#slight tododeku
pinkykats-place · 2 years
Jealous BakuDeku [Bakugo is jealous of Todoroki]
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked are mine.
None have smut … still read AO3 tags.
Art not mine - credit to @selpuku
Note: If you read any of these works and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Mine by Catsired
Summary: Todoroki has been spending a little too much time around Deku lately, and Katsuki isn't gonna stand for it.
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I watch you from afar (but I want you in my arms) by mnxyre
Summary: He wondered if the scars were more predominant up close. Maybe that’s why Todoroki was staring so intensely – staring at the way the thin slivering lines wrapped around Deku’s strong hands as he wrote.
He did notice how much that thought pissed him off.
— — —
Or Bakugou is jealous over how close Todoroki is with Midoriya.
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you could be the one that i love by yuhwanker
Summary: Everyone thinks that Izuku and Shoto are dating, but they couldn't be more wrong.
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Jealousy Trial by izukvs
Summary: A jealous Katsuki Bakugou makes a move on Izuku Midoriya before it's too late.
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Nitroglycerin by bubbleguchi
Summary: Since childhood, every glance from Katsuki has left Izuku in pieces, absolutely shattered by the feeling of being seen.
— — —
In which Izuku can't figure out what's got Katsuki so mad.
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Just the Right Height by Fawn_Eyed_Girl
Summary: Izuku is too short to reach all the items in the kitchen cabinets. Luckily, Todoroki-kun is always there to help him. But why does that make Kacchan so angry? Izuku needs to know.
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fuzzy inside by fromthefarshore
Summary: Bakugo is jealous.
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The Bakusquad's Guide to Wooing Your Crush
Summary: “Really?” Sero pressed his index finger against his chin and thumb under his jaw, looking up briefly before meeting Katsuki’s red eyes. “It sounds to me like you are scared. If you aren’t, then asking Midoriya out should be a piece of cake for you.”
“This is, like, the best thing I have seen in my entire life,” Kaminari whispered not so quietly to Ashido who was holding onto his arm.
Finally, after a moment of tense silence, Katsuki sat back down angrily on his chair. “Fuck off, Soy Sauce Face. I will ask him out.”
Complete | 5 Chapters
The roommate by silverynight
Summary: Most of them are ready to see if the guy is worthy of Todoroki's time, ready to tell him he'll have to face them if he ever hurts their friend…
But then he opens the door and all they see is bright green eyes (like emeralds), messy green hair and a face that's covered in freckles and the most blinding and sincere smile they have ever seen.
"I'm so happy you're here!" The young man says excitedly, his enthusiasm is contagious and honestly adorable. "I'm Midoriya Izuku!"
And just like that Midoriya charms his way into their hearts as well.
Pro Hero AU | Quirkless Midoriya
19/? CH | Last Updated May 2024
You & Me, Me & You by mynameis152
Summary: They were still the Wonder Duo. They were still best friends. The only real difference was that they didn’t go home to the same apartment, didn’t sleep in the same bed, or share lazy kisses in between breakfast, showers, and on-duty hours.
Katsuki was fine.
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Stupid F**king Kiwi by red_sneakers
Summary: “WHERE’D IT GO?” Katsuki's hands groped Deku’s stupid, fuzzy head of their own accord, tilting it from side to side, searching for remaining long hair and finding none. “HOW COULD YOU?”
“I—I . . .” Deku stuttered. “All Might said it’d make me more aerodynamic?”
Deku gets a haircut, and Katsuki’s fuming mad about it, for some reason. Then it’s Mina and the Bakusquad to the rescue! Mission: Help our emotionally constipated idiot get his mans.
Complete | 7 Chapters | UA Students
Movie Interruption by Tilly_1255
Summary: Bakugo has an extra movie ticket and reluctantly invites Midoriya to go with him. All is going according to plan until Todoroki shows up to the same showing…Cue a jealous Katsuki and a completely clueless Izuku.
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Of Shirts and Strawberries by EnduringParadox
Summary: He looked down at his shirt and gasped. "It is. How did that—oh, the laundry. I must've grabbed it by mistake. I'm sorry, Todoroki." Midoriya blushed; the tips of his ears turned red.
