#shrodinger's feelings
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I really hope noone has made this joke already
Transcript below the cut
A comic titled "The First and Only Time Prism met Solaris at Zoraxis.
The small arrow pointing at Prism in the first panel reads 'Thinking out loud', while she says "I can't figure out what's missing from my robots".
The next panel is Solaris, with a small arrow pointing to her, which states 'Literally leaving Zoraxis' as she says "LAZERS."
The final panel is a close up of Prism who is saying "Lazers..!"
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Since you tapped readmore, have some bonus yuri. For the soul.
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musicalcompanions · 8 months
Idk how to explain this but these latest JJK chapters feel somewhat nihilistic to me. It’s like nothing anyone does really matters in the end and everyone is just going to die unfulfilled.
I’m not even sure if I like it or not.
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horror-aesthete · 1 year
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Van Helsing, 2004, dir. Stephen Sommers
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featherlouise · 10 months
waking up with a dead phone is SUCH a weird experience. Like. I usually go thru all the motions of waking up before going downstairs to charge my phone but until then it's like I exist outside of time or some shit.
Fkin weird
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blastburnt · 9 months
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erythristicbones · 1 year
had another one of those moments where i spent three days thinking "nobody's gonna like EOTA, it's too confusing and i gotta change a bunch of things, why am i even trying to publish it first when i have stories that are gonna hit harder"
and then opened the draft today to make said changes and went "hey wait a minute, this slaps actually"
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
Mai is basically your OC at this point lol
a little bit especially with my 10000000 AUs orz I do my best to mostly just exaggerate and play with her canonical personality tho! particularly from the english translation of the game 'cause thats what im most familiar with but a little bit of what ive seen of her from the original japanese game and the manga and stuff!
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whomturgled · 1 year
is it possible to have a (hypo?)manic episode spurred by withdrawal from adderall for abt a week or so then big emotional distress and resuming Adderall (finally able to get refill) or am I just being crazy and looking for some sort of correlation/cause/effect
like its back in my system and I'm still in emotional dismay but like the Adderall seems to be helping me be calm/focus instead of all at once but then I'm also like a little hysteric almost and way too hyped and like I'M FUCKING HOT AND SEXY !!! ILL BE FINE. ITS FINE<3 FUTURE IDEAS AND PLANS AND OTHER FOCUSES and push all the negative away for now and only think of the good and finally able to stop just sobbing pathetically but now I'm having a hard time shutting up and coming up with all these ideas and projects and the only thing stopping me from a lot of impulses is the fact that im tired from the prior emotional distress which. is still present but im like. suppressing her LOL and fibromyalgia pain and fatigue flaring a bit so not quite enough energy and knowing I'm feeling a bit weird so not allowing myself to give myself the directions to do some of the silly stuff I wanna do suddenly ykwim like I'm trying to keep a hand on the reins here but by golly theyre wildin' (they being me)
also I feel like I can feel my heart and organs a bit and jittery but also I don't feel but I do but
i even started talking abt trying drugs for a hot second like what the fuck so I realized I shld table that for another time but. i kinda wanna look as hot as possible do some cute makeup look like a grungey hoe as is the aesthetic i often enjoy and post thirst traps and there's a lot of reasons that prob say a lot abt my psych but also just bc feelin myself ig ???? and wanna be likeI AM HOT ,!!!!! IDK LOL !?!??!?
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eatember · 1 year
The downside of growing up in a place where cringe out-groups weren't a thing is that now I have fuckall instinct for what activities will attract what people irl.
In my hometown? Absolute coolest people at ren faires and larps and shit. There are people into furries and hacking etc who are based and very popular! Here? Completely different. How did they fuck it up this badly.
