#slight self harm tw
randy who played guitar because the pain from the metal strings was enough to distract him from life. randy who played guitar for his boyfriend and realizing the strings didn't hurt anymore and he didn't need them to. randy who didn't quit playing when showfall took him and his husband. randy who played guitar and sang with his four year old son while his other son and zombified husband watched. randy who couldn't force himself to touch a guitar after showfall took his kids and permakilled his husband. randy who escaped with rgb and eventually taught ranboo how to play a guitar after not touching one for ten years.
ranboo who learned how to play just as well as randy had been able to.
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sweetcreaturetm · 1 year
Steddie to the tune of Maple Syrup by the Backseat Lovers
~~~I still have your picture on the wall
I still have the nightmares
Where I would have to call you to calm down
I still think about you all the time
When I step out of the shower I'm reminded of the night
When we slept in the back of your car
And you left me with a pretty cool scar~~~
It’s 3am and Steve stares at his mirror in the light from his lamp. Well the Polaroid on the mirror to be precise. It’s him and Eddie, arms around each other. Steve in Eddie’s vest and jacket and Eddie in one of Steve’s obnoxiously pastel sweaters. A purple one. He remembers that day they could not stop laughing at Nancy in Robins clothes. Why they decided to swap clothes with their other halves he can’t remember. But he laughs at the memory anyway.
It had been almost 2 years since made it in time to pick Eddie up beaten and bloodied and carry him on his back. About a year and a half since he and Eddie started calling each other to help with the nightmares. Over a year since they became inseparable. And one month and 3 days since they… well.. separated.
Then he remembers the sadness. He feels tears start to build up in his eyes. He remembers why he’s even awake at this ungodly hour. The nightmare. Is it still a nightmare when it’s heartbreak and not fear? He thinks so. It’s always about Eddie now. They used to be about a variety of the traumas he’d been through; the monster that started this, Billy, the Russians, and especially Vecna, more to the point him stumbling on Eddie’s lifeless body. He used to dream that he didn’t get there in time. Those were the ones he would call Eddie for. The reason they fell in love, their middle of the night phone calls. But now the nightmares are different. He still wakes up crying but for a different reason. He wishes he had never agreed to go to Indy with Robin when he thought Eddie was spending the day with Wayne. Now he dreams of seeing Eddie’s fucking van with Eddie and someone he didn’t know. He can’t stop seeing the stupid fucking van. Seeing Eddie laughing with some asshole in his van. Seeing Eddie’s stupid fucking face drop when he sees Steve seeing him in Indy with someone who was very much not his uncle. Someone with a dumb wife beater shirt on that he’d definitely heard of. Christ he needs to stop. He needs to stop fucking crying.
He presses his hands into his eyes. Hard enough he’s seeing those black and white wavy lines when he opens them again. A shower usually calms him down. Clears his mind. Which is exactly what he needs right now. His parents aren’t home. Haven’t been for months now so he doesn’t have to worry about waking anyone.
He starts it as scorching as he can get it. It’s as close to burning that he can stand it might be a little more than he can stand truthfully. It itches. And he scratches as hard as he can. When he stops the scratch marks throb. He loves the feeling. Then when he gets adjusted he flips the knob to freezing. It shocks his system. He feels a rush like maybe this is hurting him. Like maybe he’s doing damage to his already damaged body.
Once out he reaches for a towel to dry off. He runs it over his skin taking in his various scars. His eyes catch on a particular one on his knee. Who would have thought he would have a favorite scar.
Before he can stop himself he’s plunged into a memory. He and Eddie are giggling to themselves as the load the van with pillows and blankets. They’re smoking and drinking in the woods with the doors open to the cool fall air. Neither of them are scared of the woods anymore. Not with the other by their side at least. They’re laughing about something he’s finding it hard to remember. They kiss and they laugh until they decide to close the doors. He’s crawling up to Eddie back against the seats of the van. He’s trying to be sexy and it seems to be working. If Eddie’s face is anything to go off of. He’s smirking but definitely turned on. Eyes sparkling if a little glassy from the weed. When Steve feels a shooting pain on his knee. Looks down to see a stupid random dnd character with a sword Eddie had painstakingly painted to look covered in blood now covered in the real stuff jammed in his knee. With his weed high IQ of 10 he decides to rip it out causing his skin to rip further. He laughs which of course makes Eddie laugh. The cut was jagged and rough but they just bandaid it and call it good they’ve got more important things to do. The first aid kit was in Steve’s car they were lucky to have even found a bandaid in Eddie’s van anyway.
