#showered her with bright smiles and kisses so joyous
petrichara · 5 months
If I were on my deathbed with enough strength to write one word it would be your name
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Family Bbq.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - hi everyone! after taking a couple of weeks off im so happy to be back and creating content for you all it truly is my happy place. thank you to everyone who reached out it truly meant a lot. so as a thank you present have this. fyi, even though we don’t know gemmas daughters name, for the purposes of this fic she is named willow. ☺️
word count - 2.2k
in which, with a rare day of sunshine in london, harry and the missus decide to throw a little bbq where all of the close family are invited, drinks are spilled, games a played and memories are created that last a life time.
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The rare sight of sunshine streams through your London window, bringing a smile to your lips.
Harry, always the planner, had seen the forecast and organised a family BBQ. He invited his family to stay for a few days, eager to make the most of the bright weather.
In the kitchen, you’re busy getting everything ready.
The countertops are filled with fresh ingredients, and the delicious aroma of marinating meat fills the air.
Since you told your two-year-old son, Jaxon, that his Nana would be coming, he’s been running around the house chanting “Nana’s coming!” with infectious excitement.
The sound of his little feet pattering around and his joyous cries fill your home, adding to the warmth of the sunny days ahead.
As you chop vegetables and prepare the grill, you can’t help but feel the anticipation building, knowing these days will be special with family together and the rare London sunshine.
Harry’s currently in the shower, whilst Jaxon plays in his ball out in front of you whilst coco-melon plays on the tv, his eyes hooked onto the dancing fruits.
You’re chopping vegetables when, about ten minutes later, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
The familiar tattoos lining the left arm and the scent of his aftershave make you smile. His damp hair from his shower brushes against the back of your neck as he leans his head into the crook of your shoulder.
“Need any help?” Harry murmurs, his voice warm and comforting.
“Everything’s almost ready,,” you reply with a grin, leaning back into his embrace.
He chuckles softly, his breath tickling your ear. “It smells delicious.”
As you continue preparing, Harry’s arms remain around you, a comforting presence. The anticipation of a family gathering and the promise of sunshine create a perfect blend of happiness, making these days feel all the more special.
Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Jaxon’s head pops up from the ball pit he’s been playing in, his eyes wide with excitement. Both you and Harry can’t help but laugh at the adorable sight.
“Nana?” Jaxon asks, his voice filled with hope.
Harry releases you and walks toward the door. He peeks out the windows next to it and smiles. “It is Nana, and more,” he announces, turning the knob and swinging the door open.
On the other side stands his mother, Anne, along with his sister Gemma, her boyfriend Michal, and their five-month-old daughter, Willow. The whole group beams as Harry steps forward to greet them. He hugs each one tightly, pressing a tender kiss to Willow’s head, making her giggle softly.
“Hey, come on in.”Harry exclaims, joy evident in his voice.
Jaxon, unable to contain his excitement, bolts from the ball pit and runs straight into Anne’s arms. She scoops him up, holding him close, their bond palpable and heartwarming.
“Hewwo, Nana!” Jaxon squeals, his face lighting up.
“Hello, my little love!” Anne says, her voice full of affection.
“Nana, you came!” Jaxon continues, clinging to her.
“Of course I did, darling. I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Anne replies, kissing his forehead.
Gemma steps forward, hugging you warmly. “The weather’s perfect for this, isn’t it?” she says with a smile.
“Absolutely,” you agree, glancing outside at the bright, sunny day. “H has been planning this for days.”
Michal, carrying Willow, joins the conversation. “Smells amazing in here. What’s cooking?”
“Just getting everything ready for the BBQ,” you say, pointing to the countertops filled with food. “Make yourselves at home. We’ve got plenty of time to catch up.”
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A little while later, the garden is filled with the mouthwatering aroma of food cooking on the BBQ.
Harry and Michal take turns at the grill, and currently, it’s Michal’s turn to cook the burgers. He flips them with ease, the sizzle a satisfying sound in the warm afternoon air.
Nearby, Harry is playing bean bag toss with Jaxon. Anne sits on the grass next to them with Willow on her lap, gently bouncing her and cooing softly.
“Come on, Jax, y’can do it!” Harry encourages, handing Jaxon a bean bag.
“I Fwrow it, Dada!” Jaxon giggles, his small hands gripping the bean bag tightly before tossing it with all his might. The bean bag lands just shy of the target, and Jaxon laughs in delight.
“Almost there, buddy! One more try,” Harry says, clapping his hands.
Anne watches them with a smile.
“You’re getting so good at this, Jax,” she praises, her eyes twinkling with pride.
“Tank you, Nana!” Jaxon replies, beaming up at her.
Willow gurgles happily on Anne’s lap, her tiny hands reaching out to grab at the grass. Anne chuckles, adjusting Willow’s sunhat. “You’re having fun too, aren’t you, little one?”
Michal calls out from the grill, “Burgers are almost ready! Who’s hungry?”
“I am!” Jaxon shouts excitedly, dropping his bean bag and running toward the BBQ.
“Hold on, buddy. S’wait until they’re off the grill,” Harry says, following him and lifting him up so he can see the burgers cooking. “See how they’re sizzling? That means they’re almost done.”
“Mmm, smells so good, Dada,” Jaxon says, wrinkling his nose in delight.
You and Gemma were sat around the pool in the garden, sitting on some sun loungers.
“So, how’s everything going with you?” you ask, adjusting your sunhat.
Gemma sighs contentedly. “It’s been a busy few months. Between work and looking after Willow, things are non-stop. But it’s all good.”
“I can imagine,” you say, nodding sympathetically. “How’s Michal handling everything?”
“He’s been fantastic,” Gemma replies, smiling. “He’s really stepped up with Willow. It’s been a bit of a juggling act, but we’re managing.”
“That’s great to hear,” you say. “It must be nice to have some help. How’s Willow adjusting?”
“She’s doing well,” Gemma says. “She’s growing so fast and is quite the little explorer already. Every day is something new with her.”
“I bet,” you say, smiling. “I remember when Jax was her age, it goes by so fast honestly, and he loves having her around. He’s always so excited to see her.”
“It’s sweet seeing them together,” Gemma agrees. “They’re already forming quite the bond.”
“Definitely,” you say. “It’s wonderful to have family moments like this. I’ve missed having everyone together.”
“Me too,” Gemma says, looking around at the garden. “It’s nice to just relax and catch up. We should make sure to do this more often.”
“Absolutely,” you reply. “These days are precious. We need to hold onto them.”
“Food’s ready, everyone!”
You and Gemma stand up from your sun loungers and make your way over to the long table set up in the garden. The table is adorned with colorful plates, fresh salads, and a variety of grilled meats.
You sit down next to Harry, who’s busy serving up the food. He places a juicy burger and a piece of grilled chicken onto your plate, making sure you have everything you need. As he leans in close, his voice drops to a seductive whisper.
“And y’can have the sausage later,” he murmurs in your ear, a playful grin on his face.
You choke on your own breath, caught off guard by his cheeky comment.
“Harry!” you gasp, trying to regain your composure as a flush spreads across your cheeks.
He chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
“Just teasing, love,” he says, giving your hand a quick squeeze before moving on to serve the others.
Gemma glances over with a knowing smile, shaking her head in amusement.
“You two are something else,” she says, settling into her seat.
“What would you like, prince?” you ask, smiling and making eye contact with your little one.
“Chickie and ketchup, pwease,” Jaxon replies, his eyes bright with excitement.
You nod and carefully place a piece of grilled chicken on his plate.
“Okay, sweetie, I’ll get that for you.” You then grab the ketchup bottle and add a generous dollop to his plate.
With a smile, you start cutting up the chicken into smaller pieces. “Is this good, Jax?”
He watches intently, nodding eagerly. “Yup, tank you, Mama!”
“There you go,” you say, handing him the plate. “Enjoy your food.”
Jaxon immediately dips a piece of chicken into the ketchup and takes a bite, his face lighting up with delight. “Mmm, yummy!”
You chuckle, watching him happily. “I’m glad you like it, sweetheart. If you need anything else, just let me know.”
Anne lifts her glass of wine into the air with a warm, radiant smile.
“I’d like to make a toast,” she says, her voice carrying over the chatter.
Harry and Michal each hold up a bottle of Budweiser, while you and Gemma raise your glasses of wine. Even Jaxon, sitting at his spot, holds his sippy cup of fruit juice up high.
“To family,” Anne begins, her eyes sparkling. “To sunny days like today, and to making wonderful memories together. May we always find reasons to celebrate and enjoy each other’s company.”
With that, everyone clinks their drinks together.
“Cheers!” you all echo, raising your glasses and cups in unison.
“Cheers!” Jaxon shouts, grinning from ear to ear as he clinks his sippy cup against the edge of the table.
Everyone laughs.
“So, have you been watching the new season of Below Deck lately?” Gemma muses, stabbing her fork into a bit of chicken.
Harry groans softly and mutters under his breath, “Here we go,” knowing full well how much you love the show.
You laugh, catching Harry’s comment. “Yes, I’ve been keeping up with it. The new crew is something else this season. I can’t believe some of the drama that's happening .”
Gemma nods eagerly. “I know, right? The tension between the crew is intense. And the new chief steward is so different from the last one.”
“I’ve been hooked,” you admit.
Harry, shaking his head with a playful smile, adds, “I guess it’s good to know that Below Deck keeps you entertained.”
You turn to him with a mischievous grin. “Hey, H, since you know I love the show so much, how about you take us all on a super yacht sometime? It could be our very own Below Deck experience!”
Harry laughs and shakes his head. “Sure, I’ll just add that to the list of things to do. Maybe one day we’ll make it happen.”
Your husband pulled his phone out of his pocket and made himself a reminder to inquire about it later.
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It’s around three o’clock in the afternoon, and the sun is casting a warm, golden glow over the garden.
The table is still surrounded by the remnants of lunch, and the conversation has settled into a comfortable hum of relaxation.
You’re sitting with Anne, enjoying a peaceful moment as you sip your wine and chat about the latest family news.
Jaxon, having played around the garden with his father and uncle and enjoyed a hearty meal, wanders over to you with a soft, contented expression on his face.
He tugs gently at your sleeve and looks up with wide, trusting eyes.
“Mama,” he says softly, “milk pwease?”
You smile warmly at him, feeling your heart swell.
“Of course, sweetheart,” you reply. You lift him onto your lap, gently adjusting him so he’s comfortable. With a loving touch, you help him settle in, and he begins to breastfeed, his little hands resting on your arm.
Anne, recognizing the need for a bit of privacy, gives you both a tender smile and gracefully steps back, taking a seat at the far end of the table.
“I’ll give you two some space,” she says softly. “Enjoy this quiet moment.”
As Jaxon feeds, you stroke his hair and whisper soothing words to him. “You’re such a good boy, Jax. Mama loves you so much.”
He responds with a soft murmur, his eyes fluttering closed as he begins to relax.
“Luv you, Mama,” he murmurs, his voice growing quieter.
You continue to talk to him gently, your words flowing like a comforting lullaby.
“I’m so glad we’re spending this day together. Look at how happy everyone is. It’s perfect, isn’t it?”
Jaxon nods slowly, his tiny frame snuggling closer to you.
“Yup,” he whispers, his breathing steady and calm.
Harry, having finished chatting with Michal and Gemma, notices the peaceful scene and walks over. He carefully lowers himself into the seat next to you, glancing at the two of you with a soft, affectionate smile.
“How’s my little guy doing?” he asks quietly, trying not to disturb the moment.
You look up at him with a warm smile. “He’s doing great. Just enjoying a quiet moment with Mama.”
Harry reaches over and gently strokes Jaxon’s head, his touch tender and loving. “He looks so peaceful. S’moments like these that make everything worth it.”
You nod in agreement, your heart full. “Absolutely. It’s these simple, quiet moments that mean the most.”
Jaxon stirs slightly but doesn’t fully wake, his contented sighs the only indication of his presence. You continue to hold him close, enjoying the closeness and the gentle rhythm of his breathing.
Harry leans back in his chair, watching with a fond expression. “M’glad we could all be together today. S’been perfect.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” you say softly, looking at him with love. “It’s days like this that remind me of how lucky we are.”
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adelleandlaura4ever · 8 months
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I Dream of Her
O FRESH, how fresh and fair
Through the crystal gulfs of air,
The fairy South Wind floateth on her subtle wings of balm!
And the green earth lapped in bliss,
To the magic of her kiss
Seems yearning upward fondly through the golden- crested calm!
From the distant Tropic strand,
Where the billows, bright and bland,
Go creeping, curling round the palms with sweet, faint under-tune,
From its fields of purpling flowers
Still wet with fragrant showers,
The happy South Wind lingering sweeps the royal blooms of June.
All heavenly fancies rise
On the perfume of her sighs,
Which steep the inmost spirit in a languor rare and fine,
And a peace more pure than sleep's
Unto dim, half-conscious deeps,
Transports me, lulled and dreaming, on its twilight tides divine.
Those dreams! ah me! the splendor,
So mystical and tender,
Wherewith like soft heat-lightnings they gird their meaning round,
And those waters, calling, calling,
With a loving charm enthralling,
Like the ghost of music melting on a rainbow spray of sound!
Touch, touch me, wake me,
Let loving thoughts o'ertake me,
From morning sunrise from her love afar -
Her soft and warm arms caress me!
Her whispered voice it blesses me
With welcomes dropping dewlike from the bright and wondrous stars!
Alas! bright, bright and brighter
Grows the preternatural smile within her
Of that trance the South Wind brought me on her subtle wings of balm,
For behold! its spirit flieth,
And its fairy murmur height,
And the joyous sunshine surrounds me from her soulful calm.
Adapted from a poem by Paul Hamilton Hayne
Laura, my beautiful dreamgirl,
You are the personification of
Dreams of hope and joy and love!
This is so true for me.
Your love is so beautiful and intensified by dreams.
Your dreams, my dreams and when our dreams merge into one.
It is the morning sunrise that your love is so beautiful and welcomed
Your daily devotions bless unto me,
A love deep into my heart that lives the day ans forevermore!
I love you deeply Laura!❤️
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hauntlikeaghost0 · 2 years
boyish | e.m.
eddie munson x gn!reader
summary: based on boyish by japanese breakfast. you want eddie but he wants something more beautiful, chrissy cunningham
warnings: angstttt, tiniest hint of fluff, eddie’s still lovely + chrissy is not the villain
a/n: this was requested by @l8r-sk8rz , not sure if this is exactly what you wanted angst-wise but hopefully it’ll do the job! thankyou so much for requesting!
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being in love with eddie munson was as easy as breathing. the boy was simply magnetic. everything about him, each extravagant characteristic and unique mannerism, drew you to him with unexplainable strength. the second you met him you were pulled into his orbit, forced to circuit this human phenomenon like the somber moon to his thriving, effervescent earth.
you still remember the first time you saw him smile, it’s burned into your memory perfectly, having refused to forget a single detail. it wasn’t even directed at you, yet it took your breath away. the joyous glimmer in his eye, the smile lines carved deep into his cheeks and the rapturous curve in his pink lips. it felt like something inhumane just due to the way it had your heart racing. how could someone you didn’t even know raise such a visceral reaction from you with a simple smile? it was transcendent.
when he first approached you after one of his gigs, you didn’t expect the night to end with you pushed up against the door of a bathroom cubicle, your hands in his hair and his tongue in your mouth. of course, you’d come onto him pretty strongly after he’d sauntered over to ask how you liked the show. he’d finished his set with a two minute guitar solo that had clouded your inhibitions just enough to transform your fear of getting too close to him into an intense need for his company. 
he drove you to school the next morning, you sat with him at lunch, he kissed you at your locker and guided you to his van at the end of the day with a hand on the small of your back. you watched a film at his place, you slept in his bed, he drove you to school the next morning, walked you to class, kissed you at the door. he pushed your hair behind your ear, he painted your nails, he kissed your neck, he listened to you talk. he was soft and gentle and kind. and you were his. for months, you were his.
being in love with eddie was as easy as breathing, however, watching eddie be in love with someone else made each breath excruciating.
eddie munson is one of the kindest people you’ve ever met. though his appearance may contradict it, it is simply in his nature to comfort and care for those close to him. you spent months by his side as he loved someone else and he still doted on you like you were his reason for being. he held you like he meant it and wholeheartedly supported all you endeavours. he showered you in compliments and soft caresses. but, if you were the besotted moon orbiting his earth, then chrissy cunningham was his sun.
she was the one that drew him in. she was bright and warm and promised fulfilment. her life appeared clean cut; she was a cheerleader, she was popular and she still had a heart. each time you saw her she radiated sweetness. you marvelled at how, surrounded by the bloodsucking pressure of popularity, she still managed to maintain her humanity. even you saw the appeal. she was a beacon of light and hope in a situation in which eddie had always seen darkness and cruelty.
you spent so long watching him watch her. his dark eyes following her movements across the cafeteria as his thumb stroked the back of your hand. he was right next to you, so close you could feel his body heat, count the rings on his fingers, but he was no longer physically there. you dared to imagine what his was thinking of, just to worsen the pain you’d grown so accustomed to. would he kiss her like he kissed you? or would it be more desperate? more passionate? would he speak to her like he spoke to you? or would it be more lyrical? more tender? 
it was shameful, how many weeks you spent holding his hand as he fawned over her. drinking up all the care and attention he gave you, selfishly and hungrily to prepare for the day he finally let you go. you knew his heart was her’s, yet you clung to him and feigned ignorance, praying he would keep hold of yours just a little bit longer. it was desperate and greedy but, for a long time, it was better than being without him. he was still close, he still touched you softly and spoke delicate words, something you indulged in undeservingly.
tonight, he came home with her. you tried to be comforted by the fact it was simply a drug deal, transactional and impersonal but, as their laughter echoed down the small hallway, you knew you had exhausted your right to his attention.
“i like her.” you say, watching him stand in the door way and dramatically salute to chrissy as way of goodbye. you don’t see her smile but you know from the colour in his cheeks that she did. the sound of her car driving away and eddie’s trailer door closing, punctuates the end of your statement.
he grins softly. “yeah.”
you take a moment to appreciate his appearance. allow yourself once last chance to indulge in the fantasy that the adoration in his gaze and tender tilt of his smile is directed at you. for one last moment, he is your boyfriend that loves you unconditionally, that needs you like you need him and that will kiss you goodnight tonight.
a spark of resentment rises within you. how easy it would be, to take the aching pain this causes and set it alight with anger. to make it bitter and spiteful and throw insult after insult. to scream at him instead of wanting to sob. maybe he’d scream back and maybe that would make it easier to leave him. easier to go home to your empty bed, to start cycling to school again and eating lunch on your own. easier to walk yourself to class, to watch a movie alone, to paint your own nails.
“i didn’t realise how easy it would be for me hate you for this.” you laugh without humour, as that familiar ache burns down your throat that signals you’re already holding back tears.
eddie’s brows furrow deeply, stepping away from the door and turning his attention to you.
“for what?” he says it slowly as though unsure he even wants to ask, dragging out the vowels.
your expression is something between a sad smile and a grimace, voice cracking halfway through your sentence. “for loving her.”
you only breathe it out. like saying the words to solidly would hurt you more or shatter the delicate state of tension the room is enveloped in. it’s the calm before the storm and one wrong word could send you both spiralling. eddie blanches.
