#shouto comfort
maliciouslove · 1 year
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SFW, shopping district!AU, aged up characters (21+) 
pairing // todoroki shouto x reader
summary // a story you’ve never shared with anyone before is how you came to love flowers as much as you do. it’s simple really—it all started with him. it all started with the boy who brought you a single flower every day of the week when you scraped your knee riding his bike. your first love. but how long will it take for him to come to understand it?  
word count // 4.2k 
tags // CEO!shouto, florist!reader, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, (hurt) comfort, mutual pining (except shouto doesn’t know he’s pining), shouto with long hair, shouto is dense af, jealousy
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Do you believe in soulmates?
You could understand why so many people thought of soulmates as some sort of far fetched, overly romanticized pipe dream, but honestly—you knew better. Because you had already met your soulmate. 
The evidence pointing to that?
You’ve known him since birth basically, being born less than a year after him. You grew up together, living two houses down from each other. You spent your entire youth together: from playing in the sandbox, making pretend meals out of mud and stones and using leaves as money, to being classmates throughout middle school and highschool, always walking home together and doing homework in your living room late into the night. 
The two of you were truly inseparable and shared everything—so when he got a bike at the age of six and you didn’t, of course he was more than willing to share. He wanted to teach you how to ride, put his little blue helmet on your head and fastened it under your chin, calming you down because you were nervous. 
“But what if I fall…”
“I’ll catch you.”
And the way his big heterochromatic eyes were fixed on you, full of promise and safety, gave you all the courage you needed for you to get on that bike. And he tried, he really did try to catch you when you lost control of the bike and swerved right into your front yard, trashing your mother’s flower garden and falling face first into the peonies. 
That little boy was so worried, mortified by the idea that you got hurt because of him, he simply could not stop apologizing. Even when you told him through tears that it doesn’t really hurt that much. I just scraped my knee a little, I’m okay!
But it wasn’t okay for him because he promised to keep you safe and failed. So he stood by your side, tightly holding your little hand in his as your mother was cleaning up your wounds and lecturing you about safety. And his tiny chest would feel tight every time he looks at your injury, eyes heavy with guilt and worry. 
For the next week until your scrapes were fully healed, every time he’d come to your house to play he would bring a small flower with him to give to you. 
The first day, he brought you a daffodil, clutching it in his hand as he nervously presented it to you. The second day, it was a tulip, most likely stolen from his mother's garden. On the third, he had a wild rose, a few cuts visible on his fingers, proof of his struggle to get the flower for you. On the fourth, he had three geraniums in hand that quite frankly looked bigger than him, but he smiled brightly as he gave them to you. On the fifth, he got you marigolds and taught you how to make a flower crown out of them, and on the sixth he got you peonies, bringing some for your mom as well as an apology for ruining her garden. And finally, on the seventh day, he got you lilacs. 
“To congratulate you on your recovery.”
“It was just a scrape, Shouto…”
“So?” He was then crouching down to inspect your knee, satisfied that the scrape wasn’t going to leave a scar. 
“Why flowers?”
“Because they’re pretty like you.” 
What a simple, yet powerful answer. Despite your young age, you thought long and hard about his answer as you tentatively took care of the lilacs. With every day that the flower wilted, a fondness bloomed in your heart, and you learned that you like flowers, that you very much like the boy that gave them to you. 
After that, there was nothing that could tear you two apart, not even college. True, you’d spend a lot more time apart, face timing every other night and texting on the daily, but you’d still hold onto old traditions. You’d always be at his door at exactly 00:00 on his birthday, singing (poorly) a birthday song holding out a dessert you made yourself—a muffin with a candle stuck in the middle, strawberry shortcake (his favourite), cheesecake, cherry pie, even some pudding once. 
He would always pick matching Halloween costumes, and he’d always walk you home every chance he could. He remembers all your favourite coffee orders and, without failure, texts you good morning and goodnight. He watches out for you and holds your hand when you cross the street, squeezing once before he lets you go. And without failure every year for your birthday he gives you a bouquet of lilacs that’s simply twice as big as you are. 
You always believed that with time, Shouto would notice the longing in your eyes. After all, you weren’t really hiding it. Quite frankly, your love for him was seeping out of you: far too large for your body to contain. Every word you spoke to him was harbouring feelings, but alas, they were feelings that never reached him, their fingertips millimetres away from his heart. So close, yet too far away. 
But that’s okay. You loved him just the way he was—kind, reliable, and just a tad clueless. What he lacked, you made up for, and the same was true the other way around. You fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. He just didn’t know what that puzzle was yet. But that’s okay. You loved him just the way he was. 
And before you knew it, college was over too. Shouto went off to become the CEO of a big company. He was brilliant at his job. But then again, he was brilliant at most things. He could play the piano at the age of four and the violin by the time he was six. He was an incredible athlete, and he always had the best grades. Valedictorian. Graduating summa cum laude. 
You? You stayed true to your heart and did the thing that brought you most joy. You opened your own little flower shop in the old shopping district where you grew up. You’ve wanted one since you were six, and you’ve held the vision of what your workplace will look like since you were ten. You studied hard and went on multiple internships to polish your skills as a florist so you could stand where you are now. 
Your dream was slowly coming to life. 
You had just finished furnishing the store and setting up for your grand opening the next day when you heard a soft knock on the door, and a familiar face smiling behind it. And there they were—lilacs. 
“Congratulations.” His voice is low, serene, but his eyes hold a sparkle of excitement, a glimmer of pride. “You always wanted to have your own little shop. I’m so proud of you.”
His smile is enough to silence all your worries. As you lead him up to your little apartment above the shop, you tell him all about how you almost weren't going to be ready on time for the opening, about the delivery service that brought you the wrong order and now there were no red roses in your store. What self-respecting florist doesn’t have red roses in their store?
He told you about his work as you were placing the bouquet of lilacs into a big marble vase. Something about the stock market that you didn’t really understand, but you nodded along and listened closely anyway. He loosens his tie and makes himself comfortable in your home as he always has, but he doesn’t notice how long you stare at his tie. How much you wish you could just… pull him in by the tie. Does this man even know how good he looks in a suit? 
It’s always the same: He comes when he can, stays for dinner, talks about everything and anything—or nothing at all. His presence is soothing, yet so large; it fills every nook and cranny in your apartment. He belongs. With you. After dinner he doesn’t stay long, his workdays are longer, harder, so he can’t stay as long as he wishes to. But that’s okay. Because he kisses your forehead every time, and it sets off fireworks in your chest. 
“I’ll come tomorrow too. For your opening.” 
He was so big now, he took up the entire doorway. How time had changed him. His childish round cheeks were now gone, instead, he had a defined jaw. His big round eyes now had laugh lines around them. His hair was also longer now, combed and tied in a ponytail. He didn’t wear short jeans anymore but rather an expensive suit and watch. But he was still your Shouto. The boy who has always been there for you. 
“You don’t have to, you know, your schedule is busy enough as it is.” You offer him a way out, but you secretly hope he comes anyway. You want to see him again. You want him to say he’s proud of you again. You want him.
“I insist.” He smiles reassuringly. “I want to see your dream come true.”
At this you can’t help but laugh a little. 
“I owe it all to you.”
“Nonsense. You got here all on your own.” 
You shake your head. It’s not what you meant. I fell in love with flowers the day I fell in love with you. But the words never come out. They become a part of the graveyard of unspoken words that rests on your lips. But that’s okay. This is all you need. 
It’s okay.
Once he leaves the apartment feels much colder and your arms ache. Your heart feels just a little heavier once again. Just a little though. You’ve become exceptionally good at keeping these thoughts to yourself and channelling them into your work instead. You let your flowers talk for you. 
Carnations—I miss you.
Forget-me-nots—Please remember me. Selfishly, I hope you never forget me.
Amaryllis—the pride that stops me from revealing my feelings. 
Pink camellias—I long for you. To hold you. To call you mine.
Yellow tulips—a symbol of my hopeless, unrequited love. 
And of course, lilacs—you are my first love.
This is the great thing about flowers. Like relationships, they require a lot of love and care, and like long-lasting friendships, they carry so much meaning. Friendships, just like flowers, carry countless memories hidden between each petal, they carry expectations—the sun will rise each morning, the flowers will bloom, and he will always be right by your side.
Flowers hold so much meaning—for every feeling blooming in your chest, there is a flower to symbolize it. 
The petals of unspoken words lie heavy in your chest, but perhaps one day those petals will get scattered, and at least one will reach his heart. 
But for now… this is okay. This is enough.
It’s already the end of May, but it’s extraordinarily cold tonight, and the wind is unkindly bending tree branches under its will. There is no moon, nor any stars, just clouds of uncertainty and doubt. Flowers cannot bloom in darkness, so they wait for morning light. The same applies to people—hope comes to us at dawn. 
