#signal boost the fuck outta this
dreamsofminnie · 1 year
“False Confidence”
Kazuha | Childe —x gn!Reader Smau
01- Dare myself🍁🐳 | Word count: 975
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Rushing from your college campus towards the cafe which your best friends worked at was a real strain on your legs. The workout would be worth it for a free drink.
Lucky that the cafe manager is nice to the twins and even more so when she met you. The twins could tell so hard that the manager has a slight crush on you. Reason why you get drinks on the house when your at the cafe anytime of the day.
Just you sitting by the windowsill also attracts passerby’s and brings in customers. Your stunning looks do attract many eyes.
Unwanted eyes? Not necessarily since it does wonders to ego boosts. Just when you're back at your shared apartment with the twins, do you deflate your swelled ego, it’s terrifying when it’s inflated.
Attention is better sweet and quick so it can be ignored just as bitter.
The opposing reason you wanted to get away, it’s the last week of classes till summer break and the swarms of invites to hang out over the summer from many people interested in making a lover out of you.
You frown deeply at that thought. Just adding to the lover count I see, never happening.
Running around the corner of the block your thoughts come to a stop as you see the name of the cafe appear etched onto the window. ‘Cafe Dense’
A strange name but dense is better than being aware. Whatever that meant.
The tinkling of the bell on the door signaled your arrival. Two blondes look up from their workstation just in time to see you enter and wave you over.
The cafe at noon was packed at half capacity. No wonder since Lumine and Aether were well known, being extroverts that is. At one time people thought you three were triplets since you suck to each other like glue. None of you minded that thought, it was wholly true.
“Here. Your ‘on the house’ drink.” Lumine rolled her eyes playfully and passed the large sized cup.
“Thank youu Lumie, did you spit in it tho?” You smile while peering into the cup.
“I did think you would want that… She didn’t though. Or else manager would see and hang Lumi’s paycheck over her head.” Aether laughed while the other blonde grumbled, “manager is such a simp.”
You take a sip and hum. The line for ordering only consisted of three boys, which the other workers were diligently tending to.
Letting Aether and Lumine continue with their work, you needed something else to occupy your time. . . Giving yourself a little dare won’t hurt.
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Kazuha (3rd person)PoV—
“Finallyyy Albedo’s here. Quick Quick, get your drink and we are outta here.” Tighnari shooed Albedo towards the cashier area who had only just shown up and barely got a chance to sit down.
“Ah. I wanted to buy another drink as well, let me come with you Bedo.” Kazuha gets up and follows the blondie with his wallet. Albedo asks if this was Kazuha’s third drink and the suspect merely shifts his eyes away.
Tighnari glances at Cyno’s empty seat, he went to the bathroom not long ago. Did he get stuck with no toilet paper? Again? Tighnari let out a long frustrated sigh and marched toward the men’s bathroom to find his lost partner.
“One green tea latte please.” Kazuha gently smiles as the golden-eyed blonde girl across the cashier counter, inputs the drink and tells him to tap his card. The mumbling of the guy behind him nearly makes Kazu turn around but the cashier thanked him and called for next. Kazuha just followed Albedo–who went before him, standing at the waiting area on his phone. “Kazu did you get the text about the class group chat? It’s so fucking dumb.” Albedo shut his phone off and glance at his friend.
“Hm?” Kazuha dug through his pockets and struggled to find his block of technology. “Did you forget your phone on the table you were at before?” Albedo’s suggestion made Kazuha nod and return to the table which, Bedo’s hypothesis was correct.
“Ah. I thought I lost you. Uh? Who is this on my lock screen??. . .”
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Childe (3rd person)PoV—
Repeating the order over and over again, Childe checked the group chat once more to get the coffee order right.
He mumbled out the orders, “Scara wanted a hot Matcha latte; which we made fun of for him wanting steamed milk.” He chuckled and scrolled down.
“Arlei demanded a red eye coffee. Not surprising for that coffee addict. Then Dain requested…an Irish coffee… just because he saw Arlei drink it once. Does he know that there is alcohol AND sugar in that??”
Childe was just about to type his question in the chat but the cashier snapped his attention away when she called out next. He walked up to the counter and placed his phone down, wanting to memorize honestly.
“Heya girlie, I’ll get a Hot matcha latte, a red eye, and an Irish coffee.” He grinned smugly, practicing how he would show up with correct drink orders for them time around.
He tapped his card and sauntered off with his idiotic confidence clouding his head.
After waiting for about 10 minutes of absolutely nothing in his head but his proud grin, his drinks were ready and bagged up, he checked his pockets to text them that he got it.
“Huh?! Where is my phone?!??? Where’d I leave it??” Light tapping on the counter alerted childe as he looked up and see the cashier from before handing him, his phone. “You left this at the cash register, dumbass.” She walked off towards the break room before he could thank her.
Still slightly stunned he decided to continue with his text to his friends.
“WUah?! Who is this?!? They’re so pretty… WAIT, THIS MUST BE FATE!”
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Synopsis-> You were bored so you took the cute guy’s phone which lay open on the coffee table at your friend’s work place. And took a selfie of your face and pinned it as their lock screen. And now you are being hunted by the phone’s owner who's now curious about you from your flirt and run. Through your flirtatious ways, you have never been able to maintain relationships; you always keep an arms length away. You don’t believe you deserve love at all, so why not flirt with strangers?
Summer season-> Name has been filling back on their flirts since the responses to their flirts were getting too dizzying to them. Though the twins can see the attempts of two boys vying for your affection. Twins detective agency activated while you took some time to yourself with failure.
So many hidden secrets eehehhe
The name of the cafe cOUgh CoUgh hint: top of the page😁 punfect
Yes, Lumine was the Cashier; i needed Childe to say his iconic “Hey girlie”
Only Childe would be dumb enough to leave his phone on the counter smh
@pokidot @scarletttcroww @noirinnn @melodiesoffadedroses @x4ndr @liilactears @ilovekazuha271 @ghostlysyntaxed @ferumie @cryastre @whipped-for-fictionals @crucnhice @tamikahoshiko @soleillunne
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chibelial · 8 days
I can’t make a single post about donations, be it a sincere call for some small and quick aid when I’m in a bind with like med costs, or an obvious joke for my fellow poor people on the unemployed persons website; I can’t avoid being contacted by a scammer or a bit feigning interest in helping a legit disabled poor person out.
I know a lot of you guys use tumblr to signal most your on the spot dono needs for food or for Ubers or what have you; I’ve tried to do so with med costs here and there myself so I feel the struggle.
These scammers have always e en obvious to me from the very first dm, I’ve never actually BEEN scammed. But I know some people are far more desperate, in worse scenarios, have less time, or just are more trusting and less experienced with scum of the earth grifters. Please help careful out there if you post about needing any sort of aid and get a response, don’t be embarrassed to show it to someone else for a second opinion if it seems weird. Most of all, here’s my two biggest takeaways;
1. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Somebody, especially somebody on tumblr, could probably loan you anywhere from 5 to 50 bucks. Over the last couple years I’ve gotten about $90 in donations when I ask for assistance with medications, which is not much, but it’s realistic I guess. If someone’s offering a lotttt, be extra skeptical.
2. Nine times outta Ten a genuine donation will just come from someone who just. Sends You The Money. Via whatever link you made available in your post or blog. And then they’ll attach a message to said payment like if it’s PayPal or they’ll dm you around the same time with just a little like “hope you’re doing ok, sent you a lil help and ofc a reblog for the boost♥️”. If they’re telling you a story or saying they want a sugar baby or they try to act like they’ve been scammed and want some weird proof; it’s a scam. I’d they’re offering to send you a check via any means, even just a pic; that’s almost certainly a scam. If the blog is relatively new and has little to no original posts; probably a bot.
Idk how gullible the average tumblr user is, but I know a lot of us have been in quite a few financial binds, and we aren’t above asking one another for aid. And my stomach turns whenever I get these scammers, because I have to wonder, have they succeeded in fucking any of us?
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v-the-nomad · 25 days
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Fuck me sideways, chica. Just when I thought I'd caught a break, shit hits the fan again. Got the coupling fixed with a hotwire job - not pretty, but it'll do. Was about to delta outta this dustbowl when who shows up? The local sheriff, Andrew fuckin' Jones.
This gonk's got a stick so far up his ass, you'd think he was trying to become a tree. Ex-military hotshot turned small-town tyrant. Typical NUSA bootlicker with a hard-on for corps. Kept eyeballin' me like I was about to rob the whole town blind. Pendejo.
Now I'm in deep shit with my fixer, Willie McCoy. Missed the rendezvous for a cargo run into Night City. Client's some merc named Jackie Welles - wants to move "merchandise." Don't know what kinda merch, don't care. It's my ticket into the city, and I need those eddies to kickstart my new life.
But here's the kicker - my ride's antenna is more fried than my brain after a night of Cenzón. Can't reach Willie for shit. Thinking about scaling the Yucca telecom tower, see if I can boost the signal. It's a long shot, but hey, when has that ever stopped me?
Wish you were here, Persia. You'd probably have this rust bucket purring like a kitten by now. Miss your magic touch with tech… and, well, just you.
Gotta jet before Sheriff Stick-up-his-ass decides to make my life even more interesting.
Stay free, V
P.S. If you ever pass through Yucca, do me a solid and slash Jones' tires, yeah?
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
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I posted 352 times in 2022
That's 340 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (7%)
327 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 195 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#quill's reblogs - 111 posts
#batdr - 55 posts
#ace attorney - 42 posts
#misquillaneous - 31 posts
#signal boost - 16 posts
#quill talks - 15 posts
#batim - 14 posts
#bendy and the dark revival - 12 posts
#bendy and the ink machine - 8 posts
#batdr spoilers - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#this is what happens when you turn all your queer employees into ink monsters joey
My Top Posts in 2022:
The animation was really good, even for Illumination. You can really tell Nintendo *put a lot of money in to make this look good (read: held a gun to Illumination's head to make sure they didn't fuck this up)
So, fun fact about me, before this trailer, I have never heard Jack Black's voice. I didn't even know who he was until he got cast! Still, I gotta, you can tell he put a lot of effort into Bowser's voice, to make it that perfect mix of villainous so you can see why he's seen as a threat but also cartoony enough to be funny.
