#slay them nico slay
tetheredbysin · 3 months
movie producer: wow. we are amazed by your script for this new movie. a love story in formula 1? that's such a great idea and perfect timing. and we already have the perfect actors for the leads too!
me, hiding kevin magnussen and nico hulkenberg behind my back: oh-
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sweetaspiesammy · 2 years
rereading heroes of olympus and I just discovered the heights of the seven (and a few others) on their wikis and idk how to deal with this-
(Tallest to shortest): Frank is 6’5, Jason is 6’1, Percy is 6’0, Thalia is 5’10, Annabeth is 5’9, Reyna is 5’8, Leo is 5’6, Nico is 5’6, Piper is 5’5, Hazel is 5’2
almost all of them are so TALL and also I’m the same height and nico and leo. what do I do with this info
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chinelacanta · 8 months
more paper doodles!
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mothpixie · 11 months
nonsims but I was Isabelle special addition amiibo card ver. lol I gotta do it again in the next coming days so I can get some good pics. I always do Halloween never get good pics or evidence I slayed😭
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iwontmakeuasandwich · 2 years
the television academy when they have to decide between Nico Parker, Anna Torv, Nick Offerman, Murray Bartlett, Keivonn Woodard and Lamar Johnson for best guest actor at the Emmys
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nururu · 1 year
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they were the stars of punk hazard
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The seven, Thalia and Nico at Jason's funeral and everyone of them hating every moment of it.
Because Camp Jupiter celebrate him like a honoured soilder.
They talk of his achievements.
The monsters he's slayed.
The quests he's been on.
Someone mentions his sacrifice was for the greater good.
And that sents them off.
Because how dare you, how fucking dare you!
How dare you reduce his life to his years of service.
Jason who's eyes brightened like the sun whenever he was happy.
Jason who doodled in the margins of notebooks when he couldn't concentrate.
Jason who would laugh at even the most terrible of puns.
A laugh that would echo around them and only encourage them to make more.
Jason who stood up for the little guy.
Who joined the lowest of cohorts so they would get the treatment they deserved.
And when they didn't he still fought.
Jason who filled Percy with confidence, that he could do anything as long as Jason was by his side.
Jason who held his hand when the nightmares got to much and never let him apologise for it.
Jason who Annabeth saw as her little brother, who comforted her when Percy went missing even when she was mad.
Jason who sat beside her when she couldn't sleep and filled the space with his words.
She grew up in a cabin that was always full and hearing him gush about hef favourite thing made her feel at home.
Piper who loved him, no longer romantically but he would always hold a place in her heart.
Jason who would tease her about her dates but smile wide. Who wanted nothing but her to be happy, and being reminded he deserved that too.
Leo who died for him, who hasn't stopped crying and suprisingly the one holding him is Thalia.
Jason who he promised they'd see the world together and could picture him smiling brightly.
Who false memories aside was his best friend.
Thalia who lost her little brother all over again.
Nico who's praying to his father to grant Jason Elysium. The tears falling from his eyes as he loses the first person to completely accept him.
Jason who despite not knowing Nico, his first instinct is was to accept him. To support him to hold him in open arms.
Frank losing one of the first people to believe in him. The one who granted him the rank of Praetor when Frank didn't think he even deserved his parentage.
Who was his constant support. Who filled him with confidence.
Frank who killed his friends killer having to face that it won't bring him back.
Hazel who never forget Jason. Both of them bonding over not quite understanding the modern world.
Jason who explained things and never got tired of it. Who put on music and they'd both silly dance around the ship till they couldn't stop laughing.
Who made her brother happy.
And they said as much.
Because Jason Grace was a person.
He was a feral, silly abd a complete and utter nerd.
He was soft and sweet and powerful.
He was so loving and he was loved.
And damn you... Damn anyone who tries to erase that.
Jason Grace was a hero.
He was a friend, a brother, a son.
Jason Grace was more than you made him, more than you hurt him, more than the role you put him in.
And he deserves to be remembered as such.
And all of them knowing that Jason died because he thought he was simply a soilder.