Back in reality he runs his finger over the scar. Still a little surprised it healed so badly. Maybe if they had actually cared about it that night it could have been helped. But he didn’t care that night and he still didn’t care now. It was a permanent mark that he had been happy. That they had been happy. That they had laughed together and loved each other.
He sighs. The shower had been a waste of fucking time of course. His mind was as full of thoughts as before. It seems these days he can’t stop thinking about everything. Even the old stuff. When he was with Eddie the thoughts about how unlovable he was were gone. They vanished the moment Eddie looked at him and told Steve how he felt about him. He never should have believed him.
He gives up on the day before it even starts. He lays in bed while he waits for a reasonable time in the morning. Then he calls Robin to say he won’t be in at work and hangs up before she can ask him how he is. She knows the answer is bad. The answer is always really fucking bad. He tosses and turns tries to sleep but fights it too. It hurts. It really fucking hurts. Not the scars or his eyes or his most recent scratch marks still red and irritated. But his heart. His chest is filled with pain and he just wants it to stop.
The next day after not hearing from him Robin comes over lets herself in with her key that was supposed to be for emergencies. He guessed maybe it was seeing as he hadn’t eaten or drank anything for a couple days. She knew he was bad but maybe not this bad. He cries when she crawls in bed with him. She says “Steve, this is it. I can’t let you do this anymore. We cry tonight and tomorrow we get up and eat and drink and get better”
“How?” he questions “how do I get better”
“I don’t know but were gonna throw everything we got and see what sticks” she tries for light but he knows she’s serious.
~~~Your purple sweater's sitting in my room
I tried to wear it, but I knew that it would smell like you
I saw you dancing at the show tonight
I stood in the back
And I think that we both know why
And I lied
When I took you on a drive
And I said I'd never speak to her
Wish I would have kept my word~~~
Eddie sits on his bed and he’s sobbing but hasn’t realized it yet. He just got home and ran to his room slamming the door not caring if Wayne was home. He had been dragged out to some place on the outskirts of town that Gareth told him some local Indy bands were gonna be playing at. Something, anything to get him out of his house. But that’s where he saw Steve.
It had been one month and 11 days since he had seen him in Indy. He doesn’t think he will ever get Steve’s face out of his head. At first it had been surprise but when his gaze panned to Eddie’s passenger it turned sour, betrayal and sadness overcoming him. Eddie had frozen. He didn’t know what to do how to explain himself. He wishes he would have kept his word.
His mind jumps to the memory of his promise. The one where he told Steve about Rick his toxic bordering on abusive ex. someone he told Steve he would never see again. Not on purpose for his part. He had only gone to his house when the Chrissy thing happened because he knew Rick was locked up. He told Steve about the disgusting things Rick would say and sometimes do to him and then the gifts he would give Eddie and say he was sorry and it wouldn’t happen again. About Rick’s stupid seashell necklace and eternal wife beater shirt he never took off.
It started when Rick sold some weed to Eddie. The next time Eddie came asking Rick said he could make him a deal if he caught his drift. Eventually they were trading rough almost hateful sex for drugs on the regular but eventually that wasn’t enough for Rick so he had Eddie start his own dealing. Rick had this pull that Eddie couldn’t get out of. He had tried so many times. They would end things but Rick would end up on Eddie’s makeshift porch with some stupid bullshit gift and a sweet nothing and Eddie would be right back where he started. Eddie told Steve how much of a spell Rick had over him how he was scared to face him again because he was like a magnet Eddie couldn’t resist. Much to Wayne’s dislike. Not for his sexuality, which had surprised Eddie a little, but of Rick. Wayne always told Eddie he could do better than that lowlife. Hell he was right he managed to snag himself Steve Fucking Harrington. Before he blew it to shit.
