#shut up jae
eb0y-gumi · 6 months
maomao: *slaps the shit out of a dumb bitch*
jinshi: god i wish that were me
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14dayswithyou · 11 months
Let's play fuck, marry, kill, make your choices wisely 😉
✦゜ANSWERED: I wasn't sure if you were talkin about me or the main cast, so feel free to clarify/ask again!! Also!! Y'all are welcome to let me know who you'd fuck, marry, and kill in the replies >:3
Kiss: Elanor (on da cheek) Marry: Ren (my pink househusband) or Violet (my cottagecore wife) Kill: your landlord <3
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Ir's just the wonder in JaeWon's eyes, the wonder and the joy and the comfort and the way he can't stop drawing him closer and touching JiHyun and reminding himself that he's there.
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JaeWon took this risk and he found what he wanted most, what he needed, what he didn't dare wish... that he can both protect JiHyun and be with him at the same time. That this love can be something real.
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Real and warm and filled with love.
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kairithemang0 · 2 months
A silly little SK appreciation post (may or may not be silly and or little)
Wow, 15 years. One long time, isn't it? I feel like starkid has sorta become a personality trait of mine. I'm the "starkid obsessed" one in my friend group. I make it very very obvious that I adore this group, everything they've done. From the fandom least favorites, to their most adored shows, I love it all. I don't think I'd really be the same person without these shows. I feel like that's a really big thing to say about something I'm not a part of nor have I been in the fandom for too long (i mean 2 and a half years is kinda long?) but I do think I can say I wouldn't be the same. It's gotten me into musicals that aren't Hamilton, that's already a great thing they've done! I've met some of the most amazing people through this fandom, talking about the shows themselves, they've made me laugh, cry, and throw things at my wall more than most pieces of media ever could. I'm rewatching avpm and just finding myself feeling really nostalgia for that old starkid feel. I mean I'm SO excited for Cinderella's Castle, I think from a technical standpoint it'll be their best show yet, but that put together college vibe just hits something for me, I can't describe it. The poorly made sets, the cheap costumes, the fact it's so low quality just makes it a better experience. And the music from these shows is just spectacular! Starkid has some of the best composers ever, I don't know how they find such talent.
I feel that since Hatchetfield released, npmd especially, those older shows aren't as talked about. Which is fair, we may be running out of things to talk about, but I think just rewatching them is an experience. If you haven't gone back and seen starkids older shows, there's truly no better time to start than now. You won't regret it. The fact some of yall don't know the amazing talent of their older actors hurts my soul to think about, we need more appreciation for just all the actors that aren't in the Hatchetfield shows.
Anyways, long story short, starkid is amazing, it's changed my life for the better, I love you all members of SK (doubt any of them will see this but I'll say it anyways), something something fuck clivesdale, something something this is all jafar's fault, and it's been totally awesome :)
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Both of them saying they like each other was the highlight of this episode and then to top it off jang wook saying that he will choose her no matter what and they are in this together😭😭😭
Alexa play Don't blame me by Taylor swift
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seokwoosmole · 2 years
I headcanon Uk calling Mu-deok “Naksu” during their intimate moments
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draqonsblues · 1 year
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please be normal about queer people challenge (directed at queer people, specifically the more “mainstream ones”)
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i-got-the-feels · 2 years
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Let me be very clear. Unfortunately, I have no respect for your son. And just like you, I have never done anything for someone else's gain. I only do things for myself. So, I'll never become someone else's person regardless of who that may be.
- Episode 11, Why Her, 2022
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sweethome-thoughts · 2 years
Jae-Heon : Interesting. The odds of that happening coincidentally are vanishingly small.
Eun-Hyeok : I would say infinitesimally.
Ji-Su : Yes, and I would say teenily-weenily. We all know words.
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eb0y-gumi · 6 months
the thing about a jinmao child is that they would be probably the most gorgeous ethereal creature to grace the planet
they’d also 100% be weird as fuck
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14dayswithyou · 11 months
Is there a moment in the game where you get everyone together? I also have no idea if most of them already know each other, but it would be super cool to have a day with everyone together 🫢
✦゜ANSWERED: AAAAAA Unfortunately there isn't due to a number of reasons hgsjg ;v;
The main reason being there's no place for it in the storyline I've planned out, and because it wouldn't make sense to have them all meet up and interact with each other.