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cleromancy · 8 months
jasons got so much black and white thinking at times like. if Bruce can't do this for me he never loved me. if Bruce never loved me i am unlovable. if im unlovable i might as well be hated for something ive done instead of something i am...
its that last one thats the only thing that really keeps me firmly in camp shrodingers felipe... like i vehemently disagree that jason having done it is like "proof" he was ~already bad~ or ~too damaged~ or whatever the fuck dumbshit. like morally speaking jason weighed this mans life over the life of his next victim and made a choice and while you don't have to agree with him, or judy koslosky for that matter (batman 422, jason goes on to paraphrase her in lost days)... like, come on. it was explicit that the law and batman couldn't touch him, he bragged he was gonna do it again, jasons options as presented to him were "let him" or "kill him".
but the reason i continue to like the ambiguity there about whether or not jason did kill the guy is because bruces reaction... i mean my god, compare and contrast ollies reaction when 16-year-old *mia* thought she had to kill someone while ollie visibly disagreed-- ga 39:
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ga 40:
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^ btw this is also one reason OF MANY why i kill and eat anyone who compares ollie negatively to bruce. fava beans nice chianti etcetera etcetera
(dinah also reams him out about it more in this same issue while they're breaking up. read green arrow 2001 🔫)
anyway. fuckin buce by contrast
batman (1940) 424
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batman 425
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just to start. (ditf starts at issue 426 btw.) (also god starlin is such a hack. Bruce directly causes the deaths of 3 people in 425-- two by jumping out of the way of gunfire so they hit each other, one by accidentally knocking over an unstable pile of cars. but sure, Jason's the one who can't handle it.)
anyway. all this just to say that if jason truly did not kill felipe but bruce believed he did and that leads directly to him feeling so unloved that he runs away to find his birth mom and yknow. gets murdered bc she sold him out bc, from his perspective, *she* also found him unlovable...
jason todd should have killed more people 🤷
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ewesless · 17 days
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My humble answer is...
(Romance-y stuff first then the section below that is…other activities)
Content Warning for any other readers: Canon x Canon, Crossdressing, BDSM Dynamics, tons and tons of personal interpretations and almost a fic outline
At first glance someone might think, "They're too unalike, they have no common interests. Barbatos is too cool for him and Levi hates him because he's successful, confident and widely respected." And one would be wrong!! The main things they have in common are Gaming, Sewing, Creating Artwork and Cooking (in that order only because Levi's still a hobbyist and Barbatos's love of baking and cooking is on par with Levi's fanatical love of Ruri-chan.)
Barbatos may not be into watching anime or reading manga, but he buys merch for Diavolo and is supportive of a substantial number of things Diavolo does (which extends to Levi hehehe) but he is a major gamer. In two different events (Cyber and Smash Devils) and in a variety of OM daily chats he games with Levi as well as plays his recommended games (and Levia-chan gets his little scaly ass handed to him when they play!)
One of my favorite scenarios for them developing into a couple is that Levi finds out what an awesome sewist he is (HDD 2021 card "An Amazing Outfit for You" and Belphie's Plushie card are two examples) and is awestruck. "PLEASE teach me your techniques! What is your secret?!?" But Barbatos doesn't just teach him, he makes him things too! Costumes, does his Makeup, Props, plushies and food replication!
I headcanon that Barbatos takes Diavolo and Leviathan to conventions too, they could absolutely group cosplay. Barbatos is a gamer so we know they already chat and hang out online, and Barbatos has been to his room multiple times now so it's not implausible that they'd like to hang out 1 on 1 too. (In Otaku Podcast Mini Barbatos scares the shit out of him by how familiar he mades himself with Levi's room and the secret box he has) If LEVI lets someone not just touch his things and explore them (oop lol that sounds….) but lets him rearrange his things and even advise him on what to do about them you know that is some deep, deep, trust and approval. He admires him a lot too, he experiences jealousy and idolizes him too so we know that Levi already has strong feelings about him!!
