#sims black and hispanic
adrienneleclerc · 14 days
hiii! i was wondering if you could do a fic based on this yt video with charles?
I just think it's so cute and he would be so pouty about it. like when the guy in the video was like, "he needs to wear glasses , what a nerd!" i was thinking about reader going, well you wear glasses too amour. i just think it would be so fluffy and cute lol.
Ooh yes! But I decided that Y/N also wears glasses because I wear glasses, and I think it would be hilarious.
Nerdy Glasses?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina Reader
Summary: Y/N decides to show Charles her favorite holiday movie and his reaction is hilarious to say the least.
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: i have never seen The Holiday but I have seen this YouTube short many times
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Y/N turned on the TV and got comfortable on the couch.
“Mon coeur, it’s not even Christmas yet, do we have to watch this movie?” Charles asked.
“I didn’t see you complaining when I made you watch Exmas last night.” Y/N said, getting her Calvin Klein glasses to watch the movie clearly, sitting back down.
“Fine, put it on, amour.” Charles said, sitting beside her.
“Thank you, I will.” Y/N got the remote and set up the movie. She snuggled into Charles and it was all going well until he saw that Y/N was practically swooning over Jude Law.
“Is he really that good looking that this is your favorite Christmas movie?” Charles asked,
“I mean technically my favorite Christmas movie is The Santa Clause, but it’s cute.” Y/N said.
“Why? Is it because he’s British? I speak French, mon coeur, the most romantic language in the world.” Charles said.
“Ay ya párale, muñeco, im trying to watch the movie.” Y/N said, a few minutes go by.
“He’s not that good looking, I bet there’s something wrong with him.” Charles commented and Y/N stared at him.
“Like what, please tell me.” Y/N said,
“I bet the cameras make him look taller.” Charles said.
“Please, he’s literally your height, don’t even lie, you’re 5’11 on a GOOD day.” Y/N said.
“I’m 1.80m Y/N, you live in Monaco, learn our metric system.” Charles said.
“Oh shut it, you have no idea how big the states truly are, now shush.” Y/N said, turning back to the TV. They get to the scene where Jude Law says he lost his contact lenses.
“You see! He needs to wear glasses, what a nerd.” Charles said. Y/N turns to stare at him.
“Muñeco, you wear glasses when you’re on the sim. You own those thick black framed glasses too and you sometimes wear them out.” Y/N said.
“But this glasses are by choice, his are prescription.” Charles said.
“Oh so are my prescription glasses nerdy to you, Charles? Am i nerd because i wear glasses?” Y/N argues and Charles stammers.
“Of course not, mon coeur, I actually think you look really sexy in those glasses.” Charles attempts to save himself.
“Mm hmm.” Y/N said, not believing him.
“I swear, it’s kind of a turn on when you wear your glasses, especially with your hair up” Charles commented.
“You are such a guy, let’s just keep watching the movie, yeah?” Y/N said, Turing back to the screen,
“Yeah.” Charles said. Y/N then whispers in his ear.
“It’s a turn on when you wear your glasses too.” And Y/N pulled away to continue watching the movie. However, when the movie ended, Charles had a new appreciation for wearing glasses.
The End
Hope y’all liked it, I think it turned out cute, I’ve also been thinking I should make more headers like this for my other fanfics
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kikovanitysimmer · 2 months
Hi Kiko,
I love your work, you are my favorite sim creator, you have the best hair styles for sims 4 people of color.
I wanted to know if you can make more long natural hair styles - (locs with clips/gold and silver) in different styles for the women in sims 4 :)?
like some long locs with long side bangs
some with clips
different ombre and color options
more edges
hidden scalp, or brown variation of scalps, (brown or black scalp)
I used the gif below to show a example hairstyle that looks different and cool.
Hair, clothes, and shoes is most important to me in sims 4.
Thank you for having this option to contact you,
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I appreciate your admiration towards my artwork but this is a very disrespectful thing to ask of me. I'm not sure if this is an innocent ask, I don't see how it is because I know you've heard black people ask other cultures to not appropriate our hairstyles but I could be wrong, if this is innocent below are my boundaries, and explanations on why I (Kiko Vanity; I'm not speaking for the whole black community) I'd like to not be asked things like this in the future.
my boundaries and why
I do not make hair for people of color. People of color is a broad way to say people who are not of White/European/Anglo-Saxon phenotypes. That means people of Asian, Hispanic/Latino, African, Mixed-Race, and Aboriginal descent; and I create CC for simmers who appreciate my artwork but mainly and ideally create CC HAIRS for simmers of African descent, (including mixed race if they also have African descent) because of the lack of black hairstyles in the initial release of the game in 2014, with that, these black simmers create sims that also reflect their environments and black upbringings. I make black content if you feel comfortable downloading my content you should be comfortable saying black. I want to stress black and not African-American (despite me being African American) because there are different ethnicities for each race, including black people.
2. I am not currently taking hair requests because I'd get too many at one time and that's not great for my mental health. To piggyback off the last sentence and statement 1, please do not request my cultural hairstyles using someone who doesn't respect our wishes. You may be asking yourself, "why is this an issue? hair is hair?" (look below)
During chattel slavery, every fiber of the enslaved Africans' lives was controlled by the narcissistic people who kidnapped them. including hair, being made to cover their hair, and calling them names & degrading them for their natural hair. As the years went by and slavery ended black people but more specifically black fem presenting people held the shame for their hair. Fast forward to today, even with all the turmoil the world is facing due to greed, classism, and the patriarchy) this is the first time in history that their descendants (me being one of them) can set boundaries and say what we are comfortable with and what we are not comfortable with. And to put this as bluntly as I can:
Do not send me videos/photos/gifs of people culturally appropriating in black people's hairstyles, it's anxiety-inducing.
