#simu liu fic
tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
👗 Do you think Simu would ever propose to Honey? If so...what would everything (from ring to wedding venue to maybe honeymoon destination) look like?
Dress me up👗 - Send me any scenarios or concepts that you envision for any of my AUs (Teach Me Tonight, Honey Baby, The Avengers Sweethearts) and I will write a drabble or head canon for them
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Pairing: !sugar daddy Simu Liu x f. reader
Warnings: fluff, marriage/wedding, mentions of sex - if I missed anything, let me know
Summary: Headcanons of how you and Simu get married
Word Count: 450
Notes: I am so sorry this came out so late 😭 I was overthinking this concept a lot but I finally just said "fuck it, it doesn't need to be perfect or hit a word count, etc" and went with where my thots took me lol I hope the wholesome vibes make up for the long wait. Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
Read more from Honey Baby AU
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Barbie and the 900 Followers Celebration is closed. Thank you to everyone who participated!💕
You and Simu haven’t been dating for very long, but he knew right away that you were the one and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. On your end, you felt the same way.
However, Simu wanted you to settle into your acting career before making any big moves. Once you landed the role of your dream, that was when he saw his chance to propose.
You had been anticipating that Simu was going to propose. He asked you to cancel any plans you had on a certain Friday night. Additionally, your friends randomly took you to get your hair and nails done the day before those scheduled plans. It was even weirder that your parents closed the boba shop earlier on that day.
So when Simu knelt down on one knee with your hand in his, your eyes welled up with the happiest tears you have ever shed in your life. You were tempted to cut him off before he could have the chance to ask you the big question, but you didn’t want to spoil the moment he most likely spent a long time preparing for.
“Will you do the honor of making me the happiest man and marry me?” Simu questioned, choking over his words.
“Yes! A million times yes!” Simu jumped to his feet, immediately sweeping you off the ground and spinning you in the air. All of your friends and family cheered and captured this sweet moment on their cameras and phones.
When Simu proposed, he didn’t have a ring yet because he wanted to take you shopping for one that would be perfect for you. After spending many hours at the jeweler, you finally settled on a ring that both of you loved. He's a gentleman like that lol
The wedding was fairytale themed, just like you had dreamed of since you were a child. The bridesmaids and groomsmen all wore pink with gold accents. Per Simu’s request, the groomsmen wore their dress shirts unbuttoned to expose the matching chains Simu gifted them.
Your honeymoon took place in Italy. You stayed in a luxurious suite and you can probably guess what went on in the suite. During the times you weren't messing around in the room, you and Simu explored the city, visiting all the gorgeous sites you had dreamt of seeing in person. His favorite part of the honeymoon was seeing your eyes light up while taking in the scenery.
You would have never in your wildest dreams thought you would marry the man you have looked up to. But you were happy to be spending your life with someone who is equally as in love with you
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lunathebee · 2 years
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A/n: I can't stop thinking about this HC; I just know he gives the best cuddle time ever.
Warning: None! So much fluff, sugary sweets that rot your teeth (and silly moments).
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Shang-Chi is definitely a human heater.
Love to wrap his arm around you and kiss the back of your neck.
You guys would chit-chat about anything tbh.
The cuddle always ends with you and him having a nap.
And this is where the fun part begins lol
Listen, I know Shang-Chi (personally; source? Trust me bro) and I'm not going to romanticize everything about this man.
He falls asleep very fast and is a heavy sleeper.
He still holds you very close to him, not in a suffocating way, but in a snuggling way.
But Shang-Chi sleeps like a log, and on some days he will be slightly snoring.
He is always the big spoon at the start of cuddling and ends up as the little spoon when you guys wake up.
Specifically, when you wake up
Like I said, he is a heavy sleeper, and the fact that you're beside him makes him feel even more relaxed and happy, so that boy ain't waking up soon.
And if you do manage to wake him up, he will say "5 more minutes, babe" without opening his eyes.
Later on, you check on him, and he's like this 💀💀
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Nothing can beats cuddling time with Shang-Chi tbh; it's not a big deal but just being in his presence is enough to make you feel safe.
Idk I feel his energy and vibe; I cannot explain it (and I'm a person who absolutely hates being touched).
