#where I completely removed the blue filter from the scene
freckleslikestars · 8 months
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Tagged by @sophsun1 thank you, darling!
I often forget to save .psds of my work because...eh it takes too much time and interrupts my workflow, so usually I only save the first gif in a set to save the colourings in case I'm interrupted or occasionally if I have one clip that I want to split into two gifs, and even then I often forget.
Colouring is the thing I struggle with most (waves in colourblindness), so I don't actually know how much of a difference my colouring makes, though I tend to enhance those aquas and oranges cause blue's what I see best, and I just like orange.
I'm incredibly bad at tagging people, so tagging @astarionisms @edjerse @mulderscully if you feel like it, and then anyone else who sees this and wants to partake, consider yourself tagged.
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shkrimpies · 2 months
The Ring (Extra Credit 4/8)
Maybe I've become spoiled with this class, but I really enjoyed the original film "Ringu" SO MUCH MORE than the American adaptation.
The Ring itself is a fine movie, but because it is a remake of such a film, it had some very large shoes to fill. To some extent, it absolutely did fulfill its task, however, in some aspects, it fell very flat.
For some of the positives, the effects and physical presentation of The Ring are really cool. The blue-gray filter overtop the film helps set the mood, and the way Samara climbs through the TV and just *TV statics* around is SO COOL, and she's like, spilling water everywhere...omg heckin' good.
The lore of Samara's ghost was really nice, it felt more flushed out. (The horse scene was crazy)
HOWEVER, a lot of the nuance and themes were either partially ignored or completely removed from the American film, and because of that, the remake feels so much more...empty.
The American version focuses more on the logistics and causes of the curse, rather than the existential dread that the original derives most of its horror from. Analog horror was usurped for more jump scares, and while still "scary," it's much less fun.
Removing the dead cousin's spirit from communicating with her son to watch the tape was pointless in my opinion. in The Ring, the son had watched the tape because he was bored, but in the original, he was visited by his cousin's ghost. I don't understand why they did that, considering they made the child a psychic in this version, and not the father. Having the son see the ghost would make more thematic sense in my opinion (but hey what do I know I'm not a director)
I also think having Samara's eyes visible as often as they were removed the overall intensity of her as a monster. In Ringu, you only see her eyes once, and because of that, it's so much more dramatic and intense, rather than in The Ring where they try to recreate that emotion, but because you had seen her eyes in the interrogation and in other scenes, it's less impactful.
This is not to say that the film itself is bad, stand-alone The Ring is really good and an interesting way to depict lingering dread. However because it is a direct adaptation to Ringu, it loses a lot of it's charm.
//I wanted to cry because I had my dad watch Ringu with me on Friday and he told me that The Ring is better. He's totally allowed to think that, but like, i disagree
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nyxknocks · 2 months
Pulse Extra Credit
This movie is so painfully 2000s in a way that the original was not, even with the dial up noises. The heavy blue filter over the whole film is like every other horror movie that came out at this time. 2000s horror walked so Twilight could run.
Off the bat you know this film is not at all eerie or creepy like it's predecessor. You're immediately thrown into the story within minutes and seeing the first ghost, with a terrible jump scare that follows not long after. You don't even get the iconic static image glitch of the computer monitor until ten minutes in. The first suicide you only see in snippets (because American directors are cowards) and the ~ghost infection~ is weird black goopy veins/mold. Everything they chose to change completely removes any ominous or creeping feeling of dread and makes everything as diluted and washed out as the terrible blue filter.
One thing I did enjoy is the use of the ghost goop virus spreading through the chatrooms and text messages, because it just shows how rapidly that technology advanced during that time (and makes me feel incredibly old), but then that gets kinda dropped early on. Keeping the red tape was... a choice, as it didn't really fit the rest of the film with all the changes they made. There are no wide shots with that looming fear of what's hiding in the shadows. You could even wipe down the body goop imprints? Which seems so... idk. It makes the lasting consequences of the deaths seem less lasting.
A big difference is that it seems the ghosty boys take joy out of pulling people into their realm--this is highlighted with the professor at the beginning talking about things eating other things, so clearly this is like an attack more than an unfavorable consequence. The news spreads fast too, like anyone can do to stop it, which directly contradicts the whole premise of isolation and loneliness caused by the internet? Again, too, with some of the scenes they recreate in this just entirely lose their meaning. The media catches on an warns people fast, but they still chose to have the tv glitch with the brain cut off? STUPID!!!!!!!!!
It, almost at all times, shows you where the ghostie people are with weird ripply waves. Where is the unease!!! Stop showing me everything!!! Media literacy started dying in the 00s.
Man, I miss the contradictions and frustrations from the original because this was just BAD. Not even good bad. Just bad. And I've watched Devour (2005) like 10 times by choice. I know good-bad movies.
This is just Marilyn Manson ghfsdlkgfd.
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This movie was garbage.
0 notes
jackarthurdavenport · 3 years
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Some of my lovely friends asked to show how I do my blending, so here is a very long tutorial! I will explain how to:
Blend GIFs with lots of movement
Blend three or more GIFs on one canvas
You will need:
Any version of Photoshop with a timeline
Basic-intermediate knowledge of GIF making (including cropping, how to use adjustment layers for color correction, applying layer masks, and placing multiple GIFs on one canvas)
Since the way I blend depends on the footage I'm able to work with, I often end up going in a different direction than I first planned. So this isn't a strict step-by-step guide that can be applied to everything you make. These are just some tips!
Read the rest under the cut.
(Pretty sure you already know this but I will be repeating these a lot here, so just in case!)
Highlights & Shadows - The highlights are the brightest parts of the image. The shadows are the darkest parts. Remember that just because it's bright doesn't mean it's actually white, and just because it's dark doesn't mean it's actually black!
Negative Space - This refers to empty space around your subject. When there's negative space, it's easier to spot the focal point of the image.
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Number of GIFs: 2 Main GIF: Closeup of Sam (“big!Sam”) Secondary GIF: Sam flying (“flying!Sam”)
STEP 1: Find the right scenes Since the subject of the secondary GIF is much smaller and basically cuts across the frame, it’s important (but not always essential!) that the main GIF has less movement and a decent amount of negative space.
STEP 2: Make your individual GIFs Make your GIFs like how you usually do (Important: Remember that your GIFs need to have the same number of frames). When it’s time to crop, it’s best to have the two files opened in Photoshop at the same time so you can compare them against each other. It’s absolutely fine for them to overlap because that’s the whole point! The secondary GIF has Sam flying in from the top left to the bottom right, so I cropped the main GIF with him off-center so there would be space to see flying!Sam.
Now we have these two GIFs:
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STEP 3: Combine your GIFs Place the secondary GIF over the main one and adjust the blend mode. Setting the blend mode to Screen usually works, but in this case, this is how it looks:
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As you can see, the highlights in the main GIF are obscuring flying!Sam in the first frames. You can only see him clearly when he’s flying over big!Sam’s face. This is because the shadows on the top GIF will lighten and/or disappear against the highlights of the bottom GIF when set to Screen. It would be too complicated to fix this with a brush (which we will get to later) because of the movement in the secondary GIF, so instead I set the blending mode to Multiply, which is the opposite of Screen. Now here is the GIF:
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We can now see flying!Sam. But the blue of the sky is now a pseudo-filter over big!Sam’s face up until the last frames. So I applied a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer over the secondary GIF to remove those colors. The sky in the GIF is made up of cyans and blues, so I dragged those sliders down to -100. Here is how it looks now:
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STEP 4: Erase the bits you don’t want So that big!Sam’s face isn’t covered by flying!Sam’s wings and that pesky airplane up top, we have to use a brush to erase those parts. In the Layers panel, make sure your GIF layers (in this case, groups/folders) are selected and click the Add Layer Mask button. A little rectangle next to the layer/group name will show up like so:
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Then in the Tools panel, click the Brush tool, pick a soft brush and set the size to around 180-210px. The larger the brush, the softer the look. I learned this from Becca (@inejz-ghafa) who made an amazing tutorial a while back (will link it in the source at the bottom)! Adjust the brush size if you have to.
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Now click on the little rectangle layer mask of the group you want to erase (in this case, the secondary GIF). When you do this, the Foreground and Background Colors buttons in the Tools panel will revert to the default black and white.
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Painting with black will erase and painting with white will undo the erasure. So I erased the airplane and the bits of the wings covering his face. I didn’t erase the parts that overlap with his uniform, just to keep the effect of flying!Sam zooming across the GIF. And here is our finished product:
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We will be working with these two GIFs since they use different techniques:
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STEP 1: Compose your image Find the scenes you want to put in your GIF and choose which of those is the most important. Once you've decided on that, you can build the rest of the elements around it.
Sam's GIF: Multiple Exposure Effect
Number of GIFs: 3 Main GIF: Bloodied shield Secondary GIF: Closeup of Sam Tertiary GIF: Bucky with the shield
STEP 2: Make your individual GIFs Since the shield is the most important part, I made it the largest GIF and cropped it close to emphasize the star and the blood. I made Sam's GIF the same size, but cropped it with his face off-center so that the star wouldn't completely cover his face. Again, it's totally fine for the images to overlap! The tertiary GIF is the least important so I cropped it smaller. To determine the size of that GIF compared to the shield, I made the Rulers visible (View > Rulers; or Ctrl+R) then clicked the top ruler and dragged down to create a guide to where I wanted the smaller GIF to end. Then I measured from the bottom of the GIF up to the guide to determine the height of the smaller GIF. (Tip: It's better to make the tertiary GIF too large than too small. That way, you have more to work with. So size it larger than it will appear on the final GIF.)
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This is only a stylistic choice for this particular set, but I removed the blue from the shield and set the tertiary GIF to black and white, so that the only notable colors in the GIF are red, black and white. Varying up the coloring of each GIF (i.e. color vs. monochrome) adds some spice to the image, so play around with these different styles if you like!
Here are our three GIFs:
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STEP 3: Combine your GIFs At first, I made the main GIF of the shield the bottom GIF. Then I placed the secondary GIF over it and set the blend mode to Screen, but found that it lacked depth. So I switched them and made the Sam GIF the bottom GIF (blend mode: Pass Through) and placed the shield GIF (blend mode: Screen) over it. And this is what I got:
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Notice how the window behind Sam on the left side is distracting? It also partially obscures the star. So I went back to Sam’s GIF, created a New Layer and painted over the window with a black brush. Now here is our GIF:
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This is just my personal preference, but I wanted the area around the star to be a solid black rather than gray, so this time I created a New Layer over the shield GIF and applied a layer of black with the Paint Bucket tool, setting the blend mode to Soft Light. Now we’re done with the main and secondary GIFs:
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Now let’s add the last GIF:
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STEP 4: Erase the bits you don’t want Lastly, I erased the warehouse rafters over Sam’s face and a bit of his shirt and the warehouse floor on the bottom right corner using Layer Masks and a soft brush (like in the first tutorial). And we’re done!
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Bucky's GIF: Silhouette Effect
Number of GIFs: 3 Main GIF: Bucky holding the notebook Secondary GIF: View of the sunrise from the boat Tertiary GIF: Sam and Bucky walking away
STEP 2: Make your individual GIFs To achieve this silhouette effect, the main GIF needs to have a clear focal point, which means it’s better to have negative space around the subject and for there to be minimal movement. In this case, the subject is made up of Bucky’s hands, notebook, and part of his shirt; and there’s some movement but we can still work with that. The other two GIFs will then be placed “inside” the subject. Because the negative space in the main GIF consists of highlights, I chose a secondary GIF which emphasized the shadows. For the smallest GIF, I used a guide like in the previous tutorial to measure its size.
We have these three GIFs:
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STEP 3: Combine your GIFs Place the secondary GIF over the main one. In my case, I didn’t measure it right so I had to nudge the top GIF a bit to the right to fit it inside the silhouette. The important thing is that the edge of the secondary GIF should not overlap with the silhouette itself, or else the illusion “breaks.”
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Now let’s add the third GIF:
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STEP 4: Erase the bits you don’t want For this GIF, there’s a lot we need to erase! Using Layer Masks and a soft brush again, erase the parts of the secondary GIF that extend beyond the silhouette. It’s entirely based on personal preference if you want to keep some parts of the secondary GIF outside the silhouette (like I did here) or if you want them completely removed. And for the small GIF, erase the edges for it to blend with the secondary GIF while also staying within the silhouette of the main one.
Now here is our finished GIF:
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And that’s it! If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading. I hope this was useful! Remember, there is no definitive way to blend GIFs, so keep experimenting. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes either, because we learn a lot from those. Happy Photoshop-ing!
- Elle
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maxismatchccworld · 3 years
Patch Notes
Update 07/20/2021
PC: / Mac:
Console: Version 1.44
Hello Simmers!
Hope you are well wherever you are in the world and that you are all having a fantastic Summer of Sims! We are excited to share today’s update with you. There is a lot of info, so make sure you have your tea/coffee/beverage of choice ready to read on. You all know I have my coffee ready for this!
As we continue to get ready to explore the countryside charm of Henford-on-Bagley and cannot absolutely wait to play with the adorable animals in Cottage Living, we also have updates and fixes that should improve and complement your Sims’ everyday life. We have something for everyone and we hope that you all enjoy them. Thank you for all your feedback and support.
-SimGuruRusskii ft. SimGuruRomeo and SimGuruJoAnna
What’s New?
Let’s start with some items that we shared in our last Sims 411! For this update, we partnered with two talented artists from the LGBTQ+ community, Ashley Lukashepsky, and Mohammed Iman Fayaz, and they have brought their inspiring and beautiful artwork into the game. We have also included the modernized version of the large afro hairstyle that we showed you. But more than tell you about it in text, let me actually attach a screenshot of everything put together:
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I love everything about this scene, not only it shows you how the artwork looks in a real game setting, but the whole scene with the two Sims and their surroundings is quite magical. Also, look at that hair! The way the light highlights it, perfection! You may also notice the hair of the Sim on the right, which was also added with this update for everyone. I want to personally thank all Simmers for their feedback and recommendations, as we are continuously working on adding more diverse hairstyles and textures to not only packs, but also to our base game.
Now that we are talking about artwork, the last patch notes I forgot to add the artwork made by the wonderful Jupiter Stevens-Hill. I apologize for that, I totally blanked out. However, I’m happy to see that a lot of you are enjoying it and placing it in your Lots! That makes a very happy Russkii =)
To find Jupiter, Ashley, and Mohammed’s paintings in Build Mode, make sure you take a look at the Paintings and Posters sort and filter by Base Game items. These artists are amazing and we hope you enjoy their creations.
Now, without further ado, let’s get to some new features and improvements that are part of this update!
A little bit of Gallery
When you download a lot made with the bb.moveobjects cheat, the game now notifies you about this so you know to activate the cheat before placing the lot. Builders, this means you won't need to mention it in the lot’s description anymore!
A little for Sims
Trying to find the Sims in the current neighborhood? Select their portraits in the Relationship Panel.
"Focus the Camera" moves the camera to the Sim.
"Lock the Camera" moves the camera to the Sim and keeps following them.
Where did the Notebook go?
Found it! The Notebook has moved out of the Phone and into its own button for quicker access.
The "Center on Current Lot" button that used to be there has moved to the top right, adjacent to the Camera Controls.
Water Tool
You now can make natural, organic bodies of water! Just head into Build Mode, make a hole with the Terrain Manipulation tool, and fill it with water. It is that easy! The Terrain Manipulation and Paint Tools also have more brush sizes to enable finer detail.
In adding the Water Tool, we also took the chance to overhaul the related tools and object categories. Why not? Enjoy!
Pond Effects
All sorts of critters are available to complete the look of your pond ranging from ducks and swans to pesky mosquitoes. There is even an alligator!
New Pond Objects
Outdoor Water Décor now has an assortment of new Pond Objects to decorate the perfect pond. Some of these objects such as the Bog Log and Colorful Lily Pads have interactions on them in Live Mode to activate Turtle and Frog effects. The new Fishing Allowed Sign enables you to stock your pond with any fish your Sims have previously caught. Try it out!
New Water Styles
Go beyond the original crystal blue and dreamy magenta water. Additional options range from “Mossy Water” to “Pond Scum” to complete that au natural look.
The Shrubs category includes new plants to complement the water styles: "Green Fern", "Leaning Not-Grass Grass", "Not-Grass Grass Sans Inflorescence."
Gardening with Children
Children now can help out in the garden by planting, watering, and weeding. They build their Mental skill as they garden. The process of purchasing and planting seeds is streamlined as well to make gardening more enjoyable for everyone.
Group Cooking
Cooking no longer is a solo affair. Sims now can cook in groups of up to five Sims including children. Start cooking together by selecting a fridge, stove, or any empty countertop.
Zoomers Food Delivery Service
Are your Sims getting tired of the same old pizza delivery every night? Well, gone are the days of redundant pizza nights. Maybe you are in the mood for pasta primavera or even a fancy steak dinner. All this and more are available courtesy of Zoomer Food Delivery. Order delivery through the phone or the refrigerator and the food will arrive in a jif.
The calendar, previously available only with Seasons, now is available with Base Game to see upcoming events such as birthdays, school and work schedules, festivals, and fairs. You even can use it to book events, so it’s time to get to party planning!
Bug Fixes
In Snowy Escape, skiing, sledding, and snowboarding on Bunny Slopes now contribute to the Extreme Sports Enthusiast Aspiration.
Also in Snowy Escape, Sims with high enough Skiing and Snowboarding skills now can enjoy the more advanced slopes. Sims also use the Lift to go to the top of the slopes and not go “the hard way.”
Simmers can now rotate Sims downloaded from the Gallery in Create a Sim. Spin them ‘round, ‘round, Simmers ‘round, ‘round -  like a record ‘round, ‘round, ‘round, ‘round.
The Sims 4
We made some improvements that should help our Simulation lag, particularly on the usage of some computer interactions like playing BlicBlock, along with fishing interactions, which should make the game perform a bit better. Note that this doesn’t entirely fix simulation lag but it should help and it is a step in a good direction.
Fixed an issue in which placing Mirrors directly opposite Doors would create a visual glitch in which walls and borders would disappear around them and well it was quite spooky to be honest, glad we solved that one!
Ever wish your food didn’t expire? I know I do, especially when it comes to traveling and coming back to see a fridge in pristine condition, that is a dream… but alas, it is not meant to be in life or in Sims. Fixed an issue in which traveling didn’t let food expire.
Sims stuck sleeping and couldn’t cancel that interaction? Not a product of a sci-fi film as I thought, but I can say that we have fixed this issue, well I hope.
You want to know how to not make my day, have my coffee brew endlessly but without giving me the coffee! Luckily the issue in-game about the Brew Coffee interaction being stuck has been fixed. Wasn’t it odd? Wait… Sleep and Brew Coffee were stuck in a mysterious loop? SUS.
If your Child Sims suddenly interrupted their computer sessions to draw on the activity table when Inspired, worry not, this should not happen after this update.
Fixed an issue that caused the “Items Removed” pop-up to appear when no items were removed from the game.
Fixed an issue in which setting Lots on Slipshod Mesquite would sometimes generate a crash of the game for some Simmers. The Lot couldn’t handle that much flavor.
Some blush and lipstick opacity sliders are back as they were greyed out.
Step-Parent/Child relationships are no longer missing in the Genealogy Panel. Similarly, other cases of broken families in the Genealogy Panel have been fixed as well. It is all about reconnecting or connecting with what is important.
Platforms will no longer raise in height automatically when creating new walls to intersect part of them.
We also fixed an issue in which if you placed platforms in basement levels and a staircase from the floor to the platforms, it would create this gap or hole in front of the stairs and Sims were not able to route correctly. You know, I have played many platformers in my lifetime, but do you imagine Sims trying to jump those gaps? I mean, I am called JumpFail for a reason… glad we fixed this one!
World view Lots that had some off-centered border have been adjusted.
Toddlers will no longer gain negative Sentiments against their parents randomly, especially the Festering Grudge Sentiment. I should not be laughing at this issue as I type it, I should not…<giggles>
We got word that the camera was malfunctioning and bouncing uncontrollably in some Lots across multiple Worlds. We fixed an issue that caused this, but let us know if there are new instances.
Sometimes Ghosts can be part of our Households if we choose to, however, it is really hard to live with Ghosts that constantly break things, it makes it a bit… unlivable. So our expert team of Simghostologists has communicated with these Ghosts in the non-physical realm and they have agreed to not break everything all the time.
Fixed an issue related to flooring glitches while placing the dance floor or crystal clear flooring.
Went through all the trouble in hiring a Nanny only to have your Toddler get sent to Daycare? More than a schedule conflict I imagine having the Nanny show up and there is no Toddler so what does the Nanny do in this case? Do they leave? Do they stay and wait? I must know… However, This should no longer be an issue.
Fixed an issue where using ‘{}’ (curly brackets)  in renaming objects would make these invisible in lists or UI in general.
Fixed an issue in the Likes and Dislikes section in Create a Sim that had some categories displayed incorrectly (either cut off, or words broken apart in new lines incorrectly) for some languages.
There was a clipping issue with the eye preset ymAsian13_Eyes that occurred when Sims were in extreme emotion, like Angry, and blinked. We adjusted this preset so this should not occur.
