#sk fic
tyrannysaurusfloof · 1 year
Sandcastle Kingdoms - Vampire Stobotnik - Chapter 1
We're back baby - introducing the start of the final installment of Vampire!Robotnik
----------- Read on AO3 Here -----------
Summary: After their separation at the hands of Sonic the Hedgehog, Agent Stone and Doctor Robotnik need to find a way back together. With the kingdom they had built together crumbling despite their desperate attempts, can they find happiness again, against all odds?
Tags: Agent Stone is Called Aban, Alternative Universe - Vampires, Vampire Robotnik, Chapter One Tags, Amnesia, Illness, Mushroom Planet
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preblematic · 1 year
Important Announcement Re: Desperate Lovers
Okay, there's no easy way to say this, I'm not planning to post a new DL fic this year. This is NOT me discontinuing the series. I would like to be able to participate in Kinktober in the MIW fandom this year, and I also want to make sure I have the time that I need to make the next installment of DL up to the quality that I expect from this series. I need you to understand that Healed at the Horror Show was a wip for four years because it was so important to me and the series as a whole is so important to me. I don't want to force a new update if it's not actually what I want to be posting.
That being said, I do plan to continue the series. I have so many ideas for it that I haven't even decided which one I want to write next (part of the problem, let me know if you guys want me to post the options as a poll.) I don't want to make any promises that I can't keep, so I'm just going to say that I do plan to update it in 2024.
Thank you all for the overwhelming support I've received for this series!
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 months
“So—I’m guessing Moon also has a feature like that?” you go ahead and ask as Sun’s fit eventually fades. He straightens like a plank.
“Oh! Ah—”
“And don’t tell me to go ask him myself.”
He slowly clams up, quickly averting his gaze like he’d been caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. A few nervous giggles escape him and a hand reaches to rub the brick supporting the back of his head. “Phooey, you’ve caught me..."
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monzamash · 1 year
tears and scraped knees — daniel ricciardo
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fatherhood is about learning the art of letting go. dad!daniel ricciardo x you | 2k warnings – cute shit, mentions of injuries and swearing. masterlist
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She was the light of his life the moment she entered it, screaming the house down and crying her lungs out. Pure love personified. She was the apple of his eye, the most precious gift he had ever been given and simultaneously the reason for the grey hair speckling his dark curls; the ones identical to hers. Like him, she was a firecracker, the joker, and the life of the party everywhere she went; smile bright, eyes warm. A rich chestnut brown, flecked with yellow, charming and stunning just like his.
To Daniel, she was your little twin. Your beauty was reflected in her in different ways – in her long locks and dark sense of humour, her tenacity and moral compass. She was strong like you, stoic in her beliefs and confident in her skin.
Smart, magnetic, a bit book-ish like you.
Sporty, energetic and kind like him.
Looking at your daughter was a daily reminder that he was half him and half you – a beautiful symbol of your love, your miracle.
“How ya doin’ back there kiddo?”
“Fine,” She mumbled under her breath, eyes focused on the perfect distraction from the morning ahead – her phone. 
You and Daniel shared a knowing glance; traffic building at the lights as you waited for the signal. There was no doubt in your mind that your daughter was saving herself from a stirring speech by bottling up her feelings. Her father was basically a glorified inspirational speaker in his retirement and she had been on the receiving end of too many over the years – each one cheesier than the last, she would confess to you whenever he was out of ear shot.
“Does Dad realise that I’m not one of his rookie drivers? Like, I know what I need to do to win.”
Strong in her convictions, just like him. A carbon copy.
“Remember to keep your elbows out today, especially around that Maddy girl. I know her dad and I reckon she’s dirty like him so watch her at the sta – ouch.”
Your fingernails digging into his forearm cut off Daniel’s spiel, his eyebrows furrowed and silently asking, ‘what the fuck was that for’.
“Just have fun out there, sweetheart,” You interrupted, saving your daughter from her father’s pep-talk, “Keep your elbows tucked in, shoulders with the part like you were taught.”
Daniel sighed and turned his attention back to the busy streets of Fremantle, weaving his way through the traffic like he was back in Monaco, living out the glory days. He was the first to admit that he was living vicariously through her and passionate about what the world had in store for his not-so-little girl. He saw so much of himself in her now, sixteen and on the cusp of what could be.
But you saw things differently to him. Her path wasn’t paved so clearly in your eyes and you made sure that she remained open to whatever life had to bring. She had it all in front of her; possibilities endless with opportunity and success but that didn’t have to be racing. Your dreams for her weren’t as rigid as Daniel’s; his plan to move the family back to the UK had been vetoed by you when your daughter came to you in tears, begging to stay in school and graduate with her friends.
“But babe, those friends don’t last. It’s all just in the moment when this could be her chance at getting her foot in the door,” He argued until he was red in the face.
“Says the guy who just had Blake and his wife around last week for dinner? Come on, Dan – it’s only a year away.”
“Realistically we should’ve moved when she showed an interest in bikes…” He grumbled, frustration simmering behind his closed eyes.
“What? When she was four? Baby, she’s only sixteen but still, she has her dreams set on riding and when the time is right, we will do everything we can to help her make that a reality…”
Your voice was soft; calming as you rounded the dining table and nestled into the open arms of your husband, “Just let her take the lead.”
Daniel dropped his head onto the top of yours and sighed, “You’re right.”
“I almost always am.”
That wasn’t the last conversation you and your husband had about Joey’s future, her grandfather and namesake chiming in with what he thought was the best thing for her budding career. She was the pride and joy of the whole family; everyone saw her talent from a young age but that kind of pressure had to be managed and that had become your life’s work. Her youth had been so hyper focussed on honing her craft that sometimes you felt like she had lost her childhood to the trials and tribulations of racing.
So you put your foot down where you could; namely saving your daughter from having to sit through another car ride hearing all about her dad’s accomplishments and mistakes – hoping she would learn from him but you both knew better than that. She was so young and so ready to make her own mistakes to learn from, like it should be.
She was stronger than both you ever were – a perfect amalgamation of your love.
One of hardest part about race day for Daniel was taking a step back. Of course everyone knew who Joey’s dad was and of course she copped shit for it. Your dad’s a flog and the only reason you’re here is because of him, had been a couple of the unsavoury post-race reports your daughter eventually confessed to you – teary eyed while she begged for you not to tell Daniel but you did because if anyone knew the power of harnessing negative energy, it was your husband.
But the hardest part of all for Daniel was controlling his emotions. He had Italian blood coursing through his veins after all, passionate and fiercely protective of both his girls. Once Joey came along, you knew the papa bear within that had been lying dormant would arise and alas, you were right. All of those crazy nights in bars all around the world, fighting off sleazy men had prepared him to be a girl-dad.
That side to him was glorious to you, endlessly sexy and usually rendered you useless when he decided to bust out the dad moves but to his teenage daughter, he was a total embarrassment.
“Racing under number 33 is Joey James Ricciardo.”
“Give ‘em hell, JJ!”
Daniel’s loud woo echoed through the small crowd, heads turning in your direction including your daughters and you could sense her scowl under the helmet – mortified.
“Daniel,” You scolded, smacking your husband gently, “She’ll kill us both.”
“I know I know,” He grimaced, “Fuck, I’m sorry – I can’t help it... That’s our baby girl out there.”
The image of your daughter, barely two years old, always flashed in your memory when he said things like that. It reminded you of the weeks spent teaching her how to walk. She was so small but so tenacious and you could see that same proud glimmer in Daniel’s eyes now as he did watching her take her first steps. It was mixed with the same wash of fear he had when he let go of her bike seat down that old gravelled road for the first time, praying to god she didn’t hurt herself and end up with tears and scraped knees.
And sure, that happened. Many Band-Aids and tubes of antiseptic were applied to her bloodied elbows and knees but she was a kid after all, feeling every bump in the road until she found her strengths and soared above the rest. She was as quick as a whip and even faster on track – destined to be her own hero but always inspired by her first.
“I’m gonna be sick,” Daniel mumbled as the two of you waited for the race to begin, his foot tapping on the dead grass and nails already chewed down to the skin.
His white cap was still pulled down, disguised as a promise to his daughter who wanted him to just blend in. Wishful thinking. But there was a time that she didn’t want him to come to her meets, insisting that her life would be so much easier if her dad wasn’t ‘the Daniel Ricciardo’ but you couldn’t buckle on that one.
“Your dad is a strong man but that would kill him, J.”
“But he yells out and brags to all the parents about me and the other kids bully me for it… He doesn’t understand how hard it is being a Ricciardo.”
“Hey,” Daniel’s soft voice startled you both, heads flying towards your daughter’s bedroom door, “If that’s what you want, honey I can stay home.”
She sighed heavily and clutched the lilac pillow on her lap, “I want you there, Dad but people are so mean to me and I just want to be normal for once.”
The mattress dipped as Daniel sat down beside you and reached out for his daughters hands, “You can be anyone you want to be, darlin’ – just say the word and we’ll make it happen. We can be normal… or try to be normal.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at your husband and give him a teasing nudge, “Try being the operative word.”
Daniel smiled and shrugged, “I’ll even wear a disguise. How about that?”
And here you were, hidden behind a couple of gum trees watching your daughter flying through the air and making her fathers hair greyer with every passing second. She was a force to be reckoned with and karmic retribution for all the years you spent white knuckling in garages across the globe.
“Now you know how I felt back when you were racing. Karma is a bitch, my love.”
“Maybe encouraging her to do this was a bad idea after all…” Daniel groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose with his shaky fingers as you slid an arm around his waist and pulled him close.
“This is sleepover camp all over again. You have to learn how to somehow let her go and spread her wings. That’s all she ever says to me, you know? I wanna be like dad – not afraid, free.”
“I didn’t even realise she felt like that…”
You softly smiled at your husband and pressed a soft kiss to his stubbled cheek, “Don’t tell her I told you.”
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my hope for this little story is to build a cute world around it. i have a really nice outline for another part of this story so let me know if that's something you would like. and thank you to @vetteltea for her supportive nudge to post this x
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the-writing-mobster · 19 days
| TMDG Meme | Charans craziness at it again Poor Papyrus caught in the middle | 💙 🔪 💔 |
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goteique · 11 days
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+cw. — fem!reader, biker au, biker!gaku, biker!nagumo, uzuki, akira, kashimo are mentioned, background uzurion & taroaoi; no fluff or smut so idk what to mention except, heavy pining, tension, first meet, and flirting. Will there be more? Lets see? 
+wc. —1.2k 
+syn.— oya? A new face in town? A new trophy to win? Perhaps. . .
+notes. — thought too much about biker!gaku while listening to Tough by l d ray and now i’m here.| redirect to blog navigation.
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Gaku always ties his ace hand bandages on both hands all by himself while the spectators watch him do it, slowly surrounding him like a bevy of stars, boys and girls alike thinking what if he needs help, what if he picks one of them but he never picks someone from the crowd to do it. It is a holy ritual for him, a gesture of good luck before he secures a win against the rival gang but tonight as he spots a new face among the crowd and that too in the rival gang he can not help but wonder who might you be! 
He sees you hiding behind one of the top bikers in the rival gang, Rion Akao clutching onto her arms like it is a last stick in the sea to survive, eyes lingering all over the place with a downpour of worry and fear. Why did Akao-san bring you here? Or were you that curious that she could not dismiss your demand? Did you throw a tantrum? Oh my my! Are you the tantrum-thrower type? Kei who is standing by his side notices how Gaku’s hand movements have ceased while doing his silly habit for what he calls “a holy ritual.” 
He nudges Gaku’s elbow saying, “Oye focus.”
“Huh?” was all Gaku yielded from his chest looking at Kei and then looking at you asking, “Who’s that? Never seen her before.”
“That’s Rion. You truly need those eyes to get checked.” While Geku’s eyes still watch you from the gaps of the crowd, his eyebrows pinch at first; then he turns his head towards Uzuki exclaiming with a tone of taunt laced underneath, “Really now! You have eyes only for Rion-san but no one else, huh?” as he leans over the engine of his bike and everyone in the crowd vocally swoons in unison at his stance which certainly makes you notice that particular crowd surrounding a biker on the opposite side of the road.
Uzuki’s eyes go flat like a heart monitor of a dying patient. He can’t put up with this now! Literally can’t.Not again. The visible annoyance on his face does not go unnoticed by Gaku and hence, he decides to salt and pepper it as the announcement starts to blare, “Everyone! clear the path. The race is going to start soon. Everyone! clear the path The race. . .”
Today’s crowd is not that rowdy so Kashimo does not have to hurt his throat and lungs much. Sometimes he has to take medicine but that happens on special days, like when there is a race match between Taro and Uzuki. 
