#slime dimension theory
fruitlessjam48 · 1 year
Wait a gosh darn sec. If slime is blood then what is the slime dimension. The blood dimension.
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personwithatophat · 2 months
Cutscene Theory
During genloss we see several cutscenes. I don't think a single one should be trusted.
Heres why.
Cutscenes and prerecorded bits in genloss are used generously to give proper effect and punch to the story being told. many being used because it simply wouldn't be feasible to do live, or for comedic purposes.
Dimensional door scenes (forest, beach, hell, slime dimension, warehouse) Cooking challenge cutaways the ep 2 laser room and even the ep 3 button sequence these are all prerecorded. and not just for us, but in the context of the show as well. They don't pretend that scenes arnt prerecorded. in the laser sequence, vinny is thrown across a room, gets hit by an anvil, before ranboo and sneeg get beamed up out of the room. Further, multiple dimension doors are very clearly done on a greenscreen. Showfall prerecorded their scenes. the only people they need to fool are the cast members, and in that case it's brushed off as a "don't think about it too hard" situation. The real question is how this affects the story. and the answer is alot. Prerecorded scenes mean that while cast members are experiencing a silly video like its a wacky and current experience, their bodies are either just going through motions....or as it's highly implied, they get "Paused" during the duration of the scene. Due to sneegs escape attempt, we have proof that the characters can be paused. a stasis where they don't move, don't experience, and don't remember anything happening in front of them. I propose we try to peel behind the presented video and imagine whats behind the camera. I propose that during the laser scene and vinnys "death" ranboo was busy getting guided by an employee to the blacklight room which we know from the mall layout, was on the other side of the floor. I propose that when opening the dimensional door, ranboo kept getting paused before the door would actually open, which is why he still struggles with it when the camera lets him. a detail very intentionally cut from TFC. I propose That from the moment we see ranboo and charlie enter the room with hetch, they don't stand a chance. that there was no reprieve. no chance to think about the place they're in, no grand final determination and chase to freedom. instead, while we were watching the bow to a grand final show.. the real ranboo is being dragged down an escalator. carelessly. mask scraping against and cracking against the floor, being pulled down to the first floor of the mall to be strung into the place reserved for him. the heart of the facility. ready to face judgment. -Tophat
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far-from-official · 1 year
i spent the entire day making custom mahjong tiles
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theyre gonna fight over a game guys and itll be gut wrenching LMAO
i put a lot of thought to it so uh feel free to analyze it. I made some pieces on purpose to reflect them teehee if you want my reasons here ya go 1. Suits Circles: Reflects Prismos go with the flow attitude, tends to be bubbly yet lenient. Always bursting with energy yet always at peace. Bamboos: Reflects Scarabs more rigid nature with his determination to stay on track & quite narrow-minded but efficient & cunning.
Characters: It's just numbers from 1 to 9 in Hindi which is where Prismo comes from ethnically. Also, his VA too! The Chinese characters are also there to help footnote it.
2. Honours Elementals: We have the 4 elementals are the honours. My personal theory is that Fire: Energy/ATP Candy: Glucose Slime: Anabolism Ice: Water/H20 Idk what to call these 3 but ill just call it Cosmic Time Room: The only dimension that exists outside of time & space Golb: Chaos Comet: Rebirth / cycle
3. Bonus Flowers: It's just the seasons from spring to summer to autumn to winter
Class: Wizard : Powerful & wise Knight : Strong & defensive Bard : Playful & cunning Rogue : Deceiving & violent
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rinline · 8 months
Ok 3:00 am Theory time
In the QSMP trailer towards the end we hear Charlie and Quackity talking to each other on the train to the island. I don’t know if this was purposeful or accidental but Charlie and Quackity are not on the same train. Charlie is on the Left Train while Quackity is on the Right Train. If it was purposeful maybe that conversation that you hear was from before they got on the train? If not then maybe Charlie, as a slime can split himself in different part and a small bit was with Quackity idk.
Moving on we then hear Wilbur talking to someone where he says “ I just don’t get it. Why are they putting us in different trains?”
At first I thought he was talking about how they separated the guests into two different trains to the island instead of one. But I had a thought that maybe they separated the group he was traveling with.
Foolish and BBH have both stated that they have memories of the DSMP. Whether that was a past life or memories from that time have been removed we don’t know.
Taking this info we can hypothesize that maybe Quackity and Wilbur were traveling together to this island and Wilbur, in the previously stated convo, was talking about why they separated two people who were traveling together?
Cool. Now who is Wilbur talking to?
Well as both him and Philza were on the same train the probability of Philza being the second person makes sense. Especially if we go with the thought that DSMP is something that actually happened in the past.
Now onto recent lore as of posting this.
In the crime as to why the Islanders are arrested by the federation Philza is marked as having “Trespassing and Illegal dimension crossing”
From what I’ve seen only three other people have this crime Foolish, BBH, and Fitmc. Now we know why Fit has that crime. He was not on the original guest list, someone got him a a ticket so he can go in as a spy to report back info from the inside.
Going off this info does this mean that Foolish, BBH, and Philza were not originally on the guest list? Did Phil come to the island to do something or did he come to make sure Wilbur was ok? Why do Foolish and BBH, who are both immortals if I may note, also have that crime?
Idk it’s 3:00am, I’m going to bed.
-Crimes are on QSMPinfo twitter
-BBH and foolish convos of dsmp are on their wikis
-Who was on what train is also on the wiki
Here’s the trailer
If I missed anything or made a mistake plz let me know and In the end this is just a crazy theory
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tubbbee · 2 months
first post :) wanted to share a personal Genloss theory
The Cabin Spirit. The bossy entity that our Hero encounters first. And that’s what I think is important for Spirit’s character; it’s Ranboo’s first obstacle. Spirit gives Ranboo a task to do on camera in front of people. In my opinion, the Cabin Spirit represents a sponsor. Ranboo is new on his experience, whisked into this story, shown other dimensions (maybe representing directions his life will take if he takes the sponsor), and shoved into the gameshow-esque baking show in front of chat.
