#shugo imagines
trueshellz · 2 years
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Part of my Invisible Illness Series
Warnings: endometriosis, heavy bleeding, pain, cramping, reader crying, cuddles, tummy rubbing, female reader.
Summary: As if a 'normal' period wasn't bad enough...
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Shugo dropped his bag in the hallway as he opened the door, eyes squinting in the dim light as he flicked the hallway switch. He couldn't hear you singing in the kitchen like usual, didn't hear the TV blasting a random movie like usual, there was no singing from the bathroom as you sat in the tub surrounded by bubbles.
It was utterly quiet.
He had been a little concerned when you hadn't attended the after game party, you were usually happy to meet his teammates and go out for food. He had trouble keeping Hinata, Bokuto and Atsumu calm while you were around. They were so adamant on showing off and being loud, each of them vying for your attention and causing a scene. But today you had barely spoke to him, one or two word responses to his texts and declining his calls. Instead of staying out with his team he had chosen to leave early and figure out why you were avoiding him so much.
Head peering around the door he sighed in relief when he saw you lying on the bed curled up on your side. He could hear the small whimpers of distress, each noise tugging at his heart and when he walked over to you, he could feel the wetness on your face from a mixture of tears and sweat. As he squatted down he saw the hot water bottle on your stomach, the plethora of medication on the bedside table and the could see you massaging your stomach in tight circles.
"Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me?"
You shook your head adamantly, you had watched the boys play and celebrated their win at home by yourself. You had been all ready to go out for their post-game meal but your cramps had gone from niggling and irritating to flat out stabbing and devastating. Even after your strongest medications, a heat patch and hot water bottle you could barely move, your boobs were so painful that even your t-shirt against your nipples made you whimper in discomfort.
"Shh, I gotcha. Don't worry."
You couldn't help the whine of pain when the bed dipped, Shugo's hands pulling up your top gently to free your aching breasts. One hand tucked under them to take some of the pressure as he massaged them gently, the other hand rubbing small circles on your stomach. You could feel the heat radiating from his chest against your back, he must have taken his top off and lay behind you. He was always so warm, like your own life sized hot water bottle and had no issues with you using his warmth to ease the pain.
"Any better?"
"A bit... my boobs hurt so much, Meian. And the pills aren't working, I bled through two outfits and got one of your t-shirts dirty too. I'll wash it later, I'm sorry."
"Hey. Hey. Listen to me, do not apologise for this ok? Seeing you in pain kills me and I dont give two shits about my shirt. Just throw the damned thing in the trash, burn it for all I care."
"I just-"
"Baby, listen. Clothes and belongings mean shit all to me, you are the most important person in my life. OK?"
Between the warmth of his body and the lull of his voice in your ear, the last thing you recalled was Shugo telling you the crazy antics of the team as your eyes drifted shut and you fell asleep.
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cottonlemonade · 4 days
crush!Meian who you always see around the grocery store because you have a similar schedule. You go for a lot of the same items and the annoying chore of grocery shopping soon becomes his favorite day of the week.
crush!Meian who always hurries to the bread section for his favorite only to see you toss the last bag of it into your cart, shooting him a wide grin and peace sign.
hopeless crush!Meian who doesn’t remember how to be cool and suave when eventually he reaches the aisle at the same time as you and you both go for the last bread and he pulls back telling you to have it.
“Oh. Why?”, you asked in surprise.
Because you touched it first, he thought.