Shouto wakes up promptly at 5:55AM, exactly five minutes before his alarm. He’s barely awake, but his mind drifts to you. Would you be able to take an hour off for lunch? Perhaps dinner would be better? He wants to celebrate the happy occasion. He wants to see you, even if it’s for 10 minutes only. Even if it’s less, he wants to be close to you, to feel the comfort of your presence, to see you smile and hear you laugh. 
He doesn’t think twice as he picks out his suit, a neat lavender coloured tie to match his little pocket square. He has four other ties like this one, something about the colour just feels right to him. The first half of his day goes by in a blur, practically working on autopilot as his mind just keeps going back to you. Are you smiling right now? Is the opening day going well? 
He imagines you happily buried under a pile of flowers and chuckles to himself—something Midoriya doesn’t fail to notice, but evidently chooses not to ask about anyway. The green-haired man had a pretty good idea what was on his boss’s mind anyway. Which is why around 11:30 he practically kicks Shouto out of their shared office and reassures him that he has things handled. 
“You have more important things to do now, go on.”
His heart is beating quite fast in his chest, so he deliberately slows his pace in an attempt to calm himself. But it appears that the closer he gets to your little shop, the faster his heart seems to race. He briefly considers consulting a cardiologist, but shoves the thought aside as soon as he can make out your silhouette behind the register. Your voice carries through the shop like a melody, and for a while he just stands by the entrance and listens. 
“It’s been sooo long, I’ve missed you Denks, you should swing by more often! I never see your face anymore.” 
Shouto can’t quite see your face from the broad shoulders of the blonde man in front of the register, but he can hear the little pout in your voice. He can vividly picture it. 
“You’re absolutely right, let me make it up to you! Let me take you out to dinner sometime? I’d love to catch up, spend some quality time with my favourite florist.” 
There is a pang in Shouto’s heart. Who is this? A friend of yours? But he knows all your friends? 
“You know what, I’d love that. How about sometime this weekend?”
“Perfect! I’ll text you the details, okay? I gotta run for now, but thank you for the beautiful flowers! Almost as pretty as you are!” 
The unknown man leans over the register and places a tiny kiss on your cheek, grinning widely at you and waving his hand goodbye. He doesn’t even look at Shouto as he passes him by at the door. 
“Shooo! You came!” He barely has time to compose himself and react to you throwing yourself on him and wrapping your hands around his neck. The moment you touch him all his previous thoughts fly out the window. Nothing else matters but you being in his arms. 
“Of course I came, it’s my girl’s big day today.” 
Once again, everything feels easy, natural. It feels like home, like you are a place he can return to whenever he needs to, a safe haven. The rest is easy—talk, have lunch, laugh, discuss visiting your parents soon, having a family dinner together since it’s been some time. But the question remains, gnawing at him. 
“Hey, um… who was that blonde man you were talking to right before I walked in? You two seemed familiar?” He hated how the word tastes in his mouth: bitter and unpleasant.
“Hm? Oh, Denki? Old college mate, but he quit his study midway because he moved away for a while. Apparently he kept my number, reached out to me the other day saying he’s back in town so I told him to stop by my shop!” You smile fondly, and it tugs at Shouto’s heart. It feels strange. His hands are sweating. 
It doesn’t feel easy anymore. 
It doesn’t feel natural. 
As usual, he walks you back home, wishes you luck with the rest of the day, and gives you a forehead kiss, yet it doesn’t give him the same feeling of calmness it usually does. It feels stiff. Rushed. Why are his legs carrying him out of your shop so quickly? Why is his mind racing without having any particular direction? Why? 
Once back in the office he thinks he could bury these feelings with work, he hoped it would be a sufficient distraction until he can schedule an appointment with a good doctor. But Midoriya beats him to it. 
“What’s up with you?”
“Nothing, just have a lot on my mind. Need to focus.”
“Uh, no. Spill. What’s on little Shouto’s mind?”
And Shouto knows better than to argue and evade. They have been friends for years, and Izuku Midoriya is known for his persistence and his need to help others. A good man, a man he trusted with half his company, so why shouldn’t he trust him with the mess of feelings in his head? 
So he does. He tells him about the other man, the conversation, the date plan for the weekend, the ugly feelings that it gave rise to, the struggle to understand them. The youngest Todoroki bared his heart to his friend, hoping that he would have some insight, an answer as to why he feels so strange. 
But he just laughs. An exasperated chuckle, and he buries his face in his hands, fingers running through green locks as some sort of ritual to help him remain calm.
“You cannot possibly be this oblivious, Sho…”
“What do you mean?” he replies in earnest. Izuku sighs once again. 
“Okay, uhm… is this the first time you feel like this?”
Shouto ponders for a moment and searches his memory. The answer comes quite fast, no, this wasn’t the first time. It has happened before—in middle school when you got paired to do a science project with another boy and you stayed with him after school. He felt a similar pang when you would laugh at that other boy’s jokes. When you would lend him a pen, or your notes.
And then again in high school, when all the other boys were raging with hormones and would stare at your legs a little too long. I made him frustrated, angry even. Why? When one of his classmates hinted he had a crush on you, it made his chest feel heavy. It made him green with envy, it made him lose sleep that night. Yet his heart felt as light as a feather as soon as he learned you rejected his advances. 
It had happened before. He had been jealous before. 
“And why do you think you were jealous?” Izuku pressed further, giving Shouto enough room to sort his own feelings out. 
“Because… I respect her, and I want the best for her?” He still sounds puzzled, so the green-haired man gives him another gentle nudge. 
“I’m sure that’s true, but is that all it is? Do you think anyone is ever going to be good enough for her?” Izuku raises his eyebrow, lips curling into a knowing smile.
“No.” Shouto shoots out immediately, eyebrows furrowed and chewing on his lower lip. 
“No. Nobody will ever be good enough, I… Fuck.” His foot was furiously bouncing under the table, his whole body felt tense, on edge. Like the eerie feeling that you’re forgetting something important. Like when a certain word or phrase is at the tip of your tongue, but refuses to roll off and come to reality. 
“So, you care for her, you respect her, you feel jealous when other men approach her with a romantic interest, and you think nobody will be good enough for her. Sho, you’re a brilliant man, so tell me, what do you think that means?” Izuku gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder and a little squeeze, giving him the courage to come to terms with reality. 
And surely, almost like a movie, all the memories of you play inside his head. The first time you tried coffee jelly and scrunched up your nose in disgust because it was too bitter for you. When you cut your hair short and ended up hating it, refusing to come out of your room for a week. When you got drunk for the first time at a karaoke bar and sang “My heart will go on” while on top of a table. You, in your prom dress, posing for photos as the sun sets behind you. It was probably a beautiful sunset, but he couldn’t care less for it at the time. He only had eyes for you. 
Everything you did was wonderful. 
He found the way you scrunch your nose at things you dislike to be adorable. He thought you looked as beautiful as always with short hair. He adored how happy you look whenever you sang. To him, you were perfect. To him, you were his entire world. 
It makes sense now. All the puzzle pieces fall together and the realization makes him feel like he could fly. 
“I’m… I love her.” He finally looks up at his friend only to find him smiling back at him. 
“Well, what are you standing there for? Go to her!”
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The sky is dark. When had it gotten this late? His feet were carrying him through the narrow streets, lavender tie discarded a long time ago. As soon as Midoriya said those words his feet moved on their own. Didn’t even stop to get his car, he just ran out the office, sprinting like his whole life depended on it. 
He loves you. 
He has to run faster, God he needs to tell you. How can he be so blind? How could he miss that the colour of lilac reminds him of you? Or miss the fact that you’re always on his mind? How can he not see that you’re in every detail in his life? All the feelings that previously had no names are back, swallowing him whole. Longing. Jealousy. Regret.
His hair is no longer tied in a neat ponytail, it’s loose and wild from the wind, it’s as messy as his feelings are, but that doesn't matter right now. Two more blocks, and he’ll be at your apartment. What does he say? What is his plan? What if he’s too late? 
Heart hammering in his chest, he takes the stairs up to your apartment two at a time. God, his hands are shaking, his face feels warm. Wet. But his hand is already knocking on the door. It’s not soft like the usual, it’s urgent, it’s desperate. His mind is spinning, why is his face wet?
The door creaks open and there you are in your sunny yellow dress, perfect. Always been perfect. For him. 
“Shouto, what ar—”
“I love you.” It’s barely above a whisper, and the silence following these three words is deafening. 
The sound of the TV fades into the background, there are no birds, no cars outside. Just the two of you. The moment feels static, completely still, yet still buzzing with energy. It stretches longer than it should, as if time warps and stops to make way for love. The world feels small right now, it shrinks and the entirety of it fills the tiny hallway.   
You don’t say anything, you simply brush his tears away with your thumb, searching his eyes. His hair is dishevelled, chest heaving. He ran here?
It takes a moment for Shouto to register what you’re asking of him. He takes a step closer, shortening the distance between you two. 
“I love you. I have for… for quite some time now.”
