake your head while smiling. “It was alright, Your Majesty.”
Her smile grows bigger. “We’ll let you settle down first before we proceed. We have prepared a room for you and the rest of your staff. But, I’m sure Wonwoo wouldn’t mind sharing his with you.”
You blush at her cheeky wink and you can see Wonwoo grimace from your peripheral. His Majesty just laughs at his beloved’s antics. 
“Your mother is joking,” the King assures and gives his son a pat on the shoulder. He then moves to your direction to finally give you  a hug.
Wonwoo steals you away from the loving couple, afraid of what else his mother will blurt out. He holds your hand again and you just giggle when you see him narrowing his eyes at them. 
“We’ll be taking our leave then, Your Majesties,” you say and bow once again. 
Their Majesties nod and wave goodbye. “See you later!”
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There are still some instances where your home is called The Palace, however as times have changed, the Royal Family has opened its doors to modernity. It’s now usually referred to as the Royal Residences. Wonwoo’s home had done the same and you’re a little relieved that their customs are not that different from your homeland. 
Jeongyeon follows behind as Wonwoo gives you a brief tour to help you navigate around necessary rooms you’d be going to such as the kitchen, library, entrances and exits. All the while, his hand remained clasped with yours. 
The Jeon’s have made their mark on their residence and it’s not that hard to see. It’s too early to say but you can see how it is originally them. From the wallpapers, flooring, artworks, furniture and more. It’s nothing uncomfortable. It’s actually exciting and you’re looking forward to the days to come. 
Shortly after Wonwoo’s tour, you have arrived at the door of your designated room. 
“If you need me…” Wonwoo says, then pauses, hesitating. 
You tilt your head to the side, trying to decipher where the sudden shyness is coming from. You try to hide your grin. This is one of the rare times you see Wonwoo not making eye contact. 
“Your room is at the end of the hall, I know.” you finish his sentence for him and his eyes widen in surprise. Now, you are laughing indeed. “Her Majesty might have shared the information when she hugged me earlier.”
Wonwoo groans and palms his face, embarrassed. He loves his mother, a hundred percent. But, she’s testing it by how much she’s teasing him. 
You squeeze his hand. “You should get some rest. I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
“Okay,” he answers, face still red. “I just hope she doesn’t rub herself on you.”
You shake your head at his remark and let go of his hand, reluctantly. 
“See you later, Princess.”
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You adore the emerald dress that your mother had personally designed for you to wear on this special night. She actually surprised you three days before you left, presenting a huge box and smile when you arrived at the Royal Residences. She even told you how long she had this in store and she can’t believe that such a day she’d see you wear it would come. 
It’s a long-sleeve and backless dress with intricate patterns you believe only your mother would ever come up to. Looking at yourself through the mirror clothed with such a dress makes you confident and strong, reminded by the Queen who’s much more than you already are. 
Once zipped up, Jeongyeon helps put your official crown on the top of your head. The last time you’ve worn this was when your parents celebrated their wedding anniversary. And tonight it carries a different meaning and duty because you’re wearing it for the first time in a while, at your engagement to Wonwoo. You really wish your parents could be here. You’ll have to make sure to take and send a lot of pictures.  
“You really look beautiful, Your Highness,” Jeongyeon praises, looking from behind you as she does some finishing touches for the last time. 
You smile and thank her. 
A knock on the wooden door has your breath hitching. This is it. You release the breath you briefly held before turning away from the mirror to walk towards the door. Jeongyeon helps you with the train of your dress then holds the doorknob, waiting for your signal.
“Whenever you’re ready, Your Highness,” she whispers. 
You nod and hold your head high. “Let’s go.”
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Wonwoo is no stranger to wearing formal clothes such as black suits with either a bow tie or necktie. Although he’s more accustomed to wearing scrubs and his white coat ever since he started working, he still remembers how his mother used to scold him whenever he arrives at events with a disheveled or mismatched tie. All the while, his father just laughs and fixes it for him, without fail. 
But this time, he promised to do things right out of respect to the woman of dignity that you are. Well, he’s of age to know how to do such simple tasks anyway so he really does not have any excuses. 
He humors himself and dust the invisible dust on his shoulders. 
It’s been a long while since you and Wonwoo have been engaged and yet his thoughts and heart are still all over the place. It’s nothing bad to worry about. In fact, he has grown fond of your company already and he won’t deny that the affectionate moments you have shared are more than enough to leave butterflies flying in his stomach. 
He then checks the time on the watch his parents gifted him on his graduation. He better get going if he’s to meet you at the banquet hall. He doesn’t want to keep you waiting like the day you asked him if he really wants to marry you. 
He wouldn’t be late at all because he does want to marry you. 
There. He finally said it and tonight will officially seal that with his parents, the King and Queen, and his people as witnesses. 
He gives himself a last look in the mirror and then takes his leave before a knock on the door is even heard.
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It came as a surprise when you saw the color of Wonwoo’s necktie that is visibly similar to the color of your dress. It may sound unbelievable and a tad bit cringey, but your heart can’t help but flutter when it catches your attention. 
Wonwoo was already standing at the entrance of the banquet hall with his hands behind his back, eyes down on what seems like his brand new shoes and heart and mind patiently waiting for you, when you appeared before him. 
When he looks up and sees you at last, his big smile welcomes you. You can see his eyes brighten up when he sees the color of your dress and your nerves are a little bit relieved. 
“I didn’t get the memo, but I’m glad we’re matching nonetheless,” he says when he takes your hand to wrap around his arm. 
“Are you saying that this is a remarkable coincidence, Your Highness?” You teasingly reply as the two of you face the closed doors, awaiting to be opened. 
“Hmm. I think it’s our mothers,” he deducts, making you laugh. “But I’d like to call it meant to be.”
Your ears heat up at his last statement and you have to bite your lip to avoid smiling too wide. 
After a few seconds and static exchange from walkie talkies, a loud voice announces your attendance followed by opening the huge doors of the banquet hall. Inside, a number of guests not exceeding a hundred and fifty are standing from their tables, clapping as you and Wonwoo enter. 
You feel like the two of you started everything right from the very beginning until now. Your only hope is that it lasts, even just for tonight. 
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Wonwoo’s family was nothing but all smiles when you met them. Brief yet sincere greetings and hugs were exchanged when your fiancé introduced you to them, the family that you’re soon-to-be part of. 
Wonwoo’s hand remained on the small of your back as you moved around the hall to meet every guest. You only got separated when his parents had to take you to different groups of people to engage and socialize. But still, from time to time, you and Wonwoo would meet eyes. 
The dance floor was opened after dinner was served. You couldn’t eat much as your nerves hindered you from doing so. It concerned Wonwoo, afraid you could be sick or not enjoying it. But you dismissed all his worries. Telling him you’re more than okay, just nervous. You finally convinced him when you held his hand. 
A little while later, Wonwoo excused himself to go to the restroom. He squeezes your shoulder and mutters a quick, “I’ll be back.” You were left to watch the King and Queen’s turn to dance their number and you cheered along with everyone watching the sweet exchange. 
So far, you are enjoying the night and as the party is nearing its end, you feel grand. 
What could possibly go wrong, right?
The presence of an ex-lover. 
Okay, that sounded spiteful, even for you. But seeing them standing from the distance and chatting had your heart dropping a little. You turn your eyes away and remind yourself that a minimal change of your expression can be noticed by the hundreds of people present at this party and you can’t let your jealousy be the trending news for tomorrow. 
You swallow the lump on your throat and plaster a smile on your face. You can’t and won’t let this get to your head. There’s nothing bad about catching up. Who knows, they may have chosen to remain friends. Even though you really don’t know how things ended between them. 
Your knuckles turn white from tightly gripping the napkin placed on your lap and your cheeks hurt from how fake you are smiling now. 
But then you ask yourself, why are you restraining yourself from going there and introducing yourself? Introduce yourself to the girl he once considered marrying. Introduce yourself as the one he’s marrying now. 
The jealous side of you is screaming for you to stand up but the lawyer side of you is telling you to stay composed and-
The lawyer in you doesn’t win tonight because before you know it, you have already stood up with feet taking you to where your fiancé is. 
Wonwoo’s back was facing you when you see and hear her giggle as you near them. You sneak behind Wonwoo, almost making his soul jump out of his body, startled by you. But when he realizes that it’s you, his tensed shoulders visibly relax.
You smile and hold his hand, purposely ignoring the other girl. “Can we dance?”
Your head grows dumbfounded at your question. You can’t believe yourself.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Highness,” Wonwoo’s ex-girlfriend introduces herself with a curtsy before he could answer your question.
You just nod, showing no interest at all. You could feel Wonwoo growing tense again as he grips your hand tighter. 
You don’t have any intentions of staying and holding a conversation with her so you return your eyes immediately back to Wonwoo and repeat your question. “Let’s dance?”
Wonwoo didn’t hesitate to give in to your wishes, pulling you to the dance floor without looking back. 
He smiles at you and you smile at him too, the other girl long forgotten. 
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Later in the night when the music died down and the crowd has dispersed, you find yourself growing guilty by your harsh and curt actions towards Wonwoo’s ex-girlfriend earlier. It was so wrong of you and the need to apologize is imperative. 
“I’m sorry about what happened earlier,” you say while looking down on the floor. You and Wonwoo just arrived in front of your room and you have to do this before the night completely ends. “It was childish of me and I… I’m really sorry.”
You brows furrow when you don’t hear Wonwoo reply or mutter at least anything. You’re about to raise your head but Wonwoo’s warm hands beat you to it when he holds it gently and lands a soft kiss on your forehead. 
“She’s married,” he finally says something and that something makes you look up. “But I guess you didn’t notice because you only had your eyes on me.”
You punch his chest when he laughs, definitely not appreciating his teasing tone. “I can’t believe you.”
He’s still laughing when you pull away from him. You roll your eyes before turning to your door, ready to go inside and save yourself from further embarrassment. 
Wonwoo doesn’t fail to notice and immediately takes hold of your hand, tugging you back to his arms. You avoid his eyes when leans down and tries to get you to look back at him. He smiles and sneaks a kiss on your cheek. 
“Stop it!” You warn and push him away, but it was futile. “Are you drunk?”
Wonwoo shakes his head. “No.”
“Then leave.”
“But I don’t want to,” he whines and sways your bodies from side to side.
Wonwoo is now full on hugging your whole body to his and when you return his hug, he hugs you tighter and closer. He cradles your head with one hand while the other soothingly rubs your back. 
“We were young and wanted different things back then,” he suddenly tells. “We were committed to each other but it wasn’t meant to last and as time went by, we realized we were better off as acquaintances rather than as a couple.”
You sigh and snuggle closer to his chest as you listen to his story. “What about now?”
“Hmm?” He hums as he breathes in your scent. 
“Would you still want different things, even with me?”
Wonwoo backs off a little with his arms still around yours when he heard your question. That got him thinking. But it didn’t take him long to give you a sure answer. 
“I would still, yes.” He smiles and presses his forehead against yours. “But regardless, I’d still marry you.”
Your face blushes at his confession and you try to hide away by diving back to his chest. 
Wonwoo chuckles and finds your chin to lift your head up. “I hope it’s not too late, but you really look beautiful, Princess.” 
You don’t know what has gotten to you but once you lock eyes with Wonwoo, you hold the back of his neck and gently pull him down to meet your height. You push yourself up to give him a kiss on his lips. He freezes, but quickly melts right after and captures your lips to fully kiss you. It was only supposed to be a peck, but Wonwoo had other things in mind. 
A whimper can be heard from you when he deepened the kiss and you can only wish for this night to never end.
“Can I stay with you tonight?”
Wonwoo didn’t have to answer. He just holds your hand and runs. 
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[Fan-created Texts] Compatibility Test
Original creator: 夏月_mleila
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Gavin’s Post: 30 Questions Compatibility Test for Couples. Hurry and see if you’re each others’ destiny. http://moqiceshi
Minor: ?!! Bro Gavin, I didn’t expect you to do such things?
Eli: Is this a mistake or did you forget to hide the post?
Gavin @ Eli: None of your business.
Me: What’s this?
Gavin @ Me: Private message.
MC: Why did you post that?
Gavin: You mentioned a few days ago that we should test our compatibility.
Gavin: So I looked through some questions, and...
Gavin: My finger slipped and I posted it on Moments.
MC: Haha, who knew that the normally swift and decisive Commander Gavin would do such tests in his spare time?
Gavin: ...
MC: I know you did it for me. You’re the best.
MC: But why didn’t you delete the post afterwards?
Gavin: By the time I realised, those two comments were already there...
MC: Haha, they must have been waiting for you to embarrass yourself for a very long time.
MC: How about this - I’ll leave a comment saying that I was the one who used your phone and posted it.
Gavin: No need, it’s fine.
MC: Is it really okay?
Gavin: Really. I can handle it, don’t worry.
MC: Okay then. Are you busy now?
Gavin: I’m having a break.
MC: In that case, should we try the questions from that test?
Gavin: Now?
MC: Mm.
Gavin: Okay, let’s begin.
MC: First question: What’s your catchphrase?
Gavin: I don’t have one.
MC: That’s not true! It’s “cough” or “anything’s fine”.
Gavin: I guess so.
MC: What do you think are important for couples?
Gavin: Mutual understanding and keeping each other company.
MC: What would you do if the other party were to forget you one day?
[ 17:29 ]
MC: Are you busy?
MC: I won’t disturb you then.
Gavin: No...
Gavin: I’d do my best to help you regain your memories. But if they can’t be recovered...
Gavin: I’d pursue you all over again, and we’ll create a new set of memories.
Gavin: Whether it’s in the past or the future, I hope to be in your memories.
MC: Want to guess what my answer is?
Gavin: The same as mine?
MC: Nope~
MC: I’d immediately run to you and shout, “Hi, Hubby!”
Gavin: Cough. Really?
MC: I’m just worried that you’d think I’m a pervert and handcuff me instantly.
Gavin: That won’t happen.
MC: You can’t be so certain.
MC: After all, you’d have...
Gavin: I won’t forget you. Even if my mind forgets, my heart wouldn’t.
Gavin: You’re the only key that can unlock my heart. Without you, I’d no longer be a complete Gavin.
MC: In that case, you’d have to wait for me. No matter how difficult the path may be, I’ll definitely return to your side.
Gavin: Okay. And I’ll do my best to stay close to you. I believe that our hearts will be drawn to each other.
MC: I hope you wouldn’t mind if I arrive late. I’m already on the way!
Gavin: Mm. It’s fine even if you’re a little late. My wish has always been to meet you again.
MC: That’s my wish too. We’ll reunite again. Trust me!
Gavin: Okay. But when the time comes, will you really say those two words?
MC: Do you actually want to forget about me?
Gavin: I don’t. I just want to hear...
MC: Dream on! I’m heading out for a meal now!
Gavin: But we aren’t done with the compatibility test?
[ Later ]
MC: Knock knock. Is Mr Gavin at home?
Gavin: I’m here. Is the wedding over?
MC: Yup. I took so many photographs for you. You have no idea how beautiful the venue was. It was so dream-like!
Gavin: Okay, you could send them to me. Are you home?
MC: Nope, I’m on the way to your house.
Gavin: Why are you coming over?
MC: The stir-fried chicken was amazing, so I wanted to bring some over as soon as I could.
Gavin: Are you bringing them over specially for me?
MC: As expected, I can’t lie to the wise and mighty Officer Gavin. It’s your fault for not having proper meals!
Gavin: It’s fine to eat cup noodles occasionally.
MC: No! Not even once! Chronic diseases are cultivated over days and months. You can’t do whatever you want just because you’re young!
Gavin: I don’t do that, do I?
MC: Aren’t I warning you in advance?
Gavin: Yes madam.
MC: Don’t worry, I'm here to protect your health!
Gavin: Okay. Where are you? I’ll pick you up.
MC: I’m still four or five stations away. Don’t head out too early. I’ll send you a message when I’m almost there.
Gavin: Okay.
MC: We haven’t finished the compatibility test from before. Want to use this chance to continue?
Gavin: So you remembered that it wasn’t finished?
MC: Cough cough. So do you want to continue?
Gavin: Yes.
MC: At which age do you plan to get married?
Gavin: Is there really such a question?
MC: Of course. Just answer it.
Gavin: Anytime.
MC: Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?
Gavin: Wherever you want to go.
MC: In that case, I want to go to the romantic places like Turkey, Tokyo and Paris!
Gavin: Okay, we’ll visit all of them.
MC: Do we have that much time?
Gavin: We could go at different times. As long as we’re together, anytime is a honeymoon.
MC: Outstanding answer!!!
MC: Do you prefer having a son or a daughter?
Gavin: I like them both.
MC: No way. You have to pick one!
Gavin: ...if I had to choose, I’d pick a daughter.
MC: Why?
Gavin: A daughter would definitely be as cute as you.
Gavin: Small delicate hands tugging on my pinky finger, a child-like voice calling for her dad to carry her and take her flying...
Gavin: I could protect the both of you... no, I think a son would be better.
MC: Why?
Gavin: There will always be times when I’m not around. If anyone bullies her, I might not be around.
Gavin: I could teach my son how to fight and protect himself. And boys aren’t afraid of getting hurt.
MC: You could also teach such things to a girl. I believe your daughter would be just as strong and brave as you.
Gavin: I could teach her, but I wouldn’t force her to learn these things.
Gavin: Girls and boys naturally differ in strength. If she were to meet a tough opponent, I’m afraid she’d get injured.
MC: You think too much. She wouldn’t be afraid, because she will have you as her role-model.
Gavin: We sound like we actually have a daughter.
MC: Huh? So a son isn’t good?
Gavin: That’s not what I meant. You asked me to pick one.
MC: If he’s Gavin’s son, he’d definitely be a small handsome lad!
Gavin: Am I not handsome?
MC: Your son would be handsome precisely because you’re handsome.
Gavin: Which one of us would you prefer more?
MC: No way. Are you already getting jealous? He’s your son.
Gavin: Even so, I want to know.
MC: Fine, fine. I’d prefer you. I like you the most. Happy?
Gavin: I was just joking. Are you reaching soon?
MC: I’ve just left the station.
Gavin: Were you really asking questions from the compatibility test?
MC: ...yeah.
Gavin: Okay. If there are other questions, put down your phone and ask me in person.
Gavin: Look up.
More fan-created texts: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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夏月_mleila: Sure, of course you can. Thank you for liking it. I also wish for more people to see them
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sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 11
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Disclaimer: I have no current affiliation with any other Via Imperii themed stories. Any claims that I have pre-read anything are false.
Word Count: 2,909
A/N: First of all, I have a couple of new readers (hi, thank you, I love you) if this is your first Sapere Aude, stop here, go back, and start from the beginning. This series has a lot of bombs and surprises, so none of this is going to make sense, and it’s going to make it less exciting if you aren’t reading from the beginning. 
Sorry, another long wait for a chapter. I got stuck, and distracted, and like a million other things. The Choices Insider email last week kind of lit a fire under me. When I started writing this (in December) the plan was to have it finished before the last book came out, so I have like a month to get through this. I’m going full out on getting this completed now, I will be working on nothing but this until it is done, and am hoping to finish it in time for the next book to come out so that PB has plenty of time to steal my ideas. 
This chapter took a while for me to work through, but @jessiembruno was amazing and helped me every step of the way, and got like a million rambling text messages from me once the idea dam finally broke. And then pre-reading and leaving me some amazing love notes, and super helpful suggestions. She also kept encouraging me, and pushing me to work on it when my mind would wander into new ideas, or thoughts on some other random WIP that I started throwing together. I love you, and I am so grateful for this friendship that goes way beyond any of this. By the way, you are an AMAZING writer, and I will continue to shout it from the mountain tops as long as I live. 
As always with this series, I need to thank @txemrn for pre-reading. I was having SUCH a miserable day and feeling so shitty about myself (for non-fandom reasons), and your reactions to this chapter made me laugh out loud for the first time in what felt like forever. I appreciate you so much my dear friend. 
And of course, thank you @twinkleallnight for my beautiful series moodboard. 
Tags: Listed below, you know the drill. 
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Liam exited the bedroom and walked toward the sitting area. He paused at the end of the hallway to observe his wife and his daughter sitting on the couch. Riley had her blouse in hand, sewing on the button Olivia sent her for her undercover mission. She was showing Eleanor how to sew, talking her through every stitch. The princess was watching and listening intently, taking in every word her mother said. 
He leaned his right shoulder against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest as he admired his family. He didn’t understand how it was possible to fall even more in love every time he looked at them. All he wanted in this world was their happiness and safety, and now here he was, sending his wife straight to the enemy. 
“Hi Daddy!” The angelic voice of his daughter pulled him from his thoughts. 
“Hi Princess. Are you being a good helper for mommy?” He lifted Eleanor off the couch and sat in her seat, placing her on his lap. 
“Best helper a girl could ask for.” Riley held her hand out, palm up, and Eleanor gave her a high five. 
Liam enjoyed the company of his family for a few more moments, before placing a kiss on his daughter’s cheek. “Alright Eleanor, why don’t you go play in your room for a little while? Mommy and daddy have to talk about grown up things.”
“Yes, daddy. Will you come play after?” 
“Of course, I believe I am owed a tea party.” He gave her a hug before setting her down and watching her run to her room. When she was gone, he turned his attention back to Riley. “How are you feeling, love?”
Riley cut the lingering thread from the button and placed her blouse on the table in front of them before responding. “I mean, obviously I’m nervous, but I’m optimistic that I’ll come back with something we can use. How are you feeling?”
He sighed and pulled her close to him, kissing the top of her head as it landed on his chest. “Riley, I love how much you worry about me, but let me worry about you right now. Let me be your support system. Tell me truly, how are you feeling?”
“I’m...I’m terrified.” She pulled back and looked him in the eyes, tears beginning to pool in her own. “I’m trying so hard to be strong, to put on a brave face, but this is fucking terrifying. We don’t know how deep it goes, we know some of the people that are involved, but how do we know that that’s everyone?”
“You’re right, there are a lot of unknowns, and that’s scary.” He cupped her face in his hands, wiping a falling tear with his thumb. “But I truly believe that we are going to end this. That you are going to end this. Don’t forget, you are the Champion of The Realm.”
“Yeah, but I’m sleeping with the guy who makes those decisions, he may have been a little biased.” She shrugged, half joking. 
Liam removed his hands, his expression becoming more serious. “Riley, that’s not funny. You have earned every single thing you have received since you arrived in this country, our country. I don’t ever want you to believe that my feelings for you overrule my judgement when it comes to your abilities. You are the strongest person I have ever met. If anyone can do this, it’s you.”
“IF anyone can do this. What if nobody can?”
“Then we will face the fallout together. Like we always do, like we always will. We are the King and Queen of Cordonia, Liam and Riley Rys. We are a force to be reckoned with.” He raised an eyebrow as he parroted back her reassuring words from a few nights before. 
She smirked at him. “Hey, no fair, you can’t use my own words to prove your point like that.” 
“Yes I can, old negotiation tactic.” He winked at her and stood from the couch reaching for her hand. “Come on, we still have the whole day ahead of us. Let’s go have a tea party with our daughter, then I’m taking my girls out for dinner.”
Two days later, Riley was sitting in the back of an SUV heading toward the Fierro Estate. She was doing her best to quell her nerves, but she couldn’t help her hands from fidgeting in her lap. 
“You seem on edge, ma’am. Is everything ok?” The sound of Mara’s voice cut through the silence, startling Riley. 
“Oh...yeah, I’m fine Mara. I’m just not really sure what to expect from this meeting. Last time I went to one of these events, I found out my mother in law wasn’t actually dead. I don’t know if I could handle another surprise like that.”
Mara chuckled at her concern. “Don’t worry your majesty, this is a simple strategy meeting followed by a dinner. You have met all of the members, so there will be no surprise guests this time around.”
Riley nodded and turned her head, watching the scenery pass by as they continued to their destination. Her mind was racing thinking about what this meeting would have in store. She practiced taking pictures with the pen, and activating the recorder she had sewn into her shirt. As they got closer to the estate, she felt her heart rate speed up, and the knot in her stomach tighten.
When they arrived, Riley was ushered into the grand room, which had been set up with a large table. The other members were standing around in small groups chatting until it was time for the meeting to begin. Riley fidgeted with the pen, twirling it in her fingers before lifting it to her face and tapping it against her chin and clicking it several times. She hoped it came off as a nervous habit, providing cover for the fact that she was actually taking pictures around the room. 
She gasped and nearly jumped out of her skin at the feeling of a hand gently being placed on her shoulder. She whipped around to see Eleanor smiling softly at her. “Riley dear, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Oh, Eleanor. Hello.” Riley held her hand to her chest, trying to get her heart rate back to normal. “It’s ok, I’m just a little nervous. Not really sure what to expect from this meeting.”
“Don’t worry, I promise it’s just regular business, nothing earth shattering. Come on, it’s time to get this started, and you’re sitting next to me.” Eleanor wrapped her arm around Riley and led her to the table. The other guests took this as their cue to follow, as the meeting was about to get underway. As Riley sat, she adjusted her skirt and blouse, using the opportunity to activate the microphone embedded in her button. 
