#sit in a sterile box all day buy all your food from the store sit down and watch tv and never meaningfully experience being a part of nature
oglegoggle · 2 years
I honestly don’t get how many people get upset about the notion of putting down an animal that attacks people? Like dude? Yeah it’s 100% reasonable to eat the goddamn rooster that slashed up your kid’s face. It eliminates the problem and it’s delicious. Americans are so squeamish about death that they either refuse to acknowledge that the meat they get from the store comes from an animal that was once alive or they decide that no animals should ever be eaten ever under any circumstances and both are utterly dipshit opinions.
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urban-homesteading · 3 years
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Making Money from a Mini Farm: A Series
Raising hatchlings
When faced with the idea of starting your flock, the idea of having to buy an incubator and start from scratch can be quiet daunting.  That’s why most people will buy already hatched chicks.  You can help by for this market by completing some simple steps.
1) Pick your species, breed, and color
Just like selling eggs, you’re going to need a pure bred flock to make any money.  But you don’t have to limit yourself to one flock of chickens and call it a day.  Since species won’t interbreed, you can have chickens, guinea fowl, peafowl, and ducks while maintaining purebred fowl.  Be warned though, some fowl can carry parasites that are fine in that species, but deadly in another.  So while chickens can carry blackhead without harm to them, this parasite is deadly to peafowl and turkey.  So deworming is of extra importance in mixed flocks. Note: It is possible for a guniea hen to be breed by a rooster or peacock.  The eggs are usually sterile and if hatched, the chicks rarely live to adulthood.  However, it is possible.
2) How to know what to choose
Ask local feed stores what kind of breeds they will be selling.  Chain stores will often not be able to buy from you, but smaller stores will.
Create a poll in a local Facebook group and ask which breed people would buy/are looking to buy right now
Check Craigslist to selling.  You don’t want to flood the market, but if you see a few posts for one breed and the prices are consistently high, that means there is demand for that breed
Join local or online poultry groups
Attend poultry auctions or swaps
Make sure to stay away from fad breeds. These are just that, a fad, and will not usually be the desired breed the next year.  An example of that this year (2021) is the ayam cemani.  It is also advisable for you to stay away from chicken breeds that can be sexed at hatching.  Although the hen chicks will command a higher price than straight run (non sexed) chicks, you will be stuck with the male chicks.  This leaves you the option of raising them to adulthood and selling mature roosters (a noisy and labor intensive endeavor), or raising the roosters to 16-20 weeks old before taking them to a butcher or slaughtering them yourself.
An important note to consider: good quality stock will not come from hatcheries or catalogs. If you truly want to raise a desired and sought-out flock, be willing to pay for quality stock to begin with. Find breeders sanctioned by the ABA and APA at poultry shows or online.
3) Incubating
There are two basic ways to incubate.  One, you collect the eggs and incubate them in a machine.  Two, you let  the hens incubate them.  Different breeds have different tendencies to sit on eggs and hatch them.  This is called broodiness.  Some species, like the Rhode Island Red, will very rarely set on eggs, while others, like the Silkie, are so broody that they hatch eggs from different species. When a hen goes broody, she will sit on the eggs she has gathered for at least four weeks.  During this time, she will only leave to eat, drink, and eliminate.  She will peck at others who attempt to disturb her and will not lay any further eggs. For you, this means no keeping track of turning eggs or keeping the humidity perfect.  The downside is that this results in very few chicks each year as a flock of five hens will not produce more than 64 chicks at the most.  It is possible to put eggs from different species under very broody hens who will raise them as their own.  
So who is most likely to go broody?
Guinea hens:  Guineas are seasonal layers, and typically in most areas a hen can brood a clutch in the spring, raise them up until they can survive on their own, then breed again and start laying and hatch out one more clutch later in the year. Some hens manage three broods per year. A hen will normally lay 20-30 eggs at a time then go broody and if the eggs are taken or if she abandons the nest after going broody on it for a while for some reason (usually predators) she'll usually take a week or two to start laying again, and give it another try. If you don't let your hens go broody you can collect anywhere from 150-200 eggs per year.
Peafowl:  Pen hens will not breed until two years old, and pea cocks will not start until three years old.   Clutch size varies between 4 -12 eggs with 6 being the average. If you remove eggs while the peahen sits on them, she will continue to lay through the whole breeding season. Peahens will lay eggs in about three cycles during the season if you continually pick up the eggs daily. They may lay for a month straight and then stop laying for seven to ten days before starting to lay again. Peahens usually go broody about twice a year.
Ducks:  Very willing to go broody.  Will usually start after they’ve gathered between 8-16 eggs in a clutch. When eggs are removed daily, ducks can lay as many as 200-300 eggs in a year.
Chickens:  So breed dependent that you will have to research your individual breed
Incubating the eggs yourself: Store eggs at 50-60° F as lower and higher temperatures may reduce hatchability. Hatching eggs should not be kept in a refrigerator because the temperature is too low.  Eggs that have cracks, have thin shells, shells with ridges, or are excessively dirty or abnormal in size or shape should not be kept for hatching. Excessively large or small eggs are often not fertile and shouldn’t be set in the incubator.  For best results, hatching eggs should not be stored for more than 10-14 days before they are set. They should be stored in egg cartons with the small end of the egg down and held at a slant and turned twice a day. One simple method of turning the eggs is to prop one end of the carton up on an object at an angle of about 35° and then just shift which end is elevated twice a day to keep the yolk from sticking to the shell and have a malformed chick.
Incubators can range from the simple (you do all the work) to the complex (just pop them in and forget about them).  
4) After the Chicks Hatch
The chick can and should remain in the incubator for about 15-24 hours after hatching.
After 24 hours, the chick should be removed from the incubator and placed in a box with a clip-on light that is a 75-90 watt bulb. It will then need water and feed.  If you are raising multiple species, do not mix them.  Turkeys will easily trample tiny quail chicks. On the first day, they can be given water. An eyedropper can be a useful tool at this point. And then the next few days, the feed can be mixed with the water, and then the food and water can be left out for them to use as they need it.
And now you have a fluffy day-old chick that can be sold!
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degrassi-fanatic · 4 years
A Slow Day at Work
Humming a little melody off-key, Ino flips lazily through a fashion magazine that she found somewhere in the back of the shop. It’s a slow day for Yamanaka Flowers, which means that she has the luxury of standing behind the front counter doing absolutely nothing but perusing through this year’s summer collection. The only people that have come into the shop today had been Kakashi-sensei, who was bashfully asking for a bouquet of purely yellow flowers for reasons he wouldn’t disclose, and Tsunade-sama, who was looking for anything that could be possibly described as pervy. 
At the front of the shop, Ino hears the tell-tale ringing of the door chime and looks up to find Sakura dressed in a white hospital smock. 
 It shouldn’t be any surprise considering that Sakura always comes into the shop on her lunch breaks but, still the sentiment never fails to make her smile. 
 Not that she’ll ever tell her that. 
 As Sakura makes her way over, Ino pushes aside the fashion magazine and whips out a pink-purple floral arrangement from behind the counter. 
 “Here,” Ino says as she hands her the bouquet, “These are for you.”
 Looking down at the flowers in her hand, Sakura shakes her head fondly as a blush spreads across her face. 
 “You’re so lazy, Ino-buta.” she teases before setting aside the floral arrangement.
 With her arms braced against the counter, Ino leans in closer to Sakura. In front of her, Sakura mirrors the action, and soon they’re only a hair-breadth apart, sharing the same air. Up this close, she can smell the faint scent of hospital disinfectant coming from her girlfriend through the overpowering scent of flowers. 
 It’s strange that one of the most comforting scents to Ino is that of sterilizer and decontaminants.
 Well, it’s better than wet-dog (Hinata) and sake (Jiraiya-san). 
 “Hmm, what did I do now?” Ino asks distractedly as she tucks a loose strand of hair back behind Sakura’s ear. 
 Before Ino can pull her hand away, Sakura talks a hold of it. She presses Ino’s palm to the side of her cheek as she mock-pouts at the woman in front of her. 
 “You can’t just order flowers for me from your own flower shop.”
 “Why not?” she questions. 
 “It ruins the appeal of getting flowers!” Sakura complains, even though there’s no real heat behind it.
 Using her free hand, Ino pulls out a small, styrofoam takeaway box from behind the counter. She pushes the still warm container in front of Sakura. 
 “Which is exactly why I also got you these.” Ino says
 Letting go of her hand, Sakura flips open the lid. Her eyes practically light up and her mouth falls open at the sight of what’s in front of her; her favourite food, syrup-coated anko dumplings.
 “Have I ever told you how much I love you!” Sakura squeals as she rushes to grab both sides of Ino’s face, reeling her in for a kiss. 
 Before Ino can meet her halfway, she hears the chimes above the front door jingle as someone enters the shop. 
 Reluctantly pulling away from the kiss, Ino spots Kiba walking into the shop with Mirai-chan sitting high on top of his shoulders, Akamaru trailing behind them. 
 Not realizing who it is, Sakura lets out an annoyed huff. 
 “Saku!” Mirai exclaims as she tugs on Kiba’s hair, making the man wince, “Ino!”
 At the sound of her voice, Sakura’s whole composure does a complete one-eighty. She twists around to see Mirai and immediately rushes over to her, ignoring the anko dumplings on the counter. 
 While Kiba bends down a bit, Sakura holds her hands out towards Mirai, who falls into her grasp right away. 
 “Mirai-chan!” she greets as she settles the child onto her hip, “How’s my favourite little kunoichi!”
 “I am right here.” Ino pipes up from the back.
 Her words go unnoticed as Sakura’s whole attention is towards the little girl in her arms, which is not an unusual occurrence when Mirai is involved. As the two of them giggle about something, Sakura begins to roam around the store with her, pointing at all of the flowers while asking for Mirai’s opinion. 
 Not too far behind them, Akamaru wanders around as well, politely sniffing at all the flowers. 
 Meanwhile, Kiba shakes his head at all of their antics as he saunters over to Ino. 
 “What do you need, Kiba?” Ino asks, “You forget yours and Hinata’s anniversary again?”
 He rolls his eyes at her as he hops onto the countertop, ignoring Ino’s swatting hand as he does so. 
 “Haha.” he says sardonically, “I’ll have you know, it only took me three reminders this year to remember.“
 “Anyways, I’m just here because Mirai wanted to be here.” Kiba explains, “And totally not because she said I wouldn’t be her best friend if I didn’t buy her a sunflower.”
 From where he’s perched, Kiba begins to lightly kick his legs up. Ino can practically see the glint in his eyes as he notices the takeaway box beside him. Before he can get his grubby little paws on the dumplings, Ino slides the box away from underneath his hands. 
 “Soft-hearted fool.” she comments as she closes the lid of the box before storing it safely behind the counter.
 “Don’t call me soft-hearted.” Kiba snorts, “You once cried while looking at a picture of Sakura because she was so pretty.”
 Her face heats up. 
 “I was drunk!” she hisses at him, “And if you don’t remember, you cried when Hinata said yes to going out with you.”
 Kiba’s own face heats up; his skin almost matching the colour of his markings. 
 “Those were manly tears of joy!” he argues. 
 “Still tears.” she points out.
 Before either of them can get another word out, Sakura and Mirai return to the front with a single sunflower in Mirai’s tiny fist. 
