#single af can’t relate
saturnznct · 2 months
how he acts when you're pregnant | enhypen x reader
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➸ request from anon; heyy, I’m so happy you’re back! You’re fics were always my go-to if I wanted to read anything dad/pregnancy related, loved them all! can you please write about how enhypen would treat you during pregnancy, like their protectiveness, taking care of the reader, or when she’s having complications etc. 🤍
➸ note; hehe me too thank you so much!! that makes me so happy!! i don't love some of these but I hope they're what you wanted <3
➸ word count; 2335 words
➸ sangyoon, sam, ella, eunhye, yeeun, seren; in the womb lol
➸ warning(s); mentions of vomiting, implied sexy time, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, mentions of possible birth complications
enhypen masterlist
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Heeseung can’t take his hands off you.
You don’t know if it’s because you’re newlyweds, or if it’s because you’re pregnant, but he can’t stay away.
At least one hand is always somewhere on you, on your shoulder, around your waist, on your thigh or knee. 
At night, it doesn’t matter if it’s in the dead of summer, his arm is snaked around you and his head is buried in the back of your neck.
Once you reach your second trimester, and your bump becomes noticeable, Heeseung is always touching your bump, tapping it absentmindedly with his fingers, beaming from ear to ear when eventually he can feel your baby boy squirming underneath his touch.
Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night to the push of feet against his palms, it made him smile every time.
Heeseung is also completely whipped for you, he’ll do anything you ask. 
Your cravings get intense, and he doesn’t complain when you wake him at three in the morning whining about salted popcorn with cheese on. And he goes to the store for you, every time.
Heeseung isn’t usually very sappy, but as soon as your bump pops up he’s the most sentimental soppy man in the world.
Every morning and night he talks to your bump about anything and everything. Even during the day he will randomly address the bump asking it questions.
‘Okay, little one,’ Heeseung sinks to his knees one morning, resting a hand on either side of your bump, ‘kick once for cornflakes. Kick twice for the chocolate cereal.’
You giggle, ‘you’re an idiot.’
‘I’m indecisive. This boy needs to pull his weight and help me. He’s already living here rent free for the next however long.’
You roll your eyes, going back to your own breakfast.
‘What do you think baby boy?’ Heeseung gently pokes at your bump attempting to illicit a response.
Eventually your son delivers a single kick, causing you to choke on your coffee. 
‘Unlucky,’ you laugh at his disappointed face, ‘cornflakes it is.’
‘I will evict him as soon as physically possible. How can he disrespect me like this in my own house.’
‘Can’t wait until he’s actually here,’ you murmur.
‘Me too,’ Heeseung kisses your bump before getting up to kiss your head and reach for the cornflakes.
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Jay isn’t too overbearing during your pregnancy. He’s not the type to constantly ask if you need anything, he will wait for you to ask him.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t anticipate your needs, you’ll come home from a late shift to find your pregnancy pillow already set up, your cravings are always fully stocked and there’s always plenty of bubble bath.
Where he does get somewhat intense is in public.
Jay constantly worries about harm coming to either of you. When you go shopping, he’s careful not to be recognised, wearing hats and glasses as to not to draw attention to you. In airports, his arm is always around you, guiding you around. 
So, when he’s on tour during your pregnancy and you come to visit, he’s on high alert.
‘Jay, I can walk around the venue by myself,’ you’re escorted into the dressing room by a security guard.
Jay pulls you into a hug, kissing the top of your head, ‘there’s lots of equipment around baby, what if you hurt yourself?’
You roll your eyes, ‘have I ever hurt myself backstage before?’
‘Let me look after you,’ he pecks your lips, ‘anyway, it’s soundcheck soon. There’s a nice chair set up for you beside the stage for the actual show as well-‘
‘Wait, I’m going to watch from backstage?’
‘Yeah, of course,’ Jay says, ‘going out there can’t be good for you, or the baby-‘
‘But you know I love being in the audience,’ you pout, ‘Jay, I want to be out there singing along with my lightstick just like everyone else.’
Jay tilts his head, ‘I don’t know, sweetheart, you’re so far along and the fans can be so intense…’
‘I’ll be in the stands with your managers, I’ll have so much space!’
‘I just have visions of you falling over or someone bumping into you..’
‘Please, baby,’ you pull out the puppy eyes, wrapping your arms around his waist, and you quickly see him crumble.
‘Fine, but minimal dancing,’ he taps your nose, ‘and a security guard.’
Just then, a stage runner knocks on the door, letting Jay know he’s needed for soundcheck.
‘Come on, I’ll take you to your seat.’ 
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When you first found out you were pregnant, Jake sort of panics a little bit.
You’re hunched over the toilet and throwing up he doesn’t really know what to do. This is completely new territory for him. Your early symptoms often have him incredibly flustered, you’re emotional, your boobs hurt and you’re constantly dizzy.
One night, Jake comes home from practice, and it’s like his instincts awaken when he sees you in the bathroom, on the floor sobbing.
‘Jake,’ you cry when you see him, and he’s instantly at your side on the tiles, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’
Jake takes you into his arms, letting you cry into his shoulder.
‘I know I haven’t been the most.. helpful,’ he murmurs, ‘but I know you, and you are so strong, and you can do this. And I will do everything and anything you need from me, okay?’
From then on, Jake is the most attentive boyfriend, and is very touchy. You don’t even have to ask, and he’s giving you a foot massage. You come home from work, and there’s already a bath run for you at the perfect temperature.
Once you’re four months in, your bump becomes noticeable, and Jake’s level of affection is just exacerbated. 
Every night he rubs your lotion on your bump, tells the bump about his day, and sleeping with his hand on it.
When you’re hormonal, he holds you.
‘Everything hurts, Jake,’ you sob, ‘all day. She’s been sitting on my spine all day, and I’ve been having braxtons, and my boobs hurt and they’re leaking, I tried to nap but I just couldn’t-‘
Jake from month one in your pregnancy would’ve freaked out at your outburst, but this Jake, in month seven, is calm and collected.
He runs you a bath, filling it with lavender bubbles. On your insistence, he gets in behind you, rubbing your back, shoulders and achy breasts.
’Is that better?’ Jake murmurs, the timbre of his voice sending a shiver down your spine and stirring up your hormones.
‘Much,’ you roll your head back against his shoulder, ‘you’re the best.’
He kisses your head, ‘how about we get out and go lay down?’
‘We can get out,’ you nod, ‘but can we do more than lay down?’
Jake grins cheekily, ‘incredible idea.’
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For your whole pregnancy, Sunghoon is just filled with pride. He shows ultrasound photos to everyone and talks nonstop about your incoming baby girl to anyone that will listen.
Sunghoon becomes a bit of a pregnancy expert. Every book he can get his hands on, he reads cover to cover. He knows what to expect, what was abnormal and everything in-between. 
So Sunghoon did notice just how much you were needing to go to the bathroom. 
It was relentless. He would wake up several times a night to you wriggling out of his arms and padding into your ensuite. During the day, you’re constantly up and down needing to pee, when you’re driving you have Sunghoon pull into service stations constantly. 
He brings it up to your doctor at the next scan. Your doctor agrees that the rate of your bathroom trips are a little out of the ordinary, so he refers you for blood tests. 
‘Gestational diabetes,’ you read the words on the leaflet, slumped in the passenger seat of your car.
‘This is my fault.’
‘Y/N, you heard the doctor. Sometimes these things just happen,’ Sunghoon rests a hand on your arm.
‘What if something happens to her because of this? I know he said that the risks were small, but what if?’ you begin to tear up.
’She was perfect on the scan the other day, remember? I’m going to help you through this. We’re going to get through this.’
Sunghoon stayed up all night that night reading article after article about gestational diabetes. You woke up the next morning to find a full google doc with meal plans, exercise routines and a schedule to check your blood sugars.
He happily did everything with you, eating the same meals and cutting down on sugar. 
On an evening, the two of you would go down to the pool in your apartment complex for a swim. You would slowly swim around while chatting, usually about the baby or work. 
‘You’ve made this so much easier for me,’ you stand over your daughter’s empty crib, damp hair occasionally dripping onto your bump, ‘thank you.’
‘It’s what I’m supposed to do,’ Sunghoon gently turns you around by your waist and kisses your nose, ‘as your husband and her father.’
‘We love you, Hoon.’
‘I love you too.’
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Sunoo feels totally out of his depth. 
Suddenly his fiancee is pregnant, something you never expected. He doesn’t know the first thing about pregnancy, and doesn’t know how to respond to your symptoms. He sort of just treats you as if you’re sick, bringing you soup and tea but keeping his distance. At the same time, you’re hormonal, and can’t understand why he’s staying away.
You worry he doesn’t want the baby, that he’s having second thoughts, or you’re bothering him too much with your requests. In reality, Sunoo is just so worried that he’s not being helpful, or that somehow he might hurt or upset you.
One night you’re laying in bed together watching TV in silence, you essentially lose it.
’Sunoo,’ you’re tearing up, ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Why?’ he whips his head around to look at you, ‘for what?’
‘You’re just distant, and you keep away from me, I barely see you. If it’s me or the baby I would rather you just tell me-’
’No- no, that’s not it at all. I want you and the baby more than anything in the world.’
Sunoo is quiet for a few moments, ‘I’m sorry. I guess I’m just scared. I’ve been retreating into my head and haven’t been there for you like I should be.’
