#shugo x you
trueshellz · 2 years
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Part of my Invisible Illness Series
Warnings: endometriosis, heavy bleeding, pain, cramping, reader crying, cuddles, tummy rubbing, female reader.
Summary: As if a 'normal' period wasn't bad enough...
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Shugo dropped his bag in the hallway as he opened the door, eyes squinting in the dim light as he flicked the hallway switch. He couldn't hear you singing in the kitchen like usual, didn't hear the TV blasting a random movie like usual, there was no singing from the bathroom as you sat in the tub surrounded by bubbles.
It was utterly quiet.
He had been a little concerned when you hadn't attended the after game party, you were usually happy to meet his teammates and go out for food. He had trouble keeping Hinata, Bokuto and Atsumu calm while you were around. They were so adamant on showing off and being loud, each of them vying for your attention and causing a scene. But today you had barely spoke to him, one or two word responses to his texts and declining his calls. Instead of staying out with his team he had chosen to leave early and figure out why you were avoiding him so much.
Head peering around the door he sighed in relief when he saw you lying on the bed curled up on your side. He could hear the small whimpers of distress, each noise tugging at his heart and when he walked over to you, he could feel the wetness on your face from a mixture of tears and sweat. As he squatted down he saw the hot water bottle on your stomach, the plethora of medication on the bedside table and the could see you massaging your stomach in tight circles.
"Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me?"
You shook your head adamantly, you had watched the boys play and celebrated their win at home by yourself. You had been all ready to go out for their post-game meal but your cramps had gone from niggling and irritating to flat out stabbing and devastating. Even after your strongest medications, a heat patch and hot water bottle you could barely move, your boobs were so painful that even your t-shirt against your nipples made you whimper in discomfort.
"Shh, I gotcha. Don't worry."
You couldn't help the whine of pain when the bed dipped, Shugo's hands pulling up your top gently to free your aching breasts. One hand tucked under them to take some of the pressure as he massaged them gently, the other hand rubbing small circles on your stomach. You could feel the heat radiating from his chest against your back, he must have taken his top off and lay behind you. He was always so warm, like your own life sized hot water bottle and had no issues with you using his warmth to ease the pain.
"Any better?"
"A bit... my boobs hurt so much, Meian. And the pills aren't working, I bled through two outfits and got one of your t-shirts dirty too. I'll wash it later, I'm sorry."
"Hey. Hey. Listen to me, do not apologise for this ok? Seeing you in pain kills me and I dont give two shits about my shirt. Just throw the damned thing in the trash, burn it for all I care."
"I just-"
"Baby, listen. Clothes and belongings mean shit all to me, you are the most important person in my life. OK?"
Between the warmth of his body and the lull of his voice in your ear, the last thing you recalled was Shugo telling you the crazy antics of the team as your eyes drifted shut and you fell asleep.
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cannibalsrider · 3 months
Ill betray you like a man
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wc. 2,705
pairings: post timeskip! atsumu x mangaka!fem reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol,mentions of sex and hookups, unhealthy relationships, hurt/no comfort, actual pure pain, wtv else for tags I'm not sure
an: i rlly liked writing this i might make a part 2 for this if you guys like this but send requests if u have any characters and prompts you want written for!
Tokyo had seemed colder that night. The two of them sat on the curb in front of the bar where they and their friends had always seemed to be regulars. But tonight was different. It was just the two of them—no Bokuto, Meian, Hinata, or anyone else to steer the conversation. It was unusually quiet for them. The only light flickering between them was the click of her lighter as she let the cigarette hang from her lips. Atsumu moved his hands as if it were second nature to help her light it after she struggled and grumbled strings of incoherent curses at the wind.
“Thank you,” Y/N mumbled as she took a long drag from the cigarette. The smell seemed to relax them both after the long day they had. Atsumu gave a small nod as he watched her for a moment. Something in him felt the memories of high school returning—the late nights they would sit outside after a long day, or after losing to Karasuno in their second year when they sat in the cold night watching the stars just to comfort each other. It seemed like a recurring thing, them sitting outside together like this throughout their relationship and their friendship afterward. It might seem cliché to think about it, even after so many partners they’ve both had since high school, but something always seemed to keep them tied together as if it was fate for them to hurt this much.
“Thanks for the drinks,” he told her with a soft smile, earning him a nod.
“You always buy mine, so I just thought to return the favor,” she responded, flicking the ash from her cigarette. “Plus, you deserved it after today’s game. You did good,” she told him, the praise making him grin. Oh god, that grin always had her in a chokehold. How could he sit there and look so pretty after spending so long on the court? Why did she always want him the moment she was finally fine? It was like she had always known she was meant to be hurt but still be with him, to grow old together with her working on her manga and him in volleyball. It was supposed to be fate, right?
“It only went so well because you were in the stands watching us,” he blurted out, his voice devoid of the usual cocky tone he always wore but instead sincere, like the night he had first asked her out. She almost wanted to laugh at the thought that he believed she made him play better. She always felt like he was miles ahead of everyone in sports and some aspects of their former school life. He had always been the sun, and she was the moon. She always circled him, never able to catch up to his pace.
“You don’t need me to make you play better, Atsu. We both know you’re the star on that court every time you get on it,” she murmured, her voice soft and soothing to his ears like a lullaby in a drunken haze.
“You always made me play better ever since we were little,” he returned. At that moment, Atsumu just seemed to want to stare into her eyes for as long as he could, just to see the beauty he could always find in her no matter how drunk or sad she was. She had been the brightness in the night sky leading him back home. No matter who broke his heart, she would always be there to mend whatever the person broke.
“Because you’re my favorite player I’ve ever seen,” she hummed with a small smile. The cigarette lifted with the curve of her shiny lips, a small ring of red pigment visible if you looked as hard as Atsumu always had at her lips. To him, she was a goddess living among mortal humans, but to her, he was the mortal she always returned to, so that she could feel something away from the gods’ wrath reigning down on the mortals who had dared to anger them.
It was stupid, in a way, how Atsumu and Y/N had always sought out the other in the partners they had since their breakup on graduation day. It was like they yearned for a memory to stick with them of the other, even if it was forbidden for them to keep each other as they once had. The secret nights on the roof of the abandoned building near her house, or how his mother and grandma treated her as if she was more family than just a friend or their son and grandson's girlfriend—it was like she had wiggled her way into the hearts of everyone, even the lives of their upperclassmen and juniors. She was always there for them all but always seemed to stay Atsumu's number one fan.
It probably seemed so dumb to still hold onto the hope that he would ask her to stay with him, and they would become those grumpy old people who liked to yell at teenagers running all over their garden when they were with friends. Or how she always described her grandma and grandpa to be like—an arranged marriage still blossoming into love until their last breaths, out of pure devotion for one another. Maybe in another universe, he would have asked her to stay, and she would have stayed with him, and they lived out their dreams together instead of a loop of, "This is a one-time thing, Atsu. We can't get attached. We aren't seventeen anymore." He knew she wasn't lying; he was her favorite player, even with the wins and losses he had in high school. She was always his biggest supporter, but now it was a rare sight to see her at his games. She always found a way to make it up to him.
It was like he was the guard dog, and she was the sacrificial lamb who was always meant to be hurt from birth. He wanted to protect her from the fate she believed she was doomed to stay with till death. "That's a lot coming from someone who only remembers volleyball players if we went to school with them or if you met them while we went out drinking after games," he responded after a lick of silence. God, he must have looked like an idiot staring at her for so long.
"I was always more into art instead of sports, like you and 'Samu, but look at us now. We're all doing something that makes us happy," she said in response as she stared back at him. The air felt so stale, even with them sitting outside. For her, it felt like the lump in her throat she couldn't make go away just at the sight of him and that dopey smile he had since they were young. It all hurt too much to even bear, but she still did. She always would if it meant making him happy, no matter the cost. She had to, didn't she?
"Remember that poster you made for the volleyball club in our second year?" he asked her with a small chuckle. He remembered it so well for some reason—the look of her so excited to have helped her best friend get more popular in the sport he had grown in so much.
"Oh god, I remember it. I think it was one of my first pieces of digital art. I had mixed in with the yearbook club president's help. I still have some of the photos at my apartment, I think," she responded, exhaling the smoke she held in her cheeks. He had always thought they were so soft, even when she had little blemishes. It was always his favorite thing to touch, never in a wrong way, just in the idea that he always wanted to be close to her when she was near. Whether it was simple contact between them or just the knowledge she was there watching him at a game, even though she didn't understand anything happening, all that mattered was that it was them together. That's all it was. It had to have been; it couldn't have been more than it was.
"I'll have to come over and see them sometime. I'd think the social media manager would love to use some of my old pics for a throwback post or something," he huffed with a small grin. She perked up.
"There's a beautiful park not far from here if you wanna go for a walk. Since I'm pretty sure we both are probably too drunk to drive currently, Atsu," she said with a laugh that made his stomach churn with regret of the past. A smile turned up at the corner of his lip.
He stood up, brushing his dusty hands off on his jeans. “C’mon then, we’re not getting any older here sitting on the curb like we’re waiting for something to happen,” he told her with a smile, holding out his hand. She smashed the lipstick-stained cigarette on the concrete before taking his hand.
“I’ll show you the way. I found it when I was researching for a good location in this last chapter,” she told him, dropping the bud into a little cigarette can so they didn’t stay on the pavement.
“How did the readers like it, anyway? You never told me?” Atsumu asked, his tone curious. He was always eager to learn about how her manga was doing since she had always drawn stuff you’d think would be shoujo, not a story about a schoolgirl managing the troubles of normal life, like falling in love and meeting her soulmate, Kasai, from childhood. Even with all the pain and suffering they had caused each other since childhood, mixed with the looming threat of a man who could control much of Japan’s population as he searched for the power the girl held deep inside her—a secret not even revealed to Kasai.
“A lot of them got upset since I’d been on a break for like a week after spraining my hand when I got really drunk with Saeko and Yachi,” she answered with a soft smile. She always knew her fans could be a bit crazy. She was just glad she had always remained under a pen name, so her friends wouldn’t get harassed by people who didn’t like it or who did and would pester her siblings or parents about it. “But they’ll be fine. They always will be since I released a lot of new sketches for them to see. My editor says the fans really like them so far in this current arc,” she added, her smile never wavering as she led him down the blinding Tokyo streets lit up with different signs and billboards.