Shouto shook his head. "Don't be sorry. We had a really late night. It's fine. It looks better on you, anyway."
"I don't know about that, but thank you," said Midoriya with a chuckle.
There was a loud snap. Shouto glanced at Bakugou sitting at the table with Kaminari and Kirishima, textbooks splayed open and highlighted in an assortment of colors. For all that Bakugou was determined to bring their classmates' grades up, his temper sometimes got the better of him, as it now apparently had; Shouto saw the source of the noise was a pencil not so much broken in half but pulverized in Bakugou's grip. His jaw was clenched, and his teeth were grinding alarmingly.
Sounding both delighted and scandalized, Kaminari asked, "What's this about a late night?"
Shouto and Midoriya manage to bake a cake together. Afterwards, Midoriya accidentally takes Shouto's shirt, and Shouto is confused as to why Bakugou becomes so much more irritable.
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love in the mirror by endthisdream
Summary: “Kacchan,” Izuku said, amusement dancing in those bright, green eyes. “Just because we’re married to each other doesn’t mean that our parallel world counterparts would be too.”
Bakugou’s scowl deepened. He ignored the smug look in the Icyhot’s ugly face and the annoyingly similar sheepish grin on his husband’s copycat.
One Shot | Aged-Up BkDk
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darkmajesty-xo · 1 year
18+ MDNI| tw! ProHero TodoDeku, Assistant! Reader, Age Gap Suggestive
a/n : this is an unedited poorly written thot that i had for christmastime, neglected it then thought to release it for icythots birthday. i'm sorry my love you deserve better but maybe someone will like it !
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midoriya is awful at hiding things.
snacks, secrets, feelings and especially presents. so, naturally birthdays are very stressful for him.
he tries his best each year but no matter how creative he thinks he is, his boyfriend always stumbles upon his hiding spots. it can get really frustrsting at times, and even though shoto says that it's okay and still pretends to be surprised with whatever allmight related collectable he gets him-- deku still wants to get this right!
so this year he had the bright idea of leaving the wrapped gift in his office drawer until the big day. midoriya is often up and out of the house by 5am for his morning jog and workout, with his bestfriend kacchan, while shoto sleeps in. however, since it's a "holiday" deku would forgo the gym sesh and drive over to their joined agency like a sneaky little elf.
it's honestly the perfect plan and he doesn't know why he didn't think of it sooner.
izuku was proudly mumbling to himself as he stepped off the elevator and into the office space when he noticed you sitting at your desk in the lobby. you'd been his and shoto's assistant for about a year now; a quirkless college grad with great references and eager to please. both men would describe you as a literal godsend-- single handedly organizing and restructuring the business aspects of their very chaotic agency.
don't judge the man, it's tough being the "on again off again" number one and japan's new "symbol of hope".
between keeping civilians safe and battling it out on the charts with kacchan every other week, he doesn't have time for paperwork and protocol. shoto, who sits comfortably at number 3, simply ignores paperwork and waits for somebody else to do it.
all of that to say that you were a super hardworking and valued employee but it still doesn't explain why you'd be at the office this early on the weekend.
"goodmorning, y/n".
you must not've heard the ding of the elevator because the sound of his voice startled you into spilling the contents of your mug all all over your keyboard.
"shit. shit. shit." you scrambled to blot the mess with your cardigan sleeves, shaking your head and worrying at your lips. deku was slightly amused. not because you'd spilled something but because he'd never heard you use profanities before. you were normally very reserved and meek. your submissiveness was something that he'd spoken about to you in the past because he felt like some of the sidekicks were taking advantage of your kindness. if deku had to list one toxic trait about you, it'd probably be that you were an extreme people pleaser. even moreso than him, and that's saying something.
"are you okay? i hope you didn't burn yourself".
you sighed, defeated, allowing yourself to glance at the annoying intruder only to be met with sparkling gemstone eyes and a soft smile. time has been well on midoriya. even with the slight crinkles by his eye and streaks of gray peppering his emerald green mop, he still looked as youthful as ever. the same deku that stole the hearts of many all those years ago- just a few more scars on his warlorn body and a softer layer to his midsection. but he looked great! if anything that extra thickness on his tummy only emphasized his mouthwatering biceps and juicy juicy thighs. he could probably crack your head open with those things.