He remembers Steve kissing him and comforting him. Telling Eddie that he would never say anything like that to him and he would never touch him like that in a hurting way. Eddie didn’t think other than monsters or Russians Steve was even built for a bad touch anymore. He knew about his past with Jonathan and Billy to Eddie those were justified but even Steve had said he had regretted it so much.
Shaking himself out of it he realizes he’s been crying for at least a few minutes. He breathes deep and tries to stop. He glances around his room his eyes landing on Steve’s purple sweater. He had been denying himself of wearing it. He didn’t want to lose the Steve smell. The fancy shampoo and Farrah Fawcett hairspray he was still using. The slightly musky cologne Steve wore. The scent was slightly marred by his own tobacco smell after they swapped clothes that day. He smiles a bit at the memory but it doesn’t last. It wasn’t his most Steve smelling item that was the yellow sweater in a box in the top of the closet. So he grants himself permission to touch the purple sweater. After all it’s close enough to grab off his dresser. He holds it in his hands and up to his nose and inhales the sweet musky smell. It’s relieving to smell. He can’t believe there was a time when he didn’t have a limit on smelling Steve he just knew it would be there forever.
He thinks about the Steve he saw at the bar. He was slightly skinnier maybe that was his imagination. Maybe he just knew Steve had been punishing himself again as if he should be the one who needed to be punished. He knew he hadn’t seen Steve’s car at his job when his usual shifts were. He knew he probably wasn’t leaving his house. Even when Eddie did see Steve at his job he didn’t do anything. Say anything. Eddie as always was a fucking coward. He definitely saw his hollower cheekbones and he hates himself for it. He hated himself for hurting Steve. He watched Steve dance with his eyes closed a hint of a smile on his face and a beer in his hand. He looked almost peaceful dancing to the music. Eddie had stayed in the back not wanting to even make Steve aware of his presence. He just watched as the music played. But then the bands changed and Steve opened his eyes. Luckily he didn’t see Eddie. He kept watching as he rolled his head on his neck and stretched a bit. What Eddie didn’t see was Robin. She had seen him walk in immediately. With her and Steve’s bizarre connection she was probably acutely aware of anything that might hurt him. And seeing Eddie would definitely be on that list. She had probably dragged Steve out, bribed him with a drink and some music and probably wasn’t expecting Eddie to walk in it wasn’t his usual crowd for sure.
She cornered him at the back of the bar. “What the fuck are you doing here?” She angrily questions him.
“I didn’t know he would be here. Gareth dragged me out here. I’ve been torturing myself as much as he has I can tell you that” he rebuts.
She scoffs “I highly doubt that. You know him you know how bad he can get? Why drag me into it? 'Distract him this one day, Robin' so I do and how did that work out?”
He sighs and rubs his head “I never wanted to hurt him. I never meant for this. I need to talk to him to explain-“
She cuts him off “you’re not talking to him here or anywhere, coward I do see you drive by every day. Even when he’s there you don’t stop. He sees you too just so you know.”
“You’re right I am a coward does that satisfy you to know that I hate myself?” he’s raising his voice a touch to distract from the wobble in his voice.
She glares at him then sighs, “No Eddie it doesn’t satisfy me. It makes me so fucking sad. I want you to both be happy. Like how things were”
He fakes a laugh “well things aren’t how they used to be now are they?” he raises his hands in question when he sees him again. Steve is staring at them over the crowd. Robins head shoots Steve’s direction.
She looks back to Eddie “if you don’t get your ass out of here I’m going to scream and who you think people will believe? Huh? Me or you?” she looks a little sick after saying it. Like she doesn’t want to but would do anything to protect Steve.
He raises his hands in surrender and looks back to Steve who just looks like his heart is breaking all over again. Eddie backs out and leaves. Like he always does.
In his room smelling Steve’s shirt. He makes a deduction. He’s going to talk to Steve. He’s going to tell him what happened and no matter what he’s not gonna run again.