‘Sunoo, we need to talk to each other. I need to know how you feel. If we’re going to be parents, we need to be a team, we need to be in sync.’
‘I know, you’re right. I promise going forward I’ll be more open with you about how I feel.’
From then on, he’s obsessed with all things pregnancy and baby.
Every few days you’ll come home to a package addressed to you that you didn’t order, containing a weird pregnancy product that he saw on TikTok.
You and Sunoo talk constantly. You chat late at night in bed, in the morning on your balcony as the sun comes up, in the car on an evening, all about your excitement and fears surrounding the baby. 
Sunoo also becomes somewhat clingy, especially at night or when you’re in crowds. While before you were pregnant he would usually just throw an arm around you, now he sleeps completely pressed against you, his chest to your back.
‘I love you,’ he mumbles into your neck one night, ‘thank you for giving me my dream.’
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Your pregnancy with Serin is very turbulent. 
For the first half, everything is fairly smooth.
You get sick, and Jungwon holds your hair back. You have mood swings, he tries his best to be empathetic. 
Jungwon knows enough to understand that these things are par for the course, so he’s supportive but not too concerned about your symptoms. 
You were around halfway through your pregnancy when the less than normal symptoms began.
Jungwon would come home from practice to you sitting in a completely dark room. 
‘Why are you sitting in the dark?’
Your head was in your hands, unable to be lifted.
‘I have the worst migraine I think I have ever had,’ you whine, ‘I have taken as much paracetamol as I am allowed. I had a bath in the dark, put a cold cloth on my forehead. Wonnie it’s so bad, I can barely see..’
Jungwon holds you, massaging your head until you fall asleep hours later. 
When the headaches and vision problems persist, you make an emergency appointment. 
‘Bed,’ Jungwon practically pushes you up the stairs when you get home, supervising and making sure you were changing into comfortable clothes and getting under the covers. 
Your intense headaches turn out to be preeclampsia. Although at the moment Serin was measuring well, the doctor had warned you of the potential complications, including preterm labour or low birth weight. 
You’d been ordered to take strict bed rest. 
For the remainder of your pregnancy, Jungwon waits on you hand and foot. 
He’s suddenly fussing over you, messing with your pillows and cushions. He brings up your food on trays, eating every meal beside you. The two of you tear through countless shows on a plethora of streaming services. He holds you when you cry in frustration. He holds your hand when the doctor visits every week.  
‘Baby, it’s ready,’ Jungwon enters your bedroom, approaching the bed.
‘Really?’ you warm with excitement at the prospect of getting out of bed, ‘can I see?’
Jungwon helps you get up, wrapping an arm around your waist to help you walk. 
He leads you down the corridor and into your daughters nursery, which he, Jay and Heeseung had spent all day decorating.
‘Oh, it’s beautiful,’ hot tears spring to your eyes, ‘you guys.. It’s exactly how I imagined.’
‘She’ll be in there so soon,’ Jungwon lays a hand on the rail of the crib, ‘and no matter what happens, she’ll be fine.’
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sgiandubh · 1 year
I want to ship SC, trust me I do and I love them together, but I just can’t fathom how far they stretch a fake relationship (her and T). Like for example the recent picture of them holding hands- now it’s not an insane gesture but definitely one we haven’t seen before. So maybe they truly are just a private couple. But in my heart of hearts I just love her and S together so much, and don’t know what to think because on one hand they are simply everything together and on the other it seems like she really is with T. I’m confused 🥲 what’s your take?
Dear Confused Anon,
I will be brutally honest: no, I do not trust you and I do not care about your crocodile tears. Not a single bit. In fact, once I will be done with my answer to you, you are most probably going to press CTRL+C, then CTRL +V. And run to the nearest Mordor sweatshop, in the hope one of the Three Sopranos will insult me again.
You see, to trust you, I would have to speak with at least a handle, not a coward in disguise. And then, even DMs are neither always safe, nor always honest - I have recently learned it the rough way, despite my best efforts, tried (and up until now failed) to forgive and will never forget.
By now, I suppose everyone got a good look at this splendiferous picture:
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Take a long, quiet, hard look at it, Shire.
So organic it could kill a moth colony on the spot.
So heartfelt - she doesn't even look at him.
So sentimental - that icy smile of hers. A happy couple, indeed.
A general round of applause, all across the Nation.
You are very wrong: it is not the first time they are holding hands, I mean, sort of. The much touted London marathon pic immediately comes to mind - although you'd have to admit, I looked and looked and he seemed to be checking her pulse, rather than being lovey-dovey.
A real private couple would never stoop as low as a cheap, laborious retcon, in retaliation for a couple of thousand people speculating on a niche blogging platform.
It took four years, a month and four days after that Remarkable Week-end to see McSideburns clumsily try and claw her hand. Remarkable, indeed.
And are you trying to tell me the MC didn't shake your beliefs and this does?
This perfunctory, formulaic, scripted AF, blip?
Wow. I have no words, Anon.
That unkempt, bland person - for God's sake, mister, tuck that damn shirt in your pants! - looking like the elephant in the china shop at a carefully curated event celebrating the supreme form of French refinement?
This is insulting, to say the least. To her (and her prized image), to Chanel, to this fandom, to S and believe it or not, to himself, too. Granted, the Berluti shoes are showing some improvement and are now clean. Hmph.
So here is what I think, Anon (and I know people are going to shriek and guess what, I do not care, for once):
It's been at least one year this fandom has been asking for this specific pic and for this specific whiplash. A childish tantrum, as she is regularly throwing. Mind you, that doesn't even come close to the painfully slow, monumentally boring Flukenzie Floozy Saga and looks as staged as the Ochoa & S London sighting (ah, patterns!).
This is the reaction to our scriptwriting ineptitude.
This is also the reaction to some underground shenanigans, directly related to a birth certificate apparently being peddled around. I will not discuss this, yet know just that: this is a legal claptrap, right there. I can, and if needed I will prove it. With the cold, surgical precision Mordor is so afraid of.
But she is a mother, for Christ's sake!
A mother!
As I said, I am not a mother and never will be. I do not wish this trial on anyone. But if I know something about life, I can guarantee you a mother would do whatever it takes to protect her child(ren).
Including taking precisely this kind of sad and forgettable pic.
So, there's that. We choose and we choose now: we fall for it once more and let the playbook fiddle with our insecurities once more and post endless trails of old pics once more to soothe the searing indignation.... Or GROW THE FUCK UP and show to whom it may concern we're not buying this shit anymore.
I know what I'll do. You're on your own, Anon: my tough love took you only this far, down the road. Sorry for the length. It was needed.
For the moment, I just booked an appointment with Miss Fotoula (roughly Claire, hehe), my genius hairdresser. I will ask her to refresh my dirty blonde mane.
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emblazons · 1 year
I said I was gonna so a whole long post about the monologue after my rewatch so: having watched the whole Vecna monologue v Mike monologue that happens in the Piggyback in full for the first time in actual months…god damn. Just.
There is no way to understand what’s happening with El (and her relationship with Mike) during the monologue without looking at Vecna's monologue that comes right before it. There just isn’t, and if you try you’re 100% going to miss critical context for why things happen the way they do both in mlvn’s relationship and on screen.
First off: after what Vecna says to her, El is fully in self-defeat (and self-loathing) mode. She’d just learned that every single attempt of hers to do "right" with the knowledge she had at the time had actually been useful to the person destroying her world—
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—and despite trying so hard to overcome her sense of destructiveness about things like scaring Mike and hitting Angela by going to “learn who she is” at Nina, it turned out that even the moments she perceived as her “heroic” ones (like closing the gate and stopping the mindflayer monster in S3) were actually tools useful to Vecna…just like her Piggybacking in to save Max.
El is literally hearing that even her best attempts at being “good” were used for evil, which makes her an accomplice to Vecna even if she didn’t mean to be—
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—which we're shown, as El remembers all the moments she thought she was "helping" only to be told each one of those was her having her powers used by Henry/Vecna.
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If that wasn't enough, we literally watched as El paralleled herself directly to the person whose powers are now being used to destroy the world, even as we (the audience) know most of what is happening is just Vecna do what he does best by tapping into her deepest core fears.
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Vecna adds insult to injury here by making it clear that he once "wanted her by his side" in the first place (aka the powers she's been trying to use for good cannot be divorced from bad things)—
—and from this second onward (in El's perception at least) there is no way for her powers to be used correctly even when she wants to be helpful—which is why she “gives up,” lets the vine loop around her neck in the first place, and stares unmoving and crying at Max.
Basically: What Vecna says steals even the little resolve she gained back at Nina…which is why she stops fighting entirely.
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Now, all of this is an extremely fair reason to feel defeated and dejected about trying to fight (on top of traumatizing af for El)—
—the problem is (like everything else wrong in their relationship) Mike once again has no sense of El’s internal state because she doesn’t and has not historically shared it (or can’t in this case), and therefore can only answer what he externally perceives her state to be—which he guesses, based on their last argument, has to do with him not being able to say he loves her.
The disjointedness between what is really happening with El and what Mike wrongly perceives the issue to be is why we see El not only look repeatedly displeased by his confession—
—but why the only thing she can think of in relation to Mike positively is his initial rescue, when he takes her to a space where her powers are neutral / unknown (and not the force for evil even her best attempts at using them just became in her mind).
