#six months challenge
marmaruuu · 8 months
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doweesig · 7 months
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Happy Black History Month, everyone!✊🏾
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junomothart · 5 months
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Novemebr 2023 vs. April 2024
Ummm.... I think.. I might've... improved a BIT without doing much??? WTF. This is 6 months apart. How the fuck did this happen?? HELP?
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ejga-ostja · 1 year
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DAY 6: My Chemical Romance- Dead!
- This isn't really fitting to the song but idc, I just wanted to draw Kaz and Matthias' ghost associating with each other
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thethirtyproject444 · 8 months
i’m feeling inspired to sort my life out again….is this because the sun came out
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bitegore · 5 months
fucking hate it when people who are hateful little bigots make posts that are completely irrelevant to the thing that they are hateful cunts about and those posts are actually really good but i know they want me personally actually dead and in the ground so i cant be like Yeah
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alluralater · 1 month
get ready for how sexy i’m gonna look this fall. no one is prepared and i’m telling you. do whatever you need to do. slay your demons. confer with your gods. jack it one last time. get ready. i’m about to look so good
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queenofbaws · 4 months
"I'm choosing to ignore these insults to my character" with some Chris and Josh shenanigans! I hope you're doing well! <3
catch me catching up on some prompts! ;)c
"Hey, I know this isn't exactly your strong suit, Cochise - "
"I have a strong suit? Holy shit, that's news to me! Sick, were you thinking, like...scholastics? Or improvisational skills? Or...oh, is it wisdom saving throws? I bet it's wisdom saving throws..."
Without giving him the satisfaction, Josh held his book up into the air, waving it around until its pages began to flop. "Crossword's got me stumped. What's a five letter word for 'spineless person?'"
"Uh..." Chris joined him at the couch, setting his elbows along its back. After a couple unsuccessful grabs, he gave up any hope of yanking the book out of Josh's hands, rolling his eyes upwards in thought instead. "Geez, you weren't joking, huh? This...this really isn't my strong suit. Ashley would know. She'd know, like, instantly, just POW, here's your vocab word!"
"Yeah, well, Ash isn't here right now, hence my asking you." Josh pivoted so his legs were now on the couch as well as his ass, putting him perpendicular to Chris. "So here's my issue. The five letter thing. See, I can come up with tons of words to describe a 'spineless person.' There's 'coward,' but that's six. 'Chicken,' but that's seven. 'Yellow-bellied, lily-livered pantywaist,' but that's...well, it's more than five. Now, maybe you've stumbled upon the two I've been considering - 'pansy' and 'pussy.' Both five letters, right? Both can be used to describe someone who, let's face it, just can't scrounge up courage enough to cross the street."
Eyes still fixed on the ceiling (as if it would help his spelling abilities in the slightest), Chris nodded along. "Okay..."
"Only, according to this, the word has to start with a 'C,' not a 'P,' so I - " He tapped his pen against the book again, then abruptly stopped, sucking in a breath so melodramatic, it belonged more in a soap opera than his living room. "Oh. Oh good, merciful fuck, Cochise. I got it. I actually think I got it, man!" Quickly, he scribbled the answer down on the crossword, then turned it so he'd be able to see. "It's 'Chris!'"
He stared for an instant, clearly perplexed...and when realization hit, he smacked the flimsy puzzle book out of his hand. "Dude, fuck off. We've been over this! I'm - "
"Spineless. A coward. A chicken. A yellow-bellied, lily-livered - "
"I'm choosing to ignore these insults to my character. Dick."
"Okay, and I'm choosing to highlight them until you get down on one knee and ask Ashley to prom. Let's, uh, let's see which one of us tires out first, huh?"
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quatregats · 8 days
WIP guessing game! slang, slander, slay
These are truly making me dredge through every draft of every ill-advised fic that I have ever written, apparently I only use like three words 😅
I couldn't find a single use of "slang" in anything which I'm deeply disappointed in myself for...faking the being attuned to linguistic factors for attention I guess...
From a very random draft of The Creative Endeavor AKA 4-3-3 AKA my modern Aubreyad football AU (the normal kind of football not the American kind in case the 4-3-3 does not immediately ring bells) - this is from about two years ago, and I promise I have learned to write them better in the interim:
“Hmm,” Stephen said, raising his eyebrows. “Well, that certainly explains why you were comparing him to a weasel.” “I hope you're not offended. It was the first animal that came to my mind.” “No, no. Better Mustela nivalis, whose crimes are based in true animosity, than, say, the unjustifiable slander against snakes. But you were saying something about Harte, I believe?”
From like, the first draft of my very strange Stephen/Jack "Famous Flower of Serving Men" crossover. Yes like the folk ballad. Don't ask, it will not get any clearer, but I'm unsurprised that this word showed up in it since it shows up in the original song
Late that night, a band of brigands set forth from the back gate of the royal castle. It was a company of the worst sort of men—thieves and murderers who would slay a sleeping babe without the slightest prick of conscience. They had received their orders from the upstart lord: do away with the bastard child, and they would be rewarded generously.
Thank you for putting me through my paces!
(Also side note but if the actual first draft of 4-3-3 were typed in a document and not like 100+ pages of handwritten scrawl I might be able to answer way more of these. Alas it is not :/, it remains in the notebook, untyped, but that's how Patrick O'Brian would have wanted it.)
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freckleslikestars · 11 months
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Tagged by @sophsun1 thank you, darling!