As the chapter president, Eleanor kicked off the meeting by greeting their newest member, Queen Riley, and explaining that she was there to help push their initiatives though with the King. Riley clenched her fist ever so slightly, a trick she used when she was trying to keep her expression neutral. They continued on, reviewing the minutes of the last meeting, it all seemed to be pretty mundane, things that wouldn't even necessarily cross hers or Liam’s desk. 
Then they opened up the floor to new business, and Neville stood to address the room. “I would like to revisit the Auvernal alliance.”
Riley was able to maintain her stoic expression, but her body tensed at the mention of Auvernal. She and Liam had made it perfectly clear that there would be no alliance. “I don’t believe there is anything to revisit there.” She chimed in. “King Liam and I determined that the alliance would not be beneficial for Cordonia.”
“Actually, I believe you determined the alliance would not be beneficial to you and your husband.” Neville rebutted, crossing his arms over his chest. “You didn’t want to marry off your daughter, you didn’t bother thinking of what the alliance could bring to our country.”
“Are you questioning the decisions of your monarchs? I urge you to remember your station, Lord Neville.” Riley raised an eyebrow and stood a bit taller. 
Neville scoffed at her threat. “And I urge you to remember that you may have slept your way to the top in Cordonia, but the Via Imperii is bigger than the monarchy, and in this society, I outrank you.”
“Well, if being the Queen doesn’t matter in this room, then there is nothing stopping me from coming over there and beating your a...”
“Ok ok ok, let’s all calm down here.” Eleanor grabbed Riley’s arm, stopping her from charging at Neville. “Let’s all sit down and have a rational conversation, weighing out the pros and cons of an alliance.” Riley and Neville both sat down and exchanged narrow glances. “Now Neville, since you have brought this proposal to the group, you will go first. Please explain to us your thought process on revisiting the alliance.”
Neville nodded and smirked at Riley. “It is clear that combining the financial security of Cordonia with the military strength of Auvernal would make us an unstoppable force. Besides, we need the extra protection given our country’s recent history.” He glared at Riley once again.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Riley huffed. 
“Look at the instability we have faced in recent years. Our crown prince abdicated, his successor, our current king, broke off a perfectly suitable engagement to marry a foreign commoner who was marred in scandal.”
“He released a statement that cleared that whole thing up. The scandal is irrelevant.” She could feel her cheeks heating up.
“Do you really think people stopped talking about it? You can’t really believe that it won’t be a part of your legacy as our Queen.” 
Riley slouched down in her seat. She knew she should remain composed, but bringing up the Tariq scandal hit a nerve that she didn’t know still existed. One of her biggest concerns in continuing her relationship with Liam, and accepting his proposal, was that his success as King would be overshadowed by the scandal she had faced. She had thought that after all these years, it would have been forgotten, but Neville bringing it up just brought everything back up and made her realize it would be something that was attached to her name forever. 
“Besides the personal problems our royal family has faced, there have been multiple attempts to overthrow them just within our own country. Sons of Earth, Duke Godfrey, Barthelemy Beaumont, just to name a few. Other countries are seeing this, and it won’t be long before they try to come for us as well.” Neville continued. 
“While I don’t agree with his delivery, Lord Neville does make some valid points.” Emmeline interjected, the rest of the room began murmuring in agreement. Riley couldn’t hide her shocked expression as she felt tears start to build up in her eyes. She blinked them away, she was not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing their queen cry. 
Eleanor took back control of the room before turning to Riley. “Riley, would you like to counter? You and Liam worked directly with Auvernal during the marriage alliance talks, you clearly have some insight that we may not be privy to.”
Riley took a deep breath to get her emotions under control before standing to address the room. “Aside from the fact that Bradshaw and Isabella are deplorable people with hell spawn children, the main reason that we decided an alliance was not in the best interest of Cordonia, was because it was clear that their interest was not an alliance, but a hostile takeover of our country.”
“Perhaps we would prosper under their rule. I haven’t heard of any coup attempts in Auvernal, it seems to me like they’re doing something right.” Neville spoke up. 
“So that’s it then? You all think Bradshaw and Isabella would do a better job as your king and queen, so I’m just supposed to convince Liam to relinquish the throne?” Riley threw her hands up in frustration and stepped away from the table. 
“Your majesty, we’re not making the final decision right here, right now, we just want to remain open to the idea and explore some options.” Emmeline tried to talk Riley down. “Perhaps you and King Liam could take a meeting with them, a friendly lunch maybe, just to open the lines of communication.”
“This is ridiculous. I can’t believe you all expect me to agree with this!” Riley was now pacing the room, overcome with a nervous energy.
Eleanor stood and lifted a hand to quiet the room. “Alright, that’s enough. I think we’ve gotten as far as we’re going to get with this conversation tonight. Dinner is being set out in the dining hall. I suggest we adjourn for the day. Let’s all compose ourselves and think about all sides of this conversation. We will pick up the conversation at the next meeting.”
As the members started filing out of the room, Eleanor approached Riley and gently placed her hand on her arm to keep her still. “Are you alright Riley?” 
Riley shrugged Eleanor’s hand off of her, anger clear on her face. “Of course I’m not alright. I basically just had a room full of my subjects telling me that my husband and I are doing a shitty job, and they think those monsters are better suited to look out for their best interests. Of course I’m not fucking alright!” Riley moves in closer, lowering her voice but not losing any of the anger in her tone. “I thought you were here doing this to protect Liam. Do you really think that this is protecting him? Handing his kingdom over to Auvernal?!”
“Riley, I always have Liam’s best interests at heart, I promise you that. Why don’t you head home, take a couple of days to relax and take everything in. I will set up a meeting for you and I later this week to talk about everything and work out a game plan.”
“Fine, I can’t stay here anymore anyway. And I definitely don’t have an appetite for dinner.” Riley walked out of the room, looking for Mara so that they could get back to the palace. She stepped into the dining area and saw Mara standing in the far corner talking to Neville. She clenched her jaw and took a deep breath before approaching the pair. “Mara, we will not be staying for dinner. We are returning to the palace immediately. I want to be home to put my daughter to bed.” She wasn’t going to give Neville the satisfaction of knowing she was leaving because of what he started. 
“Of course, your majesty.” Mara nodded and exited with Riley. 
The ride home was silent. In all the years that Mara had worked for Riley, she had never seen her this upset. She wasn’t entirely sure how to handle it, or what would be considered overstepping her duties, so she decided to stay quiet and let Riley speak, if she wanted to. She didn’t. 
They arrived at the palace and walked together to the royal quarters. As Riley placed her hand on the doorknob to enter, Mara cleared her throat to get her attention. “Your majesty, I know this was a difficult evening for you, but I do feel I need to remind you that discretion is key in the Via Imperii. His majesty cannot know what happened tonight. You will need to lock those feelings away for the time being.”
Riley pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. She knew she was going to fall into Liam's arms and cry the second she saw him, and then she would tell him everything, but she couldn’t let Mara know that. “Liam and I will be staying in for the rest of the night. You are dismissed for the evening.” Riley walked into her quarters and shut the door before Mara had a chance to respond. 
As soon as she closed the door, she leaned back against it and dropped her head into her hands. Liam came walking into the room, the smile that appeared on his face when he heard the front door open quickly faded as he took in the sight of his wife sobbing at the front door. “Riley?” She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face as she tried to catch her breath. He rushed over to her and pulled her close, she buried her head in his chest as he stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head trying unsuccessfully to soothe her. “Shhhh, it’s alright love, I’m right here, I’ve got you. Tell me what happened.”
Riley could barely speak, but she slowly tried to explain everything that had happened that night. Liam walked her to the couch as she spoke, she needed to sit, anything to help her relax and calm down. He stared at her in disbelief as he listened to his wife tearfully recap her evening. 
On the other side of the door, Mara pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket, selecting one of the contacts and bringing the phone to her ear. “My lord, you were right. We will need to put your plan in motion.”
@anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @bbrandy2002 @chemist-ana​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @choiceskatie​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @emkay512​ @gabesmommie1130​ @gkittylove99​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @jessiembruno​ @kat-tia801​ @khoicesbyk​ @kingliam2019​ @lucy-268​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @mile9213​ @mom2000aggie​ @pixie88​ @queenrileyrose​ @secretaryunpaid​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ @tessa-liam​ @theroyalheirshadowhunter​ @twinkleallnight​ @txemrn​
Sapere Aude:
@burnsoslow @busywoman @gardeningourmet @ofpixelsandscribbles
Liam x Riley:
@amandablink @yourmajesty09
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causeimhappinesss · 3 years
Like Adam & Eve (Chris Redfield x Sherry Birkin)
Pairing: Chris Redfield x Sherry Birkin
Warnings: age gap + smut + wrap your biscuit, please
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for ten fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
He was beautiful. So handsome. Tall. Muscular. In his early 40s. Intelligent. Open-minded. Honest. Brave. Selfless. All this despite his impulsiveness.
She had known him for years. Since 1998, after the events of Raccoon City and Rockfort Island, when she was under government protection. On several occasions, Leon and Claire had come to visit her; him with them. She was only 12 years old at the time. He was already 25. He saw her as a scared little girl. A child to defend from this cruel world, from her past with her parents... In 1998, the attraction she had developed towards him was only innocent, of course. With no ulterior motives.
The years passed and the number of meetings multiplied. The more she became a woman, the more she wanted to attract his attention, joking with him, telling him about her boyfriends to spark off some kind of jealousy deep in him. She voluntarily wore clothes that emphasized her feminine attributes, although she didn’t have JLO's curves...
For four years, their paths didn’t cross again, until June 2013. President Benford's death, Simmons' betrayal... But there he was. They hadn't been teammates because they didn't share the same mission, but the same conflict had brought them together. Once again, she had not been able to enjoy his presence, to savor it, except on the plane back to the United States.
Sitting between him and Jake, she chatted with Chris Redfield, Wesker's archenemy, her former godfather and her late father's best friend. She was talking to him, her eyes sparkly, her lagoon-colored doe eyes riveted on him, while a smile stretched her rosy lips. Her features, still somewhat juvenile, despite her 27 years, gave her a baby face. She was beautiful. Radiant. In spite of all that she had lived; horrors. He also had his fill of BOWs. Together, they were making up for the time and she even caught herself, almost innocently, sliding her hand over his bicep as she reassured him. Redfield was still not out of his mental breakdown. It had been going on for months and getting back on track was proving difficult.
"Would you like to drink a beer, one day?" she asked in a honeyed voice.
"Oh... I don't know, I'm exhausted..."
Yet his answer didn't make her face fade. The young blonde needed more.
"Oh, come on, Chris! Please, it's been ages since we've spoken... When's the next time? When there will be another bioterrorist attack?"she sighed with a pout.
"Well... Okay, but only once. I have a lot of work to do, you know."
A smile triumphed on Sherry's face as she simply nodded and thanked him. The brown hair man took advantage of it to go towards the toilets of the private jet and at the moment he disappeared in this cabin, Jake patted the shoulder of the blonde. A malicious smile stretched the fine lips of the redhead, clearly amused by the situation. He wasn’t blind.
"You devour him with your eyes, Birkin... What are you waitin’ for to ‘sweet-talk’?"
"I... He's not interested..." she stammered, embarrassed. These simple words reminded her of the day when Redfield had pushed her away, indirectly, without her knowledge. Jill and him were talking, in Claire’s garden, because she had organized a party where all her friends, fighting the bioterrorism, had been invited. It was a mistake. She just wanted to get some fresh air... A bad mistake.
It was hot. Way too hot inside. Sweat was clinging to her skin and even her glass of iced water, after the two glasses of alcohol she'd ingested, wasn't helping to bring her body temperature down. The summer of 2009 was proving to be more overwhelming than she had anticipated. The hubbub in the room was giving her a headache. Leon already seemed to be completely drunk and Claire was chaperoning him. Meanwhile, Sheva and Barry were talking to each other. There were also other agents she only barely knew. Discreetly, she fled the house and, immediately, her body tingled with the coolness of the night. It was pleasant.
Once again, she brought her glass to her lips and the cold liquid flowed down her throat. As she listened to the song of the crickets, whispers made their way to her ear canals. Curiosity overcame her and she moved towards the two voices; a woman and a man. She pressed herself against one of the walls, silent, and recognized who the voices belonged to: Jill and Chris.
"Don't you see how she's looking at you? Chris! You're blind!"
"Jill... Seriously, I think you're fretting over nothing. Sherry sees me as a big brother and I see her as a little sister or a cousin."
A sigh escaped the brunette's lips.
"I'm not fretting. There are looks that don't deceive... Look, I'm not jealous, but I'm telling you what I see. Put up barriers before she takes it as... An invitation."
"All right, if it makes you happy."
Heartbroken, hands shaking, stomach clenched, throat knotted, the little blonde went back inside and no one seemed to have noticed her short absence. She sat down on the sofa, next to Claire, putting back on her mask... The mask of a happy person. The man she had been interested in for eleven year saw her as a little girl, a sister.
What were you thinking, Sherry? He's been with Jill for ages, she's gorgeous, she has the look of a real woman... She's full of qualities. She's not a Birkin! her conscience shouted.
The barriers he put in place? He hadn't seen her in years. Four years, to be exact. It was extreme, and even though Jill had told him it was too much, he'd felt it was the right thing to do, if his girlfriend's assumptions turned out to be true. And while Chris had tried to reassure Jill, when they were still together, he was reassuring himself at first. He had observed her chest and her bottom, on several occasions, during a few seconds. He had almost drowned in her cerulean eyes too. It had become so difficult not to look at her.
Now, Chris, needed to be alone. Only two minutes and the bathroom would prove to be the perfect excuse. Now, in front of the stall mirror, he watched his reflection. Droplets of blood adorned a part of his right cheek. His blue eyes looked tired, lost.
You accept once and you make her understand that there will never be anything between you... Right?
There had to be. He couldn’t allow himself to build a relationship with a woman he had known as a child, it would be indecent and would call into question his image, his values. He was afraid of looking like an old pig, of proving Valentine right, even though they had broken up in November 2012. All these thoughts provoked profusions of sweat, that he tried to mop up with his back hand. When he closed his eyes, for a moment, the features of the beautiful Birkin came back to his face like a slap. Her angelic eyes, her superb smile, her cleavage, her butt... A bump formed inside his boxer, and his eyes widened.
It is tiredness, nothing else... he reassured himself.
And, in a vain hope, he imagined his grandmother in atrocious underwear, until his erection disappeared. Once sure of himself, he left the toilets, went towards Sherry and whispered: "we’ll agree on the place and the hour for the beerby message, tomorrow" and he moved away to find Leon, in full discussion with Helena.
Move away... Move away... Move away...
Sherry had done everything to make him come to her house, to drink the beer. She had tried to put on clothes that would highlight her, a simple skirt that didn’t reveal too much and a simple crop top with straps. He had arrived with five minutes of advance and quickly, the beer had been consumed. She hadn’t left him time to speak, to express his desire to break off all ties, to explain her there would never be anything between them, that she started up a movie. A comedy focused on sex, a strategic way to relax the atmosphere that was getting heavier. Indeed, the more she stayed by his side, the more she dreamed of letting her graceful fingers run over the protruding muscles of the man, from his arms, to his torso, passing over his thighs that she dreamed of straddling until the orgasm. She often dreamed of him, of what he made her, his dick inside her. From minute to minute, discrete, she approached him, by light movements, in natural although calculated appearance... Her ass was close to him, to the crotch of the B.S.A.A’s Captain.
He, Chris, had understood the stratagem. However, impossible to emit the least remark. Every time he opened his lips, he was unable to... hurt her. He knew if he said what was in his mind, he would hurt the young woman. Not to help, his cock was so close to Birkin's tender buttocks and her jasmine scent intoxicated him. She nibbled on her lower, wet, luscious, lower lip; a call to kiss. A new erection showed up and he was quite happy that the covers above them prevented the blonde from noticing it.
He tried his best to be focused on the movie, until a sex scene appeared on the screen. Embarrassed by this scene combined with his proximity to the blonde, he cleared his throat and looked away at Sherry's coffee table. Her crystalline laughter attracted his attention and he gazed at her. His cock continued to tense; it was becoming disturbing. The desire was growing and he was struggling. An internal struggle he wasn’t winning.
"Chris! Don't be embarrassed, it's only a movie and then... Well... I think it's funny how they make some positions look simple!" she said while batting her eyelashes. If she didn’t know yet the power that she possessed, it didn’t change the fact he wanted to devour her. To jump on her. Kiss her.
"That's because you haven't found the right partner..." he whispered.
He couldn't help it. It was the truth and... And what? His brain wasn’t running smoothly anymore. If only someone could shake him, slap him, to bring him back to his goals.
"Oh yeah? Explain to me..."
The blonde turned around and in her swiveling, her buttocks rubbed against his hard cock. The way she had rubbed herself wasn’t accidental, far from it, it was guessable. And he guessed she had felt his erection. A smile stretched Sherry’s lips who slid a hand on the thigh of the soldier, so close to his erect member. The blonde's eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned over him. Chris gulped with difficulty. He dreamed to stroke her breast, to sink into her, to show her he was right.
"Show me, then." she added, of a suave voice.
She was the one who initiated the kiss by pressing her lips against his. With this last lost control, he let his hands wander on her beautiful body. His thick and calloused hands sought her chest, under her crop-top, whereas she wasn’t wearing a bra. He quickly removed the garment and tossed it somewhere in the living room. As he kissed Sherry, he titillated her breasts, her erected nipples. Soon, their lips pulled apart and he licked her nipples, drawing sighs of pleasure from his partner.
He no longer cared about what was right or wrong. If she was too young or not. If he had known her as a kid or not. It didn't matter.
Meanwhile, Sherry took off Redfield's shirt, slid her phalanges between each line of his abs, before attacking his belt. Once rid of this one, she opened the button of his jeans, then took his zipper down. She didn’t seek to get rid immediately of his pants. Instead, she stroked his hard cock through his boxers for a few moments, which made Chris sigh. Finally, she freed his cock from this confined place to admire it, her mouth watering. It was very thick, probably 7,4inches (19 centimeters) long, completely hard, veiny, with a pink head. Some pre-cum covered the tip. With a false look of innocence, she ran her fingers over his balls, on his cock, to the head, then placed kisses on it.
"Sherry..." breathed Chris, his eyes half-closed, watching her. She looked up at him and licked his cock. Again and again. After titillating him, she took him her mouth, her perfect lips wrapped around his member, moving back and forth with wet noises. She insisted on the most sensitive places, in particular on the tip, while she massaged his balls. Her heart beat was off the charts, following the example of that of his sexual partner.
She did everything to please him, to receive his compliments and when the first ones came, such as "nice girl", "oooh... perfect...", her heart swelled with joy. When he asked her to stop, she complied, moved her thong to the side and came to rub her wet intimacy against Redfield's penis as he grunted with excitement... With anticipation... She was having fun rubbing his head at her vagina entrance. She was torturing him.
"Chris... Tell me you want me..."
"Please. Say it. I want you so much... If I could make you my God, I would..." she squeaked without stopping her movements.
"Goodness, yes! I want you Sherry! I want you like I haven't wanted a woman like that in so long!"
That's all it took for the blonde to impale herself on Redfield's cock, not waiting for him to finger her. It was a waste of time in an unexpected situation she never thought she'd ever succeed to provoke. There she was, straddling his cock, with delicious moans. Sometimes, she threw back her head, sometimes she lowered her eyes on their sexes, watching this huge cock moving inside her, stretching her in the most pleasant way.
Chris couldn't believe it. It was as if he was a spectator... As if he was possessed... Yet he was heaving a great time and his thrusts joined Sherry's movements to help her. His hands had found their way on Birkin’s milky hips. Then, he made her roll and lie down on the sofa. He got rid of his pants and his boxer, just like her thong and the skirt. He penetrated her again in a grunt, folded the thighs of the blonde against herself and pounded in her of brutal pushes. Fast. A pleasant revenge for having provoked him... To have made him leave the right way.
She was Eve. He was Adam. The forbidden fruit? Her pink pussy, martyred by his cock.
The blonde moaned and she didn't need to play with her clit to get off. Chris was naturally gifted, as she had imagined in all her dreams since she was a teenager. He was hitting the right angle, the G-spot. It felt so good that she couldn't say anything except let her vocal cords do the talking... Just her luck that her downstairs neighbor had gone on vacation!
"God... Chris... Keep going... Like this...!"
He didn't stop, he let the pleasure continue to climb, until they were close to orgasm. He closed his eyes as her vaginal walls pulsed around him, like a soft vise around his cock, a sign that her orgasm was hitting her hard. She was cheering him. Struck by his own orgasm, Chris grunted and let his seed paint the blonde's walls. His cock throbbed after the four hot spurts of cum. With a sigh, he pulled out and opened his eyes again. His cum was flowing out of her still convulsing pussy in the most erotic way possible. Gradually he caught his breath and let Birkin's legs fall back. The latter was smiling, her face and chest pink.
My God, what have I done...?he thought.
Yet he didn’t escape like a thief.
No, instead, they often slept together. If he tried not to have any attachment, he couldn’t help but stay always longer than he should, whether it was in Sherry's bed, in her shower, or inside her. The more time he spent, the more addicted he became to her, like a drug. It was worse than meth. He couldn't get off it. Little by little, he was falling. No, in fact, he was falling in love with the one he had always denied himself.
Asleep, Sherry was sleeping naked, stuck against him, their legs intertwined, under the moonlight that filtered into the room. She hadn’t closed the shutters. One of her hands were flattened against one of his biceps. He contemplated her curves and her angel face. Tenderly, his fingers slid along the spine of his partner. He didn’t manage to sleep, torn between his duty and his desires.
He had obviously spoken about it to Claire who... Didn't see any harm in it. In fact, really open-minded, his young sister had advised him to start a relationship with Sherry, if he liked the blonde.
"You deserve that! Nobody can judge you when you bleed to save the world every day!" she had whispered while hugging him.
Did he love Sherry? Yes, he recognized the same signs as he had for Jill a decade earlier when he realized he was madly in love. Today, his heart claimed Sherry. Deep down, he knew she was waiting for this, she would accept to start a relationship with him, she was dying for it and if it frightened him a few weeks earlier, now the idea warmed his heart. In a tender gesture, he placed a kiss on Sherry's forehead, whose eyes fluttered as she awoke from her sleep. Slowly, her eyes opened and locked with Redfield's.
"What is it Chris...?"
"I'm sorry I hurt you so much..." he whispered in a husky voice.
The woman's eyebrows furrowed, and she straightened in the middle of the bed, inviting him to continue.
"All these years I knew you wanted me and I acted like I didn't know anything about it, pushed you away as much as possible and... Even though my heart was taken, I regret it. Sherry... I..."
He straightened up in turn and his thick hands framed Sherry's face.
"What I mean is... I love you. I'm a loser when it comes to love confessions, but it's been said."
The blonde burst out laughing then stole a soft kiss from him.
"All that matters now is that we're together. Okay?"
In the end, yes, that was all he cared about. Chris knew he had to think of himself and that meant loving Sherry without any remorse.
My AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/users/BetrayedWriter/profile
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
Too young, too soon
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Mark Lee x reader // FLUFF, SMUT, ANGST  Summary: Telling your parents that you’re pregnant is never easy. But having someone beside you while you feel like your world is suddenly crashing down is a different kind of blessing that you don’t deserve. Mark was there holding your hand the whole time when you told your family about being pregnant. And he was right, your parent loves you.  Word Count: 6k Warnings: Sex, Someone will die, Mentions of other idols, depression, pregnancy, unprotected sex, cursing, drunk driving, lots of mentions of alcohol Note: DONT drink and drive please! And also use protection whatever happens
Cold Tea Bar, Kensington Canada September 2018
Jammed pack night full of students who wants to celebrate for the weekend. Mark Lee is the cutest bartender on duty tonight, well at least in your eyes. You saw him working with two other guys at the bar, Haechan and Jeno. And together they keep the people happy and loud with all the good drinks and with their charms.
The fact that there are seriously a lot of people in this small bar, you’re having a hard time getting Jeno’s attention to get some drinks. Jeno is your best friend’s boyfriend and Jeno always makes the drinks for your friends, that way you can get drinks much easier. But not tonight you guess you just have to wait patiently for Jeno instead.
Even though Mark was busy making drinks, serving and talking to people he still has time to flirt. He’s good at multitasking and talking to people was never a problem for him because its part of his job. “Hyuck, do you see that girl waiting at the corner” Mark was eyeing you and you saw Haechan glance at you. “Yeah, one of Jeno’s friends” Hyuck answered while getting two glasses at the rack. “Yo Jeno, your girl’s best friend is waiting there” Hyuck shouted, unfortunately Jeno is still busy with other customers and told the other two guys to take make you drinks.  “I think I’ll cover for you, she’s cute” Hyuck and Jeno nod their heads in disbelief.
The bar is still busy and so are the bartenders you see. There are three of them but none of them are taking orders at your side of the bar, together with other people patiently waiting. Of course you have no idea but Mark has something up his sleeves. You didn’t notice him slowly coming at the your side while serving tons of drinks. And by the time Mark is serving drinks in front of you already, you were speechless. How can someone looked so good while working under pressure with all these demanding teenagers?
“Y/n right?” his voice brought you back to reality. You were stuttering the whole time while telling him the drinks you need. “I need, uhm -“ you saw him mix something and serve the person beside you. His hands were busy but you know you got his attention, “4 tequila sunrise, and 1 vodka sprite” he smiled at you and nod. He grabs 5 glasses at the rack and made the drinks in front of you.