They walked towards what Atsumu knew was a constantly bustling area of Tokyo's back streets, full of natives and tourists alike. But who cared about everyone else? All that mattered to them was each other. Her footsteps made a soft crunch with each step as they got closer to the park. He could make out a swing set and a set of slides in the distance. The park seemed full to the brim with little toys left by children who must have visited before them.
“It’s really pretty, Y/N,” he told her with a kind smile. She ran over to one of the swings and sat down, as if she were a little girl once again with the same chubby cheeks, wanting to get to the swings first so she could make one of the Miya brothers push her. But now, she had grown into her body, those chubby cheeks transforming into the soft pillows of flesh that had scratched an itch in his brain he never knew he had the first time he cradled her face.
It was weird. The first time he remembered the two kissing was at a park eerily similar to this, when they had gone for a practice match with Nekoma. He remembered the cherry blossom tree right behind the set of swings, hanging over it like a shield to protect the life of a soldier who had fought through God knows what horrors. Instead, it was a tree soaked in the memories of its viewers.
Atsumu seemed to have wanted to be around her forever—the smell of cigarettes, alcohol, and her perfume strangling his nose. It felt comforting, knowing she was with him, even though it wasn't like how it was when they were younger. It was still something he would never take for granted again, as long as he breathed. He moved behind her, watching each movement he could spot as she waited for him to push her. “Do you think you would have stayed when I asked, Y/N?” he said, loud enough for her to hear. Her movements stilled, as if she was holding her breath as tight as she could, trying to wake herself up. Maybe God was just trying to torture her for the sins of her current and past lives, wanting to take vengeance for whatever she must have done. Maybe she had killed one of his angels in some form they had taken, or he just wished for her to atone for her sins in this form, having to face this question she always dreaded.
“You never asked, so I don’t think we’ll ever find out, Atsu,” she responded. Her voice seemed so lost, as if she was unsure if it was the right thing to say, but she had to respond. She couldn’t leave him like that.
Y/N shot up from her spot on the bed. Her body felt ice-cold, like it was all just a cruel joke her mind wanted to play on her. That night, she couldn’t remember anything except the vague memory of going out drinking with the twins and some of their friends from high school and the team after a match between EJP and MSBY—a seemingly nice reunion for them all, except for the drunk hookups that always happened between Atsumu and her. Every time, she would say how she hated him for what he did to her and that she didn’t want him getting attached again because it wouldn’t work in any universe. Y/N and Miya Atsumu would never be a couple. It would always fail, and they would never be happy with each other, no matter the blissful times they might share. It was all over. They couldn’t cling to the hope that the connection would be there just like it was in high school. She looked over and saw Atsumu passed out, half-naked, and noticed some of her clothes scattered on the floor beside his bed. God, this felt like she was back in college again, doing the walk of shame back to her apartment after a drunken hookup. But instead, it was like a human torture machine was her heart, always dragging the deep feelings of resentment from her heart she hoped would never surface again.
She grabbed her loose pieces of clothing from the night prior. Should she feel guilty leaving him like this? She had to have felt something deep down inside as she left his bedroom without saying a single word to wake him, but something in her knew he was probably wide awake. He always was. It was like clockwork—he would get up before her and watch her every morning after, like a love-stricken dog, just like how she used to be for him for God knows how many years, like a loyal dog following its master to its grave. Instead, she was just a girl who fell too hard and allowed herself to get hurt over something so stupid.
In the end, Y/N and Miya Atsumu would always be meant to fail—the sun and the moon never being able to meet as close as they needed to but always hoping and yearning to be with one another at a point in time. But it would never happen. It couldn’t. She had to hate him for tearing her soul in two and putting it on display for everyone.
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
Vacation time with Meian, Osamu, Fukurō Hirugami and Oikawa
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The Captain of the MSBY Black Jackals takes you away to the beautiful hot spring mountains of Switzerland <3
It was a vacation long overdue, Meian being extremely exhausted from practice, working out and official matches have worn the Middle Blocker out
He felt especially bad because he felt like he was neglecting his amazing partner, you
Thankfully, it's off season now, Meian is off for a nice two months
So, when you got home from work, Meian was already waiting at your shared home for you, a big grin adorning his handsome face
"Baby, what do you say about a little get away? You and me and some nice hot springs, hot cocoa and a view of snowy mountains in the morning when we wake up?" The ravenette holds up two plane tickets to Bern and you can't help but squeal in excitement as you rush to hug him tight
When you arrive there, a mesmerising layer of glistening snow is decorating the heavenly landscape of Switzerland
You're currently leaning on your arms against the cooling sensation of the rocks of the hot springs, enjoying the heat of the steaming water and the breathtaking view of the snow covered landscape
You hear the sound of splashing water, feeling the little waves against your back
All of sudden, you feel strong arms wrap around your naked waist
Thank the heavens Meian booked the hot springs completely to yourselves, so you're able to feel everything, not a single layer of clothing as a barrier between your body and his
Meian pulls you towards his strong chest and you feel his pecs and his abs against the softness of your back
"You enjoying yourself my love?" He whispers in your ear, pressing chaste kisses against the wetness of your hair, enjoying the view of your naked body and the snow everywhere
"I have enjoyed every single second ever since we got here. This is just perfection, thank you Shūgo."
Meian grins at your words, tightening his hug from behind, happy that this is just day one from your 10 day get-away
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Onigiri Miya owner Osamu takes you to the exotic Bahamas <3
Osamu has been drained from work, his annoying brother and his restaurant that takes a lot of time to manage
You see your boyfriend every night with big bags under his eyes, looking like he is going to fall asleep just standing up
Feeling bad, you organised a trip to the Bahamas for your exhausted chef
You talked to his manager, making sure he takes over the shop while you and Osamu deserve a well-rested vacation on a sandy white beach with crystal clear water and slurping the fruitiest cocktails at the beach bar
The ravenette is currently tanning on a beach chair right by the ocean when you appear by his side, two piña coladas in your hands
The sound of the waves hitting the shore has relaxed Osamu so much, he barely acknowledges when you reappear by his side
Giggling, you move his sunglasses up a bit, staring into his tired metallic eyes
"Didn't mean to interrupt your nap, my handsome man but I got the cocktail you wanted."
"No worries, babe. I dunno how I can thank ya enough for this. Where did ya find this place?"
"I saw it on a sponsored Facebook ad from a booking page and I know how hard you have been working lately, so I figured a little get away is just what you needed."
Osamu sits up, placing the sunglasses on top of his slightly sweaty black hair, accepting the drink by placing a small kiss against your cheek, making you blush
"Cheers to us, baby."
Clinking your glasses together, you taste the first sip of the coconut foam with a hint of pineapple, the rum burning your throat a bit
"I wish we never have ta leave this place, seems too unreal."
You watch your lover with a glint in your eyes, ready to be a little bit mischievous
So you reach over to his drink and take his cherry from the whipped cream on top of the juice
"Hey! Ya have yer own cherry! That's da best part!" Osamu complains as he watches you eat it
"What are ya gonna do bout it?" You mimic his accent in a teasing manner and you get ready to run
Osamu and you chase each other through the water, splashing each other with the salty sea water, laughing with great joy like little kids going to the beach for the first time
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Fukurō, the Captain of the Schweiden Adlers takes you on an exciting adventure! A safari trip in the wildest corners of Africa <3
Fukurō got the idea from his little brother, who just recently went to Africa for his university studies of veterinary medicine
Good thing you're a big animal lover, because a romantic safari trip to see the wildlife sounds so exciting!
You put on your safari hat and you're up every morning super early to sing the opening of the lion king movie (I did this once on a vacation with my husband he was not amused I tell you that)
Seeing all the animals, taking so many pictures is making your heart jump with joy
Your favourite part out of it all was spending time with your beloved Fukurō
Usually, the chestnut-colored-haired giant is pretty chill and easy-going but ever since the two of you went on that trip, he's been kind of edgy and jumpy which is very unusual for him
One day, you and Fukurō have plans to feed the giraffes and you're not sure if your boyfriend is sweating so much because of the heat or if he is afraid of giraffes, since they are so much bigger than him
You shrug if off after asking if he's alright or if it's the heat and he assures you he's okay, you can go ahead and feed the giraffe, he wants to take a picture of you
Feeding a giraffe some lettuce leaves, you don't see or hear Fukurō taking a deep breath before he gets down on one knee
Calling your name out in a shaky voice, you immediately turn around, deeply worried that your boyfriend may faint any second
When you see him down on one knee with a small black box and a shiny gold band with a light blue diamond sitting on top its center, shining brightly with help of the intense African sunlight
Gasping in surprise, you begin to tear up, finally understanding why he has been such a nervous wreck most of the time
"I-I know we only have been dating for about a year but I have never been more sure sure about anything in my life. The moment I saw your bewitching beauty under the stadium lights at one of my games, I knew I fell under your spell. You'd make me the happiest man on earth if you agree to be my partner in crime for the rest of our lives."
Now with actual tears in your eyes, you run towards the Middle Blocker with alarming speed, knocking the air out of his lungs and him down to the ground with the impact of your body crashing into his massive one
Thankfully Hirugami caught you with one arm while still having the ring box in his other hand, securing it from falling out of his hand
"YES! I will marry you, my handsome giant!" You cry into his chest out of pure happiness
You feel the massive man laugh at your excitement and he feels like a massive weight has been lifted off of his heart
He can't wait to tell his team about his new milestone in his relationship and to begin the wedding preparations as soon as you two return from the trip
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Ever the romantic, Oikawa takes you to the city of love, Paris <3
It was a Valentine's Day surprise for you from Tōru, the Setter wanting to give you the most romantic week of a life time
The day already starts with breakfast in bed, made by the brunette himself, even if it consisted of burned toast, runny scrambled eggs and almost burned to crisp bacon
Even if Tōru burned the majority of the food he cooked for you, he wanted to give you a break from doing it for him almost every day, you appreciate his efforts
Next thing you know, your boyfriend ushers you to pack up your suitcase because you're going on a trip together
"But Tōru, what about my classes-"
"Cutie, we'll only be gone for a week. It'll be fine. Now get your sweet butt into the cab that's waiting downstairs for us, we're off to Europe!" Tōru cheers with giving you a large smile and taking your hand in his to get to the cab, ready to go to the airport
When you arrived there, it was so much colder than Argentine but thankfully the two of you packed some warm clothes for the weather in Paris
The two of you did a city tour, visited the Louvre, saw the Eiffel Tower, went inside the Notre Dame, went shopping at the Centre Pompidou and explored the Palace of Versailles
You knew that your partner is extremely attractive, but when the two of you walked around the palace of former King Louis XIV, it looked like Tōru was long lost royalty, attracting young women and even some men looked at your boyfriend with hearts in their eyes
Still, the only attention that the Setter gave to, was either you or the historical monuments that Paris has to offer
You had tasted the best wine along with the sweetest chocolate and took so many pictures together (even though Tōru took so much pictures of you that you can count for) you felt like the most special person in the world
He was always by your side, making you feel safe by his protective, caring personality and his muscular arm always resting over your shoulder, around your waist or holding your hand tightly in his, rubbing his thumb gently over the back of your hand
The week was filled with so many hugs, kisses and passionate romance, that your heart is still beating super fast whenever you think about the perfect time you spent the February week in one of the most romantic cities in the world
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magical-xirl-4 · 1 year
Shugo Chara is SO GOOD at doing slice of life. The kids hang out by going to the beach, they go shopping or go to a concert, they organise parties and events, Amu spends a day out with her family at the park, she helps her mum at the market, or she goes shopping by herself (though still accompanied by her chara’s), and it feels SO GOOD to watch them do stuff like this because it reminds you of when you were a kid, OR, when you were reading/watching it as a kid, it somewhat reflected your life and made you feel really connected with all the characters and think “hey, I’ve done this”.
