#sleep was basically my own form of entertainment lol
follyshroom · 1 year
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Three firearms doodles (there are no firearms)
(click for higher quality bc mobile????? whats goin on with you)
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aihoshiino · 7 months
Did we ever have a confirmation on whether Kamiki actually had a hand in Ai's death or was it just Aqua's speculation? (Kamiki definitely killed at least one other successful actress so... Still a murderer.) 15YL spending that much time to make us empathize with him made me wonder if Aqua changed his mind during his investigation. His thoughts are pretty much hidden from us, after all.
Another question that I've been wondering is that, do we know if Kamiki himself is successful as an actor at all? The fact that very little people seem to recognise him from a production made him very mystical as a being but not much sense for the entertainment industry since he's still there and not, retired. It reminded me of Taiki's description of his legal father who was unsuccessful as an actor and find fulfillment in sleeping with successful actresses... Just thought it would be hilarious (in a very dark way) that Kamiki is unsuccessful and taking it out on successful women.
Interestingly, I actually don't think we do. Aqua draws that conclusion in the prologue and barrels on ahead with that as the assumption, but the thing is... almost everything Aqua assumes or 'deduces' about his father is proven to be wrong. If you compare Kamiki to the kind of implicit suspect profile we can reverse engineer from the people Aqua investigates, it's clear that he'd never considered the idea that his father could have been a peer that Ai just... had a consensual relationship with and then moved on.
Not only that but Aqua's conclusions are ultimately kind of, like... based in nothing? Or at the very least, the things supporting his conclusions are pretty flimsy and are basically just Aqua saying "the conclusion must be this because I say so".
At best, Aqua's conclusion that the culprit had an accomplice feeding him info is a pretty safe one given that Ryosuke tracks Ai down at the hospital and then in Tokyo, but it's still really funny for Aqua to be like "he was just a normal guy, there's no way he could do that kind of detective work on his own" when Akasaka goes and turns Akane into BBC Sherlock in the very same manga lol. Other than that, it's all conjecture that Aqua treats as self-evident fact.
I also think it's interesting that Ichigo also points this out to Aqua, during a conversation in which Ichigo is framed as the rational one to Aqua's clearly underdeveloped conclusions.
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I've definitely thought "Hikaru isn't the culprit" would be a really interesting twist for the series to conclude Aqua's revenge plot on, because it would rob Aqua of the catharsis of his self destructive retribution fantasy and force him to actually try and confront and unfuck the feelings driving him down that path to begin with. But whether or not OnK would actually go that route this late in the game, I have no idea.
As for Kamiki as an actor, I actually never got the impression he was involved in acting after leaving Lala Lie? It's said that he formed his talent agency a couple years after Ai's death but he mostly seems to work in management and production, or at least that's my guess based on how few public appearances he has. It would explain why nobody connects him to Aqua, anyway - how many media producers can you even name off the top of your head, let alone remember the face of?
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📝 for Cori please? (Also sorry about having sent all my previous izombie asks on anon I just take a WHILE to get even close to bold on this hellsite lol)
Don't worry about it hon, whatever makes you comfortable!
Buckle up buttercup! We're gonna do a full rundown top to bottom, even some stuff I haven't talked about yet.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
Okay so! Blaine and Cori meet when her mother brings her to Seattle on a business trip when she was eight and he was 13. While their parents are in meetings they would hang out. He would get her in trouble with him, and a bond is formed.
As they grow up they keep in contact, emails, online chats, and video calls. Once she gets her associates, he convinces her to move out west to be with him.
He'd spent time out in New England with her during college, mostly crashing on the couch in her dorm and watching her play hockey.
Their romantic/sexual relationship is on and off again for a long time because Blaine has major commitment issues.
Then he turns her into a zombie due to his lack of self-control and he takes that as a sign that he should commit.
He tries to keep her away from some of the darker things he does, but she seems pretty much fine with it.
He gets cured and forgets her, and while he fakes his amnesia she actually moves in with Ravi and Major since she has nowhere else to go.
She and Ravi get to be really close friends and the others warm up to her too. Except for Peyton because everytime Cori sees her she wants to cave her skull in for sleeping with her boyfriend (And holding a relationship with him).
After a couple weeks, he tells he was faking and she finally gets so mad at him that she tells him she never wants to see him again. A little while later Cori gets wasted at a bar and when Major and Ravi don't answer the phone, she drunkenly calls Blaine. She wakes up the next morning, she doesn't know how she got home and she's human.
She eventually moves into her own place and distances herself from the whole zombie thing until she's snatched by Harley and his group of zombie truthers to be used as bait to get a starved Don E to rage more for the camera.
While Blaine and Liv save them, Cori gets shot and insists that Blaine not turn her. But he does it anyway after she bleeds out in his arms because, like I said, he has no self-control.
It takes a bit but they finally get back together like they were.
She helps him run the bar, becoming a co-owner of both The Scratching Post and Romeros.
About mid-season 4 Blaine finds two zombie kids rummaging through the trashcans outside the club and when he tries to get them to leave and starts threatening them Cori gets pissed and brings them inside.
They basically adopt them.
Sometime during the six months between seasons and five he proposes. She keeps him from hunting down sick kids to sell after she finds out why Darcy is hanging around.
Darcy and Don E get married before Cori and Blaine do because they're waiting until they can take a real honeymoon out side of the wall.
They did entertain the idea of planning their own kidnapping and curing to get out, but it's not as doable with the kids.
At some point Blaine sends her mom a save-the-date just to rub it in that even after cutting her off Cori still chose him.
She later surprises them by paying out the ass to show up in Seattle to convince her to leave him.
And.... that's about as far as I have so far. Maybe they move out East at some point to take over her mom's company?
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croissantbae · 2 years
January 8, 2023
So much has happened. Yesterday we went to The Row to support Hatty at Maum.  We got in line for pizza at Bianco b/c a line was already forming before the restaurant opened.  After taking turns entertaining the girls we got in.  We were like, there’s no way it lives up to the hype.  I mean come on, its pizza. But wow it really lived up to the hype.  I didn’t watch the Netflix documentary but Jason described the legend and I knew enough to assume that this was like God’s gift to man in pizza form or something crazy like that.  So I had high expectations too.  But seirously I was blown away by how delicious it was.  We liked the New York style thin pizzas the best.  And I was shocked but I may have liked the Salami the best (which is usually not my thing).  But upon further consideration I think I would love to just eat the regular old Margherita.  Everything else was good (the lemon, the sicilian, the green one, etc.) but the tomato sauce was so good. and the crunch was so satisfying on the thin pizza that’s what I’d want to eat over and over again.  
We couldn’t get into Maum b/c the line was too long so we dropped off a box of pizza for Hatty and bounced.  Jason mentioned that his friends were playing pickelball and asked if we wanted to stop by.  I said yeah let’s do it.  We kind of waffled on whether to go or not because we weren’t sure if the timing would even work out but we did.  We go and its actually a ton of fun.  Jen was there so she and I played, while trying to avoid hitting the kids lol.  But Dani wanted water so I took her to the car to get her water but when I get back Jen runs up and she’s like Jason got hurt.  I was like .. no.  because Pete had just gotten injured a few weeks prior.  I walk over and Jason is like I think I tore my achilees.  I feel the back of his heel on his normal leg, and it feels normal but I feel the heel on his other leg and its just mushy.  No bone/tendon.  We immediately go to my mom’s (after a miscommunication w/ my mom) and then realize she’s at our house so we go home and my mom watches the girls while we go to the ER.  Man I felt pretty dirty after being at the hospital b/c there was a homeless guy there that smelled so bad.  and there were people who were yelling out in pain. it was just a weird vibe. they warned us it could take a long time so I went to get everyone homestate, dropped it off for jason and then went home to relieve my mom.  also jason’s phone died so he wanted to keep my phone to stave off his boredom but also so I could contact him.  I felt so naked driving around w/o my phone in the minivan b/c I couldn’t look directions up. I just had to trust my memory (which it was easy to do given we know the Kaiser Sunset so well but still). 
I get home, relieve my mom, put the girls to sleep, and then wait.  Eventually I go back to get Jason and he’s waiting with crutches. He has to basically jump on one leg up all of our stairs (our house is so not ADA compliant) and he’s sleeping on the couch right now because it would be too hard for him to sleep in either of the girls’ rooms without waking them up with his crutches.  At first I thought I should sleep on the couch b/c I didn’t see how he could go get dani but he said he could just use the crutches to go into her room and then throw her on the bed lol.  But we realized he can just take her out of the crib and then she can walk on her own.  
Today I took the girls to church and jason stayed home and oh my god it was not fun.  I couldn’t focus on any convo because dani was just a menace at the table.  I was terrified whenever she grabbed one of the ceramic plates, sure she was going to throw it down on the ground and send shards flying.  But lunch was actually super delicious.  I’m already craving the tomato and egg with hand cut noodles.  I might try to make tomato and egg this week. 
After we went to get boba and then ofc dani poops. so we walk over to a courtyard area with a bathroom but I have to carry dani the whole time.  In total after we got there, I changed dani’s diaper 2x (thank god for trudy providing us with wipes and diapers) and I took naya (and wes haha) to the bathroom 3x. The whole time was just a brief intermission between going to the bathroom.  
I felt spent by the time we got home but had to do some work.  I’m scared that there’s going to be a lot of work this week since people are really going to be back from vacation now.  But just got to face it head on. 
Also I really hope the ortho calls soon so Jason can go in and ask for the surgery.  We both want him to get it because it seems like the recovery time is shorter and recovery is more assured.  Johnny or Paul was saying today that they know someone who tore their ACL like 3x.  Tore it once and then every time they tried to take their boot off it would just re-tear again.  I don’t want that for Jason. It seems like if you just do natural healing, you just have to hope your tendon re-attaches together and it eventually heals, which could take like a full year.  What a weird thing to happen.  Stiill doesn’t feel fully real.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Could we get some more Male Beldam plz, a crumb of spider boi affection 🥺💖
Hello dearest! Sorry for the long wait, I was having an awful time trying to make this last chapter work. Also btw:
I messed up the story and now this isn't the last final chapter of the series 🤡 I told y'all I get too invested and too complicated with this shit-
So YEAH we're having ANOTHER ONE later on- That will be the true final chapter (depending on how this one goes, I ain't too confident-).
This is going to be a lot different from my usual work (I think?) And a disclaimer:
I don't believe that the actions of the characters in my writing are valid or even morally correct, I write for yanderes because I'm extremely weird (I'm trying to accept that) but I don't support these actions in real life, I just like them in the media. BTW this is not an accurate representation of trauma/mental illness/or even anyone in general!
(Chp. 1) (Chp. 2) (Chp. 3)
TW/Tags: Following up from (Chp.2) // also if y'all want, there is this headcanon→ (🧵⚫🕷️) // manipulation // heavy angst // mentions of vomit // cursing // kinda edgy // characters death (I'm so sorry-) // mentions of death/gore (won't really detail it cause I'm horrible at it) // identity theft/pretending to be someone else // mental breakdown/guilty mindset
6,471 words!
Stitched Together (Chp.3) [Yandere!M!Beldam OC(?) x F!Reader - Fanfiction]:
A house filled with disfuncional people. Were they always like this, or did they become "this" when they first came here? Who knows.
People have their own struggles, we're always dealing with some kind of problem- Even the smaller ones. We all have different ways of dealing with them, of course. It's life, it's natural. Yet it's still pretty surprising how all these people got to know each other and form some kind of bond.
It's a weird friendship, but it's not necessarily a bad one, or -more accurately- it didn't used to be one.
Your roommates had a lot of issues, some of which you didn't even know off. It is very entertaining seeing how much they struggle with the most ridiculous problems with the easiest solutions.
Communication seems to be the heart of all their problems, and even he, a cold arachnid monster who eats the "love" of naive people, could see right through their flaws- And he hasn't talked with anyone in ages!
Other Dominick, or just "Dominick" now, has been enjoying this disfuncional group antics way too much, to the point he has actually developed some kind of- Feelings, towards you and your roommates. You're almost as pitiful as you are loveable, it's no secret why that other man couldn't stop obsessing over you for twelve long years, if only he could be a bit more honest though- Maybe he would have won your heart back, maybe you wouldn't be sleeping in a fabricated dimension with a hungry monster.
Cause that's all he is! A monster, that's all he'll ever be, he knows that now.
Still, this whole "he is my ex best friend" drama sure strikes a nerve, the truth is so obvious that it's honestly infuriating to hear you talk about that guy as a "friend". "Dominick" can't blame you though- Maybe you are just not accustomed to differentiating friends from lovers, especially considering how lonely you were.
The mice have told him so many juicy details about you and your roommates lives that he can basically read every single one of you like the palm of his hand. And seeing you four have such a hard time understanding each other was like a never ending soap opera drama.
Vivian was a nerdy girl "trying to break free" by acting like a complete airhead and believing that having fun is something only possible by partying and ignoring her anxious mind.
Richard is extremely dependent on Vivian, being his only friend for so long has made him believe he has more romantic than friendly feelings for her.
Dominick used to be a frail, easily sick boy who grew up without his "best friend" by his side to be able to protect his clingy self, and seeing how you never even talked to him in twelve years- he has fully believed he has done something wrong to make you despise him. He became a physically strong man, but his weak spot has always been you.
And you, oh, dearest you! You're so anxious and worried about building and maintaining relationships that you started to overthink their actions to the point it has led you to Other Dominick's arms! Dearest, it's true your friends have been neglecting you, but if only you knew how it wasn't their intention at all.
Even so, "Dominick" couldn't deny the fact he did fall for you in these last couple of weeks, this "feeling" has been growing on him like a parasite ever since you started wanting to be here more often, to see him more often and to top it all off: You asked him to let you sleep in his web, you asked him to not bring you back home.
What is normally a silent cold void of pure nothingness there was now the low sound of breathing and occasionally snoring. There was now warm, there was now something else aside from him and that little rodent he genuinely loves. It still takes him by surprise how you just invited yourself to this realm and doesn't seem to want to go back, it still surprises him that you left all those people in the Pink Palace just for him.
How absurd, right? You were so willing to escape your reality that you were now sleeping and cuddling with a monster. Granted that you don't seem to know how bad he truly is…. The other people he had preyed on were a lot more careful than you, yet they all still failed to survive in the end. You could say ignorance is a blessing if you have managed to survive so far by being naive.
You have stayed for the night in the Other World, having a wonderful sleep holding the person you seem to have fallen in love with. However, "Dominick" hasn't anticipated the amount of time you two would have spent sleeping together, due to the amount of energy he lost trying to create the perfect fantasy for you he has completely blacked out for what feels to be days.
He isn't sure what day it is, or what time it is, but he was sure both of you had slept for quite a while, maybe it had something to do with the nature of this realm that made you "hibernate" for as long as he did.
There was only one option if he wanted to make you live with him forever, to be able to indulge himself in this love for as long as you live- Yet he wasn't sure if you would agree with his terms for staying, that being never leaving, of course- And possibly having to see him carnage the body of others so he can feast on it.
And speaking of food, of course you would be starving after such a long sleep. He wasn't sure what time it was, breakfast? Dinner? Time almost doesn't matter when you're essentially immortal.
There isn't anything to eat here really, not while he is this exhausted, he can't make anything for you at the moment even if he really wanted to.