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free-for-all-fics · 11 months
Ryan Gosling/Beach Ken and maybe Simu Liu/Tourist Ken prompts. I don’t know, maybe some of these can be interchangeable between which Ken you want. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these and I’d love to read it! 💕
1. Something similar to that scene in Toy Story 3: You’re a doll that’s one of Barbie’s friends. You’re not named Barbie, but have your own name. You don’t have a Dreamhouse like the Barbies but your place is cozy enough and you like it, having given it your own personal touch. You’ve had an unrequited love for Beach Ken but can’t compete with how perfect Stereotypical Barbie is. Besides, Ken is usually stuck to her side like glue. Wherever she goes, he goes. So you keep your feelings to yourself. You’re sure Ken only sees you as a friend anyway. But while Barbie is still in the real world, you’re horrified at Ken brainwashing all your friends as he turns Barbieland into Kendom.
With Barbie gone, he turns his sights towards you and keeps you for himself, wanting to make you either his bride-wife or long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend. The choice is yours, but you’re not leaving his sight until you decide. He keeps you confined in Barbie’s former bedroom of his now Mojo Dojo Casa House and tries to brainwash you too, but it doesn’t work because you already love him. You feel heartbroken and betrayed that he’d try to turn you into his mindless piece of arm candy or servant like he’s done to the other Barbies. You used to daydream about him finally noticing you and returning your feelings, about being wrapped up in his arms and kissed silly, but he’s becoming someone you don’t recognize and it scares you. You often lie awake while he sleeps soundly next to you in Barbie’s former bed with his arm either over your waist or behind your head. After who knows how long under house arrest, you break down and have a panic attack.
“I can’t take it here, Ken! I’ve always wanted to live together but not like this! You were wrong about me, about what I wanted. I do want to be with you, Ken, I do! Just please take me away from this, take me away!”
Your crying and hyperventilating makes him feel things he’s never experienced before. What is this pain in his chest? Is this…remorse? Guilt? He doesn’t like these feelings and wants them to go away. He wants to see you smile again. When was the last time you smiled? He’s horrified when he realizes he can’t remember. He holds you and caresses your hair as you sob, even as you try to struggle out from his grip and push him away or beat your hands on his chest in frustration. He’s begging you to breathe and cease your tears. As he tries to talk you down from your panic attack, he realizes what a mistake he’s made. Let him earn your forgiveness. Give him a chance to fix this. What can he do? Please, just tell him what to do to make it all better, to make you happy. All he’s wanted is love, he’s just been too foolish and focused on Barbie to see you were always there, already giving it to him. He was seeing things through tunnel vision but he can see more clearly now.
2. Write something for the Ken of your choosing with the Toy Story 3 quote, “She’s a Barbie doll, Ken, there’s a hundred million just like her!”
“Not to me there’s not.”
3. You’re a mermaid doll that Ken falls in love with. While he’s a land walker and you’re a sea princess, you make it work. He’s often carried you around bridal style to different places he wants you to see and lets you stay in his large swimming pool at his house or in the bathtub so you can spend more time together. Most often you meet at the beach during the day, but sometimes you’ve met on the beach at night after everyone else has gone to bed. You’ve spent many nights together around a nice campfire. Ken always tries to show off and impress you, and you’ve splashed him with your tail sometimes to be playful and flirty. You’ve shared kisses while going for swims together, gone on treasure hunts, etc.
4. You’re a human that Ken starts dating after the Kendom Versus Barbieland debacle. You never thought he was crazy unlike some other humans he’s met. You help him acclimate to the real world and stay by his side as he works to discover who he really is. He’s so in love with you he’s even taken you to Barbieland, regardless of what the suits at Mattel might have had to say about yet another human crossing over. What Ken was not expecting or in any way prepared for, however, was you getting sick. (Whether you’re sick while in Barbieland or the real world is up to you.) He’s unfamiliar with things like fever, headache, cough, etc. Nobody truly gets sick in Barbieland ever. They’re always cured within seconds. But this is the first time he’s seeing the full extent of sick symptoms on a human and it’s even more concerning since it’s all happening to you, the woman he loves.