Speaking of funny, the scene with the peinguins? Hilarious!
Also, internet, can we bully Nintendo into getting rid of Crisp Rat? That man IS not Mario. We did for Sonic's design, we can do it for this.
Toad was pretty ok, he wasn't a dead ringer, but he also wasn't Crisp Rat.
Also, once again, My Boi Luigi is getting buried under the rug! But, at least there's confirmation they didn't fuck him up so....
Me: I want to see my little boi
Nintendo: Here he comes!
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Me: *slowly lowers the gun from Miyamoto's head* ok..you may live...but i want mORE
71 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
86 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
@knightinink WAIT REALLY? /GEN?
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Whelp, time to ramble
TW for implied torture
Instead of trying to gas her, the Keepers decided to lock Audrey up with the rest of the Cyclebreakers
The barrier curtains that cover the cells? Outta here! Audrey interacting with Henry and Sammy (and Norman, he's there too) more then in-game!
During this stint in prison, Audrey sees one of the communication-radio thingies that Allison talked to her on nearby and goes for it while her cellmates cause a distraction!
She speaks into it only to hear instead...Porter?!
He was in the nearby area of one and heard her voice coming out of it and decided to strike up a conversation!
Obviously, she's like, "h e l p m e" and Porter, while kinda not getting the fact that her life's in danger, promises to come save her!
Audrey gives him instructions to find a woman with a sword named Alice and that he has to find a way to take out the power, because his powers would be canceled out.
But then the Keepers come and take Audrey away!
And they uh...let's just say that her punishment was exactly what Bendy was trying to prevent
And that everyone in the prison heard her screams.
And there was a certain someone with incredible hearing far away from the prison who heard her.
A n y w a y s, the next day, there's a power outage! So Audrey, Sammy, Henry and Norman take this opportunity to escape! (With Henry carrying Norman's head)
During the chaos they manage to unite with Porter, Allison, and Tom (the latter two have to be told that Sammy is an ally, so don't curbstomp him please-)
But then the Keepers corner them, and when it seems like they're dead just when they had a chance, the Ink Demon comes and takes advantage of the lack of power to f*ck em up!
While the others want to use Bendy's rampage as cover to escape, Henry, Audrey and Sammy aren't so inclined.
For Sammy, it's relatively simple; he can't abandon his lord! Not at his grand revival! What kind of prophet would he be?
For Audrey, she's having an internal debate. On one hand, she knows the Ink Demon could kill her, if stories from her cellmates are true and he had. On the other hand, he came here, even after what had happened to him here.
(Wilson spilled what he did to Bendy when he came by in a attempt to get Audrey's trust. It Did Not Work)
He wouldn't have done that just for no reason, and the reason that a part of her wanted to believe that it was to help her. (That part of you is right Audrey~)
Henry's having a similar debate, with the knowledge of the Cycle and the fact that's Bendy's one of Joey's pawns too.
The party's left in a stalemate until Porter just straight up yells to Bendy, "Hey silly! We're leaving soon! You don't wanna be left behind!"
And Bendy? He actually listens and heads towards the group
So now we have Allison and Tom trying to run away from Bendy but also trying not to leave Henry, Audrey, and Porter behind, Bendy in his massive Ink Demon self running behind him, Porter quick teleporting and having the time of his life, Sammy frantically screaming about Bendy, Norman screeching into Allison's ears, and Audrey and Henry just trying to keep up and wondering "how did my life get to this point"
It all comes to a climax when they're almost out of the prison when the power comes back on! And the Keepers found them
Bendy's shrinking into Benders and the Keepers are making a move on him and that's when Audrey makes her choice...
...by scooping him up in his arms and yelling at everyone to keep running
A long and heavy chase ensues, until the group manages to hide and shake them off
See the full post
115 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Thinks about ghosts as a recurring motif in BATDR. In the literal sense with Carly, the Phantoms of the Machine, Memory! Joey, etc. But also thinks about ghosts in a figurative sense. Joey haunting the studio even after dying, but not being the real Joey, just haunted by the monster the man was. Henry being created solely for Joey to haunt and torture. Audrey being haunted by Joey's legacy and not even remembering it. Alice being haunted and tormented over a false standard of perfection. Allison being haunted by Alice and what could have been. Bendy being haunted over never being good enough for Joey and being tortured and forced into what everyone else wants him to be until he meets Audrey.
god. this game heard the saying "there's more than one way to be haunted" and fucking ran with it huh
185 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
do i understand that since hunter is one of many clones of a dead guy from the 1600s him being transmasc most likely won't be canon?: yes
do i subscribe to the headcanon regardless?: also yes
289 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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meanya · 3 years
PSA: 🍂October has already started, so remember!!! If you have any subjects that trigger or upset you, especially blood/gore, insects/spiders, knives, trypophobia, body horror, eye horror, sharp teeth, monsters, or uncanny valley
Here's a concise article on how to block tags on mobile or desktop with pictures (or see below the cut)
Don't forget to tag your content, and have a safe Spooky Month everyone!!! 🎃🧡👻
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🖥 Desktop:
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myfallendarkness · 5 years
So, I typically don't share things like this, but this means a lot to a friend of mine and she really needs some help to take care of her dog, Jacob. She's had him for 11 years and he's her best friend. I know a lot of you are also struggling financially, but a few dollars or even just sharing this would mean a lot to me and to her!
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alyhull · 6 years
Roman Reigns is going to be on RAW this coming Monday...
To those of you saying this time he's been away fighting cancer is a "work"... You are human garbage. You're so invested in a form of entertainment that you're willing to completely ignore reality, so that you can feel better about your hatred of someone. You have ZERO good excuses to dislike him so you lower yourself to trash levels to try (and fail) to make a point...
Do us all a favor and just shut the fuck up. No one (not even Vinny Mac) would make cancer a prop. This is very real, and it should be respected. Regardless of your personal preferences.
Tl;dr: don't be an asshole... it ain't cute.
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duskholland · 6 years
quick question. you said that you don’t really stan 5sos as much as you used to, but your url has muke in it. is there a reason you keep it even though 5sos really isn’t your main thing anymore? no hate!! everything you do with your blog is great & up to you!! x
every time i consider changing it, i just...can’t. honeymoonmuke is who i am, you know? it’s been my identity on here for so long, and i love how the words look together. i don’t stan muke anymore, i don’t even like half of 5sos hjhjhjh, but honeymoonmuke is who i am, and i feel like changing my URL would equate to losing a piece of who i am. 
dramatic i know, but sadly true. 
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hey y’all
a few of you might have followed @tavvy-and-rafe-are-parabatai and you probably noticed that the blog no longer exists. she’s my lovely girlfriend, her name is celia and she is the funniest. she’s moved to @alexander-gaywood (that url wow) and you ALL have to follow her
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lupiiifics · 3 years
Lucky To Love You
Fic #2 Posted on AO3 on October 1, 2021 for Luzeni Friday on Twitter.
A/N: I swear my stories aren't going to be formatted like this. It's just that I formatted it to fit AO3 so I wasn't sure how to split the chapters here. I didn't want to post them separately, so this is how I did it. Hope it's not too jarring. Next story will be posted on October 8, 2021.
Summary: Zenigata and Lupin agree to a date in Lupin's jail cell. Some hijinks occur, but it's mostly just pining and fluff.
Word Count: 6,988
Chapter 1:
"He's coming."
Goemon appeared between Lupin and Jigen's shoulders, the first sign of him being the hilt of Zantetsuken. His hand gripped the shoulder of the seat in front of him, and Lupin looked back just in time to see blue lights flashing in the distance.
" Shit . How do you do that?" He asked, glancing at the samurai. "I thought we'd have a clean getaway tonight, but it looks like Pops has other plans."
"I thought you kept this one secret? How'd he find us?" Jigen asked.
Lupin shrugged. "Dunno. That guy has some sixth sense when it comes to us."
"When it comes to you , you mean," Jigen corrected. He pulled his Magnum from its holster and popped the chamber to count the amount of bullets. "Want me to take care of him?"
"Maybe. How many are there?"
Jigen turned in his seat, peering past Goemon to stare out the back windshield. "It's just him and his lacky. No one else."
Lupin nodded, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Hold off for now. I'll signal you when I need you to slow 'em down."
Jigen lowered his hand but didn't put away his gun. "What're you plannin'?"
Lupin waved a hand in front of them, steadily accelerating to try and outrun their pursuers. They were fast approaching a large copse of trees, the plush green blur becoming clearer as the seconds passed. "I'm gonna try and lose them."
"You sure?" Jigen angled his head upwards until one of his eyes was visible, his bangs peaking through to frame his face. "I could at least stall them."
"Don't waste your ammunition. Save it for when we really need it."
Jigen shrugged, leaning back to kick his feet up on the dash. He pushed his hat down over his face again and stuffed a cigarette from his pocket into his mouth. "Suit yourself. Just don't complain to me later when he catches you."
"He won't catch me," Lupin said, matter-of-factly. "I'm Lupin the Third!"
"That hasn't stopped him before," Jigen muttered. “That guy can’t resist putting his handcuffs on you, can he?”
Lupin grinned, glancing through the rearview mirror again. “Hey, I can’t help being irresistible. It comes with the charm of being me!”
The blue lights were fast approaching, as was the forest. He slammed on the breaks and pressed the clutch to the floor, shifting down until he felt the car catch enough to turn. He jerked the steering wheel, pressing Jigen up against the passenger side door, and throwing Goemon against the back seat. He came up with a glare on his face, his fierce stare peering at him through the rearview mirror.