“i don’t love her.” he doesn’t say it with much conviction and he moves his arms to cross over his chest, each hand gripping a bicep. he’s on the defence.
at the lie, you feel that ghost of anger surge within you. “oh, spare me.” you speak through a tight jaw, fighting to contain the annoyance. “i’ve had to watch you love her for months, the least you could do is show me the decency of telling the truth.”
his shoulders drop and he lets out a quiet sigh. your heart shatters. though you have always been painfully aware of his feelings for her, there was still a tiny, naive part of you that hoped you were wrong. that imagined scenarios where you confronted him and he immediately discredited you, ranting and raving about how you were his one and only and how he would never leave you.
instead, you’re faced with the sight of him sinking down onto the couch with his head in his hands. “months?” he whispers out quietly. “you’ve known for months?”
your eyes begin to sting with withheld tears. all you do is nod, then, realising he can’t see you, you breath out a shaky. “yes.”
“how?” is his instantaneous response, head slowly raising to meet yours as he gazes at you with confusion. “how did you know?”
the answer is so glaringly simple to you that it’s the first thing you say confidently. it makes him wince, like he’s starting to hate himself for what he’s done to you. “i love you.”
you maintain eye contact as you say it, hoping to display your sincerity. even if he can’t return the feeling he still deserves to know. “i’ve spent so long hopelessly in love with you that i know pining when i see it.”
he grimaced deeply and you see the glisten of tears in his own eyes. “i’m sorry.” eddie chokes out and you feel the anger nip at you again.
you chose to stay with him, knowing he loved someone else, but he didn’t know you knew. he still climbed into bed with you most nights and didn’t feel guilty enough to tell you your feelings were unrequited, that he longed for a relationship with someone else. your stomach turns and a few stray tears begin to fall.
“it’s not your fault you don’t love me back, i just wish there was a way to stop it hurting so much.” your voice is watery but it’s lost it’s tender volume it had before, there are some things you need to set straight. “i can’t get you off my mind! i’ve spent every moment you’ve been my boyfriend grateful for the fact that you are my boyfriend and i spent all the moments before that dreaming about it. then i’m forced to sit by and watch as your mind is occupied by her?”
your chest rises and falls deeply as the stream of tears grow stronger. there’s a physical pain in your chest that feels all too like your heart crumbling behind your ribs.
“what makes it worse is i can’t even blame you!” you yell as eddie continues to stew in his pained silence. “she’s pretty and kind and a fucking cheerleader for christ’s sake! it’s every teenage boys fantasy!”
a scoff falls from your lips, humor behind it and slight embarrassment flashes over eddie’s features. it feels so ironically stereotypical for him to fall for her of all people, like the set up to a cheesy romcom, something so unlike eddie.
“look at us,” you laugh through the onslaught of tears, “we’re just…. just two losers! i want you and you want something more beautiful.”
in an instant eddie is opening his mouth to correct you, reaching our gentle hands to grasp your shoulders. “y/n-”
but your quick to move away, his soft touch too persuasive. if you let him hold you, it would be impossible to leave. it would take one touch to decide that selfishly indulging in his comfort is far easier than having to mourn the ghost of his touch as long as you may. a sob leaves you at his hurt expression.
“everything in me wants to stand here and beg for you to love me, beg and beg,” you have to look away as tears gather his eyes and your voice cracks. “i have to go.”
his frown only deepens and a few tears drop from his lashline. “don’t.” he breathes out and you’re ridiculously close to caving, to falling into his arms and pretending just a little bit longer.
“do you love her?” is your response.
and he grimaces, retreating back to his place on the couch. it’s the perfect answer to his plea, his silence is answer enough but as eddie slowly nods his head ‘yes,’ you both know it’s too late. he doesn’t love you and you can’t watch him love her any longer.
“i have to go.”
as the door closes behind you, deafening in the silence of the trailer park, the loss of him hits you harsher than the cold night air. he was the best thing to ever happen to you, beautifully kind and painfully compassionate, but what hurts more is to realise that you will always be his whilst he was never actually yours.
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urmomditcum · 3 years
Perfect (part 2) || Isabela Madrigal x black-gn!reader
Genre: enemies to lovers
Warnings: denial, abandonment, bullying, etc.
(Isabela is 16 you are 15)
P.S. I wrote some trash lyrics for y/n’s part in The Family Madrigal..yeah.
You woke up to the rhythmic knocking on the door. The way Mira woke us up to make sure we wouldn't rise late every morning. A New family had arrived in the town. Which meant Mirabel would go through with her melody introducing The Madrigals. Mirabel pushed through the door singing enthusiastically, You stretched and put up your hair into a bun, then turned to wave at the two kids crowding our door. As they left, You turned to Isa, her hair moved slowly looking just as perfect as everything else about her. 
“Morning,” Isa said, growing vines to slip her shoes on.
“Mor-” You grunted, reaching to grab the slipper that you had somehow managed to slip under the bed. Vines suddenly sprouted where it was, pushing them towards you and placing them on your feet. “..ning” You looked up to see that Isa was already out of the room, you couldn't be late. You quickly threw on your dress, A white top with a yellow skirt, embroidered paint brushes on the hem. 
You found Isa at the top of the stairs waiting for you. You always walked down together. Abuela wanted the most perfect Madrigals to always be together. Isabella did too but in a completely different way. She wanted to hug you shower you with all the love, care, and affection you deserved. Isa walked down slowly covering the railing with roses as you slid down the other, color emerging onto the railing in patterns that looked like butterflies. You slid down the railing as you painted a calm smile on your face as your eyes relaxed still adjusting to the bright sun outside.You and Isabella walked to the kitchen. You grabbed your cup of tea from the kitchen table, “Thanks Casita!’ You said softly.
 Walking into town you looked around for places that needed to be patched up or re-painted. You began working on a house close to the mural Mirabel stood in front of. You had painted that Mural. It was some of your best work. Your favorite piece so far. After Mirabel introduced Abuela, Pepa, and Julieta, She skipped over to you as you painted the small details on the door of Casita. “Her recipes are remedies for real.. Woah! Y/n paints and draws around the town..Woah!! They've brought nothing but joy since they were found! Woah! You wanna see art? Then just look around! If you're impressed, imagine how I feel-MOM!” Julieta took Mirabel by the cheek and kissed her. They spun around as Mirabel continued into the chorus of the song. You continued to paint, humming along having heard the song numerous times before.  “I think it's time for a grandkid round up!” The town musicians chanted, singing along with Mirabel as she sang her joyous song. 
Mirabel introduced her cousins as the kids looked at her eagerly excited to see the magic around them. “..My older sisters, Isabella and Luisa-” As Mirabel sang the town chanted Isa’s name angelically. You were always annoyed at this part. Isabella spun flowers growing all around her and her hair flowed in the wind. Nothing out of the normal you tried not to stare at the beautiful sight but failed. You then looked up, on a balcony leaning down was Mariano Guzman. You scowled, he looked at Isabella with lust, basically hearts in his pupils as he sighed. This shouldn’t have gotten under your skin as much as it did.  
Isabella doesn't like him…right? 
rules for requesting
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beanieblanchett · 4 years
Tremble and Shake (i)
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(not my gif)
Pairing: Lou Miller x female reader
warnings: fluff, slight smut, dominant Lou Miller, submissive reader, stable relationship, sexual frustration/anticipation, bullet vibrator, semi-public sex
Summary: after the heist Lou decided to take her girl to California for an escape and a surprise
(It’s my first time writing anything non-academic in English so be gentle on me. the title comes from Led Zeppelin’s lyric “mountains and canyons start to tremble and shake”in their song going to California)
It was two days ago when your girlfriend finally got back from the heist with a huge success and the announcement that she wanted to go live in California for a while. “It is so god damn cold these days, I would love some sunshine,” she explained to you as she wrapped you in her arms from your back, a smile against your soft neck: “I know you’re used to the weather here in New York but the Aussie part of me really need some legitimate sunlight and spaces once in a while.”
You said yes immediately. You always say yes to Lou for just being with her makes your head spin. And so here you are, on the plane with Lou next to you, napping. Her seat is next the the window and the 5pm fading sunlight kisses her blonde hair beautifully. She looks exotic and divine as always, eyes shut and lips slightly curled up showing how pleasant and peaceful she is right now. You lean yourself against her gently so to not disturb her from her rest, greedily inhaling the smell of her with a somewhat awkward position as the airplane seat’s handle separates you. She smells like a dark mix of smoke, cologne and tears yet also like a warm blanket dried by the affectionate sun.
You can’t help but think about earlier today when she smirked and winked at you and told you that she has prepared a surprised for you. Lou always like to surprise you, sometimes something sweet and heartwarming, other times something sexual and exhilarating——Lou is a passionate and possessive lover so mysterious and freewheeling that you can never predict.
And so on the way to the hotel your mind kept wondering what surprise you are going to get. You couldn’t help but think back to all the surprises you’ve gotten throughout the year: your favorite one being the red collar she gave you as your first anniversary gift. It is a shame that you can’t wear it in public, so you almost always wear a chocker as a placeholder. You love sharing this little secret between you and your criminal girlfriend: the way she looks at you smirking, knowing that you belongs to her.
Lou loves playing games and building anticipations but she also loves building frustrations. She isn’t someone who loves too many rules and regulations but she makes it clear that you should not touch yourself or cum without permission——and you know better than to break the rules, so for the last few days you’ve contained yourself even though every time you hear her voice your heart and body burn uncontrollably.
It’s already late after you checked in. You could hear the ocean wave clashing onto the shore in a steady rhythm and feel your heart pounding with it, wondering if you will finally get your relieve tonight. But when you look at Lou with question she looks back at you lovingly yet innocently, giving you a kiss on the forehead before going to the shower, leaving you high and dry.
You somehow fell asleep and wake up finding yourself in bed with Lou. The room is quite bright by now, filled with sunshine and pleasant singing of birds. You could see how blue the sky is through the white curtains and feel incredibly joyous as you scoot closer to plant kisses on your lover’s cheek and then one on her nose, one on her mouth. Lou opens her eyes lazily and glances at you, her lovely kitten waking her up with wet kisses. She lift her hand and put it behind your head to caress your hair.
“you awake, little one?” She says with a raspy voice, her fingers playing with your hair.
“Yes. I was so tired last night I don’t even know when and how I fell asleep.”
“Well,” her fingers moves to your face, feeling your skin, “you fell asleep right there on the couch with all your clothes on, even that lovely chocker of yours. I had to take them all of and change you into your pajamas.”
Her eyes now shining flirtatiously, and you blush at her words.
“I should go take a shower.” you say as you lift yourself out of bed, cheeks still burning.
“You better do, dirty girl.”
You try very hard not to touch yourself in the shower. It would be against Lou’s will if you do. You love the thought that she has total control over you, even when it is torturous to obey her, the thought of her owning you completely is far more exiting than any orgasms in the world.
You wrap yourself in the towel and start to brush your teeth and suddenly you hear the door open. You turn back to see Lou who’s now fully dressed in a leather jumpsuit that shows off her height and her beautiful body. You gasp at her breathtaking figure, losing the ability to speak. She sees your reaction and chuckles, reaching into her pocket to get out a metallic green bullet vibrator. She hands it to you on her palm and you are still too in shock to react.
Enjoying how overwhelmed and confused you are, her smile widens, “I want you to put it in you before you come out, little one. Can you do that or do you need help?”
“I—I can do that.” You stutter and swallow hardly as you take that vibrator from her palm, looking down to avoid any eye contact.
“Good. Just put it in. You’re not allowed to play with it just yet.” She smirked, “I’ll be out there eating breakfast. Come find me after you’re done.”
Closing the bathroom door, you stand there dizzy with all the thoughts and feelings in the world. You look at the bullet curiously, there is no button on it, so it must be controlled with a remote. You shiver, toss away your towel and open your legs. It is never hard to get you wet, and Lou’s teases certainly helped a ton. You rub your fingers on your pussy lightly and slowly, just enough to get it damp. You juices dance around your fingers as you picture Lou in that stunning jumpsuit. You moan with pleasure: it is the closest you’ve gotten to a relieve in more than a week. But you don’t let yourself to get carried away with it, so you push the bullet in. Your pussy clench to the feeling of fulfillment but also tremble to the cold metallic sensation. It slides in easily as your vagina is now warm and slick with all the juices, swallowing the toy deep inside.
You gasp and sit there with the sensation of having something inside you. The feeling is odd, cold but fulfilling. You put on your white panties, a white tank top and a mini skirt. Then reach to the chocker on the nightstand, wrapping it around your neck carefully. You stand before the mirror for awhile before grabbing a leather jacket to match Lou’s outfit.
When you walk into the hotel restaurant you spot Lou from your first sight. She is so elegant and unique with her light blond hair and fierce eyes. She see you through the tables, smiling, her eyes inviting you as she sips into her coffee and licks her lips suggestively.
As you start walking towards her you feel the bullet buried inside you starts to vibrate and you gasp out of surprise. You sit across her from the table, biting your lips to contain the moans. The vibration was low but the numbing sensation takes over your mind.
“Don’t you look pretty today, little one.” Lou says as her leg touches yours, hers wrapped in leather and yours naked, exposed. She senses your shivering to this contact, but only innocently says,” the French toast here is pretty good.”
Lou watch as you chew on your breakfast. Enjoying the sight of you trying to hide the little pleasant noises into the bread you’re biting on and attempting to act normal when you’re torched inside. You’re on fire under her intense stare and too add to that she turns the vibration up a notch.
You drop your food and whimper in surrender, eyes watering as you look at her, silently begging.
But Lou won’t buy it. She puts a palm on your thigh under the table with a touch light as a feather, teasing you even more. But her face was unaffected.
“If i were you I would eat faster, sweetie. I hope you didn’t forget that I have a surprise for you.”
Read Tremble and Shake (ii) here.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 4 years
Jinsoul (Loona) - This is Love
Request: “hiiii could i request a fluff for heejin and hyunjin? and just curious if you read Harry Potter what houses do you think they are in!! maybe you could write a bit of loona in Harry Potter if you did!! and a soft jinsoul that dotes on you and cuddles you after you're done with school in your shared apartment on a rainy day !!”
Word Count: 872 Words
Warnings: Nothing but fluff!!
A/N: ayo guess who’s back yeeYEE 
- C
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Your feet hit the ground as you ran, water splashing down into puddles that began to form on the pavement. Your coat was useless now, the rain soaking to your skin as thunder began to rumble from the dark clouds in the sky. It had seemed to be a gorgeous day when you looked out the window from your classroom earlier, and you decided to stroll home after your lecture rather than take the bus like you usually would. However, dark clouds seemed to come from nowhere when you were only halfway home, the rain pouring down on you in a matter of seconds.
Your breath was ragged as you finally reached your apartment block, absolutely soaked to the bone. Too freezing to stand and wait for the lift, you took one last breath and ran up the stairs, almost barreling the door to your apartment down as you ran inside. Your girlfriend, Jinsoul, who had been lounged out on the couch, squeaked in surprise at the sight of you bursting into your shared apartment. She put her book down and looked up at you with her big doe eyes, the orbs turning to crescents as she took in your appearance.
“Baby… Oh my GOD! Why didn’t you just call me and ask me to pick you up?” Jinsoul asked, struggling to hold back her giggles as she looked at the hair plastered to your head and the grumpy look on your face. She wordlessly held out her hand with a bright grin on her face, pulling you towards the bathroom to get cleaned up. She left you sitting on the edge of the bath as she scurried off to grab towels, and a small smile reached your lips as you thought about how lucky you were to come home to such a caring girlfriend.
“Here’s your towels babe, get warm and dressed and I’ll make you something to eat, okay?” Jinsoul said as she came back, her smile softening. You felt yourself warming up already as Jinsoul leaned in for a peck, squeezing your hand once more.
“Thank you Soulie, I love you.” You whispered on her lips, pulling away as she returned the heartfelt words before heading off to the kitchen.
You stepped out of the shower fifteen minutes later, your hair wrapped up in a towel as you went to get dressed. Skipping past your own clothes completely, you opted to get snuggly in Jinsoul’s sweats; her oversized hoodie and joggers keeping you nice and warm. Plus, they smelt just like her too. Stepping out of your room, you saw Jinsoul in the kitchen cooking away before she turned around at the sound of you closing your bedroom door.
“Babe, your food is- Aww, are those my clothes!” Jinsoul cooed, sliding over to you in her socks and engulfing you in a hug. You grinned and cuddled into her neck, pressing a soft kiss on her skin before pulling away to go eat.
“I made some soup baby.” She said softly, putting down a steaming bowl in front of you. You sat down at the kitchen table with a smile, digging into Jinsoul’s delicious cooking. She sat with you as you ate, chatting about your day and laughing over Jinsoul’s wild stories of all the crazy things her members did at their schedule earlier today. You couldn’t help but smile as you looked at Jinsoul, her glasses way too big for her face, a messy bun on her head and a fresh face, but she was nothing but pure perfection in your eyes. Jinsoul looked up to see you giving her heart eyes, and she couldn’t help but smile and reach over to take your hand as you finished off your soup. She pulled you out of your seat after you had the last spoonful, dragging you over to the couch. She pushed you down onto the comfy surface and you opened your arms for her to fall on top of you.
“I missed you so much today bub,” Jinsoul said as she lay on you, your arms coming to wrap around her and hold her close. You kissed her gently on the forehead, your eyes slowly closing as Jinsoul reached for a blanket on the edge of the couch. She pulled it over the both of you, getting cosy and warm as Jinsoul moved further into your embrace. As Jinsoul turned her head to watch the television, she could feel your breath turn steady and she smiled as she heard your little snores as you drifted off beneath her. 
Her attention was soon focused solely on you as she pressed soft kisses to your neck, snuggling softly into your sleeping embrace. As much as she loved the hectic schedules, screaming fans and bright lights of the stage, nothing brought her as much joy as being bundled up with her baby, warm, joyous and simply just deep in love. The peaceful sound of the rain hitting the windows felt calming to Jinsoul, as her eyelids slowly drooped. No more than a few minutes later had she joined the land of sleep with you, a small smile gracing her sleeping features as your arms kept her pressed against your chest.
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clubyukhei · 4 years
drunk in love (m)
pairing: wong yukhei x (f) reader
genre: smut, fluff
summary: ever since he saw you in your deep red bustier dress at the start of the night, he made it a mission to let the world know you were his, and as he had whispered to you at the start of the night — to ravish you once you both got home.
word count: 2.8k
a/n: hi!! this is my first one-shot that’s really just a smutty continuation to this drabble (but you don’t need to read it beforehand)!!! i had a lot of fun writing this self-indulgent piece sdhfjshdfjs some feedback would be greatly appreciated!! i hope you enjoy drunk+needy yukhei :))) as always thanks for reading <3 
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“baby… where did you go?”
the sudden sound frightens you for a second, making you tighten your grip on your cup of water as you walk down the dark hallway of your silent apartment. it’s past midnight, and the only source of brightness is the bedside lamp in your bedroom. a soft groan comes from there, and you quicken your steps.
just as you enter your room, you hear your name being whined needily in a deep voice.
propped up against the headboard and still fully dressed in his now crumpled suit, your boyfriend pouts at you like a kid whose candy got stolen.
“i was just getting you some water, yukhei,”  you sigh.