As the crowd disperses, Nagumo gets ready for his race against Gaku. The former holds his helmet in his hands as Rion whispers in his ears. Nagumo laughs as Rion steps away with a serious expression while he laughs before stating,” Sure. Sure. I will take her on a ride for sure,” looking at you. 
“I will not wear a helmet though.” You demand. One of Nagumo’s eyebrows jumps; not that Nagumo is reluctant to your choice yet feels the urge to look at Rion. Her expression does not help him much. 
“No. can’t do. Safety first lady.”  Nagumo chimes.
Now the road is occupied by the two bikers who are about to race against each other. Most of the crowd had stepped back to the pavement alongside the road. Gaku still has not completed his ace bandage, which is spotted from where Kashimo is announcing. He was just about to ping Uzuki about it but things take an unexpected turn.
Standing among the crowd, you laugh at Nagumo’s silly antics while Rion scolds him. Gaku glances at Kei before he extends his arm towards the other side of the road. The unified commotion of the crowd dissipates gradually as you finally lay eyes on him. You see the guy opposite Nagumo swallowing, the movement of his Adam’s apple is painfully visible. It takes a while for everyone to understand who is he pointing at.
Rion and Kei exchange looks. While Kei lets his fingers skim through his hair in disbelief a smile tugs up along Rion’s lips. “Go on. He is harmless,” says she swatting her hand making your lithe grip let loose. You look at Aoi who is standing beside Taro holding his hand because Rion saying ‘harmless’ is not the kind of gauging you can easily rely on. Aoi smiles at you while Taro just nods. Now, what’s that supposed to mean? You look at the biker on the opposite side of the road who is still waiting, extending his hand out towards you. 
You sigh, just once but with the silence that got clustered in this place within a few minutes your sigh sure sounds heavy. You cross the road, stand in front of Gaku, and grace him with a two-second eye contact before holding those dangling bandages. You tilt your head and inspect. There is not much to be done, except wrapping the tape around his fingers and the thumb part has already been done. It is a good thing that you knew otherwise it would be so embarrassing. Maybe he would instruct you or show you how to do it on one of his hands so that you could do the other. You secure the wrapping with the velcro ends it had. Your ears pick up a question, “Are you new around here?”
Gaku gives you his other hand with a tape coming out of his pocket. You look at him with a surprise washing over your face, lips visibly apart as your eyebrows pinch. Is this guy for real? “No. Not really,” you say inserting the loop over his thumb. You need a sort of support to achieve the tight binding it demands. A part of you wants to avoid any sort of skin contact not because he is a stranger or an acquaintance of an acquaintance but because you would like your boundaries to be protected. So, you scoot forward a little letting his fingertips rest on the leather jacket yours,  the left side where your heart resides, while holding his wrist that has already been wrapped. You start to wrap the tape around his wrist then diagonally when Gaku notices how even your heart beats. It makes him nervous. 
“What will you be doing after this race?” Your movement pauses for like two seconds and then you continue. “Are you free?” Gaku can feel your heart rate. It is not calm anymore. You tie around his knuckles, then move to wrap in between his fingers one by one taking your time while the grip on his wrist grows firm. You can feel his pulse too. It is throbbing like an old light in the attic.
“Am not,” you utter, sticking the two ends of velcro one over the other. Glancing at him once you get back to the other side of the road getting behind Rion like you did before but this time not holding her hand or Akiras who is smiling and giving you looks. 
“That was an odd display of . . . affection?” The mike is alive again. Gaku looks like he just has his pants. 
“You really need to teach him some manners Kei.”  Gaku voiced. 
Uzuki lets out a chuckle offering the most humble response, “Now why would I do that?”
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seospicybin · 9 months
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Hyunjin x reader x Seungmin. (s,a)
Chapters: Part II
Synopsis: As a part of a research team that works on a memory-erasing machine, you work alongside the professor whom you greatly admire and a computer geek who relentlessly flirts with you. But the one that you want is the one that you can't have. (12,6k words)
Author's note: Sorry for the delay. Enjoy this one!
Memories are recordings of our past experiences and experiences can be good and bad, some are in between. There are also ones that we wish we had never experienced in the first place and whether we like it or not, they stay with us. We can only try to endure them in the hope that time will lessen the pain that memory carries.
The thing is remembering is easy. It's forgetting that's hard.
Here at KS Research Facility, forgetting is as easy as pressing the delete button. The research team has successfully built software called Memory Neurons Erasing Machine, in short, MNE-Machine.
With the existence of this machine, now anyone can erase a certain memory from their brain and live as if that memory never existed at all.
The one to thank for this technology is Professor Kim Seungmin, the youngest yet the brightest scientist of the past decade. He is the one who came up with the idea, spent two years developing that idea, initiated the project, and ultimately, led the team building the machine from scratch.
There's only one MNE-Machine in the world for now and once it has successfully passed five human tests, the board will authorize the production of this machine so eventually, anyone can easily undergo the memory erasing procedure which means there’ll be more people to help.
And what is your part in this? You're an assistant to Seungmin, you directly work with the man who invented it and help him achieve his goal. Despite your minor role, you're proud to be a part of it. Despite restocking the coffee pods in his office is one of your job desks, well… yeah, you're still proud of it.
"How much time do I have before the meeting?"
You scramble when you see Professor Seungmin come into the office. You hurriedly finish restocking the coffee pods into the drawer and crumple the empty box behind your back. You glance at your wristwatch and check the time.
"You have approximately 30 minutes," you answer with a smile.
It's not like he'll your smile, Seungmin barely speaks a full sentence to you so there's no reason he looks at you in the eyes as he speaks. He goes to his drawer, scanning through the files with his fingers flipping one file over another to finally find the one he's looking for. He takes it with him as he sits on his desk, flipping the file open and starts reading.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Professor?" You ask because despite it being your job to assist him, he rarely asks for your help unless it's urgent.
He stays quiet until he flips to another page of his file, "Get me the subject's latest psych eval!"
"Right away, Professor!" You reply, picking up the empty box and carrying it with you out of the office.
Considering that there's not much time left until the meeting, you need to get it fast for Seungmin. But you know when you're in a hurry, there's always something that slows you down in the process. Well, in your case, it's a man who dresses like he's in a rock band in his ripped jeans and oversized t-shirts, his dark hair that he keeps long is usually tied in a low, messy ponytail.
At one point, everyone just kind of gave up telling him to put his lab coat on. As long as he does his job well as a tech scientist, everyone just let him be.
However, Hwang Hyunjin can't let you be, he flirts and teases, even seduces you at any chance possible.
"Can you get off my chair?" You ask, then let out a low sigh.
He swivels the chair to face you and grins, making his eyes forming two crescent moons, "I'm making your chair much more comfortable," he simply says while patting his lap, telling you to sit on it instead.
It's only going to be a waste of time trying to tell him off so you relent, sitting on his lap and when he's about to put his arms around you, you glare at him.
Hyunjin immediately put his hands up in defeat, "Want to grab drinks after work?"
He asked you the same question every other day for a few months now and your answer remains the same.
"No," you answer without a beat, getting on your computer to search for the file Seungmin asked.
"How about dinner?" Hyunjin shoves his hand into the pocket of your lab coat, knowing you like to keep sweets in there.
"My treat," he adds while checking the other pocket.
You're clicking open a few folders as you answer, "No."
Hyunjin excitedly gasps as he pulls out something out of your pocket, a caramel. He wastes no time to unwrap it then pops the cube-shaped caramel into his mouth.
"You know you can't keep saying no to me," he says, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"No," you shortly respond.
He hisses at the way you keep rejecting him, "There'll be a day where you say yes," he confidently says.
You look away from the computer screen to look at him and say, "No."
He softly sighs then rests his chin on your other shoulder, "Let's say you already done your part playing hard to get and get to the first base already," he shamelessly says.
Hyunjin is so bold and confident, you can't deny that he's beautiful, he probably never had any problems getting any girls he wanted. Maybe that’s why he won't stop asking you out, he feels challenged to win you over too. As if you would let him have the satisfaction.
Shaking your head, you pretend that you didn't hear him say that. You click print on the file and get up from his lap, walking to the printer to wait for it to finish printing yet Hyunjin follows you there, leaning against the printer machine with his arms crossed in front of you
"The more you reject me, the more motivated I am," he says with a lopsided grin on his face.
"You sound like a serial killer," you tell him.
He bends down to get the printed file for you and hands it to you with both hands, "I'm just saying."
Without looking, you know Hyunjin is trailing behind you like a puppy with his tail wagging behind him. He then sits on the edge of your desk, grabbing the stapler for you to use.
"Go, do your job or something!" You try to send him off even though you know it's going to be a useless effort.
"I am doing my job by helping you do your job," he says with a half-smirk.
See? It's only going to waste your time trying to tell him off, it's easier to ignore him. You hurriedly tidy the files and bring them to Seungmin's office. You place three gentle knocks on the door before letting yourself in.
"Professor, I have the files you need— Ouch!" You bump into someone and you glance up to see that it's Seungmin.
His office is big, in fact, too big for someone who likes to spend most of his time in the lab yet you feel like there's no space left where you can escape his intense stare.
"Oh, God! I am so sorry," you apologize in sheer panic and quickly take off the hands unknowingly resting against his chest.
You expect him to, you know, dust himself off since your hands were touching him but instead of that, he looks at you and not just look at your face but right into your eyes for the first time in a long time. The eye contact only lasts a second until Seungmin takes the files from you.
"I'll read it on the way to the meeting room," he says.
Having no time, you hurriedly grab your things from your desk, clutching them close to your chest as you follow him from behind.
On the way to the meeting room, Seungmin spotted Hyunjin having a donut in the pantry. He stops on his track to say, "Aren't you coming?"
Hyunjin knows well enough that when Seungmin tells him to go, then he should go. In fact, Seungmin is the only one who can control Hyunjin. A part of the reason is because Seungmin personally hired him and has been taking him under his wing, you can say Hyunjin is his protégé.
He puts the half-eaten donut down and happily joins the two of you as you let him link his arm with you, walking together to the meeting room.
There are three main buildings in the KS Research Facility.
 A building is the main office and a health facility, B building is the biggest and also a research facility, there are several science projects on the works in there but it's mainly focused on Biochemical, led by Professor Hale and C building is where you work along with the team that works with MNE-Machine, it's the smallest building so the team get to have the building for themselves.
But as a smaller community, you have to go to the B building for meetings and such because most of the board members are there. You have to walk from and through the greenhouse, seeing all the rare plants the scientists are collecting in there on the way to get to the B building.
Today's meeting is to seek approval from the members of the board on the test subject Seungmin has carefully selected from a group of volunteers and once it's approved he can proceed with the procedure.
While the important people are busy talking about important stuff, you and Hyunjin are secretly playing tic-tac-toe in your notebook. He's twirling his pen between his fingers when you subtly nudge his elbow, signaling that it's his turn to place his O.
As Hyunjin observes the game with his tongue slightly sticking out the corner of his mouth, you notice that Professor Hale's assistant, Rina, is staring at Hyunjin.
"Your turn," he whispers at you.
You look down at your notebook and lowly mutter through your gritted teeth, "One o'clock."
It takes him a moment to get what you're saying, and then Hyunjin looks in the direction you hinted. You watch them exchange a look before Hyunjin turns his head back at you, looking unbothered. He clicks his pen to place an O and scratches down the line.
"I won," he whispers with his warm breath tickling your ear.
Noticing that the meeting has come to a final decision, you stop talking and fix your sitting position. You watch as the board members take votes on whether Seungmin can continue with the test or not and all hands are raised in favor of Seungmin.
"With all members approving the selected test subject, Professor Seungmin is allowed to continue with the procedure that will be held on the agreed upon time and place," the board leader announces.
Even in his triumphant moment, Seungmin remains calm and still, you can't remember the last time he smiled, even out of courtesy. Ha he always been like this? Honestly, you can’t remember.
"The board members will watch closely the process, before and after the test. We also demand follow-ups and thorough datas on every detail of the test," they warn once again even though it's not the first time Seungmin has run the test.
Everyone scatters around once the meeting has finished, you wait outside of the meeting room knowing that Seungmin will likely stay to chat with the other professors. Rina is still here as well, holding her tablet close to her chest and not-so-subtly staring at Hyunjin
"You should ask her out," you mutter at Hyunjin, subtly hinting the subject of the talk with your eyes.
Hyunjin doesn't even look up from his phone when he flat-out rejects the idea, "No, thank you."
"Why not? She's pretty and she's your age," you point out all of the obvious facts why he should be seducing her, not you who's a couple of years older than him and not having a shiny, healthy hair.
Hyunjin lets out a scoff, then shoves his phone into the pocket of his hoodie, "You're prettier and older," he says with a sly smile plastered on his face.
Whether he tries to compliment you or try to offend you, you feel like you need to check if there's something wrong with him. You poke his side with your pen and he yelps in pain.