He genuinely thinks you’re dying. He’s never witnessed death before and doesn’t really know what it is, but as beautiful as you are he can’t help but think you look like death itself and it terrifies him. Is it possible to die even in Barbieland? He doesn’t want to think about it. You ask him not to leave your side, but he thinks he has no other choice than to fetch Doctor Barbie. You do your best to calm him down as he begs you to hang on and wait for him until he returns. Don’t fall asleep just yet, he’s heard falling asleep can cause humans to slip into something called a coma. He’s not sure what that is either but it sounds really bad. Don’t succumb to your sickness and leave him while he’s gone. Please don’t slip away, he’ll be back with the doctor soon, he promises. He holds your hand. He kisses your forehead while he presses a cold cloth to it. Doctor Barbie uses everything at her disposal to make you feel better and Ken follows her instructions to a T. You assure Ken you’ll be fine, you just need medicine and lots of rest. Despite your many assurances, he’s still determined to watch over you 24/7 until you’re fully recovered.
5. You’re a doll and Ken dates you after working on discovering himself. What you’re not prepared for is the unexpected seasonal change in Barbieland as it turns to winter and becomes incredibly cold. It’s almost always summer here in Barbieland, but the Winter and Christmas Holiday Barbies are visiting and have brought the snow and cold with them. It’s fun for a while; You and the other Kens and Barbies experience snow for the first time and are shown how to make snow angels, snowmen, and have snowball fights.
But the cold eventually soaks through your clothes and seeps into your bones, becoming too much. So you and Ken retreat back inside and get the fireplace going. After you get changed out of your wet clothes, Ken wraps you in his mink fur coat when he realizes you’re still shivering. You’re so used to the summer sunshine weather in Barbieland that chilly winter is new for both of you, but maybe it’s not so bad if it means you and Ken can snuggle up together under the warmth of his coat and the many soft blankets while the fire in the fireplace burns. There was a special drink the Holiday Barbies gifted you too. Hot chocolate or cocoa you think it’s called?
6. You’re a Haunted Beauty Barbie like the Mistress of the Manor, Ghost Barbie, Vampire Barbie, or Zombie Barbie. Everyone else in Barbieland is either low-key or high-key scared of you and steers clear. Whenever you leave your haunted mansion or whatever you live in, none of the Barbies or Kens interact with you much if they can help it. They think you’ll put a curse on them or suck their blood or something, even though you’re actually harmless and really nice. It’s near impossible for you to make friends because of your off-putting appearance. You know you’re kinda scary looking with your gothic or Halloween style, but you don’t want to change it to suit their preference because you believe it’d be disingenuous to who you are. You’re actually kind of shy and introverted, usually sticking to reading books or making art. Beach Ken is the first person brave enough to approach you and talk to you like you’re normal. He’s nice to you and invites you to hang out with him, wanting to be your friend. Over time, you share your likes and interests with each other and your friendship becomes a romance.
Ken is happy to learn he was right about you and that you’re actually a very sweet person underneath your scary exterior. You introduce the other Kens and Barbies to things like Halloween and show them it doesn’t have to be scary, it can be cute and fun too! With things like pumpkin carving, dressing up, arts and crafts, candy, etc. One time you gave Ken a goth or Halloween makeover when he asked, since he was still trying to discover his identity at the time. He wasn’t sure if he identified with the goth or Halloween aesthetic, but he appreciated you taking the time to make him over. He really thought this new look was fun to try out! He wouldn’t mind if you gave him more makeovers in the future. You really are a pastel and goth couple and it’s adorable.
7. What if it was Ken who started having an existential crisis and dark thoughts in Barbieland because the human in the real world who was playing with his doll needed his help? He’s expecting a child, a young girl or boy with childhood trouble but is surprised when he instead realizes it’s you, an adult who’s Going Through It. When you finally meet him face to face, you can’t believe that he’s real, that he’s standing in front of you in the flesh. But only a Ken would probably wear outfits like what he has on now. It suits him though. You played with his Ken doll to escape reality for a bit and take a break from the stresses of being an adult, but it seems you’ve inadvertently poured your feelings onto him and they have seeped into his psyche. He’s experiencing new things like his eyes are leaking, he has feelings that there’s danger but no threat is in sight. What are these things and what do they mean? Crying? Anxiety? Seems like you don’t just need his help, he also needs yours.
