#simpler program is better
artemistorm · 1 year
People who do digital art: what's a good free art program out there?
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zephyrchama · 4 months
[Thoughts about an MC who gets periods]
Getting periods in the Devildom must be pretty rough. Demons probably don’t get them, and the number of humans freely wandering around has to be incredibly low. If MC takes the form of a sheep then they likely don't have to deal with it immediately, but eventually that's going to wear off and they'll revert back to a human. Does the Devildom even have pads and tampons for sale?
MC might have to sheepishly ask Barbatos if he can acquire some in bulk from the human world. Barbatos would remain professional as always when inquiring about the use of these products and their role in daily life. He'd have to report it to the prince. They're both aware of what periods are, but only in a vague "oh yeah, humans do that" kind of way. (Perhaps in the future, Lucifer could use his secret Akuzon account to order more?)
There's surely some plant or potion that prevents them, but they're not meant for long term use. Probably tastes nasty over time and covers human skin in a weird oozing rash if consumed too often.
A month or two into the exchange program, MC might have to call up Solomon for aid.
“Can you help me with something?”
Solomon, not too interested in MC yet, agrees just to be amicable with his fellow human exchange student. They must be scared! They must be missing humans! “Is something on your mind?”
“You know how to do magic, right?”
What a silly question. It’s almost refreshing to hear. “I do.”
“Do you know… like, uh, smell…? Reducing magic? Something to cover up smells? Without being obvious, I mean. I feel like I stink and I was really hoping you could help me figure something out.”
How cute, he thinks. He can’t quite remember the time when he smelled fully human anymore, and he can’t really smell the distinct odor on people that demons can, but he knows demons can easily sniff out a human from afar. “Oh, don’t worry about that. It should go away on its own as you spend time here.”
MC isn’t convinced. “I don’t think it will…”
“Trust me. How are you finding Devildom cuisine? I know you’re not used to it, but eating more will help you adjust. I can whip up a few simpler dishes for you to try if you need help.”
MC is silent for a bit. Solomon thinks his job is done until they say quietly, “that’s not the problem.”
“I’m pretty sure the brothers I live with can smell, uh, my cycle.” No use being coy about it, better get straight to the point. “They stare at me when I’m on my period. I think - no, I know - they can smell the blood. I’ve seen them sniff the air when I’m around. It's weird. And I can’t exactly stop it from happening every month.”
“Oh.” Now it’s Solomon’s turn to be quiet. He’s embarrassed and surprised, a little humbled, and also really interested in this problem. It’s not something he’s ever thought about before.
MC continues, “I think they can tell when I’m ovulating too, Asmo started lingering around more often, and Lucifer looked scarier than usual, and they all stare more, and-”
“I think I get it.” Solomon can’t stop his face from turning pink. Despite his usual grin, he doesn't think he’s ready to listen to the rest of MC’s sentence.
There should be an easy solution, but it’s something that warrants testing if MC doesn’t want the brothers noticing a sudden spell cast upon them. It could get mistaken for something malicious. Solomon says, “I might be able to help. Can you come over today?”
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blughxreader · 1 year
Speaking of the A/B/O verse and how sexually charged it is...
How would the batfam deal with their omega sister going into heat?
This is under the assumption that the reader is the only omega in the pack.
I prefer the version of heats/ruts that are non-fatal and last a few days each month (instead of menstruation). (Or a week long heat every three months, whichever.)
Prescriptions are readily available for heats/ruts, so people can go years without having them. I think several members of the Batfam are on medicine to make life simpler.
Like, what if Gotham crime spiked during Batman's rut cycle because he disappeared for a few days each month? Gothamites on twitter would have a field day with this information lol.
@ btmnboobies tweeted: "batman horney leave starts on monday. if u jerk off all day then youll be fapping the same time as him"
@ ticklealphauwu tweeted: "batman is getting plowed time to rob a bank"
So, realistically, omega!reader would be on heat suppressants.
BUT IF, for drama's sake, there was no way to avoid a heat, then I can see two options:
1. They rigorously screen and import the best heat companions, then never repeat one. It's common for long-time heat partners to become attached, so you'll never see the same alpha twice.
Of course you'll get this talk: "tell them anything and they die. I programmed artificial intelligence to listen for key words, so I will know." and the alphas will be monitored for a minimum of five years afterwards.
Each member of the batfam would rather cut off a limb than have a stranger fuck you in their own home, but it's better than you being dead (or ruining your relationship by fucking you themself).
2. Or, Batman would go to the JL.
If a JL member has a darling who happens to be an alpha, then I can see Batman considering setting you two up.
Or he'd ask a favor of Clark or Diana.
Can you fucking imagine him asking for a meeting with Wonder Woman in private and it goes
Batman: Your world has similar genetics and rituals as ours. WW: Yes, in some ways. Batman: And casual partners during times of need are commonplace. WW: Quite... Batman, expression darkening: ... My daughter... WW, finally smiling: Oh, I see. You trust me. Batman, looking physically pained: Yes. Her first heat is at home coming and we are looking for long-term solutions. For the time being, would you mind... *grinds teeth*... assisting? WW: I would be honored. :)
Then Wonder Woman plows you all weekend
Damian would be torn between "hm yes a fine arrangement becoming of my cherished sister" and "NONONO YOU CAN'T GET MARRIED YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH US FOREVER"
because DUH you'd want to lock her down. A golden opportunity to escape the batfam shows up in all her short skirt and big muscled glory.
Lol it's a silly thought but probably the only way you'd live a semi-normal life. Until WW turns out to be a crazy yandere too? 👀
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nanowrimo · 4 months
Smash Your Word Count Goals in 3 Easy Steps
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from our sponsors at Freewrite
Here at Freewrite, we help writers reach peak productivity in order to meet word count goals and create their best work yet. That’s our reason for being.
Today, we’re going to share the three easy steps proven by science to help you reach your writing goals!
1) Set A Goal & Write It Down
The psychology of goal setting is pretty clear. It’s what NaNoWriMo is all about, right? Research has proven that people who set goals experience higher motivation and are more likely to feel accomplished.
However, the type of goal you set makes a big difference to your efforts. Make sure that your goals are (a) clear and specific, (b) realistic, and (c) measurable.
Being clear about your goal will help you hone in on what you’re trying to achieve and ignore distractions. Make sure to write it down, as well. Research by psychologist Gail Matthews has revealed that people who write down goals are 33% more successful than those who simply set a goal in their head.
Next, be realistic. This means being honest with yourself about what you can and can’t achieve based on your other life obligations. Setting goals that you can’t achieve will only lead to frustration and, ultimately, a lack of motivation.
And last, make sure each goal is measurable. “Write 1,000 words each day” is much easier to measure than “Finish this book.” Because we all know it’s difficult to measure a book being “done”!
Breaking these goals down into smaller, simpler steps will help, too. If your goal is to write 20,000 words during Camp NaNo, break that down into 5,000 words a week, and then figure out how many words you’ll have to write each day to reach those smaller goals.
2) Practice Freewriting
Freewriting is thinking. It’s as simple — and as difficult — as that.
While every writer is unique, and there is no one way to be a writer, there are similarities we all share as humans — especially humans in the modern world — that create common obstacles to doing the things we love — like reading, writing, and yes, thinking. There are the obvious external obstacles: social media, email, the internet. But there are sneaky internal obstacles, too — the main culprit being the inner critic.
As humans, we are judgmental. It’s in our DNA. Our brains are constantly assessing situations, imagining outcomes, and making decisions. It’s part of survival at a very basic level. However, that means that when we do anything, including writing, we tend to automatically assess our actions — judging our own words, tweaking and editing them as we go along. That constant evaluation not only hinders progress, it can also stop us from ever getting started. And if we do manage to sit down to write, that inner critic creates an unconscious anxiety that prevents us from experimenting and writing down our most innovative and creative — and weird! — ideas.
We’ve all heard the advice to “write now, edit later.” Or perhaps you’ve heard writers reference “the sloppy/crappy/messy first draft.” Those are just fun ways of referencing the writing method in which you separate the drafting process from the editing process. Or, what we call freewriting.