And they would do anything to have him back and show him he was so much more.
They take over his funeral.
Apollo gives the campers a look if they try and intervene.
He sits quietly.
He wants to know about the boy who saved his life.
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jasongracestan12 · 2 months
My Unpopular Riordanverse Opinions
Disclaimer: none of these are fact all are my opinions. I'm happy to hear your disagreements but please do so respectfully because some of my opinions are really unpopular lol, so just be ready. Also spoilers obvs.
Also, as a random fact, I read the Heroes of Olympus about once a year, sometimes more. Lol I love that series actually, its low-key my comfort series.
1. Every time someone suggests Grover should've been on the quest over Coach Hedge, an angel loses their wings lmao. I just love him so much and all of his short tempered anger.
2. I don't like Valgrace. I almost literally got my ass ate off for saying this last time 💀 PLEASEEE leave me alone!! I just don't enjoy this ship, I didn't see the chemistry that other people saw with them. With that being said.
3. I don't like theyna (see above reasons)
4. I do, however, like Valzhang and ValZhangEsque and I think they're horribly underrated ships.
5. But tbh I think there is too much ship content. In the fandom and the books. I wish so much that there was most character centric content than there is. Not just of Jason, of all characters.
6. I love Frank. I love that he doesn't seem as morally bound as the other Roman characters. It interests me. That and I find him funny and endearing low-key.
7. I like Heroes of Olympus better than PJO. Not necessarily because of the writing, but because I liked all the different characters and world building of hoo better.
8. Blood of Olympus was a flop but it had some slay parts, especially on the characterization of Jason and Reyna.
9. Not unpopular, but I never liked Caleo. Specifically because I think solving Leo's arc by giving him a gf is not good writing and low-key disrespects his character.
10. I was not originally a fan of Reyna upon initially reading the books. I found her too authoritarian and someone I would actively fight irl. I would lose, but it would be worth it. I ended up liking her more as I got older especially with BoO, but y'all she is, like, unstandable in Camp Jupiter Classified.
11. I didn't really like Nico either, and I still feel indifferent towards him. Listen, I've had my fair share of trauma, but it is still really difficult for me to connect to cynical/ pessimistic characters. It's just not who I am.
12. Fandom obsession with Percy and Percabeth annoys me. It wouldn't be so bad except for people are hellbent on using comparison to make Percy and percabeth look better than quite literally every other character or ship. It's so irritating to me.
Anyways! That's all I have atm. Let me know if you agree or don't! Honestly I'm open to hearing opinions just please be nice lmao
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idrawstuffidk · 3 days
Ok so, thoughts;
1. Hu, stfu you are my least favourite character, stop treating Nico like a child, stop being delusional, and actually stop talking.
2. Nico, how dare you call Levi heartless, you are literally so autism coded, you are the LAST person I expect ableism from
3. Ace had better NOT be the fucking culprit, I will riot to protect my boy
4. How much does David know?? I think he knows waaaaayyyy more than we initially thought, like, did he just not forget anything?
5. Im low-key still sus of Hu, maybe even Nico, like, I need to re-watch the episode but I’m wondering if the tape roll was still there after Nico left? Bc if it wasn’t then they could have taken it with them.
6. Eden is sus, like, she said “I need a minute”, sat off to the side, then suddenly was all “ok I’m ready to investigate!”, she could have easily grabbed the tape in that time or thought over what she was going to do. Idk. Also she got very close to Arei in a very short amount of time which is weird even for her
7. Arturo is still slaying and I’m here for it
8. David is still slaying and I’m here for it
9. Awwwww teruko’s smile at Rose was actually really sweet. Nicorose is dead, long live Teturose!
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rachelcommitscrimes · 10 days
low empathy king, i honestly respect
veronika is just like me fr
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mrsoftthoughts · 4 months
Just Some of my headcanons of the Di Angelo(s) in the 30's
(that honestly are pretty delusional but sometimes i just want to think of them as a happy family before the Washington DC event and the lotus casino ok??)