I'd like to also say I'm not angry because I know there is an angry black person stereotype, this is simply uncomfortable and disheartening. I hope you can respect my wishes if not please feel free to block me.
You don't have to respect or do anything I am saying. You may do as you wish after reading this. Just if you are going to engage with me these are my boundaries.
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medleymisty · 4 days
Normally I would put this on my personal (@deathlygristly if you wanna follow it) but I have a lot more followers here and also Simblr does involve a lot of fiction, so I'll ask here.
I've seen some posts on my dash lately about what's "appropriate" for children to read, and in the notes I've seen people talking about fictional death being bad for kids. This is news to me, as my father died a month after I turned seven and I never met the spousal person's mother since she died a few months before we met. He was 17 when she died. He's the oldest of five, and the youngest was 5 when their mother died.
So to me it feels really weird to see other people saying that my and my in-law's IRL experiences aren't "appropriate" in fiction for other people.
I kind of want to make a poll asking how old you were the first time someone close to you died, but really I want to talk more about fiction.
I haven't written in a few years because I don't have much time for it now with the spousal person's Korean drama obsession, but all my stories tend to be what I guess other people consider "dark." But also one of my most treasured Sims stories memories is a comment on Valley about a group of nine year old girls reading it together at a sleepover.
If you write fiction, do you care about the age range of your audience? Do you think some topics are appropriate and others aren't for some people who might be reading your work? What did you read as a kid, and what did you think about it, and how does that inform your writing and your stances on fiction today?
More personal stuff under the cut that you ain't gotta read if you don't want.
Personally when I was 9 I read every book the local library had on the Holocaust. I think that was a very good thing, I would fight anyone who said I shouldn't have been allowed to do it, and I think that now as an adult I am much less likely to be radicalized by the internet than someone who didn't read about the horrors that the human propensity for authoritarianism/hatred/etc. can lead to in their formative years.
Which honestly as I was writing the bit about my real experiences as a child being considered inappropriate for other children to even just read fiction about, I realized that censoring comes from a place of privilege and power and that keeping children of certain groups unaware of how the children of other groups live because it's "not appropriate" for them to know about the lives of people without their group's social power is....something.
An example I found related to parental death:
Black Americans are more likely to experience the death of a parent earlier in their lives. Using adults aged 25 to 34 as an example, about 15% of the white population and Asian population in the age group have lost one or both parents. That is compared with 17% of the Hispanic population and 24% of the black population in that age group who have experienced the death of a parent. Poor Americans are also more likely to experience the death of parent earlier in their lives. Among adults aged 35 to 44, 43% of those living below the federal poverty line (FPL) have experienced the death of one or both parents compared with 28% of wealthy adults (defined here as those earning at least 400% of the FPL). Taken together, the data shows that inequality is just as inescapable in death as it is in life for Americans.
So....yeah. I am firmly in the people can read whatever they want whenever they want to camp.
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gladlypants · 1 year
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Hey! I uploaded a ton of lots to the gallery today (id: gladlypants) Some were recent builds I was doing while I was waiting for GT, some I just furnished today, some I built last summer before HSY released and forgot about, and then vault Cleo’s grandparents’ house. I had a lot of fun practicing building over the last few weeks!  :) 
It’ll take me a bit to get all of these tray files up, will have to go back and take interior screenshots and all that. There are names of each and short descriptions under the cut, numbered like the screenshots, cuz I just felt like talking about em, and gallery images suck. I’ve playtested most of these at some point, except Charles E. Cheese’s, the shells, and the Batchelder house.
Lmk if you want any of these now for your new pack gameplay and I’ll shoot you a temporary dl.
1. Charles E. Cheese’s - Heavily branded for the feline version of Chuck, Charles! It’s a restaurant and I haven’t playtested it, sorryyyy, but I don’t foresee any issues. There’s a pizza vendor kiosk inside too if you want to change the lot type or have typical Dine Out problems. Intended as a kind of party space for kids. The upstairs feels a little chaotic to me but maybe not idk. ♥
2. Raymond’s Noodles - A little local noodle restaurant I built for a sim named Raymond I was playing in a recent rotation save. It’s small and cute. ♥
3. The Schneider House - a big ol’ traditional style Windenburg house. I was also playing a household on this lot, and I really loved it!
4. Batchelder Craftsman - I love the style of this house. Named for Batchelder tiles, which I am pretending this one has throughout! (reference)
5. Gray 2 Story Craftsman - The household I played the most in my rotation lived in this house and I love the layout, so it’s probably my favorite of the Craftsman shells I built, even if it is a little plain looking on the outside. It has an awesome, huge main bedroom suite! 
6. Green Family Craftsman - f*ck those rooves. This one has a a sunroom and a bedroom for grandparents/stay-overs. (reference)
7. Blue Craftsman - Built this one like a house my sister-in-law lived in here for a long time, it’s a common style and layout in older neighborhoods where I live.
8. Black Victorian Shell - It’s supposed to a small detached row house. I built it with the idea of using it for renting to roommates but you can use it however you like obviously.
9. Cleo’s Grandparents’ House - a desert mcm! Still has the camper in the yard that Cleo + Devon lived in before they got locked in the vault.
10. Single Mom House - I built this for one of my gallery households, who is a single mother and teenage daughter. It’s a little shabby, with some craftsman features and some Hispanic decor for them.
