elemen-titan · 4 months
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Type: Mana/Aero
“Royal Plumage” Amicon
Their eyes appear as it’s in the darkness, causing a trance-like effect to those who invade their forests.
They are known to cause confusion and bewilderment to those who wish to cause harm to other on their lands.
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cpasmbot6000 · 7 months
Professor Scowl - Night Smegma (2024) From Professor Scowl's upcoming album - "The Oils in Smegma Help Keep the Skin Around Your Genitals Moist (Also, Swear to Satan!)".
Part of the "No-One Project", a collection of music groups made of pure evil ether hellbent on annoying the world. Coming together for a future tribute CD compilation and 4 way split 7"EP.
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krokodilesideshow · 5 months
I spended way too much time on this.
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agreyraincloudd · 2 years
Aemond x Thief!Reader
Word Count 1. 3k
Summary Aemond is surprised to find someone dressed as himself attempting to steal his dragon.
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Whoever said Kingslanding had good weather was a liar. It was fucking freezing. Scaling up the side of the coast line with a dead goat was hard enough but when the rain began and the white paint in their hair began dribbling down their chin, they started to contemplate if the gold coins Baela Targaryen promised upon the return of her mother's dragon was worth this. The stench alone of damp hide was temptation enough to leave.
The shelter of the Dragon pit was a welcome respite. But the relief was short lived as she snuck her way down into the darkness. In the shadows it became difficult to see. Y/N's hands searched against the wall, the wet of stone licking at their fingers until it all ended.
"Gods watch over me" They muttered lowly as the great beast lay befow them. Vhagar. The dragon took deep heavy breaths as it stirred. The plan was simple; disguised as Aemond, Y/N would waltz into the dragon pit to, distract the creature with a light snack and crawl upon its back to fly it home. All the while hoping it doesn't realise the true identity of the false Prince and eat them before they could get away.
Easier said than done.
The hood of Y/N's cloak remained pulled low as they lobbed the white goat before the dragon's nose. Vhagar, in their sleepy haze pawed at the carcas before lapping it's tongue at the snack none the wiser to the imposter. Y/N tried to remain in a casual walk as they waltzed up to the long ladder draped over the scaled back when the ground from under them was snatched away as a body yanked them back, throwing them to the ground.
Y/N pulled their dagger from their boot and sliced forward but a hand reached out and slammed them back into the dust. Vhagar slithering in a frantic twist behind the pair. The two of them went into a roll. Y/N scratched at the man but he landed a strong punch, hazing their vision. Blood gathered at their brow.
"Are you supposed to be me?" Aemond Targaryen's legs pinned Y/N in place in a straddle, their face looking down in a confused skowl.
Y/N struggled, thrashing until Aemond pulled them up by their wrists to slam them back, the knife falling from their hand.
"This is on the wrong eye too" He scoffed.
"Fucks sake just feed me to the dragon or get off me" Y/N had exhausted all energy climbing here, they couldn't be bothered to fight their way out of this.
Aemond lent a little closer, a curl forming on their lips.
"Your dragon bought it"
"My dragon would have ate you the moment you tried to climb on their back"
"She's old, I'm sure she couldn't tell"
Aemond reached forward, tucking Y/N's hand under his knee as pulled the eye patch off the imposters face. They both went silent.
"Tell me your business before I slit your throat"
Y/N didn't move.
Vhagar growled behind them.
"Someone is paying a pretty penny to get Vhagar back"
The thief didn't move.
"Do not test me"
Y/N nodded.
"You will take me to them in the morrow and I will prove Vhagar chose me"
The two rose. The minute he shoved them through the tunnels and into the back streets of Kingslanding Y/N made a break for it. But Aemond was quick. He ran behind them and in barely a broken stride his hands shoved them into the wall.
"Don't even think about it thief"
Y/N raised their hands in innocence.
"Okay okay"
Aemond didn't say another word as he practically dragged them through cobbled alleyways and deep into his home. Only when they reached his Chambers did he release them.
"You will sleep here. We will leave at first light. You will take me to Baela and bare witness as I remove her head from her shoulders for dare attempting to steal my dragon"
Y/N didn't know where to look. Aemond had something to him when he spoke. Each word ribboned in the air in a hiss of sounds.