The Puzzler. An eccentric mastermind. The Puzzler is a marketing company. He has lackeys doing his job, putting Ranboo’s name into the world. The Puzzler recognizes Ranboo is an important figure after all, even coming out to meet him face to face. The carousel might’ve been a bad idea, sure, but all press is good press right?
Hetch. The final boss, the one secretly pulling the strings. Hetch… is content Itself. Or more accurately, content platforms. In my eyes I think Hetch represents Twitch, but you could substitute any company really. No matter how hard Ranboo tried, in the end Hetch is still in control. He even helps Ranboo get closer to his goal, just to sabotage him. Giving new opportunities just to take them away when it’s convenient. Sound familiar?
To me, Generation Loss isn’t just a representation of the mental toll that making content can have on a creator in the public eye. I think it’s also literally representing that process, start to finish. From being a small creator with your first sponsor, to getting a media team, to eventually landing a deal with the guys at the very top. Only to realize the top sees you as another stepping stone in the constant race to be the best, to be on the front page, to trend. Generation Loss is how it feels to grow up in the public eye. Is it really a coincidence that it's likely characters like GL!Slime were raised in Showfall Media? Raised to be part of the process of clicks and likes and donations?
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knine-nights · 3 months
Genloss Theory 11
This is a long one so buckle up.
So that whole thing with slime being blood is weird right? In Episode 1, slime is everywhere. It’s never explained what exactly it is, but everything is covered in it. Charlie is a “Slime Demon”. There’s a Slime Dimension. The food Ranboo “makes” ends up being “slime”.
(Side theory based on that last one, the slime Charlie eats is very different visually from the rest of the slime in the episode, and it’s obvious why from a meta standpoint: it’s supposed to be edible. But in universe this establishes that normal slime is not meant to be eaten. It’s not just poisonous or something, as we know Showfall could just revive Charlie if he died, so it must be just inedible in a different way. I’ll mention this later)
Then in Episode 2, we get the first major hint that slime is actually very different. When Charlie is being operated on, his insides are full of slime. But there’s one moment (in the Founder’s Cut it’s when the camera cuts to security footage in the ceiling corner) where it turns red and Charlie’s chill commentary turns into screams of agony.
We know that things like this were being shielded from Ranboo and the audience because Showfall didn’t want to show them the bloody truth, like how the contestants in the next room are weirdly chipper or calm about their circumstance when the camera turns to them.
And then in Episode 3, in the store where Ranboo and Charlie find weapons and supplies, there’s a bucket labeled “Slime” that is full of an ominous red substance.
So it seems that “slime” is actually just disguised blood right? Showfall messing with our minds as they do, case closed? But things don’t quite add up.
Firstly, why would there be so much blood just everywhere in Episode 1. Especially when they hammer it in that it’s slime. With the Slime Dimension and everything.
Apart from that, why would Showfall choose slime of all things to censor blood as? In Episode 3, a specific employee “bleeds” wires (which I theorized here was actually blood that Ranboo - and the audience - just didn’t see) so it’s not out of the ordinary for them to censor blood but why slime?
And why did they only choose to do so when focused on Charlie?
Well, this answer may be a bit meta, but I think it’s the same as the out-of-universe reason: it’s because Charlie is “Slimecicle”.
Charlie’s main YouTube channel is named “Slmccl”. His main iconic image is a slime. His merch includes slime plushies. Even when he participated in some of his more famous Minecraft series (Dream SMP and Origins SMP) he was a slime creature “disguised” as a human. So it’s pretty obvious why cc!Ranboo would make him a Slime Demon in the first Episode and then run with it from there.
That’s the meta reason. Why, in universe, would Showfall do that though?
Well, Slimecicle is a streamer in the Genloss universe too. It’s not perfectly clear how similar he is as a streamer in universe to real life, but he does have his slime plushies in the background and is clearly being an over the top caricature of himself.
I’m not sure if Showfall intended their viewers to recognize the streamers as themselves and how many of them were YouTubers in universe or how that would work, that’s a whole different can of worms, but it at the very least explains why Showfall would choose slime to be Charlie’s signature “thing”.
But then, why choose to have slime be blood at all? Wouldn’t it be easier to just have it always be “slime”? Well, easier? Yes. But, more interesting? No. And Showfall is more interested in a good show. They want the audience to pay attention. And how better to do so than drawing them in with confusing and potentially scary implications?
More Theories
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20thcenturyfoxx · 1 year
We pretty much agree that slime = guts n gore so if you don't wanna read that again skip, I just need to tell *someone* or I'll explode.
Since we saw the screen glitch out at when ranboo was cutting Charlie open in Ep2 the goo changed to red which pretty much implied it was blood and actual guts. (Also in Ep3 you can just see it on the screens at the end...)
Whenever the glitch happens, ranboo is broken from the "trance" or at least realises something is wrong, but even for the watchers, it becomes clear like a "filter" is being removed
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So I just really love the implication of Charlie being covered in blood instead of slime in Ep1 and basically his whole house.
The ghouls, him hurling bits and pieces of flesh and blood at ranboo in the fighting scene ...
It also makes sense for him to have zombie-like creatures on his side, which would explain where he would get his "goo" from
He just possesses a bunch of dead bodies he can reincarnate? And there we go, that's how Frank came to be.
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While Charlie probably made that disgusted face while eating the slime is because it tasted gross which made him break character for a moment, but for character's sake:
What if he actually tasted the blood? Like a hint of metallic or ended up biting on an eyeball or whatever.
Which, also, you know how he glitches out and keeps repeating that "slime I mean slime I mean slime-" line? What if he was about to say blood but the production ended up playing it off as a bit so the show doesn't get ruined? Imagine realising something is wrong for a split second, you're literally covered in BLOOD. But you can't do anything but get pulled back into a trance?