11. The LaFollette House - also built for one of my gallery families, a single military dad and his two daughters. I intended this one to be the same as the Single Mom house, but remodeled to be more modern and spacious.
12. The Gilbert House - for a gallery household, it’s a little retro inside!
13. Split Level Family Home - also for a gallery household, this one has very feminine style decor, except for one of the bedrooms for a teen, and a huge unfinished basement (just walls.) 
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^^ Also this “Colorful Craftsman Shell” that I forgot about and don’t think I’ll get around to furnishing/finishing it anytime soon. It has a bonus attic room. You’ll need to move the back door, place it on a bigger lot, or lower the foundation because I didn’t leave space for steps there. 
And a big modern “apartment building” with one furnished unit and a gym and indoor pool downstairs, which is kind of unfinished but idk if I’ll get back to it.
Sorry for the wall of text, thank you if you read it all. ♥ 
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matchalovertrait · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: It's time to appreciate the small things! What's a small detail from one of your posts that you love? Could be a small tattoo on a sim, specific clutter in a sims' room, a little detail in a render or screenshot, whatever is applicable to you
Passing this on at anon's request to spread the SQOTD, delete me if it's a repeat
Thank you so much for this ask! I love all kinds of small details :) I'll mention 3 about Dulce so we can prepare for the Alegría comeback:
Detail #1
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Dulce's contact photo for her partner, Alex, is this cute lil pic of Gaspard and Lisa cooking :) Dulce and Alex met while they were competing on Diced Junior, so obviously they love the culinary arts. I also thought it was fitting because Alex is on the calmer side like Gaspard and Dulce is more sassy and confident like Lisa. Aaaand Gaspard and Lisa are dogs, so it's also a reflection of their puppy love <3 young and innocent.
Detail #2
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This one is kind of dumb and more of a running gag than anything, LOL. Dulce loves tomatoes and it's always a reference to when she called Hilary a tomato. What's on Dulce's sleeping bag? A pizza. What does pizza have? Tomato sauce. Maybe I have to find a clever way to name a future kid of hers after tomatoes.
Detail #3
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This is a picture of Noemí's mom, Ynez. I already had an image of her in my head at the start of the legacy. Noemí was always meant to be basically a carbon copy of her mom, just with straight brown hair instead of wavy black hair. It's also hard to tell because of the picture, but Ynez has darker skin. And this is where Dulce's genetics come into play! Again, hard to tell, but Ynez and Dulce the same chin preset (Noemí has a base game one). Also, Dulce was actually born blonde (like her dad, Erick), but I changed it to a light brown instead. There are Hispanics with blonde hair, but with Noemí's gene pool being more on the indigenous side than Spanish, I didn't think it was that realistic. Dulce was already born with lighter skin, so no lol.
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luthsthings · 11 months
A Sims 4 Horse Ranch* review, by a Simmer who's not all that into horses
* Software not final. Sponsored by EA.
First, many thanks to EA/Maxis for the early access! This was a treat for me, to get access to an early build to try out for a while, as I'm not exactly a high-profile streamer. Or a streamer at all. Or even a creator (though I'll upload a household I came to love to the Gallery when I get a chance!). But I do love this game! And I love that I can help more of you play it the way you want to. Anyway, the review…
What I liked!
The great range of build/buy! I'll get LOTS of use out of this. It complements some other packs well too.
There are lots of helpful rooms in build mode for fast stables and nectar-related spaces! As a non-builder who sometimes tries to build, I was really happy to have a premade horse stall for my lot.
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[image: a pre-built stable room in Build mode]
There's lots of Teen–Elder clothing and hair, and I love the dirty clothes swatches. I'll get LOTS of use out of this pack's CAS! And it will go well with styles from some other packs, too.
The new Afro-textured hairs are a welcome recognition that the cowboy culture of the Old West was not a White culture — there were lots of Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous cowboys and entrepreneurial women in the Old West!
I deeply appreciate the Indigenous content in build/buy, recipes, and CAS — I could see lots there in CAS, for example, that the Navajo people I saw and met in Utah and northern New Mexico (which is a part of the world I really want to go back to) wore IRL.
Lots range from fairly small (15 x 20) to quite large. I appreciate the range as someone who isn't a fan of building on large lots when I do build. There are horse practice areas in the land around some small lots, so you can still keep a horse there.
For Strangerville owners who love that landscape (which I do!), there's now somewhere for that valley, with its smaller population, to be "near". I can imagine that you'd drive up into a range from the new world and drop down into hidden Strangerville. Driving the other direction might take you to Oasis Springs.
The horse-riding and other horse animations are really detailed and fluid. They interact a lot with each other, too. I felt like parent and child horses recognized their relationship even.
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[image: a mare lovingly nuzzling her foal]
The sheep and goats are endlessly adorable. Plus profitable! :D And they can sleep in your house!
The rabbithole adventure location out in the countryside has a very different gameplay than previous ones! And it has great sound effects -- play it with the volume up! It's hard to find, though. But it was nice to not need other tricks to get access. (I still have not done the secret places in Oasis Springs or the Outdoor Retreat pack!)
What I didn't like:
No new fridge, stove, bathtub, or toilet (I do like getting more of those!)
Very little boys' children's clothes. And no chaps for Children, even though they can ride and even though Toddlers got some
I would have liked a higher-tech/automated version of a nectar maker. However, this isn't a feature I care about much anyway.
You can't breed the mini goats and sheep, and there aren't even smaller baby ones. I'd have liked to have a full-on sheep farm. I like sheep. (I can practically see my husband glaring about how much I like sheep, even though he's waaaaay far away at the office right now.)