Even if you didn’t do most of the things they did, it felt like you could, like you were really hanging out with kids your age and going out and being all mature. They do all of this while magical beings are hanging out with them too, but they are also individual characters with personalities that at the same time, are personally connected to you.
This is why I’ve always wanted an episode where Amu just does mundane things like going to the hairdresser. Or heck even a chapter or episode where she celebrates her birthday with all her friends.
Shugo Chara has always made the mundane seem special and fun, which is why I used to think about it A LOT when I was a child and going out with family or friends. “Amu would do this, she would speak like these to her chara’s, etc.”
I still think about it sometimes like that. It’s basically why it’s my favourite story of all time; because it feels so down to earth.
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sakuraiman · 2 years
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Mori x Kihara ‖ Lovely Unlovely
Credit for the first picture goes to @lottafandoms! They are on Tumblr, so please check them out x)
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selenealwayscries · 1 year
thinking about shugo chara again and . i will NEVER forgive peach-pit for canonizing ikuto x amu in the manga like motherfucker thatS A 12 YEAR OLD YOURE A HIGHSCHOOLER
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rennebright · 3 months
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akira by ShuGo [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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Birthday Girl
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Meian Shugo x Fem! reader (she/her)
Warnings: swearing, tiny “fight” scene, provocative dancing, kissing, Atsumu being bullied (?), suggestive themes, drinking
WC: 4.6k ~
AN: I’ve had this one in the drafts for a while and idk friends, it’s not that good 😅
“So what time are you guys heading to the club for YN’s birthday tomorrow?” Hinata asked his teammates as they pulled on their training gear and prepared for practice. Meian, listening from the other side of the lockers, was pulling on his shirt as the four youngest members of the Jackals talk about your birthday party plans.
“Well I told YN I’d pick her up so probably around 9,” Sakusa answered. A twinge of jealousy struck Meian as he slammed his locker door a little too hard, prompting Thomas and Inunaki to look over at him. Why did Sakusa have the privilege of picking you up for your special night? What made him so special?
He growled, walking past his teammates, going to the open office. Grabbing some paperwork, he began looking it over while his ears continued to tune into the conversation happening just outside.
“I booked the table starting at 8:30. I figured we could go and decorate before she got there,” Atsumu mentioned to the group as they all shook their heads in agreement.
“Ohh what did you get her? I was planning on going with Akaashi tonight to grab her gift,” Bokuto inquired as Atsumu smirked, shutting his locker and looking at his teammates.
“Like I’d tell any of you,” Sakusa huffed as Hinata and Bokuto narrowed their eyes in his direction. Atsumu just chuckled, shaking his head as Sakusa turned to his direction, “ok so tell us, what are you getting YN?”
“I’m gifting YN my assistance in bagging her a man,” Atsumu declared as Hinata, Sakusa and Bokuto looked at him in surprise, right before the burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.
“Oh my god Sumu you’re joking right?” Hinata chuckled as Thomas and Inunaki rounded the corner to join their juniors.
“You can’t even bag yourself a steady date Sumu why the hell would you pass that curse to YN?” Sakusa laughed as Atsumu narrowed his eyes, hands going to his hips.
Meian tried to focus on the paper in front of him, the list of new training techniques given to him by the coach to try but Atsumu’s declaration of his gift made it extremely difficult to do anything else. He heard Inunaki and Thomas laugh at their setter.
“Atsumu, I doubt YN needs your help in that way. She’s fucking gorgeous!” Inunaki chimed in as the paper in Meian’s hand began to crinkle as his grip tightened.
“Yeah, she probably gets laid more than any of us do!” Thomas joked as the guys all hummed in agreement.
The pencil in Meian’s hand snapped as he continued to listen to his teammates talk about you.
“Well apparently, she’s been having a dry spell for a few months. She’s caught up on some fucker or something, so I figured what better way to help her than to get her laid!” Atsumu shouted, his hands going out as he declared his resolution.
Listening to Atsumu talk about your intimate life irritated the 6’6” captain. Meian tried his best to hide his attraction to you, for years he’d managed to keep things extremely professional despite his desire for more. He watched his teammates hang all over you while he did his best to maintain order. He wanted you to feel comfortable and safe in your job and he knew exactly how stressful it could be running the lives of an entire professional men’s volleyball team.
However, it became more and more difficult the closer you and him became. On bus rides, you’d always ask to sit next to him which at first, he happily obliged. Then you’d ask for your hotel room to be next to his, just in case you needed help with organizing team activities. Soon you’d be arriving early for practice, bringing him coffee and just talking before everyone else arrived. You’d stand right next to him during team meetings and huddles, your eyes locking with him as he looked around at his teammates right before a game.
Those eyes were the same ones he pictured as he fantasized about his made-up relationship with you. He pictured waking up next to you, kissing your cheeks as he tried to drag you out of bed for morning practice. He dreamed about cooking dinner with you and relaxing in your arms after a hard day at the gym. He wanted nothing more than for those dreams to become reality.
“Yo cap, are you good?” Barnes interrupted, sticking his head into the office as Meian snapped from his thoughts, the broken end of his pencil falling to the ground as his eyes shot to Barnes.
“Yeah- yeah, come on- oh and grab Sumu, I feel like I need to hit something.”
Barnes cocked his eyebrows in response, “you do mean volleyballs right?”
Meian ignored him, making his way straight for the open gym.
He fixed his navy button down, rolling the sleeves up to his elbows and undoing the top few buttons of his shirt. He normally didn’t dress like this, opting for shorts and sweats most days but he had to admit he cleaned up pretty well.
Turning to his nightstand, he grabbed the little velvet black box that contained your birthday gift. Opening if, he observed the simple yet classy diamond necklace that he’d purchased. He’d overheard you talking about accessories onetime with one of the guys. He was looking for suggestions to get his girlfriend and you had made a comment about how a lot of women love simple, yet elegant gifts. You had also told him to make sure that he did a good and thorough job of picking it out because his girlfriend would appreciate the effort.
Meian had taken your advice to heart when going to the jewelry store. He’d done some research online, finding the perfect necklace that would suit you. He wanted you to not only be able to wear it for special occasions but daily if you so desired.
Smiling at it, he closed the box and put it in a gift bag of your favorite color. He grabbed the card, a simple one with a blank inside so he could write his own message.
He contemplated what to say and exactly how to say it. He wasn’t always the best with words, usually being blunt and loud so the guys on the team could understand him, but you weren’t just a member of the team, you were someone special.
Dear YN,
I’m not great at these things and I think you know that better than anyone. However, for you, I’m going to try my best. I hope that all your birthday wishes come true and just know, you are incredibly special to me.
Happy Birthday
Putting the card in the bag, he applied a few sprays of his favorite cologne and made sure his hair was in perfect order. As he grabbed his watch, it began to light up, signaling he had a call. He reached for his phone, accepting the call while he finished fashioning the straps.
“Sakusa what’s wrong?” He answered as the sound of Sakusa on speakerphone chimed thought.
“Fucking Sumu forgot to get YN’s cake so I have to go and get it! Apparently the bakery is about to close and Bokuto will have a crap attack if the cake he ordered isn’t there. I’ll be able to get to the club but I’d be late with Yn. Do you think you could pick her up? I told her I’d be at her place by 8:30ish and I don’t think I’ll have time to get the cake and make it to the other side of town by then.”
Meian looked at his watch, noting it was nearly 8:15, “yeah I can swing by and get her. You just take care of the cake, so Bokuto doesn’t go into emo mode at the club.”
Sakusa laughed, thanking his captain before hanging up. Meian sighed, running his hands thought his hair as he reached for his phone to text you. Sure he had wanted to be the one to take you to your birthday party but now that the opportunity was here, it made him more than a little nervous.
Meian: Hey YN, Sakusa got caught up and can’t come get ya so I’m gonna swing by your place in about 10 minutes. Is that ok?
He waited only a few seconds before his phone buzzed.
You: OMG YAY!!! That’s just fine Shugo! I’m so excited to ride with you! Just buzz my flat and I’ll let you in when you get here!
Meian smiled at your excitement, happy you were pleased he was coming to pick you up. He picked up his keys, grabbing his wallet and making his way to his car.
Once parked, he quickly threw the empty bottles of water and electrolytes in the back seat silently cursing himself for falling behind on his usual cleaning schedule. Once his car was in more presentable shape, he buzzed the bell to your apartment as the door instantly clicked open.
“Come on up Shugo!” You shouted through the speaker as he pulled the door open and headed upstairs. You lived on the third floor, but he figured taking the stairs would give him time to calm his nerves a little more. You’d hung out on numerous occasions outside of work so this wasn’t something new, but this was the first time he was actually picking you up for an activity. He only knew of your apartment because he had to pleasure of escorting you home a few times before.
He arrived at your door, a cute sign greeting guests that he thought perfectly described you as a person hanging from your door. He smiled, rapping on the door as you quickly pulled it open, the door chain jamming.
“Shit hold on!” You swore as Meian chuckled as you closed the door unlatched the chain and swinging it open once more. You stood there, a huge smile on your beautiful face and Meian slowly took you in.