- Maria is the oldest sister of the 3 daughters of the marchese Stéfano Di angelo and her father little gem as the only daughter of his first "marriage" (*Cof* *cof* daughterofVenusMariadiAngelo *Cof*)
- Hades proposed and married Maria because no fucking way that he let a woman of her status being judged for having a long term relationship without a ring and even less having kids with her out of wedlock ( in fact the ring was what make that Persephone don't like Maria, she couldn't care less if only she stayed as her husband girlfriend, i may explain this in another post some day)
- Hades was there for Bianca and Nico while they grow up, living with them during the spring and summer and being always looking up for them in some way during winter , they really got to be a family, Family vacations around Europe, little and silly baking days, Nico and bianca trying to convince the house personal to helping them to spy their parents dates, that kind of things
-Alecto has been the kids babysitter and bodyguard since they were born, her job is just slay anything that it dares to try attack them, even in hades presence in order to him doesn't get distracted from the family activities
-Stéfano really loves his Son-in-law, for him is the son that he never had, he doesn't know that hades is a god, but he's concius that just like his lover he is something non human and that his grand kids are also especial like his daughter, but he doesn't seem in hades the intention of letting behind Maria like Venus do it to him, and Hades is probably the only man wealthy enough and with enough class to be of his liking for his little princess, so he isn't complaining
-And don't make him talk about his grandchilds, because you're gonna be stuck hearing him talk of them for hours, Bianca and Nico are the first since that maria is the only one of his daughters in age to have kids and he couldn't be more happy when the nurses anounced that Nico was a Boy, he may be a girls father but he really wanted a male from his blood, and sice he didn't get a son he was rejoicing for his grandson he really spoiled those little things
- Nico and bianca were homeschooled and The family end up getting the reputation of being "really hard" towards the personal tutors of Bianca and Nico, actually they just dont tolerate the bullshit of entitled people calling their kids stupid or lazy because they couldn't read right lenguajes that weren't romances or Greek... Needs to say, they fired a lot a people until they find people that really were disposed to teach the kids and not just screaming at them ,Even getting people that weren't from Italy for that because their kids only would have the best and would be treated with the respect that they deserved
- Bianca plays the piano, Nico the violin, I'm not elaborating, just trust me
- in fact their music instructors end up being zagreus and macaria, they were introduced to everyone except Maria and the kids as hades cousins because there isn't a logic and no controversial way to say that the full grown adults over there are his children
-Bianca used to have a Best friend, she lived in Switzerland so they only could see each other every once in a while when one of them was allowed to stay with the other for a time, the last thing that the girl know about bianca is that she moved to the US and then... Well, we know what happened there ( in some place in Switzerland there's and old lady that still concerned about what happened to her friend)
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
My audhd brain won't stop telling me to do a full breakdown of the parallels between Percy and Hobie so i will.Alright,let's do this one last time!
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Troubled but good kids
Afro-dominican New Yorker/Jamaican-English(NY and England are where punk first started)
Anarchists,proffessional instigators,always helping out around communities(it's implied Percy participated in Rachel's protests and charities with her)and looking out for the little guy
So they're actual punks instead of just EdgyTM douchebags because they wanna do the right thing no matter what
No masking game autistics
Trans femmes who come across as masc only to normies
Chillaxed and super kind and love cute shit and people but also have major street credit,a huge edge and strong as fuck backbones and the reason they're so kind is that their childhood was beyond brutal so as they grew up they decided to be the positive older figure in younger people's lives they didn't take to have to the point they turned into Team Dad's
The EXACT same sense of humor
Alt music lovers
Expressions are always either super intimidating or meme worthy goofy
Pet supernatural dog(Spidermutt and Mrs O'Leary)
Widely regarded as the coolest ever in-universe and correctly so but they're huge dorks when you get down to it but that only makes them even cooler-They were this cool the whole time
6'something with guitarist hands and described as so attractive it's shocking
Go by a nickname instead of their full name and have a common black surname
Oldest and most experienced heroes in their main casts
Hobie's dad is a deadbeat who left him as a baby to do supernatural shit
'I'm not a role model' 'I hate the a.m,i hate the p.m,i hate labels' 'I don't believe in consistency' / 'Was i a troubled kid?Yeah,you could say that' 'I AM impertenent' 'The sea does not like to be restrained'
'Calling yourself a hero makes you self-mythologizing'Hello???????????