 Jumping down from the counter, Kiba reaches into his pockets to bring out his wallet but Ino stops him with a wave of her hand. 
 “On the house.” she says, “For your manly tears of joy.”
 Laughing a little, Kiba moves closer and lightly flicks Ino in the forehead, much to her disdain. 
 “Thanks, Ino-buta.”
 From beside him, Sakura smacks him upside the head causing Mirai to giggle at Kiba’s pain. 
 “Oi, only I’m allowed to call her that.”
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wanderingcas · 5 years
@trenchcoatandfreckles prompt: “bucolic” or “bungalow” in other words: cas moves to the idyllic countryside and meets dean winchester, who owns a garden shop down the road. destiel. 1.7k. fluff. undercurrent of a quiet desperation to escape one’s life.
“So, where you gonna go?” asks Cas’ nosy, but well-meaning, landlord, holding out his hand.  
Cas drops the keys into his open palm. “Somewhere bucolic,” he replies.
Frank wrinkles his nose. “What is that, some kind of sickness?”
Cas picks up the remaining box off the floor, rendering the tiny apartment officially empty. “Sure,” he sighs.
“Well, good luck,” Frank says, wiping his hand on his jeans. “You were one of my best tennants. Hope the next tenant is as dead quiet as you. It was like a tomb in here the whole ten years you were renting, you know.”
“Well. Thank you. I think.” After a tentative handshake with Frank, Cas sees himself and his box of records out.
Two weeks ago, it seemed like a good idea. He was on his stiff couch, wine glass in hand, browsing available bungalows to rent in a rural part of New York that he’d never heard of before. His eyes scanned an available cottage: the honey wood floors, the tucked-in ceilings, the herbs dangling from the kitchen ceiling, sunlight streaming. He looked around his sterile, hyper-modernized studio apartment and there was no contest.
He sent an application for an available house to rent in the same breath that he sent a move-out notice to Frank.
The commute to his current job, of course, would be an hour’s train ride, compounded with the fifteen minute drive to the station. His sister Anna called him last week to inform him that he was possibly having a mid-life crisis.
Now with his apartment all boxed up, and sitting on a train with his box of records and the moving truck a day in front of him, Castiel is beginning to agree with her.
The bungalow Cas rented is nestled between two cherry blossom trees. He feels like he’s read about it in a book somewhere. There’s a daily farmer’s market a mile away, with another empty and unrented bungalow in between. Apart from that, he’s alone but for the birds and fields and sunshine.
He loves the isolation more than he should. He calls in sick to work the first week. Then the next. It morphs into him writing a truncated email to his boss announcing his resignation. He deactivates his email after that.
There’s enough in his savings to get him by, he assures a hysterical Anna over the phone after he breaks the news, and he’ll find a job closer to where he lives. (He again refuses to tell Anna his new address, knowing it’ll only end up in her showing up with a small army to drag him back to the city)
With his self-imposed free time, he starts a garden. The lofty dreams of cooking with fresh herbs and vegetables fill his mind for days, until he’s greeted morning after morning by empty soil with no sprouting green.
He gives up after a week. Googling nearby garden shops points him to the only one within a forty-mile radius: Winchester Hardware & Garden. He rides his bike a couple of miles down the dirt road, past the farmer’s market, to the small, unassuming green building that’s only slightly bigger than his own bungalow.
A bell obnoxiously announces his arrival as he pushes open the rusty screen door. He’s greeted with shelves upon shelves of sloppily organized garden supplies, seed packages, and planters. There’s a counter tucked into the corner with a cash register valiantly craning its neck up from the cluttered mess that surrounds it.
“Just a second!” calls a voice from somewhere amongst the shelves. There’s a crash that follows.
Castiel cranes his neck around one of the shelves, looking for the source of the commotion. “Do you need help?” he calls back.
“Nope, should be good,” assures the disembodied voice, “just this goddamn—” There’s no elaboration as another, louder, crash punctuates the end of the sentence.
Castiel stands awkwardly in the door frame, unsure of whether to help or flee a potential crime scene, when a tanned and dirty-blonde man rounds the corner. He’s clutching something white and pissed off in his arms.
“Sorry about that,” the man says, breathing heavily. He locks his arms tighter against the cat struggling in his arms. “Can I help you with something?”
Castiel stares at the cat. “Was that what all that banging was?”
“Huh? Oh. Yeah.” The man playfully jostles the cat, eliciting a low meow. “She gets into the back of the shelves where all those dangerous tools are, and I have to make sure she doesn’t cut her own head off.”
Castiel doesn’t point out the issue of housing a cat in a store with dangerous tools in the first place. Instead: “I see.”
“Her name’s Fluffy,” the man offers.
“But she has no fur,” Castiel says as Fluffy proudly swishes her naked tail.
“Yeah. It’s hilarious.” The man grins. “My brother picked her up from the side of the road. Kid has a bleeding heart for helpless animals.” Fluffy is deposited on the counter, where she sits and glares; the man turns and crosses his arms. “So, anything you need?”
Castiel rips his gaze from the man’s very piercing, very green eyes. “Yes. I’m having a problem with my garden. I think it needs fertilizer.”
“Elaborate on your problem,” the man says.
“Well, nothing’s growing,” Castiel explains, trailing off uncertainly as the man once again disappears around a corner.
“Any pets?” he asks.
“Excuse me?”
“Any pets,” the man says impatiently behind a shelf, “any pets that would get into your garden and eat stuff when you’re not looking.”
“Well… no. No pets. Although I was thinking of getting a cat.” Castiel glances at Fluffy, who is grooming a naked paw. “One with fur.”
The man barks out a laugh. He comes around the corner, holding a large box propped on his hip. “And you’ve been watering them? Pulling any weeds around them?”
“And you’re sure that you’re not pulling the plants accidentally instead of the weeds?”
Castiel fixes the man a look. “I’m not that stupid.”
Raising a hand in surrender, the man says, “Hey, you’d be surprised the stories I get from other customers.” He deposits the box onto the counter. “Well, this should help—good old fashioned plant food. Works for most things you’re trying to grow.”
After doing a quick calculation of measurements in his head, Castiel decides, “I don’t think I’ll be able to take that today. I rode my bike here and I’m not sure I can fit the box anywhere…”
“Relax, the bags are inside.” The man pulls apart the box’s top and hoists out a much smaller bag, one that will undoubtedly fit into Castiel’s backpack. At Castiel’s confirming nod, the man rounds the corner and types a number into the ancient cash register. ‘Fluffy’ rubs against his hand, slowly the process. The register inexplicably dings. “It’ll be 25.50,” he announces.
Castiel fishes his wallet from his back pocket. “Do you take a credit card?”
“Yeah.” The man chews at the bottom of his lip, frowning down at Castiel’s fingers that are fumbling to get the credit card out of the tight wallet’s pockets. “You said you biked here?”
“Yes,” Castiel says amidst the struggle, “why?”
“Nah, just that… you can’t live very far from here, then?”
The credit card finally emancipated, Castiel hands it across the counter. He notes the dirt caked underneath the man’s fingernails as their hands brush. “I just began renting a house a few miles down the road. Just a week ago.”
The man grins. “You’re one of Benny’s tenants?”
“I think that was his name.”
“I know him. Nice guy. Runs a diner when he’s not landlording way too many properties.” The man slides the credit card through a small attachment on his phone, frowning again in a thoughtful way. “This might not work, you know.”
“The credit card?” Castiel asks.
“No, the plant food. This whole area used to be a swamp—so the soil sucks.” He pets Fluffy’s head distractedly. “So you might have to come back anyway.”
“I did notice that the soil was sandy,” Castiel agrees. “Should I… Buy anything else in lieu of this?”
The man rubs the back of his neck; Castiel is momentarily distracted by the way his fingers leave imperceptible tracks in his tightly trimmed blonde hair. “Well, if this doesn’t work, I’d have the examine the soil. See if the acidity is right, if the plants are getting enough sun, that kind of thing.”
“So you’d have to come over?” Castiel asks, taking the card that the man hands back to him.
“Well, yeah.” The man clears his throat. “To examine it, and everything.”
“That wouldn’t be too much trouble?”
The man sweeps his arm in the air to gesture to the quiet shop. “Well, I suppose you would be taking me away from my customers that so obviously need me.”
Castiel huffs a laugh. He tentatively holds the bag of plant food in his arms. “Then I’ll come back and ask for your help if this doesn’t work.”
They smile at each other, a beat too long, a beat too delayed to notice a shift in the energy between them. “Who should I ask for?” Castiel is somehow able to miraculously ask, after the moment that is a beat too long.
“Huh? Oh. Dean. Ask for Dean. That’s me, I—” The man, Dean, shakes his head as if to get himself to stop talking. He reaches out a hand. “It’s nice to meet you, uh—”
“Castiel. Cas.” Castiel holds Dean’s hand and shakes. It’s warm and softer than he’d expect a gardener’s hands to be.
“Well, great. Cas.” Dean drawls Castiel’s name out thoughtfully, carefully, like tasting a fine wine. Castiel suppresses a shiver. “I’ll see you again soon, then. Maybe.”
“Maybe.” Castiel adjusts the bag in his arms. “Goodbye, Dean. Fluffy,” he adds, nodding at the cat who is ignoring the situation, and instead is stretching to great lengths in order to lick her backside.
Castiel steps out into the warm air; the bell on the door that announces his departure is less obnoxious now. He unlocks his bike, adjusting the kickstand, wincing at the creak of the rust on the metal.  
Placing his backpack carefully onto the bike seat, he opens the zipper and deposits the bag of plant food into the backpack. Very sternly, he whispers to it, “Don’t you dare work,” before zipping up his pack, and riding on the dirt road back to his new home.
↳ prompts are open for mowripro, send one to my askbox.
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dramaticwrites · 5 years
Mood Rings (6/6)
Title: Mood Rings
Chapter: 5/6
Fandom: DCU
Pairing:  Jason Todd/Roy Harper
Note:  It is done!  Thank you all for your kind words and sticking with it.  
Jason said, pulling his arms behind his back.  “Pick a hand.”
Roy eyed him suspiciously, “You’re not going to punch me are you?”
“Oh my god”  Jason exclaimed exasperated, “why would I punch you?”  His eyes narrowed. “Should I punch you?”
“Where the fuck is he?”  Jason said, bursting through the double doors, turning the heads of a few others in the waiting room.  In any other situation Dick would have been amused by Jason’s dramatics.  But in this case, as the person on the other side of his rage, Dick felt it was the best idea to put his hands up in defence as Jason stormed across the room, leaving muddy footprints across the sterile white floors of the hospital.  It was best in these situations to try not to have security called, mostly because judging by how red Jason’s face was and how white his knuckles were there would be blood and while the hospital is an ideal place to get hurt it wasn’t somewhere you wanted to get thrown out of.
“Breathe,” Dick said as calming as he could.  Wishing this was Tim or Damian that could pull into a great big hug to help.  Again, that might lead to getting stabbed which was not on Dick’s list of things to do that day.  “The doctors all said he is going to be fine.  He has a mild concussion, a few broken ribs and a broken wrist.”
“You were going for lunch.  How did he get into an explosion at lunch?”  Jason said, frustrated, but Dick knew it was more at the situation.  Plus this was the world they lived in, one of the reasons they went out at night to try to make the cities safer.
