#skin review
blemiish · 8 months
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I love the Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime
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itsnotlissie · 16 days
€ð movie/show recommendations (as promised)
movies I’ve watched
To the Bone
St@v1ng in Suburbia (i think its also called th1nspir@tion)
Sharing the Secret
shows I’ve watched
Red Band Society
Sup3rsize vs sup3rsk1nny
movies/tv shows on my watchlist
1000 Ib sisters (it’s a good way to motivate yourself not to be like them)
My 600 Ib life ( just like the last one)
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declawedwildcat · 2 months
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After seeing @aiscapades working on some Touchstarved sims, I decided I wanted to try the challenge of making Leander's scar as CC! There's still some things I might fix with it in the future, but overall I'm pretty happy with how it came out and a lot more confident on how to tackle this type of CC in the future 🍻
You can see the full item details and download it for yourself from ModTheSims here (no account needed).
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kbeautynotes · 8 months
ILLIYOON Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream Review
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I'm sure you've heard of the Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream, a popular Korean moisturizer. However, like with most skincare products, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. So, let’s delve deeper and explore which skin types and conditions are best suited to reap its benefits.
Read the full blog post here: ILLIYOON Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream Review
Have you tried this before?
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teethcollection · 7 months
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my au of last life but komaeda is there
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magg0tgf · 4 months
I HATE when a girl with acne does a makeup tutorial and someone in the comments goes "if you'd take good care of you skin you wouldn't need all of that" or "you should take care of your skin first" FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU EVERYONE TAKES CARE OF THEIR SKIN BUT IT'S NOT GONNA ALWAYS LOOK LIKE GLASS U STUPID DUMB ASS BASTARD BITCH
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blerdyotome · 8 months
Chronotopia: Second Skin is a fresh take on a little known dark fairytale
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At long last, Brittany based indie studio, Träumendes Mädchen released their fairytale inspired visual novel, Chronotopia: Second Skin. The project was crowdfunded on Kickstarter in 2016, but due to various circumstances spent years in development limbo. But, the developer has been working on the game and now it is finally available to play. Chronotopia: Second Skin is a unique rewriting of the Donkeyskin fairytale, a darker variation of Cinderella. Follow Kionna into a painful but ultimately rewarding search for her true self.
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jilf · 5 months
İ KNOW that fetishization is so atrociously bad in figure collecting circles but it's still crazy to see people be so BLATANT about it
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heartbreaking! the skincare minis from the pricy skincare brand work amazingly well and now I'm gonna have to purchase the full-size options when these little ones run out
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endcant · 2 months
camping was fun and all but despite my best efforts my skin hated it
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sainamoonshine · 8 months
Anyone wants to read a book about a Selkie investigating the murder of her siblings, then falling in love with two people (in a poly sort of way)? Check out Skin Deep at https://blanchetmarie.com/en/books/skin-deep/
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fleursfairies · 9 months
mysterious skin is such a good movie but if i ever watch it again im skipping through most of it
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ofliterarynature · 6 months
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[ loved liked ok no thanks (reread) DNF ]
The Moonstone • Chaos Terminal • (The Raven Boys) • The Ghosts of Trappist • (Fugitive Telemetry) • From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler • The Art of Destiny • The Bell in the Fog • (Exit Strategy) • Who Goes There? • Salt Magic Skin Magic • The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up • (Dracula) • (Rogue Protocol) • The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store • The Boneshaker • The Archive Undying • (The Scorpio Races) • Camilla
Total: 18 (audiobook: 15 / ebook: 3)
I started my month off by finishing my reread of The Scorpio Races on November 1, as is right and proper :) This has consistently been my favorite of Maggie's books, and it never feels right the years that I haven't reread it. I think I hit the right method this year and rather than binging it or following a structured reread (which would be cool, if you could match the timeline of the book) I listened to the audiobook on and off throughout Oct and finished it off in one last burst one the 1st. I think this is some of Maggie's best writing, but I also admit I am no longer able to judge this one objectively and will save you all the sales pitch for now :)
The Archive Undying was...confusing. It wasn't that I couldn't follow what was happening on the sentence level or in the immediate present, but try zooming out to the larger picture and I was lost. It was hazy, very much like a fever dream. I would not be opposed to trying some of the author's other work in the future, but I have no interest in revisiting this book/series, and wouldn't really recommend.
