#six arcs
What are six Supercorp arcs from the series you wish the show would’ve expanded on or just done in a different way? And how would you have written them?
Hm. 6 is a lot of arcs. But I'll give it a stab...
1) Cadmus. Ive always felt that they were built up more than they followed up with. I would have loved for them to be a big bad, rather than a b-plot bad. With Lena playing a big part in taking them down.
2) Lex. How the show handled Lex was such bullshit. Even before Supergirl became the Lex Luthor show, the writers' biggest mistake was making him a villain for Kara rather than allowing him to remain Lena's villain. Because that's what he always should have been.
3) Rift. I think I've talked this one about half to death, so I probably don't have to go into anymore detail, but yeah. They went kind of screwy with Lena's reaction and her Non Nocere angle, where I think it would have been more impactful if they had kept the fallout more emotional and internal to Kara and Lena as characters. Like, it should have been the undercurrent of the season, not the catalyst for someone going evil.
4) Crisis. This one is easy-- keep Lex dead and not merge/rewrite the realities. The continuity was absolutely ruined by Crisis and I'll never forgive them.
5) Children of Liberty. I feel like this one was disappointing because they took a very real and valid issue and turned it sideways to mimic current events. The writers tried to loop Guardian into the plot there, and ultimately failed to make the angle engaging whatsoever.
6) Red Daughter. There was no fallout for this one. Kara absorbed Red Daughter and absolutely nothing came of it. She didn't change, in either personality or abilities. So what was the point? Idk. I think they could have utilized Red Daughter in a more meaningful way while she was alive too. I would have liked her to have room to grow as a person, rather than being treated as a prop to support Lex's plans of world domination. Maybe let her interact with Lena more. Maybe let her have doubts in Lex and start breaking away from him even before she learns the whole truth about him. Let more of Kara's personality/identity emerge to shift her allegiance to the side of good, and let her disagree with Lex's methods, if not his purpose.
This being said however, I don't think there's been a single arc since S2 that I've 100% been okay with, that I don't think I couldn't have done better. That might be a little egocentric of me, but it's the truth. I'm really good at seeing an idea and immediately expanding on it to suit my likes and dislikes to create content I wanna see-- canon be damned.
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barrel-crow-n · 6 months
The "Wylan should learn how to read" thing irks me because a huge part of his arc was learning to accept that this was just something that he couldn't do, and that it can't be fixed and that he shouldn't live in shame over it.
Wylan just can't read. Van Eck tried everything. And true, at one point it would get stressful but Van Eck was a kind father at first. It's not about getting a new teacher, it's just something Wylan can't do.
A big part of his growth was learning to accept that. And Kaz is a big part of this.
Kaz is the first person not to scorn Wylan for his dyslexia. Kaz is the first person to just genuinely not care.
Kaz was the one that told Wylan that his weakness was never his disability but his shame surrounding it. He normalised the disability for Wylan, made it a small deal. It's still a part of Wylan, but not as life shattering as his father had always made it out to be.
It can be inconvenient (taking double the time to read the papers at Smeet's office) but it can be worked around. In fact, I believe taking Wylan to Smeets office was for Wylan's benefit. "I knew how long this was going to take" - dismissing Wylan's shame that Wylan is slowing him down. Reassuring him, in his own way, that it's okay. That it's not that big of a deal. It's not even really a problem.
"I didn't hire you to read." Wylan doesn't need to have the ability to read to get on well in life, despite Van Eck's opinions, and Kaz decides to show Wylan that. He decides so because that's what people said about his limp. That a disabled boy with a bad leg will die in the Barrel.
Kaz could get a healer for his leg, hell, Genya offered. But he declined. Why? Because he refuses to be ashamed. Because this is what he is and he won't change that. "It had become a declaration. There was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong, and there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken."
He becomes a boy to be dreaded despite the limp, no, with it. His cane is his weapon. It's not a weakness, it's also a strength. It's not fear the boy despite the limp it's fear the boy with the limp.
And I believe Kaz was truly one of the most important people in Wylan's life because he did that. He showed Wylan not to be ashamed. That he can be powerful not despite the disability, but with it. That what Wylan can do is more important than what he can't and I don't think Wylan will ever forget that.