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That dissonance is also why she doesn’t fight until he starts saying she need to get over herself and save someone else…which is why she looks at Max and decides to fight anyway.
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In truth, Mike could have glossed over the entirety of the “I love you," "not I'm scared of you but I’m afraid of losing you” part and just said “I believe you can do anything, but right you need to fight” and gotten the same result, given that what needed to be addressed was her self-loathing, not Mike’s (lack of) romantic affections.
Basically: even if they weren’t on the precipice of a breakup, Mike’s love wasn’t going to make up for the fact that El has basically just learned that what Brenner said was true—she wasn’t ready, not even physically, but mentally…because she was not prepared to learn that even her best attempts at saving the world were actually helping Henry build to the end of it.
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Combine that with the fact that she ends up losing Max despite trying to fight with Mike's encouragement...on top of the fact that all of her relationship with Mike was rooted in her wanting to feel "normal" (aka what Vecna just shot out the window permanently)?
...no amount of "I love you's" from a boy as insecure as Mike (who she keeps at emotional distance) is was going to help that, especially given that Mike was directly mirroring what Brenner (who she literally cannot stand atp) said to her trying to encourage her.
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All of this...we haven't even touched on anything happening on Mike's side or how her powers (that he so admires her for) are now officially "evil" in El's mind, never mind every other aspect of their incompatibility? ☠️
—I know I'm gonna move from this post on to how what Brenner said to her about "facing the good and the bad / humans are rarely so simple" is actually how El's arc has to be resolved in the end, but.
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For now I'm at 30 images and anything more would get convoluted easy, so I'll just leave us (and my million mile an hour thoughts) here.
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andrevasims · 2 years
TS2 Quality of Life Mods
idk what else to call them... Mods that make sims slightly less annoying to deal with, or slightly more self-sufficient, or tweaks that help reduce risks of corruption or otherwise avoid less than ideal problems/situations.
It’s not 100% comprehensive, just a list of mods I personally use or have used. Even then I have way more mods than this total, but I just wanted to focus on one specific aspect.
I intended this to be more like a personal archive than anything, so don’t take it as guarantee that every single one works together without conflict lol
SuperDuperHugTest (instantly removes Super Duper Hug Bug from any infected lot as soon as it’s loaded)
Mods by TwoJeffs
• Visitor Controller (you can allow/ban sims from a lot based on tons of things)
• ACR (Autonomous Casual Romance)
• Same Sex Marriage (no “Joined Union" for gay couples just “Married”)
• Stinky Dormies & Assignments Fix (dormies never shower or complete assignments because Do Assignment advertises Hygiene fulfillment??)
• Smart Beds (enforces bed ownership, but I don’t really use it because townies or sims you've never directed to Sleep will never autonomously sleep in a bed)
• Have-Adopt Child Want Fix (adopting a baby fulfills Have a Baby want & vice versa)
• Sim Blender (modify motives, skills, relationships, skills, personality... everything basically. also the fastest way to do the Good Genes Challenge because you can choose one sim to get pregnant by another sim and accelerate the pregnancy to only take 3 hours instead of 3 days)
• Preg for All Genders (AF sims can impregnate AF/AM sims, or AM sims can impregnate AM sims, stuff like that)
Mods by BoilingOil
• No Trash Memories (removes “Met [Sim]” and “Moved In/Out” memories so they don’t clog up the memory panel, also removes “Met Mystery Sim” memories from CAS sims so they can have a First Kiss with a real sim lol)
• No Sim Loaded (removes “Sim Loaded” tokens from sims, which apparently do nothing anyway, and whenever a lot is loaded it automatically clears/resets things that are otherwise broken or could possibly cause corruption, also suppresses the Super Duper Hug Bug so you don’t see it in the game)
• No Lecture Baby (stops sims from lecturing babies for being stinky)
• Less Toddler Annoyance (toddlers ask adults for stuff based on needs/skills)
Mods by Pescado
See this post and this post for mod descriptions/compatibility
• Batbox (clear gossip to reduce chances of corrupted memories, make sims stop doing the silly dance face if it gets stuck, delete all rain puddles, make dormies stuck as transparent from being in their room normal again, etc.)
• Stuck Object Remover (place it on a square to delete everything in that square if you can’t otherwise see/interact with whatever’s stuck there)
• No Unlinkage On Urnstone Delete (prevents shredded character files caused by deleting tombstones or when moving them to community lots)
• No Corrupted Death Memory (reduces the chances of seeing the corrupted memory that we all know as the “squiggly lines” - btw it’s a corrupted memory NOT a corrupted sim/hood. still not great, but also not the end of the world if you do end up seeing it)
• Creature Fixes (random fixes for supernatural behaviors/wants/appearances)
• AL Fixes (fixes related to things from AL that the EP broke or came broken lol)
• Vacation Fixes (fixes related to bugs from Bon Voyage)
• Anti-Redundancy (prevents tons of new NPCs being needlessly created)
• No SS Respawn (limits new townies being created to fill Uni Secret Societies)
• No Stray Respawns (prevents tons of stray dogs/cats being created)
• Garden Club Townie Fix (makes the game treat Garden Club members as townies, because it didn’t before, which prevents issues that may have caused)
• Door Jam Fix (fixes doors getting stuck open by a light or stair tile)
• Warmth Fixes (prevents zombies from getting frostbite or sims exercising indoors spontaneously combusting)
• Drama Professor & Met Self Fix (prevents useless memories related to the drama professor and “Met Self” from happening)
• Front Door Hack (the door a deliveryperson considers the “front” door makes more sense, instead of a garage or a door in the back of the house)
• Smarter Cashier (makes it faster to earn the Register talent badge, because apparently by default it otherwise takes 50 checkouts to get to Bronze)
• No Humble (Rod Humble doesn’t visit new families but you can buy his PC)
• No Eat Crap (sims stop eating when they’re full or if food spoils while eating)
• Anti-Foodnapping Hack (sims won’t fall asleep in their food if doing so would cause them to die of starvation)
• Less Whiny (sims whine less about “stupid things” - idk what that means but I’ve apparently been using this mod sooo yeah lol)
• Don’t Wave At Me (if sims are having a problem they just have the problem instead of yelling at you about it first)
• Anti-Weather Reactions (prevents reacting to weather from becoming a thing sims have to do immediately even when they’re doing other stuff or sleeping)
• No Servo “Do Chores” (removes autonomous “Do Chores” self interaction from servos)
• No Baby Harassment (stops sims from constantly interacting with babies, which is annoying because then babies never get a chance to sleep)
• No Route Fail (stops the complaining/yelling when sims are blocked by something, leaves only the thought bubble telling you what’s causing the blockage)
• Local Walkbys (walkby sims are from the same hood the lot is in)
Mods by Cyjon
• Smarter EP Check (many of Cyjon’s and others’ mods require this to work)
• Lot Inspecter (place it on a lot and it tells you if it’s safe to delete a lot or not because of tombstones, offworld loiterers, owned businesses, etc.)
• NPC Maker Fix (improves functionality of NPC Maker that can be spawned with TestingCheatsEnabled)
• Breadfruit Tree Fix (stops tree from burning forever after lightning hits it)
• Bug Collection Fix (sims literally can’t complete the bug collection without this)
• Call to Meal Fix (doing “Call to Meal” won’t include servos/babies/toddlers/plantsims/NPCs in who comes over to grab a plate)
• Dance Advertising Tweaks (different dances are preferred based on personality)
• Dance Near Stereo (sims doing the smustle get closer to the stereo first instead of just suddenly dancing outside in the corner of the lot alone)
• Dumb “In Use” Test (sims won’t go all the way across the lot to use an object if it’s already being used by another sim)
• Fake Townie Sales (NPCs/townies buying from a business don’t get tons of objects piled in their inventory, it just disappears)
• Fewer Tourists (allows smaller/fewer Vacation Destination tourist families, because otherwise the game expects 12 families with at least 4 members each and will not generate any tourists at all if there’s less than that)
• Floor Sleep Fix (fixes bug where a passed out sim stops gaining energy)
• Ghost Hack (set of mods you can pick & choose from for ghost behavior)
• Less Naked Freakout (sims in Love don’t get shocked seeing each other naked)
• Meet Professors Fix (fixes bug related to sims in Uni meeting professors)
• Memory Fixes (fixed bugs related to a few memories and associated gossip)
• More Dishes (sims pick up more dishes to clean at once than originally)
• No Table Platters (sims can’t put serving platters on eating surfaces)
• Pool Ladder Autonomy (sims autonomously enter pools using the ladder)
• Relationship Decay Fix (fixes bug related to daily relationship decay involving larger sized families/households)
• Self Preservation (sims prioritize satisfying Hunger over Bladder or Energy)
• Smarter Chair Selection (sims choose seating more sensibly, based on location/proximity/activity)
• Smarter Food Serving (sims decide how many plates to serve based on who’s on the lot without including people like babies or ghosts)
• Townie Apartment Residents (empty/unplayed apartments are filled by townies instead of social groups, which you might not have/want in a hood)
• Townie Enthusiasm Seeder (gives townies hobby enthusiasm if they don’t have any, usually when they were made in CAS then turned into a townie)
• Vampire Walkbys (more nighttime walkbys involving different supernaturals)
• Yoga/Meditation Fix (you can put Yoga/Meditation in a sim’s queue multiple times so they resume after falling without it disappearing from the queue)
Mods by Nopke
• Random Dormies (dormies that move in are picked randomly instead of being the lowest numbered, also if a dorm a dormie lived in is demolished or no longer has a playable sim in it then their old dorm room key is removed so they can move into a new dorm)
• Inventory Inheritance (the inventory of a sim who died gets moved to another sim based on their relationship with variances you can choose from)
• Food Already Available Fix (if food is already on a lot then sims won’t autonomously cook, get a snack, or “Stuff Face” with some variances you can choose from)
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 10
ALSO HOW DID SHE GET BACK LATER?? wasnt she waking out of the uni? how did she end up in bed?? doesnt she have any classes on tuesday or wednesday? cuz then she would have realized somethings wrong
hold on i checked, she didnt have any classes on tuesday and was in library studying, so she is doing the same thing on wed too. and uni/colleges doesnt call you if you didnt attend until its not enough to apply for exam. holy shit she is only going to realize it until she goes to her class and finds out the said class was yesterday and today is tomorrow
GO AWAY (JIMIN) ANNA ofc joon stood up cuz it was yesterday and not today
THE MOVIE RAIN SCENE YEEHAW He is drenched, hair sticking against his forehead and shirt clinging to his body. IM GONNA DIE IM SIMPING TOO HARD AAAH
ok apology accepted i guess
“force of habit perhaps."  that hurt
keekek they are running home in the rain THEY ARE RUNNING HOME IN THE RAIN AAH JAOLXGWUIS giggles
If he keeps kissing you like this, you can’t guarantee that you won’t jump his bones right here and now. You twist his tie, needing him closer. TWISTING THE TIE AAAH PULL THE TIE FUCK
ALLOW ME TO FUCK YOU HOLY MOLY NOBODY SAYS THAT AND THATS SAD AS FUCK but it also makes it extra hot when tae says it
30 BUCKS FOR AN UNDERWEAR WTF YALL IT BETTER HAVE GOLD LACE OR SOMETHING i can get a dozen of normal underwear for less than 30 riyals???