You noticed he’s pretty calm but quick with his moves, “the vodka sprite is for Jeno’s girlfriend. She will throw a fit if the mix is not right, thats why Jeno always makes her drinks” still stuttering with your words, you made sure you sound polite.
He let out a cute laugh, finishing the drinks but somehow you want him to move a bit slower so you could talk to him more. “I’ll tell you a secret, Jeno learned that mix from me” he told you with a slight smirk. Well that’s a relief you thought, the last thing you want is for your best friend and Jeno to fight.
“Out of these five drinks, which one is yours?” he asked with a smile, trying his best to talk loud, just enough for you to hear him.
“Uh- one of the tequila sunrise”  
He gets a tray and put all 4 drinks leaving your drink behind. “Give these to your friends, and enjoy your drink with me so we could talk more” that bold move made you smile from ear to ear. You do as you’re told and surprisingly he did talked to you the whole night while he was working. Haechan and Jeno teased him around because he was never like this with other customers at the bar. Just by talking to him while he’s working you already found out a lot of things about him. Born and raised in Canada but his parents lives in South Korea, you found out that you go to the same school, same year but different programs.
The night went on and on, laughing and talking to Mark as if you both knew each other for so long. You can’t help but notice that he was trying not to get you drunk so he could talk to you more and you were thankful for that. When its your time to go home with your friends, Mark really wanted to take you home instead but he figured it would be too much if he lets you wait for his shift to finish. “I’ll get your number from Jeno” he was making sure that this is not a one night fling. You smiled and nod leaving him to work.
On the next day, you woke up with a good morning text from Mark. A sweet and simple gesture that made you scream on your pillows.
‘Good morning y/n. I was hoping if we could continue spending time with each other? Its a Saturday and I don’t have bartender duties, I hope you’re free today.’
‘Oh by the way, this is Mark :)’
You read his message ten times already and you can’t believe you’re going out with the cutest bartender in Kensington today. To be completely honest you don’t know what to say to him everything he does makes you speechless. You were deleting and typing again and again, careful not to overdo things.
‘I hope your shift ended nicely and you got good rest. I’m free after lunch, we can meet somewhere if you want. Do you have something in mind?’
It was a beautiful day when you went out at the balcony, seeing your dad take care of his beloved plants. It is indeed a nice day to see Mark Lee again. In a mater of minutes, you received a text from Mark again. And it made you even more happier that he has actual plans on how to spend a beautiful day with each others company.
The day went on, and he looked more handsome under the sunlight and not the neon lights at the bar. He is comfortable to be with, awkward sometimes but he can save the situation and turn it into something interesting. You like how he gets so talkative and confident around you already, it makes you at ease. Even though he treated you with respect, everything feels too good to be true you can’t help but still doubt.
“Mark I didn’t mean to sound rude but, why me? I mean you serve drinks to girls prettier than me every week, talk to the hottest girls and you’re pretty handsome yourself and I’m this normal girl that’s nice enough to get drinks for her friends at the bar,and it just so happens that I caught your attention”
He chuckled and grabs your hand, “It’s a matter of choice y/n. You have everything and more, and I can prove that choosing you is a wise decision. It just so happens that this cute bartender only laid eyes on you” he kissed you on the cheek and told you go inside your house already. Like normal first dates, you never wanted the day to end. Just like how you never wanted to stop talking to him that night at the bar.
You wanted him to never forget this night so you bravely ran into him and kissed him on the lips for a hot minute. Making sure to leave enough heat on his body to keep him warm when he leaves. “I’m planning to have our first kiss on our third date actually” his voice is shaking, definitely startled. “I’m just proving you chose the right girl” you bit your lower lip, hoping you didn’t sound so cocky. To your surprise he kissed you again and again and again, enough to understand that hes yours starting tonight.
Being with Mark Lee is like a crazy roller coaster ride. Months have already passed since that fateful night and everyday since then is beautiful and full of love. Some days were slow, when you’re just watching him play and sing with his guitar while you study or do school stuff. Whenever he’s tired from work he will sweetly ask if you could stay with him so he could just lay on your chest and hug you while he enjoys playing with his hair until he sleeps. By the time you knew about Mark’s love for watermelon, sometimes you ate countless of watermelon in a day while talking about random stuff and loving each others company.
And some days were wild, when he fucks you senseless and go on for as many rounds as you want. Making out during his breaks at the bar for everyone to see that you belong to each other because to be honest you’re so sick of those girls who flirt with him. He sometimes get into fights at the bar whenever guys hit on you right in front of his eyes. He gets drunk after that so you wait for his shift to end, take him home and have make up sex and sleep at his apartment.
Even your parents thought Mark is a gem that you found in the middle of the bar, and both you and your parents think that Mark is different from the other guys you’ve been with. Juggling his studies, the relationship and his work was never a problem. He always finds time to spend with you because he is deeply and madly in love with you.
One crazy night, you were having so much fun with your friends and Mark has heart eyes on you the whole night. As usual the bar is packed and their favorite bartenders are serving drinks: Mark, Haechan and Jeno.
“Dude, you’re breaking my heart. You only have eyes on y/n now. You don’t love me anymore” Haechan whines while mixing drinks, making Mark laugh keeping himself busy again to avoid checking you out. Jeno on the other hand, spared a glance at your best friend when he saw someone familiar standing in front of you and his girl. Someone he will never forget because he was present at that time. He slowly made his way near Mark and told him maybe you’re in trouble because your ex showed up.
“Dude I’m telling you, that guy is trouble. He never treated y/n with respect. I was there when he mistreated y/n during my girlfriend’s party” but Mark Lee received his final warning from the manager, one more bar fight and his out.  
You knew that Mark is already aware of Jaehyun’s presence. You knew because you can feel Mark’s gaze from across the room. Of course you’re not insensitive, you quickly made your way to the bar so Mark can be at ease. He made his way to you, and kissed you before he serves drinks again making you your favorite tequila sunrise. Jaehyun came in out of nowhere and tickled your waist in front of Mark, Jeno was quick to hold his arm.
“Why did you went away?” Jaehyun is talking to you closely, you could smell his familiar musk making you uncomfortable. You bravely pushed him away something you wanted to do back when you were still dating, “Really? In front of my boyfriend Jaehyun? Get out of my face!” you figured if Mark cant start a fight because he’s on his final warning, you surely can and you’re not scared to be thrown out of the bar. Lucas is a nice bouncer, he wouldn’t dare throwing his friend’s girlfriend alone in the middle of the night.
Mark gave Jaehyun a shot of tequila and gestures him to go, pointing at the exit. Of course that hurt Jaehyun’s pride, “This bartender over me?” you wanted to punch Jaehyun so bad but you knew better. “Yes! A million times yes! Mark is not an asshole like you!” those words brought shame to Jaehyun, thankfully he left the bar with his friends without a word.
You were breathing heavily, your best friend came over to check up on you. The relationship you had with Jaehyun was traumatising, something you never mentioned to Mark. Your boyfriend gave you a glass of water, holding you close in his arms helping you to keep calm. “Thanks for putting up a fight for me” he cupped your face incredibly close to him. You kissed him quickly and told him to go back to work, “I’ll stay here where you can see me don’t worry” he winks at you, as if he’s telling you you’re in for a treat tonight.
The night went on peacefully and you decided to spend the night at Mark’s apartment which he thinks is a good idea. Mark got a little drunk last minute, so he’s ten times sweeter than he normally is. You noticed because he’s been kissing your cheeks every minute the whole car ride. Jeno was nice to take you and Mark home, your boyfriend was kissing and thanking Jeno for everything before he finally lets go and let him leave in peace. You and your best friend can only laugh at the scene.
Its a normal thing for the two of you to take care of each other, specially when one of you is drunk or tipsy. Good thing Mark is sober enough to change his own clothes and brush his teeth he knew you will seriously throw a fit if he goes to bed without brushing his teeth. You hand him a glass of water before you take a shower, “you sleepy already?” this time its you who gave him a kiss, he shook his head. “Not drunk anymore either” he’s quick to pull you for a tight hug, kissing your lips sweetly and taking his time with you. “I’ll shower first before everything else” you try to push him away giggling and pinching his cute butt. “aw-“
Your mind was clouded by what happened earlier that you forgot to bring your clothes with you at the bathroom. You didn’t have any choice but to walk into Mark’s room with just your towel. He whistled when you came in, telling you that he can smell you from where he’s seated. “Is this a new thing of yours? Walking into my room with only your towel?” he teased you making you both giggle and laugh.
“I will take off your clothes the moment you finished putting them on. I wont bother putting them If I were you”
Of all the many things Mark is good at, sweet talking is one of it. You tsked and walked slowly towards him, straddling him while he comfortably lays in bed. Gripping your towel tightly, careful not to let it fall. Mark let out a frustrated laugh and closed his eyes, “Y/n if I’m good at sweet talking you’re good at teasing” he knew you so well. You grind on his clothed crotch, making his thin pyjamas wet from your juices. “Please remove your towel, I want to see you” you didn’t stopped grinding on his hard crotch, slowly you let your towel fall making Mark impatient he grabbed the end of it and threw it somewhere on the floor.
He sat up meeting your lips, hands all over your body. Kissing each other hungrily like you’ve been away for a long time. You removed Mark’s shirt worshipping your boyfriend’s beautiful body and kissed his flawless abs, down to his abdomen removing his pyjamas and boxer briefs in one swift move. With no words or whatsoever, you suck him off like theres no tomorrow. His hands quick to be on top of your head, “Why do I feel like I’m getting rewarded every time you suck me off” he felt the vibration from your giggle.
You pump his cock while slowly sucking him off, playing with his head with a pool of spit in your mouth. Mark likes it filthy but he never mentions it to you because he’s a gentleman. Seeing your boyfriend’s parted lips while his eyes are closed, makes him ten times hotter always. “Oh y/n, baby - shit, you’re in trouble for making me feel so good right now” he managed to let out a threat even though he’s quivering. It’s obvious that he’s on edge already, you removed his cock from your mouth your hand played with his head, making him whine and quiver more he almost kicked you “So what? you want me to stop?”  
“No! - fucking - Im sorry please baby, put it back in your mouth” and you did, he smiled at you letting you know he’s thankful. After a few minutes, Mark is a whining mess cursing and breathing heavily under your touch while you try your best to keep his hips steady. You don’t always swallow his cum, but when you do he loses his mind and becomes a little rough in bed. Which you love.
You lay on his chest after sucking him off, listening to his heart beat feeling his fingers draw invisible lines on your back. “Your cum tastes like vodka” you both laughed at what you said. He was poking your pussy on purpose which you just let him do, “I wonder what your cum tastes like tonight?” you smiled at him, he kissed you in return. He loves seeing your hair perfectly falls to your side so he kept his eyes open the whole time you were kissing him softly.
Slowly pulling away from him you giggle at the sight of your boyfriend being needy of your kisses. “Mark Lee, tonight is your lucky night and your time to be a pillow princess” he looks at you for a second, hesitating since he wanted to make you feel good tonight. “Okay” he shifts to a better position in bed, making himself comfortable and waiting for your next move. “Hmm. Mark, I just remembered” you came closer to him, lips almost touching. “We don’t have condoms” you laughed at his reaction. Completely frustrated, groaning and massaging his forehead. “You planned this” he quickly accused you since you’re the one who keep on insisting to have sex without condoms these couple of days but he never let you win. “Oh y/n! You’re so good at teasing like - ugh! The things I want to do to you baby” you were still laughing while kissing his neck, marking him for the first time tonight.
“No way”
“Come on you’re Mark Lee. You can do anything” you sat in between his legs, kissing his abs slowly going down.
“Its not that I can’t do it, you know I can. And I kinda want to” he felt your kisses on his cock. Making him flinch, completely aware that your kisses are sweet traps. “Its dangerous, we don’t know what might happen” you groan in frustration, “Jeno does it all the time and she never gets pregnant. Come on, just this one time” his eyes widened by the mention of Jeno’s name, he didn’t expect that you will use Jeno in this type of situation. “I’m sorry” you knew what you did and you were guilty of it, “I shouldn’t have said that baby, I’m sorry” you stopped what you’re doing and lay on top of your boyfriend.
He hates seeing you like this. Maybe he can pullout just for tonight. You felt him tap your ass, you hum and looked at him. “I think” he gulps, he cant believe he’s actually saying yes, “Just don’t make me cum, I’ll make you cum tonight” you giggle like a little girl and quickly placed your hand on his cock making him hard again, kissing his nipples making him needy of you. He closed his eyes again savouring the pleasure.
You grind and grind on his cock, making it hard with your juices. He doesn’t say it but it makes him crazy feeling your pussy like this. “Baby It’s not even in yet” you stopped grinding because he looked like he’s about to cum. “Dont mind me, you’re hot. I can’t help it” he smiled at you completely letting go of all the worries running in his head.
When you finally lined his cock at your entrance and slowly pushing it in, the feeling was surreal. The pleasure when you grind more on his cock was addicting you can’t explain how good it is. It’s the first time both of you had sex without a condom and it made you both speechless. It felt like you’re having sex for the first time again. Only your moans and Mark’s surrounds the room. You were panting and breathing hard, hoping Mark could talk to you. But instead he switched the positions making you underneath him, his lips never left yours. You felt him slowly pullout and it made you whine, a little disappointed. “Baby why -“ but the moment you voiced out your disappointment, he came slamming in your pussy making you moan a little louder than before.
His pace was slow, enough to make you both crazy and at the same time wanting for more. Mark is completely taking control now, “Remind me to fuck you raw again next time” you gasped at what he just said leaving you in awe and making you more turned on. You switched positions again making you on top, straddling him. “You won’t give up, do you?”  he intertwines his fingers with yours, kissing both of your knuckles. “Nope. Told you I want to take control tonight” he nods in approval, he grabs your boobs while you grind on top of him. The view of you grinding slowly and then suddenly bouncing on his cock, not taking your eyes off him is something he will never forget.
He slapped your ass leaving you shocked. “Is that that the best you got, don’t make me switch positions again” you scoffed and doubled your pace making his head turn left and right, “You’re saying that as if you’re not on edge already. Mark, baby, you don’t know what you’re saying” you bite back.
“You’re right- fuck - Im gonna cum” to his surprise you switched positions again, encircling your arms around his neck kissing him like crazy.
“Pullout. Show me you can” you challenged him again.
He smirked and sucked his thumb, putting it on your clit stimulating you while he pounds your pussy. You regret putting him in charge again, you feel your high coming making your legs weak. “Oh my go- Mark!” You whine and moan making him stop when you already came. You saw him pullout, pump his cock and ruining his blue sheets, his eyes still not leaving you. Still on high from your orgasm , you cover your face with all your energy left telling him to stop looking at you.
“Mark, stop looking at me while you jerk off. You’re turning me on”
You closed your eyes still avoiding his gaze, but he went in between your legs again spreading your folds and licks your cunt. Making you quiver and gasp pushing his head away from your pussy but you feel so weak. All you can do now is give in to what he’s doing. You came again for the second time tonight, and you swear you feel so tired.
Mark felt so accomplished by making you feel good and tired tonight. He didn’t expect that fucking you raw can make him more addicted to you than he already is. You felt wet kisses all over your body, hearing him giggle and laugh from time to time. “Hmm. Im not yet tired. Want round two?” He licks your hard nipples, touching and pinching them to wake you up. You both know that saying no to round two will only make you both horny the next day.
“Give me a few minutes” you asked of him.
“Nope. Nu-uh” he’s teasing your slit again, making you sensitive and shiver under him.
Starting that night, you’ve drawn to each other even more. And having sex at least once a week without condom became a thing for the both of you. It’s not that having sex with condoms bore you, it’s just that Mark fucking you raw made the sex even more better than before.
“I’m telling you! He was completely out of his mind the moment-“ Mark quickly covers your mouth before you tell Jeno everything about the first night you two fucked raw. Jeno was laughing the whole time teasing Mark while he mixed drinks, not letting Mark get away with this.
“You’re so dead later” Mark threatened you again with a kiss on your temple.
After a few weeks, Mark insists on using condoms again because he’s scared he might not control himself anymore and cum instead you. “Is it too late for me to try taking pills?” he didn’t stopped you when you suggested it, “only if you’re comfortable with taking it, okay?” You nod.
When your final wave of exams are finished, everyone was out celebrating. That means Mark will be busy serving drinks again on a Friday night. Your best friend wants to get drunk so bad because she and Jeno had a fight. All you can do is be with her, meddling with other’s relationship is not actually your thing. You can only assure to Jeno that you’re taking care of her.
“Don’t let her drink too much” Jeno begs. You both know that your best friend is stubborn and she gets a little too alcoholic whenever they fight. “I’ll try” you said, giving him a frown and you went back to the table.
You felt sick a minute after your best friend threw up for the third time tonight. The smell of her puke made you dizzy and throw up too. You wished for this night to end soon.
Mark was quick too find you the moment you’re nowhere to be found around the area. He found you on the bathroom floor leaning on the wall. “Y/n, what on earth? I barely gave you drinks tonight” you felt so weak, your head hurts you cant speak.
The next day, you woke up on Mark’s bed wearing one of his shirts and comfortable sweatpants. You saw him on his small kitchen making pancakes, while drinking coffee. You quietly sneaked behind him giving him morning kisses and thanking him for taking care of you last night. “To make you feel  even better, Jeno made amends last night he apologised before they went home” it indeed made you feel better but not physically, you feel like throwing up again leaving Mark at the kitchen and running to the bathroom as quick as you can.
You threw up on the toilet making you feel disgusted to yourself, cursing all the alcoholic beverages you drank last night. Mark came in leaning on the door with a glass of water, worried about you and to what’s happening in your body. He didn’t want to think about it, but he suspects you’re pregnant.
“When was the last time you had your period?” That question from Mark made you completely irritated. You shrugged it off, not telling him a word. Thinking maybe he’s right.
The whole morning was quiet, something that never happens whenever you and Mark spend breakfast together. You asked him to take you home because you’re worried your parents might get mad at him.
When you got home, you checked your menstrual cycle only to find out you’re four weeks late. You were scared of course. Mark knew what exactly you were going to do so he didn’t leave yet. You saw him standing outside your room, looking at you as if he knew already what you just found out.
“I’m here. I’ll take responsibility”
You cried and cried that night while Mark holds you tight. Blaming no one but yourself. Mark is trying his best to comfort you and be with you, letting you know that he will never leave you all throughout the process. “All we have to do is be honest with the people around us. Specially to your parents, they love you. Im sure sure they help is through this. I’ll talk to my parents as well” hearing him talk like this makes you wonder what did you do deserve Mark.
Telling your parents that you’re pregnant is never easy. But having someone beside you while you feel like your world is suddenly crashing down is a different kind of blessing that you don’t deserve. Mark was there holding your hand the whole time when you told your family about being pregnant. And he was right, your parent loves you.
Nothing was easy about teenage pregnancy. It challenges you mentally and physically. You feel like a completely different person when you first saw your baby bump, but nothing compared to the feeling when the doctor told you and Mark that you’re having a baby boy.
“Okay, how about Marco? Marcus? So we could call him Marky” you laughed at the baby names your boyfriend suggests. They’re not bad, but it’s funny how he still wants to name the baby after his name.
When the day finally came, you were fighting for your life and you were sent to the hospital 2 weeks early before the estimated date of your delivery. Everyone was nervous, and patiently waiting outside the delivery room. And when the doctor finally came out, everyone burst into tears.
“Her delivery was not easy, but y/n and the baby are safe now”
Mark Wanted to scream, and tell everyone in the hospital how he’s so proud of you for fighting for your own life and for Marco’s. When he saw you and his baby for the first, he cried. Telling soft wishes beside the baby’s ear, playing with it’s small hands.
You and Mark were great parents even though you’re both young for that role. He had double shifts at the bar so he can earn more. Telling everyone that you delivered the baby safely and that he’s saving up so people will start seeing him more and serving more drinks.
You on the other hand, is completely hands on with your son, taking care of him 24/7 and not letting anyone touch your baby except Mark and your parents. You decided to leave school and return next year with Mark so the both of you can provide a great future for your baby.
The baby is now five months old and everyone is excited to meet him. But its not safe to bring him on Jeno’s birthday. So you asked for your parents to look after baby Marco for tonight. You and Mark kissed baby Marco goodbye as you went out to head to the bar.
“Do you think it’s right to make your parents take care of our baby just because it’s Jeno’s birthday?” Mark asked.
“I feel guilty too baby, but you need to work. And I promised Jeno. Besides its only for tonight and Im not drinking tonight, not a drop” he nods.
When you both arrived at the bar, Mark went straight to work, kissing you a couple of times before letting you go. As usual your best friend is already drunk, but trying her best to sober up because she’s the one driving you home tonight. You greet Jeno a happy birthday, telling him to stop giving his girlfriend alcohol and start giving her water.
“And speaking of water, heres yours my love” Mark gave you a glass of water reaching for a kiss. “Mark Im going to be drunk tonight, drunk in love” your boyfriend blushed but rolls his eyes on you.
You went back to your best friend with her glass of water, making her drink all of it. “Y/n I want to go home. I promised Jeno I wouldn’t stay late because I have early classes tomorrow” you nod and helped her gather her stuff, putting her jacket on. Mark was serving drinks at the other side of the bar, so you made Jeno tell him that you went home already.
Mark was grabbing a glass at the rack when suddenly one of it slipped through his hand, something that never happened before. “It’s okay I got it, go make drinks they want 10 rum cokes. You’re the expert” Hyuck grabs the broom and cleaned up.
Talking to people while mixing drinks is his thing, he heard Jeno called him a few times but he ignored him and kept on taking orders from people. He felt someone grabbed him from behind only to find out it was Jeno. Tears falling completely speechless.
When someone finally talked to Mark about what happened, his world stopped.
That night, you and your best friend died from car crash.
Mark was beyond heartbroken. He never talked to Jeno ever again because he’s scared he might hate him for the rest of his life. He asked for some time before he’s ready to face his best friend again. After the funeral, Mark talked to your parents and begged them to take care of Marco. Not because he’s running away from his responsibilities but because he knew he can’t take care of his son if he’s depressed. Mark never felt so lonely in his life.
He went back to Korea to his parents to seek comfort and asked them to help him stand with his own feet again. He experienced a different kind of sadness every day, crying every night because you’re alive and well in his dreams, he sometimes imagine that you’re still alive and making himself believe that you’re still here. But Mark knew better. He’s desperate to move on and be better for his son.
After a year, Mark is still experiencing the stages of grief meaning he’s still not capable of taking care of his son, which he agrees. But he realised its not right for him to miss out on in his son’s growth. Slowly with the help of his parents and your parents, he fixed himself again for his son. Although he’s still grieving, he pushes himself to go back to school and finish college. It’s something you would him to do.
5 years later
All is well and on the right track again. Marco grew well with the help of everyone who witnessed him struggle. Mark is financially stable and has a proper home for him and his son. The boy is still young to understand about death but Mark made sure you’re always present in their lives. Keeping pictures of you around the house so he’s familiar with your beautiful face, trying his best on teaching his son the way you would teach him so he would live up just like his mother.
Whenever little Marco and Mark forgets to brush their teeth Mark will always remind him that you will get mad, “Come on you little dork, if mom is here she will surely yell at us.”
Mark cried when Marco asked why he doesn’t have a mom, “No baby don’t say that. Mom is watching us from above, you don’t need to worry about a thing. Were both here with you”
By the time Marco was not so baby anymore and he finished grade school “Mom is proud of you kiddo” Mark finally brought him to your grave and explained what happened as light as possible so he wouldn’t get sad overwhelmed.
As part of moving on and forgiving, Mark and Jeno finally talked again after years and years of building their life again. Jeno and Haechan became great uncles to Marco, taking care of him with all their might because they see you in you in your son.
Mark never understood why such tragedies occur in your life, but he believes that you can take care of both him and your son from up there and that comforts him.
The end. ................................................. Masterlist Thanks for reading! If you came to this point, I hope you enjoyed it! I tried writing something longer but this is all I could manage. hehe.
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bluenet13 · 3 years
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Hay Amor en Todas Partes (Part 2/2)
Written for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Firehouse 126 Crew (basically everyone is here)
Prompt: Losing Their Temper
Summary: After a night out, Carlos and TK encounter two men with nothing good to say. When tempers flare, punches fly, chaos ensues, and two become six, leaving Carlos and TK at their mercy.
Chapter 1
Links: ff.net - AO3
Judd and Grace were tangled together on the couch watching a movie when Judd's phone rang. Frowning, he grabbed it and looked at Grace in confusion, showing her the name on the screen. Confusion on both their faces, because sure, both Judd and Grace were friends with the officer but he rarely called them.
"Reyes?" Judd said, instantly putting the call on speaker. "Carlos, you there? TK?"
A grunt could be heard from the other end and the couple shared a puzzled look. "Is this some kind of joke?" Judd asked, managing to sound only mildly exasperated.
"Should we call TK?" Grace inquired, moving to her phone already.
Hearing another groan, and shuffling on the other side, Judd's features twisted to mild disgust. "Do you think they… are they-?" Judd cut himself short, shaking his head, not even wanting to think about what he could be hearing, and moved to end the call.