“you left me alone. come back here,” he mumbles, even though you’re just two steps away from him.
you stare at him in amusement, enjoying his drunk self who’s three times more desperate for your affection.
to be honest, you knew you were going to end up in a situation like this. in fact, you pretty much saw this coming a few hours ago when the two of you were at sicheng’s wedding — where yukhei had one too many.
he shrugged you off each time you eyed him as his wine glass had a refill, squeezing your thigh with his hand that had been resting there the entire night. it definitely didn’t help that kunhang was sitting on yukhei’s other side, too. the two boys kept joking around with their own drinking challenge, but unlike your boyfriend, kunhang was actually capable of handling his liquor.
by the time the newlywed couple came over to your table, yukhei was half-gone, giggling at every single thing that came from sicheng’s mouth.
but as humiliated as you were over your boyfriend’s drunk antics, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop him. after all, it had been a long time since you last saw him playing around with the gang — and you weren’t going to dampen the mood on such a joyous occasion. even though yukhei’s antics earned you a few weird stares from the other guests, it was nothing you couldn’t handle.
“dude, you know sicheng’s mum just passed by us right?” dejun snickered at yukhei, who had been throwing peanuts at yangyang sitting across the table.
he went on like this, entertaining the boys till the end of the night. after most guests had left, ten offered to give you both a lift home out of concern. you thanked him in relief just seconds before yukhei pulled you onto his lap, refusing to let you get up and making everyone erupt in laughter.
but only you knew that yukhei wasn’t just drunk.
ever since he saw you in your deep red bustier dress at the start of the night, he made it a mission to let the world know you were his, and as he had whispered to you at the start of the night — to ravish you once you both got home.
but now, as you watch him down the cup of water in one go before placing it on the bedside table with a thud, you’re pretty confident your boyfriend is going to doze off anytime… which means that the anticipation that had you buzzing throughout the night would unfortunately just have to die.
“so hot,” yukhei mumbles.
his hand reaches for his neatly done tie you had helped him with earlier, pulling the knot as if it was going to loosen right away.
a sigh leaves your lips as you take a seat next to him and help him undress. his eyes are droopy, and you keep glancing at him to see if they’re shut, but he’s just observing you quietly.
“arms up.” you tell him when you finish unbuttoning his shirt.
you expect him to comply, but he doesn’t move an inch.
“trying to get me naked, hm?” he chuckles incoherently, and you just snort and brush his comment off.
he lifts his arms anyway, and you quickly remove his shirt, dumping it on the floor. by now, the drowsiness is getting to you. you’re dying to take your makeup off and finally hit the sheets — it’s all you can think of as you undo the buckle on yukhei’s belt and pull his pants off, which almost has you sweating.
just as you stand to head to the bathroom, yukhei’s large hand circles around your wrist and pulls you back onto the bed in a swift moment.
“baby, come here. i wanna tell you a secret.” yukhei murmurs, and you stare at him, waiting for a joke.
“no, no. come closer.”
and you do, shamelessly taking a seat right on his crotch which makes his lips twitch into a smirk. his hand leaves your wrist and runs up your arm to the back of your neck, where he pulls you even closer until you feel him breathing by your ear.
“you’re so pretty.” he whispers.
you turn to face him with a lazy smile before pecking him on the cheek. “thank you, yukhei. you told me so many times.”
and he did, he was showering you with compliments all night, each one getting cheesier than the last.
you’re about to move away again, but his grip on your neck tightens as he whines at you to wait. this time, you comply when you notice his gaze darting from your cleavage to your lips, and then your eyes. there’s a hint of lust that you recognise all too well.
“i keep thinking about ripping this dress off and fucking you until you can’t walk.”
just like that, a fiery heat lights up your entire body and you almost gasp, but your breath hitches in your throat. the satisfaction of realising yukhei didn’t forget about his promise makes you dizzy, and all the excitement floods your entire being at once.
stunned and speechless, you rest your forehead against his, thinking of what to say. but you’re very much distracted.
his hands curve around your bum, moving your core against his obvious hard-on, and every bone in your body instantly turns weak. you feel like putty whenever his hands are on you like this, and right now it’s taking everything in you to not grind on him.
“yukhei, b-babe... you’re too drunk.” you stutter, but your body only betrays you as your hips slowly begin to move with his guidance.
“i can still make you come,” he says seriously without an ounce of doubt.
the tension in the air thickens when his hands smooth over the soft skin of your thighs, moving beneath your dress and pushing it up in a slow and teasing manner, almost like he’s daring you to say no.
but you know you’ll say yes anyway — and he knows that too.
so you nod shyly, as if you haven’t been anticipating this moment for the entire night, as if you weren’t bummed at the thought of not being fucked tonight.
yukhei doesn’t waste a single second. his plush lips practically attack yours as he rolls you over to the empty side of the bed hastily.
you feel his hands slide down your spine, desperately in search of the zipper, and you arch your back to help him. just as you’re beginning to taste the champagne on his lips, he pulls away and rushes a trail of wet kisses down your neck.
then he’s dragging the zipper downwards, and you sigh in content when your dress finally loosens after hours of clinging onto your skin. the sucking against your neck stops abruptly, and you watch yukhei sit on his knees clumsily as he expertly tugs your dress off.
you’re thankful for the dim lighting in the bedroom when you feel the heat on your cheeks. yukhei just kneels in front of you, marveling at your almost bare body like a work of art he’s never seen before — except he has, on too many occasions.
“fuck… you’re so beautiful,” he muses, his gaze heavy with lust. yet when he leans down and kisses you, it’s sweet.
you’ve lost count of how many times he has complimented you tonight. but it doesn’t matter, you realise, because this one makes you feel most powerful.
he kisses down the valley between your breasts to the only piece of clothing left on you — your silk panties, that are already drenched.
there’s no time to be embarrassed about it. yukhei moves quickly until the tip of his nose is grazing the wet spot on your panties, and you feel hot breaths of air against your opening.
the mere heat drives you insane, and all you want is for him to be inside you, stretching and filling you to the brim already. but you have a feeling he’s got other plans.
“not tonight yukhei, i need you to fuck me n-now,” you say desperately, and he raises his head to look at you.
“and you said i was too drunk,” he chuckles.
“at least let me eat you out first, baby.”
before you can protest, you feel his fingers hook onto your panties and drag them off your legs. his warm hands run up your thighs, spreading them apart until you feel your leaking center exposed to the cool air in the room.
there’s a moment of silence before he lets his tongue glide along your wet folds teasingly, and all you can manage is a gasp.
“you’re so wet, baby.”
yukhei squeezes your thighs when you don’t respond.
“you’ve been waiting for me all night?”
you hum pitifully, not bothering to pretend anymore.
“my baby is so needy, hm? let me take care of her.”
and then his tongue dives into you without warning, curling against your walls in a manner that has a series of broken moans escape your lips.
your hands slide through his long locks as yukhei eats you out like a starving man, his strong hands holding your quivering thighs down.
you’re reeling in pleasure when he suddenly sucks on your clit and adds a finger in you, throwing you off guard again. in a split second your back arches, but he holds your hips down.
yukhei groans when he sees the wrecked state you’re in — you’re writhing against the bedsheets, your hands now gripping onto your pillowcase for dear life.
dragging his long fingers against your soaking walls, he rubs your sensitive bud softly and watches as your mouth starts to hangs open with not a single sound coming out.
“you’re so sexy like this,” you hear him say, but you’re too overwhelmed to even acknowledge it.
it only takes a minute before he feels you reach your climax, and his fingers move faster. you’re chanting his name when he suddenly climbs over you to press his lips against yours. his fingers leave just in time for your wetness to flow out of you.
“fuck,” yukhei mumbles as he pulls away.
you watch him lean back and lick your arousal off his fingers lewdly, the image only making you crave for him to pleasure you again even though you just came.
a curl falls over his forehead as yukhei sheds his boxers off. you bite your bottom lip as you take in the view of his ridiculously handsome face, his abs and the deep v-lines leading to his hard, throbbing dick.
as if he’s reading your mind, yukhei moves to situate himself between your thighs that are still spread open. you’re still reveling in the bliss of your orgasm when he runs the tip of his shaft against your glistening lips and lets out a curse.
impatient, you rest your hands on the sides of his hips and pull him close to you. he gets the message right away, sliding all of him into you in one go at a slow, delicious pace. your wetness welcomes him with ease, and you sigh at the feeling of your walls hugging his thick length.
yukhei’s eyebrows furrow as his hands move to hold up the back of your thighs. he bends down to peck the corner of your lips, shifting himself inside you a little, which makes you moan.
“you feel so good… so warm and wet for me baby, fuck.”
“i’m all yours,” you say and he groans, rolling his hips slowly.
growing impatient, you tighten your grip on his broad shoulders and run a hand down his chest. you open your mouth to tell him to fuck you already but his lips crash into yours, silencing you. you mewl as he swiftly pushes your thighs against your chest and rests your calves on his shoulders, interlocking his hands with yours.
then he’s thrusting into you slowly, just for a few seconds, and pounding into you without restraint.
your eyes shut out of pleasure as you revel in the way his length hits you deeper in this position, brushing against your sensitive spot. yukhei buries his face in the crook of your neck, where he grunts lowly.
you lie on the bed helplessly, folded into half, letting your boyfriend fuck you the way he loves. the sinful noises he makes along with the sound of skin slapping in the air rings in your ears. your walls are tightening around him as you feel your second orgasm building up again.
“b-babe,” his pet name leaves your lips in a whimper.
“come for me baby,” he tells you in a husky voice, his pace picking up as he thrusts into you without a care in the world.
“want you to come for me again,” yukhei mutters, one of his hands reaching to cradle your face.
the euphoria hits you on cue like a wave. you sob softly, freezing for a moment as one side of your face presses against your pillow.
you can’t see your core but you know it’s a huge sticky mess, and you hear your arousal splattering onto the sheets as yukhei continues pounding into you hard and fast. you know he’s reaching his own high — it doesn’t take him long when he’s drunk.
his hand turns your face towards his and he kisses you, this time sucking on your bottom lip. you feel his length twitching before it sinks into you one last time, filling your insides with his warm release.
a few minutes pass as you both stay like this, listening to each other’s breathing and calming down together… until you accidentally move your sore thighs, which makes you wince.
yukhei shushes you immediately, giving you a quick smooch before reluctantly pulling himself out of you. then, he straightens your legs, pausing whenever he hears you hiss.
you shut your eyes for a few moments before gathering whatever strength you have left in your body to sit up on your elbows. doing your best to ignore the soreness of your thighs, you watch as yukhei makes his way to you with a towel and your sleeping gown in hand.
as he cleans you up gently, you observe him in awe, realising that this man was behaving like a giggly drunk just earlier. it amazes you that even after that many glasses of wine, he had the energy to fuck you like that, instead of having you do the work.
yukhei grins devilishly when he catches you staring at him, deep in thought. he climbs over you carefully, avoiding your thighs, and kisses you softly — nothing like the man who folded you into half just minutes ago.
“i need to pee,” you mumble in embarrassment when he finally pulls away, which makes him let out that deep chuckle you adore so much.
“then go pee. you need me to carry you, baby?” he asks sweetly as he gets up, and you know what he’s playing at.
but you’re too tired to bicker with him, so you just open your arms and wait for him to lift you into his embrace — which he gladly does, with extra care, smirking at you the entire time he’s carrying you to the bathroom.
he waits for you to pee and helps you wash your makeup off. when he hands you your toothbrush with a smudge of toothpaste on top, your heart leaps and you want to be back in bed, snuggled up against him already.
your mouth hangs open as you’re ready to brush your teeth, but a huge yawn comes out instead. yukhei’s lips lift into a lazy smile as he giggles at you. you don’t think much about it as you start brushing your teeth, but when you glance at the mirror and see him just grinning at you in adoration with his own toothbrush still in his hand, your movements come to a halt.
“i love you, my kind and beautiful goddess sent from above.”
“i love you too, but you are so drunk babe.”
“yeah,” he says, smiling so wide that all his teeth are showing now. “drunk in love.”
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cherienymphe · 4 years
The Concubine (Stucky x Reader)
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warnings: Royalty!AU (bring on the misogyny), eventual DUB-CON, eventual NON-CON
summary: Where there’s a king, there’s a harem, and you are the king’s favorite concubine. No other man is allowed to touch you. That is, until this monarchy becomes a diarchy and you find yourself at the mercy of two men unwilling to share.
This isn’t your typical royal setting btw. If any of you have played the interactive game, The Arcana, just imagine the setting some place like Vesuvia.
Your hip lowered in time with the final beat of the drum, and the hall erupted into claps and cheers. A slow smile spread over your lips as you looked up, eyes connecting with familiar blue ones. The king didn’t outwardly join in the praise, but by the way he leaned his arm on the chair of his throne, eyes twinkling and lips quirking up ever so slightly, you knew that he was pleased.
You curtsied, lowering your head just as he rose. You looked up at him from beneath your lashes as he waved his hand, signaling for everyone to quiet down. You only moved when he instructed you to do so, and you slowly approached him as he descended, gliding down the golden steps with a grace that only a king could possess.
“How joyous it is to have Y/N finally return to us, and with quite the performance,” he said.
There were low murmurs of agreement just as he stopped before you. You didn’t shy away from his stare, and his smirk grew. You could feel so many eyes on you, you always did, but his gaze was the only one that mattered. It was the only one that had any affect on your life.
Were the king’s gaze to stray, were his tastes to change in anyway, your life would irrevocably change. That was what had been ingrained into you since you were a child, and you knew this to be true. You had seen it before with your very own eyes. A man’s mind was as fickle as the sway of his cock. That was what your mother had told you once.
“Let the feast commence.”
His voice carried, and the attendees did not hesitate to obey. The hall erupted into loud chatter and boisterous laughter as everyone dug in. Hardly anyone paid any mind as the king reached up to rest his fingers just under your jaw, tilting your head to get a better look at you. His thumbs brushed over your skin, and you smiled.
“I’m glad you are well. I have missed you,” he murmured just low enough for you to hear.
“I’m relieved to hear that, my king. I feared that my absence wouldn’t affect you in the slightest,” you confessed.
“How silly of you. Come and fellowship beside me, tonight. You are the guest of honor, after all.”
Your fingers pressed into his skin as you wrapped your hand around his waiting arm. He led you up the steps and lowered himself onto his throne. You sat on the arm, a familiar seat to you, and ran your eyes over the men whose bellies were slowly filling with rum as giggling women tarried around them.
You smiled at the women you’d grown to love over the years, sisters of sorts. Other concubines of the king. Although, they were a bit different from you. They had the freedom to take pleasure from other high-ranking men as well. They were showered in affection, and sometimes gifts, from dozens of men in the palace. They gossiped about the men they were currently sleeping with, some of their lovers overlapping, and they’d giggle about “that thing General Anthony likes to do in bed” or “the way Lord Samuel could pleasure a woman with his tongue for what seemed like hours”.
You’d listen and ooh and aah, but you could only ever imagine the stories they shared. You had been bred purely for this life, forced to go to courses for as long as you could remember. You knew of 30 different ways to finish a man by the time you were nineteen, 3 of which without ever having to touch him, but had never put any of that instruction to use until a year later when Lord Samuel came to your door.
By the smile on your mother’s face, you had known that it was her doing. That she’d finally gotten an audience with someone close to the king, someone who could get you into the palace. She had often talked of how she’d been a mistress to the king’s father in his day before the aging man allowed her to marry a low ranking official in his army. You were destined to follow in her footsteps. You’d always known it and had long accepted it. You were never bothered by it for your mother taught you that it was nothing to be ashamed of.
The king was entranced from the very first night, and you remembered the awe in his eyes as you had lifted your head from his lap, lips stained with the evidence of his climax. His bare chest had been heaving, glistening with sweat. You’d lost count of how many times you had forced him to the edge without ever actually pushing him over. You were taught that reactions varied, some men not liking that, at all, but it seemed that the king was not one of those men.
He was almost ravenous as he gripped you, pulling you into a heated kiss before covering your frame with his own. He had taken your virginity that night, spending hours taking pleasure from your body, curious to see just what you could do. It didn’t matter that he had four other concubines already, you swiftly grew to be in his favor.
You were pulled from your reverie by the feel of his fingers drawing circles into the back of your neck. You looked at him, unsurprised to find his blue eyes already on you, a crooked smile on his lips. You returned it. His eyes were always on you, every hour of every day, it seemed. Sometimes you wondered if he even visited any of the other girls anymore. He glanced away, and your smile fell.
You thought of your sisters and the stories they told well into the night. You thought of how there were some nights when they were simply left alone, using the free time to bask in their other hobbies or each other’s company. You could no longer remember a time where you didn’t feel the constant touch of Steve’s hands on your skin.
A low sigh escaped his lips as you pressed your fingers into his shoulder, kneading the naked skin. He tilted his head back, groaning as the tension eased.
“I’ve missed these hands,” he breathed. “How heavenly they feel…”
You softly chuckled.
“You mean to tell me that your shoulders haven’t been touched in weeks? I don’t believe that… I know for a fact that Anastasia’s hands are quite gifted as well,” you murmured into the quiet room.
“Not like yours,” Steve didn’t hesitate to reply.
You chuckled again.
“You flatter me, my king.”
“What use would it do to flatter you? You’ll be spending your first night back in my bed either way. I’ve no need to lie to you…”
You hummed in agreement, a small smile on your lips. You paused in your ministrations when he reached up to rest his hand over one of your own. You looked at him curiously, but he was facing away from you, and he did not turn as he began to speak.
“I indeed have missed you, Y/N. Your touch is the only one that truly satisfies me,” he said.
You blinked, a bit taken aback by the conviction in his voice.
“It is simply my duty, one that I enjoy.”
It wasn’t far off from the truth. Despite how weary you had grown of Steve’s appetite, you did enjoy pleasing him. You were exceptionally good at what you did. You had been bred for this life, after all.
“I feared that you wouldn’t recover from the bout of sickness that had befallen you. I feared that I would have to bury you…”
Your eyes widened just a tad at that.
“Earlier tonight, you said that you feared your absence wouldn’t affect me, and I told you what a silly thought that was. I did not lie. Your presence was very much missed.”
Over the years, you’d hardly seen the king show any thing even resembling affection. Sure, he could be sweet in the privacy of his chambers, soft spoken declarations whispered into your ear while he had his way with you, but that was different. Those were just words uttered during the throes of passion.
You looked down as you continued your movements, remembering that you’d also had similar thoughts. The fever that had struck you weeks ago had come out of nowhere, like a sudden storm in the night. You had hardly been able to move, and the king had not been allowed to see you lest he get sick as well. For a moment there, you too had feared that you would die. However, as quickly as the illness came, it was gone.
You’d been holed up for weeks, seeing no one but the physician and the occasional friend or two as they brought you gifts to lift your spirits. And lift them they did. A week ago, you’d woken up bright eyed and bushytailed, but the physician wanted to monitor your condition for a few more days just to be sure.
Your hands suddenly fell as Steve rose, turning to face you. Your brief confusion bled to understanding as his eyes darkened, feeling no need to hide his desire in this private setting. His chest brushed against yours as he stepped towards you, and you held his gaze when he reached up to loosen the clasps at your shoulders. The fabric of your top brushed along your skin as it fell to the floor.
One of his hands clasped your neck, tilting your head back as he pressed his lips to your skin while the other worked to rid you of your skirt. The sound of the gold detailing clattering to the floor was deafening as you stood bare before him. The familiar feel of his hands on your skin confused you.