"Might I get cleaned up first your highness? " They both knew the question was a tease at their lack of care for Prince Aemonds title.
He nodded toward his bathroom.
A large gold mirror sat in the centre of the ensuite, the reflection spitting back an unfamiliar image. The blonde paint in attempt to mimic the Prince was fading and smudged against their skin and the few strands that held the white had stuck to the drying blood on their face.
Y/N cupped their hands in the sink but groaned out in pain as the water stung the dust filled gash above their eye.
A white cloth on the side was dunked in the basin as Aemond appeared. Y/N turned as the blonde man startled them. He had forgone his own cloak and remained in a loose white shirt, scars and nicks from fighting kissed along his neck.
"Here" In a swift motion Aemond turned Y/N's face away in his hand, the damp cloth coming up to dab at the red on their skin.
"You're making too much noise"
"Ah I apologise, next time you punch me in the face and rub dirt in it, ill try not to complain so much when I clean myself up"
"Next time" - a Prince should not be as close to them as they were "don't try to steal my dragon"
"From what I heard I'm giving it back"
Aemond pressed a little harder. Y/N's face soured.
"Vhagar chose me just as much as I chose her. Baela should have already claimed her before I could if she was so bothered"
"I imagine a Prince often gets what he wants"
Aemond tilted their face back to him.
"What I want and what is appropriate are not always similar"
"What could a Prince want that he could not have"
Aemond put the cloth down. The water turning red.
"You may take my bed after you bathe"
Y/N followed him out.
"And you?"
He twisted to face them.
"I will not be sleeping whilst among a thief"
"Suit yourself"
Aemonds bed was like sleeping upon a thousand clouds. The blankets engulfed them as they wrapped the sheets close to their neck, the stormy chill flooding the room.
Aemond remained strolling around his chamber for some time until Y/N sat up.
"I do not care if you sleep beside me or on the floor or not at all but would you stop pacing"
In a sudden act of stubbornness, Aemond pull the sheets off of them, exposing their body to the fridges air.
"Then neither of us shall sleep tonight"
Furious with his suggestion, Y/N crawled to their knees and latched onto the Princes shirt at the side of the bed, dragging him in after them before they slung the covers across the two.
"I lay in the heart of Kingslanding in none other than a Princes bed with hundred of guards tolling every conceivable exit to this place. If I tried to kill you now I would rather I took myself after too. Now shut up or sleep"
"What dark pit did Baela fetch you out of?" Aemond wretched at their brashness.
"The same one they found you"
The Prince said no more as he moved to make himself more comfortable after exstingusing the small flame on his bedside.
Y/N flipped to face away from the Prince as he did, all the while ignoring the warmth radiating off him.
The soft patter of rain fall lulled them to sleep as the couple lay a pillow apart. It was only the following morning as they rode to Driftmark did the way Aemonds hands lay across their waist, remind them of the feeling they awoke to only a few hours prior.
Enjoy your bread crumbs whores
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citrusvortex · 5 months
Snowmad headcannons ft Crystal
- loves eating watermelon, enjoys watermelon smoothies
- he is very chill
-has a bit of a playful personality
- is afraid of bees
- if there’s someone he absolutely hates or senses danger he starts loudly barking and growling
- is the oldest general
- is the most wisest snowmad
- definitely talks about the stories that happened in his youth to the young snowmads or other generals
- has grandpa energy
Ba boom
-definitely a trouble makers of the group
- red ba boom is a lil bit crazy
-green absolutely hates fish, hates the taste, smell, everything
-blu ba boom is the most mature of the three, yet still pulls pranks on the others including his brothers
- a bit of a bully to the low ranking snowmads
- loves exploring sunken ships and lost cities in his spare time
-favourite colour is pink but will keep that a secret up to his grave
-enjoys stories about pirates and paranormal stories
- he a vegetarian, makes no sense but it’s funny
- surprisingly has some brain to him and will think before attacking unless he’s really angry
- definitely prefers hammer over axes or bow and arrows
- Loves pineapple in his popsicles
-treats his subjects as equals no matter the ranks, yet is more civil to the generals
- took ballet as a child
- whenever Crystal is asleep in his arms or they’re both asleep he’ll gently lick her forehead like he’s cleaning her
-since he Was technically a prince in his youth he was a wee bit spoiled by the servants
- got into ballet thanks to her dad
- at 14 she won her first battle against a stronger opponent
- she hates squid and octopus because of cruel prank in middle school
- Crystal enjoys fixing boats, exploring new islands and fishing when she has the chance to do so
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2n2n · 1 year
Bro. Honestly. JSHK is amazing but it’s not perfect, so is there something you don’t like? Then what is it? Anyway I’m a huge fan of the manga and your work and your husband’s, you’re both amazing!!