Something wakes Steve up the day after he saw Eddie again. His brain was still a little fuzzy. He’d asked Robin to give him a word for word recollection of their conversation. He tries not to flinch when she tells him what she said to make him leave. He proceeded to drink four more beers before Robin cut him off. He was already pretty buzzed when he had seen Eddie anyway. Didn’t even think he was seeing him for real. He thought maybe he was hallucinating him. He can’t even remember getting home. He figures Robin had gotten them home. His assumption confirmed by the note on his nightstand with a bottle of pills, a granola bar, and a glass of water. It reads “got your shift covered Dingus. Take the pills, eat the bar, drink the water and come hang when you’re up and around.” But he’s suddenly shaken from his thoughts when someone bangs on his door. Oh yeah he thinks something had woken up from his sleep it’s still early. He looks at his clock 7:23am it reads. He downs the pills and water. The food can wait.
He throws on some old athletic shorts and an old sweater “Be right there” he calls when the person bangs on the door again. It’s probably Dustin. Though he should probably be in school winter break isn’t for a few weeks.
He swings it wide open and rubs his eyes. It’s Eddie. Of course it’s Eddie. But he’s shocked. Why is he here? Why now?
“Hi” Eddie does a little wave. Steve goes to close the door “wait wait!” Eddie reaches out and holds the door keeping it open.
Steve sighs shakily “what do you want Eds?” the nickname slipping out unintentionally.
Eddie seems to notice he smiles a bit “I need to explain. I’m done running. Remember?”
With a slow nod he lets Eddie into the house. He leads them to the living room though too embarrassed to let Eddie see the state of his room right now. Steve sits on one end of the couch. Silently hoping Eddie will sit close to him like he used to. But he doesn’t. He sits at the other end as far as he can get on the same couch. Steve makes a motion with his hand which Eddie takes to mean he should start talking.
“I miss you.” Is all Eddie can say?
Steve sighs and rubs his hands over his face. “Is that it?”
Eddie shakes his head “No, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Steve just looks at him. He doesn’t know what to say. “I don’t know what you want Eddie.”
“I just want you to listen. Please?” he’s speaking softly like he doesn’t want to break Steve.
Steve nods for him to continue. “Okay I’m listening.”
He takes a deep breath “I want you to know I love you, I never stopped. I think no matter what I always will.” He continues “I didn’t mean to see Rick I promise”
“How can I believe that when you lied to me about where you were and he was in your fucking van Eddie?” Steve raises his voice
“I didn’t really lie, baby” Steve shoots him a look at the pet name Eddie goes on “sorry, it’s just. Habit. I was with Wayne. We were in Indy together. I made him go with me to get something for you. And then he made me stop so he could run into some store and” he sighs “stupid fucking rick came knocking on the van door. He was in before I even knew who it was.”
Steve looked at him questioningly and asks “it didn’t look like that. You were laughing. Your real laugh not even that fake ass laugh you do for the kids”
“Would you believe me if I said we were talking about you?” Eddie asks.
Steve gapes at him
“I know how it sounds trust me.” Eddie raises his hands in surrender “but, it’s true. He came in told me he’d heard about me crashing at his place wanted to know what that was all about. I made up some shit I really just wanted him out of the van.”
“So the laughing?” Steve urges him.
“Well, he asked what I had going. What I was doing up in Indy. So I told him” Eddie says suddenly shy.
Steve is so confused “I don’t get it. What were you doing:”
“I was buying you something.” Eddie says plainly.
“Just fucking tell me what happened Eddie. Please” Steve almost whispers.
Eddie stands suddenly pacing around the room almost making Steve dizzy.
“I just want you to know this wasn’t how I planned this” Eddie blurts he’s standing in front of Steve. He kneels. Steve’s eyes are probably wide as saucers.
Eddie pulls out a small box. A ring box.
Steve stands up onto the couch almost falling over the back. “Eddie what the fuck??”
Eddie stands to steady Steve “Baby, this is what I went to Indy for. I asked Wayne to help me pick it out I also asked robin to distract you. I probably should have given her more to go on but that’s my fault.” He shrugs. Eddie tries to pull Steve down and with a little trying he gets him to sit back down.
“So this was your big joke?” Steve chokes out “the funny thing you and Rick were laughing about? You and me?”
Eddie gapes at him now “Steve no. This is not a joke to me it’s the most serious I’ve ever been. Ever. I told rick I was getting a ring. That I was gonna ask you to marry me. And he asked if I was for real. He didn’t believe me. He said I wasn’t good enough for you. That’s what made me laugh. Because I know we’re perfect together. Perfect for each other.” He’s got tears in his eyes now. He goes on though “but then I saw you. I saw your face. I kicked rick out but it was too late you were driving away. My brain stopped I tried to drive after you but then I remembered Wayne.”