"- I hope you had a decent sleep, I bet that sleeping in a place like this may not be- The most comfortable of beds." He commented while looking around the web he called home. He doesn't even remember when was the last time he was able to sleep in a proper bed without feeling out of place. This web is just a lot more comforting to him.
"- … Well I think it was worth it. Though I'm not accustomed to sleeping in webs, or with someone else for that matter." Joking tiredly you responded to his almost self deprecating comment.
You have almost forgotten you slept holding him, and you almost have forgotten how his looks are still a little frightening- Waking up and looking at him sure is a fun way to get enough energy for the rest of the day, thankfully due to his own exhaustion he hasn't noticed your small expression of fear and surprise.
"- You're hungry." Was all he said. While you were still sleeping he could hear noises coming from your stomach, he isn't sure how he can fix this yet.
"- A bit- I assume you also haven't eaten yet? Sorry if it sounds harsh, but you look like you haven't eaten all night." Putting it bluntly like that could harm anyone's ego, but it was true that he hasn't eaten anything in years, waiting people to move in to the Pink Palace is both tedious and a almost unfruitful process, and as you can see he is too pathetic to kill every single one of his preys, despite how easy it would be to just do so right now.
But maybe, it doesn't have to be this way, maybe he could still work something out, you don't have to die to sustain him-
"- Can I help you this time? You have done so much during this time I've been here, I would like to do something for you for once." You were so sincere, and it was true that people have been cooking for you a lot these past days, mostly Other Dominick and…. Well, Dominick, once.
Just remembering yesterday makes you feel odd, as if you have left something behind- Wait, didn't you have plans to hangout with him and the others today?
"- Well- You can help me with something…" What would normally be a very easy thought process, was now taking him ages to complete- He hasn't completely finished his plan mentally, yet it was the only option left. In this state he is too soft, too dependent, he can't feed you or take care of you without first satisfying his own needs.
"- We don't have a kitchen anymore, I'm sorry if this is a selfish request- But could you please get us some food from your house?" He just needed an excuse, any excuse.
"- Hmm, sure! But- But why can't you just build a new one?" You questioned him, still not sure how his "powers" work or not work.
"- I can't, I can't right now- I'm starving." He wasn't lying really, but he did exaggerate it a bit to see if you could go faster.
"- I'm so sorry! I'll be back okay? Just hang in there." And being naive as you were, you made sure to crawl your way back to the little door you've come from, taking just another look at his bottom eyes and sending him a tender smile one last time.
You'll be back soon, he is sure you will.
You won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die-
- But they will.
While crawling through the tunnel you realized how tight it felt, you knew you didn't fit exactly well here but this time it feels almost suffocatingly small. You don't know if this has anything to do with "Dominick" or not, but it was as if the whole tunnel was trying to squeeze you back to where you came from.
You're not sure what you should do in this scenario since he said there was no more kitchen back there, should you prepare something in your own kitchen and then bring it back? Or maybe you should just bring a snack to make him feel slightly more filled?
Whatever your plan was, you knew you would be able to fix something quick for him- And probably for yourself since you do feel awfully empty right now, and honestly your body hurts from sleeping in one position the whole entire time, especially on top of someone else.
You hope he was okay, it would be really embarrassing if he was also having body aches because of you, if you could give him something it would be a proper bed- Screw spiderwebs.
For some reason, you felt as if you took longer to crawl back to the Pink Palace than what you normally take- Maybe it was just your imagination, after all you did get to reach the end eventually. While still feeling your whole body weak and aching you got up from the tunnel feeling a bit dizzy, still your mind was focused on two things: Food and roommates.
It would be more appropriate for you to say "hi" or "good morning" right? It feels wrong cooking and then leaving them again without saying anything, maybe- No, no you couldn't, if you did…
Could you… Perhaps- Be able to tell them about the Other Pink Palace??
The idea sounds absolutely ridiculous, especially when you consider that they would probably not believe in you in the first place. Why did you even consider that option? What would you even tell them- "Hey I met like- A spider version of Dominick and a fake version of all of you and I hmmm kinda slept there over the night??" God, they would either think you're trying to prank them or that you went crazy!
Speaking of them- Where are they? It's still 6 am when you look at the clock in the living room. Normally Vivian and Richard would be awake by now, Dominick especially since he likes to exercise during the morning. Damn, you're the only one that wakes up late, huh?
Oh… Yeah… They're probably hanging out with one of their actual friends, how could you even forget that, right?
" They probably didn't even remember to warn me or something, not that it would matter since… I wasn't here in the first place." You thought, feeling a bit sad at the lack of your roommate's presence around the house. Maybe you should try talking with them whenever they come back, you can't keep leaving them and then expect them to call you to go out with them, right?
Maybe it's the loneliness creeping in, but you start to think that maybe you should apologize for your lack of presence around the house, and try to be open about how you really feel about them- Otherwise none of you would be able to survive at least an year together.
Yeah, you'll talk to them soon enough- You'll make something for "Dominick" and then tell him you'll be back soon, you'll send them a message saying you need to talk and then you'll open up to them and hopefully they'll still want to watch some movies together. Sounds like a good plan.
There is of course, only one problem:
"- W- What?! Why is everything spoiled already?? Who would even buy so many perishables and leave them on the counter? Goddamnit-" The smell of rotten food had invaded your nostrils like a punch to the face when you came back to the kitchen, after not finding anyone around the house.
They left the groceries on the counter and just- Ditched?? Who would do such a thing?? Why did no one put anything in the fridge and why was it all spoiled already?? Great, you have to buy more food now, unbelievable.
You would tell Other Dominick about this, but you're worried that if you take too long he'll keep starving- And besides, you're too disappointed with your roommates to think straight about this. You got ready, picked up your purse and stormed out of the house hoping you could buy something to make for "Dominick".
On the other side of this whole fiasco was Dominick, the real one, that is. He has been staying inside Sam's house with Vivian and Richard since you left, it's been the most long fourteen days of their lives.
Hmm? Why do you ask? Well- Maybe it's the fact you suddenly disappeared out of thin air like you were never there to begin with?! After that morning when he made you breakfast, he decided to have his own talk with the other two to see if they could all reach an agreement- They agreed with having the movie night like you suggested and they were willing to talk about the past few weeks when they neglected not only you and Dominick about also their own studies and responsibilities inside the Pink Palace.
You told him you wouldn't be there that day, which was fine, he was actually kinda glad to know you would be able to take some fresh air and not be stuck with only them for company, he thought it was just natural for you to want to do your own thing and didn't even question you where you were going. He thought you would come back later that day or maybe on the next day.
Oh but he was so wrong, so very wrong.
You didn't show up for two weeks straight. You didn't answer any calls or messages for two weeks straight. No one has seen you around, in two weeks straight. For some reason rats have been tearing up the house more frequently for two weeks straight.
At night time they could hear sounds coming from the living room and the kitchen. Every time someone would check it out, they would see nothing there except the small door on the wall being open. There was nothing behind it, only a brick unfinished wall. Someone would try to lock it up, but they couldn't find the key so they would just block it until they could find it.
For fourteen nights, that door would be back open again- Somehow the objects that were positioned to close it, would find themselves back in place.
And still, you weren't anywhere near them. No one has seen you around town, none of your neighbors could say they saw you when you left and which way you went and your family hasn't heard of you since then. They were starting to lose their minds.
Vivian, Richard and Dominick started to feel unsafe inside the Pink Palace after the tenth day. Richard was extremely superstitious, and the presence of the rats and that little creepy door were really obvious signs that something was wrong with that place, and in his mind, that something was related to you somehow.
Vivian, however, was now a nervous wreck, not only was she worried sick about you she also felt guilty in your disappearance. The confident girl has returned to her old anxious self, worrying that maybe the worst could have happened to you because of her neglect.
Dominick couldn't stand seeing them like this, so he suggested they spent the night somewhere else. One night became four, and still no sight of you, they told some town's folk to call them whenever they see you, and to warn you that they miss you dearly. Everyone misses you, especially him.
All options left for why you have suddenly disappeared ranged from bad to awful- From "maybe you got lost somewhere outside town" to "maybe you just didn't want to come back at all".
Or worse….
Maybe you were dead, and were now hunting the last place you've been through.
No! No, he couldn't think that way! None of them could… You were coming home soon, he knew that! He was sure of it…
He- He just couldn't bear the thought of you gone, of you actually really gone!
Both Richard and Vivian couldn't muster enough courage to be able to go back to the Pink Palace but Dominick knew he had to go back to see if maybe you have come back, if maybe there would be some hint to where you were, and how you were…
"- I'll be back soon, until then tell Sam I went to the Pink Palace to see if she comes back, okay? Stay safe you two." He told them goodbye before going out, after all both of them were still not accustomed with this sort of thing.
When he got home he saw that the door was open.
"- [Y/n]? [Y/N]!? ARE YOU THERE?" He came inside screaming his lungs out without considering the various possibilities as to why the door was open. I mean- Yes, the door could be open because of you.
"- [Y/N], IT'S ME, DOMINICK!" But what if it was a burglar that had entered inside to steal something...
"- PLEASE ANSWER ME!!" Or maybe they didn't lock the doors on their way out, maybe due to some animal or a strong wind, the door was now open…
"- [Y/n]..?" Or maybe… It was a trap.
"- How… How did-" He was speechless, not only because of the amount of screaming and running he did throughout the house, but also due to the scenery in front of him-
That little, pesky tiny door was open again. No surprises so far, but what really got him was the creepy, spider web filled, dark tunnel behind it.
" Since when was this here??" He thought, as he started to investigate the tiny door and the eerie air coming from the other side. Richard wasn't kidding when he said this place had some creepy shit going on, did- Did you have anything to do with this??
"- Do I… Fit in?" He wondered, the crazy man. No one would ever think about entering such an awfully tight place, with some more than suspicious vibes to it, when your friend has literally gone missing and was probably involved with some sort of occult-ish phenomenon.
But if this could actually help him find you, he was ready to do anything to be able to reach the truth, and he was desperate enough to go inside this hellhole if it meant this nightmare could end.
Again- He didn't consider the dangers of his uncalculated actions, despite the glaring red signs everywhere, he crawled down the creepy yet- Oddly magical tunnel, seeing light on the end of the darkness. Unfortunately, he probably couldn't have predicted what type of monster would be waiting for him.
"- Dominick?" Someone calls him from the other side, something about their voice is both familiar yet eerily different.
"- Are you there?" Was it you?? Was it really you calling for him on the other side?? It- It looked like you, despite how dark this place is and how far away you were.
"- What the Hell are you doing here??! I'm- I'm coming okay? Stay there-" Dominick was bewildered by the circumstances of actually seeing you at the end of the tunnel- This is almost so unreal that he wonders for a second if he is even fully awake. As wonderful as this moment is, he still feels like something isn't right, he still feels like something is missing out of this puzzle, he continues to crawl but now he is cautious of getting close to you.
Keeping you alive really did benefit him in the end, intentionally or not, these circumstances seem to be the most favorable. After a good rest, he found that maybe he had at least some amount of energy left, at least barely enough to keep one last charade.
" Perdón, love, but I must use your beautiful image, just this once." This is not exactly how he planned it, if anything, trying to look like you just to trick that guy seems a bit evasive- For the first time he isn't sure if he should really use someone else's appearance to trap another person.
He can transform himself to look like whoever he wants, but because of the current situation his appearance feels more like a mockery of your figure rather than an actual adaptation, like he did with Dominick.
However, now that he was here, Other Dominick would be able to eat from someone's "love", although- Ugh, this "love" sure doesn't sound appetizing, your Dominick's love is going to be the worst thing he ate in a long while, isn't it?
It's not as pure and sweet as yours, it is drenched in doubts and unresolved issues. Self loathe mixed with regret, he did yell at you recently, hasn't he? He sure smells like a coward, not to mention how awkward this situation is.
Think of it from his perspective: He is going to eat the love that is not directed towards him- Like all his other victims- But rather, love that is directed towards you. Other Dominick is planning on eating the heart of the one who wants your heart! It's a bit gross for him.
"- Dominick! Please help, I'm over here!" This is… Probably the first time he felt like vomiting while acting, but his stomach is empty so at least there won't be a mess anywhere.
Having to interpret you like this, especially without your knowledge feels so disgusting but he hopes you'll understand he did this out of necessity. He needs this man's heart, soul and mind, anything except hurting you, he is already too attached to you to see life fade away from your body. At least you won't be here to see him do it, that would be unpleasant.
"- [Y/n]! Why- What- What's going on?? Where were you?? What the Hell is this place-" Dominick was obviously holding a lot of questions in his mind, after all the fuck is he looking at? An empty void with only "you" here, you've been gone for so long yet somehow you were inside the house all this time??
Or more like "the empty hell-looking dimension inside the house".
It didn't take long to get to end of the tunnel, finally he got close enough-
"- I- I was so scared, Dominick-" Other Dominick tried securing Dominick on a deadly last embrace so he could do this whole process faster, but for a second, Dominick could catch the difference in voice tone, and pushed himself out of his grip.
"- W-Who- What are you? WHERE 'S [Y/N]?!" He trembled when he noticed it's eyes- The monster, whatever that thing was, the person trying to imitate you had button eyes. On closer inspection, it looked- Nothing like you, nothing at all like you! It was as if your face had been stretched out and redrawn by a horror cartoonist, whatever color your skin once had was too pale to resemble something living- And your hair- How could he forget how your hair looked??
Sure, it was the same hairstyle (barely-) but the texture, the color- Even if you did share similar traits, it just looks off! There was no other way to say it, this wasn't you at all!
"- ANSWER ME! WHERE IS SHE?!" Dominick shouted his lungs out despite his voice coming out a bit horse and mild if not completely pathetic due to his previous shouting inside the Pink Palace, this creature was threatening to come closer and he couldn't let his guard down-
He wasn't prepared at all, but he couldn't let this THING know that.
"- Oh. Well, I don't see the point in continuing this- Thank you for making it easier for me." Transforming and keeping a form is not only physically stressful, it takes a lot of mental power to not constantly have an identity crisis over these little "acting sessions".
Still, even if he could be himself, who would that be? Are they still inside of him or have they long been dead?
Whoever was left now was tall, moody, monstrous and skinnier than a toothpick. He's seen better days… maybe..?
"- Please refrain from screaming, that is absolutely the worst part and I have a headache." Headaches are the absolute worst, even to someone like him- Especially someone like him!
"- OH! REALLY?! I'm sorry, your HIGHNESS! I didn't know- u-GH!" Dominick tried to taunt the monster but all it did was earn him a slap from the creature's sharp claw hands and to be tripped over effortlessly.
"- You did that on purpose, I'm almost surprised." The man sat himself on top of the pathetic man on the ground, using his back as a support, completely humiliating the human who once thought he was now storing enough to handle this sort of confrontation.
Despite Other Dominick's appearance, his REAL appearance, that is, his way of dealing with rude "quests" was firm and elegant in a way, slapping the young man in an old fashioned way.
"- Fuck off me- You didn't even answer me-" Dominick tried to sound as tough as he could, and tried to struggled out of this position- But found his attempts to be fruitless.
"- I mean, why would I? You enter my house, you yell at me, you threaten me, I think I'm not in the wrong to do this." This was the way he would normally deal with- "Rude quests", try to mess with them. Poke, poke, and poke until they manage to fall off.
"- … You're kidding me? You LURED ME IN! You tricked me by looking like my friend, which by the way- WHERE IS SHE?!" Oh, how heroic of him! His heart beats faster whenever your name is mentioned, pumping determination down his veins, how cliche.