While he’s in the real world, you take him shopping for some normal clothes, but he turns it into a modeling montage. You try to demonstrate how to eat and drink real food, but watching him reminds you of the dinner scene from Beauty and the Beast, etc. Shenanigans and Hijinks ensue and you fall in love along the way. After you show him your world, he takes you to his and gives you a grand tour of Barbieland (When Tourist Ken tries to cut in and give you the tour himself, your Ken tells him to back all the way off! You’re his girlfriend and he’s got this!) Your eyes light up in amazement much like how his did when he entered your world.
8. You’re either an equestrian in the real world or a Cowgirl Barbie with a ranch called Barbie’s Horse Adventures. Either way, you have pet horses and lots of experience working with them. You surprise Ken by bringing over 2 horses so you and he can go horseback riding. You teach him how to ride and he’s so ecstatic yet nervous because he wants to do it right. He wants the horses to like him. He feeds them treats and laughs at the feeling of their lips and big teeth against his hand. He pets their necks and helps you look after them. You go horseback riding either through beautiful forested trails or along the beach. It’s awfully romantic and Ken can’t help but lean forward in his saddle to kiss you while your horses are walking side by side. He apologizes afterwards, but you tell him you liked it. Your mutual love for horses is the starting point of a beautiful romance. He can’t let you do all the labor by yourself! He loves helping you around the ranch as a….What’s the word again? Groom? Are you married now!? Is he your groom-husband and you his bride-wife??
When your horse gets spooked and rears up on its hind legs and throws you off, Ken is immediately off his own horse and coming to your rescue. Are you ok?? Are you hurt? Let him look you over please. He’s not a doctor but he has some First Aid supplies in his saddle bag. When one of your mares gets pregnant, he’s so excited and wants to name the foal when they arrive. Both of you are by the mare’s side while she’s in labor and give her everything she needs. But for some reason, she’s suddenly not looking so well. You don't know what's wrong. It was moving along, then it just stopped.
“But her water broke, right?” Ken asks, petting your mare’s neck to comfort her.
“About ten minutes ago.”
“I think she's distracted.”
“By that colt over there. She keeps eyeing him like she'd prefer a little privacy.” Ken is already back up on his feet, urging the colt away. “Shoo! Get out of here! Give poor mama horse a break!” He comes back to your mare’s side and resumes comforting her. “There, that's better, huh? Now you can push your little baby out with some dignity.”
“She's doing it. She's pushing. Yeah. Here we go. That's my good girl. Ok, here it comes. Well done, [horse’s name]! It's a girl/boy, just like we were hoping for, Ken! Look how cute she/he is. She's/He’s so sweet. Welcome to the world, little one. What do you want to name her/him?”
“I have to admit, I'm amazed how great you were with [mare’s name],” you later commend Ken while you’re both watching her with her new foal.
“What can I say? We totally bonded.”
Ken is so proud and encouraging when the foal tries to stand up on its long gangly legs and walk for the first hours of its life. That’s his horse, and he loves them already. They’re gonna grow big and strong under his care and he’s gonna train and ride them once they’re big enough. He’s a proud Horse Dad!
9. You’re a child doll in Barbieland, so you never age or grow up. You’re perpetually young both mentally and physically. Barbie and Ken are either like your big brother and sister or your adoptive parents. Tourist Ken is like the Cool Uncle who tries to get you to like him more than Beach Ken by bribing you with ice cream for breakfast and other fun things behind Beach Ken’s back. Beach Ken and Stereotypical Barbie are great at raising you like a sister or daughter, but there’s not really much of you to raise. You’ve never grown bigger or changed. Until the human in the real world who’s playing with you starts experiencing puberty and having the weird thoughts and feelings that go along with it.
You become self-aware that you’re not growing and have the same confusing thoughts and feelings. You’re full of questions and become self-conscious about your body. You’ve lived here for years, so why aren’t you an adult yet like most of the other Barbies and Kens? You never really thought about it before, but you want to grow up. When Barbie moves to the real world and becomes human, you go with her. When you experience growth for the first time, you’re both excited and scared as your body and personality go through constant changes. When you visit Barbieland, you’re so excited to show all the other Barbies and Kens how you’ve grown taller and updated your wardrobe, among other things.