Steve takes a breathy inhale “why didn’t you come home? To me? To explain?”
Eddie sighs and points at his head “Coward. Remember?”
Steve reaches for his hand and pulls it into his lap. “You’re not a coward anymore. Remember” he says in the same tone as Eddie had.
Eddie sets the box on the couch next to Steve and puts his other hand on Steve’s face. “I’m sorry I didn’t come straight to you. The whole way back I thought about what I would say and what you’d say and I psyched myself up too much.” He goes on “Baby, I love you so much I never want to spend another day without you. And I know we can’t get married for real but for me this is real. As real as any paper can say.” He drops his face to hide it from Steve.
Steve uses his free hand to pick up Eddies chin. “It’s real to me too Eds” he whispers. He brings their foreheads together. They breathe in each other for a moment. Before Steve pulls him in for a kiss. Deepening it when Eddie sighs into it. The pull apart and Steve gets a chance to look at the ring. Its plain gold its slimmer and more subtle than his father’s gaudy old thing. He loves it.
Eddie whispers “it’s engraved on the inside” he pulls the ring of its box to show Steve. “E&S”
They’re both crying but they don’t care. Eddie tries to lighten the mood a little “you never technically answered”
Steve chuckles wetly and rubs his eyes “Well you never technically asked me a question”
“Steve Harrington, will you be my husband.”
“Yes, Eddie Munson I will”
“No takebacks!” Eddie proclaims. He puts the ring on Steve’s finger. It fits perfectly. “You better tell Robin before she actually gets me killed.”
Steve truly laughs for the first time in weeks. “I will but I think we have better things to do.”
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a-confused-wizard · 5 months
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"Be good to your wives, give them what they need. And the kingdom of heaven will be at hand" - Good old Revs Putty
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⚠ Warning ⚠
S3lf HaЯm/Blood/Slight-Vent
I was inspired by "scar tissue" by red hot chili peppers, but i'll be okay soon,
Scar Tissue
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♬"Scar tissue that i wish you saw
Sarcastic mister know-it-all
Close your eyes and i'll kiss you,
Cause with the birds i'll share"♬
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One hundered and forty three days of persevering. Holy shit. Here's to one hundered and forty three fucking more
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divingleadboy · 1 year
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self harmageddon or whatever its called
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augustinxxz · 7 months
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TW for everything under the cut. You have been warned
stay safe.
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Before anybody asks. I am okay.
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hauntedwoman · 1 year
i went on a walk today.
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charlottesbookclub · 1 year
Clean (General Armitage Hux)
Summary: Armitage has a particularly rough day and takes a depression shower about it
Warnings/Tags: Hux-centric (no pairing), angst, stress, memories of child abuse, Hux works too much, did I mention angst?, body image issues, insecurities, maybe just very slight SH implications?, ANGST (let me know if I missed anything!)
Words: 1,162
Author’s Note: apparently I'm on a roll with producing Hux content recently! This is just a short little fic building off a headcanon I wrote about in this post. It's an idea I've had for a while and just finally wrote it down. Hope you all enjoy even tho it's super frickin angsty and kinda sad!
(oh and the lines from Br*ndol are from the Hux comic and I think Empire's End?)
            The faint beep his door emitted as it recognized his credentials and zipped open for him sounded almost heavenly to Armitage. He barely made it into his chambers before he collapsed back against the now-closed door, sliding down until he was seated on the floor. He rested his arms on his bent-up knees, folding himself down as small as was possible given his height. There was a strange tightness in his throat, and not the kind caused by the unseeable grip of the damned Force. The passing thought of that frivolous magic snapped him back to himself, and he pushed up off of the floor in one fluid movement, knowing that if he slowed or hesitated at all, his exhausted body would decide that he would be sleeping unceremoniously slumped against his door.
            It had been a long cycle. Or was it two cycles? How long had it been since he had last rested? He shook his head minutely, trying to clear the fog of weariness that had finally allowed itself to settle in his mind. His chambers were dark except for the pale light of the stars creeping in through the large windows. He didn’t bother turning a light on. Instead, he made his way slowly to the refresher, discarding items of clothing one by one, each seeming to represent a problem that he wished he could cast off as easily as his uniform.
