#shugo x y/n
trueshellz · 2 years
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Part of my Invisible Illness Series
Warnings: endometriosis, heavy bleeding, pain, cramping, reader crying, cuddles, tummy rubbing, female reader.
Summary: As if a 'normal' period wasn't bad enough...
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Shugo dropped his bag in the hallway as he opened the door, eyes squinting in the dim light as he flicked the hallway switch. He couldn't hear you singing in the kitchen like usual, didn't hear the TV blasting a random movie like usual, there was no singing from the bathroom as you sat in the tub surrounded by bubbles.
It was utterly quiet.
He had been a little concerned when you hadn't attended the after game party, you were usually happy to meet his teammates and go out for food. He had trouble keeping Hinata, Bokuto and Atsumu calm while you were around. They were so adamant on showing off and being loud, each of them vying for your attention and causing a scene. But today you had barely spoke to him, one or two word responses to his texts and declining his calls. Instead of staying out with his team he had chosen to leave early and figure out why you were avoiding him so much.
Head peering around the door he sighed in relief when he saw you lying on the bed curled up on your side. He could hear the small whimpers of distress, each noise tugging at his heart and when he walked over to you, he could feel the wetness on your face from a mixture of tears and sweat. As he squatted down he saw the hot water bottle on your stomach, the plethora of medication on the bedside table and the could see you massaging your stomach in tight circles.
"Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me?"
You shook your head adamantly, you had watched the boys play and celebrated their win at home by yourself. You had been all ready to go out for their post-game meal but your cramps had gone from niggling and irritating to flat out stabbing and devastating. Even after your strongest medications, a heat patch and hot water bottle you could barely move, your boobs were so painful that even your t-shirt against your nipples made you whimper in discomfort.
"Shh, I gotcha. Don't worry."
You couldn't help the whine of pain when the bed dipped, Shugo's hands pulling up your top gently to free your aching breasts. One hand tucked under them to take some of the pressure as he massaged them gently, the other hand rubbing small circles on your stomach. You could feel the heat radiating from his chest against your back, he must have taken his top off and lay behind you. He was always so warm, like your own life sized hot water bottle and had no issues with you using his warmth to ease the pain.
"Any better?"
"A bit... my boobs hurt so much, Meian. And the pills aren't working, I bled through two outfits and got one of your t-shirts dirty too. I'll wash it later, I'm sorry."
"Hey. Hey. Listen to me, do not apologise for this ok? Seeing you in pain kills me and I dont give two shits about my shirt. Just throw the damned thing in the trash, burn it for all I care."
"I just-"
"Baby, listen. Clothes and belongings mean shit all to me, you are the most important person in my life. OK?"
Between the warmth of his body and the lull of his voice in your ear, the last thing you recalled was Shugo telling you the crazy antics of the team as your eyes drifted shut and you fell asleep.
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Birthday Girl
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Meian Shugo x Fem! reader (she/her)
Warnings: swearing, tiny “fight” scene, provocative dancing, kissing, Atsumu being bullied (?), suggestive themes, drinking
WC: 4.6k ~
AN: I’ve had this one in the drafts for a while and idk friends, it’s not that good 😅
“So what time are you guys heading to the club for YN’s birthday tomorrow?” Hinata asked his teammates as they pulled on their training gear and prepared for practice. Meian, listening from the other side of the lockers, was pulling on his shirt as the four youngest members of the Jackals talk about your birthday party plans.
“Well I told YN I’d pick her up so probably around 9,” Sakusa answered. A twinge of jealousy struck Meian as he slammed his locker door a little too hard, prompting Thomas and Inunaki to look over at him. Why did Sakusa have the privilege of picking you up for your special night? What made him so special?
He growled, walking past his teammates, going to the open office. Grabbing some paperwork, he began looking it over while his ears continued to tune into the conversation happening just outside.
“I booked the table starting at 8:30. I figured we could go and decorate before she got there,” Atsumu mentioned to the group as they all shook their heads in agreement.
“Ohh what did you get her? I was planning on going with Akaashi tonight to grab her gift,” Bokuto inquired as Atsumu smirked, shutting his locker and looking at his teammates.
“Like I’d tell any of you,” Sakusa huffed as Hinata and Bokuto narrowed their eyes in his direction. Atsumu just chuckled, shaking his head as Sakusa turned to his direction, “ok so tell us, what are you getting YN?”
“I’m gifting YN my assistance in bagging her a man,” Atsumu declared as Hinata, Sakusa and Bokuto looked at him in surprise, right before the burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.
“Oh my god Sumu you’re joking right?” Hinata chuckled as Thomas and Inunaki rounded the corner to join their juniors.
“You can’t even bag yourself a steady date Sumu why the hell would you pass that curse to YN?” Sakusa laughed as Atsumu narrowed his eyes, hands going to his hips.
Meian tried to focus on the paper in front of him, the list of new training techniques given to him by the coach to try but Atsumu’s declaration of his gift made it extremely difficult to do anything else. He heard Inunaki and Thomas laugh at their setter.
“Atsumu, I doubt YN needs your help in that way. She’s fucking gorgeous!” Inunaki chimed in as the paper in Meian’s hand began to crinkle as his grip tightened.
“Yeah, she probably gets laid more than any of us do!” Thomas joked as the guys all hummed in agreement.
The pencil in Meian’s hand snapped as he continued to listen to his teammates talk about you.
“Well apparently, she’s been having a dry spell for a few months. She’s caught up on some fucker or something, so I figured what better way to help her than to get her laid!” Atsumu shouted, his hands going out as he declared his resolution.
Listening to Atsumu talk about your intimate life irritated the 6’6” captain. Meian tried his best to hide his attraction to you, for years he’d managed to keep things extremely professional despite his desire for more. He watched his teammates hang all over you while he did his best to maintain order. He wanted you to feel comfortable and safe in your job and he knew exactly how stressful it could be running the lives of an entire professional men’s volleyball team.
However, it became more and more difficult the closer you and him became. On bus rides, you’d always ask to sit next to him which at first, he happily obliged. Then you’d ask for your hotel room to be next to his, just in case you needed help with organizing team activities. Soon you’d be arriving early for practice, bringing him coffee and just talking before everyone else arrived. You’d stand right next to him during team meetings and huddles, your eyes locking with him as he looked around at his teammates right before a game.
Those eyes were the same ones he pictured as he fantasized about his made-up relationship with you. He pictured waking up next to you, kissing your cheeks as he tried to drag you out of bed for morning practice. He dreamed about cooking dinner with you and relaxing in your arms after a hard day at the gym. He wanted nothing more than for those dreams to become reality.
“Yo cap, are you good?” Barnes interrupted, sticking his head into the office as Meian snapped from his thoughts, the broken end of his pencil falling to the ground as his eyes shot to Barnes.
“Yeah- yeah, come on- oh and grab Sumu, I feel like I need to hit something.”
Barnes cocked his eyebrows in response, “you do mean volleyballs right?”
Meian ignored him, making his way straight for the open gym.
He fixed his navy button down, rolling the sleeves up to his elbows and undoing the top few buttons of his shirt. He normally didn’t dress like this, opting for shorts and sweats most days but he had to admit he cleaned up pretty well.
Turning to his nightstand, he grabbed the little velvet black box that contained your birthday gift. Opening if, he observed the simple yet classy diamond necklace that he’d purchased. He’d overheard you talking about accessories onetime with one of the guys. He was looking for suggestions to get his girlfriend and you had made a comment about how a lot of women love simple, yet elegant gifts. You had also told him to make sure that he did a good and thorough job of picking it out because his girlfriend would appreciate the effort.
Meian had taken your advice to heart when going to the jewelry store. He’d done some research online, finding the perfect necklace that would suit you. He wanted you to not only be able to wear it for special occasions but daily if you so desired.
Smiling at it, he closed the box and put it in a gift bag of your favorite color. He grabbed the card, a simple one with a blank inside so he could write his own message.
He contemplated what to say and exactly how to say it. He wasn’t always the best with words, usually being blunt and loud so the guys on the team could understand him, but you weren’t just a member of the team, you were someone special.
Dear YN,
I’m not great at these things and I think you know that better than anyone. However, for you, I’m going to try my best. I hope that all your birthday wishes come true and just know, you are incredibly special to me.
Happy Birthday
Putting the card in the bag, he applied a few sprays of his favorite cologne and made sure his hair was in perfect order. As he grabbed his watch, it began to light up, signaling he had a call. He reached for his phone, accepting the call while he finished fashioning the straps.
“Sakusa what’s wrong?” He answered as the sound of Sakusa on speakerphone chimed thought.
“Fucking Sumu forgot to get YN’s cake so I have to go and get it! Apparently the bakery is about to close and Bokuto will have a crap attack if the cake he ordered isn’t there. I’ll be able to get to the club but I’d be late with Yn. Do you think you could pick her up? I told her I’d be at her place by 8:30ish and I don’t think I’ll have time to get the cake and make it to the other side of town by then.”
Meian looked at his watch, noting it was nearly 8:15, “yeah I can swing by and get her. You just take care of the cake, so Bokuto doesn’t go into emo mode at the club.”
Sakusa laughed, thanking his captain before hanging up. Meian sighed, running his hands thought his hair as he reached for his phone to text you. Sure he had wanted to be the one to take you to your birthday party but now that the opportunity was here, it made him more than a little nervous.
Meian: Hey YN, Sakusa got caught up and can’t come get ya so I’m gonna swing by your place in about 10 minutes. Is that ok?
He waited only a few seconds before his phone buzzed.