The words make you simultaneously feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and also as if there is an elephant sitting on your chest. It’s hard to breathe and your eyes feel prickly, even your voice quivers. 
He takes another step and he’s impossibly close to you now, his large warm hands cradling your face, heterochromatic eyes staring into yours. 
“I love you. You’re the only one for me, I’m… sorry it took me so long, I—”
Now it’s your turn to cut him off by pulling him by the collar of his white shirt and kissing him. His lips are soft, and a little wet from the tears, but so sweet. Gentle. Another step forward and then another, and you’re slowly being pushed back into your apartment, your back hits the wall as he deepens the kiss. When his own desire and impatience finally slip through the cracks he lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and pressing himself impossibly hard against you. 
“Sho.. m’not goin’ n..ywhere.” You try to mumble through the kiss, but it only elicits a smile in response. When he finally pulls away you can see his face is dusted with pink, eyes raking over you as if he’s seeing you for the very first time. 
“Please… please be mine?” 
There are many emotions in his tone—desire, fear, jealousy, pure excitement. Hope. They’re the words you’ve always wanted to hear, and now that you have, you can’t help but wonder if you’re hallucinating. If this is just a very vivid dream. If it is a dream, then surely, the next part won’t matter once you wake up. Right?
“You silly man, I’ve been yours since I was six. God… You made me wait so long.” 
You’re smiling, but there are tears streaming down your face. All the feelings that you had to express through flowers, all the unspoken words, the longing, it’s flooding your senses like a broken dam. 
You feel the rough pads of his fingers under your eyes, wiping the tears the same way you did for him. Once again, he kisses your forehead, after which he simply presses his own to yours. 
“Let me make it up to you. Please.” 
Your name sounds so sweet coming from his lips right now. A plea for consent, a plea to allow him to finally have you. Make you his own. Erase everyone else from your mind until there is only him. Permission for him to be selfish.
“I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you’ll let me.”
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𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑! I do not own any of the characters or people mentioned in my work. these are works of pure fiction that do not reflect the views, opinions, or actions of any person, real or fictional. Furthermore, all characters I write for [thirsts, drabbles, fics, etc.] are aged up to 21 or older – they are adults with adult characteristics presented and written in adult contexts.
all rights reserved © by maliciouslove. my work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate nor repost the fics or files seen above as this is strictly prohibited.
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miraeluc · 30 days
i loved ur last hcs about sh so much ! if its not too much, can i ask for u to make a 2nd part (?) including shoto & izuku. please, im begging u, ill sell my organs if needed. thank u <3
dearest, from the depth of my heart, i’m offering my sincere apologies, for some stupid reason, i saw your ask a few months ago, prepared the draft and forgot entirely about it. i feel so bad pls don't sell your organs omg i hope this reaches you.
bnha boys finding out about your selfharm
prompt: /
pairing: izuku midoriya x reader, todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: mention of bad mental state! (reader); selfharming; some crying; pronouns of reader not mentioned (i think? correct me if i’m wrong pls!)
izuku midoriya
izuku, just like bakugou, was aware that you had been struggling with your mental health
but, obviously, he also was not aware of your self-harm tendencies
to be fair, it wasn't something you struggled with for a long time
only two months, to be exact
the first time you put a blade to your skin was your biggest regret - because although it wasn't pleasureable, it was extremely easy to spiral out of control, doing it nearly every day as if it was routine.
and since it was winter - you didn't worry about hiding it since you could wear long clothes without people questioning it anyway
when izuku found out, he was a mess
it went like this
the both of you were spending a cozy evening together
since everyone in your class was out or with their families, you had the entire living area to yourself
you were sat beside him, scrolling on tiktok and he was doing the same, but on his own phone
after a long while of you guys just silently enjoying eachother's company, he wanted to ask if you were hungry, but since he hadn't spoken in a while his voice cracked while doing so, and you were quick to mock him
long story short, you were now underneath him while he was tickling you.
when you tried to push his hands away, he grabbed your wrist - initially only wanting to stop you, but when you winced, he immediately stopped tickling you and, without thinking, pulled up your sleeve to see if he had hurt you
instead, he was met with the red, angry lines littered across your skin, the wounds not fresh enough to still bleed, but they were obviously still open wounds
you froze in place
he gulped, eyes moving to meet yours before he wordlessly pulled you to sit on his lap, arms wrapping around you and caging you in
"-'s ok. don't feel bad. i'm sorry i didn't realise sooner." he choked out, trying to blink away his tears
you were still frozen in place, thoughts running wild as you tried to gather your words to say something 
“izu.. please- don’t blame yourself for not realising sooner,”
he moved to look at you, teary eyes meeting yours “let’s bandage you up, ok, love?”
before you could react, he already stood - hands steady beneath your thighs, carrying you towards his dorm room, placing you down onto his bed before leaving to grab a first-aid kit from his bathroom
he wordlessly applied aloe vera gel over the more or less still fresh wounds, wrapping bandages around your arm securely before pressing a light kiss on your hand
“we can talk if you want to, but let’s get the food i was talking about earlier, hm?” 
you smiled slightly and nodded
although you still had a long road before you, you felt that a tiny burden had been lifted off your shoulders
you no longer had to fight for happiness all alone, - izuku would be by your side every step of the way, rest assured.
todoroki shouto
although shouto was indifferent, he was not stupid
he didn’t officially know of your battles with mental health, nor did he officially know about your self-harming tendencies, but he picked up the signs.
he didn’t want to confront you about immediately - since he also wasn’t a very open person, he wanted to provide you the space you needed until you were ready to open up and talk about your struggles
in the meantime, he tried his best to subtly ask fuyumi for tips on how to comfort someone when the time came
he did begin to get increasingly worried when he started hearing less and less from you - you often didn’t show up to class, and you never answered texts
todoroki, not being one to pry, tried giving you the space he assumed you needed
he didn’t take it personally - he knew you weren’t doing this on purpose, but he was flooded with worry.
and when he found out you haven’t been leaving your room at all, he decided it was time to react and check on you, even if it meant bothering you
when he stepped into your room, his eyes had to adjust to be able to see in the darkness that immediately engulfed him as the door clicked shut behind him
the air was stale - clothes scattered around the floor. your bed was messy, but you were not to be seen
tentatively he called out your name, switching on the small bedside lamp you had
„y/n?“ as he took in the sight of your room, but his eyes zeroed in on something, an object, on your bedside table
he tried again, blood running cold
„y/n? are you in the bathroom?“
he picked up said object, mindful to not cut himself with the small blade, moving to place it somewhere away from beside your bed - out of sight, in hopes that his heart would slow its racing
„yeah. i’m in here. hold on.“ he heard you groggily call out
his eyes closed in relief at the sound of your voice - having assumed the worst and he sighed shakily, dropping to sit on the edge your bed whilst he waited for you, running a hand through his hair to push it back
when you stepped out of the bathroom, his face understandably dropped
you looked so pale, so defeated
so fragile
he noticed the way you were fidgeting, an arm hidden behind your back - probably the reason he heard you shuffling around your bathroom. maybe in search of something to cover up?
he stood again, slowly approaching you. when you didn’t flinch away, he gently reached up a hand to caress your cheek
„did you bandage yourself up properly?“ he whispered, no hint of judgement in his tone - just worry
and alas, that is all it took for your eyes to brim with tears.
your lower lip shook as you quickly blinked up at him, shaking your head and releasing a heart-shattering sob as your boyfriend engulfed you into his arm - caging you into a protective hug
„it’s okay. will you let me help you?“ he whispered
a/n: hi again - i KNOW i disappeared for like 2 - 3 years but i’m about to finish my drafts and post them out, but i want to announce that requests are temporarily closed as i will no longer be writing about anime characters (unless i get an intense surge of inspiration), but there will be more explaining that in a separate post. for now, enjoy the drafts!
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bakubunny · 5 months
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a/n: accidentally calling shoto daddy. that’s it, that’s the fic. i don’t normally hc this, but if i did….
tw: f!reader, established relationships, aged up characters, hurt/comfort, smut, daddy kink, trauma meets trauma, shoto is a sweetheart, sorta self-inserty and very self indulgent so there’s your disclaimer
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thinkin abt the disastrous moment you slip up and call shoto daddy. you swore to yourself you never would, that those thoughts would all stay in your head, because you cared about him more than anyone else in the world. and you knew how much of a monster enji was.
when it happened, you had your hands tangled in his hair, his strong arms wrapped tight around your thighs, trembling and weak. you couldn’t think properly at this point, yet he still hadn’t stopped. shoto’s tongue slid into your weeping cunt. your head spun as your hips bucked into shoto’s face, fingers curled tighter into his soft locks. he groaned heavily against your skin. a shudder of sensation rippled through your body.
and without a single thought formed in your head, it slipped out, whiny and slurred.
your eyes snapped open.
shoto’s body went rigid as his cock jumped underneath his stomach. his emotions drew blank. he had only heard that word directed at him once, someone he’d only known a few hours that he promptly kicked out and never called again. but you, he knew you.
he loved you.
didn’t you love-
“shit. shit, i’m so sorry. i’m sorry, sho.”
the panic in your voice pulled him back in as you squirmed, trying to push him away, pull at his hands. but he remained still. the words kept tumbling out of your mouth over and over, “i’m sorry.”
shoto looked up and saw tears welling in your eyes. his thoughts came together. he wiped his mouth when he let go. and though you tried to curl into yourself, he wouldn’t let you. he crawled up between your legs and reached for your face as he sought out your gaze.
a swell over vulnerability overwhelmed your thoughts. “i never meant to say it, i promise-”
“look at me. it’s okay. i’m not mad,” shoto said softly. “you’re safe.”
he thumbed away your tears as they fell.