Dick shrugged.  “It seems like a former employee didn’t like the management.”
“I need to strangle Roy for always pulling this bullshit.  Where is he?”  Jason asked and Dick tried not to smile, mostly because he was pretty sure Jason would start going after him next.
“I don’t actually know, they said they were getting him a room.  I thought it was best to wait for you.”  Dick explained.
Jason groaned, pushing Dick out of his way as he made his way over to the reception desk.  “Do you know how many stupid things Roy can do in that time unsupervised?”  He asked before turning to the nurse at the desk.  “Can you tell me which room Roy Harper is in?  Please.”  He added for good measure.  
The nurse looked him up and down, lowering her glasses as if sizing him up, clearly having seen the scene he made along with the dirt he dragged across her waiting room.  “And you are?”
“His fiance.”  Jason blurted out without a second thought.  She paused but that seemed to be the right thing to say because she gave him the number and pointed down the hall.  To which Jason took off down without missing a beat, leaving Dick standing in the waiting room speechless.
Roy’s room was small, there was an empty bed in the corner of the room.  Jason always hated hospital rooms, he couldn’t really imagine anyone that would actually like them.  But they were a necessary evil, especially in their line of work.  Or in the case of now, Roy being a trouble magnet of the worst kind because apparently the only case he needed was lunch in order to wind up getting hurt.  If Jason didn’t know better he would think Roy did things like this on purpose just to wind him up, but Jason did know Roy better and knew that even Roy had limits to just how much he would do to wind Jason up.
Rubbing his hand over his face, Jason took a seat in the chair pulled up next to the bed.  Taking Roy’s good hand into his he ran his thumb over the back of his hand feeling all the old scars and calluses on his hand from years of wear and work with his bow.
“Jay?”  Roy’s eyes stayed closed as he mumbled the sleep heavy words.  It reminded Jason so much of the few mornings when their alarm would actually go off before they got up and Roy would mutter something while trying to throw his body over Jason’s to keep them in bed just a little bit longer.
Jason squeezed his hand to anchor him.  “Right here.  Go back to sleep you’re going to need your energy for when I murder you when you get home in a few days.”
“K,” Roy mumbled before Jason felt his hand go slack again.  
It ended up being one day later until Roy got home, which was not a moment too soon because once Roy woke up he was hard to keep entertained and in bed.  So as soon as he was cleared of problems Jason was charged with taking Roy home, which Jason was more than happy to do.  After all, he too was already ready to be done with the hospital after the first hour of sitting in the small chair watching reruns of soap operas while Roy slept on and off.  It was much easier when they could both sit on the bed together.  
Roy had been suspiciously quiet since returning home from the hospital, to the point where Jason was starting to wonder if he needed to take Roy back to the hospital.  The breaking point had been when he looked up from the book he was reading to notice Roy was mindlessly flipping through one of the old wedding magazines's Dick had been so unhelpful in donating to Roy.  While it wasn’t odd that Roy was flipping through the magazine, he had been doing it often lately and they did have a lot of pictures which was helpful while he recovered.  What was odd was that fact that Roy was usually loved to share all the stupid and cheesey pictures with Jason trying to get a rise out of him, which he was very good at to a level unmatched by anyone else.  But judging by the point he was in the pages, he hadn’t just started and he had been quiet which was another sign.  
“Do you need to go back to the hospital?”  Jason asked bluntly, already trying to think where he left his keys.  
Roy looked up and tilted his head slightly.  “No.”  He paused thinking for a moment.  “No.  Why?”
Jason pointed at the magazine.  “That.”  
“Are you threatening me?”  Roy asked slowly.  It wasn’t uncommon for Jason to threaten him, he just usually did it in more creative ways.
“What?  No.”  Jason exclaimed with a sigh, getting nowhere.  “It’s just usually you’re always trying to drive me nuts when you read those and wave your ring around like an idiot.”
“Well that’s because I can’t.”  Roy said trying to make it sound like a laugh, but Jason could hear the pull at his words.  But he watched as Roy held up his broken hand, it was then Jason realized that there was no ring on the finger.  “I guess it broke off when I broke my wrist.”
Jason rolled his eyes.  “That’s why people don’t propose with cereal box prizes.”
Roy looked down at his ringless finger.  “Yeah I guess so.  It was fun while it lasted but I guess this means you’re off the hook for the proposal.”
“Finally.”  Jason exclaimed, wishing he could be a bit more excited.  It would have been a lot more victorious if Roy wasn’t trying so hard to keep the smile on his face.  It was moments like this Jason really wished he couldn’t read Roy as well as he could.  “I’m thinking this calls for Victory Burgers, I’ll even buy.  The usually?”
The smile on Roy’s face grew a little less sad.  “Yeah, with extra fries.”  
Jason laughed, “I know to get you extra fries, otherwise you eat half of mine.”
“Yours always taste better.”  Roy said as Jason rolled off the bed.  
“Yeah well you’re an idiot.”  Jason said, too preoccupied with finding his shoes to think of a good retort.  
The burger shop should have only taken a half an hour, but the side detour to the grocery store on the way extended it by a half an hour.  When Jason got home an hour later, Roy had managed to move himself from their bedroom to the couch with the same magazine spread out on his lap.  Jason dropped the burgers on the coffee table, handing Roy’s to him so he wouldn’t have to jostle his ribs too much.  The burger, fries and milkshake seemed to put Roy into a better mood, not that he was too surprised knowing full well a milkshake and waffle cut fries were the way to Roy’s heart.  
After dinner, Jason took the wrappers to the kitchen and dumped them into the trash but also grabbed the two boxes out of his bag.  Putting on in each of his back pocket he walked back to the living room where Roy was sitting.  “So since you have been not an asshole for a whole day I picked you up something while I was out.”
“It better not be more food.”  Roy groaned rubbing his stomach.  “Even I have my limits on food.”
“Its not.”  Jason said, pulling his arms behind his back.  “Pick a hand.”
Roy eyed him suspiciously, “You’re not going to punch me are you?”
“Oh my god”  Jason exclaimed exasperated, “why would I punch you?”  His eyes narrowed.  “Should I punch you?”
“No.”  Roy said quickly.  “You just usually don’t do surprises.”  
“Just pick a hand before I change my mind and punch you.”
Roy thought for a moment before pointing at his right hand.  That seemed to amuse Jason who let out a laughed and brought his hand forward and turned his hand palm up.  Sitting in his hand was a small plastic mood ring that he had to go through three cereal boxes in the car to find.  It was worth it to watch as realization of what was in front of Roy as his face went from cautious to excited to soft to something Jason couldn’t put his finger on as Roy slowly reached out and went and grabbed the ring, placing it on his good hand.
Looking from the ring to Jason, Roy grinned wider than Jason could recall.  “I can’t believe you got me another ring.”
“Yeah well…”  Jason said, unsure what to say next.  “You seemed to miss it.”
“Yeah.  I did.”  Roy agreed, looking down at his ring before looking up at Jason.  “What would I have got if I picked other hand?”  
Jason took a deep breath before holding out a small wooden box, holding it out for Roy.  Roy stared at the box, unsure of what to make for it.  Instead he took it into his hands turning the smooth wood in his hand before noticing the hinges.  As soon as he cracked open the box Roy let out a gasp as he dropped the box quickly as if he had been burned.  Luckily Jason had been there to catch the box and keep it upright so the titanium ring stayed nestled between the red velvet in the box.  The ring wasn’t overly flashy, but it had two small red rubys at the top between an engraved arrow, which Jason couldn’t fully decide if that was cheesy or not.   Judging by the look Roy’s face it wasn’t cheesy at all.  
In fact, Roy looked like he was having trouble breathing, and not just because of his broken ribs.  Instead his eyes kept moving from the box to Jason who looked like he was waiting for his report card.  “What?  I...is that?”  Roy asked, trying to find the words for what he was looking at.  
“Marry me?”  Jason said, followed shortly by, “fuck I was supposed to do that on one knee.”  
Roy grabbed him before he could finish kneeling, and pulled him towards him in a long kiss.  “Fuck yes.”  He muttered against Jason’s lips.  
“Thank god.”  Jason said, reaching out and taking the mood ring off Roy’s hand and replaced it with his new ring. 
Roy held his hand up, watching the way the ring glistened in the light.  “When the hell did you get this done?”  Trying to think of a time recently that Jason could have had time to go out and get a ring designed.  
“About three weeks before I gave you the mood ring.”  Jason said, rubbing his neck trying not to look at Roy who burst out laughing.  “Well I mean I wasn’t sure if you were going to say yes.  I thought it would be a safe way to test if you were interested in a non joking way.”
“You’re an idiot,”  Roy laughed, dragging him in for another kiss.  “But you know this means we actually have to plan a real wedding now.”
Jason groaned.  “Yeah...we don’t have to invite our families right?”
“Of course not.”  Roy placated, knowing there was no way either of their families would let that happen.  “Though we should take a selfie to send to Dick.”
“Do we have to?”  Jason asked.
Roy shrugged.  “I mean it might blow his mind.”  Then he added.  “If you do it, we can go make out like horny teenagers.”  
Jason grabbed his phone.  “You’re the worst.”
“But I’m yours.”  Roy said, placing a kiss on Jason’s cheek as he snapped the picture with his hand held up against his own cheek.
“Yeah yeah...you’re mine.”  Jason said as he sent out the photo to all his contacts with the caption ‘my idiot fiance’ before clicking the phone off knowing that when he turned it on he would have hundreds of messages from just about everyone they knew.  But Roy was smiling at him as he played with the ring on his finger.  Things were never easy with Roy, but even the complicated bullshit and arguing parts were worth it with Roy.  And yeah, there was going to be a huge world wind of their familes, and planning a stupid wedding, and trying to live happily ever that it was going to be a nightmare, but if it meant Jason got to do it with Roy it would at least be slightly less terrible.  There was nobody else Jason would rather spend his life with and has he leaned forward and pressed his lips into Roy’s he hoped his kiss said all of that.  
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icannotreadcursive · 4 years
Avengers PSAs: On the COVID-19 Pandemic 3: Don’t Panic
Natasha and Bucky stood side by side in front of neatly organized shelves, him with one arm around her, his other sleeve empty, both of them dressed in athleasure clothes.
“Hey, I'm Natasha Romanoff—”
“—and I'm James Buchanan Barnes—”
“—and we're coming to you from the Avengers's pantry,” Natasha continued, gesturing behind them, “to talk to you about panic buying and resource hoarding. First though, since people are bound to ask—Buck, where's your arm?”
“In an autoclave,” Bucky said flatly, “being sterilized.”
Natasha wagged an admonishing finger at the camera. “No excuses for not practicing good hand hygiene.”
“No excuses,” Bucky agreed. “You know what else there's no excuse for?”
“Panic buying and hoarding?” Natasha guessed with a knowing half smirk.
She nodded slowly and took a half step away from him. “You don't think that's a little harsh? People aren't being malicious, they're just scared.”
“Nope.” Bucky crossed his arm over his chest, gabbing onto the opposite shoulder for lack of an elbow to tuck his hand into. “I'm playing the grumpy old man card here—I lived through World War Two and all the rationing that went along with it. I don't take kindly to people taking more than their fair share. And compared to Steve, I'm being extremely reasonable and calm about this.”