If we assume the little pieces in the slime bowl are flesh and guts,
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What if this was LITERALLY an intestine?
The idea of Charlie in actuality taking a bite out of someone's digestive tract churns my stomach a little bit.
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Sneeg having blood dumped on him is also a bit ...
Small Sneeg theory:
What if he was trapped in the cage because he didn't cooperate BECAUSE he wasn't fully controlled yet? And they just locked him up to once again, play it off like an intended act?
So when he was covered in slime, he was fully in their control.
He wasn't completely free, yes, since he couldn't see the cameras, the fact the house is a stage etc, but he seemed like he knew something was up, especially from him being confused of Ranboo acting so NPC like.
Yes, it also could just have been a character/personality type deal but I still like this.
So, somehow the slime has controlling powers too? No idea how that works though.
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Smaller implications are also Ranboo just carrying a rag covered in blood with him
Or that goo chest you can see in the background being filled to the brim with blood
Or that the slime dimension is actually a body horror esque dimension of walls made from flesh and organs! That one can pretty much just be effects in the "real" world as the studio makes everything look like slime and theyre just at a green screen or whatnot (still, kinda cool)
I'd love if people added more little bits like these that I might have missed, btw (: this thing is really making my brain hurt, but in a good way.
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lusi-raul · 1 year
I’ve mentioned it on a reblog post before but since Slime might be returning soon I’ll say it again.
Forever’s theory about the eggs might have some credibility to it. He said that the eggs might be the people who were once inhabiting this island who were captured by the federation and made to act like eggs wiping off their memory? At first it might sound crazy but people keep on overlooking one thing. Gegg and q!Biden. Yes I know that people know very well who Gegg is, q!Biden? I don’t know but even Gegg made it to the twitter eggstatistics. People have just been treating Gegg like a goofy side character of Slime but if we look deeper into it we see that we have overlooked alot of details regarding this “egg”.
I think it is quite clear that q!Biden and q!Gegg are actually Maxo and Slime disguising as eggs. But lore-wise how can we explain how they can do that? They are different from other CCs who have other characters like Melissa is actually Roier’s cousin (I don’t know how true this is) and his Grandfather (I can’t find an explanation as to how they got into the island in the first place but another time for another topic) or Quackity and El quackity. Gegg was not introduced as a separate character from q!Slime and the same for Maxo as Roier is in on the plan of Maxo infiltrating the school.
If admins within the server are part of the federation, it means that they have the power to transform the island inhabitants into eggs via Gegg and q!Biden and probably into other entities too. It’s not like Slime and Maxo are like “I want to be egg” and poof they are egg. Someone had to have the power to transform them into one. Maybe q!Biden’s case can be a different story since he is the only egg who visually looks so different from the rest of the eggs but for Gegg? He looks so much like an actual egg that he passes as a real one. He was even provided with the signs the eggs initially had. Someone in charge behind the existence of the eggs must have been the same one who gave Slime the ability to turn into one.
Also we haven’t been able to discover the remnants of the existence of the Dragon within the island. I know the Dragon mother left but what about the traces of its existence? A dragon cave or a dragon scale? The nest which the baby eggs were left in? Where could be this dragon’s home before it left? The video that played when they introduced the eggs specifically said the dragon lived within the island. Not in another dimension like the end.
It could just be impulsive story telling where the writer writes the story as it goes without an outline but even if it is, this can be good to be explored and considered by the ones in charge of the overall lore.
I will repeat how funny it is for me that Slime and Maxo probably just thought of a funny bit and went through with it without realizing its potential to affect the overall lore. Like they just thought it’d be fun to act as eggs in a stream not knowing how integral it could be to the story. Imagine a funny bit turning into the hidden backstory of the eggs’ existence all because Slime wanted to be an egg for a stream to troll people.
Although, my crazy theory that I pulled out of my ass is, maybe Slime did it on purpose to find out what really happened to Flippa in order to bring her back. He went undercover convincing the feds to give him the power and information to infiltrate them more successful than even Cellbit ever did because the feds underestimated Slime’s potential to destroy them and bring them to light. That could explain his disappearance and he succeeds and saves the other eggs and reunites with Flippa?
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upsidedownlurker · 8 months
Season 5 begins with a ten minute musical number where everybody expresses their feelings in song, including Max. This is how she is revived.
In the first episode, Murray drinks twenty-two shots of vodka before getting behind the wheel of a large truck. He is never seen again.
Will dies in the first episode after he is hit by a large truck. He didn’t look both ways :/ too busy staring at Mike.
The first seven episodes will be a slice-of-life style sitcom starring Karen, Ted and Holly, set entirely inside the Wheeler’s house. Sometimes you can see the apocalypse happening outside the window.
The last episode will be twenty minutes long. Ten minutes will be spent recapping the previous seven episodes.
Mike and Eleven break up, only to get back together with Ted and Karen’s encouragement. They move into the Byers’ old house together and do not participate in the plot.
Will comes back to life, but he dies again once he sees Mike and Eleven in his old house. They laugh and throw his body into the Upside Down before making out to “Smalltown Boy” by Bronski Beat.
Brenner is immortal, but nobody cares.
Jonathan and the Demogorgon have an emotional heart-to-heart. The Demogorgon becomes the positive father figure that Jonathan always wanted.
Joyce develops an unhealthy obsession with magnets. She cannot go anywhere without her magnets. She must ensure the safety of her magnets.
Max heals from all her injuries completely.
In episode 7, Max accidentally drinks some Demogorgon slime by mistake, she becomes a Demogorgon. Lucas still loves her though.
Hopper dies, but is revived by Eddie who is a vampire, but he dies again, but is revived by Will who is a vampire, but he dies again, and this time he revives himself.
Joyce breaks up with Hopper when Bob comes back as a vampire. Joyce becomes a vampire herself, and they have a third child called Renesmee.