10. You’re Stereotypical Barbie’s twin sister but you’re a Plain Jane Barbie. You’re like the Mary Bennet to her Elizabeth Bennet. You’re not conventionally pretty, you have hobbies but aren’t exactly talented at them, your social skills are weak and your flirting game/love life are nonexistent. Your sister is a girly girl and you’re a tomboy. In the real world, Mattel said something about sisters who are total opposites being more marketable and selling more toys. You have a huge crush on Beach Ken, maybe you even love him, but he’s been pining for your sister for so long you doubt he’s ever really noticed you. If there’s one thing you are good at, it’s being invisible.
He’s always tried to impress Barbie or keep her attention on him. You’re so clumsy and socially awkward in comparison to your perfect and popular sister, you can’t count the number of times you’ve fallen flat on your face or otherwise embarrassed yourself in front of the other Barbies and Kens when you’ve tried to fit in or stand out in a good way. Your attempts to embody your sister have all failed and your friend group is small or nonexistent in contrast to her large social circle. But you’re still worried about her when her feet become flat and she keeps falling over herself. You try to console her when she gets cellulite and thoughts of death. She’s always been there for you when you needed her emotional support, especially when you finally confided in her that you have a crush on someone. You weren’t brave enough to tell her who it is, but she was supportive and encouraged you to go for it anyway. She gives great pep talks, so now you’ll do the same for her.
When Ken tries to turn Barbieland into Kendom and kicks Barbie out of her Dreamhouse, he lets you stay. You’re torn between them and don’t know what to do. You’re stuck in the middle of a conflict between the man you love and the sister you love, and you don’t want to choose one side over the other. The situation is made even more uncomfortable when Ken realizes his patriarchal brainwashing didn’t work on you like it did the other Barbies. You didn’t go with him and your sister to the real world, so he eventually puts together that your immunity must be because you already love him. This is not how you wanted him to find out about your feelings, but there’s no going back now. Your secret is out in the open. What happens next?
11. You’re a doll and the kid who was playing with you leaves you unattended and at the mercy of their younger sibling(s). In the real world, the little kids color your hair a bright unnatural color with markers and/or cut it in a choppy, messy style. They scribble on your skin/face and mess with your clothes. So in Barbieland, your appearance reflects that. When Ken (and maybe Stereotypical Barbie) see what’s happened to you and what a mess you are, they come to your rescue and you’re given a luxurious makeover. Your boyfriend (and bestie Barbie) do your hair, makeup, wardrobe, etc. They give you lots of personal attention as they fix you up and get you back to your normal, beautiful self in no time.
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lewishamiltonstuff · 1 year
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More of Lewis via Mercedes.
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A Ficlet for Ryan Gosling's Ken x Simu Liu's Ken (Not An Alternate Ending, More Like A Hypothetical Post Credit Scene)
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over Barbieland. Hours had passed since Barbie's departure to the human world, leaving the atmosphere with a mix of the town's sorrow and the bustle of everyone's restoration efforts. Everyone had busied themselves, but not Ryan's Ken. He was sat in the soft grass, his gaze locked onto the road where he'd watched Barbie drive away for the last time.
"Mind if I join you?" Simu Ken's voice broke the silence, filled with sincerity and just a hint of pity.
The blonde's eyes remained fixed on the road as he quietly replied, "Yeah, sure."
The brunette settled onto the grass beside him, patiently waiting for the other to collect his thoughts. Time seemed to stretch as they sat there in contemplative silence.
Finally, Ryan's Ken spoke, his voice tinged with a newfound clarity. "I think I am. I spent my whole life trying to be everything she wanted when I thought she was all I wanted. But I think, besides her, I just wanted to be important. Wanted to be someone. But I am someone, always have been. I know that now. I'm not just a supporting character, I'm not just beach. I can do anything if I put my mind to it, that's what she told me. And I think I'll prove her right someday. I guess it's not so bad to be a Ken, at least it doesn't have to be."
Simu's Ken chuckled gently, "that's some pretty heavy introspection for a stereotypical Ken... are you sure they put you in the right box?"