You: OMG YAY!!! That’s just fine Shugo! I’m so excited to ride with you! Just buzz my flat and I’ll let you in when you get here!
Meian smiled at your excitement, happy you were pleased he was coming to pick you up. He picked up his keys, grabbing his wallet and making his way to his car.
Once parked, he quickly threw the empty bottles of water and electrolytes in the back seat silently cursing himself for falling behind on his usual cleaning schedule. Once his car was in more presentable shape, he buzzed the bell to your apartment as the door instantly clicked open.
“Come on up Shugo!” You shouted through the speaker as he pulled the door open and headed upstairs. You lived on the third floor, but he figured taking the stairs would give him time to calm his nerves a little more. You’d hung out on numerous occasions outside of work so this wasn’t something new, but this was the first time he was actually picking you up for an activity. He only knew of your apartment because he had to pleasure of escorting you home a few times before.
He arrived at your door, a cute sign greeting guests that he thought perfectly described you as a person hanging from your door. He smiled, rapping on the door as you quickly pulled it open, the door chain jamming.
“Shit hold on!” You swore as Meian chuckled as you closed the door unlatched the chain and swinging it open once more. You stood there, a huge smile on your beautiful face and Meian slowly took you in.
Your hair was done perfectly your makeup flawless. You wore wearing perhaps the sexiest dress he’d ever seen, black satin with a low-cut neckline and petite straps that covered your mostly exposed shoulders. The dress was tight and short, stopping several inches above your knee, just above your mid thigh. You had black high heels on, with delicate bracelets around your wrists. You looked absolutely perfect.
“Wow,” he breathed out, “you look spectacular Yn.” You looked more that spectacular, you look darn right phenomenal.
A light pink blush formed on your face as you smiled at him, moving out of the way and allowing him to enter.
“Thanks, Shugo, you look incredible! I bet all the girls will be all over you tonight,” you chime in as a twinge hit Meian. He smiled and nodded, trying his best to ignore the comment, before stepping into your apartment.
“Are you ready?” He asked as you turned to grab your keys and purse. His eyes widened as he took in the entirety of your exposed back, your dress landing on your lower back. Your skin looked incredible even beneath the crappy lighting that was your apartment.
“Yep but I couldn’t find a necklace that went with this dress. Do you think it looks ok without one? I didn’t have anything that was simple.”
Meian looked at you as you stood in front of him looking absolutely perfect. Your body looked incredible, and your breast were pushed up magnificently as you waited for his response. Suddenly, it hit him, this was his chance.
“Well actually, here,” he remarked, handing you the small bag he’d gotten you for your birthday.
“Shugo you didn’t have to do this!” You exclaimed, grabbing the bag and opening it. Meian chuckled at your enthusiasm, clearly excited for the gift.
You pulled out the card, opening and reading it. Your eyes soften as your hand went over your chest and you smiled, “Shugo, you’re going to make me cry and I can’t cry, or my makeup will run!” Meian chuckle chuckled as you put the card down, going to him and reaching in for a hug. Your hands went around his neck as his hands gently slipped to your waist, holding you tight against him. You felt perfect in his arms, molding beautifully into his body.
You pulled back as he smiled down at you and nodded to the bag, “ok now open your actual present.”
You giggled as you pulled the box out, opening it, your mouth fell slack as your eyes widened with shock.
“Shugo oh my god, it’s gorgeous!” You exclaimed, stunned at the beauty of the necklace, “holy crap, this must have cost so much money! You didn’t have to do this!”
He approached you, taking it from your hand as you swing around. He gently pulled your hair to the side as you took it from him, lifting it up as he draped the necklace around you before fastening it in the back.
You turned to face the mirror, Shugo standing behind you as he watched your expression light up.
“I wanted you to have something special because of how amazing you are,” he whispered into your ear as you felt a shiver run down your exposed back. He was so incredibly close, and your body couldn’t help but react.
Suddenly the moment was broken, Meian’s phone blaring as a call came flooding in. He grabbed it from his pants, looking at the caller id and rolling his eyes. You giggled, knowing exactly who was calling.
“Sumu what!?” Meian shouted as you checked your makeup and grabbed your purse.
“Are you coming? All the guest are here and we are waiting for our birthday girl!” Sumu yelled, Meian pulling the phone away from his ear as you shook at your head at all the nonsense.
“She’s MY birthday girl,” Meian repeated in his head before answering Sumu with a resounding, “yeah leaving now. Be there in 10.”
Meian escorted you down to his car, opening the door before taking your hand and helping you in. He then quickly made his way around to the drivers seat before taking off.
After a few moments of silence, Meian decides to break the silence.
“So are ya excited for your party Yn?” He questioned as you shrugged.
“Yeah sort of,” you responded as Meian looked over at you in confusion, “oh don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful the guys are doing this but I’m definitely not use to being the center of attention. Heck I usually leave that up to you guys.”
Meian understood what you meant. Being in the lime light was difficult at times and their lives were practically all public knowledge.
“Well just know you deserve this and so much more Yn. You are an amazing person and such a great manager,” he remarked as he pulled up to the valet at the club your party was being held at.
Escorting you in, Meian couldn’t help but fantasize about how amazing you looked on his arm and how he wouldn’t mind this being an everyday thing. His fantasies were broken however by the loud sounds of at least a dozen men shouting.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY YN!” The crowd yells as you and Meian enter the cup area. The entire back of the club was decorated in balloons and streamers of your favorite colors, beautiful arrangements of a flowers splayed everywhere with a giant, three tier’s cake with your age right in the center.
Meian was pretty impressed that idiots managed to pull of such an elaborate setup. As you began to hug everyone, Meian wandered over to Inunaki.
“Damn this is a pretty rich set up, Bokuto and Atsumu did this?”Meian questioned as Inunaki laughed, shaking his head back and forth.
“Oh god no, Sakusa and I hired a company to do this. Atsumu just showed up to ‘supervise’ and Sakusa told Bokuto he could bring one balloon. It’s hidden behind all the other ones.”
Inunaki pointed out a colorful and big balloon with a cat on it that said, ‘Here’s to a PURRFECT Birthday!’
Meian laughed before his eyes shifted over to you. He watched as everyone continued to hug you and wish you happy birthday. He noticed Kageyama and Hoshiumi as well as the other Adlers joining in. His confusion grew as he looked around seeing the entire Adlers team around your birthday table.
Just as his brain processed the fact that their rivals were here, his arch nemisis, Fukuro Hirugami, showed up next to you, giving you a huge hug and lifting you straight off the ground.
“Ahh Fukuro!” You screamed, clung onto his neck as your dress began to slowly ride up. Meian’s blood pressure began to rise, anger filling him as Hirugami set you down and you pulled your dress back down.
“What in the hell are the Adlers doing here?” Meian growled at Inunaki as he shrugged, not knowing how to answer it.
“I have no clue dude. Atsumu or Hinata must have invited them. You know how much they love Yn. Why is there a problem?” Inunaki watched as his captains face grew red with frustration.
Meian was annoyed that the Adlers had turned up, knowing exactly how the team and especially Hirugami felt about you. He wasn’t shy about bringing up his attraction to you during their practice matches, making it blatantly obvious that he was staring at your ass on multiple occasions.
Meian had never wanted to punch someone in the face more than he did at this very moment. Hirugami’s eyes were glued to you in that dress, not that he could really blame the man, but damn did he have to make it so fucking obvious?
“Well let get this party started! Time to get our birthday girl smashed!” Atsumu shouted, pulling you towards the table filled with drinks and shots.
You sat down next to Atsumu, your eyes trailing to Meian as you motioned for him to come and sit next to you. He quickly obliged, moving past everyone before knocking shoulders with Hirugami on his way to your side. Their eyes met, Hirugami smirking at him as he turned to look in your direction. It was a silent challenge but one Meian would not back down from.
A few shots later and you were feeling a good buzz. Meian wasn’t complaining one bit, your body pressed against his as you talked and joked with your friends.
“Alright Yn, you owe me a dance let’s go!” Hinata shouted, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the dance floor. Bokuto and Hoshiumi followed as Meian watched you having fun. He loved the way your eyes lit up and how spectacular you looked dancing. God, could you move your body flowing so effortlessly and perfectly in tune with the music.
“So, tell me, is Yn still single?” Hirugami asked, sliding up next to Meian, his expression narrowing in on his arch-nemesis.
Meian’s blood boiled at the thought of you anywhere near Hirugami. “She’s not a fuck toy Hirugami, stay away from her!”
Hirugami laughed, shaking his head before responding, “nah dude, I was gonna ask her to dinner. She’s fucking hot man, I’m surprised one of you haven’t bagged her already.”
His anger only grew as he watched Hirugami turn to face you, his eyes watching your body move as if it wasn’t a privilege.
Meian stood up, looking down at Hirugami, “stay the fuck away from her.” He began to walk away as Hirugami watched him, his smirked widening.
Meian went to the bar, grabbing a shot and pouring it back. He had to cool down, he couldn’t let Hirugami’s stupid tricks get to him. There was no way he’d not know Meian liked you by the way he acted.
“If you plan to turn into a raging alcoholic, could you maybe give me a heads up so I can deal with coach?” A voice chuckled as Meian turned to see Barnes walking towards him.
“Don’t think you have to worry about that,” Meian answered, turning around to see his friend and teammate approaching.
“You know, I’m pretty sure everyone except Yn knows you like her. Why don’t you just tell her and put yourself out of this misery,” Barnes suggested, leaning against the bar.