“i know but i don’t want to hurt you,” you replied, words spilling out faster than your could think.
warmth bloomed in his chest. shoto had learned with you that sometimes mistakes were made. sometimes, people got hurt, especially in a relationship with so much baggage.
“i know.” he wrapped his bare body around yours.
the comfort of his weight pressed into you. a mixture of thoughts he couldn’t pin down brewed as you clung to him in silence. he didn’t know how to respond, so he took to something you’d said to him more than once.
“we-” he swallowed. “we should talk about this later. when you’re ready,” shoto said, his lips against your neck.
you nodded. “yeah.”
“do you want to stop?” he asked.
you shook your head. “need you. do you?”
his hips rocked into yours, sliding his cock against your slick heat. you whined as his lips trailed warm kisses up to your mouth.
“not at all. i love you, angel.” shoto reached down to line up with your cunt and pushed in.
your cry was swallowed by his kiss, and your fingers curled tighter into his back. tears ran down your cheeks.
“i love you so much.”
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uzukage-naruto · 1 year
i've recently started to appreciate tdbkdk as a trio more, whether platonic or romantic. and it was all because of ONE fic. that being said, tdbk is still not my top preference but you'd have to be blind to not see how well fed they were this season.
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and then of course the one tdbkdk scene to end the season
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bby-blu-swirll · 9 months
" i know that you got daddy issues, and i do too " - todoroki x reader
it's not a song fic i just have a really messed up relationship with my dad lol - i don't have a lot of direction for this, it's just a little lazy & venty,, we'll see where it goes ♡
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it was one of those nights where 1-a was all tired from the long school week, but not enough to fall asleep. they happened every once in a while, and always resulted in the majority of the class hanging out together in the common area doing whatever together until they all crashed for the evening.
the open downstairs was filled with the sound of idle conversation and super smash bros, but most of everyone's attention on the ladder. it started with just the bakusquad, but once katsuki ran undefeated, almost everyone else in the class took it upon themselves to try and overthrow the king. so far, nobody was successful. ururaka came close, but to no avail. she took the defeat like a champ, though.
while most everyone huddled around the tv, yelling things like "KICK HIS ASS" and "SHUT UP YOU BASTARD I'M TRYING TO FOCUS" (yeah), there were a few who had strayed from the pack. tokoyami and shoji were over by the dining tables playing a game of chess, and kouda was reading a book on a couch off to the side, using his classmates as white noise.
and then there was you.
you were settled on top of the kitchen island, legs crossed, with one earbud in. it wasn't that you didn't want to be around your friends, you had grown slightly overstimulated and needed a moment to recollect your thoughts.
you rolled a lollipop of your favorite flavor around in your mouth, absentmindedly scrolling through pinterest. your mind was on anything but aesthetically pleasing pictures, brows furrowed as your thoughts wandered back to your family. you sighed and squeezed your phone for a moment before turning it off and setting it down next to you. you just needed to distract yourself. something more.
in that moment, one of your classmates strolled into the kitchen. you looked up at todoroki, who was holding an empty mug.
"hey," he smiled at you softly as he made his way over to the stove. "what are you still doing in here?"
"ah, iida hasn't noticed me sitting on the countertop yet." you chuckled at your own joke, feeling the smallest butterflies when he grinned back at you. "what about you?"
"just getting a refill." he said, picking up the kettle of tea momo had put on earlier (omg.) and filling his mug. "and checking on you."
"oh-" you looked up at him in surprise, cocking your head to the side slightly. "really? for why?"
"you didn't look like you were doing too well earlier." he said bluntly, leaning against the counter facing you and taking a sip of his drink.
"ah... yeah," you looked away and laughed awkwardly, playing with your rings.
"are you?"
"am i what?"
when you turned to look back at him, his expression had changed. less neutral, more... worried. compassionate.
"are you not doing well?"
you opened your mouth to say something. "i'm fine, thank you though!" was was you had always answered with. you were tired, or you were just zoning out, anything but not okay. yet the way he looked at you made you hesitate. saying you were doing just fine was so second nature, but it was almost hard to lie to him.
before you could actually answer, your phone started to buzz softly. you both turned your attention to it, reading the name in the caller id line.
you bit your lip and furrowed your brow. it continued to vibrate in your hand a few more times, before you declined the call. you quickly set your phone down and looked straight ahead. you have no idea why, but your eyes began to water. you took a shaky deep breath, and made an attempt to spell out your thoughts, something you learned earlier in life to help keep from crying.
"y/n..." todoroki set down his mug and took a step towards you, carefully.
"hmm?" your voice was tight as you avoided eye contact, trying to keep from blinking, afraid it would push a tear out.
you took on last deep breath and spelled out one last phrase, before you felt your eyes finally dry. you sighed and put your lollipop back in your mouth, facing him with a smile like nothing had happened.
"i see."
you cocked your head to the side in confusion, watching as he pulled himself up onto the counter and sitting across from you. you pulled your knees to your chest and rested your chin atop them. he noted your look of curiosity and held out a hand to you. you hesitated for a moment before carefully placing your fingers to his palm. he shifted until he was sitting close, holding your hand in his, tracing over your bones and knuckles softly, fiddling with your rings.
"i understand, i mean. i think." his voice was low and soft. anyone standing further than a few feet away would have a hard time hearing him. "whatever your reason for ignoring that call, whyever you did it... i've got dozens of calls from my old man i never bothered to pick up."
when you looked up at him, you saw his eyes glues to your fingers tangled with his. he touched your hands so delicately, as if you were made of glass. he was so full of care. his touch, the way he looked at you, all of it. it was all so full of the most tender affection.
"you don't need to talk about it, if you don't want to. God knows it took me forever to open up to midoriya," he smiled a bit. "i just wanted you to know the offer is out there, if you need it."
you bit down on your lollipop to try and hide how big that'd made you smile. the second you opened your mouth to say something, you heard iida begin to raise his voice, something about curfew and going to bed.
both you and todoroki turned to see him coming into the kitchen, stiffening when he notices you.
"both of you should get off the counter right now! this is living space, for goodness sake! and still school property."
you chuckled and waved a hand at him, already climbing off. "alright, class rep, don't get your panties in a twist. we're going." you tossed your sucker in the bin as todoroki stepped onto the floor, too.
"good. now get some good rest tonight, we've all had a long week and you've earned it. sleep well, both of you."
"you too, iida."
you and todoroki offered him tired smiles as you made your way past him to the elevator. when you got inside, you practically collapsed against the wall with an exasperated sigh. todoroki went ahead and pushed the button for his floor, but not yours. you didn't question it, maybe he'd forgotten. so instead, you pushed yourself off the wall and moved towards the panel. your outstretched hand halted to a stop when you felt arms wrap around your torso. before you could turn, you felt todoroki's nose nuzzle into your neck. he took a deep breath that made you shiver.
"come over, to my room. we can talk. or not. i can distract you, do whatever you want. i'm not tired yet."
feeling his breath on your skin practically made your heart leap into your throat. you stood, frozen for a moment, gasping softly when his grip on you tightened ever so slightly. you wondered if he could feel your heart beating, with how close he was to your main pulse points. his lips, so close...
you leaned back into him and put your hands over his, wrapped around your waist. "yeah... me neither."
you could practically feel him smile as another small exhale of his grazed your neck, making you shiver. "i'll play with your hair if you want, play with your fingers... just hold you."
as if his words hadn't already done it, you practically melted in his hands when his lips pressed against your neck for a long second. you hummed in response, blushing furiously.
"just relax pretty girl, i promise i'll be there for you however you need me."
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idk man its wtv !
i'm officially out of ideas right now, requests are open to anybody, feel free to be as specific or detailed or even vague as you like and please please please don't be shy <33
i love you sm okay bye !!
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hopeluna-archived · 2 years
Katsuki's version
Izuku's version
Shinsou's version
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Husband Shoto! who values quality time with you. You could be doing your own thing with a comfortable silence over you.
Husband Shoto! who brings you pastries from a small bakery round the corner that he just discovered.
Husband Shoto! who always holds your hand outside.
Husband Shoto! who tries not to tear up and instead just smiles softly when you kiss his scar.
Husband Shoto! who gets you small souveniers whenever he gets back from a long mission.