            First, the gloves – Ren destroying another expensive control panel. Greatcoat next – an unfortunate meeting with Snoke that left his project on a much tighter timeline than he had originally planned. One boot kicked to the side, then the other – the knowing glances cast between former Imperial officers on the bridge, sharing some joke he wasn’t privy to. His uniform top – the endless forms needing his approval and signature. The light undershirt next – the constant pinging of his comlink and datapad with requests for his time. Then his trousers – useless meetings with more insufferable Imperial veterans who just wanted to feel as though they were still valuable by giving outdated advice. Finally, his undergarments and socks – the biting headache that has been festering behind his eyes for the past… well… however many cycles it had been.
            Hux reached the refresher and didn’t bother to turn that light on either. Instead, he stepped directly into the dark-tiled shower and turned the hot water to its full capacity. Normally, he limited himself to cold showers. He felt they were more effective at waking him up – or, more often than not, freshening him up since actual sleep was something of a rarity for the general. Either way, despite the fact that his rank gave him unlimited access to hot water, he rarely indulged in the luxury. Right now though, it was what he needed more than anything.
            Steam filled the refresher, indicating that the water had reached a suitable temperature, and Armitage stepped under the current, nearly gasping at the shocking heat. For a moment, he could think of nothing else but the nearly unbearable warmth of the water as it coursed over his skin. When he had gotten somewhat habituated to the temperature on his body, he dipped his head into the stream and hissed as the water cut almost-scalding rivulets through his hair. After a few moments of exposure, his body became desensitized to the intense heat. He was left with a welcome warmth seeping into every fiber of his being. He began releasing tension he wasn’t even conscious of as the hot water unspooled it from his coiled muscles. His pristinely coiffed hair was soaked into damp strands, the gel dissolving and relinquishing its hold on his orange locks. For a few glorious moments, his mind was blissfully blank. He thought of nothing, simply absorbing the sensation of the hot water against his skin in the dark shower.
            They always crept back in though – the voices, the thoughts. What a waste of resources. How frivolous. How useless. Hux gritted his teeth then, hearing his father’s despised voice ring in his ears: “I’ve yet to find anything that Armitage isn’t utterly useless at.” He was glad he couldn’t make out much of his body in the steam-filled darkness of the refresher. He knew his pale skin was turning a humiliating shade of pink – both from the heat and from the unwanted memories. And he was thin. Scrawny. “Thin as a slip of paper and just as useless.” Armitage pressed his fist against the cool wall of the shower, putting enough force behind it that his knuckles began to hurt. Anything to drive his father’s words from his mind. As the insults and memories faded, Hux heaved a sigh. He exchanged his fist against the tile for his forehead, the press of the cold black stone bringing him back to reality. Despite his face no longer being under the current of water, he nevertheless felt warm liquid slipping down his cheeks. He scrubbed at his face with his hand, assuring himself it was nothing but beads of condensation, and situated himself back under the stream.
            He allowed himself just a few more fleeting moments under the warm water, trying to let it sap the last of the stress from his body, even though he wasn’t sure that was even possible at this point. Tension had settled deep into his bones and made itself at home there, untouchable even by the calming hands of heat that spilled over his body. Before he lost his nerve and stayed in the shower for the rest of eternity, he snapped the water off and was left suddenly shivering as the cool air of the refresher began to prick his skin. Stepping out of the shower, he wrapped himself in a robe. He caught a quick glance in the mirror, but any glimpse of his body was mercifully obscured by both the darkness and the steam collected on the reflective surface. He didn’t want to be reminded of his weak constitution now, not when he had only just banished his father’s unwelcome words.
            He stepped back out into the main room of his quarters, letting the pale starlight guide him as he inched his way carefully along the trail of discarded clothing items, collecting them as he went. On his way to his bed, he placed each in their assigned places: uniform and undergarments in the chute that connected directly to the ship’s central laundry facility, greatcoat carefully arranged on a hanger in his sparse closet, boots lined up neatly next to the door. That done, Armitage allowed himself to sink into bed, pulling the covers over his chilled body. He was almost ready to give into his aching head and sore body, to just allow himself to fall into the oblivion of sleep. Then a shrill ping interrupted that futile dream. He rolled over, pulling his datapad into bed with him to check the notification. He could always rest after responding to this message.
