#since like 3pm
silbeni · 4 months
Made another animatic
Song is lake by Roland Faunte
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cemeterything · 2 months
love how every phone call with my dad is like negotiating a peace treaty between two warring nations
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could i offer you an L in these trying times?
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apopcornkernel · 3 months
batman: track and field au
author's note: i just miss track and field varsity even though i wasnt even that good... and ive been thinking about batman track and field au for FOREVER. so today i wrote a bit 📝
things u need to know: bruce is not batman. he's a coach at a school where the rest of the justice league teaches. yes, they're still the justice league. and yes, his robins still end up as vigilantes. jason is 15 in this; the joker hasn't gotten to him yet. also i added some characters ahead of the timeline bc i love them :/
Jason stumbles over from the finish line, grinning and sweat-drenched. And then his face screws up in sudden distress, and he promptly wobbles and collapses onto the hot stadium mat.
A half-formed sound of alarm—
Bruce leaps over the bleacher railing and sprints.
A poor, well-meaning race official gets there first, but Bruce shoulders him roughly aside and crouches by Jason. Jason has turned on his side, holding his right knee tight to his chest and making little pained gasps.
It tears at his heart. “Jason,” Bruce says.
Jason’s eyes are screwed shut, and he says nothing, but one of his hands reach blindly in Bruce’s direction and Bruce grasps it tightly.
“You were terrific, chum.” He squeezes, and feels the tremor that goes through his son. “Stretch your leg out for me.”
Jason shakes his head. “Hurts—”
“I know. I know. Please, Jay.”
It’s slow, and excruciating, but between the two of them they manage to get Jason sitting up, his leg extended straight against the ground. One hand of Bruce’s presses down firmly on the knee, and the other pushes his foot to flex, the metal spikes of Jason’s shoes digging hard into the callused flesh of Bruce’s palm. Jason leans back on his hands, spread flat against the ground, head tilted up to open, cloudless sky, exhaling drawn-out, shaky breaths.
The speakers blare out the next events—second call for Male C’s 400-meter hurdles, and third call for Female B’s high jump. The left side of the crowd begins clapping on beat for their star javelin thrower as she rocks back on her feet, once, twice, and begins bounding forward. Bruce makes a displeased noise. He hopes his throwers remember to pay attention.
A mosquito buzzes by Bruce’s ear and he shakes his head sharply to drive it away. The sweat has been beading at his hairline all throughout, and now it rolls torturously slow down his face. As his hands are otherwise occupied, he makes no move to wipe it, and does his best to ignore the unpleasant sensation.
At last, Jason’s breathing evens out. He tugs his leg gingerly away from Bruce’s hold, cheeks flushed with exertion and, doubtless, embarrassment. “Thanks.”
Bruce sits back on his haunches and wipes the sweat off his face. “Ready to stand?”
Jason raises a hand, wincing as he tests the muscles of his leg. “One sec.”
Bruce nods shortly. Jason safe, his attention wanders over to the bleachers. Tim, thank God, is dragging Damian away from the high railing. Dick and Cass are eating lunch with much avidity—Dick’s best event, high jump, had just ended before Jason’s, and Cass seems to have just returned from shot put. Duke and Stephanie are nowhere in sight, and for a moment Bruce is alarmed, but then he spots them at the stage and relaxes. Duke must have won his high jump—he stands on the highest podium, and even from here Bruce can tell he’s grinning—and Stephanie is clicking away on the school camera next to the official photographer.
As he watches Stephanie turn the camera backward and attempt to take a selfie with Duke, there’s a tap on his thigh. Bruce extends his hand without looking and grasps the hand that interlocks with his, pulling Jason up with ease.
Bruce glances at Jason, and notes how he squints against the glaring afternoon. “Remember to reapply your sunscreen when you get back.”
Jason rolls his eyes. “Not everyone is ghost-white like you.”
“You do not have to be ghost-white to get skin cancer.”
Jason grumbles, but when Bruce raises an imperious eyebrow at him, he raises his hands in surrender. “Fine. Whatever you say, boss.”
“Good. And, Jay...” Bruce reaches out, tentative, and puts a hand on his shoulder. “I meant it. You did terrific.”
Jason beams, bright enough to outshine the day, and something in Bruce’s chest uncurls into warmth.