Husband Shoto! who adores the way you press your body against his warm side when its cold and his cold side when its hot.
Husband Shoto! who sends you little reminder texts throughout the day like "have you eaten yet?" "This reminded me of you".
Husband Shoto! who craves physical affection so much. Its something he didn't have growing up and you were the only person he felt truly safe with.
Husband Shoto! who buys you small gifts no matter how much you insist he doesn't have to.
Husband Shoto! who feels his heart explode when he sees you chatting and laughing with his mother and sister.
Husband Shoto! who randomly plops down in your arms after a long day at work.
Husband Shoto! who is clueless when you ask him to do grocery runs for you. You come home to see him with packets of soba and nothing that you listed for him to buy.
Husband Shoto! who brings you flowers almost everyday. Its now become a little tradition between both of you.
Husband Shoto! who knows he is not the best with words but still tries for you.
Husband Shoto! who is absolutely banned from the kitchen after he tried to cook for you and almost burned the house down. Bakugo still laughs in his face about it to this day.
Husband Shoto! who keeps a picture of you two on vacation in his wallet.
Husband Shoto! who you drag into doing movie marathons cause he is so clueless about those things.
Husband Shoto! with whom fights are very rare. If you two have a disagreement, he prefers to calmly discuss it.
Husband Shoto! who absolutely loves being your personal heater.
Husband Shoto! who will silently hold you in his arms, gently stroking your back when you have a particularly bad day.
Husband Shoto! who lets out the softest little snores when asleep.
Husband Shoto! who never forgets any special days like anniversaries or birthdays. He'll definitely plan something every year.
Husband Shoto! who adores slow dancing with you randomly.
Husband Shoto! who can't believe that love like this existed and yet now that he is in your arms, he'll do anything to protect it.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! Do not repost or claim as yours though, its not cool.
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kattimaxx · 2 months
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I hate........how sexualizing teenage superheroes is the norm in the superheroes fandom at large.Forgive me for traumadumping ig but i have really strong feelings on this as an autistic adult with a special interest in superheroes at large themselves and itself as a genre
My first hero spin was Big Hero 6.By the time it came out,i was 13 so i was allowed internet access no problem and naturally i went looking all over for content of literally everything about it but my favorite character was Hiro so he was what i searched for the most and he was LUDICRIOUSLY objectified and fetishized for his wasian heritage and when the series came out,he got an official love interest named Karmi who's 16 to his 14 and she got tons of hate from Hiro x Gogo and Hiro x Honey shippers despite them not only being college aged to his again,FOURTEEN years but we got explicit ages for them in season 2 when the Nerd Gang minus him gratuated from SFIT so they're canonically TWENTY ONE(i feel it's an important sidenote that Karmi's brownskin with a hooked nose and her VA is indonesian/chinese mixed so her heritage is obvious and as to how it contributed to her reception vs easian Gogo and blonde light-eyed Honey)
My second one was Bnha and there's been tons of discussion about the base's problem with the UA students and Himiko and i thank everyone who's posted about it deeply but my specific one is that my otp of the series was and will always be Shouto and Momo aka Todomomo even if i'm not nearly as into Bnha as i used to be because they were the first ship i actively made content for and it lasted years and that combined with me headcanoning them as bi4bi,t4t and autistic4autistic helped my egg crack and realize my own autism big time so their relathionship eternally has a big place in my heart
This means i've witnessed grown ass people saying Shouto almost touched Momo's boobs in that cap where he stopped her during their Aizawa fight(and his hand didn't even land on her chest)as a running thing and same for him acting as a macho man who rules over her body so she can't wear what she wants or exist near other men,including BAKUGOU who Momo HATES IN-TEXT,or have conflict with him because he'll just 'put her in her place as his woman' and Momo who's thee 'silk hiding steel' character and has adultification trauma that triggers her anxiety as the plot of the Todomomo starter 'Yaoyorozu Rising' with Shouto helping her with words of affirmation,healthy communication and good boundries on both sides that became the foundation of their dynamic throught the whole franchise,manga and extras,is reduced down the 'the class mom to Iida's class dad' as if she's ever even looked in his general direction and when she's rightfully earned her place as Shouto's best friend alongside Izuku himself and that is INSANELY imppressive taking into account her limited screentime.All i wanted was them being goth bf x pastel gf and getting to heal their inner child together and what i got was a nsfw Todomomo week on twitter and a certain artist drawing Momo/Dabi as an 'April Fool's' joke MULTIPLE YEARS in a row because he's also a Todoroki so it's also Todomomo lololol and i also did her with Natsuo and Fuyumi,i'm so funny!The only good thing to come out of that i started spite headcanoning Momo and Dabi as found siblings and platonic soulmates and realized i was actually on point
Then i watched Batman:Under The Red Hood when i was 19 and Jason became a character i selfship with romantically so i did the logical thing and started reading comics,starting with his.Did you know it's canon that while he dosen't exactly hunt them down specifically,he hates pedophiles and incesters so he once targeted a teacher because he was csa'ing one of his student's and expressed disgust at the thought of kissing any of his brothers based off them being brothers?You wouldn't know either of these things off fanon alone,you'd think he was creepy older guy who seeks out younger people on purpose when he dosen't seek anybody out period and that's his canon relathionships coping mechanism and it's also canon he couldn't talk to girls and pushed a guy off a roof for running a sex ring as Robin.As ROBIN,a fucking 11-15 year old Jason had that much of a moral backbone and willingness to take action in it yet everyone thinks he'd date a CHILD,even HIS OWN UNDERAGED SIBLINGS,with taking advantage of them as the appeal
I absolutely loved Into The Spiderverse as an afrolatino like Miles who was a troubled kid like he is too and i thought Gwen was super good too and Peter B's another character i selfship with romantically so naturally i was hyped for Across and the first thing the fandom did when the trailer dropped?Make a hyperpopular meme where that sweet,soft,wholesome scene where Gwen gets cheeky and looks through Miles' sketchbook and sees he's so in love with her he dedicated it's entierty to her just existing as herself into him seeing her as nothing but a sexual object with degrading features she does not have and it was a sick joke on Gwen because the boy she loves just wants her for sex and not even for what she actually looks and that just makes it even worse!!!Then there's the equally pure implied thing they did of her either stealing Hobie's sweaters because he makes her feel safe after her abusive dad kicked her out for being trans or him giving them to her to borrow as affection that ALSO got twisted into Gwen being nothing but a sex object,by people who see Hobie's age interpretation not even as a minor but in his 20s unlike how actual Ghostpunks do!!!!!!!,and don't think i haven't seen the Margo shit calling her 'thicc' and turning the girls into Miles' 'harem'
And the thing that made realize this is that it's always been like this is when i went looking for Teen Titans screenshots,first Starfire and Blackfire for me and my little sister and then ones of the animated Titans in general for my little brother because he did an edit-redraw of our DC self-inserts together using one so i got excited at how good it was and decided to ask for a few more since we have friends who have DC ocs too and we're all doing a canon rewrite fixit with them but the first results were fucking incest softcore porn and TOO DAMN MUCH horny Bbrae fanart.One of the friend's in question is like another brother to me and he's 17 and he thought there was nothing wrong with Jason/The Fenton Siblings because when i said find it triggering just in general,he tried to explain that i was 'making the wrong assumption' because a lot of people age up Danny and Jazz and he'd learned that from older DPDC fans.They literally groomed him and i'm so glad i met him and helped him unlearn that shit before he could get hurt
That's not normal.NONE of that is normal to involve children even if fictional because they're meant to be exactly like REAL kids mentally and physically and you get upset at the real ones for being upset by you doing this to them and even harrass them for it and i've had to directly defend another one of my little sibling's from harrasment from 'fandom elders' because he dared to have an opinion that 'dosen't follow the rules'.I'm sick of this,i can't stand this,this needs to DIE.There's no exaggaration over ten times the adult superheroes than they're are kid ones and you fucking ship them with eachother instead just sticking to the adults for smut.Batman and Robin were seen as a couple in ye olden times by a group of gay people not because Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson harbord secret romantic feelings for eachother since conception or intended to later on but because that specific gay people were irl pedophiles who used being gay as a defense
I don't care if i sound childish or if nobody who this is aimed at cares,i hate all of you for this.I hate you for tarnishing my special interest,i hate you for violating the history of superheroes and the creation of sidekicks and kid heroes as role models and escapism fantasies for real kids,i hate you for beyond disrespecting that superheroes as a WHOLE were created by jewish folks and that Clark Kent,the FIRST superhero,is the protector of all innocents with a deep love for children and gets especially angry when they're hurt and is a fundemental trait he has to have or he's NOT Superman or Clark Kent Kal-El or Superdad,i hate that the sexualization of underaged supers and them being abused as 'romance' by their fucking pseudo-parents is a long running punchline.I hate you with my entire heart and soul and actual comics reading knowledge
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mavmalt · 1 year
You! Go now and read "handcrafted by confusing love" by Arctur (Mali_trop)
The fanart is inspired by this fic and a gift to the author <3
This was my first time drawing a background🥲
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 2 years
Hi :) your fics give me so much life😭😭😭 Not sure if you're taking requests atm but do you think you could do an omega reader taking care of sick alpha todoroki🥺🥺 I'm such a sucker for hurt/comfort but thank u!!!! Ur writing rocks❤️❤️
Anything For You
Alpha!Shoto Todoroki x Omega!Reader
Omegaverse Key
Warnings⚠️: pain, blood, needles, angst
»»——⍟——««A/n: Bro stawppp thats so sweet🥲 also I woke up at 5am and saw this and immediately started writing. I’ve lowkey been wanting to read this kinda fic so sorry for the trash grammer cuz I’m writing it on my phone but alsooooo I hope this what you were looking for <33
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̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ Requests open  ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶
You and Mina laugh as she tells you yet another story from patrol, for whatever reason she always had crazy things happening while out. You guys had made the joke that she has more stories on weird situations than actually saving people.