“You could have warned us,” Goemon said, gripping Zantetsuken. The debris from their sudden shift fell through the sunroof, covering each of them in fallen branches, leaves, and dirt. Lupin ignored the yells of protest coming from his two partners, pressing down the small dirt road in hopes of losing Zenigata. The blue lights still stubbornly pursued them, however, a permanent fixture in the reflection of his mirrors.
The sound of the sirens mixed with the sound of crunching metal as long grey streaks appeared along the sides of his precious Fiat. He pressed his cheek against his window, watching as the trees scratched his car. “ Fuck . Pops is gonna owe me for this one.”
“Ain’t the first time I’ve heard you say that,” Jigen drew a pull from his cigarette, blowing the smoke out through his nose. “You gonna actually hold him to it, this time?”
Lupin leaned forward, shifting as he accelerated deeper into the forest. It was a bumpy ride, throwing each of them around the car as the forest grew more narrow.
“Hush you,” Lupin said. He leaned over, not taking his eyes off the path ahead of him. “Gimme a taste of that, would ya?”
“Thought you hated Marlboros?”
Lupin craned his head, shrugging. “Can’t really pull one of mine out right now, can I? I’m driving.”
Jigen huffed. “Fine. Here.”
He held the cigarette out and allowed Lupin to suck on the end of it. As soon as he pulled away, he crushed the cigarette between his fingers, shoving it into the car’s ashtray and pulling another from the pocket of his jacket.
Lupin laughed the smoke forward to filter against the windshield. It rose overhead and escaped through the sunroof. “Grumpy much, Jiji?”
Jigen ignored him, lighting his brand new cigarette. Goemon leaned forward between them again, his face grim and his hair dotted with leaves and spots of dirt.
“The car will not last,” he said, indicating their slowing speed with the hilt of his sword. “Zenigata will catch up.”
Lupin looked between the samurai and the speedometer. “What? No! She can’t give up on us now!”
Jigen held up his Magnum again, eyes glinting with obvious mirth. “You want me to slow them down now?”
The car began to sputter, dying like a star at the end of its lifecycle. “I’m not sure there’s much point. Looks like we’re running from here. Goemon, you got the stuff?”
Goemon held up a duffle bag full of loot, the pockets glimmering with various pieces of gold, silver, and whatever else they could find that they deemed worth enough to take. He hefted it against the top of one of his shoulders, hopping through the sunroof right as the car came to a stop at the end of a clearing. He drew Zantetsuken in one fluid motion, sending the surrounding trees crashing to block Zenigata’s pursuit. They could hear the inspector yelling on the other side, obviously frustrated to be stopped in his goal of catching them.
“LUPIN! Move these trees, dammit!”
“Sorry, Pops!” Lupin shouted over the chaos. “But I’ve gotta run.”
“Oh no you don’t!”
Zenigata exited his police car and began climbing the fallen trees. When Jigen and Goemon saw this, they began to back away.
“Whelp, I’m outta here. You comin’, Goemon?”
The samurai nodded. “I’m right behind you, Jigen.”
Lupin turned to follow them, but found his arm restrained by a familiar set of handcuffs. He looked back, and found Zenigata half slumped over the trees, grinning at him with a thick rope clutched between his fingers. “I’ve got you now, Lupin!”
Lupin turned toward his friends, watching as they continued to run away from him. “Wait, no. Guys, help me !”
Jigen gave him a sympathetic look while Goemon remained stoic in their escape.
“Sorry, boss,” Jigen said, “but we gotta keep the goods safe, right?”
“No! You’ve got to keep me safe, you bastards!”
Jigen ignored him. “We’ll be sure to give you your share when you escape, okay boss? See ya later!”
“What?! No. Jigen , get your ass back here.”
They disappeared out of the clearing, leaving Lupin alone with Zenigata and Yata. Lupin slowly turned to find Zenigata standing behind his shoulder, tugging his hand up to grin at the cuffs.
“Thought you could escape from me, did you?” He asked. He untied the rope and grabbed Lupin’s other hand to trap behind his back. “Now you’re coming back with us to the station.”
“Aw, but Pops. Tonight was supposed to be a quiet night. I didn’t even send out a calling card.”
“I don’t care!” Zenigata beamed, his face absolutely alight with pride. “Wherever you go, I follow, remember?"
Lupin hunched his shoulders and blew out a defeated sigh. "Normally I'd call that romantic, but with you I'm not so sure."
"Call it whatever you want. You're not getting away this time, Lupin ," Zenigata said. He turned toward the pile of trees and pulled Lupin along with him. "Yata! Come help me load our prisoner."
"Yes, sir!" Yata poked his head up from where he had climbed the trees, reaching an arm down to do just as Zenigata had asked. "Boost him up. I’ll pull.”
Zenigata fumbled with his cellphone, struggling to dial the number of his police chief. Yata did his best to help him, but there wasn't much he could do for a man as stubborn as the Inspector. Lupin watched helplessly from the back seat, listening as the two bickered.
"Just let me dial the number—"
"No, I already told you I got it. Here, look. See? It's ringing!"
Zenigata held the phone gleefully to his ear, a large grin spreading across his face. Yata's expression was a little less enthusiastic, exhausted against his superior's relentless tenacity.
Zenigata didn't notice this. His voice was bright as he said, "hello? Chief? Yeah, we got 'em! We caught Lupin. We're transporting now."
Lupin had already slipped his cuffs, but his escape was thwarted by this car's lack of back-door handles. This wasn't Zenigata's typical police car. It didn't have a sunroof either.
He wrapped his arms around the headrests of the seats in front of him, leaning to poke his head between the two police officers. Yata jumped when he noticed the thief, while Zenigata ignored him and finished his report.
"We'll be there in an hour. Have his cell prepped and ready for me, alright? Yes, sir. I'll give you the full run-down once I have Lupin locked up tight."
"Sir—" Yata sputtered, staring wide-eyed at Lupin. He held his hand to his holstered handgun, ready to use it if Lupin decided to try anything hasty. Zenigata remained calm as he felt Lupin snake his hand around his left shoulder. He simply said his goodbyes, hung up the phone, and turned to look at their prisoner.
“You slipped your cuffs,” he said, voice flat.
Lupin held up the cuffs in question, hanging them off the top of his forefinger. He grinned. “You know me, Pops. I’ve never been one to be restrained.”
“I beg to differ,” Zenigata said. “Seeing as I’ve got you where I want you, and we’re heading back to the station now.”
Lupin shrugged and fell back against his seat. "I'll find a way out of this. I always do. You got a smoke?"
Zenigata grumbled, much of his initial enthusiasm gone from his body language. He rummaged through his pocket for his cigarettes and lighter, pulling one out, lighting it, and handing it back to Lupin. Yata stared at him as the cigarette left his lips, his entire face twisted in confusion.
"You're actually giving him one?"
Zenigata shrugged. "They haven't been tampered with, so why not? Not like he'll get many opportunities in prison anyway."
Yata slumped his shoulders. "You're too kind, Inspector. He's a thief!"
"Hey, just ‘cause he’s a thief, doesn’t mean I can’t treat him with respect.” Zenigata said.
Yata sighed, and Lupin laughed at the reserved look on the young police officer’s face. This earned him a glare worthy of Goemon, and Lupin’s laughter only got louder.
“Zenigata, with all due respect, you’re hopeless…”
His cell was at the back of the police station, past the rows of office desks, people, and officers. The room was dark and windowless, with lights that were controlled by whoever was guarding him. The cell door was heavy and automated, with no obvious control panel, nor way Lupin could conceivably hack it. He realized then that this cell had been specifically created to contain him, at least temporarily, until they could figure out a way to keep him from escaping. It was kind of impressive actually, until he realized the reality of what that would mean.
“You’ve been doing your research,” Lupin said, looking around. There was a bed suspended by wire in the corner of the room, and a mirror and toilet behind a wall for him to use.
“Told you you weren’t going anywhere,” Zenigata said. He pressed his hand against the back of Lupin’s shoulder, pushing him forward into the cell. “Welcome to your new home, Lupin~”
Lupin was beginning to panic, though he hid it under a veneer of careful planning. He straightened the orange jumpsuit they’d forced him into. Anything to make him look, and feel, composed. “ Temporary home, you mean. You know I’ll bust outta here eventually.”
Zenigata smiled at him and started to turn to leave the cell. “Whatever you say, Lupin.”
Lupin stumbled forward, unaware of the movement until it was actually happening. He caught Zenigata’s wrist in a plea to get him to stop. “Wait.”
“What?” Zenigata raised a dark eyebrow at him, turning to stare at their intertwined arms. “Do you need something?”
“Let’s make a deal.”
“A deal?” Zenigata shook his head, pulling away. “I don’t make deals with criminals, Lupin. You know that.”
Lupin was desperate. “A bet then. If I can make it through a week, you have to go on a date with me.”
Zenigata’s face flushed red and he took a step backwards. “A date ? Are you out of your mind?”
“Probably,” Lupin said, “but anyway. What do you say? Will you accept?”
Zenigata pressed his back against the cell door, face still flushed with what Lupin thought was embarrassment. “Don’t you have Fujiko? Or Jigen? Why would you want me ?”
“Why wouldn’t I want you?” Lupin asked, genuinely surprised. “You’re my rival , Zenigata. No cop in the world has ever managed to capture me for more than a night, and you’ve done it more than I can count. You’re my equal .”
“What about the others?” Zenigata asked. “Won’t they be angry?”
Lupin waved a hand. “Nah, they won’t care.”
Zenigata spluttered. “But isn’t that… cheating?”
“ Zenigata …” Lupin stared at him, a smile slowly growing to meet his eyes. “People can be polyamorous.”
Lupin edged toward the inspector eagerly. “So? What do you say?”
Zenigata rubbed his face. He was silent for several moments, seemingly going over the pros and cons in his head.