Many people haven’t written this freely since childhood, but there’s a reason this method is taught in MFA programs. Getting your thoughts down first and revising later increases productivity and yields better, more creative work because it allows you to give your brain fully to each task. It means that when you’re drafting, you’re drafting, and when you’re editing, you’re editing. There’s no context-switching or multitasking.
So, what if you gave yourself permission to write badly at first? And we don’t just mean cheesy or with glaring plot holes — we mean typos, missing words, character names replaced by big Xs because you couldn’t remember them in the moment.
The next time you draft, we challenge you to give it a try. Just let yourself go and give your thoughts and feelings over to the act of creating. Because that’s when the magic happens. 
3) Track Your Stats
OK, you’ve set measurable goals, and you’ve started drafting. What’s next?
Track your efforts!
Here at Freewrite, we’ve created a tool to automatically track important writing stats, like word count, writing days, writing streak, and more! It’s called a Postbox Profile, and it gives you a unique URL that allows you to share your stats with writing friends.
Anyone with a Postbox account — that’s anyone who writes on a Freewrite OR uses our free in-browser drafting tool, Sprinter — can create a Postbox Profile and track their stats.
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👉Don’t have a Freewrite yet? No problem! We have a FREE in-browser drafting experience called Sprinter that helps you shut down distractions and make progress — and gives you access to Postbox. Start writing today absolutely FREE at sprinter.getfreewrite.com.
👉Ready to grab your own Freewrite? Our entry-level device, Alpha, is $50 off this June only! Just use code STARTWITHALPHA at checkout.
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nostalgebraist · 1 year
Pretty regularly, at work, I ask ChatGPT hundreds of slightly different questions over the course of a minute or two.
I don't type out these individual questions, of course. They're constructed mechanically, by taking documents one by one from a list, and slotting each one inside a sandwich of fixed text. Like this (not verbatim):
Here's a thing for you to read: //document goes here// Now answer question XYZ about it.
I never read through all of the responses, either. Maybe I'll read a few of them, later on, after doing some kind of statistics to the whole aggregate. But ChatGPT isn't really writing for human consumption, here. It's an industrial machine. It's generating "data," on the basis of other "data."
Often, I ask it to write out a step-by-step reasoning process before answering each question, because this has been shown to improve the quality of ChatGPT's answers. It writes me all this stuff, and I ignore all of it. It's a waste product. I only ask for it because it makes the answer after it better, on average; I have no other use for it.
The funny thing is -- despite being used in a very different, more impersonal manner -- it's still ChatGPT! It's still the same sanctimonious, eager-to-please little guy, answering all those questions.
Fifty questions at once, hundreds in a few minutes, all of it in that same, identical, somewhat annoying brand voice. Always itself, incapable of tiring.
This is all billed to my employer at a rate of roughly $0.01 per 5,000 words I send to ChatGPT, plus roughly $0.01 per 3,750 words that ChatGPT writes in response.
In other words, ChatGPT writing is so cheap, you can get 375,000 words of it for $1.
OpenAI decided to make this particular "little guy" very cheap and very fast, maybe in recognition of its popularity.
So now, if you want to use a language model like an industrial machine, it's the one you're most likely to use.
Why am I making this post?
Sometimes I read online discourse about ChatGPT, and it seems like people are overly focused on the experience of a single human talking to ChatGPT in the app.
Or, at most, the possibility of generating lots of "content" aimed at humans (SEO spam, generic emails) at the press of a button.
Many of the most promising applications of ChatGPT involve generating text that is not meant for human consumption.
They go in the other direction: they take things from the messy, human, textual world, and translate them into the simpler terms of ordinary computer programs.
Imagine you're interacting with a system -- a company, a website, a phone tree, whatever.
You say or type something.
Behind the scenes, unbeknownst to you, the system asks ChatGPT 13 different questions about the thing you just said/typed. This happens almost instantaneously and costs almost nothing.
No human being will ever see any of the words that ChatGPT wrote in response to this question. They get parsed by simple, old-fashioned computer code, and then they get discarded.
Each of ChatGPT's answers ends in a simple "yes" or "no," or a selection from a similar set of discrete options. The system uses all of this structured, "machine-readable" (in the old-fashioned sense) information to decide what to do next, in its interaction with you.
This is the kind of thing that will happen, more and more.
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demonvibez · 6 months
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A/N: These requests were just too good, and I had quite a bit of fun with it. Karen Smith is such an icon, I had to take this idea and run with it, lol. Mostly fun, a few serious parts. Hope you guys like it - may expand on this later (perhaps with an nsfw version). Anyways, enjoy! ♡ Characters: Demon Brothers x GN Reader Word Count: 3.7k+ Rating: Teen [Suggestive Themes] Tags: gn reader, dumb reader, implied violence, suggestive themes/implied sex
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-> He believed it all to be an act at first - surely he and Lord Diavolo had the sense to acquire a human for the exchange program that would actually be up to the task to complete it. Surely you were just pulling a prank on him, much like his younger brothers would. You aren't actually this dense...right? 
-> Feels even more responsible for you than normal, so he feels the need to keep a tight leash on you. You bring a lot of chaos to the Devildom, and he can't have you ruining any reputations (yours, his or Lord Diavolo's), so he practically becomes your shadow in order to minimize any mayhem you may cause - especially since you're so prone to injury.
-> Has a hard time punishing you - your obliviousness causes you to have a hard time taking any of it seriously. He'll never forget the first time you started giggling during one of his lectures, after he caught you and two of his brothers destroying the kitchen. After many headaches, he's had to come up with whole new ways to deal with you - most of which are torture via boredom.
♡ He's not sure when, but somehow, he began to find you rather endearing - and next thing he knew, he had actually fallen for you. No one is more shocked than he is - maybe it's the innocence in your eyes when you look up at him, or the way your smile brings a blush to his cheeks. But now he can't help but to feel affection for all of those dumb little things you do. You have turned the Lucifer Morningstar into a full-blown morosexual for you, and there's no turning back for him now - he is beyond smitten with you, although he does often question himself. "How can a human such as you stir such emotions within me?" So innocent, so earnest, so loyal. Many aspects of Lucifer's life is difficult, but loving you is so easy.
♡ As the Avatar of Pride, he has no issues being very blunt with his feelings for you. The night before, he stays up late in his study, writing several drafts of the confession he plans to recite to you over dinner at Ristorante Six. He knows you, after all, and wants to make himself very clear.
♡ He loves that you depend on him, he practically lives for it. You constantly need his help and protection, and his already ineffable Pride gets inflated every time you turn to him with those innocent eyes and pouty face of yours. It gets to a point where he is used to always being with you - you fall into a synchronicity, a routine. It gets to the point where Lucifer even asks you to move into his room; he would love to share the space with you, and it would just be much simpler for you both - he knows what's best for you, after all.
-> If anyone ever questions his relationship with you, he shuts it down instantly with a singular murderous glare. Pride is unshakable, but Lucifer is still prone to annoyance. He'll string them up in the middle of the RAD courtyard without even breaking a sweat. Nothing like a little public shaming to show the naysayers who the true imbeciles are.
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-> Idiocy loves company, and he's beyond glad to have you in his company! Two peas in a pod, no wonder Lucifer stuck the two of you together!
-> He loves how easy it is to rope you along into pulling schemes with him - he's never had a better partner in crime! And when the two of you inevitably get caught by Lucifer, your cluelessness tends to come in handy.
-> He also loves how your grades are equally bad! It means he won't have to suffer the wrath of Satan's study sessions alone anymore.
-> Pretty much becomes your shadow when he notices how clumsy you are - any human would be in danger in the Devildom, but your stupidity leads you into more peril than normal. After a couple of minor injuries (and a scrape with a lower demon), Mammon decides it's best if he doesn't let you out of his sight. Lucifer put him in charge of you after all, he's just doin' what he's told!
♡ But in all honesty, it's another way you two connect. He loves all the crazy times you two have together, the impulsive adventures you get yourselves into. He feels like you both understand each other better than anyone! The only problem is, between his tsundere act and your extreme obliviousness, your relationship is stuck in limbo. All of his brothers' teasing goes right over your head, and a flustered Mammon usually denies it while trying to hide what a blushing mess he really is. Until, one day, he can't take it anymore - "I'm in love with ya, ya big dummy," he blurts out as the two of you ride in his Demonio 666. 
