#sif selling
A nice little collection of snippets/one shots I've had in my head collecting dust a while but figured might be nice to post for Siffrin's birthday.
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scienceisfood · 3 months
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justanotherrcblog · 4 months
FYI: If you haven’t read this story yet, my tags are a little spoiler-y
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How many gimmicks can I shove into a single fic
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princemonarchempress · 4 months
If u put sif and the king from partners in crime au in the prisoner's dilemma. Would they sell each other out
This is kinda complicated actually...
Because the Prisoner's Dilemma seems like it assumes the prisoners have no loyalty to each other and it's just a means of trying to get the best outcome for themselves, so the dilemma doesn't work as well when these freaks have a messed up codependent relationship
but ignoring that, it also depends where on the timeline we are and the type of situations...
A younger king might feel more helpless and do nothing in hopes of having the least time separating him from the one connection to home he has while an older King might sell out Sif and just be like "Good luck stopping me from just doing a prison break, losers"
The Dilemma also doesn't take into account self-sacrifice which Siffrin is a little prone to... There's a good chance Siffrin would willing take the fall for King
But also if you squint hard enough... Siffrin technically does sell out King a little canonically at some part of the au so they're not a solid no either
A lot of ifs, King thinks himself unstoppable at times so asking him to make a choice he doesn't want when he thinks the universe favors him... And the both want to stay together but there are points where their relationship is frayed...
So like, mostly no but sometimes yes
@floating-far-from-earth share doodles please please please
(Make sure to check reblogs for doodles theyre so goodnaddkfbaodh)
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meamiiikiii · 5 months
Hello. I haven't spoken much on the Reverse Entry AU (Modern Office + Reverse Isekai Loop AU). That changes today!!! Have some scattered (relatively long) tidbits on this AU. Mainly background to actually get to the office part of it but, yea!
If anyone wants elaboration on anything on this list, and I do mean anything, I encourage asking!! Or any random questions on the AU general!! Or just things in general!! Make me think about things I have not considered!!
Spoilers for all of ISAT + 2Hats and the like:
Mainly Concrete
The Country -> The Company.
Well, more of a family storefront, but the similarity in those two words next to each other was too good to pass up LOL.
Said storefront was run by Siffrin’s parents, and was their life's work.
Specialized in niche craft related stuff, in both teaching people how to do them & selling materials for the crafts. 
It was a very warm & homely store, and was adored by locals and visitors alike. 
A store that felt comforting to just vibe in for a bit, if that makes sense.
Loop ends up being Siffrin’s roommate after being reverse isekai’ed :)
They do not help with rent
They are a solid night light, which they try to justify as helping with the electricity bill
They also find a mirror shortly after arrival. 
Important Points
Mirabelle & Isabeau have known each other since University and are besties!!!!!!!!!
Not 100% sure of the logistics yet, but this was too important of a point to not include
Additionally, please know at some point, Isa custom stitched the scarf-shawl Mira wears to work all the time now, and gifted it to her!
He is also responsible for the fun pattern on the vest he wears all the time too!
Bonnie, whenever they are hanging around, makes sure to sneak onto Nille’s computer, and block out time between meetings for time to breathe / snacks for the others
And they also make sure to block out like an hour of time for proper lunches as well
Back to back to back to back meetings are not fun!!!
Breaks are important!!!
I have mentioned this in a different post, but this too, is a very important point to not include here as well
Location of Living
Mirabelle & Siffrin live in the same apartment complex, but on opposite sides of it
They have briefly interacted a few times prior to being coworkers? 
But Siffrin had his hair dyed for interviews for a long time
So Mirabelle didn’t realize it was him for a while, since he started growing out the dye before formally meeting in a work environment
Siffrin simply forgor
Isabeau lives relatively close-by to where Mira & Sif live, he visits Mira sometimes!!
He may or may not have also interacted with Siffrin two (2) times prior to working together due to the above point
Nille & Bonnie live around the area Siffrin used to live before he had to move, and have resided in that area for a long time
They technically were neighbors, at one point!
Odile lives closer to the office than everyone else 
Shorter commute for in-office days 
But still in the general vicinity of everyone else's abodes ofc
Hiring Order
Mirabelle has been working in the office the longest (interned two years in a row, and was formally hired right out of University)
Isabeau is next after since he got a referral off of Mira (interned for one year before graduation, then was hired at the same time Mirabelle was)
Odile was hired to replace Euphrasie (previous senior manager to their team who got a promotion, she’s now director of the regional office)
Siffrin was hired a bit after Odile when they got more capacity, since what they were originally doing was way too much for just three people LOL
Apparently, he got a referral from someone internally, but has no idea about it!
Nille was hired a little bit after Siffrin was
She only agreed upon the role if she was granted the flexibility to pick up Bonnie from school whenever
Random RPG Equivalence Hour
Turn Based Combat = Emails 
Whether it be waiting for data to start processes, answering inquiries, so on and so forth
Sometimes those turns take literal days
It happens!
Being Frozen / Damaged = Program Freezing 
This goes for any program being used
If it freezes it inflicts small damage
It inflicts more damage if it crashes
It makes you cry on the floor if the program crashes and you can’t recover any of what you did for the past hour
It makes you regret all of your life decisions up to this moment in time if it crashes, you can’t recover anything, and you have a presentation on the stuff you were working on in 15 minutes
Misc Meetings
Mirabelle writes fanfic
Isabeau knows about this and supports her in her endeavors
Odile has read some of her works, but does not know she wrote them irl
At some point prior to working together, Mirabelle & Odile became mutuals and started trading book / fanfic recommendations to one another
Odile had a brief stint as a bartender prior to working for the office
Mainly to earn some form of income while applying for jobs / waiting for prior certifications to process and transfer properly after moving from another country
In one or another, she met Isabeau and Siffrin at separate intervals while working there
Additionally, the bar is located close to the office. A lot of happy hours happen there. It ended up serving as a networking opportunity for her LMAO
Both Nille and Bonnie moved around a lot when they were younger
At different intervals, Nille went to the same high schools as both Mirabelle & Isabeau
Nille has probably worked a lot of jobs throughout high school / university
This includes working at the same place Odile worked at for a bit, they were probably coworkers there at some point.
Maybe not necessarily a bartender but, general staff
Again, this served as a networking opportunity similar to the Odile segment ASFASDASDA
Loop somehow ends up becoming a vtuber.
Loop somehow ends up being a vtuber for the company the team works under, akin to Tony the Tiger.
Loop does this vtuber gig for approximately one (1) stream and quits right after.
((loop decided their first stream was a nuzlocke for some reason. the crafts company literally didnt ask them to. they decided this on their own volition for no apparent reason. the company literally asked for a stream where they do crafts?? anyway they named their pokemon after the party. and. well.))