“Because I’m in love with you.”, he said.
new boyfriend!Meian who brings you every single ointment the pharmacy has to offer when you cut your finger during cooking. He lays out six different tubes and explains that they are for different stages of healing when you interrupt him with a kiss as Thank You.
new boyfriend!Meian who cannot and will not keep his hands to himself when you’re even somewhat close by. Your love handles and pudgy thighs are his absolute favorite.
long term boyfriend!Meian who can’t stop smiling when he watches you getting ready for a date or waiting for him on the couch after training, everything prepared to continue the show you’re both obsessed with and kiss the stress of the day away. He will 100% rest his head on your tummy while you play with his hair.
long term boyfriend!Meian who practices his proposal speech in front of the mirror several times, not realizing that the bathroom door has been open the whole time, and when he comes out, you tell him sweetly that version four was your favorite as you fix his tie.
newlywed husband!Meian who forgets everything to do with volleyball in the post-game interviews, because he is too busy scanning the crowd for you. In his honeymoon phase he is a PR nightmare because all he wants to talk about is his wife. Any excuse to bring up his wife. Ask him about his thoughts on his opponent and he will somehow mention his wife.
newlywed husband!Meian who was once asked, “What, in your opinion, is your greatest accomplishment to date?” and everything the captain could think of was, “My wife recently taught me how to air flip pancakes and I did it on the third try.”
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a/n: I am watching Love Next Door and the ointment scene was too cute not to use!
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emmyrosee · 6 months
Okay, so... your three volleyball husbands all have to sit through an interview and one of the questions is: What was your last text message?
How are you saved in their phone and what was the last text they sent you/or you sent them?
Suna, Atsumu/Meian
Suna merely chuckles and shakes his head, “so… uh… their name is doodoo-fart-“ the crowd erupts in snickery laughter and he shrugs his shoulders. “And they texted me ‘I liked the part where you fell on your face. Good job, baby.’” He laughs, “so much love in my life, in case you couldn’t tell.”
Atsumu slips his phone out and smiles as you’re the first name he sees, straight at the top of his phone. “My last message from Future Miya-“ he chuckles, “probably should change that- is ‘great game baby. Always so proud of you.’ With a light blue heart.” He smiles and bites his lip before tucking his phone away, “my favorite cheerleader.”
💍meian💍 the only man ever, licks his lips and grabs his phone, “funny you should mention it, they just texted me.” He unlocks his phone and laughs, “LOML says: ‘your… butt looked great in your shorts. Love you lots, only man to exist ever.’” He put his phone down and clasps his hands in front of him and smirks, “yeah. That’s my baby. Be jealous.”
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makotafi · 4 months
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A little wip
Idk how to feel about this[aka I don't like it lol] so I'm throwing it to the Tumblr void lol
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thenegoteator · 4 months
Asking for a friend about the niche fandom draws: She would like something from Shugo Chara- preferably 'The weird crossdressing kid who made all the guys put on girl clothes after they made some sexist comment-it would be really funny if she drew that scene'
this didn't include references but in this one case that's ok because my brain is just as broken as yours and I immediately knew which scene you were talking about. DESPITE the very rude framing because Nagihiko was, dare I say, all in all, maybe the least weird kid on that team. I love them with all my heart.
anyway. lads being lads
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(I did look it up again and I think the funniest part of all this is that Tadase did not say anything! he was literally just in the same room! and yet he ended up fully in uniform while the other two were still beefing it out. how did that happen)
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meleth03 · 1 year
Interviewer: So, are any of you dating at the moment?
Atsumu: I'll never be cuffed because cuffed backwards is deffuc, and what deffuc do I look like settling down w you hoes.
Interviewer, puzzled: What'd he say?
Meian, facepalming: No. He said no.
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husbandomail-archive · 10 months
December 1st: winter stargazing happy birthday Ikuto!
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“What, scared you’ll fall?” Ikuto’s tail teasingly flicks against your legs as he grins down at you.
“—no!” Your voice is defiant, even though your grip tightens on his arm. “I’m just… makin’ sure that if I fall, you’re coming down with me.”
Ikuto snickers, his breath curling in the winter air between you both. Yet again you’ve fallen for his smooth-talk, despite the fact that you should really know better by now; you find yourselves perched on steel beams in an abandoned construction site, climbing the half-finished skyscraper like a stairway to heaven. Ikuto prances back and forth across the building’s metal veins with all the confidence you’d expect of a stray cat.