How… Annoying.
"- I gave you one condition and you choose to not listen, no wonder she left you- What made you think I would give you that answer?" He was being serious by the way, Other Dominick hates yelling.
"- L- What are you- What did you do to her?" Dominick whispered as if he was speaking with himself and wondering what could have happened to you in this- Fiend's hands!
"- … Hmm- Not treat her unfairly? Not pretend that me being weak was entirely her fault, not blaming twelve years of loneliness on her and only her and not taking a SMIDGEN of responsibility for my lack of social skills? Not tell her she is an awful friend because of something that happened so long ago-" Other Dominick kept teased, proud of how easily he could list off the things he DIDN'T do wrong with you, he would never have treated you this way.
"- How do you know all of this-" Dominick was shut down immediately- The monster was having fun poking him until he would fall and break.
"- Shhh, wait I got more- Be there for her when she needed, gave her comfort and care while you three were having a lot of fun without her- Leaving her to wonder to a trap like a naive little butterfly-"
"- YOU were the one to set the trap in the first place! I know what I did was unfair, I know I shouldn't treat her like that for something that happened when we were kids, but I didn't mean to hurt her- YOU DID! You tried to hurt her from the very beginning, didn't you?!" Ouch. The human managed to touch the monster's ego, a subtle yet extremely painful stab in the heart.
He was taken back by this, he stayed silent thinking about his moral ground on this petty competition.
"- You DID! You stalked us and preyed on our insecurities, you're the reason she is missing! Tell me where she is or I swear to God." The wounds didn't stop coming, Dominick was now the one pushing his buttons.
"- … Can you blame a spider for setting it's web? Longing for a prey to stick it's pretty little wings on its strings? I'm only doing what my nature tells me to do." Despite it being true, Other Dominick didn't feel proud of this notion, nor did he feel like he won this battle at all.
He tried to poke him, but ended up being the one left broken over their own guilty mind.
"- Y- You couldn't- You…" At least he still believed he would be capable of hurting you, and even if that was a lie…
"- Eat her?" It would still benefit in the end, right?
"- …" No words, only a shocked expression turning from fear and disgust to pure hatred. He expected him to say a bunch of things, horrible things, anything except that!
How could someone eat another person? Unless that someone was twisted or not human at all… In Dominick's mind, that guy was both.
Ya know, hate is not really the opposite of love, it affects us in almost the same ways love affects us- Love and hate are easy to get mixed up in this horrible world we live in, so even if he couldn't take Dominick's heart by love, he could still take it by hate.
Hatred towards him. A hateful heart would be a first for his taste, but hopefully it isn't as nasty as it sounds.
To the last breath, he fought, he did the best he could, blinded by rage, hate and love, your old childhood friend was now gone. He didn't go down without hurting his opponent, no, quite the contrary-
Dominick had made sure to rip his buttons out, making Other Dominick blind while also getting rid of the buttons so he wouldn't be able to find them later. Unfortunately, he died believing that somehow, he would see you again soon, as he didn't know you were actually alive and were just on your way back home- As a bunch of townsfolk managed to recognize you and warn you about not only the time you've spent missing, but how worried sick your roommates were.
In the end, the lonely spider did get to fill their stomach and still protect the one thing it cared about, but to what end? He was right, he was a monster, eating on the flesh of someone who you care a lot about, you would never be happy here knowing how dangerous he is for you, and for others around you.
Your silence seems to confirm his suspicion.
"- I know you're there. I heard you coming through the door, and I felt you standing there for a while now."
"- !…"
"- I can… Feel your hesitation. I didn't get enough time to get rid of the mess, I-I can't actually see now, thanks to your "friend", so I can only imagine how awful it must look to you."
"- …"
"- I'm sorry for making you see this, especially it being him… I tried- I tried to…. It looks awful doesn't it? His face is probably really messed up, I thought that maybe you wouldn't recognize him."
"- But you know it's him, don't you? Who else would- Come here and try to be your savior? Your knight in shining armor…"
"- …"
"- That makes me a villain, doesn't it?"
"- A-actually you don't need to… Answer that. I always knew I was one, I just liked to pretend I wasn't… I don't remember since when I've been doing this, but I've been doing it enough to forget who I used to be."
"- …?"
"- The truth is nothing makes me feel satisfied except- Well, this. This- Horrible thing, that I probably shouldn't be- showing it to you-"
"- …-"
"- Please don't- Feel pity for me, I wouldn't accept that. You knew something was wrong with me from the start but I kept lying to you pretending this wouldn't be… This wouldn't be your end."
"- I have told myself that this wouldn't be you"
"- !!"
"- W-WAIT! I-I know you're going away- Just- I-"
"- ….. She is gone…. That's… That was a great decision."
You decided to run away, you stayed still watching that awfully brutal scene for way too long, you were frozen in place before he said something along the lines of "this could have been you"- And that was all the motivation you needed to get out of there.
However, your mind couldn't stop coming back to the body of your old friend, the body that was-
You- You can't stop thinking about it! You want to scream but you just can't- You locked his door while crawling back to the Pink Palace, the tunnel seemed a lot more tight and nauseatingly longer than last time- You could feel the walls moving but you considered that maybe that was just your terrified mind.
Your body told you to escape as fast as you could, but your mind told you to go back and- And see your dead friend again, to try to get him back despite the fact that would not be possible.
The moment you got that, all you saw was red, Dominick and that monster with him- Even without the buttons you could tell he didn't have the guts to look you in the eyes.
How did this happen? Why didn't you see it coming sooner??
What- Why did you trust him?? A complete stranger from a POCKET DIMENSION INSIDE YOUR HOUSE??
" This is my fault, this is my fault, this is my fault-"
You kept replaying that scene inside your head, over and over and over again- Feeling guilty for everything you've done wrong in these past few weeks.
You trusted a monster, and now your friend is dead. You trusted a monster and now your roommates are worries as fuck about you and you can't even explain what the Hell happened to you in all of this time.
You fell for a monster that was planning on taking you out as well as Dominick.
You couldn't handle this- You can't handle this!!
You sat on the front porch crying your eyes out, not having enough strength to pull yourself out of this twisted place. A part of you was hoping that the heavy knocking from the inside meant that he was coming- And that it meant you would be gone along with your crimes.
The other part was terrified to the very soul of that possibility even happening, so when you saw the police car come by with your roommates wondering what happened and why was Dominick gone for so long- You were both relieved and worried as fuck as to how the Hell would you explain what just happened.
" The man on the other side of the door ate him?? " Was absolutely ridiculous and in no way in Hell would anyone believe you-
"- It's my fault! Pl- Please!! I did it!! TAKE ME AWAY PLEASE-" You pleaded to be taken away while crying your eyes out, despite no one's understanding of the situation you've sat there hoping they would take you far away from here.
The banging inside the house only got louder, and for once in all of these days you were worried if you actually did lock the door or not.
The policemen heard the loud banging and decided to investigate. You were being comforted by your roommates who were happy to see you but extremely worried about what happened to you and why you were mumbling nonsense. One of the policemen was trying to ask you questions but it was clear your mind wasn't in the right place at the moment, the other was investigating the sound.
All he found was blood coming from underneath a tiny door, and the key you left behind in a hurry. He thought it would be a good idea to unlock it.
There was nothing there. Just blood.
But hopefully it would be good enough for the investigation.
The local police department was already aware of the weird disappearances that happened every year in this very house, so they already had a suspicion that this wouldn't be the fault of some random young adults that decided to move here. Sure, it was scummy for them to use your group as bait, but they needed something to be able to resolve the mystery involving this house.
And you survived whatever happened here, and you clearly knew things they would love to know about- Of course, on a better time than this.
It's clear you're fragile at the moment and that you'll need sometime to recover, and besides-
There is this weird feeling of someone watching them as they take samples of the blood.
🦉Owl Tag Delivery to🧺:
// @radbarbariancupcake //
I want to personally apologize to everyone who has been enjoying these series because of spider boy softness, I made him a monster and I'm sorry, but that doesn't mean I can't make him soft on future Headcanons! I would very much appreciate it cause I made myself sad doing this 😭🤡
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syubub · 4 years
How to Comfort Them
Woop woop! A disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!
Hell yeah. How do they receive comfort best when they need it? I took this specifically as them having a shitty day or week or something along those lines
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Let him wallow
You comfort Seokjin by affirming his right to feel his feelings and let him deal with it on his own time
He can be a bit dramatic but its short lived
Why does this feel like a roast?
Its not I promise
Seokjin just needs to feel and let it go. He doesn't hold on the things for long but trying to force him to talk anything out is a big no thanks
I think being alone really comforts him most but if he's close to someone I think he'd be down to be alone together
He feels comfort by people staying by his side. He might be the type to have a really shitty day and just wants to sit on the couch and watch TV and not talk about it
When he does want to talk about it though, its best to give him honest advice even if it brutally honest
Jinnie has no time for bullshit and he doesn't want sugar coated shit. If he wants an opinion he'll ask for it and be very aware of what he's asking for.
Another way to comfort Jin is possibly distraction. Again its not an always answer but fun nonsense can help him shake off the blues for sure!
Maybe give him a blanket and and some jellies
I also think he'd really not like anyone seeing him cry?
I think if you stumbled upon a crying Jin that needs comfort the best thing you could do is ask if he needs anything and let him know that you're there?
Also maybe if this is like sad sad sad and he's crying in the bathroom or something it might be helpful to sit on the other side of the door and talk to him if he wants to? and get him water?
Idk I think jin can be pretty guarded especially like this so this would probably never happen
Its more likely that he'll flop down on his bed or couch and just hang out
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Oki yoobi
Hold his fucking hand
I'm kidding (kinda)
For yoongi, I think he's similar to Jin in that he doesn't want to be told that everything is sunshine and rainbows and he also doesn't want to be treated like a child
For yoobi I think that he'd feel comforted by talking about what/why he feels like shit
Its like he wants to know that he isn't alone but he also doesn't like to seek out comfort bc he doesn't think he's worth it
He'd probably feel a lot of comfort laying in a dark room with calming repetitive sounds
Smack a pair of noise canceling headphones on him with nothing playing
I think that a great way to comfort yoongi if he was having a bad day is by softly showing support and letting him know that he's being thought of?
Things like letters and stuff are really good
I also think distracting him from bad habits that he used to comfort himself is a v good idea
You see him nomming down his nails to tiny nubs? Offer him something to hold (or slap his hand if you're feeling sassy)
But really though comfort for yoongi is something he'd want to be subtle and ever-present so he can access it when its needed most and he'd definitely want to seek out on his own.
I was thinking too, like if he had a panic attack or anxiety attack DO NOT TOUCH HIM I feel strongly about this. Let him seek out physical comfort and 1,000% ask if he wants to be touched
He just seems skittish in this way and I think that he'd respond a lot better if he gets to seek physical comfort out on his own
You hear that people that will meet Yoongi?
BUT if yoongi was really really close with his s.o I could see him searching and asking for cuddles. Two kinds. Smol curled up yoongi would want to be curled around (kinda like nigiri) if things are pretty bad and serious or him laying in between his s.os legs with his head on their stomach specifically so he can have his hair played with.
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Show up for him
Remind him that he is loved and sweet and perfect
Definitely ignite his passions again
Take him dancing
Watch a movie that reminds him of a good memory
You'll have to kinda sus out what exactly is bothering him though
Maybe buy him something sweet like a teddy bear or dinner or take him somewhere
Just don't let him wallow. He needs time to process and stuff but getting him up and out of his funk is great!
Take him to an arcade or even just out for a long drive
I think hobi is the type to need stimulation in a thoughtful way so you'd have to assess the situation and see what's appropriate
Bc hobi might also just want to chill
I think he'd also be really big on physical comfort
Sharing a bed
Massage even
Yes I'm gonna say it
(18+) he'd enjoy a nice frick frack or a boot knocking if you will
Maybe run him a nice bath and wine and dine him tbh
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Comfort joonie by letting him know that he doesn't have to know everything or have a solution for it
I think kinda taking over his role of inspiring speech giver would help him bc he has so much wisdom and advice but can also have a blind spot when it comes to himself
Let him not be logical
Let him impulse buy 43 new plants all named after the kind of plant they are
I think a nice bear hug and some wise words will be comforting to him
Also the words "you're doing a great job, you got this" and "It's okay to feel this way. Let yourself feel what you feel"
Home boi wouldn't mind if, say, he had a shitty day and you bought him an orchid and named it Orca
Really though I think a gentle reminder that he is human and some basic grounding would really help.
I think too with a significant other I could 100% see him finding immense comfort in feeling the other persons heartbeat? Like if he was in bad shape and his s.o needed to calm him down they could just grab his hand and put it over their heart? Cute shit.
I think rubbing comforting circles on his back when in the proper situation.
Also forehead-pressing?
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Chim chim gets comfort by love in every form
By him a gift
Give him words of affirmation
Make him food so he doesn't have to
Just be there for him
Write him letters
Really though. Affection of any kind is often welcomed from him
He'd also feel especially comforted if he didn't have to do anything? Like if you could take away responsibility from him for a little that would be awesome
Jimin is a very love/affection forward guy and I think that he'd really really really enjoy a nice top of the head smooch
Sometimes he'd just want to be hugged while he cries
Or sometimes he needs genuine advice and help working through what bothers him
Jimin is a mixed bag and I think its situational but he'd definitely be down for a good ole hug
Maybe too if you suggest things to him. Maybe advice or maybe ways to cheer him up!
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This is also very much how Tae comforts army
Cheer him on
Let him know that you love him and that even if things are shit that you're there for him
He'd respond very well to comforting actions and words
I think he needs to cry and feel and do what he does but he feels most comforted when he's reminded that he means something to someone
Positivity and passion go a long way for comforting him
I think if you can also remind him of something that he's done for you, something positive that he's done in you're life that might help him feel a little better
If you can relate to him without making it about you
I think also recognizing his good qualities when he can't
Definitely put him in the sunshine
Give him a nice bevy and sit him in the sunshine
Playing a card game or a board game? Idk why
take him to get waffles at 2am or something new and out of the ordinary
Mostly though snuggles and hugs do the trick.
He's a very feely human and I think having something solid is helpful
ESPECIALLY for his s.o
if Taes future/current s.o is reading... you probably get held a lot. For a long time. Homie is like a little cephalopod
I think he'd also enjoy a nice comfort nap
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Oki oki oki
Love him
But not too much
When he's down he tends to have clouded vision
Its like he can't see infront of him and can't see anything that he's done and he feels like he's never accomplished anything ever
He feels loss of control
That's no good
A good way to help that is to help him find clarity
Help him to see the light at the end of the tunnel
He also probably has nighmares/can't sleep when things get really bad so either something like buying him a new sleepy tea or being there for him when he can't sleep
Help sooth his anxiety
He needs that
I definitely think he gets frustrated with himself easily and if you can help him not take it out on himself or turn it inwards then that's really good
He'd benefit from a movie night and a fort
He'd probably be the type to benefit from a talk about what's bothering him but only sitting side by side so you aren't looking into his eyes
Maybe even like on the swings at a park or something
I just think opening up for him is hard so meeting him where he's comfortable is good
That could be texting back and forth even if you're in the same room or on the swings or over street food
I think he'd like it if he had a weighted blanket
Quiet comfort is good for him so he has something grounding him
Maybe if things are not great take him to a rage room or to go kick boxing.