You and her walk up to your home, bags in hand, and start fumbling with your keys to unlock the door.
You and her had successfully went shopping. Not for clothes, but grocery shopping since you and Shoto had been so busy the past few days you didn’t have time. Mina had offered to go with you, and of course you weren’t gonna turn her down.
You get the door unlocked and push it open, but before you can even look into your home you’re hit with a very unwelcoming scent.
Your mouth is in an immediate frown as you look up and around your home, your eyes falling on a familiar blanket covered lump laying on the couch. You set your bags down next to the door, instinctively going straight towards what you know is your alpha.
As you get closer his scent gets stronger, having an overwhelming layer of distress and pain all through it. It smells like garbage right after it rains, soggy and moist, but still having the garbage smell.
You round the couch and immediately crouch down, your hand instinctively going into his hair to slowly massage his scalp. He looks terrible. He’s pale, sweating, completely curled up on the couch with a blanket pulled to his chin, and his eyes closed.
“Sho? Alpha, what’s wrong? What happen?” Your voice is quiet and gentle, but as seconds tick by you only get more worried.
He doesn’t answer, so you move your hand to his forehead to feel it, and he feels hot. Very hot. And it’s not a healthy hot with how he naturally feels due to his quirk.
You can’t do much but frown at him, seeing how weak he is. You know he’s awake, but he’s physically incapable of even trying to give you any kind of response.
You glance up, momentarily forgetting about Mina and your groceries, but you can see her just finishing moving and setting all the bags down on your kitchen floor before heading back toward the front door. She gives you once last look, you mouthing a quick “sorry” and she responds with a nod and wave before closing the door.
You turn your attention back to Todoroki, still looking over his features and condition. “Ok, c’mon Sho, let’s get you to bed, ok?” you say gently, moving your hand and rubbing your thumb in small circles on his cheek.
You move to push the blanket off him, getting a glimpse of his hero suit that he still had on. That only makes you frown, thinking about how this morning he’d got up and left without a problem, but also thinking about the fact he must’ve been feeling so bad he came home and immediately collapsed on the first thing he could.
You try to wrap your arm around his, wanting to help him try to get up, but his body is complete dead weight on the couch.
This isn’t super out of character. Whenever he gets sick his body always goes into over drive and shuts down, making moving and doing simple things even harder, but something about this was still different and you could tell.
Even when he was sick, he’s still be somewhat responsive and cooperative. But now, he’s complete out of it.
You look at his face, seeing his mouth slightly agape as he takes in labored breaths, and hard to tell, but his eyes are actually slightly open.
While looking over him you notice his scent glands. More importantly, you notice the way the top of his hero suit is shrugged off, almost like specifically for his scent glands, like somethings bothering them. While you tried to move him you’d managed to turn him on his back, so you can see both of them. They don’t look too good.
They look puffy, strained, almost blue, if not that, definitely red. Plus, the texture didn’t even look like his skin. They looked weirdly moist and “soupy,” like they felt prickly or squishy. You knew that couldn’t be good. You knelt down again, reaching your fingers out to try to graze and feel them.
It’s an immediate reaction from Shoto when you come into contact. You don’t even get a split second to comprehend how it actually feels before he yells, growls, at you.
Honestly, you don’t know what the sound is he makes. It’s a combination of a loud growl, plus a intense scream of pain. Not even to mention the jolt his body does, plus the way his eyes snap open and he bares his teeth.
It makes you jump back away from him several feet. Your own instincts not even knowing how to react. Part of you wants to comfort the alpha in pain, but the other part is scared. Scared from the alpha’s reaction, your alpha’s reaction. You barely even notice the few chirps the leave your mouth as you jump away from him, fearful tears filling your eyes.
None of the emotions you feel last long though. The violent, loud growl from Shoto slowly turns into desperate whimpers as he curls back into himself, feeling the after effects and sting of his scent glands.
The first thing you can think of is to get your phone and call Recovery Girl, asking her to come quick and check on him.
While you wait, you move closer to the couch again, sitting on the floor but settling your hand on his head. Your body is working hard to make your scent overpower his, but it’s no use, it’s too strong.
However, it’s still there, and you know he can smell it, so you don’t miss the way his breathing seems to slow, getting less forced and strained.
Recovery Girl makes it in about 15 minutes. You get up and let her in, explaining what happened, and how he’s not responsive at all, except the one response he did give when you touched his scent gland.
She pulled out her kit and looked over him, and it didn’t take long for her to conclude he’d gotten an infection in the scent glands on his neck somehow.
How it happened could be figured out later, right now though, she had to treat them cause that’s the only way they’ll get any better.
“Would you like to change him out of his hero suit before I treat it?” she asks as she conjures up something from her kit.
“Uh? Should I? I can just wait until you’re done.”
“Well, yeah, you can, it’s just that after I treat it, there will still be some intense pain. He’ll be capable of moving, but I doubt he’d want to. So if you can, I’d suggest doing it now.”
You nod and get up, moving to your bedroom to get some sweats for him. You don’t bother getting a shirt, since you don’t want anything additional against his scent glands to irritate them.
You walk back out to the living room, getting down next to Shoto again and talking gently. “Alright, need you to work with me, ok? Gotta take this off.”
It takes some effort, but you’re able to get the full top of his hero suit off, the bottom half being a little easier. You slip the sweats on his body then take his hero suit and throw it in your bedroom for later.
Recovery Girl is finishing up just as you come back. “Alright, I’m gonna need you to sit right here and hold him up, preferably keeping him as close to your scent as possible.” You’re a little confused, and she can tell. “I have to drain the glands first, and then I’ll give an additional shot that should help the infection, plus some gel to rub over the gland. Judging by what you said his first reaction was, to get this fully done having you, his omega, near is probably the best course of action.”
“Oh…ok.” You’re not thrilled from the knowledge that your alpha is about to be in intense pain she just explained, but you know it’s the only way to help, so you have to ignore the weight your heart feels toward putting him in more distress.
You do as she says, using all your strength to lift him into a sitting position. You straddle his lap and tuck his head into your neck, letting your scent flood his senses.
It’s the first time he’s given a real reaction not due to the pain, but he weakly wraps his arms around you, his head snuggling just slightly deeper into your neck. It’s almost nice, sensual, but you know it won’t last.
“Alright, ready to begin?” you hear Recovery Girl ask from behind you.
“Yeah,” you respond.
She stands, looking over your shoulder to his, lifting her hand with the needle she’s going to use to drain his first gland.
You close your eyes the second the needle comes into contact with the sensitive skin. Shoto’s immediate reaction is the same. He jolts, but you hold him, cooing and purring in his ear as you use a hand to run through his hair, trying to calm him.
Tears fill your eyes as you feel his mouth instinctively open and bite onto you, his teeth digging deep into your flesh. You’re not sure what hurts more, his teeth digging into you, or his nails into your back. His hands had been rested around you, so when she touch him they immediately closed, his nails growing as a defensive mechanism.
Recovery Girl moves as quick as she can, pulling the syringe and draining his gland. Once it’s fully drained she sets it to the side and grabs the second one, ready to start again.
Just like the first time, it’s the same, only this time since he’s already attached to you, he only digs deeper, and you can’t help but let a few chips slip past your lips, trying not to let tears spill from your eyes.
“Are you alright, Mrs, Todoroki?” Recovery Girl checks.
“Y-Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. You can keep going,” you say, trying not to let your voice be too wobbly.
Recovery Girl continues to work, draining the second gland, then getting the separate syringe and needle for the shot.
When she sticks it in his first gland and starts injecting the liquid, Shoto can only whimper and shake against you, his body try to fight off the pain, but not being able to.
“Shh, its okay alpha, it’s okay. Almost over.” You coo to him and rub the back of his head, holding his body against yours and trying to make your scent as strong as possible for him.