Your hair was done perfectly your makeup flawless. You wore wearing perhaps the sexiest dress he’d ever seen, black satin with a low-cut neckline and petite straps that covered your mostly exposed shoulders. The dress was tight and short, stopping several inches above your knee, just above your mid thigh. You had black high heels on, with delicate bracelets around your wrists. You looked absolutely perfect.
“Wow,” he breathed out, “you look spectacular Yn.” You looked more that spectacular, you look darn right phenomenal.
A light pink blush formed on your face as you smiled at him, moving out of the way and allowing him to enter.
“Thanks, Shugo, you look incredible! I bet all the girls will be all over you tonight,” you chime in as a twinge hit Meian. He smiled and nodded, trying his best to ignore the comment, before stepping into your apartment.
“Are you ready?” He asked as you turned to grab your keys and purse. His eyes widened as he took in the entirety of your exposed back, your dress landing on your lower back. Your skin looked incredible even beneath the crappy lighting that was your apartment.
“Yep but I couldn’t find a necklace that went with this dress. Do you think it looks ok without one? I didn’t have anything that was simple.”
Meian looked at you as you stood in front of him looking absolutely perfect. Your body looked incredible, and your breast were pushed up magnificently as you waited for his response. Suddenly, it hit him, this was his chance.
“Well actually, here,” he remarked, handing you the small bag he’d gotten you for your birthday.
“Shugo you didn’t have to do this!” You exclaimed, grabbing the bag and opening it. Meian chuckled at your enthusiasm, clearly excited for the gift.
You pulled out the card, opening and reading it. Your eyes soften as your hand went over your chest and you smiled, “Shugo, you’re going to make me cry and I can’t cry, or my makeup will run!” Meian chuckle chuckled as you put the card down, going to him and reaching in for a hug. Your hands went around his neck as his hands gently slipped to your waist, holding you tight against him. You felt perfect in his arms, molding beautifully into his body.
You pulled back as he smiled down at you and nodded to the bag, “ok now open your actual present.”
You giggled as you pulled the box out, opening it, your mouth fell slack as your eyes widened with shock.
“Shugo oh my god, it’s gorgeous!” You exclaimed, stunned at the beauty of the necklace, “holy crap, this must have cost so much money! You didn’t have to do this!”
He approached you, taking it from your hand as you swing around. He gently pulled your hair to the side as you took it from him, lifting it up as he draped the necklace around you before fastening it in the back.
You turned to face the mirror, Shugo standing behind you as he watched your expression light up.
“I wanted you to have something special because of how amazing you are,” he whispered into your ear as you felt a shiver run down your exposed back. He was so incredibly close, and your body couldn’t help but react.
Suddenly the moment was broken, Meian’s phone blaring as a call came flooding in. He grabbed it from his pants, looking at the caller id and rolling his eyes. You giggled, knowing exactly who was calling.
“Sumu what!?” Meian shouted as you checked your makeup and grabbed your purse.
“Are you coming? All the guest are here and we are waiting for our birthday girl!” Sumu yelled, Meian pulling the phone away from his ear as you shook at your head at all the nonsense.
“She’s MY birthday girl,” Meian repeated in his head before answering Sumu with a resounding, “yeah leaving now. Be there in 10.”
Meian escorted you down to his car, opening the door before taking your hand and helping you in. He then quickly made his way around to the drivers seat before taking off.
After a few moments of silence, Meian decides to break the silence.
“So are ya excited for your party Yn?” He questioned as you shrugged.
“Yeah sort of,” you responded as Meian looked over at you in confusion, “oh don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful the guys are doing this but I’m definitely not use to being the center of attention. Heck I usually leave that up to you guys.”
Meian understood what you meant. Being in the lime light was difficult at times and their lives were practically all public knowledge.
“Well just know you deserve this and so much more Yn. You are an amazing person and such a great manager,” he remarked as he pulled up to the valet at the club your party was being held at.
Escorting you in, Meian couldn’t help but fantasize about how amazing you looked on his arm and how he wouldn’t mind this being an everyday thing. His fantasies were broken however by the loud sounds of at least a dozen men shouting.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY YN!” The crowd yells as you and Meian enter the cup area. The entire back of the club was decorated in balloons and streamers of your favorite colors, beautiful arrangements of a flowers splayed everywhere with a giant, three tier’s cake with your age right in the center.
Meian was pretty impressed that idiots managed to pull of such an elaborate setup. As you began to hug everyone, Meian wandered over to Inunaki.
“Damn this is a pretty rich set up, Bokuto and Atsumu did this?”Meian questioned as Inunaki laughed, shaking his head back and forth.
“Oh god no, Sakusa and I hired a company to do this. Atsumu just showed up to ‘supervise’ and Sakusa told Bokuto he could bring one balloon. It’s hidden behind all the other ones.”
Inunaki pointed out a colorful and big balloon with a cat on it that said, ‘Here’s to a PURRFECT Birthday!’
Meian laughed before his eyes shifted over to you. He watched as everyone continued to hug you and wish you happy birthday. He noticed Kageyama and Hoshiumi as well as the other Adlers joining in. His confusion grew as he looked around seeing the entire Adlers team around your birthday table.
Just as his brain processed the fact that their rivals were here, his arch nemisis, Fukuro Hirugami, showed up next to you, giving you a huge hug and lifting you straight off the ground.
“Ahh Fukuro!” You screamed, clung onto his neck as your dress began to slowly ride up. Meian’s blood pressure began to rise, anger filling him as Hirugami set you down and you pulled your dress back down.
“What in the hell are the Adlers doing here?” Meian growled at Inunaki as he shrugged, not knowing how to answer it.
“I have no clue dude. Atsumu or Hinata must have invited them. You know how much they love Yn. Why is there a problem?” Inunaki watched as his captains face grew red with frustration.
Meian was annoyed that the Adlers had turned up, knowing exactly how the team and especially Hirugami felt about you. He wasn’t shy about bringing up his attraction to you during their practice matches, making it blatantly obvious that he was staring at your ass on multiple occasions.
Meian had never wanted to punch someone in the face more than he did at this very moment. Hirugami’s eyes were glued to you in that dress, not that he could really blame the man, but damn did he have to make it so fucking obvious?
“Well let get this party started! Time to get our birthday girl smashed!” Atsumu shouted, pulling you towards the table filled with drinks and shots.
You sat down next to Atsumu, your eyes trailing to Meian as you motioned for him to come and sit next to you. He quickly obliged, moving past everyone before knocking shoulders with Hirugami on his way to your side. Their eyes met, Hirugami smirking at him as he turned to look in your direction. It was a silent challenge but one Meian would not back down from.
A few shots later and you were feeling a good buzz. Meian wasn’t complaining one bit, your body pressed against his as you talked and joked with your friends.
“Alright Yn, you owe me a dance let’s go!” Hinata shouted, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the dance floor. Bokuto and Hoshiumi followed as Meian watched you having fun. He loved the way your eyes lit up and how spectacular you looked dancing. God, could you move your body flowing so effortlessly and perfectly in tune with the music.
“So, tell me, is Yn still single?” Hirugami asked, sliding up next to Meian, his expression narrowing in on his arch-nemesis.
Meian’s blood boiled at the thought of you anywhere near Hirugami. “She’s not a fuck toy Hirugami, stay away from her!”
Hirugami laughed, shaking his head before responding, “nah dude, I was gonna ask her to dinner. She’s fucking hot man, I’m surprised one of you haven’t bagged her already.”
His anger only grew as he watched Hirugami turn to face you, his eyes watching your body move as if it wasn’t a privilege.
Meian stood up, looking down at Hirugami, “stay the fuck away from her.” He began to walk away as Hirugami watched him, his smirked widening.
Meian went to the bar, grabbing a shot and pouring it back. He had to cool down, he couldn’t let Hirugami’s stupid tricks get to him. There was no way he’d not know Meian liked you by the way he acted.
“If you plan to turn into a raging alcoholic, could you maybe give me a heads up so I can deal with coach?” A voice chuckled as Meian turned to see Barnes walking towards him.
“Don’t think you have to worry about that,” Meian answered, turning around to see his friend and teammate approaching.
“You know, I’m pretty sure everyone except Yn knows you like her. Why don’t you just tell her and put yourself out of this misery,” Barnes suggested, leaning against the bar.
“Is it really that obvious?” Meian asked as Barnes turned to him and smiled.
“So obvious man.”
Meian turned back to the dance floor, eyes locking on you, only this time, you weren’t alone.
Hirugami was right behind you, his hands on your hips as you swayed to the music. He watched, anger boiling over as Hirugami pulled you closer to him, your hips and ass grinding against him as he stuck his head down, to rest next to your ear.
“Shugo you ok-” Barnes asked as Meian took off from his station at the bar, headed straight for you and Hirugami.
“Shit Inunaki!” Barnes shouted and pointed as the Libero’s eyes followed the line of sight to see their captain practically running towards you and Hirugami.
“Damn it! Bokuto, Thomas!” He shouted, the two men near him spotting Inunaki running towards Meian.
“Oh fuck,” Thomas yelled, quickly racing towards the dance floor.
Meian grabbed your arm, pulling you toward him as you jolted, falling into his chest.
“Shugo what’s wrong?” You asked, his hand going to your waist as he glared at Hirugami who now had a sly smirk on his face.
“I told you to stay the fuck away from her,” Meian growled, pulling you behind his back as you watched the two men go toe to toe.
“Didn’t know you laid a claim on her Meian, you really shouldn’t let her out of your sights,” Hirugami smiled smugly as Meian got into his face.
You stood behind Meian, scared of what was about to happen. You looked around, seeing Inunaki, Barnes, Bokuto and Thomas headed towards you as well as Heiwajima, Romero and Sokolov from the Adlers.
“Captain back down,” Barnes insisted as Inunaki pulled you away from the confrontation. The last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt.
“Yeah Meian, back down,” Hirugami spat out as Meian growled and shoved the captain of the Adlers. Your hands flew to your face as you watched Hirugami, fall back a few feet.
“Hey knock it off!” Romero shouted, Hirugami going back into Meian’s face, the two going nose to nose. You stood there, in shock at what you were witnessing. You couldn’t believe what was happening.
“Shugo, Fukuro stop it!” You shouted but neither of them heard you, their egos both too loud to hear anything but their own minds. Atsumu, Hoshiumi, Ushijima and Hinata had joined the group now while Kageyama came to stand by you and Inunaki.
“Come on your guys!” Someone shouted as Meian and Hirugami continued their stare off, suddenly Hirugami shoved Meian who stumbled back a few feet as a small squeak sounded torn from your lips as you mindlessly began to make your way towards the men.