“Is it really that obvious?” Meian asked as Barnes turned to him and smiled.
“So obvious man.”
Meian turned back to the dance floor, eyes locking on you, only this time, you weren’t alone.
Hirugami was right behind you, his hands on your hips as you swayed to the music. He watched, anger boiling over as Hirugami pulled you closer to him, your hips and ass grinding against him as he stuck his head down, to rest next to your ear.
“Shugo you ok-” Barnes asked as Meian took off from his station at the bar, headed straight for you and Hirugami.
“Shit Inunaki!” Barnes shouted and pointed as the Libero’s eyes followed the line of sight to see their captain practically running towards you and Hirugami.
“Damn it! Bokuto, Thomas!” He shouted, the two men near him spotting Inunaki running towards Meian.
“Oh fuck,” Thomas yelled, quickly racing towards the dance floor.
Meian grabbed your arm, pulling you toward him as you jolted, falling into his chest.
“Shugo what’s wrong?” You asked, his hand going to your waist as he glared at Hirugami who now had a sly smirk on his face.
“I told you to stay the fuck away from her,” Meian growled, pulling you behind his back as you watched the two men go toe to toe.
“Didn’t know you laid a claim on her Meian, you really shouldn’t let her out of your sights,” Hirugami smiled smugly as Meian got into his face.
You stood behind Meian, scared of what was about to happen. You looked around, seeing Inunaki, Barnes, Bokuto and Thomas headed towards you as well as Heiwajima, Romero and Sokolov from the Adlers.
“Captain back down,” Barnes insisted as Inunaki pulled you away from the confrontation. The last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt.
“Yeah Meian, back down,” Hirugami spat out as Meian growled and shoved the captain of the Adlers. Your hands flew to your face as you watched Hirugami, fall back a few feet.
“Hey knock it off!” Romero shouted, Hirugami going back into Meian’s face, the two going nose to nose. You stood there, in shock at what you were witnessing. You couldn’t believe what was happening.
“Shugo, Fukuro stop it!” You shouted but neither of them heard you, their egos both too loud to hear anything but their own minds. Atsumu, Hoshiumi, Ushijima and Hinata had joined the group now while Kageyama came to stand by you and Inunaki.
“Come on your guys!” Someone shouted as Meian and Hirugami continued their stare off, suddenly Hirugami shoved Meian who stumbled back a few feet as a small squeak sounded torn from your lips as you mindlessly began to make your way towards the men.
“YN not! Don’t go over there, you’ll get hurt!” Inunaki grabbed your wrist, swinging you around as you screamed.
“Someone has to stop them!”
Like an Angel from above, Sakusa made his way through the crowd, getting in between Hirugami and Meian as the other men began to approach as well.
“Alright knock it the fuck off! Jesus Christ this is YN’s birthday and you guys are ruining it!”
Meian snapped to Sakusa, his mind clearing as his thoughts drifted from rage to concern. He turned his head to find you, standing by Inunaki and Kageyama and looking extremely scared.
“Fuck!” Meian shouted before turning and leaving out of the club. You tore yourself for Inunaki, running after him as fast as your heeled feet would carry you.
“Shugo wait!” You shouted, running after him as he plowed through the crowd. Once outside he kept walking as the sound of your heels hitting pavement followed him.
Meian was so incredibly angry with himself for ruining your party and your birthday. He’d let his anger get the better of him and done something he never wanted to do, scare you.
He stopped, turning around to respond to you, “look Yn I’m sor-”
Suddenly you fling yourself at him, his eyes widening as your arms went behind his neck and his hands went around your waist. You slammed your lips against his, his eyes wider than before as he slowly melted into the kiss, your arms grasping him tightly as he pulled you close to him.
“YN, what-?”
“Shugo god you are such an idiot!”
Meian looked at you, confused as to what was happening. He had just ruined your birthday party but yet, you didn’t look upset or heartbroken. In fact, you were smiling up at him.
“Don’t you see, it’s always been you Shugo. I’ve been dropping hints that I’ve been interested in you for months now and well, you never reciprocated.”
Meian studied your face, looking for any sort of deception or falsehood in your statement. There was just no way any of this was happening right now.
“YN be serious for a minute please. There is no way you could possibly like me.”
You sighed, before pulling out your phone and tapping away. Meian was even more confused as you turned your phone around to show him the messages that had taken place between you and the team.
You: ugh I don’t think I can take this anymore!! He’s so incredibly hot 🥵
Sakusa: Yn keep your thirsting to a minimum please, it’s gross
Barnes: Jesus Yn just confess to the man already!
You: I can’t 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Inunaki: why not? You two hang out all the time and act like your dating so just make it official already
Atsumu: I know what’s holding you back YN
You: you do sumu 🤨
Atsumu: yep, it’s your crush on me
Sakusa: oh my god
Bokuto: Meian and YN sitting in a tree…
Hinata: K I S S I N G 😘
You: I regret ever telling you all anything
Thomas: probably would have been easier to just confess right 😂
Meian read the texts over and over, looking for something, anything that would prove you were lying but there was nothing. You weren’t lying and you did like him.
“Well shit,” he chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head as you blushed.
“I know there was probably better ways to tell you Shugo but well-”
Before you could finish, his lips were on yours again, pulling you in closer as the kiss deepened. His tongue met yours, battling for dominance as he quickly took over. The kiss was incredible and everything felt perfect.
He broke the kiss, a huge smile cresting his face as he looked down at you, matching expression staring back at him.
“See my master plan to find YN a man worked,” Sumu exclaimed as MSBY all stared, unimpressed at Atsumu’s declaration.
“Sumu you’ve spent the entire night flirting with girls, what help did you give Yn?” Hinata questioned, a look of confusion growing on the red heads face.
“Yeah you weren’t even here when we broke up the fight between the captains,” Shion returned as Atsumu waved him off.
“That was the whole plan guys! I trusted in you guys and let nature take it course,” Atsumu proudly declared as everyone stood up and walked away from the table leaving Atsumu all alone.
“It’s fine,” he declared, “y’all can thank me later.”
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psychokittycat101 · 1 year
Guys I need help, I want to read fanfics where Y/n is either the Manager of MSBY or All Japan Team, please help me I can’t find any 😭
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gachaclubideas · 1 year
saw a Ikuto Tsukiyomi(Shugo Chara) x reader story
me: didn't know that this old anime has some x reader stories
found out that there's no male reader or oc when I tried to find one
me: …… *sigh* figured
Shugo Chara m!Y/n
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He's the Ladybug, but his hero name is Coccinelle
He has slightly trust issues
His uncle(the previous Coccinelle) is Guardian of the Miraculouses
His mother(the previous Cat Noir) was killed in an accident when m!Y/n was 7 years old
He has a best friend, Saiki Ryoko(an oc) who is the Cat Noir
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m!Y/n and Saiki actually know each other's identities because m!Y/n is the one who gave the cat miraculous to Saiki
Extra info
There a person who will be Hawkmoth so Akumatized villains exist
Amu and her friends didn't know that m!Y/n is Coccinelle and Saiki is Cat Noir it's because the appearance
When Saiki transformed into Cat Noir, his hair will be slightly messy, his hair colour is black and eyes colour are neon green
When m!Y/n transformed into Coccinelle, his hair colour has slightly red and black and eyes colour are blue like Tikki
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evereinefaust · 4 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Cecil Aijima X afab!Reader
Synopsis: In the thick forest, MC was reunited with a certain prince who sang her a song filled with his feelings.
Word Count: 967
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After her reunion with the emerald-eyed blonde, [Y/n] continued with her small journey around her uncle's agency. She went deeper into the garden, eventually entering a small forest of cherry blossoms scattered around. The [h/c]ette halted once she reached a certain tree. [E/c] irises went from the trunk of the tree up to the person sitting on one, sturdy branch. Several fireflies were floating around, illuminating the dim place.
[Y/n] smiled, recognizing the male who's reading a book on the branch. "Shiru-nii..."
Said male snapped out once he heard his name being called. He closed his book and curiously glanced down at the person who called him. Once he saw the small girl from below, a smile made its way unto his lips, his blue-green eyes gentle and jubilant after seeing her.
"[Y/n]-chan," he mentioned before hopping off the tree branch.
The [h/c]ette let out a yelp once she saw the prince jumping off the tree, [e/c] orbs widening in surprise. She took a step back and moved her head to the side, closing both eyes as she waited for Cecil to arrive down. Landing the ground safely, Cecil slowly made his way towards the girl.
"[Y/n]-chan," he softly whispered.
The young teen opened her eyes and faced the tan male. Pink lips slightly parted as she stared back into Cecil's oceanic hues.
"[Y/n]-chan, I'm so glad to see you."
"What were you doing in that tree, Shiru-nii?" she asked, tilting her head to the side cutely, her [e/c] eyes containing curiosity.
"Studying," he simply replied, closing his eyelids.
"Yes. The moon is very bright tonight, so I'm reading a Japanese textbook."
"You study so hard, huh, Shiru-nii?" [Y/n] giggled softly.
"Thank you, [Y/n]-chan," a light blush crept its way unto the prince's cheeks. "I've been wanting to thank you."
"Huh?" she blinked, confused by the male's words.
"The muses led me to your music and this country that day. And..." Cecil bent down on one knee as he gently grabbed [Y/n]'s hand, glancing at her. After a while, he passionately kissed the back of her hand. "I found you, my princess."
The girl felt the heat rising on her cheeks because of the prince's affectionate kiss on her hand. Her [e/c] orbs dilated in surprise as her mouth were agape. Several fireflies passed by the two of them to add as an effect to the scene.