As I am Indecisive, this still has a chance for change! But for now this list is slightly ordered from “concrete in my mind” to “need to let simmer more probably, but the vibes are there” to “probably not but it is a bit of a funny to consider” (this only applies to the last loop segment ASDAFA)
But yea!! Thanks for reading the ramblings :)
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cikrovat · 7 months
wanna make a little rumble about this two funny guys, nothing much, just a rumble really, if you would read it to the end it would be cool 👉👈 but you don't have to! two hats spoilers too be ready
so, sif and loop, huh
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a lot of people under my comic with this two did mentioned that I've wrote them super DID or like a system and I didn't noticed that at the time, but more I thought about it, the more I understand that I did it again
the whole idea of them being in one body is just really sells this, to be honest. with sif being in control most of the time and loop kinda existing their life together, because in fact it's their life too. they both understand that, even though loop didn't feel quiet belonging here, like they doesn't exactly deserve this life. after all - they fail, fail miserably, it's a sif who is a hero of this story in the end, but also they don't exactly get it that it's because of them sif succeeded. just a small change, a person who can listen and say something. who is changing with you, a helping hand
sif is a grounded reminder for loop that they succeeded, in a way, too. and everyone around them too
also in my hc loop and sif doesn't tell their family at first about this all, it's just.. awkward and too much information and also it's just two sifs and their problems with expressing themselves. well, they learning!! a little!! especially after this wild experience!!!
but everyone still notice that sif is sometimes can change their behavior. I see loop as someone who can be mean, they doesn't exactly afreid of showing negative emotions anymore such as anger and they WILL fight if they will see that sif or someone from their family being mistreated, or make a very nasty commentary, or anything, but very passive aggressively. Their family at first thinks that mb it's just a trauma response, wich is particularly true, but I think Odile and/or Isa would notice that there is certain pattern to Siffrin behavior and it's definitely Someone Else
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In Isa case he would probably notice that this Certain Someone has very similar mannerisms with Sifrin, to how they move and act, to how they just talk. differents comes to what they talk. when sif is more lighthearted and silly, loops jokes can sometimes be a little bit on the self doubt side, and harsh to themselves, and their tone can feel a little more official
Odile would try to confront Sif a lot with little questions (because she was observing Loop and Sif sometimes act like them!!!! you think it's a coincidence?????) but she trust Sifrin to tell her if there is something wrong, (after all they had this talk), and Sif in her eyes looks much more happier (well, she has only one comparison with this one day before king but she can imagine how much worse it was + loop probably told a lot), so she understands that there is something but it's isn't bad and Sif just need time
Loop sometimes attend in the Emotional Buddies Club with Mira, too, because usually Sif makes them (they thinks it's very important for them too (it is)). and usually loop is trying to mimic siffrin a lot, but sometimes fails miserably and trails off. they still can say it's something from the loops and thing, but Mira also notice how sometimes Sif just change mid sentence because Sif just kicks Loop and let's them talk
and bonbon is just bonbon, Loop really loves spending their time with bonbon and trying all sorts of different things they cook. different NEW things.
tho not one of them can stomach the banana ever again. it's a nice fruit, but when the smell hits... they both would probably tell this story to their family, and while they would nervously giggle a little - their family would be a little in shock. just one of the horror from the loops they grew accustomed to. and their family doesn't exactly like that
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also I think that loop still can matterialise their body if situation deems necessary, it was their body now, after all, and they grew quite fond of their mystic nature. but when looking at the mirror they see sifrin and themselves - they really put in question if they need any body at all
also as a fun bonus idea shadow's that I drew may be just a thing in their head, like they aren't real, they just show who is in control and who isn't. or they may be a real thing and sometimes their family would notice this funky spike shadow on the ground and , what??
haha, thank you for reading if u are here
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happyhealthycats · 1 year
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She's some sort of rare D&D beast that looks like a cat in order to lure you to her soft underbelly where she immediately clings to you like a cursed object because you exist only to pet Sif now. She feeds off of your psychic power by sucking away negative energies.
She also adds +5 dead rodents and/or birds to your inventory a day. You cannot use or sell these items.
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years
Frozen: Home Sweet Home
You’re so grateful for Steve’s friends. He, Sam and Bucky have made moving in with Yelena very, very easy.
They can carry like three boxes to your one and Sam puts your bed frame together so fast that you would’ve sworn that he brought it up in one piece.
You pay them back with beer and pizza, which according to Cat is the absolute perfect way to thank the guys for their work.
You have some of the boxes empty, you’d ended up selling your couch but not your table and chairs. Yelena’s was a bit small, for the space it’s in, and it only had one chair. When Sam had asked about it she’d shrugged,
“I’m only one person. What do I need another chair for?”
Which honestly was so iconic you couldn’t stand it.
After the guys left you’d decided to take down some of the empty boxes. You probably shouldn’t have taken quite as many of the boxes as you did, they’re still big even if they’re flat. You hit the button for the elevator with your knee, it takes two attempts because you can’t really see around the boxes. When the doors slide open you start to enter the elevator.
“It’s customary to let people off of the elevator before entering.” A cool voice says and you know you know that voice.
“The one and only darling.” He says cockily this time and you roll your eyes.
“Oh my god fuck off.” You tell him with a laugh and much to your surprise you hear another laugh that isn’t Loki’s.
“Hello Kattunge.” Thor. You’re fairly sure at least one butterfly flits around in your stomach. What are they doing here?
“Wait, kit-“ you hear the sound of someone, probably Thor, hitting someone else, probably Loki, “Moxie?” Loki asks and you can’t help but laugh. It’s not like you didn’t look up what Thor had called you, Kitten did feel very Cat like but it didn’t bother you.
“Yes, can you please move out of my way? I’m not as ripped as you guys and these boxes are awkward.”
“Oh, let me.” Thor says taking some of the boxes from you, you don’t fight him. You can see them once he takes a couple, Loki is watching in amusement,
“What are you doing here?” Loki asks glancing between you and Thor.
“I just moved in. What about you?”
“I’ve lived here for a while now.” You don’t know why you’d assumed that all of the guys lived in houses and not apartments.
“Oh, nice. It’ll be good to know someone else in building.”
“Loki if you’re not going to help then can you move out of the doorway?” Thor asks as you join him in the small elevator. You didn’t think it was that small earlier but now that you’re in it with him it feels like a closet. “You’ve been in town for a while, did you just find this place?”
“No, this was just the first weekend that Steve, Bucky and Sam could help move me in.”
“You could’ve asked us to help you.”
“Steve and his friends where happy to. And Cat and Steve have the sweetest dog named Goose. I love her.”
“I don’t live far from Steve and Cat.” He tells you as the elevator doors slide open. You follow him to the recycling chute and after he dumps his boxes in you do the same.
“I didn’t know that.” You tell him, you’d probably have taken Goose on more walks if you had.
“It’s a safe neighborhood in a good school district.” He says punching the button for the elevator again. That catches your attention, he and Sif must’ve wanted to start a family, before everything.
“Yea, I used to take Goose for walks after dark and never felt too worried.”
“Good.” He leans back against the side of the elevator and studies you for a second. “You should come skating with us sometime.”
“I’m not like the most coordinated.” You admit and he gives you a little smile.
“I’d hold your hand Kattunge.” He flirts and you laugh but you won’t lie, you love it.
“All talk Odinson.” You tease and he steps closer to you and takes your hand.
“Not all talk, Kattunge, I’m very interested.” You blink up at him in surprise but when he goes to let go and step away you don’t let go of his hand.
“I might also be interested.”
“Oh?” The left side of his mouth quirks up in a little smile and he presses a soft kiss to the back of your hand and holy shit it’s so hot. “So, skating? Next weekend? A group of us go.”
“Can I bring my roommate Yelena?”
“You can bring whoever you want.” He says as the doors slide open, “can I walk you home?”
“You don’t have to.”
“I know.” He says but when the doors slide open he doesn’t let go of your hand. “Where are we going Kattunge?”
“715.” You tell him and he starts toward your apartment, “You know, it’s oddly fitting you call me kitten.” Thor stops in his tracks and looks down at you.
“How long have you known?”
“Since like, day one. I googled it.”
“You’re not upset?”
“No, I am curious though. Why?”
“Because you look sweet and small and you’re sweet but you’ve also got claws that you’re not afraid to use.”
“For the record, I am average. I just look small compared to you guys.”
“You know, Cat said the same thing to Steve and Bucky the first time they met.”
“The kitten doesn’t fall far from the tree then.” You tell him and he laughs,
“So you’ll come skating with everyone?”