Some semi productive way to channel his energy
Drive him out of the city to go scream into the æther
Idk but being with him while giving him space is good
I think with a s.o he'd maybe seek physical comfort but idk
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AssClass Bedroom Headcanons: Part 2
Part 1 Here
Definitely has the neatest room.
Her room is very light-colored with a lot of white furniture because she loves how classy it looks.
Her floor has to be clear or else she’ll lose her mind.
Has pastel feminine bedspread and decor because she likes the frills and girly vibe.
Has lots of posters of her favorite swimmers and women she looks up to.
Even her books and school supplies on her desk are so organized.
Enjoys stepping onto her soft, warm fluffy rug in the mornings.
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Has a comfy bed but honestly, this boy lives on the mini couch seating instead.
Like 99% of the time, he’s crouching there doing homework or camera stuff. Or also flipping through magazines.
Has a big window with nice curtains so he can control the lighting for picture-taking purposes.
He has the most boring ass covers lmao, it’s like a thin sheet that he sleeps under. His female friends roast him all the time for it.
Has a couple bookshelves filled with textbooks and photography equipment!
There’s a couple of plants but they were gifts from Sugaya.
Overall the vibes are nice and cozy. Slightly hermit vibes but it’s all good.
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I’m sorry but this room is so gorgeous to me, I just had to give it to her.
So like she lives in an apartment as a 3-E student and she definitely would be able to afford a rlly nice one, with her money from acting.
The room has really lovely boho vibes, but it’s also rlly modern at the same time??
Has a very large window with a stunning view that she looks at often, in thought.
Keeps a couple books at her bedside, along with painkillers and manuscripts.
Tbh it’s somewhat neat because she can’t stand messiness. But it gets messy often because she has other things to focus on and she’s sad.
There’s a bunch of pudding wrappers all around on the floor.
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Her room is a little basic by these standards tbh, but it’s super comfortable.
It’s fairly spacious since she practices dancing in there sometimes.
Has a lot of windows because she likes natural sunlight. And at night, she keeps them open slightly to enjoy the sounds of the night, like crickets, cars passing by, etc
Owns so many adorable cat plushies that she keeps in her bed.
I’d say her room is pretty neat, but during her time in 3-E, I can see Hayami throwing things around more often. Like she has other things to think about.
Her furniture is all so aesthetic looking and pretty. Like the vibes are very pretty in the room overall.
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I’m so sorry y’all, but I feel like his bedroom would be plain af 😭
Like it’s Sugino lmao. I can’t see him really thinking about “aesthetic” or “decor” lol. BUT don’t fret, it’s still very charming in its own way!
It would be pretty small since in canon, his family lives in a certain type of public housing/apartments.
His bed frame would be the kind that’s very low to the ground. Which is nice so he can just flop onto there when he’s dead tired.
Has very thick black-out curtains to block any sunlight since the boy wants all the rest he can get.
Has a single desk for his PC and as a place to do schoolwork. Also where he can play some video games lol.
Would have a couple stuffed animals on his bed UwU.
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I’m getting very suave vibes for his bedroom tbh. Like out of all the guys, he’s the best at decorating.
Given that his family isn’t very big, I wanna say he’d have a decently-spaced room.
There’s super cool lighting in the room with the lights he hung up, and his lamp. Like the ambience is just 👌
Has pictures of his family and friends framed and sitting on his dresser. It’s so sweet.
Also has a stuffed teddy bear that he got when he was kids and playing with Hara.
Tbh he’s barely in his room. He’s usually either with the class, squad, or working on his motorcycles.
Has many books on physics, mechanics engineering, etc in a single bookshelf in his room.
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Idk, my first thought was that he’d have a small-ish room that’s packed with lots of stuff.
I feel like Kimura is the type of gremlin who would lowkey hoard things lmao. Like it would sit in his drawer for 4 years before he decides what to do.
But yeah. I can see him with small shelves filled with various different things. One of them has some indoor workout equipment.
He has a desk that’s constantly cluttered, no matter how often he clears it. It also has his computer.
The only reason his room is ever clean is because his mother has cleaned it. As soon as the 3-E girls find this out, they absolutely give him a lesson on tidiness.
Has some stuffed animals that he bought to try impress Kurahashi but he ended up loving them for real lmao.
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Ok so of course, Ritsu has probably made her own lil world and home digitally. But that means she’d also decorate/create her own bedroom!
I’m a big advocate for a Ritsu who always changes aesthetic but I think her bedroom is pretty easy to figure out.
First of all, it would be hella random lmao. Like the absolute weirdest items and decorations are just all around, on the floor, wall, etc lmaoooo.
THE BED HAS TO BE EXTREMELY COMFY WITH A CUTE SPREAD. This will be her main residing area when she binges K-Dramas and other shows she loves.
Also there’s a giant TV in the room lmao.
All of her books, games, and forms of entertainment are probably lying on the floor lolol.
Yeah it’s pretty messy. One of her classmates or teachers has to remind her to clean up.
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Gonna talk about Disney (and by ext pixar) IP in Japan. mainly bc i’ve brought this up several times by now and i suppose you deserve an explanation
IP in Japan is technically a grey area. “What do you mean?”
What I mean is the Doujin works. 
Official Doujin works are those that are commissioned or approved by the company. 
Unofficial are those you’d find at an anime convention and online on sites like Pixiv and elsewhere. 
The first group is entertainment meaning games, musicals, songs events and park miscellaneous  .
Most well known franchise with Disney outside of Disney would be Kingdom Hearts* albeit recently lolol 
Behind this imo the second best known literature would be the manga Princess Kirara.
Both are self inserts but self inserts that interrupt the plots and have similar goal. Except KH eventually jumps into Pixar and Princess Kirara is solely Disney.
Basically Arina’s Frozen II adaption was commissioned by Disney lol. Couldn’t find anything on a jp ver so it might exclusively be for overseas outside of jp???
Another well known Disney related game is Twisted Wonderland (abbv. Twst) by Aniplex and Disney. It’s an ‘inspired’ official doujin game and falls into the grey area. with art by yours truly yana toboso-sensei
Then there’s TDR. Let’s be real, TDR is really just a really big official doujin owned by OLC with IP rights from Disney. 
So how does this fall into TDR?
TDR used to have a seasonal Halloween entertainment, Happy Villains. They’re gender-bent of famous Disney Villains, different from the inspired OCs in Twst and kinda treated as official???? (no merch afaik) But also because jp Halloween is different from the typical western Halloween. Christmas too but thats a different story
Funnily they both have similar villain and themes. (Save for a few) Although i’ve noticed the genbent villains insporation from the parks was used for the faculty in Twst too! 
Snow White: Apple Poison (HV) + Pommefiore (Twst)
Cinderella: Mozus Trein (Twst only)
Sleeping Beauty: Malfie (HV) + Diasomnia (Twst)
TLM: Eight Foot Joe (HV) + Octanivelle (Twst)
BntB: Ashton Vargas (Twst Only)
Heracules: Ms Hades (HV) + Ignihyde (Twst)
Lion King: Pretty Scar (HV) + Savanaclaw (Twst)
101 Dalmatians: Mr. Dalmatia (HV) + Divus Crewel (Twst)
PntF: Mr. V (HV) + Sam (Twst)
Aladdin: Faja (HV) + Scarabia (Twst)
HoND: Veil (HV)
Peter Pan: Hook (HV)
If you want to try it, Aniplex is bringing the game over this year!! (restricted to NA, about 2 years behind the jp servers, the EU stuff is also another story)
Other forms of entertainment include the ‘Koe no Oujisama’, the utaite (cover singers) collaboration cd ‘Connected to Disney’, this also means they have the right to preform the song live -> Shoko Nakagawa (the va not the singer for movie rapunzel) singing wwmlb, the healing incantation, and istl at a concert**. (idk how it it overseas since I’ve seen the songs sung outside of ‘concerts’ on talent programs so I’m assuming might be something different there?)  then again filming policies are different but that’s also for another day
Remember when Idina Menzel was invited to jp for a tv program yeah lol. While it’s not IP usage persay this is just a form of pr in jp and kr lolol
The second group is merch,
Store collaborations like the Oh My Cafe (official from the looks of it) cafe, GSC nendroid collab series (this can fall two ways actually with both twst and mainstream Disney bc GSC does listen to fan requests) and Ichiban Kuji/ UFO catcher prizes with Banpresto. seriously have you seen the ufo catcher prizes??? broke me is crying
This is similar to the jp Moomin branch we don’t talk about the 60s anime since that was an attempt at the moomin IP but they said screw source materials until the 90s reboot with actual input from Tove’s family
Other things include the ultimate princess celebration special bonus merch and merch bonuses in general. Glimpse at a jp media magazine next time (nakayoshi, wsj, b’slog, spoon2di), if you can, usually the bonus is mentioned on the cover and you’ll feel a bump from the packaging either midway in-between or behind the magazine. There’s even a TDR magazine (no bonus included)!!
US IP seems to be getting somewhere with merch IPs with spinoff books like the Twisted Tales and other YA books as of recent, hallmark ornaments, Funko pops and McDonalds, but that’s all I can think really and haven’t seen them slap the Disney logo onto any other stuff that much lol 
imo US IP tends to be more/less??? entertainment focused? Like (long runners) Disney on Ice and the Broadway musicals, Now That’s What I Call Music, and most recently Cirque du Soleil. now if they’d stop giving their tv series the 3s curse
EU IP the only ones I can think of atm is the Bullyland figurines (Germany) and  Piscou comics (France).
TLDR: i didn’t rly explain anything lolol  IP in Japan is more likely to turn a blind eye as long as you’re respectful bc of the trust built within the community and not pull a moomin or a KH bc sqex didn’t like that at the parks *For the KH stuff here’s a link to a somewhat old but informative video: https://youtu.be/mFtkOA2MZuM
**somewhat old vid from Shoko Nakagawa’s live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuSc8c8Qyfo
Anyway thanks for reading :D
Edit: this aged poorly lmaooooooo twst en 
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi!! can i request a drabble of new personaltrainer!jungkook training a pretty awkward (and kinda chubby/thicc..?) y/n and its super fluffy and aaaa,, i love your writing aaaa 🥺
cloud nine
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: y/n finally gives into jimin the gymbro’s thoughtful push, and jungkook is sO close to barking back to his chihuahua the moment he gets home :D // gif isn’t mine but look at it it’s so cRISPY!!!
notes: thank you sO much babie!! here you go :D
okay that’s iT!!
you totally need something new in your life
you need a change of pace or whatever that’s called
all the days you’ve been having are all blurring into the same one and it just makes you feel so stagnant
the only difference you could point out are the sleep shirts you wear and that’s ONLY if you don’t try to repeat wearing them
you now have a list of people you’re in awe of
people who genuinely and unironically consider friends the tv show as a cinematic masterpiece because nOAH FENCE how do they manage to get entertained by laugh tracks and the same skit over and over again
ok maybe your slander towards it increased because hoseok (the guy you have a sorta crush on) likes it and he leaves you on read and sometimes doesn’t even open your message and thEN you’d see his instagram stories and they’re all just???? friends???? what was the reason
and second, jimin!
jimin’s your best friend and that just makes you awed even more because you don’t even know how the two of you got close
jk it was when your friends forced you to come with them at this inflatable water park and you were sCARED and so he held your lifevest and was like
“hEY do you wanna take this in the same pace that i’m doing it?? tbh i just wanna get back to my mimosas but my friends paid too expensively for this”
<3 he has been the guardian of your heart since <3
jimin’s just so well-paced and organized and knows how to have his fun that his daily life doesn’t seem like a mindless routine
you are actively YEARNING for that kind of lifestyle
and right now it just seems like the stars are aligning for you and are practically made for your existence alone!!
jimin’s a gymbro
he is the living breathing talking definition of gymbro and gymrat and gymgod or whatever it is
.... gymin if u will ....
okAy then
but he wasn’t the aggressive type of gymbro, not at all!
he’s a total natural!!
like he’s ripped but not excessively and exaggeratedly ripped
he doesn’t flex but the muscle definition and the physique are just wHew exquisite!!
he doesn’t talk in protein powder lingo but you aren’t surprised to see a giant jug of it inside his cupboard!!! after all he’s proud to say that it’s practically all-skill!!!
and to top it off.,.,
okay so jimin takes off his shirt right
the two of you are neighbors and you often come into each other’s places and it feels like home too
and you aren’t complaining!! you know that he runs a little hot that normal and you wouldn’t want him overheating
but he has this large tattoo on his rib that reads nevermind and it’s so cOOL and it just makes the gears in your head go creak creak because aha your best friend is the blueprint huh
you’re not surprised!! you really aren’t!!
after all, why would you be surprised out of all the things above when you already know that he owns a goddamn GYM??
the only regret that you have is not meeting him sooner :((
yeah sure pjm athletics does have a nice ring to it bUT WHAT ABOUT PARK’S GYMIN
you’ve always been.,., a lil curious ok
i mean your goddamn friend is the ownEr of a really well-known and well-praised gym!! how could you not??
you don’t wanna mooch off from him though no matter how much he offers you free classes and stuff
he always brings you home extra merch and energy drinks that you’re sure you can now have a tap for gatorade
he’s not dENSE!! he sees how you look at him whenever he does push-ups on your floor or when he does planks like no big deal
there’s this thought at the back of your head that y’know..,., what if THIS was the thing that’s gonna be your change of pace
lmao you’re looking for hardship basically
jimin’s finally had it when you sigh for the eleventh time while he’s doing pull-ups
you want to spend your own money and he knows you won’t accept any of his offers!!
that’s it he needs to be smart about this!!!
“woah jimin holy sHIT you’re having a 50% off your membership??? and it comes with a trainer too??? are you serious right now???”
he can now sleep in peace knowing his editing job for this flyer has paid off and he’s passed the “y/n’s not believing me” stage :))
if it wasn’t established enough there really isn’t a sale lol
here you are then,.,.
wearing workout leggings that jimin deemed to be reAlly great and it made quite a hefty dent in your wallet but you trust his judgement so ok
you’re not in the mood to wear anything besides jimin’s black dri-fit shirt because you really don’t wanna attract attention as the newbie
this is good!! you now have a gym membership AND a personal trainer!!
you dON’T exactly need them but you feel you just do y’know!! there’s no harm in trying :D
you didn’t want jimin to be your personal trainer and he basically sULKED for a whole week
it’s not a him problem!! it’s a you problem!!!
you know that it’s a given that the trainers shOuld be excellently to a degree to actually train someone else
but it’s now dawning in you that HE’S the owner and he’s so intimidatingly good!!! you would look like a raw egg that’s just dumped haphazardly into a pot and he’s the perfectly-boiled egg :((
oh my god
jungkook feels like he’s gonna throw up with how nervous he is
it’s his first day as a personal trainer!! :D
he’s half-excited and half-terrified because holy shit fIRST of all this gym was hard to apply to in the first place
everyone’s flocking it because:
a) it’s really great
b) even greater benefits for the employees
c) the pay is hUGE
d) the equipment?? the morals?? the testimonials?? the owner?? the whole thing??? FANTASTIC
and second omg jungkook won’t admit it to anyone but uHm he’s kinda scared ok
he’s not the type of person that’s comfortable with ordering people around??? even if that’s technically his job???
like what if his first-ever client is a guy like jason momoa and that guy’s a fucking UNIT for sure
imagine hIM telling jASON MOMOA to give him three sets x twenty reps of push-ups
“or i can do it for you, i-if you want?”
he’s bouncing nervously on the balls of his feet and swinging his arms around forward and backward to make them clap quietly
“there, you’re all set!! i already filled up all the forms for you the moment i gave you the flyer!!”