Once Recovery Girl finishes the shots, she puts the gel on each one, then bandages. Each time she came into contact, Shoto’s grip on you got tighter, and you know by now your blood is in his mouth and on his hands, but still, you don’t care. He’s your alpha, and you need to do this to help take care of him.
“All done,” Recovery Girl sighs as she pulls away after putting the last bandage on. You start to pull from Todoroki, trying to remove his mouth and nails from you.
When he detaches, you help him slowly lay down, looking at his face and seeing his eyes open. They’re still only half way, but that’s the most they’ve been since you were there. You give him a smile and lean to kiss his forehead. Even though his eyes aren’t fully open, you can see the tears in them, you know he’s in way more pain than some teeth and nail marks.
“Would you like me to treat that?” Recovery Girl asks, referring to the marks.
“No. I’m be fine,” you assure her.
She nods. “Ok. If the infection comes back or you have any other problems, call me again. These are the pills he should take, 2 a day, morning and night, for 8 days.” You agree, taking the bottle and both say your goodbyes as she makes her leave.
Once she’s gone you quickly excuse yourself to the bathroom, checking your back and neck for any dripping blood. You clean up and change your clothes, grabbing your favorite blanket from your nest and wrapping it around your shoulders, joining Shoto back in the living room.
His scent still isn’t normal, but you can smell more of his natural misty peppermint scent then you could before.
You join him on the couch, slowly lifting up his head, earning a few grunts and whimpers, and you slide under, letting his head come back down and rest on your stomach.
You purr and run your fingers through his hair, the rest of the night being the two of you and his recovery. Even though things didn’t go anything like you planned for the day, it’s ok. Anything for him. Anything for your alpha.
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Masterlist - Part 2
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Vampire Quirk! Reader || BNHA x you
plot: the reader has a vampirism Quirk that they hide from everyone because they are afraid of being hurt. the reader doesn't let anyone get close to them until Aizawa convinces them to make friends. the reader befriends the dekusquad and reveals their quirk; hurt/comfort
tws: blood, bullying, murder, slight angst
Your first memory after being reincarnated was being covered in blood. You weren't a very lucky person in your last life, so naturally, it would transfer over to this one. Your parents in this life were caught up in some shady shit and because of that, it nearly killed you. It was at that time you received your Quirk.
One moment you were watching television with your family, and the next you were a murderer. It was shocking, to say the least. You didn't remember what happened. According to the autopsy, the blood of one man had crystalized and blocked the arteries in his body, leading to his death, the second was boiled alive, and the last was a mystery. The reports said that he was found impaled in several places and that you, a six-year-old, were found drenched in the substance and had consumed some of it.
It was shortly after that you realized that you had been reincarnated into BNHA. Aizawa Shota, aka Pro-Hero Eraserhead, was deemed your legal guardian and had trained you to become a Hero. You aced the entrance exam, thanks to the vials of blood you kept on your person, and landed yourself in Class 1-A. In fact, today was the first day of your second year.
"Oi, problem child." Aizawa's voice calls just before you leave for lunch, "You need to make friends. You can't be alone for the rest of your life."
"Don't give me the 'what if I hurt them' shit. You've got a good grasp of your Quirk. Go make some damn friends." The man grumbles, clearly concerned about you.
You reluctantly nodded. You kept how your Quirk operated a secret from your classmates, afraid of rejection and opening yourself up to being hurt. It's happened too many times in the past. You were bullied all throughout elementary and middle school because of your deceased family members and the Quirk you received. None of that was your fault but the words still stung.
Those words embedded themselves in your mind and built walls around your heart. After years of hearing it, you grew to believe those same words. You refused to talk to anyone outside of Aizawa and the few Heroes he was friends with. You never allowed anyone to get close to you. It was better that way... or so you thought.
When you mustered up the courage to sit with Midoriya a few weeks later, he was nothing short of kind to you. It was the same with Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki. In fact, you grew closer to them over the next few months. It took some time to build up trust and find the courage to get over the fears of your Quirk, so when you finally took that leap, you were terribly afraid.
You were afraid of being shut out again. Afraid of being hurt again. Afraid of being rejected and having to build those walls back up. Nevertheless, you still did it.
"Do you guys... want to know how my Quirk operates?" Were the words you mumbled.
"[L-Last Name]-san, are you sure? You don't have to feel-"
"I'm sure." No, I'm not.
The table is silent for a few moments, giving you time to gather your thoughts.
"My Quirk is called... Vampire."
You take a deep breath, forcing your eyes down as you begin to explain. "I'm able to manipulate blood in its entirety. I can heat it up, chill it, sharpen it, harden it, and crystalize it. I'm able to move it around and form certain shapes. However, I'm only able to do this after I ingest blood. I carry a few vials of blood with me everywhere I go for that reason."
After you finish, you begin to fidget with your fingers. Your friends remained silent for a few moments, though it felt like hours to you. You knew what was going through their heads.
"I'm sorry, I need to use the bathroom." You stand suddenly, throwing out your lunch and making your way to the restroom. Slamming the stall door closed, you slide down the wall and cover your mouth with the back of your hand.
I'm so fucking stupid. Just because they aim to be heroes, why would they be any different?
Tears fill your lashline and spill over, carving a trail down your cheeks. The ache in your chest is back and you wanted it gone; You decided you'll just avoid them until you can patch yourself up again... and that's exactly what you did.
They tried texting and calling, but you never answered. You didn't even look at their messages.
They tried to catch you at school, but you always managed to get away somehow.
They tried to have someone else talk to you, but you managed to avoid them too. You didn't even look at them anymore. You just caved back in on yourself. You were so afraid of rejection that you didn't realize they meant well.
It was a few weeks later that they managed to corner you. You were already home from school and Aizawa said he'd be coming home late as he had some tests to grade. You didn't think he'd bring company.
"Oi, problem child. Come downstairs." Aizawa calls from the bottom of the stairwell. Heaving a sigh, you trudge down the steps, playing (mobile game). When you look up, all color leaves your face.
"W-What are you guys doing here?
Standing before you was none other than Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka. They looked... pained.
This is getting ridiculous. I'm avoiding them for a reason.
"[Last Name]-san, can we talk?"
"Oi, don't give them a choice," Aizawa grumbles, turning to you. "You are gonna sit and talk whatever the hell happened out. You're not leaving this room until then."
With that, Aizawa leaves the room. You hesitantly take a seat opposite the four, wringing your fingers nervously as you direct your gaze to the floor.
"[Last Name]... why aren't you talking to us?" Uraraka's voice is shaky as she speaks. "D-Did we do something wrong?"
You remain silent for a moment, then whisper, "Why are you here?"
"W-What do you mean? We want to-"
"Are you here to get on my good side? If you are, you can just leave."
"[Last Name], what are you talking about?" Midoriya asks quietly. You notice the tears in his eyes when you direct your attention to him.
"I get it, I have a Villain's Quirk for fuck's sake. Terrifying isn't it? You guys don't have to worry about me hurting you because I'm not gonna repeat the past... So just fucking leave me alone. I'll be a hero and we'll go our separate ways after school. Just forget I even told you anything." You abruptly stand, making for the door.
"[Last Name]. You don't have a villain's Quirk." Todoroki says firmly. "There's no such thing as a 'Hero Quirk' or a 'Villain Quirk'. Your Quirk doesn't define you as a person and we never thought otherwise."
"Bullshit. If that were true, then why the fuck were you guys so fucking quiet when I told you."
"Because we thought it was cool! You have an amazing Quirk, [Last Name]!" Uraraka shouts, tears filling her eyes as well.
"It's not, Uraraka! I've had to hide this shit from everyone because it's a fucking curse! I've fucking murdered people!" Your voice booms, angry tears rolling down your cheeks.
"You were protecting yourself, [Last Name]-san!" Iida finally speaks up.
"Aizawa told us about the report. Your family was murdered and your Quirk manifested to protect you. Why can't you see how amazing your Quirk is?" Todoroki steps forward. "Why would we leave you because you protected yourself, [Last Name]?"
"Because that's what everyone does! Everyone has left me because of it! It's a fucking curse and I... I..." An ugly sob erupts from your throat, knees sinking to the floor. "I can't let myself be hurt again. Please, just leave me alone."
Silence ensues once more. Various sniffles and shuddering breaths are heard before you feel arms wrap around you. Then someone else, and someone else, until all four have their arms around you. The action causes you to cry harder, struggling to free yourself.
"Stop, please. I cant... You'll just hurt me again. I-"
"[Last Name], we aren't going anywhere. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. It wasn't fair at all, but we're your friends. We care about you so much. Please let us be here for you..." Midoriya cries. The five of you stay like that for a while before three bodies leave your side, settling on the couch. You feel someone shift in front of you, lifting your chin with two fingers. Todoroki's eyes meet yours, tears budding at his lashline.
"I love you, [Name]. I love you so much it hurts." His voice cracks, fading into a whisper. "I... Let me help you. Please."
Todoroki pushes your head against his chest, holding you close as quiet sobs rack through his body. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head, then rests his face in the crook of your neck, mumbling a string of pleas. Latching onto him, you mumble, "Okay."