“This isn’t some plan to escape, is it?”
Lupin shrugged. “That depends. Where will the date take place?”
Zenigata scanned the room with his eyes, a plan slowly forming in his mind. “Here.”
“Really? How?”
“We’ll figure it out,” Zenigata said, “but we’re sure as Hell not doing it anywhere else.”
Lupin drooped his shoulders, disappointed that his idea hadn’t quite worked how he expected. “Aw, you’re no fun.”
“Just be glad I’m gonna let you do this at all.”
“So is that a yes?”
Zenigata looked like he was about to sign his soul away. He exhaled and rolled his shoulders. “ Yes , but only if you make it a week. Otherwise, the entire thing is off.”
Lupin shouted his excitement, throwing his arms around the inspector’s shoulders. “I’m looking forward to it!”
Zenigata allowed Lupin to nuzzle into his neck for a moment, enjoying the contact as much as he could allow. A moment later, he pried the thief off of him, and missed the warmth of his arms almost immediately. “Seven days,” he said. He held up seven fingers. “One week from today, or the date’s off.”
Lupin saluted him loyally, stepping back with a grin bright on his face. “Yes, sir! One week.”
Zenigata gave Lupin a small smile, stepping to turn back to the door. He paused for a width of a second, expecting something else, but the only sound he heard was the squeak of Lupin’s bed as the prisoner climbed into it. He wasn’t sure why he was disappointed as he left the jail cell. There shouldn’t have been anything else he was expecting.
As soon as the door closed, and Lupin was sure Zenigata was gone, he tugged at the edge of his ear until a small earpiece popped out into his hand. He played with the contraption for several seconds, bending and contracting it until he had it how he liked it. Then he hooked it back to the plastic by his ear, and grinned when he heard the other end pick up.
Jigen sounded tired as he answered, and Lupin wondered if he had woken him. “Boss?”
“Hey, Jiji . Listen. I need a favor.”
Chapter 2:
Report #1, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“Day one of Lupin’s imprisonment was an overall success. Lupin himself was cooperative. He answered my questions, followed orders, and did his best to seem like a perfect prisoner. Most of his first day was spent lounging on the bed. When I asked if he needed anything, he requested extra blankets. This seemed to be for comfort, as he used them as pillows and laid one over the sheets on the mattress. Otherwise, there is nothing else to report. He asked me for details on the date, and I hesitated to answer. I’m still not sure what I’m feeling over our bet, but my heart keeps skipping beats. Maybe I should go see a doctor?”
Report #2, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“Day two came with a string of complications, none of which seemed to affect Lupin or his seemingly unwavering determination to make it through this week. I hadn’t expected him to be so positive throughout this experience. So far he’s been nothing but smiles when in the past, it was always grandeur and posturing. I feel like he’s hiding something from me, though I can’t figure out what. I will get to the bottom of it, however. He can’t hide from me! I know all his secrets. Also… he called me ‘handsome.’ I’m not sure if that’s information I should share in my reports, but I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Report #3, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“I think his facade is starting to crack. When I approached his cell at the beginning of my shift, I found him shouting orders to the men guarding his door. Of course, this stopped once I announced myself. The men wouldn’t answer me when I asked what he had been shouting about. Instead, they told me it was nothing and, even when ordered, ignored me when I asked them to tell me. I entered Lupin’s cell angry, which was a mistake, because he caught me off guard with a hug from behind. I was so startled that I threw him off. Of course, he laughed about it. Sometimes I forget how damn good of a man Lupin can be. It takes a lot to piss him off. Apparently throwing him against a wall isn’t enough to break him down.”
Report #4, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“Day 4 and I think Yata has finally given up on me. He refuses to work with me on Lupin’s imprisonment, instead choosing to pursue the other three. So far, he hasn’t made much leeway. I warned him that this would be the case. Lupin might have screwed up by allowing himself to get caught, but Jigen and Goemon are a whole other monster when put together. And who even knows what’s going on with Fujiko? Lupin doesn’t seem to know where she is, but he’s not concerned, so neither am I. I instructed Yata to keep looking, if only to keep him from judging me. He seems disappointed in my deal with Lupin. Personally, I don’t see the issue with it if it keeps him in jail. We’ll have to see how it goes. That is, if Lupin makes it through all 7 days and Yata stops sighing whenever he looks at me.
Lupin was just as sugar-coated as usual today. He kept asking me opinions on things we could do during our date. I’m not sure if that was his way of flirting with me or if he was simply trying to make small talk. He does seem fairly sincere in his affections, but Lupin is like that with a lot of people. I don’t know if I can trust him. The men cheered when I exited the cell and I found several post-it notes with words of encouragement at my desk. I’m not certain I like what they’re all getting at.”
Report #5, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“We ran into our first actual issue with Lupin today. He seemed oddly defeated when I visited him in his cell, though he put up a facade almost as soon as he noticed me. Otherwise, he was energetic. I don’t know if being in the cell is starting to take its toll, or if he’s accepted his future imprisonment. He wasn’t lying when he said I’d done my research. The cell itself is tailor made to keep him contained, plus it’s at the back of the police station. If he were to escape, he’d have to go through me and every officer on duty in the office. He might be a master thief who had escaped from impossible odds time and time again, but everyone has their limit. He is just one man, and as far as Yata has told me, there’s no sign of Jigen or Goemon on their way to save him. As far as I can tell, they’ve abandoned him. Maybe that’s why he’s so listless? He’s probably missing his partners. I’ll try my best to make him happy during his time here, if only to wipe that hurt puppy look off his stupid monkey face.”
Report #6, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“I can tell Lupin is trying to come up with a way of escaping after our date in two days. He was restless when I found him this morning. I don’t think he’s really slept since I caught him, and while that shouldn’t concern me, it does. I tried asking him about how he was feeling, and he just dodged the question. I wonder if this is what he’s like with all of his partners. Is he open with Jigen, Fujiko, and Goemon? Or does he thrive on hiding behind a mask? He seems to be trying to convince me he’s fine, but I can see he’s not. I don’t think he likes being alone. He thrives off of other people, but I can hardly let him around other prisoners. It’s not that he’s particularly dangerous. He’s rarely even violent. He’s just flighty. If I let him anywhere but the bath house and his cell, he’ll get too many ideas and be out of my hands before I even know it. Maybe that’s not a risk right now with our date at the end of the week, but it becomes a risk as soon as that date is over. I’m not sure if this entire thing is just some elaborate scheme to take advantage of me, but he does seem to actually like me. I keep asking what it is he sees in me, an old police inspector, and he keeps saying the same thing. We’re destined rivals, which means we’re destined to be together.”
Report #7, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“The date is tomorrow night, which seems to have revived Lupin’s spirits a bit. He gave me a hug again when I entered his cell, though he waited until I could see him before actually doing it. This time, I didn’t throw him off me, though part of me kind of wanted to. I just can’t wrap my head around what’s happening here. We’re on the opposite sides of the law. I shouldn’t have this pressing need for him to be nearby, but I do. I’ve tried so long to push these feelings aside, or to channel them into capturing him, and now that I have, I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve started to realize that this is the way it’s always been. That my desire to capture him was more than just my job. It was personal, and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about that. The men seem supportive, with the only detracting person still being Yata. He seems to have overall accepted the fact that this is something that’s happening. I don’t know how to explain to him why I have to do this. Hopefully, he’ll eventually understand.”
Report #8, Zenigata Koichi. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department:
“I still think Lupin is hiding something from me, and when I tried to ask about it, he once again ignored me. For now, I’m giving up on figuring it out by focusing on tonight. Lupin seemed over the moon when I talked to him about it this morning. I’m mostly nervous. I’m getting off an hour early to go home and prepare. The men seemed excited for me. They kept cheering me on about it. They even got Yata to join in, though he seemed embarrassed. It makes me happy to finally see him come around. Yata’s still new to this. I think it’s taken him a while to understand that the life of someone like us is not all about catching criminals. Sometimes, it’s about capturing them and then going on dates with them. I still can’t believe I agreed to do this.”
Chapter 3:
Zenigata pulled up to the police station embarrassed.
He was dressed in a dark brown pinstripe suit, with a pristine white dress shirt, a cream and gold striped tie, and an old pair dress shoes. He felt oddly stuffy when walking into the station. Like he looked out of place. Most of the people on duty complimented him as he passed, and suddenly he wished he had not gone without his hat. At least with it he could hide, and maybe get rid of this feeling of wanting to flee. This was Lupin’s reward, after all. He couldn’t back out now, not when the thief had buckled down and done what he had promised to, anyway.
He noticed about halfway through the office that most of his colleagues wouldn’t look him in the eye. Normally this wouldn’t be something that bothered him. He could be intimidating, especially to younger officers, based on his title alone, but this was different. People he’d worked with for years didn’t quite meet his gaze. They dodged his questions, welcomed him and asked him what he had planned, but they didn’t look at him. It got to the point that he thought something was wrong with the way he looked, and a wave of self-consciousness washed over him once again.
The only outlier was Yata, who led him back to Lupin’s cell with the same smile he always had on his face. He treated Zenigata as he normally did, and for the moment, that helped to calm him down.
“Is something wrong?” Zenigata asked as they passed the rows of desks.
Yata shook his head. “I don’t believe so. Why do you ask?”
“It’s just that everyone seems to be acting weird.”
Yata shrugged. “It’s not everyday a police inspector has a date with a world-renowned criminal. I’m not sure it’s surprising that they’re acting differently.”
Zenigata shifted the basket he had brought with him to rest under one of his arms. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
Yata looked back, holding out his keycard, but not actually scanning it against the hidden scanner quite yet. “No. Why would I be mad?”
Zenigata rubbed his neck. “Well, I know this isn’t quite what you expected when you agreed to become my partner.”
Yata laughed and it surprised him. “With all due respect, sir, nothing we’ve done so far has been what I was expecting. It’s been fun though, and I hope we continue to work together.”