The Boneshaker has been sitting on my bookshelf for years ever since I picked it up at a library book sale, and it's managed to survive every shelf purge since. And I'm glad it did! It's a strange MG/YA book about a girl, her bicycle, a small western town just off a crossroads, a snakeoil salesman, his medicine show, and deals with the devil. It was fascinating! I've been almost tempted to send a copy to Sydnee McElroy just for fun. I will definitely be investigating the author's other series.
The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store - I got tempted into this one because the Book Riot Podcast couldn't stop singing it's praises, and then it started making some of the year end/best of lists and... it's ok I guess? I don't really get the hype, tbh, and I got close to DNFing because it just wasn't interesting. I was at least forewarned that the "murder mystery" in the marketing was overblown, but I am here to tell you to ignore its existence completely. There is no mystery, there isn't really even a murder, and it doesn't happen until the end of the book anyway. I fully admit this was just not a book for me, and anyone who wants to read it I wish you well.
Not much to say about my Murderbot reread, other than choosing to give the audiobooks a break and rereading in a text format was an excellent choice, I really feel like I've picked up on a lot of things I didn't before, and it gives me time to think about things (I have some questions about the actual irl existence of rogue secunits, tbh). This is my second full time trough the series, and I think Exit Strategy is maybe the weakest solo link in the original quartet, but that makes me very happy to have the newer books as well. And I have to say it, FUGITIVE TELEMETRY IS BETTER IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.
Dracula Daily wrapped up this month, so I'm probably not the only one to have Dracula show up on their reading list. I listened to most of it via RE: Dracula, which I appreciated so much for helping keep me on track this year. I probably won't follow along next year, but big thanks to everyone for helping me learn to enjoy a book I hated both times I had to read it for school! I'll still be percolating that Greenwing & Dart AU somewhere in the back of my mind in the meantime.
I picked up the idea of "sparking joy" from the general internet and have found it hugely helpful in letting go of things in life, so I've been meaning to pick up The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up for a while, and was finally spurred into it when I picked up a copy at goodwill. I found some actionable advice in Kondo's method, but sooo much of the book felt like a sales pitch on how following this method could fix everything wrong in your life (and I mean *everything*). It left a very bad taste in my mouth - I think a workbook or checklist could be useful, but wouldn't recommend the book itself.
Salt Magic Skin Magic is a historical fantasy with magic, adventure, and a gay romance, which is so entirely in my wheelhouse. It hit all the same points I tend to find/enjoy in KJ Charles' work, and I had such a good time reading this - no surprise, apparently she helped edit this! Thanks to the HOTE discord group for reccing this one, I'll definitely be checking out some of the author's other work!
If you didn't know, Who Goes There? is the short story that the movie The Thing was based on - which I have not seen, but I went on a brief dive into antarctic exploration/horror in anticipation of this month's book club (All the White Spaces, which I actually read for last month but that meeting got delayed) and this popped up pretty quickly. It was available from the library and short, so why not?! The beginning felt a little rough, but I would have loved to see the tension of the main plot drawn out even longer. Liked this a lot better than the actual book club book, but I don't know that I'll watch any of the adaptations.
The Bell in the Fog - Lavender House sequel! I was so glad when this was announced; I love queer books, historical books, a mystery with a lead who actually does some detecting, and a character trying to find themselves and their community? Absolute catnip for me. It also doesn't pull its punches about the violence and injustices faced by the queer community, so it's definitely a bit darker than my usual tastes and will have to try hard to make it onto my favorites list. But if the author continues to write these I will absolutely pick them up.
The Art of Destiny - bless the library for not dragging their heels on the audiobook for this sequel, but lucky me, they did finally add the first book in time for me to get them both in the same year. Unlucky me, this does not appear to be the end of this series D: third book when??? Anyway, I won't deny that these books move a little slowly, but when they move, they move. If you want a big fantasy that's diverse, funny, cartoonish but epically violent, has a cast of all ages, and centers it's story on non-romantic relationships - this is so good, come join me in wailing for a book 3 announcement.
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler has lived in the back of my mind for a while as a favorite childhood book of a booklr friend who is sadly no longer on tumblr, but who I say hi to occasionally on other sites - anyways, I found a copy at goodwill and took it as a sign. This one's for you, Lourdes! If I'd found this as a kid, I probably would have reread it a lot, that's how I was too lol. For now, it was a fine read, but I don't think it'll have a lasting hold. Any fans interested in more middle grade about fine art might check out the Chasing Vermeer series by Blue Balliett.