I often forget to save .psds of my work because...eh it takes too much time and interrupts my workflow, so usually I only save the first gif in a set to save the colourings in case I'm interrupted or occasionally if I have one clip that I want to split into two gifs, and even then I often forget.
Colouring is the thing I struggle with most (waves in colourblindness), so I don't actually know how much of a difference my colouring makes, though I tend to enhance those aquas and oranges cause blue's what I see best, and I just like orange.
I'm incredibly bad at tagging people, so tagging @astarionisms @edjerse @mulderscully if you feel like it, and then anyone else who sees this and wants to partake, consider yourself tagged.
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moki-dokie · 8 months
how to make 19 year old boy who came of age during the pandemic and never had a real real job before now realize he needs to Chill The Fuck Out and be Less eagar about working for free holy shit he is impossible to wrangle
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darklight-owl · 9 months
So I wrote an entire essay explaining this character but Tumblr was a bitch and erased it so now I have to start over (whatever I'm not mad I'm not mad I'm not mad)
Some of you will remember that a while ago (like in May-) I made something called a "character theme challenge", where I posted a character theme from their series ost and asked people to reconstruct the character based on the theme. I posted this in like. June. And then didn't write the post revealing it. Oopsies. But since it's the last day of the year I figured some closure is in order. (Better late than never, right?)
Here is the post in question.
The character this theme is for is:
Norman from The Promised Neverland!!
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How do I begin to describe Norman? The 14 year old sacrificial lamb who carried himself to the altar. Something the main trio in The Promised Neverland has in common is their tendency to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their siblings, but what makes Norman stand out is that well. He's good at hiding it. He hides his emotions and pretends all is fine when in reality he's dying inside. As soon as he's away from earshot of the other characters he breaks down. Which can be heard in this song in the form of the calm, melancholy melody that slowly builds up and explodes with emotion. Its bittersweet, because while Norman himself believes he can't be saved, all he needs is one single lifeline to keep him going. He truly wants to live. The violin and piano also add a feeling of grace, which is perfect for his M.O. He does things with careful planning, always thinking five steps ahead and taking the safest route, which is a contrast to Emma and Ray who do things a bit more impulsively.
@demon-sterrr participated in this challenge, and they were able to identify the tragedy in the theme, as well as the underlying hope present. They also mentioned the song reminded them of water, and gave their character a lotus theme :3 (which although it doesn't have a lot to do with Norman, it is similar to his blue-white color palette, which is interesting):
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This was closer to the character than the other character theme art trade I'd made, and I think that has to do with the fact 22194 uses more traditional instruments, so it's closer to what you'd expect.
Thanks again to demon-sterrr for participating in this!!! (I know I took ages to post this haha. But it really was super interesting!) And happy New Year, everyone!
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hallo-spaceb0y · 3 months
another six months of mediocre pencil drawings!
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anaalnathrakhs · 4 months
i'm going to be honest i have no idea what i'm going to do. i messed up my choices for higher education and now i have barely a couple days to pick between a cursus way too difficult for me, a highly specialized cursus with shit outcomes, and a leap of faith into whatever kind of gap year alternative can get me out of my parents' hair for the time being. note how i have no fucking idea what that alternative could be, or what path i'd like to take ideally. fun.
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ejga-ostja · 11 months
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DAY 28: The Front Bottoms- Outlook
- This song gives me immaculate Kazper road-trip vibes :> This is also the song I most wanted to get on shuffle for this challenge so I'm very happy about that :D
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m0chigang · 1 year
April Wrap Up ✨
I have my iPad back, I can get back to books I really really really wanted to read, but I had a hard time picking up some books bc I was too focused on fanfics (I blame Ben Barnes). As always, spoiler alert just in case.
1. Circe - 5/5
LISTEN I AM A CHANGED WOMAN. I HAVE NEVER FELT THE FEELINGS I FELT IN THIS BOOK. My heart broke and restored at the same time, I was sadly happy, happily sad. Like... I felt my heart physically rip with the last chapter. Madeline Miller is already the owner of my wallet, I will pre-order everything she writes and I will cry when the time is right. I think I liked this more than The Song of Achilles...
2. As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow - 5/5
I was halfway through the book and I cried 4 times... FOUR TIMES AND THE BOOK WASN'T OVER. The plottwist made it a 5 star immediately. I remember thinking "this better not happen" and BAM! my world changed. The romance was just so innocent and beautiful, and then you had the most terrible things happen 2 lines later and you came back to reality. It makes you think of the world and what really matters. And the book is so hopeful. I love it.
3. The Six Deaths of the Saint - 4/5
The only reason it is not a 5 star is because I NEEDED MORE. Bro this was so beautifully written. I usually can't stand 2nd person POVs, but in this book it had a purpose that left me SHOOK. The way the violence and war was written here was beautiful. I need more.
4. The Year of the Witching - 4/5
A friend told me to read it. I loved it. I was shooketh by it, and I want more. Bring Lilith to ANY book and I will read it. Ezra is literally the bestest man I have ever read?? Let me marry him?? I was kind of expecting a non-happy ending, but then we wouldn't have a sequel. ALSO *spoiler* I would have let everyone die and join the witches with the condition that Ezra stayed alive.
5. The Midnight Library - 3.5/5
Ngl, I read this because of BTS, but last time I did that I found one of my favourite books so I had to read it. It made me understand the song Zero O'clock better. As for the book itself, it has an interesting concept, but it made me have mini existential crisis? Which I didn't like?? It did feel like a help book but I was not the target audience for it, it was good, but it is not the way I see life.
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