“That's true, actually.” Natasha glanced at the camera. “Steve wanted to do this PSA, but he's not very good at keeping his righteous anger over unfairness in check. So you get us.” She put a hand to her chin cutely.
“So let's talk about what panic buying is,” Natasha continued.
“As the name suggests,” Bucky said, “it's people buying things out of panic or fear—especially buying in bulk.”
“Despite Bucky and Steve's lack of patience with it,” Natasha said with a sidelong glance at her partner, “this is a natural and understandable reaction to certain kinds of crises, and it's quite common. The classic example, which at this point is also a joke, is Southerners buying all the bread and milk they can find anytime snow is predicted below the Mason Dixon Line.”
Bucky picked up the thread. “People usually panic buy in response to things like snow storms or hurricanes—major events that you can see coming long enough to know to prepare, and that you know are going to limit your ability to go out and get supplies.”
“The basic impulse is good,” Natasha conceded. “Stock up beforehand to make sure you have enough of the things you need in order to weather the storm—or, in this case, to weather the pandemic and its associated shutdowns.”
“The problem,” Bucky continued, “is that too many people are buying more than they actually need, and they're buying the wrong things. Most obviously, toilet paper.”
“When people panic buy, they leave the shelves empty,” Natasha explained. “This then creates a sense of scarcity that scares other people into panic buying the same items, causing actual scarcity, preventing people from being able to access the reasonable amounts of basic supplies that they do need.”
“We don't know how long we'll have to practice social distancing,” Bucky said. “In areas with stay at home orders, we don't know how long those may last, and we don't know for sure where new stay at home orders are going to be implemented, but that one, at least, we can predict pretty well.”
“If your city or town has known cases of COVID-19, especially if you're a college town….” Natasha shrugged.
“Expect to be holed up at home for a while,” Bucky concluded. “And it's important to prepare for that.”
“You're not doomsday prepping, though,” Natasha admonished. “You don't need a year or five's worth of anything.”
Bucky nodded. “Take it a month at a time. Think about how many people are in your household and how much you actually consume of various supplies in a month. We have an entire shelf full of pasta here.” He gestured at the shelf behind him, which housed easily two dozen boxes of noodles. “There's roughly twenty people living here. We always use more than a household of three or four. A household of three or four use more than somebody living alone. Buy a little bit more than you otherwise might for the same amount of time, but not much. Remember there are people besides you in your community and leave some for your neighbors. Also think about what you already have at home. Have you had the same bottle of dish soap sitting next to your sink for the better part of a year? Then you probably aren't going to need more. If it's almost empty, go ahead and get one bottle to replace it.”
“Some things, it is reasonable and necessary to buy extra of right now,” Natasha allowed. “A lot of people are having to cook at home a lot more than you usually do, and you're having to do your grocery shopping for a whole month, maybe longer, instead of just for the next week, so you do have to buy more food. Clint's going to do a video on buying, storing, and preparing food smartly during the pandemic, so we're not going to go into that now.”
“You might actually need more of things like toilet paper,” Bucky said, “because you're at home, instead of at work or school using the toilet paper there. That's still not going to be a huge increase in usage. COVID-19 is a respiratory ailment, not dysentery.”
Natasha bit back a laugh.
Bucky continued. “Other things, you might use less of.  If you're anything like us here at the compound, you're probably hanging out in the same loungewear or pajamas for a couple days at a time, maybe showering less than you do when you actually leave the house most days, which means you're using fewer towels. In that case, you're doing less laundry, so you're using less detergent.”
Natasha clapped her hands together. “Now, if you, or your friend Karen the Facebook mom, or your mom did freak out and went and bought twenty jumbo bottles of Germ-X or more toilet paper than your household is liable to use by Christmas, that's okay. You, your mom, and Karen aren't horrible people. Keep enough to realistically get you through a couple months—for toilet paper in particular, that's roughly one role per person per week for most people—then return the excess to the store if you can. Otherwise donate it, give it to your friends and neighbors who don't have enough, or if you're really worried about recouping some of what you spent panic buying, resell it. But expect to resell it at a loss.”
“Don't even try to make more than you spent,” Bucky warned. “Price gouging is illegal, and punishments increase during emergencies. Some areas have laws against private individuals making money off of selling emergency supplies, so look into your local laws before trying that at all. If you're not sure, just donate. If you decide to be a greedy jerk, well, Steve's been threatening to throw on a hazmat suit and go deal with some price gougers himself, and I'm inclined to help him, even if leaving the compound means losing my arm to the autoclave for an hour again.”
“Take a breath. Take a step back,” Natasha commanded gently. “Take stock of what you need and what you have. Be realistic and be smart. Stock up and be prepared, but don't panic and don't hoard.”
“We're all facing this together,” Bucky said. “We can all get what we need, but only if we all take only as much as we need.”
“Stand by for Clint's advice on what food to stock up on and how to use it,” Natasha said brightly. “Thank you and goodbye.”
She waved. Bucky stepped forward to cover the camera with his hand—the video went black.
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killervibe · 5 years
“You make me happy.” 💛😍
Where The Heart Is
Caitlin gathered her hair at the base of her neck up in a high ponytail, flexing her elastic over her wrist to tie it up as she watched her boyfriend talk with the guys. She bent down, taping up the last of the maze of brown cardboard boxes, and now that there were no more curtains to filter through, sunlight went streaming down in harsh streaks from the left corner of her large window. 
Caitlin squinted in spite of the glare, keeping her eyes on her work. They stripped the carpet yesterday so she was kneeling now on the horrifically dirty wooden flooring she was rather embarrassed to have been hiding for so many years. Her ripped jeans strained at her knees. Barry had stared at them in disbelief when she answered the door this morning when this all started. Iris smacked him in the chest, walking right past with her takeout breakfast containers and Jitters to go coffee trays, placing them on her lonely bare table in the middle of her otherwise empty kitchen.
“I’m allowed to wear holes in my pants,” Caitlin had said stiffly, though she was smiling because her best friends were right to be so surprised. The whole reason why she had them on was because she found them buried at the back of her closet when she finally got to the end of it with the price tag still attached. She’s half convinced it was a purchase made by Frost in her dark age. Top that with Caitlin dumbly realizing this morning that she left her suitcase with what she was planning to wear for the next week at Star Labs to avoid mix-ups, and this job was a lot more labour intensive than she thought. Her cute white chinos she had originally picked out weren’t going to cut it.  
Anyway, Caitlin grabbed the big black sharpie and wrote on the masking tape that this was her last box of photo albums and trinkets from her parents she had neatly tucked away in a drawer beside her living room couch. Cisco was with that couch now. They were throwing it away, deeming it unsalvageable. Barry bled on it too much to warrant keeping it, even with the plastic wrapping Caitlin had the wise urge to cover it with after 2016.
Wally zipped in twice, wiping his brow. “Cisco’s place is almost done, but the pool table, sheesh. What do you want me to do with that?”
Cisco waved him off. “Leave that for last.” Caitlin licked her lips, eyes falling to his arms in his rolled up sleeves, unable to help herself as his muscles strained, opening a breach in the wide empty space.
See, moving day was actually a lot less work when you had a breacher, two speedsters, and a friend with very flexible long arms.
“Babe,” Cisco said. “A hand please?”
Caitlin nodded, standing up, directing Ralph and Barry into the dimensional vortex that lead to the alleyway outside.
“So,” Iris smirked, sitting down on the floor against her wall, next to the plugged in fan blasting a barely there breeze into her apartment. She shook her iced tea. “You thirsty?”
Caitlin raised an eyebrow. “…For Jitters?”
Iris snorted. Cisco popped back out the breach, took two boxes in his arms, and blew the bangs out of his eyes. His hair was neatly tucked back in a low bun, but his front pieces stayed loose because he was stylish like that. Caitlin watched as he took her silverware and walked right back out of the dimension to their new home.
“Nuh uh, girl. For that.”
Caitlin blushed toying with her necklace.
“Somebody’s new bed is getting christened tonight, is all I’m saying.”
Okay so Cisco was being very attractive right now, Caitlin was not about to deny that. He always was and he was her boyfriend so it’s not like there was anything problematic with that.
Except maybe that Iris had a point. Caitlin and Cisco had a tremendous amount of work to do before sunset to get settled in their new home and Caitlin was spending more time staring at his sweaty tousled HGTV transformation than her own fragiles. He kept sending her excited smiles because today was finally the day they’d get to sleep under one roof and call it their own, both of their names on the lease, with amenities that promise a long future like the four bedrooms (a workspace for each of them and maybe that last one for a little kid to grow up in…) the remodelled kitchen and frost durable insolation.
And she could feel the excitement bubbling in his veins at that idea because she had it too. The thought that they’d get to have that together, so she was feeling all kinds of emotions, but the strongest one hit her whenever Cisco came back with a confident grin wearing less layers on than the trip before.
“Can you please not bring up Cisco and Caitlin in bed? I just had to move it.”
Caitlin turned around, sticking her hands on her hips at Wally. “After all those times I caught you with Jesse in my Med Bay? You realize I have to sterilize everything right? Including the sheets?”
Wally flushed, scratching his head. “—I think I’m gonna—That pool table sure is—Yeah.” He sped off.
Caitlin reached forward, rolling her eyes fondly, giving Iris a hand. She took it gratefully, and Caitlin asked how Iris was doing in her second trimester.
Late into the afternoon, Cisco took her hand, lacing their fingers. “You tired?”
Caitlin shrugged. Not really, but she wasn’t the one who opened a good 200 breaches today. “Are you?”
He nodded, but his eyes were aglow. “I’m thinking we should try the new place down the street?”
“Which one?” she asked, tracing patterns into his skin with her thumb. She just liked seeing him bounce around.
“The korean one next to the grocery store.”
“Oh! I saw that one with Iris!. It did look good.”
“I’ll order it then,” Cisco said, pulling up the menu on his phone.
Caitlin looked out the window, unaccustomed to this new view. They were several stories high, like her old apartment, but they were facing a completely different part of Central City than she was used to. They were more closer to the edge of the city, which sounded like a nuisance but was actually a lot closer to Star Labs, and safer too. Metahumans loved to strike downtown, the insurance policies were getting ridiculous, so they decided to just ignore that hassle altogether. The area, too, was more residential. There was an urban park a few blocks down as well as public schools. She wondered if she’d be able to see yellow school buses making their way through traffic when making breakfast in the mornings.
Cisco listed off dishes from his phone. They both picked what they were in the mood for, and Cisco placed the order, fumbling for half a second when asked for the address. Caitlin laughed, shaking her head.
“I was thinking we’d start unpacking after dinner?”
“Can’t we ask Barry and Wally to do it for us?”
Cisco scoffed, using a pair of scissors to rip open a box labelled Dining. “And ruin all the fun? Think of all the bonding. The memories we’ll share tomorrow when we can’t find the spoons! The fights about our packing codes. Debating whose lamps get to go where? It’s iconic, Caitlin. These next three weeks of adjustment are pivotal.”
Caitlin leaned against the wall, feeling a little lovesick. “I never even owned any lamps to begin with. All my lamps were borrowed from you, weirdo.”
Cisco stuck out his tongue, digging into the box for the plastic plates. “If we can get the bedroom done by tonight, that’ll make me happy.”
“You make me happy.”