Bob revives Will so he can be a part of the family again, but Will decides to stay in the upside down instead.
Max and Lucas leave Hawkins together and never come back. They own a skateboard-basketball shop in Wyoming now called “Stalker & Co.”
Barb never actually died, she just got transported to our dimension and a body double was left behind. She’s a real human now, and a piece of her soul exists in every Barbie across the world.
Jonathan and the Demogorgon go to Lonnie’s house and beat him up.
Will spends the rest of his days playing Dungeons and Dragons with Vecna and the creatures of the upside down. He lives a satisfying life in those cold, slimy depths.
Vecna becomes a skincare influencer after installing Wi-Fi into the Upside Down.
Dustin and Steve spend the entirety of Season 5 launching a Haircare brand together. They become the world’s first multi-billionaires.
Hopper eats a sandwich at some point.
Mike and Eleven get married and have 11 kids, ten of whom are called Will. The last one is called Eggo. She was a mistake.
In the last two minutes of the final episode, Argyle, Erica and Mr. Clarke team up to save the day. The rest of the cast watch on while eating popcorn.
The series ends with all the dead characters coming back to life and high-fiving, before yelling in unison, “THAT WAS CRAZY, BUT I’VE SEEN STRANGER THINGS!!!” Then everybody claps and laughs and cheers and celebrates and claps.
In the final thirty seconds, Vecna suddenly erupts from the ground and torches everybody. Then he uses his time-travel powers (he has time-travel powers) to reset the Universe so that the series never happened.
The episode ends with MatPat explaining everything that just happened, before whispering “And that’s a film theory… and that’s a film theory… and that’s a film theory…” this goes on until the credits finish rolling.
Let me know if you have any other confirmed and 100% real leaks!! :)
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the-crimson · 1 year
I am still so incredibly confused by the lore adventure we went on today.
Code Flippa lead bbh, Max, and Aypierre back into the maze to the one blocked off hallway to find it transformed with black concrete that lead to a cucurucho puzzle, Dapper’s hat, and Bbh’s plane ticket.
Parts of it looked Federation built while others certainly were not. Could this have been created/sponsored by the dark cucurucho?
Ok ok. We discovered the maze when an unknown entity delivered the coords to Tubbo, Slime, and Roier via black concrete. The maze is some kind of abandoned federation facility. It seems that light cucurucho can’t go in meanwhile dark cucurucho is living down there somehow. Then the “space ship” appears and all the eggs start leaving messages with black concrete as if their dimension was leaving traces on this world through the contact. Then code Flippa leads the gang into the maze to find it also corrupted. The message they received about protocol AB was glitchy and the books they found were distinctly not the cururuchos we are familiar with. The cucurucho puzzle’s answer was a cheerleader pin up of cucurucho that lead to black, red, and white dice, Bad’s plane ticket and Dapper’s top hat.
Ok. Theory time, I’m gonna grasp at straws and try to piece things together XD
The structure that appeared is a conduit between the dimensions. It allows the other world to affect this one easier. Where ever this world is is the origins of the code entities. Dark cucurucho is connected to this other world somehow kr has some influence there. We know the codes original goal was to make everyone leave the island. What if this other dimension is a prison/garbage disposal of the federation’s failed experiments?
Luzu’s computer was a link in the beginning that allowed first contact to be made and the first code to cross over. Luzu’s computer was eventually destroyed (by the federation?) and the code lost its form/began to decay (i don’t remember the timeline here). The federation claimed to have some kind of power over the codes and promised they wouldn’t be a problem during the election cycle which makes sense if they are failed experiments. They might have partial control, just enough to neuter them temporarily, as it took a while before the codes attacked again - and when they did they took a new approach.
The codes took the form of the eggs and attacked the presidential candidates. If they want to make the islanders leave/resist the federation so they don’t wind up as more failed experiments then it makes sense the codes would try to kill the candidates. They would want to stop the election from happening because that means the islanders will be even more trapped/less likely to leave.
After the election they turned their focus entirely into Etoiles and getting the code sword and shield. Maybe there is something within this dimension that is incredibly powerful - an old experiment that the federation created this dimension to imprison - that is trying to get out. While in the dimension, nothing can die as this dimension is entirely in code. That’s why the eggs are safe there, why they haven’t needed any tasks done, why their life cycle has paused - because they aren’t corporeal, they’ve been reduced to code and are thus untouchable. The binary entities have been in this dimension for so long they no longer remember what they used to look like.
However, have u noticed that once the codes got one sword, they’ve been able to duplicate them infinitely? Maybe that’s why they wanted the shield back from Etoiles. Within this other world, the codes can create more of those items. Maybe they were using Etoiles to train themselves so that when this powerful experiment breaks free they’ll be able to destroy it? Maybe they were training Etoiles so he’d be able to destroy it? Maybe they are duplicating the op sword and shield so the islanders will be able to kill it? Idk
I got a little side tracked so let’s get back to the maze. The codes have a vested interest in the players Lear ing about this entity if it’s going to break free. Whoever is on the other side brought Tubbo and crew to the maze (was it dark cucurucho?) Within the maze they discovered the transmission confirming that the federation knows why the eggs ran away. Dark cucurucho showed them the wheel and the egg items but we still have no clue what that was. Perhaps this is dark cucurucho’s job, to keep the federation’s mistakes forgotten and it is preparing the players for when the fed’s mistake breaks free via its influence in this other dimension.
Then today we have code Flippa bring us to a part of the maze I think was built/hijacked directly by dark cucurucho. It was a distinctly federation structure that had been renovated with darker colors and black concrete and the books were a scary kind of playful. The cururucho maze makes sense because the dark cucurucho is mocking light cucurucho. Maybe this dark cucurucho is tired of cleaning up after the federation or despises the other cucuruchos because it’s forced to live in the sewers cleaning up their shit.