♡ And ever since that random Tuesday afternoon, you and Mammon have been inseparable. You two are truly like twin flames - consequences don't even matter as long as you're by his side. He'd take a million lectures, be strung up a million times, hell he'd even cut up his credit cards into a million pieces if it means he gets to keep you forever. That dumb smile of yours is worth more than all the Grimm in the Devildom, and he'd do anything for you to flash it at him, even if just for a moment. He wasn't sure he believed in soul mates before, but now that he has you, he's damn sure you're his.
-> No one really gives Mammon grief about his relationship with you, seeing as you're a perfect match made in Hell (affectionate). But you can imagine if they did, they'd suddenly find themselves in more debt than the Avatar himself. And if that doesn't work, he'll fight for ya! Mammon is no stranger to winning a scrap ;)
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-> He makes a lot of assumptions about you at first - you're just another basic normie, aren't you?!
-> Sometimes believes you are mocking him with your questions - especially when it comes to his special interests. How can you possibly be so clueless?! He's explained this game to you literally ten times?!?! You must be inting or something!! You have to be doing this on purpose!!!
-> Also believes your forgetfulness is on purpose, thinking you secretly hate him - or at the very least, don't really care for him. He figures when you agree to hang out with him that you're either just being nice, or are too dumb to figure out how to get out of it, so you must just go along with it. So when you forget him, he thinks you're purposely ghosting him for someone better.
-> He eventually confronts you about all of this, only for him to be met with a confused look on your face. The two of you awkwardly chat it out, and afterward he starts to think that he may be the bigger idiot for making so many assumptions.
-> But once he understands you, you start to grow on him - you remind him of that one MC from 'Oops! That Normie Who Dropped in from Another Realm is Now My Bestie and I May Be Developing a Crush!' and how they may say and do stupid things, but it's actually kind of endearingly cute! And they're so soo loyal! Wait, you actually kinda look like them, too. Prepare yourself - new cosplay incoming, courtesy of Leviathan. He does second guess himself over it a bit - Is it weird if he makes the matching cosplay to go along with yours? It's totally weird, isn't it?! No it isn't, because you're too dumb to think too deeply into it! But he will overthink it all the same.
♡ Not the best at openly talking about his emotions, and he doesn't want to ruin your current relationship with him, so it may be more difficult for him to get across his feelings to you. He keeps dropping subtle little hints in the hopes that you'll eventually pick up on it. And if you never do, one day he just blurts it out (after numerous pep talks from his brothers). He tries writing a confession in the notes app of his DDD to read off for you, but he gets so nervous he drops his phone and ends up just shouting, "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!" - after which is followed with a flurry of apologies from the otaku demon. 
♡ And after that, you find yourself practically living in his room - and he finds himself purposely losing at games so that you can get a few wins, all to see that excited look on your face that he adores so much. He truly has found his player two! ^.^
-> It would be unusual to find the hikikomori demon in a social situation where someone is questioning your relationship to his face - he does spend a lot of time defending you online, however, and has been successful in getting a few of your haters' accounts nuked. RIP.
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-> Honestly annoyed by you at first. You just ask so damn many questions, and it seems like you don't even retain the answers. 
-> Then one day he overhears Lucifer lecturing you about your failing grades - Challenge accepted. You are now his new project. How hard could it possibly be? It would be quite the accomplishment for him, and he's sure it will annoy Lucifer in the mean time! Seeing him put so much effort into the stupid human is sure to throw Lucifer off of his game! The Old Man will think he is plotting something nefarious, but-
-> Ahem. Anyways, expect your bookshelves to rapidly fill up with gifts from him - with everything from textbooks, to picture books, to entire series of epic novels. Expect him to be over after dinner every night, to sit with you an indulge in one of these books. He'll let you pick something most of the time, but he occasionally becomes insistent of one of his own picks - the erotica he reads to you tends to go over your head, anyways.
-> Quickly finds he has to adjust his teaching style, having to go over rudimentary concepts with you multiple times. He's much more patient with you than he is with Mammon his brothers, his temper non-existent as he slowly repeats the lesson to you again. He knows you are trying your best, and is willing to put in the same effort you put forth. Occasionally you do aggravate him in this regard - he usually just takes it out on the first one of his brothers he sees, instead of you. Thankfully.
-> He's unsure what it is about you, but something about you really calms the wrath raging within him. Maybe it's your carefree, peaceful nature that soothes the storm within him. Maybe it's that adorable smile that can light up the darkest of Devildom nights. Maybe it's the way you never fail to make him laugh when you make Lucifer lose his temper. Either way he hasn't failed to notice that his days are better with you in them.
-> Sometimes his patience for you does wear thin though - especially when your stupidity gets you hurt! 'You're not going to survive in this realm if you keep acting so thoughtlessly,' he says through gritted teeth, as he patches up the lacerations on your arm - caused by you touching a killer plant adorned with a very large warning sign. He does his best to keep his anger within, but he's yelled at you a few times, almost desperate to finally get his point across to you.
♡ It is quite obvious to him why he has fallen for you, so he wastes no time in planning his confession. He knows his romantic gesture will have to be overt, the goal being that you truly comprehend understand his feelings for you. A thoughtful gift along with a handwritten letter, simply stating how he is deeply in love with you - and if any confusion remains, he'd be happy to explain. 
♡ And after that, he spends each day with you in bliss. As the moonlight illuminates the pages of his book, he softly reads the words to you; and as you fall asleep in his arms, he knows that this is what true happiness is. He may never be allowed in the Celestial Realm, but being with you makes him feel like he's already there.
-> If people question his relationship with you, they only do so in hushed tones - no one wants to be on the receiving end of his Wrath, especially after that one demon went missing after gawking at the two of you on a date.
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-> Excited to adopt you into his inner circle - he knows someone like you would be the perfect little doll for him! He already thinks you're just oh so adorable, and it will be incredibly easy for him to turn you into his little Mini Asmo.
-> New style, new hair, new everything! Be prepared to truly become his twin, for he wants you to become his shadow. Doesn't even take him much effort to convince you to change your schedule to match his! 
-> Asmo is definitely the Queen Bee of RAD, but you're basically the Queen's Hand - he regards your thoughts and opinions highly, as if they are the royal decree. He may also lightly tease you at times, wanting nothing more than to see the many cute faces you make, but he would never stab you in the back. HBIC's have to look out for each other, after all! 
-> Your grades actually go up, shockingly enough, thanks to Asmo having his fan club do all of your schoolwork. You don't have time for that nonsense! 'Pamper and Pre-Game' with Asmo is way more important than writing some silly Devildom Law essay - you don't wanna be late to the Fall, after all!
-> The two of you pretty much run the school, constantly making waves and setting trends. You get your own fan club, but you also have a fair amount of haters! Either way, all eyes are on you, and every dumb little thing you do ends up going viral online. Some days you're being praised for your fashion, others you're being meme'd for your clumsiness. And of course, Asmo always helps you take advantage of these moments, good or bad. Never a dull day on the Devilnet!
-> He especially loves that your air-headedness leaves a lot of room for you to be open minded to experimentation (or maybe you're just easy to convince, hehe). It's lead to a lot of wild nights in his bedroom, with the two of you experiencing unfathomable euphoria - those nights will forever live rent free in his mind. Perhaps he can convince you to let Sol join the two of you next time...
-> On the other hand, he notices he has to keep an extra sharp eye on you when the two of you are out partying together - your obliviousness has almost led you to a few dangerous situations, one that ended up leaving Asmo's strawberry-blonde hair stained crimson. He is now hyper-vigilant over you, always guarding your drinks and cutting in on the dancefloor.
♡ How could the Avatar of Lust not fall you for? His best friend, his partner in crime, his darling human~♡! He comes to the realization that he loves you even more than himself, and that he must start making a plan! The date of all dates to sweep you off of your feet and right into his arms~♡ He knows he'll have to be clear and concise when he makes his confession - not only are you a bit dense, but his usual Avatar of Lust brand of affection may make it... confusing for you, to figure out that he truly loves you romantically. Whatever, who cares! He'll tell you a million times over if you need him to ♡!