Toddlers can be picky eaters, but Toddlers not eating any fish recipe? That is suspicious, so we had a chat with the little angels and we have found a way to help them enjoy the complex flavors of our fish recipes.
Our UI team has fixed an issue in which a scrollbar appeared in the Sentiment section in the Relationship Panel when there were no sentiments. The mysterious scrollbar was mysterious. Similarly, they have also fixed an issue in which if multiple Sims gained sentiments together their thought bubbles look quite not right with the incorrect colors, so now they should look proper.
The Likes and Dislikes icon in Create a Sim will no longer overlap its text. It looked weird, honestly.
Droids (if you own Journey to Batuu) and Drones (if you own Get Famous) clipping into all kinds of objects in Build Mode? We saw that too, so there should be a fix for that in this game update. I mean this went beyond just crashing into things…
The option “Join After School Activity” will no longer be available if Simmers don’t have Seasons or Get Famous packs installed.
Sims in deviant paths now can properly reach the Level 4 of the Criminal Career.
Now, this is one that made my day, Cowplants are now able to dance again when Sims play music in front of them. Dance Cowplant, Dance!
Fixed an issue in which relationship points gained by friendly introductions were more than usual if Simmers didn’t have Snowy Escape installed.
We adjusted the color swatches for the S. Cargeaux Counter Island so that when it gets dirty, the counter doesn’t completely change colors. Dirty Counter - who dis?
Fixed an issue where the Scared Emotion UI was displaying a broken pose for Toddlers. The pose was kinda more scary than what the Toddler had been scared of, so glad that is done.
Outfits worn while Purchased and Worn in Festivals/Kiosks/Stalls should no longer remove accessories that were in place for the Sim.
Error code 134:571e5862 that occurred to some Simmers should be fixed now.
We fixed a few hairstyles (yfHair_EP05WavyBob, yfHair_EP01PartedFlat, yfHair_EP05UnderCutDreads, yfHair_EP01ShortSwept, and yfHair_DreamyCrew) that when used with the recently added color options would create splotches in the eyes, change the color of teeth, and/or change the eyelashes color.
As always the Localization team and this author have fixed and improved text across all packs and updates.
Get to Work
Aliens can now enjoy their custom Blush options in Create a Sim. Lewks out of this world!
Retail employees will now appropriately change into their assigned outfits. Listen, I grew up wearing uniforms for school, I get it, sometimes they are not the prettiest… but you have to wear them if you have to go to that establishment. I know the pain too well… but my sense of style grew from that… I think.
We made a fix to some of the swatches from the Barely Better Digital Camera that were missing a description for the item, so now all the swatches will display the text in all its glory.
Get Together
Some of these Sims are not like the others, some of these Sims just don’t belong. Can you tell which are not like the others by the time I finish writing these notes?
Fixed an issue in which some of the rooftops in Winderburg were not displaying Snow (if you own Seasons) correctly.
Fixed an issue where Sims didn’t sometimes change into their Club outfits when a Club Gathering was being held.
City Living
The Scattered Panes window in Build Mode now displays appropriate shadows in all options.
Sims enrolled in the Social Media career will now gain influence at the end of their stream instead of every few Sim-minutes.
Two hairstyles (ymHair_EP03BunHighPins and ymHair_EP03BraidedFlateBun) have been updated to reflect the correct look when choosing the Neutral Black color option.
Your Sims want to shoot some Basketball Close Shots, but they are trying to eat first? Well, now your Sims can finish eating before trying those hoops. Nutrition is important!
Cats and Dogs
We fixed an issue in which whiskers were not being seen applied to Cats. A Cat without whiskers is like Peanut butter without Jelly… or something like that! Just wrong!
Robot Vacuums should all now return to their docks accordingly. I hope this issue was not a sign that they were becoming sentient.
Sims will no longer get a Moodlet referring to the death of their Pet when witnessing the death of another Sim. The loss of a Sim is heartbreaking, but also getting a Moodlet for the death of their Pet when the Pet has not died, that is cold Grimmy, very cold.
Speaking of Robot Vacuums becoming sentient a few lines above, we fixed an issue that made the game crash when Cats would sit on the Robot Vacuum. CatonRobot.exe is now working.
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced a crash with their last played Household loading into Brindleton Bay.
Sims were changing into their cold-weather gear… while not in cold weather? We had some conversations with Sims and even though they love their winter outfits, dressing up in full winter gear in the summer was probably not the wisest choice. So the issue in which Sims randomly would change into their winter outfits while not in winter is solved.
Egg Hunts are adorable and fun! But not being able to have the furniture reset after looking for Eggs in them, can be quite the rain on Sims’ parade. But this should no longer occur.
Island Living
Mermaids will no longer keep the “Dried Scales” Moodlet when they are hydrated. Mermaids’ skincare regimen pays off! Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Fixed an issue in which Lots that are placed in the sand looked quite odd displaying all edges of the Lot when it rained.
Sims that have the Collector Aspiration Trait are now able to catch Frogs in Sulani as part of their adventures exploring the island waterfall. Good Luck!
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced game crashes when loading into certain lots in Mua Pe’lam. Happy Exploring!
Discover University
Sims having a hard time in Uni? No matter what they do they keep failing classes? Worry not, Sims will no longer fail classes when meeting all the criteria for course completion. Work hard, pass your classes hard!
Having Roommates can be hard. Have your Sims had Roommates complain constantly and leave even when their needs are met? Yeah, we made it so that Roommates don’t do this any longer.
Fixed an issue in which beds were counted incorrectly when placing an ad for Roommates. I mean, as much as Pets and even Toddlers can live with Roommates, the ad should be truthful to how many beds there are actually in the Lot, not count Toddlers and Pets as needing adult-sized beds.
We fixed Servo animations so that they don’t look like they are walking on one leg when hovering to their destination. Now they will hover properly.
We fixed an issue in which in some instances Professors could not go to work when a Professor NPC is added into that same Household.
Fixed an issue in which removing and adding back Household members as Roommates would create some… inappropriate moments, ahem.
Eco Lifestyle
Evergreen Harbor’s peace has been restored: roads and parts of neighborhoods no longer disappear or turn blue when businesses open in Port Promise while the Modern Development N.A.P is active.
yfBody_EP09DressShirt no longer has a weird texture in some of the footwear from various packs, especially platform shoes and chunky sneakers.
Had you moved to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek and found you couldn’t really do anything there? We fixed the routing failures and interaction failures on the Mitey-Mitey Home - Insect Farm.
Snowy Escape
Mountain Climbing can be challenging, even for those experienced. But having indecisive moments before a climbing route like getting off and on your bike constantly seems that a lot of doubt is passing your mind… However, we did speak to these Sims that were experiencing this behavior and calmed their fears and doubts, so this should no longer be an issue.
The hairstyle yfHair_EP10BobBluntOmbre now covers all of the Sim’s ears.
For Simmers who own Seasons together with Snowy Escape, rain options no longer affect snow.
Sims no longer have the option to give a respectful or military introduction during activities such as Dancing or Bike Riding. I mean, I’m not sure about you, but I can’t dance and respectfully introduce myself at the same time. So many falls… so many falls.
We made some corrections to the Slippers that came with this pack and they should no longer display a greenish texture on Sims’ toes when selected in Create a Sim. Yikes.
Fixed an issue in which for some Simmers playing with the Yoshida Hall Household would generate a game crash when loading into Mt. Komorebi.
We took a look at our Ramen menu and have updated our cooking menu to label Miso and Egg Ramen as Vegetarian safe options. Buen Provecho!
Want to run a Restaurant in Yukimatsu but also want to enjoy the slopes? Now your Sims can enjoy the slopes and dine in style. However, this action is only directed, and will not be autonomous. In the same vein, Restaurant employees will not be tempted to leave work to enjoy the slopes.
Journey to Batuu
Batuu is an awesome destination for those who want to enjoy something fun and different, but if you bought a Droid from the Droid Depot and never saw it in your inventory, I know how frustrating it can be. Never fear, the Droids you were looking for will appear now in Inventories when purchased.
In Journey to Batuu, the First Order ID no longer disappears from inventory so Sims now can Access First Order Plans for the Top Notch Trickery Mission.
Fixed an issue with the Leveling the Playing Field Mission in which the Scoundrel Informant would not appear on the scene after Sims stole the Prototype Blaster and went to Oga’s Cantina to wait for the informant.
Dine Out
Eggs and Toast sound super basic and easy right? They will continue to be that way for our unassuming Chefs on the Chef Station since we fixed an issue that made them… challenging. Sims can also use the second burner for other recipes without fail or routing out.
The Decorations and Kid's categories in Build Mode should no longer have a "New" highlight when there's nothing actually new.
Dream Home Decorator
Lighting can change the ambiance of a room, and your mood in a flash. Luckily we have fixed an issue that lighting was not even on sectional sofas to continue to set the right mood for our Sims.
Our stylists fixed the Sleep ‘N’ Study Styled Room to remove the P.R.I.M.A Computer from it as this is not an item that is accessible for everyone, pardon our dust.
Laundry Day
Fixed an issue where an animation clipped when Sims were loading their laundry machines. Because having your clothes go through you is awkward, are Sims made of fabric? I don’t think so.
Bust the Dust
Don’t need Simoleons, don’t need Fame. Don’t need dinner to have this date. It’s strong and it’s sudden and it’s cruel sometimes but it might just end your night… the power of Dust, that’s the power of Dust.
Our cleaning agents have determined that Sims won’t get romantic negative Moodlets related to filthy levels of dust in public places like parks.
179 notes · View notes
gr-ogu · 4 years
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Hello! As requested, here is a tutorial on how I make my gifs. I would like to preface this by saying there are many ways to make gifs, and there’s no right or wrong answer imo. This is just how I personally go about doing so!
I will be using PS CC 2017, but as long as you have the video timeline option, it shouldn’t matter too much; on any version of PS, you should be able to adapt anything I mention here! You will also need some kind of screen recording software. I’ll talk a little more about that under the cut.
To start, you need the source material you will be making the gifs from! I get mine from snahp(.)it (avoiding links so tumblr hopefully doesn’t banish this from the tags lmao) and I always opt for either 1080p or 2160p. Not all laptops will support 2160p as it’s 4K, but either works great! You just want your gifs to be the best quality possible.
Next is where the screen recording comes in. I don’t use the screencapping method to make my gifs (where you use a program to cap a clip and then load those caps into a stack in PS). This isn’t for any particular reason… it’s just how my friends, (who very kindly taught me to gif), had always done it, so it’s now how I do it too. Personally, I find the quality to be just as good as the screencapping method, and have never noticed a difference between the two.
As I have a PC, I use the software built into it for screen-recording. If you go here: theverge(.)com/2020/4/21/21222533/record-screen-pc-windows-laptop-xbox-game-bar-how-to – you can see how to use the XBOX screenrecorder to record from files you have d*wnloaded. This also works on some streaming sites, but I think it depends on what browser you use. Personally, I recommend Firefox, as that seems to bypass a lot of the blocking and ads that occur when trying to do this sort of thing.
For MAC users, I have been told handbrake works well, as it converts MKV files to MP4, which can then be used to make gifs. You only need to convert part of the file to MP4 depending on how much you want to gif, and this also bypasses the screenrecording stage, as you can edit MP4 clips on Quicktime. I am told you can split them into smaller clips by going to edit > trim and it saves the new clip!
I have also used anyvideoconverter for small clips, but I can’t say what it does to the quality of your video, or how big of a file it lets you put in! With the XBOX screenrecorder, it doesn’t matter what type of video files you get, as the recording will save to MP4 anyway.
Now, go ahead and record whatever clips you want to gif. Make sure you have the video timeline open, by going to window > timeline. Then, go to file > import > video frames to layers.
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Next, select and open your clip from where it has saved (with the XBOX recorder, it saves in video > captures). You should see a little window pop up, where you can move the sliders back and forth to clip your recording to whichever part(s) you specifically want to gif. I recommend trying not to load a lot of frames into photoshop at once, but I would be a hypocrite to say that, since I do it a lot lmao. Just be patient if you do!
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Once you have chosen the length, click okay. Never, EVER, I repeat NEVER click the button that says “limit to every __ frames”. This really ruins the flow and quality of your gif—it’s better to have shorter, but smoother gifs, I promise. And with tumblr’s new 10 MB limit, it shouldn’t be a problem anyway!
Then, your frames should open up. What we want to do is make them into a smart object, so we can edit all the layers at the same time. To do this, click the small button in the left-hand corner. ALWAYS click this first. If you don’t, it will only convert the first frame to a smart object and the gif won’t work.
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Give it a second to sort itself out, then, on the right-hand side, select all your frames at once using the shift key.
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Then, go to filter > convert for smart filters. This might take a minute. Don’t click anything else in case PS gets angry lmao, just leave it for a second and it’ll do its thing. The more frames you have, the longer it takes! Now we have our gif, but it needs to be cropped, sharpened and coloured!
You want to start by selecting the rectangular marquee tool on the left-hand side, then drag it across by clicking and highlighting the area you would like to crop your gif to, like so:
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What I tend to do is select everything inside the black lines you sometimes get around your gif (this depends on what file you d*wnload), and also the tiniest bit inside the sides. This is because I’ve found if you crop it right up to the edge, you get a tiny bit of transparency on the sides of your gifs, which I’d rather avoid.
Once you have your desired selection, go to image > crop. Now, the dimensions for tumblr are 540px width, so all your gifs have to be that width. However, the length is up to you. I really like big gifs, so sometimes I even make a full square, or even longer. It’s entirely up to you, and what kind of set you want to make.
For the purposes of this gif, I will stick to what I usually go for, 540px by 350 px. This will mean you’ll have to crop some width off, but that’s okay, since Marisa isn’t central anyway. The cropping is always trial and error for me, as sometimes people move out of the frame within in the gif. The best thing to do is just try it, and then move the slider in the timeline window at the bottom to see if the person stays inside the gif, and if not, adjust accordingly.
Next, go to image > image size:
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In this box, if I put the width as 540, the gif is a smaller height than I want, as it keeps to the dimensions of the gif when you load it into PS. That’s okay, just put the height you want instead, and we’ll crop off the excess.
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Then click OK. Using the rectangular marquee tool again, we need to remove the excess width. Part of the reason I like this version of PS is that it tells you the width of your selection as you do it, but you can always use the ruler as a guide, and check the size of your image by going to image > image size again.
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Again, use image > crop, and your gif should now be the correct size!
You can also use the crop tool in the timeline window to crop the length of your gif:
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However, I tend to wait until later on to do this (which will be explained further down!)
Next you want to go to filter > sharpen > smart sharpen.
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These are my settings. However, 0.4px is very sharp, too much so, but that’s easily fixed.
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Go to filter > blur > Gaussian blur and then set it to 1.0.
Now on the right-hand side, we need to reduce the blur, so double click the little adjustment button, and change the opacity of the blur. I usually go for 20-30%!
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Then click OK, and that’s your sharpening done!
I picked this scene on purpose as it’s dark, so good for showing how to colour a gif. I have a base psd which consists of some very basic adjustments, but it mostly exists so I don’t forget what adjustment layers I like to use. I adjust them every time I make a gif, essentially colouring each gif from scratch.
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In this case, the psd actually makes it darker. So, what I will do is turn each layer off, and adjust as I go. A lot of people say using lots of adjustment layers ruins the quality of your gif… I have never found this to be true, as long as you are gentle with them. If you whack the brightness right up to the top, it’s going to ruin your gif no matter if you use 1 adjustment layer or 100. I would just say use your common sense, and adjust a little at a time!
I start with a simple black to white gradient map set to soft light, because I think it helps you see depth once you add some brightness to it. I usually do this on about 10%, or more if needed. It’s probably unnecessary, I just like how it looks!
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Then, I move onto using curves and levels. This is where things can diverge depending on who you’re colouring. If this person is white, it doesn’t matter too much. If they’re not white, you don’t want to white wash them. My best advice is to play around with it. By adding vibrance and other (usually the red) selective colour settings later, you can ensure you don’t change the person’s skin tone from what it originally was. You can also use layer masks at varying opacities (various shades of grey), on your curves and levels, to remove some brightening so that you’re not changing anyone’s skin colour. Just brighten slowly and check in with yourself honestly about how your gif looks.
Some people don’t like using levels, or curves. It’s completely up to you. I tend to use both because levels are good for bringing depth, even if not brightening (though I like to use them for that as well). 
One thing you can do is use the white point of the gif to make PS adjust the curves itself, however I like to drag the sliders myself and see what it looks like. Just make sure it’s not too bright, as we will be using further layers to brighten more, after.
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Next is levels. The slider on the left controls the black point, the one in the middle controls the midtones, and the one on the right controls the white points. The black brings depth, the midtones adjust the overall brightness, and the white points produce stronger highlights. Again, you’ll get a feel for how this works as you practice. Just don’t use the white point excessively, especially if your characters are not white.
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Then I add vibrance (+20!), because we’ve removed a lot of it when lightening the gif. Next is exposure, which I find brings out the highlight and shadow areas more effectively:
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Then colour balance! This helps with scenes that might be a certain colour, i.e. too blue, too green, too red, etc. Moving the sliders in the opposite direction of the colour your gif is will counteract it. The best thing to do when accounting for different colours, is to make a new layer every time you change colour, so that you don’t get confused. I always add a new layer for colour balance and selective colour if I want to change more than one thing. So one for red, one for yellow, one for pink, etc. 
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A layer of brightness just to make the gif pop, and because the scene is extra dark, I added a very gentle extra curves layer:
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Time to save the gif. You can go ahead and file > export > save for web (legacy) now, but then you’ll have to reopen the gif to reset the frame rate from 0.07, to 0.05. Instead of doing that, I use a modified action. The original was made by the very talented @elenafisher! So I do not take credit for that at all. You can find the original here: elenafisher(.)tumblr(.)com/post/190817437374/gif-sharpening-action-2-preview-download and in my resources tag. Please reblog it if you’re going to use this!
To use an action, first make sure you have actions turned on in window > actions. To load in your action, go to the little lines circled, and then load the action from your downloads:
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Obviously if you don’t want to sharpen your gifs yourself, you can use the action as it is, and it will give you a beautiful glowing effect. If you’d just like to use it to flatten your gif into frames like I do, make sure to take out all the items I have highlighted:
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Until it looks like this!
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Make sure you have the layer under the file name highlighted, and then click the play button at the bottom! (If you get a screen saying select all frames cannot be found, don’t worry, just click continue!) You can delete the layer that does that if you want, I just keep it in case I realise I’ve forgotten to do something, because you can click cancel and edit your gif before you flatten it. Of course you can undo the steps to get back to the smart object version of your gif, it just takes longer!
And now your gif is in frames and set to 0.05 already, so you don’t have to change the speed! All you need to do now before saving is change the gif cycle to “forever” in the bottom left-hand corner:
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Then to save the gif go to file > export > save for web (legacy). Sometimes, the gif is bigger than the tumblr 10MB limit. You’ll be able to see this in the bottom left-hand corner of the gif save settings. If this is the case, I like to preview the gif, to see whether it would be best to cut frames off of the beginning or the end, or both. When you’ve decided, you can select the frames at the bottom, and in the right-hand side panel, and delete them both using the little bins/trash icons.
I keep checking and deleting frames until I get the gif under 10 MB! Just don’t delete frames from the middle, as then you’ll have the same issue as if you selected “every other frame” when making the gif: it won’t flow!
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Lastly, these are my save settings:
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So that’s it! That’s how I make all my gifs. Blending I do when the gifs are in the grouped, smart filter stage, whereas text I add on during the framing section above! Really hope this is helpful, please feel free to ask any questions you may have! 💖
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anthemxix · 3 years
Fierce deity wars aftermath? :o (I'm sorry if this comes across as demanding or rude, was just excited to see the fic and was curious how what happened after might go, it was really good!)
this isn't rude at all, my friend! i'm flattered you enjoyed my fic enough to ask for a follow-up! thank you ;w;
this picks up right where the previous one left off (here's the first part)
"Nothing major."
Voices drift through the dreamless void, which clings to Warriors like cobwebs: wispy, malleable, adhesive.
"Is he awake?"
"Maybe. Not aware, at any rate."
The words seem insubstantial, impossible to grasp, like specks of light.
"Captain? Can you hear me?"
"Time to wake up, Pretty Boy."
Like a borealis, the voices shimmer above him. Though tangible, they shy from his reach.
Warriors concentrates on forcing his eyes open, and his lashes scrape against red cotton.
"Hey, Captain? You with us?"
The stench of death saturates the air, so he must still be on the battlefield. He tries to lift his head, to see his surroundings, but all he glimpses is red.
"Hey. Pretty Boy. You awake?"
Still, he pieces it together by feel. His side is pressed against someone. His head is lolling on their shoulder. Their arm is around his back, fiercely gripping his sleeve.
"Captain, can you look at me?"
He's being held. Huh. That's a nice feeling, being held. Safe. His eyes begin to slip closed again.
"No, Captain. Stay awake. Look at me."
Always one to obey orders, he drags his head around a fraction, searching for the source of the voice. His vision is blurry, but he can see a green tunic, brown hair. The Traveler.
Something cool brushes against his hand. Glass. A bottle. His fingers automatically hook around it. Something warm wraps around his hand, affixes it in place.
"Drink this for me, okay?"