I think that whenever Barbatos would show him approval or acknowledgement it would direct hit something deep inside him that is painfully wounded and mend a little crack in his heart. I think Levi needs to impress others, but won't admit it. He's too caught up in the "normies can kick rocks! Get rekt! I don't care what those people think!" but he obviously felt the pressure of Barbatos's expectations to a degree near that of Lucifer's because he was almost in tears from the stress of working with them (he chose them!) during Luke's Birthday in 2022. So I think making him proud of him or surpassing his expectations (Shrodinger's High/Low expectations lol) would be important to him. I don't really read Levi's (or anyone else's) romantic options and don't go out of my way to read his cards, so this is mostly based off of my interpretations from events and storylines. I don't feel confident in my characterization either. Somebody is going to hate on me for that some day. I can feel it.
Oh, but back to the topic. So they start hanging out in order to do sewing and that leads to talking about all kinds of things and warming up more. Levi is like, "Wait what?? You mean…he's not as intimidating and far above us as I thought???" Barbatos cooks for him whenever he gets hungry or has already prepared bentos and other anime themed foods and teaches him how to recreate/copycat for him too. So as they bond Levi accepts that he really is a friend of his and not just his big brother's coworker/the Royal Butler/Popular Guy and humoring him. He subtly starts to tell him about his interest in crossplaying too (Legendary Dame, HELLO~) and while that's not really something Levi HIDES (he did) that Barbatos responds positively and supportively (Diavolo too, he cosplayed RURI and Barbatos cosplayed Azuki-tan in support and to show their appreciation for Levi and his interests in the S2 Anime!)
So Levi dresses up and is all blushy and nervous and feeling excited and happy because he's just so COOL about this!? AND GIVES MAKEUP ADVICE THAT EVEN ASMO HADN'T KNOW??? (Dame card) And the first thing Barbatos does is tells him he looks cute and wears it well, he compliments his dress and makeup! (Or beautiful, depends on whether he's in a magical girl outfit or if he's cosplaying someone elegant like the Kuudere Elf Queen Seraphina)
So after this, one thing leads to another and Barbatos crossplays with him (He self vowed that Legendary Dame was never again, but I am going to just say that that doesn't mean he's banned from other elegant femme attire) Levi doki-dokis like crazy! So now he's down bad for Lady!Barbatos, "B-but that's just because of the character he's portraying, right?? I don't have a crush on my big brother's co-worker/the Royal Butler/The Popular Guy????"
Barbatos got so excited about sewing for MC and dressing MC up that not once, but twice he gets carried away and starts taking measurements or holding clothes up to their figure (promptly apologizes and then we can't even acknowledge it) So maybe that happens with Levi too and now that Levi has doki-dokis when Barbatos gets that close to him HORMONAL EXPLOSION~. "Ooooookay, that definitely isn't just because of the character he was cosplaying" lols anxiously
Where this goes is going to be non-specific because I love endless possibilities, but definitely gets intimate. Possibly the first time they get frisky is while in cosplay (Levi is like a teenage boy in a 30 year old body, I swear. And then you have Barbatos who pops off with those romantic and suggestive dialogues to tease like WHAAAAAAAT??? So, he would totally egg (lol unintended) him on and turn him into a flustered sweaty mess without even taking his own clothes off.) 70% probability of while couple cosplaying a yuri or yaoi ship, but they go all the way as themselves and after a barrier is overcome (Levi's self-esteem and his doubts about whether the person he's into is ACTUALLY? FOR REAL??? SERIOUS??? You're not just messing with me and going to humiliate me and then gloat about it because I'm a socially awkward otaku loser and you're a hot demon butler whose effortlessly perfect?) So it would be a combination of shame/comfort and hurt/comfort…maybe?