The blonde's smile emerged despite himself, a soft but genuine one that lingered on his face. "You know, I always thought you were better than me? I'm supposed to be 'THE Ken,' the one everyone thinks of first, but you were always different. Even Barbie started wondering why I cared so much about what you thought. It didn't bother me so much when I saw other Kens around her, but you..."
"I was just trying to stand out. I don't know what you saw in me, but I was just another follower, trying to act out so I could catch some of your spotlight. You were always just as amazing as you thought she was, to us, to me."
Ryan's Ken finally met the other's gaze, his smile broadening. "That means a lot coming from you..."
The brunette looked at him with intent, thinking for a moment before deciding to take a bold step.
"You know... I think maybe it's for the best that she didn't choose either of us..."
The blonde's laughter rang out softly, "and why's that?"
"I think I know someone else who really sees you," he said before resting his hand on the other's hand, a question and a promise in his stare.
The blonde's face reddened and he couldn't hide his shy grin, but still, he hesitated, "two Kens...together? What would the town think of that?"
The brunette smirked, caressing Ryan Ken's hand with his thumb.
"I thought you were done living for other people."
The blonde turned his hand over so he could intertwine their fingers.
"I am."
The brunette's smile broadened, and he stood up, pulling the other man to his feet, their grip never wavering.
"Good. Now come on, we've got a town to clean up."
Hand in hand, they walked back to rejoin the others.
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reveluving · 11 months
i can only see you ; ken x reader
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warnings: fluffy fluff (ken just loves your hugs & kisses!)
a/n: WHERE THE SIMU!KEN FICS AT DAYUM (ok but you can actually read this as Ryan!Ken too!)
» fancy reading something new? check out my full m.list!
Ken loves your hugs. Like, if hugs were illegal, he'd probably face 32 years in prison for just how much he adores embracing you, and he'd do it again, no regrets, no questions asked.
He especially loves it if you're just passing by while doing your own thing, only to wrap your arms around him while he's sitting down. He'd rest his head on your tummy or chest, looking up at you as though you hung the moon.
The moment only gets sweeter if it's a rainy day; just the sounds of rain pitter-patter against the windows and the neon lights of the busy road coming through it. Not that he'd ever decline your affection on any other days, but the gloomy showers that he's not exactly used to since coming to the real world only makes your presence, let alone hugs and kisses so much more meaningful.
The best part is getting to hear you giggle whenever he nuzzles your tummy. He won't let go, not even if you try to take a step back—imagine a comical imagery with his ass remaining seated while he stretches his body because letting you go is not an option.
You'd cradle his jaw, stroking the apple of his cheeks with your thumbs before giving him a kiss the tip of his nose, then one on his left cheek, then another on the right, another one on his forehead. Ending each peck with a loud smooch!
Just kisses after kisses, not leaving a single part of his handsome face untouched.
By the time you're done, he has this dreamy look on his face. Blinking slowly with a stupid smile on his face. The embodiment of kicking his feet in the air, like that one GIF.
"What was that for?" He'd asked, huffing a little laugh like a man who had a drop too much.
"Nothing," You'd shrug, grinning, "Just felt like kissing you."
Bonus if you have lipstick on! Doesn't matter what the colour is or if they're sheer, creamy or glossy. Ooh, he just wears them like a medal!
Expect to be paid the same way, but in a more romantic way possible. He'd dip you, sway with you to a soft/city-pop or lofi-ish song, or kiss along your arms before locking his lips with yours.
Being hugged and kissed by you is one thing, but being called 'handsome' as his default petname is just the most delicious buttercream icing on the cake! Like, he could just he vibing and suddenly, you'd come up behind him to peck on his temple before asking, "What're you doing, handsome?"
And he'd melt. Oh my God, he'll just sag in your hold, and once you pull away, he'll chase after your lips with his own readily puckered up.
Impressing you everyday is the key to life, or so he says. Doesn't matter if it's a backflip, serenading, perfecting a recipe of yours or even just surviving the day, he'd do it all, because he has you by his side. Your cuddles and/or kisses of appreciation is the best kind of payment of them all.
And no matter how much confidence he exudes, he can only hope his love is just as meaningful to you as yours does him.
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mxltifxnd0m · 11 months
it’s truly a crime that there isn’t more simu liu! ken fics out there
i need those fics or i might have to resort to doing it myself
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periprose · 1 year
anon... omg... your mind <3
okay I love Simu Liu. Loved Shang Chi, too. I'd be willing to write more for marvel if i could just stop starting fics and then dropping them out of nowhere lol haha.