You, on the other hand, can’t say the same.
The first few feet off the ground had been easy, no worse than climbing a tree. You weren’t too high off the ground, and the beams had enough dips and grooves for your hands to fit as you hauled yourself upwards. Now, though, a sense of vertigo has caught up with you— the beams are plenty wide enough to walk on, but you’re camped out on one of the building’s four corners, arms wrapped around one pole as if it has just proposed. “Hey, don’t leave me behind!” 
Ikuto is always slipping just out of reach, a deep blue silhouette above the city lights, the kind of shadow you’re not sure is there. Before your outstretched hand can snag his coat to pull him back, he pounces, flipping through the air and landing on one of the beams just above your head. His tail playfully drifts back and forth in front of your face until you swat it away.
“If you don’t want to be left behind,” he hums, “then I guess you’ll just have to keep up.” Ikuto balances effortlessly on the construction beams over your head, always a few steps away. He glances down at you over his shoulder— the distress must be visible on your face, because his usual teasing expression quickly drops into something much more sincere. “C’mon— you know I won’t let you fall.”
You grit your teeth and match his stare. The two of you are motionless in the moonlight; it’s only the first of December and the evening air already bites as it invades your lungs.
“—at least help me up, then.”
Ikuto’s tail taps against the tip of your nose before he reaches down to offer his hand and haul you up.
Another few perilous moments of climbing— and Ikuto continuing to leap and twirl away until you chide him to come back— and you finally reach the top of the construction site together. You fight to keep your eyes on your catboy instead of looking directly below, into the hypnotic void of steel and unfinished dreams.
“This is one of my favorite spots.” Ikuto’s voice is clear and concise, something rare for him; you turn to study him carefully as he takes a seat in the moonbeams, but he refuses to look over at you. His tail wraps around the beam to keep himself steady as he begins to swing his legs into the open air. It isn’t long before his hand stretches out, an offer of balance in the hopes you’ll get closer.
Your wandering gaze turns skyward first. The city itself is gorgeous as always, a sense of chaos down below that you’re finally removed from. This far above the city lights, nothing can interfere with the clear winter sky; each star gleams like a spotlight, illuminating this rare tender moment between you and your beloved stray.
When you lean your head against his shoulder, Ikuto shifts so you can press yourself more tightly against his side. “Thanks for bringing me here, then.”
“Mmm, whatever.” His tone is as absent and teasing as ever, but his feigned emotional distance doesn’t stop you from leaning against him and trying to be as close as possible. He may pretend not to care about anything, but there’s no way for him to hide the deep rumbling in the back of his throat when you’re near.
“Ikuto?” You know he hears you because his tail flicks again. “Are you purring?”
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magical-xirl-4 · 1 year
Shugo Chara is SO GOOD at doing slice of life. The kids hang out by going to the beach, they go shopping or go to a concert, they organise parties and events, Amu spends a day out with her family at the park, she helps her mum at the market, or she goes shopping by herself (though still accompanied by her chara’s), and it feels SO GOOD to watch them do stuff like this because it reminds you of when you were a kid, OR, when you were reading/watching it as a kid, it somewhat reflected your life and made you feel really connected with all the characters and think “hey, I’ve done this”.
Even if you didn’t do most of the things they did, it felt like you could, like you were really hanging out with kids your age and going out and being all mature. They do all of this while magical beings are hanging out with them too, but they are also individual characters with personalities that at the same time, are personally connected to you.
This is why I’ve always wanted an episode where Amu just does mundane things like going to the hairdresser. Or heck even a chapter or episode where she celebrates her birthday with all her friends.
Shugo Chara has always made the mundane seem special and fun, which is why I used to think about it A LOT when I was a child and going out with family or friends. “Amu would do this, she would speak like these to her chara’s, etc.”
I still think about it sometimes like that. It’s basically why it’s my favourite story of all time; because it feels so down to earth.