"It's all thanks to you, [Y/n]-chan," he slowly stood up, her hands still in his bigger ones. "You are my darling princess."
[Y/n] stared into his eyes for a while, truly captivated by his oceanic hues mixed with a tint of forest green. She swore she could stare at him for all eternity. Cecil, as well, was mesmerized by her [e/c] ones. Those gem-colored orbs that reflected the dark, night sky. The way her eyes glistened to the moonlight when it shone down on it, the way it contained innocence and pure gentleness. He was glad to be able to meet her.
"[Y/n]-chan..." he whispered. 
"Yes, Shiru-nii?"
"I want you to listen to the song I'm going to sing for you. It was the one that you composed for me before," he requested, entwining his hands with hers. "I want you to listen to it because I know that my song will tell you more about my love for you."
[Y/n] blushed even more as she nodded. "Sure."
"I titled it Anata no Shugo Tenshi. That's because I wanted to be the one who would watch over my princess," he told her, smiling brightly. 
When she smiled back, Cecil started to sing the song. He closed his eyes, feeling the emotions surging through his whole body as he sung his heart out. He wanted her to feel the emotions he's conveying; he wanted his feelings to reach out to her through his song.
"It's wonderful, Shiru-nii... Thank you..." her eyes softened, gazing back at her prince.
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universalistotalis · 2 years
One Minute Girlfriend BONUS PART
This is a continuation of this story so ya gotta read this first 😙😙😙
“You know, you run fast.” Meian Shugo whispered randomly on one lazy Sunday afternoon.
“What?” You looked up at him, chin resting on his chest. You were both laying down on the bed, binging on some sci-fi series on Netflix.
His long, slender fingers played with your hair then caressed your back. “I wanted to ask for your name, because you knew mine, but I had no idea what yours was.”
“I’m sorry, what are we talking about?” You, now, balanced yourself on your elbows to get a good look at your husband.
“You forgot our first meeting?” He pouted, looking offended at your answer.
You chuckled then pecked his puckered lips. “You have to be certain, baby. I ran a lot of times.”
He snorted, rubbing his nose with yours. “You hide so well too. I couldn’t find you no matter how hard I tried. And when I finally did, you wanted to run away again.”
“Hey, for the record, you can be really intimidating.” You defended.
“That was me trying to know you.” He laughed, squeezing you tight. “I wanted to know you better, I didn’t know why but I was drawn to you in some way.”
“You were drawn to a girl who went out of the bathroom. How romantic.” You said sarcastically.
He rolled his eyes. “Stop ruining the moment. You married me anyway.”
You chuckled and lied down on his chest, squeezing your way into the crook of his neck. “I wanted to introduce myself too, you know. But I thought you wouldn’t really care. You’ve inspired me so much even when you were my idol so I was just really happy I could help you at that moment. I owe you a lot as well. Your love for the sport actually inspired me to love what I did for a living. Also, I didn’t want you thinking that I was taking advantage of you or anything.”
The room was filled with comfortable silence with your synchronized breathing disturbing the quiet. One thought occupied both of your minds and it was that you were both so thankful you found each other again.
“Damn, you really love me, don’t you?” He murmured against your hair.
That garnered him a slap on the arm. “Way to go ruin the moment too!”
“I couldn’t imagine a life without you anymore. Don’t wanna go back to when I didn’t have you.” He said then pulled you in for a deep kiss.
And holy damn, he really does love you too.
I have read so many fics of this man and I loved him to bits! But he’s always like a fuckboy or something so here, I present you, soft boi Meian Shugo. I’m a sucker for all softies, forgive me.
More stories soon! Hope you like this!
Reblogs and replies are appreciated 😉
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thicksimpx · 3 years
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Pairing : Meian Shugo x Reader
Summary : big balled Meian brainrot 😂😂
Warnings : mature content, mature language, MDNI, Meian brainrot , this is what I think mornings on the weekends with Meian would be like 😂 leave me alone, masturbation, balls sucking, cumshot, cum on face , cum eating.
Tags - @luffysthickwaifu @festive @rinhoes @dejwrites @gabzlovesu @imperatorkhaleesi @shoutaswhore @miwaizumi @mizumikira @cherrykamado @ry0m3n @try99 @littlemochi @hhawkz @apollostears @haikyutiehoe @indiecursor @bookwormsenpai
You were never a morning person. Meian knew that. You would whine and beg for a few extra minutes not even bothering notice the hint of neediness that you loved oh so much, in his voice. So he started taking care of his morning "problems" on his own. With that said, you weren’t surprised at the scene in the living room.
Leaning on the doorframe you watched Meian. Slouched down on the couch, eyes shut, and shirt tucked into his mouth whimpering. Your heart hammered in your chest as you watched his large hand sliding up and down his length.
Pretty pink tip just oozing with precum. He cracks an eye open and waves you over. Cunt throbbing as you lightly pad over to him kneeling in between his legs.
You watch closely; the way he furrows his brows, how tight he was gripping his dick as he teases himself with fast and slow strokes, his deep yet desperate whimpers. You wanted to help.
You lightly cup hips balls making him tense, massaging lightly until he relaxes the muscles of his thighs. He watches you, never faltering in his strokes, confusion slightly spread over his face.
You stare up at him while leaning in to lick his balls. The shit falls from his mouth and he smiles at you. “Good morning nasty girl”
“Morning daddy” you say sucking off his halls with a pop. “I see you were having fun without me”
“I just didn’t want to wake you” he says biting his lip. “But since you’re up, stay right there”
You nod and lick from his balls up to his dick. He let go and watched as you licked up to the tip and back down to his balls sucking both into your mouth.
Wrapping his hand back around himself, he strokes at a steady pace while you swirl your tongue over his balls in your mouth. You feel his balls tighten, and you suck off with a pop. Sticking your tongue out as you wait.
He chuckles lowly before a pussy throbbing moan slips from his lips. Cum shoots out and you get excited and turned on as spirts landing on your face and your tongue, the rest dripping down his length to the base.
“You look beautiful” he says breathlessly.
“So do you” you wink, licking up the cum that dripping down to his balls. Licking your way up to his tip, slowly wrapping your plump lips around it, and sinking down as far as you can get him in your throat.
“Alright enough, please” he whines trying to pull you off from sucking him dry. He can overstimulate you but can’t take it himself.
“Fine” you pout whipping the saliva from the sides of your mouth. Standing to your feet you flop down onto the couch next to him. Throwing one leg over his and spread yourself wide. “Come get your breakfast”
“Don’t mind if I do”
Thicksimpx© 2022. Do not copy, claim, modify or translate my work without my permission. thanks 😘
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trueshellz · 3 years
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Day 6: Shugo + bondage
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Previous day | MASTERLIST | Next day
Warnings: shibari, suspension from ceiling, traffic light use, dirty talk, bdsm dynamic, rough sex, fingering, orgasm control
Summary: You and Shugo have some fun...
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Dropping your head back, you smiled at Shugo who was standing there with his hands on his hips. A small grin playing on his face as he watched you spin slowly, the rope suspended from the ceiling holding you in place where he left you. Your hair tied up, body bare except for his handprints on your ass and breasts from earlier.
"You OK there, darling?"
"Can you move your legs for me? Good girl. And make a duck with your hand? Perfect."
"I'll tell you if it hurts. I promise."
"I know you will, baby. But I'd rather check to make sure ok? Can you give me a colour?"
"Green. Very green."
Chuckling quietly, Shugo moved around you before standing at your feet and running his fingers across the place where the soft rope met your skin. You knew you'd have some marks for a few days, especially around your thighs and ass and you knew that your ever-attentive boyfriend would be the one to rub ointment into them and run you a warm bath to make you feel better. He was always so attentive to you, making sure you ate, cooking when he was home from matches and ensuring that he spent enough time with you.
Gasping quietly when you felt his fingers run your slit, the position he had you in leaving your pussy opens by on display for him to tease you. He started with his fingers on your clit, opening you up and rubbing the sensitive nub until you were whimpering. When you were close, pulling away and grinning at you when you whined and called him name. Pressing his fingers inside younto the full, curling them at once and finger fucking you until you were shaking and thrashing around. Showing no hint of stopping this time, Shugo kept moving his fingers inside you as his other hand landed with a slap on your right breast, the impact giving you the last push you needed to cum. Barely having enough time to recover before you felt him push into you, hands holding your thighs in place as he set a harsh and punishing pace.
"Such a pretty picture you paint, baby. Look at yourself. All fucked out and wanting my dick, huh? You're so wet around me, darling. Pulling me back in so pretty. Hmmm? Feels good right? So fucking pretty. Tell me where I am, darling. Where am I, huh?"
"In me. Oh God. Meian... please."
"In you, but where baby?"
"In my pussy. Fucking me. Oh god. I can't. I wanna cum, please. You feel so good. So big, oh fuck. Don't stop. Please. Meian, don't stop. Don't stop. Pleasepleaseplease."
Using the rope as leverage, Shugo pulled you back on himself in harsh movements, hips bouncing off your ass with each thrust. The sounds of your pleasure ridden sobs and his grunts filling the room as you felt another orgasm rip through you again. His mouth finding yours as he pulled you up into a hard kiss, still impaled on his thick cock as he filled you up with his warm cum, white ropes painting your insides as your body twitched through the aftershocks. Breath coming in small pants as he leaned his head against yours, the grin he wore throwing you off a little.
"Darling, I never said you could cum though."