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sweetandsourstalker · 2 years
26. What are their favorite parts about physical affection/sex?
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dawn-t0-dusk · 1 year
#59: Sometimes, Sometimes, Sometimes
Sometimes-            Sometimes I wish I could escape my skin Sometimes-           I wish that when i looked in the mirror-                      It wasn't you I saw.           When I see reflections in the water           Familiar eyes,                      A plastic smile,                      An image of you, idealized           (To who?)                      (not me)
Sometimes-           I wish i couldn't separate me into you and dad            Sometimes-           I can check off the boxes          My eyes from mom,           My rage from dad                      (what is there of me?)           I have been looking and yet i don't see any           I am a culmination of parts,                      A spliced thing of your corroded heart
Sometimes-           I want to tear out the parts i don't know. Sometimes,           I take a blade to my skin,                      And i bleed out the parts that are yours           Infected bits of your sins                      The mistakes and trauma that i have carried           (why must i?)                      (this is not my job)                      And I wish i could tear you out.
Sometimes-           Sometimes when i rip myself apart,                    I take the tiny bits of me with yours                    There isn't a lot and every speck counts                    So I have to decide what I want more.
          (do i hate you more than i love me?)                      (maybe)
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naes-dairy · 2 years
...so yeah.
I know I've been distracting myself, and I know why I'm doing this too.
It's an automatic thing now. Wasting time, doing nothing productive. I have things I need to do but I'm just not doing it.
I say I'm trying my best but I'm reality I'm lying to myself. I'm not even doing anything that will help me. Distracting myself.
Running away from my feelings.
I distract myself so that I'm not left alone with my feelings. I distract myself knowing that I'm not helping myself.
It's become a habit, it's hard to break.
I've gotten used to doing this. But it's not helping me at all.
I don't want to be left alone because my thoughts will come and attack my feelings.
Why.. am I like this?
Refusing to tell others, refusing to get help.
I don't want to hurt others, but all I'm doing is hurting myself.
I know I shouldn't, I know its bad.
But I really really really want to... The urge isn't as strong as it was before. But I feel like I deserve it.
I kind of want to do it...
I just realized I'm kind of hungry, but it's too late to do that now. I need to stop doing this. Eating just enough food to keep me energised, not enough.
I didn't mean to repeat anything and ik this is a vent post, but I feel like making a song.
But it's become a habit, it's hard to break.
I want to let my tears fall but not in front of others, but that's when they decide to come out.
So when I'm alone in my room, the tears just won't fall...
Holding back my tears automatically...
It's become a habit, hard to break.
It's not like it would turn out good or anything. But yeah.
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okay yeah this is a vent and it’s gonna need a very slight trigger warning I’m sorry. !!TW FOR SELF-HARM/MENTIONS OF SELF-HARM!! (not in the way you probably think, but it still needs to be said)
I don’t know why, but at the beginning of last week (it’s 1 o’clock on a Saturday morning for me rn) my mental health just took a complete dive for a few days??? I don’t know, I was just feeling really anxious and yeah a little depressed, also I just didn’t want to be around anyone, like. at all. doing literally anything felt way too hard and big of a task. so Wednesday comes around, and my friend is also not feeling great because they y’know. had actual life issues and they weren’t just being a little bitch??? so they start crying. at some point they stop and we just relax. and then I get a text that stresses me out. and suddenly I’m in the bathroom for the better part of an hour, pacing, crying, and scratching my arms (cause idk it was making me feel better I guess)
and then the next day I’m back to complete normal???? wtf??? like hello?? what was that???
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the-bowster · 1 year
Kinda wish people would stop talking about the thing...I don't know what to say..fuck, I'm better now, and not a lot of people (excluding the ones that do know) need to know what I used to do. Not that I really mind people asking, I just wish they'd not mention my marks..
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julesart04 · 4 months
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Regulus 🥰 genuinely so happy with this one!
(slight tw for self harm under the cut. Take care of yourselves!)
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