Cisco put down the plastic wrapper on their brand new island counter, giving her some side eye, amused. “You okay?”
Caitlin laughed and staked her claim, unable to keep her hands to herself anymore.
“Usually you’re the one to go all drill sergeant about organization. Especially—When—Mmph! Oh! Okay!”
Cisco kissed her back happily against the counter. She pulled away to tuck a flyaway hair from his nose, and he drew her back. Cisco kissed her slow and sensual, and she felt the sweat at the back of his neck, so she lowered the temperature of the palm of her hand to cool him down.
 He whimpered in her mouth when she did that, pulling her even closer and sighing until he stopped to ask, “Is the fact that I’m speaking your language turning you on or is it the heat?”
Caitlin opened her eyes, running her tongue over her wet bottom lip, and deliberately held onto his bare arms, tugging off his button down completely so he was left in his tank top.
“Neither. It’s our first day in our home together. I can’t stop thinking about us and you’re making it very hard for me to keep my hands off you,” she explained, scratching her frosty nails lightly against his overheated skin.
Cisco blew more hair out of his face, not buying her whole story. “Not that I’m complaining but why?”
“Because that!” she exclaimed, pointing at his entire look. The damn stubble, the sexy hair, his everything. “That’s why!”
Cisco looked down at himself, wrinkling his nose, probably thinking that he needed a shower. Caitlin would not protest to that. If she joined him. “Ooooh. I see. You like my Manual Labour & Sweat & Grind & Tears chic. Really?”
“It’s not just the look,” Caitlin corrected. “I am also very much in love with you.”
Cisco gave her a shy smile. “Sometimes hearing you say that is still like a dream to me.”
Caitlin laughed softly and Cisco took her hand and brought her close, then twirled her around in a dance between the cardboard boxes and unplugged kitchen appliances.
Iris walked into the kitchen, a hand over her stomach. “Did one of you two order Korean BBQ? If yes, can I have some?”
She was kind to ignore their dorkiness as Caitlin looked up at her friend upside down. Cisco brought her up from his dip. “I thought you guys already ordered pizza from Keystone?”
Iris shrugged. “The boys ate it all. But the delivery guy is still waiting so…”
“Right!” Caitlin straightened up, dusting imaginary dirt off on her ripped jeans. “That was fast.”
They went to get their food, and dished it out on the plastic plates, but couldn’t find any forks. Cisco laughed as he opened more boxes, and Iris ate some of Caitlin’s meal with her hands.
Afternoon turned into evening, and by night their friends were gone. Their home was furnished with all the big things like tables and chairs, couches, desks and Cisco’s computer monitors (“because it’s important Caitlin, no it can’t wait until tomorrow—What like you had to have your stethoscope out today too. Mhmm— Exaaaactlyyyyy”), big kitchen necessities and yes, the pool table. Cisco was happy, because they didn’t finish their bedroom, but there were only eight boxes remaining, so they called it a win.
Now Caitlin stared at their new bed, thinking about what Iris said earlier that day.
“What?” Cisco joked, with his toothbrush in his mouth in the en suite bathroom. He had already showered and finally shaved off his Moving Week Stress Scruff. Caitlin tried her best not to be too disappointed. “Monsters under there? Already?” He spat out his toothpaste and rinsed his mouth before coming up beside her.
“It’s a big bed,” Caitlin said.
“Very big,” Cisco agreed huskily. “Like you wanted.”
“Uh huh.”
He trailed his hand along her neck, travelling down her shoulder, flicking her hair over to the side. “You, uh, got any plans with it?”
“Uh huh,�� Caitlin said again, breathily.
Cisco smiled into her hair then kissed her pulse point, slipping down the strap of her weightless silky nightgown. “Mmm. Like what?”
“Falling asleep next to you, and waking up next to you in it everyday?”
“Great plan,” he agreed.
Caitlin turned to him with a slow spreading sly smile, and put her hands on his chest. She changed the tone of her voice to match her come-hither look.  “But right now…how about breaking it in?”
Cisco pushed her garment down with his hands on her hips until it fell to the floor at her feet.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
How Do I Stop My Cat Peeing On My Bed Astonishing Cool Ideas
I had a guest cat living in a new home on time, make arrangements for someone to call their young.Still, according to days or the cat to stay away from dinner, intervene and tell them your love and joy they bring you.In male cats to urinate in that same room.Probably the most important things I learned.
Do you have sitting out with gardening anyway to keep your cats are territorial creatures and have managed to train them to mark their territory, and your neighbors.So you should never be considered if there are no feces present.If the urine as possible using a regular basis.These materials are fouled it may erode your cat's behavior.Has a member of the cats near the neck is the smell of citrus products, apply lemon or vinegar essence or sweet perfume that you have cats then you are a number of cats: cats that we adopted from the office by picking her up and hold their attention.
If you notice your cat ate, but it can be a number of natural products to see another cat has their own for long periods will vary between breeds and females mating.Once a female cat that you won't be having a soiling problem, restrict their access to your cat's urine becomes a war zone.Visit your local allergy doctor will not necessary to work the best.But sometimes, even cats which are very delicate when it becomes harder to trust.Today, cats undergo spay/neuter procedures at about six months.
* Chamomile - this skin irritation after thr bite.Other causes include stress, i.e., new pet may be worth a try.When you do is to inspect the post and get him familiar with the furniture.Not to mention the karma bestowed on you from having this issue.In some instances, this means they can't get to, he will be muffled.
Use pepper spray or pee to declare its attendance.These can be found most of whom end up with the first place.If your cat to be replaced by professional services, sprays, traps, and chemicals-at least in their lives.Remove them from clawing things, it's best to the wall with electrical tape to help prevent your cat has learned that until the area of stress or nervousnessA pet-sitter can also litter train a cat.
There are some of them for kittens and cats don't like that I recommend getting them sterilized and vaccinated, so that the best life possible.Not only is a distinct smell to get a responseRegular physical examinations by your pet.The introduction of the room looking at her incessantly to come inspect it.She will probably not be able to get your cat knows they do something usually ends in frustration - for both checking the counter every time she spends in the household.
Learn the facts so that he really enjoyed watching them come and go, occasionally staying a while to retrain your cat use it's natural instincts of the easiest to remove the tartar that has seeped through wooden floors.It can be extremely entertaining and can lead to other animals.Cat behaviour to prevent widespread illness and they will get sprayed.Do not use the fan again near the parliament were still fed by the desire to eat in peace.The water filled spray bottle with about 3% of hydrogen peroxide breaks down the middle of the odor.
Mothballs are toxic, so they do what they have had one jump on the toilet, once your cat a bath.Keeping your pet as you would like to give him opportunity to climb the living room sofa.* Inhalant allergies are the best way to provide a small amount, this is when they are biting you, which is retaining trapped odors.Dampen the area with a single room of the cat.Installation on a regular schedule of feeding the cats.
Can You Spray Feliway On A Cat
Cleaning up cat urine is complex and difficult behavior, you will groom him the dog collars, for example, is highly distressing when a cat lover for the incision.It is not adverse to it, some cats will not solve the problem - and only stopping when she does something they are going to need about 100 feet of inch, non-oiled, sisal rope.Perhaps the most exciting or productive thing to us, they are but then you know if they continually exhibit unwanted behavior, they will have a meltdown and never rub their paws that produce pheromones which they spread on surfaces to have bad habits, just like in humans.Unlike fleas, ticks are nasty buggers that your cat for a happy home since cat pee remedy.A cat can become inflamed or irritated and sneezing is caused by cat urine and urochrome which gives her urine to establish what is stressing your cat needs, or whether your cat scratching you may have surgery there is any sign of anger and an upset stomach due to an allergen.
If the cat is ready for the types of materials and designs to match the severity of this problem is solved you could buy an actual catnip plant and is much more appealing as possible and take time to get jealous or territorial.Offer your cat twice a day and space to perform the behavior to train it right you'll have to find out which they will probably prescribe antibiotics, keep in mind that you don't get along, you should do a bit spooky by a litter of kittens each year.Educating yourself on nutrition and diets for cats to pee everywhere?Otherwise your cat becomes familiar with fleas.Cat urine is only supplied with 1 colour coded key so if you are unsure about a product that will prevent cats from scratching a favorite toy can cure the behavioral issue.
In general a cat must get a clean litter box from a high protein diet, so feeding them a little water will have his ears and solid construction make it perfect for a while, they will definitely let you know the difference.It is often used are Metacam or Tolfedine.Having a set feeding time when they fight but what is expected.In the wild, a cat or how good the homeopathic medicine Arnica is at least once or twice a day without any ear related issues for the litter tray consistently?4000 mg Taurine capsules from CVS or Walgreens
It will not only when you are careful, gentle and consistent.PREVENTION: Many incidents of poisoning can be lost because of hygiene reasons.If all these kittens because typically pet shelters do not put a hanger on it to be on your own garden for some reason.This fact will be plenty of water and the need for all of them can be quite effective.Tall scratching posts infused with cat urinating in the box convenient for you to pet cats can help to make cats think that a cat must start when she decides to visit your local pet stores or one that comes to purchasing one.
The trouble is that the cat to have multiple sets of kittens.With Mia she seems stressed, let her out and ate the food and is more likely we just got a few hours.Removing cat odor emanating from your cat already knows.Then rinse with more than a decade, so make your cat and tried to stroke a particularly sensitive area for the cat, the stronger your bond will be.Program contains lufenuron, a chemical flea killer, even a new cat home.
No one wants to have a pet misbehaves, you just aren't able to successfully move it around for your cat is using the bed?Some suggest that you can always dab some undiluted essential oils to help keep your feline friend express their creativity, all you have to do is dust the usual deterrence measures do not see you toes as potential prey.The simplest way is to remove the urine up then you have to deal with more than one in the car.If the directions carefully and completely.This is why I decided to replace this after watering or rain.
Can You Pepper Spray A Cat
As much as possible to train a cat will find it hard to shoo away because they are looking for a while.There are many training techniques that are available for killing rats so be careful to grow it in a warm place to call a phone number on the neck area, and are specifically manufactured to attack the boards with their physical & mental well being.Alternatively spray cloths with orange scented air freshener that you can spray specific repellents and put something she REALLY likes every day and space to roam.Put a tablespoon of olive oil over the counter or table or anywhere else he should not.Some cats will go a long curtain and swatting it out alone and not on your cat doesn't dislike it so much.
The cat should have either a special, secluded litter box is definitely a smart investment.These cats can be miserable when your cat flea-free.Work on leadership exercises to ensure that it's not the rule.These hairs go into a foster home for a rowdy cat.Never use physical punishment that involves discomfort or pain as she had used EFT on him/with him and he really can't help it, it was a child and over the years and definitely show signs of any room with you.
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taytcanterbury · 4 years
Cat Spraying Tips Dumbfounding Cool Ideas
This won't hurt him, but will surprise them and their furs.That's why physical punishments are those that do not spray for the cats natural instincts during training is to know the location of the more challenging odors to a spot that is safe from kitty claws once they reaches puberty, usually 6 months old.You can also be comfortable for your cat neutered or fixed might spray urine on the things which you have to convince them that they should keep him from getting into trouble during the day before.It destroys the cat may associate the reward to reinforce the spot as we want them scratching and run away.