Their first anniversary gift from Barbatos would be a fully custom designed outfit for them to wear, there would be a necklace or other jewelry included in a hidden treasure way and it would have an engraved message on the back/inside along with a handwritten letter. Levi's would be a physical photo album with their cosplay adventures and outings/pilgrimages/foodie tours and one-day vacation photos with sweet notes and memories written on the backs of them. (I'm not very good at this type of romance tbh, but memories and keepsakes are important to them both)
On a side note they have SO MUCH KINK CHEMISTRY. Levi wants to be bullied, humiliated, called names and degraded? Barbatos is absolutely brutal with all of this, and probably has Dacryphilia to some extent (cough MAMMON) He would not be against-- on second thought this part got too explicit. [SNIP]
He would be creative at this in subtle ways, even during normal group conversations, that would leave Levi speechless and doki-doki'ing. On the flipside, Barbatos praises and shows his gratitude in significant ways so this would extend to intimate activities and he is a very attentive lover/dom who anticipates the needs of others so he would give Levi aftercare and approval tailored to each scene, "feed and water" him (Barbatos…why did you word it like that before?) and then tuck him into bed with a goodnight kiss. (Barbatos doesn't stay overnight of course. He has a Diavolo at home to think of after all and Diavolo is prone to mischief and misbehavior when he is away.) He would also discipline him and use a reward system that also subtly helps strengthen Levi's resilience and build his self-esteem.
Since I headcanon they both lay eggs (Barbatos is a salamander dragon Demon and Levi is a snake dragon) if Levi previously didn't go through that as an Angel (due to contrivances on my part) he would definitely be hiding that or in denial and Barbatos is observant as hell. That can lead to anywhere can't it ^^;
Well, now I'm embarrassed and idk how to sign off ;w; Oh wait, yes I do, Ballz! (inside joke)
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thresholdbb · 2 months
I really can't figure out how I feel about Chakotay...
I love him I hate him he's there he's not they need him he's useless he's alive he's dead
He's Shrodinger's Chakotay
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zeestarfishalien · 11 months
Life works differently in Amity Park
[lore for ghost cannibalism au series I’m writing but feel free to use this elsewhere. It can be read as its own ficlet]
Amity isn't sure exactly when it became more. To some degree it has been 'more' for a very long time, but it was never quite to this level until He came.
At 1:17 P.M. CST on August 3rd of 20XX two unique beings came into existence at the same time. Electricity and Ectoplasm from the realm that ties all realms together flooded into Amity Park in an explosive combination, not unlike the Big Bang. At the center of this reality altering event was The Boy; at it's perimeter, Amity Park. In a way, Amity Park came into being as a way to protect the rest of the dimension from the effects of the tear in reality. Amity could absorb ectoplasm and grow into it's own sentience.
The Boy is the source, and the kindred soul. They are both forever marked by the same event from which they were born. Born, may not be the right word, but transformed doesn't quite cover their metamorphoses or the sheer extent of the change. Metamorphosis doesn't quite fit right either, so 'born' it is.
The Boy is Kin and even when He leaves Amity's protective borders, it keeps Him within their senses. It makes sure He remains mostly unharmed. He is strong, but Amity is protective. It has never had kin before Him. Amity never had much reason to move before The Boy began leaving its borders. Sure, it was vaguely aware that it was capable of such a thing but there was no desire to, not until The Boy went to Wisconsin. Amity went with Him.
Later, Amity doesn't follow Him around, He becomes annoyed when it does that all the time, but without Him, Amity is bored. Sometimes jumping to somewhere else eases the boredom. It gets to watch the changes from both within and without itself. Different states have different laws and reality bends around Amity in such a way that no one notices its movement. No one who cares enough to try and stop it at least.
Amity can't come with Him to New Jersey. Lady Gotham is mean and territorial like the spirits of the realm between realms. They don't like what Amity is. She can't eat Amity but Amity is also too similar to her. Similar but different. Lady Gotham does try to eat The Boy. Amity doesn't like that and badgers her borders briefly but Lady Gotham is a spirit and similar enough to The Boy that they have to fight. She has to try to eat him and he has to try to eat her. It is ritual and as much as Amity doesn't like it, Amity is used to this. So many spirits have been in and out of it through the tear, the very tear that made Amity.
Most of the people of Amity Park don't know of the movement of their city. Reality trying to reassert its rules over the humans within this dimension. Of course, those who have had extended contact with the tear in reality have a higher resistance to Reality's assertions. It's still difficult for anyone to realize Amity's exploits unless they leave its borders and thus very few have noticed.