But Simu Liu as Ken is cute too! I just don't know the plot of the barbie movie yet... so idk what to write lol. Sorry if that sounds annoying but truly I would have to watch it to know.
So far he seems competitive with Ryan Gosling's Ken, and he's a little bit more ready to fight? That's all I can tell so far. But he is very cute :)
Just send an ask to remind me of this conversation in July and I'll get on it then!
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charlotte-wolfe · 10 months
Hi I’m Charlotte 🎀
I make smut, fluff, angst etc.
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People I write about :
Ryan gosling
Chris Hemsworth
Ezra Miller
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Henry Cavill
Cillian Murphy
Penn Badgley
Paul Dano
Miguel O’Hara
Colin Farrell
Evan Peters
Oscar Isaac
Taron Edgerton
Robert Pattinson
Jake Gyllenhaal
Chris Evans
Brad Pitt
Keanu Reeves
Simu Liu
Chase Stokes
Christian Bale
Pedro Pascal
Mads Mikkelsen
If you don’t see anyone you want to see for a fan fic you can just go in my asks 🌸
I do mainly write for men but you can ask for women too 🪷
Kinks i write :
Slapping / spanking
Blowjobs / handjobs
Phone sex
Moaning / whimpering
I do have more I just need to remember them
Thank you so much for hanging out! 🌷
My master list is coming soon 💋
My first fan fic will be of Aaron Taylor-Johnson
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ranilla-bean · 5 months
for the ask game: 🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast? >:3c
hellooo tysm for the ask! this was actually kinda fun
i don't usually think of fancasts (i don't watch like... heaps of tv. so i dont know anyone LOL) but i just looked up a few actors for my OCs? most of these are based on their appearance rather than the roles they might usually play sjdkflk
konkona sen sharama as osha (eyebags cos she's fucking done with sukka's bullshit)
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yangchuk tso as choden (she looks like a cheery sweetheart who just really loves dharma. just shave her BALD!)
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bin juice simu liu as mo liudou (they're both fucking annoying <3)
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BONUS: yuen wah as grand chancellor kang (i've actually thought this one thru and not only would he ROCK kang's wispy stache, he has the comedic chops to pull off kang's weird uncle vibe. and yeah he's the landlord in kung fu hustle)
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fanfic writer ask game
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
Sugar Daddy! Simu where he’s wearing the chain he wore the other day in that picture where he looks submissive 👀 I would like to see you expand your thots on that!
Delayed Gratification
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Pairing: !sugar daddy Simu Liu x f. reader [Honey Baby]
Genre: smut
Warnings: THE MF CHAIN RETURNS WITH A VENGENCE!!, sub!Simu, dom!reader, bondage, gagging, hickies, mentions of edging
Word Count: 211
Notes: I'm very glad you asked me my thots and opinions on that pic bc jesus fuckin christ 😮‍💨 Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
Read more from Honey Baby AU
Send me wholesome/hoesome thots and I will write a 5+ sentence blurb
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“You ready, Daddy?” You asked, your hand trailing over the chunky chain that accentuated his sculpted chest. Simu lifted his hands in front of your face, a sinister smile displayed across his face.
“Always, baby.” 
With that, you pinned his wrists above his head, tying them tightly to the bed posts. Simu pulled on the restraints, smirking when his wrists were locked in place.
“Looks like someone has been taking notes while I’ve been tying you up-”
You were about to giggle at his comment, until you remembered who was in charge tonight. Suddenly, you grabbed your panties from the side of the bed and shoved them in Simu’s mouth.
“Sorry, Daddy,” you said, yanking him towards your face by his chain. “Honey is calling the shots tonight.” The glint of lust in Simu’s eyes caused your pussy to slicken against his cock that pulsated in his jeans. Part of you wanted to rip his pants off and ride him to your heart's desire, but you very much enjoyed being the dominant one for a change. 
You pushed Simu back against the bed frame and started kissing down his chest, leaving red violet marks against his skin. That night, edging became a new kink that you unlocked within yourself and Simu.