“So you’re really not upset at me?”
“No. I thought it was odd at first, but then the men reminded me that this is always how it’s been between you and Lupin.”
Zenigata was astonished. “That’s not true…”
Yata smiled. “Are you sure? From what they tell me, you’ve always been smitten with him.”
“That’s… okay, probably true, but I don’t know if ‘always’ is the word I’d use.”
“Whatever you say, Inspector.” Yata scanned the keycard, and punched in a code that was linked to his work phone. “You ready?”
Zenigata sighed, looking down at himself and the basket. He looked back up to Yata and nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
The feeling of nervousness was so strong his chest hurt. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting as Yata opened the door. Maybe it would be empty? Maybe this was how they discovered how Lupin had played them? Maybe it would be normal? He didn’t know.
What he wasn’t expecting was the sound of music, the smell of scented wax candles, or the shuffle of feet as Lupin rushed to finish whatever it was he was preparing. He stepped through to see the thief turn on his heel, greeting Zenigata just as the door to his cell slammed shut behind him.
“Pops! Welcome!” Lupin swung his arms aside to showcase what he had been working on. It was then Zenigata noticed that both the room, and Lupin, had been transformed to match that of some fancy French restaurant. There was a tall circular table in the middle of the room, covered by a bright white sheet. On this table sat a basket of red wine and two crystalline glasses, as well as two tall candles and a single red rose in a vase. On the floor near the table was a small black cassette radio playing a song Zenigata didn’t recognize. It said,
“ I ain't got any worries
And I ain't got any money
But luck seems to follow
Wherever I go
When you said hello
My luck disappeared
You didn't even know I cared. ”
Lupin wore a black three piece suit, fancier than anything Zenigata owned, with a white ruffled blouse, and shiny silver cufflinks. He was so surprised by this, he didn’t even hug back when the thief wrapped his arms around his shoulders. His mind was too preoccupied with trying to figure out how he’d done this, along with processing just how good Lupin looked in that suit.
“What is this?” Zenigata asked, voice weak.
Lupin pulled away from him and smiled. He led Zenigata to the table, and pulled out one of the two chairs for him to take. “Our date,” he said. “It’s not much, but I hope you like it.”
“How? How did you do this?”
Lupin’s smile turned into a grin. He picked up the glasses and placed one in front of Zenigata. “I enlisted the help of your men. They planned everything. All I did was order some stuff for Jigen to drop off. Like this wine, or my favorite suit.”
“They… really? Is that why they wouldn’t look at me as I was walking in?”
Lupin shrugged. “I guess they didn’t want to ruin the surprise. What do you think? Did they do a good job?”
“It’s perfect,” Zenigata said, still shellshocked. “Wait, did you say you’ve spoken to Jigen?”
“Yes, but not about escaping. I’ve kept my promise.”
“That’s not what I’m concerned about. I just want to know how.”
Lupin looked guilty, and pulled at something at the top of his left ear. A thin flesh colored piece of metal appeared between his fingers and Lupin held it out to show him. “This is how. It’s an antenna with a builtin speaker and microphone. I connect it to this,” he removed another piece by his ear,  “and I can talk to whoever it’s connected to like a cellphone.”
“Shit, didn’t think of that,” Zenigata said. He wasn’t really surprised. With the amount of contraptions Lupin had on his person at any one time, it was impossible to be alarmed by missing something.
Lupin’s expression of guilt shifted to pride and he grinned. “Clever isn’t it? I came up with it for situations just like this.”
“You came up with it for dates with police inspectors?” Zenigata smiled, watching as Lupin’s expression shifted once more into disdain.
“Quit being facetious. You know what I invented it for. Now drink your wine.”
Zenigata nodded and picked up his glass. “About that. You said Jigen dropped this off? How’d he do that without being caught?”
Lupin took a sip of his own glass, tipping it toward him. “He disguised himself as one of your officers. Said something about finding everything I asked for dropped off at the door with a note attached saying, ‘For Lupin.’”
“And they didn’t notice?”
Lupin bobbed his head. “What can I say? There’s truly no one out there like you, Pops.”
“For tonight, call me Koichi. This is a date, isn’t it?”
Lupin laughed. “Yes it is. Doesn’t that mean you should call me Arsène?”
“Do you want me to?” Zenigata asked.
Lupin hid his face in his glass. “I wouldn’t be against it, though I cannot remember the last time someone called me by my first name. It might have been right before my grandfather died. I can’t be sure.”
“Well, Arsène , if it’s any consolation, I don’t remember the last time someone called me by my first name either.”
Lupin shivered and placed his glass back down on the table. “Okay, that’s gonna take some getting used to. It doesn’t even sound like my name anymore.”
“I can call you Lupin instead if you’d like.”
Lupin shook his head. “Nah, if it’s coming from you, Koichi. It’s fine.”
Zenigata smiled. He leaned forward in his seat and took another sip from his glass. “Alright, but we go back to normal after this. I don’t know how the men would react if they heard you calling me Koichi.”
Lupin nodded. “And I don’t know how Jigen would react if he heard you call me Arsène. He might actually kill me. He gets kind of touchy when it comes to things like that.”
“I don’t think Jigen would be capable of killing you,” Zenigata said. “One, you’re well… you and two, he loves you too much.”
“Oh he’s capable, alright. If Jigen wanted to, he’d be able to take me out in mere seconds. Luckily, as you said, he loves me.”
“A lot of people do,” Zenigata said.
Lupin leaned forward. The look on his face was wide and cocky. “Is one of those people you, Koichi ?”
The way Lupin purred his name gave Zenigata pause more than the actual question did. He found himself spluttering for an answer, his entire face flushed and bright red. “I… well . Yes. I suppose so.”
The song playing over the radio had long since repeated itself, playing softly to aid the thoughts running through Zenigata’s mind. Now it said,
“ Lucky-I can't be lucky in love
All my four leaf clovers
Can't do me no good
Funny, just when I needed to be lucky
Couldn't help but lovin' you
Lovin' you… ”
Lupin repeated the last of the lyrics in a whisper between them, wineglass all but forgotten and Zenigata the main focus of his attention. He reached forward and plucked the inspectors hands up off his lap, rubbing calloused thumbs over the top of both of them.
Zenigata stared at their entwined hands, and couldn’t help the thrum of emotion from rising deep within him. He almost felt like crying. He wasn’t quite sure why.
Lupin noticed this and smiled at him. He leaned farther forward, close enough that Zenigata could smell the wine on his breath. “I haven’t gotten a chance to tell you this yet, but you look wonderful tonight, Koichi. I wasn’t even expecting you to come dressed up.”
“I couldn’t very well show up in my regular clothes now, could I? Just because it’s been a while, doesn’t mean I don’t remember how to prepare for a date.”
“I wouldn’t have minded,” Lupin said. “You’re perfect no matter what you’re dressed in.”
“That’s not true, but thank you anyway, Arsène.”
Lupin looked scandalized. “It is true, but you’re welcome.”
Zenigata felt awkward, but he plowed forward anyway. “You… you look nice tonight too. So nice in fact, I think I short circuited when Yata let me into your cell.”
Lupin giggled and nodded his head. “I noticed that, though I wasn’t sure if it was me or if it was everything we’d managed to sneak in.”
“It was both,” Zenigata said. “Though you were a big part of it.”
“Even in jail, I clean up pretty nice, don’t I?” Lupin looked down at himself and back up at Zenigata. “They even let me shave.”
“I can tell, and yes. You’re probably the most beautiful person I know.”
Lupin looked genuinely touched. “Even compared to Fujicakes?”
Zenigata nodded. “She doesn’t even begin to hold a torch to you. I promise.”
“Hey, Fuji-chan’s a knockout. Don’t underestimate her looks.”
“Don’t underestimate yours either,” Zenigata said. “You’re gorgeous, you know?”
“So I’ve been told,” Lupin smiled. “Hey, Koichi. I have a question.”
Zenigata dipped his head. “Yeah?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Everything stopped, and the blush returned to Zenigata’s face. That song kept up it’s chorus, saying,
“ Couldn't help but lovin' you
Lovin' you… ”
Lupin inclined his head, letting go of Zenigata’s hands to press his own against his cheeks. His lips were soft as they met the inspector’s, sweet like wine and cherry chapstick. For several moments they stayed like that, lost in a world of warmth, love, and that happy song playing in the backdrop. Zenigata’s heart raced as the time went on, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. The kiss felt so right against him that he wished it would go on forever. The rush of air between them tickeled as their breaths quickened, and their tongues slid together through parted lips. It was like nothing Zenigata had ever experienced. Like lightning in a bottle or the unmistakable feeling he got during a car chase.
When they pulled apart, he wanted to go back in. When Lupin smiled at him, he did. The second kiss was faster, more passionate, but just as sweet. They pushed against each other, fighting for dominance. For a time, it was unclear who would break away first. It seemed to go on endlessly, but at long last, it was Zenigata who broke contact.
They came up from the kiss huffing into each other’s faces, out of breath but grinning like school girls. Lupin snuck his chair closer to Zenigata, and wrapped his arms around his back to bury his face in the inspector’s neck. He sighed heavily, purring almost like a contented cat.
“I’m glad we made that bet,” he said. “I had a really nice time tonight.”
Zenigata hummed and allowed himself to nuzzle his nose against the thief’s shoulder. “I did too. We should do this every time I catch you.”
“Thought I wasn’t getting away?” Lupin chuckled, and Zenigata felt it bubble between their chests.
“You’re not,” Zenigata said. “But in the case you do, I’m going to be extra determined to get you back.”
Lupin’s chuckled turned into genuine laughter, and he pulled away just enough to see Zenigata’s face. They were close enough that their knees pressed together, the fronts of each of their chairs practically touching. “Challenge accepted,” he said. “Though we don’t have to save these dates for every time you catch me.”
“Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” Zenigata asked.
“Hey, the chase and date themselves might be fun, but I’d actually like to take you out sometime.”
“I wouldn’t be against that. This turned out to be more than I was expecting.”
“Is that a good thing?” Lupin asked.
Zenigata nodded and pressed his lips against Lupin’s forehead. “It’s the best.”
“Good,” Lupin leaned down onto his shoulder again. He grew heavy until, that is, he noticed something. He perked up. “What’s that?”
“What’s what?”
Lupin broke away from him to grab the basket Zenigata had deposited beside his chair. He held it out. “This.”
Zenigata slapped his forehead, having completely forgotten about his basket. He took it from Lupin and placed it on the table, opening it up and dropping its contents around the candles and rose. The moment he pulled out two containers of cup noodles, his electric kettle, and bottles of water, Lupin lost it. He nearly fell out of his chair laughing, and for a moment Zenigata grew defensive.
“What are you laughing at?”
The laughing continued. “Why…why did you bring cup noodles?”
“It was all I had.”
“But we’re on a date .”
Zenigata was confused. “So? They’re good and easy to make. There’s not much we can do in a jail cell so I had to improvise.”
“Yeah, but cup noodles? You could have ordered something from a restaurant and brought it with you.”
“I didn’t think of that,” Zenigata said. “And anyway, why does it matter? Why’s it matter what we eat?”
“It doesn’t,” Lupin said. “It’s just so incredibly you . I’m not sure what else I was expecting.”
“I’m not sure what you were expecting either.”
Lupin continued to laugh. “You realize the wine I asked for isn’t cheap, right? Wine and cup noodles. It’s so… perfect .”
Zenigata began to put his supplies away, offended by Lupin’s reaction. “If you don’t want ‘em, I’ll leave. Maybe this was a mistake after all.”
Lupin threw out his hands to stop him. “ No . No. Don’t go. I'm sorry. I’m not mocking you. It just caught me off guard, that’s all.”
“I can order something too if that’s what you’d prefer. I’m sure Yata would—”
“No. Make the damn noodles, Koichi. I’m sure they’ll be delicious.”
Zenigata slowly started to place his supplies back down on the table. “You’re sure?”
Lupin nodded. “I can’t wait to tell Jigen about this. He’ll get a kick out of it.”
“Alright,” Zenigata said. “I’ll be sure not to bring noodles with me on our next date.”
Lupin shook his head. “But you have to. At this point, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”
“You’re enjoying this too much.”
“Perhaps, but it’s only because I love you.”
Zenigata stared at him, all the emotions of the past hour rushing back to flood his brain.
“I love you too,” he said, along with the chorus of that song, and the chuckles of his thief reverberating throughout the jail cell.
20 notes · View notes
gar0uu · 4 years
changed by the unchangeable (part 1/?) story will be continued on my wattpad!!
word count: 2,112 or sum
My stomach was in knots as I walked through the cafeteria. Every. Single. Time. 
It was always the same, the stares.  
Mom says, “They’re curious.”  
Well, Mom can go fuck herself.  
Of course, I had gotten used to it now. The prying eyes, the fucking snickers.
“Why does she walk like that? Does it hurt? I feel bad for her.” I hear a laugh.  
One) It doesn’t hurt. Two) Fuck your pity. My whole life I've been pitied. Pity can suck my dick. And so can they.  
I looked straightforward. You know, after looking at your feet your whole life, it gets tiring. I stared those motherfuckers right in the face, raising my eyebrows. This is when they all look away.  
I smile to myself. They’re so confident until I make eye contact. It’s laughable. A bunch of cowards.  
I made my way over to a table with two boys. Only empty table.  
“Hey,” I said. “Can I sit here?”  
“Oh, I don’t know...there’s a line waiting to sit at this table. We’re pretty popular, you know,” one of the boys spoke. His eyes were playful. He was pale, had chocolate brown hair. He looked weak.  
The boy next to him was staring at the table, hunched up. Trying to make himself look invisible. Knew that feeling all too well.  
He looked up at me, and he had that look in his blue eyes. Fear. He had a scar on his upper lip, when he saw me looking at it, he self-consciously reached his hand up to cover it.  
“Don’t worry. I’m not judging,” I smiled.  
He stared and I sat down.  
The other boy, the weak one, said, “that’s Eli. A man of few words. I’m Demetri.”  
“Nice to meet you guys.” I said my name.  
“You know,” Demetri smiled, his eyes glittering. “Eli was talking about you before you came over here. I think it’s fate.”  
Eli groaned. “Shut up, Demetri! I was not!”  
A quiet, cowardly voice. I was that person once.  
I chuckled. “It wasn’t mean, was it? If it was, I might have to beat your ass.”  
I raised my brows at the blue-eyed boy.  He shook his head quickly.  
“No! I wouldn’t.”  
Demetri laughed. “Nah., He thought you were pretty, though.” He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.  
Eli quickly covered his face with his hands. “Demetri!”  
I held back a smile. “You’ll have to take a number, then. I got men and women linin’ up for me.”  
I leaned back against the chair, laughing at my own joke.  
“I’m sure,” Demetri rolled his eyes.
“Hey! You don’t believe me? Loser. Tch.”  
I heard a chuckle and looked over toward Eli. He was laughing.  
My heart jumped. Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me. He’s just a boy.  
“Oh, did I make the man of few words laugh? Guess you’ll have to pay me now.”
“Pay you? For what?” Eli shook his head, still laughing.  
“For my comedic services, obviously. It’s hard being this funny.”  
He smacks his teeth. “Oh, yeah? So, there isn’t a 101 Funny Jokes book in your bag?”  
I gasp, pretending to be hurt. “How could you? Getting my amazing jokes from a book? I’m just natural.”  
I looked over to Demetri, waiting for his sarcastic reply. Instead, he was silent, looking over my shoulder. He elbowed Eli.  
“Shh! Kyler’s coming over here.”  
Eli went silent as well, going back to his shell.  
I laughed. “Kyler. Who the fuck names their kid Kyler? Kinda feel bad for the dude.”  
Demetri made pleading eyes with me, mouthing, “shut up!”
“I see you guys have made an addition to the loser table,” a voice said behind me, laughing.  
I turned. “Who the fuck you calling a loser? Have you looked into the mirror lately?” I sneered at him. He had a pathetic Mohawk, black hair. His face looked punchable.  
“Hey!” Demetri whisper-yelled. “You’re gonna get your ass beat.”  
“Yeah, yeah,” I dismissed him with my hand. “Like to see this bitch try.”  
“I see you have an attitude, bitch. Looks like I need to put you in your place,” Kyler said and I stood up, grinning.  
“I’ve heard worse, from better.” I spat. “Fuck outta here.”  
“I don’t take orders from cripples.” He laughed, signaling his goons. “Get her.”  
Cripple. Cripple. He called me a cripple. I’ve heard that word so many times you’d think it wouldn’t affect me by now.  But it does.  
“You’re DEAD!” I snarled, with such hate in my voice, they all took a step back. “Fucking dead.”  
I walked towards him; his eyes full of surprise. Someone must’ve never told him off.  
I reared my fist back, using all my might and hit him square in the nose. He stumbled back, surprised and fell on his ass. While he was down, I straddled him, making sure he couldn’t get up. I balled my fist again, this time hitting the side of his face. I planned to break his teeth.  
I don’t know how many times I hit him. Next thing I knew, I was staring at a white ceiling. I looked around blinking.  
My head was pounding and my left hand felt broken.  
“What the...”  
“You’re awake. You passed out after the fight. You broke Kyler’s nose and knocked out three of his teeth. Suspended on the first day of school,” a woman said next to me.  
I looked over and saw a name tag, Nurse Kathy. An old lady, her hair graying. Her eyes were tired.  
I smacked my teeth, sitting up. “Only three teeth?”  
She gasped. “Are you serious? You did some serious damage, young lady! You should apologize to Kyler.”
I looked at her, and scoffed, “he’s a damn bully. I’m not apologizing for shit. When someone calls me a... cripple...” I grimaced. “They deserve everything they get from me.”  
“It’s just a word,” she replied.  
I whipped my head towards her and stood up. “So, if I call you a cunt, it’s just a word, right?”  
Her mouth formed an O shape and I ground my teeth together. “I'll take my leave.”
“Hey!” She yelled, “you can’t just leave!”
I ignored her, walking out. I had to find Eli and Demetri anyway.  
“Hey! Eli, Demetri!”  
They were standing at the bus stop, talking quickly.  
 “What the fuck was that? Now they’re gonna be aft-”  
“Demetri, shut up. She saved our asses. You should be thanking her.”  
I was surprised at Eli’s interruption of Demetri, and even more surprised when he put his arms around my waist, hugging me.
“Thank you,” he muttered. “Thank you.”  
“Y... you’re welcome? Um... I...”  
“What is it?” Eli separates himself from me, his hands on my shoulders. “You okay?”  
I nod my head. “Yes. I just wanted to say, I know what it’s like.”  
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, so I continue speaking.  
“I know what it’s like to be afraid of every person around you. Thinking they might make fun of you. I know what it’s like to want to give anything to change, one, single part of you. You’d give anything and everything, I know.”  
He brings his hand up to his lip again, but I grab his wrist.  “Don’t. It’s cool.”  
“You don’t know anything,” he sneers and I step back.
“Get away from me! You don’t know shit!”  
He turns and grabs Demetri’s arm. “Let’s go.”  
Demetri looks back at me, worried. I smile and jerk my head, signaling for him to go. I sigh.  
“Alone, once again,” I mumble.  
Do things ever change?
The girl’s words swirled in my head while laying on my bed. I was restless.  “I know what it’s like to want to give anything to change, one, single part of you.”  
My mind went back to her leg. Is that what she was talking about? Her limp? Kyler’s face comes to view in my mind. “I don’t take orders from cripples.”