“I’ll have to find my skates but yea, I’ll come.”
“I can get skates for you.”
“Figure skates?” You ask and he looks down at you in horror. You can’t help the laugh that bursts from you. “I know I know.”
“Hockey skates are easier to skate in.”
“I’ve only ever done figure skates.” You tell him stopping outside your door. “Thanks for walking me back.”
“Anytime.” He gives you a soft smile and you give his hand a squeeze before unlocking your door and slipping inside.
This is a series of one shots. If you have any suggestions or ideas for Thor and Moxie please let me know.
Tag list:
@foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @wonderlandfandomkingdom @killcomet @abschaffer2 @sass-masterkittenmama
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galaxythreads · 2 years
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Tw for child abuse
When Loki is a teen like 14/15, Laufey is called in for a peace conference that SOMEHOW ended up happening, not entirely sure. Over the course of this, Laufey learns that Loki is his son and is none to happy. Because as he recalls, his late wife had been hiding with their newborn son in the temple for protection, ergo: Fárbauti was almost certainly murdered and Loki kidnapped.
During the course of the conference, Laufey notices that Loki is clearly being abused by Odin and neglected by Frigga despite her best efforts (she is very busy) and Thor is no better off, but less obvious about it. The incident with Sif's hair happens and Loki gets his lips sewn shut in front of the peace conference and Laufey has just sort of had it. He then gets up and starts shouting about how Loki has been kidnapped and Odin is a horrible person, etc, etc just the beat down he deserved but never got. Odin is taken into custody and Frigga is declared regent.
Laufey takes custody of Loki and does NOT return to Jotunheim, instead the peace conference (or maybe a conference about what to do regarding Thanos?? Idk. Either peace conference or they're prepping for a fight) keeps Laufey in Asgard. Asgard is very unhappy about this, despite the fact that they sort of hate Loki, and Loki is horrified and struggling to come to terms with everything, but Laufey is a decent parent and actually helps him.
Cue lots of Laufey and Loki bonding broken by Asgard being butts but LEARNING TO BE BETTER and Laufey co-parenting Thor.
The story ends when the threat is eliminated or the conference is over. Thor and Loki are still friends and siblings at the end of this. It is extremely important to me that Loki does not abandon his brother for his new family because that always happens in Jotunheim fics and I hate it.
+Laufey being able to grow/shrink with magic because I personally find the hassle of dealing with a giant vs tiny small vulnerable child kinda frustrating. Loki needs a proper hug. ergo: grow/shrink magic.
+Thor getting hit by Odin for something pretty menial and Laufey temporarily considering adopting him, too (I just need thor to have a good father, okay? please.)
+Laufey not having his other kids on Asgard, so he can focus his entire attention on Loki
+Heimdall being some weird uncle-ish figure
+Loki's heritage being like on the bottom of the list of things they need to deal with, the longstanding emotional abuse/manipulation being the priority.
+Asgard throwing a brick through the window of where Laufey and Loki are staying early on with a threat and Loki freaking out about it.
+Oh! this one would actually be really fun to play around with the idea that Loki and Thor were raised as twins
Idk. I just really like the fics where abused child gets adopted by a competent adult and they work on things together, but it would be like. Loki's actual dad. +Thor gets a bonus dad. (please let him have a hug too*) It's a win for everyone.
I do not want to write this because it sounds extensive and exhausting. I would love to read it. I would sell my soul to read this, but I could not drag this highly detailed AU out of my brain under gun threat. I have thought about this extensively for probably three years, but as you can see. I have not written anything. Idk. Maybe someday I can wrestle something out.
that said, if anyone feels the desire to write this out, feel free. And please let me know because I will LITERALLY BETA THIS AND READ THIS AND COMMENT AND PLEASE.
*i have read fics where Loki gets rescued from the abusive environment, but not any where the competent adults realize Loki and Thor need to be pulled from Odin's custody. Thor is nto okay. thor is not okay. Thor is not okay. thor is not okay
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whitherwanderer · 1 year
7 // noisome
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Everyone seems to give her a look at the admission, like it’s some kind of realm-spanning law that everyone on the star had come together to agree upon and she just happened to be too drunk to attend that night (not that it wasn’t out of her way). Melodrama, of course, but every time she says it aloud, there’s a mildly confused pause. A reflex that reminds her of that comically large, hypothetical court of hundreds of thousands all saying their ayes and shaking hands in agreement while the rule was penned:
Roses are universally loved. And Sif hates them.
It’s daft, she knows, and in more ways than just the imaginary. There are certainly others who don’t like roses out there that she’s simply never met, or that she has and the conversation has simply never been relevant. It’s normal, she tells herself, to dislike a thing that’s otherwise well-loved by the better part of society. Still, a part of her feels shame in the revulsion. Another talley against her for breaching the contract of social norms.
And always, always, the follow up. “Why?” asked with the naïveté of someone who couldn’t possibly know—there be worms in that can. Sif has, conveniently, ripped off the label.
She could tell them she received a bouquet of perfect, pink roses by post once. Tell them the letter attached contained a veiled threat and a powder that suddenly made it so hard to breathe that she collapsed. That she was fighting for shallow breaths and convulsing for the better part of a whole sun until her worried companions finally understood her ailment and brought her a thick, syrupy restorative with a harsh scent and a sharp, salty taste to counteract the effects. She was afraid she’d choke on it just trying to swallow.
She could tell them roses reminded her of a hangman’s noose, and of the garden where fate had nearly caught up with her. An old stone courtyard lined with bushes of the blooms; better cared for than the building itself. How if it weren’t for a tune she doesn’t sing anymore and a quick blade, she’d have strangled as the scent of them faded with her senses.
She could tell them that there are species of roses with stems, leaves, and roots the color of ink, whose perfectly pink flowers are as harmless as they are beautiful. Whose thorns are not the threat they hide. She could tell them about the antelopes that go mad after grazing on the leaves, goring their own herd and anything else that has the misfortune to cross their sight. She could tell them that people, too, experience this same violent frenzy after consuming the root where the toxin is most concentrated. She's seen it firsthand.
She could say any of these things and make a pleasant conversation into a strange one filled with tangents and long-stories-made-short. She could just grin and call it a long story by itself, stringing them along night after night after night like it’s something she wants them to know.
Or she could, in earnest, tell them the story. Her story. The whole of it; no gruesome details left out, no stones unturned, no holds barred and all other such clichés. It would take hours to tell, and there were parts that she simply couldn’t tell herself—nuances and exposition better retold by her counterpart. Things that go back decades and seem like a complete diversion, if not wholly irrelevant, to the question that started this whole ordeal.
She could tell them the whole damn tale. But mostly, she just sells them on something far more practical:
“Don’t like th’ way they smell.”
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xalygatorx · 9 months
Worthy (2015) | Chapter 23, "Midnight Blue"
Disappearing sporadically in public spaces quickly becomes Cora Dempsey's least concerning problem when suddenly she captures the attention of the forming Avengers Initiative, the World Security Council, and Asgard's fallen prince all in one week. And the universe is only just getting started with her.
Worthy is a slow-burn SFW Marvelverse (films) romance between Loki and a female OC. For additional details on what canon is used, see the Prologue post.
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Summary: Cora and the Warriors Three locate Sindri and Brokkr and Cora is able to meet her Asgardian kin. When the group returns to Asgard’s center, Thor informs Cora of Loki’s fate.
Pairing: Loki x Fem!OC
Warnings: Loss; grief
Word Count: 3.5k
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"What ails you, little lion? You look so…," Sif paused, "sluggish."
"I'm pretty sure this sword is dragging me along, not the other way around," Cora explained grumpily, trying to balance the heavy blade sheathed at her hip to no avail. "But thanks for pointing that out."