The Ghosts of Trappist - I think it's impossible for me to not enjoy myself reading this series (NeoG), but this one was a bit of a backslide from the improvements in book 2. On one hand - a very ambitious plot, probably the least soap-operaish of the bunch, and I loved the emotional arcs (and the possible ART/murderbot reference?). On the other - over a dozen pov characters is too too many. my god. I think a tighter focus could have done a world of good, but if this is also where the series wraps up I'd be totally satisfied. I'll definitely check out the author's other series.
I admit, rereading The Scorpio Races sparked something in me and now I'm determined to set off on a full Maggie Stiefvater read/reread, starting with The Raven Boys. I really loved this when it first came out, but my interested petered out as the series progressed and I started college, and I haven't touched the spinoff yet. My impression from the first book is still that Maggie's writing is so goddam beautiful. Her sentences make me want to weep, but for me there's so much focus on the line that I'm constantly losing track of the big picture. I'm still enjoying myself, but I feel like I'm coasting a lot on nostalgia and aesthetic between moments of a story - though is it me, or does she write a lot in scenes/vignettes, rather than a constant flowing story? I've found some success in centering myself by imagining the scenes as depicted by a CW supernatural teen show of my high school years and it's quite lovely, actually - I can't believe the TV show plans got dropped and never picked up again. We'll have to see how the rest of the series goes.
Genuinely, I can't believe that I read Station Eternity earlier this year and that the sequel, Chaos Terminal, is out already. Despite liking the author's first book (Six Wakes) and normally liking the tropes they're playing with here, I did not like the first book. No idea why I read the second one then (hope?), but it was better, definitely! I still didn't like it. No idea if I'll finally call it quits on this series or get lured into another one if it gets written.
The Moonstone was an unexpected surprise! I made it to November still 2 books short on my 6 classics challenge and panicked when the first one ended up dnf'd - what if this one was bad too??? But I really should know better, give me a half decent mystery and entertaining characters, and I'll be fine. And it was epistolary! I had a good time groaning over all of the characters foibles and quirks, even if I spent the whole time just going, Hey Guys? you could avoid all of this if you just let the nice Indian men have their diamond back. Good fun if you like a mystery and have some patience.
My only DNF this month was the previously mentioned classic - from the moment I decided on a classics challenge, I knew I wanted to try something by Frances Burney given how much I liked her novel Evelina. Unfortunately for me, the only one the library had on audiobook was Camilla... and it was 37 hours long. I gave it a shot, but only made it about 3 hours in. I really do applaud Burney for her ability to create characters who are intentionally/unintentionally causing harm even if they sometimes have the best of intentions. It's absurd, truly, but I'm not in a place I can take that right now - especially since the victims were children, and it happened *repeatedly*. I think if I was to try this one again I'd need to take it slowly in small parts.
Am I horribly wrong about anything? Do you have any classics you'd recommend for next year?
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kbeautynotes · 6 months
Review: Haruharu Wonder Black Rice Moisture Airyfit and Black Rice Pure Mineral Relief Daily Sunscreen
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In this post, I’m thrilled to introduce you to two new sunscreens from Haruharu Wonder: the Black Rice Moisture Airyfit Daily Sunscreen and the Black Rice Pure Mineral Relief Daily Sunscreen.
For those who don’t know, Haruharu Wonder is a Korean vegan skincare brand, and their entire line is centered around their patented ingredient: fermented black rice. These two sunscreens are no exception, boasting the goodness of black rice ferment, in addition to offering excellent sun protection.
Full article here: Haruharu sunscreen review
What's your favorite Korean sunscreen?
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I'm about to say the thing you were waiting for.
By the way. Still here.
Still not done with episode 16, but a few random comments.
First of all, THE thing.
We're now rooting for Hurrem hard. She's learning, actually trying and thinking, and at this point almost everyone else is worse tbh.
Especially Mahidevran.
The Leo Arc has begun. It will be glorious and dumb.
Matrakçi apparently having the key to Ibrahim's place like we were in Friends is hilarious.
Same as him being utterly confused by the concept of twins.
Matrakçi has never not been hilarious actually.
YAY MOCENIGO IS BACK (and keeps being bullied).
I loved the roasting of the Pope for selling indulgency because while correct on that, it was hilarious coming from Suleyman, ESPECIALLY when he decides to throw shade at religious authoritarianism and/or inner division, given what just happened with the letter from the Shah (amazing trash talk from both sides there. Suleyman, as usual, is as subtle as Orban's cannons).
Lastly the important stuff- I was not ready for loose hair nightgown Nigar.
None of my family was actually, my sisters took it just as I did, we're still recovering.
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d-x-z · 5 months
I know this isnt my usual content but petition to review bomb genshin again for not having us select a free 4 star skin in genshin 😒😔
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