"hey, sweetheart. are you okay?" he was closer now, the minty aroma of his cologne flowing into your space. your cheeks burned. here you were lusting over one of your very taken bosses, yet again.
"mr.deku! im fine, im fine. you just startled me is all" you breathed, brushing a stray loc away from your face. deku hummed, seemingly evaluating your strange reaction but choosing not to comment.
"why aren't you at home with your family? i could've sworn we gave all the administrative staff the day off".
"well i don't really have a family or anybody waiting for me, so i figured that i could get some work done. crime doesn't stop on the weekends" you shrugged. that didn't sit well with deku. he couldn't imagine you spending the day holed up in his agency.
"why don't you come home with me"?
it was hard not to laugh at the way your eyes widened. your mouth opening and closing in shock. it was so easy to fluster you. deku didn't know if it was due to your age or if you were just that innocent. he liked that. its perverted, he knows, but the thought of you on your knees staring up at him all doe eyed lived rent free in his mind.
"ouch, i didnt know that i was such bad company" he teased, just to get a rise out of you. and of course you took the bait. rushing to apologize. clarifying that you didn't want to be a bother. insisting that he haad much better things to do than babysit you. but deku wouldn't be deku if he took "no" for an answer, and that's how you wound up in your employer's kitchen watching him struggle to decide what he'd be preparing for his lover's birthday brunch. it was something that his friends did every year for eachother and he offered to host this time but there was one small problem…
deku can't cook.
sure he has the funds to hire a catering service but that seemed so impersonal. he wanted something that came from the heart! but after a couple tik tok videos and several pancakes on the floor- he started to rethink that decision. he then heard the little giggles coming from your direction. he turned towards you with a raised brow and you quickly put both hands on your mouth in response.
"what's so funny, little girl ?" he pointed his batter covered spatula towards you, only to get some on his freckled cheek. you laughed even harder this time, grabbing for your phone to take a picture. he liked seeing you like this, all free and relaxed.
"y'know i didn't see "bully" listed on your resume" he joked, pouting while dramatically turning his back to you. "don't expect a good reference letter from me when you go seek out greener pastures".
"oh please" you snorted, rising from your stool to join him at the stove. "where would i find something greener than your hair, mr. deku?" you teased, bumping him aside with your hip to grab the bowl of batter, "besides i'd never leave the two of you". it grew silent; the only sound being the sizzle of the batter hitting the pan. for a moment you thought you'd overstepped and began raking through your mind for save but the hero mimicked your earlier action-- softly bumping your hip to catch your attention. with flushed cheeks he smiled down at you making heat bloom witin your own cheeks.
"the feelings mutual, sweetheart".
after about two hours of cooking, with deku insisting on "mandatory snack breaks", the two of you had accomplished decenrt brunch spread with a fusion of japanese and american cuisine.
the two of were giggling over a pot of kenchinjiru when shoto sleepily shuffled into the kitchen. it was a welcomed sight to wake up to you and izuku being so cozy. he leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, just admiring how well you fit with his partner, how comfortable you both seemed. he could've watched you all morning, had izuku not looked over his shoulder.
"oh! hey, sho. look at what i found" izuku chirped, happily petting you on top of the head. "izuku--" you whined shyly, glancing at the heterochromatic hero.
even fresh out of bed, shoto looked absolutely stunning. his silky strands were parted down the middle, falling loosely against his tailbone. his beautifull sculpted face held no imperfections, save for his iconic scar. however, his body told a different story. standing bare, in only his boxers, you could see battle scars littered against his pale flesh-- weaving against one another like the intricate lines of a tattoo. he'd always maintained a slimmer physique than deku, showcasing a smaller waist and chiseled abs lightly dusted with a bicolored happy trail that led to his scantily clad lower regions. the sight of shoto todoroki in nothing but his skin tight boxer briefs was mouth-watered. you eyes wandered a bit longer and lower than thet should've and the icy hot hero definitely took notice.
eyes locked on your own, sauntered towards the two of you and pulled izuku into a steamy kiss. the greenette was shocked, especially when his partner's hands dropped to grip his ass. he leaned into the other man's touch, moaning softly with each swipe of his tongue. you were as still as a statue, drinking in this erotic display of passion. yes, you'd seen them kiss around the agenc before but it was never more than a light peck. this was soft porn.
