#it is morally neutral to eat
oglegoggle · 2 years
I honestly don’t get how many people get upset about the notion of putting down an animal that attacks people? Like dude? Yeah it’s 100% reasonable to eat the goddamn rooster that slashed up your kid’s face. It eliminates the problem and it’s delicious. Americans are so squeamish about death that they either refuse to acknowledge that the meat they get from the store comes from an animal that was once alive or they decide that no animals should ever be eaten ever under any circumstances and both are utterly dipshit opinions.
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audhdnight · 8 months
I made a post about fatphobia and how being fat is not bad or automatically unhealthy, and about how food holds no moral value. Got this comment:
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First of all, being “overweight” by bmi standards means nothing because bmi is bullshit. But also, the studies that claimed to show higher weight being a risk factor for disease have been debunked. There is no sound evidence to suggest that being fat will give you heart problems and diseases and kill you early.
Secondly, all food adds nutrients to your body. In different quantities yes, but that really doesn’t mean much. Obviously we eat to fuel our bodies, but we also eat for enjoyment. You are not required to eat only the most nutrient dense foods. I would also like to point out that calories are what add fat to the body, not whether your food has more or less nutrients, and that is not a bad thing either. Plus, it’s not like every fat person is just on an increasing weight train, a lot of us stay pretty much the same weight for years at a time, and fat people are allowed to gain weight too.
And third of all, idk what the rest of that last sentence was supposed to say because I blocked this person before they could comment more filth, but the “especially female bodies” bit shows their misogyny quite plainly. Big men are just big men, but big women are disgusting because women are supposed to be tiny and fragile and dainty and feminine (barf)
(Also, this is why I say food and heath have no moral value. A lot of the worst most violent fatphobes claim they’re “just looking out for your health” and while we all know that’s not true, they act as if being unhealthy is both a) a choice you made, and b) a moral failing. It’s okay to be unhealthy, whether that be because of your weight or a disability or an illness (both physical and mental). How well you take care of yourself is not an indicator of how good of a person you are, it wouldn’t be even if your health were completely up to you like these people pretend. Which is why even if you could be smaller, even if you’re only fat because you made the choice to only eat food you enjoy and not to exercise, that’s still okay. It’s okay to be big. You are not required to “put in the work” and not doing so does not make you a bad person. We have to separate morality from health and fitness. Anything else is not only fatphobic, but also usually ableist and classist too.)
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have yall noticed that a huge chunk of white americans are more chill with the idea of [consuming] human flesh than eating the meat of animals that are often pets [in the west]? what kind of mental hoops leads to this.
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pickapea · 1 year
my job is reactivating and rehabilitating patients in post surgery care and one of the first things i tell them once they've tried to drink some juice and stand on their legs without throwing up is "every bite is a good bite" and i think that's a good sentiment for everyone
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banrionceallach · 11 months
Hate when I'm watching a cooking show and the presenter starts assigning moral value to food when they get to the desert portion.
Like, eating 20 chocolate bars in one sitting wouldn't be healthy and would almost certainly make me feel ill. But as long as those bars are mine and not meant to be shared, then I have not done anything morally bad.
It's just more fatphobia. You're doing something that contributes to weight gain and therefore fatphobia says you've failed as a person.
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pfhwrittes · 5 months
it may not ever come up in the fics i post but just know i am shoving my weird food preferences into at least one of the tf141 men every time i write about them
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
having a lot of thoughts about eating disorders + how some of us end up developing chronic illnesses directly because of the physical effects of our eating disorders and how Cruel doctors can be about that and just trying to untangle so much shame and blame from that experience rn
#personal#vent#eating disorder tw#disability#idk. i don't quite have the words for this right now but#had another meeting with my doctor where they said yeah its your fault that you are now physically disabled for life#(literally i was chronically ill and physically disabled before i even developed an eating disorder because of CAH and comorbidities but#(they love to ignore that !)#which is like. i do not tie any morality to health and it should just be#a completely neutral statement. that my eating disorder caused other physical complications#they said i'm going to have orthostatic problems the rest of my life.#'since your gastroparesis was caused by your eating disorder that means there is no point in treating it'#which is so funny bc literally every time i see her my dietitan wants me to get a feeding tube! lmfao!!!!#i am actually doing pretty well in recovery in terms of meeting my energy needs through food. but i stopped being able to orally supplement#so my dietitan wants a tube for ARFID nutrient reasons. supplemental nutrition etc etc. and she thinks it will help gastroparesis symptoms#they also think i have osteoporosis and want to test me for that#when i had to use forearm crutches/ wheelchair because of physical ed complications doctors were SO fucking rude even though they were#the ones PRESCRIBING IT!!! like!!! you all are the ones telling me i HAVE to do this!#idk i also have a friend with permanent brain damage. from seizures in the refeeding process#and her doctors are so fucking rude to her all the time.#it makes me so mad
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imagine-silk · 1 year
AtSV; Brotherly Yandere Hobie dealing with a cop who hurt Morally Questioning Darling
》 It has come to my attention some people think I only do fluff. Cassandra, this is your fault.