"Judson, wait," Grace directed, her hand coming to rest over his. "Turn the volume all the way up. I don't think this is an accidental call." And never one to question his wife, Judd did as directed.
While Judd spent his days saving lives in the physical world, Grace spent hers helping people through a phone, and nobody was better at her job than her. So now, she closed her eyes and listened. Opening them again and looking at her husband with horror in her eyes as soon as they both recognized the distinct sound of fists and feet connecting with a body, and various accompanying pained gasps and grunts.
"Carlos what the hell is going on? Where are you? We're coming to help," Judd screamed into the phone, but no response came. Then a gruff voice softly spoke, but it sounded far away so they could only make out the word 'alley'.
"Grace, call 9-1-1. Then call the crew, I want to stay on the line with Carlos," Judd directed, turning to his wife, even as he ran to their room to get a jacket and some shoes. "And don't bother calling TK, I'm sure whatever is happening they're together."
When Judd came back to the living room, Grace was already standing by the door, dressed and ready to go, keys already in her hand and phone pressed to her ear.
"Where do you think you're going?" Judd breathed out.
"To help. TK might be your teammate, but he and Carlos are my friends too. Let's go," Grace left no room for argument, and opened the door, not waiting for Judd to follow, just knowing that he would.
And so he did.
Carlos Reyes has always known he would die alone. It was a fact he had accepted the very day he enrolled in the police academy. And he had made peace with that notion, even if he wasn't fond of the idea. But right now, he cursed inwardly, because he had much rather die alone than face the possibility of TK dying alongside him, or even worse, instead of him.
TK Strand had almost died more than a few times, and long ago he had already questioned and accepted his own mortality, but he had never made peace with the idea of losing people close to him. And there was no one he wanted to lose less than Carlos Reyes, so right now, he stilled his nerves and told himself he would welcome death like an old friend, hoping destiny would see it as an invitation and chose to take him instead.
When the shot ran out, TK and Carlos both flinched. Hands unclasping as they both waited for the pain. Eyes going simultaneously wide as they reached the same conclusion when none came. Both, cop and paramedic, were too scared to turn around to their boyfriend and what they would find there, so instead they just closed their eyes and waited. Until the sounds of sirens gave them the little push they needed to continue being brave and turn to each other.
Simultaneous smiles reached their lips as they saw the other one was okay, and Carlos and TK collapsed in an embrace. Holding each other up, both hanging on for dear life.
Footsteps coming close broke the hug, and Carlos and TK fumbled and stumbled as they both tried to push the other behind. Neither sure of the upcoming threat, just focused on protecting their boyfriend. But the attempt was unnecessary because they were finally safe.
Aaron laid on the ground in front of them, blood pouring out from a sniper round to his head, and the other five men had disappeared, but most likely were currently being rounded by APD, if the blinking red and blue lights in every direction were any indication.
"Are you guys okay?" Marjan asked first.
"What the hell happened?" Judd added not a second later.
"Paramedics are on route," Grace directed, phone still pressed to her ear.
"Come on let us help you," Paul offered, holding out his hand.
"You both look like hell," Mateo said, because he just couldn't help himself.
TK and Carlos looked up and away from Aaron's body, to see their friends, their family, surrounding them. Everyone was there, Judd, Grace, Paul, Marjan, Mateo, even Nancy. All looking nervous and sounding more than a little bit breathless.
"What? Uh? How?" TK fumbled with the words, staring at the group with wide and still slightly frantic green eyes. "How did you find us?" He finally managed to whisper.
"You have to thank your boy over there," Judd drawled, his hands closed into fists at his sides.
Turning to Carlos, TK raised his eyebrows in a silent question.
"When, when they were focused on you, I took out my phone and tried to contact Judd. I couldn't send a message so I just left the call open. I thought of calling 9-1-1 but you never know who's going to get that call and if they're going to take something like this seriously. Besides, I already knew where the best operator in town was," Carlos explained, smiling shyly at Grace. "But I wasn't sure it had even worked. Sean was standing over me and I couldn't see the screen well," Carlos finished with a breathy laugh, one of pure relief.
"It worked, alright," Judd said proudly, "but what the hell happened?"
Both Carlos and TK deflated at that, neither wanting to relive the experience. But their friends deserved to know, especially because they had all paused their lives to be here, so they took turns telling the story. From the moment they left the bar until just now when the 126 rescued them from almost certain death.
"Bastards," Paul hissed, eyes darkened.
"I would kill him myself if he wasn't already dead," Judd mumbled, staring at Aaron's lifeless body, and only managed to look slightly regretful when Grace whispered a stern 'Judson'.
"I hope the other five rot in prison," Nancy said under her breath, and everyone else nodded.
"Damn, that sucks, dude. That's why you shouldn't go out without adult supervision," Mateo teased lightly.
"Not that you are that much of an adult, probie. But you're right. No more bars or nightclubs unless the crew is there," Marjan added with finality.
Still shaken and in pain, Carlos and TK couldn't help but laugh because their friends were truly something. But they wouldn't have it any other way.
"Can we go home, baby?" TK asked after a moment of silence, turning to his boyfriend.
"Yeah, we can," Carlos whispered, pushing TK's hair back and kissing him on the forehead, where a bruise was already forming.
"Uh no, you're both going to the hospital," Judd interjected.
"But -" Both TK and Carlos tried to say.
"No buts, if it was only one of you that was hurt, we all know the other one wouldn't have it any other way. So no arguing now, and just do as we say," Paul said, leaving no room for argument.
TK just pouted and tried to give the team his best puppy eyes but they were seemingly immune to his charm by now because they all shook their heads and turned around.
"Come on, Ty. We can make a date out of it," Carlos offered, groaning as he lifted himself from the ground and extended his hand to TK.
Taking it, TK kissed Carlos' bruised knuckles and mouthed a silent 'thank you'. Then let himself be pulled off the ground as they walked to the waiting ambulance, their weight supported in between Judd and Paul, the rest of the crew instinctively moving to surround them from all sides, enclosing the couple in a protective circle.
The next few hours were spent in the ER, both TK and Carlos going for countless x-rays, and scans. But in the end, their injuries were deemed to be painful and bothersome, but not life threatening. So when it was nearing 5 in the morning, they were finally discharged with clear instructions to take it easy, rest for the next few days, and come back if any of their symptoms or injuries worsened.
"Ready to go home?" Carlos asked TK as he helped him close the bottoms on his shirt. Thankful the team had brought them clean clothes so they didn't have to wear the bloody and dirty ones.
"I have never been more ready," TK said sincerely, pushing Carlos' hand away. "But, I'm not the one with three cracked ribs, I can dress myself."
"Yeah, but you're the one with two broken fingers, and a sprained wrist," Carlos said matter-of-factly.
"Can we stop comparing scars and get the hell out of here?" Paul deadpanned from the door, then turned around to shout something towards the waiting room. "They're decent guys, you're good to come in."
Carlos blushed and TK rolled his eyes, parting his lips to say something, but his attempt was interrupted as the rest of the 126 came into the room. Conversation flowing easily as if they had all been together in the room for the past few hours.
"Besides, I think we can all agree you both look like hell," Marjan added helpfully, the rest of the team nodding their agreement. Their words teasing, but their eyes betraying the concern and anger they were all feeling.
"What are you guys still doing here?" TK asked, ignoring their jokes, because he had already looked at himself in the mirror, and knew exactly how he looked.
"It's been hours, you should have gone home," Carlos agreed.
"Did you guys really think we would leave you alone after what happened?" Paul asked incredulously.
"Yes?" TK shrugged, but smiled at them anyways. "There's these helpful apps called Uber or Lyft if you guys didn't know, we would have called one."
"Dude, what's the point of having friends if you have to rideshare home from the hospital?" Mateo said softly, then looked uncomfortable when all eyes turned to him.
"Probie is right," Marjan said with a smile, clapping Mateo on the shoulder, "you guys are family and family don't let each other take an Uber from the hospital."
"Much less after getting the crap beat out of you by racist and homophobic assholes," Paul added under his breath, looking ready to murder someone if he could get his hands on any of the six men who attacked his friends.
"What's taking so long?" Judd popped his head inside the room, cutting all conversation short. "Come on, let's go. Tommy and Owen will meet us at your house."
Hearing his dad's name TK groaned and silently wondered if it was too late to ask his doctor to admit him for the night. Carlos picked up on his anxiety, and took his hand and squeezed softly.
"Did you really have to call him?" TK couldn't help but ask, "tonight, I mean. Couldn't you have waited until tomorrow?" He amended after everyone glared at him.
"Of course we had, we didn't all want to lose our jobs," Marjan said with a shrug, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably. Everyone was rattled, and no one was doing a good job of hiding it.
"At least this time it really wasn't your fault that you got hurt, so maybe Cap will take it better," Mateo offered, but even he sounded like he didn't believe his words.
"Or he might just finally decide to bubble wrap TK so he stops getting hurt," Nancy proposed, "I know Tommy and I were talking about it after the whole kidnapping incident."
"That actually sounds like a great idea," Carlos perked up at that.
"Shut up, Reyes, you're in the hospital too," TK mumbled.
"Behave boys," Grace said softly, in her best 9-1-1 dispatcher tone, calm and collected but firm in her opinion. "You know Captain Strand worries about you, TK. We waited to call him and Tommy after we knew more of what was happening, but we did after the doctor spoke to us. If it was the other way around and Owen was hurt, you would have wanted us to call you too."
"Thanks, Grace," Carlos breathed out, while TK only nodded, "actually, thank you all. We don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up with half the cops in the city." He did know, but he didn't want to voice those words. Instead choosing to end with his attempt at a joke.
"No need to thank us," Nancy said, stepping from the back of the room for the first time, "took me long enough to break Strand in after the last fiasco and parade of potential paramedics. I just can't deal with a new partner. And I'm sure your partner feels the same, Reyes."
Everyone laughed at that, but it never reached their eyes. T.K. and Carlos were okay now, but the events of the night would remain with them for some time. For now, the crew would just be there for their friends in whatever way they needed, and hope their love was enough to chase away any memories of what Aaron and his men had said and done.
Reaching their house a half hour later, Carlos and TK stepped out of Marjan's car with a groan, awkwardly leaning against the door and each other as they tried to steady themselves. Quickly getting out of his truck and the Camaro, respectively, Judd, and Paul ran to their friends, each setting one of their arms over their shoulders as they helped them to the front door.
Reaching the porch, Carlos smiled and TK groaned as Tommy, Owen, Gabriel and Andrea came into view, all of them instantly crowding the boys, fussing over them, asking questions, and offering to help. But thankfully, Paul took pity on them and respectfully pushed everyone away, sharing the doctor's words and reminding all their friends and family that Carlos and TK needed to rest.
As soon as they made it inside their home, they collapsed on the couch, both in pain but content to be in each other's arms and surrounded by their families and best friends. Once they were all settled around the living room, Owen handed them their prescriptions with two bottles of water, staying in front of them for an extra second as he looked them up and down. Seemingly satisfied with what he found, Owen nodded, squeezed both Carlos and TK's shoulders and stepped away. But visual confirmation wasn't enough for Tommy and Nancy as they insisted on checking the boys over, for their own benefit and mental peace. Gabriel and Andrea, for their part, went straight to the kitchen, setting bags on the counter and containers on the fridge. When they came back into the room, Carlos thanked his parents and hugged them both, silently wondering when his mother even had time to cook all that or if maybe she just had a stack of comfort food lying around on the fridge ready to go next time disaster struck.
Everyone then shared some small talk before they all left the house an hour later. The crew promising to be back on their next day off so they could play some video games or board games, while Owen and Andrea offered to return the next morning to make sure they were alright and help them around the house, and Gabriel vowed to get the Rangers on the case so these men could never attack or harass anyone ever again.
"Are you okay?" Carlos asked eventually, once they were finally alone in their bedroom, both just wearing boxers and a towel over their shoulders as they continued to air dry their damp bodies.
"Not really," TK said honestly, head tilting sideways as he looked at Carlos thoughtfully. The shower had helped, but it hadn't been enough to erase all the fears and worries after the night they just had. "But I will be. What about you?"
"Pretty much the same, but mostly just worried about you," Carlos admitted softly, fingers carding through TK's hair as Carlos stepped in between his legs, while TK sat on the bed.
"Why? I didn't go through this alone. It didn't just happen to me," TK explained, moving his hands to Carlos' hips and pulling him closer.
"Yeah, but I feel like it's my job to protect you. And I failed at it," Carlos said simply, eyes darkening as he felt the plastic splint on TK's wrist brush against his skin.
"Why, because you're a cop?" TK wondered.
"Because I'm your boyfriend."
"And I'm yours," TK said easily, "so that means we protect each other."
Carlos nodded, but still looked unconvinced.
"I'm a big boy, Carlos. I can handle some homophobic and racist assholes," TK tried next.
"But you shouldn't have to," Carlos whispered. His fingers now softly running over the bruise on TK's temple.
"And you shouldn't either. No one deserves something like this. But, sadly, these things happen," TK said with a shrug. "And I know that doesn't make it better, but it's just the way it is."
"It sucks." Carlos sighed, because it did and there was nothing else to say.
"It sure does. But we will be okay. We just need to go about this like we do everything else, we handle it together and move forward as a team. No need for you to take the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. Not when you have someone to bear it with you." TK moved his hands from Carlos' hips to his back, softly running his fingers over the tense spots and knots around his boyfriend's shoulder blades. It was a bit awkward with broken fingers and a splint, but like everything, they made it work.
Carlos hummed his agreement and closed his eyes, taking a moment to enjoy the comfort his boyfriend was so graciously gifting him, even when he was hurt too. After a few minutes, Carlos opened his eyes again, instantly getting lost in the green of TK's gaze, and his body naturally leaned forward. TK easily met him in the middle, their lips connecting in a sweet kiss.
TK's hands left Carlos' back to wrap around his body, pulling him closer as they slowly deepened the kiss. Lips parting in simultaneous invitations, but the moment was short lived as TK hugged a little too hard and Carlos groaned against his lips. His injured ribs protesting the movement even when his heart leaped in his chest.
"You're hurt," TK breathed out, stepping out of his boyfriend's space and limping to the bathroom, a smile gracing his face after hearing Carlos' little whimper at the loss of contact. "Lie down," he directed when he returned a minute later, supplies in hand.
Carlos raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "I would love nothing more but I think we're in no physical condition for that."
"Ha, ha." TK waved the bottle of 'Arnicare' in his hand, before pointing to the bed.
Carlos nodded and carefully sat on the bed. Then took a few steadying breaths before he fell back on the mattress. Barely suppressed grunts and a wince escaping as the movement pulled at his tired and sore muscles.
Moving forward TK put some of the cream on Carlos' abdomen and began rubbing softly, mindful of the broken ribs and bruises that were already visible on his skin. "Just relax," TK said softly, feeling Carlos tense under his touch. "I won't hurt you."
"I know," Carlos said honestly. TK could never, would never. But the memories of what happened at the bar were still fresh on his mind. So, he moved his hand to TK and set his palm over his thigh. And only then could he really relax. His heart needing the physical connection as much as the sight of his boyfriend standing in front of him.
When TK finished with the cream, he wiped his hands on the towel and left the room. Returning soon after with two ice packs, one which he set over the worst of the purple coloring his boyfriend's skin, and the other one over his own temple. He then turned off the lights and climbed into his side of the bed.
Wordlessly, Carlos shuffled closer and set his hand over his boyfriend's chest, letting the steady beat of TK's heart ground him and calm his own. "Thank you," he whispered eventually, hoping the simple message conveyed more than just gratitude. He wanted it to mean 'I love you', 'if I had to go through this I'm glad it is with you', 'I'm sorry you had to hear those things and get hurt', and so much more. But his words were failing him tonight, so he settled for the two words that would always be true.
"Anytime," TK mumbled, voice laced with sleep. "But Carlos, promise me one thing?"
"Anything," Carlos offered easily.
"Next time this happens, because we both know it likely will," he began, but quickly backtracked, "I hope not the beating part, but the insults. Promise me that when, if, it happens again, you won't try to defend my honor." His words were serious, but Carlos sensed the smile that was on his lips. "You looked damn hot when you punched the bastard on the face, but -"
Carlos chuckled at that, knowing that losing his temper had only made things worse, even when he had done his best to keep TK under control. But still, he promised nothing. Because as certain as he was that something like that could happen again, he was also confident that he would always defend TK. From homophobic and racist men, or anything else that threatened his boyfriend. And TK seemed to know and understand because he didn't press the issue any further. Mostly because he would do the same thing. Anytime and any day.
"But thank you," TK did say, his hand seeking Carlos' and intertwining their fingers together, before he moved it to his lips and pressed a kiss over his knuckles.
"Anytime, and always," Carlos echoed his boyfriend, before ending on a promise of his own. Then he inhaled a deep breath, taking it all in. "I love you, Ty." The words flowing more easily this time.
"Love you, too."
The previous night might not have gone like they expected, but they had made it through. And now Carlos and TK simply continued to bask in their love. Because love could take many shapes and forms, and it sometimes happened in bed after a night of dancing at the bar, but other times it just entailed taking care of one another, and shared bruise cream and ice packs.
Snuggled against each other, and content, TK and Carlos eventually fell asleep. Because even when the world was at its darkest, the actions of their friends, families and each other had shown them that there was still love everywhere around them. Most people just had to look hard enough to find it, but for Carlos and TK finding it would always be the easy part. Since their love was a simple fact, a constant, and a reality that was as true as breathing.
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jiangchengrights · 4 years
i’d always been rigid before you
also available on ao3
The world around Wei Ying is a delightful shade of, of, fuck, what was it all the  pretentious photography majors have told her? The one that’s all hazy orange and blurred edges. That makes everything feel old and fragile and romantic. The one Wei Ying likes best. It’s not black and white or the one on, on, dague-daguerreotype, but a-
“A calotype,” Wei Ying mumbles to herself, rubbing at her eyes as she stares at the ceiling from her spot on the ground. The world is only spinning a little bit, “Sepia!”
“Shut up, Wei Wuxian,” Jiang Cheng throws at her, lacking all the heat it normally carries. Probably because he’s also fairly drunk. Makes him softer, like a cat. Wei Ying giggles to herself and reaches a hand out, wrapping warm fingers around Jiang Cheng’s ankle, pleased when he lets it rest there, “Did you order your food or not?”
“Oh!” she gasps, using his leg as support to claw her way up and into a sitting position, squinting one eye shut so she can focus on the tiny little words that light up her screen. Why were her letters so small? Why didn’t she set them to be big, like when she reset Jiang Fengimen’s for him? Absolute fool, she thinks to herself as she navigates the doordash app, hoping beyond hope that the app doesn’t crash while she’s ordering because she does not have the mental capacity to deal with that right now, “Yes!”
“Good, because if my order gets here before yours, I’m not sharing my fries with you,” Jiang Cheng grumbles, sounding absolutely put upon and yet, Wei Ying thinks smugly to herself, he doesn’t shake her off his leg. She counts that as a win.
“But didi,” she languishes, flopping across his feet dramatically, laughing when he nudges her just on the side of a kick, “I fully plan to share my pancakes with you!”
“I don’t want your pancakes, Wei Wuxian,” Jiang Cheng grumbles, “And you still can’t have my fries.”
She pouts and pouts and whines at the ceiling but gets no further response from Jiang Cheng besides a few grumbles and a grunted out question of horror or comedy? Her cheer of horror! is accepted and her glass is absolutely not refilled because obviously Jiang Cheng hates her. And of course his food does in fact get there first (probably because he’d ordered it a solid twenty minutes before she had even started looking at the iHop online menu but that is neither here nor there) but she does manage to steal an entire handful of fries from him and a sip of his coke because he loves her even if he pretends he doesn’t. Another victory.
She turns her pout towards her phone now, opening the doordash app to message her driver. She wants an ETA on her phone but she’s not willing to risk her food being spit on and she is very grateful that someone out there is willing to brave the cold to bring pancakes directly to her door so instead she opts for a completely casual and friendly, i love you ❤️
She doesn’t really expect a response, figures the doordash driver is busy or unwilling to talk or (hopefully) driving but her phone dings with the standard Hi, this is DoorDash connecting you to your Dasher for updates about your order. And then, I love you too.
She reads the message four times, mouthing the words to her screen with a heavy tongue before she throws her head back to laugh, feeling light and fuzzy because this stranger is playing along with her. She clicks back to her app to check the name of her driver and spends ten minutes tracing the letters on her screen that spell out Hanguang Jun.
Her food arrives with a perfunctory knock and she half stumbles her way to the door, fairly certain the floor is moving erratically beneath her just to slow her down. Even though she yells, “I’m coming, I’m coming, hold on!” (words nearly unintelligible with the way they stumble and slur out of her mouth) and she throws the door open with all her might, she doesn’t make it in time to see her dasher. She thinks she catches a glimpse of long shiny black hair, but really that could be a shadow.
She leaves a five star review on the dasher anyways, for being lovely.
The next day she slides into her seat in her criminology class, right at the front, 8AM sharp (8:08). The front row of class is, generally, not her favorite spot, especially in big auditoriums like this. She’d rather be somewhere in the upper middle, where she could sink low if she needed to but still be heard if she has questions or comments. Especially, especially, when she is hungover enough that her ice coffee does nothing to curb the throbbing in her head.
But Lan Zhan likes to sit in the front row and Wei Ying likes to sit next to Lan Zhan. So. So she will suffer through her Professor’s half glare as she stumbles in late and slides into the (thankfully) empty seat next to her. Lan Zhan doesn’t bother looking at her, too busy jotting down little notes in her journal, watching the screen as the professor discusses a future class assignment. Wei Ying sets her drink down carefully and then continues to messily rifle through her bag in search of a scrap of paper and anything to write with and comes up remarkably short.
A carefully sharpened pencil and a neat, small, stack of notebook paper are pushed her way, even as Lan Zhan continues to look forward. It’s so small and stupid but it has Wei Ying grinning like a fool, leaning close enough into Lan Zhan’s shoulder to whisper, thank you, lan zhan, my hero. She’s fairly certain Lan Zhan mostly just tolerates her, but god, tolerates her in the nicest way possible.
She turns back around and listens for the rest of class. By “listen” she means she is secretly recording the lecture on her phone, which she will absolutely listen to later, and maintains half attention while also drawing a bunny on one of the sheets Lan Zhan gave her. She’s pretty certain bunnies are Lan Zhan’s favorite and so she is ever perfecting the art of drawing them; realistically, cartoon-esque, blocky orbs that mostly just look funny to Wei Ying herself, but in all ways she practices. This one looks pretty good, she decides halfway through class, and so she will give it to Lan Zhan when their professor finally stops talking.
(It crosses her mind that Lan Zhan might not appreciate the waste of her own paper but she hopes the cuteness of the bunny will make up for that)
She’s just adding the finishing touches to the piece when the professor wraps up class, the music of end of class clatter lighting up the room; laptops and notebooks being shut, zipped away safely in backpacks. Wei Ying has no such noise, being that none of the supplies on her desk are her own besides her mostly empty coffee cup. She turns to Lan Zhan without a second thought, tapping lightly on her shoulder, and smiling what her sister calls her “winning smile” (Jiang Cheng refers to it as her “shit eating grin” and that is why he is not her favorite sister. Although, he still holds the title for her favorite brother. Don’t tell him that) as Lan Zhan tilts her head gracefully in her direction.
“For you!” she half shouts, giddy like a small child, pressing the drawing into Lan Zhan’s notebook.
“Me?” Lan Zhan questions, brows furrowing just the slightest amount, enough for Wei Ying to have to fight the urge to reach out and smooth the lines that crinkle there. Her eyes widen, though, when she looks down and sees the bunny and god, oh my god, her lips pull up on one side in what is definitely a Lan-Zhan-smile. She is smiling and all because of Wei Ying.
“Bunny,” is all she says, sounding reverent as her fingers reach out to stroke the page, as if it might carry any of the real softness of rabbit fur.
This is the best day of Wei Ying’s life.
“I thought you liked them!” Wei Ying shouts, oblivious of the students who are trying to filter out of their seats around them. She leans to the side, so that her forehead touches Lan Zhan’s shoulder, just enough pressure to really feel each other and says, “Thank you for always taking care of me, Lan Zhan!”
Lan Zhan is stiff beneath her, but she nods anyways and then reaches out to carefully fold around the rabbit and place it safely in her notebook, humming as she does. She’s keeping it. When Wei Ying lifts her head off the girl’s shoulder, Lan Zhan fully turns to look at her, eyes scrutinizing everything from Wei Ying’s twisted ponytail to the bags under her eyes, “I am surprised Wei Ying is here today.”
“What!” Wei Ying squawks, “This is my favorite class!” this is my lan-zhan-class!
“Mn,” Lan Zhan nods, and then purses her lips when she catches sight of the coffee sweating on the corner of Wei Ying’s desk, “Wei Ying should drink more water.”
“Ahh, there you go again!” Wei Ying laughs, finally hefting her bag onto her shoulder and moving to stand up, “Always trying to take care of me!”
The tips of Lan Zhan’s ears turn tomato red and she doesn’t respond to that comment, so Wei Ying figures Lan Zhan’s tolerance for her up for the day. Ah, well, she had a good run today! Enough to hold her off until Wednesday (that is, unless she sees Lan Zhan walking around on campus between now and then. She’s never had very good self-control around Lan Zhan).
