#skate the fish
fragglecocks · 7 months
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they’re besties 🥰
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marinememes · 1 year
Today is Wet Beast Wednesday!
Today’s wet beast is: Bowmouth Guitarfish
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Olive’s wet beast fact: these absolutely shaped creatures are also known as the Shark Ray. Are they a shark or a ray? Who fuckin knows! (They are rays, not sharks)
Stay tuned for more Wet Beast Wednesdays!
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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fullfrontalfish · 6 months
While swimming last summer I once noticed a fish in front of me, head on and it was a joyous moment. An east Atlantic peacock wrasse if I remember correctly. Unfortunately no picture of that exists but here's a different frontal fish to make up for it!
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He is a cowboy hat
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antiqueanimals · 7 months
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(left, from above) Thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata), Thornback skate (Raja clavata), (right, from above) Longnose skate (Dipturus oxyrinchus), Common skate (Dipturus batis)
Fishes of the World. Written by Hans Hvass. Illustrated by Wilhelm Eigener. Originally published in 1964.
Internet Archive
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Daily fish fact #849
Elasmobranch fish!
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Fish of the subclass Elasmobranchii, like sharks and rays, have a large liver full of low density oils — they use this liver to maintain their buoyancy in the water column! The liver can be so large as to be up to 25% of the fish’s body weight.
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gyomeis-beads · 11 months
Opens box of special interests and dumps them infront of you like a box of legos
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sea-lanterns · 9 months
Figure skating AU Arlecchino would definitely hold your hand and kiss it before AND after a performance that's my opinion at least 👾
Arlecchino is the definition of an ice prince. The type of figure skater that has so many fangirls screaming for her in the audience, but the only woman that has her focus is you, her partner.
Expect to be handled very gently like you’re made of glass. The way she holds you and tosses you up into the air is like tossing a leaf up into the wind. Even outside of your performances, Arlecchino is very gentlemanly. She places the fallen roses she’s caught into your hair, ties your skate laces for you even though you could do it yourself…
Heck, she even shields you away from flashing cameras if it’s too much overstimulation for you to bear. Blocking your face with her arm and escorting you out like the good skating partner she was…
Fans sense that perhaps you two may be more than just “skating partners.”
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fishenjoyer1 · 2 months
Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the shovelnose guitarfish!
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The shovelnose guitarfish, scientific name Pseudobatos productus, is a common ray. Named for the guitar-like shape of their body and the particularly pointed nose, this fish can be found along the Pacific coast. From San Francisco, to the gulf of California, and possibly as low as Mazatlan, Mexico. These fish live in subtropical-temperate regions spending their time along the sea bed and away from large animals. TFound around rocky reefs and soft or sandy bottomed areas, the depth range is anywhere from 1-91 meters, but they prefer to live 1-13meters.
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The diet of the shovelnose guitarfish is dependent on their benthic lifestyle, as animals living exclusively on the seabed. They prey on crabs, worms, clams, and small fishes also living along the seafloor. During the day this fish lies in wait until prey comes close enough to it, at which point it will lunge out swallowing prey whole. But, during the night the shovelnose guitarfish actively hunts the sea floor, looking for unsuspecting animals. They tend to hide during the day as they are regularly predated on by seals, sharks, whales and large fish.
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Some of the more interesting biological realities of the shovelnose guitarfish is in the gills and eyes. The gills are particularly delicate, and as such this guitarfish pumps water in through spiracle holes on the top of the head, running water over the gills. Filtering through the openings and out. This allows them easy breathing despite their stationary ways hiding on the sand. On the other hand, the eyes of the shovelnose are more extensive than most other cartilaginous fishes, as they have many larger than average projections connected into the brain. This gives them a better ability to see than most rays and sharks.
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Shovelnose guitarfish give birth to live young, as embryos will feed on the yolk of the egg within the womb. Breeding takes place in shallow bays and estuaries, and after this gestation will take anywhere between 10-12 months. Then, they'll give birth to anywhere between 6-28 pups, and are born during the pupping season of June-October, in the same shallow water breeding takes place in. At their full adult size, they'll get as large as 1.7meters in length, just around the time they reach sexual maturity. These fish will sexually mature by 7-8 years old, and only live around 11-16 years, living through anywhere from 3-9 breeding seasons.
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That is the shovelnose guitarfish, have a wonderful day!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 8 months
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Deepglow Skate
Its graceful glide paints the ocean floor with strokes of luminescence.
Artist: Jason Kang TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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totaled-drama · 1 year
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Super rough sketches for the Flying Fish coaches & Sky!!!
Bowie wants to be just like Sky when he grows up!! He thinks she’s so cool (and she inspires him to wear jewelry like hers when he gets older)
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marinememes · 1 year
Why this guitarfish at work got them lips
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Serving cunt
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dailymarinefish · 2 months
day 182, 27/07/24 - fish of the day is the false argus skate (Dentiraja falloarga)
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wildbeautifuldamned · 9 months
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strawberryartgallery · 3 months
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(2021) art of my fursona
//please do not re-post. Re-blogs are okay//
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Daily fish fact #542
Elasmobranch fish!
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This subclass includes sharks, rays, skates, and sawfish! These fish share several features, like their dermal tenticles, male claspers, or lack of a swim bladder or opercular series — a group of bones that protect the gills and help with respiration. Elasmobranch fishes instead have several individual gill clefts!
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