Gwen is the Hazel to Hobie's Percy.She's a younger trans girl with a ghost motif who's a pastel ray of sunshine and runs her mouth as much as they do and has a dead mom,an abusive corrupted figure dad and their own impressive experiences in heroism before meeting them
Nico is another teen Ghostkid who Percy gifted a Ramones shirt and gave shelter to multiple times when he was homeless because Hades/Pluto is as much of a fucking cunt as George Stacy is.Nico is also a Miles kinnie because he's an optimistic softboy who's nerdy,a fast food lover and a lot stronger than he gives himself credit for and Percy is the big brother mentor to him the fandom thinks Hobie is to Miles(Nah fr Hobie and Miles are ambigious but Percy's canonically a grown ass man and Nico's Miles' age,P*rcicos pack it up and get over that your ship only works for transfem Percy proof)
Karl=Jason(the cooler St*ve R*gers,the actual voice of reason on the team but just as unhinged as the rest of them,very nice guy vibes and Hobie's righthand),Riri=Annabeth(Black girl genius who takes no shit but is still written as a person instead of a stereotype)and Mattea=Clarisse(red-coded,rowdy tomboy and war paint)
Mayday and Margo are basically just Estelle and Rachel,Jessica makes a pretty convincing Sally and Miguel reminds me of Poseidon but especially when he's interacting with Hobie
Sarcastic troublemaker smiles i've always found endearing(Rip to Annabeth but i'm different)(Also for Hobie i mean this platonically)
Immaculate rizz that's mostly unintentional but reaches critical levels when on purpose
Cocky asf and self-loathing at the same time
That one scene of Hobie leaving Gwen a Watch with the 'In case it don't work out' note with a lil doodle of him on it after getting her dad's ass/Percy sending the Olympians Medusa's head in a box after slaying her with a note saying 'Best wishes' to spite them
Goofy ahh who are nonetheless taken seriously cause Watch Out
They even both have terrible singing voices
And technically not the same thing but Hobie's also pink-coded so they're cotton candy colors and with Percy's white streak they can be the trans flag too!!
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babydollmarauders · 11 months
au masterlist
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liked by tofff73, jackhughes, and 266,359 others
y/ndevils00 🚨🚨 NEW UNCLE HAT TRICK 🚨🚨
TYLER ‘TOFFEE TRUFFLE’ TOFFOLI GOT HIS FIRST DEVILS HAT TRICK!! just coming off his first goal as a devil, too! GO NEW UNCLE!! YOU SLAYED TONIGHT, QUEEN! first slide was my reaction to his empty net hatty goal!!
but before those three goals could happen, we had to kick off the scoring somehow! and what better way to do it than with a Holtzy goal!! congrats on your first of the season!!
and squished in there between those three goals, CAPTAIN SWISS GOT HIS FIRST GOAL OF THE SEASON! TWICE! one goal WAS taken away for goalie interference— but don’t worry your slutty lil mind, Neeks, because it still counts in my heart!
my not-so-sweet, bff4l-ttylxox, maraschino cherry got a penalty for roughing— i missed what he actually did because i was climbing into the penalty box (btw if you have pics of that, please delete them, i can’t have evidence of me breaking into jail), but i’ve decided in my head that he punched a guy to defend me. and if he didn’t… what a bitch
and of course, who would i be if i didn’t point out that MY BOYFRIEND IS THE FIRST PLAYER TO GET 14 POINTS IN THE OPENING 5 GAMES OF A SEASON SINCE MARIO LEMIEUX IN 1992! whew, try saying that 10 times fast! the love of my life had FOUR primary assists tonight (on all 3 of uncle Toff’s goals and on captain’s goal!)! MY MAN, THANK YOU TO MY MAN!