"What's wrong with you?" He sharply gasps.
"You are what's wrong," you answer, poking him on the other side this time.
He laughs and leans against the wall facing you, slightly slouching so he can be on the same eye level with you. "Dating older women is hot, you know," he coyly remarks.
You give him a repulsed glare at his words, shaking your head as you look away from him.
"And you're hot so dating you would be ticking two boxes at once," he adds with his sly smile growing wider on his angular face.
Besides your actual job, you have to deal with this 5'10" man bursting with youthful charm and testosterone, you wouldn't complain if you get double paychecks for it. You aim his stomach next and poke him with your pen again, hoping a little violence would put some sense into his small head.
"One more test, huh?" Professor Hale says, patting Seungmin's shoulder as they walk out of the meeting room.
It feels like your body is accustomed to getting on your perfect posture whenever Seungmin walks into your radar, you stop moving altogether and stand up straighter.
"I'll see everyone on Friday!" Professor Hale says one last time, he also smiles at you and Hyunjin before turning to leave.
Now that the team has earned the green light, everyone is going to get busier to prepare everything. Seungmin lists the things he wants you to do as he walks back to C building and you jot down everything on your notebook. He stops by the main lab and gets Hyunjin on the job, ordering him to run a diagnostic test on the MNE-Machine, checking for any issues.
It's one of those times when you can see how passionate Seungmin is about his work.
He's the reason why you applied for the job, not only because you can work directly with him but also because you admire him, his brilliance, his work ethic, and most of all, him as a person.
There are so many things you learned from working for him for the last three years and your admiration toward him only grows bigger with time. And out of that admiration, something else grows, something that makes you excited to go to work, makes you happy at the sight of him and wanting to always be close to him.
Sensing that someone is watching him, Seungmin turns around to find you still standing there, "Don't you have things to do?"
You gulp air before asking, "Uhm.. Professor?"
He starts walking with his hands shoved inside his lab coat pockets, "Yes?"
You half jog to keep up with his wide strides, "Professor Hale said one more test and I thought we're only on our fourth test?"
You wait for his answer while quietly admiring his wide shoulders from the back while struggling to keep up with his fast walks.
All of a sudden, he turns on his feet and then he looks at you, the eye contact doesn't last longer than a second until he looks away, "Notify the test subject first and make sure they make the time for the interview tomorrow!" He orders instead of answering your question.
"Will do, Professor," you respond.
You manage to finish a few things before it's time to go home, the rest on the to-do list are meant to be done tomorrow though. As you're about to get your coat, Seungmin walks out of his office and swings his briefcase on his side.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he says without looking at you.
"Have a great—" You don't even get to finish your sentence as he disappears into the elevator.
Only a dozen people are working in the C building and there are only five people working directly with Seungmin. Professor Lee who worked together on MNE-Machine with Seungmin is being called to give lectures out of the country and taking his assistant with him, so that leaves you and Hyunjin. The rest of the employees are working maintenance on the lower level of the building, you only meet them when you either enter or leave the building.
"Are you sure you don't want to grab drinks with me?" Hyunjin asks, unlocking his car but not getting in yet.
You toss your bag onto the passenger's seat before getting inside your car. It's actually tempting to say yes, you could use it to blow some steam off to prepare you for the busy days ahead.
But you don't want to give Hyunjin the satisfaction. No, not yet.
"No," you answer with a playful smile.
Hyunjin tosses his backpack inside and comes up to your car, he bends down to look at you through your rolled-down window.
"Come on. It'll be fun," he persuades with a smile that is mischievous and seductive at once. You bet this is how he puts anyone under his spell.
You turn your head at him and smile, "You know what would be fun?"
He tips his head to the side and asks, "What?"
"Me running you over with my car," you jokingly say as you turn on the car engine.
“Ooo… feisty,” Hyunjin hisses then slowly, he steps away from your car.
That's how most of your days usually went, dealing with two men who are the opposite of each other. One gives you not enough attention and the other gives you way too much. One is cold and nonchalant, the other one is warm and attentive.
Sadly, the one that you want is the one that you can't have.
What is it that he likes about you? Hyunjin can quite put his finger on it.
Something about you though draws him to you, it's almost magnetic and he happens to like the push and pull of it. However, he liked you even before this dynamic formed between the two of you.
He likes that you're unlike the other girls he had met and known, you have a way of carrying yourself, you're outspoken and bold, and he can see how smart you are from the way you act, the way you talk, and even the way you think.
Under that layer of fine qualities though, you're a simple girl, gentle and a bit silly and Hyunjin likes to play with that latter part of you because he knows that even though you act like you don't like being around him, he knows that it’s actually the opposite.
One thing that Hyunjin likes the most is when you're deeply focusing on something. You look so beautiful yet so unaware of it.
"Why are you working so hard? You only get one paycheck," he whispers from behind you as you observe the interview occurring in the next room.
"Thank you for gracing us with your presence,” You sneer at him.
Hyunjin stands right behind you, his hand is rummaging inside your lab coat pocket to find something sweet in there. He finds your scrunchie instead and he uses it to tie his hair into a messy bun.
"So, what memories are we going to erase?" Hyunjin asks while rummaging through your other lab pocket. He gasps in excitement when he finds a lollipop.
"A bombing incident, he was trapped under the rubble for ten hours in complete darkness and has been dealing with severe PTSD and claustrophobia ever since," you eloquently explain, jotting down a few things in your notebook as you speak.
"That's tragic," Hyunjin comments while struggling to unwrap the lollipop.
Hyunjin takes a moment to look at the interview taking place in the next room conducted by Seungmin himself. He's asking the test subject about his worst memories and as the test subject talks about them, he triggers the brain to show where these memories are located. It's important to have a map of these memories to prevent the MNE-Machine from messing with the other memories.
"Are you ready to spend another night together?" He asks, finally succeeding in unwrapping the lollipop.
"I can tell you're into threesomes," you joke in a plain tone.
It seems like Seungmin hasn't told you about the personal matter he has to attend on Friday night and as his assistant, you’re supposed to know these kind of things before him. Hyunjin crosses his arms in front of him and tries to make what of it.
"He didn't tell you?"
You stop noting down bits from the interview, "What?"
"Professor Seungmin will be having his wedding anniversary dinner on Friday night and obviously, he can't miss it," he tells you.
From the way your eyes waver and widen, you indeed have no idea about it. You look back at your notebook but stop writing.
He leans in and mutters, "We'd likely spend the night just the two of us, isn't that exciting?"
You put your pen into your pocket and flip shut your notebook, then you get up from your chair. You turn to look at him and pull the lollipop he stole out of his mouth.
"Stop stealing my sweet!" You tell him, shoving the lollipop into your mouth next.
You leave the room looking slightly upset about something but he's sure it's not about the lollipop. However, Hyunjin is mostly focused on how you didn't hesitate to take the lollipop.
"Kinky? Checked," he mutters to himself.
There's nothing wrong with the MNE-Machine and Hyunjin understands that Seungmin wants everything to be perfect until the day of the test, but he worries too much. The MNE-Machine can only get activated by his access key so he goes to his office, knocking on his door before popping his head between the doors.
"Professor, I need the access key to uh..." he awkwardly says because it feels like he's asking his dad if he can borrow his car.
"I'll be right there," Seungmin shortly answers.
Now that he only needs to wait for Seungmin, he has time to tease you. He leans on your desk, watching your nimble fingers busy typing something on your computer with your hair draping around your face.
"Hi, the most beautiful and hardworking girl," he sweetly greets you with a bright smile on his face.
"That's half true," you say without taking your eyes away from the computer screen.
"You know I'm always telling the truth," he says once again, feeling tempted to tuck your hair so he can see your face.
"I am the only girl in the building," you point out with a raised eyebrow.
Hyunjin can't help himself anymore, he reaches for your hair, wanting to brush it to the side when Seungmin gets out of his office.
"Let's go," he says to Hyunjin while fixing his lab coat.
Hyunjin reluctantly drops his hand and offers it to you, "Come with me, dear princess?"
You chuckle at him and take his hand, letting him put your hand around his as you both walk to the main lab.
MNE-Machine resembles one big X-ray machine but the technology behind it is way more intricate than that and Hyunjin's job is to operate it. He's sitting behind the large desk with a dozen computer screens showing a lot of things all at once.
It's a quick check-up for tomorrow's test, Hyunjin gets the machine ready and swivels his chair back to let Seungmin insert his access key to run the program. Hyunjin's long fingers are dancing on the keyboard, checking everything and making sure everything is fine.
"I don't see any issues here, working just fine, Professor," Hyunjin informs, showing him the performance log on one of the computer screens.
Seungmin observes it for a while, checking things himself and Hyunjin is already used to his mistrust. After all, Seungmin is a scientist,  he only believes something when it's written in data, not someone's words.
"Everything is great," he mutters, still checking everything.
"Just like I said..." Hyunjin lowly mutters through his teeth while swiveling his chair to see you, flashing a smile at you when you're clearly not looking at him.
Seungmin then turns around to face everyone but only looks at Hyunjin as he speaks.
"The two of you can come late tomorrow but make sure to be here by four. The test will commence at 5," Seungmin says even though everyone is well aware of it because it's the only thing they've been working on for these past few days.
"And we'll take care of the rest," Hyunjin continues his words while swiveling his chair back to face the computer,
Seungmin briefly glances at Hyunjin then takes a pen out of his lab coat, "I'll stay to supervise," he says.
"Then how about your dinner, Professor?" Hyunjin asks.
"I'll take care of my personal matter myself," Seungmin coldly answers.
Those words are enough to put Hyunjin back in his place, he retreats right away and closes his mouth. His intention is not to meddle in his business but it's a wedding anniversary, it only happens once in a year and he has to wait for another year to celebrate. Maybe Seungmin can celebrate it another time but Hyunjin wouldn't be so sure the missus would be pleased to hear her husband rather stay the night up working in the lab.
And also because—
"I think you should go, Professor," you say.
The heads are turned in your direction, and you're fidgeting with the hem of your lab coat as you speak, "I mean, once you authorized the procedure... Hyunjin and I, the two of us can supervise it..." your voice gets smaller the more you talk.
It seems like a good time for Hyunjin to add his say too, he gets up from his chair to make it a formal appeal.
"We just need to wait until the machine finishes the procedure. We surely can do that for you," Hyunjin assures.
It's going to be a hard case to convince him since Seungmin has trust issues, especially with Hyunjin. Again, it's the scientist in him.
"I don't feel good leaving such great responsibility on the two of you," He says without looking at either you or him.
"There's nothing to worry about, Professor. The machine works fine and if anything happens— which I'm sure nothing is going to happen, Professor Hale is a building away and... so are the other dozen of Professors..." Hyunjin failed not to fumble on his words, he was rambling the whole time.
"What Hyunjin is trying to say is we're trained to do this and if you're worried, we'll keep you notified every hour on the progress of the procedure," you immediately add.
Hyunjin secretly gives you a thumbs-up from behind his back, thanking you for backing him up.
Seungmin looks at him, then at you, probably considering whether to finally trust his employees or not. Whatever his decision is, Hyunjin is ready to be disappointed. After a moment, Seungmin clicks his pen and puts it back into his pocket.
"I'll think about it," he concludes, leaving the main lab with the hem of his lab coat flying behind him.
Hyunjin kicks the floor to gain momentum so the chair rolls across the room and hits the other end of the table, stopping not far from you.
"I know you want to spend the night together with me," he teases you.
You scoff and look at him, "Mmh. Yeah, sure."
He takes both of your hands and holds them, "What do you want to do tomorrow night, mmh?"
Your shoulders slump as you sigh, "Should I change my mind about this?"
Hyunjin puts his hands on your shoulders and keeps your gaze on him, "How about this? Tomorrow, you come dressed nicely for me and I'll take care of the essentials," he says, slowly blinking his eyes hoping they're enough to soften you.
The stillness on your face shatters as you break into a smile, "Okay," you reply with a nod.
Hyunjin leans down to kiss your hands but you retrieve them before he can place a kiss, "Don't get too excited!"
This proves that you actually like having him around. You could have drawn boundaries and he would have respected it, but instead of that, you keep letting him in.
And Hyunjin hopes you keep on letting him in until the day you finally say yes to him.
With Seungmin sending you to pick up his suits at the tailor means that he has decided to go to the wedding anniversary dinner tonight.
The drive from the nearest town to the facility takes half an hour and on the way back to your car, you see a flower shop and think of getting a bouquet as a gift. You pick the nicest one knowing that Seungmin married a woman who comes from a wealthy family and their wealth funded Seungmin's project. In fact, the facility is owned by Seungmin's parents in-laws.
What do you have against all that? This is the bitter pill you have to swallow everyday for the last three years.