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deadpoets · 19 days
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DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) dir. Peter Weir
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duckysprouts · 10 months
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buffy the vampire slayer but it’s mina and jonathan hunting dracula for 7 seasons
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tenaciousgeckos · 1 year
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Aka corruption arc, but we don't mind :)
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dogpawsswapgod · 2 months
something I've appreciated about The Dragon Prince is how it eschews a good/evil, hero/villain binary and instead insists that what matters are choices: the path one chooses to walk. are you fated to walk a dark path? or did you make a choice with every step?
characters say "i had no choice," a lot, but eventually face the truth (usually before a big moment of growth): there's always a choice, and you've always been making choices. this is something pretty much everyone is going thru throughout the series but no one more obviously than Viren (and now, Claudia 😭).
when Viren faces his younger self in the mirror in season 5 and young Viren rejects the idea that he is "fated" to walk a dark path, he places his hand on the glass, saying "i am free, and so are you!" this is one of the series' main theses--alongside whether history is "a narrative of strength or a narrative of love"--that "i have no choice," is never true. our choices are all we have, and they shape our reality by paving the path we take.
Viren has been a worthy and engaging "villain" throughout the series, totally hateable, a grade A baddie, but I'm grateful for how his arc ended in season 6. i admit i shed a tear for that old war criminal.
if history is to become a narrative of love then different choices must be made.
making space for anger and holding "villains" accountable for their harmful choices, but also allowing for those same villains to change (or cut out) their hearts and thereby change the path they have walked--even if it's only in the final few days of a lifetime of wickedness-- all play well alongside the setting of the story: a magical world on the precipice of revolutionary transformation ("a long slow spiral into chaos," as one Star Elf put it).
can't guess how this will play out with the big boss battle against Aaravos himself in the final season, but for now, I'm content w how the writers seem truly invested in exploring these big ideas and applying them to the characters' story arcs.
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raayllum · 2 months
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Rayla realizing that to be separated really is a fate worse than death for her parents - and for her
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orchid-merryweather · 2 months
"are you begging for mercy?"
"good, you don't deserve any"
"Maybe I want to see you suffer"
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fantastic-nonsense · 10 months
so many people read "Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason" and then just refused to acknowledge the entire following paragraph
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salemontrial · 11 months
Nina saying the secret to finding a grisha who doesn't want to be found is to "look for miracles and listen to bedtime stories" VS Jesper being legend in the barrel for never missing a shot
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nurglishh · 9 months
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i still think a lot about how technically, it's implied Anubis and Walt started dating each other before they asked out Sadie, and if Sadie had said she wasn't interested they would have gone "Entirely fair have a nice day" and proceed to just go continue to date each other.
Cause like, that was the entire thing. They decided that themselves. That things would work best if they were together (as in both physically sharing a body and also relationship-wise). The "asking Sadie about it" part was secondary. If she had said no, they would have stayed together, because among other things Walt would kind of die if they didn't. Walt and Anubis are technically the first gay couple in the Riordanverse. AND they're in a polyamorous relationship with Sadie. Why does no one talk about them ever.
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rock-crusher · 1 month
I was rewatching Season 6 again because I'm so normal about this show, and I thought about Soren's line:
"You didn't come to any of my Crownguard bonding barbequeue game night extravaganzas!"
But, have we ever seen any other members of the Crownguard? Or was Soren trying to ask Corvus on a date?
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aturnoftheearth · 2 years
do u guys remember when cas died and dean grieved like a widow and looked like this
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the whole time and then cas came back and the first person he called was dean and light literally shone on dean’s face when he found out and dean said “welcome home” as he hugged him in the middle of a random alley and then neither of them ever had another love interest again but they did have mentions of movie nights together and little moments tucked away from everyone else . like u don’t even need the confession to know that they were actually in love. does that ever hit u
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
It has been 14 hours since I found out that, according to Kubo, Byakuya calls Renji by his given name "because Rukia does" and I am obsessed with this information.
This is both the best and worst possible answer to this question. I feel like if you asked Byakuya, this is exactly the reason he would give. However, if Rukia were present, she would lose her damn mind. While I do think Rukia's assertion that Byakuya didn't look at her even once in 40 years is hyperbole, over that time I can imagine Renji's name coming up in conversation once, maybe twice tops.
Like, two weeks before she goes on her fateful mission to the Living World, B's been shortlisting Vice-Captain candidates, and over dinner, real casual:
B: Rukia. You know your friend?
Rukia: My who now?
B: That friend of yours who shouts too much. The boorishly tall one. With the red hair. Is he in Squad Eleven now?
Rukia (wracking her brain frantically for people Byakuya would consider 'her friend'): You mean Renji?
B: Yes, him.
Rukia: What about him?
B: Is he in Squad Eleven? The Sixth Seat?
Rukia: ...maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The next day, Byakuya's office, Renji shows up for his job interview.
B: You must be Renji.
Renji: uhhhhhhhh sure why not?
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rayalltheway · 1 year
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The monkey bros are making progress. Good for them
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