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[image: a smiling, leaping mini-sheep, with a spotted goat behind it]
I definitely would never have found the countryside rabbithole without help, but maybe you will? If I could figure out how to do spoilers here, I would...
The horse-toy balls are a little… glowy? for my taste. They also weren't where I looked for them in the catalog, so you'll want to use search for them.
Cross-pack things?
I'd have liked to check out these before now, but with the pre-patch builds, that's not an option, and I'm always kind of busy when patches come out! For example ...
How do cats and dogs interact with horses, sheep, and goats?
Can horses be familiars for spellcasters?
Are there new Milestones?
Are there new Lifestyles?
Are there new Club rules, and are there enough of those?
This Simmer needs to know! (And eventually will.)
Neat things to know!
There's a rabbithole building in town where you can change or plan outfits like a dresser! And just off the main road in town there's a rabbithole building where you can buy goats, sheep, and groceries and other useful things, like horse age-up treats. I liked having an alternative way to buy these things and a whole new way to plan outfits. I'd be happy for more of that. If I can't go into a building, I might as well at least be able to pretend I can. As long as they don't end up being worlds stuffed with rabbitholes in place of gameplay (actually watching horse competition would have been nice!).
You can use a Community Board in town (or from B/B if you want one on your lot) to take local one-off jobs for money. Most need you to own a Horse or some sheep or goats. There are lots of ways to make money as a rancher without needing someone in the household to have a job. My relatives who are farmers will be seriously jealous.
Get to know that Crinkletop guy! He's very useful.
Bugs? Bugs!
Things to watch out for that were issues for me in the early-access build, which is NOT the release build, so hopefully it's a bit better:
Ranch dancing is EXTREMELY popular. You might want to not keep a radio at home until the new dancing has a mod to … moderate it. Or is tuned down by the devs. But I do like it when I'm in control!
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[image: five Sims ranch dancing (line dancing) as a group, including two Don Lothario and Eliza Pancakes]
The beautiful stone fireplace was also very, very popular, and of course potentially deadly. Watch out for that.
Ranch hands are NOT reliable. They might stay really, really late. They might stop showing up after a couple days. They might forget the things you instructed them NOT to do the day before. They might be super into kicking the garbage bin over. Keep an eye on your ranch hand. At least until the day, someday, when they get fixed. I'm hoping this is also moddable for those of us on PC.
At one point I had a weird bug where my Sim decided she would NOT eat. The rest of the household could eat. Guests could eat. They could eat HER food. It was fixed by going to the world map and back into the household, so I didn't find out if she was going to just starve to death.
I couldn't find some of the new CAS at first because some men's outfits were under "jumpsuit" for no apparent reason. So, if you're looking for some cool outerwear, try "jumpsuits." Hopefully it was recategorized for the release build!
And that's it! I'm happy to answer questions!
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cinamun · 7 months
I’m a long time follower and respect your opinion and takes on a lot of things. In my save I always see Penny as a Hispanic woman. Is this offensive? I make her tone a little darker than what EA does. But I don’t want to make a mistake, even if I’m not actively sharing my sims with the world..
Friend, I know I talk a lot of shit but your game is your game and I am not the ts4 police. However, Penny is a Black woman just like Agatha Crumplebottom, boo.
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Baddies, too.
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galaxytittus · 3 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore ✨️
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Alright y'all it's Remi's character development timeee!!! I'm gonna do both the OC questionnaire and the 5 facts for him. Thanks so much 4 including me in all these tag games @midnightsquartz! And everyone else who does even if I forget to do them 😅 I love y'all!!
OC Questionnaire
Name: Remi Fernandez
Nickname: Very rarely he'll get called "Rem," but he doesn't really have a nickname. Maple will occasionally jokingly call him Ramirez as his "full government name." Vlad has some more uhhh... unsavory nicknames for him 😳😳
Gender: Male
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 6.3 ft (192cm)
Orientation: Bisexual (though he will die on the hill of being straight, 'twas just a phase dude!!)
Nationality/Ethnicity: American, White/Hispanic
Favorite Fruit: Mangoes :P
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Flower: Blood red chrysanthemums, so emo :,(
Favorite Scent: Diesel fuel (he freaky like that)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: He's a black coffee connoisseur (he FREEAKY like that)
Average Hours of Sleep: About 6 if he's lucky, he works 24/7 and spends as much of his free time on his computer as Maple will tolerate.
Dogs or Cats: Used to be dogs but Maple converted him lmao
Dream Trip: Anywhere in the south, probably Florida. If it weren't so far away from family, him and Maple would move there in a heartbeat.
Number of Blankets: Three or four. Top sheet, comforter and a quilt on top, a weighted blanket too if ya nasty.
Random Fact: He played in his high school JV and varsity baseball teams as short stop and catcher occasionally. He and Pepper would meet at JV tryouts in their sophomore year (but Pepper wouldn't end up making the team with him pfff).
Random Facts
He has been working as a mechanic at his family's tire shop from high school till now. In his free time, he is taking classes online for an IT certification, hoping to get some IT office job like Vladdie and be home more for the new baby.
He is a big music and movie nerd. He eats up stereotypical dude movies like Pulp Fiction and The Wolf of Wall Street, probably because he likes to live vicariously through the main characters' debauchery.
He has deep seated commitment issues that stem from his parents' infidelity toward each other that he vehemently refuses to go to any sort of therapy for. Maple tries her best to iron it out with ultimatums (and uhh a baby) but he's still hesitant to marry her.
He hates the fact that he needs glasses, but also refuses to get contacts because they need to be fitted to his astigmatisms and he's too lazy for that.