Warriors' bones are infused with lead. He watches the Traveler guide the potion to his mouth, but his body won't cooperate. His throat muscles seize, and he coughs out the liquid. It speckles across the red tunic he's cuddled up against.
"Don't make him choke!" someone outside his line of vision squawks. That's the Sailor. He knows the little Sailor's voice.
"Sorry," Hyrule laments, and cups a hand under Warriors' chin, tilts his head back. Tries again with the bottle.
This time, Warriors downs two gulps before his throat locks up and he coughs out the rest of it.
"You're getting my tunic wet." A gripe, but the grip on his arm tightens, protective. The Vet. That's the Vet, holding him. Red tunic. Right.
A thought emerges from his mental haze. Twilight. Hadn't he been with Twilight? Warriors wishes he could ask, but he's so tired. He closes his eyes again, sinks back into the void where his friends' voices echo around him. It reminds him of being trapped in the Great Fairy's bottle, the way everything is muffled and obscured and looming.
Warriors lets their voices wash over him, idly picking out words when he can and examining them like puzzles in need of solving.
"There's caves that way, half a mile or so."
"He can't walk."
"I can carry him."
"No. Traveler's magic may have stitched your wounds up, but your body still needs time to recover."
"Here, I can do it."
There are hands on him, and he's getting shifted around, and he wishes he could move. Instead, he completely retreats to the empty dark space in his head.
Then the concept of time becomes as ephemeral and elusive as his friends' voices around him.
Sometimes when Warriors opens his eyes, there's sunlight, and sometimes there's only the hazy glow of embers or the flicker of a lantern. He can't shrug off the mental mire that pins him down, can't ever keep his eyes open long enough to fully process where he is or what's going on.
That would feel more disconcerting if not for the constant, comforting presence of his friends. One of them is always right at his side when he wakes. The little Sailor, snuggled against him. Sky, carving wooden figurines. Four, polishing weapons. Even as he slides back into the dreamless dark, he feels safe.
That is, until the dark stops being dreamless.
Memories begin to unravel before him, unspooling into formless shapes and colors. At first, all he can see is blood-drenched chaos; he hears dying screams and clanking weapons, smells copper and iron. Slowly, the memories come into focus, draw together into distinct scenes. He can distinguish certain moments: a lizalfos sliced in half at the waist; a darknut's chopped-off head thunking to the dirt; a bulbin slipping on spilled moblin guts as it tries to run, then shrieking as it gets skewered.
These memories aren't his, per se; they belong to his body. His body, which he can see morph into someone else's. His hands, which are someone else's hands, brandishing a double-helix sword that cuts through monsters with no resistance.
Although Warriors has witnessed much more gruesome atrocities, these memories steep him with burgeoning unease. The violent images burrow under his skin like termites, boring tunnels into him from the inside out, as he watches them play in a loop, over and over. They continuously reignite in the dark like poe lanterns, haunting and undead.
Oblivion shifts from a refuge to a prison. Warriors starts to jolt awake with startled gasps, his terror wrenching him back into consciousness. In these moments, he often finds Time next to him, stroking his hair, murmuring soothing platitudes that Warriors can't hear over his pounding heart.
Once, he lurches awake with a shout, wide-eyed and shuddering as detailed visions of massacre still float through his head. Time gently shushes him, tucks him back into his bedroll, and pulls out the banged-up wooden ocarina he used to play as a child.
Warriors curls up on his side, hearing the distant whispers of rainfall beneath the unfamiliar melody that Time plays. The tune is wistful and haunted, layered with tragedy, like its player. But it massages away the tension rigidifying Warriors' muscles, calms the frantic adrenaline buzzing through his system. When he falls asleep, he doesn't dream anymore.
- - -
Sighing with relief, Warriors slumps back against the door. The past few days, he's managed to stay awake for longer and longer stretches, but constant fatigue still holds him hostage. Finding a town with an inn feels like a miracle, and even though he could easily collapse right here on the floor, he is eager to finally sleep in a real bed.
With effort, he straightens and shrugs off his shield, sword, and bags, depositing them by the nearest bed. The weight of his equipment has never felt so burdensome before; he's concerned that this debilitating exhaustion is atrophying his muscles and permanently docking his stamina.
But like every thought lately, he can't keep hold of his concerns for too long. They slip away from him, and he gladly lets them go, concentrating instead on the unnecessarily arduous task of shucking all his armor.
As he loosens the leather bracers on his arms, Warriors absently scans the compact rented room, which only contains two twin beds and a shabby dresser. He blinks at the dresser mirror, freezing as he registers his reflection.
Armor temporarily forgotten, Warriors strides across the tacky rug and splays his hands on the dresser. Most mornings, he spends what the others consider an unreasonable amount of time fawning over his hair in his hand mirror—personally, he thinks none of them spend enough time on making themselves presentable—but lately, he's forgone that ritual, only casting cursory glances at his reflection to ensure he's not overwhelmingly unkempt.
He hasn't gotten a proper look at himself in days, which is why the sight of the mask's red and blue brands give him such a shock.
Though their colors have already begun to fade, the sharply angled lines remain prominent. No wonder the other heroes, who have been treating him delicately, like he's liable to break, can't look at him without staring at those marks. What do they think, when they see them?
Warriors find them abhorrent. Finds that looking at them triggers unease and discomfort and nausea.
He turns away from the mirror and resumes removing his armor, gracelessly dumping it on the floor and topping the pile with his sloppily folded scarf. As he flops onto the bed, he sighs again, the relief of getting off his feet immediate and encompassing. The mattress is thin and there's a rogue spring jutting into his lower back, but goddesses, does it feel good to lie down.
Lazily, he drapes an arm over his eyes to block out the afternoon sunshine filtering in through the flimsy curtains. He doesn't feel sleepy, exactly, doesn't feel like he'll get dragged into unconscious oblivion like he was for several days right after donning the mask, but he truly is exhausted.
Physical exertion, sparse as it's been, contributes to Warriors’ fatigue. Progress across this Hyrule has been slow; the distance the heroes have covered over the past few days could be crossed, under normal circumstances, in half the time.
Warriors didn’t even walk for much of that distance. He couldn’t. Along with his sluggishness, his legs wobbled like a newborn deer’s and his sense of balance was skewed. Wind continually remained next to him, catching him when he stumbled and preventing him from toppling over.
When walking became too infeasible (and he was too tired to care about pride and dignity), he'd ride Epona. By that point, he'd usually feel so weak and shaky that he would require a boost from Twilight just to mount the horse, and from there it was a perpetual struggle to stay upright.
Fortunately, he's steadier now, able to walk without feeling constantly on the verge of collapse, but the fact that he is not okay is tremendously self-evident.
He hears the door to his room open and close, but he doesn't bother uncovering his eyes. He's certain it's just whoever decided to room with him this time—probably Wind or Legend—dropping their belongings off before venturing into town.
A lengthy moment passes before he recognizes the sound of heavy plate armor clinking. Moving his arm a fraction, he peeks out to see Time shedding his armor, setting it aside with more care than Warriors had mustered.
Warriors blinks in surprise. Time is the last person he expected to see here.
The other heroes' behavior around the Captain is subdued, and they speak to him quietly, like he's an animal prone to startle. They act so sad, he thinks now. Like they're grieving. Like they've lost something.
But Time... He was there for those horrid days when Warriors was drifting in and out of consciousness, trapped in nightmares, but ever since then, he's kept a distance. He won't even look at Warriors most of the time.
It would be unfair for Warriors to be bothered by that, though. Like a coward, he's been reciprocating the cold shoulder treatment, because he can't bear it.
He can't bear thinking about his little Sprite using that cursed mask. How old was the kid when he first used it? And what was the aftermath like for him? Was he alone? Did he have someone to comfort him through the nightmares? To help him walk or tend his wounds?
How many times has Time used this mask for those marks to permanently smirch his face?Is the aftermath of using the mask always this dreadful? What if it's not, because Time has gotten used to the effects of the damn thing?
And if Warriors feels so strange after what must have been mere minutes with the mask on—if he feels like his very essence has been ripped apart and reassembled—if he feels like some of his pieces are missing, or that now there is something new inside him, something he can't quite identify or describe—then how must Time feel, having used the mask for decades?
How does it feel to sacrifice yourself over and over, to let an inconceivable power destroy and rebuild you however it pleases, and then carry that weight alone?
With his armor off, Time turns around and catches Warriors' gaze. His neutral expression doesn't change. "I thought you'd be asleep by now."
Warriors breaks eye contact, repositioning his arm over his eyes. Coward. "I thought you'd be making sure the kids don't set the town ablaze."
"I'm sure the Rancher can handle it."
For some reason, this statement pricks at Warriors' heart. "I know he's your favorite, Old Man, but don't misplace your faith. He can be as much of a troublemaker as the rest of them."
After a long stretch of quiet, Warriors feels the thin mattress sink. He peers under his elbow to see Time sitting at the foot of his bed, leaning forward, elbows on knees. Hands folded, he's looking at the opposite wall, expression still deliberately blank. "Is that what you think?"
"Yeah, I do. Didn't you hear his arson story?"
Time huffs a soft, startled laugh. "No, I meant...you believe he's my favorite?"
Warriors shifts, pulls his arm away from his face. "Well, yeah? It's not up for debate, is it? It's obvious."
"Hmm." Time looks down at his hands, and his mouth flickers between a slight smile and slight frown before settling on the latter. When he speaks again, it's stilted, like a formal recitation. "Captain, I owe you an apology. I've left you to deal with the mask's effects by yourself."
Dragging himself to a sitting position, Warriors says, "That's not true..."
He's suddenly struck by a vague memory of a recent night where he fell asleep as soon as the heroes found a campsite. Tired beyond caring, Warriors had promptly slid off Epona and settled in the dirt a few paces from the horse. Prone on his stomach, he pillowed his head with his arms, despite his bracers digging into his cheeks.
Later, Time roused him, herding him upright. He was still half-asleep, struggling to keep his eyes open, as Time worked on taking off his protective gear piece by piece. Warriors' chainmail had pressed grooves into his torso; it was a relief to have someone else guide the heavy armor over his head and set it aside.
"Come to your bedroll," Time had said softly, and he ushered Warriors into his sleeping mat, which lie ready and waiting. Exponentially more comfortable now, Warriors had dropped off to sleep almost instantly, but still, he registered Time gently tucking the blankets around him.
Weary, Time sighs and rakes a hand through his hair. "It is true. I've been selfish. I shouldn't have left you to figure this out on your own. I know how it feels. How...confusing it is. How strange it is, like your body isn't quite right anymore, or like you're not quite the same. How..."
He flexes his fingers, searching for his words, and a mournful look breaks through his stony facade. "How...broken it makes you feel."
After a silent, somber moment, Warriors shifts to sit next to Time, dropping his bare feet to the warped hardwood. The mattress creaks. He feels another damaged spring jabbing into him.
"I'm sorry that you've always had to handle this alone," Warriors says. A lump hardens in his throat, and he swallows. "I'm so sorry, Sprite."
Time looks at him then, really looks at him. Slowly scans the red and blue lines before re-locking eyes. He smiles, sad and small but genuine, and sets a hand on Warriors' shoulder. "I'm proud of you, you know. I've always been proud of you."
Warmth blossoms in his chest at the unexpected words, and Warriors has to turn away.
"Perhaps you should get some rest." The smile lingers in Time's voice. "We can talk when you wake up."
With Time's hand still on his shoulder, Warriors says, "I can stay up a little longer. I think we have a lot to talk about."
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sjmsstuff · 3 years
Light and Dark
Chapter 3
A/N: back at it again, this time with a slightly shorter chapter, I’ve been swamped with work, don’t hate me x. Small bit of angst but like not loads.
Warnings: major warning for sexual abuse if you want to skip it just stop reading at <~> and start when you see it again, just know Gwyn had a nightmare.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6,
Gwyn was entirely sure she was an idiot.
A fool, an imbecile, an utter buffoon.
She could hardly look at Az all morning at training and then she could hardly think of anything but him as she worked in the library.
Nesta came down an hour after they parted at training, looking flushed and happy.
It was astonishing the difference between who she was when she first arrived and the female who stood before her now. Happiness radiated from Nesta when it used to disapate in her presence. Her slender frame was no longer thin and skinny but toned and full. Her eyes looked less weary and the bags had disappeared.
The two friends chatted as Nesta completed her duties for Clotho and Gwyn scampered through the jobs Merril had given her.
Thankfully the cranky priestess was cloistered in her office for the evening, meaning Gwyn could talk without needing to look over her shoulder every few minutes, like a guilty man waiting to be apprehended.
Merril was still researching the idea of multiple worlds layering on top of each other. To be completely honest Gwyn had no idea what she was on about half the time but nodding and scurrying hadn’t failed her yet.
She left Nesta hours later to return to the dreaded office with an assortment of copied and highlighted texts that Merril had requested, each organised and double checked to avoid any scenes.
Though Gwyn had thoroughly enjoyed the first clash of her friend and her superior, she was not especially eager for a rematch. Clotho may be upset if one of the cleverest priestesses could no longer write.
Or breathe.
Merril was sitting with her back to the door when Gwyn entered, so she quietly deposited the books on a small table. Merril waved her off without looking up and Gwyn took that to mean she was dismissed.
Dinner was a dismal affair. She was close with a few of the other girls but shared nothing like the connection she, Nesta, and Emerie lived for. Probably because she hadn’t killed and nearly died for her fellow priestesses.
They were missing out.
Gwyn returned to her dormitory that night, resolutely not thinking about hazel eyes, soft mouths or slender, scarred fingers.
Instead she drifted off to sleep, humming a quiet melody.
Hands grabbed her waist, her heart. Someone was screaming, it sounded like her sister but she wasn’t sure.
She wasn’t even sure how she could hear anything over the pounding heartbeat in her ears.
How could Gwyn have a heartbeat when she was dead? Maybe she wasn’t dead yet, maybe she was just dying. It would be over soon.
Men laughed around her. Bile crept up her throat.
Her skirts were around her waist.
Cold wood bit into the back of her bare thighs.
Her thighs were forced open. There was a speck of soot on the ceiling.
Someone should probably clean that off.
She thrashed but it was no use when her wrists were locked. They felt trapped in stone.
Stone that smelled of death and stone that dug it’s nails into her wrists, biting like the teeth of a hound.
His sweat dripped down onto her face. It felt too similar to blood. The children’s blood, Catrin’s blood.
He robbed that special occasion from her. She wanted it to be important, it was supposed to be important, that moment in a woman’s life and it was stolen.
He was finished.
More lined up.
She stopped thrashing. She couldn’t move.
Another unbuckled his belt.
A slash of red, then glowing blue siphons and-
Gwyn woke with a gasp.
She was out of bed and tugging on a dressing gown before she could even think about what she was doing.
Out of the dormitories and up into the library. It was quiet, fae lights burned low and sleep hung heavy in the silence.
It was probably hours away from dawn.
Up the stairs and there, a door. She swung it open and Nesta stood before her.
“Gwyn? What are you-“ Nesta looked concerned, Gwyn probably looked a state.
Cassian stood behind his mate, blade in hand, scanning the hall.
Nesta reached for her but she jerked out of reach, she needed-
A smooth, deep voice. She almost collapsed in relief.
Instead she turned towards the warrior standing at the foot of the stairs.
Gwyn fell against his chest before she realised she had moved. Strong hand wrapped around her, then quickly withdrew. Soft shadows encased her instead. Singing soft words of comfort and they soothed her.
Azriels chest rumbled as he spoke to Nesta and Cassian. Then he attempted to guide her up the stairs but she clung to him.
He was the only solid thing in the raging sea and she wasn’t going to let go of her lifeline.
Instead Azriels strong arms wrapped around her legs and waist and she was softly carried into a room that smelled like home. ***
Gwyn woke hours later as dawn filtered through large windows that covered one wall. She was curled in an armchair, a softly moving pillow rising and falling beneath her head.
A pillow that smelled a lot like Azriel.
She shifted slightly in his lap to look up at his sleeping face. Dark eyelashes that shadowed high cheekbones, fluttered slightly. Gwyn shifted some more, readying to get up, but strong arms wrapped around her, tucking her in close, burying his head in her hair.
She sat there, comfortable in Azriels arms for minutes or hours until the sun rose fully, bringing with it the realisation of where she was, and what had brought her to this comforting embrace.
Embarrassment shifted her weight again, waking Azriel fully. His arms loosened, hazel eyes filling with concern, no doubt from the memories of the night before.
Gwyn rose fully, “Thank- Thank you for that,” she gestured vaguely to the chair they had been tucked in on, “But it really wasn’t necessary for you to sleep with me in your arms, your neck probably hurts and you would’ve been more comfortable in your own bed, not that I’d want to be in your bed,” Gods what was she saying? “It’s just that you probably would’ve been-“
“Gwyn.” Az still lay prone in the armchair, wearing loose bottoms and a thin sleeping shirt. Gods he was pretty in the early sunlight.
“Ye- Yes?”
“It’s alright,” He smiled softly, “I’ve slept in worse conditions and you didn’t really want me to let you go.”
Mother, could she get any more red?
“And, well,” he coughed slightly, “it didn’t really seem proper to bring you to my bed.”
Yep, she definitely could get more red.
“Oh, well, em, thank- thank you, again” she was making it worse.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
No. Yes? No, she wasn’t ready to relive that experience before breakfast. She had only told two people what happened. Nesta and Emerie. Azriel knew because he was there but she wasn’t ready to talk about it.
“No, I’m fine.”
His expression was unreadable, but he rose, “Come, let’s eat breakfast. Cass and Nesta might join us, if they can separate for long enough.” ***
Nesta and her mate were indeed sitting next to each other at the table when Gwyn entered.
Nesta smiled kindly at her and Cassian winked in greeting before returning to the conversation with his mate. Gwyn took in the easy nature with which they chatted, Nesta occasionally leaning back to laugh at something Cassian said, the way Cassian’s eyes seemed to flare with pride every time.
She glanced over at Azriel who sat across the table from her and realised he had been watching her.
She resisted the temptation to look down, instead keeping his gaze and smiling back when he smirked at her.
Gwyn realised belatedly that Nesta had said something to her.
Her friend’s eyes flickered between Gwyn and Azriel, “I said ‘you and I need to get Emerie and go to Velaris’. Rhys kindly agreed to winnow us and he’ll be here in about an hour.”
Gwyn’s brows furrowed, “Why are we going to Velaris?”
Gwyn had been to the city of starlight only a few times, but enjoyed each excursion immensely.
Nesta smirked, “We’re going dress shopping for Starfall.”
Chapter 4
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list for this fic or my writing in general
Tag list: @bookstantrash @perseusannabeth @champanheandluxxury @sayosdreams @princessofmerchants @princessofmerchants-reads @azrielsshadowsdanceforgwyn @illyrian-valkyrie @lovelywordsandwine @thron3ofbooks @velaaaris @gwynkyrie @acourtofmidnightsnacks @simpforfictionalmenandwomen @bittermuire @mirubyai @velvetrays
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thesims4blogger · 3 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (July 20th, 2021)
There’s a new Sims 4 update available for PC/Mac and Consoles. If you have auto updates enabled in Origin’s “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.
Your game should now read: PC: / Mac: / Console: Version 1.44
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
Hello Simmers!
Hope you are well wherever you are in the world and that you are all having a fantastic Summer of Sims! We are excited to share today’s update with you. There is a lot of info, so make sure you have your tea/coffee/beverage of choice ready to read on. You all know I have my coffee ready for this!
As we continue to get ready to explore the countryside charm of Henford-on-Bagley and cannot absolutely wait to play with the adorable animals in Cottage Living, we also have updates and fixes that should improve and complement your Sims’ everyday life. We have something for everyone and we hope that you all enjoy them. Thank you for all your feedback and support.
-SimGuruRusskii ft. SimGuruRomeo and SimGuruJoAnna
What’s New?
Let’s start with some items that we shared in our last Sims 411!
For this update, we partnered with two talented artists from the LGBTQ+ community, Ashley Lukashepsky, and Mohammed Iman Fayaz, and they have brought their inspiring and beautiful artwork into the game. We have also included the modernized version of the large afro hairstyle that we showed you. But more than tell you about it in text, let me actually attach a screenshot of everything put together:
I love everything about this scene, not only it shows you how the artwork looks in a real game setting, but the whole scene with the two Sims and their surroundings is quite magical. Also, look at that hair! The way the light highlights it, perfection! You may also notice the hair of the Sim on the right, which was also added with this update for everyone. I want to personally thank all Simmers for their feedback and recommendations, as we are continuously working on adding more diverse hairstyles and textures to not only packs, but also to our base game.
Now that we are talking about artwork, the last patch notes I forgot to add the artwork made by the wonderful Jupiter Stevens-Hill. I apologize for that, I totally blanked out. However, I’m happy to see that a lot of you are enjoying it and placing it in your Lots! That makes a very happy Russkii =)
To find Jupiter, Ashley, and Mohammed’s paintings in Build Mode, make sure you take a look at the Paintings and Posters sort and filter by Base Game items. These artists are amazing and we hope you enjoy their creations.
Now, without further ado, let’s get to some new features and improvements that are part of this update!
A little bit of Gallery
When you download a lot made with the bb.moveobjects cheat, the game now notifies you about this so you know to activate the cheat before placing the lot. Builders, this means you won’t need to mention it in the lot’s description anymore!