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isekyaaa · 7 months
The funniest thing about the shoujo subreddit is that everybody comes to terms with the fact that the shoujo they read and adored as a child is, if not a little bit, problematic.
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akaashi-mybeloved · 1 year
ok but like hear me out...timeskip!Akaashi meeting MSBY
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text below cut!
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Timeskip!Akaashi meets MSBY <3
-was deffo after one of their games bokuto dragged him over to meet the rest of them and being like 'this is my husband!' and the rest of MSBY having heard so much about him being like so this is the guy
-Akaashi immediately got on with hinata and talking about how its good to see him again and asking about brazil
-Him and Sakusa i like to think got on alright because yk both extremely antisocial, and Akaashi is very well put together, so Sakusa is not as iffy around him
-Atsumu was straight up 'we've heard a lot about you' and Akaashis like 'excuse me?' and turns to bokuto who is sitting there like 'ofcourse i had to tell them about my amazing husband!'
-at first glance they all think he is a teacher, 100%
-him and Meian dont really talk much, just kind of nodded at eachother with a short greeting
-Atsumu definitely told Akaashi and the embarrassing high school stories they've heard about him
-Bokutos defence is whatever is said in the locker room is supposed to stay in the locker room
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forusomimiya · 1 year
CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME A MINUTE??? HAS ANYONE HEARD THIS SONG BEFORE??? I can only imagine Atsumu with Hinata and maybe Bokuto twerking while sakusa and meian with "oh shit 🤦🏻‍♀️" faces watch them from the private booth. SHOULD I WRITE SOMETHING? I don't know whether to include reader or not, please help me.
P.D.:Everyone here knows that Hinata learned to dance in Brazil, yes or no? 🤭
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dawnled · 8 months
tag post #5 ( au verses #2 ) !
#au. marked by a l’cie for a greater destiny.  /  final fantasy xiii.#au. divine etro ; go peacefully to your rest. i will stand guard over your legacy.  /  knight of etro.#au. the path you've chosen is paved with the dead. walk it with your eyes open or not at all.  /  final fantasy xiv.#au. protecting the king and my friends ; even at the cost of my life.  /  kingsglaive.#au. forgotten but not lost. i still strive to protect them.  /  once upon a time.#au. magic everywhere ; all that you imagine.  /  disneyland cast member.#au. existing on the edge between the gloss and reality.  /  mirror’s edge.#au. time and disease are our greatest enemies.  /  trauma team / doctor.#au. burn bright as a phoenix ; enrapture the audience in the flames of the stage.  /  kaleido star.#au. greet the dawn with a song to welcome the daybreak ; a pearl promise of protection.  /  mermaid melody.#au. you see cool and calm and strong when you look at me ; who is the ‘me’ that i really want to be?  /  shugo chara.#au. a model and a mew mew ; the lone wolf of the pack.  /  tokyo mew mew.#au. let me pick up your heart ; the crystalline shine of your love for me.  /  sugar sugar rune.#au. i will not forget the promise i made with you ; i close my eyes and the memory clears the darkness clouding my way.  /  madoka magica.#au. an entirely different type of journey ; making friends along the way.  /  pokémon.#au. cool calm and collected ; such is the path of a slytherin.  /  slytherin.