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Breaking Through:
Future Mrs. Sakusa
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Sakusa Kiyoomi x Fem! Reader (she/her)
Warnings: mild swearing, all fluff
AN: this is an anon request and a sequel to Being Itachiyama’s Manager: Breaking through Sakusa’s Walls. I did change up the request a little from proposing at a game to a more private proposal just because it fit with the scenario a little better 🥰
Well congrats Yn 👏🏻
You’ve made it through your first year as MSBY’s manager
Honestly, your survival wasn’t assured
I mean, just look at the working hazards
If you don’ constantly hear, “yN i NeEd HeLp” 🙄
But seriously though, acclimating to this team wasn’t your only chore
You were also navigating your relationship with MSBY Spiker, Kiyoomi Sakusa
Now as we all know, you and Sakusa have been dating for quite a while
High school, college and now pro-volleyball
Seriously it’s been almost like 5 years that’s you’ve been hanging onto Sakusa
It hasn’t always been easy
His constant concern for germs and his annoyance of his idiotic teammates were a struggle
You’d gone through some tough times in college and beyond
Dealing with losses of games and a grueling Olympic journey
It was a lot to say the very least but your love and commitment to Kiyoomi held strong 💪🏻
Now Sakusa knew he wasn’t an easy person to deal with
Heck before you came along, Komori was literally the only one who could deal with him
You might have been the opposite of him but you meshed well
You learned to deal with his quirks and his need to cleanliness
He learned to deal with you and your extreme desire to keep Hinata, Bokuto and Atsumu alive 🙄
He knew you were the one a long time ago and he loved/adored you more than anything!
He had long been thinking about the next step but he wanted it to be perfect
He knew you deserved the best and he was going to give it to you
He had been saving up for a ring for a while now and he’d managed to keep it all a secret
Until one day when Meian and his girlfriend announced their engagement during practice
He watched as you became so excited for them, giving them hugs and admiring the ring on her finger
“It’s gorgeous!! Shugo you did such a great job!” You cried as you celebrated for your friends and teammates
Sakusa couldn’t help but imagine how excited you would be for your own engagement to him
He loved the idea how you wearing his ring and eventually his last name
And Sakusa wasn’t the only one to notice your excitement 👀
Because Atsumu had seen it as well and being the little shit he is, he most DEFINITELY was going to bring it up
“Sooooo Omi, when are you gonna put a ring on YN’s finger?” Atsumu asked later in the locker room as the team changed
You were happily cleaning up the gym like you did normally, clueless to the entertainment behind closed doors
“Sumu back off! Don’t pressure him,” Barnes scolded as Sakusa tried to ignore Atsumu
Way easier said than done 🙄
“What? I saw how excited Yn looked when she saw that ring! You can tell she’s itching to get engaged. Come on man, it’s been what, like 5 years with her? Don’t you think it’s time to lock her down?”
An audible sigh filled the locker room as everyone tried hard to ignore Atsumu
Again, easier said than done…
“YN doesn’t care about stuff like that! She’s loved Omi and I’m sure she’d be happy if they never got married,” Shion adds as Atsumu shakes his head
“Whatever you guys say but I know women and women want diamonds!”
“Says the man who can’t lock down a girlfriend to save his life,” Meian interjected at the locker room burst into laughter
Sakusa shut his locker, not making a sound as he made his way to the showers
Unbeknownst to the guys, he’d been thinking about asking you and with your anniversary approaching, he thought it would be perfect
Since he didn’t want the stress and potential cover of his operation to be blown, he asked Komori for help
He wanted to make your engagement perfect
He’d come up with the perfect idea and he made the plans to the T
On your anniversary, he texted you saying he got caught up with volleyball stuff and that Komori would drive you too the restaurant
You agreed because you truly believed Kiyoomi was busy
But when Komori pulled up to Itachiyama’s volleyball gym, you looked at him confused
He just shrugged as you narrowed your eyes and got out of the car
You were wearing a beautiful dress, looking like an absolute dream as you walked to the doors
Getting closer, you noticed a picture on the door
It was a team picture from your second year at Itachiyama when you had first met Kiyoomi
You smiled at the picture, remembering how you first grew attracted to the finicky winged spiker
Opening the door, you saw candles, flowers and what looked to be an aisle lined with photographs
You made your way thought the gym, looking at every picture and reliving every memory
They were all pictures come your relationship with Kiyoomi
Your first date, graduation, first apartment, and first day with MSBY
Your eyes began to well with tears as you relived all the memories
Looking over, you saw Kiyoomi standing at the end, looking extremely handsome in a gorgeous suit
“Kiyoomi, this is beautiful!” You cried as he smiled and wiped your tear away
“That’s not all Yn,” he said, getting on one knee as your eyes widened and your mouth fell open
“YN LN, I’ve known since high school that you were the one for me. You’ve put up with me for years, supported me in everything I do and I couldn’t ask for better life partner. Would you do me the ultimate honor and marry me?” He recited perfectly as you nodded, tears streaming down your eyes as you cried tears of joy
He slipped the beautiful ring on your finger and stood to his full height of 6 FOOT 4 INCHES and kissed you 🥹
Honestly dreams!
You spent the night and weekend celebrating with your new fiancé before venturing back to work Monday morning
Sakusa was actually shocked that you’d somehow managed to keep your engagement a secret
Only your families and of course, Komori knew
But that went all out the window the moment you stepped into the gym
“STEP OUT OF THE WAY LOSERS BECAUSE IM THE FUTURE MRS. KIYOOMI SAKUSA!” You screamed, showing your rock to everyone within your eyesight
Bokuto and Hinata 👉🏻🥹🥹😭😭
Meian, Inunaki, Barnes and Thomas 👉🏻🥳🍾🎉
Atsumu 👉🏻😏
Sakusa 👉🏻 😐🙄
Don’t worry Yn, he’s secretly so happy 🥰
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ushisrever · 3 years
I'm not sure you're taking requests now but if you do can i request an angst to fluff scenario of the msby boys + oikawa having a premature baby😭 ? Only if you're comfortable of course and if it's too many characters you can remove some. Also i just want to say that i absolutely love your writing it really fuel my baby fever for the past week 😂
They can’t be with you when you suddenly give birth
Members: Bokuto Kotarou, Meian Shugo, Miya Atsumu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Hinata Shoyo, Oikawa Tooru
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You’re suddenly giving birth before your full term (after 34 weeks and before 37 weeks). However, they are away on a business trip or away game and can’t get back even if they want to.
A/n: Hi Hi! Thank you for the request. For the request, I just made it that that delivery went earlier than expected but still in the safe side of it? I asked my doctor friend regarding about this lol. So, I made it that they are in an away game and you suddenly need to give birth. I hope you like it
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In all of the things that could have happened on that day, it had to be you giving birth
The moment he got a phone call from you saying that you’re about to give birth, it took awhile before Bokuto could process it
You may not know it, but he’s been taking note of the weeks as well before you give birth.
He’s crossing off the days before baby girl finally comes into the world to be loved by this bundle of joy
However, at 34 weeks, he didn’t expect that you’ll suddenly call him and tell him about the news
He doesn’t know what to do.  He’s all mixed emotions.
He’s in his hotel room with Hinata and he just stares at his phone
“Bokuto? Sweetie? Are you there? I-ugh-I have to-” you say from the other line as you feel the contractions.  You then hang up the phone without the idea what happened to your husband
Hinata then notices the unmoving Bokuto
“Bokuto, are you alright?” Hinata then notices the tears in Bokuto’s eyes
It took awhile before Bokuto could really tell Hinata what’s going on.
“Y/n’s giving birth.  It…it shouldn’t be happening yet! It should be up for another 5 weeks! I…I have to be there. I have to be,” Bokuto taps on his phone and is probably trying to book a ticket back home
“Bokuto, you have to calm down. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go anywhere, especially in this state,” Hinata said. Hinata then immediately calls the manager.
Bokuto is all over the place. He kept pacing back and forth. He’s not sure anymore of what to do.
He’s not there with you. He’s not there to support you as he always says he will.
It probably took another five minutes before Bokuto then slumps down on the couch with his hands covering his face
It doesn’t take long before he gets a call from Akaashi
“AKAASHI!” Bokuto immediately answers.
“I’m with your wife.  I know for sure, you’re panicking now. Your wife wouldn’t want that now,” Akaashi answered.
“But she shouldn’t be giving birth now!” Bokuto cries once more.
“The doctor said it’ll be alright.  Y/n is in labor right now and I’ll be with her and update you on every step. I suggest you finish the game tomorrow and take the first flight after the game. Don’t worry about her, alright?” Akaashi then hears the sigh and probably Bokuto’s nod then.
Bokuto then follows Akaashi’s suggestion.  Bokuto didn’t get much sleep at that time.  Akaashi then gives him an update about it.
Even up until the morning, Bokuto’s only update is that you’re still in labor. He’s beginning to even more guilty that he’s not there in the hours you feel those painful contraction
“I should be there,” Bokuto said even when they were already preparing for the game.
Bokuto doesn’t really want to play at all. He wants to run and head to the airport; however, even you told him to stay and finish the game.
He probably can feel himself crying as he sees the court. However, after some time now he hears his phone ring. He looks at it and he finds a picture of you and the beautiful baby girl.
Under the picture it says “Emilia and I are cheering for you! Make sure to win the trophy, papa,”
Immediately, Bokuto is a bundle of joy. His motivation has increased and is much more focused on actually winning.  It doesn’t take long for them to win the game.
At that, he immediately packs up and takes the first flight back to Japan
The moment he steps foot in Japan, he immediately goes to the hospital.
