#sim: morcubus
hikiclawd · 5 months
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Who up being normal about Ivy Nightshade ? more :
none of the words on the first page are canon or even finalized for my own ideas i was just yapping tbh, just wanted to try making a design for her according to my nightshade family lore and headcanons ^_^ ;
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younger ivy and morcubus :
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linettefox · 5 months
My previous MySims poll was a lot of fun to read through the responses of, so let's do more.
As for my own ranking:
Goth Boy
Raven Wright
Madame Zoe
Sir Vincent
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terpilin · 5 months
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lunar-caeruleum · 9 months
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: )
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letsplaypixeldolls · 1 year
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Morcubus wasn’t fazed by Candy’s warnings, however, and convinced Yuki to join MorcuCorp.
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lhi2010 · 3 months
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Made the rest of morcucorp in super sim lolz
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glitchydyke · 1 year
silly q but what is my sims
ITS NOT SILLY DW!!! mysims is a series of games that were made for the wii and ds, and they r so so so important to me bc they were a huge part of my childhood <33 i even have ocs for each one bc they r everything to me. i’ll explain each one quickly under the cut :]
OKAY SO. there’s six games in total: the original is just called mysims, and then there’s mysims kingdom, agents, skyheroes, racing, and party <3
original mysims is an animal crossing kind of deal!! your character (customisable w both name and appearance) is what’s called an essence user - essentially someone who can use various elements around the world in order to build and create things. you’re called by mayor rosalyn to rebuild a town that was abandoned by its previous essence user and is now mostly deserted. the gameplay consists of moving sims in, and completing tasks for them where they ask you to build them things for their homes!! each sim belongs to a different interest group, like the personality groups in ac: there’s fun, cute, spooky, tasty, studious, and geeky. the type of sims you move in will affect what things they ask for (as in, cute sims will ask for things made with cute essences as opposed to spooky ones)
kingdom is similar to the original in that you’re completing tasks for people!! it’s a little more story based though: your character, a pig herder, is encouraged by your friends to apply to be the kingdom’s wandolier, which is pretty much the same concept as an essence user except this time you get a sick ass wand to go with it 💪 when you win the competition, you and your friends are asked by the king to go to island to island and improve morale around the kingdom, helping people with their problems and building things that they need. there’s also a few collection quests which i really like!! throughout the game you’re asked by various characters to collect figurines, flowers, fish, and pieces of armour! my second fave game of the series :]
AGENTS IS MY LOVE ITS MY COMFORT GAME OF ALL TIME. your character is a detective who longs for a real mystery to solve, and you get the chance when you’re hired as a special agent. one of the girl cases you get is from a woman named evelyn, whose house has been broken into. as you investigate and figure out what was taken, you realise it relates to a man from the first case you solved - when a man named morcubus attempted to steal a girl’s dog, and you proved the dog wasn’t his. through your cases you travel to various places (snowy mountains, industrial city, dinner party in a gothic mansion) and try to discover what morcubus is planning and how evelyn is connected to him. it’s my fave one of the series if you can’t tell 🫶
skyheroes is a piloting/shooter game where your character is found by a rebel group after crashing on a beach and developing amnesia! you join the group that saved you and learn they’re fighting a war against morcubus (he’s everywhere honestly) since he’s taken control of the skies and is now restricting people’s travel and trading. throughout the story you have to get other pilot groups to join your cause and rally against morcubus, while trying to find out who you were, what memories you lost, and how you came to be shot from the sky and crashed on the beach. i rlly love this one but i am yet to fully get through it bc despite enjoying it immensely i suck absolute dick at it
racing is. well. a racing game. it’s similar to simpsons hit and run in a way, with the missions being to drive around collecting things or racing against npcs. the plot is that your character is an aspiring racer, and is learning to properly race in a town called speedville (yeah) which is mostly abandoned since the previous star racer mysteriously left. you enter the championships and begin living your dream as a racer, but are soon met with morcubus (i’m telling you. everywhere) who’s trying to overtake speedville in order to use it for his own company and is attempting to stop you from winning any races so you can’t give speedville its glory back
party is kind of a mario party vibe!! it again begins with having to rebuild a rundown town, but this time you do it through entering festivals and winning at the minigames :] <- going to b real i do not have too much to say abt this one. there’s a character called mc emi who is my best friend ever tho
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melloncollieme · 4 years
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Matty: Kendra! I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come hang out with me and my friends at Wolfgang’s house tonight? Kendra: At Wolfgangs? On a Saturday? Matty, I didn’t peg you as one for house parties?  Matty: Huh? Oh, no it’s not a party. Wolfgang said it’s gonna be chill. I don’t like parties, they know that.  Kendra: Either way, I’m not going with you. I already told you that you’re too young for me. It’s weird. I’m happy to be your work bud, though! Matty: Uhhh, cool! Uhh, let me know if you change your mind! Ha! Atlas: Yikes.