“YN not! Don’t go over there, you’ll get hurt!” Inunaki grabbed your wrist, swinging you around as you screamed.
“Someone has to stop them!”
Like an Angel from above, Sakusa made his way through the crowd, getting in between Hirugami and Meian as the other men began to approach as well.
“Alright knock it the fuck off! Jesus Christ this is YN’s birthday and you guys are ruining it!”
Meian snapped to Sakusa, his mind clearing as his thoughts drifted from rage to concern. He turned his head to find you, standing by Inunaki and Kageyama and looking extremely scared.
“Fuck!” Meian shouted before turning and leaving out of the club. You tore yourself for Inunaki, running after him as fast as your heeled feet would carry you.
“Shugo wait!” You shouted, running after him as he plowed through the crowd. Once outside he kept walking as the sound of your heels hitting pavement followed him.
Meian was so incredibly angry with himself for ruining your party and your birthday. He’d let his anger get the better of him and done something he never wanted to do, scare you.
He stopped, turning around to respond to you, “look Yn I’m sor-”
Suddenly you fling yourself at him, his eyes widening as your arms went behind his neck and his hands went around your waist. You slammed your lips against his, his eyes wider than before as he slowly melted into the kiss, your arms grasping him tightly as he pulled you close to him.
“YN, what-?”
“Shugo god you are such an idiot!”
Meian looked at you, confused as to what was happening. He had just ruined your birthday party but yet, you didn’t look upset or heartbroken. In fact, you were smiling up at him.
“Don’t you see, it’s always been you Shugo. I’ve been dropping hints that I’ve been interested in you for months now and well, you never reciprocated.”
Meian studied your face, looking for any sort of deception or falsehood in your statement. There was just no way any of this was happening right now.
“YN be serious for a minute please. There is no way you could possibly like me.”
You sighed, before pulling out your phone and tapping away. Meian was even more confused as you turned your phone around to show him the messages that had taken place between you and the team.
You: ugh I don’t think I can take this anymore!! He’s so incredibly hot 🥵
Sakusa: Yn keep your thirsting to a minimum please, it’s gross
Barnes: Jesus Yn just confess to the man already!
You: I can’t 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Inunaki: why not? You two hang out all the time and act like your dating so just make it official already
Atsumu: I know what’s holding you back YN
You: you do sumu 🤨
Atsumu: yep, it’s your crush on me
Sakusa: oh my god
Bokuto: Meian and YN sitting in a tree…
Hinata: K I S S I N G 😘
You: I regret ever telling you all anything
Thomas: probably would have been easier to just confess right 😂
Meian read the texts over and over, looking for something, anything that would prove you were lying but there was nothing. You weren’t lying and you did like him.
“Well shit,” he chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head as you blushed.
“I know there was probably better ways to tell you Shugo but well-”
Before you could finish, his lips were on yours again, pulling you in closer as the kiss deepened. His tongue met yours, battling for dominance as he quickly took over. The kiss was incredible and everything felt perfect.
He broke the kiss, a huge smile cresting his face as he looked down at you, matching expression staring back at him.
“See my master plan to find YN a man worked,” Sumu exclaimed as MSBY all stared, unimpressed at Atsumu’s declaration.
“Sumu you’ve spent the entire night flirting with girls, what help did you give Yn?” Hinata questioned, a look of confusion growing on the red heads face.
“Yeah you weren’t even here when we broke up the fight between the captains,” Shion returned as Atsumu waved him off.
“That was the whole plan guys! I trusted in you guys and let nature take it course,” Atsumu proudly declared as everyone stood up and walked away from the table leaving Atsumu all alone.
“It’s fine,” he declared, “y’all can thank me later.”
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momo-no-tane · 23 days
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Now on sale! The furoku is a Shugo-tama Memobook. ✨ Chapter 2 features those characters and new characters too! Look for Amu-chan on the cover. 💎✨
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You can read chapter 1 here! Nakayoshi September Issue digital version <limited time edition>.
Source: X, X
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mirai-e-jump · 9 months
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Uchusen Vol. 183 (Winter 2024) Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below)
Publication: December 28, 2023
Sakai Taisei x Masato Yano Interview
Racules Husty, who had deceived his people and younger brother for the sake of a good cause, and who had lived with the stigma of being an evil tyrant, has finally rebelled against the Uchu King, Dagded! Many fans must have been moved by the brothers, Gira and Racules, who've come to the point where they're willing to position their swords side by side in order to protect Chikyu. In this issue, we asked Sakai Taisei and Masato Yano, who play these brother kings, to talk about the hardships they've faced, and their memories of the past.
"Before this show, the two of you co starred in last year's drama "Shinyu wa Akujo." Please tell us your impressions of when you first met."
Sakai: The first time we met, Yano-san had a great aura about him, and to be honest, I was really nervous at first (laughs). However, a few days after filming began, Yano-san started talking to me and began teasing me on set in order to ease my nerves.
Yano: In Shinyu wa Akujo, our relationship is that of superior and subordinate. I heard that this was Sakai-kun's first appearance in a serial drama, so I tried to talk to him as much as possible as to not make him nervous. Since my role was that of an easy going boss, I'd suddenly adlib and talk to him during the actual performance (laughs).
Sakai: I was confused at that time (laughs). He once took me out for ramen during the middle of a break…..he really took care of me in many ways.
"Have your impressions changed since meeting again on King-Ohger's set?"
Yano: Since his position is that of the leader of King-Ohger, the atmosphere and appearance of his performance have changed dramatically. I think he's grown.
Sakai: Yano-san being the mood maker on set hasn't changed since Shinyu wa Akujo, but back then, we didn't have as many deep discussions about the performance as we do now.
Yano: During filming, the covid pandemic still hadn't calmed down yet, so we weren't able to go out and eat together.
Sakai: But, ever since we started appearing together in King-Ohger, he takes me out for meals, where he's been really kind and gives me advice not only for acting, but also for my personal life.
"In Shinyu wa Akujo, you played boss and colleague, and in this work you play brothers, so there seems to be a connection (fate)."
Sakai: I guess so. Our relationship is gradually getting closer.
Yano:……If we get another chance, I wonder what's next? Maybe we play the role of lovers? (laughs).
Sakai:……Sounds good (laughs).
"Now then, Racules, who left in episode 20, came back as Shugo Mask in episode 34, but it was surprising that he took off his mask as soon as he appeared."
Yano: As a viewer, you may have felt like he took off the mask as soon as he appeared, but I feel like Racules spent several months wearing the mask off screen, and that he'd take it off when in front of Suzume. And so, when the kings returned, he took off the mask. It may have looked like he was eager to take it off (laughs), but it's not like he abruptly removed it.
"Including the appearance of new enemies and the resurrection of Racules, how do you feel about the various events that took place in the second chapter?"
Yano: Sakai-kun's Gira is starting to look alittle more like Racules.
Sakai: Actually, I adopted Racules's movements, such as the pose where I spread my arms. In the first chapter, where Gira's pose has his arms wide open, when I saw the footage myself, I felt like, "It holds no weight…" Gira in the first chapter looks good, but since Gira's grown in the second, I thought about giving him the dignity of a king. Therefore, I used Yano-san's elegant movements as an example.
Yano: It's true that he's become more dignified since the second chapter. I myself have changed my hairstyle, and my body shape has increased by 6 kg compared to my role in the first chapter. When I cut my hair, it makes me look more refreshed and slimmer. Since I'm in a hero production, it's more convincing if I'm bigger to some extent.
"Did your role change after the second chapter?"
Sakai: I wanted to create a relaxed atmosphere, so I tried to lower the tone of my voice more than I did before.
Yano: I knew in advance that I'd be fighting Dagded on the side of the Royal Sentai, so even when I was on Dagded's side, I wondered if any viewers would understand, "Deep down in your heart, you must be thinking something different." I was performing while trying to find an opening. Viewers will be able to guess what'll happen in the future based on the slightest facial expression or gestures, so I was careful not to spoil the story as much as possible.
Sakai: It's difficult to just barely find an opening. In episode 35, there's a scene where Gira says to Racules, "Why are you alive?!," and Producer Omori Takahito-san told me, "Act as if you knew he was alive." So, I acted with a slight smile on my face, trying to show my happiness at him being alive. However, when I watched the broadcast, that expression had been cut out. It seems that it was decided that my performance at that time would be a spoiler.
Yano: The foreshadowing in King-Ohger is so complex, so we had to think about it ourselves or we wouldn't be able to follow the story. While acting, I thought to myself, "Is this expression okay?" If you don't think carefully about these kinds of things, including the post transformation dubbing, your performance will affect future developments and their connection to the past.
"Episode 37 was a serious one between Kaguragi and Iroki, but then the next week's episode was about idols, so we get the impression that there's a huge difference in how developments unfold."
Yano: King-Ohger tends to have "break times" after a serious story (laughs).
Sakai: I'm used to it by now (laughs).
Yano: I didn't appear in episode 38, but when I read the script, I was like, "Who's speaking here?" and I couldn't understand the details at all (laughs). From now on, the story is going to get alot more serious, but I hope there'll be break times in between (laughs).
Sakai: I'm really looking forward to future developments (laughs).
"In the first chapter, the comical performance of Racules in the imagination scenes of Gira and the others was also appealing."
Yano: That's when Gira dressed up in different outfits in episode 11, right? That was the first time I abandoned the character of Racules (laughs).
Sakai: That's right (laughs).
Yano: To be honest, I was also holding back in that one. In fact, I wanted to be even more extra (laughs).
"Please tell us about some of the most memorable episodes that have been broadcast so far"
Yano: It's episode 41.
Sakai: That's mine too!
Yano: Racules, who was thought to be an enemy up until then, faced towards the enemy side and said, "Stand up, Gira! It's time to save the universe!" which I thought was really cool.
Sakai: After that, I also really like episode 42. I think those two episodes are the turning point of the story that's unfolded so far. The underlying story of King-Ohger, between an older and younger brother has been firmly established, and it's left a lasting impression on me.
Yano: Gira called Racules "Onii-chan" for the first time.
Sakai: The smile on Racules's face at that time was great to see.
"The villains in hero productions are often disliked, but Racules is very popular among children."
Yano: I thought that the more people disliked him at first, the bigger the impact would be when he becomes good, so I acted while trying to make people dislike him. But, as it turned out, he wasn't disliked much.
Sakai: I'm sure the kids who saw episode 42 like him even more!