He runs into the room with a burst of tears. “I’M SO SORRY, Y/N!” He says and hugs you tight.
Though, you’re not really blaming your husband.  He may not be there, but you know for sure you two have a lifetime together to take care of your beautiful baby girl
You don’t even wait for long and have him make sure he’s all clean before you take him to the nursery where the baby is
Bokuto is all soft for the baby and he can’t help but give you a kiss on the forehead
“I promise. I’ll be here for you on the next one,” he said.
“THE NEXT ONE?” It seems Bokuto is planning on a big family.
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No one would even know that Meian is in internal panic unless someone asks him at all
It is a few minutes before the game that the manager notices the quiet Meian sitting on the bench and looking at his phone
The manager then talks to him. “Is anything alright?” she asked.
Meian then sighs and gives himself time to be more compose and look at his manager
He then tells the manager that he got a message from you that you’re on labor
The manager is probably more in panic than him
Though, different thoughts are in his head.  However, knowing for sure that he can’t go anywhere else just yet especially with the game, he tries to push those thoughts
He then makes sure to finish the game and immediately head back home
With a calm resolve, he turns to the manager “Manager, if it’ll be alright, can you book a flight for me.  I’ll be leaving right after the game,” he answered.
His eyes are in full focus and seriousness as he enters the court
Though, there would times where he will lose focus
He’ll try to shrug it off.  He knows you’re in good hands
However, the moment the game is finished, he comes cleaning himself up and immediately runs out to the airport
He’s more fidgety when he’s in the airport and in the airplane
He gets updates now and then
Though, the moment he got out of Japan’s airport, he gets a message from his friend that you’ve just given birth and the baby boy is healthy
He doesn’t waste anymore time and takes the taxi to the hospital
When he’s in your arms, that’s probably the time his tears shows at the corner of his eyes
“It’s okay, my love,” you comfort him
You totally understand him. You know for sure.
“You have no idea how scared I am. I can’t help thinking if something is wrong,” he said and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
As a comfort, you then take him to the nursery to see the baby
He sure is quiet but at the same time still couldn’t process that he's a father now.
He may have taken a few hours just admiring his own son
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Okay. So, here’s the thing with Miya Atsumu as a husband and father
He’s the kind of person who will leave everything just so he can tend to you
So, the moment you find yourself in labor (you’re currently in Osamu’s onigiri restaurant) and way before the deadline, you know that Atsumu should not know about it…yet
He’s halfway around the world and he’s in an important game. You don’t want it to mess up the game at all
However, Osamu (Atsumu’s brother) thinks is not fair
So, he may or may have not told his brother about the issue
Atsumu then before the game, he immediately comes running out to the airport
Though, even with him leaving immediately, he still wasn’t able to help you through the labor
He’s in the airport when he finds out you’ve given birth
He probably sulk on his own at that
Felt all guilty for not helping you through the labor
For a moment, he finds himself sitting on a bench near duty free.  He’s probably contemplating for not trying to be there to you sooner
Though, he then finds a call from his brother
“You’re probably sulking right now, aren’t you?” Osamu said on the other line.
Atsumu doesn’t answer.
“It wasn’t your fault that your twin healthy girls came out earlier. However, I know for sure they are waiting to meet their dad. So get your ass up and get here quickly,” Osamu then hangs up.
Atsumu takes that as a slap and immediately stands up from his bench. Though, he may or may have not stopped at the gift shop to buy his daughters teddy bears as a gift from their daddy
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Sakusa is part of the “calm” team
When he finds out at the eve of his final game that you’re on labor, he takes his time to process it first
He tries to act calm and may have locked himself in the bathroom first
He then starts texting his friend who is with you
He may be  far away but that will not stop him from helping you at all
He dictates every thing to his friend
“Make sure she gets enough ice chips. Does she have an extra pillow on her back? How many centimeters?” he texts and texts
Though, he may or may have not try to think too much of the early delivery
However, he makes sure he gets to talk to the doctor through the phone
He asks if anything will be alright.
He then talks to you through the phone and tries to calm you through the contractions
Though, everytime he hears your groans and whimpers, he can’t help but feel awful
“I know, sweetie.  You can do it, sweetie,” he said with teary eyes.
He didn’t even sleep all night.  He’s drunk as much coffee just to be there with you as much as he can.
He didn’t even come out of his room the next day (no game yet) and just stay with you through video call
However, when time comes, the call ended
This time, he can’t help but walk back and forth thinking about what is happening
Though, that “ping” stopped him from going crazy
As he sees a picture of his daughter, he immediately falls back on his bed
“Be healthy, baby girl,” he mumbles
The game went on smoothly for him and later on he comes back home to you
The tight hug is a big indicator of how much he’s worried about you
However, you’re smile and pat on the back made him just melt into your arms
“Come. Let’s see our sweet girl,” you mumbled.
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Hinata is probably the kind of person that just melts
The ball of sunshine is filled with negative thoughts
When he finds a message from Tobio that you are in labor, he’s already packing up his bag
However, Sakusa is the one who probably pulled him back into his thoughts
Everything just happened too fast
He knows for himself that he should be ready for this moment
He should be with you
However, in 34 weeks time, here you are giving birth
Not on labor…but actually at the giving birth part
He thought he can even catch the last plane to get to you
However, everything just went too fast
It overwhelmed him to the point that tears falls across his cheeks
Sakusa had to tell him that everything is alright (Sakusa can confirm this since he went to call the doctor who is in charge and ask for any updates about it)
Though, when you’re all better, that’s when you call your husband for a video chat
You can see the puffy-faced Hinata. Though, you simply turn the camera and show your beautiful daughter in the nursery
“She wouldn’t want her daddy crying, right?” you said
Hinata then stops crying. Though, he’s quiet. He’s just looking at his daughter. If only he can just walk through the screen and actually hold his baby and kiss you for being so strong
“I’ll come home after the game, I promise,” Hinata mumbled but enough for you to hear
“Hear that Natalie? Daddy’s coming home soon,”
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He’ll probably do anything to get to you in no time
He’ll nag Hajime to make sure that you are okay
He’ll tell Hajime to do this and that that you might have to tell Tooru to take it easy on Hajime
“No, sweetie. He said he wants to be godfather, then he should do this for you, the mother of his godchild,” he said
You didn’t even bother arguing since you are focused on the labor
Though, Tooru is already at the airport to board when he gets a message that you just gave birth
He gets a picture and he may or may have not cried the whole time
He keeps saying something how his daughter is so cute
One look at the picture you sent , he’s already crying
He may have reached the hospital with puffy eyes
His eyes crying for more when he sees you in his reach
“How are you, baby?” he said before he gives you a kiss on the cheek
“All well and baby Emma is all good too,” you said
“Thank goodness,” Tooru sighed.
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ceo-of-daichi · 2 years
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❥Pairing | Sawamura Daichi x Fem!Reader x Meian Shugo
❥WC | 750+
❥A/N | I wanted to elaborate on my last thirsty thought so… I finally wrote something for both my boys together.. and it was a freaking blast to write, I had so much fun with it!! And I hope you guys do too! Thanks so much to @valravna for correcting all my grammatical errors and proofing💛
❥TW || Mentions of seeing 2 guys at once without them knowing (not official so not cheating), pet names ‘princess’ and ‘good-girl’, praise, oral (male x 2 receiving), face fucking, porn without plot, is this technically a threesome? probably…
Tip-Jar☕️ | Navi | Karasuno Masterlist
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You have no idea how you got here. How you ended up on your knees looking up at the two men you hoped would never have to meet, you had prayed to whoever was listening that you could have made a decision between the two by now.
However, it was almost impossible when they were both such a perfect fit in your life, such supportive, loving partners. But it didn’t matter right now, all that mattered was the fact that they had found out you were seeing both of them.
Meian had a permanent smirk on his face as he unbuckled his pants, almost as if he was waiting for you to fuck up. Waiting to find something, just so he could treat you how all his instincts were screaming at him.
You loved how much he towered over you in this position, not that he needed to be any taller. Sitting at 6’5 was tall enough, but something about this situation made your core ache in anticipation.
“Mmm, you think this is a good idea to do this here, Meian?” Daichi asks as he runs a knuckle down your cheek.
And then there was Daichi, the more cautious and reserved of the two. Though being cautious didn’t seem to mean he wasn’t up for anything more risky every so often. This, you figured, was one of those occasions. At least judging by the tent in his pants currently at eye level with you.
“Everyone is too occupied with the party to bother us here…” Meian nods as he watches Daichi push his thumb against your bottom lip, which you happily accept into your mouth. “Plus she seems too eager to wait any longer, isn’t that right princess?” He smirks as he watches the thin string of spit still attached to your lip expand as Daichi’s thumb leaves your mouth.
“Guess we shouldn’t make her wait any longer then…” Daichi can’t help but chuckle slightly as he pulls down his jeans and boxers just a bit, causing his cock to spring out and slap against your cheek. You relish in the weight of it as he moves it across your face and pushes the tip past your lips.
His hand sat comfortably against the back of your head, gently coaxing you on his cock, urging you to take him further and further until you gag and choke around him.
“She’s taking you so well, such a good girl…” Meian praises as he takes himself into hand. He allows himself to observe for a few short moments, which you catch out of the corner of your tear soaked eye.
After a few short seconds of putting on a show for both of them you pull away from Daichi with a pop, leaving only a thin layer of drool coating his cock. He groans softly at the sight of how fucked you look, covered in your own drool and tears.
You don’t give them long to admire you as you quickly take Meian into your mouth, starting to give his cock the attention it deserves.