please do not call me bro… </3 I do not like to be called bro </3… you can call me 'miss' if you don't want to use a name.
Something I don't like ……………………………………………………………………… I mean, I don't like Kou… as he is presented thus far, he's an effective pastiche of 'shounen protagonists' replete with 'shouts all the time' and 'reactively violent' and 'pointlessly idealistic morals that can't adapt to complex situations'. 'Says very simple and basic things' 'has the most rote response to any situation and does NOT pause for thought'. I've read so many shounen that he makes me rub my temples, I'm like getting flashbacks.
When I reread Picture Perfect I struggle with the Kou + Mitsuba intermissions, and it feels tonally SUCH a far cry from the beauty and grace of the HanaNene, and Shijima-san. The fact they both just scream back and forth and are prone to lashing out, its just tedious. I wish Nene was in the Red House alone, Kou really sucks the beauty out of scenes with his, boorishness.
While I feel Hanako fight scenes have Hanako's vampiric sexy badboy allure to keep me engaged, things like the Kou and Hakubo fight really feel exhausting to flip through, just a stupid fuckin sword boy with a meaningless catchphrase promise to make everyone happy <- transports me back into generic shounen slog territory. I FLYING LEAP into the Sumire/Hakubo chapters lacing all of this, NEED THEM LIKE AIR, they are thankfully beautiful enough to more than make up for Kou. I feel like we're like ticking a box with Kou scenes. Like doing the required amount to be billed a shounen despite all the canoodling.
HOWEVER, I'm entirely sure that's the POINT of Kou, and I do trust AidaIro will unpack his issues in a way another shounen could not and would not. So far I'm perfectly excited about where he's going, how he's being challenged… I think in the end, I'll be satisfied, but I probably also would gladly just press a button to erase him from the manga.
Oh he also looks like such a hobgoblin comparatively. Crusty. Hanako is all sleek like a sports car decked in black with gold accents and red trim. Nene is like a delicate domesticated pink-eyed animal, soft and pretty. Tsukasa is a luxurious sacred object, silked and pleated out, billowing. Kou is wearing GIGANTIC splatoon sneakers all weighing down the ends of his feet like big mallets, ugely generic CARGO SHORTS, with his nasty calves bulging under knobby knees, a t-shirt with a lion on it (basic), he is all ripped and muscular and sinewy, he's not pleasantly petite and shrimpy with big golden eyes like the illustrious esteemed Hanako (also, Hanako has very flambouyant gestures lol). Kou's pupils are both weirdly oval-shaped and also blue and somehow they remind me of Sonic the Hedgehog, combined with his ever-present skowl. He really looks like Gollum to me. Just gnarly and nasty and without even an iota of feminine grace. He is so masculine and nothing else. All STOMP STOMP GRRR YELL RAAAHH HITS PEOPLE RRRHHHGGH GRRRR I completely check out. Oh you know what else sucks? Kou won't like wear a skirt in a fun side-image playfully... Hanako can get all slutty and dress in girl's clothes like TEEHEE AM I CUTE HEEHEE lift his skirt up etc, while Kou will be embar and hate it. Sucks so bad. Tsukasa can do a flawless impression of Sakura's feminine grace and beauty, he can twirl his lil hakama alllll about. Swagless Kou giving us noooooo gender play, no whimsy, boooooooo boo booo booo booboobooboo WHAT are you doing here? Loser
For the AidaIro oeuvre he's like such a random, thing, I basically don't see other Kou or Kou-alikes in their back-catalogue? There is Not A Resident Kou in MDLD, Fox-Masked Guardian Spirit, Snow White, etc, so I'm like, whaaaat is this guuuuuuy ... I can't really predict what's gonna happen with him, other than probably being mindbroken ? I do not know him. Don't know why he's here.