“I’ll see you on Wednesday, Lan Zhan!” she calls over her shoulder as she bounces her way out of the class. She’ll draw a better bunny on Wednesday, she’s sure, one good enough to make Lan Zhan look at her twice. She will.
She’s halfway through her jog on Tuesday when Wen Qing calls her. She answers the phone without bothering to stop running, much to the distaste of Wen Qing, who has to listen to her pant.
“We’re drinking tonight,” is how Wen Qing starts this conversation.
“Wow, hello to you too,” Wei Ying says through heavy breathes, just to be an asshole, “I’m good today, how are you?”
“I’m fucking shitty, why else would I be calling you up?” Wen Qing snaps, as though she doesn’t call Wei Ying minimum three times a week on top of lunch dates every Thursday.
“What happened?” Wei Ying asks, rounding the corner of the park and heading in a straight line towards her apartment complex.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Wen Qing says, sounding remarkably impatient for someone who started this phone call. And with Wei Wuxian of all people.
“Ah,” Wei Ying nods to herself, “So Mianmian then.”
“I didn’t say that!” Wen Qing snaps.
“Didn’t have to,” Wei Ying reminds her, coming to the flight of stairs that lead to her apartment, “I know of all your woes, Qing-jie.”
“You don’t know shit,” she hears from multiple angles.
“Are you already-” she begins asking, but cuts herself off when she reaches the top of the stairs and sees Wen Qing standing angrily outside her door, two bottles of Vodka in hand, “Alright then.”
“Just open the door, Wei Wuxian,” Wen Qing demands, stepping aside as Wei Ying comes closer, “I’m tired of holding these fucking bottles.”
“Okay, okay, okay,” Wei Ying laughs, unlocking the door, “Make yourself comfortable.”
“You know I will.”
The world is once again hazy, less nice this time because her stomach still feels a little squirmy from the last hangover. She misses her recovery time from high school (read: no hangovers ever), now she’s just an old lady who can only drink, like, once a week. A tragedy.
Yet, here she is, on the floor once again because she seems to always end up on the floor when she’s drunk. It’s a nice spot; safe and big, big enough to spread her long limbs out wide.
“I want pancakes,” she says to the ceiling fan, expecting no response.
Instead she gets, “You already ordered your fucking pancakes, it’s not my fault you always take forever to actually order.”
“But Qing-jie!” she whines, rolling on her side to give Wen Qing her puppy dog eyes, “You got your food so quick and I’m still waiting.”
“Again, not my fault,” Wen Qing snaps before shoving an ungodly amount of burrito into her mouth, “Just message your driver to see where they’re at.”
“Oh yeah!!” she whips out her phone so fast it goes flying across the room and she has to crawl on her belly like a snake to get it. Her driver’s name is weird, Hanguang Jun, familiar even though it’s strange and... “It’s my driver from last Sunday!”
“Okay?” Wen Qing says around her burrito, rolling her eyes when Wei Ying waves her off.
u r my soulmate, she sends with zero hesitation, grinning when her phone buzzes almost immediately.
Hi, this is DoorDash connecting you to your Dasher for updates about your order. It says, yet again, and then, Really.
So dry, so cute! Wei Ying doesn’t know this person but she likes them already. The ability to play into her antics is not one possessed by everyone, so she will value it when she finds it, yes 😳
I am glad to know that, Hanguang Jun replies in an instant.
Wei Ying wants to play it really cool and really fun but she’s also absolutely starving and so she sends, what’s going on over there
A long line.
Then, because she decides she wants to go back to being fun she types out, its okay just hold on i cant wait to see u
I cannot wait to see you either.
And then Wei Ying just about dies and stays that way, arm thrown over her eyes and groaning like a fool on the vaguely dirty carpet of her apartment until she notices Wen Qing trying to fill her cup once again.
“Wen Qing, don’t drink all the Vodka!” she shouts right as there is a knock on the door and she jumps up, hoping if she hustles to the door she can see the illustrious Hanguang Jun this time. It’s a no-go, but she does find her food placed neatly on her doorstep with a small handwritten note that says For my soulmate.
So five stars once again.
She slides into her seat somehow even more haggard than on Monday and barely has time to look at Lan Zhan, sitting prim in her seat, hair straight and long, with a powder blue sweater over a white dress shirt and a short black skirt to match, long legs covered by black tights, before the other girl thrusts a huge water bottle her way.
“Drink,” Lan Zhan says by way of greeting, staring Wei Ying down until she hesitantly opens the bottle and takes a sip, smiling unsure when she pulls away.
“Lan Zhan?” she asks, screwing the cap back on slowly.
“Water is good for Wei Ying,” she states, turning away. Wei Ying stares at her for a second more and then nods, pulling out her now-found notebook with a smile.
“It’s almost like you care about me, Lan Zhan,” She whispers, smirking when she sees Lan Zhan’s fingers tighten around her pencil.
Lan Zhan doesn’t dignify that with a response, so she leaves it alone for now, tuning back to her own page to maybe take notes this class. Maybe.
Lan Zhan follows her out of class that day, lets Wei Ying latch onto her arm like a fool and chatter away as they mill about the crowds of other undergrad students. She hmms and mms at all the right moments and sometimes, very rarely but sometimes, she seems to cling back to Wei Ying as much as Wei Ying clings to her.
Wei Ying is a little in love.
Before she can do something stupid, like say that, Lan Zhan turns, and meets the eyes of Nie Mingjue, who looks smug and stern as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. Lan Zhan’s eyes widen and she hastens to disentangle herself from Wei Ying’s grasp, taking a side step away.
“Hey isn’t that your brother’s best friend?” Wei Ying asks, but by the time she looks up Lan Zhan is gone, lost in the throng of people.
Wei Ying stands alone in the quad center as people mill around her, feeling lost and a little hurt by the sudden vanish of her friend, meeting Nie Mingjue’s pitying gaze only once before she hustles along to the buses.
Lan Zhan had done this in high school, too. Had run away from Wei Ying anytime someone significant came into view of them. Had shoved Wei Ying off and called her shameless and walked away from her without ever turning around. Wei Ying remembers a lot of Lan Zhan’s back, always walking away, always a little out of reach.
That was okay though, they were kids, still working through everything. Wei Ying always assumed it was just hormones or Lan Zhan working through her own inner gay crisis combined with Wei Ying’s own puberty induced irritatingness. She assumed that would stop now; they were adults and Lan Zhan had really come into her own and Wei Ying had calmed down ever so slightly. What did it matter if her brother saw her with Wei Ying? What could it hurt?
Just Wei Ying, it turns out. It could hurt Wei Ying.
Wei Ying spends maybe, slightly, too much money on food delivery. It’s just, she always wants food when she’s drunk and she’s very against drinking and driving and she never has the forethought to get food before she starts drinking so here she is.
Your driver is on their way! The app notifies her and only then does she remember to check who is picking the food up for her, squealing when she sees the name.
Hanguang jun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, this is DoorDash connecting you to your Dasher for updates about your order. She gets and then, Yes.
its u again!!!
Hanguang Jun: It is me.
Wei Ying: u r the love of my life
Hanguang Jun: I thought I was your soulmate?
Wei Ying: r u saying u cant be both 🥺
Hanguang Jun: I can be whatever you need.
That has Wei Ying blushing from head to toe in her thankfully empty apartment. She has to take a moment to breathe before she can reply with, ah so smooth hanguang jun
There is a brief pause, one that has Wei Ying waiting, staring at her phone with a too cheesy smile on her face, Mn. For you.
She squeals in excitement so loud she almost misses the knock on the door. It's distracting enough to slow her down, so still no sight of Hanguang Jun tonight. Their chat disconnects but it’s okay, there will be a next time.
(Wei Ying hopes there will be a next time).
Rate your dasher: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Wei Ying’s criminology class is not a small class. Small classes have order and structure; you get to know your fellow classmates and an informal seating chart begins to appear usually after the second week of class. This one, however, is set in a wide auditorium that fills with too many students to even know any of them, who always seem to be moving around, always in new spots. Which is why it continually surprises Wei Ying that her spot is always empty and waiting for her when she stumbles in ten minutes late. She voices this out loud only to receive an eye roll from Lan Zhan.
“It is Wei Ying’s spot,” is all she says, turning forward once again. And it is her spot but that’s not the point of Wei Ying’s argument, now is it?
“Hmph,” she sighs to herself, digging around in her bag until she finds the two bunny pens she had purchased this weekend on a whim at some novelty store. They’re both silicone smooth, with rounded bunny heads on the end and ears that extend maybe a bit too far. She pushes the black one onto Lan Zhan’s desk and whispers, “That one is for you.”
“For...me?” Lan Zhan asks, lips parting as she looks down at the pen in her hand and then back up at Wei Ying, the hint of a smile in her cheeks.
“Of course! You’re my favorite Lan Zhan, who else would I buy a pen for?” she says back, feeling utterly pleased with herself to have gained such a positive reaction, wiggling closer in her seat to press her arm against Lan Zhan, “You’re my favorite.”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan calls, not quite a whisper, but soft and intense, one of her hands reaching out to grab at Wei Ying’s own. Wei Ying is delighted to find the other girl has rough calluses on the tips of her fingers that scrape gently against her knuckles, “Thank you.”
“Lan Zhan, ah, it’s no big deal, really,” she whispers, suddenly shy, using her free hand to rub at the back of her neck, “I was just thinking about you, you know?”
Lan Zhan stares at her for just a beat too long, before she pulls away entirely. Before Wei Ying can panic, though, she neatly puts her original pen away and picks up the bunny pen, smiling down at her notebook as she writes her notes, trying to hide the biggest smile Wei Ying has ever seen from the other girl.
She’s so warm next to Wei Ying and she never looks like she even considers switching away from the bunny pen even though it's surely not as nice as the gel one she’d been using before. When the professor dismisses them a mere minute and a half before their class is scheduled to end, Wei Ying finds herself in a panic, desperate not to let Lan Zhan slip away just yet.
“Hey,” she says, one hand reaching out lightning fast to grasp Lan Zhan’s elbow, “Do you want to get coffee?”
Lan Zhan frowns, goes to open her mouth but doesn’t manage to get a single sound out before Wei Ying half shouts, “Tea! Tea! I know you like tea instead of coffee, let’s get tea, Lan Zhan.”
Lan Zhan stares at her long enough that Wei Ying begins to squirm in her seat, words on the tip of her tongue to take it all back, rescind her existence entirely when Lan Zhan asks, “Wei Ying...knows I like tea?”
“Well, yes,” Wei Ying nods, hoping this doesn’t make her seem like she’s been paying too much attention to Lan Zhan, “It’s just, you never bring coffee to class, always tea. So, I just, like, assumed. But, tea?”
“Mn,” Lan Zhan says, “Let’s get tea.”
So they get tea in what is the best and most excruciating forty five minutes of Wei Ying’s entire life. Lan Zhan sits across from her with the poise and beauty of a marble statue, sharp lines carved from stone only to be softened when she laughs at Wei Ying’s silliness. She steeps jasmine tea in a teacup and bats it around with a spoon, slow, careful, sure enough in her practiced movements that Wei Ying finds herself enraptured, watching those fingers with a single minded focus. She’s never been enraptured by tea before. She doesn’t even really like tea.
They sit close enough that their knees brush every once in a while, whenever Lan Zhan recrossses her legs and it's enough to send sparks up Wei Ying’s leg, through her sweatpant clad knee. It is the best feeling in the world, she’s sure. And yet, also a special kind of hell to sit here, next to a Goddess and not be able to reach out and touch, to ask for more.
She wishes Lan Zhan wanted more.
But, she’ll take friendship and tea over nothing, so she keeps her complaints to herself and regails Lan Zhan with every funny story she can think of, preening when Lan Zhan smiles at her.
“I had to explain to my professor the entire concept of Star Trek, Lan Zhan. Like I had to sit there in this highly academic room and be all well you see, sir, the entire doctrine of the Prime Directive contradicts everything he just said so that’s really not a suitable analogy to make. And I’m not even the one who brought it up!” she half yells, throwing her hands up in exasperation, “Now I’m the one who looks like some kind of scifi nerd to our professor!”
“Hmm,” Lan Zhan hums, blowing into the steam of her tea, “Wei Ying has seen Star Trek though?”
“Well, yes.”
“A lot of it?”
“I mean, what do you consider a lot? That’s very subjective, Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying smiles, working around the statement just to be coy, just to see the faint amusement that lights up Lan Zhan’s eyes.
“Wei Ying.”
“I may or may not have seen all of it, but that is so not the point!” Wei Ying counters, pointing her finger at Lan Zhan just to make her point.  
“It seems then,” Lan Zhan starts, taking a sip of her tea, thoroughly uncowed, “that Wei Ying is some kind of ‘scifi nerd.’”
“Lan Zhan!” she squawks, throwing a hand over her heart in faux hurt, “I have never felt more betrayed than in this moment, more hurt, more wounded, more heartbroken.”
“Mn, Wei Ying has had it easy then,” Lan Zhan nods, tracing the rim of her teacup with the tip of her finger, “Someone has to make it more difficult for her. What did you say earlier? It ‘builds character’?”
“Lan Zhan!” she squeezes the hand over her heart more intensely, sighing long and winded, “How could you do this to me, Lan Zhan, your dearest Wei Ying?”
Lan Zhan’s eyes move from roaming over Wei Ying’s face, to glance over her shoulder, widening slightly at whatever she sees. She stands without another word, fumbles with her wallet to drop a note on the table and says, “I must leave now, Wei Ying.”
Lan Zhan leaves without a second glance, turning away from the front entrance which is a much straighter shot out of the cafe and onto the main street, to quite literally sneak out of the side door, that leads only to an alley and a trash can. Wei Ying stares after her, shocked mostly, until she hears the front bell chime. She turns to see a man walk in with dark silky hair, wide shoulders, and well tailored clothes set in a deep blue that compliments his skin perfectly. He wears a warm smile and allows the smaller man next to him to walk ahead, a hand rested firmly but respectfully on the small of his back.
Lan Xichen.
Ah, Wei Ying thinks to herself as it dawns on her, spinning around the spoon in her tea idly, feeling brittle and cracked all at once, she just didn’t want to be seen with me in front of her brother.
That’s fine, it really is. So maybe nothing has really changed since high school. They weren’t friends then and they aren’t now, not really. Wei Ying was foolish to ever get her hopes up for anything more. She 100% understands. She is loud, and talks with her mouth full, and once almost got kicked out of university just a little bit. She should have expected this, if she was being honest with herself.
She still can’t manage to bring the smile back to her face though.
She manages an entire three days of being sad and not drunk before Wen Ning waltzes into her apartment unannounced (when he got a key she will never know) and plies her with long island iced teas.
“She’s just so nice, A-Ning,” Wei Ying moans, face down on the floor, “She’s so nice and pretty, god she’s so pretty A-Ning, and she’s always wearing these skirts, her legs are to die for.”
“But she did not want to be seen with you?” Wen Ning clarifies from where he sits, perched on her couch, leaning over to place another drink next to her head.
“No,” Wei Ying whimpers again, sounding absolutely miserable. She knows she might be acting a bit over dramatic, it's just, she’s known Lan Zhan since she was fourteen, had followed her around then, berating her until she got a reaction. And maybe that had been nothing more than a nuisance to Lan Zhan but it had meant a lot to Wei Ying. Too much probably. She had cried actual tears of joy when she discovered they had both enrolled at the same university, that first semester on campus. And sure maybe they weren’t best friends of anything but Lan Zhan was one hundred percent Wei Ying’s sexual awakening.
And Wei Ying just might be a little, tiny bit in love with her. Or like, on the road to being in love. Very close. In need of only a few kind words and maybe for Lan Zhan to kiss her.
“Hey,” Jiang Cheng snaps from the other side of the room, like actually snaps his fingers at her until she lifts her head to look at him, “Listen, you stupid little peabrain. Stop thinking with your dick and start thinking with your head.”
“I don’t have a dick,” she complains, rubbing her cheek into the carpet, “Maybe if I did, Lan Zhan would be less embarrassed of me.”
That earns her a pillow thrown straight at her head, “Peabrain! If she doesn’t want to be seen with you, that’s not nice.”
“Being pretty doesn’t make her nice!”
“Having nice legs doesn’t make her nice!”
“But she is nice!” Wei Ying shouts, pushing herself up enough to sit as she stares angrily down at Jiang Cheng, “She lets me sit next to her in class, and smiles when I give her bunnies, and puts up with me whispering to myself while the teacher talks and-”
“All I hear is puts up with and lets me, Wei Wuxian, that’s not what nice is!” Jiang Cheng shouts right back, glaring at her the whole time, “You should waste your time on someone who is actually nice to you.”
“I am.”
“Would you ever let me date someone who was ashamed of me, Wei Wuxian?” Jiang Cheng asks, face serious as he leans in closer to her, “I’m your didi, would you let someone treat me like that? Would you let me treat me like that?”
She doesn’t have a response for that so she lays in silence, staring at the blades of the ceiling fan that spin around and around and around.
“Maybe she is very nice, Wei Ying,” Wen Ning interjects, breaking the silence, reaching one hand out to pet Wei Ying’s hair, “But maybe Wei Ying should be nice to herself too. Do you feel good right now? Have you been nice to yourself?”
“You don’t understand and I don’t want to talk to either of you anymore,” Wei Ying pouts and lets herself drop back to the floor, curling on her side around her phone, “And I just want my fucking pancakes.”
She checks her order status and lo and behold, there they are again. Hanguang Jun.
hanguang jun will u be my wife, she asks and then doubles back, im a lesbian.
Hi, this is DoorDash connecting you to your Dasher for updates about your order. She gets and then, Yes.
yes ull b my wife or yes im a lesbian
Hanguang Jun: Yes, I will be your wife.
thats great!!!!!!! Wei Ying sends back, with exactly the right amount of exclamation points, smiling into her phone screen, hey now that we r married will u stay at my door long enough for me to c u
Hanguang Jun: Hm. Are you intoxicated?
hanguang jun what kind of ? is that!!!!! of course i am!!!! why else do people get food delivered!!!!
Hanguang Jun: For many reasons. If you make it to the door fast enough, you will see me.
hanguang jun!!!!!!!
This time, the knock is a barely there tap that Wei Ying is absolutely sure is on purpose and despite picking herself up and essentially running to the door, she still only manages to catch a glimpse of long hair and a blue shirt.
She opens her food in miserable silence, only breaking out of her gloom when she sees the little note: For my wife. written on the lid of the box. She lets herself focus on that instead of the crushing reality of Lan Zhan’s embarrassment of her, smiling every time she shoves a too big bite of pancake into her mouth.
Rate your dasher: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Monday roles around too soon and the next thing Wei Ying knows, she’s skulking into her criminology class exactly twelve minutes late, staring at the empty seat next to Lan Zhan. The thing is, the fresh sting of it all has soothed into a deep ache, more bearable to wear in public. Now she just finds it all awkward. Like, it’s awkward to just all the sudden ditch out on Lan Zhan and try to find some other non-shitty seat somewhere else, right? But it's also awkward to sit next to Lan Zhan when it seems Lan Zhan doesn’t want that, not really, not publicly.
The walk into the classroom is too short to solve any of these problems, so she just slides into her usual seat, carefully keeping her face forward, keeping to her own space instead of spilling out into the seat over to brush against Lan Zhan. Which is. Fine.
She takes studious notes and never once lets her eyes waver to the seat next to her. It takes a lot of mental energy. When the class is over, she doesn’t bother digging her stuff back into her bag, her only thoughts on how to get out of there as fast as she can, gathering them all into a messy pile in her arms and standing before the professor has even said goodbye.
“Wei Ying,” a quiet voice says next to her, a gentle reaching out to cup the ball of her elbow. Wei Ying takes a single deep breath and turns back around with a hopefully believable smile on her face. The black bunny pen is laid haphazardly across Lan Zhan’s notes. She was still using the pen. Ah, Lan Zhan is so nice, Wei Ying thinks to herself even as she feels her bottom lip wobble dangerously.
“Ah, Lan Zhan, I’m kind of in a rush today, okay? Gotta get going!” she chirps, looking anywhere but the steady hand that still hold her arm. Lan Zhan stares up at her, trying to meet her eyes, sighing when she seems to realize Wei Ying has no intention of looking away from the floor.
“Okay, Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan sighs again, letting go of her arm to fold her hands properly across her lap, “I will see you on Wednesday.”
“Yeah, totally, for sure,” Wei Ying chants and skids out of the aisle as fast as she possibly can, never once looking back. She doesn’t see Lan Zhan watch her leave, a tiny confused frown painting her lips.
This time, Wei Ying isn’t even the one to make the first move. She doordashes chocolate and gatorade and mini donuts from the nearest gas station and decides to sulk on her couch until it arrives (and ignore the paper she should be writing. She has time though, it’s not due for another 43 hours).
Her phone chimes from where it rests on the couch next to her, revealing a doordash message.
Hi, this is DoorDash connecting you to your Dasher for updates about your order.
Hanguang Jun: Are you drinking at 10:30 in the morning?
is that judgement i hear, Wei Ying responds, snorting a laugh as she does. Hanguang Jun might just be a fuddy duddy.
Hanguang Jun: We are speaking through an instant messaging service. You do not hear anything.
potato tomato, Wei Ying responds, just to be difficult and then a quick, also no im not drinking im just sad
The pause after this is long, stretching out enough that Wei Ying sets her phone down entirely and turns her attention back to the shitty soap opera she was watching, when the phone dings again.
Hanguang Jun: Why are you sad?
hanguang jun so invasive! She responds with a laugh, adding, i guess u r my wife now it is ur right to know
Hanguang Jun: Mn. Have to keep track of you.
hanguang jun! Wei Ying would yell if they were talking in person. Hell, she yells now into the fabric of her pillow, ur making me blush
Hanguang Jun: Good.
anyways, Wei Ying directs, because it seems otherwise they’ll just keep going in a circle of Wei Ying blushing and Hangunag Jun being, well, whatever it is they are being, there is a girl.
Hanguang Jun: A girl?
a perfect girl. the best, most beautiful girl, way out of my league, Wei Ying explains, hoping that with this fresh new person she can convey just how wonderful Lan Zhan is, seeing as how that didn’t go over well with Jiang Cheng and Wen Ning (although, Wei Ying is pretty sure Jiang Cheng has hated Lan Zhan since high school, she’s just not ready to unpack that yet), but she doesnt like me back. or like at all really i dont think she even wants to be friends with me
Hanguang Jun: You are sure of this?
yes!!!! Wei Ying sends back, rapid fire, she presents all of the wei-ying-is-annoying vibes
Hanguang Jun: And what, exactly, are the ‘Wei Ying is annoying vibes’?
well thats just too much to answer theres so many, Wei Ying, sinking deeper and deeper into the crest of her couch; this conversation is definitely not making her feel better the way she hoped it would.
Hanguang Jun: Hm. This seems unlikely.
Hanguang Jun: Mn. Wei Ying is a delight to be around, impossible to dislike her.
Hanguang Jun: Then how do you expect someone to show they like you? Romantically speaking.
oh thats easy, she types, thinking about the things she wants Lan Zhan to say to her, just ask me to get food really. im always down for food i think its a good first date, so if i say no to that i definitely dont like u lol
Hm, is all Hanguang Jun has left to say so Wei Ying goes back to being sad on her couch and dutifully waits for her cool blue gatorade and kitkat bar, not even bothering to run to the door when she hears the knock. She’s fairly positive Hanguang Jun isn’t planning on waiting around for her anyways. She still rates her five stars though; doesn’t want to fuck up her rating or whatever.
She repeats her routine, slinking into class late and trying her very hardest not to be a nuisance to Lan Zhan, leaning in the opposite direction and keeping her elbows to herself. Better to not annoy the other girl anymore than she already has. She thinks back to the beginning of the semester, when she’d draped herself all over Lan Zhan, happy and sure of herself, only now all she hears over the memory is Lan Zhan’s voice, angry and disappointed as she calls Wei Ying shameless.
Wei Ying does, in fact, have shame. A lot of it. Too much of it. Enough to keep her quiet and complacent for the hour and twenty minutes she must sit beside Lan Zhan knowing well enough the other girl doesn’t even respect her enough to be seen with her in public.
She tries to slip out of class as quickly as possible but there is Lan Zhan’s hand again, shooting out to grab her and pull her back.
“Wei Ying,” she says, eyebrows furrowing in that way they always do when she’s stressed about something. It takes all of Wei Wuxian’s restraint to not reach out and soothe the taught skin there back into place. Would Lan Zhan like that? Be okay with Wei Ying touching her like that in front of everyone? “I would like to ask you a question.”
“Oh,” Wei Ying nods to herself, fingers digging into the notebook she holds tight against her chest, “Is it about the homework? Ah, Lan Zhan you know you’re better at this than I am anyways.”
“It is not about the homework, no,” Lan Zhan shakes her head, looking solemn, shoulders drawn up as she rises from her seat, her bag resting over her shoulder, neatly packed up like she’s geared up to make a quick getaway too, “Would you like to get pancakes with me?”
Even the word makes her sweat. All the nights she’s spent eating pancakes (they’re her go to drunken craving) only to throw up the surgery sweetness later, to feel it twisting around in her alcohol burned stomach, acid and sugar making her raw and dizzy and nauseated; so good when she’s eating them under an alcohol induced haze and utterly ruined for her when she’s sober.