He has been vaping and smoking for about a decade, trying to quit every January like clockwork. He just recently started getting into ZYNs because "babee there's not even any smoke with these!! perfect for baby!"
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hazard-15 · 9 months
Call of duty cold war oc information (Bell oc)
[Credit to @shinmiyovvi for post format, this goes for other info/ref posts like this]
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Name: Mariana Flores Reyes
Age: 29 (1981) 32 (1984)
Birthday: November 9, 1952
Height: 5’6
Weight: 130.5 lbs
Nationality: American/Boricua
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latina American
Languages: English, Spanish, German, Russian
Place of Birth: Bronx, New York
Rebel (By other Perseus members/friends)
Маленький кролик/ Little Bunny (By Stitch)
My Love (By Stitch)
Bell (By Adler and Co)
Perseus’s little lapdog (Arash)
Soviet Union (Formerly)
Perseus (Formerly, second in command, returns after events of Solovetsky)
CIA (Formerly, implanted memories)
Commander (Perseus)
Agent (CIA)
Alma Reyes (Mother)
Andres Reyes (Father)
Perseus Faction
(Note that these are a few/the most important relationships.)
Nikita "Reaper" Romanov (Best friend, partner)
Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin (Romantic interest/lover)
“Perseus” (Leader, father figure)
Kapano “Naga” Vang (Best friend, ally)
Arash Kadivar (Rivial)
Anton Volkov (Former ally)
Freya “Wraith” Helvig (Friend)
Kaori “Kitsune” Tanaka (Friend)
Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza (Friend)
Russell Adler (Ally to former ally)
Alex Mason (Ally to former ally)
Frank Woods (Ally to former ally)
Helen Park (Ally to former ally)
Eleazor “Lazar” Azoulay (Ally to former ally)
Lawrence Sims (Ally to former ally)
Mariana is a childish goofball but can be serious when need be. She’s a highly intelligent and fiercely loyal woman who seeks a sense of belonging. She’s always eager to make new friends and her goofball-like personality helps her put a smile on almost anyone's face.
Underneath that childish facade is a woman filled with insecurities and anxiety that she desperately tries to hide from her fellow Perseus members. She tries to simply make them smile and focuses on her work. (These insecurities and anxiety would bubble up to the surface and have a solid hold on her after learning about MK Ultra, the betrayal of her CIA “allies” and her own betrayal)
Mariana is the firstborn and only child of her parents, Alma and Andres. Her parents found themselves in a difficult situation following the second Red Scare, her father was accused of being a communist spy and had most of their rights revoked as a result. Their community shunning them. Andres was later arrested and jailed, where he later died.
Mariana herself was just a baby when all this occurred but she felt the bite of its effects growing up. The shunning of her community, and the badmouthing of her father whom she never met. Her relationship with her own mother was strained. Mariana grew up feeling betrayed by the United States/Capitalists, taking what was basically everything to her before she was even able to form a sentence. It’s what led to her turning to the idea of communism which advertised “equality”, feeling that its lifestyle could provide a better life for not only her but others as well. Using her skills and intelligence, she was able to master the art of cryptology and use that skill to send out an encoded message to any other communist spies in the area. Mariana ends up in contact with one, Nikita who’s a member of Perseus, he has her do some things to see her value and skills and makes mention of her to Perseus himself. She would work up in the ranks before meeting with the leader and later joining his faction.
Mariana is known for her signature black lipstick she always wears
Mariana has a tattoo of the Perseus symbol above her right breast/near her collarbone and a snake tattoo on her right arm
Mariana got her facial scars during a mission, a scar on her shoulder from getting shot by Adler, and one on her right arm during a mission as well
While knowing a good bit of Russian, Stitch still gave her some tips
During her time as “Bell”, there was some underlying romantic tension between her and Adler though the two never acted on them. Despite having her memories erased, Mariana was vaguely aware of a man that she was close to and that kept her from acting on any feelings she could’ve had for Adler, ofc that man was Stitch
Mariana also swore that if she wasn’t already aware of her sexuality, Park would’ve been her Bi-Awakening
Mariana has a bit of a New York accent along with a Spanish one
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darkhazard19 · 8 months
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Bell OC Information:
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Name: Mariana Flores Reyes 
Age: 29 (1981) 32 (1984)
Birthday: November 9, 1952
Height: 5’6
Weight: 130.5 lbs
Nationality: American/Boricua
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latina American 
Languages: English, Spanish, German, Russian
Place of Birth: Bronx, New York  
Rebel (By other Perseus members/friends)
Маленький кролик/ Little Bunny (By Stitch) 
My Love (By Stitch)
Bell (By Adler and Co)
Perseus’s little lapdog (Arash)
Soviet Union (Formerly)
Perseus (Formerly, second in command, returns after events of Solovetsky) 
CIA (Formerly, implanted memories)
Commander (Perseus) 
Agent (CIA)
Alma Reyes (Mother)
Andres Reyes (Father)
Perseus Faction
(Note that these are a few/the most important relationships.)