shit she is soo ruined, You are pretty sure you just gave birth. SHE GAVE BIRTH TO KTH 1 CONGRATULATIONS
Allow me to find my release on your chest”, THIS IS SOO FUNNY AND HOT AT THE SAME TIME
“Vampires?” Taehyung gasps and inhales so harshly that he chokes on his spit, “my” – cough – "darling" – cough – "why would" – cough – "you think that?” - cough. ha caught u in 4k
SAYING JOON was in her dream caught his attention ALSO RM??
NOT YOU TO TAE NOOOOAUR AARGH *im this close to jumping off a cliff
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oh my god idk what to do AAAH IM PULLING MY HAIR OUT
ALSO HOW DID SHE GET BACK LATER?? wasnt she waking out of the uni? how did she end up in bed?? doesnt she have any classes on tuesday or wednesday? cuz then she would have realized somethings wrong. hold on i checked, she didnt have any classes on tuesday and was in library studying, so she is doing the same thing on wed too. and uni/colleges doesnt call you if you didnt attend until its not enough to apply for exam. holy shit she is only going to realize it until she goes to her class and finds out the said class was yesterday and today is tomorrow
THE MOVIE RAIN SCENE YEEHAW He is drenched, hair sticking against his forehead and shirt clinging to his body. IM GONNA DIE IM SIMPING TOO HARD AAAH
relatable. valid. me.
ok apology accepted i guess
hahah me when wet!Tae JFAJSDF
“force of habit perhaps."  that hurt
the pain </3
keekek they are running home in the rain THEY ARE RUNNING HOME IN THE RAIN AAH JAOLXGWUIS giggles
me fr (I was at a street festival yesterday and the men there reminded me why I'm single. imma stick with my delulu fictional men tbfh)
If he keeps kissing you like this, you can’t guarantee that you won’t jump his bones right here and now. You twist his tie, needing him closer. TWISTING THE TIE AAAH PULL THE TIE FUCK
ALLOW ME TO FUCK YOU HOLY MOLY NOBODY SAYS THAT AND THATS SAD AS FUCK but it also makes it extra hot when tae says it
like he is the king of consent AND I NEED HIM
30 BUCKS FOR AN UNDERWEAR WTF YALL IT BETTER HAVE GOLD LACE OR SOMETHING i can get a dozen of normal underwear for less than 30 riyals???
lmoaoao me fr JFADJ
barking at him out of my vagina tbfh
shit she is soo ruined, You are pretty sure you just gave birth. SHE GAVE BIRTH TO KTH 1 CONGRATULATIONS
I forgot I wrote this BAHAHAH 😶 help why is she so unserious? jfasjdf
Allow me to find my release on your chest”, THIS IS SOO FUNNY AND HOT AT THE SAME TIME
HFAHDSHF I need him so bad
“Vampires?” Taehyung gasps and inhales so harshly that he chokes on his spit, “my” – cough – "darling" – cough – "why would" – cough – "you think that?” - cough. ha caught u in 4k
hfhadshf he is panicking hard
SAYING JOON was in her dream caught his attention ALSO RM??
jfajsdfj they are NOT subtle with it AFHSDFH
NOT YOU TO TAE NOOOOAUR AARGH *im this close to jumping off a cliff
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coffeesleep-ooc · 10 days
Kachina’s name is funny
Its 2 am and i cant stop thinking about this and i need to get it out bc every single time i look at her name i think of this and can’t even enjoy the storyline aaaaaa lmao
So! We’ve seen that genshin has a history of making up the most bizarre names ever, like idek what happened after inazuma or if sumeru’s names are this funny (idk much about the region it’s inspired in so forgive me for being uneducated), BUT, i do know this: there’s a poor npc in fontaine literally called Book, just Book, wtf genshin, there’s a lot of npcs and pplcalled weird things, and with Natlan that’s wven more obvious that while genshin team does great stuff for plotlines and inspiration for each region, they just say WHATEVER WHEEEEE for names. Bc, who calls themselves/their children Boba? Like wtf?! I’m not even mad about it just why??
I play the game in spanish btw, and Boba is like calling yourself silly or stupid, a friend told me that the English equivalent was also something along those lines so we know this is on purpose? Again wtf lmao
Then there’s the npc called Umi, isn’t that ocean in japanese? And said npc is from the ocean tribe dont get me wrong, if we want to make an accurate “inspiration” from America (America is a continent, ill throttle the person that says its a country thanks) it makes sense to have lots of names that come from different places bc we do have a mix of cultures that resulted in today’s life, but it doesn’t make any sense in Natlan’s whole description, bc these ppl are described as ppl that don’t go out of their country at all? They do receive visitors and i imagine one or two would probably want to stay but it’s still strange, noted, Umi is not the only strange name i’ve seen but i dont keep a notebook with all of genshin’s lore/plot/naming/etc holes bc i would have to make it a full time job. So far a couple things make no sense to me, BUT ALSO! Natlan is culturally rich and filled with stuff i approve, i mean, i like it so far, the legends, myths and way of interaction between characters is rivh and meaningful, i especially loved a quest about a shadow needles bc it felt like revisiting old myths from my memory!
the main quest relating to Kachina is also very interesting and despite it being complete fiction, the way the underworld is constructed is also reminiscent of myths and legends - ik its not called underworld, sorry, its 2am i forgot the name - that place felt to me like one of the scary tales ppl traditionally tell each other but with a very Teyvat element mixed in, and that’s good in my book
there’s also the apparent mix of maya, inca and aztecas in culture and storytelling? And its also true that America has more stories about wars and warriors known to ourselves and the rest of the world? I’d probably have much more to say about this if i had slept, but there are no towns named Fighting soul in my country for no reason, which i find funny and sad af bc wars are shitty excuses to steal and do awful awful things, but whatever. There’s also the way they captured the behavior of ppl in the coasts, kudos to them for that, obviously things irl are not always that good or pretty and some parts of America do have a lot of poverty bc corruption is also shit, but it is true that ppl (i’ve met) in the coast is much mote laidback than in the city, more prone to random music and parties and dancing, big big parties too, the surf part i have never seen in my country so no comments there
some stuff (like the food) is a bit so so for me (im still wondering where shrimp tacos were invented wtf, there’s also too much corn which i find hilarious), and im not even gonna talk about the saurian stuff bc his post is already long enough without talking about Kachina
anyways! in general i really liked it.
now, why is Kachina a weird name for me?