A little for Sims
Trying to find the Sims in the current neighborhood? Select their portraits in the Relationship Panel.
“Focus the Camera” moves the camera to the Sim.
“Lock the Camera” moves the camera to the Sim and keeps following them.
Where did the Notebook go?
Found it! The Notebook has moved out of the Phone and into its own button for quicker access.
The “Center on Current Lot” button that used to be there has moved to the top right, adjacent to the Camera Controls.
Water Tool
You now can make natural, organic bodies of water! Just head into Build Mode, make a hole with the Terrain Manipulation tool, and fill it with water. It is that easy! The Terrain Manipulation and Paint Tools also have more brush sizes to enable finer detail.
In adding the Water Tool, we also took the chance to overhaul the related tools and object categories. Why not? Enjoy!
Pond Effects
All sorts of critters are available to complete the look of your pond ranging from ducks and swans to pesky mosquitoes. There is even an alligator!
New Pond Objects
Outdoor Water Décor now has an assortment of new Pond Objects to decorate the perfect pond. Some of these objects such as the Bog Log and Colorful Lily Pads have interactions on them in Live Mode to activate Turtle and Frog effects. The new Fishing Allowed Sign enables you to stock your pond with any fish your Sims have previously caught. Try it out!
New Water Styles
Go beyond the original crystal blue and dreamy magenta water. Additional options range from “Mossy Water” to “Pond Scum” to complete that au natural look.
The Shrubs category includes new plants to complement the water styles: “Green Fern”, “Leaning Not-Grass Grass”, “Not-Grass Grass Sans Inflorescence.”
Gardening with Children
Children now can help out in the garden by planting, watering, and weeding. They build their Mental skill as they garden. The process of purchasing and planting seeds is streamlined as well to make gardening more enjoyable for everyone.
Group Cooking
Cooking no longer is a solo affair. Sims now can cook in groups of up to five Sims including children. Start cooking together by selecting a fridge, stove, or any empty countertop.
Zoomers Food Delivery Service
Are your Sims getting tired of the same old pizza delivery every night? Well, gone are the days of redundant pizza nights. Maybe you are in the mood for pasta primavera or even a fancy steak dinner. All this and more are available courtesy of Zoomer Food Delivery. Order delivery through the phone or the refrigerator and the food will arrive in a jif.
The calendar, previously available only with Seasons, now is available with Base Game to see upcoming events such as birthdays, school and work schedules, festivals, and fairs. You even can use it to book events, so it’s time to get to party planning!
Bug FixesConsoles
In Snowy Escape, skiing, sledding, and snowboarding on Bunny Slopes now contribute to the Extreme Sports Enthusiast Aspiration.
Also in Snowy Escape, Sims with high enough Skiing and Snowboarding skills now can enjoy the more advanced slopes. Sims also use the Lift to go to the top of the slopes and not go “the hard way.”
Simmers can now rotate Sims downloaded from the Gallery in Create a Sim. Spin them ‘round, ‘round, Simmers ‘round, ‘round –  like a record ‘round, ‘round, ‘round, ‘round.
The Sims 4
We made some improvements that should help our Simulation lag, particularly on the usage of some computer interactions like playing BlicBlock, along with fishing interactions, which should make the game perform a bit better. Note that this doesn’t entirely fix simulation lag but it should help and it is a step in a good direction.
Fixed an issue in which placing Mirrors directly opposite Doors would create a visual glitch in which walls and borders would disappear around them and well it was quite spooky to be honest, glad we solved that one!
Ever wish your food didn’t expire? I know I do, especially when it comes to traveling and coming back to see a fridge in pristine condition, that is a dream… but alas, it is not meant to be in life or in Sims. Fixed an issue in which traveling didn’t let food expire.
Sims stuck sleeping and couldn’t cancel that interaction? Not a product of a sci-fi film as I thought, but I can say that we have fixed this issue, well I hope.
You want to know how to not make my day, have my coffee brew endlessly but without giving me the coffee! Luckily the issue in-game about the Brew Coffee interaction being stuck has been fixed. Wasn’t it odd? Wait… Sleep and Brew Coffee were stuck in a mysterious loop? SUS.
If your Child Sims suddenly interrupted their computer sessions to draw on the activity table when Inspired, worry not, this should not happen after this update.
Fixed an issue that caused the “Items Removed” pop-up to appear when no items were removed from the game.
Fixed an issue in which setting Lots on Slipshod Mesquite would sometimes generate a crash of the game for some Simmers. The Lot couldn’t handle that much flavor.
Some blush and lipstick opacity sliders are back as they were greyed out.
Step-Parent/Child relationships are no longer missing in the Genealogy Panel. Similarly, other cases of broken families in the Genealogy Panel have been fixed as well. It is all about reconnecting or connecting with what is important.
Platforms will no longer raise in height automatically when creating new walls to intersect part of them.
We also fixed an issue in which if you placed platforms in basement levels and a staircase from the floor to the platforms, it would create this gap or hole in front of the stairs and Sims were not able to route correctly. You know, I have played many platformers in my lifetime, but do you imagine Sims trying to jump those gaps? I mean, I am called JumpFail for a reason… glad we fixed this one!
World view Lots that had some off-centered border have been adjusted.
Toddlers will no longer gain negative Sentiments against their parents randomly, especially the Festering Grudge Sentiment. I should not be laughing at this issue as I type it, I should not…<giggles>
We got word that the camera was malfunctioning and bouncing uncontrollably in some Lots across multiple Worlds. We fixed an issue that caused this, but let us know if there are new instances.
Sometimes Ghosts can be part of our Households if we choose to, however, it is really hard to live with Ghosts that constantly break things, it makes it a bit… unlivable. So our expert team of Simghostologists has communicated with these Ghosts in the non-physical realm and they have agreed to not break everything all the time.
Fixed an issue related to flooring glitches while placing the dance floor or crystal clear flooring.
Went through all the trouble in hiring a Nanny only to have your Toddler get sent to Daycare? More than a schedule conflict I imagine having the Nanny show up and there is no Toddler so what does the Nanny do in this case? Do they leave? Do they stay and wait? I must know… However, This should no longer be an issue.
Fixed an issue where using ‘{}’ (curly brackets)  in renaming objects would make these invisible in lists or UI in general.
Fixed an issue in the Likes and Dislikes section in Create a Sim that had some categories displayed incorrectly (either cut off, or words broken apart in new lines incorrectly) for some languages.
There was a clipping issue with the eye preset ymAsian13_Eyes that occurred when Sims were in extreme emotion, like Angry, and blinked. We adjusted this preset so this should not occur.
Toddlers can be picky eaters, but Toddlers not eating any fish recipe? That is suspicious, so we had a chat with the little angels and we have found a way to help them enjoy the complex flavors of our fish recipes.
Our UI team has fixed an issue in which a scrollbar appeared in the Sentiment section in the Relationship Panel when there were no sentiments. The mysterious scrollbar was mysterious. Similarly, they have also fixed an issue in which if multiple Sims gained sentiments together their thought bubbles look quite not right with the incorrect colors, so now they should look proper.
The Likes and Dislikes icon in Create a Sim will no longer overlap its text. It looked weird, honestly.
Droids (if you own Journey to Batuu) and Drones (if you own Get Famous) clipping into all kinds of objects in Build Mode? We saw that too, so there should be a fix for that in this game update. I mean this went beyond just crashing into things…
The option “Join After School Activity” will no longer be available if Simmers don’t have Seasons or Get Famous packs installed.
Sims in deviant paths now can properly reach the Level 4 of the Criminal Career.
Now, this is one that made my day, Cowplants are now able to dance again when Sims play music in front of them. Dance Cowplant, Dance!
Fixed an issue in which relationship points gained by friendly introductions were more than usual if Simmers didn’t have Snowy Escape installed.
We adjusted the color swatches for the S. Cargeaux Counter Island so that when it gets dirty, the counter doesn’t completely change colors. Dirty Counter – who dis?
Fixed an issue where the Scared Emotion UI was displaying a broken pose for Toddlers. The pose was kinda more scary than what the Toddler had been scared of, so glad that is done.
Outfits worn while Purchased and Worn in Festivals/Kiosks/Stalls should no longer remove accessories that were in place for the Sim.
Error code 134:571e5862 that occurred to some Simmers should be fixed now.
We fixed a few hairstyles (yfHair_EP05WavyBob, yfHair_EP01PartedFlat, yfHair_EP05UnderCutDreads, yfHair_EP01ShortSwept, and yfHair_DreamyCrew) that when used with the recently added color options would create splotches in the eyes, change the color of teeth, and/or change the eyelashes color.
As always the Localization team and this author have fixed and improved text across all packs and updates.
Get to Work
Aliens can now enjoy their custom Blush options in Create a Sim. Lewks out of this world!
Retail employees will now appropriately change into their assigned outfits. Listen, I grew up wearing uniforms for school, I get it, sometimes they are not the prettiest… but you have to wear them if you have to go to that establishment. I know the pain too well… but my sense of style grew from that… I think.
We made a fix to some of the swatches from the Barely Better Digital Camera that were missing a description for the item, so now all the swatches will display the text in all its glory.
Get Together
Some of these Sims are not like the others, some of these Sims just don’t belong. Can you tell which are not like the others by the time I finish writing these notes?
Fixed an issue in which some of the rooftops in Winderburg were not displaying Snow (if you own Seasons) correctly.
Fixed an issue where Sims didn’t sometimes change into their Club outfits when a Club Gathering was being held.
City Living
The Scattered Panes window in Build Mode now displays appropriate shadows in all options.
Sims enrolled in the Social Media career will now gain influence at the end of their stream instead of every few Sim-minutes.
Two hairstyles (ymHair_EP03BunHighPins and ymHair_EP03BraidedFlateBun) have been updated to reflect the correct look when choosing the Neutral Black color option.
Your Sims want to shoot some Basketball Close Shots, but they are trying to eat first? Well, now your Sims can finish eating before trying those hoops. Nutrition is important!
Cats and Dogs
We fixed an issue in which whiskers were not being seen applied to Cats. A Cat without whiskers is like Peanut butter without Jelly… or something like that! Just wrong!
Robot Vacuums should all now return to their docks accordingly. I hope this issue was not a sign that they were becoming sentient.
Sims will no longer get a Moodlet referring to the death of their Pet when witnessing the death of another Sim. The loss of a Sim is heartbreaking, but also getting a Moodlet for the death of their Pet when the Pet has not died, that is cold Grimmy, very cold.
Speaking of Robot Vacuums becoming sentient a few lines above, we fixed an issue that made the game crash when Cats would sit on the Robot Vacuum. CatonRobot.exe is now working.
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced a crash with their last played Household loading into Brindleton Bay.
Sims were changing into their cold-weather gear… while not in cold weather? We had some conversations with Sims and even though they love their winter outfits, dressing up in full winter gear in the summer was probably not the wisest choice. So the issue in which Sims randomly would change into their winter outfits while not in winter is solved.
Egg Hunts are adorable and fun! But not being able to have the furniture reset after looking for Eggs in them, can be quite the rain on Sims’ parade. But this should no longer occur.
Island Living
Mermaids will no longer keep the “Dried Scales” Moodlet when they are hydrated. Mermaids’ skincare regimen pays off! Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Fixed an issue in which Lots that are placed in the sand looked quite odd displaying all edges of the Lot when it rained.
Sims that have the Collector Aspiration Trait are now able to catch Frogs in Sulani as part of their adventures exploring the island waterfall. Good Luck!
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced game crashes when loading into certain lots in Mua Pe’lam. Happy Exploring!
Discover University
Sims having a hard time in Uni? No matter what they do they keep failing classes? Worry not, Sims will no longer fail classes when meeting all the criteria for course completion. Work hard, pass your classes hard!
Having Roommates can be hard. Have your Sims had Roommates complain constantly and leave even when their needs are met? Yeah, we made it so that Roommates don’t do this any longer.
Fixed an issue in which beds were counted incorrectly when placing an ad for Roommates. I mean, as much as Pets and even Toddlers can live with Roommates, the ad should be truthful to how many beds there are actually in the Lot, not count Toddlers and Pets as needing adult-sized beds.
We fixed Servo animations so that they don’t look like they are walking on one leg when hovering to their destination. Now they will hover properly.
We fixed an issue in which in some instances Professors could not go to work when a Professor NPC is added into that same Household.
Fixed an issue in which removing and adding back Household members as Roommates would create some… inappropriate moments, ahem.
Eco Lifestyle
Evergreen Harbor’s peace has been restored: roads and parts of neighborhoods no longer disappear or turn blue when businesses open in Port Promise while the Modern Development N.A.P is active.
yfBody_EP09DressShirt no longer has a weird texture in some of the footwear from various packs, especially platform shoes and chunky sneakers.
Had you moved to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek and found you couldn’t really do anything there? We fixed the routing failures and interaction failures on the Mitey-Mitey Home – Insect Farm.
Snowy Escape
Mountain Climbing can be challenging, even for those experienced. But having indecisive moments before a climbing route like getting off and on your bike constantly seems that a lot of doubt is passing your mind… However, we did speak to these Sims that were experiencing this behavior and calmed their fears and doubts, so this should no longer be an issue.
The hairstyle yfHair_EP10BobBluntOmbre now covers all of the Sim’s ears.
For Simmers who own Seasons together with Snowy Escape, rain options no longer affect snow.
Sims no longer have the option to give a respectful or military introduction during activities such as Dancing or Bike Riding. I mean, I’m not sure about you, but I can’t dance and respectfully introduce myself at the same time. So many falls… so many falls.
We made some corrections to the Slippers that came with this pack and they should no longer display a greenish texture on Sims’ toes when selected in Create a Sim. Yikes.
Fixed an issue in which for some Simmers playing with the Yoshida Hall Household would generate a game crash when loading into Mt. Komorebi.
We took a look at our Ramen menu and have updated our cooking menu to label Miso and Egg Ramen as Vegetarian safe options. Buen Provecho!
Want to run a Restaurant in Yukimatsu but also want to enjoy the slopes? Now your Sims can enjoy the slopes and dine in style. However, this action is only directed, and will not be autonomous. In the same vein, Restaurant employees will not be tempted to leave work to enjoy the slopes.
Journey to Batuu
Batuu is an awesome destination for those who want to enjoy something fun and different, but if you bought a Droid from the Droid Depot and never saw it in your inventory, I know how frustrating it can be. Never fear, the Droids you were looking for will appear now in Inventories when purchased.
In Journey to Batuu, the First Order ID no longer disappears from inventory so Sims now can Access First Order Plans for the Top Notch Trickery Mission.
Fixed an issue with the Leveling the Playing Field Mission in which the Scoundrel Informant would not appear on the scene after Sims stole the Prototype Blaster and went to Oga’s Cantina to wait for the informant.
Dine Out
Eggs and Toast sound super basic and easy right? They will continue to be that way for our unassuming Chefs on the Chef Station since we fixed an issue that made them… challenging. Sims can also use the second burner for other recipes without fail or routing out.
The Decorations and Kid’s categories in Build Mode should no longer have a “New” highlight when there’s nothing actually new.
Dream Home Decorator
Lighting can change the ambiance of a room, and your mood in a flash. Luckily we have fixed an issue that lighting was not even on sectional sofas to continue to set the right mood for our Sims.
Our stylists fixed the Sleep ‘N’ Study Styled Room to remove the P.R.I.M.A Computer from it as this is not an item that is accessible for everyone, pardon our dust.
Laundry Day
Fixed an issue where an animation clipped when Sims were loading their laundry machines. Because having your clothes go through you is awkward, are Sims made of fabric? I don’t think so.
Bust the Dust
Don’t need Simoleons, don’t need Fame. Don’t need dinner to have this date. It’s strong and it’s sudden and it’s cruel sometimes but it might just end your night… the power of Dust, that’s the power of Dust.
Our cleaning agents have determined that Sims won’t get romantic negative Moodlets related to filthy levels of dust in public places like parks.
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soonhoonsol · 3 years
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Welcome to soonhoonsol’s gif tutorial!
As a nice anon asked me how I make my gifs, I thought it’d be cool to create an in-depth tutorial :) Perhaps this can help some others enter the gif-ing world too!
What we’ll be using for this tutorial:
Software: Bandicam, Avisynth, Photoshop CC 2018, Topaz Labs
File Format: .mp4
Operating System: Windows
Disclaimer: This is just my method. Every gif maker works differently and has different preferences. What works for me may not work for you, and that’s completely okay!
Let’s get into it!
1. Find the best quality video you can find
This really depends on the content you want to gif. For variety shows, music videos or photoshoots, any video of [1080p] should be sufficient. Try not to use anything below 720p.
For stage performances, fancams tend to have higher resolutions [1440p, 4k]. Use these if your computer can handle it. If not, usually 1080p works fine. The best option would be to download .ts files, which provide clearer and less grainy videos.
For Seventeen, you can get .ts files from The Rosebay on Twitter :)
2. Screen recording
As a Windows user, I don’t have a built-in screen recorder on my laptop. So, I use Bandicam, which is a free screen recording software. The only con to it is that it has a watermark.
To combat the watermark, I always have the boundary box a little bigger than the video itself so that I can crop it out of the gif.
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This is what the recording would look like:
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Just record the scene(s) that you want to gif so your video file doesn’t end up too large! Your recording should be in .mp4 format.
(You may use pure .ts files in Avisynth but it never worked well for me so I usually screen record the .ts video and move on)
You can find your recorded videos in Documents > Bandicam.
3. Avisynth
I followed THIS tutorial to download Avisynth. This software is really helpful if you want sharp and clear gifs! I recommend to follow the steps in the tutorial as the below method stems from it.
- Once you have downloaded it, open up your recorded video from Step 2 and watch it. Take note of the duration you want to gif. (e.g. from 00:01 to 00:05)
- Drag your video file into normalwebrange.bat. On Windows, you can find this in File Explorer > Local Disk (C:) > video. For other .bat files, you may check out THIS tutorial.
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- In the pop-up box, key in the start time for your gif (e.g. 00:00:01). It has to be in hh:mm:ss format. Press “enter”.
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- Key in the end timing and press “enter” again. A resizer should pop up in an Internet Browser. I found that Firefox works best for me.
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- In the resizer, you may indicate the size of the gif you’d like to make. You can also click and drag the video to resize and frame it to your liking. You may refer to THIS post for Tumblr dashboard sizing.
(These are some common gif sizes for stage performances):
1 gif - 540px by 540px (square)
2 gifs - 268px by 350px
3 gifs - 177/178px by 250px
- Under “Preprocessor”, select “debilinear” for the second box. For the first box, you may pick between qtgmc 30 (same frame rate as video) or qtgmc 60 (doubles the frame rate; smoother).
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- You will also see “fast” or “slow” options. These are just how long the video will take to render. “Fast” will give you slightly lower quality as compared to “slow”, but usually is good enough.
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(You can see that his features are sharper and more defined in the “slow” gif as compared to the “fast” one.)
- Copy the code in the white box. Navigate to the scripting window (it should have popped up with the resizer) and paste the code at line 17. Type a “#” before qtgmc on the same line. This will prevent the software from lagging.
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- Click on the inverted triangle at the bottom of the screen. Your video will now appear in the scripting window. Drag the slider to the intended starting point of your gif and press the “home” key on your keyboard.
- Drag the slider again to the intended ending point of your gif and press the “end” key on your keyboard. This blue area you see is the duration of your gif.
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- On an empty line (I usually go to line 8), place your cursor there and click “Apply” in the mini pop-up window. Afterwards, remove the “#” from line 17.
- Go to File > Save or press Ctrl + S to save the code. Close the scripting window. The video renderer will pop up. When it’s done, it will automatically close by itself.
4. Using Photoshop and Topaz
I’m using my school license for Photoshop 2018, but if you don’t have that, there are plenty of cracked versions for free. I don’t have any to recommend though so I’m sorry about that :(
I followed THIS video tutorial to download Topaz plug-ins for free. I use Topaz DeNoise (the most helpful) and Clean, but you may use others if you’d like :)
Alright, let’s dive in to the steps!
- Open up Photoshop and go to File > Import > Video Frames to Layers.
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- A pop-up will appear. You can find your deinterlaced Avisynth video in File Explorer > Local Disk (C:) > video > temp > video.avi. Follow the settings in the picture and click “OK”.
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- Go to Window > Timeline to open up the timeline. You should be able to see your gif spread out in frames. If you press the play button, it should play like a video.
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- (Quick optional step I learned from THIS tutorial) Go to Image > Canvas and set the Resample option to “Bicubic (smooth gradients)”.)
- Select the first frame of your gif in the timeline. Shift select the last frame. Go to Window > Layers. Shift select these layers as well.
- With everything selected, click the 3 lines at the top right corner of the timeline. Select “Convert to Video Timeline”.
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- At the top of the screen, select Filter > Convert for Smart Filters. Your layers will condense into one layer. Don’t worry, your gif is fine.
- Now it’s time to sharpen the gifs. Go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. Play around with the settings to your liking!
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- If you’ve downloaded Topaz correctly, it should appear under Filter > Topaz Labs. If a pop-up asks you for an activation key, you may use THESE to activate it for free.
- Go to Filter > Topaz Labs > DeNoise and/or Clean and play with the settings until you’re satisfied.