Sif laughed easily at the girl's sarcasm. "I am sorry. You've gotten your color back though, I am pleased to say. I worried you wouldn't last when you first came to us." She frowned a bit at the memory, but shook it off.
"I felt awful," Cora admitted with a small sigh before taking up the sword and slinging it across her back by a strap instead. It helped only slightly. "Like someone had hollowed me out."
"You are brave though. And strong. You saw yourself through."
"I just hope I never have to go through something like that again," Cora murmured, glancing over her shoulder at the shrinking palace which grew ever smaller as they put more and more distance from Asgard's center.
"More tests will come," Volstagg said beside Cora, armored and in all his bushy, red-haired glory. "You'll be the stronger for them, the more you defeat. They help you grow."
"And by the girth of my dear friend here, it's safe to say he's had his fair share of tests!" Fandral chuckled, earning a scowl from his comrade.
"I'll show you a test you won't soon be forgetting!" Volstagg shot back with a hearty smirk, brandishing his broadsword before Sif intervened.
"Boys," she said coolly, laughing afterward. "Might want to focus on where we're going. I do not know whether or not to expect palace interference or not."
"I doubt it will come to pass," Fandral supplied with a slight shrug of his slender shoulders. "There is too much else on the Allfather's mind at the moment. We're probably the least of his concern."
Cora looked around the nearly desolate street as the three rambled on about Odin and his troubles, noting how debris that had flown off the Elven ships had plummeted into the surrounding area and damaged some of the marketplace booths and the buildings riddling the narrow street. "How far out are we going?"
"Getting tired, wee one?" Volstagg chuckled, lightly elbowing her in the ribs.
"Hardly," Cora fired back with a wrinkle of her nose. "But we can stop for a moment if you need a breather."
"Oh, I like you," Fandral grinned with a short laugh, causing Sif to shake her head. By the Nine, they're worse than usual, she was thinking to herself, a smirk pulling at her lips. "We won't be going much further, I suspect. The dwarves tend to settle apart from the rest of us, but not too far removed. Got to sell their smithing on occasion."
The four trekked across the Asgardian landscape, through the marketplace and past the residential outskirts. Apart from a few signs of life, the streets were empty and Asgard's citizens were opting to stay inside after the events of the past couple days, both out of fear of an oncoming attack and out of mourning for their lost queen. Black and gold scarves with hues of blue at the tips were tied outside small buildings that looked like homes and Cora couldn't help but think they were lovely. "Are those…," she asked slowly after a moment, causing Sif to look over in the same direction.
"They are for the Queen's passing," Sif said quietly, frowning faintly at the sight. "Death is inevitable for us, gods and goddesses or not. We just have much longer to think over the possibilities beyond than mortals or half-mortals."
"You don't know what comes after death?"
"We are Asgardians, Cora. Our knowledge grows with time and work, but we know little of what life lies for us in the stars. The only ones who know for fact are those who pass and though we expect the gone have found peace, it does not leave us without a sense of grief."
"Is religion existent here?"
"In older generations and their kin," Volstagg replied. "After some time, the arguments over who is right and who is wrong about what lies after death cease and there is acceptance instead. No matter who is 'right,' it is the endpoint of each of us and no amount of bickering will change the truth."
"And the ceremony they held for Frigga and the others?"
"Protocol. It is respect, not religious practice."
Cora sighed a little. "I like that. I wish my world could focus on something like that long enough to stop the wars and hatred."
"Great things could be accomplished should that come to pass," Sif admitted with a short nod, eyes scanning the distance. "The problem with it all is time. We have thousands of years to realize our mistakes, the wrongs of our prejudice, and to rise above the petty things. Human beings do not have this and feel instead much more pressure to create themselves in the tiny span of a century. At least that's what I've observed in my short visits to Midgard and to other lands with similar cultures."
"Will my mortality be changed by the Asgardian blood in me?" Cora asked uncertainly, not knowing quite how she would feel if it would.
"I do not know. I've not met one of Asgardian and Midgardian heritage before," Sif replied honestly. "If anything, the strength and other abilities your heritage has given you may enable your hundred-year mortal life to be lived in its fullest."
"Living just a hundred years sounds both appealing and daunting," Cora noted. "Most people where I come from don't even live that long."
Sif frowned at that. "Buds," she murmured thoughtfully. "Little, furled buds, you all are, with no time to open and live before winter's frost. It is sad. Barely tapped potential…"
"Goddess of War, you are growing soft," Volstagg teased gently.
"I am growing older," Sif compromised calmly, "praise to the Nine that it be so. My eyes open wider every day."
"We're here," Fandral said, interrupting the conversation.
"Why, 'tis not even midday yet," Volstagg said with a pleased tone of voice. "We've made good time."
"Should we have…called ahead or something?" Cora asked unsurely, suddenly realizing maybe her Asgardian many-great-grandfather and equally-great-uncle may not appreciate visitors today. She didn't want to be rude…
"Nonsense," Volstagg said with a shake of his head. "At worst, they will be brief and dismiss us. Either way, you will have met your kin."
"You don't think they'll be offended or angry?"
"Our intentions are good. We will be fine, relax! Be merry, this is what you wanted!" Fandral said encouragingly, smiling and gesturing widely with his hands to emphasize his enthusiasm.
"Wish I had your optimism, Fandral," Cora murmured, jumping when she heard the loud clang of metal striking against metal from a smithing hut. She swallowed hard; suddenly nerves filled her stomach like thousands of tiny, pointy-winged butterflies and she couldn't remember what had made her think any of this was a good idea to begin with.
She was prepared to say something to Sif when a stocky little man with a bushy white beard walked from the hut, wiping a cloth across his brow to collect the sweat from its folds. "Oh…," he said in surprise when he saw them. "Hello."
"Azvic," Volstagg said in greeting, stepping forward to clasp hands with the now-relaxing dwarf. "It's good to see you."
Azvic smiled at the familiar face. "Ah, my friend, the sentiment is returned. For what have the Warriors Three—or Four, it appears now—come all this way?"
"Sindri and Brokkr, in fact," Sif replied with a polite smile. "Are they present?"
"Oh, yes, of course," Azvic said with a nod before stepping back inside the hut. When he returned, another dwarf followed in his wake, his brow and nose streaked with soot. Cora wasn't entirely sure whether or not his hair was naturally black or just attractive to the blacksmithing ashes, but she was surprised to see underneath the soot-tinted lids, his eyes were a striking ice-blue.
Wringing a dirtied cloth through his blackened hands, the dwarf looked up at Cora and the Warriors Three. "What do ye need from us this day?" he asked curiously, his voice of a deep timbre.
"Brokkr, I presume?" Sif said a little uncertainly, going on what she remembered from others' tales of visiting the dwarven outskirts.
"Indeed. Lady Sif, it is an honor to make yer acquaintance," Brokkr said with a deep inclination of his head. "And Volstagg and Fandral as well. But who are you, wee one? I've not seen yer face before."
Sif glanced at Cora and gave her an encouraging nod forward. Cora swallowed against a sudden dry patch in her throat and stepped forward as she said with sudden shyness, "My name is Cora. Cora Dempsey, I… Um…"
"Yes? You are, what?" Brokkr encouraged, his brow arching faintly.
"Your…great-great-great-great niece, if I said that properly…," she finished lamely.
Brokkr blinked, absorbing that. "So… Sindri…?"
"Is my equally-great grandfather, yes," Cora confirmed with a nod.
He looked at her pensively a moment. "You aren't from around here, are ye?"
She shook her head. "I hail from Midgard."