The king’s touch was all you had ever known. It was familiar and comforting in a way you didn’t think anyone else would understand. It soothed a part of you that you often wanted to ignore as of late. On the other hand, his touch exhausted you. The weeks you’d spent in isolation were hardly a reprieve seeing as you spent the majority of it drenched in sweat, confined to your bed. Outside of that, you couldn’t remember a single night that wasn’t spent beneath him.
“God, I’ve missed you,” he groaned before pressing his lips against yours.
You moaned into his mouth, almost tripping over your own feet as he began to walk forward, forcing you back. He only stopped when the back of your thighs brushed the edge of his lavish bed, and he turned you both. You were breathless as he sat down, eyes running over your form as he smoothed his hands over you. When they traveled upwards, approaching your shoulders, you knew what he wanted.
You licked your lips as you fell to your knees, glancing at him from beneath your lashes as you worked to release him from the confines of his pants. The sound that left his lips when you wrapped your hand around him was indescribable. A cross somewhere between a moan and a growl, and he bucked his hips. You lowered your head, only breaking the hold of his gaze when you took him into your mouth.
You heard him lean back, a choked moan escaping as you began to work your mouth over him. His fingers gripped your hair, tightly, and you found yourself wincing. You flattened your tongue anyway, gliding over him, keeping your lips sealed tight around him. You brought your hands up to wrap around him as well to reach what your mouth couldn’t, and he hummed.
You copied him, humming around his cock, and it pleased you to hear how much he enjoyed it. This was something you didn’t think you’d ever grow tired of. Sometimes your mouth grew dry, and sometimes your jaw ached, but the way you were able to reduce the king to such a begging mess sometimes made it worth it. You loved this sense of control and power it gave you.
It was never your intention but pleasuring the king with your mouth often got you many gifts. You had your own room, an abundance of jewels that you only ever wore for him, and a private bath that was probably your favorite gift of all. Sometimes Steve joined you, but more often than not, your baths were spent in solitude, a small moment to yourself with just you and your thoughts.
He came quickly, and you knew then that his body missed you most of all. You swallowed with ease, no longer minding the taste of him, and he gripped you, pulling you up into a kiss before you could get your bearings. He kissed you like he was trying to retrieve your soul, fingers pressing so hard into your skin you were sure they’d leave marks.
You gasped when you found yourself on your back, and your trembling hands assisted him in undressing. His eyes were hungry, hands searching as he grabbed your legs, pulling you against him. The way his lips attacked you reminded you of that very first night, the night he’d ripped your virginity from you in a dizzying haze of pleasure.
He was hardly gentle as he slid inside of you, and you pressed your nails into his arm. His hold was tight as he began to thrust into you, as if he was afraid you’d slip away. His lips never left you, and sometimes you’d feel his tongue dart out, tasting you, committing the flavor of you to memory. Your toes curled as his skin slapped against yours, thighs shaking from the force behind his movements.
One of your hands fell to the bed, gripping the silken sheets in between your fingers as you fought to make sense of the pleasure coursing through you. Weeks you had gone without the touch of a man, without his touch, and you felt like you were being thrown back into the feeling head first. One of his hands gripped your face, pulling you into another kiss.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you,” he whispered. “…nearly drove myself mad…”
You moaned into his mouth, and his grip tightened. You squeezed your eyes shut as your hip began to burn from where he held you.
“Did you miss me?” he demanded.
“Y-yes,” you forced out, dragging your nails down his arm.
He groaned at that, twisting one hand into your hair as he jerked your head back. He bit into your neck, hips unrelenting as he did what he wanted with your body. The king got like this sometimes, especially when he was stressed and bothered. Although you knew that your illness and absence had weighed on him heavily, something in you knew that other matters were bothering him. The way he touched you and held you and kissed you told you so.
His touch grew less harsh as the night wore on, his frustrations and fears finally waning. His blond hair was in disarray as he slowly moved his hips against yours, and you fell asleep to the feel of him kissing every spot that he’d held too tight.
You approached the familiar group of brightly dressed women as they stood behind a pillar, peering around it as their hushed murmurs filled the air. You frowned in confusion, nearing them as you struggled to see what they were looking at.
“What’s going on?”
They all turned in surprise, and they all collectively sighed in relief when they came face to face with you. A few of them even perked up, and Tatia reached out to you with a grin on her red lips, gripping your hand as she pulled you closer.
“Thank the heavens you’re here, Y/N. The king adores you! Perhaps you can find out what’s truly going on,” she said, both curiosity and fear coating her words.
“What do you mean? What’s going on?”
A few of the women chuckled, knowingly eyeing you as Anastasia spoke.
“You had quite the late start this morning, so we don’t blame you for how behind you are on the news. After all, we all know how the king can be…especially when it comes to you,” she giggled, bumping your shoulder.
Tatia hit her arm, but even she was fighting a smile.
“There’s talk…of another king…,” she finally said.
Your eyes widened as you looked at the dark-haired girl, confusion growing.
“Another king? Here?”
Was that allowed? They all nodded.
“The neighboring king if I’m not mistaken. Amara heard talk of merging armies and resources and the like. We’re still unsure as to why, but surely it must benefit us, otherwise the king would never agree to such a thing,” she replied.
You pursed your lips, stepping around them to finally look at what they were seeing. Your shoulders sagged just as you caught the backs of Steve and a strange man as they walked away. They were the same height, but the stranger’s hair was dark and luscious as it brushed his shoulders. He was darkly dressed, and the outline of his garb was gold.
You felt someone’s hand on your shoulder, and soon Anastasia’s voice filled your ear.
“So…? Will you speak with him? Find out what’s truly going to happen?”
You turned to her with a small smile.
“I’ll do my best.”
The rest of them grinned, clasping their hands together as they thanked you. You turned back around with a slight frown. You didn’t have the heart to tell them that if Steve really did agree to such a thing, you all clearly needed something this other king had.
You were only proven right hours later when you finally got him alone.
“The other girls saw you today…with a stranger…”
Steve’s eyes met yours as you lathered soap into his chest. The two of you were in his bath, preparing for the night after a long day. Steam filled the large room, and the water sloshed as he readjusted himself, sitting up as he eyed you, waiting for you to continue.
“They speak of another king,” you murmured, gauging his reaction.
He didn’t respond right away, and you paused. Your eyes searched his, and you began to frown.
“My king…? Is it true?”
He hummed.
“…It is.”
You looked away, lowering the soap into the water as you stared at the wall.
“I see…”
“You sound bothered by this news,” he noted.
“It is not my place to concern myself with such matters. I’m a mere concubine,” was your response.
He laughed as he rose from the bath, water droplets flying as he stepped out. You ran your eyes over him, taking him in in all of his naked glory.
“Truly, Y/N. Tell me your thoughts on the matter. I’m genuinely curious to hear them…”
You pursed your lips.
“Do I have your permission to speak freely?”
His eyes narrowed, but he agreed anyway.
“You do.”
You licked your lips, glancing down before meeting his gaze again.
“What is it that he has that we need?”
His jaw clenched as he eyed you, lips thinning into a straight line.
“You have always been clever,” he said, chuckling without humor. “That, however, is a matter that doesn’t concern you.”
You looked away.
“You’re right. It doesn’t concern me, and I don’t know what it is, but surely this arrangement will cause more problems than it can solve,” you stated.
You’d heard the phrase ‘two heads are better than one’ often growing up, but your mother also had another one she too often used. Something about too many cooks in the kitchen. You hesitantly met his eyes again, finding him staring at you as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Pray tell…”
“What if there are more arguments between you two than there are agreements? What if you’re constantly having to change and revise things purely for the sake of compromise? You could spend more time adjusting ideas than actually executing them. This man is a stranger. We know-.”
“He is not a stranger to me. In fact, I’ve fellowshipped with him many times. We’ve grown up hunting together and preparing to take after our fathers,” he interrupted.
“I’m sorry-.”
“Do you not trust my judgement?”
“I do-.”
“Then act like it. You are doing an awful lot of questioning for someone who claims to trust me.”
His tone was harsh and clipped, and you knew that you had overstepped.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated. “I was out of line, and for that I apologize. I simply worry…”
He sighed and approached you, reaching to help you out of the bath. He brushed his hand over your cheek, wetting the skin as he ran his eyes over you.
“You want to protect your home, your livelihood, and me… I admire that, but I am king. You are not. You were right. Worry yourself with matters that concern you,” he stated.
You nodded.
“Yes, my king.”
“Good. Now, prepare our bed, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I need to be well rested,” he ordered.
You nodded, taking a step away from him before pausing. You blinked, a sudden thought crossing your mind as you turned to look at him.
“Will we have to answer to him as we do you?”
Again, he didn’t respond right away, and after a while, you accepted that he simply wouldn’t. With a soft apology, you exited the bath. A tall figure with shoulder length dark hair weighed heavily on your mind.
The next morning found you in the garden, hidden between some tall bushes as you swayed your hips. You hummed the familiar tune as you practiced, determined to make up for the weeks you’d lost to the sudden bout of sickness. The gold bracelets on your arms clanked together on beat, and you lowered your hip in time with the final beat, a line of sweat kissing your hairline.
You were startled by a slow clap sounding from behind you, and you turned with wide eyes, the fabric of your dress curling around your legs. Your eyes met blue ones that were almost familiar to you, but not quite. His dark hair kissed his shoulders, face lightly decorated with facial hair. He was as tall as your king, and you immediately knew that this was the man from yesterday. The neighboring king. Although, you supposed he wouldn’t be just a neighbor anymore.
“That was very good.”
His voice was deep, smooth and rich in a way that was different to you. You curtsied ever so slightly, lowering your head just a bit before thanking him. He tilted his head at you.
“…and what might they call you?”
You eyed him, unsure of what to make of him just yet.
“Y/N,” you answered.
You were unsure if you liked the way his eyebrows rose, eyes lighting up as he seemed to take you in in a whole new light. He ran his eyes over you, and you found yourself taking a step back.
You nodded in confirmation, and a crooked smile fell over his lips.
“I have heard of you. Steve’s most favored concubine…”
You didn’t respond but didn’t feel a need to. This man didn’t seem to need a confirmation for that.
“I heard in the wind that no other man is allowed to touch you,” he hummed.
Again, you didn’t feel the need to confirm that for he had clearly confirmed it already. He approached you, and you studied him. He smelled of spice and the trees all rolled into one.
“I’d heard that you had fallen ill not too long ago. I am glad to see that you’ve recovered. What a pity it would have been to not have been able to meet you,” he murmured.
“Thank you,” you quietly replied.
You jerked, eyes widening when he gently gripped your chin, tilting your head up.
“I am James. I missed your performance the other night it seems, but I will be sure to see them all from here on out…”
He brushed his thumb over your bottom lip, and you felt your heart skip a beat in your chest. He drank you in, blue eyes so similar yet so different from Steve’s. He ran his eyes over you, committing you to memory.
“I look forward to…many of your future performances.”
He stepped away and turned around, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the lingering touch of a man who was not Steve.
tags:  @sherrybaby14​ @xoxabs88xox​ @darkficreposter​ @mcudarklibrary​ @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ @kellyn1604​ @sebabestianstan101​ @villanellevi​ @readermia​ @jtargaryen18​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nickyl316h​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @arseofrivia​ @ariesmadness97​ @kaithezaftig​ @fafulous​ @tessa-bl​
981 notes · View notes
04 - lilac skies
while revisiting their spot, exes are confronted by old feelings and reflect their relationship.
pairing: unnamed (zion kuwonu x reader) (same as 01, 02 & 03) [you would only have to read 01 & 03 to read this part if you wish]
word count: 4.4k
her return had been long-awaited. her car, despite sitting undriven for close to three years, felt familiar to the asphalt and the trees called to her. the elements around these parts had missed her presence and welcomed her home with open arms.
she’d been putting off this outing since she returned to her hometown. it was the first place she’d written on her list when she started planning her trip home and the last place she was going to. she’d been pushing it off and it got to the point her mom told her to swallow her pain and go. she was leaving in four days, it was time.
she’d woken up early that day and laid in bed for three hours doing nothing. she’d stared at her phone and then at a book and for a while, she stared at the wall. her brain had been stuck on a loop since the elevator ride with him. 
she shouldn’t have kissed him. she shouldn’t have even spoken to him. one look at that handsome boy with blond dreads and those glass-like eyes and she was done for. it was like every feeling that she’d ever had towards him came flooding back in during those 20 something floors. 
for so long, she’d only felt pain when she remembered those years she’d spent attached to his hip. it was difficult to remember the good times when the pain he’d caused was still so fresh. she liked to think she was over it, occasionally lying to those around her saying she barely thought of him or that she was okay with what had happened. the good memories, though they outnumbered the bad ones by thousands, rarely came to mind. 
this field outside the city had been the best place in the world for them. running off to come here whenever they wanted to be alone was her favourite thing. they’d just sit and lie around for hours on end, talking about nothing and everything. being able to kiss someone whenever you pleased was the best feeling. everything about this place was the best. he was the best.
now sitting in her car, staring at the gate, she remembered one of the last times she’d been here with him. it would’ve been around the same time she was here now, the sun was beginning to set. the sky was on a journey of its own, she wished hers was as beautifully.
stepping out of the car, she took a deep breath. a blue memory glowed in her head and pulled at her heartstrings. she pulled her jacket tighter around her torso and took two steps forward and one back and into the past.
she could see her younger self dancing around the field as she trudged forward to the picnic table. the joyous voices of two young and in love kids blowing by in the wind. her hands pushed deeper into her pockets, her fingertips tingling at the ghost of a memory. she didn’t want to feel it right now, that warm and safe feeling from him. she needed peace and it wouldn’t come from the memory of him.
she knew this was the way things would be. stepping into a place filled with memories meant her body would relive those sensations that used to be so special. closing her eyes would’ve meant he’d be right there beside her, but as that younger kid, he once was. on one side, the 15-year-old kid she fell in love with and on the other, the 17-year-old boy who broke her heart.
she stopped a few steps short of the picnic table. she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. she didn’t know what she was going to feel when she opened her eyes. some of the best moments of her teenage years had happened right in front of her. some of the saddest too.
she could almost hear their voices. the tearful conversations that were tattooed white on her heart. they all happened at this table. the first time she told him she loved him through tears, the first time he told her she was his entire world, irreplaceable in his heart. she’d live there forever, he’d smiled as tears fell down his cheeks, even some 2700 miles away. 
the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was his boyish scribble on the flaking paint of the old table. the ink had withstood the harsh weather and nature’s elements with beauty. it felt like a stab to the chest. he’d broken her heart without a second thought yet the promise he’d made to her was still as strong as the day he first wrote it.
‘it doesn’t matter where life takes you, i’ll go wherever you are.’
“what a load of bullshit.”
she shook her head and moved to sit down on top of the picnic table. there was no use staring at his written words, they were forever engraved in her. that promise had kept her heart safe and her mind at ease for a fair amount of time. now, they were just an ugly ghost of a love that didn’t get the chance it deserved.
she crossed her legs under her and held herself tight. she closed her eyes again and took a deep breath. the air hadn’t changed its smell over the years. neither had the sounds of the wind in the trees. everything, in one way or another, was basically the same. nature doesn’t change a lot in 5 years. 
when she opened her eyes, she could see them dancing across the field with their hands thrown up in the air. there was joy in every step they took and the biggest smiles on their faces. she giggled, couldn’t help herself. 
she’d forgotten a lot of the innocence their time together held. the joy they experienced, the love they shared, it was unprecedented and new. there had never been anything quite like it and that on its own was a beautiful thing. but to think about the years they spent together as friends, best friends, it made it the most beautiful thing in the world.
they knew each other better than any other living person. the things that walked hand-in-hand with one another, the ugly and the blindly beautiful were accepted for what they were, not what they could be. that was one of the things she loved the most about him. he loved her for what she was, not who she could be, not who she was now.
she loved him the same way. she was sure of it. he had great potential, yes, but he was beautiful and worthy of love as he was when he was hers. he was so funny and filled with kindness. and his smile; nothing was quite like that smile. the way he looked at her, the way he touched her, the way he made her feel like she was the most beautiful being in the world were just bonuses. she would’ve happily accepted his love with less. 
maybe she shouldn’t have.
she sighed to herself and checked her watch. it had only been ten minutes and she already wanted to leave. the sky hadn’t even changed colours yet, it was still a mix between orange and red. she’d sort of hoped to stay until the sun had set, or she’d been pressured to. her mom had told her it was the right thing to do.
“you used to be there from the moment you woke up ‘till just before curfew. it’ll do you good to be there at the same time.”
she didn’t really want to be there until her old curfew so she compromised and lied to her mom about it. there were a few food places she still had to check off her list whilst she was here. she could really go for some chips from cherry’s diner. she still hadn’t had anything like them in all those years she spent away.
over her shoulder, she saw the two of them laying on the grass next to one another. they were looking at the sky and talking with their hands joined. she was wearing one of his hoodies and he wore the plaited string bracelet she’d made over one weekend. she’d left it to the side but the second he saw it, he asked to have it. he hadn’t taken it off for a period longer than a shower throughout the duration of their relationship. 
she hadn’t thought of that in years. 
“i cannot wait to leave home.”
his voice echoed and sent chills up her spine. her giggle floated towards her and she watched on as she shook her head.
“there is so much time between then and now, slow down.”
he sat up and brought her hand to his lips. he kissed her knuckles delicately and leant over her body.
“just think of all the things we could do if we had a place to ourselves. privacy.”
she laughed and rolled her eyes. he wiggled his eyebrows at her and planted a sweet kiss on her plump lips. 
“we have privacy and a place to ourselves.”
she spread her arms wide and he looked around.
“we’ve created our own little world. think of all the things we could do right here.”
he slipped his arm under her body and pulled her up a little into him.
“oh trust me, i am.”
she laughed and he kissed her. he shifted his body so he was fully on top of her and laid her back down, their lips never leaving another. she really loved the sound their lips made each time they touched. she never wanted to stop hearing it. but it was starting to hurt watching it all happen again.
she turned her head and blinked away the tears that were manifesting in her ducts. she stood up from the table and moved to the grass. she sat down, her hands brushing over the thin blades and laid back. 
her eyes scrunched at the sky’s bright colours. it was beautiful but blinding. a lot of things were. it hurt to stare but there were times when it was just too hard to pull away from. you can’t just take a step back from it or look away for even a second because you could miss the best part. or it could all be over. everything happens too quickly. it’s so easy to miss everything.
it was so easy to miss him.
she let her mind run in circles as she directed her attention to the sky. the reds and oranges were beginning to turn to pinks and would soon enough come to an array of purples.
they used to do this a lot. she’d lay and watch the sky during its most beautiful times and he’d sit next to her. he often had his guitar, a pen and paper. she liked to hear him sing and the light strum of his guitar. she was thoughtless in those moments, completely at peace. 
“these are the moments i’ll miss most.”
she’d said to him one night not long after his first trip to new york.
“we still don’t know if i’m going, you might never have to miss ‘em.”
he paused his strumming for a moment just to pick right back up, neither of them looking at one another. they were still struggling with the idea of what it meant if he was chosen. they didn’t want to know either.