"Were Racules's true intentions, which were revealed in episodes 41 and 42, known from the start?"
Yano: That's right. I was mostly informed.
Sakai: Did you know about it from the beginning?
Yano: Yeah, I knew (laughs).
Sakai: I had asked the staff, "What are Racules's true intentions?" but they wouldn't tell me because they said, "If we tell you, it would ruin the performance."
Yano: And so, he asked me alot of questions.
Sakai: I thought Yano-san would tell me (laughs).
Yano: No! There's no way I was going to tell you!! (laughs). They'd be furious and say, "Why did you tell him!!?"
"As the final episode approaches, are you feeling sad?"
Sakai: The TV series will soon end, but I still have the "Unmasked Warrior" performance at Theater G-Rosso, as well as the Final Live Tour, so I don't actually feel like, "This is the end."
Yano: That's right. Since I won't be at G-Rosso, I feel that the end is near, and the other day I said to Sakai-kun, "In about a month, this project will be over…" That's why I'm taking it one day at a time so that I don't have any regrets about the character of Racules.
Sakai: It'll be lonely. G-Rosso, let's go!
Yano: I've already got other work.
Sakai: I guess you really can't get out of it (laughs).
Yano: In one way or another, It'd be interesting if I could make a surprise appearance.
"What are your thoughts looking back on the year of filming?"
Yano: Until now, the longest I've worked on the same project was about half a year, so this is the first time I've continued a project for over a year. However, there was a time where I had to leave midway, so I think Sakai-kun and the others had an even more intense year than I did.
Sakai: It was definitely intense. I had this strange feeling where a day would go by quickly, but the week felt very long.
Yano: When you play the same role for a year, you gradually get used to it and your true self comes out. But in King-Ohger, I think it was good that I was able to switch my mindset to a new one at the beginning of the second chapter.
"Since this is a great opportunity, why don't you share a message with each other?"
Yano: Sakai-kun, you've become very sturdy over the past year, and compared to the first episode, I think you now have the face of "a person who carries the burden." Filming will come to an end soon, but I hope that you'll continue to lead everyone, absorb many things, and become an even bigger actor than you are now.
Sakai: I'll devote myself to being one.
"Please also give a message from Sakai-san to Yano-san."
Sakai: I'm learning from Yano-san every day, and I can only thank him for that. It's been over a year since "Shinyu wa Akujo," but Aniki taught me alot about acting and how to act as an actor.
Yano: You've never called me Aniki! (laughs).
Sakai: I think of you as Aniki! (laughs). I think it was really good experience to have a veteran like Yano-san by my side all the way. Thank you so much! I think this is one of the best parts of working on a Super Sentai set.
Yano: There may be many people who want to play a tokusatsu hero, but have given up because of their age, however, Kaku So-kun who plays Kaguragi is one year older than me, and Suzuki Hirofumi-san who played KijiBrother in "Donbrothers" is also in his 30s. I think I was able to prove that people of our generation can still play heroes.
"Racules will be fighting alongside Gira and the others in the future, but please tell us about some key points of future developments."
Yano: As the show reaches its climax, each episode will have more developments than the last that you can't miss. Please watch out for the future of Racules and the future of Gira.
Sakai: The past of Gira and Racules will be revealed in the future, and the story will continue to heat up toward the end. The staff and cast are all working together to create this production, and we hope you'll continue to look forward to it!
Amano Kousei Interview
Grodie Leucodium, the last of the Uchu Five Jesters who appeared in the second chapter of King-Ohger. Grodie, who has the ability to bring the dead back to life, and is believed to be responsible for the "Wrath of God," is played by Amano Kousei, who played Sakuya Tachibana in Kamen Rider Blade. We asked Amano, who surprisingly is making his first appearance in the Super Sentai series, about the episodes in which he and his wife appear together, and behind the scenes details of the film site.
"Amano-san has appeared in "Kamen Rider Blade" and "Kamen Rider Fourze," but this is his first appearance in the Super Sentai series. What are your impressions of Super Sentai?"
Amano: I've always thought of Super Sentai as, "A group of heroes who come together to pose and announce their names," and that it was a production aimed at a younger audience and was easier to understand than the Kamen Rider series. However, King-Ohger is different from the image I had of Super Sentai, and I think it's more like Kamen Rider in some ways. Kamen Rider may seem like it's for kids, but it has the appearance of an adult drama that teaches children about the rights and wrongs of the world in an indirect way.
"Amano-san, which Super Sentai productions left the strongest impression on you?"
Amano: When I was a kid, I loved "Taiyou Sentai SunVulcan." I also know of "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger" since it aired at the same time as Kamen Rider Blade. I only know about those two in detail. Are there those who have seen every single series? Because I'm not that type of person. However, back then, when I watched the broadcast of Dekaranger, I was impressed by how perfectly the five member's transformation poses and names were in sync every time. Our "Blade" team sometimes transformed at the same time in the films, but it was hard to get all of us to do it together. I watched it thinking, "How wonderful."
"We heard that you watched King-Ohger before it was decided that you'd be appearing….."
Amano: Before it aired, when I learned that the main character in King-Ohger was a "red stag beetle," I felt a strong affinity for him. I was also the "red stag beetle" in Blade (laughs). Stag beetles are second only to rhino beetles in terms of insects, and in King-Ohger, I was surprised and pleased to see that KuwagataOhger, the leader, was red.
"How did you feel when you saw it?"
Amano: When I watched it with the image of the past Super Sentai in mind, I was really surprised to see the beginning of an otherworldly fantasy! I was astonished to see a CG world that wasn't the "Oya History Museum" or "Mt. Iwafune" that we're so used to. In the second episode, the familiar "Saitama Super Arena" appeared (laughs), but since the cinematic visuals continued, I wondered, "How much further will they go with this quality?," so I started watching it.
"Please tell us how you came to be involved in King-Ohger, which you had been watching as a viewer."
Amano: Mama (his wife, Hinagata Akiko) played the role of Iroki in "Adventure Heaven," and afterwards, a staff member asked me, "We'd like you to appear in Super Sentai, is that okay?" Because I appeared in Kamen Rider, did they think that I wouldn't want to appear in Super Sentai? It was an offer for a work I love, so I said, "Of course! I want to do it!" and after awhile, I was offered the role of Grodie.
"You were very enthusiastic about promoting the film on SNS when it released, but wasn't it already decided that you'd be cast to appear?"
Amano: It wasn't decided at all! The only reason I was posting about the film on SNS was because Mama was in it, and we were just promoting it as a family. I saw the film by buying my own ticket, and even bought a pamphlet with my own money (laughs). However, I was really happy to see my family in the film because Toei tokusatsu productions were the field that helped me grow, and in a sense, it was like being home. I never thought that I'd also be able to participate.
"How did your wife react when you were cast as Grodie?"
Amano: She knew I liked this show, so she was happy and said, "Good for you!"
"Grodie also appears in the flashback scene of episode 7."
Amano: I didn't play that role, but when it was decided that I'd appear, the staff told me "He appears in episode 7, so please watch it," so I rewatched it on TTFC, but at that time, I had no idea that it would become such an important role.
"When you first appeared in episode 30, the opening credits stated, "Mysterious Man: ?" so when it was revealed that Amano-san was playing the role, was the response good?"
Amano: Surprises like that make my heart race. I was also shown in the trailer without showing my face, but people didn't talk about it much on SNS or ask, "Who is that?" Even after the broadcast started, I didn't see anyone who realized that I was the one playing the role, so, what if I announced, "Actually, Amano is playing the role!" and there was also no reaction?…..I was incredibly anxious! (laughs).
"What was your impression of Grodie's costume?"
Amano: I chose one of two costumes, but the one I didn't go with had a long leather coat with iridescent colors, which I thought was closer to giving off the image of a monster. However, when I tried it on, it looked more like Kamen Rider, so I chose the one I wear in the show. The hat was prepared due to my suggestion. However, the first hat I was given was too small, so I said, "I'd like a bigger one," and the current hat was chosen. The round glasses were also my suggestion, but actually, the actor who played the role in episode 7 was wearing sunglasses of the same design. I just removed the lenses from the sunglasses and used them as glasses.
"How did you prepare for the role?"
Amano: This time, it was a short period of just under a month from receiving the offer to performing, and even at the costume fitting stage, I didn't have a script. The Director described him as, "A creepy guy who isn't interested in anything other than killing people," and then the Director, Producer Omori Takahito-san and I discussed the image of the role. After that, we decided on the costume and read the script to match the visual image of the role. Grodie is a character that we developed from the costume, including the visuals.
"Did you prepare for a role after deciding on the costume?"
Amano: Usually, I'd read the script and understand the character first, and then incorporate that into the costume. For me, this was the first time that the costume came first. So it was fun to interpret the character based on his appearance, such as asking, "Why does he wear glasses?" Glasses are very human, aren't they? When I read the script, I felt a longing for humans in the lines and thought, "Could it be that he admires humans who can die?" and "Maybe that's why he wears glasses like a human."
"How did you decide on the makeup?"
Amano: At first, I was going to use black lipstick, but I was told, "Iroki uses black lipstick, so you should change it," so I decided that, "Red would make it stand out with the costume." The pattern on my face was prepared by the staff, but I don't know what it means. But, I think it's probably because "it looks cool" (laughs). I'm glad to see this kind of ingenuity, as it seems to be typical of Super Sentai villains.
"How did you feel about wearing the costume during filming?"
Amano: Since the hat's so big, it restricts my movements. Grodie is often seen laying down, but due to the brim of the hat, I can't actually lie down, so I have to rest on one elbow. Even in action scenes, if I fall down, my hat will fall off, so I have to fall on top of fallen Sanagim…..Actually, I've come up with alot of tricks for the hat. I can't even put my coat on by myself because it hits my hat when I try to put it on……When I said, "I want a bigger hat" I didn't think it would cause me such a hard time (laughs).
"Please tell us your impressions of Grodie's monster form."
Amano: When I was working on Kamen Rider, I discussed my role with Oshikawa Yoshifumi-san and Watanabe Jun-san, who played my role after the transformation. But, with Muraoka Hiroyuki-san, who plays the role of my monster form this time, I deliberately don't have any meetings or discussions with him. So, when I see the actions of the monster form during dubbing, I enjoy voicing the monster with a fresh mind, thinking, "This is how he played it, so let's voice him this way."
"We were impressed by the unique transformation scene in episode 37, where he seems to blend into the ground."