Nikita “Reaper” Romanov (Best friend, partner) 
Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin (Romantic interest/lover)
“Perseus” (Leader, father figure)
Kapano “Naga” Vang (Best friend, ally) 
Arash Kadivar (Rivial)
Anton Volkov (Former ally)
Freya “Wraith” Helvig (Friend)
Kaori “Kitsune” Tanaka (Friend)
Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza (Friend)
Russell Adler (Ally to former ally)
Alex Mason (Ally to former ally)
Frank Woods (Ally to former ally)
Helen Park  (Ally to former ally)
Eleazor “Lazar” Azoulay (Ally to former ally)
Lawrence Sims (Ally to former ally)
Mariana is a childish goofball but can be serious when need be. She’s a highly intelligent and fiercely loyal woman who seeks a sense of belonging.  She’s always eager to make new friends and her goofball-like personality helps her put a smile on almost anyone's face. Underneath that childish facade is a woman filled with insecurities and anxiety that she desperately tries to hide from her fellow Perseus members. She tries to simply make them smile and focuses on her work. (These insecurities and anxiety would bubble up to the surface and have a solid hold on her after learning about MK Ultra, the betrayal of her CIA “allies” and her own betrayal)
Mariana is the firstborn and only child of her parents, Alma and Andres. Her parents found themselves in a difficult situation following the second Red Scare, her father was accused of being a communist spy and had most of their rights revoked as a result.   Their community shunning them.
Andres was later arrested and jailed, where he later died. Mariana herself was just a baby when all this occurred but she felt the bite of its effects growing up. The shunning of her community, and the badmouthing of her father whom she never met. Her relationship with her own mother was strained.
Mariana grew up feeling betrayed by the United States/Capitalists, taking what was basically everything to her before she was even able to form a sentence. It’s what led to her turning to the idea of communism which advertised “equality”,  feeling that its lifestyle could provide a better life for not only her but others as well. 
Using her skills and intelligence, she was able to master the art of cryptology and use that skill to send out an encoded message to any other communist spies in the area. Mariana ends up in contact with one, Nikita who’s a member of Perseus, he has her do some things to see her value and skills and makes mention of her to Perseus himself. She would work up in the ranks before meeting with the leader and later joining his faction.
Mariana is known for her signature black lipstick she always wears
Mariana has a tattoo of the Perseus symbol above her right breast/near her collarbone and a snake tattoo on her right arm
Mariana got her facial scars during a mission, a scar on her shoulder from getting shot by Adler, and one on her right arm during a mission as well
While knowing a good bit of Russian, Stitch still gave her some tips
During her time as “Bell”, there was some underlying romantic tension between her and Adler though the two never acted on them. Despite having her memories erased, Mariana was vaguely aware of a man that she was close to and that kept her from acting on any feelings she could’ve had, ofc that man was Stitch
Mariana also swore that if she wasn’t already aware of her sexuality, Park would’ve been her Bi-Awakening 
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trash-soup · 2 years
Since my blog is gaining followers i figured I'd do a pinned intro
HI! I'm Sabri. I'm 29, I'm 6'4", and I'm a Hispanic Latine Genderfluid Nonbinary Pansexual (any pronouns, whatever you feel most comfy with 😊)
Everyone is welcome here except the following
DNI: Race/age/ableists, Xeno/Homo/Transphobes, Anti-Semitic/generally hateful/toxic and otherwise vile people.
On this blog, we stand for a FREE PALESTINE, Black Lives Matter, AAPI Lives Matter, Jewish Lives Matter, Palestinian Lives Matter, Latine Lives matter, LGBTQ+ Lives Matter, Indigenous Lives Matter, Genocide is condemned, Trans Women are real women, Trans Men are real men, Non-Binary and Queer people who don't fit into standard boxes are valid, Ace and Aro people are valid, all bodies are beautiful, Nobody owes you androgyny or anything else because of their pronouns or labels, and Love is love is love. Kindly fuck off if you disagree with any of that.
Things I love:
Hobbies: Gaming, reading, writing, cooking, cackling at memes, learning useless knowledge about niche subjects, singing, playing guitar, More.
Games: Stardew Valley (all time favorite), The Sims, Frostpunk, The Witcher, Age of Empires, Tsuki's Odyssey, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Assassin's Creed, The Elder Scrolls, More.
Books: Just literature in general, Edgar Allen Poe, the Osten Ard series, Tolkien, George RR Martin, Harry Potter(Fuck JK tho), ASOUE, More.
Music: Sara Bareilles, Nelward, Soupy Garbage Juice, The Altogether, Led Zeppelin, Classic rock/Folk rock/Folk pop/indie/Alternative, More.
Movies/TV: LOTR/The Hobbit, Harry Potter (Fuck JK tho), ASOUE, Game of Thrones, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ted Lasso, Sex Education, The Witcher, Doctor who, Supernatural, Sherlock (Yes i was a Superwholock, shut up), Bob's Burgers, South Park, Pixar, Disney, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Poirot, More.
Youtube: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Dimension 20, Dropout, Gab Smolders, Crankgameplays, Game Grumps, Jarvis Johnson, Andy King, Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzalez, Kurtis Conner, Chad Chad, @strange-aeons, Sarah Z, Sam Onella, Binging with Babish, Uncle Roger, More.
Aesthetic stuff: Dark Academia, Cottagecore, Victorian, Nature, Art Nouveau, Edwardian, More.
I used to be @theactorsmind-blog and @theactorsmind-blog1, but those have long since been dead.
I've been on this hellsite since i was about 14, on and off sometimes. I was here stealing shoelaces, I've liked the color of the sky, i saw (read:Participated in) the mishapocalypse, i witnessed the great Titty Famine, I've been around for a good long while.