“i’ll always miss these moments.”
he’d stopped his strumming again and stared at her. he always felt like she knew something he didn’t. half the time, she didn’t know what she knew either. she just got that gut feeling and never doubted it. 
she took a deep breath and looked around at the purple hues that were starting to invade the pink sky. she loved this change from pink to purple. nothing could beat it on an evening like this. the sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. it was a warm night too. it was so close to perfect, especially with the strumming of a guitar playing somewhere off in the distance of her mind. or at least she thought it was her mind. it only took the melody to change to something she’d never heard to have her sitting up.
she followed the sound and turned to the hillside. why she hadn’t gone there when she first arrived, she had no idea. it used to be her favourite place to go. you could see the whole city from there, it was what dreams were made of. 
she stopped when she saw him. he was sitting there with a small light attached to a notepad and his guitar. he had a pen in his mouth and he was nodding his head as he strummed. she hadn’t seen him this way in years and somehow, it still made her heart happy.
against better judgement, she crossed her arms over her chest and kept walking towards him. she stopped and sat down a metre or so away from him, slightly up the hillside. she hugged her legs to her chest and closed her eyes. the melodies he strummed and hummed washed over her like fairy dust. 
“you’ve gotten better.”
she didn’t know she was going to speak until the words came out. she wasn’t even sure why she sat down or talked to him. being around him was hard. it was just so easy to talk to him and once she said one thing, she was saying another and then she was kissing him. it had always happened that way. it happened only a few days prior and she was still stuck thinking about his lips and the way he made her feel.
“practice makes perfect.”
she opened her eyes as he spoke and looked at him. he didn’t turn to look at her, just kept his eyes on the city. there was one simple reason he wouldn’t turn to look at her. he wasn’t sure if she was actually there or not.
“did you think about that elevator ride that started all this the other day?”
if they were going to be here together, they were going to walk down memory lane. she needed to talk to someone and get that gross feeling of him out of her. for some reason, the only thing her brain could think would get it out of him was talking to him. they were the only two people who knew what happened. he was the only person she could talk to about it.
he didn’t look at her again, or say anything. but she knew he was listening. he had that look and he’d stopped playing his guitar to twirl one of his blond dreads.
“it was too good for us to begin and end a relationship in the same setting. you’re a songwriter, a musician, and i’m a poet at heart. we had to meet one last time.”
“i made up my mind when you walked out of that elevator.”
he still didn’t turn to face her but he put his guitar down beside him. she watched him closely, waiting for him to say something more. to clarify what he meant because she had no idea. she wanted him to say he gives up, that he knows he’s not in love with her or confused about his feelings. she wanted him to admit that he’d made a mistake and that seeing her again had simply thrown him off. 
“are you going to tell me or is it a surprise for another night?”
she was nervous in his silence. 
“we’re not over. i’m not done with you.”
she stared at him and shook her head. he still wasn’t looking at her but maybe that was okay. she was a mix between angry and annoyed. 
“you can’t decide something like that. you’re not done with me but i’m done with you.”
he turned to face her now, his eyebrows knitted together and his bottom lip jutted out. he looked tense but scared. calm but angry. he looked like two different people forced into one. stuck between a rock and a hard place.
“if you were done with me, you wouldn’t be here.”
she shook her head. no, that wasn’t true.
“i-i, no.”
she stuttered over her words. an honest and true response had left her mind. instead, all she could think about was what this place meant to her. she was sure, more than sure, that a place that was once theirs could mean something to her without it being about him. 
“this place was ours. we spent hours here, we used to lay right here and make-”
“i’m here because it is the one place in this entire city that is just ours. every blade of grass, every leaf on those trees, every colour in the evening sky, it is yours. it is ours. i want to think about you and us, so i’m here. you can’t lie to me and say you’re not here to think about us. you still care about me. you’re not over me.”
she stared at him for a moment or two before laying back on the hill. she stared at the lilac sky and covered her face with her hands. he made her head so foggy she couldn’t think. she couldn’t even defend herself because he made everything not make sense.
“you’re so frustrating.” 
she stood up as she spoke, shaking her head as she walked a few steps down the hill.
“it’s been almost five years and you still can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that i have my own ideas. my own feelings. i can treasure the memories i have with you and i can come back to the place that was ours one last time before i leave without it meaning that i’m stuck on you or still in love with you.”
she took a deep breath and crossed her arms over her chest. she didn’t know she was talking so fast until she stopped. she looked down at him and stared for as long as she could without that sob escaping her. 
“i told you that i don’t love you, that i can’t love you. i kissed you and i told you that i felt nothing. i said goodbye to you and now, i’m saying goodbye to this place.”
“you keep saying goodbye, what does goodbye mean?”
he stood up and threw his arms out. he was hurting, she could see it. but she had to be honest. she couldn’t lie to him. 
“i’m leaving.”
two simple words put together that turned him around. but they meant nothing. they’d both left this city long ago and neither of them had plans of moving back. the one thing she’d decided on that he hadn’t was their return.
“we’ve both already left.”
“i’m leaving and not coming back, zion.”
he perked up at the sound of his name coming from her mouth, but his heart dropped at the same time. if they don’t have this city in common, they have nothing. no friends, no food places, no roads, nothing. 
he stuttered and stepped forward, closer to her.
“i’ve bought a home.”
she smiled as she spoke, that heartbreaking smile. she was so happy, so, so happy. but she was hurting too.
“it’s only a small cottage but it’s enough for me. mom and dad are excited about visiting, they understand why i can’t keep coming back here. they understand.”
he stood there in front of her shaking his head with his mouth agape. there was nothing he could think to say that mattered. he knew there wasn’t anything he could say that would make her not want to cut this place off completely. he also knew he had no business asking why she was doing this or where she was moving to. she hadn’t been his business for a very long time but that didn’t stop it from hurting so damn much.
she’d been living in europe since she’d graduated school. her plan was always to stay in canada for schooling and then move across the world but obviously, things had changed. the one good thing about them sharing a home town was that there was always a chance they’d run into each other. sure, they’d gone four almost five long years without that occurring, but the chance was always there.
and now it wasn’t going to be. she had no plans to come back. she was saying goodbye to everything and everyone. he finally realised why she’d risked seeing him at their friend’s party and he was starting to think she’d stepped into that elevator on purpose. she always did love closure. maybe it was the poet in her. 
“you’re leaving.”
he spoke sadly like the world was ending, and she felt it in her heart, in her chest. his feelings always affected her. she hated just how connected they were. it made everything so much harder and she hated that. she hated everything about this whole situation, everything about him. 
“you should know better than anyone that this was always going to happen.”
she smiled weakly at him and looked around. her hands pushed up her arms and she held herself tight. if he could stop staring at her so damn hard, maybe she’d feel okay.
“i just always thought it’d be with me.”
she shook her head and closed her eyes. 
with me. his words echoed in her head. over and over again. with me, with him. the two of them together in harmony. that was the life they always dreamed of. she had left it behind when he’d split her heart in two but it was clear he hadn’t. 
“do you honestly think my life starts and ends with you?”
a single tear fell down her cheek but she was quick to wipe it away.
“i-i, i don’t mean it like that.”
“no you say that but everything else that has come out of your mouth truly makes me believe that you think i eat, sleep and breathe you.”
she looked at him for a few moments before turning around to start walking back up the hill. she didn’t think he had anything more to say and she was fine with that. she didn’t want the last memory she’d have at their place to be an argument with him but it was seemingly going that way.
“i know you’re leaving this place because of me.”
he had followed her a few steps and when she turned around to face him, they were barely a foot apart. she was angry now.
“you know that that’s not true.”
she shook her head and held her hands up.
“you were the one good thing i had about this place. the one thing.”
she poked at his chest and raised her voice. he hadn’t seen her like this, well, ever. she wasn’t just angry. this wasn’t her angry. the worst part was, this was the most he’d seen her upset about what happened between them. about what he did to her.
“you were the only thing that was good about this city. everyone else was just someone who didn’t matter or would only matter until the end of high school, though of course, i was thinking it would be university at the time. no one mattered to me more than you and every time i’ve come back here-”
she paused to swallow the frog in her throat. it was getting hard to speak and her eyes were watering. but she was brave and met his sweet honey eyes. that would help her. it always did.
“every time i’ve come back here, i’ve been flooded with good memories of you. of us. you’re not the reason i’m leaving. if anything, you’re the reason i kept coming back long after i was finished here.”
a tear split from his right eye and she almost reached up to wipe it away. why were they so damn connected?
“why now?”
he shook his head as his voice cracked. he needed to know. nothing about her was his business but yet he needed to know everything. 
“i think you already know.”
with that, she turned on her heel and walked back up the hill. he didn’t follow her, just watched her walk away. it hurt to see her leave but he didn’t have anything to say and she didn’t either. he walked back down the hill and sat down next to his guitar. he waited all of four minutes before he yelled into the empty air. it was dark out now and his light was dimming. he turned it off, it was dying anyway.
her name glowed in the moonlight. bright and warm and a perfect excuse for him to smile. but he didn’t want to smile. she was leaving. that was all that mattered. she was leaving and there was nothing else he could do or think about. he’d ruined every chance he’d ever had with her. 
her car door closing interrupted the still air. her car was much warmer than the air outside but it somehow still managed to raise the hairs on the back of her neck and the goosebumps up and down her arms. she didn’t say anything or think anything. she barely even breathed. 
all she did was put her car in reverse and leave. she went five minutes, driving down the roads she knew so well before the tears began to stream down her face. her bottom lip trembled and whimpers she tried to suppress slipped out.
turning into the cherry diners parking lot felt like coming home. she found her park and took the time to dry her tears. her mind was still a mess. thoughts were incomplete, stumped and all about him.
she hated it. she hated it more because there was no one she could talk to about it. there was no one she could call, no one she could see face-to-face. everything that had happened with him had been a secret. she could never tell anyone, she didn’t want to tell anyone. 
she’d never wished so hard to have someone who understood. she wanted someone who knew what he thought and what he felt and why to talk to. scrolling through her contacts, she found the one person she thought might know at least one answer to all the questions she had. hitting the call button was easy.
“i know this is out of the blue and i’m really sorry but i-”
she cut herself off with a deep, shaky breath.
“i just need to talk to someone who knows.”
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
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Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Rainy Day Bliss (Fluff + Family Feels, Modern AU, SFW Scenario)
Summary: (Y/n) goes out in the rain to look for her husband, their daughter, and their dog; only to see them all having fun at the park.
Note: Yes, I had family feels. And baby fever. As well as a few other things while writing this.
(Y/n) was worried sick as she pushed the curtains out of the way for the nth time that night. It was already raining hard, and Kyōjurō had just told her that he was going to take Taro out for a walk— to which Ran, their five-year-old daughter, had expressed her need to go with her father.
‘But I’m going to really miss papa!’ The little girl had chimed earlier, complete with a pout that had been enough to do Kyōjurō in.
Then again, he always gave in when it came to Ran. To say that she was spoiled was the understatement of the century.
Kyōjurō absolutely loved to dote on his daughter, and it was no secret to all of their relatives. Even his wife’s side of the family had been surprised at how much he spoiled Ran.
They had even teased (Y/n) about it one too many times; with quips like how Ran would turn out even brattier than she was as a child.
But, of course, the young woman paid those words no mind, as she was there to offset the excessive doting that Kyō was showering upon their daughter.
And so, with no more chances of swaying Kyōjurō’s decision, (Y/n) had taken Ran’s raincoat from her room and put it on the little girl; fastening the buttons securely, all so she wouldn’t get wet outside.
“Look, papa! Me and Taro match!” Ran exclaimed brightly, doing a twirl in her bright yellow coat and rain boots, before squatting down and wrapping her arms around Taro’s— whom was also donning a bright yellow rain coat for the weather.
The French Bulldog snorted a that, before moving to bump his nose against Ran’s cheek— in his version of a cheek kiss, that had the little girl giggling before pressing her lips to Taro’s forehead.
It had been such a sweet display, and (Y/n) really couldn’t stay iffy about that. So she had turned to her husband then, and got up on her toes to press her lips to his. “Stay out of trouble, and don’t feed Taro any ice cream anymore.”
Kyōjurō had laughed at that, then shrugged his shoulders before pulling her in for a much longer kiss that had Ran covering her eyes with her hands.
That had been almost an hour and a half ago, which explained why (Y/n) was worried sick. She’d tried to call Kyōjurō a few times, but had given up when she noticed that he had left his phone on the couch.
So, with single-minded determination, she donned a jacket and grabbed an umbrella for herself— before locking the door and setting out to look for her family.
She had already walked through all of the streets where she and Kyōjurō usually took Taro for walks, but they weren’t there.
Her heart rate was going crazy, and her worry was almost through the roof, as she power walked through the rain to get to the last possible place that they could be at: the park a few minutes away from their house.
And if they weren’t there… she didn’t even want to think of that.
Her pace got faster and faster the nearer she got to the park, just like how her heart felt like it was going to jump right out of her chest with how hard it was beating.
However, all of her fears instantly subsided when she heard a high-pitched cross between a squeal and a laugh— which distinctly belonged to Ran. It was then followed by loud laughter, before being drowned out by Taro’s telltale barking.
A breath of relief crossed (Y/n)’s lips then, as she entered the park and walked down the path— following her family’s joyous noises as she went. Really, it wasn’t hard to pinpoint their location at all, since they were the only ones there.
That, and they were smack dab in the middle of the clearing, with the umbrella she’d given to Kyōjurō earlier upturned and already filling with rain water.
All the while, the man himself was lying in a puddle in the grass, with Taro and Ran running around him and splashing water everywhere. Ran’s hood had even slid off her head, so she was soaking wet; the same went with Taro, as well.
All three of them were soaking wet, and that had (Y/n) gritting her teeth as she plodded through the wet clearing to get to them— holding the umbrella with one hand, while she put a hand on her hip to show exactly how displeased she was at the situation.
“Oh hey, baby!” Kyōjurō greeted, immediately propping himself up on his elbows, while Ran grabbed Taro before hiding behind Kyōjurō.
“Uh oh, papa’s in trouble,” The little girl whispered to Taro, which had her father doing a double take— all because she was essentially pushing him under the bus.
The angry (Y/n) bus, that was.
“What do you think you’re doing?” The young woman screeched, not even bothering to hide how mad she was as her eyes narrowed at her husband— whom was grinning sheepishly up at her.
“We were just having fun, baby.”
“It’s been almost two hours, Kyō! And you didn’t bring your phone! Do you know how worried I was!” She was about to begin pacing, yet she tamped down the urge to do so; if only not to kick up more muddy water than she already had.
The blond didn’t have an answer to that; more like he did, but he didn’t want to say anything else. Because if marriage had taught him one thing, it was that he should never talk back to his angry wife.
Since that only made things so much worse for him.
Still, depite her fuming expression, he had to purse his lips and momentarily look away from her face— all to avoid seeing her flaring nostrils.
“Papa, mama looks like a dragon,” Ran whispered to him, which had him bursting out into loud, raucous laughter that had (Y/n) gritting her teeth to keep her temper in check.
“Kyōjurō!” She barked out, almost indignant as she reigned in the urge to get on top of her husband and hit him for laughing at their daughter’s all too honest opinion.
“Calm down, baby. Why don’t you…” In higher— and much bolder— spirits, Kyōjurō let his words taper off, before he shifted all of his weight onto his right arm; all so he could use his left one to splash muddy water all over his wife. “Join us.”
“You little-!” (Y/n) couldn’t even continue her angered screech, as she let go of her umbrella and tackled her husband back onto the ground.
Which Kyōjurō had no qualms about at all, since it gave him the perfect opportunity to wrap his arms around his wife and pull her down for a kiss. Right before rolling them over so that he was pinning her beneath him; no chance of escape for her then.
“Gross, Taro! Don’t look!” Ran cried out through giggles, as she covered her eyes with one hand, and used her other one to cover Taro’s own eyes.
Meanwhile, Kyōjurō ignored the way that his wife was defiantly trying to pull her lips away from his, and relished in the way that she slowly started to melt against him; even coming to wrap her arms around his neck.
He then took that chance to reposition his arms— so that he was cradling the back of her head— all for her maximum comfort, before pulling away the barest fraction of an inch to keep on pressing fleeting kisses to her lips.
“Are you still mad at me?” The young man asked with a smile, as he kept up with catching his wife’s lips in tiny kisses.
“Even if I give you another baby?”
And with that answer, Kyōjurō knew that he was forgive. At least, somewhat. All he had to do was make it up to her later… most likely when Ran is fast asleep.
Really, he couldn’t wait for that.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
June Contest Submission #16: A Ruined Birthday
Words: ca. 1,400 Setting: Post-Canon (Pre-Frozen 2) Lemon: lime CW: Storms, thunder and lightning, implied sexual content
  Anna sighed as she looked out upon the kingdom of Arendelle, on a day she thought would be bright and wonderful, a day when the land she called home should have been bathed in the light of the summer sun. However, nature had other plans for that particular day.
As the princess placed her hand on the window, she watched as the rain fell down from dark clouds that loomed overhead. The storm had been raging non-stop for three days now, battering Arendelle with a torrential downpour and harsh winds. Anna had hoped for a miracle that the storm would have cleared but it was not to be.
She sighed again, running her fingers down the glass. She lamented the fun she should have been having, the joy of enjoying this day. She wasn’t as bound to bouts of sudden depression as much as her sister was, but she’d be lying if the weather wasn’t making her feel hurt inside.
Today should have been a wonderful day, with dancing and laughter and joy. Anna had always thought of her and Elsa running down the main street of the town, everyone cheering for them, but alas, that was just a dream now. Perhaps that could still happen, just not today.
“Still no sign of the storm letting up?” A voice spoke.
Anna turned, seeing Elsa’s arrival. Despite the low glow of the candles lighting the halls and the darkened skies outside, Elsa still stood illuminated in her ice dress, its shimmering sparkles glistening in what little light there actually was. It relieved her a little to see her. “No, not really.”
Her sister hugged her from behind, cool hands wrapping around her chest and waist. It made Anna feel relieved to have her lover at her side. As Elsa pulled her closer, Anna felt the Queen’s cold breath tickle the back of her neck. She shivered a little and blushed.
“Mmmmm…” Anna murmured. Her hands moved to Elsa’s, holding them as she was holding her. The two of them stood like this for some time, Anna just enjoying the loving feeling of having Elsa embracing her. While this day had been sadly ruined by the weather, at least Anna still had the woman she loved.
“I’m so sorry, ” Elsa apologised, resting her head on Anna’s shoulder. “If I could, I’d make this whole storm go away in an instant.”
“It’s alright, ” Anna assured her. “You burned yourself out last year, remember? I don’t want you to do that to yourself again. Besides, it’s not like I’ve had the best track records for having good birthdays.”
Today was Anna’s 20th birthday, her second since the gates of Arendelle had opened. Last year, Elsa had burnt herself out preparing Anna’s birthday party and ended up making herself sick. This year, Anna had stepped in, to help plan a more subdued but still joyous event.
However, the storm had ruined those best-laid plans. No one was going to be attending a birthday party in this weather. Everyone in Arendelle had made the smart choice, staying indoors until the weather would eventually calm down. That seemed to be an eternity away though, what with the rain still pouring down outside.
“Yes, but your twentieth birthday is special, ” Elsa reminded her. “Your second decade of life on this Earth, you should be celebrating with joy. Instead, we’re cooped up inside.”
There Elsa went, taking full responsibility for everything as usual. While Anna adored the attention and affection and love she was showered with from her sister, she hated seeing Elsa feel guilty when things went wrong like this. She wondered why Elsa felt this way.