♡ After that, not too much will change, for you were already inseparable before his confession! He may become a bit more possessive, but that comes with the territory of being Lust's Chosen One. The two of you are RAD's Power Couple, and he will make damn sure the entire Devildom knows it!
-> When it comes to your relationship, Asmodeus is ride or die. If anyone ever questions it, he brushes it off with his signature smile and a cold remark - at first. Like a scorpion, he strikes from the shadows. Pink may be his color, but he is also well aware how amazing he looks in red~♡ ;)
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-> Doesn't think too much about it at first - you're just that nice human with the pretty smile and the fun stash of human world snacks. 
-> The least judgmental of his brothers, while also being the first to get to know you deeply. He feels like you're really easy to understand, and he finds that it's really easy to open up to you. He becomes a lot more talkative when you're around, and soon the two of you have you own dumb little inside jokes that his brothers are jealous they aren't in on. You don't even get each other's jokes half the time (which is mostly your fault, no offense) but laughter truly is contagious, and you have so much fun in each other's company.
-> Once he really gets to know you, he worries about you endlessly! He feels the need to become even more protective over you than he already is. Not only does your clumsiness worry him, but your forgetfulness too. He knows for a fact that humans need to eat to survive! What do you mean you forgot to eat lunch?! How can you forget something like that...and before you know it, he's adding some of his Acidic Hell Fries to your plate.
-> So he starts inviting you to eat with him every single day, and he loves how easily you say yes! No matter the menu, no matter the restaurant, you're always down to go out with him and share a bite to eat - you don't even ask questions! And he really admires how adventurous you are - always ordering new dishes, never turning down a bite of some strange food when he offers it, the smile on your face when you actually do enjoy it. Sharing a simple meal with you quickly becomes the part of his day he looks forward to the most.
-> The two of you do get into your own share of trouble every now and then though. While Beel has been banned from the Devildom's various eating contests, you haven't been - and you never seem to learn how sick these contests make you, no matter how badly you wanna give the prize to Beel. And let's not forget all the times you've had to wash dishes at Hell's Kitchen because you both ran outta the House without making sure you had a single Grimm on you. Either way, the two of you have so much fun together, that you never regret it - or learn from it.
♡ He wears his heart on his sleeve, and while Beelzebub isn't dumb like you are, he does have a certain innocent honesty about him - so he has no problem telling you his true feelings about you. He may get the slightest bit frustrated after having to explain it so many times, but hand him a snack and he'll have all the patience in the world to sit with you and help you understand how much he truly loves you.
♡ And after that, you continue to spend your days with your sweet cinnamon roll of a boyfriend. Whether you're hanging with him at the gym or sneaking out for a late night snack, being with you always makes his heart feel so full - a feeling he would never trade, even for a thousand Shadow Goose Burgers. 
-> Doesn't even remotely pay attention to what others are saying about his relationship with you - why even bother worrying about that? Although there was that one time some random demon at RAD did question him about it, but Beel couldn't hear them over the rumble of his own stomach - which they hilariously mistook as a threat, causing them to run off in terror. 
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-> Your stupidity made his scheme in the attic all too easy! Truly like the wolf leading the lamb. He could have never dreamed that such a perfect target would just fall right into his lap, would stumble into the attic and right into his trap - it was almost comical. He could have also never dreamed that, once the veil of hate was lifted from his eyes, the amount of overwhelming guilt he would feel. Naïve, innocent little lamb. He'd do anything to make up for it - he's failed to protect you twice already, and he won't be making that mistake again.
-> Suddenly overprotective, as well as a bit possessive. He knows how easily you can be fooled into mortal danger, so you can expect him to lurk in the shadows. The circle of people he trusts (his brothers) is small, and he even occasionally has doubts about a few of them. 
-> Other than that, he is beyond amused by you, and he knows he's going to have a lot of mischievous fun with you by his side! The House of Lamentation was already chaotic with just the seven of them, but your arrival truly added a wild card to the mix. Your absentminded hijinks are usually funny enough for him to warrant losing a bit of sleep.
-> He pretty much makes you the mascot for the Anti-Lucifer League - any schemes he and the Fourth Born can think up, they rope you into. Typically used as bait, watching Lucifer freak out as you stand there looking clueless truly never gets old. No matter how many times they explain the pranks to you, you never really understand what's going on - which makes for a great defense when all three of you inevitably get lectured by the Eldest afterwards.
-> Loves how easy it is to convince you to skip class and nap with him - you're the only one he's shown all of his favorite hiding spots to. Partially because he knows you'll never remember where they are without his help, but also because he loves cuddling up with you. 
♡ He's actually tried several times to convey his feelings to you, with everything from romantic dreams to starlit dates. He's even kissed you, how much more obvious can he get?! If it were anyone but you, he probably would have given up and gone back to sleep. But you're you and you're worth it, so he stays up late conjuring up exactly what to say to you, hoping this time his bluntness makes it clear.
♡ And after that, the two of you spend the majority of your free time cuddled up in each other's loving embrace. It's nothing but sweet dreams and starry skies, so long as you have Belphie by your side.
-> Questioning his relationship with you (or badmouthing you in general) is probably one of the most egregious mistakes one could make. If the endless night terrors aren't enough to evoke instant regret, the Avatar of Sloth doesn't mind resorting to violence for you.
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· demonvibez ♡ 2024 · do not copy, repost or modify · · likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! ♡ ·
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fyodoro · 1 year
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧, 𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥!
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Their confession is so sudden, it sounds a little unserious…
-> Ft. Nagi & Chigiri (seperate)
Cw) Oblivious Nagi, kinda oblivious reader in Chigiri’s part… not proofread, this was just a rough idea and author wanted to write something for these two with little effort before her finals
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➳❥ Nagi
Nagi had finally gotten a break from the Blue Lock program, and wasn’t doing much with it. You can still vividly recall the way he showed up on your doorstep, looking as tired as ever and bulkier than the last time you saw him.
He draped himself over you the moment you opened the door, not giving you much time to process what was going on.
“Nagi?” You said, shock laced in your voice. “What are you doing here? I thought you were stuck in Blue Lock for another while…”
“Break time… only two weeks. I wanted to come see you.” He mumbled into the crook of your neck.
That scene would have made anyone passing by think you were a couple with the way Nagi’s arms hung around your shoulders and his face buried into the crook of your neck. Of course, you weren’t making it look any better with the way you hugged him back.
It’s been a week since he returned, and he’s practically been living with you since then. All of his Blue Lock friends (except Reo) were shocked when they heard this. Nagi? With a significant other? It just didn’t sound right.
Even though they couldn’t believe Nagi had a partner, they were in even more shocked when Nagi said;
“We’re not dating. They’re my best friend.”
Reo rolled his eyes at the words that came out of his partner’s mouth. “Nagi, you and me both know there’s something going on between you two.” He stated matter of factly.
“But we’re just best friends.”
“Just tell them you’re in love with them!” Bachira exclaimed. He knew it didn’t work like that, but it was much simpler that way, especially for someone like Nagi.
Nagi’s head perked up at that. It was coming from Bachira, it probably wasn’t a good idea. Love was such a strong word… and these guys had never met you. How would they know he’s in love with you just by the way he talked about you?
He found himself a tad bit annoyed when he actually considered Bachira’s suggestion.
So here you were, with Nagi, in your room. It’s been like this for the past week. Nagi would come over after hanging out with friends, sometimes bringing Reo back with him, and stay throughout the evening. The only time he’d leave was to go home to his own bed, saddening you a little.
You’ve known Nagi for years now, way before his annoying growth spurt. Was he uncomfortable with sleeping in the same room as you? Or maybe it was because he preferred his own bed? The second option seemed the most likely, but it didn’t stop you from overthinking.
“What are you thinking about…?” Nagi’s voice came from your bedroom floor, making you lean over from your bed to get a glimpse at him.
His snow colored hair was sprawled out messily, but still framing his face. For some reason, you could never imagine Nagi with neat hair. It’s always been on the messy side for as long as you’ve known him, and it fit him too well to wish for any change.