Amano: It's a shame that I can't shout "Henshin!" like I did in Kamen Rider. If I could, I'd like to say "Royal Arms!" but I'm sure they'd get angry if I did that (laughs). This time, there are no transformation items such as a Belt or Zodiarts Switch, so I want something that can be marketed as a toy. I'd love to see them make it in a spinoff!
"Do you feel any difference with filming compared to Blade and Fourze?"
Amano: In the beginning, I felt uncomfortable performing in front of a green screen with no set. Before I started filming, I watched the other cast members perform and thought to myself, "How do you perform in that situation?," but If you actually try it, you're able to concentrate on your performance, and it might even be easier to act.
"Please tell us about any memorable scenes that have been broadcast so far."
Amano: The scene with Iroki in episode 37 was short but fun. That story really brought out the Iroki who appeared in the film, and Kaguragi was really cool too. To be honest, I didn't like Kaguragi very much before that (laughs). He's two faced and not kingly enough. But after watching that episode, I understood the reasons for my dislike of him, and I felt that everything was positive, which made me start to love him. The script for that episode was amazing because it reversed what I had been feeling for 37 episodes! In my opinion, episode 37 is a divine episode.
"How was it working with Hinagata-san?"
Amano: Since it was just one scene, we didn't have many meetings, and although we're family, we worked just like any other actor. Before I started working on set, I thought, "Will it be difficult to work with Mama?," but it turned out to be easy.
"How do you feel about playing Grodie, who's even more of a villain than Principal Hayami in Fourze?"
Amano: It's alot of fun playing such an excessive villain! Since he's immortal, I think the children watching the show are worried about how Gira and the others will defeat Grodie, but I myself don't know how they'll defeat him (laughs). I think the Directors and screenwriters are also struggling with this, thinking, "This guy's immortal…"
"Looking back on filming so far, what are your impressions?"
Amano: For me, I'm happy to be able to come back to a Toei tokusatsu production like this and reunite with Directors and staff. It really is like returning to your childhood house, and it's so calming. I was able to experience new things such as shooting with live compositing, which I think I'll be able to use in my future work.
"Grodie is still giving the King-Ohger's a hard time, but what are some of the key points to watch out for in the future?"
Amano: For me, the most important point was bringing Mama (Iroki) back to life (laughs). I've achieved that goal, so from now on, I'd like you to pay attention to how many kings he can defeat! There are 6 of them, so I'd like to take half of them, 3, no, maybe 4. I especially want to crush Kaguragi, Hymeno, Rita and Jeramie with my own hands! (laughs).
"Finally, please give a message to the fans."
Amano: When the show first aired, I watched as a viewer, but then I was asked to join the cast. Every time I get a script, I'm inspired and think, "This is how it's going to unfold!," and I'm even more excited than the viewers about what's going to happen next. I'm sad to see it come to an end, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to seeing how it all ends. Please watch King-Ohger to the end!
Tomokazu Seki Interview
Sometimes he's the retainer for the King of In between, other times, he's a Jester for the Uchu King…Tomokazu Seki, well known to be a tokusatsu fan, plays the dual roles of Gerojim and Minongan Moth in King-Ohger. How did Tomokazu Seki, who has played heroes, villians, and item voices in numerous tokusatsu productions, including the Super Sentai series, approach the offer of playing two recurring monsters? And what about his ambitions for future series?! He spoke to us about it in detail.
"Seki-san's first involvement with King-Ohger was as MC for the production press conference, right?"
Seki: That's because Miyajima Sakura-san, who'd been the MC every year, had a scheduling conflict, so I was called in as a substitute. At the time, nothing had been decided about my appearance in the original story, but I thought I could just by saying so, so I jokingly said at the press conference "I might appear in the show," and then it happened. I was asked, "Would you prefer to play a role that's strong but only appears for a short time, or a role that's weak but appears all the time?" I said, "I'd rather be in it all the time," and got the role of Gerojim.
"Were you told from the beginning that you would become Jeramie's retainer?"
Seki: I think that's what I was told. I heard that the setting was about "two people who are undecided," and that Jeramie, a half human half Bugnarak, and Gerojim, a Bugnarak who's said to "not be all there," developed a sense of sympathy for each other.
"How did you prepare for the role of Gerojim?"
Seki: In the beginning, the only information I had from the script was the tone of his voice and that he was a mayfly monster, so I developed an image of him from there. I've played various roles in tokusatsu productions, but this time I wanted to play a role that I hadn't played before in other works, so I decided to do it in the image of Ayanami Rei from "Evangelion" due to the fragile atmosphere of the mayfly motif. I'm trying to imitate the feeling of Hayashibara Megumi-san's Ayanami Rei, who has a fragile voice and tone, but actually has a strong core. When I saw the visuals afterwards, I was surprised at how unexpectedly large he was, and Saito Kenya-san, the Suit Actor, seemed alittle strong in his performance at first. I still played the role with a sense of fragility.
"Were you aware of any changes in Gerojim as you played him?"
Seki: Since Gerojim's only human relationship is basically with Jeramie, I was conscious of how their relationship was deepening. As he scolded Jeramie in episode 25, he doesn't just obey him, but he also became someone with whom he could properly criticize and rebuke. I tried to express the deepening of their relationship in this way.
"Now, we'd like to talk about Minongan Moth. When was it decided that Seki-san would play the second role of Minongan?"
Seki: After Gerojim had been around for some time, I received an offer to play another role. The Director chose me saying, "He's like Chewbacca from Star Wars, and since he doesn't talk much, I think it's fine playing a double role, so I'd like you to do it." However, I thought that if Gerojim and Minongan were to appear at the same time, and the opening credits showed that I was playing both roles, it would create the misconception that the characters were related. I told them, "It'd be fine if Minongan went uncredited," but in reality, they went to the trouble of separating them into two with, "Gerojim: Tomokazu Seki" and "Minongan: Tomokazu Seki." I thought, "It's emphasized even more, isn't it?" (laughs).
"What was your first impression of Minongan's character?"
Seki: He's big. He's a bagworm monster, but he's a white bagworm with pinkish tips that look like matchsticks. That's why I got the impression that he's a "matchstick" (laughs). Also, because he's a bagworm, I wondered if there was something inside. We had the nickname "Secrecy Minongan" from the beginning, but what he was hiding hadn't been determined yet. We were also talking about the possibility of another role if a stronger one emerged from inside him. There was a proposal to make it look like something was there, but there's nothing, and since it was clearly stated in episode 38 that "something's in there," that idea seems to have been dropped.
"How did you prepare for the role of Minongan?"
Seki: The character wasn't really defined yet, but I did keep the "Chewbacca like character" in mind that I was told about in the beginning. So, I began by looking at Chewbacca. I started thinking about how to express him with a cry like that. However, in episode 38, I was suddenly asked to imitate J.Y.Park (laughs).
"That was the Director's instructions, wasn't it?"
Seki: Yeah, it was absurd. When I read the script, I was surprised that Minongan, who had never spoken at all before, was suddenly speaking fluently, and I thought I was going to speak in the stiff voice that Minongan had always had. But during the dubbing, I was told, "Please forget Minongan's voice and speaking style and just imitate J.Y.Park" and, "Although the lines are written in the script, please do whatever you like without worrying too much." So I did research and did it that way. So, although it was an adlib, it was an adlib after being asked to do so.
"I see (laughs)."
Seki: After the recording session was over, I was told that "something" inside Minongan was getting smarter as he grew, which is how he was able to speak like that. If that was the case, it would've been nice if I could've at least made him speak the same way in the last part of episode 38 and after episode 39, but since I had to record the scene with Ishida Akira-san (who voices Dagded), I had to record the scene where he talks with Dagded in the last part of episode 38 first, so I wasn't able to do it. Only during the idol auditions did he suddenly become a character who talks alot. I regret that I failed abit in that part.
"Do you often record together with Dagded and the other members of the Uchu Five Jesters?"
Seki: As Minongan, I work with Ishida-san's Dagded and Miki Shinichiro-san's Kamejim, and as Gerojim, I worked with Shimura Tomoyuki-san's Desnarak VIII. In particular, Miki-san and Shimura-san seemed to be enjoying King-Ohger quite alot, because about an hour before the recording, they'd stand around the parking lot talking about things like, "I wonder what's going to happen next?" When I myself happened to arrive at the site early, the three of us would talk.
"For our interview with Miki-san in the previous issue (Uchusen Vol. 182), we could tell that he was enjoying this production. Seki-san, how do you view King-Ohger?"
Seki: I observed the filming in the early days of the series, and I think that the use of LED walls to film virtual productions was a major turning point for the series. The setting itself, in which the real world that we live is almost completely absent, is also new, and I feel that the detailed creation of the world through the use of such filming techniques is one of the best in the series. The footage of the Robo battle in the pilot episodes, with the roof tiles flying off piece by piece, was also very powerful, and left an impression on me.
"As a performer, were there any moments or scenes that have left an impression on you?"
Seki: It's got to be a scene between Gerojim and Jeramie. In episode 29, they both left to look at the night sky together. It's fun to play those kinds of scenes. Also, this was the first time I was able to ride in a Sentai Robo.
"God King-Ohger from episode 25, right?"
Seki: Many of the characters I've played in Super Sentai are villains, so being able to ride in a Robo on the hero side was a great memory. That's why episode 25 left a very strong impression on me.
"Even though this was your first time working in a Sentai Robo, we have the impression that you often appear in the series. Is there anything else you'd like to do in Super Sentai?"
Seki: Of course, I'd like to transform into a hero as myself atleast once. Recently, the age range of Super Sentai heroes has broadened, but it's still rare to see a hero in their 50s transforming. I'd like to play a warrior who's elderly or in the prime of their life
"What color would you like to change into?"
Seki: I think either brown or gray. Silver is fine, but I like brown warriors alot. I even want to do a "Brown Warriors Great Gathering" at Theater G-Rosso (laughs). There'd be Zusheen from "Choujin Bibyun," Ground Ninja from "Ninja Captor," and Sanagiman from "Inazuman." Actually, I haven't done many enemy bosses. I've only done it once with Kaiser Buldont in "Chouriki Sentai Ohranger." It's actually been awhile since I've played an enemy leader. It's been 26 years since I did Bibidebi from "Denji Sentai Megaranger." In particular, when it comes to "handsome" villains, I've only done Gaisoulg (Ryusoulger), so I'd like to do more cool enemy bosses and leaders. Of course, I'd like to also do transformation items again. It'll soon be 50 years since the birth of Super Sentai. I'd love to work on the transformation items of the Sentai at that time.