“your trainer’s... not me. but he’s uh, what’s his name again, jungkook!! what does he look like again — oh right!! i remember!!”
“he should be the guy with the big doe eyes!! has a lot of dangly earrings!! if he’s not wearing a sweater then he should be the one who has some tattoos!!”
“no jimin-“
“off you go!! i’ll be bouncing around but i’ll keep an eye on you, don’t worry!! okay now go and i’ll let you have a sip of my gatorade even if we have the same drink :D”
there goes nothing then
you’re about to keep your duffel bag close as a reason to stall to getting to the locker room but jimin’s already one step ahead and snatched it from you
you didn’t even get your towel :((
it had a little blue cloud embroidered at the middle of it and it’s your Emotional Support Towel by default
you’re kinda nervous since there’s some pairs of eyes on you because after all they just saw you have the most carefree conversation with the owner they’re a lil scared to talk to
you’re wringing your hands together as you try to spot this jungkook with jimin’s descriptions and-
jungkook looks so ????
he’s gorgeous like that is nOt up for debate
he looks so fresh?? effortless?? handsome???
jungkook looks like he smells like baby powder and freshly-washed sheets
the baby powder that you’re tempted to snORt because it smells so good which was the one you’d put on your chest bc boob sweat and to prevent ur thighs chafing
he had to do a double-take on you because the first time he glanced at this walking person he immediately shut down
like when something looks sO pretty that you have to look away for a second because you literally can’t take it
oR like when you have this favorite scene of a movie and you have to physically pause it before rewinding and doing that for another six times
“are you perhaps jungkook?? because i’m not surE and-...”
“jungkook i am. i-i aM jeon jungkook!! yes, right, jungkook!!!!!”
holy fuck he’s stopped working
your mouth’s a little parted because you didn’t expect him to go on that lil spiel cLEARLY but omg he’s adorable!!!
if he could punch himself he really would
it’s taking him a second to regroup but you take the initiative to introduce yourself :D
“i’m y/n! you’re my trainer from what they told me :))”
you’re a lil more awkward when it comes to social interactions like these but it looks like you’re acing it when put in front of jungkook
the both of you shake hands and then immediately put it behind your back because wow u just shook the pretty boy’s hand AND it’s not even 8 in the morning yet!!
you haven’t even started the workout portion yet but ur already on fire
( jimin’s looking at the security footage and even HE’S blushing from the secondhand embarrassment jungkook’s brough oh my god )
(( jimin suddenly wishes he could unlearn reading people’s lips ))
“so, what brought you here?”
it’s jungkook who asks but he alsO wants to answer himself to say it’s fate aha :D
he’s getting you to stretches and he’s doing them with you!!
“to be honest?? well there was like a fIFTY percent discount but you already know all of that”
what now
“a sale? what-...”
there’s an abrupt noise that goes through the whole gym and it makes the both of you flinch and you even yelP
if you see jimin lifting a 100lbs barbell only to throw it down and cut off jungkook from speaking THEN MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS
“you okay?”
jungkook asks you quietly and taps your shoulder and you’re about to faint right then and there of how you met like then minutes ago and he’s cONCERNED
the focus on today was flexibility plus easing you into working out!!!
stretches are the next best thing to working out and it’s a win-win combo bc you’re flexible aND you’re basically exerting effort = kind of a workout apparently
the bit of reaching your toes then doing a downward dog and the upward-facing dog right after to hear that satisfying grunt of your joints is a LITTLE awkward because jungkook’s looking at you
jungkook wants to look away but in the same time he can’t will himself to
one because he’s a young wide-eyed attracted man and twO he’s the trainer omg he needs to look at you!!!
“o-okay! just a set of jack jum — jUMPING JACKS!!! jumping jacks and we could start :)))”
no one told you.,.,.
no one told you where you should look when you’re doing jumping jacks
you can’t look downwards because that’ll throw you off and you can’t look up either because why?? what??? WHO are you seeking up there????
looking straight ahead is kinda awkward
the safe answer was everywhere at once according to you
you sneak a look at jungkook and you almost choke in your own spit with how handsome he still looks
you’re not gonna cope up with that fact probably ever
jungkook’s feeling a lil sweaty now because uHm he shouldn’t really be doing this with you technically
it’s usually a trainer doing it with you for like the first five reps and then letting you do it alone for the rest
but nO he’s doing this with you he doesn’t mind :D
he could feel a bead of sweat by his sideburns and he’s screaming internally to gO the fuck back where it came from
he wants to tear off his hoodie but he doesn’t know if he should since he doesn’t have a shirt underneath!!!
being shirtless to the gym isn’t new but you’re with him and nOW he feels nervous
honestly jungkook would rather overheat than to make you feel uncomfortable
news flash: you want to curl up into a ball and cry about thinking how you’d be sore the next day
you r about to give out and tear up a little bit because fuck this is nOT an introductory workout
you also don’t want to look like a wimp in front of jungkook because that is not a good look for your pride and you’d feel embarrassed for eternity
just two more to go!!
honestly fUCK fire hydrants!!! 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?? 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?? 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕚𝕊?? 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕓𝕖???? 𝕚 𝕕𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠 𝕒𝕊𝕊!!!
you raise your head because you’re getting dizzy looking down
jungkook’s looking at you and he sees you looking at him and it dOESN’T help the way you look right now
with you sweaty and grumbling under your breath and ur baby hair all over the place and ur eyes unfocused and fix at the same time a-and ur lips parted and-
jungkook’s so nervous and flustered that his limp actually trembles with how hot his cheeks are and he’s rambling out of nowhere
“fire hydrants amirite??? most certainly inspired by dogs and stuff because cooky, my chihuahua, does exactly that when he pees and-...”
oh my god he should not have said that
jungkook’s beyond mortified wHY DID HE SAY THAT
you look speechless and you aRE
you’re just nodding at him with a tight-lipped smile and if he knows better that’s because you’re so spent and a little light-headed and less off from his nervous rambling
planks,,, just planks,,, the final bit of it all
you don’t wanna get dizzy at the last stretch so you’re trying your best to not pay attention to the blood rushing to ur head
jungkook’s so distracted with his thoughts that he wordlessly adjusts you
lifts up your core while adjusting your feet closer before pressing his hand to your back and-
you now feel like you can run a marathon right after that
jungkook now feels like he can compete in a twenty-hour triathlon
he’s praising you to no end that you did sOOOO good!!! you really did!!!!
meanwhile your face is hot not only from that but also because you’ve endured hardship that felt like hours <3
you’re breathlessly laughing because wHEW you really did do that and wow you’re proud of yourself!!!! it’s not even 10 in the morning!!!
there’s a towel that’s gently patting your face section by section
“you uhm, you didn’t have a towel with you so-“
jungkook pats at your neck to your nape and that’s when it hits that o-OH right i’ll leave you to that
you take the towel with a grin you’re fighting so hard and that’s when you realize that it’s not just a random gym one
but rather it was jungkook’s himself because it’s the same clean one he had in his hands awhile ago!!
you can smell him on it and you make sure to pat your face extra dry because you wouldn’t want to get your face sweaty now would you :D his perfume’s just a bonus, right :D
shouldn’t trainers be the cold and straight to the point ones and immediately leave right after you’re all done????
..... inch resting
“oh my gOD — mr. jimin sir-nim min jimin-nIM!!”
jungkook has the fright of his life when his boss appears from nowhere by his side
jimin laughs at how frazzled this guy is lmao but anyways he came here for you (as if he hasn’t been supervising from afar the whole time)
“want me to give you a ride home or?”
kook’s a little lost and he might just cry as he starts to think that oh wait a second are you guys-
“he’s my best friend.”
you whisper under your breath towards him and he unknowingly sighs in relief
“well did you get here using your jeep or your vespa???”
jimin has this jeep he passionately calls chimmy the jeep and he has a knack for naming things with a ring on it ok
and the other was a cream-colored vespa he bought like six months ago
he learned how to ride the bike a year ago and he was immediately let’s get this to the next level idc i’m getting a vESPA!!!
you have an iRRATIONAL fear of vespas
you’re okay with big bikes and regular motorcycles!!! in fact you find them less threatening than jimin’s motorcycle
the little wheels scare you and it’s just so??? it looks so bite-sized wHY does it look like that???? it looks like you could breathe an extra breath to your right and the vespa would steer to the right
ugh you hate his motorcycle sO bad
“well don’t you hAte public transport when you’re tired and all that???”
yikes you did
it’s true!! you’d call him to pick you up because the bus ride hits harder when you’ve had a long day and u feel every bump in the road possible
“i have a big bike!”
jungkook chimes in and he even raises his hand and that’s when he shuts up when he realizes his mistake
“no one asked mhmm i’m sorry jimin-nim sir hYung-nim”
your eyes widen as it sinks in you that oh my god he mIGHT be as into you as you are with him and that’s so ???? that’s such a heartwarming concept you can’t believe
jungkook has the same big brain moment and he takes your widened eyes as a signal to keep talking
“i have TWO helmets! but uhm one of them is for kooky and he’s a chihuahua, wait i already said that, so that means it’s just a tINY helmet i ordered from amazon but it’s okAy i can wear it!!! b-but i’m not forcing you or anything that i should take you home o-or no offense to mr. jimin-nim sir i am NOT underestimating you or-“
surprisingly, jimin doesn’t hate the idea of you and jungkook
ah he should probably adopt a dog and name them jupiter or sth,,, you and koo look like you’re gonna end up anyways
“okay. just bring her home in one piece.”
he’s oddly calm and that also makes YOU confused
jungkook isn’t confused however because the moment you turn, jimin mouths to him in korean and the rough translation was hurt her and i’ll kill you :D
you nodded your head and that meant he’s iNDEED taking you bome
he starts throwing things in his duffel bag (and he should still be in the gym but jimin jus gave him a free pass) and he’s wordlessly carrying yours too!!
he could feel your fist holding the back of his hoodie and jungkook just feels at peace :’’’)
wearing a ridiculous miniature helmet for dogs on top of his head that won’t do shit is tOTALLY worth it
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
[TRR x ES] Viewing Party
Book: The Royal Romance & Endless Summer Pairings: Liam x MC (Katrina Bailey), Drake x OC (Alyssa Devereaux), Jake x MC (Laurel) Rating/Warnings: G; mild innuendo Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * Katrina Bailey & Laurel are the MCs I use when writing fanfic for TRR and ES, respectively; Alyssa Devereaux belongs to birthday girl @burnsoslow​ * This is my submission for @wackydrabbles​​ Prompt 80: Stop looking at me like that. * Author’s Note 2: * This is a birthday gift for my cheesy, potato loving homegirl Burnsie, who requested her very first Endless Summer/Jake fic, despite having never read any ES fic until now 🙈 for the sole reason being that she and Jake McKenzie are almost birthday twins, and my favorite pilot turns 30 this year. If you’re unfamiliar with canon ES trivia, Jake can hold his breath for 9 minutes, and Estela can hold her breath for an astonishing 14. This isn’t entirely what I had in mind when I set out to write an ES/Jake birthday fic, but I wasn’t about to miss your day because I’ve hit a whole ass writer’s wall, Burnsie! I hope you have an AMAZING day and I’m sending you so many hugs! You’re one of the sweetest ladies here, and I am so very thankful that I can call you a friend 🥰 also my real, real gift to you is coming at a later date, as I still have to work on it 😬 * and yes, that’s DDT in the moodboard - just for Burnsie, again - since I use Barnes as Drake’s FC in my TRR fics, lol * Word Count: 2000 on the dot!
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It was nearly 10:00 PM on Friday evening, when Burns arranged things around the comfiest chair in her living room. The rest of her family already retired for the evening, after a small but wonderful birthday celebration in her honor at home. Within easy reach, she’d arranged drinks and snacks next to her laptop - a glass of water, a hot mug of tea, a slice of homemade birthday cake to take care of any sugar cravings, and a small platter of cheese and crackers for something more savory. She grinned softly at the newest addition to her mug collection, watching the steam rise from the contents within. 
The lavender mug arrived in the mail earlier that day from one of her friends, emblazoned with a quote from David Rose. Burns took a sip of the warm beverage before setting it down on the small side table and situated herself in the chair. She flipped open the laptop and pulled up a browser window, smiling at a gift from another friend - there was a sticker next to the trackpad with a drawing of a wedge of Swiss, quoting another memorable line from Schitt’s Creek, reminding her to “fold in the cheese.” Burns glanced to the time on the screen and logged in to her Netflix account, clicking until she arrived at the viewing party, and began typing to join the group chat. 
She was greeted with jubilant messages from Donna, Ella, Brandy, Anitah, and half a dozen other friends, wishing her a happy birthday before the show started. They’d formed an ever-growing viewing party for a new series titled Stranded in the Orchard, which was an odd amalgamation of Survivor and Gilligan’s Island. Taking a cue from reality tv competitions, there were hidden cameras all over the island to monitor everyone and reduce production crew intervention, and in a nod to Hunger Games, there was an omnipresent host that would drop messages to signal when challenges were about to take place. After four episodes, the ladies in the watching party started picking their favorites from the two teams. 
Team Ruby consisted of a group that appeared to have been shipwrecked onto the island. Leo was dubbed The Rogue; his brother Liam was The CEO; Katrina was The Attorney; Alyssa was The Teacher; Drake was The Cowboy; Olivia was The Weapons Expert; Bertrand was The Grump; Madeleine was The Whiner; Maxwell was Bertrand’s brother and The Jester; Hana was The Jill of All Trades. Bertrand and Madeleine had already been voted off when Ruby lost two events. 
Team Catalyst consisted of a group of mostly college students. Jake was The Pilot; Laurel was The Mystery Girl; Sean was The Coach; Michelle was The Doctor, even though she was only pre-med; Craig was The Muscle; Zahra was The Engineer; Aleister was The Slick One; Grace was The Brain; Diego was The Entertainer; Estela was The Huntress. Catalyst lost the last two events, which sent Aleister and Grace packing. 
Everyone settled in to watch the opening credits as they recapped last week’s episode, where Ruby won the immunity challenge and fishing gear by building a makeshift stretcher to rescue and carry Katrina from a jungle crash site to a first aid station on the beach; Catalyst voted Grace out. Burns popped a cheese cube into her mouth as she and her friends watched the two groups deal with day-to-day chores in their respective camps on Day 14 of the show. They chatted about the team members and how much Burns wanted to see Drake take off his shirt to go in the water, despite the knowledge that there were clips of him cuddling with Alyssa; Donna, Ella, and Anitah would keysmash in the group chat any time Liam appeared on the screen, even though he and Katrina were clearly sweet on each other, while Brandy and Alyssa Lauren would ask what was happening or who someone was from the Catalyst team.
“Pillows and blankets are nice, but what we could really use is food,” Maxwell said, drawing an octopus in the sand with a piece of driftwood. “I don’t know how much longer I can last on coconuts and rice.” 
“Liam and Drake took the raft out this morning to try fishing with the gear, maybe they’ll get lucky,” Katrina suggested, stirring the pot of rice in the fire. She set the lid on top and stood up from her kimchi squat position, dusting some errant sand off her leg. They both looked out towards the water, as dawn stretched out across the ocean, making out shadowy forms of their friends as they bobbed in the water, just before one of them went under the surface. Behind them, the rest of their friends began to stir awake from the scent of rice cooking. 