If there was anything you wish he’d change about himself, it’d probably be his hygiene.
“Just the fact you used to smell pretty bad in junior high. No girls would ever come near you because of that, you know.” The memory of girls going out of their way to avoid him replayed in your head, making you stifle your laughter.
“Oh, that.” He groaned at the memory. “Everything was a bigger pain back then. Well, right now everything is still a hassle, but not as much as a hassle like before… like showering.”
“Yeah well, that doesn’t changed the fact you reeked.” You chuckled.
He found his eyes wandering to your face, far above his. Your laugh was like music to his ears, he wishes he could listen to it longer.
“Well me reeking didn’t stop you from loving me.” He said abruptly.
The word “love” rang in your ears for a few seconds before laughing again. “Oh Nagi, of course it didn’t.”
Nagi’s eyes widened at your “confession,” platonic love didn’t cross his mind when you said that.
“And you laughing like a witch didn’t stop me from loving you either.” Bold. He didn’t think you laughed like a witch, it was merely a way to get back at you for telling him he reeked.
His confession went over your head, contradictory to yours going right to his head. You stopped laughing a few moments later, and went back to the game in your hands. Nagi, however, was still waiting for you to say something.
The silence was comfortable for you, but deafening to him. He just told you he loved you, and you told him you loved him. Even if it was indirectly, surely you’ll say something about it, right?
“(Name).” He called out. You hummed in response.
“I said I love you, aren’t you going ti say it back again?” He asked, raising a genuinely curious brow.
You choked on your spit.
“You said what?”
“I said I love you. Now can you say it back like before?” He sighed. You were taken aback by his sudden confession, and confused. When did he say he loved you? And when did you say you loved him?
“Well- uh… when did you say that? And when did I say it?” You asked, not sure where he was going with this.
“I said me smelling didn’t stop you from loving me, and you said of course it didn’t. And then I said your witch laugh didn’t stop me from loving you, and you never responded.” He was sitting up now, pointing at him and then you to emphasize his words.
“Wait, you were serious?” You said, eyes widened with shock. In the moment, you didn’t think much of it. Friends tease each other using the word “love” all the time, you didn’t think yours and Nagi’s friendship was any different.
He nodded slowly, and you weren’t sure if it was from laziness or uncertainty. You were taken aback, bewildered, and in disbelief. He actually likes you back?
“Oh… well I love you… too?” Your voice pitch went up and down, much to your embarrassment. But of course, as usual, Nagi didn’t seem to care about that.
“Okay. I’m staying the night, can I sleep up there?”
He asked that question as if it were nothing, testing just how flustered you could get. He wasn’t doing it intentionally, he was just that oblivious.
“Um… yeah. Sure you can, Nagi.” He nodded in response, crawling up from his spot on the floor and onto your bed abruptly.
“You mean right now!?”
“Yeah? When else…?”
He rested his head on your lap, making you put your phone down and place your hands in his hair. You wondered how he was already so clingy just seconds after becoming official, but it was okay. If he wasn’t so cute, it probably wouldn’t have been though.
Meanwhile, in Nagi’s head, he mentally noted to tell Reo he was right… and to tell Bachira his suggestion lead to some misunderstandings.
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➳❥ Chigiri
Chigiri was a light hearted guy right to the core, even in his seriousness he can stop himself from coming off as too serious.
Which is why he couldn’t understand how you misunderstood his confession.
Everything was perfect, the setting, the timing, the place, all of it. His confession was supposed to be perfect. He acknowledged the simplicity of a dinner date, but he didn’t want this to be over the top. If it was over the top it’d be too much, if it was too little you’d think he put no effort into it.
He had everything thought out and planned, yet somehow everything averted away from the plan.
“(Name), there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now.” He started, voice getting softer with each word. Before he could continue…
“Here’s your dishes, enjoy!” The waiter placed two appetizing plates in front of you and Chigiri, carefully setting them down before serving the next table. Chigiri eyed the meal in front of him with annoyance, not liking the way he was interrupted.
“Go on, Chigiri. What were you saying just now?” You asked curiously.
“Ah, well…”
“I’m so sorry, I forgot your drinks!” The waiter interrupted… again, placing your drinks on the table. Chigiri tried to hold back an eye roll and the interruption, but his face still held irritation.
“Keep going, I’m listening.” You reassured.
“Right…” He picked up a fork and knife, cutting his meal while trying to find the right words.
“Oh hey, this is pretty good.” You commented, eyes full of delight. Just then, Chigiri took a bite of his meal.
He nodded, agreeing. “Yeah, it is. I love you.”
He just needed to get it over with. And the best way to do that was to just… say it. It may have come off suddenly, but it felt better getting it out.
However, it didn’t occur to him he didn’t look up at you when he said that.
“Seriously? The food is that good you had to tell it you love it?” Oh.
His eyes widened, looking into yours with a baffled expression. He almost wanted to blame the waiter for interrupting you two so much…
“No! I mean the food is good— really good! But I meant that I love you.”
Your mouth made an “o” shape, taken aback by the confession. You weren’t sure whether to feel embarrassed or not that you thought he was talking to the food…
“Ah… you’re actually into me?” You asked for confirmation.
“Yes! I am into you. I really really like you (Name), I have for a long time now.” His voice was strong, making sure you were hearing every word he had to say about the way he felt about you.
It was quiet for a few moments, and Chigiri wasn’t sure if he’d be walking out of this diner with a significant other anymore.
“Well… I like you too- love you too, even. I didn’t expect it to go like this… but this means we’re official now, right?” You asked. The pink haired male across from you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief at your returned feelings.
“Yeah, we’re official now.” He declared.
While his confession certainly confused you, you were just glad to be walking out of that diner with Chigiri as your boyfriend.
“Next time you tell me you love me, make sure you’re looking at me, and not food.” You laughed as Chigiri rolled his eyes. Despite the eye roll, he couldn’t be happier right now.
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xemo-wc-08x · 2 months
Any advice on drawing dragons? I really wanna ms paintify my boy
Sure! I don't usually draw dragons but I can try :D
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Here's the design I'm using. It's a character I made for this small tutorial owo
It's essential to use a pixel art brush for the lineart. Usually it's best to leave it black but you can add other colors too if it fits better.
I'd suggest avoiding round edges when possible, and keep the design pointy. This is because mspaint drawings are usually inspired by old anime from the 90-2000s.
I chose a more complex design, but a simpler one works too.
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As for color, my advice is to use strong colors more than pastel tones. I chose red, grey, black and white mainly because my character is an emo one, but you can use any you want. You can also use plenty of colorful choices to make it vibrant.
Another advice is to choose similar tones as the mspaint colors. Here's a reference:
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Something very common in mspaint style is also adding lights to show texture. Choose a lighter tone for it. The brighter it is, the more reflective is the texture (for example in wings). The inside of the wings can have a slight brightness added.
I don't really add shadows but that's an artistic choice so you can add them if it fits your style better :3
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As for the background, most mspaint styles keep it very simple. This is because there is only one single layer in the program. While I did this drawing in Clip Studio Paint and used several layers, it gives the same vibe.
I added some flame details because it's very common in edgy characters. But you can leave it plain or add patterns like stars or circles.
And... I think that's all ^^
Hope it helps!