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lunathebee · 2 years
Imagine if the reader is Shang-Chi's lover, and while Katy and he were going through some serious trouble (like in the movie), Y/n was just enjoying their vacation on the other side of the planet like…
*Katy screaming for her life in near death situations*
-Cut to Y/n enjoying a new tropical drink-
*Shang-Chi having a brutal fight with his own DAD*
-Cut to Y/n taking picture of a sunset-
And when Y/n is back from vacation, all three of them will be staring at each other like:
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Y/n: What....the fuCK happened to YOU TWO??? WHY- are they bruises? OH mY- hi bae missed you a lot *give Shang-Chi a quick kiss* BUT WHAT HAPPENED?
Katy: *trying not to smile*
Shang-Chi: *whispered softly* don't
Katy: *take a deep breath*
Shang-Chi: NO-
(and this is them later, Y/n protecting Katy from Shang-Chi 😭😭)
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Tag Game!
Tagged by: my darling @inthedayswhenlandswerefew
Your name? Mari
The last thing you listened to? “Stupida Allegria” - Emma Marrone
What are you wearing? Schrute Farms t-shirt and yoga pants 
How tall are you? 5′4″
Piercings? Just the ears - I’ve had them since i was a kid but grew up into a person who doesn’t like wearing earrings. I will only wear them for really special occasions.
Tattoos? None.
Glasses? Contacts? Yep! Glasses.
Last drink? iced coffee with almond milk, sugar free vanilla, sprinkled with cinnamon also have my trusty hydroflask filled with water
Last thing you ate? homemade breakfast sandwich
Any pets? Two dogs - Chocolate and Bucky
Do you have a crush on anyone? Taron Egerton and Pedro Pascal. Other than that, no crushes at the moment.
Favorite fictional characters? Eddie Munson, Rafael Barba, Penelope Alvarez...just to name a few
A movie you think everyone should watch? Jurassic Park (if you haven’t already seen it), Under the Same Moon (if you’re in the mood to cry), La Bamba, Selena. I have a few more recs but these are the ones off the top of my head.
A book you think everyone should read? Well the last two books I read were Simu Liu’s We Were Dreamers and Jennette McCurdy’s I’m Glad My Mom Died. They were good reads and I recommend them. I definitely related to a lot of what Liu talked about in regard to his relationship with his parents. I have other recs but i have to look through my mini library. Especially since most of my books are non fiction and mostly science related. I’m also gonna add my lovely Maggie’s (@inthedayswhenlandswerefew)  fics because I recommend every single one of them.
The last place you travelled?  most of my traveling at the moment is for running errands but outside of that then it’s Crystal Lake in the San Gabriel Mountains. But the last time i traveled out of LA County and the state was Rhode Island (and that trip was 12 years ago)
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eph-em-era · 11 months
pairings: Ryan Gosling's Ken/Simu Liu's Ken (Barbie 2023) and Margot Robbie's Barbie/Gloria/El Esposo de Gloria
xx love u
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kaaaaaaarf · 2 years
thank you for tagging me @endlessnightlock!
last song: Dracula's Wedding // Outkast ft Kelis from my Baz Pitch playlist.
currently watching: Trying to get into Sex Education. We are also watching Ms Marvel & The Boys on a weekly basis, and of course Heartstopper just constantly in the background...oh and Stranger Things tomorrow!!
currently reading: I just finished I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman last night and am trying to get through Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I'm also listening to the audiobook for We Were Dreamers by Simu Liu. Finally, I'm reading amazing Snowbaz fics by @artsyunderstudy (The Mirrors That Hold Us) and @captain-aralias (Unintended)!
current obsession: Snowbaz has taken over my brain, what's new....
tagging: @paintedgray, @typicalbrunette, @vaguelydoomed, @sarahmonious, @sheisraging, @s-ara-bel whomever else is bored!
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staying-elive · 2 years
Maybe I'm spending too much time reading TFatWS and Sambucky fics.
I'm trying to edit this maths textbook I'm working on and the phrase "Zeno's paradox" keeps throwing me for a loop. 😆😅
Then again...
Are Simu's stock photos still available on Getty? Because the knowledge that I have the power to insert filler images of Simu Liu pointing and laughing into my books is almost too strong to resist.
Alas, with great power...
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