Was it her anxiety over not being a good sister, due to all those years isolated from the world? Or was it the fact that she felt angry at herself, that despite having literal godlike power at her fingertips, there were still some things in the world out of her control?
Or was it because Elsa herself had spent her childhood not having much in terms of birthday’s either. Elsa’s own 20th birthday had been one she spent hidden in her room, fearful of her magic. That was the most likely reason… And it made Anna feel depressed thinking about it.
She shouldn’t be feeling this way, Anna thought. Just because the weather is pretty crappy, doesn’t mean Elsa’s mood has to match it.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, ” Anna said, turning around in the embrace. “We can reschedule the party for later in the week.”
“But your birthday is today, ” Elsa insisted. “It feels wrong that it’s ruined like this. Oh, curse the divines for this damned storm.“
“The weather has a bad habit of ruining things for us, huh?” Anna remarked.
“At least everyone is safe,” Elsa said. “Still, I wish the sun was out. I’d have loved to have danced with you at your party today, to show the kingdom how much I love you.”
Anna smiled. Elsa had learned how to dance quite well in the years since they’d become a couple. Sure, there had been times when Elsa had nearly accidentally tripped on her own skirt or cape, but fortunately, Anna had always been there to catch her when she fell.
“Well, despite the weather cancelling the party plans… I’ve been mostly happy, ” Anna explained. “I opened my presents, practically devoured that cake, seriously a giant chocolate cake with sprinkles, how can you go wrong with that?!“
Elsa laughed aloud. Anna had spent pretty much the whole afternoon eating that cake. Granted, Olaf helped, obviously Anna couldn’t fit the entire thing in her belly, but still, Elsa was glad Anna had some enjoyment out of her birthday. But then Anna took her hands.
“But you know what was the most perfect thing of all?” Anna wondered, gazing adoringly at her sister. “I got to be with you, my beautiful, wonderful, kinda silly but amazing sister. That’s something I’ll always cherish… and I’ll always love you, Elsa, with all my heart.”
Elsa stopped, gazing at Anna’s face. Her cheeks reddened with a deep blush, and then she smiled fondly at Anna. Her sister knew all the right words to say and the exact words to say them. She leaned in closer, hers and Anna’s faces virtually inches apart.
“You know what?” the Queen said. “You’re right. As long as we have each other… I guess that’s all that truly matters.”
Anna grinned. “Then come here!” she said with glee, pulling Elsa into a passionate kiss. As their lips met tightly, Anna wrapped her arms around Elsa, holding her older sister in her arms, keeping her close as they kissed beside the window, rain still pouring down.
Surrendering to the kiss, Elsa allowed Anna to lead. Anna had been her first kiss and was the only one she’d kissed. Despite being younger, Anna was definitely more experienced in matters of love, especially kissing. The Queen figuratively melted as Anna and her made out.
Slightly dipping Elsa, Anna continued her kisses. There was no more a beautiful sensation than feeling Elsa’s cold lips pressed against her own, her tongue gently and slowly slipping into Elsa’s mouth without any complaints from Elsa. She was wanting this just as much as Anna was.
However, before their session could deepen any further, a loud crash of thunder was heard outside the window, lightning causing them to jump.
“Woah!!” Anna yelped in surprise.
Elsa giggled nervously. “Maybe we should just go to our bedroom for now. No use staying out here.”
And then, a mischievous smirk formed on Anna’s face.
Elsa paused as she caught her sister’s expression. “Okay, I know that look,” she bemoaned, “that’s your ‘I’m trying to play innocent but deep down I’m planning something wicked and vile’ face. What’s that look for?”
“Oh nothing, ” Anna said all too innocently. “I just realized that I’ll be getting the chance to unwrap my last present.”
“Last present?” Elsa asked in confusion. “What last… Oh.” Elsa realised what Anna meant and she blushed bright red. “Oh!” She turned even redder as Anna approached her, grinning wickedly.
“W-Well, it is your birthday, ” Elsa accepted, shyly. “But be gentle.“ She rubbed her hand along her waist softly. “This present is rather delicate.”
“Oh don’t worry, ” Anna assured her. “I’ll take very good care of her. I always do,” She then grabbed Elsa and kissed her passionately again, before picking her up in her arms. Elsa squealed in delight, giggling as Anna carried her with ease in her arms, feeling the slight muscle.
Smirking, Anna then carried Elsa down the hall, eager to unwrap her present… and show Elsa all of her love.
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Onyx and MC find out that they're having Twins
Written by: @evoedbd
It was a usual peaceful day in the clinic. Sunlight shone through the windows, reflecting the off coloured white walls to bathe the room in a soft, bright light. The air was so light, light enough that one could forgive the beige linoleum floors and the sterile smell which betrayed the calm and gave a hospital vibe. Combatting the sterile nature was a large fish tank, illuminated with gentle blues through driftwood and aquarium plants. The plants waved gently in the currents, joyfully curling around the playful bubbles escaping an ornament amidst the driftwood. The fish danced around their environment, fins occasionally flaring before they dashed off, merrily oblivious to the incoming storm.
Standing guardian to the peaceful waiting room was a lone secretary, stationed behind her large corner desk. Immaculately dressed, as she had been every day for ten years on the job, her occasionally stern gaze held the rabble in line. Under her eye, even the most anxious of patients stayed quiet, perhaps mistaking her for harsh. She was not. These patients who came in were under her care until they met their doctors. For the lives they grew, the secretary owed them a moment of peace. A place to feel safe. Whether it was to hand them pamphlets from her desk with cliche titles such as “what to expect while expecting” or handing them pamphlets to support groups. Sometimes, a simple glass of water or some biscuits were what her patients needed, and she loyally provided, honoured by her small role in helping healthy babies be brought into the world. Though, there was a darker side to her observations. She had to pick out the women at risk, the women in tough circumstances. These women stayed with her, even long after they left her sight. The “unfortunate” accidents which could not be proven as anything but. The husbands and wives who looked just a little bit too angry at being there. The expecting mothers who were too twitchy. The noble secretary kept them all marked, a tiny yellow flag on their appointments.
She had known the moment miss Onyx Wren had come in all those years ago that something was horribly wrong. A lone, terrified young woman who had done her best to be bright and chirpy. She’d talked about her loving boyfriend, how he was so excited for her baby, how he was working extra hard and making her work harder to provide the best life for their coming child. It had come as no surprise when the clinic heard she had lost her baby in a training accident. When the following check-up was under the watchful eyes of her boyfriend. The way he had looked at Onyx still chilled the Secretary to the core, and when she had heard his line of questioning. All about physicality. All about when Onyx could have sex again. She knew. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he had done something horrific, and that Onyx was too scared to speak, too trapped in denial to accept her reality.
Today, the scene had been something entirely different. Onyx had been quiet, terrified even, but she was not alone. With her was a little Asian woman, a hurricane barely restraining herself. The air had changed the moment they stepped in, the Asian woman holding the doors for Onyx, comforting her with amusing faces and gentle touches. The Asian woman hadn’t seemed to care how childish she seemed; her focus was devoted to Onyx. Over her shoulder, a bag containing several textbooks had bounced, textbooks the Secretary recognised as medical schoolbooks on pregnancy and reproduction. That had given her pause. For all the childish energy and wild excitement, the girl had shown, she was so clearly committed. So seriously dedicated to whatever role she was playing for the expectant mother. And Onyx? Onyx, for all her fright, seemed to gravitate to that energy, feeding off it until the two seamlessly worked together, as if they felt the other in their very soul. As if reading one another’s thoughts before they even occurred. It was sickeningly adorable. If only that Asian woman could keep her voice down, then the Secretary might have even been cooing over them.
“TWINS!” The gleeful cry cut through the peaceful din of the waiting room; the roar of a dragon across the countryside. Like the beating of wings, the faithful pounding of footsteps against the floor crescendoed, growing closer and closer. Occasionally, the sound of shoes squeaking from the friction against the floor broke the pattern, or a pause to the steps cued more joyous shouting.
The Secretary cringed, her dedicated typing coming to a halt as she braced herself for the human hurricane. The one she’d read as the emergency contact. Cali Meng Xi.
“Twins! Twins! Its twins! She’s having twins!” Cali continued to shout, leaping and whooping through the waiting room in a flurry of her tie-dyed hoodie and long, powerful legs. The bike mechanic danced, kicking her white high tops into the air with each leap and stride, reminiscent of a frolicking stallion amidst the spring grass. How could she stop? The excitement burning in her body was too powerful to contain, too pure to be tainted by something as cold as rational, mature behaviour or logic. Onyx was having babies. Plural. Not A baby. But BABIES. Twins! Two baby Onyx’s! Double the adorableness in the world. Double the miracles! Her heart was going to beat out of her chest; was going to explode into a shower of rainbow glitter and unicorns delivering bombs of happiness to all. Onyx! Babies!
Behind her, a melodic giggle twinkled. A sound of delight and embarrassment at the same time. Onyx followed at a far more sedate pace, reaching out in an effort to catch Cali’s arm whenever the mechanic was within reach. Of course, Cali didn’t stop bouncing around, her face split by the dopiest grin ever seen. Instead, she took Onyx’s hand, spinning the shorter woman as if they were in a ballroom instead of a waiting room.
“Cali, calm down. Just watching you is making me tired.” Onyx laughed; her voice filled with that undeniable note of happiness. Even as Cali’s behaviour embarrassed her a little, it also filled her with pride. It was evident in the healthy glow of her cheeks, the delighted, adoring twinkle in her oceanic emerald eyes. Her plea was heeded. Cali slowed, sweeping Onyx up into a loving embrace, only to spin her around once again. Onyx simply laughed, kicking her feet playfully before she was gently set down.
“The most beautiful woman in the world is having twins! I love you! I love you all, so, so much! I’m so excited, Onyx. I’m so happy I feel like I’m gonna explode if I don’t let it out!” Cali cried, fat tears of joy rolling down the curve of her cheeks. The truth of her words was evident. Standing still, Cali’s muscles twitched, all rebelling beneath her skin. She trembled, a tangle of energy with nowhere to go. Still, when she lifted her hands to Onyx’s cheeks, Cali was so very gentle. Even trembling, her fingers never became rough as they tucked strand after strand of golden hair behind Onyx’s delicate ear. For all her overwhelming energy, Cali’s hands were nothing but sweet again Onyx’s cheeks, as if cradling her world in her rugged palms. Gently, she lured Onyx into a kiss, the sweetest she could offer. Her lips caressed Onyx’s, pleading, writing her love into every romantic memory. A gesture of such vulnerability offered without fear or shame, unperturbed as to who witnessed such a moment.
The Secretary smiled, surrendering to her impulse to croon over the young women. Even from across the room, she could see the devotion in Cali’s dark eyes, could see how Onyx was her entire world. It was laced through every touch. The tenderness of her hands to Onyx’s barely showing stomach. The love in even the most chaste of kisses, in how Cali pressed them everywhere she could. This hurricane of excitement had no qualms about kneeling to Onyx, to pressing her lips to Onyx’s tummy. About sobbing with happiness. This woman was proud, without being prideful. Intense without becoming domineering. Cali Meng Xi was nothing like the boyfriend Onyx had tried to sell as loving. The longer The Secretary watched, the more apparent it became. Cali’s actions were all for Onyx. Cali wasn’t out to disturb the others, nor was she putting on a show for the crowds. This was her, raw and unbridled, unable to contain herself. She wasn’t trying to seize the stage, she was trying to share her happiness. She was blessing the waiting room with her genuine joy, gifting a glimpse of her soul as she worshipped a goddess in her own life. As she praised the lives growing.
“Six fucking pages.” The doctor whispered as he drew closer, bending down to slide the documentation to the Secretary and keep his words private.
“That woman took six pages of notes. If only all the expecting fathers were as dedicated.” He elaborated, earning a gentle chuckle from the Secretary. The woman gazed into the doctor's eyes for a moment, reading everything he hadn’t said. She watched, assessing for a few moments before accepting the files.
“Miss Wren better put a ring on that girl. They’re perfect together.” The Secretary commented, earning a sound of agreement from the doctor.
Quietly, she flipped to the page, pausing at the yellow sticky dot in the corner. The doctor simply nodded, confirming her thoughts with a smile so large it looked as if his aged face might split in two. The Secretary’s heart almost burst as she worked her nails beneath it, picking and plucking until the label came free. Nothing honored her as much as when she worked it into a nasty ball, then flicked it from her nails straight into the trash. Right where it belonged.
Onyx Wren wasn’t in danger any longer.
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
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A/N: What a nice little summer throw back in the dead of winter. I hope this rewrite is as good as the original and that you all enjoy a little bit of pool Harry and some Sarah content as well. I think I originally wrote it out with Lou, but I liked this version with Sarah a little bit better. Anywho! Feel free to leave feedback or comments and I hope you’re having a great day. Love you! 
Warnings: Self-doubt, body image talk...I don’t think there are any others! 
Word Count: 1.9K
You never liked going to the pool.
Even at the mature age of twenty-three, you couldn’t stomach the memories that the chlorine and screaming children conjured up from the depths of your childhood trauma. Memories of girls in your class, who hadn’t developed as quickly as you, teasing you for wearing a one piece instead of a bikini. Teenage boys pointing and laughing at you, tossing names in your direction until you were hiding behind a scratchy cotton towel, hiding in the locker room until your Mom finally came to pick you up after school. You wished that it didn’t bother you still, truly. You wanted nothing more than to put the hurtful words and terrible feelings lingering in your chest behind you so that you could move on like a proper adult.
 But sometimes, you felt like those bullies had only grown up with you. Bullies from the playground and the classroom were long gone, replaced with paparazzi and celebrities who wanted to see you fall from grace. Magazines, news articles, and blog posts replaced teasing taunts with long paragraphs about the cellulite on your legs and the pudge around your stomach. Backhanded compliments and snarky sneers replaced children’s laughter and your closest friends took the role of the supporting teacher telling them to fuck off. 
As you wiped the sunscreen on your skin, watching your thighs jiggle and ripple under your own palm, your boyfriend sent a few droplets of water in your direction from the deep end of the pool. You looked up at him, pushing your borrowed sunglasses down as he squinted back up at you from the crystal blue water of the hotel swimming pool. His tattoos were on full display, the dark ink contrasting beautifully with his pale skin. You were sad to see the natural tone of his wintery skin go as the sun started to turn him red, causing his freckles to become more noticeable. 
“You comin’ in, love?” He asked, taking the green and gold cap off to ruffle the damp curls matted to the top of his head. “It’s nice and cool in here.”
“I’m not ready to come in yet.” You held your hand up as Harry held his cap out, insinuating that he was going to toss it in your direction. You caught it with ease, setting it on top of your pool bag between your sun lounger and Sarah’s. “Go on and have fun with Mitch and the guys. I’m just going to do a bit of sunbathing.”
Harry hauled himself out of the pool before walking over to you. 
He leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
“Alright, then.” He sighed out, pressing his hands to his hips with a cheeky grin. “Did you put on your sunscreen, casper?” 
“You have five seconds to get back in the pool before I push your ass back in.” You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest as Harry tossed his back with a loud laugh. “Of course I put my sunscreen on.”
“You’re very pretty and I love you very much, my little ghost.” He pressed another kiss to your lips before darting off towards the pool, jumping in with a huge splash. 
Sarah laughed next to you as you rolled my eyes, dropping the aforementioned tube of extra strength sunscreen into your pool bag before situating your glasses on the bridge of your nose. You carefully leaned back against the sun lounger, doing your best to keep your sunhat in place so that your shoulders and face didn’t crisp up. You didn’t care so much about the rest of your body. You figured it could use a bit of sun and vitamin d after a long, cold winter in London. 
Sarah was engrossed in a book that Mitch bought her for Christmas and you were careful not to fidge too much so that she wouldn’t be disturbed during her time of rest and relaxation. It was a little hard not to fidget, though. The hairs on your skin stood up as you lifted your glasses up slightly. Just as you suspected, other patrons of the hotel pool were staring at you, whispering amongst themselves before giggling like little girls. 
Suddenly, you felt vulnerable on your sun lounger as you dropped your sunglasses back to the bridge of your nose. There was a good chance that it was merely a coincidence, and those girls weren’t even talking about you. They might have just looked in your direction after sharing a friendly joke about a boy they liked or a person they used to know. Your mind was often responsible for creating scenarios in your head that made you feel as though the world was against you when it really wasn’t. So you inhaled sharply and tried your best to let it go. 
But your brain had latched onto the idea that you should be uncomfortable in your not-so-revealing one piece. Your fingers twitched and your legs felt awkward against the sunlounger. When you shifted, you heard it squeak underneath you, causing you to let out a frustrated breath. Next, you sat up, suddenly hyper aware that you probably had a double chin when you rested your back against the back of the sunlounger.  
Your entire body felt hot, and you knew that it was more than just the sun causing you to perspire at your hairline. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest and your breathing was a little heavier due to the anxious and frustrated feelings swirling around inside of you. It irked you, knowing that you were working yourself up instead of relaxing like everyone else. It took you a few moments of deep breathing and a few sips of cold water to calm yourself down.
“Are you alright?” Sarah asked softly, her finger holding her place in her book as she glanced over at you with furrowed brows.”You seem a bit tense, love.” 
“Sorry.” You muttered out, lifting your knees towards your chest as you rested your hot cheek on your knee. “I’m trying to relax, but I just feel like everyone is looking at me.”
“Why do you think that?” She inquired, sitting up as you shrugged. 
“I just feel like a beached whale, you know?” You licked over your bottom lip before turning your gaze to Harry playing around with Jeff and Mitch in the cold water. “Being here is bringing back a lot of unwanted memories from my childhood and it’s crushing any self confidence that I’ve built up over the years. I haven’t been back to a pool since I was fifteen, and I honestly never intended to come back to one.”
“I just want to say that you’re an extremely beautiful woman, Y/N.” Sarah said softly. “You have a really lovely shape, and you should be proud of your body for all it does. You take such good care of it when we’re on the road, and I know that everyone has hard days, but don’t beat yourself up. I promise that everyone is minding their own and enjoying the sun. If anyone has their eyes on you, it’s because they find you absolutely stunning!”
“I’m hiring you as my personal hype woman.” You chuckled, glancing over at Sarah with a bright smile as the weight lifted off of your chest. “That was really sweet of you, Sarah. Thank you so much.”
“I meant every single word.” She said proudly. 
You took another few deep breaths, focusing on the sounds of the water splashing against the side of the pool, and the joyous laughter that filled the air instead of the crushing doubt in your mind. As you settled back against your lounger, you tried to focus on the good things happening in your life instead of the sinking feeling in your chest. You were having a great time on the North American leg of Harry’s tour. He was spoiling you to bits, waking you up every morning with a shower of love and a lavish breakfast ordered from room service. 
He spent every waking moment holding your hand and talking to you as if you were the only person that he shared the earth with. He had always been an amazing boyfriend to you and if there was one thing that could lift your spirits, it was the curly haired boy in the pool less than twenty feet away from you. As you continued to think about how perfect Harry was with a smug smile on your lips, you felt a slight chill on your skin before a few water droplets landed on your legs. You pulled your sunglasses off of your face, squinting up at the shaded figure in front of you. Harry stood with his hands on his hips, his chest heaving as his hair dripped. 
“Looks cozy over here.” He mumbled. “Can I join ya?”