The other three in the room immediately embrace you again, holding you tightly, afraid you'd close yourself off again if they didn't.
Just outside the door, a proud father smiles, pushing himself off of the wall, and heads to the kitchen to make some coffee and order dinner...
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jgyapologism · 8 days
Most days, life in this prison cell is peaceful. Dabi’s never been one for peace. He gets agitated if he sits around for too long, itching to release his pent up energy. Before, he would’ve gone for a long walk. Or committed arson. Now, he has nothing.
Here's a short angsty fic I wrote with some Dabi-centric introspection and angst post-war, with some slight Dabihawks angst. As a treat. While we wait for his and the rest of the League's fates to be revealed.
Enjoy <3
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twistmygrinder · 15 days
I just imagine Todoroki sitting alone in the hospital reeling from it all and feeling untethered because despite the good guys winning, his family lost so much.
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Another Todoroki request if your asks are still open~ Yes he is CLEARLY my favorite 👀 I kinda wanna version of this too not gonna lie. But let's not ask too much in one ask::
For the Todoroki ask:
Reader as a pro hero but they get injured and almost die in front of Shoto who feels like it his fault for not being there when they needed him.
Aw don't worry about asking a lot! I can manage lol!
Ooo and another angst fic! I'm not gonna be as deep in this one tho I promise! I was just trying to fire up my creative writing brain last time 😩
Masterlist <3
𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀 𝐆𝐨𝐝
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You wake up to a bright light, and at first your heart races. It's not so great to have no memory of falling asleep and then be greeted with the sight of Jesus. You don't want to go into the light! Living is nice!
Thankfully, after a few seconds of panic and confusion, your eyes adjust to the light and the background comes into view, giving you the lovely scenery of the plain, white hospital ceiling. Of course.
How could your heart race if you were dead, stupid?
Slowly, your memory comes back to you, and your heart sinks when you realize that you were struck down mid-battle. How long has it been? Surely the fight is over by now, right? Is Shouto okay?! God, you must've been hit right in front of him, how is he doing?
As you get your bearings, your eyelids shutting and opening again slowly, trying desperately to get rid of what you know is an oncoming headache, Shouto is knocked out of his anxious trance from his spot next to you.
Had he known just how vulnerable you were to this villain because your quirk was weak to theirs, he would've given the mission to someone else. It's not his job to assign certain heroes to certain missions based on their quirks, all he can do is use his own effectively. You don't send a telepath to lift a building off of a kid, you send a more compatible hero to do that, and the telepath can use the full capacity of their quirk to, say, sniff out a spy. Obviously someone will be fired for slipping up enough to nearly cost a hero their life because of a paperwork error.
Shouto was seething with anger fueled by fear, so he didn't quite realise that you had woken up until the heart monitor had started to speed up, yanking him from his thoughts.
It's not his fault, but he sure feels like he's to blame. He was just a second too slow to push you put of the way, and you had suffered the consequences because of it.
The villain had barraged straight into you, knocking you unconscious and causing your head to collide straight into the concrete beneath you. He'd almost never felt this anger in his life.
The fight was over quickly after that, because he was far too angry to hold back, and far too concerned for you to waste time. The villain was crushed and left just barely alive by a boulder of glistening ice, reflecting the surroundings of the torn up street like a massive, fatal, disco ball, and the resounding 'crack' of the giant glacier left the ground shaking, and the sidewalk shattered.
Of course, he rushed to your side to get you to a hospital as soon as possible, and the rest is history.
As you look around, blinking the sleep from your eyes and groaning at the panging pain resonating through your skull, you finally tilt your head enough to see a worried Shouto looking straight at you. He looks tired, but relieved and less tense than he probably was before you woke up. You have to admit, it's nice having him be the first thing you see upon waking up.
"Are you feeling alright?"
He was never really one for per names. He'd always been too bashful or embarrassed. That never stopped you, though.
"'M perfectly fine, babe, can I just get some water?"
He grants you a small smile before getting up to get you a fresh cup of water, and immediately you can tell something's wrong. Obviously you have to interrogate him when he gets back.
"What's up? Something on your mind?..."
He hesitated, and his words get caught in his throat, forcing him to clear it before averting his eyes from you. That. It's shame. He's the worst liar, and you quietly thank God.
"It's not your fault, you know?"
You tilt your head forward, a hopeful smile weakly stretching your lips as a few strands of hair fall from where they were resting loosely slung over your shoulder. There's bandages wrapping around your forehead to deal with the injury on your head and each time he spares a glance to your eyes it serves as a reminder of how he couldn't protect you. His heart aches at the thought that he might not be enough for you. Not enough to even to keep you safe.
His eyes widen in surprise, however, when he finds himself pulled into your embrace, and he rests his head against the crook between your shoulder and your neck, hiding the tears that refuse to fall below his waterline.
"It's not your fault. You're a hero, and a damn good one, but you're not a God. All you can do is try to get the best chances of winning the fight. That's why I was there. But you're not responsible for me, babe. I'm a hero too, and I messed up. You can't always expect yourself to cover for my mistakes..."
"-But I could've--"
"It is not. Your. Fault."
He knows better than to argue.
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hopeluna-archived · 2 years
So this is love?
♡ MHA characters being utterly in love with you
♡ Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki x gn!reader
♡ Genre: fluff, comfort?
♡ A/N: this one is really short, I kinda just whipped it out
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Izuku Midoriya
Izuku loves when you both have a day off and decide to spend it together curled up in blankets on the bed, playing some movie that he couldn't even focus on you as he watched you face with a smile, dimly lit by the TV's light.
Izuku loves when you drag him to the mall with you. He doesn't even care for the stares he receives as he sits there just outside the trial rooms, waiting for you to come out to ask him for his opinions. Even though he always says the same thing "you look perfect".
Izuku loves to plan out dates. He'll plan out every detail from preparing your favourite dish to setting up your favourite flowers, he'll make sure everything is in place.
And when something does go wrong and he freaks out, he loves it when you calm him down with a kiss, telling him that its okay and how much you loved it that he did all this for you.
And Izuku loves when you both are in bed, ready to go to sleep and he buries his face in your neck as you run your fingers through his soft green locks. Izuku loves falling asleep in your arms knowing that his world is safe. That you are safe.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki who loves to cook for you. He refuses to order take out and instead whips out whatever is in the fridge to make something delicious and healthy for you.
Katsuki who loves that you understand that he is not the best with words. He's grateful that you understand his little displays of affection, in the way he holds your hand when you two are out. Or in the way he makes sure you are taking care of yourself.
Katsuki who loves the smile on your face whenever you excitedly tell him about something that happened at work. He'll hang on to every word you say, all his attention on you.
Katsuki who loves that you keep him grounded. He knows that his ego and roughness has gotten in the way several times in the past. So when you don't hesitate to tell him off when he is about to be reckless, he's heart warms.
Katsuki who loves that he can be vulnerable with you. For most of his life, he strived to be perfect, flawless but when he would come back from his hero work, exshausted and doubting himself, you would always be there to wrap your arms around firmly as he would try and fail to keep the few tears from falling.
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto loves it when you trace his scar in the most gentle way he think he might just melt into a puddle right there. His scar was something he frowned at whenever he looked in the mirror so when you lightly touch with the softest expression, he can't help but hate it a little less.
Shoto loves it when you attach yourself to him on the right like a koala in the hot summer days. The same thing when it is winter and you two are curled up in blankets watching TV, and he'll softly smile when you latch onto his left side.
Shoto loves to buy you small gifts that remind him of you. Maybe he was just passing by a shop where he saw a small pendant necklace with your favourite flower on it. The next day he'll give it to you in a small wrapped box with a blush coating his cheeks.
Shoto who loves the quiet mornings when you both are still heavy with sleep. As soon as he is up, if you're in the kitchen, he'll quickly shuffle his way to wrap his arms around you from behind and stay there for a couple of minutes. Or if you're still in bed, he'll wrap his arms around you as he admires you, looking like a literal angel in the morning light.
Shoto absolutely loves when its raining and both of you are just cuddling and reading a book. And if you read to him, he'll soon find himself overcome with sleep as he closes his eyes, listening to your voice which sounds like a melody to him. And for once, he is at peace.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! Do not repost or claim as yours though, its not cool.
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2toplibrary · 5 months
hymn for the weekend by todobakutodo hours (snowandfire)
(T, 1.7K, 1/1)
Shouto melts the ice freezing their hands together as soon as he’s able to. He whispers a sorry that goes unanswered besides the repetitive motions of Katsuki’s other hand moving up and down his upper arm and shoulder, finally coming up to firmly squeeze between the joint of his shoulder and the nape of his neck. Katsuki’s breath is warm by his ear, and then he kisses Shouto’s cheek before getting up and leaving him be.
or: It takes a while to get better. Mornings are especially hard.
Fic collection
More Hurt/Comfort
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