Back at the Catalyst camp, Jake sat by the campfire with Estela; they were working on making their own fishing gear from bamboo and camp supplies after losing the previous challenge. Jake fed a length of twine through a handmade fishing pole while Estela sharpened tips on one end of a pile of branches she’d gathered. “Whatcha whittlin’, Katniss?” 
Estela glanced at Jake sideways. “Stakes. Hand over some of that twine, I need it to bind these to make spears.” With a begrudging huff, Jake unfurled the twine and ran it against the edge of the makeshift bench he was sitting on to cut it, before tossing the rest at Estela. 
“How fast can you tie those off? We’re losin’ daylight for a morning catch, if you wanna ride on the raft with me.” 
“Five minutes,” she answered, already working nimbly around a branch to secure the whittled spikes. 
The screen cut back to Ruby’s camp, where Liam and Drake stepped ashore, smiles brighter than the sunrise as Drake held up a fish trap with small rays flapping against one another. 
“kjsdhfksjhfksjhfks,” Burns smashed into her keyboard. “Look at my man! With the sea bounty!” 
“mevmnbvmnxb,” Ella smashed back.
“How do you know Drake did all the work? Liam’s just as wet, hahaha,” Donna chortled in response.
After killing their catch as humanely as possible - with Alyssa turning her face to Drake’s chest to avoid witnessing it - Leo and Olivia gutted and cleaned the rays before setting them on top of their makeshift grill to cook. Liam and Drake regaled the group with their morning under the water, as they took turns fishing. 
While Team Ruby enjoyed some protein with their rice that morning, members of the Catalyst team glumly spooned rice into their mouths as they sat around the campfire while Jake and Estela dried off; their morning fishing trip had been unsuccessful. 
Later that day, both teams received messages from the host to gather for a reward challenge. Each team made their way to a small lagoon, where they saw a structure floating in the water. A booming voice overhead instructed them to swim out to the structure and await further instructions. Once everyone from both teams had done so, a blue holographic image of the host appeared in the center to explain the rules. “The challenge is simple,” she narrated. “We want to see who can hold their breath the longest. There’s a bar you can use to keep yourself from floating up if you need it. Last one standing earns the prize for the whole team — an overnight trip at the Celestial Hotel, where our rotating film crew goes to rest. You’ll be treated to clean sheets and towels, hot showers, along with a decadent dinner and breakfast menu the next morning, before having to return to your camp.” 
Everyone’s eyes lit up at the incentive of a night away from sleeping on the beach, away from mosquitos, rodents, and the threat of being waterlogged by passing storms. Stomachs gurgled at the thought of hot meals that didn’t consist of rice, and the possibility of cocktails or wine. “Oh, we got this,” Jake murmured quietly to Laurel. “Bet I can hold my breath longer’n any of those Ruby kids.” 
“Is that so?” Leo taunted, overhearing Jake’s comment.
“Just call me Poseidon,” Jake smirked. 
“We’ll see about that,” Leo replied. “You know most of us are from an island, right? We’re basically merpeople.” 
“Bets! Bets on who wins this!” Brandy typed into the chat window.
“Sticking with Drake,” Burns typed. “Maybe Hana. She could have another random talent up her sleeve.” 
“My money’s on Liam. Look how broad his chest is,” Anya replied. “He’s got to have massive lungs to match.”
“That makes no sense,” Ella typed, adding a laughing emoji. “But I’m Team Liam anyway.”
“Don’t hate me,” Donna began. “Something tells me Jake isn’t boasting right now.” 
From her screen at home, Alyssa Lauren used Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe to choose Zahra. The rest of the group picked their favorites as the castaways donned goggles and got into the water. 
“Ready? Set! Go!” 
Sixteen heads dipped under the water’s surface, with contestants pinching their noses and puffing out their cheeks as an underwater camera filmed them. A handful of them - Olivia, Alyssa, Maxwell, Diego, and Michelle - tapped out under a minute. As the sand settled, thirty seconds passed before Katrina, Laurel, Sean, and Drake headed to the surface. Just after the two minute mark, Hana, Craig, and Zahra gave up, leaving Jake, Liam, Estela, and Leo under the water. 
Jake looked positively peaceful, sandy brown hair swaying with ease in the water. Estela tapped her fingers lightly across the bamboo rod, counting each second as it passed. Liam glanced over to his brother, who’d begun to turn pink. Half a minute later, Leo popped up to the surface, muttering to himself out of frustration. 
Three minutes in, Liam surfaced, gasping for air, leaving Jake and Estela to battle it out between themselves. Even though the hologram host blasted a horn to signal the end of the challenge, neither Catalyst member surfaced. Liam ducked down to check on them, and Jake and Estela both signaled that they were fine. Everyone continued to wait as the pair spent minute after minute under the water.
“Seriously? They’re on the same team!” Anitah typed. “They won already!” 
“They’ve been underwater for a scary length of time,” Brandy added. “What are they, Navy SEALs or something?” 
“I think Jake mentioned he was actually in the Navy before,” Alyssa Lauren replied. 
A digital clock appeared in the corner of the screen as the two Catalyst members continued to hold their breath underwater. With each passing minute, members from both groups began to worry. After eight minutes passed, the host’s voice rang out, advising them to pull Jake and Estela up from the water to end the challenge. Laurel and Craig ducked down, eventually pulling their teammates up. “Congratulations to The Catalysts!” the host exclaimed. “A boat will be waiting at your camp to take you to the hotel.” 
Laurel swatted Jake’s arm as they made their way to the shore. “What’s wrong with you!? You were underwater for nearly ten minutes! Who does that!?” 
Jake looked over his shoulder to her with a grin, mischievous sparkle in his bright blue eyes. “Ten would be a new record, my best is nine.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Imagine nine uninterrupted minutes of me holding my breath, Princess. My birthday is tomorrow, and I know exactly how I wanna celebrate,” he winked.  
Laurel’s cheeks flushed at the suggestion. “Stop looking at me like that, Top Gun.”
That evening at the hotel, after a sumptuous feast of lobster, crab, and an endless supply of beer and wine, the Catalyst members eventually went to bed. Much later into the night, Jake was seen sneaking into Laurel’s room. 
“I KNEW IT!” Burns typed. She laughed as her friends typed in responses full of lemon, fire, pepper, and eggplant emojis. She popped another cheese cube into her mouth and smiled, watching the rest of the episode play out.
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skinner17 · 4 years
Dissecting Red Spider Arc-The arc that non shipper find it disturbingly (For those who mind) Shippy
I’ve been watching gintama for the past couple of weeks. And since lately I encounter sleeping problem, lets turn this energy to talk about one of my favorite arc. The controversial arc that invite polarized opinion among Gintama fans.
For  Tsukuyo fans, Red spider is a certain favorite together with Yoshiwara in flame and Courtesan of the nation.  This arc fleshed her background and deepen her bond with yorozuya, especially Gintoki
For casual fans, this arc is the first time they see a glimpse of gintoki past, The first time  gintoki in a berserk mode, the first time he act by his own volition. And somehow he appeared like a true shonen hero saving the heroine.
By then tsukuyo was far from heroine status. She just recently introduced a couple episodes back. Yoshiwara in flame focused more on Hinowa and seita story. But Tsukuyo already  rose in ranking because her unique character design (in sacchan word, she has a lot of ‘hooks’) aside being badass in general.
For naysayers, Red spider arc is that arc that destroy Tsukuyo character. Reduced her into damsel in distress, mere love interest and what not. Of course its people’s right to interpret a work however they see fit. People enjoying entertainment in a different way afterall. Maybe they are a strict feminist type who wanted a true xena like character?  disappointed when a strong female charachter ended up saved by the male hero? (Tho I wonder why they don’t care with preceeding events where Tsukuyo saved gintoki a couple of time)  
The other would say this arc is such a big jump from previous arcs. A sudden transition they would say. And heck they’re right. Red spider arc  Is different compared to other serious arc before it.  Its lustrously dark, whispery,  not much emphasis on family nor comedy, not much explosion nor machismo.
And more importantly, its uncharacteristically Intimate.  
What do you expect? It took placein Yoshiwara-The Red light District- afterall.
The curtain raised with Jiraiya, the ex teacher of Tsukuyo, the main villain of this arc, On his post coital glow pondering about his object of creation. After enjoying the service of yoshiwara, He looked at the moon and probably feeling another rush of excitement reminiscing his dear beautiful student and the plan he’d set for her.
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Not long after, Tsukuyo feel someone dangerous infiltrating her city. She and her Hyakka squad has been working hard to push down the crime that on the rise after the city lost its night king. Nearing their limit, she turned to Yorozuya, wondering if they can help with the drug problem.
Somehow, Tsukuyo and Gintoki teamed up just the two of them investigating the shady group with spider tattoo trademark. The result was assortment of classic romantic comedy skit : To-Love-Ru type of ‘accident’ and pretend couple.
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Ok at this point its just natural that people start to see the two as potential couple. When they bicker they’d scream their heart silly, forgetting  whatever  adult persona they had in mind. Yet when the time come, they play along really well with the others bullshit act. They are on the same frequency already.
Back to the story, Later, they found out the drug lord is Jiraiya who apparently the long dead master (teacher who take care of  protegee under their wing) of Tsukuyo. With his unique ability he nearly killed Gintoki and captured Tsukuyo.
Some Naysayers disappointed at this point because Tsukuyo who supposedly a good fighter became useless in front of jiraiya. Ok let me use this opportunity to explain the technicality of how that’s possible.
She was shocked.
It was a surprise attack
Jiraiya, knew his student fighting ability the best and knew how to immobilize her.
Even Gintoki Almost killed because of his weird technique
She used the last of her strength to saved gintoki from jiraiya’s final blow.
“Huh? But gintoki didn’t turned into a useless mess when he met his long dead master alive?”
Lol what are you smoking? The old master  would split gintoki’s head from his body if not because Kagura’s help.  Also Utsuro/Shouyo goal was to crushed the rebels and nothing to do with Gintoki. While Jiraiya’s goal was to capture Tsukuyo. Understand the difference?  
Ok now that its out of my system lets continue.
Later Gintoki learned about the nature of Jiraiya and what this student-master relationship actually are from Zenzou. She-who believed every word of him and followed his foot step- was his creation and his prey at the same time. This method is sickening for Gintoki who loved his master to death.
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For Gintoki a master should be more or less like shoyo. Strong, kind, wise and selfless. The kind of sage who gave his life for his student. Its infuriating to learn that a good women like tsukuyo has a psychotic monster as a master.
“see..Its not because of Tsukuyo that gintoki willingly revert to his shiroyasa self. Its because the master-student thingie that made him mad af”
Was the stuff I read from naysayers.  And for this one, I kinda agree. The main thing that infuriate gintoki about Jiraiya was that he used  master student relationship for some psychotic goal. As we know later, whenever topic about his own master brought on, Gintoki turned into a different beast.
Even I can see this arc’s intent beside telling tsukuyo’s past and cementing her as one of the recurrent character was also to foreshadow  Shoyo related arcs in the future.
However among all of that baggage brought by this arc, theres this one dialogue that caught my attention.
G : "give up already, theres nothing in your web. This entire time there was only a pathetic little spider spinning thread into sky while gazing at distant moon"
J : "What are you babbling about?I already knew that long ago"
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The ones who ascociate Tsukuyo with the moon are the one who cherish her like hinowa and the hyakka squad  or the bastard who obsessed at her like Jiraiya. It’s a secret nickname people gave to her beside Shinigami Tayuu / courtesan of death. Wt  
At that  moment, Gintoki  speak about what Tsukuyo is to Jiraiya existence : A moon to a little insignificant spider. This confirm that Gintoki understand Tsukuyo’s epithet-wich means at that point of story he is familiar toward  Tsukuyo more than the viewers aware of.
To add, This is probably just me but the way he said that stuff about Jiraiya, whispering  while gazing at the sky, as if its applied to him aswell.  
Well, I just think that because throughout the fight he keep rambling about being on the same level as Jiraiya.
G: Do you know how to survive the spider nest? By eating the spider.
G : She is stronger than you ever be. A coward like me is enough for a coward like you
To Fight Jiraiya, Gintoki  drew parrarel between himself and Jiraiya. And its not impossible that parrarel extended until that moment.    
I  came to the conclusion At that moment Gintoki  already  admire Tsukuyo. Wether  her virtue, her  face, her quirk  or her phisycal attractiveness, it could be anything. The fact is Tsukuyo basically embodies everything gintoki like in a women.   
However because of his mindset and his self sabotaging lifestyle, he understood Jiraiya’s point of view of admiring an existence that is too good for them.
The episode ended with Tsukuyo learning his master’s past  and accepting his flaw after killing him. The moment when Gintoki implied that he would never be a good student to their master as tsukuyo is pretty touching too.
The last episode of this arc is a short one with majorly comedic skits. Another To Love Ru accident. And  a classic wingman setup to force a couple to be alone together.
Lol too much couply stuff happening in this arc.
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Later after the crazy terminator drunken stupor, Tsukuyo asked gintoki if she didn’t has this scar, would her life be any different?
At this point I realize the pain endured by her, even though she said she was fine, physically and mentally, she actually struggling with the realization that all her past was something different than she perceived to be, that rather than genuine student master relationship, its an elaborate plan by her master to kill himself.
Its like realizing that we are adopted after all this time living in a loving family. From the surface it might not changed anything because its all in the past, But it changed everything within. It changed the foundation  of what we stood upon all these time.
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Gintoki then assured her that her life is one that she choose, No one make her choose that. wether it’s  driven by a psychotic manipulation or a trust in a teacher who wanted make her strong. The life is still hers to behold and cherish
Gintoki further assured that her face Is not ugly, Its pretty face carrying clean soul. Or something to that effect (since translation vary)
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As you see “Soul” is the overarching concept on Gintama. Its like “Adventure” on One piece and “Hard Work” On Naruto. It’s the Idea that the shounen protagonist holds dear.  
Shoyo first teaching to Gintoki was  how to protect his soul. In the war Gintoki choose to kill Shoyo to save his master’s soul. Means he choose Shoyo over his friends and himself. In effect, one of the friend’s soul was corrupted. While Gintoki turned himself into a vessel  whose purpose was merely to protect people he deemed fit and procasinating on his own growth.
Gintoki speak about Tsukuyo’s soul in her face is another testament of how deep their trust and bond has formed. 
Even though Gintoki has innate ability to peek into the human character, its not his fashion to directly address it. He usually find a roundabout way to make the others understand that they are being understood. But with Tsukuyo, everything he do about her  is direct.
“Don’t be a stranger, Lean on me, laugh with me and cry with me. I’d be there, cry and laugh with you ” Said Gintoki to tsukuyo.
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 The Gintoki who often avoid emotional baggage from a stranger.
In conclusion, Red Spider Arc is such an awesome arc. The vibe is cool, the soundtrack is awesome and its has an intense emotionally charged action.
It is also the breeding ground for gintsu shipper, wich probably gonna make some part of fandom upset. But it is what it is and we can just enjoy or choose not to.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Hiii 🥺 if i could ask, how do you outline your works in general? books, short stories, one shots? What are the differences? 🥺🥺
Hey I love this-- here's a little walk through of what I do. Bear in mind I do really heavy outlines-- lets go through it all, okay? It's not as daunting as it may seem
Click keep reading to see an extensive guide to outlining stories!