5. Blurring
If your gifs have captions/logos that are distracting, you’d want to blur them out. Don’t be like 2018 me that blurred out the logo frame by frame; it’s very tiring. Instead, using this method from @scoupsy‘s tutorial, you’ll save lots of time.
- In the Layers tab (Windows > Layers), select the “New Layer” icon. It should be blank.
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- Select the Brush tool. Make sure the “Hardness” setting is below 20%. This will blend the blurring nicely into the gif.
(For the sake of this tutorial, I will be blurring out the Bandicam logo to show you.)
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- Paint over the captions/logos. Make sure this is on the blank layer!
- Duplicate (Right Click > Duplicate) the gif layer and drag it so that it’s on top of the blank layer.
- Right click on the duplicate layer and select “Create Clipping Mask”.
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- Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and play around with the settings until you’re satisfied with the level of blurring. Click “OK”.
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6. Flattening & Colouring
- Once you’re done with sharpening and/or blurring, click on the 3 lines on at the right corner of the video timeline and go to Convert Frames > Flatten Frames Into Clips.
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- Topaz layers and blurring will take some time to render so you can just chill for now~
- When it’s done rendering, click again on the 3 lines and go to Convert Frames > Make Frames From Clips.
- Convert it back to the gif timeline by clicking on the 3-box icon at the bottom left of the timeline.
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- Select the first frame of your gif. It must be the FIRST.
- Scroll to the top of the layers and select the layer at the top. Any other layers you add should be on top of this layer. VERY IMPORTANT!!
- In the Adjustments Tab (Window > Adjustments), there are many different things to play with. There’s a high chance you won’t use everything, but here’s a few of my favourites.
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Levels - Adjust the brightness and contrast of your gif in depth.
Hue/Saturation - Useful for changing colours, or switching it to black and white.
Color Balance - Tweak the colours to your liking.
Colour Lookup - Comes with built-in LUTs that you can use as a preset. Great starting point for colouring. Saves time too. You can even download plug-ins for this. 11/10 tool.
Selective Colour - Adjust the vibrancy of specific colours.
- Colouring is completely up to the gifmaker. Go crazy go stupid :D
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7. Exporting
We’re almost to the end!
- Set the timing for your gif.
If you used qtgmc30, the best timing would be 0.04s / 0.05s / 0.06s.
If you used qtgmc60, the best timing would be 0.02s / 0.03s / 0.04s.
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- Once you’re satisfied with everything, go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy).
- Follow the settings in the picture below:
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- Tumblr’s gif limit is 10mb per gif. Check the gif size at the bottom left of the pop-up window. Make sure it’s below 10mb; the smaller the better.
- Click “Save”. Choose where you’d like to save the gif.
- Done!
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And that’s it! You’ve successfully made a gif! Good job you :D
I hope this tutorial was helpful! Please leave some feedback if it helped, or if you have other methods you’d like to share :)
Lastly, if you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask or DM me!! :)
Good luck and happy gif-ing :’D
224 notes · View notes
writtenonreceipts · 3 years
If you're taking prompts, maybe for feysand - Person A catches a bus home everyday, but today, they're so exhausted that they fall asleep, suddely they feel a light tap on their shoulder and open their eyes to see person B smiling at them. "Sorry to wake you, but this is your stop, i hope you slept well"
Oh my darling anon, I am always eager for prompts! Thank-you for sending this in! I altered just a few minor things, ie trains and not not busses and the diologue is just worded diff... and then over indulged in my own whims and fancies, just a touch.
2.7K words of fluff and awkwardness...all i know is awkwardness so ya know...
Strangers and Favors
Exhausted.  Tired.  Sleepy.  There were far too many ways to describe what Feyre was feeling.  Not even the coffee in her hands was doing anything to give her the boost she needed.  
Amid the chill of morning and the slowly growing light of dawn, Feyre found herself hurrying from her car in the park-and-ride lot.  She practically flung herself up the small steps that led to the train platform and into the first train car she was near. 
She’d been running late that morning and nearly missed her alarm.  Alis had been a dear and poured her coffee in a thermos, but Feyre hated the feeling of being rushed.  Especially after a poor night's sleep.  And when it was five thirty in the morning.
Feyre slipped into a seat before she could finally tell herself to breathe.  She’d made it onto her train with only a few minutes to spare.  Thankfully there were other straggling passengers filtered into the train car and made their way to their various seats.
Feyre took a long sip of her coffee and tried to convince herself that she wasn’t really tired.  Even though it was far too early to be awake and she had an hour and a half train ride to sit through.  
Dawn had barely begun to rise over the horizon with not even the promise of pink and blue streaks through the sky.  She sighed and drew out her sketch pad.  
She was barely into starting the picture--of what she had no idea--when the train started moving and a form fell into the seat across from her.
Feyre blinked and glanced up.
There were plenty of other open seats lining the train.  Granted the place she’d found herself was the only one with a small table set up, but still.  
Sitting across from her was a man far too attractive for his own good.  He wore a black suit with a deep navy-blue button up beneath.  No tie, only the top few buttons of his shirt undone giving a peak at a series of tattoos on his chest.  His black hair was styled in a neat wave revealing a chiseled jaw and glorious eyes.
Feyre tore her gaze away before she could be accused of staring.  But honestly, who could blame her?
Over the course of the train ride, Feyre finished her coffee and scribbled out at least four pages worth of drawings.  Unfortunately, inspiration didn’t strike.  Not that it was surprising.  She’d not drawn anything new in months.  Oh, she’d tried.  She could sit for hours on this train, on her balcony, or out in the middle of the forest with a pencil in one hand and paper in the other--and nothing.  Nothing would come.
Alis always told her that she couldn’t force herself to draw.  She couldn’t force herself to be inspired if she didn’t make the conscious choice.  But Alis didn’t understand that sometimes, it was too damned hard.
The train ride passed without excitement.  Not even the man across from her did anything interesting.  Figured.  He was so attractive his life had to be mundane.  At least, that was what Feyre told herself while she was not covertly looking at him
She was glad to get off the train when it reached the city.  After making sure she had her things, she slipped out and onto the platform without trouble.
Chaos was not something she enjoyed.  
Especially not lately.  As long as everything was in its place of simplicity, life could continue on as normal.
Honestly, if Feyre could have chosen a simple life involving nothing more than eating donuts she would have chosen it.  Because living in a state of missed calls and impatient clients and looming deadlines was far from her state of happiness.
With a bag of donuts from Rita’s bakery in one hand, Feyre collapsed in her seat at the end of the day.  She’d managed to leave work five minutes early giving her enough time to swing into Rita’s and grab a few treats.  And she would not apologize for it.
“Long day?” 
Feyre glanced up to see the man from that morning taking a seat across from her.  He had an amused sort of expression on his face which made it even harder to look away.  Feyre snatched a frosted chocolate donut from her bag and glared at him.
“No.” She took a giant bite leaving sugar to lace around her mouth and narrowed her eyes at him.
He grinned and shook his head.
Feyre was able to finish her donut in peace and managed not to stare at the man the rest of the train ride home.
Life continued.  And much to Feyre’s dismay, nothing changed.
Her sketch book remained empty.  Her coffee remained dull.  Work did not improve.
Something needed to change.  But honestly, she couldn’t figure out what it was.  She’d left her ex months ago.  She’d gotten a new wardrobe, a new phone, moved in with her friend.  She’d started getting out more too.  Somewhat.  When Nesta called, which wasn’t often but at least her sister was trying.
It was five-thirty in the morning and she was seated on the train, again.  And the man who seemed to only own clothing that was black was seated across from her, again.  Since that first day of seeing him, he hadn’t tried talking to her again, which Feyre was semi grateful for.  She was certain she would just make herself look like a bigger idiot than before.
Had she really stuffed her face with that giant donut?
Not that she cared.  She could do whatever she wanted.
Except draw.
Feyre stared out the window of the train.  It was slowly starting to get lighter sooner and Feyre now had more scenery to watch instead of the reality of the empty sketchpad.
Inevitably, however, Feyre found her attention drawn to the man across from her.
There was something about him.  Feyre couldn’t place it, exactly, perhaps an energy of some kind.  Or it was his confidence.  Arrogance.  Something.  She found him mesmerizing.  How stupid was that?  A man she had said one word to and ignored for an entire month and she could help but watch him.
He did a cross word every morning.  Texting someone throughout--or else cheating and looking up the answers.  Other times she caught him reading a book about astrology or NASA’s recent magazine release.  She wanted to ask him about the astrology, it was such a fascinating topic, one that she liked learning about.  But she never knew how to strike up a conversation, so she remained silent.
She’d always been good at staying silent.  At least that was what she’d been told.
The thought came so suddenly that Feyre had to physically shake herself to make it disappear.  She sat up in her seat, hands clenching in her lap.
She snapped her attention away from the train window and forcibly removed her sketchpad from her bag.  In a fury, Feyre moved her pencil across the page.  It wasn’t the bed utensil to use, but it was better than bringing her entire art supply on the commute to work.  The pencil would suffice.
It wasn’t as though she liked being quiet.  It wasn’t as though she didn’t have anything to say.  Sometimes it was just easier.  Sometimes it was just better.  Sometimes the silence was how she communicated.  Sometimes people just didn’t understand that.
The scene came alive beneath her fingers.
Mountains and stars.  Storms and shadows.  All convalescing on a shape.  A person.  A…
Feyre frowned at the scene.  Someone was kneeling on a throne of night and she couldn’t see their face.
“Do you always glare at your art like that?”  The midnight voice broke Feyre out of her revere.  
Glance up, Feyre locked gazes with the violet eyes of the man across from her.  The crossword in his lap was complete.  Feyre realized for the first time that he was younger than she’d originally thought.  Maybe about five years older than she was.  And even though he oozed arrogance, there was almost a genuine sort of smile dancing across his lips.
“Only when it’s being difficult,” Feyre answered.  She offered a brief shrug and gestured to the crossword on his lap. “Do you always cheat at the crossword?”
He made an affronted sort of gasp. “I don’t cheat.”
“You’re always on your phone when you scribble answers in,” Feyre pointed out.  She smirked, unable to help it.
“I’m texting with a friend,” he said, “she’s always trying to finish the damned thing before me in the mornings.  All I do is offer a bit of...encouragement.”
“Right,” Feyre said doubtfully.  She shook her head, still smiling.
The man watched her, almost confused, before he leaned forward.  “And the art?  It’s the first time in over a month I’ve seen you actually draw something.”
“I was searching for the right inspiration,” she said.  And then as she found herself nearly drowning in the heat of his gaze--Feyre had what she’d been hunting for. “Sometimes it just takes a while to find.”
The train pulled to a stop where they usually got off.  Feyre collected her things and half expected the man to be right at her side when his phone went off.
He muttered something under his breath before answering it.
Feyre almost had half a mind to wait for him.  To linger on the platform and dredge up some excuse so that she could talk to him.  If only for a moment longer.  She still hadn’t asked him about the astrology book.
Instead she was swept up in the crowd of commuters.
For the next two weeks, Feyre was out of her mind with anxiety.
There really was no other way to describe it.  Because every morning and every evening when she would board the train there would be no sign of her mysterious companion.  Not even the sight of him running to try and catch a ride before the train completely left the station.  Not even a hint of him getting on a different compartment one day by accident.  Nothing.
So, naturally, her mind told her that it had something she’d done.  Something she’d said.  Hell.  She hadn’t even done anything that stupid.  Aside from stuffing a whole ass donut in her mouth.
She was an idiot.
Eventually she was able to push thoughts of her mysterious companion aside.  Not only was she drawing again, but her workload had increased.  And now she was getting up earlier and staying later and her schedule was entirely too chaotic.  
She really missed the simpler days of dashing into Rita’s or relaxing on the train bench not staring at the man across from her.
After two weeks of commuting alone and another two weeks of being run ragged at work, Feyre finally found herself being able to return to a normal timeline.  Somewhat.  At least she was going to be able catch her usual train home and get home before ten o’clock.
Feyre fell into her seat and leaned up against the window of the train.  She didn’t mean to fall asleep.  Not really.  But as soon as she was seated and relaxed her eyes drifted shut and she was gone.
The next thing Feyre knew there was a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Sorry to wake you, but this is your stop,” said an all too familiar voice.
Feyre’s eyes snapped open and she nearly flung out a fist to the shape in front of her.
“I take it you slept well?” Her mysterious companion snatched out a hand and caught hers before it made contact.  He gave her a cheeky grin. “You didn’t even twitch between all the other stops.”
Feyre blinked up at him.  Sleep still addled her brain and he was making no sense whatsoever.
“What?” she finally managed to spit out.
“Your stop?” he said, jutting a thumb to the train doors. 
Feyre cursed, loudly, and jumped up. “I barely even closed my eyes,” she grumbled.
“Here, let me,” her companion grabbed her bag for her and helped her off the train before it took them all the way south to Hybern.
“Thanks,” Feyre said as they stepped out onto the platform.  She accepted her bag from him and gave him a smile. “It’s been a long couple of weeks I guess.”
In the still fading evening light, Feyre was able to see his easy smile and the way his eyes crinkled softly.  His black hair was tousled easily as if he’d been running his hands through it recently.
“It’s not a problem,” he said, “in fact I was surprised to even see you.  It’d been a few weeks.”
Feyre blinked.  He’d noticed she wasn’t on at her usual time?
“You were gone for a while too,” she said without thinking.  You idiot.
Her words seemed to catch him by surprise, but not for long.  A gleam flashed in his eyes.
“You noticed, did you?”
“You noticed me,” she shot back quickly.
They stood in silence as the train moved on with a loud whistle and the last few men and women passed them by hurrying to catch their connecting busses or get to their cars.
His smile stretched into a full grin. “I’m Rhysand.”
“Feyre,” she said, returning the smile.   She then noticed the small paper bag he held in one hand.  Immediately, Feyre recognized the logo on the outside.  “Rita’s?  That’s my favorite place to stop at after work.”
“Yeah, uh,” Rhysand said as he ran a hand through his hair, “I noticed and decided to give it a try.”
“And?” Feyre pressed.
“I have you to blame for my new addiction,” he said.
Feyre laughed, shaking her head.  “I take full responsibility, though I will not apologize.”
Rhysand paused only for a moment before he glanced at her and an almost sheepish smile crossed his features. “Have you been to Dreamer’s? It’s a late-night coffee shop on Main.”
“I haven’t, but I’ve been meaning to,” Feyre admitted.
“My treat,” he said almost immediately.  “I mean, if you want.  You can tell me about what helped you find the inspiration to start drawing again.”
Feyre blinked at him remembering that train ride over a month ago now where she’d finally been able to draw more than a few measly lines.  And she realized now as she watched a halo of light glimmer from the setting sun around his head that all this time she’d been trying to draw him in the outline of mountains and stars.
“Deal,” Feyre said. “But you should know, I don’t give up my secrets lightly.”
Rhysand quirked a brow. “Noted.”
They spent hours sharing secrets.  The small kinds, the simple kinds.
Feyre learned that Rhysand’s brother had broken his leg playing football and needed surgery which was why he’d disappeared for a few weeks.  She learned that it was his mother who taught him about astrology before she died not that long ago.  And now he spent most of his time trying to avoid his father.  
She’d told him about her love of painting, of art, of creating.  Anything that made her feel alive.  She’d told him about walking out on her old life and how here she was six months later and still desperate for change.
They were both trying, it turned out, to become something different.
It wouldn’t be until later that night--after sunset when the inky black sky gave way to the millions of stars overhead--that Feyre found herself home.  Rhysand, of course, made sure she’d arrived safe and she’d rewarded him with a brush of her lips to his cheek and a small smile over her shoulder.
It wouldn’t be until later that night--amid the cool mid-spring air that promised a new dawn--that Feyre would pull out her sketch pad.  She would draw sharp lines and angular features and a man kneeling amid the night.  She would draw power and beauty in something, someone, she didn’t know perfectly.  But one day.  One day, maybe she would.
thanks for reading my dears!  i am always eager and open from prompts so thanks for sendin gthem!  I really do enjoy them!
let me know if I put you on the wrong tag list/want to be removed.  it’s generally going to be easier for me to just have basic acotar/tog lists and not go into too much worry about that, so just and fyi...anywho
tottenhamboys20  @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx  @bamchickawowow @ladywitchling @ireallyshouldsleeprn @courtofjurdan @sassys-world @sleeping-and-books @superspiritfestival @chieflemming @julemmaes @lysandra-ghost-leopard @harrymoncheri @firestarsandseneschals @rapunzel1523 @emikadreams
133 notes · View notes
honey-dewey · 3 years
To Serve the King
Pairing: Din Djarin/Reader
Word Count: 2,870
Warnings: No major ones, Reader gets called a slut once. 
Very few understood what went on behind the Mand’alor’s helmet, but that didn’t mean they didn’t support him. However, leaving someone wrapped in revealing silks and fine jewelry on the throne when he wasn’t around might’ve been one of the odder things they’ve seen. 
Din Djarin was many things, but a confident Mand’alor was not one of them. They called him Mand’alor the Reuniter, officially. That was the name they put in the books and would write for all of history. However, he was well known as the Mudhorn Mand’alor, or the Mand’alor who never removed his helmet. 
He’d been settled as the Mand’alor for a while now, slowly reuniting the people of Mandalore, hence the name he’d been given. It was slow going, and because he was often away on odd jobs, he needed someone he could trust to keep his throne safe while he went away. 
To most, however, an ex-slave wasn’t the first choice. Hell, it might even be the last. 
Yet, that’s who the great Mand’alor trusted with his beskar throne. 
He’d picked you up on Tatooine, after you’d thrown down with Fennec when she’d found you hiding in Jabba’s old palace. You’d been bruised and beaten up, but you’d held your own and seemed to be pretty loyal, so Din had taken you back to Mandalore and offered you a job. You weren’t a complete fool, so you accepted. 
Now, almost six months later, you were comfortable as the throne keeper. Maybe a bit too comfortable, but that was Din’s problem to deal with. Dressed in revealing silk and soft chiffon, you often sat upon the throne when he hunted. When he wasn’t out hunting, you were seated at his right or in his lap, depending on your mood. 
Some, most even, speculated that you were still a slave, considering the only beskar you wore was an ornate collar. But others considered your boldness and wondered if you were truly the pilot and Din was just your puppet. And others still were certain that you and Din were exchanging sexual favors behind the scenes, taking into account the fact that you both slept in the same room. 
None of them were right. 
You were no longer a slave. You wore the collar out of respect for Din, knowing that he had the power to remove it kept you respectful and by his side, but he would absolutely let you go if you asked. You were also not the mastermind. Despite being smart, you had no desire to rule a planet. And as for the sexual favors, well, you admired Din, and thought he was likely handsome under the helmet, but you could never see yourself seducing him, or vice versa. At least, not yet. 
What you were was his advisor and his unofficial right hand man. He’d offered you the job, and you had insisted on the uniform. It kept you unassuming and out of people’s minds. No one suspected a throne warmer to be anything but a bubble headed slut. Which you definitely were not. 
Din had, upon realizing people would likely be after your head, cleared out a bit of his room for you, which was where you were now. Tucked away in a small alcove was your bed, raised up high above your desk and bookshelf. You enjoyed sleeping this close to the ceiling. It gave you a sense of security. 
Also amongst your things was a wardrobe built into the wall. Inside hung most of your day clothes, as your leisure clothes were folded away in the wardrobe’s only drawer. 
The only thing separating you from Din was a thick black curtain that you controlled, often tugging it shut so you could have privacy. 
Now, you were settled at your desk, pouring over papers Din had given you to check. It was slow going, but worth the trouble. You scratched out a mistake and corrected it, adjusting the number of exports to accurately represent Mandalore’s involvement with the galaxy. 
“Hey,” Din said, knocking a bit on the side of the wall before pushing the curtain open. “You good in here?” 
“Yep,” you mumbled, putting the final piece of paper down and smiling. “Just finished looking over the import and export papers. Everything looks good.” 
Din sighed. “Perfect. I’m leaving for two days. I have a meeting with Fett and Skywalker on a planet not too far from here.” 
You nodded, standing and stretching. “I guess I better get ready, hm?” 
Din chuckled lightly. “What will you wear?” 
Opening your wardrobe, you examined your options, eventually deciding on one. “This.” 
The outfit in question was mostly sheer, with strategic patches of fine silk to cover you appropriately. The chiffon fabric was a beautiful royal blue, while the silks were a blue so dark they may as well have been black. You slid into the outfit, adjusting it and smiling. Din may have worn head to toe beskar to protect himself, but this was your armor. Slipping on your silver anklets and sapphire studded jewelry, you walked out onto the main bedroom, seeing Din waiting there for you. 
“My king,” you said formally, a sly grin curling across your lips. 
Din sighed. “Here.” He held out your beskar collar, securing it around your neck. He was the only one with a key to unlock the ornate clasp that kept it in place, but you didn’t mind. You would survive for a few days without removing the collar while you waited for your Mand’alor to return. 
You two headed out to the throne room, where you settled down on the throne, waving to Din as he left. He promised he’d be back by nightfall the next day, and you grinned, teasingly replying that you couldn’t wait for his return. Throwing your legs over one of the arms of the throne, you lounged back. Time to do your job. 