"What's a Midgardian doing here?" asked a curious baritone from the mouth of the hut. Another dwarf who looked quite similar to Brokkr walked out with Azvic, but the difference she noticed first was his eye color. Midnight blue. Miraculously enough, just like hers.
"I do not know how she came to Asgard, but she is here to visit you, brother," Brokkr informed him, not taking his eyes off Cora.
"Well, both of you," Cora amended quietly, disguising it with a small cough.
"Why would you be needing to do that, m'dear? Are you in need of a weapon?" the dwarf, who she could only assume was Sindri, asked her before looking her over. "Bit wee, aren't ye? I could make something light for your troubles. For the right price."
"I don't need a weapon, though that's kind of you, I—"
"She's your granddaughter, you filanderin' dohi!" Brokkr exclaimed, smacking him upside the head.
"'Dohi'?" Cora repeated in a confused whisper to Volstagg, since he seemed to be the one more familiar with these dwarves and their culture.
"'Village idiot'," Volstagg translated with a soft chuckle.
Sindri blinked at his brother and looked on the verge of retaliation before realizing what he'd said, which was when his gaze snapped back to Cora. "Ye… Truly?"
"I mean, give or take a few generations," Cora confirmed with a nod.
He squinted at her a little and asked, "Are ye descended from Rosemary?"
Cora nodded. "She's my great-great-great-great-grandmother."
They stood in silence for a moment and just as Cora and her companions began to get a bit uncomfortable, a huge grin broke across Sindri's face and he took two large steps forward, pulling Cora down to his level for a hug. "Wonderful to meet you, my dear! Wonderful, indeed! Come, ye must all join us for the midday meal, it'll be up soon!"
Cora laughed a little at his enthusiasm while Brokkr stood behind his brother, a bit torn between being aggravated at his brother's obvious indiscretion and intrigued by the many-great niece he hadn't known about. "Ladies' dwarf," he grumbled under his breath before joining Sindri, Cora, Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg in going back into the hut, passing Azvic at the doorway, who had a rather amused expression on his faintly creased face.
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"Yer own people froze ye?" Brokkr interrupted, sounding appalled. They'd plowed through the dwarves' communal noon meal, which was quite a feat in and of itself. The little men cleared a banquet table without batting an eye. Brokkr had warmed to Cora little by little and it was apparent to her now that he'd gotten quite used to her as his kin, which made her rather happy.
"I have abilities they were scared of," she reasoned as she sipped at some mead they'd passed around in tankards as big as her head. "Even though I never did anything to scare them."
"What abilities?" Sindri asked curiously, on his second tankard and still going strong.
"I can turn invisible," Cora answered, thinking back to what Sif had said about the brothers forging Thor and Odin's weapons. "…And I was able to pick up and use Mjolnir."
"Interesting," Sindri commented, looking impressed.
"Does that go hand-in-hand with my relation to you? I was told you two forged it."
"Well, I forged it, Brokkr changed the quenching water," Sindri boasted, earning a dark look from his brother, to which he chuckled and admitted, "He may have done more than that. But no, dear, it comes from worth and might, not the blood that brought ye into being."
Cora smiled a little, feeling empowered by that, and took one more polite sip of her drink as Volstagg admitted disappointedly, "We'd best be off soon. With things the way they are at the palace, it is unwise of us to be away for long."
"I understand," Sindri said with a nod, the hum of the other dwarves' chatting down the length of the table a comforting background noise. "We all hope for the Prince's safe return and the safety of any who accompanied him. I thank you for coming to meet this old dwarf and bring him new happiness," he added sincerely with a smile before it became a lopsided grin. "Now that I've thanked ye on my brother's behalf, I also thank—oof!"
Brokkr had elbowed him in the gut and as Sindri chuckled with merry laughter, Brokkr turned his attention to Cora and the others. "What my brother means to say is we are glad to have met ye, Cora. As well as the Warriors Three. Do not be a stranger to these parts."
Cora smiled warmly and nodded. "Thank you for your hospitality. I'm so glad I got to meet you both and your family here."
After goodbyes and fond gestures were exchanged, Cora and the others left the dwarves' sector of Asgard's vast lands, making the trek back to the populated city ensconced in gold beyond. They arrived in equally adequate time to their previous journey, discussing how strong the mead was as they graced the palace steps. Cora was laughing at something Fandral said about Volstagg taking some along in his beard when a flash of red caught her eye and she looked up to see Thor walking down from the palace foyer.
"Thor! You're alive!" Fandral cried dramatically, a wide grin upon his face.
The prince looked up and smiled at his comrades, though his features tensed faintly when his eyes found Cora and she couldn't imagine why. "My friends," Thor greeted them with a warm gaze. "It pleases me to know you were not all jailed for treason upon my leave."
"I recruited them for a field trip instead," Cora joked easily, Sif and the others smiling because they'd been more than willing to go along with her. "How's Jane? What happened?" she asked quickly, taking in the cuts on his forehead and cheek. "You look awful."
"Always the charmer, little sister," he chuckled softly, though his eyes were sad. "Jane is fine. She awaits my return on Earth. The Aether is contained and Malekith and his army have been destroyed. Our worlds are safe again."
The four standing before Thor all expressed their relief and gratitude in a collaborative manner, but Cora fell short again when she saw Thor's smile weaken. "Jane is fine… The realms are safe… You look just a little battered…," she murmured, tallying up the victories. "But what's wrong?"
Thor sighed deeply and shook his head a bit as his eyes fell to the golden steps beneath his boots, a war on his face in the creases between his brows and the shadows his melancholy cast under his eyes. "Cora, I do not know how to say this…"
She felt a chill of dread starting to seep into her bones, her eyes narrowing a little as she murmured, "Then just say it however it comes out…"
Thor clenched his jaw faintly and looked her in the eyes as he told her, "Loki is dead."
This was not a grief she was used to. She was used to heart-wrenching, immediate pain that could be suffered and dealt with instantaneously, at least in increments. Cora was unprepared for how the news numbed her wholly and left her feeling strange and hollow, her entire operating system shutting down and leaving an odd emptiness in its wake.
Sif, Volstagg, and Fandral were expressing their sympathies to Thor, Fandral more-so than the others because he, alone, still seemed to hold some semblance of the friendship he'd once shared with Loki, unlike the others who grimaced with every mention of his name. Still though, she felt Sif lay a hand gently on her back to steady her, rising above her grudges for the time being. Not as if they mattered any longer anyway.
"I'm so sorry," Cora finally murmured to Thor, seeing the pain in his eyes when she returned her gaze to his. "Did you have to…?"
"No," Thor said vehemently. "He did not betray me. He helped me just as he promised. More than he promised. He died with honor and I should only hope to pass with as much strength and courage."
Cora smiled faintly at that—he'd really proven himself. "He finally came around then… Good."
Seeing that she was obviously shellshocked, Thor placed his large hands on her shoulders and leaned down to look her in the eyes. "Cora, I would like to pay my apologies to you."
"For what? You didn't—"
"You lost him as well," Thor said firmly. "And I am so sorry for that."
Cora hesitated, but then slowly nodded. "Thank you." Thor nodded faintly and then straightened only to pull her into his strong embrace, resting his chin atop her head as he patted her back reassuringly. She returned the gesture, figuring that—given his brother's recent history—he might not have gotten much sympathy from anyone else in these parts. "I'm glad you're okay. And Jane, too."
Thor smiled a little as he drew back from her, and he ruffled her hair faintly and bid them farewell, stepping onto the BiFrost. Sif frowned and looked after him. "Where are you off to?" she asked in a raised voice, causing Thor to turn around and regard them again. "You just got back."
"I've relinquished the throne," Thor announced after a few moments' hesitation. "Midgard is where I will make my home from now on."