Bc my mother tongue is Spanish
the thing is, idk how many countries with spanish as their main language would have this two problems (or three…maybe)
nunber 3 and less important is the K, it’s overused in Natlan and i find it funny bc many ppl here use the c instead, the k it’s actually more rare in names unless your name is Katheryn or unusual (i once heard the name Ikza and I believe its cool, just not common)…just a thought but: Quinich sounds too much like Quiche so that’s why ill allow Kinich but the qu is way more vommon
number 2 the Ka is just fine, but the China. I just…China is a countey and I can’t help but think of it! Especially bc in spanish it aounds the exact same
number 1 and my biggest concern wity her name, and this is way more personal but I JUST CANT UNSEE IT! In my country we sometimes refer to young ppl as chino or china which is also the way to call ppl from China (probably not coincide but I haven’t researched why this happened to the slang in the first place) so maybe when someone is not listening to you or when they are being tricky or hot headed its bot rare flr someone else to say “¡Este chino/a!” Like saying “this little troublemaker!” Or smth like “¡esta china no hace caso!” Which means “this girl won’t listen/obey!” You could even say “la china de allá” which would mean you are pointing to a girl that is most definitely not chinese but it’s in your field of vision
its not used to denigrate anyonebut it is commonly used as slang by both adults and kids, sometimes even elderly will use it but in more informal situations…
this is why, it feels so damn weird to keep reading and hearing Kachina, sometimes i think im reading ‘pa aca china” kinda “come here kid” and other times im reading the equivalent of ka-girl
I obviously don’t blame the developers or genshin team for not knowing this (i do blame them for Poisson-Fish, Livre-Book, Boba-Silly, etc etc) but i just cant unsee it, even in serious situations its so weirdly funny and awkward
im re-baptizing her Kachi in my mind
someone save me from this misery 😂😂😂😂
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babyspacebatclone · 4 months
I wanted to reply to your tags on that one post for the article about the (lack of) efficacy of ABA. It’s me, though, so this is going to be a wall of text and out of respect I’m not adding this to the notes of an important thread.
I believe you when you say your parents truly, and with the best compassion in the world, believed the therapy you went to as a child was “beneficial.”
Success for these kinds of treatments are measured on three different types of outcomes
Usefulness and comfort to the patient.
Usefulness and reduction of effort to the parents or other people in direct authority to patient.
Matching the expected behaviors of the surrounding culture - that is, “fits in.”
Traditionally, sadly, the primary viewpoint of ABA therapy is that achieving success in points 2 and 3 obviously means success for point 1.
I mean, obviously.
Except in the wealth of experiences from other minority groups, look at (non radical) feminism and replace “parents” with “spouse” for point 2 for an easy case study.
The thing is, “fitting in” with “expected behaviors” and making life “easier” for the people in authority over you….
Doesn’t actually mean you’re living your best life.
Just that you’re not upsetting the people with power.
Now, and this is important, society as a whole lies about this.
We see this regularly, of course, and there’s never ending cycles of pushback between disenfranchised groups and the existing status quo over this.
But even seeing it play out in our own lives… If you do manage to at least break even in the status quo, it’s easy to slip into the complacency of believing the lie of “fitting in.”
That of your child who is struggling just - stops looking like they’re struggling, obviously they’re doing better.
The sad thing is, however, ABA and related philosophies sees “stops struggling” as the end goal.
It doesn’t matter why the patient has “stopped,” it just matters that it happens.
Compliancy, over actual healing.
And so, the patients are literally forced to lie for self protection.
You can’t show struggling, because you’re only going to be punished more for struggling.
You have to accept being broken, as the only alternative to being regularly hurt on top of being broke.
And parents who mean well? Parents we love, who honestly want the best for us, who we see hurting when we are hurting?????????
Well, one thing ABA teaches is how to lie about suffering.
And so, while it was happening, a child in ABA has every single reason in the universe to not tell their loving, well meaning parents that that are being made to hate themselves.
And this ends up with neurotypical people in authority - especially Applied Behavior Analysts- to think it worked.
Achieving compliance meant success, so obviously the patient is also now able to lead their best life.
Which is also why people who do mean well but have been experiencing the system from the professional end honestly believe it has been helpful, and the people complaining are either an insignificant minority or have ulterior motives.
Success was achieved. They saw it.
You have to convince them that, well….
Testimonies under torture usually can’t be trusted.
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trivial-writing · 3 months
Here’s some pokemon head cannons because surgery is a bitch.
Steven and Cynthia are terrible at flirting yet they always make each other flustered af. Wallace is in the background cringing to death.
Lance doesn’t know how to flirt. Diantha does though. She always gets Lance a flustered mess. Clair records the whole thing to post on social media. She gets mad views and the Lance fangirls rage.
Diantha is Cynthia’s wingman. Wingwoman? Whatever idk. She dressed Cynthia in a dress like Lust’s in FMA:B. Wallace is Steven’s wingman. Steven knows Lance can and will get second hand embarrassment. Steven hits it off so well that Diantha calls Winona and Lance to pick them up.
Lorelei used to be a water-type trainer and Lance’s rival. She got so sick of losing to Lance that she changed her type specialty to ice. She had some unrequited feelings toward Lance for a while. She knows he’s taken, but she can’t help herself thinking about what could’ve been. She gives Lance a heaping helping of Dragonite plushies and capes with heating cloth since she knows that man cannot handle the heat.
Wallace told the player that he was attracted to girls because he was scared of any homophobic comments that the player would tell. Wallace is pan.
Another Wallace headcanon: he keeps pestering Winona to join him in a contest. He loves wearing more fem!presenting clothing because they’re stylish. He’s masc!presenting though.
Winona always visits Diantha to do the flight battles. She also visits Wikstrom because she’s an absolute medieval nerd in secret. This is something Lance and her bond about. She loves barging into his house unannounced just to steal his Altaria. He, used to Clair barging in, turns a blind eye and continues to relax because God knows how much freetime that man gets.
When Lance was single, he would (very awkwardly) ask girls out. And when some most of them would say they were lesbian, he would tell them about Clair.
Clair is bi. Disaster bi to be specific. She used to be closeted Lesbian until she wasn’t, then took a page out of her cousin’s book because she wanted to be better than him at romance, so she became bi out of spite.
Lance is a spiteful person magnet. No one can tell me otherwise.
Steven and Cynthia are both neurodivergent. They talk for hours and hours about their discoveries.
Cyrus once called Cynthia a freak because her hair actually covers a huge burn mark over her face and Steven beat the crap out of him just for saying that. Cynthia and Steven then had a long talk about it and Cynthia’s insecurities. Steven didn’t care about her “ugliness.” He loved her because of her interests and for her as a person.
Diantha introduced spy and police movies to Lance. He critiqued the hell out of them. Lance only likes documentaries and any movie his beloved angel stars in.
Lance introduced Silver to Lorelei and they hit it off instantly. Lorelei helped with Silver’s Weavile.
Silver is like the little brother of the Johto Elite Four.
Cynthia introduced Steven to Riley and Riley and Volkner are good friends with Steven.
Speaking of Riley, he loves Cheryl with his whole heart. It was Lucario that made him realize Cheryl was his crush. He always makes sure Cheryl is safe and sound. He loves Blissey too. Riley tried to introduce Salamence to Wailord. It did not go well.
Lance’s Gyarados and Wallace’s Gyarados are in love. Milotic likes to bully Dratini and Dragonair. Lance’s Kingdra protects them though. The Kingdra was infertile, so he treats any of Lance’s baby dragons as his own. He definitely influenced Lance’s more fraternal side.
Cynthia’s and Steven’s pokemon used to hate each other, then they started to get along.
Steven’s Aerodactyl and Lance’s Aerodactyl are actually related. Steven’s Skarmory beat the crap out of Lance’s aerodactyl once.
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qrfit · 3 months
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Happy Sunday! ☀️
I decided to get my doggo Nico out for a little active recovery day! First off, you can’t deny that my guy is photogenic AF! Look at him. These are all on the fly, action shots and he looks like a timeless photo in every single one! 😍
Second, we found a baby bird in our yard! Well, Nico found it and we saved it from Nico. 😅 Google says since it has its feathers, we’re supposed to leave it be. Little one hasn’t learned to fly yet, so it’s been chilling in our driveway all day, waiting for it’s mom. I think we can all relate! Nature never stops teaching us. We all have to be patient with ourselves as we’re learning to fly. 🪺
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punkpandapatrixk · 11 months
LOL, I fookin LIED🤡
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Don’t you feel like there’s been a constant shifting of aenergies lately? I haven’t been able to focus on precisely ONE single thing since the last Full Harvest Moon in Aries! Feelings, thoughts and emotions, as well as focus and priorities keep changing for the life of me! I think we’re collectively transcending and transforming the core of our beingness and habits… our ways of Life. So, ultimately, I think we will all be fine🍒🍀✨
In my last Oracle Alchemy on Patreon, I mentioned that the next series of PAC that was supposed to be Destined Person readings, was gonna be postponed and instead I wrote that I was going publish first a series of PAC on money, luck and manifestation. At that time, I couldn’t focus on Destined Person readings at all and it felt like the cosmic aenergies wanted me to prioritise readings on career and manifestation. Well, clown on me. I haven’t even finished Part 1 of that series and the aenergy had already shifted back to what was originally planned🤣
I’m sorry if I’m not making too much sense right now but basically, please expect a reading on 🍷Scent of Your Destined Person very soon some time this week🎉YAY!! The readings on money luck and manifestation are coming after all three Destined Person readings are published🍨
On another note, I also wrote on my side blog that I was going to resume daily readings on the last New Moon. Well, that didn’t happen🤡Seriously, I’ve been so spiritually all over the place I haven’t got it in me to channel readings properly🤣So on that note, I’ll do my best to resume daily readings on the next New Moon!✌🏻🦋🌈I’m putting all my faith in the upcoming Full Hunter’s Moon in Taurus to help me feel more secure and balanced in the material aspects of my Life😔
On that note, I’m confident this upcoming Full Moon will help me heaps in terms of changing my dietary habits… Y’know, Taurus rules over the throat and kitchen business LMAO I’m naturally skinny AF and don’t particularly struggle with ED of any kind, but I do realise now that my body is incredibly sensitive to certain types of harmful chemicals in our modern foods… If we could still call these things… foods at this point.