As you expected, Seungmin is already in his office as you can see through the glass window, reading his journal and probably working on his new project already. You put on your lab coat and then knock on his office door three times before entering his office.
"Good day, Professor," you greet.
You walk to his coat hanger, hang his suits for him, and then put his mails on his desk. You take a step back and look at him, a way to let him know that you’re at his service.
"Anything else I can do for you, Professor?"
Seungmin looks up from his journal and lays his eyes on you, staring at you like there's something wrong with you. You immediately look down, checking your appearance and you're sure that it's not the first time you wear a skirt to work so what is different about you that gets him staring?
"P-professor?" You stammer, wiping your palms down the front of your skirt.
He immediately looks away and clears his throat as he flips the next page of his journal, "Make sure the serum is ready and check in on Professor Hale uh..." he clears his throat before continuing to talk.
"What time he'll be here, " He takes another look at you before turning his chair away from you.
"Sure thing, Professor," you respond, wasting no time to get on the job.
The sight of the flower bouquet reminds you to put it in the fridge for the time being to keep it fresh, you bring it with you to the pantry, and safely tuck it between bottles of water inside the fridge. You're supposed to go to the B building to get the serum but you make a stop at the main lab, seeing Hyunjin is already busy in front of his computer.
"That's new," you say, commenting on the glasses he's wearing.
Hyunjin rolls his chair away from his desk and looks at you with a grin on his face.
"Yeah, it's uh... I can't see clearly without them," he says while sticking his finger inside the frame, showing you that it's just the frame. Hyunjin has a weird sense of humor but in a way that is adorable, not annoying.
You softly laugh and shake your head, "I have to go to the next building."
He nods and effortlessly twirls a pen between his fingers, "I'd like to come with you but he wants me to..." he shows how busy he is to get everything ready for the test.
"That's okay. I'm working faster this way anyway," you playfully say.
After running around the facility getting everything ready for the test, you knock on Seungmin's office to notify him that everything is ready. As usual, you let yourself in after the third knock and walk up to his desk, "Professor, the test subject is already on their way here," you inform.
Seungmin gets up from his chair to put on his lab coat, "Okay then I'll uh..." he looks down at his desk, cluttered with papers.
"Can you look for the—" he points at the mess on his desk.
"Want me to tidy your desk?" You offer but not moving until you get his confirmation.
While he's busy putting on his lab coat, you gather all the papers and put all of them into a stack, along with old files he took out from archives. You organize them into different piles and when you lift his journal, his access key slips out of it. You don't know if he notices, but you quickly squat down to get it from the floor.
Seungmin keeps a Polaroid photo in the back of his access key, you can tell from the back of it but you're curious to see who's in the photo. The safe bet would be of his wife or them together but if that's the case then why did he choose to hide it?
"Here," you hand him his access key knowing that he needs it to authorize the use of MNE-Machine.
Seungmin looks at you, then at the access key in your hand. He quickly reaches for it and as he takes it from you, his fingers brush with yours, you feel a static current, a slight electric shock that makes you retract your hand right away.
You see that he senses it too from the way his eyes widen and grow a little intense, or maybe because you caught him staring into your eyes again.
"I'll check the main lab," you excuse yourself out of his office.
The preparation continues as Professor Seungmin explains the procedure that he'll be going through and after that, he gives him an injection with the serum that will make the test subject's brain responsive to the MNE-Machine. Soon, the test subject will fall into deep sleep and he'll remain in his slumber while the MNE-Machine is working on him.
Everyone gathers in the main lab to start the test and Professor Hale is here as the representation of the board members, watching over Seungmin who works with a team of doctors to check on the test subject one last time to continue with the procedure.
You walk up to stand next to Hyunjin who also watches everything from the operator room, you quietly take his hand and put it inside your lab coat pocket.
He turns his head at you and smiles when he finds the sweet you keep in there for him. He gladly takes it out of your pocket and his eyes shimmer when he finds out what it is, a small bar of chocolate.
"Good luck for today," you mutter to him.
"Thank you," He whispers as he puts it in the back pocket of his jeans.
It's time for the final step. Seungmin takes out his access key and scans it into the computer, sending the screens light up and the system starts loading.
Hyunjin then takes the role of operating the machine, clicking on his keyboard and getting the MNE-Machine ready for Seungmin. When he's done, he backs away to let Seungmin push the authorization button. He glances at Professor Hale, seeking final approval from him.
"Go ahead, Professor," Professor Hale says, allowing him to continue.
Seungmin confidently pushes the button and MNE-Machine begins by following the map Seungmin has recorded days before and from there, it starts erasing the targeted memories from its most recent to the earliest. The procedure could take 8 to 10 hours, depending on the amount of memories programmed to be erased.
Professor Hale applauds as Seungmin successfully launches another test and comes up to him to congratulate him with a proud smile on his face and pats on his shoulder, "Congratulations!"
"Don't congratulate me yet, Professor," Seungmin sheepishly says.
"We all know your machine is a great success," Professor Hale praises, briefly glancing at you before looking back at him.
You don't want to overanalyze something that could mean nothing but a mere glance. You smile at him thinking he's just being courteous with you.
Professor Seungmin leaves to send everyone off or more like, return to B building. Now that the procedure is truly underway, you come up behind Hyunjin to give him a pat on the shoulder.
"Wow. You're working," you poke fun at him.
Hyunjin takes your hand and pulls at it, dropping his head to the back to look at you, "Do I look smart?"
"You are smart," you simply confirm with a gentle pat on his cheek.
There's no other reason why Seungmin hired him in the first place if it's not because he’s qualified for the job which includes adequate intelligence.
"And you like smart guys so what are we waiting for?" He says, pressing your palm to his cheek.
"Professor Seungmin," you tell him, seeing that he's making his way back into the main lab with his hands buried in his lab coat pockets.
You hurriedly take your hands away from Hyunjin and take a step back, you immediately get on your perfect posture as his figure enters the room.
"What's the status?" Seungmin asks.
"Everything is up and running fine," Hyunjin immediately responds.
"Vital signs?"
"Normal and stable," you respond from the other end of the desk, watching over the state of the test subject's essential body functions.
Seungmin stayed for another hour until the MNE-Machine successfully erased the first memory. He checks on everything once again to finally leave the main lab and goes to his office to get ready to leave.
You don't want to walk in on him changing his clothes so you give it a few more minutes and decide to take the flower bouquet out of the fridge before you forget. As usual, you knock three times on his door but this time, you wait until he lets you in. You knock again when he doesn't respond, afraid that he's still changing.
"Come in!" Seungmin says from inside his office.
Seungmin is tying his tie in front of the mirror when you come in, you stop right by his desk and inform him of the latest status of the test.
"Keep watching it closely while I..." his words trail off as he slides the knot up to the base of his shirt collar. He turns around and takes the suit jacket off of its hanger, swiftly putting it on. He's doing a mundane thing yet it's such a mesmerizing sight for you.
You notice the back of his collar is folded and you reach for it, reflexively fixing it for him. Now that you have crossed into his personal space, you may as well continue by helping him flatten the lapels of his suit jacket. You can feel his eyes on you as you fix on his tie and you try so hard to ignore it.
It's better to say sorry than ask for permission.
You quickly take a step back once you're done and mutter your apology, "I'm sorry."
Instead of scolding you, Seungmin takes his briefcase and coat with him, then heads to the door. You scramble to chase him out of his office and give in once you know that he's going to the main lab to check everything before he leaves.
Seungmin returns with Hyunjin and you hurriedly grab the bouquet you bought for him. You doubt he'll accept it but what's the harm in doing something nice?
Hyunjin pushes the button on the elevator and it arrives in a minute. Not giving him a chance to reject your gift, you wait until the last moment to give it to him.
"Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, Professor," you mutter as quickly as possible, handing the bouquet right into his hand.
Seungmin looks at the flowers in his hand, then looks at you, seeming like he wants to say something but refrains.
"Congratulations, Professor!" Hyunjin also congratulates him as he stands next to you.
"Have a great night!" He cheerily adds with a bright smile and enthusiastically waves his hands at him.
As the elevator doors close, you feel like letting go of something that you can't get back. It's funny that it feels like that when he's not yours in the first place.
The hand rests around your shoulder and snaps you out of your head. You turn your head to find Hyunjin slyly smiling at you.
"Ready to party?" 
The parent is finally out of the house and Hyunjin can throw a party in the house.
As promised, he brought a box of things that he deemed as ‘essentials’ that he's been keeping it hidden in the cabinet in the pantry.
"Okay, impress me!" You tell him, standing across the table to see what he bought for tonight.
Hyunjin puts on a cocky smile, he's confident with what he does as he places the box on top of the counter with a low thud. First, he takes out all the bags of chips and cans of soda.
One corner of your mouth curls higher than the other, seeing that he bought all of your favorite snacks. You take a bag of chips and waste no time to tear it open.
"Not the time to be impressed yet," he says to you with the cocky smile still dancing on his face.
You shrug and continue munching on potato chips as he introduces you to the other essentials.
Hyunjin takes a bottle of Tequila next and you respond with a nod of approval. He continues with another one, a tin can, and slides it in front of you.
"Mints?" You ask in utter confusion.
This time, Hyunjin gives you a shrug. He makes you open the tin can to find two rolled joints inside. He sees another smile of approval rise on your pretty face.
Hyunjin suppresses his laugh as he fishes out the last thing, he holds it in his hand and puts it in the middle of the counter.
Your eyebrow raises at the sight of a box of condoms, "This is essential?" 
Hyunjin rests both hands on top of the counter, "If you want to do it raw, I'm more than okay with it," he jokingly says.
You pick it up and observe it like you have never seen it before, reading the back of the box like it’s a foreign object to you.
"Regardless we'll have sex or not, a condom is essential," Hyunjin adds.
You snort when you notice something on the box of condoms, "Are you sure you bought the right size?"
He snatches it from you and puts it back into the box. He stares at you and says, "You have no idea what's coming to you."
You chortle at his words and uncap the bottle of alcohol, "Let's get this party started, shall we?"
He stops from you from getting the bottle of Tequila, "No, wait, wait, now is the time for you to be impressed," he says.
You tip your head to the side, "What?"
"I have Tim from security bring us pizza when he takes his shift tonight," Hyunjin announces with a pride smile.
The facility is in the countryside and ordering food is hard because it takes at least half an hour to get here, even if they are willing to go that far, the food gets cold by the time they get here.
"Now, I am impressed," you remark with a sly smile.
As a start, you both have a few shots of Tequila before mixing it with soda and drinking it from your respective mugs. The party continues in the main lab as Hyunjin has to message Seungmin on the current status. Hyunjin chooses to send a text instead of calling, afraid that he interrupt the romantic dinner.
Hyunjin glances up from his phone to find you leaning against the desk, reading something on the computer. With your lab coat off, he can see the way you are dressed for tonight. Not sure if it's because of what he asked but you indeed dressed nicely tonight. You wear a blouse and a plaid skirt, and you rarely wear a skirt to work, but the one that intrigues him is the black tights you're wearing.
Fuck leaving so little to the imagination, he likes having a lot of imagination when it comes to you. He can imagine a lot of scenarios just from seeing the way you bend against that desk.
You take a small sip of your alcohol then look over your shoulder, "Do you know why I can't open this file?"
Hyunjin immediately comes to your aid, standing behind you until his chest meets your back and maneuvering your hand that is holding the computer mouse instead of doing it himself. His head hanging next to yours to find out the problem of why you can't open the file and he discovered that it's locked.
"You need an access key to open this," he simply answers.
"You're saying Professor Seungmin is the only one who can access the file?"
He quietly gulps air before answering your question, "Yes."
You turn your head to the side to look at him and he can't keep his calm when your lips are only inches away from him.
"Can we have that joint now?" You sweetly ask with your alcohol-tinted breath brushes his lips.
He softly smiles and answers, "Of course."
Hyunjin lights up the end of the rolled joint and takes a drag, passing it to you after while letting out a long curl of white smoke out of his mouth.
"Why do you think he locked it?" You ask as you take the joint from him.
"I don't know," Hyunjin honestly answers with a shrug, "Maybe it's his new project or something."
You take a long, slow drag and pursed your lips as you exhale the smoke, filling the room with the sweet-smelling smoke.
"I found it in among the data files of previous tests," you tell him, passing the joint to him.
You turn around to face the computer again to show him where you find the locked files, "See?"
It's supposed to be a fun night and discovering what's inside that locked files isn't a part of the plan. Hyunjin needs to intervene so when you're about to take your turn to smoke, Hyunjin keeps it tugged between his teeth and rolls his chair away from you.
"Hey!" You shout in complaint.
"Puff and pass!" You remind him of the unwritten rule of smoking pot.