Sif's face fell ever so slightly and it sent a small pang of sympathy through Cora's heart. Thor might have noticed, but it was equally possible that he hadn't, given the distance between them now. "I see."
"This will not be the last we see of you," Volstagg told Thor firmly, causing the prince to smile. "We'll be sure of that."
"Farewell, my friend!" Fandral called with a wave of his arm, leading the way inside the palace.
Cora, Sif, and Volstagg turned to do the same, but Cora soon heard her name called and turned to look back at Thor, whose features stood as illustrations of his internal conflicts once more. Happy to be free, but broken by the cost. "He meant to apologize to you."
Cora's brow furrowed. "…What?"
"Before we left. Loki desired an audience with you, but I forbade it. I did not trust him as I should have and, for that, I am sorry," Thor explained, a shameful edge to his voice. "But he meant to make amends for the things he said to you. I daresay only offending our mother has ever brought such distress into his person, though he did not show it to me."
Cora's throat worked a little before she could manage a smile. "Thank you, Thor. I'm sure I'll be seeing you in the near future, either here or there."
Thor nodded and waved before turning his back once more, striding surely across the rainbow bridge. Cora's smile faded as soon as his back faced her again, her gaze falling toward the golden steps. 
"Are you…?" came Sif's voice from behind her.
No matter what adjective might've followed Sif's unfinished question, the answer was unequivocally "no" every time. She was not okay, nor all right, nor was she particularly stable. Yet she was not sad. She wasn't sure she had the ability to feel enough to be sad any longer. Everything just felt useless to her. Cora wasn't sure she had any grief left to dispense.
However, she replied with a quiet, "Yes," which answered all former possibilities and continued up the steps. All the way up the staircase to her room, where she shut the door behind her with a click that echoed up and down the barren hall a hundred times over, a ghost within the walls.
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Next chapter: Chapter 24, "I'll Always Find You"
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user1286 · 2 years
Gods of Disappointment: PART 3: Wound and Beast (1/2)
A/N:  Yo shoutout to my brother dawg, he helped me "choreograph" the fighting. (He's a For Honor nerd lmao)
Summary: Mystery ensues, Modi's hungry, and he irritates Thrud a little more.
With his brows furrowed, Magni loudly dropped his ax on the ground; the loud clanging echoing through the large cave everyone was sitting in.
“There’s no feed in this area. We need to move.” Everyone’s heads quickly turned towards Magni at the entrance. He then pulled a bag from his waist, ready to say more until Sif spoke.
“What?” Sitting on a log – like the two in front of her –, Sif raised an eyebrow.
“There’s nothing out there. It’s like all the creatures disappeared.” Magni explained. He then walked to his mother, placing the bag in her hands.
“What do you mean by ‘disappeared’?” Dumbfounded, Sif took the bag and looked into it — surprise and confusion took over her face —. “Where did you find these?” She looked up at Magni as she pulled vegetables and nuts from the bag. She noticed how fresh the carrot in her hand was and thought aloud,”We’re in Fimbulwinter, these shouldn’t even be alive…”
“There was a village.” Magni remarked.
“A what!?” Sif’s voice raised, as she continued. “You know we shouldn’t be in contact with mortals, if they hear a family of gods came to Midgard, word could reach Od-”
“I didn’t tell them anything!” Magni yelled back.
The silence echoed throughout the cave as Gulltoppr’s head rose, Thrud and Modi stared in shock, and all while Sif’s face formed into anger. She proceeded to get up from her log, and while being towered over by her own seven foot son, she looked up to his face, staring through his eyes, and quietly spoke.
“I’m sorry? Would you care to explain yourself?”
Stiff as stone, and with a quiet voice, Magni answered hesitantly.
“I… didn’t say anything. They didn’t sell meat, and I could only buy vegetation from them.”
Sif silently stayed put in front of Magni, practically squeezing out an apology from him. She then told him to sit down as she also slapped Modi’s hand away from the bag. 
Loosening up, Magni sat into Gulltoppr’s waist, who was to Thrud’s right. To her left, Modi, and In front of all was Sif,  who’s back was now to the entrance of the cave.
Magni then crossed his legs, and leaned back to rest. 
Sif inhaled and exhaled to calm down, then asking Magni,
“Why didn’t they sell meat?”
Magni began to pet the large cat as he answered her question. “They said the same thing was happening to them. No animals, all gone.”
Sif started to ration out the food to Thrud, Modi and herself.
“Did you eat already?”
Without opening his mouth, he replied with an affirming grunt.
The time spent eating the small meal was satisfying for Sif and Thrud. For Modi though, he felt different.
The two women went to talk outside, while Magni and Modi were both still in the cave, resting. One still in the same position, and the other with his back on the ground, three limbs sprouted, and one hand scratched at his head.
Modi’s stomach still growled and ached for more, annoying him, causing his mind to wonder. He turned his head to Magni, and asked his question in mind.
“So there really wasn’t anything at all?” He asked, breaking the silence between the two.
“Mm.” Magni didn’t open his eyes or move as he said so.
A tinge of doubt began to take over Modi’s tone. “Nothing?”
Modi paused, and gave his brother a look of suspicion. “You sure you didn’t forget a few steps to setting those traps?”
Magni opened his eyes and slowly turned his head to Modi. “If you’re so concerned about me forgetting, why didn’t you volunteer to hunt instead?”
“Did you not watch me get launched into a tree by an oversized cat yesterday?” Gulltoppr opened his eyes and loudly snorted at Modi’s face.
Trying not to laugh, Magni replied,”I mean, if I had a maybe~ 300 pound man sitting on my ass, constantly taunting me for trying to catch my breath after hours of walking non stop,-” Without uncrossing his arms, Magni leaned towards Modi and raised his voice continuing. ”-I would be so happy to launch him into a tree too.”
Thrud and Sif, still outside the cave, looked to Magni and Modi, with their attention turned towards them.
“We’re not fighting.” The two lied simultaneously, causing Thrud and her mother to continue their conversation.
Modi sat up, aggressively whispering and even pointing to Magni. “Listen, monkeyman, if I were to get out right now, and check on those traps, I bet I’d find them looking more fucked up than you.” 
Magni didn’t even bother to whisper, but instead, sarcastically remarked loud enough for Thrud and Sif outside to hear,”you think my traps were set wrong?!” 
Modi stopped pointing, and began to panic, frantically shaking his head, he whispered, ”No! No! No! I’m sorry, just shut up, please don’t do whatever you’re gonna do!”  
Magni continued to speak loudly, his voice echoing outside the cave,”You’d like to teach Thrud how to hunt while you check on them?! That’s a wonderful idea-“ Magni aggressively smacked Modi’s back, his fur coat barely cushioning the God of Strength’s large hand,”-brother!”
Modi scrunched his face and pursed his lips. He resisted the urge to yelp in pain, and instead loudly grunted through a closed mouth. Before getting the chance to object, Thrud turned her head to Modi with an eyebrow raised and spoke.
“Now, Modi?”
Again, before a sound left his mouth, his mother spoke instead. “That sounds like a good idea.” Sif then looked to and rested her hands on Thrud’s shoulders. “You two should get going before it gets dark. Your brother used to be very good at hunting when he was young, so I’m confident he’ll teach you well.”
“Uh Mom, I already know how to hunt tho-“
Sif’s back was already to Thrud’s face again, causing the girl to groan. Modi watched Sif enter the cave again, taking a sword and mace from the side, where a few other weapons were resting. 
She continued,”our weapons aren’t best suited for hunting, but we have to utilize their functions as best as we can.” She handed Thrud her weapons, and then turned to Modi, who was still sitting, desperately trying to rub his new bruise on his back. “Well? What are you waiting for?”