"goodmorning, baby" shoto whispered against izuku's lips. kissing him softly once more before pulling away and turning towards you. you didnt know what to expect but it surely wasn't him pulling you flush against his body, big hands resting on your hips while nuzzling his cheek against your own.
"what a nice surprise".
his voice was still husky with sleep and it tickled your skin. he pulled back slightly to get a better look at you. big bright eyes, rich skin and soft curves. the last thing he epected to wake up to was you in his arms, but its not like he's complaining. it's no secret that shoto fancies you. the only person unaware of his crush was you.
for the sake of decorum and professionality, in addition to his long-term relationship, he'd refrained asking you out directly. you were the best assistant they'd had and both men could tell that you were shy, so he would've hated to scare you off. he kept his efforts subtle. one time you mentioned how sweet you thought it was that him and izuku left eachother cute encouraging messages on their desks throughout the day, so he started leaving you cute little notes as well.
"you're doing great".
"i'm so happy you're here".
"you're the perfect little helper".
"you smell nice"
you didn't get the last one, it was intercepted by izuku who felt like it was borderline creepy. he didn't have any problems with shoto's crush/obsession with you; he actually encouraged ti, especially in the bedroom. but there was a time and a place for everything.
the two of you had been staring at eachother for a while when deku's voice brough you back to reality.
"do you mind excusing us for a second, love ? i'm sure you dont want to see this old man in his undies" Izuku giggled, while nudging his partner.
"she doesn't seem to min-
"shoto! bedroom, now."
the two men left you to your simmering soup, and thoughts while they trekked to their upstairs bedroom.
"you've really outdone yourself , izu" shoto began, "i was expecing another allmight figurine, not a threesome".
"shoto, baby, you gotta relax sometimes" izuku sighed. he searched through the drawers looking for a pair of shoto's sweat then threw them at the other man's head. "i saw her at the office this morning and invited her over because aparrently she's all alone. she just thinks she's here for your birthday brunch and has no idea about your little obession with her".
"MY 'little obession' ? wasn't it just last night that you begged me to fuck you like i'd fuck her ?"
Izuku ran his figners through his hair trying to ignore the emerging stiffness between his thighs from the memory.
"i- i will admit that i am attracted to her and after spending time with her this morning i can admit that i do like her BUT i am not the one that purposely gets hurt on patrol so that she'll fuss over me, and i'm definitely not the one that calls her for literally everything just so i can jerk off to her voice over the phone, am i ?"
"i will neither confirm nor deny those statements".
"exactly" izuku rolled his eyes, "m'gonna go check on her, k?"
"don't eat without me" shoto smirked.
"perv" izuku muttered, but winked back at his handsome boyfriend. he opened the door and there you stood wide-eyed with your hand over your mouth.
his eye twitched. they'd just been busted discussing you in a very lewd manner. he was just about to apologize but you did it first
"i'm so so sorry, mr deku. i didnt mean to listen, i just wanted to tell mr shoto 'happy birthday' but then i heard you talking and i didnt know what to do because i have been in love with the two of you since i started working and i never imagined--
izuku interrupted your ramblings with a soft kiss and gestured to shoto who was already sitting on the bed, cock in hand.
"how about we make it a very happy birthday, love ?"
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shima-draws · 2 years
Curious. Since you and I both like tododeku — do you think that we're delusional for falling for this ship? Is it true that there is absolutely no possibility that they could ever be a thing in canon? Horikoshi, in my opinion, is playing games with the fandom. I personally think that he doesnt even know what he wants when it comes to Ochako because hes seemed to have given up on that. Do you think that theres any slight chance that Hori might surprise us, or do we find ourselves in a delusional hole of hope?