The first people that came in were merchants from a nearby planet. Rug makers who were down on their luck. They didn’t have much to trade, but you promised them that you would take a look at their exports and see what you could do. Some of the council members seemed hesitant to let them go so easily, but you waved your hand and they left without a word. 
Over the day, you had many encounters like that. Small ones you could easily talk over and come to a simple conclusion. In between meetings, you read a book on the throne, entirely engulfed in the story. The council filtered around you, often attempting to talk you down from your decisions. You always responded in the same way. By flicking a book page and sweetly telling them it’s what the Mand’alor would’ve done. 
By the time the sun had set, you were preparing for your final meeting. A scheduled one with the Nite Owls, who had come in with the leader of an assassination attempt for the Mand’alor. 
The assassin in question was dragged behind Bo-Katan and Koska, his hands cuffed and a length of chain linking his ankles. He looked exhausted, kneeling before you with sleepless and pitiful eyes, his shoulders hunched. You examined him further, occasionally asking Bo-Katan a question. His hair was choppy, clearly dirty and in desperate need of a proper trim, although he did have well maintained facial hair. His skin, naturally sun-kissed, was pale with lack of light, and his eyes, which kept drawing you in, were surrounded by sleepless bruises. 
“Oh for the love of Mand’alor, uncuff him,” you instructed. “He’s starved, exhausted, and in no condition to fight anyone. The least you can do is treat him like a human being and not a kriffing animal.” 
Bo-Katan did as asked, uncuffing the assassin. You leaned forward, happy today had gotten some form of excitement. “Do you have a name?” 
The assassin shook his head. You sighed, standing up and stepping down off the dais and standing before the assassin. “A pity. Can you talk?” 
You nodded. “Good. I’m sure Bo-Katan treated you well on your journey here. He wasn’t any trouble, was he, Ms. Kryze?” 
Bo-Katan shrugged. “He’s a survivor. Took us months to hunt him down.” 
You knelt down, taking the assassin’s face and slowly turning it from side to side. Noting a bruise that could only have come from a fight, you made up your mind, standing and holding a hand out. “Stand.” 
He did, taking your hand and using it to wobble to his feet. He was taller than you, but you didn’t mind. All you could see in your head was yourself, knelt before the Mand’alor, body aching from a life of fighting, desperate for any kind of out. He’d held your hand just as you did to the assassin, offering you a steady life. 
“Listen well,” you said, still holding the assassin’s hand. “On this planet, there is an honest life to be found. A life of comfort, a life that isn’t ruled by a need to hunt or fight. If you’ll accept, we can give you that life.” 
The assassin’s face went slack, his hand gripping yours tightly. “And why would I want to live like you?” He hissed finally. “A pretty little palace slut. That’s not what I want.” He stepped forward, but you knew better. Using his iron grip on your hand, you tossed him clean over your shoulder, whirling around to press a knee firmly to his sternum, your dominant forearm steady on his throat. 
“Then you give me no choice,” you said, voice as firm as your position. “I’ll be returning you to Bo-Katan, and she can have her way with you.” 
He was wrestled to his feet, Koska grinning as she recuffed him. 
“Ms. Kryze,” you said, moving back to the throne and sitting upon it once more. “Show our guest how we treat those who would attack us.” 
Bo-Katan nodded, hauling the assassin out. You sighed, collapsing into the throne. “You’re all dismissed,” you said loosely, waving away the council members, all of whom had been dead silent for your final meeting. 
They left, leaving you alone on the throne. How Din did this day in and day out was a mystery to you. You were exhausted simply from one final meeting. 
Standing and heading back to your shared room, you slid past Din’s portion and finally shrouded yourself in the familiarness of your room. 
You had a horribly restless sleep that night, and awoke early to the sound of someone entering the room. You feared for all of two seconds before you heard the telltale sounds of beskar armor. Din was home early. 
Sliding out of bed, you tossed on a knee length robe and opened the curtain, seeing Din standing next to his bed. 
“Oh Maker am I glad to see you!” You said, eagerly approaching him. “I had a very long day yesterday.” 
Din huffed, settling on the side of the bed. “Oh yeah? Tell me about it.” 
You sat with him, cross legged and playing absently with the hem of your robe. “Well. It was super simple until the end. Just a bunch of boring meetings and deals, most of which were transcribed for you and I can give you the highlight notes later. But then, Bo-Katan came in with the leader of that would-be assassination group she told us about last month. He was a complete dick! Called me a slut and almost hurt me.” 
“You fought back?” 
“Yeah.” You scooted closer to Din. “Sent him out with Bo-Katan. I’m sure she’s disposed of him by now.” 
Din sighed, leaning back on the bed. “Sounds like you did good.” 
You smiled, the praise warning your chest. “I think I did.” 
You almost fell asleep there with Din, the both of you laying with each other. He’d had a long trip, which he told you about. He’d not slept in his anticipation to return, Grogu coming home with him for a while. The little green child was curled in your lap. You’d met him a few times, and he liked you tremendously. His acceptance of you was part of the reason Din trusted you as much as he did. 
Before you could truly fall asleep, Din nudged you awake, mumbling he had a meeting to attend. You stretched, slowly crawling out of the bed and picking a less revealing and more comfortable pale green outfit. It was still fit for a throne warmer, but wasn’t as scandalous as your previous day’s attire. 
Walking out with Din, you grinned upon seeing Bo-Katan seated at the small, round meeting table. There was no one else in the room. 
Din, as per custom, sat across from Bo-Katan, with you sitting at his right. 
“So,” Din said, starting the meeting officially. “The assassin, you dealt with him?” 
Bo-Katan’s lips curved into a smile. “In a way, yes.” 
Din shifted. “What does that mean?” 
“We got rid of him,” Bo-Katan clarified, leaning back in her chair. “Although I think his encounter with your stand-in was enough to scare him into not messing with us ever again. But, as per the instructions, he was dealt with in an appropriate manner. I doubt we’ll be hearing from the other assassins in the group any time soon.”
“Good,” Din said, relaxing. “Shall we tell them?” 
“I suppose,” Bo-Katan hummed. “It was such fun yesterday to see them fight, but now is as good a time as any.” 
“I’m sorry,” you interrupted, leaning forward and putting a hand on the table. “Are you talking about me?” 
Din nodded. “After seeing what you can do, and how you negotiated yesterday, I think it’s fitting that I ask you to be my interplanetary advisor. This would mean making trips with me, handling most if not all of the papers, which I think you do anyway, and basically doing what you do now on a larger scale.” 
You were stunned. It made sense, all except for one little bit. “But you didn’t see what I did yesterday. You were gone.” 
Din made a small noise that you assumed was a chuckle. “Just because you don’t recognize me doesn’t mean I’m not there,” he pointed out, and you almost asked him what he meant when he slowly took his helmet off, revealing the face of the assassin from yesterday. 
You were silent for much too long before finally taking a frustrated swing at Din. He dodged easily, a smile on his face. “Did I do something wrong?” 
You shook your head, your next move a very powerful hug for Din. “I cannot believe you let me take you down yesterday,” you said happily, still holding him. “Oh my kriffing maker, I can’t believe it!” 
Eventually, you pulled away, examining Din’s face. His cheekbone was still bruised, but he looked healthier, like he’d had a proper meal and bath. “Y’know,” you said, tugging at a small curl that was flopped over on Din’s forehead. “I knew you were handsome under that helmet. But this is unexpected.” 
“Good unexpected or bad unexpected?” 
“Oh definitely good unexpected,” you replied. “Was anyone else in on it?” 
Din shook his head. “As far as the council knows, the man from yesterday was legitimately an assassin and is now dead.” 
Over the next few weeks, you shifted in your job, traveling with Din and leaving the council to handle affairs on Mandalore. He was excellent fun on trips, looser and more at ease when it was just the two of you on a ship together. He introduced you as his official right hand man, a title that made you glow with pride. 
And yet, you still dressed the same way. 
Of course, your wardrobe had expanded to include some cold weather outfits, but it was still a mess of chiffons, silks, and expensive furs. You still wore the collar, but Din had insisted on one slight change. You and him visited his armorer, a reserved woman who never removed her helmet, no matter the circumstances, and Din had her make you a pendant for the collar. A beautiful mudhorn signet, just like his. It sat on the dip between your collarbones, the cold metal a constant reminder of your connections to Din. 
“Ready?” He asked, holding his hand out. You were about to step out onto Coruscant to make a deal with several other planet’s leaders. You had draped yourself in embroidered blue silks and chiffon, the collar on display and the hem of the skirt sweeping the floor. It was a fancy occasion that called for fancy clothes. And yet, Din was beside you in his armor, no decorations or anything. 
You nodded. Despite the importance of this meeting and the horrible terror of the various what ifs, you were calm. “Of course. Are you?” 
Din chuckled. He’d put his helmet on, but you could still gauge his facial expressions. “Sure.” 
Stepping off the ship together, you knew people would talk. They always did, exchanging hushed whispers behind their hands. Maybe, if you weren’t dressed as you were, the whispers wouldn’t be as prominent. But you enjoyed your outfits, and didn’t mind the quiet gossip one bit. 
In the end, it was only Din who you sought to please. He was your equal, and yet he was your superior. You desired his smile, his pleased moods, and you would do anything to make him happy. After all, you were there to serve your king.
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sleephyjhs · 4 years
the ghost of you ; myg
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pairing; human!yoongi x ghost!reader
genre; angst , supernatural au , lovers au , ghost au
tw; description of death and accidents, death mentioned throughout, heavy descriptions of grief and loss.
wc; 2.96k
playlist; too much to ask - niall horan
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Forty-three. Forty-four. Forty-five. And counting. His shoulder must’ve ached by now - there’s no way it couldn’t have done. Why was nobody helping him? Nevermind. If I knew Yoongi, I knew he wouldn’t want to give anybody else the hassle. It hadn’t been that long. Such a prominent trait of his wouldn’t have withered away so soon.
He’d hardly ever ask me for a favour when I was alive. Now that I’m dead, isolation was his only company.
I watched from the balcony landing on the upper floor of his new apartment. Slowly, it had begun to dawn on me that I was nothing more than a phantom - an unfamiliar spirit that haunted his hallways. I wasn’t expecting to leave Yoongi as soon as I did; the guilt hadn’t quite drained from my blood. On the first night, I sat opposite him in the dimly lit living room. A single whisky glass, still coated with the third refill of the night, hugged the black coaster on the coffee table. The phone screen glowed with condolence and devastation, and his cheeks glowed with the numbing sting of grief and alcohol. There was a pizza box too. It still steamed with the anticipation of being eaten - I’m not sure whether he ever did or not.
I sobbed with him. Uncontrollable, I was. He was. He couldn’t hear me - nobody could. It was for the better, I could wallow in my own grief without being disturbed. But I could hear him. God, could I hear him.
“Why her? Why me? It should’ve been me. I need her.”
Vulnerability was far from Yoongi’s regular state. Seldom did I see him so emotionally honest. I’ve had time to reflect. Actually, all I’ve done is reflect - there isn’t much else for me to do. Watching him cry out into the echoes of a now apartment for one reminded me of the times where my echoes were met by his soothing presence; supportive and caring words which may have only been so effective since Yoongi was the one delivering them.
I wondered if he knew I was here. Who am I kidding? Yoongi doesn’t believe in ghosts. Spirits, phantoms - none of it. Why would I be here? Why would I want to stay with him? “Heaven is a better place for her, she belongs in a better place,” is what he reminded himself, verbally, leaning against the bathroom counter. He couldn’t even look himself in the eyes.
Everything happened so quickly. I hate that I remember so much of it. It wasn’t Yoongi’s fault at all, nor was it mine. Engraved in my memory was the image of the approaching car, spinning, pulling up heavy dust from the low grade country road. Clashing headlights blinded us both, and yet somehow I still could see the doom that we were to encounter. I screamed. Yoongi scrambled hurriedly at the wheel, urgently attempting to accelerate past the uncontrollable vehicle.
But it was too late. Instant collision led my passenger window to burst into a thousand rainbow shards. They showered me; it was as though I was being grated. Perhaps if I hadn’t worn short sleeves, the coarse edges of the glass wouldn’t have shaved me as closely as they did. Airbags were past their purpose now. I can’t remember if I was still screaming. Or if it was Yoongi. Maybe a bystander?
With all the reminiscence death brought me, what I believed to be my last thoughts may well have been a lie; a façade to disguise my lack of memory. I hated not being able to remember. If I did find a way to communicate with Yoongi, I could never truthfully tell him he’s the last thing I thought about. I simply didn’t know. I never will.
There are things I’m certain of. He told me over and over again, “We’re okay. We’ll be alright.” That was a lie, I knew it was then, too. I had no choice but to believe it. Believing the alternative was too scary. Too real.
“I love you.” I must’ve said this. Everyone takes the opportunity to confess to their loved ones that they do indeed love them when in such a peril dilemma. They’re almost preprogrammed; do we even mean it when we say it?
I meant it. I loved Yoongi. I love Yoongi. Sequencing the shower of shards came my last thought. A void in my mind; the silhouette of a missing sticker from the book of my life. Grief completed the last gap in the book, and it’s replacement was good enough for me to convince myself it was reality’s choice too.
“I’m so sorry.”
This could’ve been the guilt of grief interrupting my focus. I knew I was going to die, but for all I knew, Yoongi easily could’ve joined me. He was fortunate, always had been. Even if it wasn’t my honest last thought, it was more than valid now. I am sorry.
The short transaction of my spirit from reality into the unknown was short. I lingered at the sight of the crash, watching over Yoongi. I learned quickly that I was now nothing more than an apparition, perhaps one of the imagination only. The glass crumbs that had pierced his skin begged me to remove them, but I couldn’t. Aligning my fingers with his fresh wounds, I persevered with trying to extract the debris from his body. But I couldn’t. My nails scraped through, clean; from my perspective, I was mere steam in the shape of my now lifeless body.
Sirens wailed and beckoned from miles away; at least for as far as I could hear. Thick evergreen trees were unable to filter the swirling sapphire lights from illuminating the crash scene. I counted how long it took a stroke of light to return to Yoongi’s weakened face. Three seconds. One, two, three, and then a strip of blue curtained his forehead. And then again.
I only learned that I was the only casualty after eavesdropping on the attending paramedics. Now that I’d thought about it, I didn’t even turn to my lifeless body. I needed no awakening; I was well aware of the realm I had now entered. Yoongi was alive, he was more important. Checking his pulse was impossible; all the help I could provide was watching him breathe.
Help. What am I talking about? If he had stopped, what was there that I could’ve done? I suppose now that watching him inhale and exhale with shaky breath was for my own sanity rather than his well-being.
His breath was laboured, heavy with shock. He was still talking to me, rocking me, begging me to respond. And I did. I screamed at him, telling him that I was there, I was with him. He didn’t hear me, but that wasn’t enough for me to stop. I cried, howled with shallow pain. Yoongi was then unreachable. He was only sitting next to me.
Since then, I haven’t left his side. Our shared grief is unbalanced, however. I know he’s there. I can see him, smell him, hear him. But he can’t. Of course, there are photos of me in his phone. Even a few of us together. It’s all that was left of my image. And it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t give him any more, and he couldn’t gain any more.
Funnily enough, that there was one of my pet peeves that I’d festered since meeting Yoongi. He took more photos of me than he’d allow himself to feature in. Nothing spectacular would have to occur either. One night, I watched over his shoulder as he scrolled through, what seemed like, the hundreds of photos inhabited his camera roll, ones I hadn’t noticed he’d even taken. In one, I was timidly hiding behind one of the couch pillows as I intensively watched one of the horror films he’d hilariously recommended. In another, I was messing about with Holly on the floor of his parent’s house, ruffling his unshaven winter fur.
He stumbled across one of us together. Finally. Us at his brother’s wedding, under the rice white canopy threaded with the gentle subtleties of wildflowers. I dwelled on how particularly handsome he looked in his suit, with a smaller bouquet of fern sprigs and poppies attached delicately to his breast pocket. My arm was intertwined with his; he held my hand tighter than he ever had before. There was another from the same day; his brother and his bride joined us, and then his family, and then the remainder of the guests. I’ll never forget that day, ever.
My risen cheeks fell as the memories shifted to the back of my mind again. With memories came heartache and remorse. Heartache; I’ve lost the love of my life. Rather, he lost me. But I can no longer touch him or remind him how much I treasured him. That’s the unconventional type of heartbreak. And remorse? I took our time together for granted. Too short, it was. We were together for over 5 years, and he made them feel like minutes. In the end, we really couldn’t have been any closer than we were. But all the memories I had of Yoongi were the tiniest fraction of those that I wanted. I wanted more than that. I still do.
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A week after moving into our new apartment, no, his new apartment, Yoongi’s piano arrived. Grand was a shortcoming. Sleek monochrome keys and polished curves competed the modern design of the main hosting room; beautiful was miles from capturing how impeccable it actually looked.
I took my time in exploring its position. The piano and I were familiar; it was the first big purchase after moving into our first home together. Yoongi cared for this piano as if it were his child. He sang to it too, although I’m not sure he always knew I was around to hear. His own songs, those that he’d dedicated to me, ones he played as a young teenager still learning the most complicated chords. One day, I asked him to teach me something. A simple infant lullaby, something easy. Bearing in mind the amount of commitments this man usually had, the act of taking time from his schedule to teach me what really was a useless skill was near enough tear-jerking.
“See? You’re a natural.”
“Some people can play this at three, Yoongi. It’s nothing impressive.”
No matter the skill or talent involved, Yoongi never failed to encourage me. There’s a lot we did together that alone I wouldn’t have even considered. Really, encouragement was an understatement. Neither of us were particularly adventurous, yet together we seemed prepared to try anything. I was never able to thank him for that.
I hovered my fingers over the middle keys, examining for any marks or bruises. Sure enough, there were none. I’m not sure what I expected. Sometimes, I was convinced Yoongi took better care of his piano than himself. I didn’t mind in the slightest. The songs he wrote me for special occasions made me quite glad he did.
There were days when dragging him away from the piano to return back to the real world for a minute or two was near impossible. Instead, I developed a habit of joining him on the stool. Looking at it from the landing made it look small. It was, really. But it didn’t feel like that when I sat beside Yoongi. If it did, I never noticed. That’s the Yoongi effect.
Minutes become hours, hours become days, days become forever.
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Today, I haven’t paid much attention to Yoongi’s whereabouts. The glass banister that enclosed the upstairs landing was my usual seat; I watched everything from here. A few people had come to see Yoongi, his parents, the members, a couple old friends, it was the first time I’d seen him smile since I’d gone. He ate without hesitating, he laughed heartily again. He even cracked a joke in response to another.
He looked happy, and that made me happy.
It wasn’t necessarily moving on, though. Each day, something was different about the apartment. I sat on Yoongi’s bed as he set up the wardrobe. His monochrome closet hadn’t lost its ‘Yoongi’ essence. Next to the wardrobe was a spare cupboard of an identical size. Would I have been able to, a tear might have just fallen from my eye. Yoongi filled the rails with my clothes. They still smelled like me; the same perfume with a base note of my regular deodorant. A pair of my best heels which he bought me for attendance of a some grand event or another next to my white canvas converse sheltered in the top cubbyhole on top of smaller garments of mine that he hadn’t quite brought himself to donate.
The day after, I caught him spraying a couch cushion from our old home with my signature perfume. He always did like it. On the nights where we became closer than close, I always made sure to wear it for him; I knew I’d be rewarded for it. My memory now lived on in the form of a staining stench. One that I was certain would one day suffocate him.
Today, there were no changes. Yoongi left the apartment early in the morning - I suspect for work. He needed to get out, desperately. I was around him all the time - both ironically and genuinely - so much so his new apartment had become a smaller trinket of a shrine to me. I’d get sick of it too.
Wherever he went, I let him go. What was I supposed to do to stop him? Ghosts don’t pack much of a punch.
It was the first time I’d gone more than a few hours without seeing him since my death. Usually, Yoongi was never further than the corner of my eye, and if he was I could at least hear him humming to himself
But the silence was still. There was chaos in the calm. This sudden isolation was my first opportunity to mourn Yoongi alone since we lost one another. I didn’t cry though. Instead, I wallowed in the emptiness I felt. Of course, I was empty. I felt as though I were the right side of a friendship bracelet, missing the ‘Best’ side of me.
Somehow, I’d managed to traipse downstairs. Aimless wandering was on track to become my first spiritual habit. I approached the piano - I had meant to do this. I understood now how there could be comfort in music. When Yoongi aligned himself so closely to his piano and his songwriting, it was difficult to now associate one to the other.
The stool was already ajar - I could squeeze in here. Pianos are overwhelmingly daunting the first time you sit at one without somebody who can play. There are more keys - more options - than you first assume. I ran my fingers down from the highest octave down to the lowest. Strangely, I could near enough feel the rumps of the keys against my plushy skin. Pushing down, the melody Yoongi had taught me began to play like an exclusive soundtrack of my 20s.
It was all in my head, but it felt real. Grief has always done strange things to people, and it seemed I was no exception.
For hours, I continued to replay the limited memory of what Yoongi had taught me. After a while, I began adding my own chords or notes, completely oblivious to the overall value they deducted from my solo performance. Eventually, I became lost in my own serenade. Miscellaneous noise blocked itself out; I was alone with my piano.
His piano.