Modi paused for a second, with whatever sense of pride he had, beginning to bloom again.
“You know what? Nothing!” The man rose up to his feet, then looked down to Magni, whispering again. “If I bring some kind of meat by the time I come back, you’re bringing me twice the rations you brought us today.” 
Magni looked up at Modi, and without bothering to whisper again, he replied,”And if you come back with nothing, you’re coming with me to visit the village again. I think they might be able to offer us something worth our time…”
“Sounds like fair game…” Modi was about to give his hand to Magni for a shake, but was stopped when Thrud yelled into the cave.
“Hey tubby, are you almost done?”
“Augh, I’m coming, damn!” Forgetting what he was just about to do, Modi quickly grabbed a shield from the small collection of weapons and quickly asked Magni where the traps were set — finding that some were set along a river, and others near caves —. Modi and Thrud then bid their farewells, and then jogged off into the distance.
”Also stop calling me tubby, damn!” 
Thrud could only giggle in response.
The crunching of snow beneath Modi and Thrud’s feet accompanied the chattering between the two.
“I’m not into him!”
“Just admit it already, that bartender at the tavern always looked at you with hungry eyes!” Thrud bursted laughing,”I could tell he wanted to eat you like an animal!”
Modi playfully shoved Thrud with one hand, stopping her laughing when she landed face first into the snow.
Crouching over her, Modi mocked,”yeah~ who’s laughing now, tubby?!”
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Thrud lifted her head and shoved her hand on Modi’s face, pushing him over on his butt. She then stood up and bent over him; with still a smile, and through gritted teeth, she punched him on the shoulder. “I am!” 
“Aow!” Modi rubbed his shoulder, proceeding to chuckle and run to catch up to Thrud. “You know, you’ve gotten stronger over these years. You been working out extra before we came here?” He remarked, now walking by Thrud’s side.
“Ehh, not really. I guess dad’s strength is just kicking in…”
A moment of silence passed until Thrud recalled.
“Oh, wait, I did get to build up a lot of strength from all those times I had to drag your wasted ass out of the tavern, hehe.”
Modi’s eyes widened at the statement, startled, and then quickly turned his head and asked. “That was you who took me to my room?!”
“That explains so much…” Modi began to count his fingers,”Magni’s too much of a petty bitch to be that nice, Fath- actually I don’t even know where he even is when I was at the Tavern…” More realizations hit Modi as he tried to think of anyone else who would be able to carry him home; until the new information finally finished processing. ”I… saw that coming…” He lied.
“Sure.” Thrud scoffed and chuckled.
A few moments of silence passed between the two until Modi began to wonder,
“Why though?”
“Huh?” Thrud turned her head to look at Modi.
“Why did you bother? I’m sure I woulda’ been fine…”
“Uhh, because I care?” Thrud’s brow raised as she answered.
“Ehh, I just don’t understand…”
“Understand what?”
“Well, you’re- err, you would always get all pissy when you’d pick me and Mag up from whatever noise we might be causing, so, why would you bother anyway?”
Thrud’s brows pressed together and her mouth opened, appearing almost offended by Modi’s question. Before Thrud could say anything though, she heard yelling in the distance, proceeding to get pulled down behind a boulder, as Modi whispered,
“Piss, Raiders!”
“Yeah, I could tell!” Thrud whispered back, quickly whipping out her sword, ready to fight.
With Modi on all fours, and Thrud on her knees, he pointed a few meters ahead behind some trees and rocks.
“There!” He whispered, “I think four of ‘em.”
Sitting ahead were the raiders yelling and arguing about something.
Thrud couldn’t tell about what. She wanted to get closer, but Modi motioned her no. She then settled back down trying to listen, hearing “oversized beast” being mentioned in the conversation.
A thought then interrupted Thrud’s eavesdropping, causing her to ask Modi in a hushed voice,
“I thought you guys fought raiders before?”
“Not worried about that, just you.” Modi then turned his attention to Thrud. “Didn’t you fail that Helheim mission with that Loki freak?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I got my ass kicked.” She snapped back, with increased annoyance.
“Yeah, whatever, shut up real qui-”
An arrow swept through Thrud’s hair, narrowly missing her neck.
Modi looked above the four, finding that there was an archer in a tree, informing the rest about the two. The four raiders then grabbed their weapons and quickly charged over.
Thrud noticed the archer firing again, provoking her to quickly block an attack from a raider and manhandle him in front of the arrow. Another raider thrusted towards her, but she threw the body at him. She then jumped forward, and stabbed her sword through both bodies, finishing off the second raider. 
Modi – with a malicious smile on his face – pulled out his sword and shield, and leaped towards a raider. “Dumbass!” He sliced the raider's arm off, and bashed him into a tree. He then motioned his shield towards the next raider. The raider threw an overhead attack, resulting in Modi pushing his shield into the weapon, deflecting into the stomach. He then put the shield between the raider’s legs, throwing him over his shoulder, and smashing him into the ground; The sound of bones breaking caught Thrud’s attention for a second until she quickly looked back at the archer – ready to fire again –. 
Both the Archer and Thrud turned to look at Modi bashing in the face of the raider with the butt of his sword. The archer started aiming at Modi. Right as the arrow was shot, Thrud threw her mace at the branches, dropping the archer from the tree.
The arrow shot into the back of Modi’s shoulder, causing him to shout in pain.
“Modi!” Thrud called, as she ran over to check on him.
Modi stopped pounding at the raider’s face, gripping his shoulder. With his free hand, he stopped Thrud and told her through gritted teeth, “Get that fucker first!”
Thrud was quick to listen as she immediately turned around and ran to where the archer fell. The archer was already sprinting away.
“Thrud!” Modi yelled, and threw his shield to her. She then caught the shield and chucked it at the archer’s head; his body fell to the ground.
Again, Thrud turned and ran back to Modi.
“You got him?”
“Yeah.” Thrud replied as she knelt down to look at Modi’s wound. Observing the arrow, she sighed in relief finding it wasn’t too deep in his shoulder. Preparing herself, she blew a gust of air from her breath, gripped the arrow, and asked Modi,
“You ready?”
“Wh- NO!” Modi grabbed Thrud’s wrist and shoved it away from the arrow.
“We can’t just leave it in there!” Thrud tried to grab at the arrow again but Modi backed away, groaning from the sting in his wound.
Thrud then stood up over Modi as he kept backing away further, smacking at her hands as she persisted.
“Would you stop fighting- WOAH!” Out of nowhere, Modi grabbed Thrud’s ankle and yanked her down to the ground landing on her back. He then attempted to get up and run away, failing as Thrud yanked him by the legs dropping him on his belly. Proceeding to mount his back, she finally grasped the end of the arrow, and continued. “We just need that thing out!”
Having felt Thrud’s grip on the arrow – and desperately trying to escape – Modi yelled, “NO!” and moved what he could of his body, – unintentionally – finally tearing the arrow out. 
Both froze in a deafening silence. Modi quickly bit into the shoulder of his coat, and screamed for a few seconds. Meanwhile, Thrud held and looked at the arrow, thinking to herself, huh.
When the screaming stopped, she remembered there was still a wound in need of treatment. Tossing the arrow away, she looked at Modi with his knees tucked in and his head laying in the snow. Thrud snorted, and did only what she knew for a wound. Out of a pouch on her side, she took out a roll of a bandage and knelt down to Modi’s level again.
“Come on, you big baby, we haven’t even found the traps yet.”
Without moving, Modi groaned in an attempt to tell Thrud to go away.
Sighing, Thrud lifted the furry coat off Modi’s shoulder and began to unravel the bandage.