Unlike Daichi, Meian is slightly more impatient and he can’t stop his hips thrusting against your slack jaw, the sound of his heavy balls hitting your chin causing your eyes to roll back as you allow him to abuse your mouth.
Your hands grip at his jean clad thighs as he lets himself lose control for a bit, before he allows you a small amount of reprieve, pulling your head back slightly, giving Daichi some space to slip the head of his cock back into your cheek alongside Meian’s.
You couldn’t help but just stare in awe as they both started to fuck their hands as you suckle at their tips, awaiting them to come undone and paint your throat. It was all you could do, sit there like a good girl and watch their faces contort and strangled moans leave their parted lips as they filled your mouth with their combined seed.
And you would be lying if you said you didn’t love every second.
“Holy fuck…” Daichi gasped, slightly out of breath as he pulled himself back watching your still open mouth, the thick white substance they left behind spilling over the sides of your tongue. Your cheeks still wet from tears and chin wet with drool, you were beautiful.
You continued to stay kneeling in that position, waiting for approval, for praise, for permission, which you got only moments later when Meian tapped the underside of your chin to close your mouth.
“Good girl…Now let's sort you out yeah?”
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❥General Taglist (HQ) | @hero-fucking-101 @lanaxians-2 @honeybunny-sawamura @vs-redemption @mitzwinchester @gemini-writes @kyojuros-kitten @suga-tofu @KirisSluttyPebble @babybeks @hannas16 @urfilgoth @tetsukentona @briokayama @vanilleswtmacaron @theroosterswife24 @nanamis-wifey-reye @literotica @euryale16 (if your name is crossed it wouldn’t let me tag you) @mrskodzuken @kagejima @northofneverland (thought you guys would like this😏)
If you want to be added to one of my taglists, just fill out this form!
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saoney · 3 years
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“What do you think?” He whispered, voice so low and seductive as his hands snake down to your hip and the other went slightly under your tit, ghosting his touches there to tease you wanting more of him. “Not so smart now, are we?”
And just like that, he brings yourself to him flush to his body. His hands tore your dress impatiently, your mind is too hazy in lust, welcoming his hot breath fanning your shoulder blade as he latched his mouth there, leaving trail of kisses up to your neck.
A moan escape your lips, you spun to him; your hands quickly land on the back of his neck softly grabbing a handful of his once was neatly combed hair, displeased even the smallest warmth of his body dissipate from you as your other hand cupping his cheek, breath as laboured as his; you brings his forehead to you, eyes never left him and you whispered back, “I want you, please..”
Satoru, Suguru, Toji, Nanami, Sukuna, Kuuro, Meian, Suna, Kita, Hajime, Tooru, Ushijima, Akaashi, Tsuki + any of your boyfriends (❁´◡`❁)
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Reblog, comment & like are always appreciated!
© 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲. 𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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atsumiye · 3 years
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um, wrong number?
on a night out, atsumu manages to get his next flings number. written on a flimsy napkin, they scribble a cute “call me” and their number. however, the next morning atsumu realizes the last few digits are smudged. with his superb guessing skills, he manages to guess the last 3 digits....or what he thinks is the 3 digits. so what happens when atsumu texts y/n some raunchy messages? he gets called a pervert.
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pairing: atsumu x reader, meian x reader
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warnings: all characters are time skip, swearing, suggestive themes
genre: fluff, comedy, angst
status: ongoing
taglist: closed
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profile 1 ll profile 2
☏ prologue- reunion time!
☏ chapter one- that one soccer team
☏ chapter two- i spilled my drink
☏ chapter three- sir kink
☏ chapter four- pinky promise
☏ chapter five- who snitched
☏ chapter six- soulmates or something
☏ chapter seven- hot asf?
☏ chapter eight- don't be jealous
☏ chapter nine- hosni drescher
» who is hosni drescher?
☏ chapter ten- 256 north street
☏ chapter eleven- proud to know you
☏ chapter twelve- damnit atsumu
☏ chapter thirteen- i think you traumatized him
☏ chapter fourteen- he's in love with her
☏ chapter fifteen- it's some other girl...
☏ chapter sixteen- dealing with it
☏ chapter seventeen- lets never meet again
☏ chapter eighteen- watch your head
☏ chapter nineteen- i've met her before
☏ chapter twenty- are you telling the truth?
☏ chapter twenty one- i know how you felt now
☏ chapter twenty two- it will be alright
☏ chapter twenty three- i love you
[atsumu] [meian]
☏ chapter twenty four- some time apart
[atsumu] [meian]
☏ chapter twenty five- i miss you
[atsumu] [meian]
☏ chapter twenty six- by your side
[atsumu] [meian]
☏ epilogue- both of us
[atsumu] [meian]
☏ bonus scenes
[ the wedding pinterest board ]
[ uncle samu ]
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
Adding onto the hq boys with a Hispanic s/o yes pls msby boys + Osamu thank you omg ajcgjahxhd just thinking abt it got me swinging my feet
Yes yes yesssss I've been thinking about this all dayyyyy, my thirst for Meian came back to life! There is so little info about him and Inunaki, but they are my faves minor characters from the time skip 😍 I swear, reading the manga I was like "I love you underrated man without any background story" and there is like... 25 fanfics about Meian and like 1 of Inunaki 😭 so well... I'm gonna do content about them for myself 🤣
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Haikyuu x reader
MSBY Black Jackals + Osamu w/ an Spanic s/o
Part I: feat Meian, Inunaki, Thomas and Osamu
Part II: feat Atsumu, Bokuto, Hinata and Sakusa
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Meian Shūgo
The hardworking captain meet you by accident, you ran into him and you were so nervous that you apologized in Spanish
And he just asked your phone number right there
He thinks your eyes are so expressive, your hair looks so soft, and your lips, those lips that curved on a shy smile, he wants to taste them
Was love at first sight for him, you actually put him in the friendzone for a while because he is so captured by work that he missed a couple of dates
When he finally got you to date him, he loves to hear you sing in Spanish
His favourite morning routine is doing breakfast with you because sometimes you both make a traditional Japanese breakfast and sometimes is from your country
Blushes hard when you sway your hips against him while sing Spanish on his hear
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Inunaki Shion
He meet you on an interview, he's an English speaker so the interview was very easy for you
When he was done he asked for your contact to watch the interview later
But the sneaky libero was actually making an excuse to talk to you again, so after s few months he started to tease you in Japanese and as a payback you did it on Spanish
And he was thrilled! Never knew someone so bold, he enjoys the cultural exchange
When you moved to Japan he was quick to help you out, and that's where he confesses
Now his favourite thing to do is watching you dance while cooking
He asked you to give him a pet name in Spanish, so when you call him "corazón" (heart) he gives you his undivided attention always
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Adriah Thomas
He has good boy vibes, look at him, he's an enthusiastic and friendly guy!
He saw you struggling with some papers on your way to talk to the coach and he was quick to help
Told you to not worry, he can speak English, but when the coach called you by your last name he grew curious because doesn't sound like English
So he starts to ask questions and after months leads you to a very healthy relationship
He actually started to learn Spanish in case you decide to take him to your country
Likes when you help him with his Spanish tests and asks for kisses every time he gets a decent score
Totally melts when you praise him on Spanish, he's quick to praise back and call you "bonita" (pretty)
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Osamu Miya
You are one of his employees, you and your friend actually, you both came from y/c (your country)
Cultural barrier engaged, since you and your friend are from a country were you say hi before giving a kiss was his favourite thing about you both
But specially from you, because let's be honest, he has a crush on you, he likes to hear you laugh and the way you bump your hips on his while teasing him
So now it's official he makes your country food whenever you feel home sick
He likes to hear you speak Spanish, actually asked you what is your favourite pet name so he can call you that
To be honest this guy googled ingredients and traduced them to Spanish just to call you "calabaza"(pumpkin) "zanahoria"(carrot) or even "Mani"(peanut) when he feels humourous
His favourite thing of your life together is hearing you talk in Spanish, for an unknown reason turns him on
Thanks for reading 🐨✨💖
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universalistotalis · 2 years
Lust and Love
Your Haikyuu faves
!!! Minors DO NOT INTERACT!!!
Warning: nsfw, explicit smut and language, established relationship
WC: 1.3k
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KUROO i cannot stress this enough, MEIAN, Bokuto, Daichi, Sugawara, Ushijima, Atsumu, Sakusa, MATSUKAWA, Iwaizumi, SUNA
You must be the first wonder of the world.
He thought that to himself as he stared at you in awe at how calm, collected, and classy you were being when just an hour ago, you were whining, crying, and begging, out of your mind from the orgasms he gave you.
You were both invited to a dinner party with all his friends. It was wine night so everyone was dressed in fancy clothes. And you, being the beauty that you were, simply gleamed in the candlelight. Your skin was a creamy delight and your soft chuckles tickled his senses, turning him on so badly. He never felt this hunger, this lust for anyone he met.
But he knew he never loved like he loved you either. So all these foreign feelings bubbled up inside of him, ready to burst, ready to fill you up—
“Hey babe.” You called out to him across the table. Your eyes that were so soft and innocent contrasted his that were blown wide, dilated with desire. “Do you want their featured dessert? I know it’s your favorite.”
Your hand enveloped his at your inquiry. His heart skipped beats at the normal question and flames crept up his skin, igniting every nerve ending in his body. And the most fucked up of it all was that you were oblivious to all of this. So oblivious of the lustful gazes his teammates and the waiters gave you. So oblivious of how enchanting you were. So fucking oblivious of the growing bulge in his freakin’ pants.