“Course,” You said, scooting your bum over to the edge the best that you could. Harry collapsed down next to you, dropping his arm over your stomach, his head resting on your shoulder and his legs hanging off as he rested on his side. “Did you enjoy your swim, darling?”
“Mhmm.” He hummed softly, turning his nose to brush against your neck, his lips puckering slightly against the warm skin. Your whole side was damp now and his hair was dripping little rivers on your skin, but you didn’t mind. “Are ya enjoyin’ your snooze?”
“It’s not a snooze,” You grumbled, turning your own head to kiss his forehead. “It’s called sunbathing, handsome.”
“You look gorgeous doin’ it, whatever it is,” He smiled, squeezing your side softly. “Like this color on you as well, looks nice.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, your lips still pressed to his forehead along with your nose. The chlorine had wiped away all traces of his cologne and it was a little overbearing, but it was nice to be so close to him regardless. You slipped your arms around him, cuddling him back as you got comfortable. “You smell like chlorine.”
“You smell like the sun and banana boat.” He countered playfully. “I don’t know how much longer I can lay here like this, knowin’ exactly how beautiful you are, and knowin’ exactly how much I want you.”
“Is that so?” 
Harry shifted around, moving his hips closer to your thigh. He pulled your foot between his ankles, tucking your leg between his to make it known that he was growing harder with every second that passed. 
“You look fucking exquisite.” He groaned. “Like a sun goddess.”
“I feel exquisite when you talk to me like that.” You chuckled. “And I feel like I need to turn so the other half of me doesn’t look pale in comparison to the front.”
“You can sunbathe later.” He whined playfully. “Come on, lemme love on you.”
“You can always love on me later and let me sunbathe now.” You suggested with an amused snort. “You can love me all night long if you wish.”
“All night?” He lifted his head up, smirking at you. “S’that a promise, love?”
“It is,” You rolled your eyes. “Now either lay on your own lounge and sunbathe or get in the pool, I need to flip.”
“Alright, then.” He grumbled, still smiling. “Suppose I could use a bit o’ sun anyhow.”
Harry landed a playful smack to your ass when you turned, causing you to laugh loudly and Sarah to groan in playful disgust. As the three of you continued to make casual conversation, you realized that suddenly, you didn’t hate going to the pool so much anymore. 
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thekidultlife · 4 years
Afterglow | TROS Spinoff Part 3 | Yoon Jeonghan
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Author’s Note: This is the third (and last) part of the Yoon Jeonghan spinoff. Honestly, I did not know that I would take the story to this third part, but my characters went this direction and I have to follow them to see how this would all end. If you want to read this story from the very beginning, please check out the links below! I highly recommend it. 
Genre: Fluff, angst, smut (All the emotions, I guess?) 
 Word Count: 5,792
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Jeonghan’s eyes took in the sunny morning that greeted him in the kitchen. Contrasting with the golden rays of sunlight that gleamed at the polished countertops, the pale blue hues of the room calmed his racing mind and soothed his senses. His one hand ran across the huge dining table, and he smiled at the three plates that Jae Eun had set down on the side that wasn’t filled with unopened presents from the birthday party two nights ago. 
“Appa!” Jae Eun called out from the stove in a sing-song voice. She looked extremely happy. Her dark, wavy hair was still mussed up with sleep and her apron was tied in the cute, clumsy knot that adorable four-year-olds are famous for. “Please please please help me flip the pancakes!” 
It was just almost seven in the morning, but Jae Eun looked like she had been up for hours. Jeonghan chuckled and went over to his daughter, who was standing up on a stool again, holding a spatula, and looking very much like Jeonghan when he was her age. He smiled even more when he took note of the burning smell. “Okay. Appa will help you.” Jeonghan took the spatula from Jae Eun’s hands and held her close to him as he flipped the pancakes. “Who taught you how to make pancakes?”
“Eomma did. She said I’m bright so I can do it by myself.” The confidence in Jae Eun’s voice made Jeonghan kiss her on the cheek. 
“Of course you’re bright! Yoon Jae Eun, whose baby are you?” Jeonghan gently kissed the top of Jae Eun’s hair. Ah, mornings like these…
Jae Eun giggled and smiled at her dad, her eyes shining. She stood on tiptoes and whispered adoringly, “Yoon Jeonghan’s! Yoon Jeonghan, whose Appa are you?” 
Jeonghan almost felt like bursting with happiness when Jae Eun said her part of the ritual. It made his morning even more dreamlike and happy. He kissed her nose and said softly, “Yoon Jae Eun’s!”
Jae Eun beamed up at her dad, delight making her face look even more beautiful. Then she began to dictate instructions to Jeonghan as to how not to burn the pancakes which was already burned a little. Jeonghan laughed as she tried to flip the pancakes by herself, succeeding after a lot of cute tries. Then he set her down on her feet so she could put the syrup bottles on the dining table. Jeonghan deftly put the pancakes on a platter and placed it next to the syrup bottles. Then he carried Jae Eun to her chair so she could start eating, promising to be back after he called you over for breakfast. 
“Eomma’s shirt is nice on you, Appa,” Jae Eun innocently commented, her eyes wondering. “But did you lose your clothes?”
“Oh, no,” Jeonghan said quickly, trying not to blush in front of his own four-year-old daughter. He looked at the shirt he was wearing, which was actually his shirt back in the days of your short-lived marriage. He looked back at Jae Eun and smiled. “Actually, this is Appa’s. Your Eomma forgot to return it to me when she borrowed it. That’s why it’s nice on me.”
“And the pajamas? Are those yours, too?” Jae Eun asked curiously, a tiny hand about to reach for the syrup. 
Jeonghan’s face went really red this time, but he nodded playfully. “Yes. This pajama is also Appa’s.” 
“Wow, Eomma has a lot of your things, Appa!” Jae Eun placed a pancake on her plate and began eating. “Tell her to give it back to you! It’s not nice to keep things that aren’t yours.” 
Jeonghan grinned at Jae Eun and nodded again. “You’re right. I will definitely tell Eomma. Now let me go get her to eat breakfast with us.”
“Come back soon!!!” Jae Eun playfully sang out as she ate her share of the pancakes. 
Jeonghan chuckled to himself softly as he padded back to the hallway leading to your bedroom. He opened the door to find you still in bed, half-dressed, your hair a messy tangle, your face…radiant, glowing, beautiful. For the nth time that morning, Jeonghan pulled your face close and kissed your still-swollen lips. 
“Mmm,” you murmured, smiling between kisses, “miss me that much already?”
Jeonghan laughed again and kissed you over and over, tenderly. “Yes,” he said. “I missed you this much already.”
You pulled him close. “I missed you, too,” you said softly, “but first…” you pulled away from him and picked up your phone. You unlocked it and waved the dial screen at Jeonghan’s face. “What was Angelo telling me about you, Jeonghan?” You studied Jeonghan’s face carefully. “Did you really go to to XYZ Publishing yesterday?”
Jeonghan could almost swear that his morning felt a tad shade darker when he saw Angelo’s caller ID on your phone, but he just pulled your hand that was holding the phone down to his chest. “Do you love me?”
“You wouldn’t be sitting on my bed and kissing me if I don’t,” you said tartly. “But what was he saying sorry for?”
“Oh,” Jeonghan said calmly. Suddenly, his morning brightened up a notch from the darker shade that Angelo had clouded it with. “He must have assumed that I had told you how much of a bastard he was. But I left that part out for you to hear from him about personally.” When he saw that you looked worried, Jeonghan kissed you again. “Let him tell you. After all,” he pulled away playfully from your hands and inched away from you, “he’s your boyfriend, remember?”
“Stop it,” you hissed, seeing the sly look on Jeonghan’s face. “Listen to this.” You pressed the voice message and you simmered in mock anger as you saw Jeonghan’s slow smile spread on his mouth. “He broke up with me.” You grabbed his arm and Jeonghan was suddenly on top of you, smiling that smile that made you feel like you were five years younger and you were still living with him in that townhouse where you both loved. “I no longer have a boyfriend and I don’t know why the heck I feel so happy saying that.” It was absurd, really. However, when Jeonghan bent down to claim your lips again, and to skim his hands over your body, you are once more transported back in time. 
But Jeonghan soon broke the spell with a laugh as he nibbled your neck. “As much as I would want to make love to you right now, baby,” he whispered, his mouth on your throat, “I just want you to know that we are very late for breakfast.”
You gave out a yelp and playfully kicked Jeonghan out of your way, his laughter behind you as you went, bounding out the door and trying to straighten your hair. As you neared the kitchen, you struggled to compose yourself, smoothing your shirt and trying to walk straight without wincing. Ah, Yoon Jeonghan, your body sighed achingly especially down there, you just never disappoint.
“Eomma!” came the joyous squeal of delight from your daughter. You gave Jae Eun your sweetest, motherly smile as you saw her sitting on her chair, eating her share of breakfast.
“Good morning, baby girl,” you greeted Jae Eun sweetly with a kiss and proudly scanned the table, set with glasses of milk and plates heaped with pancakes laden with what looked like to be a very sweet syrup experiment. “Wow. Pancakes! And…lots of syrup! Good job, sweetheart!” 
Jae Eun smiled brightly. “It’s our first breakfast together with Appa!” She reached out with no small effort to put a pancake on your plate. “I made two pancakes the best. You and Appa can have it!” 
You felt a hand press gently on your shoulder and you arched at the sudden touch. “Good morning, Appa,” you greeted Jeonghan playfully. “Please sit!”
Jeonghan tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and took the chair beside you. Then he smiled at Jae Eun. “You cook well, our Jae Eun!” 
Jae Eun beamed again. But as she was about to say thank you, her eyebrows furrowed. Wondering, Jeonghan asked her why, as they ate together, their first breakfast together as a family.
“Eomma, why are you wearing Appa’s shirt?”
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“Yoon Jeonghan.” 
Jae Eun was in daycare, and you were in bed with Jeonghan again, arms around each other. Neither of you had been talking a long time. 
You traced your fingers at his bare arm. “What do we do now?”
“We were stupid, weren’t we?” Jeonghan let out a soft, sad laugh. “We thought we’d be able to escape all the drama when we divorced. Look at us now.”
“Seriously.” Your fingertips grazed softly over his skin, and you felt him tighten all over at your touch. “What do we do next?”
At that, Jeonghan took your hand and placed it to his lips. His eyes, dark with an intensity and fire that you knew you had rekindled, were boring into yours, sending heat all over your body. “What do you want me to do?” 
Your other hand found his face. You traced his lips with your thumb, and you said, softly, “Come back to me.”
Jeonghan bent his head down to claim your lips in a sweet, slow kiss, and as you kissed him back, he whispered, “I don’t think I ever left.”
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Yesterday | (a continuation of a scene from “Only Us”)
“Appa is just going outside for a moment. You be good here with Eomma, okay? I’ll be back at five to take you home.”
“You promise?” Jae Eun’s expectant eyes brightened up at your words. She had never had car rides with both of her parents with her. Jeonghan knew she would be happy if they all went home in one car.
“I promise.” Then he looked over at you once again before walking away and closing the door softly.
Jeonghan leaned against the door, sighing loudly. He had not slept well enough to function, and the emotional weight of everything that had happened—the show, the after-party, the accident—all of it took their toll on him. But he knew that he could not rest now. Not yet.
The thought of his most strenuous task for the day made him steel his resolve. He would go home first, shower and change clothes. Then he would proceed to where he must go for the day. He dutifully acknowledged the reporters who were waiting all around the hospital building with nods and small smiles and ignored the questions they shouted at him. It was a good thing that the hospital provided extra security for the floor where you were interred when he asked them for it.
He whipped up his phone and dialed a number.
“Hello. Yes, it’s me, Jeonghan. 1402. I’m heading out and I need you to be here to help with security. Yes. My wife and my daughter…Thank you very much.” My wife. He hung up immediately to answer another call. He was now at the parking lot.
“I’m waiting by your car,” came Seungcheol’s reassuring voice. “I’ll take you home.”
Jeonghan sighed in relief and waved at his friend just across the lot. “You are a lifesaver.”
“Hey, with all of us being such good boys, this is the only time I could get to fully exercise my role as a leader, taking care of my members.” Seungcheol hung up as he gave Jeonghan a brief hug before taking the keys from him. “Sleep. You’re gonna need it.”
“Yes, team leader,” Jeonghan said dryly, the sore muscles on his back relaxing as he seated himself on the plush car seat. He closed his eyes as Seungcheol started the car.
Minutes later, after stopping at a red light, Seungcheol spoke. “It’s only half past one. Plenty of time. Are you sure about what you’re going to do?”
“Yes.” Jeonghan was drifting off to sleep.
“Then I’ll come along, too. Maybe I can help persuade—”
“—I appreciate the gesture, but, no thanks. I need to do this by myself.” Jeonghan opened his eyes and glanced at his friend. “I’m the one who lost her. I’m the one who has to bring her back.”
Seungcheol nodded in understanding. “But I’ll come anyway. I’ll wait by your car and distract the reporters that might be crowding around.”
Jeonghan regarded his friend for a moment, before nodding. Seungcheol wasn’t asking. He was telling Jeonghan what he was going to do. “Okay.” Jeonghan turned away from Seungcheol then to sleep, but his mind was transported back to another time when Seungcheol simply did not sit by the sidelines and watch Jeonghan’s life come into a head.
He remembered the night of Jae Eun’s birth, the first month of his separation from you. He remembered how helpless he was, how broken he felt, until the Seungcheol and the members came to support him while he watched over you during those hours of labor. He remembered the tears spilling down from his eyes as he held Jae Eun for the first time. 
And he remembered how every ounce of him that fought to keep you by his side surrendered to the pressure of the divorce. Looking at Jae Eun’s tiny face, and at the worried looks of the members as they crowded around Jeonghan, he knew that he would have to do everything to keep his little girl safe.
No matter what it cost him. 
He remembered the car drive home, with you on the backseat, trying to sleep after the arduous childbirth. You had insisted on recuperating at home. He remembered your horrified, betrayed eyes when you stood at the threshold of a then-unfamiliar house, holding your baby. He remembered how weakly your knees struggled to keep you upright when he opened the door into a furnished parlor.
He remembered how you both just stood there, staring at each other.
“I won’t be far from here,” Jeonghan had said, his voice strained. “But I thought it was best if we move somewhere else.” His hands swayed on his sides. “Somewhere safer.”
Jae Eun had cried angrily in your arms as Jeonghan said these words. It was as if she knew what was happening between her parents. 
Jeonghan had walked slowly towards you, and as gently as he could, pulled you and Jae Eun close for an embrace. 
“Send me the papers tomorrow,” Jeonghan had said softly, his eyes unblinking as tears fell from them burrowing his face into your neck. “I will sign them.”
You didn’t say anything then, but when Jeonghan pulled away to look at you, all he could see was one emotion: you were tired.
And so was he. 
The private proceedings of the divorce went on for another year. And on Jae Eun’s first birthday, she was already given to your custody, with visitation privileges for Jeonghan, who had the much busier schedule. The agency at that time did a better job of silencing any reports about the divorce. As far as everyone was concerned, your romance with Jeonghan was just another one of those relationships who crashed too fast. If only they knew how much it had cost you both.
Back then, Jeonghan had honestly thought that being separated from you legally was the best way to keep you and Jae Eun safe from the harshness of public spotlight and scrutiny. But now, four years later, seeing that these attacks against his family’s privacy were still being mounted by hungry reporters and angry people, he knew he had made a mistake by relenting to the pressure five years ago. 
“What are you thinking about?” Seungcheol asked softly, eyeing Jeonghan carefully. 
“Nothing much.” Jeonghan rubbed an aching temple and closed his eyes. “Just that I think I should have done things differently before. I should have seen that the divorce was not the answer. I feel so stupid.” Jeonghan leaned on the window. 
“Whether it was a mistake or not, I still think what matters most is the reason why you did what you did.” Seungcheol tapped his fingers on the steering wheel lightly. “You wanted to protect your family. You wanted to solve the problems as best you could. But sometimes, you know, you solve the problems after a lot of trial-and-errors. The divorce was well-intentioned, but now that you see it did not work—don’t dwell on the fact that it might have been a mistake. Just try again.”
Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol and smiled at him. “Thanks, Cheol.”
Seungcheol grinned. “Anytime. You taught me how to do pep talks, remember?” Both boys laughed as they thought of younger days. “By the way, does the bastard know that you’re coming to his office? I think it would be better if he knows.”
Jeonghan’s lips curled into a small smile. “He’d better know, because he made my daughter very, very unhappy last night.”
Seungcheol first drove Jeonghan home so he could get a quick shower and a change of clothes. The cameras in Jeonghan’s unit were still in place, but Seungcheol had managed to convince The Return of Superman’s producers to reschedule the continuation of Jeonghan and Jae Eun’s day the next week at the earliest. Jeonghan murmured another ‘thank you’ in his head for Cheol, who had always been very dependable and was always reaching out to help and support friends.  
Thirty minutes later, they parked outside an impressive-looking edifice, an aesthetically designed one made with a mix of expensive wood, stone and marble. Jeonghan got out of the car, dressed in a semi-casual suit, holding a thin briefcase, hair rustling in the afternoon wind. He nodded at Seungcheol, who grinned at him and made a gesture with his hands that Jeonghan read as, “Call me.” Jeonghan nodded and walked towards the huge building. 
The interior of the building was as impressive as the exterior, but more homey. Some wood with warmer tones were used for the gigantic bookshelves that lined the walls. A staircase leading to the second floor (where more bookshelves were lined up and people were getting on and off ladders to reach for different kinds of tomes) caught Jeonghan’s eye. He saw a man in deep perusal of one of your books. 
The receptionist materialized from one of the doors behind the front desk, and her eyes widened when she saw Jeonghan. She immediately hurried over to take her place.
“What can I do for you, Sir?” she asked breathlessly. Jeonghan lazily took note of the blush in her cheeks. 
Jeonghan looked at his watch. “I have a 2 o’clock meeting with your one of your board directors, Mr. Angelo Kang.”
“Let me patch you in with his secretary.”
Minutes later, Jeonghan made his way to the third floor, where the administrative offices of the XYZ Publishing Corporation would be found. He passed by doors with nameplates that introduced who was currently holding office there: various editors, assistant editors and the publishing house’s homegrown authors. He smiled briefly when he saw your name on one of the oak doors. Y/N, it said: editor-in-chief.
Finally, at the farthest wing of the room, the double doors to Angelo Kang’s office door were ajar. Jeonghan stepped in and waited for Angelo to look up from his desk. And when he did, Angelo’s face tightened. 
“Mr. Yoon.” Angelo glanced at his laptop screen before turning guarded eyes to Jeonghan. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Your mistakes,” Jeonghan said slowly as he closed the door, “starting with hiring stalkers to follow my wife around.”
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Present Day
“Why did you date him?” 
Clothes were strewn around the floor of Jeonghan’s bedroom. You had gone with him to his penthouse to pick up some clothes but ended up taking yours off when Jeonghan told you that he wanted to make love to you on his bed, right that moment.
You had never been inside his place before. Amazingly, though, as you stared at Jeonghan while covered in sheets that should have felt unfamiliar, you felt like you were still somewhere you had known for a long time.
You looked up at him, at his questioning eyes. 
“Would it make sense if I told you that when I went out with him, I was imagining that it was you with me?”
Jeonghan scoffed. “I’m way more handsome. Just look at our baby girl! Would we have beautiful Jae Eun if I looked the least bit like Angelo?”