p.s. i swear i feed him
p.p.s. we have no enemies of tonight, because none of the habs really played great… so i would just like to point out that, though not pictured here, I SAW MY TEDDY BEAR, COLE CAUFIELD TONIGHT! he seemed happy to see me! until i showed him my french? idk why that upset him so much
tagged dawson1417, holtz_10, tofff73, nicohischier, jackhughes, and john.marino97
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holtz_10 thank you, y/n!!
y/ndevils00 well this is awkward
holtz_10 i’m not sure i understand how
y/ndevils00 you gave me nothing to work off of. how am i supposed to show my personality if all you say is “thank you”?
holtz_10 oh, i know! Nico gave me answer to this one: you don’t.
y/ndevils00 @/nicohischier am i a joke to you?
dawson1417 I MADE IT
y/ndevils00 you’re such a meme, i love you 🫶
dawson1417 thanks, i was born this way!
y/ndevils00 never change, sugar muffin!
user19 so who has the pics of y/n climbing into the penalty box?
y/ndevils00 well yeah, but i said “JE T’AIME, mon petit tête de chou.”
colecaufield saying you love me does not make it better
y/ndevils00 yes it does?
colecaufield how?
y/ndevils00 because i said so?
colecaufield @/jackhughes take her home. i don’t want her in my country anymore
john.marino97 i wish i could say i was shocked when i got to the penalty box and you were sitting on the floor, but nothing you do surprises me anymore
y/ndevils00 awww that’s so sweet!
john.marino97 that wasn’t a compliment
y/ndevils00 it’s okay to not act tough <3 you can compliment me
john.marino97 i’m beginning to worry you don’t know what compliments are
nicohischier i wasn’t worrying at all, but nice to know. it’s appreciated ❤️ love you
y/ndevils00 love you too! hey, i have a picture of you bent over, do you wanna see it?
nicohischier i take it back, please move back to canada
y/ndevils00 well that was mean :( you could’ve just said no :(
nicohischier fine, i’m sorry. no, thank you
y/ndevils00 okay! i just sent it to you!
nicohischier why do i bother?
user83 i would do anything to see Marino’s face when he walked into the penalty box and just saw y/n there waiting for him
y/ndevils00 it was a little like this: 🤨😐😑🙄!
jackhughes YOU don’t even feed me. i feed YOU!
y/ndevils00 that’s cause you make the money and i look pretty and make jokes!
jackhughes and you do such a good job!
y/ndevils00 thank you, i know!
jackhughes well that’s a bit conceited
y/ndevils00 you’re one to talk, mr. mirror ***
y/ndevils00 IT WAS YOUR IDEA
jackhughes AND YOU LIKED IT
y/ndevils00 yeah, i did *insert debby ryan gif*
tofff73 Cat says i did indeed “slay tonight” ?? whatever that means
y/ndevils00 ask her to marry me
tofff73 she’s MY wife?
y/ndevils00 okay and? what, are you against love?
tofff73 no, i’m against you stealing my wife
y/ndevils00 you are no longer slaying tonight. you ran out of slay. you are flopping. you’re in your flop era.
tofff73 i kissed your boyfriend a few days ago and then got a hat trick, what did you do?
y/ndevils00 i did other things to my boyfriend and i’ll get a hat trick tonight
tofff73 you don’t even play hockey?
john.marino97 how are you so innocent? you’re 31
tofff73 @/john.marino97 i’m so lost
dawson1417 probably better if you keep it that way, dude
trevorzegras can’t believe you saw Cole before you saw me
y/ndevils00 not my fault we played the french before the quackies 🤷‍♀️ take it up with buttman
trevorzegras it’s *bettman
y/ndevils00 oh, i know
trevorzegras how do you still have a job?
y/ndevils00 nepotism
trevorzegras oh yeah
user68 this is the second time y/n has used this joke, WHO IS SHE A NEPO BABY OF?!
lhughes_06 you yelled at me
y/ndevils00 you knocked down my teddy bear
_quinnhughes you said i was your favorite fake canadian!
y/ndevils00 @_quinnhughes and you are!