And: Thank you x3 for da complerment.....
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fkinavocado · 2 years
what i wanna know is how harry snapped out of that perpetuous skowl
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cheoenpedazos · 6 months
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sloth-powerart · 5 years
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Skowl, the Startling
Second boss done! Four more to go...
This owl dude take me so long to make, but at least is done =P
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m0ricake · 3 years
Why does Damian Wayne's eyebrows just disappear when he puts on his mask as Robin
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smallmariofindings · 3 years
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The original Wii U version of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze contains unused names and descriptions for 64 different achievements (zoom in to view). The finished game has no achievement system implemented. Interestingly, from the order of bosses and worlds (Ba-Boom before Skowl, and Bright Savannah before Autumn Heights), it appears that for most of development the second world was Bright Savannah, and the third world was Autumn Heights; they appear to have been switched around very close to release.
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elemen-titan · 4 months
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Type: Core/Aero
“Black Wing” Amicon
This elusive creature is found wherever Skowl are not… watching from afar to see if approaches and friend or foe.
They are capable of shooting their jet black feather with great precision and power, causing a sharp shooting pain in their opponents.
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miloscat · 3 years
[Review] Kaze and the Wild Masks (PS4)
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I haven’t seen many modern indie games that so directly homage Donkey Kong Country... turns out, it’s a good model!
Pixelhive is a new team, and they clearly have a lot of love for Rare’s SNES classics. Kaze, our heroine rabbit, is essentially Dixie Kong with her prehensile ears that can hover and pick up the occasional barrel- er, pot. Each level has four lettered panels to collect and two bonus rooms. Other mechanics and gimmicks called to mind memorable moments from DKC2 and 3, my favourites, so it was a nice nostalgia-fest (lots of brambles here!).
Lifting from the two best games of the 90s isn’t the only trick up Kaze’s sleeve though. It also takes a few cues from Retro Studios’ reboot DK games, like the ziplines or the swimming controls (the first boss’s patterns are also very Skowl-like). Also, it modernises some things: you can toggle a casual mode at any time to get an extra health hit and more checkpoints, which I started using at about the halfway mark. And there’s no life system, thank goodness, with 100 little gems in a level going towards a completion goal for that level, adding up to the best ending cutscene. On that note, getting panels unlocks artwork showing the game’s backstory, and bonus stages go towards unlocking an extra stage per world; oops, that one’s a DKC2 lift as well!
The main gimmick is the “wild masks”, transformations that act like DKC’s animal buddy barrels. The bird masks changes you into Squawks, complete with a projectile attack. The lizard turns the game into a minecart-style autoscroller. The shark has improved swimming ability (Kaze alone can only manage a shallow dive) patterned after DKCTF/Rayman Origins as I mentioned earlier. And the tiger has wall cling and air dash abilities... oh, I guess they got some Mega Man X in here as well.
So it’s a 2D platformer that looks lovely, plays smoothly, and takes inspiration from masterclass sidescrollers that I love. I’m finding it hard to be objective here, but who cares! Kaze is a damn fine game. Patterning your game after Rare’s DKC titles is an excellent choice, and Dixie especially has great abilities that deserved further exploration, even if the momentum works a little differently here. Plus, the enemies are all monstrous vegetables which is a really fun, charming theme.
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krokodilesideshow · 4 months
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Today is my birthday, but the gift goes to the guys who made my year better. <3
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Little Galaxy in your eyes
part two of this post about two clones running off with an abandoned force-sensitive kid they were supposed to kill
 “Stars, get out of there!” Riff took several hurried steps toward the little rodian girl, who had toddled away from him and up into a vendors fruit basket.
 Stars babbled indignantly, almost sounding like she was speaking actual words.
 Riff might have been proud, under different circumstances. “Well get down anyway.” He bent forward, hands reached out to her.
 The little girl shook her head at him, her antennae swaying. She picked up a fruit in both of her little hands.
 The vendor seemed to notice her, now. “Hey, you put that down, youngling,” he skowled.