Hyunjin shakes his head and reclines on his chair, "Come and get it," he says, smoke escapes his mouth as he speaks.
Once you come close enough, he pulls you until you topple and have you sitting on his lap. You don't seem to mind, you get comfortable instead, resting your back on his chest and let his arms wrapped around you.
You take the smoke from his mouth and finally take your turn, "You think he'll be back soon?"
Hyunjin's forehead wrinkled at your random and sudden question, "Professor Seungmin?"
"Yeah," you answer, handing the joint back to him.
He takes it from you but keeps it between his fingers, "Uhm... I don't know. Rich people tend to take their dinner seriously, they probably have a full-course dinner, and after that... sex," Hyunjin emphasizes the last word.
He then takes a quick drag and looks the other way to exhale the smoke, "God, I hope he gets laid. Man needs to lighten up!"
He passes the joint to you even though there's not much left of it but you refuse by shaking your head. He finishes it and throws the butt into his empty can of soda.
"Don't worry. We'll have time for a foreplay or two," he jokingly says with his hand rubbing down your arm.
You laugh at that and his body shakes along to your crisp laughter. You turn your head and there it goes again, your lips merely inches away from him.
This palpable sexual tension... Hyunjin can't take it anymore yet he does nothing but keeps staring at your face.
"Are you going to keep staring and not kiss me?" You say but it seems like you're reading his thoughts out loud to him.
You take his glasses off and toss them away, "Or do I have to do it for you?" 
Your hand curves around his neck and you angle his head towards you, not hesitating to lean in first to kiss him.
Hyunjin always thought that when the two of you kiss, he imagined it would be romantic but it's not, it feels way better than that. It feels natural and familiar like he has kissed you a thousand times, like your lips belong to be kissed by his lips.
And you know what? Fuck romantic kisses.
Hyunjin wants kisses that feel right like this, tightening his hold around you and engulfing you in his warm embrace as he deepens the kiss. The more he kisses you, the more he can't stop, and worse is, you keep trying to quench his endless thirst.
The sound of his phone ringing shatters the intense moment, he keeps kissing you and mutters against your lips, "Let's pretend none of us hear it."
You chuckle and slowly pull away, "It could be Professor Seungmin," you say, then console him with a quick peck on the lips.
"Mmh... 'kay," he heavily sighs.
Hyunjin reluctantly reaches for his phone on his desk while his other arm is still wrapped around you, not letting you get off his lap. He accepts the call right away and talks on the phone, it's Tim from security telling him his pizza is here. He ends the call with another sigh.
"I have to go and get our pizza," he pouts at you.
"Then go and get our pizza," you simply resolve.
Hyunjin holds you close and allows himself to plant a kiss on your neck. He stays there for a moment with his head buried in your neck, getting himself drunk in your heavenly scent.
After a moment, he forces himself to let you go, "Guess I have to go," he says in defeat.
You take that as a cue to get up from his lap and immediately smooth down your skirt, "I'll be waiting here."
Hyunjin ties his hair into a messy bun and takes his phone with him, in case Seungmin is going to call him to ask for the current status.
"Don't go anywhere, okay?" He warns you.
You lean your hips against the desk and take a sip of your alcohol, "Okay."
Hyunjin heads to the door and then turns around by the doorway, "We'll continue the kiss when we get back."
You manage to not spit your drink and swallow it before answering, "Okay."
Impulsively, Hyunjin rushes to you and places a long peck on your lips. He then breaks into a run, not giving you time to change your mind about continuing the kiss.
It's going to take at least 20 minutes for Hyunjin to pick up the pizza to and fro.
As you wait for him, you're going to your desk to check on a few things, and then you see Seungmin's office and get intrigued to get in there. You're not going to steal anything, you just want to take a look around and perhaps, get a few hints on what Seungmin is working on.
You've seen the books on his shelf one too many times so you come to his desk because that's where you usually get any hints. It's either something he randomly jot down on his notebook or the journals he's studying.
Seungmin happens to have a stack of them on his desk, you're going through them one by one, only reading the front page to see what it's about and moving on to the next one. However, between those scientific journals, you find a different file. You open it to see that it's a lease statement whether he wants to continue the contract for another year or not.
The first thought that comes to your head is that maybe Seungmin bought a nice beach house as a wedding anniversary gift but why did he rent it? He's more than capable of buying a property, especially a house with only one bedroom that—
Wait, what if they've been living separately? You check the address and find that the conclusion is rather implausible. It's two hours of drive, commuting from there and here would be tiring. 
The faint sound of the elevator chimes open can be heard from his office, it seems like Hyunjin has returned from picking up the pizza. You tidy up the stack and put them back where they belong, then quietly leave his office. You can hear Hyunjin calling for your name.
You jog to meet him in the pantry, "Smells nice!"
"Where were you?" He asks, opening the fridge to get another bottle of soda.
"Bathroom," you lie since it’s easier then refill his mug with more alcohol and Hyunjin pours soda after.
It must be the effect of the recreational drug you smoked earlier that makes the pizza taste exceptionally delicious and the next thing you know, you already ate three slices of them. Hyunjin has been so quiet and it's because his mouth is full of food. He smiles at you as you catch him taking a big bite out of his pizza.
"Hyunjin eats so well!" You coo, addressing him in the third person and poking at his cheek with your index finger, treating him like a little baby to annoy him.
"Do you have any memories you want to erase?"
The question just sort of pops into your head and you are kind of curious to know his answer. You pick up another slice and alternate it with a sip of your spiked soda in between bites.
Hyunjin slows down his chewing, he puts down his pizza slice to grab his drink, and takes an earthly sip, "Maybe that one time I pissed my pants during the school field trip," he answers.
"How old were you?"
"Second grade."
You take a small bite of your pizza and ask, "What happened?"
"I got bitten by a spider," he answers.
"And how did you piss your pants?"
"Because I'm afraid of spiders," he innocently answers.
You burst into laughter and have a hard time swallowing your food after, you wash it down with your Tequila soda to help.
"But I'm not sure I wanted to erase it though," Hyunjin adds, adding more alcohol to his mug.
You give up on finishing your pizza slice and put it back in the box, "Why is that so?"
"That day, I found out I'm allergic to spider venom," he answers.
You scrunch your nose in perplexity because it's bad experiences, one after another and he chooses not to erase it,
"Why not?"
"Then I would forget that I'm allergic to it," he simply answers.
You don't get enough explanation from him so you keep looking at him with a questioning look on your face.
"What if I get bitten by a spider again and I don't have the knowledge that I'm allergic to spider venom?" Hyunjin lays out a scenario for you.
"Well, yeah..." you nod in agreement as the logic in his answer registered into your head.
"I could have died," Hyunjin dramatically adds with a squeeze on your shoulder.
"I get it, I get it," you answer, half chuckling at him.
Hyunjin takes a long sip of his drink and gasps once he swallows it all down. He leans on the counter and leaves not so much space between your faces.
"But think about it..." he says.
You nod, ready to listen to what he's about to say.
"Life would be boring if we only remember the good memories," he says.
That simple notion speaks so much and when you think Hyunjin couldn't be more profound than that, he comes with another remark.
"There wouldn't be good moments in the first place without the bad ones too."
Hyunjin lets a moment pass in silence to let those words sink into your head and you're indeed still processing them. He makes a good point that you can't add anything to that. You can't believe that Hyunjin has left you speechless.
But looking at the test subject, going through the procedure to have their bad memories erased doesn't mean that they're being cowardly. They have must thought these things through before deciding to volunteer as a test subject.
“But when you look at babies, they’re so pure and free because they come into this world with no memories. And adults are… a mess. They’re sad, depressed, and anxious and have phobias, and Professor Seungmin, he makes them all go away,” You deliver your opinion.
Hyunjin nods in agreement and that regardless of everyone’s stand on whether they want to erase their memories or not, the work all of you are doing here helps people.
"They're on their sixth, yes," Hyunjin speaks into the phone as Seungmin calls the office for a status check.
"Vitals?" He glances at you.
You hurriedly hover to the other end of the desk to check and give him a thumbs-up.
"Pulse rate, respiration, BP, all stable," he informs.
The call ends in the next second and Hyunjin places the handle of the phone down, he leans against the desk, panting as if he has just run a mile. It seems like you both have sobered down after munching on pizza together. You exchange a look at each other and break into a smile at the same time.
"Card game?" Hyunjin offers.
You can taste the imbalance of the alcohol and juice ratio you put into your mug but you need it to fuel yourself for the card game.
Hyunjin shuffles the card in his hands and splits the deck into two even stacks, he pushes one at you and draws the other closer to him.
"Whoever draws the smaller card value, loses," he explains the game rules.
You take a gulp of your drink and ask, "And when I lose...?"
He ties his hair into a ponytail and puts his hand on top of his card stack, "Whoever loses has to take a piece of their clothing off," he says with a devilish smirk that makes him more attractive.
It's obvious that Hyunjin has been wanting to play this game, the excitement is drawn on his face and somehow, it makes him more adorable, you can't help but smile.
"Are you sure you split the card evenly?" You jokingly accuse.
"You're welcome to shuffle your cards if you want," Hyunjin calmly responds, then sips his canned soda.
You laugh at how he gives you the side eyes, "When do we start?"
"Eager, are we?" Hyunjin says that it's him who's been anticipating this.
Hyunjin rubs his hands together before placing his hand on top of his deck of cards and pinches a card in between his fingers.
"Ready?" He asks.
You slide the cards down the table and intensely look at each other before turning it over, revealing the cards at the same time. A gasp escapes your mouth as your 7 of Heart card beats his 2 of spades. You prop a hand under your chin and wait for him to do his punishment as he lost this round.
It doesn't faze him, he takes his sweater off and tosses it onto the empty chair next to him. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt underneath and he rolls the short sleeves up to his shoulders, exposing the muscles on his arms.
The next round is won by Hyunjin as his 9 of hearts card beats your 6 of spades. You calmly take your blouse off and hang it on the back of your chair.
Your Jack of Diamonds forces Hyunjin to remove his t-shirt next and you didn't expect him to have a toned body considering that you always find him sitting on his chair and working in front of the computer. You try not to be obvious that you're ogling him but he catches you looking already, so...
"And you've been hiding that under your oversized clothes?" You poke fun at him.
He coyly shrugs in response to you and tidies his deck of cards, "Want to switch decks?"
It seems like a trap because your cards have been doing good and switching decks may switch your luck too.
"No. I like my cards," you refuse his offer with a smile.
He shrugs again and this time, his Jack of Clubs won against your Ace of Diamonds. He triumphantly smiles and crosses his arms watching you getting off your chair to unzip your skirt. You take a step away from the counter to shimmy the skirt down your legs. It feels wrong to be this exposed in the pantry of your workplace.
"You sure you don't want to switch?" He offers again with a lopsided grin.
It's tempting but you trust that your cards will bring you luck, you shake your head and take another card from the top of the stack.
"How about I reveal my card first?" Hyunjin daringly offers.
"Okay, sure," you coyly agree, letting him flip open his card first.
His long fingers are holding the edge of the card and at once, he turns it over, revealing a 9 of hearts. It is supposed to be easy to get a card higher than that. Oddly, you suddenly lost the confidence you had in your cards a minute ago. You put on a calm face and flip the card, not looking at it until you let go of your hand.
"Fuck!" You lowly curse at your 7 of clubs.
You let out a low sigh as you’re about to do your punishment and reach your hand to the back to unclasp your bra. You maintain eye contact with Hyunjin as you let the bra straps slide down your shoulders. In one swift moment, you take the bra off and let it join your pile of clothes on the back of your chair. You lean back and see Hyunjin smiling ear to ear.
"Christmas came early for you, huh, Hwang Hyunjin?"
It doesn't even bother him that you called him by his full name which he dislikes. He's enjoying his triumph, his tongue is slightly sticking out on the corner of his mouth as he smiles.
"I think it is," he says.
Instead of showing him your defeat, you feel motivated to win the next round. You put all of your hair to one side and lean onto the table, slapping the next card on the table.
"Want to raise the bet?" You challenge him.
One of his eyebrows raises in intrigue, "What are you proposing?"
"Whoever loses next has to take two pieces of clothing," you answer with a daring smirk.
It's a fair game since Hyunjin has only his jeans and his underwear on and so are you, with your tights and underwear.
"Let's raise the bet," Hyunjin calls to your bluff.
"I'll reveal my card first," you dare yourself even though you have no idea what card you're keeping under your hand.
"Be my guest," Hyunjin delightfully says.
You hold his gaze and flip the card, surprising yourself with a Queen of hearts. You can almost taste that sweet victory knowing that Hyunjin needs a King to beat your card. However, Hyunjin is looking nowhere near your card and you know well enough where he is looking.