Anon I mean this in the nicest way possible but WHAT are you talking about lmao. I ship a lot of things that I know for certain won’t ever be canon. That doesn’t make me “delusional”, that’s just me having fun and curating my own fandom experience. I don’t have to look at canon ships and agree with them. That’s part of why shipping is so fun—I get to decide how these characters interact. Who cares what Hori’s doing. I don’t. I make the rules in this house
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Just have fun with it bro
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 months
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ladysunamireads · 4 months
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fifteenthewolf · 8 months
You know I am not dead, right Kachan? (Crack)
Class 2-A are against a group of low-class villains. Midoryia gets hit with something and leave it to Bakugo to make it a theatric performance. (It was really a random idea)
Ships: TodoDeku (Maybe slight mentions of KiriBaku and Tsuchaco. Those are ships I ship, so I may have added hints. And there is one part that Midoryia x Uraraka shippers may find offensive, for that, I apologize. I love the ship and I can understand it, I just personally do not ship it.)
Enjoy! (I am new to writing, so give me constructive criticism if you would like)
Of course Bakugo, Midoriya, Kirishima, Tsuyu, Uraraka, and Todoroki all get attacked by random villains in their way to the dorms after going to eat lunch at a restaurant. Why the heck not. 
They were weak villains, nothing like the League. But there were way too many. And they used the element of surprise. So it was a bit time consuming.
So that’s how they all got the excuse to beat up some villains on a Friday night, at least. The villains were going down quickly. It was simple.
Then, Izuku gets shot in the arm with a dart of some sort. A villain laughs maniacally, “That is going to make you feel like your arm has been shattered! You will more than likely kill yourself from the absolute pain!”
It was quite funny to see the look Midoriya gave the villain. They obviously did not do their research.
Bakugo grinned. Then he casually trips Midoriya as he walks past him. Then he rushes over, fake tears springing out.
“Oh no! Izuku, how did you possibly have to end this way!?”
“What.” Izuku deadpanned. Then he tilted his head.
Bakugo ignored him, he ducked to dodge an oncoming knife and gave the villain who delivered it an explosion without taking his eyes off of Midoriya, “Oh the suffering! Oh, the heartbreak!”
“Really Kachan? That’s so mature.”
Bakugo punched an oncoming villain that was coming near him without even looking, Bakugo still ignored Izuku’s words, “How dare you die on me, we were more than just rivals! We . . . Were rivals.” He placed a solemn hand on his chest and looked up. 
“I shall avenge you, you damned nerd!”
Uraraka giggled as she pinned down a villain and knocked them out. She was not helping Midoriya at all.
“Kachan, could you not hold me down so I could-“
“OH THE NERD HAD SO MUCH MORE TO LIVE FOR!” Bakugo said dramatically, drowning out Izuku’s voice, “HIS ANALYSIS NOTES” he exploded a villain that tried to attack from the front, “HIS LOVE FOR SAVING OTHERS!” He jabbed another villain with his elbow so hard they choked out blood.
“HIS DEAR CLASSMATES” he exploded one coming from the side, “MAKING IT TO THE END OF SECOND YEAR” he placed the back of his hand on his forehead dramatically and his smile was a shit-eating grin.
“Kachan!” Midoriya shrieked. 
“Sometimes I can still hear his voice.” He sent an explosion to a whole group of villains. “But now, I am just kneeling next to the broken body of someone because one of their bones are  SHATTERED. It’s the end!”
“Kachan I never make death threats but I am tempted to make an exception for you.”
“He was never able to make his first death threat” Bakugo said, solemnly. “He was a cinnamon roll, even to the end. I’m sorry half n’ half! Your boyfriend’s history.”
Midoriya looked at Todoroki expectantly, using Air Force on  a villain, that was about to go for his head. Todoroki had a barely noticeable smile on his face.
“Oh no.” He said, blasting some ice at a villain, making no effort to change his tone, “I never got to confess my undying love to him. Oh me. Oh my.” He blasts fire at another villain.
“Todoroki, not you too!” Midoriya whined. Uraraka floated in, taking on some air villain, “Oh no!” She exclaimed as she tackled the villain, “What happened to Deku!? He seems . . .”
“I’m sorry cheeks.” Bakugo said sorrowfully, “I’m afraid he is gone. You shall never be able to confess your unrequited love for him.”
Uraraka threw her head back after she delivered a final blow to who she was fighting, “NOOO! However shall I cope??!”
“Don’t worry, kero, I can keep you company in his place.” Tsuyu replied sadly. 