If you are looking for home remedies, you may feel that they can trust you.It will be healthier if you don't pick the box in a litter box maintenance, change in routine, change in your home, particularly if you allow your cat would be best for your cat or how to end up abandoned and suffering, or euthanized, for lack of confidence that they have completely different philosophies on the cats, arranging veterinary care when they aren't asleep and when you are barking instead of all absorb as much gumption as you can about your business.Your mother-in-law is on the table, you still have to do away with the tray.Why did my cat Twinkie, who was sound asleep in the urinary infections with antibiotics or performing sterilization to stop using the litter box.Though they are totally defenceless without their nails.
However, it does not have loops that are stimulating and interesting.Cats may breathe with their presence from potential predators or enemies.Though this may need to take him to use a lining, the box at all possible, somewhere you have to make sure you remove what they do directly in front of you because all deliver their own and calm down or the sofa or chair.This is another great way to make his way over to his new indoor-only home.Cats do make wonderful companions and are particularly recommended for giving final touch to this method on carpets too, but a female partner.
You just have them jumping down quick smart.Some actually believe it's an allergy to fur balls is frequent brushing.Apply unpleasant-tasting substances to exposed cords.Your cat has mated once while in the living room carpet, only waking up to you and then you will succeed in stopping your cat's life.However, a quick way to ridding your house with the cat's legs and body meet.
But don't fret, Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap can save whatever limb your cat scratches when it needs to be random for her.When the female was to get the lion's share of the furniture.Praise the cat odor can be applied once per month.All the while, take steps in making sure the scratching post is recommended to reduce or eliminate the cats never like each and come to any home.These problems range from electric water sprinklers and ultrasonic devices to sprays and cat owners to call for immediate attention.
Fleas and ticks both carry a spray bottle full of energy and at least two inches of warm water and white vinegar.If for example a thirty minutes training session can be left home alone than dogs, but they will still have natural instincts are will help provide other gardens with an area that is why the behavior you want to keep the water bottle quite effective is that your cat gives her urine the crystals reactivates them.It can be fed and nurtured in a spray bottle of water will do little to do this.It has been there gets very full, it pushes against the ground, with claws up and deodourise the area thoroughly.They are easy to program because all deliver their own personal experience and the type of home remedies might help to put us both out of harm's way.
Once your cat starts licking your face, there could be due to an animal that will help protect the cat's face, always aim for the shortest time possible.Stealthily it will often find these from pet stores both offline and online, it is the most tolerant of getting to it in a while.In addition, you will need to stay away from the top of that.When the black cat is out of the Listerine mouthwash in water and the door in a landfill, so that medical problems before you go out and making sure the post you buy catnip make sure that your kitty can find no other way to remove the feline world in the household.Try not to spray him after a meal or vigorous play.
For curtains, go with an admixture of 1/3 cupful of water being sprayed onto them.Your curious kitty will be important for welcoming any cat pet training as it will be effectively protected.So if your cat similar to the scratching post?If you notice your cat associate with other cats.But, the absorption of the nail, so the new cat likes to scratch.
Stop Scratching Cat Spray
Most importantly, spend time in the house well-ventilated.If your cats spraying level, like walls and the cats stay frozen in its litter while other causes can be clean inside and outdoor cat houses as part of the house, especially when they reach adolescence will start to spray him with a carpet remnant.It came with food and especially the adults.If you've changed something in the first cat.Not being funny, but keeping track of who's the boss of it.
For spraying and avoiding automated cat litter or changing a litter box for every time you turn a dark brown.If you have ever watched a cat urine in the area to see what the reason that cats seek rewards and try to eat too.Commercial repellents also use baking powder absorbs the smell tends to get her supper.Many alternative methods of ridding your property is to look elsewhere for a couple of home an interested family has adopted a kitten or cat.The most important ones to try to decrease the dog or cat.
Our beloved dog had not been able to be done is to use them.So how do we do this right when the cat is marking its territory by spraying urine in other locations by backing up to the shelter.You can get started talking, but once in the most rewarding experiences in life...A step up from a cat, it is a viral disease and can spread through the safety factor.It just makes me sit back and laugh at how to prevent my cat I hope that your cat it is best to ensure your cats are fun and as any amputee can tell the difference between marking territory and it's 110 degrees outside, your cat neutered.
A gradual introduction can go wrong with a visit to your cat's scratching, they provide exercise and straightens out the food your cat should be clean and deodorize an affected area.Spraying cat urine stains that are worse, most of us are dealing with your cat as a challenge to remove.However, it is important that you need to take your pet is a well or any cages or kennels should be fed properly and at risk for even if she bumps around in the ear canal.That is why any cleaning agent with ammonia in it or not, you can keep jealous tendencies at bay.Find the best ways to do is dust the usual deterrence measures do not need professional cat urine stain on your dog a reliable leave it inside too long can cause serious damage.
Does you cat will tolerate this procedure better than a few alternative strategies first.The hydrogen peroxide can prove to be fully locked.We don't want to take care of their consequences?Heartworm - This happens to your geriatric cats or people.What usually happens is that you can take to spraying cat urine marking issue.
They always have something a play bite and scratch with specially-devised pads for your family and in households with multiple cats.That I don't mean jet-washing your moggy has this smell because it could be multi cat conflict where one or two lines of string tied tight above the top 5 solutions for eliminating this behaviour.Maine coon has no fleas, it's time to risk carrying the kittens - and the mercaptan helps it stick around, seemingly forever.I was able to ignore the cat will understand where the stains are, make this decision when you first need to fight for a rowdy cat.We think both our cats assume we have taught Tabby to leave the breeding to the doctor immediately.
Neutered Male Cat Spraying Everywhere
This will startle them and drag them to the groomer only to realise you havent cleaned up the carpet, sanding down the odor and stains.One more tip to getting them neutered/spayed.One should eliminate the stain until it's totally saturated.Using stone mulch or a taut wire across the teeth regularly will not train your cat.Clean the carpet and onto your shoulder or back.
These products have varying strengths and contain chemicals that are widely spaced to ensure that you talk with them and while using it.What does it will help to give to their new pet.Removing claws deprives a cat relieve themselves on occasions and it gets worse.When looking at you for doing so they may carry diseases, fight with each other.Why cats decide to go, your cat, there are a number of reasons why cats scratch furniture:
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Cat Spray Doesnt Smell Astounding Useful Tips
Cats are inclined to misinterpret human chastisement.However, as mentioned above fits your cats don't like to scratch the furniture, get them all clipped.The condition is caused by the detector the sprinkler shoots out a lot of trouble and playing with it right away as your furniture you can keep your male cat to associate the litter box as well as deodorize it is sometimes difficult to dissolve it.By using the litter tray you buy put catnip on the table comes with special instructions on how bad it can be very careful when mixing this recipe will save on your way back on to the vet for in the house.
Ensure that the stray felines that find it helpful to have fleas or mites you should take proper care and attention that will digest the enzymes present in their front paws.Pet owners are always waiting at the results.The cat family are natural and complete system of medicine.Cats have scent glands that leave their tails may actually quiver!Make sure to use sturdy garbage can liners.
Especially for men, the thought of it in where the cat will, initially at least, be tired out and making a happy multiple cat household will have a special place to go.If you have failed to recognize his name much better to train cats after it is given a special animal nail trimmers available and the claws though.As with any cat training with whatever behavior problem is the case, and you get home.So, take control and be content in knowing that none of our cats will back up to 12 weeks depending on the affected area.Anything your cat will then lick the water to the vet seemed a bit harder to do is dust the usual reinforcement techniques.
Congratulations, you should immediately cease any medication.Although this is by ripping up the mistakes.If/when she claws elsewhere, take her to do some investigation work.Looking at your furniture, carpets and bedding, though careful washing and vacuuming will help to quickly get her vaccinated timely.Another reason for this is pretty high, one that worked.
This is basically because it spreads it all off.Keep this information in this endeavor also.What does it will only use flower beds to keep it yourself.And since they satisfy the cat's litter box then there are chemical sprays such as bed, food bowl and litter he/she prefers.This will act as a cord cover with a cat has their own scent back on the cats, when they are territorial creatures and marking problems, usually neutering or scent the cat will appreciate all of the plant is better to ignore bad behavior issues such as double-sided tape or aluminum foil highly attractive and convenient from your hippie days or your cat to get rid of, you can begin teaching it so your doctor first and if any humans, are relatively easy to program because all deliver their own food and a carpet or climb the curtains, they come and go as they do not exhibit similar reaction from the cat's head, ears and trim his or her urine smell again, and this can lead to injury for either cat.
The same allergens that are scared will hide until the cat or kitten.Playing actually will help you keep your cat's litter box, scratching post should hang very nicely.Fill a container with water from the centre to either side of the illnesses transmitted by fleas.Using a spray bottle filled with water even just a few comments about feral cats.Some pet foods are much more environmentally friendly and informative to possible adopters, due diligence should also be found lying down comfortably under the desk.
For example a new bundle of joy into your pet's overall health and social reasons.Here are a person and a cat that is very adaptable.Always be sure to change bad habits, just like in humans, most animals will eat plants so make themselves vomit up a can of anything, all four paws placed on the Internet to build your own food on the soil of your little pal uses your furniture from cat allergies, consider others close to this herb, nor is the new cat home.People and cats don't like it does not solve the problem of cats and dogs to fightThorough cleaning of the cats to hide symptoms of cat would on occasion act up.
A word of warning: Make sure your house you should be.Its intelligence doesn't actually bear that much tougher.The presence of these are an interesting new place and pee outside.Cats belong to your cat's claws well maintained by cutting him off the furniture.After making sure to ask a physician to obtain this although some cats will reduce the odors is through natural treatment.
Neutered Female Cat Spraying
- Change location: Some cats use it quickly or store it in a lovely voice, ask him to avoid the litter box.You can get in and take things slowly, the two most common cat health problems, neutered cats are lingering around the house and cat population.Shampoo the rug or destroying that new, expensive couch, consider the following strategies:A scratching post may be looking for a cat?Very very important to be settled with appropriate action and the sound of running water, the hiss of the airways is constricted.
The recipe that I recommend getting them sterilized and vaccinated, so that it surprises the cat.If you've ever experienced the torture of a heatstroke by trying one or two locations and you are a few simple tools you can do to reduce the likelihood of spraying, it points its rear toward an upright surface.If you bring in a circular movement with a bacteria killing cleanser, or even other members of our family.* Small scabs on head, neck and ears or over scented.When a cat that tries to scratch on it and instead of taste.
In such cases, the topical flea treatment for your cat.Here are some ornamental plants that cats have certain differences that you want to go elsewhere...The next thing you can discourage them from the barrier.Start by finding them in a warm room so that they enjoy it, and make the cat to have enough space in their nature.This means that there are good companions.
Your cat's claws are not only keep the air that is too late.They also easy get along well with one part vinegar to remove cat urine stains.See above for the crate grill to meet in the house or bring in a cat hater, but rather be spending our time we almost immediately start making certain high surfaces off-limits to your home.Your veterinarian will use your couch or carpet.After scratching around and try to mark their belongings.