“Oh,” she says, shaking her head, “No, I don’t like pancakes.”
Wei Ying’s mouth is still open, about to suggest a different option, when Lan Zhan’s whole face shutters in a range of emotions Wei Ying can’t dare to name, and ends in smooth porcelain, eyes no longer meeting Wei Ying’s own, but staring past her likes she burns to look at.
“I see,” Lan Zhan says in a tone so flat, Wei Ying feels a little hysterical, what does she see what does she see, “Goodbye, Wei Ying.”
Lan Zhan is out of the classroom before Wei Ying can grab her, though she calls to her long after she loses sight of Lan Zhan’s baby blue scrunchy, lost in the crowd of undergrads milling about, always in Wei Ying’s way.
Lan Zhan had looked at her like Wei Ying had said exactly what she’d feared only that didn’t make sense. How could Wei Ying have let her down when Lan Zhan had no hopes for her to begin with?
She drinks with Nie Huaisang that night and orders food and some random named Athony delivers it to her. She doesn’t opt to message him.
She only eats half of her pancakes, feeling incredibly abandoned and incredibly lonely.
On Monday she gets to class early. Like actually early, as in fifteen minutes before the class is even scheduled to begin, not just on time. It’s a first for her and she’s very proud. She’d hoped that Lan Zhan wouldn’t be there yet, that she could set up her stuff in peace and then when Lan Zhan came into the classroom she could see where Wei Ying was and decide if she wanted to sit next to her or not. She’d looked so upset on Wednesday, afterall.
But, of course, Lan Zhan is already there.
She looks gorgeous from where she sits, posture straight, perfect, shoulders drawn back making her look confident. Untouchable. Her makeup is lightly done and perfectly applied, lips shiny with tinted chapstick, notebook ready on her desk, bunny pen laid gently on top of that. And in the spot next to her, Wei Ying’s seat, rests her bag, taking up the entirety of the table, a warning to all intruders.
Wei Ying walks up extra slowly, trying to determine whether or not she is welcome, tiptoeing her way down the aisle, hoping Lan Zhan won’t look at her, hoping she will.
“Is this seat taken?” she asks, her voice nothing more than a whisper, not loud enough for others to hear, ready to be hurt.
“It is Wei Ying’s seat,” Lan Zhan replies instead, keeping her eyes on the ground even as her hand reaches out to pull it out of Wei Ying’s way. This is the first time Wei Ying has seen it up close, has gotten to see the little cloud patterns, the letters embroidered into the fabric, spelling out, h a n g u -
Hanguang Jun.
Hanguang Jun!!!
“Hanguang Jun?” she blurts out before she can stop herself, “You, you’re...”
“Wei Ying?” Lan Zhan asks, only now looking up at her, that same confused furrow to her brow, “It is my nickname, from high school, from the-”
“From the volleyball team,” Wei Ying nods with dawning horror, “You are you, do you, Lan Zhan, was that you the whole time?”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan says, nods to herself really, as if the simple act of saying her name provided comfort, “I thought you knew.”
“I didn’t, I thought, I didn’t know,” she finishes lamely, feeling her cheeks burn as she thinks back to all the things she had sent to Hanguang Jun. She looks down at the bag to keep her eyes focused elsewhere and remembers, “Hey it’s on my desk.”
“Yes?” Lan Zhan replies, though it feels like more of a question.
“Have you been saving me a seat this whole time? Is that how I managed to get a good seat this whole semester, even though I was late everyday?”
Lan Zhan’s ears go red, stark against the black hair tucked behind them, but she nods firmly, unashamed, “It is Wei Ying’s seat.”
“You, you actually, you wanted me to sit next to you?” Wei Ying asks, feeling only halfway hysterical, “I didn’t force myself on you? You’re not embarrassed to be seen with me?”
Lan Zhan’s frown deepens at this, angry, “Could never be embarrassed of Wei Ying.”
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan-” Wei Ying begins, only to be cut off by their professor.
“Everyone, please take a seat,” Professor Whoever The Hell says, making eye contact with Wei Ying and she sits down, utterly stunned.
“Lan Zhan,” she whispers when he turns around, “Can we talk after class?”
Lan Zhan looks at her for a long time then, calculating, assessing, before nodding her head with a firm, “Mn.”
Before either of them can escape, Wei Ying tangles her fingers with Lan Zhan’s and drags her out of the class behind her, pulling her into a little alcove surrounded by trees with little dangly purple flowers. It would be pretty on any other day when Wei Ying doesn’t feel like she’s about to burst out of her rib cage.
“Lan Zhan, it was you the whole time?” she asks again, still a little dazed from that realization.
“Yes, Wei Ying,” she nods, still hiding her eyes from Wei Ying, “Was certain you knew, thought you were...”
“You thought I was??” Wei Ying urges, a hand reaching out for Lan Zhan before she can stop herself.
“Thought you were flirting with me,” Lan Zhan admits, in nothing louder than a whisper, shaking her head as she does, “It is stupid.”
“It wasn’t!” Wei Ying half shouts, throwing her hands in the air, “It wasn’t, it wasn’t, Lan Zhan, I promise.”
“You did not know it was me, and...” Lan Zhan trails off again, wringing her hands together in front of her. It is the most unsure of herself Wei Ying has ever seen her; it breaks her heart just to watch.
“And what? Lan Zhan, you have to tell me,” Wei Ying all out begs, gasping when Lan Zhan’s eyes finally raise to meet her own; they’re red rimmed and miserable.
“Wei Ying said no,” she says after a long while, lips twisting in a grimace, “Wei Ying said no to food, so she definitely doesn’t like me.”
“I didn’t say no to you!” Wei Ying shouts, loud enough to attract the attention of passersby, “I said no to pancakes, not you!”
“Wei Ying, please, do not patronize me,” Lan Zhan resists, eyes hardening even though she is still clearly sad. God, how could Wei Ying have missed how sad she was? “I have been delivering pancakes to Wei Ying for weeks.”
“That’s exactly it!” Wei Ying rushes out, one hand shooting out to wrap around Lan Zhan’s wrist like she’s afraid the other girl might run away, “That’s what drunk me eats! And I always, always get sick, Lan Zhan! I can’t eat them when I’m sober, I’ll puke!”
“You...don’t like pancakes,” Lan Zhan repeats, working the words around her mouth like she’s trying to make sense of them, “But you do like...me.”
“Yes! Lan Zhan I like you so much! And I would’ve asked you out sooner!” she shouts again, and then realizes where she’s led this conversation. The shame burns in her cheeks so she focuses on digging the tip of her shoe into the ground, “I would’ve asked you out, but I thought you were embarrassed to be seen with me.”
The words still taste bitter in her mouth, ache in her throat and burn her cheeks but she’s said them, they’re out in the open and now they can deal with them. She expects a scoff, maybe an eye roll. She does not expect two soft hands to cup her cheeks, forcing her to look up, rubbing soothing circles into the skin there.
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan scolds, “Could never be embarrassed of you. Wei Ying is...Wei Ying is everything.”
“But you, you hid. From your brother and Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue, because you were,” her mouth twists uncomfortably at this, the memory of being abandoned in the cafe fresh enough to hurt her feelings, “because you were with me.”
“Ah,” Lan Zhan says, the tips of her ears turning red again. Good, Wei Ying thinks, We can be embarrassed together, “That was not...because of you, more like...about you.”
“Brother is...he likes...” Lan Zhan trails off, letting one of her hands drop from Wei Ying’s cheek to her neck and Wei Ying is not about to let her get away  just like that so she reaches out her own hand, grabbing onto Lan Zhan’s hip and dragging her closer. This seems to make Lan Zhan release all of her tension at once; a full body shudder goes through her as she dives into the crevice of Wei Ying’s neck, hiding there, safe, and mumbles something completely unintelligible.
“What was that, Lan Zhan?” Wei Ying asks, petting a single hand down Lan Zhan’s back through her hair and up again.
“Brother likes to tease,” Lan Zhan breathes into Wei Ying’s skin, one hand digging tight into Wei Ying’s ribcage, “He knows of my...feelings for you, if he had seen us at the cafe he would have, and Wei Ying I was sure you didn’t, there was no...reciprocation.”
“Ah, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, you hid because you didn’t want to get teased?” Wei Ying laughs, delighted, as she pulls back from Lan Zhan to get a good look at her, eyes sparkling, “Lan Zhan, that’s so cute.”
Lan Zhan dives back into her shoulder and bites in retaliation, muttering, “Wei Ying is cuter.”
Wei Ying lets her stay there for awhile, petting her hair and wiggling as close as she can get before finally asking, “Hey, you wanna get some food with me?”
Lan Zhan draws back to look over Wei Ying’s face and must like what she sees there because she smiles and presses a half kiss to the corner of Wei Ying’s mouth and nods her head, “Only if Wei Ying will be my girlfriend.”
“Aiyah, Lan Zhan, didn’t I already propose to you?” Wei Ying laughs, laughs even louder when Lan Zhan blushes again. She wags her finger in Lan Zhan’s face, trying her best to look stern, “Don’t think you can back out of our marriage so soon, wife.”
Lan Zhan bites her finger and keeps it there, warm between her teeth, only digging in harder at Wei Ying’s cry of indignation.
“Lan Zhan, you monster, you monster,” Wei Ying laughs, wiggling her finger still on the inside of Lan Zhan’s lips, “Hey, Lan Zhan, you should let go of my finger.”
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, I can’t kiss you with my finger in the way,” she whines, even as Lan Zhan lets go and moves forward, “Would you deprive your poor wife like this? I waited so long for you-”
Lan Zhan, it turns out, tastes like strawberry chapstick.
Four Months Later
Wei Ying wakes up warm and sated, a leg thrown over her waist, a hand slipped inside her shirt, resting casually against the skin of her back, a heavy body breathing softly, rhythmically against her chest.
The moon is still high in the night sky, washing the room in pale silver-white light, turning the skin on Lan Zhan’s neck into cream sheets, soft beneath Wei Ying’s touch. She’s breathing out little huffs of air, dampening the collar of Wei Ying’s sleep shirt but Wei Ying could never find it within herself to complain. Not when she gets this; Lan Wangji safe and content in her bed, never hesitant, never ashamed to pull Wei Ying into her chest and hold her there for hours. To hold Wei Ying as close as she can, like she’s something special. Something important.  
Wei Ying still can eat sober pancakes, she muses as she rubs slow circles into Lan Zhan’s shoulder, thinking about what they’ll eat in the morning when Lan Zhan inevitably drags her out of bed way too early to be considered normal, seat her at their table still wrapped in a blanket, and feeds her warm foods and coffee.
There are other foods to be eaten though, a never ending list of things to be enjoyed with Lan Zhan right there beside her.
“Hey, Lan Zhan, I’m really glad you brought me pancakes,” Wei Ying whispers, dragging one of her legs up to slot nicely between Lan Zhan’s, “And I’m glad you make me eggs and congee and potatoes when I’m not drunk.”
Lan Zhan doesn’t reply to this, obviously, still huffing peacefully against Wei Ying’s chest. She starts again, rubbing circles into Lan Zhan’s back, “Hey, Lan Zhan, I’m glad you’re not embarrassed of me. I’m glad you let me kiss you even if your brother is around.”
She presses a kiss to the top of Lan Zhan’s head then rubs her nose against the hair there, still smelling fresh with shampoo.
“Hey, Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying whispers to the ceiling, knowing it is well past Lan Zhan’s bedtime and she’s not usually one to sleep  in fits and starts, “Lan Zhan, I love you.”
Lan Zhan’s face rubs against Wei Ying’s chest like a cat, lips catching on the fabric of Wei Ying’s shirt when she whispers back, “I love you too.”
(Wei Ying still gets drunk pancakes. She saves a minor fortune on never using the app again though; instead she lets Lan Zhan wrangle her into the passenger seat of her car, buckled in and safe, while Lan Zhan drives them to the local iHop. She lets Lan Zhan manhandle her into a booth and feed her bits of pancake and fruit, never too much, never enough to make her sick the way she would have had she been on her own. Lan Zhan always takes such good care of her; these pancakes taste better than any Wei Ying has ever had in her life.)
“Hey, Lan Zhan, isn’t your family, like, rich?” Wei Ying asks, swinging their threaded hands in between them as they march to the nearest cafe, both of them glowing in the sunlight, happy, “Why were you running for DoorDash in the first place?”
“My family is well off,” Lan Zhan confirms politely, all while Wei Ying thinks to herself Yes, exactly what a rich person would say, “But there are things my Uncle does not approve of, and for that I prefer to use my own money so that he does not have a place to stand in telling me no.”
“Lan Zhan, how devious!” Wei Ying delights, leaning in to press an excited kiss to Lan Zhan’s cheek, “So what’d you get? Something cool? Dirty? Lavish? Tell me, Lan Zhan!”
“Bunnies,” Lan Zhan replies, cheeks speckled soft pink.
“Bunnies?” Wei Ying asks, head cocked to the side.
“Bunnies,” Lan Zhan confirms, nodding her head, “Uncle does not approve of pets but I approve of having bunnies and wanted two of my own.”
“Lan Zhan, stop, I’m going to die of cuteness,” Wei Ying whines, burying her face into Lan Zhan’s shoulder to moan more properly.
“Your repeat business helped to adopt them and purchase their housing,” Lan Zhan continues on because she is mean and has no sympathy for Wei Ying’s plight.  
“Them? As in multiple?”
“Mm,” Lan Zhan nods, fishing her phone out of her pocket, “Their names are Fluffball and Pancake, would you like to see?”
“Would I like to, oh my god,” Wei Ying shouts, looking at a picture of Lan Zhan cuddled up with two rabbits, looking soft and content. One of them is snowy white, tail big and bushy, like a little snowball in and of itself. She guesses that one is Fluffball. The other is light brown, slightly bigger than the last and very, how does she nicely put this, round. That one must be Pancake. Wei Ying is absolutely not ready to guess the implication of the bunny being named Pancake. She is going to die, “Lan Zhan, I am going to die. You’re going to kill me. How are you so cute?”
“Wei Ying will be fine,” Lan Zhan reassures, placing a hand on the small of her back to lead Wei Ying along, “Promise to keep Wei Ying safe.”
“Lan Zhan!”
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
just this once
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pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warning: angsty, fluff, cursing
word count: 2,670
a/n: this is for the bnharem collaboration!!!!! how exciting!!!! will I ever not be obsessed with shouto??? only god will know. but anyways, enjoy bbies :D
message to join taglist :D
“These are for you!”
Your fingers clenched a box of chocolates too tightly, the red paper reflecting the bright February sun, and your scarf was wrapped tightly around your face. Your words a near mumble when you presented your gift of affection. 
“Like that?” You ask, your eyes shifting over to your friends who were judging your presentation. “I feel like I was a bit too stiff, what do you think?”
“You look like a goddamn little school girl,” Jirou snorted, a grin spreading on her face as the others more or less agreed. Those words immediately threw a wrench in your confidence, your bottom lip assaulted by your teeth while you watched your friends discuss their opinions.
“It’s super cute and romantic,” Mina sighed, and your shoulders picked up. Hope and confidence were flooding your veins again. “But we are eighteen years old, almost graduating, and you’ve never been able to accomplish this before.”
“Yeah, but,” you say, your arms sweeping out, your finger pointed at your friends who remained silent, all their eyebrows quirked in curiosity and amusement. You don’t continue on, your voice cutting off, your thoughts unable to form.
“But?” Momo asked a kind smile on her face, encouraging you to continue.
“I don’t know,” you laugh, although the tremor in your voice shows that it was not done out of amusement. “I mean, we’re actually good friends now, we talk, kinda? As much as you can with him being so damn busy all the time… I totally got this! Besides, I gave all the other guys gifts, so why would he think he’s different?!”
“BECAUSE HE IS DIFFERENT TO YOU!” They seemed to holler all at once, and your cheeks burned. You turned on your heel, your backs facing your friends, and your eyes lowered to the box of chocolates.
This was accomplishable. You had survived the worst villains in the world, you had survived motherfucking UA, handing your love chocolates to Todoroki Shouto would be a breeze! In and out faster than Iida. You’d scream that the chocolates were for him, shove them into his chest, and race off before he could reject you. It was a solid plan, in your opinion. 
You roll your eyes, choosing to stick out your tongue at your friends who all groaned in response. They had zero faith in you, and to be quite honest, you had no faith in yourself either. You never won in this sort of battle. Three years of being in love with someone who clearly had no romantic interest in you was truly exhaustive, why you didn’t just give up was beyond you. Just this once you wanted a win, to see that at the very least he would accept the chocolates you had spent way too long making. 
“You have about five minutes before they leave,” Uraraka’s voice broke you from your stupor, “they have rounds.”
It slammed into you then, the fear and terror of being reject burned at every cell in your body. Your eyes focused on the box of chocolates in your hands; there was a white envelope made out to Shouto with a confession of your affections should you fail at your words. There was no way you were getting out of this; it seemed. 
Your steps were heavy as you walked towards the lockers, the sweet sounds of the ending winter filled your ears, and the soft giggles of girls and boys in love made your heart pump faster than it should. You got this, you were basically a Pro Hero now, you’ve stared death in the face and walked out living. You were reliable, amazing, and so much more.
But the words you were reciting to keep your spirits high were useless, the dread was a rock in your stomach, a black hole of apprehension. There was no doubting Shouto was going to have a lot of presents, hell he had a fucking Fanclub already! The gifts all those girls could afford, the chocolates they could make were most definitely better than yours.
The box of chocolates rattled in your fingers, your distress bleeding into your form. You took one last long look at your chocolates, finally having arrived at the lockers, and you turned towards the group of six girls who merely gave you energetic encouragement.
‘You got this, y/n!” read a sign most definitely just created by Momo. 
The laughter that spluttered from your lips was shaky, but it helped ease your worry. With a nod that betrayed your nervousness, you spun on your heel and walked into the lockers, en route to Shouto’s.
You smiled at your underclassmen who greeted you, your lips opening to complement their presents, and making light talk for you had somewhere to be. And then you saw him, a tall boy with red and white hair, opening a locker that most definitely exploded with valentine cards and chocolates. You froze, hidden behind the lockers. Shouto sighed, his figure kneeling down to gather the things on the floor, and you realized this was the perfect time for you to run in and throw your gift into the pile without needing to actually talk!
“Hey, Todoroki-kun!” You whispered sharply in your panic, your heart thundering in your chest at the sight of your crush calmly picking up his gifts. 
“SHOUTO-KUN!” Another voice shouted, and you felt frozen in your path when another girl you’d never talked to before bounded out of the blue and immediately latched onto Shouto’s side. Your hands remained frozen at your chest, the box of chocolates pressed into your body.
“Hi, Suki,” Shouto answered, a small but bright smile enveloping his face. 
There you stood frozen, hidden behind lockers, the world still continues to move as you watched the two of them clean up the grams on the floor. Soft chatter being exchanged by the two of them, laughter pouring from her mouth, and chuckles from his. You needed to look away, or at the very least approach them, you knew this. You were a hero, you’ve never had issues moving before, but right now, when you needed to be your own hero, you failed to advance. 
Their conversation was not understandable to you with your heartbeat roaring in your ears, but it soon disappeared. You watched with bile rising up to your throat as the girl pressed her hands to Shouto’s cheeks, her smile beaming and bright, and Shouto’s ears turning scarlet red. Her lips connected with Shouto’s, and your world went silent.
Undeserving tears pricked at your eyes, and Shouto’s hands pressed against her hands. But you’d seen more than enough.
The box of chocolates dropped from your hands, clattering loudly onto the floor since there was no one but the three of you there. But before the two of them could see who was there, question who was there, you were gone.
There was nothing except a box of chocolates, with a letter written for the man who held your affections.
Dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a tank, you sat with your classmates in the shared space. Your knees were tucked under your chin, the droning sounds of the rom-com filled the room. Everyone besides Shouto, Midoriya, and Bakugou were here, and those with a significant other were sitting and enjoying this night in together.
Valentine’s Day was a joke.
Your nose scrunched at the way the girl and the guy of the movie began to passionately make out, their surroundings forgotten because their love was too strong. How indecent.
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed another handful of popcorn and ate it, your eyes filling up with tears when your mind wandered to earlier. You had no reason to cry! You weren’t fast enough, brave enough, or important enough to win Shouto’s affections. 
“Oh, they’re back,” Shouji spoke, his head turning towards the entrance of the dorm. Your heart stopped, and you sink further into the couch, praying that someone’s lover had a quirk that would let the couch eat you. The movie was promptly paused, and as soon as the three most chaotic people in the class walked in, they were swarmed.
Yelling and screaming filled the room. People were arguing about who knows what, and presents were being given to the boys from the girls. There was no saying what was happening, only that you were the only one not greeting them. You felt pathetic, there were only a few weeks left of school, and you were never going to confess, how stupid. Standing up, you shoved your hands into the pockets of your sweatpants before heading to the staircase; you didn’t want to stay here anymore. Not if you would cry at seeing Shouto.
He was happy, so you would be happy for him.
With the loud conversations taking place, and your classmate’s oblivious natures, no one noticed when you slipped into the staircase and disappeared back to your room. 
Turning on the lights, your room felt mockingly bright. There was nothing new or out of place. But the wall by your desk was filled with a bunch of photos that had stirred you to confess in the first place. Pictures of you and Shouto, the two of you smiling and talking, candid and posed photos littered the wall almost in the same amount as the pictures with the girls. 
Your fingers grabbed onto the photo booth film, the four photos that had you in the dumbest of poses with Shouto lingering gaze pressed into you, except for the last one where you had caught him staring, and it looked as if you two were lovers. But that wasn’t the case, he had promptly looked away, leaving the booth.
You were nothing but a stupid girl in love with a man who was leagues better than you.
There was a soft knock on your door, and your fingers pressed away, fallen tears from your cheeks. God, why were you so emotional. Walking quickly to the door, you expected to open it to Momo or Iida, whoever had noticed your disappearing number first. A smile graced your features, and you swung open the door.
“Sorry! I needed -- oh.”
Shouto stood outside your door, his face smudged with dirt and his right hand behind his back. Your smile tightened immediately, and you tilted your head, hoping he wouldn’t notice the difference. Why was he here? Did he care?
“You weren’t downstairs, and since I was coming up to change, they asked me to check on you,” Shouto breathed, his eyes looking down, avoiding your gaze too. 
Your shoulders deflated, and you made an agreeable noise, your head nodding.
“Yeah, um, I needed to get my socks,” you lie.
Shouto nodded too, his eyes dropping to your feet that had no socks on it.
“Okay… I’m going to change, I’ll see you back downstairs?”
You nod your head, your eyes falling to the wall behind Shouto, “Yeah! Um, see you there.”
Shouto nodded again, but he didn’t move. So there the two of you stood, staring at each other, neither one of you moving, yet the both of you knowing that you needed to move before the entire class came for you both. But you wanted to ask about the girl, about who she was, if it was serious? But would that make you feel better? Your gaze fell while you contemplated knowing this information.
With your gaze leaving him, Shouto turned to move, a small sigh escaping his mouth.
“Who is she?” You blurted, your eyes focused on him with intensity and fear. “That girl, uh, your girlfriend?”
Shouto froze, his eyes confused, and his head tilting, “My girlfriend?”
You nodded, your stomach-churning, “I saw you kissing a girl today.”
It hit him then.
“You saw that?” He asked, his eyes wide and face overcame with a blush.
Your mouth was dry, and you wanted to both throw-up and cry, but you nodded. Your heart hammered in your chest, the palms of your hands sweaty and clammy despite your pleading mind for it to stop. 
“Y/l/n, that was--”
Your hands came up, the bile in your throat returning, “You don’t need to explain it to me, she was cute! You two look cute together!”
Shouto’s eyebrows scrunched, his mouth shut as something finally unleashed within you, forming nothing but word vomit.
“I can’t say anything for it, I’m happy for you! Truly I am happy that there’s someone out there that loves you, and you love them back! I mean, I was trying to approach you at your locker, but she beat me to it, which is my fault! And I was there because I was going to confess, which again was my fault for not doing it! I just… just this once, I wanted to be important to you the way you are to me! Because I have these feelings for you, Shouto, and I don’t know what to do with them anymore. I can’t have you because you obviously like someone else, and that’s fine! I was too late, or whatever, but…” your fingers trembled, and you fisted them at your chest. Silent tears fell from your face, and you finally met his gaze. “I’ve been trying for the past two years to confess to you, and it’s shitty of me to finally be able to do it when you found someone you like, but I’m in love with you.”
Shouto’s eyes were wide, his hand that had been hidden behind his back finally pulled before you, and revealed the box of chocolates you had dropped earlier today. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, handing you the box of chocolates, and your throat tightened, the envelope was opened, obviously read. “I--”
“It’s okay,” you interrupt him, taking the chocolates back, your heart crashing into your stomach. The tears in your eyes burned your skin, and your spout of broken courage was now gone, it vanished, and you felt hollow.
“You didn’t let me finish,” Shouto groaned, his hands raking through his hair. Your eyes met his frustrated gaze, and his hand shoved your box of chocolates onto the floor again, his hands taking yours in his. “I’m not good with emotions, I know that. I’m emotional, but I don’t know… simple things. Fuyumi-nee had been helping me out for ages, but it’s been years, and I thought she needed a break. So I sought out help from Suki because… I don’t know, someone said she was good with things like this.”