“Sure, baby. I’d like that.” You didn’t even notice the drop in his voice. The vibrating baritone was enough to make the other girls in the table stare at him in awe.
“Alright.” You said, ordering what he wants but still not letting go of his hand. He took advantage of it too, playing with your fingers and admiring how small and delicate they were compared to his. These always gave him a sense of protectiveness. He wanted to keep you safe at all times, make you feel so loved and special. He’ll give you the world if he could because that’s how you make him feel.
You make him feel invincible and the only man you’d ever lay eyes upon. He couldn’t bring himself to care about the others trying to pry your attention away because the way you looked so lovingly at him was enough to put him at ease.
He was trying to behave all evening because he knew how flustered you’d get when he decides to play in public. Oh, how he would love to break you in front of everyone but you’ve been such a good girl for him that he’ll save you this once.
So when both of you were in the privacy of his car, he immediately attacks you with hungry kisses and lust- filled touches. His hands roamed, squeezing your breasts to kneading your ass. His mind was clouded with how good you felt, at how soft, and at how responsive you were being.
“Do you even know what you fucking do to me?” He whispered, gripping on your hair as he made you face him. “You’re so damned beautiful and you’re mine. Aren’t you, princess?”
“Yes, I’m all yours.” You whimpered. “I love you.”
Those three words turned him to mush. With a growl, he crashed his mouth into yours again, coaxing it open, to fuck inside with his tongue. You moaned loud and lewdly against him, earning you a smirk that was sure to make you gush out.
“Isn’t my baby, the sweetest? Hmm?” Now, his nose was tracing the curves of your throat as you exposed everything you have for him. “You’re so good to me. I should reward you.”
He was about to slip your dress off of your form but your hands abruptly stopped him.
Immediately, he looked into your eyes, concerned. “Is everything alright, baby? We can stop if you don’t want to continue. Just tell me.”
“No, I just—“ You swallowed. It was always him doing the work when you two do the deed. “I want to make you feel good.”
His eyes softened as he reached for your cheeks. “Baby, you make me feel good all the time. Don’t worry—“
“No!” You pouted and frowned. After seeing all the girls eye him so seductively all evening, you felt hot as possessiveness and jealousy filled you to the brim! This was the first time you ever felt an animalistic, a primal need to mark him as yours. So with new determination, you grasped his jaw, leaning in close, to stare into the depths of his irises. “I’ll make you feel good tonight because you’re mine.”
His mouth was agape at the sudden change in your demeanor. For the first time in his sex life was he utterly speechless and willing to be under someone’s discretion.
You caressed him in all his favorite spots. Lips to his adam’s apple, fingers gliding, making their way into his pants. The car was getting hotter, condensation fogged the glass windows, and there he was, praying, thanking all the gods for creating this woman in front of him.
Your breath fanned the front of his briefs as he immediately reclined and moved his chair full-on backwards to make space. A smirk played at your lips and fucking god, does that make him crazy.
But it drives him completely insane as you locked gazes with him while taking his throbbing cock out then resting it on your soft cheeks. “All mine.” You purred before kissing the helmet, making him let out the loudest moan you’ve heard from him.
It was the way you were acting all dominant, so sure of yourself, so sinful and seductive that made him lose control. His cheeks were all red in shame at what just transpired. He didn’t mean it, he just was so fucking turned on!
“Baby, I—“
At first, you were surprised at the unexpected cum that blasted to your face but then a surge of power charged your very soul. So while he spurted out his early seed, you took him in, letting him ride his high through your mouth. You were so determined to make him cum more than once, to elicit those beautiful sounds from that pretty mouth of his. It was your turn to fuck him dumb.
And fuck him you did.
“Baby, we still need to go home.” He whined, as you continued to suck after his third orgasm.
You chuckled, the sounds reverberated in his skin, making him clench his fists and making him hard again. “Awww, can my baby still drive?”
It was his turn to smirk as he pulled you to his chest. He can’t help but feel proud of you for letting yourself lead, for letting him feel that much pleasure. “I never had to let out that much cum in my whole life. And what, you made me do it under minutes?”
Your cheeks felt hot all of a sudden at his bluntness. He noticed your sudden shyness and he touched his nose with yours. “Silly, there’s no point getting all shy now.” His goofy smile turned into something sincere as he took in all of your features in the dark, so gorgeous and fucked, all for him. “I love you, you know that right? I am smitten with all that you do and I am forever thankful that I met you. I am all yours too.”
“I love you.” You smiled and embraced his broad figure that you have called home.
“Now, why don’t we go home and continue what we started?” He hummed and kissed your cheek.
You laughed with him, gripping on his body tighter. “I’d like that.”
“Good, because I won’t be letting you sleep tonight.”
This is my first smutshot. I don’t know what to say HAHAHAHA but yeah
Never thought I’d try to write one but here we are. Have a great week ahead 😉
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nothing-but-haikyuu · 3 years
Model’s Pose
Reader: F Character: Shūgo Meian Rating: E Summary: Meian loved his models. He loved to take their photograph, he loved their curves and he loved most of all to get in their pants. He had a sick fascination for watching his loyal workers’ eyes roll back in pleasure as he gave them the pleasure they needed.  Warning: Model AU, Smut, Rough Sex, Breeding Kink, Minor Dark Themes/Yandere Ask Box: Open | Check Out ThreadytoGoDesign | Join me on Patreon 
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Meian loved his models. He loved to take their photograph, he loved their curves and he loved most of all to get in their pants. He had a sick fascination for watching his loyal workers’ eyes roll back in pleasure as he gave them the pleasure they needed. 
Most fresh in the city, new to the scene, fresh meat that Meian could just bite into. He had a collection of polaroids of his beloved models in different poses and in different states of pleasure. 
You were his newest fascination. New to Tokyo after living abroad, wanting to make a splash in the modelling scene and Meian was willing to take you under his wing. 
  “That’s great, that’s it.” He purred as he clutched onto your wrists as he fucked you from behind on his king sized bed. Your breasts rubbed against the soft bedding. 
You were currently in his penthouse, fully naked with the photos he took of you at yesterday’s shoot spread around the bed. You were practically drooling on a photo of you in the latest collection from Gucci. 
  “Please, Shūgo.” You gasped. 
  “Fuck yes, get loud. Make the windows shake with your screams. Fuck you make my dick wet.” He growled. He used your arms to bounce you on his cock, keep you flushed to him as he took you from behind. 
Your arms ached, your knees shook and your head swam with pleasure. You were on the eve of your second orgasm of the night. The city twinkled in front of you through the large windows that practically took up the entire wall. 
  “I should fuck you against the window next time, I wonder how many people would see you being fucked by me. You make me a wild man. I hate how you get into my head, I should punish you for that. You should be a good girl, not making me possessive.” 
  “Shūgo.” You whimpered, “Please I am a good girl.” You arched your back and your knees quaked. You tried to get out of his grasp but he was just too strong and you were becoming so weak in your pleasure. 
Meian let go of you, slipped his cock out of you and flipped you onto your back. He roughly grabbed your hips and pushed his cock back into you. You instructively wrapped your legs around him and gripped the bedding now under your for leverage. 
  “I wanna look in your eyes as I breed you.” He growled. 
  “No, no. I can’t get pregnant, I have to model!” You whined. 
  “Oh don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Make you a proper mommy in no time. Say goodbye to runways and hello to baby bottles.” He growled. 
You whimpered and tried to pull away but he kept you close. He laughed, “Oh don’t worry. I still got the condom on. Aw, don’t cry. You’re too cute when you cry.” He rubbed his thumb against your eye, “Poor, poor baby. Don’t worry, if I wanted to make you a maternity model, I would’ve done it already. But don’t get any ideas about leaving. You’ve made me this way and I’m not letting you go.”
  “yes, sir.” You gasped. 
  “Good girl. I don’t know why it took so long for me to find you. You knew a much crueler man would’ve swooped in if it wasn’t for me.” He groaned as he continued to fuck you roughly, “I tke good care of me girls, but especially you. You’re mine.”
  “Tell me.”
  “I’m yours, Shūgo. Please, please I’m yours!” You gasped. 
He threw his head back and roughly fucked you as he achieved his climax at the same time as you. He gripped your hips enough to leave bruises by morning. You loudly moaned while he panted and grunted through his climax. He spilled himself into the condom he wore, oh how he wished for one to to just finished inside you. 
He brought his head forward and looked down at you. You were surrounded by beautiful photos, your face was sweaty and flushed. Your chest rapidly rose and fell. You hair matted to your forehead. 
Your body was littered with hickies he let before. You looked like a slut, but you were Meian’s slut. As he started to slow down to a stop, he smirked to himself. He was proud how he turned you from an innocent newcomer to a proper slut. Usually he disposed of the girls once he changed them, but he was keeping you.
After all, he was going to be the one to impregnate you. There was no question about that. He slipped out and looked at his spent cock in the latex, he wonder briefly if you’d notice if next time he poked holes in it. But shook the thought off.
He looked at you, saw the pleasure in your eyes. He reached out and cupped your face and kissed your forehead, “Want to go again, the night is still young.”
You exhaled deeply, “Please Shūgo. Make me cum again.”
  “Of course. Let me swap out the condoms and we’ll be good to go. I want you to ruin all these proofs with our fucking.” He said slyly, “I should burn them next time, I hate how other men look at your body on set. But you’re mine right?”
  “I am.” You said with an innocent edge. So pure, so perfect. He guess he had to ruin you even more. 
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