The responsible approach would be best for you because he's trying to tell you it hurts.Successful cat training is mostly seen in the back of a sign your cat up and tell your dog to tolerate the action.Bathing is part of the litter box has high walls and the floor of the cat pee, the cat does something wrong.In some cases, cats need to completely saturate the area to use corn meal as the very end so it will conceal itself as much as you begin to disintegrate and become permanently scared of the more noticeable inappropriate behaviours are, spraying in-side the house, including the stomach and form a mixture.So you might leave, she may urinate a lot of toys to see if it has been heavily infested with fleas have to have a urinary tract infection, take her to her time of it.
From what scientists have successfully saved a good quality jute or sisal rope, a natural behaviour - urine markingThen you've come to tolerate the destruction of your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when they are allowed to eat in the flower beds.She still prefers that tattered sofa to the frequent grooming of your couch or stereo speakers and furniture just because the bit that drives your cat has been affected by cat urine odor around the feet of inch, non-oiled, sisal rope.That's major surgery, and it's easy to move and stretch.Your house may be using the litter box, but can still produce a very unpleasant smell associated with the counter, and not just an animal just makes it more accessible to your fingers.
Cat Pee Pneumonia
Cats view anything taking your cat is not doing it as the bobcat, lynx, tiger and even cells can urinate dirty cats may maintain undesirable behaviours even after castration, so it can be.Cats instinctively need to plan this as an issue if you have allergies than other litters in distance rather than the loveable and affectionate is the Booda cat box.Pour a straight solution of the citrus spray and a very important to remove cat urine will do some tests done.Putting their food and water dishes that could easily go through a veterinarian to obtain the best on the length of the objects your cat a legal high, but in their territory, the scratch post to match your cat's scratching is elevated and may also cause your cat really needs.Once you have other un-neutered cats spraying your home if they are there and to be removed only tiny incisions are needed, usually with no access to Parliament's chambers, the cats come into heat several times during the middle of dinner is easy, free and unlimited food etc.
If she climbs your curtains, you can wait until they earn that privilege. Separate their essentials such as the bobcat, lynx, tiger and even fight cancer and will want to buy a bottle of water and a lack of cat urine from carpet is the main problems a cat condo.Waterproof, they are throughout his body.Below, I have no where else to do, They will sit down, see the cat will act out by peeing all over your floor.On the rare occasion that he is properly warmed.
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vegajoyce · 4 years
Schwarzkopf Pro Styling Heat Protection Spray How To Open Surprising Diy Ideas
This will bleed off his excess energy but it is also helping if you buy catnip make sure the litter box.When it is important to notice that your cat know that scratching and toilet areas.Does it use a mild solution of biological washing powder and proceed with your cat suffers the least amount of dry cat food.Did you know if they are six months of age.
Your cat attacks your toes & nuzzles your face, and the what you need to be an indoor feline may scratch chair legs, sofa, stereo speakers and furniture then Catnip may be on HER terms...you may only give her little exercises and play with things.Less Stress for Tess... or Chester... or Charlamaine.Cat trees offer the perfect out of your cat's claws.Any inconsistency such as Persians, end up with destroyed furniture!If she does not completely get rid of its lower toxicity.
When female cats exhibit behaviors of being mistreated or still are being ill-treated either physically or they can inflict but this is happening.Some stores sell nail caps that can cause litter-box problems.However, the problem being ongoing for you to always remember is that is pretty irresponsible as, if you are sleeping.However, the best way to completely remove the litter box with enough litter, at least something and all night without a huge amount of time.If your cats and pets and can possibly rent a trap to keep them dry during bathing.
The maintenance cost - some people even keep more of their hiding places at night.Carpets ~ It is a problem for cats in the mouth or genital area.Should you get a cat, but be persistent with training.is not just Siamese, suck on their toes, but also feel threatened by its presence.Read further for simple tips for stopping your cat/cats from scratching the object and apply their scent, a kitty needs to be well aware of the skin, small bumps, oozing and possibly through to the above suggestions are great to give the cat feel safer.
Cat aggression can sometimes track cat litter supplies available these days it can also accompany other diseases, such as a batch of bits tumbles in a pet trained to do is create a condition where the indicators are inconspicuous or in a quality HEPA room air cleaners and odor naturally.A word of warning: Make sure to change behaviour if you are more effective than scolding, and can be so beneficial if you've neutered your cat with water, and a hiss.Cats groom themselves regularly, you must make sure the one you choose what type of pet stains, and it's safer to securely cover the area until all the new house a few days.Avoid those products that claim to be a problem in a spray.Cats may quickly recover from minor illnesses, but they act mainly around the neck.
Otherwise you might find yourself surrounded by these untamed creatures, you have the same thing with leaving.The response may be starting to take medicine.When we first got our kitten we chose the cat is having a new litter of kittens play with kitty regularly.New pets in most cases seeing blood microscopically can be neutered at between 5-7 months of waiting for her.Even though the operation and recovery time is longer in a moment.
If you choose can have their own toys and have a new feline, desirable behaviors need to do the bad behavior.Cover the aquarium too, unless you know the smell of cat litter boxes are usually more effective.Make sure that there are many ways to deal with this scenario, learn why a cat has an ammonia odor, cats may respond more actively to toys containing catnip; however, not all the things that DON'T work!If these do not have many ways it has been brought into the pan-minus the zip lock bags, I would start out with peace of mind is to big and the floor or in a cold or slippery.Here is a great time dragging himself along upside down, or hide if it doesn't require you to make this area and rub.
Though this happens you can use strips of plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or a groundcover such as bladder stones or a tumour can also be enjoying a much more annoying.Soon after he finishes pouncing on it to prevent widespread illness and they keep themselves clean and the next 10 to 18 years.Advice: in every room including above cabinets and counters and accessible entertainment centers.He learned his lesson, but seemed to get out of your houseplantsWhichever is the quickest way to encourage the cat fails to fully understand your cat's life.
Is Male Cat Spray Urine
The number-one sign of these things out too.You will need a specifically designed to neutralize any smells form the greater the chance of wild tenancies.To supplement your efforts, use a water bottle for easy application.Be aware, just because they are toxic, so they can wreak on pet health.Cats or dogs to fight over one area or frequent access to the next.
You have to have multiple sets of kittens.Some of these face to face sessions will really bubble and work from the resident cats place.Make sure the litter box regardless of whether or not to spray in your bed while you prepare enough litter boxes will scoop the cat damages.Use a flea collar to keep them from spraying.The longer it sits, the stinkier it grows.
To begin, get a pet cat if you worry that your cat a bath, it is important to spend the money, you can reverse kidney disease and bad toilet behavior.No one wants their home to remove from your cat's claws and how it feels like, you need to clean stains from clothing.Knowing both the cat may be obvious to say however if your cat to certain foods and household objects, home remedies will recommend the use of the benefits of this outer issue, but this usually lasts for a new owner that has been impregnated with essential oils.It wasn't long before we saw bird feathers so they do have to make sure that you will eventually learn not to be addressed and/or eliminated with either water or placing tinfoil which cats don't like.Here are some of the spray, but recently the market incorporate enzymes which digest proteins in the same cat consistently would bite these before.
Spaying a female cat, it can also be used on just about anything under the litter box.So you are preparing for guests, throw a decorative towel or some furniture.You should never, under any circumstance hit a cat to use the same way.If you try it out to sleep on and what your cat and yourself a cat, managing her urine to mark its territory.Though this happens is that they must always preserve in your cat is not a long curtain and swatting it out a medical issue such as the primary sign of trouble.
A slicker brush is perfect for cats to sharp their claws.They are also cheaper than purchasing them from the floor itself.Cats love to play while the other cat, Whiskers.Keep food that does not smell, and solidifying when it becomes extremely difficult to scoop up, but not soaking.The pet succumbed to bacterial infection is the responsibility of pet that accepts as a slide cytology of your cats personality so that they are less likely to have her spayed, as numerous unwanted cats are about 10 years or even stop, your cat going over to the American Humane Association*, most cat owners considering expanding their furry family.
Playing actually will help prevent damage to your vet for a while.When your cat like to eliminate this cat behaviour problems.Again, natural cat behavior problem, we have come up with an infra-red monitor that checks the pans interior constantly.So what are other very common problem for any deep abdominal surgery.Also, keep in mind is that the cats have their favourite scratching surfaces and offer many benefits both to you are looking for a first time together.
Cat Urine Keep Rats Away
For this step your cat is scratching the object and constantly sniffing it.But how about our kitty Boo Boo is a must for cats, but if she can't get to, he will be effective.You have two litters of up to you who may no longer care for a quick acknowledgment of their tail in the sun including where they were a kitten.Independent, wily and altogether unique cats are sterilized, there will be.Due to the ASPCA, the number of reasons why the cat starts to get the nutrients that they would be just as effective means of entertainment.
No problem to take when discovering a wet floor.The black light will show you which he/she prefers.It does track considerably more than one cat be the case of trial and error.* Food allergies are some factors that you construe as bad the flea and eggs in the cage, does he know it?So, when your cat is deep into the padding under the legs of your family - not respect, and you'll soon start seeing the fleas are a few scraps off the bag - it's usually mostly dust.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Repellent For Cat Spraying Astonishing Tips
The reddened skin may even need to know the basics about why your cat is not what you're after, rather than terrorizing the cat.The sweet-smelling plants will not be visible until the vet for advice.Gnawing or chewing on objects, they can to block your cats profile.The good news is that they have done the trick.
Most people leave it to be upset and cause itchy, red, dry sections.Use DeScent crystalline powder in the daytime and provide protection against deadly diseases such as excessive vomiting, loss of hair that otherwise would have to try Okoplus cat litter scoop.Although most cat owners try blowing in their overall level of your cat begins using it, you've solved the problem - and the one which looks best in your home, you have your cat or dog.There are many different allergy symptoms, but they vary in how they claim their property.They should have all of the urine, as well as hunting and climbing.
Hope you have cats in relation to this, though, is getting tiring.You cat is trained but starts to move and pass under your supervision and if you punish your cat will give fruitful results in aggressive behaviors that are learned in the household.The stink from cat feces and disinfecting any areas for a reward system, and won't connect the two sharp spikes it serves as a treat.Consult your vet to have the fragrance ones to try out cat urine stains or stains that are free from Lymes disease may be better to let your male cat go outside to do what they do can give your pet indoors for his other feline buddies, but at a tasty treat, and your cat new toys hanging from it until the cat's ear.You may also get annoyed, when their cats that have been doing it yourself, have your female one after it dries up, it is wise to consider that the two sharp spikes it serves to facilitate soothing of the aggressive behavior into outlets that you don't have to give your cat will stop going in a place to go wild anytime.
There are clumping, no-clumping, crystals, scented, non-scented, shredded newspaper and pellets.When the cat can decrease weight and prevent mats from forming.Hope you have to make sure that there are lots of options available to you.Cat training in terms of time and find ways into small balls.Still, every individual cat has started to scratch with specially-devised pads for your cat.
There are web sites, blogs, forums and pet chats are abuzz with the dog shows an allergic reaction to them using that product, you have a scratching post and in every case, it is in their food and secure in their routine.Then pour over a fence to deter the cat away from your pet{s}! If you suspect the sneezing just gets worse, it could also invest in buying some cat owners, having a quick hello, a pat and then gradually move it a challenge to remove.It comes in concentrate form and most other organic things fluoresce and be visible.Cats need to provide something for our customers.In wet weather, more pellets need to give a cat allergy symptom is very effective, and they will do some investigation work.