It knows bbh, what he’s capable of, so it brought him here via code assistance to show him a piece of his past he doesn’t remember. It wants to tear down the federation just like the islanders so it is spreading all the federations dirty laundry for the islanders to see. First confirmation that the federation knows why the eggs left and now bbh’s past visit to the island he doesn’t remember. Maybe dark cucurucho is even aiding in bringing the fed’s monster back so it can destroy the fed itself.
I have no clue I feel like I’m still as confused as when I started writing this XD tell me ur thoughts and theories cuz I’m at a loss lol
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red-might-be-dead · 1 year
feeling too happy, time to think about gl!slime and cry!! yippee!!
he's such a tragic character
idk if this has been confirmed, it's very hinted at, but gl!slime getting kidnapped as a child to become a puppet for showfall is soul destroying
he was acting silly and childlike in ep1 bc he didn't have a real childhood to begin with, he doesn't know how to cook or look after animals (bats/ rats ect) with decency towards their lives bc he didn't have anyone to teach him how since he was taken away from his family and brainwashed into showfall
the fact that he was raised in the cabin and has false memories of living there and growing up, only to find out in ep3 that it was all a lie and that his life has been a ploy for viewers entertainment
then in ep2 when he comes across as irresponsible in the way he just 'eats' the most random shit
he's acting out against his body and literal human biology due to the fact he has no clue what the fuck or how the fuck anything works
he's desensitized to his own body being CUT OPEN and rummaged through and all that he has to say is a few witty lines about how he got that object and how he got this one
there's one glimpse of what is actually happening in which gl!slime is screaming and crying bc that's the what SHOULD be happening but he's been brainwashed so much and for so long that even when put through what should be immense physical torture he barely bats an eye
don't even get me STARTED on ep3
having been ignorant his whole life to what has been going on around him gl!ran finally gets gl!slime out of his fucking head and he gets to process the things he's seen and done and what's happened to him
his last few hours are just utter fear and disbelief as he realises that everything he's known and all of his memories are lies or extremely twisted truths
when he finds the cabin the warehouse and the fact that it's a set but not only a set but a live studio audience sitcom esc set, one that if you just look forward you can see cameras and lights and the showfall media centre he must feel so dumb, because how did he never see this? how did he not notice? he's lived there all his life and now he's thinking that maybe if he just opened his eyes he would've realised that it was a lie
not only is his life tragic but so is his death
and he dies in vain, gl!slime didn't save gl!ran in the end they died too and gl!slime didn't end showfall him pointing out the button meant nothing since hutch came back and he didn't save anyone that was trapped in showfall
AND then there's the slime = blood & internal organs theory (that holds up and is backed up so well)
he unknowingly sits in a suit covered head to toe in human blood, he unknowingly pours it on someone else, he unknowingly EATS it, there is even the slime 'dimension' which is probably just a large room filled with blood and guts
my boy :(
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obeetlebeetle · 6 months
Slime theory????
hi now you've asked a great question. slime theory is my vague reference to Simon Estok's work on slime and ecophobia, who argues that our understanding of slime is necessary to our understanding corporeal reality -- it being agentive in a way that agency is often attributed to (but not earned by) natural actors. he is largely discussing the way we naturally respond to slime with a mixture of fear/revulsion/disgust/interest/arousal, and how that response demonstrates our desire to be above or separate from the (gendered and ambiguous) dimensions of slime as well as the inescapable reality of the slime we continuously excrete.
I could say more but i feel like this is the gist & I may post more abt slime soon since I will be reading new slime theory from a DIFFERENT writer . which is shocking bc I thought it was just me and Estok in here
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netherworldpost · 7 months
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@thatdarnyeti /
The current (emphasis: current, I'm still chomping numbers and capability) plan is there are going to be 3 monthly zines.
Each zine is 1 sheet of paper folded in half, to make a tiny booklet.
Monsters / the Netherworld / fun stories or poems etc
Real world post office letter mail inspiration stuff
Real world Halloween (spooky, not scary, in line with everything else we do) essay
Each zine is $1 each + postage (in the USA, about $0.70). You're only charged once for postage, so your total will be $1.70 or $2.70 or $3.70 depending on if you subscribe to one, two, or three zines.
Each zine is going to be about a blog-post in length... because a few months after they mail out (probably 3 or 4 months), they become blog posts.
At that point, the PDF of that zine will be "pay if you want" to download, or you can buy a copy in the shop as a normal product, for $1 (then we'll fire up the printing presses and mail it to you).
The advantage of us printing and mailing -- we use commercial printing presses that have really great colors. The advantage of "pay if you want" is you can get it immediately and (if you want) free.
On social media, for the last few years, I've balanced
"here is monster stuff in a fun dimension, sometimes there is smooching"
"here is a love letter to the postal system, yes, a love letter... to.. the postal... system"
"Here is fanfic about Scooby-Doo, or a very specific Halloween commercial from the 1980s, or a love letter to Dunkin' Donuts Halloween donuts"
By splitting the zine into three options, people can focus on "I like THIS part of your work, but am less interested in THAT part of your work."
I want to serve people exactly what they are most interested in. I love making all three lines of stuff pretty much equally, and having 3 focuses to bounce between keeps me in a great flow state.
It works out great.
I am extremely pro-social media, it has given me an inordinate amount of advantages and benefits for many years.
I'm in the classic business scenario of "what got you to where you are won't get you to where you want to go."
The above zine project is explicitly designed around "Hey. Like our stuff? Here is a physical copy priced as affordably as possible. You're getting a blog post / social media post, but in the mail. Enjoy!"
Each zine is going to be wildly experimental.
I look at them as a box.
"I have 1 sheet of paper, folded in half, so a booklet of 4 pages. What can I do this month with it?"
FOR THE MONSTER ZINE, I'm thinking "Okay. One month it is a love story (obviously). The next month it is a series of sketches of slime candy. The next month it is a day-in-the-life of a dragon."