You purposely lean forward on the table, presenting him a clearer view of your chest then tap your fingers on the table, "Ground control to Major Tom!" You summon his consciousness back to reality.
After a while, he finally looks away and immediately takes a sip of his can of soda to gain some sense back into his head.
"It's your turn," you remind him, propping a hand under your chin and waiting for the grand reveal.
Hyunjin clears his throat and puts his focus back on his card, he's fiddling with his card. He realizes that he's in a predicament.
He holds the card in his hand and tosses it upward, showing a Jack of Heart which means you won this round. You take a sip of your drink in celebration and victory indeed tastes so sweet.
Hyunjin reluctantly gets off his chair, he finishes his can of soda first before reaching for the waistband of his jeans. He begins by unbuckling his belt then slowly, he unzips the fly of his jeans and it's instantly loosening around his dainty waist.
"Wait, wait," you abruptly interrupt him from his stripping show.
You get off your chair and lean your side against the counter, "On a second thought... you can keep your pants on," you say.
Hyunjin looks rather flabbergasted by the turn of the event, he stands there with his jeans hanging open, "You can't do that!" He protests.
You calmly sip your drink and reply, "Oh, yes, I can."
Hyunjin rests his hands on the counter and looks at you, "You have to see!" He insists with his eyebrows furrowed.
You shake your head and pretend to not care, "Nah. I'm losing interest."
He takes a step closer at you, "Once you see, you will be interested," he boldly remarks with a cocky smirk.
You scoff and put down your empty mug, "Still not interested," you shake your head again.
Hyunjin inhales air and places his hands on each side of his waist, "You have to see!"
"No!" You refuse while half laughing.
You see Hyunjin about to take another step toward you but before he can do that, you turn to leave the pantry.
"You have to see!" He shouts as he follows you.
"No!" You shout back and immediately break into a run. 
You're squealing as he chases you but you know well enough that you will likely lose against his long legs. That doesn't stop you from running, holding your breasts with your hands as you make a turn in the direction of the staff lounge and Hyunjin catches you right as you're about to enter.
With the absence of lights, you can see the glimmer of the city lights from afar.
Hyunjin pushes you to the wall, he grabs both of your hands and pins them above your head as he presses his nose into your ear.
"I got you now," his breath feels hot in your ear.
When you tilt your head to look at him, his lips immediately capture you in a kiss, a kiss that consumes you whole and makes you feel hot all over.
He drops your hands around his neck and that way, he can freely roam your body, feeling the smoothness of your skin under his fingertips.
He puts his arms around you and draws you impossibly close while his mouth is busy lathering yours, his tongue is prying open your mouth, wanting to taste you more and more.
As much as you want to keep kissing him, you have to let go to catch some air and fill your lungs with oxygen.
Yet Hyunjin uses the opportunity to kiss you somewhere else, dragging his plush lips down the column to your neck, and from there, he starts a trail of kisses down your front.
He kneels in front of you with his fingers tugged at the elastic band of your black tights, he looks up at you and in the dark, you can see his eyes like two gleaming marbles.
Slowly, he pulls the tights down and you hear the faint whimpers escaping his mouth as he keeps pulling it down your legs.
The silence that hangs in the room only intensifies the tension, it's so quiet that you can hear your ragged breath as Hyunjin successfully takes your tights off.
He keeps looking at you with his wide, lustful eyes as his hands climb up your legs. He slowly leans in, landing a soft kiss on your inner thigh to earn a low whimper out of you.
Wanting to hear that soft whimper again, Hyunjin places another kiss on the other one, higher and closer to where you want him the most.
Just like he reads through your mind, Hyunjin drags his mouth higher and kisses your clothed core. You grab a fistful of his hair as he presses another kiss with his nose rubbing against your clothed core and then he softly inhales air.
The breath he lets out between your legs feels hot and it sets your body alight with desire yet you feel more alive in this heat.
Hyunjin opens his mouth wider and takes more of you, his wet mouth dampens the thin fabric of your underwear and all you can do is whimper at how erotic this very scene is.
Then he stuck his tongue out and starts to trace your clit through the fabric, repeatedly running his tongue in circles that it begins to pulsate under his slick tongue.
Your legs are wobbling and you can only hold onto his head and shoulder to keep you steady as he keeps his mouth buried between your legs.
Impatient to taste you, Hyunjin puts your underwear to the side and lifts your leg, putting it over his shoulder so he can dive deep into your wetness.
You keep your back close to the wall with your hands in his dark locks, tugging at it when the pleasure gets too overwhelming.
"Oh!" You gasp as Hyunjin inserts one digit inside you and not long after that, he adds another digit.
His fingers and mouth are moving in sync to give you immense pleasure, making the knot in your stomach tighten and your hands tugging harder at his hair.
Unknowingly, your hips start moving against his mouth, riding his face as you please as your hands keep his head between your legs.
"I'm close, oh, I'm close!" You breathlessly tell him with your eyes barely focused on him.
Hyunjin opens his mouth wider and runs his tongue between your folds before sucking on your clit, taking you to your high so that a loud moan falls out of your open mouth and echoes in the room.
Mischievous, Hyunjin teases you by touching your sensitive bundle of nerves, lightly circling it with only his fingertips.
"You're having fun, huh?" You look down at him and gently twist his ear as a way to get back to him.
In the dim light, you can see he's grinning at you with his face wet around the mouth from your essence. You pat his head and place his hand on the strap of your underwear.
"Help me take this off, mmh?" You seductively ask, turning around on your feet to face the wall.
Hyunjin wastes no time tugging his fingers on the waistband of your underwear and pulls the soaked underwear down, then off your legs.
You shiver as his fingers lightly graze the side of your thighs and the back of your legs. As you press the side of your face on the cold surface of the wall, Hyunjin starts placing kisses on the back of your thighs and he goes upward.
Eventually, his mouth lands on your ass cheek and he playfully bites at it, letting out a laugh knowing that you enjoy it.
"Go ahead. Bite the other one," you encourage him with a laugh.
He's going to do it with or without your permission anyway as he immediately bites the other cheek. From there, he continues his trail of kisses up to the nape of your neck.
His arms around you, touching your body and kneading on your breasts as his mouth busy planting ferocious kisses on your neck and shoulders.
It's rather sensual that he pinned your naked body against the wall when he still has his jeans on yet you can feel his member poking through the fabric and rubbing against your rear.
"Mmh..." you hum as his fingers circle your nipple.
You turn your head to the side only to let him capture your lips in a hungry kiss where his teeth almost collide with yours.
"Ouch!" You yelp as he pinches on your nipple while he smiles in satisfaction.
You turn around to face him and put your arms around him, not worrying that you'll fall when you have his arms tightly wrapped around you.
Without breaking the kiss, you maneuver his body, pushing him in the direction of the sofa until he finds himself plopping down and you let yourself sit on his lap.
You take a moment to catch a breath and look at him, seeing him this up close, in this light, hit differently. With the moonlight shining through the big window and casting a glow on his head, Hyunjin looks so ethereal.
"You're so beautiful," Hyunjin says, taking the word out of your mouth.
You smile at his praise and lean in to deliver your gratitude with a kiss, a kiss that takes things further. As your lips are busy lathering his, your hand makes its way down his body and slides it into his boxer.
You delightfully hum against his lips as you wrap your hand around his swollen member which you take out of its confine, letting his erection sprung free.
With your own eyes, you can see how impressive his size is and glance at him, "Now I know you bought the right size," you mutter with a seductive smile.
"Told you," Hyunjin says with a sexy smirk.
You sit close to his crotch, wanting to feel his cock against your cunt and wetting it with your essence while you keep stroking at it.
"I uh..." Hyunjin's words trail off as you rub his tip with your thumb.
"Yes?" You breathlessly ask.
"I have to get the uh... I have to get the condom," he stammers, almost couldn't finish the sentence as you rub his tip between your folds.
"You said you're okay doing it raw with me," you tease.
He drops his head to the back and you can see him swallow air with the way his Adam's apple bobs in his throat. He then shakes his head, "Don't think that's a good idea."
You tip your head to the side and pout, "Why not? I'm on the pill."
Hyunjin shakes his head again, he stands firm on his principle even in the trying of times. You cup his jaw and then plant a long peck on his lips.
"Go get that condom," you mutter.
He slowly opens his eyes as you pull away from the kiss, "You're not going to change your mind, right?"
You softly laugh at his words and even though you feel bad to tease him more, you can't help yourself.
"Uhm... maybe, I don't know," you jokingly say with a shrug.
He grips at your waist and pouts, his lower lip jutting out more than his upper lip. He's so adorable that you can't stop yourself from pecking his lips again.
You get off his lap and sit on the sofa, "I won't change my mind," you tell him.
Hyunjin can't shoot up from the sofa faster, sending his jeans drops and pools around his ankle, he hurriedly kicks it away, "I'll be back in a minute," he says.
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379 notes · View notes
hanasnx · 11 months
i want to be sk!anakin’s basement wife
“you wanna be what?” his feathery voice conveys his amusement as he affectionally pinches your cheek.
“please, ani?” you keen, crawling further into his lap to straddle his thighs. “i’d make such a good one, don’t you think? dress up for you, do whatever you wanted. c’mon.” you seat fully onto him, a growth apparent under his pants as you rock under the guise of frustration— when you really just want to get him harder. “say it, see how it feels on your tongue.”
he moistens his lips, hesitant to oblige you. you get a big head when he obeys any command you give him. the idea of it grips him though, and he draws out his plump bottom lip from his teeth. there’s a sheepish curl to his mouth, as if he can’t believe you’ve said something so unusual. so depraved. his large hands knead your hips, tugging you closer to his chest. “you wanna be my little basement wife.”
177 notes · View notes
instarsandcrime · 4 months
Returning the Favor (3/4)
Thank you for waiting!!!
Whoof, here we go! I love Hu//sker//Du//st, so admittedly this was much easier to write. ^ ^" Regardless, now we've got Caretaker!Angel Dust and the reason Sick!Husk exists in the first place. Thank you very much for reading this far, and I hope you enjoy!
The black, unconscious void began to flicker and fade.
“Husk?” A familiar voice called again.
An endless dream finally cleared, nothingness making way for rose-colored eyes and adorable freckles that decorated them like stars.
Damn Cher, Husk thought distantly, you could make the sappiest love poems outta the most heartless bastards. Y’know that?
Angel Dust blinked his long eyelashes before stifling a bubble of laughter– his partner’s face burning when he realized that yes, his caretaker could in fact hear him. The skin under his icy fur trembled. Angel Dust leaned in to embrace him–
–and pulled back when a strong, throat-shredding sneeze echoed against the walls. Husk's ears pressed flat between a wince of pain, red cheeks somehow turning redder. “Ghhh– ow. S’rry Legs, wassn't s'posed to be that loud– hhhuh!”
Another shaky hitch, and Angel pressed a thin finger just under his nose. “Easy tiger. Don't break all those ribs at once.”
It twitched once. Twice. And finally the cat demon slumped with relief, sinking back into the cushions when the tickle subsided for the moment.
"Fell asleep on the couch again. Try not to talk too much, okay?" The other interrupted, feeling the back of his head.
For once, Husk didn't fight it.
A click of the tongue, and thin brows knotted in sympathy. "Shit, that's bad. Maybe I should carry you up--"
"No! Khff Kff--!" Husk shot upright, the shock striking a match, scraping against his throat. Hacking coughs bubbled to the surface, tears lining the edges of his eyes as his lungs nearly rattled. Hunched over, the ringing in his eardrums began to fade– replaced by small, comforting words. Well-manicured fingers moved to his head, gently raking through his fur, and he couldn’t help the delighted shiver that ran down his spine.
"Please, Husky? For me?"
Slowly but surely he raised his arms, looking everywhere but the ever-widening grin that hovered over him. “I wasn’t lyin’ when I said you make me sappy as fuck. You– snff! You know that, right?”
“It’s a good thing I came along then. I like you better when yer not scowlin’ like a grumpy old man twenty-four seven.” Angel Dust winked.
Something small but ugly twisted in Husk’s chest.
He elected to ignore it, trying to avoid Angel’s doting look as he got on one knee, cradled in a bridal carry as they ascended the staircase. The world blended in colors that seared his eyes and pricked at his skull, and he nuzzled his way into the crook of Angel's neck to shut out the world. Gasping when a tickle surfaced and before he could stop it–
“HP’SHHH! HUP’SCHHHUH! Huhhh..!” Fuck, fuck, fuck that went right down his back! The sickly demon tightened his hold and pinched his nose– to no avail. “HN’CHXT! HUH’CHNXT’hhhuhhh…hhHH-!”
“Hey, hey, don’t hold that shit in. Let it out for me, okay?” Angel Dust cooed, “Y'know how many fluids I've been covered in before? Trust me, this is on the bottom three grossest shit.”