My fairy body can’t seem to digest well a lot of Human foods hahah Basically, I guess what I’m saying is that I’m learning to eat foods that would be good for my mental health so that I become subsequently less prone to anxieties and burnouts. I think foods are definitely related to healthy and balanced productivity🍱I’ll be learning all that for the rest of the year!
I hope you get to eat delicious foods that are good for both your mental and physical bodies!🍯Thanks for reading this far and lastly, happy Scorpio season!🦂
This is MY season MU HA HA HA Expect a lot of awesome content all through the rest of the year! v^o^/
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 year
the yuuji is seen stupid talk is so much applying the stereotype that only maths makes you smart. it's done to gon too. even though these characters are very quick learners and smart and knowledgeable in non math related ways. it is done in universe as well, this kind of belief that there’s only a specific way to be smart. if i remember correctly, there are cultural reasons for this, rooted in classism sexism, racism and ableism. but even in the more leftist fandom circles it’s still quite pervasive. i guess it’s one of those transparent biases so ingrained in us that we don’t even think about them.
for example in both these cases they have very high emotional intelligence, when someone like gojou or megumi don’t. killua actually has pretty high emotional intelligence, he’s a more balanced character, like gon.
and i think in both cases, gon and yuuji, it’s because of the surface level comments other characters make.
killua calls gon dumb and gon can’t do maths and it’s like well it’s settled. but also killua admires gon like a lot, he respects gon’s skill implicitly, he relies on gon’s abilities. maybe because killua is there to infodump about the world sometimes and gon’s upbringing was more sheltered, the fandom believes that killua is smarter. which really isn’t the case. and killua is actually quite stupid in some ways, he over relies on his supposed knowledge and loses a lot of their money. sigh.
if one treats intelligence and smarts holistically gon and killua are really well and closely matched.
with yuuji it’s kind of more upsetting. because for example gojou may be a top tier cursed energy user and he can aquire knowledge really fast due to his cursed technique but he’s irresponsible af, he’s a very bad teacher, his plan of changing the jujutsu world is a nothing burger and not like he’d advanced it very far before kenjaku sealed him. and kenjaku outsmarted him with not much pushback from gojou. and his emotional intelligence is in single digits.
megumi is not much better either. his life philosophy is not very smart. it kinda feels like he read one philosophy book and internalised it to repeat it. he’s so enamoured with it that he needs to be shocked into thinking deeply about what he actually believes in. he may have a lot of knowledge but that makes him good at school. he had no idea how to go about his cursed technique, he only started advancing in it once sukuna pushed him and yuuji’s advancement shamed him. and his emotional intelligence is mediocre, i mean he’s better than gojou but that bar is on the floor.
when it comes to intelligence and smarts yuuji is kinda on average evenly matched with someone like gojou because gojou breaks the chart in one category and barely has anything in others.
but compared to megumi? yuuji comes out on top imo. megumi’s development was in the gutter before yuuji showed up and later megumi piggybacked on yuuji’s advancement a lot. and yuuji feels far more adaptive than megumi, he is also more level headed in dangerous situations. megumi still does well in fights and figures out stuff but when you compare the experience and knowledge about jujutsu he has to yuuji’s, things he does kind of lose their wow factor. it’s like, well it’d be embarrassing if couldn’t do it, you know, especially with how highly he thinks of himself.
and megumi uses hard words and jargon, and is eloquent, and also speaks in a decisive way. he projects certain and expertise that imo he shouldn’t feel that entitled to. but it impresses and intimidates yuuji because he’s not bookish. also spewing jargon is kind of cringe, like when it’s no in an insular nerd on nerd situation it kinda signals insecurity more than intelligence.
it’s kinda irritating that in world characters are annoyed at yuuji’s lack of knowledge. it kinda shows that they aren’t very smart themselves because they expect a person with no prior experience or education in jujutsu to have the knowledge they’ve been gathering for years. again, this reflects on them not on yuuji.
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lindszeppelin · 10 months
I almost feel bad for some of the Kaustin shippers. So many have done face reveals and/or use their real names/provide other identifying information about themselves.
Like, most are young and in Kaia’s peer group or younger. I was wise beyond my years when I was that age but boy did I get more polished with age. I’m beyond glad there is no internet footprints of most of my thoughts and opinions from that age! I’d say they should know better, but they don’t have the perspective to how much their thoughts on relationships will change as they experience more relationships and witness how other people’s relationships fall apart. It’s the curse of being young: you think you know more than you do. They don’t know that how you feel in your early twenties will not necessarily hold up the rest of your life. That said, I low key feel Mollie should know better. She’s in freakin’ law school and is essentially studying and analyzing consequences at the end of the day. Like…does she think law firms or clients can’t one day come across her blog, tweets, photos (whether they’re still live when she officially enters that profession or on something like screenshots or the way back machine that someone will track down her footprint…which will be fine bc she’s literally teaching her followers how to better stalk Austin via the way back machine 🙄🙄🙄🙄) will find her literal stalking and investing sooooo much time into a relationship between people she’ll never meet cute or professional or even remotely okay? Like how is she not scared that this could be a huge embarrassment and liability to be such a rabid fan who follows several people’s every move? It’s a terrible look professionally.
Like I said, I kinda feel bad bc you don’t know what you don’t know. But they also write fan fiction as they go based on tips of icebergs (largely out of context) and are thinking it’s cool to leave their identifiable information out there. I don’t think I would have done that even at 22 so I cannot wrap my head around it. Sorry- just wanted to vent about this.
Related: I hate it when they say we’re infantilizing Kaia or any young women when we point out age differences aren’t cool. No, we’re 🚨warning🚨 them based on what we’ve learned. Not every older dude is a predator- I don’t think Austin is “ preying” on Kaia. But you hit a few nails on the head some posts back talking about him being a bit lost when he met Kaia. He had just finished some intense projects and was still likely finding himself post his relationship with Vanessa. Yes, it had been 2ish years but a) it was a long ass relationship, b) he wasn’t even living in LA the entire time between relationships and didn’t go home/see his family and c) throw in a global pandemic in there so those 2 years were weird AF. I’m personally of the belief that if an older man is with a younger girl something is a bit off, even if it’s neutral (read: not a bad guy or a predator) but is in a weird place or hasn’t grown into their adult life yet and just has a bit more work to do. I personally think he should have stayed single a bit longer to grow into his adult self. I don’t judge him for going for a younger woman and I semi get it, as I also believe we mentally/emotionally revert back to the relative age we were when a relationship began (post break up). He was so young when he and V got together and was in a serious relationship in his twenties. Of course he’s going to relate to younger people for a hot moment (and that’s not taking away his intelligence or maturity in other ways…this can happen to the best of us). But yeah, he should stayed single and someone should teach Kaia that older men who wanna date young women probably aren’t the best idea for a spectrum of reasons. It’s not infantilizing- it’s a warning, it’s concern, and it’s about being literate about human psychology and behaviors regarding patterns and societal standards that we need to rethink.
Sorry this was longer than I intended. I guess I’ve been wanting to say all of this for some time so it was bottled up. Hope it didn’t come across as a hater- I don’t hate Austin (I’m side eyeing and running out of patience the longer this goes on bc I believe him to be smarter than this, but I still don’t think he’s a bad dude.) As I said, this happens to the best of us and it’s not an attack. Life is messy and dialogues about this stuff are important. And bc we’ve lived it, those young whipper snappers should respect their elders and not gaslight our lived experience/observations/lessons learned 😂
Hello anon! I just wanted to have some dinner and craft a response for you, because damn this was so well put together that it deserves a little more depth of analysis from me. So thank you for taking your time to write in your thoughts.
Off the top, I do agree that the younger generation is way too lax with how they throw around their identifying information out there on social media. A lot of them just aren't aware that whatever you post online leaves a footprint, and even if you try to delete it or conceal it, it will always be there. So even if they think they're being cocky by revealing their faces and leaving their names and where they live and such out there without a care, welp that is gonna come back around and haunt them later. Us millennials (i assume you're a fellow millennial, or Gen X at most lol) know the dangers of the internet as we grew up with the beginnings of social media. I would think twice if i were these kids uploading their faces and other shit to twitter/tumblr. Employers can find all of this even when the shippers don't think they can.
I think when we were these shippers ages we all said some pretty cringe shit online. Here's hope that as these kids grow up they realize the damage they can do by how their words and actions can affect others. And I will also just say here that just because someone goes to college for higher learning doesn't mean they are smarter than anyone else. Book smarts don't equal street smarts. and in this world I highly value being street smart and internet smart over book smart. And i think we all know that not every profession is well suited to everyone that signs up for that career field. Passing the bar is insanely difficult and even then, do you know how many half assed shitty lawyers there are out there roaming these streets? Crazy.
The stalking in this fandom is horrific, and if she really is dishing out details on how to stalk Austin's past social medias to obtain information, then they are certified crazy. It's giving straight jacket. It's giving delusional stalker. And to answer your question of how they can overlook what they say online...arrogance and ego, simply put. You think you're untouchable until one day you're not.