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girlgerard · 11 months
hey! ik you have a big following, and you’ve mentioned visiting israel and palestine on school trips— i really think your voice would be valuable in speaking out on the injustices happening in that region. you always speak so eloquently on race/gender issues on your blog and i’m really interested in hearing your take! plus i think your platform is large enough to really make a good stand!
i appreciate that you sent this ask, and i appreciate that you thought of me. i agree with everything you’re saying, and i wanted to respond to this immediately because of that, even if i don’t have much of an answer to share.
i’ve studied the conflict for years and, like you said, was in israel and palestine (as in the territories named as such) six months ago; i was at the gaza border in may. i actually disqualified myself from birthright because i wanted to be able to go on academic dispensation specifically (i couldn’t go to the west bank otherwise). i study sociology and jewish studies in my degree program. i’m jewish, i’m south asian, i come from a family of refugees, i come from a family of jains, i come from a family of, like, californians, i come from a family with just as many intersections as any other. suffice to say, i have a lot, a lot of emotions tied up in the levant.
the thing is, because i’ve studied it for so long, and because i study sociology specifically, i also know that saying something before i’ve processed it well enough is irresponsible. this conflict is wrapped up in linguistics; the wording you use is everything. i’m really aware of that, i’m also really aware that i’m not in a place where i feel comfortable enough to articulate myself properly. for my own safety, for responsibility’s sake, and because i’m aware of how nuanced and linguistically fucked discussing this conflict is, i don’t want to make a large statement on it while i’m not in a place to do so.
what i will say for now is that if you’re viewing this conflict as a soccer game between two teams, you are not viewing this conflict in a humanist way. normal civillians, palestinian, druze, samaritan, jewish, israeli arab, armenian, any normal person who lives in the land, should be the only “team” you’re on the side of. listen to people who are from the land, read sources in arabic, read sources in hebrew, read multiple perspectives in multiple languages for every event you want to understand better. understanding how important history, generational trauma, and narrative are in this conflict is essential to understanding why any of this is happening, and if anyone says there’s a simpler way to do it, there’s not. no one tribe in the land can leave, and no one tribe in the land deserves anything less than peace and self determination. personally, my first thought about war is how much i care about people, not which state i feel like backing.
i may post more on tumblr, i may post more on other platforms, i may choose keep my activism in-person rather than purely online. navigating all of this while also being pretty devastated and horrified is complex, and i ask for understanding.
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chaisshitposts · 1 year
Hi I am rabbit🐇 anon and I wanna say that Idk why but i m not understanding the pych-k method like i don't get what PPL say especially when ppl tag that post I just don't get it so can you tell step by step how to do pych-k method for void.
P.s we r same age lol
oh yeah??? cool! glad to meet a fellow adult 🐇 anon🤝 and that's ok, I'm more than happy to explain it for ya in simpler terms, it be like that sometimes so I get it. yer mind is like a computer, yer subconscious is the motherboard of info, and while ya do psych-k ya are basically downloadin' an entirely new program with new codin' and all that jazz with the affirmations ya choose, then ya save that affirmation in yer motherboard.
psych-k is about usin' yer entire brain, both hemispheres simultaneously, and how to do it is super simple. when you're just startin' out with it, I always recommend that ya start off with your left side (it doesn't really matter what side ya start with but some people do better when they have clear instructions)
left side -> ya wanna start off with crossin' yer left ankle over yer right ankle, set yerself a five minute timer and then start it, immediately afterwards you're gonna cross yer left wrist over yer right wrist and then interlock yer fingers. for a visual aid, check out this video -> it's not very long and I hope it'll be easy for ya to follow while ya are doin' this pose, you're gonna close yer eyes and repeat yer affirmation for the duration of yer timer. with this pose, ya more than likely will start to feel an influx of thoughts that may try and argue with yer affirmation. it's important to invite those negative thoughts and just let them flow, let them happen, and just keep repeatin' yer affirmation over and over. what yer doin' is teachin' yerself somethin' new until these resistant and negative thoughts disappear. i should also mention that sometimes ya may not experience any negative thoughts at all, which is fine too, just keep affirmin' for the five minutes. some folks also report that they feel physical symptoms when doin' psych-k, which is also normal, and it's perfectly okay if ya don't, that's also normal, everyone is impacted differently.
ya hold this posture for the entirety of yer five minute timer. once you're done you're gonna 'save' yer progress by uncrossin' your ankles and wrists and then press the finger tips of both yer hands together (kinda like when villains are havin' their evil scheme moment, y'know) just make sure all yer fingers touch each other and hold it for 10 seconds --- like below BUT MAKE SURE ALL YER FINGERS TOUCH TIPS 🙏, no palms need to be touched, you're not prayin'.
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once you're done, you're gonna repeat the entire process for the right side where ya cross yer right ankle over left ankle, and yer right wrist over yer left wrist, hold that pose for five minutes with yer timer and then save it again with the pose mentioned above.
ideally, this'll completely change whatever limitin' belief ya had with the affirmation ya chose after a single session, BUT sometimes it can take more than one single session of psych-k which is also completely normal especially when dealin' with something that's been deeply embedded in yer mind for such a long time. think of it like a stubborn program in yer computer that you're tryna get rid of, sometimes it can take a few tries to completely wipe out the old programming.
somethin' else that can happen is that psych-k did work but does not instantly reflect in your 3D which can sometimes make people think it didn't work so they fall back into old thinkin' and start reaffirmin' the old story. h o w e v e r, ya can easily find out if psych-k worked through the use of muscle testin'. I'll provide some reference posts for muscle testin' below which can also be used in combination with any and all methods of manifestin'.
muscle testing applied kinesiology
psych-k is just a form of focused, super affirmin'. it can also be used to calm yerself down just from simply crossin' your ankles, many people do it unconsciously without realizin'. i recommend that the next time ya have a moment of panic, anxiety, or any other negative feeling, ya should try crossin' yer ankles and see what happens. 🕵️
if ya need anymore clarification, just let me know!!!
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sealincd · 23 days
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Hi everyone, after a long time without drawing the characters from APOY because I didn't like their design and wasn't happy with the overall style of the novel, I finally drew Lee!
It was really cool to finally draw him without having to copy a style that I honestly don't find appealing anymore.
I just wanted to let you know that the novel will (once again) receive an update for the sprites and art!
I'm going to redo the entire menu because I now have better programming skills and can draw better overall.
I know my style is simpler and less detailed now, but it makes me happier
And we also wanted to let you guys know that the game is no longer on hiatus, and Day 1 is now in development
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brandonmillman · 7 months
Create Openbook Market ID - Raydium Market ID 0.23 SOL
What is an Openbook Market ID?
Raydium.io, one of the most popular DeFi platforms on the Solana network, requires you to create an "Openbook Market ID" to list and trade your token project on the platform. OpenBook is a decentralized and open-source tool of the Serum V3 program on Solana. Creating an Openbook Market ID is mandatory to list on DeFi platforms such as Raydium.io.
0.23 Creating a Market ID in exchange for SOL
The cost of creating a Market ID on Raydium.io is usually around "3 SOL". However, through Openbookgui.com, one of the platforms that supports Openbookv2, you can create a 100% compatible market ID for only 0.23 SOL. With this method, you can create a market ID that is fully compatible with Serum V3 liquidity. You can access the Openbookgui.com website via the following link https://www.openbookgui.com/
Note: On platforms like Dexlab, it is strongly discouraged to try to reduce the fee by changing the "Length" values. This is the wrong approach and can lead to errors in Serum V3 liquidity. As a result of these errors, users may encounter frequent errors in trading, which will seriously damage your project's reputation. I have made the video below for you to better understand all the steps and to see how easy the process is.
Steps to Create Openbook Market ID
First, go to https://www.openbookgui.com/ and connect your Phantom wallet (Openbook v2 is only supported by Phantom and requires a non-mobile device).
Base Mint: In this field you need to enter your token contract address.
Quote Mint: You do not need to change this field, but you can use USDC or USDT if you wish.
USDC Address: EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v
USDT Address: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB
Min. Order Size: This is set to "1" by default, but you can customize it if you want by referring to the table below.
Price Tick: This is set to "4" by default, but you can customize it.
You can use the examples below to customize your Tickers settings.
Review all your settings and make sure you have enough (0.23 SOL) in your account, then click the "Create" button to complete the process. Market ID creation takes approximately 15 seconds.
In my next article with more information about Raydium.io liquidity, I will try to explain the topic with simpler explanations and examples. Goodbye for now and good luck!
Openbook-v2: https://github.com/openbook-dex/openbook-v2/blob/master/idl/openbook_v2.json
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Toledo City Council just approved a plan to turn $1.6 million in public dollars into as much as $240 million in economic stimulus, targeted at some of the Ohio metro’s most vulnerable residents.
“It’s really going to help people put food on the table, help them pay their rent, help them pay their utilities,” says Toledo City Council Member Michele Grim, who led the way for the measure. “Hopefully we can prevent some evictions.”