But from a fundamental point of view: it'd also be difficult for me to accurately track and manage everyone’s health status/relationship bar, display everyone's sprite on the screen (or constantly change between them all if I chose to only display 3 sprites at once), aaaand because it'd be really chaotic having everyone talk at once while still ensuring they have equal amount of screen time.
Also!! Not everyone knows each other, so there'd definitely be some awkward moments between a few of the cast members ^^; But I do agree that it would be cool if they all got to meet each other!! Maybe in a zombie apocalypse AU or somethin jhsdghjj
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noirvette · 1 year
was going to wait on the masterlist actually until i uploaded the last profiles but i need organization in my life 🙁🙁
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ahxiang · 1 year
oh noooo, my poor han joonie's fears are being fed by yoo jae's handling of chae young's feelings 🥺🥺
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detectivegoldstein · 2 years
It all started with a string of missing witches.  James and Connor took the initial calls, and while it was their job to pass that information on to the detectives, the wolf caught on to a pattern almost immediately.  It went against protocol, digging into the case himself, but something screamed within him to keep searching for answers, that he was close enough to almost grasp it if he reached out just a bit further.
That led to an awful lot of overtime.  Connor had asked why James had been so busy lately, but he didn’t want to get the kid involved in this.  It was a massive breach of authorization, and if discovered James could very well lose his job.  If he caught whiff of a substantial enough lead he’d pass the information on to Theo or Jasper and cut his losses.  But until then....he had to be sure.  
Late nights pouring over files, speaking to witnesses, asking Sloane for help accessing security cameras.  It all lead to one probable suspect, a man that went by Jae-sung.  James couldn’t find much info on the guy, and that alone was a major red flag for something more going on.  He tracked the guy back to a hotel in the city, which at first made the wolf wonder if maybe these missing cases had to do with sex trafficking, but it was Faerune.  Any assortment of criminal dealings could be possible, a lot of which he likely couldn’t even fathom outside of his mortal realm experience.
The hotel was nice.  Too nice.  Someone would have called in questionable activity.  So on his off hours James took to renting a car and conducting stakeouts.  He needed to find out where this Jae-sung guy went, where he held his dealings.  The guy had money, that much was obvious.  But where did he get it?
It took about a month of intensive sleep deprivation for James to get any real leads on Jae-sung’s operations.  It was a fairly non-descript part of town, but a skeezball like Jae-sung stuck out amongst all the warehouses.  There wasn’t much James could do, being called into work on an emergency before he could contemplate his next actions.
The following night the wolf made up his mind.  He was just going to get a look around the place, see if this suspect was worth mentioning to the Dicks.  James couldn’t go inside, obviously, without probable cause, but if he got a few vin numbers that was at least worth something.  
Using some bolt cutters, James made a sizable hole in the fence.  If he got caught by security he could pretend to be a drunk that had stumbled in or even just a loner out for a late night stroll.  It wasn’t quite midnight, but curfew would be sooner than he’d like.  Sure, James could flash his badge at the enforcer, claim official cop duty, but that left too many variables open.  He simply needed to be quick, in and out, write down a few numbers and claim he had an informant.  
It was eerie, how quiet the complex was.  James made sure to step in a way that muffled his steps, conscious of how easy it was to pick up noises out here.  This was one of the times when the wolf really missed his standard issue glock.  He felt practically naked as he neared the warehouse.  
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Spotting an adjacent office, James inspected that first, peeking through windows to see if his enhanced wolf vision could pick up on anything.  There seemed to be a graph of sorts on a whiteboard, but it was too far away to get full detail.  Dates were listed, some corresponding to the missing witches.  
Pulling out his notepad, James quickly jotted down as much as he could make out.  This was perfect.  His gut was right on the mark.  Damn did it feel good to practically crack a case like this wide open.  Sure, he couldn’t get the credit, but that didn’t matter.  Knowing he still got it was reward enough.
His elation immediately died as hairs on the back of his neck pricked up.  All of his wolf instincts were screaming at him to run.  That an absolute shit show was about to go down.  
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antonblastdeluxe · 1 year
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By the way jaelikers if you ever wondered who I'd ship Jae with if she hadn't met miis. Yeah
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