Amity is proud of itself and its people. It may try to keep as many of them within its borders as possible, discourage them from leaving. They are safer within and Amity is fond of them. The Boy would never allow it to keep people from leaving but He doesn't seem to mind that it gives certain nudges here or there.
Amity Park is alive as much as it is dead and things just work different there.
Btw this is not originally my idea. I first saw it in Shrodinger’s Bat by Michaelisunderrated on AO3. I just snagged the idea of “city goes where it wants” and ran with it to create this
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nerves-nebula · 3 months
I knew my parents weren’t the best parent wise and I knew they were bad ideologic wise but I had figured I dodged any real abuse since I didn’t even realize I was queer until I left. Then my grandpa got hospitalized and I had to see them again and I went full non-verbal. I hadn’t even considered myself abused when I cut contact with them but then there I was with a viscerally undeniable trauma response.
Ik your turtles all kinda have a little denial or “so-and-so had it worse” going but do any of them get a moment like that? Where they think they got out of something scot free only to have an intense reaction later & realize “oh shit,, that was BAD bad. I’m like a victim and shit”? Or maybe Casey, April or Karai?
ummmm hmmm hard to sayyy.
April wasn't abused by her parents but deals with a lot of self isolation due to bullying when she was younger and she might not really understand that her isolation is a trauma response but idk if she ever has an "oh shit" moment so much as an "aww thats what that was" moment
Casey is very aware of being abused but in the kind of "yeah adults were all shit to me" way. i don't think he uses the *language* of abuse/trauma but he understands it pretty well, even if he doesn't use Therapy Speak or Psychology Words to discuss it.
Karai is shrodingers abuse victim cuz i don't really know what her relationship with shredder is like yet on account of um. me not developing shredder very much. all i know is that the foot is kind of cult-y so she prolly has some cult-trauma hangups but other than that idk.
honestly the closest to this i can think of is Leo, who, despite everything, thinks his brothers were abused way worse than he was for a longgg time.
like once they get her to admit there was abuse she feels bad for having been treated so well in comparison. she thinks that *THEY* were all abused and *SHE* got off relatively easy by being the favorite. so she's prolly the only one with a kind of "wait. you mean I was a victim too?!" moment.
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sisislair · 4 months
Not sure if I'll ever actually write this so I wanted to make sure it got put out into the world, but I think that Alucard and Xie Lian would have such fucking interesting conversations about immortality together. Alucard who is immortal because he is a vampire, but also because he is just a shifting mass of souls pre shrodinger's cat. Alucard post shrodinger's cat! Think about that! Vs Xie Lian who can't die but is also still very very achingly mortal. I wouldn't call it not dieing so much as not staying dead. I don't know, I feel like they would have a lot to talk about. Add in some details about what it means to be a monster vs a man for both of them, as well as their respective relationships? Relationships both based on worship and being equal at the same time? Y'all please if I can't write this into existence someone else needs to!!!
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
crimson rivers thoughts (12)
chapter 26
rip james potter’s leg he’s gone full peeta
sirius is visiting reg
reg ���️
talking about throwing up is arguably the worst part of this fic so far
“It's fine. I didn't even like this shirt. (Sirius really liked this shirt.)”
i am legitimately shaking but i don’t know if this is important so i need to read it
please stop talking about throwing up
poor regulus i feel so bad
and hes throwing up again
i cant even think about this what if i just skim the rest
ok pov switch thank god
oh no i forgot remus has to go back… 
sirius is so considerate
nooo remu
sirius pov again im praying there isn’t any more throwing up
and there it is.
poor regulus ahhhhh i just feel so bad for him like. i want to give him a hug.
why doesn’t regulus want to see james ☹️
sirius is visiting james now
that was sweet. sad, but sweet.
remus pov again
remu ❤️‍🩹
can someone tell me why the rat is my 5th most used emoji
"You're so precious to me, did you know that?"
remus loves sirius (duh)
chapter 27
i’m sad for wolfstar what’s gonna happen
"You can trust that the only person I have an interest in seeing naked is your brother." 😭
this hallow drama is actually hilarious
reggie 💔
i’m scared that pandora is going to die in the future bc we have t seen any of her pov
this is so sad.
no thoughts just sadness.