FOR THE MAILING ZINE, one month it is going to be "You should write a postcard to your favorite independent restaurant and tell them exactly how you feel about them. You should share why you order what you order and how happy it makes you. Maybe you went there on a date and it went great, maybe you went there after a really hard day and their food made it a little bit better."
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FOR THE REAL WORLD SPOOKY ZINE, I'll do a deep dive into my fan theories about magic in Hocus Pocus.
In the 80s and 90s there were tons of super cheap magazines and comics that were constantly shifting and experimenting and I love that.
It's the energy I'm bringing back.
I've spent too many words on this really simple response, I'm sorry, I'm full of words today.
There will be a giant post on the blog "this is how I'm doing it because I have access to commercial printers, if you do too, here is what i recommend. If you don't, check out how to print it at an office supply store, here are details. If you don't want to do that, here is what you can do at home with a cheap desktop printer."
Wow I am WAY over my word budget (laugh)
thank you sorry getting back to work
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Magic Thoughts
All my magic theories come from the idea of EXP being a source of real magic in the game. All creatures can release it by death and obtain it by doing various tasks. The basis of my ideas is RetroGamingNow's theory, but I'll expand into what is different about it in my ideas and how it presents itself in my canon.
First of all, I believe every creature has some level of magic in them, Skeletons and Zombies are bought to life via some external source of magic, and things like the moon, books, mushrooms and enchanting tables are magic by default. I feel that external source of magic is given to every creature, every being that is alive has some sort of baseline magic to keep them out and about. This is particularly evident in undead mobs that certainly aren't meant to be alive. As well as slimes that don't seem to exist unless certain criteria are met.
I also believe every dimension has it's own version of magic, though they can intertwine and be used in tandem with others/in place of others. Some are more powerful, like the magic that is at work in The End dimension compared to those that happen in the Nether.
Either way, I'll continue on with magic in the sense of it being used and what that looks like.
Magic in my world is very much physical and some kind of spiritual/mental connection.
Physical would refer to potions and enchantments that effect items or how they behave. These are things like Fortune, Looting, Silk Touch, Fire Aspect, etc. etc. Things that have a physical effect on an object or creature. This also blends into portals and their magic qualities brought about by physical items and tools. Physical requirements.
Mental magic can do many of the same things, though it requires much more skill and work to achieve, even then, if you're not very good at it, it'll only ever be as decent as maybe a potion or enchantment.
In my world, magic like this is shown through Evokers mostly, as they can summon and enchant things with their bare hands. I imagine some witches can do this, along with other Illagers like Illusioners and Iceologers. Iceologers would fit into one of the many uses of this kind of magic which is the use of any kind of telekinetic power. Pyrokinesis, Hydrokinesis and many more. This type of magic is channeled through the use of these circles/sigils that are unique to the user. The color doesn't really matter, they tend to correspond to different species, though this is a generalization. Most witches have purples/pinks, most Evokers have blues/greens and most Iceologers have light blues or whites (they all can have any color though, again, a generalization). What really matter is how detailed the sigils are, this shows the mastery of the user.
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Here are a few characters of mine's sigils :0)
Dionysus is one of the strongest magic users in my world, her sigil is made of sharp spikes, stars and even an eye. It glows fairly strong, and the lines are complete and straight. Lots of details and lines lots of small bits n stuff!! This shows how proficient she is in her magic use. Next is General Midnight! Having so few magic abilities allows him to be very skilled in them, this gives him a sigil with many details but he doesn't know nearly as much as Dio, thus, he does not have as intricate as a sigil as her :0). Lastly is Leif, my Evoker, he doesn't have much skill, but knows the basics of a few couple spells as all Evokers do!!! Simple and clean very smooth lines, doesn't glow too much but it's noticeable.
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This is a good example of how these sigils appear as they channel their powers through them!!! This is Dionysus, using a spell though her little sigil. Magic has an effect on those who use it as well, often affecting a certain part of them!!! This is why Midnight has such sharp teeth and why Dio has altered eyes!! :0))
I should mention, sigil based magic can do everything potions can, but it takes a lot more time and energy. The more powerful a spell is or difficult it is for the user, the more energy it takes out of them physically. Too much magic use or difficult spells over a long amount of time can cause the user to feel sickly, gain a fever, pass out/faint, or even die of exhaustion, though that is rare.
Onto countering magic!!! I believe that milk has special properties that can erase status effects, though I do not think it can take away or dampen a users magic ability!!! Magic is much more complex than it being dissolved by milk. Though, for things that are part of a creatures physical anatomy, milk can be used to nullify effects for a short amount of time (this applies to poison from cave spiders, wither effect from Wither Skeletons, etc. this does not apply to fire-like mobs as any liquid would just put them out anyways and hurt them so ya know)
I do believe using a status effect on a magic user is a good way of disabling their spells!! They would have to take sometime and heal themselves before casting another attack spell, and hurting them can cause their spells to be weaker as they have less energy to spend on fighting rather than healing. Most potent being lingering effects brought on from lingering potions or Poison and strongest, Withering. I do believe mushrooms seem to have a very natural magic property to them, and I think those are some of the best foods you could eat as a magic user if you ever wanted to get a lil extra boost, as well as any golden food items.
This is all subject to change and develop, but this is what I have for now :0) (Rose, Dionysus and Leif introduction posts are in the making btw)
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Cool Gen 1 Details Masterpost!
This is dedicated to all the small details in the series that we just love :) (most are story related, but I might chuck in a few BTS ones in there too)
They may or may not contribute to future theories, but it's fun to have a list of them otherwise. write a comment or send an ask if you have any you would like added! I'll be keeping it updated :D
Obviously, spoilers if you have not seen. Any of it.
(I'm placing a cut here so it's not taking up a massive space on everyone's blogs because it is LONG)
Episode 1: The Spirit in the Cabin
The Tv was turned on, showing static, but then turned off right before Ranboo woke up.