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omg-puddingpie · 6 years
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Some VERY quick doodles during my break today. More TS4 high school AU. :3 1st pic is called Girls day. Armand and Amber love sleepovers on Friday nights; recently @emmypess sim Haddie has joined in and usually buys waaaaaay more snacks then is needed. :P Meg, the new girl to the school, became friends with Amber and soon, Armand and Haddie. Together, they watch 80's movies, paint their nails, eat junk and talk about the hunks (and their crushes) at school. 
2nd pic involves my sim Adam Dracul, @twistedsimblr sim MK and @jonquilyst sim Morcubus. Nothing much to say here ; Morcubus simply stops Adam before he and MK head out after practice and congrats his pal on finally coming out of the closet. He thinks its great and tells Adam to hurry the hell up. XD
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hikiclawd · 7 months
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Redrawn from American Psycho bloodied version below the cut ::
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Have a great Halloween to those who celebrate. Stay spooky, comfy, and cozy!!! 🕸️
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just-rhys-things · 3 years
5 Spooky Mysims Facts I Like:
1. There's 4 canonically dead sims: Cassandra and Cyrus Boudreaux (ghosts), Zombie Carl, and Mel the Mummy
2. Morcubus is the only Sim who both gives you a toilet blueprint if you befriend him and has canonically attempted murder
3. Goth Boy lives in his mom's basement and references Darkwing Duck in his intro in og Mysims
4. The reason Mel the Mummy hates Tasty could be because the mummification process involves removing a person's organs
5. Madame Zoe could be a reference to Madame Zeroni from Holes, who was played by Eartha Kitt in the movie adaptation. So, Eartha Kitt technically has a MySimsona
Bonus: if you hack the game to be able to speak with Cassandra the ghost, she's programmed to tell you you're awesome 💕
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darklightescape · 3 years
my personal assessment of the mysims games
MySims: personally i think this is a good alternative to animal crossing for people who like the town-building + friend-making aspect but could do without the real-time stuff. constantly being stuck with unreasonable essence requirements (seriously, half the mid-to-late-game sims ask for like 60 essences on an item whose most intricate blueprint is six blocks) is infuriating though. solid start, kind of wish there was a remake or true sequel that ironed out the gameplay wrinkles and added in the characters from later games. 8/10 MySims Party: i didn't play this. 7/10 because i mean, it's a party minigame compilation, the sole requirement is that it's playable and i trust it to be at least that MySims Kingdom: this one marks the first instance of the series flirting with the idea of having a plot. since you no longer have to build every single item you use from scratch it's usually less grindy than its predecessor, which is good. unfortunately it did take out some of the mechanics i liked from the first game even if they weren't huge game-changers, like certain sims giving sad or scary essences instead of happy ones if you were nice to them. i have a meme in my head that's like "royal academy likers vs spookane enjoyers" because i am too old and too gay to have any sort of investment in hetero high school love triangles and CANNOT relate to anyone who says royal academy is their favorite island. 8.5/10, with the half-point being deducted because why the FUCK was there so much herding MySims Racing: karts! basically just a fun little kart racing game. fast/10. MySims Agents: genuinely i think this is the best game in the series and also just an excellent game in its own right. it kind of gets away from the original series concept but when you take everything else into account it’s hard to care. has a slightly more mature (think going from 4-8 geared to 8-12 geared) plot without going fully over the deep end into “why did you make me watch justice imply dr f committed a war crime” like sky heroes does. my only complaint is that the ending comes so abruptly that i had to check and see if there were any confirmed problems that resulted in something being scrapped and wouldn't you know it, not only were there some levels scrapped there was an entire sequel planned but shelved. no word on why but judging by the release dates i think EA made the (incorrect) decision to focus on sky heroes instead. we were ROBBED. 