"You still have alot of things you'd like to do! So, is there anything you'd like to see happen in the future with King-Ohger?"
Seki: Gerojim's mimic ability, which appeared early on, hasn't been utilized much lately, so I'd like to see him take advantage of it. I'd like to see Gerojim change into Jeramie and protect the country while the real Jeramie goes out and takes care of bad guys. It'd be like a journey to reform the world in a period drama, in which Jeramie is active in the city, and Gerojim is trying his best as a shadow warrior, feeling like he'll be exposed.
"That sounds interesting. Now then, please tell us some future highlights of King-Ohger."
Seki: What's really inside Minongan? Is there really nothing? Since it's moths that emerge from bagworms, a very beautiful and elegant moth monster may emerge from within to torment the King-Ohger's with its scales. When the King-Ohger's attacks, a coat materializes and becomes a shield.
"Sounds strong. It's like he's the final boss."
Seki: That's right, he'll be the final boss. Well, this is all just my imagination (laughs), but please pay attention to him, as I want to make the King-Ohger's suffer as the enemy until the very end.
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Kiteretsu Daihyakka VS Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun VS Noir
Bungo Stray Dogs VS Soreike! Anpanman VS Moomin
Hajime no Ippo VS Paranoia Agent VS Mobile Suit Gundam
Maison Ikkoku VS Yuru Camp VS Sherlock Hound
Great Pretender VS Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress VS World Trigger
Little Princess Sara VS Ghost Sweeper Mikami VS Keep Your Hands off Eizouken!
My Next Life as a Villainess VS Kirby: Right Back at Ya! VS Air Gear
Saint Tail VS Haibane Renmei VS Astro Boy
Crayon Shin-chan VS Tokyo Ghoul VS Hell Girl
Heaven's Design Team VS Neon Genesis Evangelion VS Kiznaiver
Servamp VS Akane-chan VS Yo-kai Watch
The Vision of Escaflowne VS Tsurune VS Sk8 the Infinity
The Promised Neverland VS Hime-chan no Ribbon VS Fruits Basket
Urusei Yatsura VS Dr. Stone VS Shaman King
Star of the Giants VS Cardcaptor Sakura VS Angelic Layer
Berserk VS Kodocha VS Ping Pong The Animation
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's VS Boys over Flowers VS Otherside Picnic
Monster VS Sgt. Frog VS K-On!
Aria VS The Rose of Versailles VS Beyblade
Natsume's Book of Friends VS Planet With VS Detective Conan / Case Closed
Nodame Kantaabire VS Kyou Kara Maoh VS Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Duel Masters VS Shounen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru VS Hunter x Hunter
Mahou Shoujo Lalabel VS Carole & Tuesday VS Powerpuff Girls Z
Big Windup! VS Heartcatch Pretty Cure! VS Fighting Foodons
Gosick VS Ace Attorney VS Inazuma Eleven
Given VS The Prince of Tennis VS Cowboy Bebop
Code Geass VS Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VS FLCL
Wolf's Rain VS Reborn! VS Princess Tutu
Magic Knight Rayearth VS Romeo x Juliet VS Oshi no Ko
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo VS Bakugan VS Jujutsu Kaisen
Yu Yu Hakusho VS Love Live! School Idol Project VS Trigun
Kimba the White Lion VS Waccha Primagi VS Toradora
Ultra Maniac VS Mahou Sensei Negima VS Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
Visual Prison VS Steins;gate VS Inuyasha
Vinland Saga VS Assault Lily Bouquet VS Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Pop Team Epic VS Gingitsune VS Tokyo Mew Mew
Blue Period VS Higurashi When They Cry VS Fairy Tail
Chargeman Ken VS Shin Sekai Yori VS Chainsaw Man
Beyond the Boundary VS Silver Spoon VS Hyouka
Stitch! VS Mobile Suit Gundam SEED VS Symphogear
Kuroko's Basketball VS Pokemon Horizons VS Gatchaman Crowds
Ghost Stories VS Non Non Biyori VS Samurai Flamenco
Fushigi Yuugi VS Psycho-Pass VS Azumanga Daioh
Bleach VS Dragon Ball Super VS Ace of Diamond
My Neighbor Seki VS Mob Psycho 100 VS No. 6
Full Metal Panic VS Princess Principal VS Ya Boy Kongming!
Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei VS Puella Magi Madoka Magica VS Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
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xekutozoren · 4 months
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Kingdom Hearts x Shugo Chara Mash Up!
Following on from the Amuto inspired princess carry Aquaroth pic from a while back, I had this random idea to doodle Aqua and some others basing the poses off Shugo Chara screenshots.
-cough cough, I realised a bit too late the initial Aqua profile drawing wasn't done and just went lazy mode on that one, forgive me-
It's my first time drawing a lot of them so pls be gentle with me. ><"
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I decided to just put the gifs alongside still frames bc I can't animate. So, you can just imagine it with me~
This anime was a big part of my childhood and a guilty pleasure of mine, I suppose - it has all the shoujo vibes that I enjoyed as a kid. (and still do now with certain things ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ )
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This is not meant to be a KH/FF themed Shugo Chara AU (* ̄;( ̄ *)
As in, I'm not making an entire universe where the KH/FF characters replace the Shugo Chara ones and they have their own story or something. I just liked the cinematography of the first opening and wanted to do something with it.
That being said, I do see connections with Aqua and Amu; that whole thing of what you're expected to be and who you really want to be. Aqua, of course, always drowning in her own wishes to be "the good, responsible one".
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But...yeah! This was fun. >w< Some of my art I'm just like ._. but oh well.
I apologise if it made no sense, hahaha
I'm definitely going to be doing some more Amuto scenes from this anime with Aquaroth in a similar style so if you're keen on that, stay tuned >w>
Anyway, thanks for indulging me as usual. Hope you found this fun/interesting(?) idk ♪(´▽`)
Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy belong to Square Enix
Shugo Chara belongs to Peach Pit
MMD backgrounds by Desperative, amiamy111 and redRevolutionnaire
Opening video subs by Formula Subs (I wanted to use a clean version of the SC Opening but couldn't find one, and it doesn't seem it was ever licensed on DVD outside of Japan, unfortunately
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sa9vva · 1 year
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I present you, gosho boys x shugo chara!
Honestly this idea comes from seeing so many magical girl kaito kid going around
If you can't read my chicken scratch, what they say:
kaito: "hey hakubastrd, smile!"
shinichi: "...is this pose necessary?"
heiji: "dis is embarrassin' man...;;"
saguru: "why do I have to get the most ridiculous looking one...?"
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atomra · 1 year
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So if you seen some of my twitter/x posts, i actually did concept this mtnn x shugo chara au for yako and neuro 😎👍
in this au, neuro can be yako's insatiable need to eat and need to have more control over her life!
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amuletduelist · 3 months
The (thankfully hypothetical) 4KIDS dub names for the Shugo Chara; Part 1
I have no explanation or justification. These simply came to me in a vision while I was at work. Input and other ideas welcome~
Amu Hinamori - Amy Cook
Now, before you line up to @ me for not giving this name to Ami, bare with me. I felt as though they would at least TRY to keep the 'am' part of her name, given all of her transformations would stll remain as Amulet [x]. The surname is chosen so that Nikaidou's malicious/accidental misnaming of it becomes 'Crook.'
Ran - Ran. Honestly, I can see them just not being able to figure out a rename and just going with it. (Aka, I couldn't think of anything)
Miki - Would either be kept the same but given an idiotic 'feminine' pronunciation like 'Mee-kee' or straight up changed to Nikki
Su - Sue. Same pronunciation, just Westernize the spelling
Dia- Dinah. I don't know, but it does sound like a thing that they'd do and it's not awful.
All transformations would keep their Japanese name except for Amulet Dia, which would be edited to become Amulet Diamond, purely to fit in with the card theme completely. Amulet Fortune would also stay the same.
Amu/Amy's chara naris with El and Iru would also be renamed because God Forbid (pun intented) that even vaguely religious terms are used in a kids show!
Amulet Devil would become Amulet Rocker and her outfit would be drastically changed, the bikini would be edited to a jumpsuit-like outfit, with straps at the very least added and the shorts brought down to just above her socks. Also the devil wings would be edited out as would the heart on her tail. In all honesty, they'd probably be crying over not being able to cut Amulet Rocker's scenes.
Amulet Angel would become Amulet Fairy, but thankfully, nothing more would be changed.
Moving briefly to Ami, she would become Mia Cook. Purely because it's easier to just rearrange the letters and it's almost audibly the opposite to Amy. (If that even makes sense?)
The next part shall cover who Tadase and Ikuto would become! (And y'all will be lining up to crucify me for it)
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yyh4ever · 10 months
Megumi Ogata - Hohoemi no Bakudan (Smile Bomb)
Our dear Megumi Ogata (Kurama VA) was a guest at the Oishi x Nakamura's Memories Anime Song Club last month, and sang the opening theme of Yu Yu Hakusho. I love her voice!!
🎸Guitar and back vocals by: Masayoshi Oishi and Shugo Nakamura
A-R-I-G-A-T-O-U G-O-Z-A-I ... MASU!!
She also sang "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" (Neon Genesis Evangelion). I hope they upload on YouTube too.
Megumi also talked about the upcoming Netflix's Yu Yu Hakusho live action this Wednesday (November 15, 2023), on the "Megumi Ogata's Roar Yell ROCK!". The broadcast is available on the audio service "AuDee", operated by TOKYO FM.
She watched the live action teaser PV and thought it was really good. She was surprised in many ways, like by Yusuke's spirit gun (reigan) and the best VFX team in the world doing the visual effects. She was really impressed by that scene from the trailer when Kurama throws the rose and it goes flying through the air. She thinks the main cast is really good.
She also complimented the additional cast, fangirling over Kenichi Takito's Elder Toguro. She was really excited to see him on Younger Toguro's (Go Ayano) shoulders, and is really looking forward to seeing Takito-san's laugh (if you guys watched the trailer, that creepy laugh of Elder Toguro was scary XD). Megumi-san can't imagine other person playing the older brother!
She also recognized that Keiko-chan is actually Sei Shiraishi-chan, who has worked with her quite recently. She also mentioned Keita Machida-kun's Koenma. She thinks it must be incredibly difficult to talk with that pacifier in his mouth and definitely wants to see it in live action version.
In short, she's looking forward to the live action ^^
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