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d444lso · 1 year
physical description: Older teen / young adult. Light brown skin, short height, mid body fat, not skinny, but not muscled. Black hair, shaved. Hazel eyes. Hispanic descendent. No tattoos, mid body hair, no beard.
style of sim and/or clothes: Colorful shirts usually with prints, a long shorts with tall white socks. Variants of this for weather.
personality or backstory: too happy and goofy for his own good, Pedro had trouble growing in a low income hispanic neighborhood. Everyone in the house worked hard outside since teens, being the mid child of 4 kids, it was a struggle. With the strong morals of his mother and the rigid tough love of his father, Pedro managed to stay out of trouble and crime as did all his siblings, and they are all working hard towards scholarships for college. Despite the struggles in his life, Pedro always has a good joke to make everyone feel lighter and put a smile on anyone's face.
public dl
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pedro mendoza (19) he/him
ball of energy that always has a fun fact or corny joke on standby to cheer you up
is constantly bragged about by his mom to his tias
pretty techy!! will probably pursue a career in computers (he also games :p)
is super sweet and outgoing but is also very sensitive even though he puts on a front in front of his family
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full body/unedited pic :D
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alltimefail-sims · 4 months
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All anon questions, so I compiled them here in one place! Thank you to those of you who sent me asks about my OCs. I appreciate you guys 🖤
Original Prompt here - ask me about my OCs!!
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Oh gosh, the floodgates of my mind have been reopened... this sad family has me in a chokehold I fear. For those of you who don't know about the Barths, they're a family from one of my sim dumps. I haven't talked about them much on here since sharing them, so thank you for this ask!
-> Jacob grew up in Copperdale in a trailer home community with his mom and little sister, Scout!
-> I wouldn't say he's necessarily an animal lover, but he is a dog lover!! He's never had a dog, but he's always wanted one!!! (Having a dog is one of his long term goals now that he's not incarcerated any more.)
-> His favorite food wouldn't be anything fancy - a classic smash burger, side of curly fries, and a peanut butter milkshake for dessert would be his perfect meal!
-> I imagine Jacob is the kind of person to keep many secrets, unfortunately. Some of them he keeps from his little sister to preserve her childhood and her view of him, some of them he has kept because he feels shame, others he keeps to protect himself. Needless to say, he would really benefit from speaking to a mental health professional.
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Omg Freya!!!!
-> Freya isn't outdoorsy but she does loves all animals; I wish we had birds in the sims because she would absolutely have a pet owl. I also think she would have a pet rabbit or two!
-> I personally headcanon Freya as neurodivergent! (Diagnosed Dyspraxia; on a related note I always imagined her to have sensory processing issues and delayed speech as a child as well, which has resulted in a noticeable speech impediment even into adulthood.)
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-> Zoe is biracial; her mother is Black and her father (who is not a part of her life) is Caucasian/white
-> Tashia is Black
-> Erwin is Caucasian/white
-> Beckett is Caucasian/white
-> Anwar's ethnic identity is complex because by America's race/ethnicity classifications, he would be considered "white" - he obviously does not identify as white, nor is he white lol, but that's America for you! I went into his background HERE if you're curious, but I think he would probably identify as Arab and/or Middle Eastern.
-> Junia is biracial. Her father is white/Caucasian but her mother is Mexican and Native American - specifically Cherokee. She was basically raised by her mother's parents when her mom died, so she is more closely connected to her Native and Hispanic roots and would identify as such.
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daisy-thetoxic · 1 year
Light down low
Lana Parrilla x fem Oc
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Warning- age gap, dumb con, degrading kink, praising kink, over stimulation, minor DNI
Ivy was a new main character added into Once upon a time. She played Rapunzel, in the end of season Three did she join, and Season four she became a main character. She didn’t have a love interest, she was more of a bad ass who was sarcastic and had her own lizard.
Rapunzel was known to get shipped with Regina dispute Robin being her one true love. Some say it’s the chemistry between the actresses or that Rapunzel never judged Regina ok other opinion and always believe innocent until proven guilty. Often taking Regina’s side in most scenarios, or both of them.
Ivy ran her fingers through her hair as she got ready for comic con. Her lips their natural rosy color as her bright green eyes stuck out against her dark and thick eyelashes. She had got a wolf cut, her black curly hair framing her face perfectly as she worse a Lacey corset with a leather jacket over it and black jeans.
She was Hispanic, which shocked people when she got casted for Rapunzel but her character had brought popularity and the directors loved it.
“Ivy Gomez!” The announcer calls out, making the crowd scream as she walks out, tailing with the silver ring sim her fingers, which matched her silver necklaces she was wearing.
“Lana Parrilla!” He calls out next, making Ivy instantly look towards the entrance as she sat in her chair, Emile sitting next to her.
Lana was wearing something very similar to her, the jeans a different color and the make up less extravagant, although she still looked beautiful.
Ivy quickly looked away as she noticed Lana meeting her gaze. There were close on set, always cuddling with each other in one of their trailers, always touching, even Lana’s husband would joke about it with the rest of the cast.
Ivy wasn’t very close to them as she was to Lana, she was short and one asides, never talking much, always sipping at some whine or higher than a kite. Although you could tell if she was tipsy or high as she would be stuck to Lana’s side, not talking but just snuggling and watching everyone carefully.
Ivy wasn’t paying attention as he called the rest of the casts names, only focusing on playing with Lana’s hand which as situated on her thigh. She was taking the rings off of her fingers and putting it onto Lana’s.
“Ivy.” Lana whispered, getting her attention. The raven beauty looked up, noticing everyone looking at her. “Oh sorry.” She apologized to the person with the microphone. Feeling bad that she was in her daze again and not paying attention.
“It’s okay.” The girls assures her. “What’s as your question, sweetheart?” Ivy asks her, getting some cheers from the audience but she didn’t know what it was about.
“I was asking who would you sleep, marry and kill with, Emma, Ruby or Regina.” The girl asks, completely throwing Ivy completely off guard. Her eye brows furrowing “oh wow. I was not expecting that.” She breathed out. Slipping her hand out of Lana’s as she debated.