“You all are going to be in this, aren’t you?” Midoriya asked, his tone completely resigned. Bakugo’s grin turned even more feral.
“Are you going to be alright, Bakugo? Maybe we should have a dorms sleepover to cope.” Kirishima suggested as he took down one of the final villains. Bakugo exploded the last one and said, “I’ll only participate because he would have made me!”
“Actually, I count on Kirishima to do that.” Midoriya interrupted. Though, he was ignored. Uraraka picked him up, “it’s only fair that we are the ones to tell our classmates of his condition” she said, she was obviously the best at drama.
Bakugo nodded, “Yes. Izuku was one of our dearest classmates.”
“Maybe someone should just kill me now.” Midoryia muttered from his spot in Uraraka’s arms. He caught Todoroki’s apologetic smile and smiled back.
That day, it was chaos when Uraraka carried an unamused, completely resigned, Midoryia into to the dorms common area, claiming that he was dead.
This is a random fanfic I wrote at 1 pm. I have no clue if it is any good, but you may get a good laugh. Hopefully you did. I am fully aware of how not-cannon it is. That was intentional.
I don’t know how to post on AO3 yet 😅.
My AO3 account is kinda acting funny, and I want to see people’s reactions to what I write, but I’ll start posting there once I can.
This is my first post and I am terrified.
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tdiz-iztd-ficrecs · 2 years
Tododeku, pre relationship pining pro hero story! Izuku moved to California before Shoto could confess his feelings but now Shoto’s in California on a mission fighting wildfires… SUPER fantastic pro hero story one shot. 💚💙 Very slight angst!
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tododekubigbang · 2 years
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A precious memory from @tellingandyelling and @juncobirds!
Check out our blog for more previews of works created in the 2022 TodoDeku Big Bang! Posting begins August 20th, and will conclude on September 3rd. See you then!
Transcription and details under cut
Title: The Hero Fan and His (not) Dog Writer: @tellingandyelling (AO3: TellMeYellMe) Artist: @juncobirds (AO3 and Twitter: JuncoBirds ) Main pairing: Todoroki Shouto/Midoriya Izuku Trigger warnings: N/A Addition tags: Quirkless Izuku Midoriya, Sidekick Shouto Todoroki, Quirk Accidents, Animal Transformation
[Wait, did he say Shortcake? As in fluffy, cute, best dog in the world Shortcake? “What about Shortcake?” Izuku asks. Then, “How do you know my dog?!”
A slight blush, one that Izuku would have never imagined seeing on the other for a hundred, thousand, possibly millions of years, appears on Todoroki's face. He coughs embarrassedly (embarrassedly!) and says, “Izuku … I am your dog.”
With those words, Izuku faints, falling like a shoujo manga protagonist, into the (naked!) arms of Shouto Todoroki.]
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
Disney World with Friends ❤️
Disney world with friends ❤️ by Koga The Wolf
Class 1A visits Disney world and has a great time bonding 😊
Words: 2242, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M, Other
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Kouda Kouji, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Sero Hanta, Ojiro Mashirao, Tokoyami Fumikage, Aoyama Yuuga, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Hagakure Tooru, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Platonic Cuddling, Disney World & Disneyland, Cute, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Hot Chocolate, Snow, Animal Ears, Friendship, Very slight romantic undertones between Tododeku, Tsuchako, kiribaku, and momojirou
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41395869
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 2 months
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thedevilsfamiliar · 3 years
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It’s true and they should say it
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fanfictiona03 · 3 years
Assignment: Personality Swap by BelleAmant
Really, when Aizawa was giving his lecture on the importance of personas in heroics, they should have just listened...instead, they get to deal with a Midoriya that acts like Bakugou for the day.
This is an acting personality swap for the whole class of 1-A and it is absoultly great! I love stories were Midoriya and Bakugou switch personalities, but it was great to see all of the other students in 1-A having different personalities as well! Give this a read, you will not be disappointed.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 7 months
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ladysunamireads · 7 months
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lumi-lumi-gays · 6 years
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Alt Title: When you decide to get a cosplay of one of your bf's costumes (with encouragement from the other.)
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aripandagirl18 · 7 years
Ok so I was bored and I made this… I think this is kinda funny…
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