This point you bring up here about Austin and Kaia, dude, amazing. This needed to be said. You are so correct. Of course Austin is not a predator. Only fucking idiots would say that shit and compare him to Leo. This man clearly went through the ringer, and his choice in dating partner only reflects the mental state he was in (and might still be lingering in) at that time. He had a full fledged identity crisis meanwhile he flew to London straight after being released from the Hospital in Australia and filmed MOTA, then a few short months later he met Kaia under questionable circumstances. Plus the whirlwind of the award season and the hefty Elvis press tour is so much for a person to handle, especially when this was his first time doing both of those. No man or woman under normal circumstances would get mixed up with someone much younger than them (especially when the younger one hasn't even been a legal adult for that long). it's really a reflection of a switch not being turned on for the older person AND fucked up trauma somewhere in the young person. Trauma all around really.
At kaia's age, being with a man much older than her might have given the impression to others that she was so wise beyond her years, but she's a damn child. She shows her age all the time when she takes pictures with her young friends, go to these embarrassing parties that involve BDSM or sex or fanfiction readings in her "perverted bookclub". That is all stuff a 22 year old and younger would probably be found doing. That is not something a functioning adult who's doing okay would engage in. Plus, by her own admission she has been around men much older than he all her life thanks to Cindy pushing her to model since she was so young. So she is fucked up from that, and dating older men is what she is used to. She thinks it's normal. But in reality, it's not. And it's the fact that these shippers who are her age DON'T have a problem with it, but those of us who are close to Austin's age have a MASSIVE problem with it.
You're telling me that if theses shippers were to see a regular 32 year old man holding hands with a 22 year old out and about in the grocery store or whatever that they'd be cool with it? No, you side eye that shit. It is not normal or usual, it is odd. I as a near 30 year old woman would never in my life consider dating someone Kaia's age, are you for fucking real? In Hollywood this weirdo shit might be immorally normalized, but in regular society it is NOT OKAY. And I hope Austin get out of this funk he's been in for 2-3 years now. Continuing to be with her will only further damage himself in the long run, as you can clearly tell this man is not in love with her.
I think I hit on everything I wanted to comment on, but honestly I don't remember so im just gonna leave it here lol.
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crippled-peeper · 1 year
Can you please stop tacking "ADHD" onto insults like it's a bad word?? Like literally prove to me how that isn't ablist AF. Everytime someone acts like an idiot on your posts suddenly it's "these ADHD bitches" like it's too fucking obvious you've been bothered by people with ADHD so much that you assume everyone acting stupid has it and it's exhausting. Im seriously convinced you hate people with ADHD and autism because you explode at anyone that misunderstands you even a little which is something people with ASD do and you suddenly label anybody you're screaming at with ADHD. Like seriously how is the way you act not ablist? You don't have to be nice or likable but leave someones diagnosis out of it for fucks sake.
y’all are so annoying and are literally so obsessed with yourself and with ADHD being the face of all disabled ppl you can’t even SEE how annoying you are and how y’all dominate literally every single discussion and space remotely related to disability and you shove every disabled person who even slightly makes you uncomfy out
how do you expect me to take any of you seriously when you’re in my inbox on anon crying that the biggest ableist aggression you’ve faced ever is reading a post on my blog? when y’all beg to have the wheelchair user kicked out of the support group for not “validating” your “paralysis”?
keep crying idc maybe I’d take you more seriously if you at least pretended like you had real problems. nobody is holding you at gunpoint forcing you to read my blog you dumb bitch
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mur-art · 2 years
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I swear I’m working on other requests but I definitely went a bit too hard on this one. @aarcanaa​
This is getting out of WTTT and into my own OC territory but I hope y’all don’t hate me too much. I intended to add L.A. too but TBH I don’t think I’ve spent enough time in L.A. to feel confident with a design right now. Also I personally have a lot of negative feelings toward L.A. so it may be a bit unfairly biased. 
Anyway, some notes about my interpretations (and a sketch of San Diego v.2) below: 
Fun fact; I live in a super rural part of California literal hours away from the nearest major city (which is actually Las Vegas, Nevada) so my experience of being a Californian is a bit uh... different. Cities terrify me a bit (see my notes on L.A. above) but I’ve been to most of the CA cities at least once. Out of all of them, I’ve actually spent the most time in San Diego. 
Anyway, enough rambling; here’s some notes about them. Keep in mind, these are just my interpretations based on my own experiences. 
San Francisco: 
-Nonbinary; uses they/them pronouns. (I can’t get the idea of them saying “My name is San FranCISco but I’m anything but” out of my head.) 
-Has a lot of super artsy and well-executed tattoos (pretend I can draw them correctly!) Most of them are exactly what you’d expect, but some of them are truly bizarre. Many of them cover burn scars. 
-Apparently SF’s official city flower is the dahlia, so they’re wearing a vague approximation of a dahlia. 
-Has a semi one-sided rivalry with L.A. (L.A. is too busy with her own shit to care as much) I think this somewhat originally stemmed from the jealousy of L.A. overtaking San Francisco as the largest city in CA, but it continues because of their clashing personalities.
-Is rich AF but attempts to dress and act like they’re not. Wouldn’t want to be like L.A.; that’s what they’ll say. But they will 100% humblebrag about their latest expensive gadget purchase whenever given the opportunity. 
-Leans 110% into every single thing they do; they are seemingly incapable of half-assing something. This is their boom town mindset in action- first it was gold, now it’s tech. They are a MASSIVE overachiever, and this leads to them always being stressed-while-pretending-not-to-be-stressed. 
-Acts kind of spoiled and haughty and can be a judgmental asshole sometimes, but despite this, they actually do care about people. When shit hits the fan, they’re the first one to lend a hand. Maybe it comes from coming close to dying multiple times (in the way that personifications can actually die, not just silly accidents) that gives them a deep sense of empathy and awareness of their own mortality. This leads them to champion causes that seek to make the world a better place. They’re not perfect and sometimes things backfire, but they do try. 
San Diego: 
-Cis female; she/her. 
-Canonically (at least in WTTT) California’s favorite city. She knows this and tries to work him to her advantage to get what she wants. 
-She’s basically sunshine personified. She’s super bubbly, outgoing, and generally friendly. Unlike the other California cities, she is actually genuinely laid-back and relatively stress-free. 
-She’s very book smart, especially with numbers and engineering-related things, but she often acts outwardly ditzy and carefree, leading some people to doubt her intelligence. However, when she gets to work she can prove herself immediately. 
-Historically, she was overshadowed by the other cities. At times, they even forget she existed, despite her trying her best to make herself stand out. I found this great quote from a 1920s businessman: 
“What is the matter with San Diego? Why is it not the metropolis and seaport that its geographical and other unique advantages entitle it to be? Why does San Diego always just miss the train, somehow?"
-Despite being perpetually overshadowed and ignored, or maybe because of it, she forged her own identity. She didn’t feel like she had to uphold any rigid standards like the others did, so she became much more chill. 
-She can be very flaky; don’t try to make plans with her, she’ll either forget or get distracted by something else. If you want to hang out with her, you just have to go with her flow. 
-She can speak Spanish fluently and is best friends with TJ (Tijuana). 
-She’s super fit and could beat you up, but she won’t. 
-San Diego is well-known for having a large military presence, so I had to include San Diego in her day job attire. (Ssh, pretend I know about military stuff and got her uniform accurate) She can go from hippie mode to drill sergeant mode in an instant, but only when someone has really fucked up. 
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Anyway, thanks for sticking with me! 
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alyjojo · 3 months
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Twin Flame 🔥 Journey - June 2024 - Leo
Your Energy:
Page of Swords - The Emperor rev - 3 Wands rev
It’s easy to know who it is, it’s the one you stalk constantly but refuse to speak to 😆 This isn’t saying you’re wrong, just proud and stubborn. You refuse to be the one reaching out to them because of two things: 1, you will be the one being pursued, not the pursuer, you’re old fashioned like that; and 2, you already felt like this connection was one-sided, they didn’t give you enough in the first place - so you’ll die before you go chasing after them & that ever again. Maybe you did before, now it’s more about proving to yourself you’re better than that and they can make the effort.
With that though, you’re obsessively watching their every move, what they’re doing, who they’re with, where they’re going. Ruminating in your head everything that’s happened, what’s been said or done, and wondering why they aren’t making moves towards you. 3 Wands rev shows you’re waiting for nothing. You’re standing on principle, and you should, but this person is probably either clueless or over it…not even on the same page as you. You’ve internalized a battle of wills that only you’re playing, they’ve given up or moved on. Everything at the bottom of the deck says this is going nowhere, and with your messages maybe you want it that way. Partly.
- Outdated Thinking
- Conditioning
- Replaying Events Over in Your Mind
38 Limits
Know that limiting attitudes are often formed as protective reactions to past events.
42 Courage
Have the courage to see lessons in all situations and face them constructively.
- Going in different directions.
- I’m NOT that person anymore.
Their Energy:
9 Swords rev - 9 Cups - 7 Pentacles
Yeah, their energy was strong on your side too. They’re over it, and they don’t think about this much. When they do, it’s more of a wistful happy thought than anything negative or grudge-holding, and they consider it “the past”. It was a different time for them. Always Acting Single can show they didn’t take this as seriously as you did, they don’t invest as much of themselves as you do, they’re a very logical sort. Right now, their focus is 100% on their career and they’ve been working hard towards something they’re waiting to manifest into reality, probably related to business. I’m seeing one person staring at another’s social media page, and the other person is staring at spreadsheets & doesn’t even log in or care - that’s the vibe between you. You can’t make them give af, I think you’ve accepted that much. You wish you could though. If they’ve said or done something harsh to you, they do regret that, an apology weighs on their mind, and the bottom shows they didn’t want you to go. So they wish things could’ve been different, but they also chalk it up to a missed opportunity and have moved on with their life. That’s just the kind of person they are, I don’t think that they think that you even think about them. Another day, another dollar. That’s life.