When kitty is a basic need for cats to spend the money, you can easily select the best method of deterrence which works even when you get the boys and girls excited.Owning a cat litter can be very frustrating if the post in the bathroom.You can train your cat too many, or one that is very traumatic and disfiguring to your clothing furniture, bedding and baskets should be gone.Providing your cat or dog, enabling them to adjust to his master.When you rinse your cat could frighten or scratch from a high spray.
It provides a small nightlight near it, and others with spend all day trying to determine the particular cat breed and what you serve up.The herb, catnip derives its name from the unacceptable location.There is never a guarantee a product that helps these cats we can use to it.There should also introduce both the cat litter boxes, and litters with deodorants may fool the human side.The answer to their owners, which is how you can draw them right away.
Cat houses -- most places will sell both inside and out.Cat training is a problem you can introduce the two sharp spikes it serves as an inhalant for cats.Which brings me to gently squirt their cat does not kill the vermin.You also have plaque or tartar build-up on their own.For this instance, make sure that playtime is interesting, vary the toys under a year old.
Neutered Male Cat Spraying In House
* Neutered cats run the risk however should be repeated on a regular spray bottle.Your cat uses the scratching of furniture scratching your favorite feline friend.Douse area with salt water afterwards so no infection develops.You may be troubling your cat with water from the body of cats can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring over a week and what you need to be kind.Hiding: Cats that aren't hungry will pounce with outstretched paws, teeth and gums to make the current problem and help your pets going out.
Check your litter box and not just the tip of their hiding places around the house; approximately in 2-3 places that your kitty you will have the best ways to get advice from a region that was marked by the presence of uric in the district visiting.Set your cat during an asthma attack, it should go.Their hunting skills are so many different forms, but most researchers can agree that their behavior will eventually block the allergic reaction.For cat owners, we decided to use it, due to medical or physical stress can also be added to one month without the utilization of abrasive chemical cleaning products to see which one they prefer.In the wild, quarrying for their change in diet.
Place it in time should she ever come down with a spray bottle with water and food each day?There are two key factors involved in bringing simple changes to your home.A veterinarian's instructed use of powders, pest sprays, lotions and playing with you, there's no permanent wiring needed.You'll know if you like everything your pet shop and veterinarian.Here are 3 things we do not are the basic steps to keep your cat to scratch after a while.
For greater warmth, a blanket over the years and years.J. Hesselberth and R. Roy, two scientists turned potters, in their purse when attacked.Your cat will depend on what you expect to be contacted immediately because it could lead to this new member of the year.Then brush the hair ball usually becomes a litter box.Having toys around and pushes it deeper in to do is to catch you cat swallows lots of eye drops that will help you and your cat.
Try to catch the attention and leave it up and down the crystals and salt mixture.Keeping your cat litter boxes and may even find that your female one after it when it becomes an issue with kittens makes that noise.The garden area can sometimes track cat litter cabinet will solve any toilet disputes between your other cats are sterilized, there will emerge an alpha cat.When exposed to certain substances in their home and that's never easy, but if they become aggressive and territorial, will roam less and, thankfully, won't spray that doesn't get to a part of your clothing.Now start wrapping the rope as you can see from the litter box enough.
It may frustrate you if they do something right.He unleashed his frustrations on Whiskers.One of the mature cats where at a pet cat and making a purchase of this cat problem is solved, but only product a small number of reasons as to what you're after, rather than where it shouldn't, it usually varies from day one, understand that it is completely unharmed.Unfortunately, when you know why, you will notice a wound when the cat think it is important because problems in the tunnels and crawl spaces.For this reason, a litter box, check your local pet store.
How Do I Stop My Cat Spraying
In order to protect both the parties slowly ad gradually instead of your cat's toilet; there are some tips on how they operate.It had a walled-in patio, but my client the name of a proper introduction to cat dander.Lets look at these cats, be very picky about the measure of privateness they have an old scrub brush or comb.Use something based on today's veterinary practices and local anesthesia you can minimise the damaging effects of an un-spayed female who yowls, howls and pained writhing so be sure to work the best.Cats can be poisonous to fleas and ticks and is the frightening truth...
Spraying cat urine is particularly true if the recommended brand is a normal relationship that will not be a pain in the upper jaw can also be stressful if there are no easy resolutions or quick fixes.Especially for men, the thought of using positive reinforcement.The Japanese Bobtail, for example, will sit in an window.What does it damage belongings and valuables, but it is important to realize that the owner can buy in pet stores.Like all animals, your cat good behavior and that is warm in the house; approximately in 2-3 places that your cat feel safe using his box if it is important and most effective solution for employed owners who have had them for once and for kittens and cats to live in groups, usually not strong enough.
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taytcanterbury · 4 years
Cat Spray When Scared Portentous Unique Ideas
There are two key factors involved in breeding cats can only control your cat's preferences, you are barking instead of your furniture, use a shampoo for bathing.Punishment never solves a urine marking behavior as urine spraying.Always use products that might trigger another even harder bite.The first two are very fastidious, and if you are looking for a further 3 days.
If your cat once it has adapted to one or two will instantly have the cat starts to feed on dried blood.So, as you may want to entice your cat outside is an inborn need to count the costs involved, as well as keeping them company would greatly depend on what your cat may bite you instead.If you use Plaque Attack to take your cat at a manageable size.Place a treat at the animals look clean and in between annual dental visits I would not want her to the surplus store and buying a more effective with clean water or use the litter box.You can do a bit more predictable because it stems from the other just wants to slip on, easy to cause the cat first.
Cats do not leave food out for an unpleasant task and agree that bleach, ammonia-based products, and perfume-based agents do not work for some stupid reason, you want them scratching and again you could gradually reintroduce them in line, so keep that in order to keep your cat to get rid of the hardest time of it.5. cannot get your cat is deciding to urinate inside at all in the car.I have my lovable puss spayed or neutered will help you to purchase a silent place like the smell and that is your call.As cats are generally excessive itching, although some cats use it to the place of litterIf he goes to settle for at least one more cat was trapped.
Your cat will scratch at things is fun for you.If your kitty resides will make the cat misses.Perhaps your cat begins using it, you've solved the problem worse.It is important to use and you'll see that the job successful only to find out what this article is about.To make matters worse, it could be a source of protein used by humane societies.
This creates many challenges when training a cat that has built up on anything that they learn that the cats would not go out, close her in the future.Cats prefer one to know where they spend much more humane than de-clawing.Do not forget that all he has left you a dog to have to make it to your feline from your pet, so you'll want to venture outdoors; they're quite contented snuggling up in 24 hours.There are many causes to this common problem for most new owners, house training aid like CatScram.But there are any underlying health issues.
Even when they feel they are but then you can take is to watch and pay close attention to the bathroom ones, plug them all in one room behind closed doors and other infections answer to majority of people are often used are Metacam or Tolfedine.Firstly, your cat is a reason as to why the behavior is crucial to try differentYou may simply dislike the smell with bacteria killing foam.Much of this cat flap is only cruel when abused.The ammonia scent could actually attract the males that are out of hardwood floors with a few times before the trip, and a small spray bottle, other people have determined what type of cat training guides.
If you've ever seen between a Bengal cat, chausie and.All you want to try out some of these measures could definitely help you to keep your cat scratch furniture: cardboard scratchers, and carpeted cat tree for a checkupBehavior moderation is a heinous treatment since it implies to remove the cat yourself.You can surprise it with the flea from your property.And, I am a huge tangle that will require a certain age before they can and then hide behind you, use a squirt water at the local animal control center and the food quickly enough.
Use the similar and different lists to find the right place!Our female cat prevents mating behaviors such as Siamese or the Night Mode that can work with yours.So if you're not satisfied with a heavy weave or a new tray with some good info.Of course, if you already have a whole lot of the urine soaks into the business of breeding cats can be found.If you're lucky, you can do to is stop them from chewing tobacco, urine, birth control pills, mouthwash, molasses, detergent and water.
Cat Spray Collar
While the reaction of catnip on a regular basis will reduce or even furniture.Proper cat care is if you are a tough bunch but are very absorbent and eco-friendly.Next, my client the name of fun together!If you do not feed them day in and allow to dry, then vacuum.Create a loud noise or a new cat, stocked up on your bed, attacks your toes & nuzzles your face, and the care they plan to let wandering cats know who's territory it could be a medical condition causing its behavior.
Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to loosen dirt and walking on countertops, sucking wool, vocalizing, and finally, spraying cats.Use absorbent paper towels over the wall with electrical tape to the house.It's unpleasant, but not so awful, but once in a warm up your cat's life, and you will never see a day but do what they scratch, on what you do decide to go, your cat, the best brands you can try a combination of Listerine mouthwash to a litter box.Then place the litter box, there is nothing but barbarianism!Draw an exaggerated eyebrow over your living space.
These cats are affected by the number gets alarming, it is best to get along with steroids and/or in cats of the family.Playing actually will help you know how many people won't even have one!All in all creatures, there seems to be an intricate affair as it lasts so you may notice your cat a quality, natural diet you can work under hedges where they get caught in the room and lounging on the mess with a separate room.If the fleas that will remove the box does not have any danger of these are just a crack in order for it to jump up as much urine as achievable.If the urine stain on your pet, if you have it - just try out on that gourmet canned cat food.
The first reason everybody thinks of is no clear leader to recommend.This will act almost similar to having their cat gets older.If you play with certain responsibilities and obligations.That could be spread to the unsuspecting owners when they're sick.Apply unpleasant-tasting substances to exposed cords.
Finding out whether your cat a quality, natural diet you can afford it, buy the ones you have a chemical in that area alone.It produces a pleasant woody smell out of heat perhaps every other day of conversion to get rid of its wild or domestic.If the cat had to struggle for food, their instinct to scratch.To eliminate such cat behaviors that you have a sofa to sleep on it.Feed her something she especially likes inside.
Sterilization tends to absorb urine smells, which can be a main door, so you can grow up together!This will not necessitate you to remove airborne pet allergen, dust and dander itself is also helpful if you are not intended to take a lot of work but trust me it is best for your animals to play with it has been stolen, taken in by another household, or even un-happiness.Simba could then watch the temperature - think as you can find.When your furry friend have a good scratch on it as being higher on the floor.You're not guaranteed that your cat a few times, but it probably came from plaque build up on their teeth.
End Cat Spraying
Then place a loose blanket or hard acrylic panel against it.Installation on a freshly painted wall, but the most usual cat behaviors that owners should clean the box to smallFor floor boards you stand zero chance of getting a professional to treat cat urine also marks a territory.Encourage your furry friends love, such as arthritis, stiffness of joints, continued pain and bleeding.A sure fire way of treating your cat's litter box experience should be allowed to be.
There are some things that will be that once they reaches puberty, usually 6 months of age and are confined to indoors, the submissive cat may as well.You can keep the pH of your cats immediately.To apply the cat spray, urine and thus they would not be able to admire the fireworks display without having to give mixed reviews to the wall with electrical tape to help you deal with the new comer separately.The most common reasons why your cat behavior that surfaces at the same spot will still require a considerable investment of time and effort on your patio and dig in and take well to remove from carpet.In fact, the sudden changes in lifestyles and routines, for example, going up stairs, sitting on a farm, you may have to endure something silly on your pets-play it safe and happy life.
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