And so, when Yoongi walked back into his home, he seemed quite stunned to hear our song echoing through the marble-accented walls. He stood, utterly speechless, in the archway to where he left his prized possession. I only noticed him after a few seconds.
If Yoongi didn’t believe in ghosts before, he was left with close to no other choice now.
Maybe he thought he was imagining the sound? Until his jaw dropped, that’s what I had believed too. Yoongi’s gummy smile revealed itself to me; it was almost as though I could read his thought procession from his eyes. Scrunching the tip of his nose, I watched as Yoongi fought back what I was positive were tears.
How the melody was audible to us both was far beyond my comprehension; perhaps it was our connection that made the melody viable to us. The keys were real, I could feel them. I shouldn’t have been able to, but I could.
Yoongi stalked up to the piano like a lion stalking his prey. Except Yoongi wasn’t preparing to pounce. He was scared of frightening my melody away.
Nothing could have frightened me away. This was as close as I’d ever dared to return to Yoongi. I knew too well that if I got too close, I’d never be able to separate myself from him again. I wouldn’t put myself through that heartbreak again. Or him, should he even realise that I was there.
The stool that matched the piano was longer than the average, but it still wouldn’t have seated both me and Yoongi. He edged himself to the end of the stool as though he were making room for me. Still, there was no gap between us. My leg overlapped his. He was warm. I was not.
He played my same melody in a lower octave, even adapting to my added chords and adlibs. He smiled to himself, tears finally slipping from his lower eyelid. Some rushed to the cliff of his jaw and fell to their demise on the black keys of the piano. I would’ve given anything to wipe them away. Anything at all.
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tag list !!
@mama-m0chi @liriaus @loveyoongles @weltmaya @mrsfortune1306 @janeelizabeth1216
135 notes · View notes
taxominn · 4 years
A Comprehensive Guide to Archive of Our Own Filters
It’s complicated, I know. I’ve been using the website for years and there’s still stuff I don’t understand! I thought it’d be a nice idea to add a little guide for the filters on here for all those who need it. Enjoy!
What is Archive of Our Own?
Archive of Our Own, called Ao3 for short, is an “archive for transformative fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fan videos, and podfic.” (Official Statement on the website.) It’s a place where fans can find and enjoy work from the others within their own fandom, as well as upload their own work!
What are Filters?
On Ao3, Filters allow users to narrow down their searches so that they can find the specific things they’re looking for. BUT, the Filtering system — as well as the tagging system — on Ao3 can get a little complicated.
That’s what this guide is for, so continue on!
Understanding Filters
After selecting a fandom to search in, you’ll see the following image, slightly varied depending on if you’re on desktop or mobile:
(I’m on mobile and I used the Naruto fandom as an example.)
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Upon clicking the Filters button, you’ll see a number of choices and drop-down menus:
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I’ll be going over these in order!
What is Sort By?
The first option you see is the Sort By menu. Upon clicking the drop-down menu, there are nine things to choose from. What Sort By allows you to do, is choose the order you want your search results to appear in. If, for example, you want the longest fanfics with a bunch of words to appear first, you would click the Word Count option.
If you want the most recently updated fanfics to appear first, you would click the Date Updated option. If you want the fanfics to appear in an alphabetical order (A-Z), you would either click Title or Author.
Numerical Order — Word Count, Hits, Kudos, Comments, Bookmarks.
Alphabetical Order — Author, Title.
Chronological Order — Date Posted, Date Updated.
Include or Exclude?
After Sort By, there are two sections: Include and Exclude.
If there are tags you want to see, make sure to select them under the Include section.
BUT, if there are tags you do NOT want to see, select them under the Exclude section.
What are Ratings?
Content ratings are used for games, TV shows, and movies. They rate how suitable the work is for its audience, and Ao3 does the same.
Ratings are as follows from most widely suitable to least suitable:
General Audiences - E for everyone can read it!
Teen and Up Audiences - 15 and up, leave the children behind.
Mature - 18 and up, sorry teens, adults only!
Explicit - Even some of the adults left the room. 🤐
Not Rated - In limbo, the author decided not to use a rating.
What are Warnings?
Warnings are assigned to works that contain triggering content that can make readers upset or uncomfortable.
Ao3 Warnings are as follows:
Major Character Death - If a work includes an important character death that doesn’t happen in the source material.
Graphic Depictions of Violence - If a work includes gruesome scenes, blood, murder, death, torture, or fighting.
Underage - If a work includes minors participating in illegal acts, specifically regarding sex.
Rape/Non-Con - If a work includes scenes where non-consensual sex takes place.
No Archive Warnings Apply - None of the above warnings are included in the work.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings - For one reason or another, the creator does not disclose the warnings in the tags, or the warnings just don’t apply.
What are the Categories?
Ao3 Categories allow you to pick the relationship dynamics you wish to search for, or exclude from your search. They are as follows:
M/M - Two male characters in a relationship.
F/F - Two female characters in a relationship.
F/M - One female character and one male character in a relationship.
Multi - More than one kind of relationship and/or a relationship with more than two people.
Other - A relationship that’s not covered by the above categories.
Gen - Fics that aren’t primarily about shipping or explore different types of character relationships.
What are the Fandoms?
Obviously, fandoms are the different fan communities for pieces of entertainment media (musicians, games, tv, anime, etc.) Since you usually select the Fandom you want before filtering, this might confuse you, but it does have a purpose.
The Fandoms section allows you to choose other fandoms within the one you’re searching for. This is for crossover fanfics, or fics that take inspiration and story elements from more than one source material.
When you click the Fandoms tab, it shows you the top ten most used fandom tags under the fandom you’ve already picked. My example fandom was Naruto, so Naruto is the first fandom that shows up.
What are Characters?
The Characters tab shows you the characters in the source material of the fandom you’re looking in. It shows the top ten most used character tags within your search and the amount of fics that they are tagged for in parenthesis.
Select their names to include/exclude different characters.
What are Relationships?
Under the Relationships tab, it shows you the top ten most used relationship tags for the characters within your fandom. The relationships might include characters from other fandoms as well as the commonly written Blank Character/Reader or Blank Character/Original Character fanfics, if that’s what you’re looking for.
Select any of them to include/exclude from your search.
What are Additional Tags?
When you click Additional Tags, it shows the top ten most used tags in general for your fandom that don’t apply to the prior sections. Here, you’ll probably find the Alternate Universe tags, the Angst tag, the Fluff tag, and other common subjects found in your fandom’s fanfiction community.
Other Tags To Include/Exclude?
If the tag you’re looking for couldn’t be found in the previous options, then type it into the Other Tags search bar and you’ll likely find it. If it's a common tag, then it’ll show in an autofill selection pop-up underneath the search bar. If it doesn’t show up there, then you can still type it in yourself and see if you can find any fanfics that fit your search.
Now, after all that, there’s still a few more things to tackle, and that would be the More Options section. Under More Options, there are miscellaneous things you can choose to further refine your search.
We talked about crossovers earlier! Under this section, you can choose one of three options: Include Crossovers, Exclude Crossovers, and Show Only Crossovers.
Include Crossovers allows crossover fanfics into your search, Exclude Crossovers removes crossover fanfics from your search, and Show Only Crossovers is for if you’re only searching for crossover fanfics.
What is Completion Status?
Completion Status is how much of a work is finished. Here, you have three options: All Works, Complete Works Only, and Works in Progress only.
All Works includes both complete and incomplete works in your search. Complete Works Only filters out any works that are not finished. Works in Progress Only filters out any works that are finished.
What is Word Count?
Under Word Count, you can decide how long you want the fanfics in your search results to be. Depending on the amount of words you specify, it will filter out any fanfics that do not fit into your range.
There are two search bars. The first search bar is labelled From. The second is labelled To.
If you put a number in the From search bar, your search results will only show you fanfics with a word count that is equal to and more than the number you searched for.
If you put a number in the To search bar, your search results will only show you fanfics with a word count that is equal to and less than the number you searched for.
Putting numbers in both search bars will give you fanfics with a word count that falls between the two numbers.
What is Date Updated?
Under Date Updated, you can search for works that were updated within a specific time period.
Like the Word Count tab, there is a From search bar and a To search bar. Clicking on either of these search bars should cause a mini calendar to pop up, where you can select the date that you want to specify.
If, for some reason, that does not happen, then the date format should look like this: YYYY-MM-DD.
If you put a date in the From search bar, your search results will only show you fanfics that have been updated on that date and afterwards.
If you put a date in the To search bar, your search results will only show you fanfics that have been updated on that date and previous.
Putting dates in both search bars will give you fanfics that have been updated within the time span you have searched for.
What is Search Within Results?
The Search Within Results search bar allows you to further specify what you want. Here, after you select all your tags, any thing you put in this search bar will be found in the title or summary of your search results. You can search for specific authors or specific phrases, if you want. NOTE: all the stories you search for will have all the tags you selected.
There’s a small blue question mark next to where it says Search Within Results, and that gives you instructions on how to use special characters/symbols to include or exclude which words you’d like or would not like to find.
What is Language?
After choosing all the different tags and all of that, you have your last selection option. Here, you’ll see a drop-down menu where you can choose one language that you want all of your search results to be in.
Anddd… done!
When you’re ready, click the Sort and Filter button and your search results will pop up!
I hope A Comprehensive Guide to Ao3 Filters has been helpful for anyone confused about the filters and search options. If you’ve got anymore questions, don’t be afraid to ask.
ℋ𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃ℊ!
Taxomin, out! ⭐️
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yeeosang-archive · 5 years
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so i thought it’d be a good idea to make a full indepth tutorial on how i make my gifs and what i do to achieve them! please be aware that everyone’s giffing style is different and this is just how i make them and what my settings are! you can do absolutely whatever you wish when you’re making your gifs!
i will be going over where you can get videos, how you can download them, how to use photoshop, vapoursynth, and colouring (regular gifs, performance gifs and selective colouring to change colours in gifs)!
step one: downloading the video
so i always try to get 1080p videos and if not 720p for the highest quality possible (there is the option of 4k as well but that’s not used so often)
TS files: kpopexciting, kpop24hours (you need a login for this), HDhallyu (for more older performances circa 2015 and before), dongyoungsang (for kdramas/tv shows)
Youtube videos: 4K Video Downloader
Vlive videos: Soshistagram
Twitter videos: Twitter Video Downloader
Instagram videos: Dredown
step two: using vapoursynth
so vapoursynth is similar to avisynth but it works much faster and has more options when it comes to sharpening and denoising gifs especially performance gifs! i’ll go over the steps i do to use vapoursynth but i have also provided a video i’ve recorded (it’s very basic) in case text is a little too confusing! there’s also this tutorial that goes into details on how the options work and how you can use them!
have two windows open, one containing the videos you’re using and the other with vapoursynth.
drag whatever video you want to use onto ‘vapourscript.bat’ and a terminal window will popup. this is where you put in the the timestamp of where you want to start and end your clip in the HH:MM:SS format.
enter your starting point first and then it will prompt you again asking for the duration of how long you want the clip to be.
hit enter again and wait until the resizer.html pops up and from here you’ll put the settings you want to use for your gifs.
gif size
gif widths (the first number) recommended for Tumblr:
1 gif per row: 540px
2 gifs per row: 268px
3 gifs per row: 177/178px
changes how you view the video in the window.
refers to how the video will render! it refers to the number of frames per second (30 frames or 60 frames). i don’t normally use this cause it slows down the application for me personally but you can use it to your liking1
helps remove noise from gifs. I use KNLM and you can toggle the settings how you see fit
extra sharpening
it’s pretty self-explanatory but you just basically go off of your preference!!
then you just copy and paste your what you see on that white box in the browser onto the application and trim it to the length or number of frames you need! once your done you go to script > encode video and make sure to change the ‘no header’ to ‘y4m’!
step three: using photoshop
to create gifs in Photoshop, go to File > Import > Video Frames to Layers and then select your video file/output file from Vapoursynth. depending on how long your clip is you can press ok or select the option “limit to every 2 frames”.
with photoshop you can adjust the timing of your gif even further! my usual preferences are:
<20 frames: 0.15
20-59 frames: 0.1
60+ frames: 0.07
you gif should be under 3mb - to decrease a gif’s size, i usually delete frames and/or use selective color to increase the black percentage for whites, neutrals, and blacks.
with tumblr saying you can go over 3mb for gifs you definitely can but it will lower the quality of the gif. if i need to i’ll go up to 4mb at most.
step four: sharpening
it’s completely optional to do this since vapoursynth does some sharpening for you and you can find a ton from @completeresources​ and @yeahps​ to just name a couple ps resource blogs!!
you have to change the timeline from frame animation to video timeline and you can do that by clicking the button on the bottom left corner on the timeline that looks like stacked rectangles.
from here you will have to make all your frames into one layer so you have to go to filter > convert for smart filters. and you can use your action on that by going to the actions panel, selecting what action you want to use and press the play button.
now you can put the colouring that you would like on your gif!
step five: saving
now when you save you can do the shortcut ctrl+alt+shift+s or go to file > export > save for web and these are my setting for when i save:
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miscellaneous notes
here i have three different gifs of the same scene to just show the difference between using .mp4, .ts only, and .ts + VS. as you can see there’s a significant difference between each of them especially the .mp4 versus .ts + VS.
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how i colour
the adjustments i currently use the most are:
color lookup
selective color
some things that i personally like when i’m colouring is:
having the black of the gif to the darkest it can be
to get the black areas to the darkest it can be, there are two options. option one is i would use a mix of curves and levels. i would start off with the curves and use the eye dropper tool that is filled with black and click on that then i would click on the darkest spot of the gif then it’ll automatically recolour the gif so the area that you selected would be black.
to keep the skin tone of idols intact i usually do the following:
keep the vibrance high
use selective colour to colour correct the skin
give a warmer tone to the gif using color balance
here’s just an example of how colouring can make a difference in the gifs and how they look afterwards as well:
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most of the time i have around 3-5 adjustments for gifs if i need to but you definitely can add more to your desire!
how to change colours on gifs
changing colours completely is honestly a lot and sometimes it can take up to 10+ adjustment layers if you need to. it takes a lot of practice but the more you do the better you’ll be at it! i’ll basically be explaining how i went from this:
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to this:
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so tips for this type of colouring:
its easier on gifs that have mostly white backgrounds
it’s easier to change from cool tones to warm tones rather than the other way; especially if there are people in the gif. trying to change warm tones will affect the person’s skin colour
the main adjustments that i use to achieve this colouring is:
colour balance
colour selective
so i’m going to be changing the blues of this gif into red/pink!
so you use the hue/saturation tool and click the drop-down with master and go to really any option cause you need the eye dropper to be activated.
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i’ll use the eye dropper tool to select the cyans/blues in the gif and from there it’ll only change that colour to pretty much any colour you want. it doesn’t always allow you to have smooth changing of colours like this gif so sometimes you may need to use multiple hue/saturation layers to fix it! sometimes using colour balance also helps as well but it’s more broad in that it will change everything that is within the shade range of the colour you’ve selected.
for mostly white backgrounds what’s easiest is that you create a new layer and fill that layer with the colour you wish and change the layer from normal to multiply.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Skywalker! Vs. Kenobi! (But Mocked by Afton and Emily)
Henry and William's wives are rewarded a couple nights of drinks and fun, while the Fathers look after the kids. They're all playing around in the living room, when William and Henry are given light saber toys and are requested the most hilarious idea ever:
Reenact the iconic Duel on Mustafar, from the Star Wars prequels.
This fan-fiction is going to mock both the Star Wars lore, and the Five Nights at Freddy's lore. Get ready for a lot of PG versions of Saturday Night Live jokes, tons of play violence, and quite a bit of bonding time in between!
*Michael is 16, Charlie is 12, Elizabeth is 9, and Chris is 6. I see Charlie as more of an older child who's a couple years younger than Michael. So, I'm going to portray her as such. If you don't like that, then that's alright.
William and Henry were looking after the kids and giving their wives a break from the children to drink and have some fun. They also wanted to look after the kids because they needed to get away from work and focus on their bonds with their children and each other. The men had taken the kids out to a park with an outside food diner. They wanted to not only save themselves from burning down the house to make supper, but they also wanted to spoil the kids rotten with take out food, and play time at the park to get some of their energy out. Not only that, but William and Henry got to push their kids on the swings, help them go across the monkey bars, and even played grounders with them on the playground. It was a long hour of bonding and genuine laughs that filled the park for a long while, even after they left.
Back at the house, the men thought they had tackled the kids' energy problem and had tuckered them out for good. Their own energy had been kicked in the rear, and the fathers were exhausted. But low and behold, the kids were STILL sprinting circles around them! Maaaaybe allowing them to get milkshakes from the take out diner was a bad idea...
"Daddy, Chris is being a buttface!"
"You started it! You hit me with your hair!"
"No I didn't!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too! You're just LYING!"
Michael groaned and leaned onto the inside ledge of the backseat car door. "Uuugh! Will you two SHUT UP!" Michael suggested, irritated at them.
William's eyes widened, and he turned his head to Michael. "Hey!" William yelled, getting his attention.
Elizabeth and Chris both gasped in surprise. "Michael said the S-word!" Elizabeth tattle told.
William huffed. "Michael, we've talked about this. We do NOT tolerate that language in this house." William reminded him sternly.
Charlie smirked and crossed her arms. "Yeah, Michael. Watch your language." she said in a sassy, sarcastic tone.
"Charlie!" Henry shot at his teenage child.
Michael frowned at Charlie. "Zip your lips Charlie. That's not even the proper S-word, and you know it!" Michael shot back.
William groans. "Did you really have to mention that?" William asked.
"...Yes." Mike replied.
Charlie giggled at that. "Well...Care to share the word?" Charlie encouraged.
"CHARLIE!" William and Henry yelled at the same time. "Don't even THINK about saying the other word." Henry warned.
"Why not? I hear teachers saying it, and many other swears all the time." Charlie told her.
Henry sighed. "Adults are allowed to say them, because they don't have a filter." Henry explained.
"Well those adults can go suck a chicken for all I care." Charlie declared bluntly.
Michael, completely understanding what she meant by chicken, threw his head back and bursted out laughing. Henry went wide-eyed in surprise, at the language his daughter had somehow picked up! Henry looked at his best friend, who's jaw had practically dropped to his knees! William bursted into a HUGE fit of laughter, while Henry turned to face his daughter. "When we get back to the house, I'm having a long talk with you about your use of language."
Though Charlie should've felt bad, she surprisingly felt a little proud of what she said. To make things better (or worse for Henry), Michael was still laughing at her comment. It was only encouraging her to say more stuff like that in the future.
Henry turned around to face the eldest children. "Listen here, you two. Just because you're hitting teenage-hood, does NOT mean you get to say whatever you want! That's not how the world works. We have younger kids in here, who look up to both of you, and who may end up using those same words YOU'RE saying! So before you start hearing Chris yelling the s-word to his father, SET AN EXAMPLE." Henry scolded sternly.
Charlie sighed and crossed her arms before looking out the window in silent anger.
Michael attempted to cover up his mouth to muffle his laughter. "Suck a chicken...I'm so using that." Michael quietly said.
William shot Michael a glare from the front mirror, and shook his head. Michael's laughter quickly died off. He looked away in guilt. "I'm sorry Dad." Michael said.
"I accept your apology." William said calmly. With the kids finally quieted down somewhat, William resumed driving.
Henry had finally lightened up his mood and actually took a moment to chuckle and appreciate his daughter's potty mouth. "Maybe we should consider placing out a swear jar for the kids." Henry suggested with a laugh.
William smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "Not the worst idea you've had..." William admitted. "Though if you're gonna suck on something...I'd suggest you suck on a lollipop. It's what they're meant for." William suggested, giggling at the double-meaning sentence he created.
Soon, the van pulled up into the driveway, and the kids and fathers headed inside. Almost immediately, the kids started pulling out toys to play with. It didn't take long for the kids to come up with an idea, and join together to search for specific toys. Very soon, all 4 kids had grabbed different colored light sabers and started fighting each other with the plastic colored swords. 2 of the light sabers they chose were blue, and the other 2 light sabers were red. It looked like they were tag teaming based on light saber color, and they were yelling and jumping on couches while loud sounds of plastic hitting plastic filled the room repeatedly for a few minutes.
William and Henry thought they could have a bit of time to rest their body, so they pulled out bottles of soda and started drinking those. But low and behold, Chris wanted his Dad to play with him.
"Daddy! Can you play Star Wars with us? I wanna be Luke Skywalker." Chris declared, waving his plastic light saber around and nearly knocking William in the face multiple times.
"I wanna be Princess Leia!" Elizabeth declared happily with a blue light saber of her own.
While William was trying to save his face from Chris's light saber toy, Henry walked up to Elizabeth. "If you're gonna be Princess Leia, you're gonna need a laser blaster." Henry told her.
Elizabeth dropped the light saber right onto the ground at her feet. "OH YEAH!" Elizabeth yelled. Then, Elizabeth turned herself around and sprinted back into the living room, empty-handed. "MICHAEL, WHERE'S THE LASER GUN?" Elizabeth yelled. It could be assumed that Michael answered using his index finger rather than his voice, because soon the sound of clashing toys was roaring over the light saber plastic bonks. It didn't take long for Elizabeth to come running back out to the kitchen with the big black blaster. It was pretty clear that the blaster was really Michael's, because the gun itself was a little big compared to Elizabeth. But that didn't matter. It's just a lightweight toy.