So I'm going to use the Maze Runner re-write I'm working on (no one steal my shit I will be sad)
First off, I get all my templates from Evernote they have some really great templates and they range from when you want to plan a little bit and when you want to plan a lot, here is the link !!!! I recomend highly!
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I start with the basics. Title, genre, series (yes or no), premise, setting. I add a box to keep my dates (if you see, I'm not good at filling them in, thank god docs keeps a history so I can later. This isn't necessary I just think its fun-- like a scrapbook of my progress!)
I then add a story premise template-- this one's important!!! It's like the shortest summary for when you need to go back while writing and remember things quickly. I add details like slang (ex: the maze runner uses terms that are made up so I need to remember to use them when writing), the main events (inciting and conflict will do), and my main goal!
After this you can choose to add which template will work best for planning the story. Some people choose to do the characters first but I, in this case, chose story because I am drawing off a series that already exists and plan to stick relatively close to that. In any other case I might have planned characters first but it's up to you!
The templates for planning your story range from very in depth to not at all-- I'll lay them out for you and you can choose the best for you!
The least in depth (derived from screenwriting, this method offers just a brief outline of what you want to write, leaves a lot of room for movement as you write) : Story Beats
More in depth but not crazy (goes through all the main parts of your book, lets you focus closer to the details singularly as opposed to part of a whole, a happy middle) : 3-Act Structure
The most in depth, full crazy (plan every chapter, the exact way you want things to plan, note: you may do this and then get thrown a curve ball while writing but that is OK!) : Chapter Outline
Here is an example of my chapter outlines (again, people, don't steal my shit please I beg do not)
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As you can see-- I do all the outlines LOL but this is the only one worth showing and it's the only one I focus on when I write. These are about as detailed as I get-- it's important to leave room for your characters to breathe. This is as much their story as it is yours-- if they're trying to do something you should let them do it. Natural flow is always best.
Next I dive into characters (again, you can do this first-- this is like cooking, there's a recipe but season things how you prefer to make it your own!)
First I start with a simple breakdown : The Character Master List
This includes main characters, antagonists, additional characters
An example below :)
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After this I get wild-- I only do this with my protagonist(s) (in this case Ellie and Gally) and I go as in depth as I can. Every little thing I can think of about my characters gets written down. To write a book is to know your characters better than you know yourself. Their likes, dislikes, motivations, nervous habits, sleep schedules, every freckle and mole-- all of it. If you know your characters, you know your story. If you love your characters, you love your story.
Here is the template I use, again I strongly recommend : Character Profile / things I added
(On the templates (it's a dousy): full name, age, occupation, situation, motivation, height, build, skin tone, hair, eyes, facial description, prominent features / distinguishing marks, style of dress, mannerisms / gestures, how they perceive themself, one word used to describe themself, one paragraph, self perceived best personality trait / worst trait, self perceived best physical trait / worst trait, how they think others see them, something they would change about themself, one of voice, language / accent, fave phrases, personality, habits, ambition, greatest fear, biggest secret, how does this character get along with other characters, where they were born / grew up, important past events, family, current home, finances, occupation, education, health, religion, interests / hobbies, opinion of people in general, does the character hide their emotions from others?, person they hate most, best friends, love interests, person they go to for advice, person they feel responsible for, person character feels awkward around, person character openly admires, person character secretly admires, most important to character at the beginning / end)
See example, do not steal example (I know, redundant, but necessary)
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Finally after characters I move on to world building. This is important! You need to understand the location and time so that you can write an accurate (or not) story!
Again, here is the template : Worldbuilding Basics
(On the templates: story location, time period, climate, geography, borders / what's beyond, architecture style, how do people get around, distinctive sights / sounds / smells, how many people live there, where do they live, how do they make a living, is the economy healthy, what is family life like, history of the place, the political situation, who are the leaders, the languages spoken, how do the people dress, what role does religion / superstition play, what holidays are important, what's the food like, what are the forms of entertainment, how do the younger generations differ from the old)
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From here the rest is up to you, these are the things I recommend. As you can see from my screenshots, I do a lot for my planning.
Some other things you can think to incorporate are:
- General ideas (a place to keep things you need to remember while writing: themes, reoccurring motifs and metaphors, notes, scene ideas)
- Things to remember while writing (like general ideas but also not, a place to add notes about your characters, I like to write their habits here and keep it open while writing so that my characters remain somewhat consistent)
- Movie Script (For fanfiction books; I usually write my own dialogue but sometimes the movie does a good job of summing the basics, Ex: Alby goes over the basics of the glade and it made more sense to give him those lines again, can save you heartache)
Annnnnd that's all I do for books-- the outline I shared is about forty pages LOL so it's a lot but in my experience it's worth it!! Again, do what suits you always but this is what I find works.
Short Stories!
Usually my short stories are a very summed up version of the books. I do the chapter outlines and a very basic outline of the characters. In this case what I usually do is put it all in one doc-- outline and work as one.
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This is the best example I can use without outing important story details. On the left you can see the headings of each chapter-- I recommend using these so you aren't stuck scrolling helplessly through long fics (trust me, after 25k words it gets insane).
Each of these, as noted above, I flesh out the basic scene set up of the chapter. It helps me keep the goal of what I want to convey so I don't trail off (I have a habit of doing that).
The final thing I recommend is SideNote-- it's a life saver.
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Once enabled it allows you to write notes that you can see while writing in order to keep your story consistent. It has and will continue to come in handy!
One Shots!
I don't plan these at all LMFAO
Okay, kidding a little bit? It isn't worth showing because all it is is the basic outline of what I want to write and then I just attack it head on. One shots I usually just write and write and write and let it flow. They serve a purpose at the moment and thus are best written in the moment. My best advice here is to just let go-- you'll thank yourself for it!
I hope this helps, nonnie, and I hope whatever you write is as wonderful as you are! Thanks for trusting me enough to come for advice!!
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phckingusername · 4 years
Connor and Nines are a form of robotic aliens there ship in danger and their bodies inactive, they and their crew have escaped the immediate threat but uploading themselves into what we know as hexbugs made for smaller and more efficient travel when necessary. the two brothers escape pod lands on earth on the roof of the DPD. Making their way to the main floor, they observe the planet and it's organic inhabitants. Gavin finds the little robotic on his desk while Hank is unaware of Connor for now. Gavin looks it over in his hand and puts it down on his desk where Richard/nines decides to move around in a bit of a panic. It looks random to gavin and he is entertained by the toy. He's not sure where it came from or who's it is or why it's on his desk, but he's keeping it. Maybe it's a new toy that's coming out for Christmas. Maybe he can hand it over to his brother to look at. Make sure it isn't some kind of military spy tech. Most likely he thinks he just might be out of touch. He puts it in his pocket.
In Richards view he is scared of being broken. After all this is his last link at life. His soul is stored in this small weak form if it breaks he dies. Connor is talking to him but when Gavin leaves for home they get to far and their signal Is lost.
At home gavin empties his pockets and basically forgets about Nines due to his hunger and work tired body. Gavin is in the other room watching TV while he eats when he hears the buzzing on the table. What is that? Getting up he remembers his new toy.
It's on its side wedged between his keys. Nines view he is panicking again being unable to get up and under the attention of the organic alien. He is unsure of the species temperament. He doesn't want to die. Not like this. Gavin picks him up and looks for a switch. There Is none. 'dont handle me like that' Richard thinks
He puts he down and Nines stops buzzing. "What happened? Is it broken?" He taps his finger on its pointed back.
'oh ra9 it's angry now' nines thinks and he takes his chances to escape the organic alien and vibrates away from gavins hand again.
He trys to leave the table but gavin catches it before it falls. "the fuck is wrong with this thing?" He asks holding it in his open palm
The light inside turns bright red and the buzzing seems to convey a trembling. Gavin gets a silly impression that it's afraid.
"What are you?" He asks confused about the objects purpose.
He continues to shake.
When Gavin has the free time he takes it to his brother
"I've looked online and I can't find anything about it. Not sure if it's broken or something. Doesn't have a on off switch and it has different lights and shit in it. What is it?"
"I'm not sure. Where did you find it?" Eli asks casually looking it over.
"On my desk."
Nines begins to shake again and the transparent parts of his body glows red.
"See there it goes again. Is it low on battery?"
"Doesn't look like it."
"Well it's not important anyway. Just thought you might know something about it. Given you're into tech and all." He takes it back and his light turns yellow.
'no disassemble.' (lol)
They hang out and Gavin eventually goes home
Nines learns not to move when the organic known as Gavin is near. But his light still turns yellow when he enters the room.
Gavin pays it very little mind. And Richard wonders how his brother is doing.
At some point Gavin notices the way it moves is like it's being controlled by someone rather than random movement and he is highly suspicious that it is a kind of spy ware.
He busts it moving around and he decides to talk to who ever is listening in. And first it doesn't move or respond in any way. But Gavin gets it to blink yes and no questions.
He grins and is satisfied with himself at having figured out a fly in the wall. He is convinced that it is being controlled by an fbi agent or something and continues to talk to it. First asking it questions but then simply talking about whatever. He knows he hears him, and the government is listening in to everyones conversation anyways, but it's kind of nice knowing someone is on the other side, even if they don't want to listen or care, it serves them right for spying on Gavin.
Meanwhile Richard listens, and listens, and responds in what ways he can asked something. Apparently Gavin is under a false impression but it still helps take the edge off. Richard learns a lot about Gavin and his own little piece of the world and his life. Organics are not so different from his own people.
(You ever read a romance story between a human and an alien Hexbug? Lol)
Is the little Hexbug getting feelings for the human? Did the drunk human forget about the little spy and please himself in bed? AtTrAcTiOn???????
Alphabets on paper. Snarky replies, "geez didn't know you were such a smart ass." Ask for help. "I'm not gullible." Reluctant Acceptance, realization.
Connor is chilling under a ded bonsai he is more than concerned about his brother. He is back in range and is infact coming right towards him. Gavin snatches Connor from the desk but Hank is pissy about Gavin taking something from his desk. Eventually Gavin convinces Hank he didn't take anything.
Goes to his brother Eli where he is laughing at Gavins little joke. With both Connor and Richard together they manage to link their internal thought into glitchy text on one of eli's computer screens.
With this they manage to convince Eli and give him the information to the means of helping them and their ship. While Eli is working on that Gavin can actually have conversations with the thing now. Learns it's name is Richard and all about his sarcastic sassy, snarky, smart ass, genuine, gentle personality. He gets along with his new little robo friend.
It takes a little over a year for their ship to get to earth.
When they step inside everyone is on the floor with their chassis exposed. They look odd and dead. Gavin is and isn't surprised by this. Which one is Richard?
It takes even longer to figure out what happened to them. And longer still to fix them. But Connor and Richard help Eli understand and fix the problems they physically can't.
But one day it happens. One day Gavin wakes up and the Hexbug is not glowing at all. He's not sleeping, if he were the light would be a dim throbbing (oof maybe not that word. Slowly going on to off to on again) white. But the light is just off and Gavin is afraid he's ded. He runs to find his brother when he bumps into a broad chest.
He thinks it's a human man trespassing in his brother's home, but Richard clears up Gavins confusion.
"But you didn't look like this on the ship."
"Our synthetic skin was deactivated along with everything else. We, do not like to be seen that way."
AtTrAcTiOn!!!!! "This is your body?"
Lol gavin has the hots for a robo man who used to be a Hexbug. And the robo man has the hots for the organic bag of meat flesh. The feck is this story.
Its time for the brothers to collect the rest of their people across the cosmos. You know what that means!!! Ask the two organics to go with them!!!!!! And they both say yes! Out in space Gavin stands in awe at the view and he's flustered about his feelings for the former Hexbug. Richard is not so stand off ish. He's a lot more bold with his approach. "I can read you vitals and I've come to understand them." Mentions the time Gavin gave himself some loving and how richard uses that for reference for when Gavin is aroused. Along with other regular moments he used as a base line.
Guess who ends up naked in the same room? Lol. Gavin is surprised at the display
"I told you before, we are not so different from each other. Perhaps we share our point of origin."
"You don't know?"
"Do you truly know your beginning?"
(~Let's get physical, physical. Come let's get physical~)lol I can't even
Hey yo explore space get the peeps back and safe and the. Decide to return to earth.
"My brother and I would like to explore your planet. It is new and awful. I can not stop thinking about the place you call home."
"Do you want to be a part of it?"
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ugwoong · 4 years
name/alias: jun age: 20+ pronouns: they/them timezone: gmt +8 discord: boyfriend#1779 little trivia fact about you: I hate nuts in my chocolate.
character name: nam kiwoong stage name: woong age: 25, turning 26 zodiac sign: gemini group/band/position: solo #5 info links or quick points about your character: stats / bio
background: — a defiant and idealistic kid from busan that dropped everything back home to pursue his music dream in seoul — not gonna lie, his face takes him places which is how he landed an idol trainee contract with an entertainment company in seoul back when he had just turned 20 (he got scouted when he was taking out the trash lol) — he never wanted to be an idol but it was his only chance to do music and break into the concentrated market and so he grabbed it despite his parents’ adamant disapproval  — without even graduating high school, he moved to seoul and started his trainee life, which he unfortunately (and expectedly) was not cut out for (basically hated the music he was made to do there) — he eventually left the company and took on several odd jobs to get by, refusing to return home with nothing to his name (yes, another hothead with pride issues...) — currently working at a street fashion store in hongdae, where he also resides (finally saved up enough to rent a humble apartment) — has been working full-time at the street fashion store for awhile now but is starting to work part-time again as his music career begins taking off — when he isn’t working, he’ll be making music and he’d even go as far as to stay up all night just to work on his music (if you catch him dozing off at work the next day, you know why) — he started out on soundcloud but never made it far, only starting to blow up after he uploaded a video of himself rapping on youtube mid last year — so while he’s been doing music for a couple of years now (est. 2018), he’s only starting to really gain traction recently, and yes, probably because of his looks — at this point, he’s starting to get gig offers and he’s going from casual busking along the streets to actually performing at underground clubs and whatnot — I’d say 2021 will be a year of new beginnings and a lot of firsts for him, with the light at the end of his tunnel finally starting to peek through — in the near future, he’ll also be getting offers to sign with major entertainment companies and this is probably one of the main conundrums he’ll face, unsure of delving into another contract that might not be suited for him  personality: — a joker and charmer with words being his best weapon (lyrically too, his lyrics are better than his beats tbh) — his playful demeanour could come off a little facetious and childish but underneath that is a boy that works really hard — humour is his defence mechanism, basically jokes everything off — claims to have started music as a joke but really, he works so fucking hard for it — insanely passionate about music but kind of hides it or downplays it in fear of failure and not being good enough (which is something he genuinely believes, despite his occasional narcissistic jokes) — knows he’s good looking and uses it to his advantage but secretly feels insecure about how this might just be the only thing he’s “good at” — as much as he enjoys his rising popularity that came with his face reveal, he worries people only like him for his looks — probably fun and easy to be around, the kind of person you can do stupid things with or have deep conversations with at 3 am (most people get surprised at how insightful he can be as he never seems to take anything seriously) — pretty reckless and hotheaded but when he fucks up, he owns up to it and takes full responsibility of it (y’know that kid in class that admits to their mistake and ends up being the only one punished? that’s him) — kind of like an endearing puppy, always excited and eager to stay close to the people he likes — also smiles a lot and there’s no denying he has a pretty cute smile which he uses to his favour — might come across a little flirty but is no heartbreaker, quite the opposite in fact, probably gets his heart broken more often (this is an open call for people to come break his heart!)