A/N: If you want an idea on how Modi fights, look up Warlord For Honor on youtube lol. Also yes, he and Magni have new weapons bc fuck you that's why. (The justification will be delved into in the story at some point lol). ALSO I redesigned the two bc I hate their actual designs, but also because four winters is one hell of a while, they had to change designs at some point lol. I plan on posting their redesigns soon, but If you don't find them, that means I either bitched out of shyness and embarrassment, or I decided to update them a little more fjdslajfjl.
also if anyone can answer rq, uhh should I keep posting my fics into the god of war tag idk if I'm being annoying or not with my fic bc I know hardly anyone cares abt magni and modi but idk idk bc I do keep finding like character x reader fan fics n such but  ?????? idk lol
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squids-comics · 3 months
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Gross!!! Thor reminiscing about when Sif was just a child is a real questionable choice. Stan is going to want to sell Thor and Sif as a romantic couple from this point on. This is a terrible way to start that off!
From: Mighty Thor #137
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sifasdt · 7 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-02-13
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(Transcription after the break.)
[Image transcription:]
SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-02-13
Which Should We Get?
Shioriko: ... I can't decide. Rina: ... Yeah. Shioriko: I came here thinking that with a floor full of chocolate shops, I would be able to choose the perfect chocolate for everyone. Rina: Even with so many options, we still couldn't decide. Shioriko: I've managed to narrow my options to 7 shops. How about you, Rina-san? Rina: I... still haven't narrowed them down. Rina-chan board says, "sob". Shioriko: How about we take a break for now, and then organize our thoughts later? Rina: Then, I have an idea. There's a booth over there selling chocolate ice cream. Let's have a strategy meeting while eating that! Shioriko: Good idea! Rina: Let's go! Rina-chan board says, "smiley".
[End transcription.]
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illwynd · 2 years
Not to be overly intrusive but I very much want to hear your rant about jms lady loki arc? Your thoughts about thor stuff are fascinating generally, and it either makes me go " I hadn't even considered this aspect of things ", or " oh that's what bothered me about this but I just couldn't find the words!" I mean it goes without saying that you don't have to if you don't want to, but I haven't heard people say anything about that arc other than it was sexist, so now I'm very curious about your opinions on it.
Oh nonny you’re not overly intrusive at all! Thank you for asking this and giving me the excuse to blather about it XD and thank you for the kind words. I clearly think about this stuff way too much, and all I can hope for is that someone else finds it of some sort of interest or value.
Re the JMS lady Loki arc…
So OK I guess I should summarize the thing for the benefit of anyone who hasn’t read it. The main gist goes like this: Thor is having to call Asgardian souls back into the world after breaking the cycle of Ragnarok, and when Loki is brought back, he is “inexplicably” in a female body. Loki has in fact arranged this as part of a con, using his new appearance to better sell everyone on the idea that he’s changed and no longer villainous, but the truth is that it’s Sif’s body he’s stolen, and Sif’s spirit is trapped in the body of a dying mortal, so it’s basically attempted murder (though Loki’s plan is thwarted and Sif is saved at the last minute). In the meantime, the “lady” Loki is a sexy, buxom caricature of played-up femininity, using her wiles to manipulate the men around her, and through it all it doesn’t really seem to be motivated by any genuine gender fluidity on Loki’s part. It’s just a trick. 
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So I can see where the criticism comes from: that it’s sexist, that it’s bad genderfluid representation since it’s in the form of a murderous villain, that it resembles transphobic tropes of trans women being “really” men trying to steal whatever from women. But those criticisms never seemed to me to land quite right. They seemed to be superficial and missing something important. And there are several angles you can take in looking at it more deeply where all those criticisms just fall apart.
I’m not even really going to go into the problems with decrying it as bad representation because he’s a villain. I really hope we’re past that. It’s not good when your media queers can only be villains, but having every queer character be morally upright and squeaky clean isn’t a good answer either, because real people aren’t like that. What I ask for is that the whole range be available, and that for any given character, they are first and foremost an interesting character with believable motivations for what they do. So “but he’s so evil he was trying to kill Sif! Bad representation! Bad!” is a complaint we’re just going to set aside and make dubious faces at, because for reasons I’ll get to later, I think there is an emotional truth to the portrayal, and in fiction that matters far more than any black-and-white moral claims.
So next up, we have the complaint that he doesn’t seem to be motivated by any genuine genderfluid feelings, since it’s all just a con. And my issue with that is that… it’s a very superficial take. He is motivated by gender stuff. Just not in a way that the complainers recognize. 
The absolutely crucial detail is that his target is Sif. I say again. It really matters that he targeted Sif for this con. And yes, sure, part of his reasoning is jealousy over her close relationship with Thor (thorki is canon, y’all). But another part is this: Sif is the only other (that we know of) gender nonconforming person in Asgard, and definitely the only other one that we see as being close to his social circle. But where she is celebrated as a woman who is active and successful in traditionally culturally masculine pursuits, Loki’s gender nonconformity—his failure to live up to Asgardian masculine ideals—gets him demeaned, derided, dismissed. The gender fuckery going on here is that he is furious at the difference in how their GNC-ness is treated. His resentment and anger at that injustice, and he's being a right bastard in expressing it. We stan. 
(I also do think there is something genderqueer in how the trickster considers using a feminine appearance to be just one potential tool in his arsenal, the kinda just shrugging and doing whatever works for his purposes rather than getting worked up about having to do such a thing? I mean. So shocking for a trickster figure, right? But hold that thought.)
So that was where I was with it for several years. But I kept coming back to how relatable Loki is to me as a trans masc person, and trying to figure out why it was that way, and what that had to do with this particular arc, and then it finally hit me.
This scene. 
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“Thus is Loki truly beautiful.”
In this scene, Loki has just been able to finally return to his male body (with Hela’s help), and he expresses his relief and joy in it, all while the art makes him look… kinda grotesque. And my gods that is such a trans masc mood. Knowing that while you pretend to be a woman you’ll be seen as nonthreatening and acceptable, and maybe you can put up with that for practical or social reasons for a while, but it isn’t how you want to live your life, it isn’t how you want to be seen, it isn’t the appearance that makes you happy. Constantly hearing how by changing your form you’ll be changing from sexy and desirable to ugly and monstrous… but thus you are truly beautiful to your own eyes. 
(I think it is worth pointing out here, for anyone who might not know, that it is not uncommon for trans masc folks to have a phase of trying to go hard femme before they really accept themselves as trans. I personally didn’t, but I can imagine that the exaggerated femme lady Loki might be familiar to some of those guys. I, on the other hand, had a phase of treating my afab body as a tool that wasn’t really connected to me, so there are some other bits of the lady Loki arc that I find familiar. And here I should note that I’m not saying JMS had all this in mind, I have no idea whether he did or not, but death of the author, baby. The interpretation is very much there.)
And there is another little bit that I want to mention. There is one point where Fandral says to lady Loki, “even when you thought you were a man, you weren’t the man you thought you were.”
And. Firstly, screw you Fandral. Seriously. Secondly, the interpretation of this arc as being related to trans femininity gets a lot more press but that is an insult that is far more relevant to trans masc folks. The insults against Loki’s masculinity are reminiscent of how trans guys are not seen as real men, especially if they are GNC in any way, as Loki is. Loki may be amab, but his struggles are so incredibly similar to trans masc struggles (and really, I can’t be the only trans guy who fuckin loves that: a character who feels so familiar and relatable, flawed and angry and messed up in ways that I know all too well, but also has the goddamn body I wish I had. It’s the perfect combination.)
So yeah. That’s the short version, at least, of the rant about what everyone gets wrong about the lady Loki arc. The sexism, and complicated gender politics, is a thing it is commenting on, and I don't see how so many folks miss that.
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