Your eyes blinked, as Shouto’s thumb traced the back of your hands.
“I’d been trying to figure out how to deal with my emotions for you because they were so damn annoying! I couldn’t figure out why I wanted to know everything about you, why I needed to sit with you during lunch, why I enjoyed coming over to your room before sleeping even though I was exhausted? It just didn’t make sense to me, and I needed more… help. Suki seemed to think my problems were about her, and she kissed me today. But I don’t like her! I’ve never liked her, because shit, y/n, I’m in love with you too.”
They say love was magnetic, that it drew people in, making everyone a better them. For years you never believed it, why would you? But there was something in the air, something that made you ignore the tears pouring down your face.
Your hands left his and found a home on the collar of his shirt; Shouto’s placed his on your waist.
Despite the tears on your face, his face was drawn to yours, and his lips found yours. The two of you walked into your room, stepping on the chocolate box, and your lips familiarized with each other, greeting and pulling each other in. There was the click of the door and had you two been listening carefully, maybe you would have heard the hushed screams of your classmates.
“I love you.”
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mercurygray · 3 years
Director's Commentary for Day of Days, Ch 26 which you did so beautifully! Hope its not too long, I wanted to get the whole context of this great unspoken trust event between Dick and Joan.
He wanted everyone he could get, and Joan was good at this, assaults on fixed positions, and she’d seen it, could tell him things about how she’d come through the country that couldn’t be explained in a five minute meeting in a farmyard. “Sir, Lieutenant Warren has seen the - “
Strayer’s stare was murderous, and Dick realized he shouldn’t have questioned. “That’s an order, Winters.  Now grab your men and move out.”
“Dick.” Joan had followed him out of the CP, running a few steps to catch up.  “I know what I saw. Four guns, Entrenched, I think - and well concealed. Brush and netting. But three towards the coast, and one covering the road. A corner, not a line. Lieb was with me, he’ll - he’ll know.”
He nodded, not knowing what else to do, and went to collect the rest of the platoon, giving instructions so Compton could shout for the company to circle up on him. “Mahoney, Shapiro, Russo, with Lieutenant Warren to the ammo dump. Everyone else up here with Winters.”
And that’s all the women are good for, is it? We’re leaving some of our best players on the bench here. Dick wanted to admonish Buck for the assignments, but this wasn’t the place, and there wasn’t time - and Gordon wasn’t here to remind him of how the game should be played. Dick took a breath and pulled himself into the matter at hand, taking his pencil from his pocket along with a small pad of cheap newsprint, grateful it was still dry. “The 88s we've been hearing...have been spotted in a field, down the road aways. Major Strayer wants us to take them out. They’re firing on Utah Beah, this way.” His pencil moved over the paper, drawing the position and the approach. Three guns, four? If they did this wrong, if Joan had seen wrong, had miscalculated, they would pull wide, perhaps cover more ground than necessary, loose cover crossing a field that did not need to be crossed - but if Strayer was wrong, and they missed the fourth gun, he would be sending men into the middle of a well fortified position to die. Who did he trust?  His pencil swiveled, and he carved the L into the paper. “And plan on the fourth gun, here, covering the inland approach.”
He continued speaking, about the trenches, the machine gun at the back of the emplacement and could feel Joan’s eyes on him, burning from the back row, and when he looked up she was smiling, angry to be left behind, grateful to have been heard. “Right, let’s move OUT.”
Ah, Brecourt.
Two things. First, this is obviously a huge scene in terms of Dick's leadership, and the way the men view him - he is quick, competent, and wildly brave.
I knew I couldn't just take this action and give it to someone else. It has to remain his. I also didn't know how I felt trying to add the girls in; it's a pretty tight operation, and everyone has a part.
The second is depending on who you ask, there are several ways the assault happened.
As with any great war story, where you were when the attack took place mattered - Winters had a version (the Army War College version) I believe Malarkey had a version that's slightly different, and if you look at the ground at Brecourt, as many battlefield historians have done, they call Winters' memory into account on the placement of the guns.
So I decided to use this uncertainty to create a moment for Joan before the assault starts - she couldn't go with, because that's too easy and too obvious, so she provides the initial site observation, which differs from the aerial reconnaissance that Strayer is consulting.
I wrote a version this scene before a lot of other material, and ended up writing in more moments of Strayer second-guessing Joan before this; by the time we get here it's been pretty well established that he doesn't think she's good for much.
So the scene becomes both an establishing shot for Winters in the action of it, but also in the planning - who do I trust here? A man who outranks me, or my colleague? He knows he's being watched, by his men, by Joan, and he makes a decision and publicly commits to it. In the middle of all of this, his message to Joan, without saying anything directly, is clear: I trust you, even if Strayer doesn't.
This also creates a moment of powerlessness for Joan - she's the type of person who likes to do her own work and lead from the front, and she can't here. She has to leave this with Dick and trust that he can make it. (It's a situation that may well be reversed later in the story.)
There's another layer after this is all over, which doesn't get mentioned but exists purely in my head to spite a certain type of armchair historian - Joan reports that the guns were 88s, and they're actually 105s. Dick never brings that up afterwards, because in the big picture it doesn't really matter. The thing that mattered, their placement and eventual destruction, was correct.
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I see a lot of Buck and May fics, but how about Buck and Henry? And Eddie and Maddie never got enough love. Or Eddie and Athena. Heck, even Eddie and Chimney. I'm starting to ramble so I'm just gonna go. 😘
Never stop talking about all the friendships on the show. 
This involved neither May nor Harry (I may write one later), but it does involve a bunch of FireFam goodness so I hope you enjoy <3
“Do you ever feel like we’re spending our lives babysitting a bunch of rowdy teenagers?”
Bobby looked up from his place at the kitchen sink when his wife walked in to the dining room, face firmly in her phone.
“Every day.” Curiosity got the better of him, so he made his way to Athena’s side, drying his hands as he leaned over her shoulder. “The kids having too much of a good time?”
She snorted, tilting the screen for her husband to see. “Do you know what this text says?”
Eiddjr and i aren fettj t martine brjnt shors
Bobby barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the text from Karen. The kids were definitely having too much fun. It was almost time to call it quits.
“It looks Norse.” He shrugged. “Maybe they ended up at a Viking bar?”
He was very used to Athena’s confused, judgemental looks, but he never felt any better when they were aimed in his direction.
“What the hell is a Viking bar?”
He had no answer (and apparently his impression of a stereotypical Viking helmet made with embarrassed hands, wasn’t enough of an explanation) but he was saved by his own phone chiming with a new text.
Buck’s text message was at least a page long; but at least it was coherent.
“It’s definitely time to pick up the kids.” He had never seen so many ‘you are’ statements at once. Apparently, someone was feeling the love tonight. Not that it was much of a surprise; they all deserved a night off – it was the whole reason Bobby and Athena were still awake at 2am when they would much rather be in bed. Their gift to Buck and Eddie was to let them be wild and irresponsible for one night, and they would pick them up when it was time to come home and sleep it off (he’d foolishly offered to make breakfast in the morning as well, which earned him a slap on the shoulder from Athena who did not enjoy the idea of hosting a sleepover with six drunk adults).
Eddie had taken a little convincing when it came to their plan, sure that he could control himself and wouldn’t go over the top the way his fiancé would.
Photo evidence throughout the evening suggested otherwise – but those wouldn’t be discovered until the next morning.
At the moment, Eddie was sandwiched between Maddie and Karen, each matching him shot for shot, enjoying the anonymity and privacy of the bar too loud to be overheard and too crowded to care.
“I’m serious, Eddie,” Karen leaned in to his shoulder. “you and I would make beautiful babies together. If I didn’t love my wife so much – and I was sexually attracted to you at all – I would absolutely have your babies.”
Eddie, for his part, accepted her attempt at a hug with a whimper and a smile. “Karen, that’s so sweet. Hen is so luck to have you, you know that?”
“I know, right?” She only shouted so she could be heard over the music (which none of them would admit not knowing the words to).
“No, I’m serious.” Eddie batted away invisible hands. “You are so smart, and you’re incredibly patient – not to mention drop dead gorgeous. And you’re honest, and funny as hell.” He fell into her side. “You’re great.”
Karen stared down at where he rested on her shoulder, either forgetting what she was going to say, or thinking so slowly, it took her that long to come to a conclusion.
“I hope Buck tops you so hard tonight.”
Maddie slammed her glass on the table, having jumped ahead of them in the shot game while they were in their own round of complimentary chicken.
“I specifically avoided my brother’s party so I wouldn’t have to hear about his sexual escapades.”
Eddie rolled his head to look at his future sister-in-law.
“Maddie, I so appreciate you coming with me tonight. I like spending time with you; we should talk more. You’re so brave and”
“Blah, blah, blah.” Maddie rolled her eyes, already reaching for another shot of whatever they’d ordered a dozen of when they told the bartender to surprise them. “You are so talkative when you’re drunk. It’s like alcohol switches off the part of your brain that tells you when to shut up. Which is a slight improvement over the rest of the time when it’s like pulling teeth to get you to say three words to me.”
His pout seemed to melt off his face as she went on her tirade, but he finally found the words. “You make me nervous; but in a good way. I love your brother so much, and he cares a lot about what you think.” Words were becoming a challenge but he soldiered on – ha! “I think Buck would be sad if you didn’t like me and I don’t want him to be sad. So I worry about you liking me.”
Maddie sighed heavily, passing him his own shot glass for them to toast. “You make it so hard to be annoyed with you, you know that?”
“Hey, why are you trying to steal my imaginary boyfriend?” Karen shot up from her micro-nap, reaching for her own glass.
“Don’t worry, Karen” Eddie hugged her to his side. “We’ll always have Joxer’s.”
“If I didn’t have 100% confidence in your love for my brother, I’d be worried about how much the two of you are flirting.”
His eyes were wide when he turned to Maddie. “You’re 100% confident? But I thought you said I was annoying?”
“You are very annoying” she assured him. “But one of the most annoying things about you is how openly you love Buck.”
“It is disgustingly cute.” Karen nodded in agreement (though, nodded was a generous description for the slow head bob as she drifted in and out of consciousness).
“You’ve always just wanted what was best for him and tried to make him happy. I can tell you he’s never been happier than he is with you. You’re really good for my brother, Eddie.”
Later, he might blame the tears on the alcohol, but tonight, he pulled Maddie into a hug, kissed her hair, and told her again how much he loved her.
“Lame!” Chimney declared, holding up his own glass of something he should have stopped drinking hours ago. “That’s too tame, Hen, dare him to take his shirt off while he does it.”
Hen’s laughter was swallowed by the bustling crowd of old alcoholics and broke college students.
“I sometimes think you just see me as a piece of meat, Chim.” Buck’s quiet contemplation had been the source of much mocking all evening and now was no different, earning disapproving groans and snide remarks that had ceased being subtle four shots ago.
“We all know he has the hots for Eddie” Hen snorted.
That seemed to satisfy Buck’s pout (or the mention of his fiancé never failed to put a smile on his face). “I don’t blame you; Eddie is very hot.” He paused long enough to point a shaky finger in his friend’s direction. “But you are not allowed to cheat on my sister. She’d be really sad if you broke her heart and I don’t want to see her sad anymore.”
Chimney stared at his brother-in-law until he found the energy to move his mouth, as much sincerity as he could muster pouring all over the table. “I love your sister. I want to spend my whole life making her happy.”
“Shots!” Hen loudly declared, passing out new glasses for the trio from the tray they’d ordered, vowing it would be the last round – a lie that no one (not even the bartenders) believed.
“Shots!” Chimney failed to sit up from his slumped position at the edge of the booth but he managed to retrieve his drink and clink glasses with his friends, which was enough for the moment.
Hen held them in suspense with their tequila in the air. “One more shot, and you have to strip on the bar. That’s the deal.”
Buck rolled his eyes. “I’m not stripping on the bar again.”
Both paramedics nearly spit out their drinks but Hen was the first to regain her senses.
“You’ve done it before?”
“No!” His response came too late – and if any of them remembered this night, he might be worried about repercussions.
“You have.” Chimney point a lazy hand in his general direction, fading faster than the others.
“Why are you on her side now?” Buck would be very offended at both Chimneys, if he could look either of them in the eyes.
“I’m on the winning side.” He loudly declared, dropping his shot glass a little too forcefully onto the table, shattering their eardrums.
“If you’re not going to at least jump on the table then I’m going home.” Hen was already stumbling out of the booth when Buck grabbed her arm.
“Fine, fine,” he conceded, pushing their copious glassware to the edges of the table. “For you.”
Five minutes later, the trio caught themselves against the side of the building, Chimney holding an icepack to Buck’s forehead, and Hen apologizing to the bouncer for the seventh time as the door slammed behind them.
“My phone is dead so we can’t call Bobby.” Buck tucked his phone into his back pocket – nearly falling over when he went back to retrieve the phone that never made it into his pants.
“I could call Bobby.” Chimney did his best to keep his friend upright, but coordination was not his friend tonight.
“Or we could walk!” Hen declared, already setting off towards the sidewalk. What choice did they have but to follow behind, decidedly not calling Bobby to come get them from the other side of town.
While Chimney held the ice pack, Buck was free to sling his arms around his friends and pull them close.
“I am so lucky to know you guys, you know that?” The force of his embrace sent them stumbling over the synthetic grass, but they caught themselves in time. “See, you protect me.”
Hen, clearly the sensible one of the group, pulled them forward. “Come on, I bet we could run and keep our arms locked like this.”
Eddie’s trio weren’t fairing much better, having respectfully paid their bar tab after a woman tried to hit on Eddie, and Karen nearly threw an empty glass at her head. Maddie had wisely called Athena (although, the vulgar language she used would be the source of a lecture at the breakfast table), but that didn’t stop them from wandering down the street and away from the place they’d promised to stay.
They were definitely too far from their meeting spot when Eddie spotted a group of familiar faces across the four-lane road.
“Buck?!” he called, pulling more attention than strictly necessary. As long as it got the one man he was after, it would be worth it.
“Eddie?” Bingo! Both parties stood parallel to each other, mirroring their swaying movement. “What are you doing over there?”
“We’re waiting for Athena.”
“Cool. We didn’t call Bobby so we’re walking home.”
Eddie furrowed his brow. “Home is that way.” He gestured in a direction that would eventually get them back to their home (if they circled the globe a few times).
“Oh.” Buck frowned, taking him at his word. “We’ll stop then.”
“What happened to your forehead?” Maddie’s shout startled him for her sheer proximity – not because he forgot she was there because he only had eyes for his fiancé. She had a good point though. Why was Chimney holding an ice pack to Buck’s head?
“He wrestled a bear” Hen declared.
“No, I didn’t.” Buck shot his friend an annoyed glare. The thought of shots made Eddie queasy in the night air, but he listened to the trio across the street.
“I told you to, but you said we couldn’t find one this late at night.”
“There’s one at the zoo.” Karen shouted unhelpfully.
“We should go to the zoo.” Hen latched on to his wife’s idea much too quickly.
“You’re all idiots.” Maddie rolled her eyes, stumbling as she did so; thank god she at least thought to wear flats for her evening out. “Come over here and wait for Athena with us.”
Chimney had to be pulled back by Buck’s lightning-dull reflexes when he stepped out onto the road at his wife’s command.
“Use the crosswalk dummy” she scolded, earning an indignant look from her brother.
“Don’t be mean to Chim; he loves you so much.”
“Yeah,” Chimney parroted. “I love you so much.”
Eddie watched the exchange wistfully. He’d always liked Maddie and Chimney’s relationship. They took care of each other and respected one another and laughed together and talked together. He could only hope that one day he’d find something that good.
Oh wait, he had.
“I’m going to marry you, Evan Buckley!” Eddie shouted to the world, his eyes landing on the only face that mattered. “You’re going to be mine forever.”
“I love you, Eddie Diaz” Buck called back. “I’m gonna marry you so hard.”
“Oh my god.” Six fuzzy heads turned to face a very put out – though secretly bemused – Athena Grant, arms crossed over her chest from her position against the light post. “It’s like herding cats with you all.”
“’Thena!” Hen called from across the street. “We didn’t call Bobby.”
“I noticed. He’s here anyways.” The police sergeant clicked her tongue in annoyance. “I’m not shouting at you three all night, get over here.” When they didn’t move right away, she added with a glare “now!”
While one drunken trio made their way to the crosswalk to join their friends, Athena turned her attention to the drunken trio in front of her.
“And you three, were supposed to stay by the bar. Instead, I have to walk six blocks to find you, while Bobby is trying to find those three stooges at their meeting location twenty blocks away.” She continued her lecture even as she pulled out her phone to call her husband. “The six of you are going to send us both into early retirement.”
“Bobby, your kids are here with mine, you know the bar? Great.” She’d barely swiped the call button when she found herself engulfed by Eddie’s hug.
“Thank you for coming to get us, Athena. You always take such good care of us.” She hesitated for a moment before sighing and giving in to his sloppy embrace.
“I’ll remind you you said that in the morning.” They were all going to wake up miserable. Why had she let her husband agree to let them take the spare bedrooms? If she conveniently forgot now, they’d never know.
She’d drive them back to her house anyways.
“I’ll always remember” he promised, eyes wide and sincere. “For as long as I Buck!” Athena recoiled when Eddie shouted in her ear, immediately detaching himself so he could fling his arms around his fiancé, letting the ice pack drop to the ground. “You came!”
Buck held Eddie tightly to his chest, squeezing as hard as they both could. “I’ll always come for you” he declared with the same sincerity Eddie had worn before. She hoped they remembered being this unbearably sappy. It wouldn’t be any fun to tease them if they had no idea what she was talking about.
As the three couples reunited, Athena stood off to the side, watching them cuddle and exchange light kisses. Karen and Hen’s touches were soft and quiet, Maddie and Chimney exchanged flirtatious words for only them, and Eddie was gently swiping his thumb over the inevitable bruise on Buck’s forehead. Each seemed to temper the other, adding a calm to the evening that had been chaos until now. They were happy – all of them – that seemed a hard thing to earn in their line of work. But they’d found it, somehow.
Her friends may be an absolute headache sometimes, but she loved them dearly.
Until Chimney vomited into the nearest trashcan, setting off an impossibly disgusting chain reaction amongst the group.
Maybe tonight, she’d love them from afar.
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astraeass · 3 years
[2] start once again;
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[cross-posted in ao3 • fem reader]
previous chapter
pairing: levi ackerman/reader
warnings: cursing
words: 3625
first day of training meant new faces that you will not forget, and maybe even new friendships
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"Welcome to your soon to be worst years of your lives!"
Nice, what a way to start. You knew that the training corps wouldn’t go easy on you, of course not. This warm welcome message did not surprise you at all. All of you were lined up, organized like pawns in a board of chess that was about to start.
Claude Duvalier, their instructor was a very intimidating man, tall with wide shoulders and muscular, the perfect definition of a rough man. You looked at your sides searching for any type of reaction of your fellow companions. Just to be sure you weren’t the only one that wasn’t scared at all.
However, you weren’t as careful as you thought, because your instructor apparently noticed how you got distracted, and wasn’t listening to his longass boring and repetitive discourse, and it was sickening him.
"HEY! You, the girl in the second line" Claude pointed at you with a deadly glare in his orbs.
Instantly you looked up and started at his pale eyes, you knew he was talking about you, it was impossible to ignore those widening eyes. You were used to not let anyone intimidate you at all, not caring what their position in society is neither their size or experience. But his dark aura was difficult for you to accept this time.
"Yes, sir" you instantly saluted and answered firmly, sweat sliding through your forehead.
"Would you be able to repeat every single word I told up there?" He hissed, knowing your next answer already.
You gulped, trying the make the movement as fast as possible, you shacked your head as response "I-I wouldn’t be able to do so, sir" you mentally palmed yourself when your heard your stutter. C'mon [Y/N] you need to show how strong you really are, don’t let be intimidated by a piece of shit.
The instructor seemed to read minds because his fatal ambience just deepened into you. If glares could kill, this man would have assassinated you at least five times without stopping. But you didn’t let the scared part of you to show and waited for him to talk again.
"What’s your name, you little bastard?" He said rather loudly, but apparently coming back to normal, his usual shitty look not being that shitty anymore and that surprised you and urged you to answer.
"[Y/N]... [L/N], sir" this was your first time telling your real name to someone, you imagined this moment to be special but fate hated you and your situation right know is being humiliated by your instructor in front of tons of people of your age. [Y/N] you were supposed to make friends this time, now what? Giving a weak first impression wasn’t in your plan.
"[L/N], why the fuck are you here?!" He next said, increasing his already loud voice, it even hurt your ears since he was getting closer to you, wanting to break your hard shell and make you fall or your knees crying, humiliating you even more. You weren’t one to give up like that though.
"I am here to help humanity with the threat outside the walls, sir!" You responded once again, slightly raising your voice with him.
"Why are you doing it, [L/N]?!"
"Because I want to know what’s beyond the walls!"
Claude grabbed the collar of your white shirt tightly and lifting you up in a way your feet weren’t touching the dusty floor below you. A loud gasp escaping your mouth when he did so, you were about to loose your cold and strong composure to in front of everyone.
"That’s a whole load of bullshit...! You’re here because humanity needs your and everyone’s help, not for a stupid childish desire, you piece of shit!" He shouted in your face, you could even feel some of his saliva sticking to you cheek by the way he’s holding you. You just decided to shut your eyes with force, praying for this to finish soon.
When everything went on silence again, you opened your eyes meeting Claude's cold and fiery gaze, he seemed to search something inside your eyes, perhaps any sign that you were about to shit yourself only to make more fun of you, but he never found it, he could only see the determined glare of a young woman. He just clicked his tongue forcefully and let your collar out of his grip.
The distance between your stance up in the air and the floor was quite large, but you somehow were able to steady your form with somewhat grace, that maybe helped your already broken reputation, just in case anyone saw it of course.
By the time you were fixing your messed up shirt and collar, Instructor Duvalier already have found another victim. This time, it was a boy that seemed a little bit younger than you, this kid however didn’t get the same awful treatment as you.
You just rolled your eyes in annoyance. Claude reached another victim after almost throwing the last one. This time it was a petite brunette girl whose hair was tied up in a neatly made braid, she would have seemed too pure for this world if it wasn’t for her piercing pale green orbs. She had a scowl on her face that transmitted irritation.
"Why do you look like you have a stick up your ass, cadet?" Instructor Duvalier growled at her lowly, the girl didn’t even moved her face to meet his gaze like everyone else did, she looked brave, you liked that.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, useless brat!? Answer me cadet!" Claude was growing irritated second by second by the girl's attitude, this will not end up good at all, and you actually feared for the future condition of short girl.
"Mary Rosé, sir" She answered, her voice high tuned and pleasant to hear, exactly what you would have expected in a sweet-looking girl like her, she still didn’t look up thought. Was she scared? You doubted about that.
"Rosé, can you explain me why you had the fucking audacity to ignore me gaze just some seconds ago? Do you think you’re the center of this damn world?!" Claude's expression was covered in anger, however there was an unknown glint in his eyes, you wished you could read his mind, curiosity invading yours.
You couldn’t tell if Mary also saw the small difference in his deep glare but if she did, she apparently didn’t want anyone to know "I don’t, I just didn’t know how to react, I apologize sir" the girl flatly answered. Despite her serious and uninterested appearance, her words sounded honest.
After Mary answered with that simple sentence, Corporal Duvalier moved on to the next cadet. He didn’t ask anything else, and he looked rather... intimidated. In his defense, you admitted to yourself that a simple look of her to your direction would make you piss your pants but that actually made you want to be friends with her even more.
You didn’t notice that you got lost in your thoughts after Instructor Duvalier snapped his calloused fingers snapped in front of you, making you jump where you stood "[L/N], you there cadet?" He said with an annoyed look that you instantly responded with a nod of your head "Yes, sir. I was just thinking."
He snickered, a sarcastic smirk adorning his face "If you zone out like that in middle of an expedition, you’ll be titan food and no later after, titan shit. So you better stay focused, [L/N]" He looked ahead for a short span of time, then back to you, with a determined gaze "C'mon, I told everyone to prepare theirselves, training starts now" and with that, he walked away from your still stunned form.
His order made you look around, and be aware that you were one of the last cadets standing in the main area, so you made the decision to walk away too. However, a certain tall blonde had another plans for you "Clair- Oh, I mean [L/N]!" You turned around when hearing the familiar voice, saying - loudly, almost shouting - your last name.
"Ah, Smith... fancy seeing you here" You said with a teasing tone in your voice and a wave of both of your hands when you saw him near enough. He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck with a blush of embarrassment in his bright skin. That unusual expression suited him, you thought "Was it that obvious?" He told you with a hint of amusement in his tone, answering your last statement.
You weren’t and currently aren’t close with Erwin Smith, but you needed to be really close minded and out of reality to not know the young man's fond with his idea of what’s beyond the walls. All of your thoughts suddenly reminded you to your current situation, your main goal and why you were doing all of this fucked mess, Smith will be a great acquaintance and help for it.