The strategy couldn’t be simpler: It works by canceling millions in medical debt.
Working with the New York City-based nonprofit RIP Medical Debt, the City of Toledo and the surrounding Lucas County are chipping in $800,000 each out of their federal COVID-19 recovery funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.
The combined $1.6 million in funding is enough for RIP Medical Debt to acquire and cancel up to $240 million in medical debt owed by Lucas County households that earn up to 400% of the federal poverty line.
“It could be more than a one-to-100 return on investment of government dollars,” Grim says. “I really can’t think of a more simple program for economic recovery or a better way of using American Rescue Plan dollars, because it’s supposed to rescue Americans.”
How It Works
Under the RIP Medical Debt model, there is no application process to cancel medical debt. The nonprofit negotiates directly with local hospitals or hospital systems one-by-one, purchasing portfolios of debt owed by eligible households and canceling the entire portfolio en masse.
“One day someone will get a letter saying your debt’s been canceled,” Grim says. It’s a simple strategy for economic welfare and recovery.
RIP Medical Debt was founded in 2014 by a pair of former debt collection agents, and since inception it has acquired and canceled more than $7.3 billion in medical debt owed by 4.2 million households — an average of $1,737 per household...
Local Governments Get Involved
The partnership with Toledo and Lucas County is the third instance of the public sector funding RIP Medical Debt to cancel debt portfolios.
Earlier this year, in the largest such example yet, the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved a plan to provide $12 million in ARPA funds for RIP Medical Debt to purchase and cancel an estimated $1 billion in medical debt held by hospitals across Cook County, which includes Chicago.
“Governments contract with nonprofits all the time for various social interventions,” Sesso says.
“This isn’t really that far-fetched or different from that. I would say between five and 10 other local governments have reached out just since the Toledo story came out.”
What's the Deal with Medical Debt?
An estimated one in five households across the U.S. have some amount of medical debt, and they are disproportionately Black and Latino, according to the U.S. Census Bureau...
Acquiring medical debt is relatively cheap: hospitals that sell medical debt portfolios do so for just pennies on the dollar, usually to investors on the secondary market.
The purchase price is so low because hospitals and debt buyers alike know that medical debt is the hardest form to collect...
The amount of debt canceled for any given household has ranged from $25 all the way up to six-figure amounts. Under IRS regulations, debts canceled under RIP Medical Debt’s model do not count as taxable income for households...
Massive Expansion Coming Up
After not one but two donations from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott, totaling $80 million, RIP Medical Debt is planning for expansion.
It’s using a portion of those dollars to create an internal revolving line of credit to expand to places where it can find willing sellers before it has found willing funders.
The internal line of credit means the nonprofit now has new, albeit still limited, flexibility to acquire debt portfolios from hospitals first, then begin raising private or public dollars locally to replenish the line of credit later and make those funds available for other locations.
“People often ask, do you only work with nonprofit hospitals, or do you work with for-profit hospitals? And I’m like, I just want to get the debt, regardless of who created the debt. If it’s out there, I want it,” Sesso says.
Fundamentally, they are not solving the issue of medical debt, but easing its pressure from as many lives as possible — while also upping the pressure on lawmakers and the healthcare industry.
“We’re intentionally taking the stories of the individuals whose debt we have resolved, and putting their stories out into the world with intention in a way that tries to push and create more of that pressure to fundamentally solve the problem,” she says.
-via GoodGoodGood, 4/6/23
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wolven91 · 6 months
Drifting - Part 2
“Okay, make a fist.” Asked the serious geckin, blue in scale but the owner of long spines that started on his nose and continued up and over his head, down his back and finished at his tail. Zeet was his name.
Casper the friendly human, made a fist and felt the action drain him, as if he’d been at the gym for the last hour doing the same action. However, as his fingers met his palm and the tendons on the back of his hand tensed and corded against his skin, the giant metal fist not a few metres away, suspended in a secure field; made an identical fist.
“What’s the drift?” The blue geckin asked the second geckin who monitored the process not a few feet away, but a fair distance for the diminutive creatures. Her name, as far as Casper knew, was Wren.
“0.001%.” She retorted with an equally serious tone, she turned back and adjusted the two round panes of glass that sat across her snout. If not for the fact that Casper was sweating with the exertion of making a fist, he would have found her cute.
“Impossible. Check it again.” The first geckin demanded, turning to face her as if she had just made a poorly timed joke.
“Sir, I checked it three times, then used the older program to see if it got a different result.” Wren explained, quite confident despite Zeet’s incredulous tone.
“It reports 0.002%.”
Both geckins turned back to the human, almost expectantly and gazed at him. No; studying him.
“W-what?” He asked, strain in his voice.
“You can relax Casper. You did very well.” Praised Zeet as Casper gasped, unclenching his fist, and slumping in the chair. He’d been fresh as a daisy when he’d sat down; why had a few wires been so draining?!
“That… took effort…” The young man explained, slipping his arm from the sleeve, and ensuring it was placed carefully onto the caddy.
“You were controlling more than just muscle and sinew young man.” Zeet explained, touching a finger to the control rod of his own personal walker and approached the human. At a foot tall, just like the rest of the geckins, he utilised mechanical legs attached to a platform that he stood upon to move around larger distances.
“Why am I exhausted?”
“Because, unbeknownst to your conscious mind, you not only controlled your own limb, but also controlled that robotic limb.”
“I’ve seen that done before…” Casper licked his lips to try and bring moisture to them. “They used electrodes or something… they had to concentrate, but it didn’t tire them out.”
Wren appeared at Casper’s side and pressed a bottle of orange liquid into his hands. It was almost as tall as her.
“Drink this, you’ll feel better.” She promised, her green scales were a deep emerald, her it was the frill around her neck that was only partially pulled in that made Casper smile. She was agitated. Perhaps worried about him?
The man gave her a curt nod, which caused her frill to pull in tight before he grasped the bottle and drank from it deeply. It wasn’t quite ‘orange’, but it was certainly something citrus and refreshed him almost immediately. After the first gulp he took a breath and downed the rest of the bottle in one, almost immediately feeling better and like his old self.
“What you just did was unconsciously control every single servo, circuit, and piston within that machine. Your mind: without your knowledge, was able to manage and steady all of that. The electrode method, that you mentioned, is a low intensity method of controlling simpler systems.”
“And we can’t use that method with these?”
“These are not for domestic use. I make it quite clear to you; these are bleeding edge machines. Capable of not only reacting as your body, not as a mere extension, but also your mind being able to incorporate the advantages these machines have.”
“Like what?”
“We can have a play with telescopic vision if you like? I’ve heard that is the easiest to manage. If you get addicted to the world those eyes, we can try out electromagnetic wavelengths, infrared, perhaps-“
“Sir.” Wren cut in, a frown on her face and her small, pointed teeth being bared.
“Mm, yes. Carry on.” Zeet surrendered, holding up his hands as if giving up.
“Before we go on, how are you feeling?” Wren asked, looking up at Casper and adjusting her specs.
“Better.” The man replied, giving her a warm grin.
“Better? You weren’t well before?” She poked, not letting him off the hook yet.
“I was tired, like I’d been doing bicep curls all morning. But now it’s like I’m fresh again?” Casper admitted honestly, if she was a doctor checking on him, then he wasn’t about to lie. The speed of his recovery was as if he had been fooled into being tired, rather than actually being tired.
“Marvelous.” Zeet whispered.
“*Sir.*” Wren immediately hissed; the respect of his seniority gone. Casper frowned then cut in, there was something he wasn’t being told.
“What’s going on? Is this about the.. the ‘drift’ thing? What was the drift you were on about?” He asked, demanding an answer.
“I knew he was bright, am I allowed to answer that *direct* question doctor?” Zeet asked the green geckin with a near taunting tone.
Wren merely sniffed, flattening her neck ruffle against herself and shrugged with a single hand, offering Casper up to Zeet, seemingly satisfied.
“’Drift’ is the natural loss of signal strength between your mind and the mechanical parts. The more parts, bits, and pieces, the greater the chance of drift and the more sluggish the movements and actions of the piloted mechs will be, all the way until failure.” Zeet explained with a toothy grin. It was Wren who spoke next, softly explaining it to Casper without infantizing him.