plots or any development you’d like to see for your character: — as mentioned above, people that’ll break his heart (exes, first love, new flames, whatever) might I also add: he likes tsunderes and people that are hard to impress because he knows he can impress them — people that look down on him and think that his music ain’t shit and that he only has fans because of his looks (probably true tbh) also, the fact that he was an idol trainee before could give them more reason to dislike him, they could think that he’s only going indie because the idol life didn’t work out for him — mentors that see potential in him to be better and guides him to improve, basically seniors in the industry/producers that do not just see him as a pretty face and want to bring out whatever potential they see in him (a parent or older sibling figure maybe?)  — a fan that seems to really love him but he comes to realise they barely listen to his music and only talks about his looks (could also work this into a romantic relationship like someone that only likes him for his looks and nothing else, pretends to be interested in his music but probably has only heard it like once) — likewise, someone that enjoyed his music from his soundcloud days, before he had even revealed his face so they had no idea how he looked like and maybe they started talking and formed a connection, with looks never being in the picture? (I can see this being a relationship he really treasures and holds close to his heart) — friends he can do stupid things with; people that not only spur him on in his bad decisions but also join him in making equally as bad, if not worse decisions — someone he’s a fan of, basically someone he really simps for and don’t say I didn’t warn you, he can be pretty shameless about it (oh and you could even make use of him knowing how much of a simp he is for you) — opposite dynamics: he’s playful, jovial, maybe even a little childish and well, you’re the exact opposite but somehow it works out)  — more than friends, less than lovers because I kinda really dig this trope lol hold his hand and tell him he’s your best friend because best friends cuddle each other to sleep right — customers that frequent the street fashion store he works at or even one-time customers that left an impression on him (maybe you stole something when he was dozing off from staying up all night or maybe you met with an awkward wardrobe malfunction that you needed his help with and yes, he’ll pretend he doesn’t see your butt cheek sticking out...) — people he’s met from his many other part-time jobs from before (chimaek restaurant servers, internet cafe and karaoke part-timers, anyone?) — fellow soloists he can collaborate with! 
with that said, I’ll be more than happy to brainstorm something really cool for our characters so you can like this post and I’ll hit you up or you can just drop me an im or message on discord! 
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mercuryislove · 3 years
Which of your characters did you create first? Is that character significantly different now compared to when you first created them?
okay i wrote this at like 3am last night when i couldn't sleep and it makes absolutely no sense but i figured if there was anyone on this earth that would appreciate it, it might be you lol
It's kind of funny you should ask this because the last few days I've been reading the stuff I was writing when I first picked it back up this time last year and like. shit's changed a lot lol
Of like. the stuff I'm writing now uh TECHNICALLY Yixing came first because when I was first toying with the idea of running a dnd campaign of my own, I started coming up with some npcs just to like. get some inspiration I guess? (I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before...) So I didn't really have any ideas about a setting or a plot or anything but I had two very specific characters, and one of them was like. a classic drifter/outlaw type character. And his two defining features were that he had really long black hair and was covered head to toe in tattoos. And uh. Only one of those stuck lol (though in my dnd campaign he still does have the tats! And they are plot relevant lol) OH also it stands to say that in my campaign Yixing is a MONK WITH A GUN because he was originally a gunslinger but I didn't really like any of the way the gunslinger homebrew options worked, and a lot of them were basically monk adjacent so I turned him into a monk and made his fucking monastic weapon a GUN.
Also the other npc I made was a really bonkers woman that lives in the woods and thinks the world is about to end at any moment and is extremely magically adept and eats a whole lot of shrooms lmao. idk if she'll actually show up in the campaign but she has a character sheet ready just in case
anyway. Yes Yixing is WAY different. He still has the yeehaw flair but he was originally intended to be shady and self-serving and standoffish and the kind of person who will play all sides but still find a way to come out on top. (he is still like that in my campaign..... he's like a quadruple agent lmao SPOILER for my dnd campaign that nobody cares about: he CLAIMS to be working for Anwei but he's actually working for Ciaran who knows he's also working for Anwei but he's actually double-crossing them both AND someone else that he's working for because he has his own side hustle and honestly he may or may not end up being the actual Big Bad of the campaign. I don't know yet. I hope my sister isn't reading this lol) anyway again, in the context of my novel he's now only a little bit self-serving and he will probably complain if he's super inconvenienced by helping out other people but he's still going to do it. He's a GOOD PERSON and even though I still have an extremely detailed outline of the idea I had where the plot is basically the same but he's a real shithead instead, I can't bring myself to really entertain the idea because I like him being nice. :( the whole point is that he's been through hell and back and has had a really shitty life but still finds a way to be kind and to see the good in people in spite of it all!!!! I get like. really passionate about this. Like truly agonizing about it to no one but myself. I'm the one writing the damn thing I can do whatever I want so why do I care so much about an alternate reality where Yixing is a real bastard??? I do not know.
ANYWAY AGAIN. (now here is where we really lose the thread of the original question lol) This all goes back to dnd lol because as someone that is a hard atheist, it's like. tough for me to get into the whole uhhh god thing in fantasy settings (but in this case I'm talking dnd). Like they EXIST FOR REAL in the context of the game so when your cleric or paladin prays, someone is really listening. And I was like... hm. What if I want to write a campaign where they just aren't there? (and some of my friends said I couldn't because that's breaking the rules which is stupid.. I do what I want!!!) Or that they had otherwise abandoned humanity? So then because I played final fantasy x too much in my formative years, I had the idea of “what if the gods got really fucking mad about people forsaking religion and punished them?” which turned into “what if the gods just DIED suddenly and the world fell apart in the wake?” which turned into “what if the gods realized they sucked at their jobs and that humanity was unintentionally destroying itself so they made a pact to start over but when they tried to do just that, they accidentally killed themselves?” and that is........... mostly the so-called lore now (but there is definitely more but I can't say at this time because spoilers lol) uh. I forgot where I was going with this. OH. How the characters changed. WELL. Anwei has probably changed the least lol. She is still kind of mean and weird and thinks of herself and the others like her as Far Superior to everyone else, but she's no longer downright evil. At one point she was intended to be the villain!!! but I changed my mind because I love fellow mean lesbians so much. Also it was kind of uhh. low stakes with her as a villain/antagonist. She's a little shady and definitely still very manipulative and she gets mean when jealous but not like in her first iterations.... she does still sort of try to get yixing killed though lmao
Oh also Ciaran was the last of the three that I came up with lol which is funny considering he's like. such a big deal. The only reason he exists at all is because I wanted to come up with a real Corruption Arc kind of Guy because I am a big fan of those. Also I wanted the Big Bad in my campaign to be related somehow to the Big Good. And like. what better way to do that than siblings! And then I needed a way to make my Very Cool New npc connected to both of them somehow to make the whole uhhh revolver ocelot style mind games work so I sat down and was like. well. time to tell a tragic love story lol. soooooooooo uh Thank you dnd for inspiring me to write a trilogy of novels because I wanted to do a SINGLE basic worldbuilding exercise for my dnd campaign (that even now has only had uh. four sessions ever) while I was sad and lonely last summer.
I totally went off the rails with this question and I am sorry for that :( also I could write a thousand essays about how much I love Yixing and also how many versions of him there are in my mind lol he's like that one oc that everyone has that they find a way to put in everything always. he is my alternate universe oc. very versatile
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amitojo · 4 years
6 Steps to Overcome Fear / Self-Limiting Beliefs
6 Steps to Overcome Fear / Self-limiting Beliefs
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At first, I didn’t think I’d write about this. The challenge to myself was to just post the video, that’s it. But witnessing such amazing response I thought I’d share more and give you a background of what was going on in my head and how I chose to go past my limiting belief.
I recently uploaded a video on all my social media profiles. This video was purely out of my commitment to my growth and me moving beyond my mind-made fears and limitations. If you haven’t watched the video — Watch it below 👇 (not for content but for context)
Notice how I put “mind-made” in bold; it is because there are two kinds of fear. One is real, one is not.
One is life-threatening, like you falling down from a height or fear of crossing roads in fast moving traffic, etc.
The other fear is made by our mind to “protect” the ego, to keep us in a safe, comfortable place (emotionally). Basic example of mind-made fears is — one not raising their hand in class which is equivalent to one not sharing / communicating cause of fear of being judged. This fear encourages behaviour which is safe and comfortable. There’s not much to lose per se, but then there’s not much to gain as well.
Growth is outside the comfort zone. Growth is in doing things we’ve never done before, learning things we haven’t learnt before.
I am going to be talking about mind-made fear / self-limiting beliefs.
I am certain we all have gone beyond our mind-made fears / limitations some time or the other, out of necessity if not by choice. However, in this article, I will share the exact steps I took that inspired me to go beyond the limiting belief so it can be replicated and we can choose to move beyond our made up limitations at whim and not only when it is absolutely necessary.
I thought of this idea (of sharing a video) last week. I remember I was in the shower, just contemplating life, dreams, goals.
I thought about my dream of leading/influencing people (leading, educating, training, DJing). That lead me to think about the repercussions of coronavirus on the music, entertainment, and training/education industry. How a lot of artists/leaders/trainers/educators are going “live” on various social medias to further their vision and provide value. I thought about how I could also do the same and that’s where I stopped. I immediately said to myself, “Nah, I can’t do that.”
I introspected, why can’t I do that?
The answer was fear of being judged.
Thats when I thought I’d take a step beyond this fear and upload a video.
One half of me (the higher-self) instantly agreed to do this as it saw all the possibilities, the bright side, how it will expand me. It took this as an opportunity. I thought to myself, here I am, one who dreams to perform in front of people, lead people, one who dreams of fame, etc, and I am not comfortable with myself?
How could I lead people when I am not confident about myself? How could I play in front of people if am not confident about myself? — To be specific — When I get conscious of people looking at me and listening to me! [I have been comfortable with 1 on 1 conversations but 1 to group, not that much — working on it]
I thought to myself — How could I be everything that I wanted and more without being completely comfortable with myself — be it with the way I look, the way I talk, the way I am in general.
I assume that all the people I aspire to be like — the ones who are leading, the ones who are performing, the ones who are comfortable putting out videos, etc, are like that because they are comfortable with themselves, how they are, who they are, and are confident about themselves.
I have got to own myself and accept myself as is, I thought to myself! This is it, this is me!
Extra motivation came in the form of the realisation that I will be able to share / contribute much more value via video on top of what I am and will be providing through just writing.
So I said to myself — challenge accepted!
I took this idea as a stepping stone to achieve my goals and dreams.
The other half of me (the ego), however, did not like this idea at all! It was not confident about this. It thought this idea was stupid, pointless. It’s funny how the ego was giving me two contradicting reasons to stop me from recording and uploading the video.
People will make fun of you. You’ll look like an idiot. No one cares about your upload or what you’re doing, etc.
You are just doing this to satisfy your ego (lol) [I read somewhere, as we learn more, become smarter, our egos do too. #JusSharin]
Basically anything to get me not to do this.
My ego was asking me not to take any action — to protect itself. I had a lot of reasons not to do this, one of the main ones being — “what will people say or think?” (Hence I took around a week to upload a 30-second video. I did it nonetheless.)
This question of “what will people think/say?” alone has stopped me from living my best life since forever. I get present to this thought’s deep-rooted nature in my life, in my way of being each day. I get present to the impact it has on my life, the opportunity costs and it drives me to move ahead, go beyond this dialogue and be/do/say whatever I want to be/do/say. [It does, a lot of times, make me feel like a loser too, I won’t lie— mainly when I accept the limitations and  I don’t take any action. ]
“Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.”
Benjamin Disraeli
I have been on a conscious journey of self-expression since 2013, I think.
Self expression for me = to be, do, say who I am, what/how I feel — unapologetically.
I have noticed how I suppress my thoughts, emotions, point of views and I am actively working on communicating the same.
I have come a long way from where I was back then, no doubt, but there is still a long way to go!
3-4 years back, I gave myself a challenge to write about my feelings, share my journey, my point of views. I was pretty nervous back when I started. It was new for me. But it was a small step towards self-expression. Once I did start writing however, it felt freeing and I got really positive response from people around me. Now I am pretty comfortable with that —  so much so that I started a blog!
Now, I gave myself another challenge — to put out a video of me on social media.
This meant A LOT to me. I don’t know if you have noticed, but I am not one of those who post their pictures, selfies, or post videos of themselves or go live. I’m not comfortable getting clicked… So, posting a video which I took of myself — online? 😅
But I did it. And you know what, I felt great. I respect myself more. I love myself more. I am proud of myself.
So down to business, 6 steps I used to overcome my fear / self-limiting belief
Identify the fear / limiting belief
Get present to the impact it has had on your life till now.
Get present to its impact in the future, if things remain the same — the opportunity costs
Imagine if you didn’t have that fear — what would you be/do/say? How would you look like? How would life look like?
Ask yourself, what is one thing you could do today that would take you closer to that you/life without fear? One step to take you beyond that fear/limitation. It could be a baby step.
Take that step and acknowledge / celebrate it (It is extremely important to acknowledge and celebrate. Success breeds success. — Small victories form momentum and bring about big victories.)
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Lao Tzu
I took the baby steps and I love myself for that. I feel powerful. I guess the most powerful feeling is when you go beyond your own limitations; when you prove it to yourself that YOU CAN DO IT! That’s a different kind of high.
I felt so good and freeing after posting the video and receiving the amazing response, that I made a youtube channel! 😂
PLIS Subscribe 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9hui_ukYf811voHO6HrT1g?
Also, I used the above-mentioned method to start waking up at 5am!!! I don’t know if you know, but I have always considered myself a night person. It was effortless for me to stay up till 4,5,6 am and the best time to sleep for me was when the sun was rising. My closest friends call me DK (Dark Knight) cause I always meet them late at night, nothing to do with the fact that I usually wear the color Black (haha). I never saw myself as a morning person, but now I am waking up at 5 am 2-3 times a week. My aim is to wake up at 4 am on weekdays at least.
Late nights were productive (when I was at home). Late night is a good time to work because there’s little to no distractions. Same is the case with waking up early morning though. There is little to no distraction And trust me when I say this — the most productive days of MY LIFE have been when I woke up at 4/5 am!
*Bonus Tips*
If your mind says you can’t do it — Look for other people who have done what you’re committed to doing. If they can do it, you can do it! (Learn how they did it, what worked for them)
Repeat! — If you keep repeating the 6 steps, be it in any area of life, for any reason — you will not recognize yourself when you look back. The amount of growth and expansion you will achieve is going to be insane.
To conclude, this method did work for me in different areas of life and I believe it will work for you too if you apply it as per the steps outlined above.
Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t see results right away though, it is a journey. Be patient, and more importantly, be consistent with your effort and never give up (characteristics of the people who succeed).
Start with baby steps. I am certain that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to!
Extremely important note — ***All of this (me sharing and expressing my point of views), is possible because of the amazing listening and reception I get from my community (both online and offline) — my friends, family — all the generous, loving, and supportive people who have made this journey of self-expression, self-awareness so pleasant, peaceful and joyous. Thank you so much for being so supportive and encouraging always! Means A LOT!***
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you 🙏
Lots of love!
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