Ranboo, before waking up, is morse coding "SOS" (Source: Ranboo on Stream)
Ranboo seemed like he was shocked awake.
Ranboo, despite the mask being off, does not see the cameras/forth wall.
the first audience interaction was to knock the urn over. according to Charlie and Ranboo, the urn was supposed to be chat? but then Charlie improvised the grandma thing- (Charlie BTS ep1 Stream)
the string for the urn broke so a ghoul with a pencil smacked it-
Ranboo's reaction to the urn was "it wasn't supposed to be like this-" (Credit: razberrypuck on tumblr)
somehow Ranboo could tell that the mask turning on was bad, saying "no! no! no!"
Ranboo re-reacts to the urn after the mask turns on.
the forth wall is a "weird painting" in MaskOn mode
There could of been a third Dimension door in which Ranboo ended up in an amusement park parking lot whist said amusement park is being destroyed. Ranboo was also mad in this one. (Source: Ranboo VOD: Talking all about it!)
so we all agree that the slime and demon guts that Charlie ate this episode was probably organs and such, right?? right. Course, this begs the question as to what was he WEARING-
there were… glitches? In this episode. And I don't mean the really obvious ones where Ranboo found the tape and such, I mean stuff that's just a frame long. Intentional? unknown, there's nothing hugely interesting happening but it's still worth mentioning.
"Behind You" on the fridge
Charlie had no idea who the third ghoul in the cupboard was.
when the ghoul with the tape came through the door, there was supposed to be a fight or flight thing, but uh. yeah didn't happen. (Charlie BTS ep 1 Stream)
Jerma's dollhouse :P
Frank, is a dead guy. Begs the question of why they're lugging a corpse around, but ya know. Also, according to the file seen on the BTS Twitter page, he was one of the taken, so just like Sneeg. interesting!
Sneeg is that one character you regret saving because they're just so critical and judgy all the time (Source: Charlie BTS Ep 2 Stream)
Charlie was frozen in an uncomfortable position in the box because he couldn't move without revealing himself too early. (They'd also forgotten that he could of had a false back on it AHSGHGA)
Sneeg was frozen in place yet awake and very alert for the sleeping time skip.
Charlie's mother wants the painting as a mothers day gift (Source: Charlie BTS ep1 stream)
Episode 2: The Mastermind of the Warehouse
(apologies in advance if I don't see every Saw detail, I am not super familiar with it)
I personally can't find it, but apparently Ranboo did the morse code SOS at the beginning of this episode too (Source: Ranboo on Stream)
The Big Brother vibes with the tv's in every room were immaculate
according to the meter in the corner, they used electricity to revive Ranboo up after he died.
yeah no Ranboo actually died then (Source: Ranboo VOD: Talking all about it!)
it didn't matter which key was chosen, it was going to be the right one regardless, for humor reasons (Source: Charlie BTS ep 2 Stream)
100/100 is not a used measure of eyesight acuity.
The surgery room had an L on the wall (L for charlie ig)
Charlie had three cars in him!
he also had: his Gutetti (guts that were previously an ingredient in the first episode), the mouse trap trap, a mini tank, a knife, a rubber chicken, and two army men (Charlie states he swallowed a whole battalion). Oh and the Bad Hat of course-
there's a heart on the toilet (I have yet to figure out whether this actually means anything)
It was a bad day to be a cheesecake
Charlie can only be heard after The Puzzler complained about screaming (this was intentional)
Charlie introduces himself as megachad to The Puzzler.
The streamers were told to base their characters after their streamer selves (Niki Stream)
Austin is implied to be the only one who seems to register Frank as a Dead guy.
Sneeg, upon being released, goes up to Ranboo and says "I'm gonna be right back"
Everyone freezing whilst Showfall employees bring back and reprogram Sneeg, as if they were paused.
Sneeg's hands were not retied.
Ranboo's mask was playing up between the candy room and closet, and an employee turned it back on. (i'm sorry I lost the credit but it think it was tiktok)
The Puzzler's ass is canonically big. He broke the door. Very important fact.
After the blacklight turns off for the second time, Ranboo places a hand on Ethans sholder and says in his NPC Voice "That have must not been the way." whilst pointing at the correct door.
As the Puzzler and Rats leave the room for the final time, Ranboo is Staring directly at Ethan.
Whilst in the closet (HA) Ranboo spelt out SOS in morse code with one hand, before stopping himself with the other (Credit: lego giraf on tiktok) (it's a little unclear, but the hand cover definitely looks intentional EDIT: Ranboo confirmed this on stream-)
Ranboo and Sneeg didn't even register that Ethan died, just said "I guess it's not that way!"
the only person who died to a bomb, despite the majority of the cast having bombs around their neck, was The Puzzler.
Episode 3: The Choice
Hetch "not being able" to shut off the cameras :D
Wire Monster is 7ft tall (Source: Ranboo on Stream)
One of the employee's had a dollar sign drink??? stylin
Showfall is only guesstimating what "busy work" looks like. it's an "approximation" of what an office would be like.
the backgammon case feels. important.
2+2=5 (1984 reference my beloved)
Ranboo found an army man right before the usb
Newspeak (1984 reference my-)
There's a third whiteboard, with the Day Three plans on it (Source: Ranboo on Stream) let me see it Ranboo let me see it
Hetch states "they've upped security since last time" (credit: razberrypuck on Tumblr)
you can see the box + screens already set up in the main control room
The D&D streamer (who was actually a set decorator who suggested this) talks about using "Dominate Person", a spell used for controlling a person's actions (Source: Ranboo on Stream)
Charlie was actually streaming, and for a while. I believe the beginning of the stream lines up with Ranboo's first sighting of the Wire guy.
loads of streaming buzzwords and requests for money, plus the "drama" that was only half addressed and barely any accountability actually taken. We love the meta stuff ya know
When we see Wire Guy again, that's Sneeg dead on the ground. look his hat's there too!