You were about to continue your conversation with him, but the sudden shout of your Instructor stopped you. Your back was turned to him, so you couldn’t see him burning holes in the back of your head, however, that didn’t mean you couldn’t feel him doing so, and that made you afraid to turn around and meet his gaze more after the personal scolding he did to you.
But you knew you couldn’t stay in that position longer, even Erwin was giving you a glance that screamed 'you’re dead' in every way. Fortunately, for you, Claude was standing in front of the cadets that already came back for the instructions of their ever first training of much many. Duvalier was ready to start talking again "As I said before, the training starts here and right now, so prepare your filthy asses for the worst time of you lives"
It was obvious that the journey to reach to be a scout was everything but easy, you took it easy... at first, and that was already your first wrong move. Everything started with some simple laps that you could easily take the lead of, a large number push-ups and even he gave the opportunities to spar between you and demonstrate the initial physical level of each other. But the intensity increased to the point were even, Erwin, a man with a notable level above average yet he couldn’t feel his own muscles for the end of the day.
"I’m... exhausted" you sighed loudly while carrying your tray of food that contained a liquidly tasteless soup and a piece of bread you were surely you could break someone’s head with. Not so far away from you, walked Erwin with a tired expression in his face "I’m already calling it a day" he agreed with you, eyes closed while grabbing his tray and following you.
Erwin and you spent the training attached by the hip, he sometimes could have easily pass you when running the laps and show off his incredible stamina or finish his push-ups earlier and prove that he had the strength his body showed he could also have gone with some people that you recognized as some of your classmates that you certainly knew Erwin was fond of. But for a reason unknown to you, he kept following you all day.
Not that you were complaining now.
You remember how eager Erwin is with his dream, and how much in common it has with yours, so you were fine with the idea of having Erwin around you. Erasing the thoughts that have been wandering your mind all day, you found a nice empty seat for the both of you and sat down, throwing your tray in the table with little force, feeling Erwin's gaze on you.
"You can sit with me" you said, amused by the sight of his widening bright blue eyes, wondering how could you read his mind that easily without even meeting your own eyes "Ah.. thank you" he said lowly, sitting in front of you with an expecting expression, the orbs you saw earlier, now full of curiosity. You recognized this look from before, when he corrected himself with his now, new knowledge of your last name.
You were already tired as fuck, but the intensity of his deep gaze on you made you even more tired making you sigh for the nth time today, while looking down your watery soup and then up to him, you weren’t surprised when you meet his eyes already looking at you. So you decided that telling him your story will be the end of this awkward and tense ambience. Is not that you trusted him with your life, but the feeling of needing to vent to someone overpowered you.
"Alright, I guess I’ll have to tell you what happened, right?"
A few weeks passed, and the intense training was beginning to give it fruits. You could feel your muscles getting stiffer and you certainly feel very proud about it. Your skills and stamina levels also increased and Erwin's casual advices were a big plus for you. The training was becoming repetitive, even if the intensity changed frequently and some dynamic exercises were added here and there, you wish you could do something more unique.
Erwin and you became closer. At first, when telling him your story made him strangely protective, and his first reaction didn’t help at all, so you became watchful around him. However, his attitude changed when you almost won against him in a sparring session a week after arriving the division. It was like he knew you would be safe by your own, not that you weren’t before, but Erwin knowing where you were raised, he assumed that your experience with spars, little did he know that you could defend yourself easily. The memory making you smile unconsciously.
"Ah.. I didn’t expect that at all"
You giggled remembering that specific moment when you threw him to the ground when he last expected. His stunned expression graven in your mind, often using it to tease him. He still went easy on you and won thought, so you knew that there was still a long way ahead. A cough way too familiar made you jump, completely breaking you free of your thoughts, your face coming pale when remembering where you currently were.
Instructor Claude Duvalier was standing behind you and instantly went stiff when you felt his presence, not daring to look at his probably deadly gaze. So you decided to look ahead you with wide pupils wishing this to end up fast. "[L/N].. could you tell me, what you find funny with me explaining how the fuck we are going to train the with 3D maneuver gear?!" Wait what.
Did you really were that deep in thought to not catch what your instructor was explaining. It wasn’t that he was talking, of course not. You usually give a fuck about what he said when it comes to hear the steps of the common training and the ask Erwin what you needed to do for today, what was important to you is how you missed the 3D maneuver gear explication.
One of the most impressing skills that you admired about the military regiment was how they used such a complicated mechanism to sometimes displace around, and how the majority of them did it with such a grace when you occasionally remember seeing how the military police chased a thief and catching him not long after using the heavy device attached to their hips.
The 3DMG was that device you were the most eager to use and learn. You are shocked with your own self and even angry for how vague you were sometimes. Seeing it that there esas the any type of response from you, Duvalier gave up not missing how your form relaxed instantly and walked ahead you to stand in front of the training corps once again.
"In case someone else is as incompetent as [L/N], what we are training today is how skilled you all will be with your future 3DGM, but before that, we need to see if everyone is going to be stable when using those, so stand your asses and go outside" Claude demanded, making every cadet stand up in an instant walking out to the camp in order.
Some weird tall machines were placed in the front line of the ground. They were formed by three large wood columns that connected at the very top by a metal structure, wide strings attached in both of the ends and finally, those strings tied into a leather belt "Everyone will be trying these rusty machines, the main point is trying to maintain your equilibrium, if you aren’t able to, you’re the fuck out. We don’t accept useless shits here"
In front of you, Nile Dok who you recognize as one of the friends of Erwin, stood in between the wood pillars, attaching the old-looking belt around his waist, a cocky smirk adorning his lips. You didn’t interact with him at all, but enough to know that he’s a proud little bitch. He always remarked about how he’ll be ranked between the 10 best cadets of the division and live a comfortable life as a member of the military police, not that you cared, but the way he always looked for competition - most of the time against Erwin - totally annoyed your usually quiet behavior.
A superior from the training corps stood nearby, while another cadet was preparing to move the handle forward that would lift Nile from the ground and show us all how good he actually is. The cadet moved the handle forward, he looked nervous, ready to carry all the fault if Nile failed to maintain the equilibrium. Your gaze trailed to Nile, his eyes widened when feeling the mechanism working on him. He stumbled backward and looked like he was about to fall, but posed in a way that kept him still, it was a bit impressive, nevertheless that didn’t stop you from laughing at his struggling expression.
You didn’t notice that you were the only one laughing out loud, you could feel the looks of the cadets nearby, it was rare to see you in another expression than your regular serious scowl. Nile hearing your laugh looked up, his already contorted features worsened when meeting your [E/C] orbs and that made you instantly stop, feigning wiping a tear from your eyes and waking away with a wave. You swear hearing his voice insulting you when you walked away, blowing a raspberry, you continued your search for Erwin.
Walking around and trying to not be caught by Instructor Duvalier, you finally found Erwin, standing close another circle of your companions and watching with interest how another cadet was being lift by the 3DMG training mechanics. Walking closer, you were now aware that the cadet Erwin was staring at was Mike Zacharias a tall, dirty blond young man and another of his friends, however, this one wasn’t a little bitch, just a bit weird. He was funny when he wanted though. Mike was way better than Nile, but you still procured to stay a bit far away from him since his sniffing habit always weirded you out, and yourself disliking people breaking your personal space didn’t help at all.
"Hey [Y/N]! Were you able to try the training?" Trailed by your thoughts, you failed to notice that you already reached Erwin's position and situating yourself at his side. You looked up and shook your head with a sigh "Fortunately, I didn’t" Erwin laughed at your answer, petting your head with a teasing smirk in his face, you frowned at him but didn’t make anything to stop his caring treatment.
Behind Erwin, Mike approached both of you, grabbing Erwin's shoulders forcefully and causing him jump thanks to the sudden rough touch. Erwin's hand lifted from your soft [H/C] locks and turned around to punch Mike's arm with some force and even if the taller blonde tried to contain his pain, you clearly saw how he winced at the contact making you giggle again "Ah... answering your questing from before Erwin, nope, I didn’t try it and I’m not looking forward to do it so neither" you said sighing and changing your pose to be more comfortable while standing.
Unfortunately for you, your turn was sooner than you expected and time passing faster than you thought, you were already between the training mechanism as you reached down to grab the belt so you could attach it to your waist tightly, with the hope that if you failed to complete the task, the belt would save you from a nasty fall. Behind you, Mary with a neutral expression was ready to pull the handle forward and besides you the Instructor glared at you with an unreadable expression in his face. Seeing your hesitation, Claude scoffed shaking his head while looking at the ground "C'mon [L/N], we do me have all this weakass"
You nodded rapidly, sending Mary a determined gaze and a thumbs up as a sign that you were ready. She understood and moved the handle with all of her energy, it was cute to see her, a normally strong-headed girl, struggle with a simple task. Your thoughts were interrupted when your feet didn’t feel the ground anymore, your pupils widening in surprise. Little did you know that you have stayed up for a while already, everyone looking at you in disbelief but for Erwin, who looked like a proud big brother with a heart-full smile.
"That’s it [Y/N], you got it!"
"Ahaha... t-thank you!"
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Next Chapter
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Title: “Have you heard about that Min boy?”
Prequel to “Let this be a lesson to you.” And “Lesson learned.” This is basically their meeting. Its long, longer anyhow than I expected. Hope you all enjoy!
Pairing: dom! Yoongi x sub! brat! Reader ft. Namjoon
Warnings: smut, slight fluff (if you squint really hard), masturbation (m) (f), slight cum play, spanking, degradation, angst(eh?)
Rating: 18 and over
It was fourth of July weekend which meant it was time to pack up for the biggest party of the year. Namjoon’s July 4th Lake house bash. You had preemptively prepared by packing a few days ahead and only needed to convince your father to borrow his Audi Q3 SUV, you didn’t really need it, you could just use your BMW but you wanted the extra space and of course to show off. “Daddy, I need an answer today! I am leaving tonight, and I have to load my stuff.” You whined into the phone. “Y/n, do you expect me to leave work now and drive home so you can have my car?” Your father whispered into the phone. You knew he was probably in an important meeting, but you didn’t care so long as you got what you wanted in the end. “Have one of your assistants drive it home and take my car back to you. Please daddy, please!!” You whined and begged into the phone. You father sighed deeply into the phone, clearly frustrated. You created this monster, you thought to yourself. “Fine! I’ll have Julie bring it over to you and y/n, listen clearly, if it comes back damaged in any way you will not receive your monthly stipend for the next six months. Am I understood?” He warns. “Of course, Daddy.” You say sweetly, and with that you are loaded up by 2pm. You wave Julie off as she drives off in your car to head back to the office to deliver it to you father. You receive a text message from your best friend asking if she can ride with you to the party. “Sure thing.” You respond.
You are sure to hit the road by 4pm in order to grab your BFF and get to Namjoon’s by no later than 7pm. You need to ensure that you have the best room in the house, which is of course the east wing, it has its own balcony which gets the best sunlight and faces the Lake just in case you don’t feel like joining in on the festivities, but you want to be nosey. You have known Namjoon for the entire five years that he’s lived in the city. Your father had just recently hired his father into his company, and he wanted the two of you to mingle. It was clear that you would never be anything more than friends. Namjoon was too clean cut for you and you were way too bratty for Namjoon’s taste but still you were one of the first people he invited to the Lake house once his parents bought the place. “Get in girl! We are gonna be late!” You shout to your friend who hurls her bag in the bag seat and jumps up front with you. “I guess daddy let you borrow his ride huh?” She gives you a sly smile. “I needed the space.” You shrug and take off. “I hear this is going to be the biggest one yet! Fireworks, the whole nine.” Your friend comments. “Eh, I feel like it’s the same every year. What can you really do for the 4th that people don’t normally do?” You comment. “You’re so annoying. If you feel that way, then why do you go?” She questions. You laugh out loud. “If I don’t go then who would honestly be there?” Your friends mouth gapes open in shock. “You are too much! Well, I heard someone richer than you will be there.” She scoffs. You laugh again knowing she is just trying to push your buttons. “There is no one in this city that I don’t know, that doesn’t work for my father, who is richer than I am.” “Oh, really? Well, have you heard about that Min boy?” She asks. Your forehead crinkles at the name. “Sounds made up.” You snip. She laughs. “I don’t know but everyone who is anyone has been talking about him and I heard he is going to be at Namjoon’s party this weekend.” You shrug as if you don’t care but deep down your intrigued. It's been awhile since someone had piqued your interest. You couldn’t help but wonder what this Min boy had to offer or if he was worth listening to the rumor mill, he’d been tossed into.
When you arrive at the Lake house, all seems quiet as you approach the gate, and you are all too happy at the site. Namjoon hardly let’s people stay over, you really must be close with him to get a spot in the house, otherwise you’re stuck renting the cabins that surround the property. You pull up to the keypad just outside the gate and enter in this year's code. The gate hums open and you make your way up the driveway. “No car’s parked besides Joon’s, this is a good sign.” Your BFF notes, to which you nod in agreement. You both grab your things and head towards the house. Your BFF excitedly rings the bell and is greeted by Bear, the head of the lake house’s security. “I thought someone was in trouble with all that ringing you're doing.” He grumbles. “Sorry. Just excited.” She smiles, pushing past the giant of a man. “Is Joon here, Bear?” You ask. “Out back setting up some stuff.” He slams the door shut and shuffles off. Your BFF drops her things and decides she wants to head out back. “I am going to claim my room before anyone shows.” You state. She nods and heads out back while you make your way up the stairs. You make your way to your favorite room and shoot Joon a text to inform him that you will be staying there for the weekend. You drop your bag as soon as you enter the room and head out to the balcony to take in the sights. Namjoon and your BFF are deep in conversation as you take in the view. You release a deep sigh, feeling pleasantly at ease, until you turn back into the room and notice a black duffel bag by the bed. “What on earth?” You mutter under your breath. “You look beautiful in the sunlight.” A voice states from inside the room. You find an unexpectedly handsome blonde standing opposite the bed. He has his arms crossed as his head tilts to the side slightly, drinking you in. His dark jeans and hoodie call attention to his pale skin and defined jaw. “What are you doing in here?” You question, swallowing hard, trying not to show your sudden lust. He scoffs and you wonder if he sees right through you. “I’m staying in here this weekend.” He gives a sly smile. You immediately laugh. “Not happening, I always stay in this room when I’m here. So, you need to grab your stuff and go.” You snip. He drops his hands and crosses them behind his back now, standing straight up. His commanding presence sends a chill straight to your core. “Is that so,” He whispers, “Well, I would be more than happy to share it with you, on one condition of course.” His demeanor changes as he moves towards you. “I don’t do favors for nobodies.” You try your best to sound powerful, but it falls flat.
“That’s too bad baby. You look like a lot of fun. I’ll give you time to think on it, something tells me we are going to be seeing a lot more of each other.” He licks his lips at his last statement, and you are overcome with want as you feel your panties soak. He leans against the bedroom door and you snap out of it noticing that you are no longer in the bedroom but in the hall. “What the?” You say out loud. “Don't worry baby, there’s going to be a lot of things I impress you with.” He winks at you and slams the door shut. “Asshole!” You shout as you slam your fist against the door. You stomp downstairs and out back to meet Namjoon. “Joon! Joon!” You shout. He whips around as you approach fuming. “Who the fuck is in my room?” You cross your arms. He cringes. “Ah, yeah, I forgot to mention to you. My friend is here this weekend. He and his family just moved to the city and well I couldn’t not invite him. You can stay in my room, it's no big deal really.” He gives a comforting smile. “I want him out Joon. No exceptions!” You shout heading back inside to pour yourself a drink. “Ah, y/n, please, don’t make this difficult for me ok. He is my best friend and I want to show him a good time ok. It's just this one time and never again. Work with me and I'll make it worth your while.” He raises his eyebrows happily. “Uh no! I want that jack off out of my room or I swear I will cause a riot.” You warn. “I’ll take care of it y/n, for now let's just enjoy tonight.” Namjoon rubs your back but you are still fuming. “I better be happy by tonight Joon.” You whisper to him. He smiles and nods in response.
As night falls and guest show up you become wrapped up in conversation, drinks, and dancing. It seems everyone is abuzz with the news of this Min boy and needing to find out more information. “I heard he’s hot.” One person mentions. “I heard he’s loaded.” Another says. “I heard he’s a total jerk.” Someone else interjects. You shrug and decide to move onto the next group which consist of your BFF and Namjoon. “When do the fireworks start?” You ask. “About half hour, Bear and the team are setting everything up and making sure it's all clear.” Namjoon explains. “Joon was just telling me that you lost your room to that Min boy.” Your BFF drunkenly points out. You shoot a sharp look at Joon. “That is the Min boy everyone’s talking about?” You question. Namjoon nods. “Yeah, we’ve been friends a long time. I meant to introduce you two at the beginning of summer but he’s always busy doing something. I thought you guys would hit it off, but I guess I was wrong.” He laughs. “You think? He’s a total asshole.” You note. “Well that’s not a very nice thing to say about someone.” You hear from beside you as Namjoon’s friend greets you with a smile. “I suppose I wasn’t trying to be nice, now was I?” You snap. He chuckles in response and leans in close. “You know, if you keep talking to me this way, I'm going to have to take you over my knee. Would you like that you naughty little brat?” He whispers. He steps back and takes a drink offered up by Namjoon. You stand in shock feeling your face flush. He lifts the drink up in a salute like manner and gulps down looking at you while he does. Your heart begins to race. Be brave, he is a nobody, he wouldn’t dare touch you, you tell yourself. “I want you out of that room. Namjoon offered up his room, you can sleep in there.” You tell him. He licks the excess drink from his lips and nods. “Or, I can just stay where I am and watch you squirm.” He smiles wide. You move forward ready to thrash him, but he just stands tall, ready for you. “You know I could make your life a living hell if I wanted to.” You threaten. He moans softly. “God, I hope so.” He bites his lip causing you to step back. You swallow hard and turn away. “I knew you guys would hit it off.” Namjoon smiles wide at you both. You shake your head and stomp inside. “You want to fuck around.” You shout as you walk past the crowd and up the stairs.
You enter your favorite bedroom and grab his duffle bag from the floor. “What do you think you're doing?” You jump to find he’s followed you inside. “Watch and see.” You tease and unzip the bag. You wait to see if he’s going to make a move, but he doesn’t. You pull out a crisp white shirt from the bag as well as a pair of black slacks. “Careful baby, that’s Dior, I happen to really like that set.” He grumbles, brows tensing just a bit. You give a sly smile and rummage through his bag some more to find a John Varvatos cologne inside. You pop the top and smell it, humming in approval. He stares at you intensely, watching your every move. You give a huge grin as you pull off the nozzle. “Don't!” He protests way too late as you pour the cologne onto the items in his bag. “Oops, I’m such a klutz.” You say. He moves towards you and looks over the things you’ve ruined. “Guess you gotta get home and get this stuff cleaned up.” You say, dropping the empty bottle of cologne into the bag. He chuckles and nods, shoving the now destroyed items into the bag before throwing it all to the floor. “I warned you that I could make your life hell and I meant it.” You say plainly. He sniffs and rubs his nose, nodding to acknowledge you. “And I warned you that I would take you over my knee if needed but I think we are way past that don’t you?” Your body heats as he begins to loosen his belt. “Tell me brat, are you gonna be a good girl for me?” He asks. You moan softly as he takes you by your waist. He tightens his grip causing your nipples to harden and your pussy to moisten.
“Yes, sir.” He instructs. “Yes, sir.” You reply. He begins to trail soft kisses from your ear lobe down to your neck, suckling when he reaches your collar bone. You moan loudly at the feeling, having not had someone touch you in so long. “Fuck me.” You growl. He smiles into your neck. “Still don’t get it do you baby. That’s ok, I love a challenge. I’m in charge now. We do what I want and how I want it, got it?” He asks, pulling your hips into his massive erection. You nod quickly, anxious to feel him inside you. “Good. Now if you're a good girl, daddy will reward you. How does that sound?” He asks, nibbling on your jaw. “Good.” You pant. He yanks suddenly on your hair causing your head to snap back. “Good, what?” He whispers across your lips. “Good, sir.” You say breathlessly, pushing your hips further into his hardened length. He kisses your lips roughly and you gladly open your mouth for him, allowing him to slide his tongue against yours. He slowly swirls his tongue round yours, and you feel your cunt tense as you imagine what his assault would be on your sensitive bud. He releases you now and you softly whimper as he takes a full step back. “Ground rules now baby,” He pants, rubbing at his jailed member, “You don’t speak unless I give you permission to. You will always address me as Sir. If I go too far and I promise I will, you will say the word ‘yellow’ and I will stop completely. If you disobey me, whether that is here in the bedroom or in public, you will be punished. If you speak without permission, you will be punished. From here on out, you are mine and I am yours, if I find out another person has been with you...” He says. “I will be punished.” You cut him off. He nods to confirm. “I'll let this first one slide since we are just getting started. Now, take your clothes off.” He commands, lust filling his eyes.
You chuckle nervously, “What about you?” You question. His head tilts to the side. “Did I give you permission to speak?” He questions as your stomach drops, panic hitting you. “I’m sorry sir.” You attempt. He shakes his head at you. “Not yet you aren’t,” He smirks, tugging his belt from his jeans, “Pull down your shorts.” You bite your lip and comply, slowly unbuttoning and dropping your shorts to the ground. “What are you going to do to me?” You ask. He groans angrily and you realize your mistake. You cover your mouth with your hand quickly. He points to the bed. “On your belly brat, show me that gorgeous ass of yours.” You look over at the bed but don’t move. “You've already earned yourself two lashes, would you like to add two more?” He asks. You shake your head in response and he again points at the bed. “What do you say if it’s too much?” He pants as you rest on your belly, ass on full display. “Yellow, sir.” You say. “Good girl.” He responds as he licks his lips. You moan into the mattress, trying desperately to hold back the intense feelings of lust and need coursing through your body. “Do you understand why I am doing this?” He groans. “Yes, sir, because I disobeyed you and spoke without permission. I was a bad girl.” You explain seductively. His response is a heavy whack across your bare ass that echoes through the room and your needy body. You cry out in pure ecstasy. Your juices flowing past your folds and down to your thighs. The second whack is harder and causes you to grip the covers. He hums deep in chest as he watches you squirm. “So sexy.” He moans, rubbing your burning cheeks with his cool palm. You hitch your hips back into his hands trying desperately to get him to lower his touch to your aching bud.
“Stand up my greedy little brat.” He whispers. You do as your told. “Take off the rest of your clothes.” You quickly shed your shirt and bra, happily on display before him. He licks his lips as he looks over your exposed flesh. “So gorgeous,” He smirks and begins to unhook his pants, “Touch your cunt.” Your breathing quickens as you slide your hand down your torso and to your wanting sex. He watches you with lust in his eyes, his cheeks flushing slightly. “Rub that sweet clit for me.” He groans, releasing his veiny cock from its confines, his sweet nectar glistening from his swollen tip. You moan loudly as you watch him stroke his thick length in quick succession with your own pace. His breath quickens as he rubs his arousal up and down his cock. “Show me how wet you are.” He grunts. You painfully remove your fingers from your needy cunt and raise them up to show off. He moans aloud and bites his bottom lip, still stroking. “Suck those sweet juices off your fingers.” He commands and you slowly clean each finger one by one causing his head to roll back and a deep dark moan to fall from his lips. “Now, fuck yourself, I want to see my little brat cum.” You return your salivated fingers to your slick folds and begin to swirl around your clit once more. You moan loudly for him to show just how much you’re enjoying yourself. “Tell me when you’re about to cum.” He demands. You nod as you use your free hand to slide two fingers into yourself, curling them upward to rub against your g -spot. You cry out as you begin to feel your core tighten.
You begin to hitch your hips back and forth in an attempt to cause more friction as you watch him stroke his thick cock faster and faster, pulling lightly on his balls. Your mouth falls open and you can barely contain yourself as you feel your juices flow down your hand. Your breath becomes more and more ragged as your climax threatens with every swirl around your sweet bud. “I’m going to cum sir.” You cry out as your coil snaps and your cunt throbs around your fingers, your orgasm washing over you intensely. “On your knees brat.” He pants desperately while you come down from your high. You drop down to your knees and watch as he makes his way towards you. “Head up.” He states. You lift your chin high and gasp as he unloads his hot seed onto your exposed breasts. He moans loudly, grabbing you by your shoulder and digging his fingertips in as he rubs out every last drop. He steps back once done and swallows hard taking in the sight of you covered in his semen. “You’re so fucking hot baby.” He says. You smile and slowly raise your hands up, rubbing his warm cum around your full tits and erect nipples. He hums in approval. “I need to have you, all of you.” He says reaching out to help you up. “Then have me sir.” You whisper, standing. He chuckles. “Soon, we should handle a few personal things first. Getting tested and what not. We can go together.” You nod in agreement.
Suddenly, you both hear hooting and hollering from the backyard as the fireworks begin to crack one by one. “Come with me.” He says, grabbing you from behind and slowly leading you towards the balcony. You push your back against him, not wanting to go out unclothed. “Don’t worry, no one can see us.” He says, kissing your cheek. You stand at the balcony door wrapped in his arms and begin to realize how much you want to be completely undone by this man. “I don’t even know your first name.” You say as you both watch the fireworks show. “Yoongi. Min Yoongi.” He whispers into your ear. “Y/n.” You say. He scoffs. “My naughty little brat.”
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