“Stop being such a jealous guy.”
“Does he make love to you, too?” The jealous tone was back, and you slapped his chest. 
“Stop. We would never!”
“You dated him, love. Of course there would come a time when you would have.”
You sighed. “It wasn’t that serious.”
“He proposed.”
“I didn’t know he would! We only went out for a couple of drinks and...dinner? That was it. I didn’t know it was that serious in his head.”
“But why?” Jeonghan pulled away, and you felt your body ache as he pulled away. “Why did you date him?” 
You stared into Jeonghan’s eyes. “The calls never stopped coming through my phone.” You laughed an empty laugh. “I don’t know why they would always end up getting my number, no matter how many times I change it. Even the telephone...” You nestled onto Jeonghan’s chest and he took you in his arms, caressing your back as you continued. 
“Jae Eun answered a call one Saturday. I had been showering when the call came so she was the one who answered it. We were sleeping together in my bedroom whenever you were on tour that took up Saturdays and Sundays. We planned to go to a shopping mall that day, and I was getting her ready but she didn’t want to go. Turns out that she had answered some woman’s call and she was terrified of the woman’s words, which, in effect, said that I would die if I stepped out of the house. 
“I couldn’t get to work because Jae Eun wouldn’t let go of me or let me go outside the house for three days. Angelo was a new guy the board had recommended as director, and he had parents that ran a security company. I knew he liked me, so I steered clear from him. But when he offered to look into who kept calling and calling, I was so grateful. Especially when they found the culprits. I was really grateful. 
“When he asked me to go out with him for drinks, I couldn’t refuse. And when he begged me to try dating him, no promises, I couldn’t shake off the memory of Jae Eun’s fearful eyes, looking at me and begging me to not go out of the house. 
“I said yes because of that. But as two months passed and he was getting more and more anxious about our relationship, things started going south...he especially hated having you come around during Saturdays when you would pick up Jae Eun.”
“Maybe that was when he started having his men follow you around. He was anxious about me.” 
“I think the proposal was his last-ditch effort to see if I was serious about him. I don’t know anymore what to think. I’m just glad that it has ended. That everything is starting to get back into place.” You looked back at Jeonghan. “I made a bad decision and now I regret it, because I was dating him out of gratitude, not out of love.” You leaned onto Jeonghan again. “It was a mistake. I’m sorry.”
“And I’m sorry for not being there for you and Jae Eun. If I had been there, this would never have happened. I didn’t know--”
“--stop.” You put a finger onto Jeonghan’s lips. “Let’s not get back into the past again. We both made really stupid decisions. But it doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is us. Now.” You kissed him gently. “Here.” 
You smiled as he kissed you, a tear escaping your eye. “I love you,” you said as his kisses went downward. “I love you.”
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The Days After
“...of course, life wouldn’t be a bed of roses,” the counselor said as she wrapped up talking with you and Jeonghan. “You have to understand that you divorced for very serious reasons, life-threatening ones, in fact. It’s not going to be an easy choice to get back together. But if you are sure of your decision, and if you have concrete plans as to how to get on with your lives together, I see no reason why you should not take the risk. A very beautiful risk.” 
You turned to look at Jeonghan, who was listening intently. It had been his idea that you get counseling the first few months. 
“Like I told you, you have to take things slow. You have to blend love with a sound rationale so you wouldn’t always be up in the clouds. Invest in things together. Spend time with your daughter together...but don’t rush. Take your time. Admit it or not, many things have changed since you have been together.”
It was very good advice. The both of you had to admit that during the four years you had been separated, many things have changed. Things you didn’t like before, you suddenly have started to like. Simple things like how to make the bed, how to cook up an egg, sleep cycles...these things contrasted sharply with who you both were before and who you were now. 
Jeonghan nodded slowly. He was holding his phone. You felt yours vibrate and as the marriage counselor kept on talking about taking things slow, you took a peek at the message. 
[💋]: I agree with our counselor. Do I have to tell her how you would cry now everytime I get so good with you in bed? 
Jeonghan smiled slyly when you suddenly coughed. The counselor looked over at you questioningly, but she continued. 
“By the way, have you talked with your ex-boyfriend, Angelo?” 
You nodded. “Yes.” 
“Did the conversation end on good terms?”
You nodded again. “Yes.” 
“Very good. You see, loose ends from a previous relationship could complicate a good marriage. I’m very glad that you ended things well with him.”
Your phone vibrated again. 
[💋]: 🤨😐😑🙄
You bit back a smile and typed in response, Still jealous, I see.
A swift reply came. 
[💋]: Am not. 🙃
You smiled. 
The counselor knew what was going on. “Well, our session ends here now.” You both stood up from your seats as the counslor shook hands. “Best of luck. And, by the way…”
You both turned back to Counselor Kim. 
“...you do know that it’s advisable to restart this relationship in the dating phase, right? Dinners, movies, quality time, but in separate houses and definitely no sex. Right? I think I’ve told you this many times.”
You loved Yoon Jeonghan in moments like this one. Especially when he replied, oh-so-innocently, “Of course, Counselor. Of course.”
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“Thank you, Choi Seungcheol,” Jeonghan whispered as he watched a woman in a dark hoodie being ushered into a holding cell. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. This was long overdue.”
Shin Nara, a thirty-year-old vlogger who had been an extreme fan of SEVENTEEN, had finally been apprehended. Years ago, she had followed you inside a bathroom stall and had dashed your head against the wall. You were rendered unconscious and was hospitalized for a week. Nara had never been arrested because she was never found: CCTV footages were unavailable and the bathroom stall was empty of other women during the late hours of the night.
Amazingly, when The Return of Superman aired and your house was seen onscreen, she had managed to track you down again. She was one of the callers who would terrorize you until Jeonghan changed your residence after Jae Eun’s birth.
The security detail Jeonghan had hired to guard your house caught her lurking outside. She was taken into custody for stalking and the contents of her bag that were turned over to the police department confirmed through her journal and a saved photo of the bathroom stall incident five years ago that she was the one responsible for the crime.
As Jeonghan watched her being taken in, a bittersweet feeling took over him, stronger than anger, sadness and relief.
“Your family will be safe, Yoon Jeonghan,” Seungcheol said, wrapping an arm around Jeonghan’s shoulder. “You will be safe.”
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Yoon Jeonghan was always sweet and warm, in bed. He kissed like he had honey on his tongue, and he would touch you like you were a goddess he was honored enough to hold.
“Counselor Kim would be so disappointed,” you gasped as Jeonghan’s mouth kissed you on your left shoulder, untying the last strap of your sundress with his teeth. The thin material shimmied down your bare body, joined by your lacy underwear and Jeonghan’s clothes. He laid you gently on the bed, his warm, wet mouth making marks on the sensitive flesh between your breasts. Your hands wove through his hair as he kissed you. Hands took hold of your aroused breasts, kneading them on his hands as he started to kiss you down there.
You laid back, your eyes closing as his tongue did wonders on your body. He was noisy and his eyes would open every now and then, commanding you to look at him as he unraveled you like this. 
There were times when you would pull him up and take him in your mouth, but this afternoon, he wanted you fast. He probably got triggered by the sex ban that Counselor Kim was trying to impose. You laughed and you arched back, opening your legs wide to welcome him as you felt him tease you, circling his rock-hard shaft around your entrance. 
For a moment, he just stood there like that, making you crazy until you whispered, “Please, love?” 
He smiled and slowly eased onto you, ripping you open, entering deeply that your eyes watered at the fullness. You clawed at the sheets as he eased in and out, slowly at first, and then faster, and faster, the gentleness replaced by slick, rough movements that made your hips arch up against each thrust, matching it with your own as he held you up to him, kissing you and kissing you, his rhythm going faster and faster. His mouth traveled from your lips to your breasts, until his gasps became labored and he held onto you.
As your walls tightened and tightened about him, you moaned, pulling him closer as his thrusts sped up. Your clawed at his back as he spilled his seed inside you, his mouth on yours, panting as you gave out a small cry when you came, tremors wracking your body at the experience. 
“Marry me,” he whispered in your ear, as he bit your earlobe. “Marry me again.”
You pulled him close to you and whispered back, roughly, “I thought I already said yes to that last night.”
A knock on the door made you both jump up restlessly.
“Eomma? Appa?”
A few seconds of silence, and then the knock persisted. 
“I’m hungry…”
Jeonghan laughed softly.
“We’ll talk later, love.” Jeonghan picked up his shirt. “We’re coming, Jae Eun-ah!” 
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Hello. My name is Jae Eun. 
I am four years old, and I live in a pretty white house with large windows. I live with my eomma. My appa lives in another place, a tall building, taller than my house with Eomma. I feel happy sometimes that I could have two houses...but sometimes I feel sad, too. 
My friends all live in one house. Their eomma and appa live in one house. Their eomma and appa kiss them goodnight every night. Eomma kisses me, too, I have to wait for Saturday to come so my appa can kiss me. Sometimes I wish I could just be Eunha’s or Soyoung’s or Yeseung’s unnie/noona, so I could live in a house where both eomma and appa could give me goodnight kisses.
But today I am not sad. 
I am not sad because I saw Appa’s car when my teacher walked me outside. Eomma was there, too!!! We’ve never had car rides together before. It was always just me and Eomma, or just me and Appa. But today we are riding together!!!
I am wearing a blue dress Appa gave me and blue shoes that Eomma gave me. I don’t look over at Eunha anymore, who always went home with her Appa and Eomma. I don’t look at Seungjae anymore, who always makes his Appa and noona run after him--I no longer look at them. 
Because Appa will be here to pick me up with Eomma, too!
Appa comes to see me almost everyday now, except when he has work. Soon, I will no longer live in two houses. I will only live in one house, and Appa, Eomma and I all live there together, because Appa is staying with us now. Soon, I will no longer live in two houses. Appa promised me and Eomma that we will live together from now on!
They kiss me goodnight, and we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together. We go to parks, we go to zoos, always together. Appa still leaves sometimes because of his work, but never for long. He promised to take me with him someday, so I can sing with my Cheollie-samchon and Seokmin-samchon and dance with Chan-samchon--I can’t wait to go! Appa is always handsome when he sings and dances. 
Eomma is always with me now. She wants to write at home with me. She says she’s writing something about our family! She doesn’t cry at night anymore. But she’s sillier. She sometimes wakes up with Appa’s shirt! I told her not to because she doesn’t return it to poor Appa. We make pancakes together every morning, and she makes me yummy sandwiches and rice and corn soup to take to school. 
Cameras still follow us around, but not that much anymore. Appa smiles a lot more, and we always laugh and play together, except when I am being too naughty. He still asks me whose baby I am and I still ask him whose appa he is, and the answer will always be the same! He promised me and it made me happy! 
Appa and Eomma will always be with me now. I know that because I saw them wear rings around their necks that are the same and they said it means forever. I wanted to have one because it looks like magic! I always make sure they wear it because it means forever and I want them to be together forever. 
Bye! Appa is waving at me now, and he wants me to run to him and give him a kiss. 
We are going home.
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TROS EPISODES | Ep. 1| Ep. 2 | after-party | Ep. 3 | only us |  Ep. 4 | afterglow |  Ep. 5
- Admin Leanne
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elysicndrcvm · 4 years
━♡ guess the 23 YEAR OLD FEBRUARY baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because CHU EUNHA is just as BEDAZZLING as the month of FEBRUARY. wait, why do they remind me of JACOB BAE? beyond that, they seemed JOYOUS and SAVVY upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of DELICATE and QUIXOTIC though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX 1 / APARTMENT 0215 / FLOOR 3 ; HE seem(s) to have a lot going on with HIS job as a PATISSERIE OWNER/NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE STUDENT. ( ez, 21, she/they, gmt. )
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     well hey there !! im ez but you fellow dallyeogers can call me ezzy, i have been in dallyeog before so some may remember me as having someone v different to my new bb i bring u now, i joined before with miss tam carmen !! anygays i return with this lil angel who i am all ‘ i say that’s my baby and i’m proud ’ over already even tho i literally came up with him like two days ago. you can find his pinboard here ( which btw i fuckeN love like he’s so aesthetic to me u go king ) and i made him a lil playlist which u can vibe to here. you can learn more about him under the cut but he’s a super soft-hearted gentle dove of a muse and quite...simple for me ?? sdhdh that’s not the right wording but U GET IT djjflg he isn’t super full of angst or trauma he’s just kinda viBIN livin his best life so that’s fun !! but ye without further ado: 
so as u kno from his app he owns a patisserie, it’s his lil babey and he is very dedicated to his craft and makin sure all his ideas for the place and the baked goods he sells are like rlly quirky and avant-garde. like he is so passionate about it u dont even KNOW, he tries to make sure most of the stuff on his menu is something like fun and new u wouldn’t get at just any old patisserie or cafe and that it’s super varied and also kinda aesthetic af? the place is very like trendy. it’s called patisserie d’elysian cause ya know he’s an extra biTCHH and proud.
he has three pupperino’s. all as adorable as each other, snickerdoodle is his golden lab and often ppl shorten it down to snickers, butterscotch is his dapple daschund pup, shortens the name to scotchie often. toulouse is his fancy toy poodle boi, shortens the name down as toto. if u are on the shortened name basis with his pups then u can consider urself one of his close pals. 
he’s actually adopted by his aunt but she raised him like she was his mother so that is what he considers her, she’s on his mother’s side but they are half-siblings. in terms of first name reasoning as well she just liked eunha as a name and didn’t even think about how it is traditionally for a female, she liked that it meant gift from heaven so it stuck. his father is still around, he’s just quite elderly so it felt like a better living situation for him to be raised primarily by his auntie. unfortunately his mother has passed on but no tragic story, she just went peacefully in old age. 
he dyes his hair quite often, it’s currently like a really pastel blue with black streaks consistently throughout like lil ones so it looks super cool. but he’s also had it be a more electric blue, lilac, and a duck egg kinda faded silvery blue. it’s naturally dark brunette. has brown eyes kind of a hazel hue. 
his style is kinda androgynous ig?? he just lives for soft retro fashion, lots of color in his wardrobe but also lots of tapered short and t-shirt fits frequented, sweater vests, rolled up jeans, high skater boi socks, soft jumpers with shirts, shirts in bright colours or satiny texture worn over plain white t-shirts, cardigans, pastel denim jackets, jeans with printed patterns on like clouds, flowers etc, favors yellow and blues. sometimes does eye makeup, occasionally wears heels bc he’s a baddie or super heeled boots/chunky shoes. 
obsessed with music, can play violin and guitar. he’s a big mitski and rina sawayama fanatic, likes anything that sounds peaceful or calming or has like a good fun vibe to it. also likes the trademark gay icons like carly rae jepsen, lorde, etc. he’s not ashamed. obsessed with mamma mia movies. but also likes rap which is rlly funny cause its like the bad bitch female rappers only and like he’ll listen to it while arranging his sock drawer or making his bed or something ajdjdj it’s like hype anthems for being a baddie and a hoe and he’s just doing his night sleepy routine adkfkf. 
showers, blankets, music, baked goods especially bagels are his happy places. 
very much a sensitive lil romanticist, falls in ‘love’ like five times a day, he just likes to giggle and smile around pretty people and admire the artwork hnghdh, he’s like yeARNS though ya know?? like he’s all i will flirt by making prolonged eye contact, i made you a playlist, this song makes me think of you etc. it’s either memes as flirting with him or elaborate love letters u never know what ur gonna get akdkd. 
awful sense of humour, loves his friends more than anything on earth except his pups, would fully live in a huge house of just like his pups and all his closest buds for all eternity. likes fruits way too much, enjoys puns about fruits way too much. milkshakes, sushi, orange hues and bus rides are some of his absolute favorite simple pleasures of life. clouds, flowers, salt lamps, the sunrise over the sea, skateboarding, fresh soda, teddy bears, busy street markets, parasols, fish tanks with exotic fish, sorbet, bike riding, polaroids, record players, rain at night against floor to ceiling windows with a fresh steaming pot of tea on the desk beside it and warm fresh sheets from the laundry on his bed, ponds, skateboarding. all little joys in life that give him like the biggest pleasure dopamine hit in the world. 
his cousin actually owns a florists so he has flowers just littering his apartment like a lot and it just looks like he has ten million suitors from the late eighteenth century attempting to court him but no all these flowers are from him to him or worse from his aunt djfjg she sends him some for valentines every valentines, pls help him, pls send him flowers. 
studies nutritional science and he fucken hates it. do not ask him shit cause he doesn’t KNOW OKAY? he doesn’t understand it either. he took it because he needed something to go alongside the passion for baking that was a real ‘qualification’/job so that is the only reason he’s doing it. no point doing a baking degree after all when he’s already a baker with a business, he’s super young still he gotta keep his prospects open. so YAH. he’d rather be doing culinary arts but eh. nutritional science sounded better and more logic based. the real miracle is he still gets top grades all the time even tho he spends his life like wtf am i even doing is this even legit akdkdk. school is the worst thing in the world for him watch his mood instantly deflate the second its brought up. 
despite being a quixotic, he’s a lil afraid of intimacy. like oh god does he love it, those small touches and acts of affection u kno? the subtle things that normally go unnoticed, eye contact, brushing of hands, linking of little fingers, rubbing a thumb, kissing eyelids or foreheads or palms or shoulders in little gentle pecks, back massages and rubs or finger tracing patterns absent-minded, shoulder massages, laying your head on someone’s shoulder or on their lap, knocking knees together, exchanging a small glance only the two of you get before bursting into laughter, smiling into kisses, napping together, having blankets placed over you warm and fresh, or towels put ready like it, someone making you something they know you like a lot. that’s his sHIT. but like he’s terrified still, someone skimming their fingers on his skin makes his breath hitch like he’s a scandalized and alarmingly aroused victorian woman sjdjd. he’s literally still a virgin, he hasn’t even had his first kiss okay my baby is delicate be gentle with him akdkd but he still LIKES PASSION AIGHT kfkf. 
real soft spoken, honey tinted voice like i shit u not this boy talks like he’s an angel sent from heavens above to guide you to the paradisaical garden of eden or some shit akdkd. ur gonna fall in love with eunha’s voice before u even fall in love with any other part of him like his adorable beaming smile or stunning eyes akdkf. 
has dance parties around his room when getting ready in the morning, listens to bella’s lullaby unironically yes from twilight yes u heard right, bit of a himbo streak sometimes in his obliviousness djfjf. quite silently subtly funny actually much like jacob himself. 
he is gay, afraid of driving, cannot do math, blanks out often and he is valid for all of those things. has a collection of cartoon and disney animal movie dvds. has a dream notebook. always has blue painted nails in some kinda shade. 
does not enjoy turning in assignments bc he is scared he’ll fail, avoids looking at his grades for weeks after they’re released and hates knowing that they’re out. 
cannot dance, dances often. collects vintage stuff esp clothes and mostly sweaters. likes midnight trips to corner stores and fields where he can just lay and look at the stars. makes friends rlly easily but has super bad performance anxiety. cannot ever have a messy room like even the tiniest bit messy. even like clothes being stacked on a chair instead of away. 
bakes peanut butter, banana and choc chip muffins (they r called monkey bites normally) whenever he’s super stressed. if u want to cheer him up when he’s anxious or stressed then u should give him french lavender honey, chia seeds and caramelized pear on toast/bagel. it is his comfort food. he fancii when he needs a pick me up. treat urself and all that. 
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