When he said that... I almost got up. I was angry. But then, I saw her face. I saw that flash of grief in her eyes before it turned to rage. A rage that scared me to the core. I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt horrible for saying those things to her. I should’ve known better. She’s probably the only person in the school who understands how I really feel.  
Sure, Demetri relates. But he doesn’t understand. To not be able to cover up something you’ve had your whole life. You’d give anything and everything. Like she said.  
I groaned and rolled over, her face occupying my dreams.  
“Hey! Lip! Fuck-face.” I heard Kyler’s voice and groaned internally, but kept walking through the halls.  
“Guess your little cripple girlfriend isn’t here to help you now,” he mocked. I was pulled backward and my back slammed against a locker. I looked down.  
“She isn’t a cripple,” I mumbled.  
“What’d you say?” Kyler taunted.  
I thought for a moment. When she fought against Kyler, I was jealous. Jealous of how confident she was, how she carried herself as she walked over to our table. How easily the word fuck and bitch came out of her mouth. I thought of what she said.  
“Don’t worry. I’m not judging.”  
“Don’t. It’s cool.”
I thought of her eyes. The fire in them, that immediately drew me in, like a moth to a flame. I wanted to have that flame too.  
I want that flame too.  
“I said, she isn’t a cripple. You, on the other hand... she crippled your fuckin’ face.” I grinned.  
Kyler’s eyes widened, at least he tried to widen them, he had a black eye, the side of his face purple. His bottom lip was swollen.  
“I’m gonna fucking ki-”  
“Hey! Do I really gotta beat you to a pulp, AGAIN? Have you not learned your lesson, boy?”  
I looked over Kyler’s shoulder and saw the one and only. Was it just me, or had she gotten prettier overnight?
I shook my head.  
Kyler was silent as he ran off. She flicked him off behind his back before turning to me and I looked down.  
“Where’d that boost of confidence come from, Eli? I like it.” She grinned at me, putting her hand under my chin to lift up my head.
“Did he hurt you?” She examined my face with her prying eyes, and I went hot.  
“N-no...” I turned my neck, to get away from her curious look.  
She frowned. “What’s the matter? Your face is all red.”  
I took a deep breath and looked at her. She was inspecting me. “You aren’t, um, mad at me for yesterday?”  
She beamed at me. “No, dummy. I probably... went too far. I mean, I had just met you and I was already scrutinizing you. So, I’m sorry.”  
“No, don’t apologize. I was rude. I should be sorry.” I smiled sheepishly at her.  
She chuckled. “Nah. Let’s get to class. No apologizing.”  
“No buts either!” She laughed.  
I laughed with her. “Alright. Can I at least thank you for saving my ass?”
“You can pay me. No, I’m kidding. But seriously, where’d that confidence come from? ‘She crippled your fuckin’ face?’ That was cool as hell.” She looked at me expectantly.  
“It came from you.” I spoke. “The confidence. I’m honestly jealous of how confident you carry yourself. How do you do it?”  
She burst out laughing. “Hmm... A magician never reveals their secrets.”  
“Oh, come on! Please...!” I playfully pouted, making puppy dog eyes and she giggled.  
“Who cares? We’re all gonna die, you know. So, why give a flying fuck about people who won’t matter in 5 years... Except they’ll remember you, as the person who put them in their place.”  
She grinned and her eyes, honestly, scared me. They were cold and dark.  
She raised her eyebrows. “Hell, in a few years, those same people might even be working for you. They’ll call you Boss. And you’ll give them their pay. Bullies are pathetic and insecure. Are you really gonna let little bitches affect you? Put them in their place.”  
I stared at her.  
“You are the coolest person I’ve ever met.” I blurted.  
She looked surprised before chuckling. “I know. Anyways, I gotta get to class, mmkay? Think about what I said, real hard. It’ll be hard, at first, changing your mindset; but once you do, it’ll be the best thing you ever did, you know, besides meeting me.” She giggled and I scoffed playfully. “Adieu.”  
I watched her walk away.  
Time to flip the script.  
yes this is sort of a self insert cuz no one writes for bitches with limps. except me cuz i am one. yea, ur welcome. also im in love with hawks. *punches him in the face with love*
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odinsblog · 3 years
[re: this post]
Okay, so I need to clarify expand on something I said recently about anonymous asks.
I often get A LOT of asks from anons, some (but not enough) are kind and complimentary and thoughtful, some are interesting and informative, some are from other bloggers who politely point out grammatical or factual errors (tyvm to those people. I appreciate tf outta you). And some anons come into my asks looking for advice or help, wanting me to bring attention to something they think isn’t getting enough attention. That particular group is probably why I even have the anon feature enabled.
And lastly, there are wayyy too many anons who use anonymity to be racist, or hateful or otherwise be assholes. There is no shortage of those asks, and hey, I’m human, so they can sometimes become demoralizing over time. So to that end, I stand by everything I said in my previous post. Please understand that I do not regularly check my asks (I get far too many to respond to everyone), and some asks just are not worth responding to.
Anyway, I used to scan through my anon asks, and block the ones that were bullshit (yes, you can absolutely block anons).
But ……
This last time that I blocked one particularly egregious anon, ALL of the asks from the last few months got deleted. All of them. Every single one, anonymous or not. Idk if it was a glitch or what, but my recent asks have all been cleaned out. And I don’t *think* those blogs got blocked, but they might have. Idk.
So if you you have recently sent an important ask wanting me to signal boost something, or even if it was just an ask wishing me well or saying hello—those asks are irretrievably gone. Whether they were on anon or not. I feel badly because as I was blocking the one anon, I saw one non-anonymous ask that I really wanted to answer. But it’s gone, unfortunately.
And I reiterate: if you are a follower or a mutual, for the love of everything good, please do not send me an ask on anon being a dick. I will block you.
If you want to send an anon to be an asshole, please don’t. I will block you.
Please don’t use a sock puppet account (especially one that’s linked to your main account) to send a shitty anonymous ask. I will block you. And your main account will also be blocked. I think.
Oh, and please don’t send asks being smarmy or sanctimonious. Don’t accuse me of spreading disinformation if I am making an obvious joke (an actual joke, not something like saying x-group of people aren’t human beings), or if a post of mine had a typo, or if you just lack a sense of fucking humor. I will definitely block all of those, even if I agree with you. Y’all are not going to skress me out on my own phone.
And last but not least, if you send an ask that I somehow missed or didn’t reply to, please do not take it personally. I probably just missed it, or I felt too overwhelmed to respond (even if it was a nice ask).
Anyway, I hope today finds you all doing well.
Please keep hanging in there. It will get better and in the end, you will win. Honest.
Black Lives Matter, say her name, defund the police, free Palestine, stop AAPI hate, cancel all student debt, abolish ICE, immigration is a human right, and all the other good things too.
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astra-musings · 4 years
catch a break, part 2
requested? yep, continuation of a request by @faithiebrock01​
this fic includes: owen grady x ready, fluff(?), ooc? kinda? lots of question marks today
warnings: some graphic imagery, the indom kinda uh eats a person so there’s that, but i don’t think i got too much into the details so,, also im pretty sure my grammar and tenses are all over the place in this lmao
summary: chaos. that’s... kinda it. a lack of understanding and a great deal more of underestimating a genetically-engineered animal’s intelligence and abilities definitely creates a mess that you can’t even begin to clean up.
a/n: so... my last update was... apparently a month ago... im SO sorry... covid really fucked me up, it got IB exams cancelled and idk how to feel! im sorry! but uh i will definitely try to be more consistent (ahem) with updates, i feel so bad oh no but 🥺please still give this lots of loveee
word count: 1.8k+ (oops)
part 1 // part 1.5
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Your body involuntarily tensed upon entering the Indominus's enclosure. You were looking for an entire dinosaur (which, when you think about it, was weird; how did something that enormous go missing?), and yet couldn't help serenity that bubbled inside you from being in a forest and submerged in nature's sounds. Talk about conflict.
Owen immediately walks over to the claw marks, hands reaching out to trace over the whitened cement. If you didn't actually know him, you might've called him excited to be here. You knew he wasn't.
You'd only been standing in the heat for a few minutes but could already feel your clothes gradually dampening with the sweat that started to gather. "How the hell would that thing have gotten out, anyway? Not like it could've walked out without anyone seeing it."
Barely a second passes before the too-familiar sound of rustling leaves comes from behind you. Too far to be something on the ground. Too crisp to be just a few leaves you stepped on. And much too loud to be just the wind. Owen's shoulders tense visibly before he turns back to you, already trying to make sure you were close by.
Your eyes meet his in silent confirmation. It's still here.
Right before the warning signals from your brain can reach your limbs, a roar rips through the jungle-like enclosure, so deep and so loud that it vibrates in your ribcage, as though you stood too close to the speakers at a party and someone was playing bass-boosted hits.
Owen reacts before you do, grabbing your wrist and turning the other way. Your legs move on their own accord, stepping into a sprint before your brain actually registers what's happening. 
The security guard that was frozen stiff in the control room must've been keeping an eye on the two of you with the cameras while you were in the enclosure, because the reinforced gates a few feet away from you started sliding open. You only hoped you had enough time to slip through the opening before the Indominus did.
But just as you and Owen closed in on the gates, they started to close again. Owen throws the briefest glance back towards the control room, as if the guard could hear the nearly audible 'what the hell?' his face was giving off. You push the wrist he was holding towards him. Keep moving.
Adrenaline fuels your bodies, steering you and Owen on autopilot towards the gate that, at this point, seemed like it was moving further away. The gap through which you’d escape wasn't getting any wider either.
Owen reaches his hand out, extending his form, as though he was holding open the doors to an elevator. As if it would stop hundreds of tons' worth of metal and cement.
Your ears ring. Owen's body slips swiftly through the still-narrowing gap of the metal gates as his grip on your hand tightens almost painfully. A reminder that both of you were going to make it out of that enclosure. I've got you. You're with me.