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Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
TW: Torture
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It wasn't hard to like Hobie. He was so casual and confident in what he said and did, fashion, politics, personal relationships. As someone who grew up mostly alone you didn't understand what you were missing out on, friends. Intoxicating feelings of community among people like you, something you never thought possible as someone who crawled on walls. And the one they most looked up to was the one to take you in.
You didn't have to please him, he seemed all too happy to cater to you. Anything you said went into his ears and into his hands. "Hobie, I'm cold." He took off his scarf and jacket and wrapped them around you. As the snow fell on him he held your hands to his face and blew hot air.
"I'm not tired." He gave you his deep chuckle and said of course you weren't as your eyes fell for the last time that night. Even as you slipped away his hand never stopped petting.
"He, I… I can't believe he-" He held you in his arms for the entire day. And 'he' never bothered you again, couldn't even look at you.
"I'm not interested." He seemed to come out of nowhere and tell the person to piss off. Kicking them out the door when they grabbed you and said it back.
"You're my favorite person." He laughs every time and says of course he is.
You didn't think Hobie's actions were strange before. He was a touchy guy and looked out for those who he cared for and you and everyone else thought he just liked you more. That didn't cover a third of that.
A was hand around you whenever you were together. Now was no different. "Where?" You were held to his chest with one arm and you guided the other, the one holding the knife. "Love."
There was a man tied in chair in front of you already bloodied and bruised for the crime of shooting at you multiple times. He was gagged and blinded but that didn't remove his pain being seen. "I… I don't want…"
"Then what do you want?" You could smell the smoke from his last cigarette and somehow it was sweet.
"I want the cigar cutter." As quiet as your voice was he moved his hand with yours to find the small tool in his jacket. With shaking sweating hands you brought Hobie's hand to the man's and moved to catch his finger into the trap. "Make it quick." Hobie snapped his fingers to take it clean off. The next finger trapped. "Make it slow." The force he used was so small he could feel the blood underneath struggling.
Muffled screaming filled the room. "Shut up." There was no sense in saying it, no one would hear him, but Hobie was feeling a bit more short than other days.
"Hobie." He hummed against your ear to say you had his full attention. "I want his bones cracked." His hand found its way further up his arm inches away from his shoulder. "Here." With a tight squeeze and a scream you got what you wanted, the crack you wanted. "And here." But you wanted more. "And here." And he will always give it to you.
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hometownrockstar · 1 year
What I love about the intuitive eating model is that it places "eating nutritionally" as the least important and final step to consider, and isn't even "supposed" to be followed until it is (mentally, physically, or economically) viable to the person doing the intuitive eating. And someone will hear this and go "What, isn't that encouraging unhealthy eating, to not prioritize nutrition?" When in actuality, the model lessening the importance of "eating nutritionally" IS in the pursuit of the most healthy eating habits of a person.
Intuitive eating is just one of the only eating mindset models that refuses to ignore the reality of disordered eating and diet culture and how we are surrounded by and internalize it all the time, and it takes into account what ACTUALLY fuels EDs. The other base steps of intuitive eating, placing zero restrictions on yourself (aside from allergens and such), eating what you enjoy and eating until you are full, all of these start at the core of untangling the internalized shame and fatphobia which fuels what is fundamentally more unhealthy than "not eating nutritionally", which is not eating at all and having an unhealthy relationship to food.
Intuitive eating understands that the mindset of "eating nutritionally" can easily lead to obsessive tendencies towards restricting and anxiety over eating the "right" foods. And even within the intuitive eating model, eating nutritionally means adding ALONGSIDE what you eat to balance out what nutrients you can, and most importantly to enjoy everything you eat, because eating can and should be pleasurable, not a job or a chore or a domination of the body and soul.