“Geckin have a fantastic drift score. We can manage mechs of incredible size and complexity without much loss of control. Realistically, the next closest would be chintians, but they refuse to be pilots for our mechs.” She said, turning her hand in a gesture as she spoke, still calmly and softly.
“Why?” Casper asked.
“You know the plug in your arm?” Zeet began, pointing at the limb that was limp in Casper’s lap.
Casper looked down and turned his arm over. There was a single dark red dot of scabbed blood. Around it was a bright red circle with the metal casing of the plug had been pressed into his flesh.
“It can lead to fur-loss.” Concluded Zeet, rather offhandedly.
“Along with other things.” Cut in Wren, with the speed of someone adding ‘terms and conditions’ at the end of an advert.
“They consider that unacceptable. We consider it the cost of having faster reaction speeds to our machines. They rely on taking hits and surviving them. We believe in the philosophy of never getting hit.” The tiny lizard explained with a mouthful of sharp teeth, eager at the thought.
“Do geckins have any fur to lose? Do you lose scales?” Casper asked, if there were side effects for some species, were there any for geckins?
“No.” Zeet answered immediately.
“Well…” Wren began, but was immediately cut off.
“No, we do not lose scales with use.” Zeet said again, staring at the doctor.
“They can dull though.” She explained, closing her eyes then turning her head to look at Casper before opening them again. She held his gaze firmly.
“Not through usage doctor!” Zeet snapped, certainly exasperated.
“A pilot who is connected for long periods or who is in intense environments requiring constant movement will find side effects, such as scale fading.” Wren continued, putting across the idea that it was not without a cost.
“He doesn’t need to hear this, what is the chance he’s going to be in that environment? Zero!” Zeet shouted, throwing his hands up before gesturing to Casper, then then inert arm.
“Look, it’s fine. As you say; unlikely.” Casper agreed, trying to calm the tension in the room. “So what about me? What about human drift”
“Ah, good male. A fine mind between those big ears.” Zeet grinned again, turning to Casper and clasping his hands. “Your drift, at worst calculation was about 0.002%. That is nothing. That is about as good as a prostetic replacing your actual arm. Unheard of for managing an arm that complicated.”
“What’s a geckin’s drift percentage?”
“5.” Wren said pointedly. “On average. Ace pilots are around the single percent or less range, but that is through biological luck, augmentation and prolonged life-long training. Your natural ability appears to be quite potent.” The tiny green lizard admited.
“Yours, baring in mind your evolution wouldn’t have any sort of natual selection for this, is considered a one in a life time pilot. If humans are all this well adjusted, each and every one of them will be very much welcome in geckin territories…”
Casper turned to the arm and gazed at it. A mech pilot? That would be fantastic! He didn’t like the idea of ‘stressful environments’ though.
“You wouldn’t want me in like, a fight or anything, right?”  Casper asked, staring at Zeet carefully.
“May my tail fall off! No! Could you imagine what the GC would say if we endangered a human? Immediately after your new classification? Absolutely not. Completely out of the question.” He promised, waving his hand as if to dismiss a fly that was bothering him.
“Normally I would warn you about listening to our Zeet here, but he’s right. The geckin people are still under threat by ssypno aggression. Their seat at the table of three means all they have to do is convince one of the other two to agree that they be allowed to create a vassal of our people and we can expect no support from the GC to stop them. Endangering you would all but guarantee the support of one or both of the other two.”
A small hand touched his arm as she leant forward to rest her’s against him, the good doctor offering him a smile.
“The danger to you is over, you can rest easy knowing the rest of your life will be free of hardships.” She lied.
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wastelandwhisperer · 7 months
Hi. Could you kindly explain to me what polycount means? And why do paywall creators have higher polycount? Thank you :)
Hi nonny! This is going to be a long post so buckle in y'all. So to put it in simpler terms is everything made for sims 4 (and other things but this is just about sims) will have a poly count. The poly count for each item varies, but Maxis Match items are made to be low and Maxis Match cc will have a similar poly count (or SHOULD) in order for your game to run better when there is cc added.
Example: an in game hair w/ 5k polys and an in game outfit with 4k
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so usually maxis match hairs will be around the 5k-10k. A lot of creators that add strands will make the poly count REALLY high because it is adding meshes in Blender that SHOULD be decimated.
Now the items I shared from that one creator have a crazy high amount of polys will absolutely slow your game down and really doesn't benefit your pc/laptop or your game in any way. Sims 4 is not a high poly game, and it isn't really made to handle high poly items, so when people have a lot of alpha items whether it is build/buy, hair, etc that is why the game lags and takes a long time to load.
Example: a random alpha dress I have in my cc has almost 46k polys compared to a Maxis Match cc dress.
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If you're a cc creator you really should take the time to make sure your cc is decent in game and not just in Blender because it's two completely different programs. Having a ridiculous amount of polys doesn't always make the mesh look better. Not all paywallers will be lazy and just have 60k poly hairs/clothing, but a lot of them just throw the cc out there and don't really care. The one creator I shared is a Second Life creator, so it's highly possible it was meshes they had gotten or made for Second Life and just converted to Sims which is why the count was so ridiculously high because Second Life can handle different poly counts unlike Sims 4.
I apologize this is long, but I hope it helps you understand everything a little bit better nonny! 💕
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I feel like many social justicey analyses would be improved by the realization that some biases are caused by assuming other people are like you, and some biases are caused by assuming other people are different from you. Both kinds of biases can be harmful, but both stem from impulses that are part of normal social functioning and not inherently evil.
Assuming your experiences are universal is the other side of the coin from general empathy and thinking that other people have the same basic needs and thoughts as you do. Assuming other people are different to you and those differences must be accommodated for is the other side of the coin from the other kind of empathy, when you recognize that someone is different and put yourself in their shoes to figure out what they might want. Both can be considerate in some circumstances, and othering or offensive in others, and it's not always clear.
For example: Let's say you have an immigrant co-worker who's not fluent in your language. Is it better to A) talk to them the same way you talk to everyone else because you don't want them to feel like they don't belong here, or B) intentionally speak slower and use simpler words around them so they don't struggle with slang and fast speech patterns?
A can look indistinguishable from native speaker privilege and harmfully assuming/expecting everyone to speak on your level.
B can look indistinguishable from as assuming immigrants are bad at your language and things must be dumbed down for them.
Both have their uses, their pros and cons. As an immigrant myself who's struggled with this, there have been situations where I preferred one or the other. I have seen other immigrants complain about both. (If I had to guess, I'd say people complain about A more. Native speakers rattling on at ten miles a minute is a much more material obstacle than hazy feelings of alienation or feeling talked down to because people assume you don't speak the language well.)
But a certain social justicey crowd will be prone to making such reductive statements as how A or B are always racist or anti-immigrant or whatnot, as if it's that black and white.
Hell, a lot of the times whether something is othering or considerate will depend entirely on how likely it is that your guess is right. Assuming a random passerby doesn't speak your language has a very different contextual weight depending on if it's in the middle of the street in a crowded city, in the middle of the street in the non-native diaspora part of the city, in a classroom of grad students in an international program, or in the middle of an airport. But for one thing, that doesn't change the fact that you're still guessing and going by assumptions, and there's always the chance you're wrong. For another, that means that's as much an issue of correct situational analysis as it is of bigotry and bias, and yet, again, people will act like things are straightforward.
I also see this lot in discussions of disability and health. Some people want to be treated the same as everyone else instead of being reminded of the way in which they're different, others want tangible accommodations that will improve their quality of life, which means not being treated as everyone else. But so often people will see vent posts from one group or the other and conclude that THIS is the one and true way to handle X disabled group, and if they see someone doing anything else, that means that person must be an ableist bigot.
I think some people don't realize that when we say "Treat others the way you'd like to be treated"... many people wouldn't be able to agree on what the second part of that looks like.
(Yes, people in the notes, there are situations where you can just ask what a specific person would prefer - at least if the asking itself is not too othering and awkward. But that doesn't change anything about the dilemma of these different approaches.)
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