“Hnn…! HUT’SHHH’HUH! HUP’SCHHHH’huh! Hhhhuhhh…hhgh…ugh…sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Husk felt his body laid carefully on the mattress. He only needed to mourn the cold for just a moment before peachy fur and lanky limbs intertwined with his. Two around his waist, two around his chest, two massaging his temples to chase off the pain.
"How long've you been like this? You shoulda called. I coulda ditched work." Angel Dust offered.
At that Husk hummed out a hoarse note, tail flicking restlessly. "'S fine. Had help."
"Good. This whole damn project woulda been for nothin' if ya hadn't been cared for."
"'M supposed to help." He whined. Actually whined. Fuck, this stupid bug was getting to him.
"Yeah? I don't see nothin' like that in yer contract."
Another twist of his insides.
"Well maybe it should be." Husk growled, wings bristling. "For the past two days it's been nothin' but eyes on me. Fuck, Alastor sneaked in when I was asleep!"
"What?" Angel Dust marveled, "And that’s a bad thing? Yer bein' pampered for once in yer life!"
"You deserve the same treatment as everyone else. Y’know that, right?"
"Christ Husk, it's like you're allergic to help--"
"Well maybe I'd be worth a damn if everyone focused on their own damn problems and left me alone!"
Angel sat there, wide-eyed as Husk bolted upright.
“Do you know how fuckin’ ridiculous this shit is?! Charlie’s losin’ sleep because the hotel’s– snff! fuckin’ packed with new souls she can’t keep track of! Vaggie’s overworking herself because she feels like she has some goddamn obligation to lay her life on the line! Lucifer’s tryin’ to pretend everything is fine but he’s too fuckin’ stuffed with pride to even begin unpacking the shit he went through before The Fall!”
“And you! You’re the worst of it! How long’s it been since you’ve been back here? Three days? Do you– sndff! Ugh, fuck– do you know how long I waited at that goddamn bar for you to come back? I waited until I literally got worried sick!” 
The air was so tense it could be cut with a knife. Still, as the heavy panting slowed, the bartender’s heartbeat quickened. Shit. Shit shit shit! Bile rose in his throat. He could feel the rims of his eyes grow wet and fuck, what was he thinking! What the fuck is wrong with him! Goddamnit, he was such a fuckin' mess! He was surrounded by such good people and all he did was hurt them. He denied their help– goddamnit they were just trying to help he doesn't deserve to be here he'sjustlikeVa--
"Husk!" A voice raised, and Husk suddenly gasped out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He surfaced from a storm he didn't remember drowning in. Slit pupils widened as he was met with someone he still didn't deserve. Smiling fondly like none of that ever happened.
"Breathe." Angel Dust said softly.
"Ange, I-- kff! I-- kfff kFF! I didn't--"
"Shhhh. Breathe." 
Husk opened his mouth to argue. And with a rattling inhale his shoulders untensed. An exhale, and his jaw unclenched. The tears that threatened to spill streamed down his cheeks in rivulets, and he choked back a sob.
"I...h-huh! HUP'SHHH! Snff! I didn't-- hUH–! HUT'SHHH! K'SHOOO! I didn't mean t...to...! HAT'SHHHUH!"
Fucking embarrassing. He startled when something soft pressed against his nose.
"Blow." He shot Angel Dust a glare, but it only came off soft, red-rimmed eyes and wet cheeks that clumped his fur. A disgusting gurgle, and the ailing patient slumped into the sheets, exhausted from every angle.
"Husk, baby, it's okay. Yer sick, you've got a fever, and it's makin' you miserable. Of course yer gonna be grumpy, I’d think you were nuts if you weren’t!"
"Give it a rest. I'm bein' a dick and I hurt you, that's all there is to it." Husk muttered. Blinking in surprise as two palms cradled his cheeks, met face to face with a gaze that pierced right through him. Carefully a third hand reached out, taking his wrist and guiding his paw to a pink-furred stomach.
"Did ya hurt me here?" Anthony asked gently.
"N...no." The demon dared not to move.
Then carefully the other moved up to his neck, completely unflinching. Face pinched in determination. "How 'bout here?"
"No. But-!"
"Here?" The spider demon moved to his cheek, resting it in a heart-shaped paw pad.
"Here?" His claws met Angel's fluffy hair.
"How 'bout here?" The porn star moved to his breast, giggling at the unimpressed look that stared back.
The joke was abandoned when Angel Dust inched it gently to the right. A heart beat thumped calmly between his claws.
"And here?" Angel Dust whispered.
Husk swallowed hard, trying not to let fresh tears well up again. His ears wilted, and that’s all the signal needed to be guided into Angel Dust's lap, eyelids drooping heavily. Letting lithe fingers massage his aching muscles.
"D'ya really think I wouldn't say somethin'?" 
"If I was hurt by you?"
"Mmm...snfff! Y'would."
"Good boy.” Angel Dust hummed, resting his chin on his partner’s head. “You should really get some rest."
"Nah. I've been restin' for two days..." He yawned, fangs poking out. "missed you."
"I ain't goin' nowhere, Babydoll." Angel tipped his chin upwards to give his other half a peck on the forehead, and Husk sleepily rubbed his head just under the chin with a raspy purr. "Sleep. For me?"
Husk sighed. The peace and quiet draped over them like a blanket, warm and comfortable– torn clean in half at a building itch.
“...After we get ya some meds. Salud.”
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tyrannysaurusfloof · 8 months
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While working on the next chapter of Sandcastle Kingdoms, have a doodle of what Stone looks like coming back from the Mushroom Planet
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preblematic · 2 years
desperate lovers mikey murdering some midlevel office worker in an alley bc they yelled at a barista and made mikey wait 10 extra minutes to order his coffee and Gerard's 7 step starbucks order #imagines
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 5 months
“Is this the part where you interrogate me again?” he asks you. There’s amusement in his tone, yet his posture tells you he’s willing to comply. You nod, and he clicks his nonexistent tongue. “Boo~ And here I thought you missed me~”
You fight the corners of your mouth from rising as you give a roll of your eyes. “Standard procedure,” you tell him, plucking your handy notepad and pen from your coat pocket. “Just like last time.”
“Is it not procedure to do this at the station?” 
“That is the usual place, yes,” you say, giving your pen life as you swirl circles in the corner of the page to get ink flowing, “for officers to maintain control and ensure the safety of others.” You lift your eyes to him. “As someone who is qualified to do both, I trust you’ll keep yourself composed?”
illustrations for chapter 4 below cut (tw for the first one, "blood")
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philzokman · 1 year
*grabs u by the shoulders and shakes aggressively until u agree that there’s simply nothing better than chuuya calling dazai osamu OR (arguably better imo) ‘samu in fics*
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the-writing-mobster · 4 months
God, your detective Asgore makes me happy I got back into reading thriller mystery books. What was your inspo for that AU?
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*Art by @marihem
Firstly, the reason I was even inspired to write a serial killer fic in the first place was after reading a very fun fic titled "Knives & Blood, & me + You" by @missraindancer. I absolutely loved the first chapter. Definitely recommend that fic if you want something like a snuff thriller. It's giving campy 80s slasher and has a lot of Sans POVs, which I'll admit, did take away from the suspense but he has some funny commentary, and there's a charm to it when you go into the fic expecting more of a "Scream" movie and not "Hannibal."
That being said, the fic DID get me back into watching more serial killer related things like "Silence of the Lambs" - which is the BIGGEST inspiration for TMDG. I even named Frisk after Clarisse, that's how big of an inspiration the movie is to me.
I'm honestly so glad you like Detective Asgore, that was a last minute decision I made! At first he was going to be the Commissioner and the detective working with Frisk was another human... then I realized, wow, these are a lot of humans, and Frisk and Asgore's F/D relationship is getting lost in the weeds! So it was like... a day before I published? When I just changed all of that hahaha, and now he's like, one of my favorite characters so look at that! I would say Asgore is heavily inspired design wise by Jim Gordon.
| 💙 🔪 💔 |
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moonlightndaydreams · 5 months
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The Country Club // MDNI
student (22) Minho x older fem reader (age gap not specified, but feel she's 32). CW under the cut.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8
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CW: rough p in v sex. Hints of angry/hate sex. Face slap. Angst.
Minho tries to find a chance to get you alone but he can’t. You’re barely at the country club anymore, and when you are, you’re with other people.
It’s driving him crazy. He rakes his hands through his hair and continues to collect dirty plates in the bistro, sneaking glances at you and your two friends. You won’t even acknowledge him.
Eventually, he sees you get up from your table and head towards the bathrooms. This is his chance.
He looks around to check no one is looking, and follows you. He contemplates actually going into the ladies room, but decides to wait outside. Like a fucking creep. He thinks to himself. He’s not even sure what he’s going to say to you. His feelings have been so muddled since the night in your car.
He wipes the sweat from his brow, and tries to compose himself. Play it cool. Don’t be so desperate.
The door squeaks as you exit the bathroom.
You look up to meet his eyes, and shake your head. “No, we need to stop this.” You say and try to walk past.
Minho grips your arm hard and pushes you against the wall. “Why have you been avoiding me?” He growls low in your ear.
You squeeze your eyes closed like you’re willing him to disappear.
“Look at me. Answer me.”
You hear voices approaching, and Minho is quick to pull you into a storage room off the hall.
He immediately pushes your back into the door. He’s so confused. He’s so angry. Yet he’s so relived he finally has you alone.
“Answer me.” He snarls.
“Just leave me alone. Boy.” You finally meet his eyes with a condescending stare.
“Now, now.” His grips your jaw roughly and leans in close. “But that’s what you like isn’t it? Having a boy fuck you?” He slides his other hand between your legs, cupping your clothed cunt under your skirt.
“You enjoy coming on a boy’s cock, don’t you?” His mouth finds your neck, nipping your skin. “You love having your sweet little cunt grinding on a boy’s face.”
“I need to go. They’re waiting—” you try to push him away so you can leave, but he holds you firmly in place with one hand. His other hand comes to his belt, unbuckling it swiftly.
Your breath hitches as he frees his cock, and nudges your legs apart. You don’t move as he peels your tight dress up around your waist and sighs at the sight of your satin thong.
“You know, your pussy doesn’t think we should stop this. She’s so wet.” He runs a finger along the wet patch. You whimper and shake your head.
Please don’t leave. He thinks to himself. Please stay.
Then he feels it. Your hand wrap around his length. Yes. It’s all he needs to rip your panties from your body and hoist you up against the door.
“Hurry, Min. Put it inside me. Hurry.”
You hold onto his strong shoulders as he plunges his cock into your wetness in one thrust and starts to fuck you frantically.
You’re tight, wet, and so warm. He’s missed this. He’s missed you.
“Come on, boy. You can fuck better than this.” You pull his hair hard and slap him hard across his face.
“You’re gonna be so fucking sorry you did that, Noona.” He growls.
“What ya gonna do about it?”
“Well since you like to avoid me for days at a time, I’m gonna have to make it so you can still feel me for days.” He thrusts up into you hard.
“Prove it.” You whisper and bite his earlobe.
There she is. The untamed woman.
Minho peels you off the door and lays you on the floor of the storeroom. It’s cold, filthy, and so uncomfortable, but he doesn’t care. He wants to give you every ounce of aggression, passion, lust, that he has for you. Even if you’re just fucking him for the novelty of it. Because you’re bored, or whatever it is driving you to him.
He fucks you into the concrete, your legs over his shoulders.
“Do you feel me deep inside you, Noona?” He pants. “Do you feel how desperate your little cunt is for me?”
He buries his face into you neck, fighting the urge to crash his lips onto yours, avoiding feeling the things it stirred in him last time. If he’s just a cock to you, then you’re gonna just be some pussy. He lies to himself.
“Min. Please.” You sob underneath him.
“Please, what?” He laughs.
“I have to get back to my friends.” You cry.
“Not until I cum inside you. You’ll have to hold it in while you eat dessert.”
For a moment Minho thinks that you really do want him to stop. But just as he’s about to pull out, you wrap your arms around him tighter, pulling him in closer.
“This is the last time, Minho. We have to stop after this.” You whimper.
Minho squeezes his eyes closed. He doesn’t want this to be the last time.
“Fine.” He concedes. “But you’re going to feel me for a week.” He grips your ass and fucks you with everything he has.
This has to be hurting you, your breath being knocked out of you on every thrust. Your back would have to be bruised. Your cunt would have to be swollen by now.
He moves a hand between you to rub your clit and it sends you over the edge. Minho can finally let go, and after three more hard thrusts he fills you up.
He barely has time to recover, before you’re pushing him off and fixing your dress.
“Minho. This really has to stop. I’m sorry.” You say with tears in your eyes.
Then you’re gone.
And Minho breaks down and cries.