_quinnhughes you just said Cole is your favorite!
y/ndevils00 @_quinnhughes no i didn’t
_quinnhughes are you trying to gaslight me? when there’s literal proof?
y/ndevils00 @_quinnhughes no! (is it working?)
_quinnhughes yes, you are! (no)
y/ndevils00 @_quinnhughes (damnit)
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Mark said none of our predictions came even close to what will actually happen, so unhinged predictions
-Nico dies and then comes back to life as something way stronger (like a god). The “something of equal value” he has to leave behind is his mortality.
-Not only plague Will, but also evil Will. He goes batshit crazy on Tartarus, almost murders Nico.
-Maria Di Angelo appearance, but she’s evil and wants to kill Will.
-Cupid is in love with Nico.
-Will or Nico grab one of Cupid’s arrows and kill him with it (“it doesn’t work like that” I don’t care)
-They insult Zeus to his face
-Jason makes an appearance and kills someone
-Bob wasn’t calling from Tartarus, Iapetus was. He got his memory back while on Tartarus and wants revenge. His plan is to lure Nico there to kill him.
-Uranus tries to rise like Gaea did?? Not sure if that’s how it works but I didn’t fully get Gaea wanting to rise so
-Will kills someone with his hands. No powers or weapons, just his hands.
-Michael Yew and Lee Fletcher are also down there on Tartarus, alongside Octavian. Octavian talked with them and they want revenge against the gods, like Luke. They plan another revolution together.
-Amphithemis is secretly evil and plans to kill Nico and Will.
-Hypnos wants Nico and Will’s help to kill all the other gods.
-Piper randomly appears and slays (I hope)
-When they get separated (it will happen), Persephone shows up to help Will and gives him a pomegranate. Will, unknowingly, ate it and now has to stay on the underworld forever. Turns out Persephone really hates Nico and wants to make his life miserable. Nico, on the other hand, is alone with Amphithemis, and Amphithemis tries to kill him now than he’s alone.
-Meg makes an appearance and she has muscles now.
-Will gets plagued by visions like Rachel, but all of them are bad. Lots of blood.
-Bianca cameo somehow
-Will gets an arm cut off.
-Nico will break his leg and will have to fight monsters while standing on one leg (??)
-They will end their food and be hungry, so they will eat the monsters they kill.
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o-kye · 5 months
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Entry # 414 User: kye Status: being nonbinary Message: hi guys!!! feel free to send asks, i love talking to people and getting ranted at and hearing all ur tea. also dms are welcome but i may be confused why im getting dmed lmao. if you dont read the rest of this then have a good day i love you all okay bye Notes: tone tags are mucho appreciato!! gendered terms are cool (except man/women) if used in a genderless way ! terms of endearment are cool too, i use them a lot. i also leave conversations randomly, im never mad or anything :) i just have quite dwindling mental health. if your name is aspyn and you find this tell me hi so i know to quit talking about my aro awakening (and thank you for being my aro awakening). Entering File Database: filesort-alphabetical ...