- Reminiscing
- Making Memories
- Learn from the Past
- Perception
16 Dream
Connect to your intuitive dream world of metaphors and symbols.
37 Manifest
Soon you may manifest the goal you focus spiritual energies on.
- Always Acting Single
- I’ve Moved On.
Mutual Energy/What is Mirrored:
2 Swords - The Hermit - Queen of Cups
Stubborn, both of you 💯 The Taurus charm came out but the sign isn’t heavy, though they are described as King of Pentacles, one/both of you could have a strong placement there. Or it’s just the vibe. Neither of you are moving, acknowledging the other, giving even an inch. Not messaging, not starting over, not even entertaining the thought. So that’s where it’s going. Both of you are solid people, practical, stable, concerned about the material world and the reality in front of you - not a bunch of what ifs, maybes, destiny, karma, it could all be a bunch of hoodoo nonsense as far as both of you are concerned. Twins. Pfft. Fair. That’s also what delays everything so…be right and alone, basically, that’s what I heard 😆
It is necessary to take space apart in order to grow, and both of you tend to stunt your growth with narrow mindsets. The only way out of this is communication, and both of you are so heavily resistant to the idea of that, it could take years. Ages. Till near death. God himself may have to make you two enter the same gas station just to have *something* to go off of, give you the excuse. You both avoid your feelings, avoid healing, avoiddddd everything. And don’t take very good care of yourself, you both tend to make Distractions your priority and not feeding your heart, mind & spiritual center (which is healing). Work, obligations, responsibilities, we’re busy people, too busy to…love. Feel. Heal. Enjoy a too short life by spending all of your time on things that…meh. Neither of you care all that much about. We need some fire in this LEO reading ijs 🔥 too much earth energy is drollllll 😴 That sentiment alone shows you have to be the first to change. This person will die in a routine and probably think that’s how it’s supposed to be. Resistance and Not Today at the bottom, probably not today. June. This year. Idk but eventually, something’s gotta give. Or not 🤷🏼‍♀️ The sooner you move towards things that make you happy and let this go, the faster they’re triggered to wake tf up and do the same.
- Stability & Security
- Performance
- Growth & Endurance
56 Distractions
When you are trying to solve a problem, you will often be tested by distractions.
66 New Start
Sometimes we must realize that what we have done needs to be discarded and we must make a new start.
Possible Signs:
Heavy Aries, Gemini, Libra & Virgo
Trustworthy ♉️ on Grounding (both) shows two solid people that are focused on material pursuits and stability. Neither of you are unreliable or “too wild” by any means, both of you consider your foundations and future as a constant in every decision you make. Both of you are very mature in this way.
Clock ⏰ rev on Distractions (both) is wasting time. Hobbies, materialism, careers, favors, other people’s dramas, whatever the thing - you both place these things as highest priority in order to avoid the real shit going on inside. That could go on forever.
Fish 🐟 rev on New Start (both) show you both feel like the other person isn’t the one, could possibly be. You’ve tried before, it didn’t work, logic would have it known that “there’s a reason your ex is your ex.” True. And also, God doesn’t operate by anyone’s “logic”, and loooves to make people look foolish when they’re dead set on anything really. Like oh yeah? We’ll see about that…
Gift 🎁 rev on Resistance could be a specific holiday or occasion that’s being resisted or purposely ignored, either currently or that was a thing between you. Neither wants to give to the other in any sense, neither feels it’s their job or should be them. Everything about this feels one sided or unbalanced, and you both refuse to do anything about it.
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pricklypear1997 · 2 years
Drunk FMAB ramblings
Edward: omg he’s short and full of anger and depression. So relatable. Favorite color is red, same. “You mean this shrimp fried some rice?!?!?” Adorable. Will literally fight god if he has too lmao. Isn’t atheist as most would believe…. Doesn’t give up. Loves his little bro.
Al: loves cats uwu same, my brother, but my bff is definitely him and she’s like a sister to me lol, plus taller than me :((((. Al is a cinnamon roll. So adorably sweet. Who could hate him??? Seriously??? Will brighten anyone’s day! Such a book nerd 📚. Idk. I think he really likes reading. :) ngl my little bro is like him too. Tall as hell wtf… I feel so protective of my little bro but honestly he doesn’t need me 😹😹😹
Winry, the perfect girl, she’s wonderful and great at making things. So patient with Ed :3 I love her piercings. She’s probably really good at math xD so smart and self reliant too! Loves Edward so much. So sweet :))))
Riza; so strong and cool. Damn sharpshooter. Wish I could be as good with a gun as her. I’ve never held a gun before lmaooo. She’s so cool. She’s definitely a bit sad tho. I get that.
Roy; omg he’s funny but dumb 😂 idk why he’s dumb but he is. ._. He’s so different from me but I completely understand his end goal. That patriotism and love for his country 🤩, I 100% get that and I feel like I kinda have the same end goal as he does, even tho… personality wise, I don’t relate to him at all. He’s such a fucking manwhore lmao.
Ling Yao; funny funny guy, so similar to the mustang tbh (I wonder if Roy is part Xingese too), so funny and chipper. Loves food. Loves his country too, again so fucking based. Imagine being emperor of your country, hell yeah! I love his smile lmao 🤣
Mei Chang; really cute, her braids remind me of central Asian hairstyles :) Central Asia is so cool man… I’m 1/4th central Asian (and North Indian) ok?!? I like her little panda/cat too. She’s so sweet :3 a little red bean dumpling 🥟.
Lan Fan, mysterious cool girl. She literally cut off her arm to throw Wrath off DAMN girl. Her loyalty to Ling is WOW. I’d like to learn more about her. We didn’t get enough of Lan Fan.
Olivier Mira Armstrong; oh my god she’s so cool (and hot!). Sword fighting badass chick. Fur coats and all… damn. So cool and scary. She’s so honest, I love that about her. Very Balkan of her to NOT beat around the bush!!!
Alex Louis Armstrong; mustached muscly freak who’s actually really nice, but kinda scary. I actually appreciate him much more now than I used too. A heroic good guy 👍🏻. A gentle Giant. Probably really good at cooking too?
Izumi Curtis; I love her. Strong independent woman who’s also a house wife and loves her husband. Is a house wife who subverts every sexist stereotype of house wives. So damn cool. She lost a child through miscarriage. :( loves kids but is a “tough love” kinda gal. Doesn’t mess around. She’s really great. I love her relationship with Sig.
Sig Curtis; a gentle giant. Loving and understanding husband. Loves Izumi so much 😭 so patient with his crazy wife! That’s dedication right there! Probably really good at cooking 😀
Ok now the humonculi;
Wrath; a cautionary tale. I actually really like King Bradley. I get him. Really angry lol. Bad ass. So good at sword fighting 🤩🤩🤩. Actually loves his wife… his story is actually sad. Who were his parents??? Orphan…
Envy: ; wtf a palm tree??? I hate this character but idk why. He/she/they irritates me. I like the cute tiny lizard form though. I really adore lizards :3. Kinda angry and angsty. I don’t get this character lol.
Lust; sexy lady roflmao. She’s really pretty, it’s true. Her nails on fleek 10/10. She’s an interesting character and I would’ve loved to see more of her. She died too soon.
Sloth; “what a pain ______ is”. I feel ya bro. He’s scary and muscly, but sleepy af. He does not give a single fuck 😹😹😹
Pride; snot nosed brat! I can’t stand this kid. 🤠 I think pride is my third biggest sin after Wrath and Sloth tho… but this kid was so annoying loooool. Spoiled little rich bitch 🤣
Gluttony; fatass. He’s kinda gross. Resembles a big fat drooling hungry baby lmaoooo.
Greed; we ALL have greed to some extent. He’s such a player. Goofy ass. Funny. Gets all the ladddiiiieeeessss. He wants to rule the world? Or he really just wants good friends who appreciate him???? A chill guy. Slightly annoying but tolerable xD
Father; what the fuck is that thing??? Dwarf in the flask LMAO. Shadowy figure. A weirdo.
Ok back to humans;
Maes Hughes; the best dad ever! Spoils his daughter rotten! A great guy. Everyone is sad he died. I can see why Mustang really appreciated Hughes. He was such a great and kind hearted friend 😄. Made everyone feel better.
Miles; ok actually really cool. I get that 1/4th “other” feeling. Idk why but he’s really interesting. Looks cool :) he’s gonna help save Amestris AND the Ishvalans.
Scar; I I understand his anger. He’s very human and I appreciate that Hiromu Arakawa highlights his humanity despite his wrathfulness. He made a lot of horrible mistakes but we all know he’s on a path of redemption. He really likes cute things :3
Buccaneer; loyal as hell tough guy 🤣 acts so mean on the surface; but is actually nice and just wants SOMEONE to notice how much he cares lmao.
Kimblee; what the fuck? Kinda reminds me of the Boltons from ASOIAF. Long black straight hair pale faced and creepy as hell. Complete psycho and bloodthirsty as hell lmaoooo.
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