You run back into the ladies room and lock yourself in a cubicle. No. Why did you just do that? Why did you let him fuck you again? Why did you egg him on, provoke him like that?
You’re so angry at yourself for giving in to him.
You’re angry for leading him on.
Most of all, you’re angry at your heart for getting involved and making this whole thing so fucking hard.
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Taglist open.
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @chansbabyg @kangnina @newhope8 @chuuchuu1224 @weareapackofstrays @xxkissesforchanniexx @enjaken @queenmea604 @queen-in-the-shadows @bethanysnow @vanillacupcakefrosting @straykidsholicleigh @fun-fanfics @number1chanstan @jisuperboard @3rachasdomesticbanana @newhope8 @palindrome969 @wolfennracha @rhonnie23 @thackery-blinks
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goteique · 12 days
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+cw.—f!reader, canon-typical elements and themes, borderline yan themes, explic!t smūt, s/d dynamics + s/m themes, voice k!nk, strength k!nk, edging, use of sex toy ( vibrator ), orgasm denial,dubcon, begging, sub!space + sub!drop, praising, dacryphillia, aftercare
+syn.—Natsuki wanted to do something for you but that did not include hurting you; then, why are you crying ?
+notes. —This has been in my drafts for a few months when i made my debut post to the fandom but it's finally out. ngl the borderline yan behavior was a little hard for me to write given his character profile but i couldn't get that particular scene from my head. you'll see which scene I'm talking about when you get there and if you ended up spotting it please yell in tags / comments.this is also cross posted to ao3 & biker!gaku is my next post tho. | redirect to blog navigation.
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Your relationship with Natsuki is ambiguous at best. You are an assassin. He is a weapon engineer. That is how things started between you two. You still remember the first time he asked you to volunteer for a test run for a particular weapon he made all by himself. He was so nonchalant as well as so tactless that it made you dismiss it. But you caved in eventually because he constantly kept nagging. He had the privilege to do so since you practically lived under the same roof as him, and ran into each other so many times throughout the whole day, making it impossible for you to avoid him.
“This is not going to be a habit,” you mentioned when you first volunteered and he just nodded. You swear you saw him laugh when he turned while nodding or could it be your imagination? 
Somehow this thin layer between being a test subject for his newly invented devices and batchmate diluted to the point that now he is testing you, your patience, and your sanity without using any of his newfound devices. You can not pinpoint when it all started, the dilution of such a boundary. A boundary that you dared not to cross with him. A boundary that you drew with the sole purpose of ceasing all sorts of expansion of his relationship with you. It was for him: to keep him out, not for you, and it failed to keep you safe yet it managed to shock you  whereas the mere existence of such a boundary tempted Natsuki enough to explore it, blur it, erase it, little by little until there was no trace of it.
Now, you are sitting on his lap legs sprawled apart to be as close to him as you can afford. He has both of your arms held under a tight grip keeping them at the valley of your waist. 
“Comfortable?” he asks, his lips grazing underneath your ear over your cheek ever so slightly as he inclines to check his grip on you. You give him a hum as a response. With his free hand, he pushes a hard bulb inside your pussy. You know what it is, a pleasuring toy, a vibrator but with your knowledge you considered it quite small. 
Seba-san said he wanted to surprise you with something. You have been so good to him, so helpful with his work, and needless to say so patient with him that he wants to do something for you; something that will make you content and happy, maybe wanting more of his surprises and thereby be dedicated to continue working with him on a pro-bono basis. 
What could be more rewarding for you than making you cum? That too for the first time? He heard you once. Talking about it to Shin, saying how you always had to take care of yourself. How nobody bothered enough to make you cum! Always busy with just getting themselves off first. Natsuki practically felt his body shiver. You have never orgasmed before? That's hard to believe. How could such no one make you cum with a face like that? So pretty, so expressive. Moreover, he knows— he is aware of it that he can achieve this feat, oh dear the range of pleasure he could provide you— makes it hard for him to think it through.
Natsuki turns on the vibrator and the intensity has already swept away all your attention from the surroundings channeling it all onto him. “Is that the highest bar?” One of his eyebrows stretches upwards. So, you want more. . .? Is this too little for you, dear? Natsuki does not give you an answer but increases the intensity just one more bar making your lips curl inwards. You tip your head down, let your eyelids fall and your vision goes dark for a second. The sound of vibration reaches your ear. He increases one more bar and it just threatens you to hold on to something, anything. 
Looking up you let out a wry awkward chuckle followed by a heavy gasp you ask, “Are there more?” Natsuki’s eyebrows pinch a little and then go back to normal.
“Yes.” His voice is low, raspy, and impatient. You try to loosen his grip but he is strong. You feel his grip on your wrist tightens further. “Three more buttons.” By now your legs have encapsulated his torso yet the urge to move your hips against his lower half does not go away. You do not want this sensation to stop either, just a little toned down but saying that might not give you the result you want.
Natsuki is not doing any better though. The choice of your clothing is bothering him, hindering him from studying you properly. He should have thought of that, perhaps buying you an outfit that would not expose your excited state too ludicrously. Honestly, he is holding back the urge to put his mouth on one of your nipples and suckle on it over the cloth. He can see it properly, your buttoned nipples. Do they match the color of your lips? 
You have started to whimper, just a little though like a wounded cat but that is not the sound he wanted to hear. He increases the intensity by another progression and your forehead rests on his shoulder sniveling. You are in desperate need of distraction. You just can not let him see you like this, crumble like a house of cards. You refuse to give him a glimpse of such an intimate moment. Not to mention it will be your first time too.
“You are so impressive.” Natsuki opined, placing a chaste kiss on your cheek. “I would not have lasted this long.” He lies. He lies because he knows he will win if you two make a bet to see who lasts longer. Maybe Natsuki should save it for the next session. Turning your head, you glance at him, gasping with your mouth open as he intently watches your eyes glisten with water. “Just one more left. You can do this. I think—he pauses to glance at your lips for a second. “I believe you really can if you try,” he soaks his lips by running the tip of his tongue in a quick swipe.
It's obviously tempting. You lean for a kiss but he sways his upper body away. Ah! The hurt in your eyes. The shock. The frustration. The anger. This is what he wanted to witness: the downfall of your tranquil demeanor that you always carry with you in each step. He increases the intensity to the fullest making you close your eyes. The way you are whimpering and breathing could easily be mistaken as the sound of a dying creature. His is hard but that does not bother him as much if he can see the tears rolling down your cheeks as you arch your body. There are beads of perspiration over your forehead, and chest a little bit on your face and hands.
“Stop.” you welp. “Make it stop.” Natsuki keeps the remote aside on the table, running the tip of his index finger over his bottom lip rashly.
“Why do you want to stop? You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He brushes his fingers against your cunt over the cloth making you jump releasing a hiss of pleasure. “Look. You are so wet.” Even after touching you through the cloth, his fingers are so sticky. He stretches his fingers revealing the strings of your arousal and glances at you. You can barely hold back your tears. You can not figure out if those are tears of pleasure or the embarrassment seeping into you as he licks his slick fingers staring right into your eyes.
“Then, at least leave my hands.” You say huffing it out with a pained sob then, start to cry making him go silent for a few seconds. He probably forgets to breathe until your whimpers start to get elongated, louder and finally turn into lewd cries of pleasure. This is a pleasure, yeah! It definitely is. He does not know what pleasure would look like on your face. So, he assumes it; even fantasizes about it a couple of times.
“No, that I can’t do.” He whispers but a mumble reaches to your ears. “But I can do this,” He states, taking his free hand behind you and interlacing his fingers with yours. It relaxes your strained muscles. He still kept his grip tightened while filling the gaps of your fingers with his not giving you even a bleak chance to free your hand. 
Now his face is closer to yours but you know better than to pursue the desire of putting your lips on his. He rests his chin just at the advent of your cleavage on your chest watching you as you start to twist and turn your body, buck your hips. Your feet stretch out as farther it can as the wave finally stops hitting the shore. The way you inhaled through your mouth and then exhaled it felt like you were about to puke. Natsuki was the first to question, “What just happened? I didn't…
“Why did you stop?” 
“I didn’t.”  Is he lying? Is this fun to him? Tormenting you to the point of ruin. Natsuki can see your lips droop like the wilting petals of a flower, eyebrows growing closer to each other. You roll your bottom lip inside your mouth unable to take it anymore, feeling a wave of sorrow building inside your ribs. But you do not feel Natsuki’s hand anymore. So, without wasting any further seconds to got out of his clutches and ran towards the bathroom. Natsuki follows without thinking anything only to be met with the chocolate of the wood. 
As soon as you bolt the door of the bathroom it all comes crashing down— flashes of his face when he was touching you, looking too fondly than he should, pushing your limits, and making you cum. You could not help but feel the guilt of it all since it was truly your fault all along. You could have said no and he would have listened. He is not that cruel. No. Never that cruel to you but you gave in because you were curious too. You were eager to know how it would feel to orgasm, to be touched so fondly and full of desire. And, you saw that desire in his eyes: that greedy lustful desire but you were wrong to think that you could contain it all in. Now it is oozing out of you, out of him. This realization that came so suddenly and so strongly which has been dormant for years, perhaps when you started frequenting his room often after being his mock-up weapon tester lets another wave of misery wash over you. Does he like you back the way you like him?
“I’m sorry.” You hear Natsuki’s voice. It is faded but you hear it, his breathing too. “I’m sorry.” Then again, “I’m sorry. . .I’m sorry. I— I will never do this again.”
“You don’t know that.”  You shout from the inside of the bathroom, your voice hitting the walls howls back at you, and then you gasp before finally breaking into a sob. It hurts. It pains. It aches. It agonizes you to think of anything or even touch yourself to release that piled up pressure in you. You feel as if there was no spark fiery enough to create wildfire in your body. All those hook-ups and bad dates that ended up with you being used as a thing to get off . . . they are all coming back to you now . . .maybe it's you. . .maybe it's you who can’t cum and that is why they did what they craved: took care of themselves with your help.
Natsuki can hear you; your faint sob coming through the locked thick wooden door as he stands leaning his head on it. He knows saying sorry no matter how many times would be useless now but he still wanted to say it because it was never his intention to hurt you like this. He just wanted to see your pleasure and push you to the high end of your limits, show you something so strong, so impactful that every time you would touch yourself you would think of him, so every time you ever think of going out with another guy you would think of him. As Natsuki’s head rests on the wooden door he draws lazy patterns on the doors while waiting for you to come out. 
It has been over half an hour. Natsuki does not mind standing even though you have not replied. But one thing has changed you have stopped crying. He can not hear your sobs anymore. He finally sits on the ground hearing something from the other side, his face still facing the door. He is waiting for you to come out, and see your face.
“Natsu, are you still there?” Your voice is murky. It wobbles as you speak more.
“Yes. yes. Of course. Am still here. Still here.” Natuski hears the lock of the door open with a click but you wait before pulling the door inside the bathroom to open it. You see Natsuki flopped on the floor, legs one of the other loosely placed with his headphones still as it was.
“Congrats. You broke the vibrator.” That was the first thing he could say when he saw you, your red swollen eyes. You are drenched from head to toe, water dripping on the floor as Natuski is forced to remember certain days when you would come home like this. Is this your coping mechanism?
“Well. It was my fault too . . .” his eyes pull away from you as he confesses. He can’t think of anything other than being near you. He does not want you to watch you fall apart. If you do, he will be there to pick up the pieces and build Rome again. He knows it’ll be different Rome, he knows that but still worth a try. “Shall we go eat something? You must be hungry.” 
“Nah!” you walk past him, fully drenched looking for a towel. You appreciate his sentiment, you really do but right now you do not want those pair of eyes to look at you. Natsuki gets up and walks up to you holding you by your upper arm and jerking you towards himself. You do not protest much. You are tough. You can handle it when he is rough with you but lust and desire are oozing out of you. It’s hard to just watch and not do anything about it, about the spill. 
Natsuki cups one of your breasts and you cling to his touch like a branch of a tree reaching out for sunlight. He wets his bottom lip before pressing his thumb over your nipple. It does not take for him to wipe the boundary off that you had put up to keep him away. His lips on yours cascading like waterfall from a mountain,hand tending to your breast while your hands find a way to clamp around his shoulders pulling him into the kiss, dampening his clothes more and more till he squeezes your breasts a little too hard making you come back to reality, pushing him away to breath again. Your shoulders are against his chest now. His grip over your upper arm is still intact. He won’t let you go. He won’t let you go. He won’t.
“If you don’t take care of yourself then I'll be forced to do so.”  Your eyes are so sharp as you swat your head to look at him. 
“Yes.” You murmur and glance at his lips. “Yes. Yes. ‘course.” You lean towards him a little saying, “I’m hungry, very much hungry.” as your lips clash against his again.
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