And you do; you nearly crash into him as you push your legs just that much more so that you could catch up to Owen.
You turned back to look at the gates, feet still running on autopilot. Instead of seeing the gates close and finally allowing your body to come to a halt, hooked claws slipped through the seemingly too-small gap, its tips digging into the hard, layered cement as though it was anything but.
"You're fucking kidd–" You barely get the entire sentence out before Owen pulls you to the side, pushing you under an SUV as he followed a second later.
You manage to turn your head to the side, straining your eyes as you tried to gauge what the hell this animal was trying to do. Turns out, it wasn't that hard to figure out – you watched the workers' scrambling feet run across the gravel, trying to get themselves to safety, only to be followed by the too-large and too-scaly feet of the Indominus. You watched as its claws came to a brief halt behind each man and woman, before a distant thud ensued, followed by a headless or torso-less figure dropping onto the ground. You watched as those same claws grow nearer to where you and Owen were.
You gripped his hand. Your breathing was still labored, not having been able to come down off of the adrenaline that still kept you going.
Owen's hand pulls out of yours, prompting you to snap your head towards him in worry. What are you doing? Where are you going?
He seems to read your mind, nodding slightly as a response. He pulls a drop point knife from his back pocket, reached up above him and immediately started to tear apart some of the thicker linings on the underside of the vehicle.
You jab your elbow into him as silently as you could; what the hell was he doing? Was he going to blow up the car while you were still under it?!
He ignores you, continuing his relentless crusade on the wiring. Soon after Owen pulls them and empties its contents over the both of you as you scrunch your nose and eyes up. You're showered with cold liquid – water? No, water didn't stink; this was gasoline. Would this hurt the baby? Now you're really worried. You'd always trusted Owen in making decisions before, especially regarding your raptors, but now you were starting to question him for the first time.
A crunch in the gravel makes you spin your head to face the exterior of the car. It's those claws again. You'd almost forgotten about them in your, what now seems like blissful ignorance, worrying about Owen and his knife work.
Owen's hand grips your outer forearm, swiftly turning your body sideways to face him as he does the same. He didn't want you to keep looking. You feel his hand cradle your head to his chest. 
Warmth spreads across your back. No, not from what Owen was doing. It was a literal, physical warmth. Like someone turned a fan on, but it spun out hot air instead of cool air. Like what you'd feel if someone whispered so close to ear that you could feel their breath on you.
It was the Indominus. Didn't take a genius to figure that part out. Except, now that you knew what it was, your nose seemed to involuntarily hone in on the metallic hints of the air that continued to fan across the both of you. Blood.
Your eyes screw shut as you press your forehead farther into Owen as the Indominus lets out a low growl from the base of its throat. It was so close to you, you felt your chest vibrate with the sound.
Almost as quick as it came, the Indominus struts away from the vehicle, away from you. The thumps and vibrations ripple across the ground, fading with the Indominus's continuous, low growls.
The gravel shifts once more, only this time it was right next to you, and the source of the sound was Owen – one you knew and one that was much, much, more comforting than some genetically-engineered beast. Fishing for his phone, he pushes his hips up to reach into his back pocket. His fingers move deftly across the screen, swiping and punching for some currently unknown number. The hand behind your head holds you closer to his chest.
The dull ringing of the phone is interrupted, "Owen! The Indominus esc–"
"Yeah, I fucking know it escaped! You didn't see Y/N and I running for our fucking lives, Claire?!"
So it was Claire on the other end.
"Of course I saw, Owen. I saw everything. Are you okay? How's Y/N?–"
"You don't get to fucking ask how we are, Claire. You put us in that room. You put your workers, your security guards and yourself in danger. You put Y/N in danger," at the mention of your name, you lift your head away from his chest and place a hand in its place. You could tell he was getting a little heated. Ever since you'd gotten together and started working with the raptors, he'd been extra-sensitive about your getting in harm's way.
"Speaking of security guards; the one that was with us in there? Yeah, his head's just making its way down the Indominus's digestive tract. So yeah, we're fuckin’ peachy."
Silence follows on the other end. Owen heaves out a sigh, as though reluctant to be having this conversation.
"Y/N and I are gonna make our way back to you. Keep an eye on that... thing. You need to keep it the hell away from your park guests, otherwise–" Owen pauses. Not a single one of you wanted to say, or even think, about what would happen, otherwise. He hangs up with a huff.
"C'mon, baby, let's get you outta here." He slides himself out from under the car as you begin to do the same, getting to your side just as you're about to get up. He dusts off your shirt, taking your face in his hands with the gentlest cradle.
"Are you okay?" he tilts your head from one side to another, looking for injuries, "Did it getcha? Scratches? Bruises? Does it hurt anywh–"
"I'm fine, Owen," placing your hands on his forearms, you bring his frantic movements to a stop, "this head might just fall off if you move it anymore, though." You try to joke.
He lets out a breath, "S'not funny, baby. I don't know how you're still laughing after that."
"I'm just tryna make you smile, love," you give him a gentle but reassuring grin, "no, but really, I'm okay. Promise. A few scratches, I think, but that was from the gravel."
"Besides," you start, "some 40-feet tall dinosaur could never lay a claw on me." You puff your chest out comically.
Owen laughs heartily. "You're somethin' else, y'know that? God, I dunno what I'd do without you. Too strong for your own good," he pauses briefly to entwine your hands, "c'mon, we still got a long way to go before we get to the control room. We'll take the bike, yeah?"
You let out a small 'mhm' in response, smiling up at him before he turns to lead you to where his motorbike was still, supernaturally, scratch-free except for the fact that it was turned to its side.
Owen turns back to give you one last smile before letting go to pick up and reposition his bike. You take those few seconds to let your smile drop as your mind and hands wander back to your stomach for the nth time that day. 
"C'mon, Y/N," he beckons you from the now upright bike, "you alright?" He seemed to notice your sudden change in expression.
"Yeah, I'm good," you bite your tongue, not wanting to add onto his currently growing list of worries, "Let's go."
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compassionlotion · 5 years
I made another post days ago asking for assistance refilling my weekly metrocard & funds to eat b/c i’m financially fucked up at the moment & I’m SO thankful to everybody who signal boosted, the post got alot of notes but unfortunately not enough donations to cover the refill so i’m back asking for help again. Without my metrocard I have no way of commuting to work & I can’t move around without it. Please help if you can & if you can’t, please boost the fuck outta this🙏🏾 & Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your continuous help, it is so appreciated.💜🌹
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That person who sent you an ask bitching about Bhutan is mad wrong and knows next to nothing about the Bhutanese. The only thing slightly true there is probably overlooking the Nepali expulsion, but things are getting better between the two countries, though I am unsure if they are allowed to (or want to) return. Though I know Nepalis who work and visit Bhutan and aren't descriminated against. Their Royal Family even celebrates Dashain and other Hindu festivals. They don't openly talk about it and I doubt in schools, but so does every single other country that has walked this earth.
Tbfh with you as much as I like studying royals, monarchy is wack, but I have to tell you that the Bhutanese monarchy is nothing at all like cliche tyrannical medieval dictators. This is ONE instance where Kings and the government are nowhere near stinky. Bhutanese culture deeply admires their Kings because they have given them no reason to otherwise, dead stop. I will die on this hill. Would that asker seriously prefer if Bhutan spilled over into civil war and were constantly discontent with their government? Orrrrr be proud and happy (excuse the pun) for being Bhutanese and for the guidance of the Wangchuck dynasty? Because they clearly do not understand that there is no reason at all to speak ill of them even if people wanted too. This is not comparable to the over mediatized Windsors. Monarchy works for them and their culture. That asker just has to deal. I have hundreds of Bhutanese friends (I aint kidding you man, they are super friendly on socials) who will say that they are not fucking oppressed or whatever the heck that asker was trying to push. How dare they assume North Korea of all things too lmao. Those laws are not punished by labor camps, fuck outta here. And tbf some of those laws are good, like drinking and smoking. There are lgbt movements and laws are being made to protect their rights. I have three Bhutanese friends who are IN SAID MOVEMENTS. So fuck outta here with them being backwards. High tech things? What??? Hell my friend Tshoki who lives in the Laya Highlands has technology. Piss off.
And lastly (I swear), how and why the heck do they have a problem with Ghos and Kiras??? I would take that fabulous traditional clothing over anything anyday. And to make them happy, it is not as popular with younger gen as their warped mind thinks it is. Losing culture is shit, don't twist that. They already prefer learning English over Dzongkha, don't take away their clothing too.
Sorry this got long lmaoooo
2/2 And while we on this, how the hell are they going to talk about Bhutan as if it were el diablo and seamlessly leave out China the actual dictatorship next door???? I seriously have a headache
TBH, I don't really know anything about the situation in Bhutan. I have no idea. What really pissed me off about that anon was the guilt-tripping, you know? My country, Venezuela, is fucked. We are fucked. Right now, I have been relying on my phone's data for over a week, is expensive as fuck. I've called my internet provider FOR DAYS and haven't got a solution yet. And there are many, many things worse than this that could go on and on about. And yet, when I do, I don't go around manipulating people into feeling guilty because they don't know/decide to not share things about my country. As I've said before, you get farther with people by asking them to signal boost a post or posts or suggesting to them to read about x, y, z subjects than sending them anons where you bitch at them for not being absolutely 100% aware of every little thing that happens in the world at all times.
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leupagus · 5 years
bomberqueen17 replied to your post: Signal boosting because what the hell is a MAP
They have so thoroughly devalued the word “pedophile” by applying it to literally anyone they disagree with that there’s a new term and they’re devaluing the fuck outta that one too. “Minor-Attracted Person”. The reason I know is that people have descended upon cartography blogs to excoriate them for being MAPS. Yes really.
...oh my god because of the word “map” in cartogr--NO IT’S TOO RIDICULOUS I CAN’T BEAR IT
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