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Breaking Through:
Future Mrs. Sakusa
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Sakusa Kiyoomi x Fem! Reader (she/her)
Warnings: mild swearing, all fluff
AN: this is an anon request and a sequel to Being Itachiyama’s Manager: Breaking through Sakusa’s Walls. I did change up the request a little from proposing at a game to a more private proposal just because it fit with the scenario a little better 🥰
Well congrats Yn 👏🏻
You’ve made it through your first year as MSBY’s manager
Honestly, your survival wasn’t assured
I mean, just look at the working hazards
If you don’ constantly hear, “yN i NeEd HeLp” 🙄
But seriously though, acclimating to this team wasn’t your only chore
You were also navigating your relationship with MSBY Spiker, Kiyoomi Sakusa
Now as we all know, you and Sakusa have been dating for quite a while
High school, college and now pro-volleyball
Seriously it’s been almost like 5 years that’s you’ve been hanging onto Sakusa
It hasn’t always been easy
His constant concern for germs and his annoyance of his idiotic teammates were a struggle
You’d gone through some tough times in college and beyond
Dealing with losses of games and a grueling Olympic journey
It was a lot to say the very least but your love and commitment to Kiyoomi held strong 💪🏻
Now Sakusa knew he wasn’t an easy person to deal with
Heck before you came along, Komori was literally the only one who could deal with him
You might have been the opposite of him but you meshed well
You learned to deal with his quirks and his need to cleanliness
He learned to deal with you and your extreme desire to keep Hinata, Bokuto and Atsumu alive 🙄
He knew you were the one a long time ago and he loved/adored you more than anything!
He had long been thinking about the next step but he wanted it to be perfect
He knew you deserved the best and he was going to give it to you
He had been saving up for a ring for a while now and he’d managed to keep it all a secret
Until one day when Meian and his girlfriend announced their engagement during practice
He watched as you became so excited for them, giving them hugs and admiring the ring on her finger
“It’s gorgeous!! Shugo you did such a great job!” You cried as you celebrated for your friends and teammates
Sakusa couldn’t help but imagine how excited you would be for your own engagement to him
He loved the idea how you wearing his ring and eventually his last name
And Sakusa wasn’t the only one to notice your excitement 👀
Because Atsumu had seen it as well and being the little shit he is, he most DEFINITELY was going to bring it up
“Sooooo Omi, when are you gonna put a ring on YN’s finger?” Atsumu asked later in the locker room as the team changed
You were happily cleaning up the gym like you did normally, clueless to the entertainment behind closed doors
“Sumu back off! Don’t pressure him,” Barnes scolded as Sakusa tried to ignore Atsumu
Way easier said than done 🙄
“What? I saw how excited Yn looked when she saw that ring! You can tell she’s itching to get engaged. Come on man, it’s been what, like 5 years with her? Don’t you think it’s time to lock her down?”
An audible sigh filled the locker room as everyone tried hard to ignore Atsumu
Again, easier said than done…
“YN doesn’t care about stuff like that! She’s loved Omi and I’m sure she’d be happy if they never got married,” Shion adds as Atsumu shakes his head
“Whatever you guys say but I know women and women want diamonds!”
“Says the man who can’t lock down a girlfriend to save his life,” Meian interjected at the locker room burst into laughter
Sakusa shut his locker, not making a sound as he made his way to the showers
Unbeknownst to the guys, he’d been thinking about asking you and with your anniversary approaching, he thought it would be perfect
Since he didn’t want the stress and potential cover of his operation to be blown, he asked Komori for help
He wanted to make your engagement perfect
He’d come up with the perfect idea and he made the plans to the T
On your anniversary, he texted you saying he got caught up with volleyball stuff and that Komori would drive you too the restaurant
You agreed because you truly believed Kiyoomi was busy
But when Komori pulled up to Itachiyama’s volleyball gym, you looked at him confused
He just shrugged as you narrowed your eyes and got out of the car
You were wearing a beautiful dress, looking like an absolute dream as you walked to the doors
Getting closer, you noticed a picture on the door
It was a team picture from your second year at Itachiyama when you had first met Kiyoomi
You smiled at the picture, remembering how you first grew attracted to the finicky winged spiker
Opening the door, you saw candles, flowers and what looked to be an aisle lined with photographs
You made your way thought the gym, looking at every picture and reliving every memory
They were all pictures come your relationship with Kiyoomi
Your first date, graduation, first apartment, and first day with MSBY
Your eyes began to well with tears as you relived all the memories
Looking over, you saw Kiyoomi standing at the end, looking extremely handsome in a gorgeous suit
“Kiyoomi, this is beautiful!” You cried as he smiled and wiped your tear away
“That’s not all Yn,” he said, getting on one knee as your eyes widened and your mouth fell open
“YN LN, I’ve known since high school that you were the one for me. You’ve put up with me for years, supported me in everything I do and I couldn’t ask for better life partner. Would you do me the ultimate honor and marry me?” He recited perfectly as you nodded, tears streaming down your eyes as you cried tears of joy
He slipped the beautiful ring on your finger and stood to his full height of 6 FOOT 4 INCHES and kissed you 🥹
Honestly dreams!