“i’m collecting them all” i’m glad to see you making jokes reg
"Oh, this is just the bruise finally blooming from where I tripped and fell the moment I saw you,"
this was a lighter chapter but still sad
chapter 28
back to james pov
oh no a nightmare
CRAP I FORGOT ABT MY MATH HOMEWORK it was due yesterday but she hasn’t graded it yet so if i turn it in now she won’t take of points for it being late
math homework is finished! back to reading (suffering)
oh yeah. nightmare. ☹️
"I wasn't supposed to go through this," no james, you were not. i’m sad now (i have been sad)
james leave regulus aloneeee (don’t leave him alone)
shrodinger’s cat mention
i’m actually crying right now.
nooo why are the fighting
james is getting his glasses back soon!!! huzzah
"I don't want to be a great, big tragedy anymore,"
“it’s a parting gift” i’m crying again
regulus and remus friendship <3
“we broke up” “you were together?” 😭
ugh this is so sad. already i’ve cried more times than reading atyd AND choices and ive barely made a dent in cr
oh no interview prep
evan mention 💔
every time i see the word hallow in this fic im like “i need to add this (hallow/hollow) to my list of homophones” and i never do bc im writing all my thoughts in my notes app and my homophones list is in a different folder than my marauders thoughts 
chapter 29
oh me oh my hanky panky happening in this chapter i wonder for who
every time i call sex hanky panky i give myself the ick
"We broke up? This is news to me” james 😭
“No one needs romantic love to be fulfilled as a person. Not everyone wants it, and then there are those who aren't ready, and all of it is okay. That doesn't mean there's an absence of love, or that you're getting it wrong. You're not, Regulus, I promise." 
they’re holding hands (but for sad reasons)
interview time i’m scared
evan ☹️☹️☹️
vanity ☹️☹️☹️
“We love your love, don't we?" 💔
this is so sad omg i genuinely don’t know how im going to survive this
so he’s just been wearing contacts this whole time?
ok i need to go do my duolingo. 
i am back from duolingo.
james telling sirius to go have sex with remus on their last night 😭 i mean fair. they should
"I'm absolutely thinking about your brother right now." oh, james
james telling sirius about him and reg 😭 poor sirius
sirius asking james for tips 💀
“i expect all the details” james fleamont potter 😭
sirius is such a good brother. i love him. 
remus pov !!
“i would not have known joy if i did not have the pleasure of knowing you”
ugh wolfstar. i love you. 
😯 hanky panky
spine has been realigned
ok but any time any of them ever talk about getting off it just makes me think about one time when i was at a district choir concert and when we were practicing one of our songs the director said “there won’t be a dry seat in the audience” (he meant dry eye, bc the song was beautiful, but it just came out like everyone in the audience would dream their pants 😭) but. unnecessary story and it isn’t really that funny unless you were there but. 
chapter 30 (?!)
evan 💔
remus ‘reading’ sirius’ mind 😭
they have to say goodbye ☹️
barty mention!!!!
*singing* i just miss you and i just wish you were a better man
“i love you” eeeeeeeee
omg kissing
and it’s over.
“i don’t want to hurt you anymore” 💔
eeeee they’re kissing again
“it’ll take a while but later—much later—james will look back on this and wonder, sadly, if it was a parting gift, too.” WHAT
sirius kissing the mask so remus will always have a sirius kiss
i love pandora
wolfstar goodbye 💔
the fact that all of this happened in the span of two weeks
effie and monty!!!!!!!!!!
the next chapter is lily… should i read it or go to sleep 
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