9.5/10, half point deducted for the abrupt ending. MySims Sky Heroes: it's not like...BAD. i just cannot for the life of me take lines like "diplomacy!? the enemy's guns aren't loaded with conversation, selena!" seriously when the character saying them was just a "cartoon bully who still thinks 'oh yeah well your FACE is whatever you just said!' is the most devastating insult ever" trope in the previous game. also playing these games where he's a real actual threat just makes me miss the og and kingdom versions of morcubus where he's just kind of a hammy weirdo who talks a big game about being a dastardly villain but never actually does anything. air combat seems fine to me I’m just not very good at air combat in general. 7/10 because the gameplay isn’t bad I’m just kind of baffled by the decision for the little cartoon chibi people to have seen the horrors of war
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sterling-canary · 3 years
For the ask game, 7
Damn, good question.
MySims Agents 2 you COWARDS
There's a lot of things the series could do next. I mean, they went from being a little life sim game where you collected essences and built furniture for the sims, to a game where you literally fought in planes. You can do anything with these guys.
I do know of a cancelled sports game they were going to develop at one point, and another one called MySims Friends (which who knows what that one was going to be), but I don't think either of them are where I'd like to see the series go next.
There have been a lot of great ideas for potential new games for the series (I mean, have you seen the fanon wiki?), but I think the series should try an action-adventure styled game next. Some light combat mechanics (nothing too deep), a fairly large world to explore (all open from the beginning, but I think that some of the Sims in certain areas won't interact with you until you have a high enough, like, maybe friendship meter? From doing tasks in other areas), and a bunch of Sims scattered around the world who have missions to directly help in your goal to beat the big bad (maybe Morcubus, but perhaps a new villain this time).
Thanks for the ask!
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letsplaypixeldolls · 1 year
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Candy wasn’t too thrilled when Yuki invited a new “friend” over for lunch. Her little sister acted tough, but she could be rather...impressionable. Candy immediately got bad vibes from the guy and warned him to stay away from Yuki.
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sassie-sims · 3 years
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I got the idea to make some kind of a 'solar farm' in TS4... I was curious to see if somelthing like that would work. :) I've finished a rough version of the build (on the 50x40 'Vacuous Green' lot in Del Sol Valley) and still have to thourougly playtest it. For the playtesting part, I've built an underground lair for Alistair Morcubus, with his living quarters behind a hidden door (the bookcase door which is one of the career unlocks).
The ground level is mainly dominated by the solar panels, hidden from view by a hedge. There is a small building on ground level, with an reception area and a stair way to reach the main 'tech' room which is situated downstairs in the first level basement. Alistair's 'secret' living quarters are in the second basement level, accesed by another stairway hidden behind the bookcase door.
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Alistair is going to enroll in an university to study Villainy (with some tech/logic related elective classes), and he will work some odd jobs to earn a little bit of money on the side. He won't start out poor, but we'll have to see how long his starting funds will last (see the questions below ;)).
Some questions to research while playtesting:
how much money can be earned by selling the generated power and does it offset the lot taxes (the lot value is over 200k simoleons! 🙈)?
are the panels routable for maintenance?
how much work/time does it cost to maintain the panels? Can one sim do it alone or does Alistair need a butler and/or 'minions'?
is there a great risk for disasters (fires 🔥) with so many panels?
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warpingreality · 5 years
The moral of the story is, pizza is more important than life.
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