You spent the night and weekend celebrating with your new fiancé before venturing back to work Monday morning
Sakusa was actually shocked that you’d somehow managed to keep your engagement a secret
Only your families and of course, Komori knew
But that went all out the window the moment you stepped into the gym
“STEP OUT OF THE WAY LOSERS BECAUSE IM THE FUTURE MRS. KIYOOMI SAKUSA!” You screamed, showing your rock to everyone within your eyesight
Bokuto and Hinata 👉🏻🥹🥹😭😭
Meian, Inunaki, Barnes and Thomas 👉🏻🥳🍾🎉
Atsumu 👉🏻😏
Sakusa 👉🏻 😐🙄
Don’t worry Yn, he’s secretly so happy 🥰
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suzukiblu · 8 months
A pocketful of Kons is also very cute! I was originally imagining the pockets as being similar to the hatched eggs in Shugo Chara! (Little floaty chibis) and it took me a bit to realize that the only floating ones were ones that could fly in real life. This universe must have pockets in EVERY piece of clothing! (More, please, if you want?)
“If you’re Superman, how come you’re so slow?” Bart complains, and his Pocket scowls indignantly at him, then attacks his hair again. “Hey! Stop that!” 
His Pocket screeches at him a couple times, then zips away across the room and hides under his pillow to sulk. Bart makes a face, then zips after him and flips the pillow off him. Well–he tries to, but it doesn’t move when he grabs it. Like, at all.
. . . actually, it barely even squishes.
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forgive me for the formatting, I'm typing this on my phone at work lmao
my own Christmas prompts; snow down the back of someone's shirt
happy birthday Ikuto [12/1] lmao
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Despite being— technically— fully human, Ikuto really has always embodied the essence of a cat, even without Yoru's help. As soon as you slid the back door open, Ikuto's eyes had narrowed against the blast of cold air that disturbed his birthday nap. He scowled at the blinding white of the freshly-fallen snow, resisting as you tried to gently push him forward out the door.
Then you gave a particularly pointed shove and Ikuto Tsukiyomi tumbled onto all fours in the wet snow.
Even without his chara-change, Ikuto yowled when his uncovered paws— uh, hands— sank inches deep into the snow. He bolted upright, brushing slushy remains off his clothes, although that did little to help the damp spots that had already begun seeping through the fabric; he pouted dramatically in your direction, but you just giggled.
"Happy birthday," you teased as you dug your gloves hands into the piles of snow at your feet. While Ikuto was sulking to himself, you carefully pressed your handful into a nice, frim snowball; when you glanced up, though, your intended target had vanished from view. He'd left footprints, the pattern crushed into the snow and dirt that lead right around to—
There was a sharp tug on the back of your coat, followed by a cascade of icy slush against your skin that had you shrieking as you fought to squirm out of Ikuto's grasp
After what felt like far too long, you managed to at least twist your way out of your betrayal of a snow coat; Ikuto stood there holding your coat, a Cheshire grin across his face as you shuddered, and a large damp spot spreading farther across the back of your sweater.
"What was that for?" You whined, although you weren't exactly surprised.
Ikuto's grin only got bigger. "Payback."
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magical-xirl-4 · 10 months
How would a wholly genderbent shugo chara go in your opinion.