"Uncle Henry, do you wanna play Star Wars too?" Elizabeth asked in a cute, slightly whiny voice.
"I'd love to!" Henry replied, picking up the blue light saber that Elizabeth dropped earlier.
Elizabeth jumped up and pointed at Henry. "You get to be Obi-wan Kenobi!" Elizabeth declared.
Henry gasped happily. "You want me to be Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Henry clarified.
Elizabeth nodded her head. "Yeah! Your hair looks like Kenobi's in Revenge of the Sith! Short and light brown." Elizabeth explained.
Chris looked up at Henry, and gave his father his light saber to momentarily hold. Then, Chris walked himself up to his uncle, and smiled widely. "You look like Obi-Wan's twin, but with glasses!" Chris further explained.
William snickered at the cute and funny scene.
"If Uncle Henry's being Obi-Wan, then Dad should be Anakin." Michael suggested from the door frame, leaning up against it as he listened to the conversation with a red light saber in his hand.
William listed an eyebrow and blinked in surprise. "You want me to be Anakin Skywalker? The man who becomes Darth Vader?" William clarified with his oldest son.
Michael walked up to his father, and removed the pony from his father's long hair. After a quick fluff of the hair, Michael took one look at it and smirked. "Anakin Skywalker: A man with childhood trauma, ends up letting his rage take over, which helps him become a famous Sith leader with children going against him." Michael explains. William's smile slowly falls off his face. Thankfully though, Michael keeps going to redeem himself. "But you have a much more...light-hearted ending: William Afton: A man with childhood trauma, who overcomes his pain to become a successful business man with a wife and children." Michael concludes.
William's curious facial expression softens into soft care and appreciation. He looked down at the ground with a shade of pink covering his cheeks, almost as if he was embarrassed. Then, to top it off, Michael gives him a pat on the back and an additional phrase. "Even with all those imperfections though, Darth Vader does redeem himself as a strong Jedi, who allowed his kids to inherit the good parts of the Jedi and create the Resistance. So, good job...Dark Father". Michael concluded.
William just stared at Michael in awe and watched as Michael headed back out into the living room with his red light saber. William looked down at the floor, struggling to process what he had just heard. His chest was telling him to cry, but he didn't want to. He didn't want to cry in front of Henry, Chris and Elizabeth. So, he swallowed it down, looked up to Henry and smiled proudly.
Unfortunately for William, Henry could notice something was up. "You okay? Did...did Mike's words bother you?" Henry asked.
William opened his mouth, but closed it when he had to think of what he was gonna say. "I...I don't know how I'm supposed to react." William explained with a small laugh. "I wanna cry, but I also wanna laugh." William said, laughing as he processed his conflicting emotions.
Henry smiled. "What do you say, we let those emotions out while we play Star Wars?" Henry suggested.
William smiled and nodded. "Okay." He said, letting Chris go and getting up from his chair. William, Henry, Chris and Elizabeth all walked back to the living room with their Star War toys, and started playing with the kids. As the fathers played around with the kids, they started making references to the Star Wars movies.
At one point, Chris was standing on the couch and looking at his uncle. Henry being the silly man he was, turned around, waved at the kid and said "Hello there!" to him like Kenobi would. William laughed at that, before picking up Chris and putting him on his shoulders. "General Kenobi!" William declared, muttering the dialogue before bursting out laughing.
Suddenly, Charlie came up with an amazing idea! "Dad! Uncle Henry! Do you remember the fight from Revenge of the Sith?" Charlie asked.
William giggled and nodded. "The only good thing about the prequels." William replied.
"Can you and Dad reenact the light saber duel?" Charlie suggested.
Michael gasped and looked up with his jaw dropped. "YEEEESSS!" He yelled.
Elizabeth squealed excitedly and put away her gun. "DADDY IS GONNA BE ANAKIN AND UNCLE HENRY IS GONNA BE OBI-WAN!" Elizabeth yelled.
Michael smirks. "I'll get the popcorn!" he declared, running to the kitchen.
William laughed nervously as Elizabeth gave her father the blue, plastic light saber from the chest of toys. Chris handed Henry the blue light saber in his hand, and jumped himself onto the couch. Elizabeth joined him, and happily held onto a pillow. Michael walked himself back into the living room with a bowl of popcorn, and sat down onto the couch.
William stole a piece of popcorn from the bowl, before practicing how to open the toy light saber. When Henry was ready, William calmed himself and pushed some hair out of the way.
William was about to start speaking, but he realized that Padme was missing. "My wife is not here." William told the audience.
Henry bursted into laughter. "There's no one to play Padme!" Henry reacted.
"Should-...Should I just continue without her?" William asked.
"Sure, let's just...cut her from the scene." Henry suggested.
William nodded and looked up at the ship (couch), which was currently housing Obi-Wan. He put up his light saber in defense. "YOU!" William yelled.
Henry looks at William, and smirks. "Yes...it is me..." He declares in a monotone voice.
William looks around. "Where's Padme?" William asked.
Henry thinks for a moment, trying to get some dialogue out as quick as possible. "U-Uh...She's at home...in labor." Henry quickly says. Michael guffawed at that.
"What? Oh no. I have to go to her!" William reacts, running to the ship.
But, Henry stops him. "Nope. I wanna talk to you." He declares. "You broke the Jedi order by losing your virginity." Henry adds, struggling to not laugh.
"Yes. And I enjoyed every minute of it." William says back to him. Charlie and Michael are just laughing, while Chris and Elizabeth are confused as anything. The one thing going through William's head right now, was 'If Elizabeth asks me what virginity is in front of her mother, then I'm in SO much trouble...'
Henry walks up to William. "I told you to not let your feelings get in the way of your duties." Henry tells him.
William narrows his eyes at him. "I lost my mother! And I was going to lose Padme if I hadn't turned to the dark side." William explained.
"You fool! You absolute moron! Death is a normal part of life! If you accepted that earlier on, then you'd be happier." Henry told him.
"Or maybe I would've been happier if you brought my Mother to live with the Jedi order! Then I could've gotten to know her before she died." William adds.
Henry looks down, taken back. "Oh...oh yeah..." Henry reacts, realizing he had fucked up.
"And you think I'm the moron..." William commented.
"Well still! You rebelled against us!" Henry yelled.
"So that I can save my wife!" William yelled back.
"Your wife isn't coming back! Even if she did live, Padme is leaving you. You've done something both of us are completely against!" Henry told him.
William's eyes widened. "What? YOU TURNED HER AGAINST ME?!" William asked, slightly coming back to the original dialogue.
"Nope! You did that yourself. And for that, I'm going to kill you!" Henry declared.
"Do your worst! AAAAAH!" William shouted, before starting the light saber fight. William and Henry started reenacting the light saber fight with the plastic light sabers.
William gave Henry a light kick backwards, and continued the sword fighting across the bridge (narrow blanket). It didn't take long for William to bring Henry across the bridge, and onto a new platform. Amidst the light saber fighting, Henry grabbed William's arm, and pulled him under his other arm. Working with Henry's hand grip, William went under and used his lightsaber to stop Obi-Wan from slashing him.
"WOW! You guys know this fight very well!" Michael commented, slightly slurring from having popcorn in his mouth.
Next, William and Henry kept fighting and walking onto another bridge (a bunch of narrow pillows), and William's light saber started hitting the walls around him (the leather chair). William gave Henry a light push backwards, and allowed Henry to go for him again. When he did, William started attempting to get the upper hand again with help from his light saber. After Henry hit the control module on the table (coffee table), William lightly grabbed his throat, and grabbed his hand tightly. To get Henry down without accidentally choking him, William moved his choking hand to Henry's shoulder and lightly helped him contort his back down, towards the ground.
"Whoooaa...You okay like that Dad?" Charlie asked, worried about her father's back pain.
"Never...better..." Henry replied, his voice being strained slightly from the strange position. Thankfully, the back position didn't seem to bother him, and he used a nod to tell William he's fine, and to keep going. William put on his best psychotic face, and started pushing his light saber laser towards Henry's neck. He didn't want to contort Henry's neck too much, for fear that he would mess up his back even more. So, he let Henry's shoulder go and allowed him to get himself back onto his feet. Unfortunately, that led to Henry's body shooting back up at him, and nailing him in the chest with his body.
Charlie winced at the potential pain it probably caused both of them. "That's not right! Obi-Wan Kenobi kicked Anakin in the butt!" Chris reacted, completely unaware of the pain of doing such a thing.
William rolled his eyes and giggled as he brought himself backwards a bit to process the hit. Henry smiled and put his hands on his knees for a second. "Thank you. And sorry for hitting you." Henry said.
"Eh...it's alright. It's all part of the fun. I was more worried about your back, than anything." William commented. Henry nodded. "Let's keep going." William said, rolling himself onto the ground a pushing himself back up from 'getting kicked in the butt'. Henry started running at William. Just as it was scripted, William gave him a light kick onto the ground (the chair). Henry bursted into laughter as he felt his body fall perfectly into the chair. William smiled as he watched Henry get himself off the couch, leaving the light saber onto the side of the chair.
"That was awesome!" Henry reacted, walking up to him again. William started speed-walking up to Henry. With William getting closer and Henry not wanting William to do the wicked stunts Hayden Christensen did, Henry gave William a trip instead of a full on kick to flip him over. William, thankful for the safety change, rolled himself as he hit the ground, and ended up on his back like the script. His light saber also went rolling away.
Charlie, realizing a force opportunity, grabbed the light sabers and waited for each of them to hold out their hands. When they did, Charlie ran up, and put both light sabers into their hands before sitting down. Michael chuckled at the funny quick time event. "Featuring, Charlie Emily as the Force." Michael announced jokingly.
William pulled out his light saber with his fingers, and placed it horizontally, while Henry pulled his out as well but placed it vertically. Using their equal strength, William and Henry pushed against each other to prevent their ultimate demise.
"Jumpcut!" William yelled, pushing Henry's light saber backwards and getting himself back up. Henry smirked and started using the light saber as a cane. "Okay. You ready?" Henry asked.
William smiled. "Ready for round 2." William declared before getting up. Both men turned themselves to face the other way, and started fighting again.
"GO OBI-WAN GO! GO OBI-WAN GO!" Elizabeth yelled. Michael shushed her with a chuckle, and offered her some more popcorn.
The two men started fighting again, and ended up letting their light sabers clash into another cross symbol. Then, both men started putting their 'Force' skills to the test. "Charlie! Push us away!" Henry told her. Charlie happily jumped up, and hopped in between them. Both arms were on opposite sides of Charlie, and Charlie was in the middle, pushing them apart with a hand on each of their chests. William and Henry happily helped Charlie with a bit of the pushing weight, and continued to act out the force in their hand. Then, Charlie pushed both of them outward, causing William and Henry to fall backwards onto the ground. It wasn't nearly as strong as shown in the movie, but it still did its trick. As Charlie was going to sit back down, William gave Charlie a high five as a reward.
William and Henry got back up, and started fighting again. Suddenly both men hit the control module (coffee table) with their light sabers, causing the controls on Mustafar to shut off and increase the lava current. Henry ran out the door (through the other side of a curtain) and turned around to continue the light saber fight. The two jumped and sparred with their kids' swords in their hands. They fought down a gate (just the room), before grabbing a pillow. William didn't want to kick Henry again, especially in the face. So William had decided to whip the pillow into Henry's face.
Chris and Elizabeth bursted out laughing at Henry's face, when the pillow fell off his face. "Suck on that, Kenobi!" William yelled at him.
"EAT MY LIGHT SABER!" Henry yelled at him, before jumping onto the pipes (a line of painters tape, put there by Michael). William jumped himself on the pipes as well, and continued the fight when he got his balance. Then, Henry jumped himself onto the next set of pipes, and walked across it. The boys had to be careful to only walk on the painters tape, and to not mess up. otherwise, he would've 'fallen into the lava'. Though the characters were seen struggling, William and Henry didn't struggle nearly as much.
When Henry lost his balance, he jumped onto another spot entirely (a yoga mat) and watched as William did the same thing. They continued to fight, and began pushing each other. When the pushing was over, William and Henry pushed each other's light sabers into the ground, and broke the ground (didn't actually break the ground) below them. William and Henry ran up and hid behind 2 pillars (hid on opposite sides of the couch), waiting for the lava threat to be over. Though this would've been the part where the lava current controller had split and fallen down, but William and Henry decided to ignore that part and started fighting on the front of the couch instead, while partly hidden in their hiding spots.
Suddenly, Henry jumped himself onto a platform within the lava (a pillow). William jumped himself onto another nearby platform (another pillow) and continued the light saber fight from there for a few seconds.
Michael smiled and clenched his fists excitedly. "It's getting there...We're almost there!" Michael said excitedly. So far, he had been enjoying the parody of the duel, but it was nearly closing in on the well known part.
William and Henry finally pushed their swords together and pushed at each other. So, Henry backed up slightly and readied his sword as he looked at him.
However, William had broken character and was snickering at him. "What?" Henry asked, confused.
"You're dead, Kenobi. I am the ultimate Sith Lord!" William joked, before pointing at the floor with the light saber. Henry looked and just chuckled as he realized what he was talking about: he had stepped off the pillow and was now standing on the ground, in the 'lava'. Henry rolled his eyes and grabbed his pillow, before moving it farther back and stepping onto it.
Then, Henry readied his light saber again. "I failed you Anakin. I've failed you." Henry told him.
William smirked. "How dare you! How dare you fail me on my flying test!" William joked.
Henry just laughed. "You were drunk, Anakin!" Henry joked.
"I should've known the Jedi would want to kill me!" William told him.
Henry lowered his head. "It's 'I should've known the Jedi were plotting to take over'." Henry corrected.
William looked at him with sadistic eyes, but a genuine smile. "I should've known the Jedi were plotting my failure." William joked.
Henry sighed with a slight smile, and went along with it. "Anakin, you doofus! Chancellor Palpatine is evil!" Henry yelled back.
"Yes! That's why I liked him! He was different from the Jedi! The Jedi are even MORE evil than Palpatine!" William yelled back.
"DEAR JESUS, YOU'RE LOST! YOU'VE LOST YOUR SANITY!" Henry shouted back at him.
William slid his body and the pillow, closer to Henry. "This is the end for you, my master." William said in an angered, deep voice.
Henry was taken back slightly. Wow! he's REALLY GOOD at this! "Jokes on you, I'm not afraid of death! Unlike you!" Henry said back to him.
William smirked somewhat...evilly. "Let me bring it to you swiftly then." William told him, before jumping onto the same platform (pillow) as him. William and Henry continued to fight, beginning to feel the bits of sweat dripping down their face. William smiled as he thought of a joke. "Is it getting hot in here? Or is it just me?" William asked.
Michael bursted out laughing at that. Charlie smiled and put her hands on the sides of her face. "NOW KISS!" Charlie joked.
Henry widened his eyes and looked at Charlie. "NO! Oh my god, no!" Henry reacted, taking it seriously. William smirked and gave him little kissy lips just to mess with him. Henry groaned and pushed him. "Do me a favor and drown." Henry ordered.
Then, Henry jumped onto the couch, and looked down at William with an angry face. "It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!" Henry yelled.
William smirked and stared at Henry deviously. "You underestimate my power!" William yelled.
"Don't try it." Henry warned.
"I'm about to end your whole existence!" William declared, jumping towards him.
Henry used his light saber to cut Anakin's limbs off, and looked at him in surprise. William started jokingly shouting words like, "IT HURTS!", "HELP ME!" and "AAAAAAAHH!".
Henry only laughed at his attempts to pretend yell. "How about I destroy your voice next?" Henry joked.
"I'm dyyyying! Heeelp meeee!" William pleaded.
"No! This was your choice!" Henry replied.
"I HATE YOU!" William shouted.
"But...But I loved you!" Henry said, with a fake sad voice put on for laughs.
Suddenly, Elizabeth stood up on the couch. "I WANNA BE THE FIRE!" Elizabeth declared, sprinting up to her father and climbing across the floor.
"Wait, what?" Henry asked, very confused, but also somewhat laughing.
"I wanna be the lava fire burning Anakin!" Elizabeth declared, before climbing up her father's legs.
William started laughng, but quickly drowned out his laughter with his own screams of 'pain and terror'. "I'M BUUURRNING! OBI-WAN! HELP!" William yelled.
"BURN YOU EVIL MAN!" Elizabeth yelled, before wiggling her fingers on his armpits.
"EEEEK!" William squealed, pulling his arms down and flopping to his side. Elizabeth brought her father onto his back, jumped on top of his waist and continued tickling him on his ribs. "NOOOOHOHOHOHOHO! EHEHELIHIHIZABEHEHETH! WHYHYHYHY!" William bursted out.
"I'm burning you! I'm the eeevil fire! RAWR!" Elizabeth joked, lifting her hands to show off her 'claws' before tickling her father on his sides.
"I know! But it dances around like it IS alive! So, I'm dancing my fingers!" Elizabeth explained, moving her hands to his tummy.
"EEEEEHEhehehehehehe! Hahahahahahaha! Ohohohokahahay, ohohohokAHAHAHAy! Yohohohou cahahan stahahap nohohow!" William told her.
"No I can't! I haven't reached your armpits and neck yet!" Elizabeth told him, before shoving her hands into his armpits and wiggling her fingers.
"Let the fire burn the bits of arm you have left! Mwahahahaha!" Elizabeth teased.
Henry was so confused, and a slight bit worried. First of all, Elizabeth wanted to pretend to be the fire that BURNS ANAKIN ALIVE! But on the other hand...Henry began to wonder if that was just an excuse to tickle her father. Henry looked over to Charlie, Chris and Michael, who were also confused, but amused. "Welp...I guess getting burned alive TICKLES now." Henry stated.
Charlie laughed at that, while Chris jumped up and hopped off the couch. "I WANNA BE FIRE TOO!" Chris yelled, running to his father and starting to tickle his belly.
"WAHAHAIT, WHAHAHAHAT?! CHRIHIHIHIS, DOHOHOHOHON'T! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" William laughed, throwing his head back and resting his arm on his forehead as he helplessly laughed hysterically.
Henry just chuckled at the funny scene in front of him, and decided to attempt to act again. "I loved you! You were my brother Anakin!" Henry told him through the scripted dialogue.
"Oh! Well in that case:" Henry declared. Henry walked himself up to William and the kids, and picked up Elizabeth first. "Come here, ya evil thing!" Henry teased, before wiggling his fingers on her stomach.
Elizabeth bursted out laughing and started squirming back and forth almost immediately. "YOHOU'RE TIHICKLIHING MEHEHEHE!" Elizabeth squealed in his grasp.
"You bet I am! Because everyone knows that if fire is going to mess with my best friend, you're going to get tickled!" Henry teased. Charlie giggled at that. "See? Charlie knows what I'm talking about!" Henry said, pausing the tickling to point at his daughter, before tickling Elizabeth again.
"I think you forgot something Dad..." Charlie said, standing right beside her father. "If you're going to mess with fire, you're going to get burned." Charlie told him.
"That's true." Henry said, still tickling Elizabeth.
"Or, tickled in THIS context!" Charlie declared, before drilling her fingers right into his hips. Henry yelped in surprise, and quickly curled in, dropping Elizabeth in the process. Thankfully, Michael was standing right in front of Henry, and was able to grab Elizabeth. With Elizabeth safe in his hands, Michael brought Elizabeth back to their father. Elizabeth resumed to tickling her father, while Michael happily joined in at the feet.
"AAAAAAH! MIHIHIHICHAHAHAHAEL!" William yelled, falling into cackles in a matter of seconds.
Henry was currently being tickled as well, by his only daughter! And surprisingly, Henry was much more ticklish than William which meant Charlie could get him down much quicker. Charlie was currently drilling into his hips, while occasionally bringing her fingers up to his sides. Henry was cackling madly, and was squirming around like his life depended on it. The poor man was WAY too ticklish to handle much more.
Thankfully, Charlie knew his limits, and stopped tickling him to join Michael and the other kids on Uncle William. All 4 of the kids had laid themselves on top of William, like a big puppy pile. Michael and Charlie were tickling his socked feet while laying on his legs, and Chris and Elizabeth were laying on his stomach and not tickling him at all. "Hahahahahaha! Yohohou guhuhuhuys ahahare soho sihihilly." William reacted.
Chris laid his body on the ground beside William, and began using William's stomach as a pillow. Meanwhile, Elizabeth had gotten off of William and was pulling Henry over, so he could lay down beside William. "Elizabeth, you don't have to push me! Just show me where to-...Oh, okay." Henry said, before laying down beside William.
"Hihihihi...Wehelcome to chahahaohos..." William said to his friend.
"I'm glad I was invited!" Henry replied.
Soon, the kids started doggy piling on both men. They were all laying in a mass of generations on the floor, finally getting some much needed rest. The kids were cuddling their parent and uncle while they laid around. William and Henry were more than happy for the break, and so was Michael. But Charlie, Elizabeth and Chris couldn't sit around for very long, before getting bored and wanting to play again. So, William, Henry and Michael happily laid around on the floor, while Charlie looked after the 2 kids herself for a bit. Charlie knew that the fathers were somewhat unequipped energy-wise for looking after them, and Charlie was. So, she let them attempt to rest while she played hide and seek with the kids.
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