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year
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winglssdemon · 2 years
Weight loss does not automatically mean your body is eating your muscles and organs. The antivaxxer level of anti science on this site when it comes to weight loss is unbelievable.
Your body will only start "eating" your muscles if you're losing weight AND YOU DONT NEED TO AND ARE HEADED TO BEING UNDERWEIGHT.
HUGE REMINDER THAT THERE ARE TIMES WHEN WEIGHT LOSS CAN HELP DISABLED FOLK ESP FOLK WITH CHRONIC PAIN. It's not a cure-all but people with chronic pain experience large amounts of inflammation in the body and having excess adipose CAN cause inflammation just by itself. Compound that with extra weight on joints can make movement that may already be difficult even more difficult.
And while I'm on this rant, I'm SO sick of people acting like overeating and binging aren't disordered eating and also forms of self harm. I'm sick of the "body positive" activists who get SO mad that some fat people HAVE become fat through overeating and binging and want to talk about it. Like why can't those of us who gained weight through disordered behaviors actually talk about it? Why don't you talk about or let others talk about the fact that some people go from a restrictive eating disorder to a binge eating disorder.
Reasons Why I a Disabled Person decided to lose weight:
1. I knew I was eating too much junk food and not eating enough fruits and vegetables. So I started working on moderating how much junk food I was intaking and I have been trying really hard to make sure I choose healthier options.
2. My chest was/is too big. It was beginning to cause actual dysphoria issues along with the excess weight giving me constant shoulder and neck pain. Weight loss cannot be targeted at any specific part of your body, but overall weight loss can help you lose cup sizes.
3. The food was making my chronic pain worse. Many ultra processed foods are known to increase pain in people with chronic pain and it's been proven in multiple studies that eating a healthier diet can help decrease pain. It won't get rid of it, but it can help.
4. I was using food as a maladaptive coping mechanism. Stress eating is not actually helpful in the long run. Sure it makes you feel better while you're eating it, but once it's gone the problems, the pain, the stress is all still there.
5. I want to be able to use my crutches and KAFOs more often and having already lost a fair amount of weight, I can definitely 100% say that I have less difficulty using them than when I was at my heaviest. It's easier for myself to push myself in my wheelchair, and it's easier to propel myself in sled hockey. Among this, getting a bigger chair was just out of the question when I last ordered my most recent chair. The world is already so hostile to wheelchair users and spaces are already so narrow, it's easier to have a smaller chair if possible. Like we can talk all we want about how things need to be more accessible and universal design needs to be implemented everywhere so people in all sizes of wheelchairs esp those in power chairs, can get around easily without this being something to worry about, but at the end of the day, I want to be able to get through as best I can, and making sure I'm not going any bigger with my wheelchair is legit just something I have to do.
And you know what, even with all of these reasons, there's still the fact that people deserve bodily autonomy so if I want to safely lose weight for ANY reason, then that's my choice.
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Baldur’s Gate 3 is all fun and games until you realise you discovered a new kink during your Dark Urge playthrough 💀
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idk if this is just bc of my history with disordered eating, but i am so super uncomfortable with any ideology that attaches moral values to food, and it's something i'm seeing more of in left-leaning spaces. stop it please
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wiser-girl · 1 year
My mother seriously just took the muffin I was given at a bakery today bc we were there when they were closing so they gave it to me for free and says she’s giving it to our neighbour bc I’m so fat I clearly don’t need it I’m fucking LIVID
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whoviandoodler · 1 year
I sometimes feel bad for skinny people bcs they'll gain a bit of weight (often via natural weight fluctuation) and immediately have a system failure and thirty two identity crises and then start weeping instead of considering their relationship to fatness and the implications of being terrified to no longer be skinny like. this your first rodeo bud?
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blindedguilt · 1 year
Moral Alignment Test (For 1.3)
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People who are Neutral Good are guided by their conscience and typically act altruistically, with only secondary regard for whether their actions are lawful or in line with cultural expectations or traditions. Neutral Good individuals have no problems with what is lawful as such, and nor are they rebels by nature, but they believe in furthering kindness and good deeds through whatever means seem necessary to them. If fostering good means supporting an organized society, then that is what must be done. If good can only come about through the overthrow of the existing social order, then so be it. For many who are Neutral Good, insistence on either lawfulness or rebellion is seen as detriments to or distractions from the greater goal of promoting true kindness in the world.
Tagged by: @booksofthelibrary
I Tag: @poppydedicant, @crimsontroupe (Any muse!), and whoever else sees this!
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