There's a bucket of blood labelled Slime.
Charlie didn't take the axe, and they later were stopped by a boarded up door (credit: Stacehq on tiktok) (this also feels like a call-back to the whole bolt cutter thing in Ep1, even more so cause there's some on the wall)
Charlie only grabs the bulletproof vest after Ranboo grabs a knife
Hetch asking Ranboo to "tell them The Hetch did this" has a double meaning (Source: Ranboo on Stream)
After taking to Hetch and getting the map, Ranboo switches to be more cold and silent. could be simply because they're motivated by the end to it all being so close, but I feel other things are at play.
Whilst it was cut from the livestreamed version, in the original cinematic Hetch is gone when you glimpse the room through the door after Ranboo and Charlie exit. this may return in the founders cut, we'll see.
earlier on, an employee had been shown very dead and with a lot of blood, yet later, when Ranboo stabs an employee, it's wires.
Charlie's voice gains a robotic quality when yelling "Ranboo the Button"
A bunch a employees appeared from nowhere, including places that had previously been shown empty seconds before. (I think this was intentional)
The Button had the gen loss four on it (Source: Ranboo on Stream)
Ranboo didn't follow the exit sign at the end, which meant he instead went to the "exit" (Source: Ranboo on Stream, apparently their favorite detail)
Truman show bow, but this time we see what lies beyond (IT'S NOT GOOD)
Ranboo's mask turning on after the bow, are the lights really an indicator of it being on or off?
Ranboo's mask was broken due to the struggle.
Ranboo's mask flickering in the final scene was actually showfall returning his memories.
Ranboo didn't know the audience wanted him free, or attempt the 50/50 to break the system, only to change their mind when they found out what living truly meant. he just knew they voted for him to die.
Ranboo is still moving for a few seconds after the box closes.
The Gen 1 Spotify playlist made predominantly in February includes such bangers as "You Spin Me Right Round" (Carousel Ref), "A Mask of My Own Face" (the mask + the question of are you, you), "Biggering" (hell yeah, Corporation music!), "Puppet Boy" (Showfall puppeting the cast) …and "Crucified".
Crucified (or at least, the version sung by Ghost) also appears in the playlist that is presumably for 2, so. do what you will with that information.
The Showfall logo also has the Gen Loss 4 (GL) in it (Ranboo stream)
On the BTS twitter we see a close up of a prop office corkboard which includes: - A backwards C red and green colourblind test (asking if you're seeing what you're supposed to see) which also has a image of a brain with the occipital lobe highlighted - Frank's very blacked out Taken File with [Deceased] stamped on it - A quote of the day which is "We can see only a short distance ahead, be we can see there is plenty there that needs to be done." - A couple unfilled time off request forms - Some Office Regulations (there's a lot to unpack there, I'll do it on a different post) which covers up Office Microwave Etiquette (presumably number 1 is "don't turn on the microwave when there is a hole in the back") - A note that says "the colour of the week is RED" (assumably the correct code colour) - and two handwritten notes. Difficult to read, but I'll try my best and update when I do.
This world, (according to the time off request form on the set corkboard), is set in 2024. Yet the unknown figure we see at the end purposely is using VHS Tapes, and a Box Tv. I'm guessing they were recording the show, rather than playing.
Also for funsies this person is now fanonically me, Zero. I'm recording the show, for EVIDENCE. (unless it's the founder. if so then I am in a different room, also recording the show, but for evidence.)
oh there are so many more tapes-
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sanityshorror · 1 year
I have the real scoop on Slime.
He's better than you at art, writing, and being a human being in general.
Don't tell anyone. It's confidential!
Huffing copium, I see. Look, Mr Wolf, I rarely would say this to anyone. Yes, this is going to sound egotistical as shit, but I am not speaking to ANYONE other than you. SO... Rather than just being a snarky little fuck like usual, I'm going to be fucking blunt and give you the goddamn truth which you already know - and things you likely don't:
I am more talented, skilled, intelligent and a far, far better human than you are, in every single goddamn way possible, you will NEVER be remotely comparable to me in any manner. You are nothing more than a piece of shit on my shoe. Actually. That's insulting to shit. You are so far beneath me, and you know it - but you don't even know how far.
You are a 44 year old man still in, and not just in, but chronically online and invested in fucking creepypasta. Your entire, pathetic life revolves around it and stalking teenage girls.
I am two entire ass decades younger than you and already in the serious process of building a career in the creative arts. And you are sorely mistaken if you think that the creative arts is the only field I have experience and education in.
Tell, me, Christopher, what is the 4th dimension, and how is it theorized (practically proven) to function? What is the double slit experiment and what were the results? Explain quantum entanglement. Explain the difference between classic and quantum physics. What actually occurs at the event horizon of a black hole? Explain how time travel is a real thing and exactly how it happens and is possible. At least tell me what the drake equation is and give it your best shot solving it. How about AI, and the importance of alignment?
Please, go on. Tell me about all that, in your own words. I will know if you are copy and pasting or simply rewording an article. These are just a few things I am highly educated on.
Or, would you like to talk about nuclear science? Again, I'm highly educated on this as well.
Maybe, ancient Rome? What about the Younger Dryas, and the many theories surrounding it. Gobekli Tepe, and the significance of it? We can talk about that.
What about survivalism? You know how to do that?
Hell, we can even debate politics! I have experience in national level political campaigns!
You mistook me for stupid, that was a huge mistake.
Oh, and as for being a better person? I spend time volunteering to help real victims in crisis, because helping others is something I'm incredibly passionate about.
Doubt me on any of this, that's fine. I can easily prove that I am not lying about my knowledge on any of this.
I'm far from the most intelligent person. Far from the best artist and author. I have so much to learn and improve on. I'm only 25, after all. I know enough to know how little I truly know. But Christopher, you make me look like fucking Einstein. And there is not a single other person I would say this too.
Suck my fat cock.✌️
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