“Well here goes my career.” Ivy laughs, embarrassed slightly. “I would sleep with…. Ruby. She’s definitely my type.” Ivy says, making Meghan cheer as she said her character.
“I would kill Emma, only because I have very different options on whose Henry mother actually is.” She clarifies, wanting no rumors or drama to happen.
“And marry Regina.” She lists lastly, getting a uproar of cheers from the audience. She didn’t clarify why, hell she almost said ‘I mean, look at Lana, who wouldn’t want to marry her.’ But she restrained herself.
“Livy is so real.” Cheers before passing off the mic, making Ivy look around confused. “What’s Livy?” She asks, not understanding the ship name at all.
Some of the fans giggle, only increasing her confusion. By a lot. “What’s Livy?” Ivy asks again, only getting more giggles until the girl speaks up.
“Yours and Lana’s ship name.” Making Ivy’s widen in surprise and her mouth was doing an awkward smile. “I- there’s a ship name? Hold up, I’m googling this.” Ivy pulls out her phone, she wasn’t sure if that was allowed but she was curious.
When she clicked on images after googling ‘Livy once upon a time.’ As she scrolled further she found a lot more inappropriate images can’t sing her and Lana, some were disturbing as someone out in a lot of effort photo shop. There was particular one, it was Lana below what’s as suppose to be her, ‘Ivy’ had her hands trailing down Lana nude stomach while her other hand was aggressively groping her boob. Ivy fav went into one dog shock, surprise, wtf is this and what the hell.
People started laughing at her reaction, she quickly turned to Lana, showing her the image. Lana too stared at it in shock and surprise. “You guys love detail, huh.” Ivy comment, her and Lana looking at it in bewilderment. “Honestly, if I weren’t me I would have thought I did that.” Ivy says, turning to Lana with a cheeky grin. “We could.” “Ivy, no.” Lana tells her, laughing as Ivy pouts. “Way to let a girl down, Parrilla.” Ivy pouts, crossing her arms.
“How many of you do ship Livy?” She asks them, genuinely curious. The cast all look at her, haven’t seen her as oht of her she’ll as she was. Many… scratch that, 95% of the crowd cheers making her smile.
She turns to Lana with a cheeky grin, showing her another one of the photos. “Hey, atleast they made you boobs look nice. Fred’s a lucky guy.” She grins, receiving a slap on the back of her head from Lana. “Your dumb.” She insults her green eyed co-star.
“And in love, according to this article.” Ivy remarks, pointing to her phone. Lana snatches her phone from her, putting it between her thighs, thinking it would stop Ivy.
Ivy huffs, leaning back into her chair as she no longer had her phone. “You’re a child.” Lana teases her, making Ivy pout more. “If I’m a child, that makes your pedophile, and I’ll be damned if I’m being lectured by a pedophile, Lana.” She mocks Peter Griffin, making Lana squint her eyes as the audience laughs, getting the reference.
“Are you serious.” Lana raises an eyebrow at her. “No I’m Ivy, Sirius died, I made you watch Harry Potter Lana.” Ivy jokes more, her and the crowd laugh. “I’m done with you.” Lana says, scooting her chair away from Ivy. There was nothing blocking the audience from seeing under the table, so they know where Ivy phone is and they always watch as Ivy grabs the bottom of Lana’s chair, pulling it right next to her, this time there was no space and the women were shoulders to shoulders. Unknown to the black haired beauty’s, many do the fans took recording and photos of the action.
Ivy smiles at her, it meeting her eyes as she koala hugs Lana from the side. “You love me.” Lana rolls her eyes but patting her hand, leaning her head on Ivy’s. “Unfortunately.” She mumbles making Ivy gasp on offense. “Fed, you can have her back.” Ivy comment making Lana slap her thigh.
Fred didn’t like Ivy, or how close she was to his wife. He was always at Lana’s interviews and in the audience at her comic cons. Lana had told Ivy that he didn’t like her, and Ivy off turned it into jokes. She knew Fred was jealous and she thrives on it.
Posting part two latter 🥰
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tojikai · 10 months
may i ask a question? do you ever see yourself writing for poc? specifically black girls. it’s just when i’m trying to find fanfics writers use words like “pale, pink vagina, ‘ran his fingers through your hair’, etc.” and it just..kinda seems like we’re left out if you get what i’m saying? and it’s also your sim she’s never really black, hispanic, or plus sized just a pale woman. i know you said that we can imagine her whoever you want it’s jus something that’s been on my mind though. i’m sorry if this comes out bad that’s not my intention!
have a great day!! ♥︎
i would love to write for poc, but im not really confident enough to do it. i fear that i lack knowledge or if i mistake. i keep thinking that if i don't get something accurate, my intentions might get misinterpreted 😅 as for my sim, that's just my universal yn. i just modeled it after myself and im asian. (not all asians are pale, but im one of the pale ones so...) anyways if i read more about it, im sure i can and would love to create content for you guys <33 if i use descriptive words on my fic, please do point it out here in my asks. i get carried away w descriptions, i fail to notice them sometimes !!
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lunaslogs · 1 year
Welcome to Luna's Logs! This is just a personal blog for inner thoughts, feelings, general writing, and remembering the little memories I share with myself and my friends! A little bit about me!
I like K-pop (mainly dreamcatcher and aleXa)
My favorite colors are purple, green, and black
I'm Hispanic! PR AND DR POWER!
I'm a Sagittarius
As I grow this blog and I share my things with you guys, I hope you will come along for the ride. Luna, logging off!
#LunasLogs #LunaLoggingOff
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