I'm thinking hard about this and at first I thought nothing about the plot would change, but after brainstorming I believe some key parts about the story would definitely be different. I think most characters role's and characterisations would stay the same because their gender doesn't influence the part they play in the story, but some characters definitely would have a different role because their gender affects those things, and so they may have a different arc if they were the "opposite" gender (and dammit it always comes back to the characters who have the most family trauma).
I'm gonna talk about the characters who wouldn't change much first:
Amu would still have a tough facade but may be seen more as a delinquent (I believe their would-be-selves would largely stay the same), Kukai would still be great at sports, instead having a family full of sisters and being the youngest sister, Yaya would have to try to be a good older brother to a baby sister but they might get less slack from their parents about wanting to be the baby forever, Kairi would stay the same there is no doubt about it, and Tadase would too. However I will acknowledge how somewhat ground-breaking it would be to see these characters as the "opposite" gender in these roles (that isn't played for mockery): Amu yearning to wear pink, be more domestically skilled and be seen as cute (could be heavily transfem coded), Kukai being a masculine sporty girl, Yaya indulging in cutesy baby stuff as a boy, and Kairi dreaming of being a samurai (could be transmasc coded).
As for Nagi, Rima, Ikuto and Utau I think their stories could be drastically different.
For Nagi's you'd have to do some playing around. In a genderbent scenario they'd be female forced into a male role... but for what reason? I don't know any boy exclusive sports or arts and to be honest I don't know if there is such a thing. I guess Nagi could be born into a family where only men carry on the tradition of... kendo? But that's not comparable because kendo is a mixed gender martial art, whereas jiuta mai (highly likely to be what their family practices) is for women only. So, my proposal is go full throttle on the trans narrative and have Nagihiko be assigned female at birth, starting out as Nadeshiko, and then transition throughout the story and come out as a transmasc genderfluid person. Nagi is already basically a trans metaphor in canon so why not just do it for real? It'd be so powerful in a story about being true to yourself. You literally get the same character arc but with the transness now being obvious. Nagi/Nade still loves traditional dancing, but yearns to express themselves like a boy would and do boyish things. It literally fits so well even though it's not... exactly “gender-bending” but this is my post about gender and shugo chara so I can do what I want.
Moving on, Rima's story could be extremely different. Truth of the matter is, girls are preyed upon more than boys (even though violence against young boys and men does happen) and it's specifically because of Rima's cute and fem appearance that she was targeted for her kidnapping. Her near kidnapping led to her parents lashing out at each other and becoming dysfunctional, forming Rima's dream of wanting to make people happy so she could have a happy family again. I think there's a lot of complexity with how she views herself too because she knows that as a cute girl she can get whatever she wants from boys, and like... this danger and advantage she has is something so intrinsic to the fact that she is a girl. So if she were a boy, I feel like the reason for the family dysfunction would be different and their general attitude at the start would be different. But like I said, boys can be put in danger too and could develop a complex relationship with their appearance. It's an extreme of totally different, or roughly the same.
Okay, so... Utau and Ikuto. Why do I feel like their roles would be completely reversed?
Utau would still be the younger one, but because they'd be a boy I feel like they'd be less pushed into the idol role and more pushed into the role of what Ikuto was doing in canon: cleaning up Easter's mess (though male idols do exist so maybe they'd be one anyway). In turn, I feel like Kazoumi would want to make Ikuto the face of Easter's entertainment sect as a violin prodigy. Kazoumi is a slime ball and treats his step-son like dirt but I feel like he'd treat them like he does with Utau and make them marketable as a female idol, of sorts.
But wait wouldn't that mean Kazoumi is female in this universe...? Okay so maybe their roles would stay the same because I can completely see the evil-step mother thing happening with Ikuto still doing the dirty work. Though it'd be funny if Kazoumi was the only character that didn't get genderbent and possibly got together with fem Aruto instead (which she'd hate um)... unless he's a gay man in this universe and went with male Souko, which would be closer to canon lmfao.
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