Bears_in_Trees.mp3 Description they fix me Cavetown.mp3Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Dungeons_and_Dragons.exe Description haha im totally procrastinating making plans for dnd club hahhaha. who gave me all this responsibility. oh wait me. Ghosts.mp4 Description Hi who’s gonna let me fuck Sasappis thank you Good_Omens.mp4Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Hazbin_Hotel.mp4 Description onewayradiobroadcast and staticmoth and radioapple and huskerdust raaaaah i feel things Marauders.pdf Description i need to read some fuckiing fanfitcion already Naethan_Apollo.mp3Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Osemanverse.pdf Description loveless and radio silence and aaaaaa Our_Flag_Means_Death.mp4 Description Stede and blackbeard and oluwande and jim and buttons and frenchie and lucius. Also stede is so me Rainbow_Kitten_Surprise.mp3 Description A MASTER OF MATCHBOX GUITAR SESSIONS YOU'RE A MASTER OF PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE MAGIC TRICKS Riordanverse.pdf Description i love my little latino twinks, leo valdez and nico di angelo im so gay for you. also im cabin 7 you can deal with it cuz im slaying and what are you? Scott_Pilgrim_Takes_Off.mp4 Description i love my gay boys Stardew_Valley.exeDescription [user chose to leave this field empty.] Station_19.mp4 Description i would die for travis and vic if you even cared
May Be: Virus Depersonalization_Derealization.exe Description [error, field was left blank.] The_Kids.pdf Description i live and die for my kids theyre avery kaime thames and alle and AGH see more Chain_Ask.pdf Description [user chose to leave this field empty.]Text_Faces.pdfDescription :/ and :l are crimes to use on my page. and many other text faces sometimes but mostly that one because i was pavloved you can ask but you dont wanna [End of text]
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butterfluffy · 2 years
Hello! :) Can I request a one piece x daki reader? Where the reader is just like daki and daki is really pretty. And so she shows her strength like her blood demon art and all and she can also regenrate, and so she meets: Katakuri, Luffy, Boa, Robin, Ace, Zoro and so what are their thoughts on her?
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· various!op characters' thoughts on their s/o who is a demon like daki from kny!
⠀⠀➧ unlabeled | c. katakuri, b. hancock, n. robin, p. d. ace (separate) x f!reader | multi-character headcanons
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none, bit of violence though. mistakes may be present too.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: did something similar here, check it out if you want. but, it's the characs finding out that their s/o is a devil instead! ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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with an s/o who's a demon!
“my wife is amazing, isn't she?”
mochi man is 100% just purely amazed of you, your beauty, your abilities—damn, everything, hon.
anyhow—on your beauty... kata is kind of smug with this, 'cause, you're the prettiest in totto land, and he managed to make you his.
sometimes flaunts you around with his hand on your waist, pulling you close to him to make others jealous, LMAO.
he's also pretty chill with all this... demon abilities of yours, like the regeneration and blood demon art stuff.
i mean, he literally lives on a world full of creatures with shocking traits and abilities, so it's not a surprise to him anymore.
and lastly, on strength.... we love a strong couple! katakuri absolutely adores your strength, loving how you can manage to defend and attack, like him!
to sum that up, kata admires you real lots, his demoness.
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with an s/o who's a demon!
“...i am still a lot better than you, remember that!”
snake empress is a bit jelly of you, yk? though no one will know about that, she's keeping her thoughts to you to herself.
your beauty... is breathtaking, even for her, leaving her stunned for a second every time she looks at you
moving on to the abilities...! boa thinks that your regeneration ability is pretty handy, and weird 'cause—hello?? your leg just got ripped off, miss ma'am, then you're growing a new one????
low-key amazed by your blood demon art though. you get praises for that sometimes. pretty rare though.
last, strength—for the kuja's, strength is beauty. so she sees you worthy to be her s/o, being strong and beautiful like her.
in summary, a couple that slays together, stays together. xoxo.
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with an s/o who's a demon!
“you're truly something, aren't you, darling?”
impressed by you, just by existing there as a demon, her lover.
robin finds you very interesting for having such abilities that is non-human, interesting that she is researching about your kind!
thinks that her hana hana no mi ability and your ability to regenerate, looks, and title are matching and it's cute.
your strength is something she looks up on, being amazed each time you showcase it.
don't blame her though, she can't help it, you're just so astonishing!
demon child x demoness best match, fr fr, no cap.
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with an s/o who's a demon!
“hey everyone, that's my girl right there!”
proud, very, very proud to have you as his s/o who's level of amazingness is beyond lengths.
when you first showed him your ability to regenerate, ace's eyes widen, visibly shocked—soon amazed like a child watching a magic trick.
loves to watch you use your blood demon art, cuz he thinks it's real cool.
applauses your strength.
will sometimes go and challenge you into a small fight so that he could train with you, ahsahshaha.
and of course, ace, without a doubt, will be set a blaze by your blinding beauty that brings the sun to shame.
same with katakuri, he too, loves and admires your entire being.
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© butterfluffy 2022
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