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jabeur · 5 days
all the wta singles matches in a slam being during the day is evil many people have jobs and why would i spend my evening watching a domestic abuser instead of paolini rybakina
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rosicheeks · 8 days
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🌹 Happy Rosie Day 🌹
If you’re able and want to send me a little gift to celebrate you can find my links -> here 🫶
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hermits-that-craft · 1 year
Gender is stored in the Peacemaker. The mechs did have to do that to me. It's so important that they did that
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solargrove · 21 days
spent literally all day making alternate versions of the woodleys at all the different lige stages just to take portraits to hang up around their house and i am Exhausted 😭
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hella1975 · 9 months
my mum picking me up this morning: you're not as hungover as i thought you'd be
me, just yacked in an alleyway: yeah haha
#it's 3pm now and i still cant believe that happened that was. an experience#basically my mate's 21st coincided with her sister's 30th so they both had this big joint Event last night#where they literally rented out a farm house and the field nearby and set up a whole campsite and barbeque and everything#it was really random but also really good esp bc ive been friends with this girl since we were super young#and our mums were friends so ive just got. lots of connections to her family and it was nice seeing them all again#but there was fully like 60 people at this thing and i DID drink more than i meant to but i wasn't paralytic which is good#and my hangover ISNT that bad in terms of how bad my hangovers can get#it's just that my mate's dad picked us both up at 9am this morning which was already going to be... rough#and then proceeded to do the bumpiest drive down the country lanes ive ever experienced#i was literally grinding my teeth like i am NOT about to throw up in this man's car please if there is a god do not let me throw up#and i didn't! my mum picked me up from this (thankfully very quiet) road that has this rickety old alley coming off it#and i had the very humbling moment of 'im actually going to be sick aren't i' and had to WAIT FOR AN OLD WOMAN#TO FUCKING MEANDER OUT OF THE ALLEY AND WALK FAR AWAY ENOUGH FOR ME TO AT LEAST HAVE A SHRED OF DIGNITY#and proceeded to throw up. in a public alleyway. at 9:30am on a sunday. so of course i needed to tell you guys about it#im now force feeding myself garlic bread. im going to manchester tomorrow. i have a flight at the crack of dawn on tuesday#what is even going on anymore#also fully did just do nos last night with some 30 year olds. i cannot express how fucking odd a thing that is for me to do#actually no i can express it bc youse know that im funny about drugs so for me to not even be that drunk#and get offered a fucking balloon of all things and be like 'yeah why not!' is.... odd#i know i inhaled wrong though bc it didn't do a thing which honestly im happy about <3#hella goes home
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sallytwo · 11 months
took 10mg melatonin (it’s 6am) put a sign on my door saying do not even try to disturb. i’m sleeping after watxh. closes the curtain deadbolted the door it is going to take an extinction level event to keep me from getting my 8 hours of sleep.
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panspy-draws · 2 years
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i am digging my own grave
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saintmelangell · 4 days
i will be skipping out on part of my conference to go to mass at the basilica i fear
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gideongrovel · 1 month
🎫 here's a gush pass feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional)!
Gonna gush about E/nel again, because of course! 🤭🤭🤭
I think it's so silly fun times that he wanted to go to the moon- AND HE ACTUALLY GETS THERE!!! 🥰🥰🥰 like one of the main themes in O/ne Pi/ece is all about following your dreams,,, and his was to go to the moon- and mans did it!! It is so wild and amusing to me, and it forever makes me giggle, Love the scene in the anime when he is flying off, really love the unhinged passion in his eyes and in his voice mans is like breathing heavy about it 💀
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And once he gets to the moon like a bunch of lore stuff is dropped while he is exploring it as well!! Unfortunately since this is just done in cover stories (chapter covers in the manga) it hasn't been adapted in the anime,,, I really hope it will someday! my hopes are high 🤞🏾 also someday I will finish my panel edits of this story
I personally love how like egotistical he is, being confident and unwavering in ones presentation is so freaking attractive to me!! 🤭🤭🤭 I could go on and on about his God complex but I won't for now,,, but I think it's cute he was actually planning to take others with him to the moon at first (at least those he deemed worthy enough that is) He treats it like he's doing everyone else a favor if he allowed you to come along,,,, like he didn't care that these same people he invited to join, he was just lighting zapping lol,,, like after it got down to the amount of people he predicted would win his """"survival game""" he's like switching it up like "come on besties, you get to come with me to the fairy vearth 🥰" but is shocked (pun wasn't instead but keeping it) when no one wanted to go with him sjdnsisi sjsjs like he genuinely is confused,,,,
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He is so full of himself, he can't imagine these people not wanting to go with him 💀 also they have no clue that the fairy vearth is the fucking moon, hell the audience doesn't even get to know till the very end unless you had it spoiled 💀
But anyways i love egotistical part of E/nel's personality,,,, i have such a lapdog personality so wanna just feed his ego and hype him up and give him that attention he desperately wants and deserves feeling needed in that particular way just makes me feel happy 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 our shipping dynamic is definitely codependent in that way xjdjdksksknd 💀💀💀 mutually obsessed with one another fr fr 🤭
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silverfactory · 1 year
my indoor cat is wheezing this morning from all the wildfire smoke in nyc 😰
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ihearnocomplaints · 1 year
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Everything is fine
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fauslayer · 2 months
are you...having fun, jimbo?
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