 Aspen came up behind Riff. “Ah, sorry, sir, that’s ours.” He lowered his tone. “Well, grab her already, Riff.” He elbowed his brother.
 Riff grumbled and moved to pick up the girl, still busy as she was contemplating the fruit in her hands. Just before he hoisted her in the air, she managed to take a bite out of it.
 “Oh moons, Stars,” Riff sighed. He settled her more firmly as juice dripped down the rodian girl’s hands onto his arms.
 The vendor frowned.
 “We are so sorry sir,” Aspen said, pushing forward and handing the disgruntled man a couple credits.
 “No harm I ‘spose,” he grunted. “But you’d best keep a better eye on that little one, ey? There’s a lot worse places she could have wandered than my stall.” He nodded meaningfully toward the busy street.
 Aspen swallowed and gave a pained smile. “Will do, sir. Thank you.” He hurried off as Riff pulled him away.
 Once they were out of the crowded marketplace, Riff slowed down a bit and let go of Aspen’s arm.
 “Here,” he said, holding out the sticky toddler in his arms.
 Aspen took her automatically. He smiled when she looked up at him, uncertainty in her wide, starry eyes. “It’s alright, we aren’t mad at you.” He glanced up at Riff, who was grumpily flicking fruit juice off his arms while muttering swear words under his breath. He looked back down at her. “Not even Riff, even though he sounds like it.”
 “You know she still can’t understand you, right?” Riff turned his head toward the two of them, having given up trying to clean his sticky bracers.
 Aspen raised an eyebrow. “Says the vod who still talks to her alone every chance he gets.” A little sarcasm slipped into his tone. Normally, he wouldn’t dare sass his older, tougher brother, but these days he was often too tired to care.
 Riff scowled at him, but his brother could tell it was half-hearted. Despite the tough act, Aspen knew Riff cared about Stars as much as he did.
 “C’mon,” Riff jerked his head in the direction of the landing field. “let’s get back to the ship.” He flicked his arms again, a resigned scowl on his face, then glanced at Star’s own sticky hands. “Get all this cleaned up.”
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weirdmarioenemies · 6 years
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Name: Sneaker
Debut: Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon
Don’t let the name fool you, this is not a shoe. It is a ghost. Trust me, I learnt that the hard way. Got my feet covered in ectoplasm. Gross.
Okay, so the Dark Moon ghosts don’t have the most creative names. I think a certain YouTuber made that fairly clear. But they make up for it with personality, in my humble opinion! One look at this guy, and you know he’s up to no good. That menacing grin, the classic wiggly villain fingers, the... weird hurgling noises... he’s plotting something for sure!
That something, to be specific, is sneaking up on people, being invisible and all. What a real jerk! In a room full of ghosts, these guys can be a real pain in the neck. I’ve lost plenty of Scarescrapers thanks to this ghost. 
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Speaking of the Scarescraper, meet the Terrible Teleporters: the Scarescraper boss variant of the Sneaker. This time, there’s two of them! Double the trouble! And like that wasn’t rude enough, they make portals to kick you out of the room. We get it, you value your personal space. Geez. And like the Creeper post, here’s all their variations, under the cut!
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Freaker Sneaker/Sleek Sneaker
“It seems this narcissistic ghost doesn't like to turn invisible because he wants everyone to see how good he looks. Bizarre.”
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Pink Zinnia
“Whenever he appears, he's hard to miss!” 
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“This funny-looking ghost has kernels for teeth. I bet he wishes he could pop them when he smiles - if not to give people a big ol'fright, at least to get free popcorn at the movie theater.”
[Fun fact! This was changed to cinema in the PAL version. Oh, Europe.]
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“There's no denying that he looks creepy, but he's actually a pretty interesting feller once you get to know him.”
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Fright Fly/Terrorfly
“Criminy! I didn't think something so small could be so...terrifying! The size-to scare ratio of this little guy is off the charts!”
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Street Shark
“The entire time I've been observing him, this tough looking spook has been practicing swimming through the air like a shark. Still needs some work.”
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Tennis Menace
“Careful with this one! He's been known to sneak onto tennis courts midmatch and cover the ball with ghostly goo!” [What a nice hobby]
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“Between you and me, his striped camouflage seems a bit unnecessary considering he can turn invisible whenever he wants.”
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