#slowly getting my sh*t together promise !!
averytirednerd · 5 months
Oh yeah, time for a big rant about Hazbin Hotel!!!
I haven’t really had much of a chance to sit down and write about this since I watched the episodes, so things I say are probably going to reflect what others have said. I’m just writing this to gush about the things I love about some particular songs in HH. 
I didn’t have any big expectations going into the first episode, because I’d mostly heard negative reviews of the show so far. I had heard that the songs, however, were bright spots, so I really looked out for the songs and listened in every time we were graced with one. The characters are truly the best versions of themselves whenever there’s a song going on, even if they aren’t the main focus of the song. It’s amazing to see, especially since my favorite thing about this show is the characters themselves.
My favorites are “Loser, Baby” & “Stayed Gone” and will probably be the main focus of this post because <3333
“Stayed Gone” is sung by Christian Borle (Vox) and Amir Talai (Alastor) and I could not be happier about it. Their voices are amazing here, and my favorite bits of this song are on repeat in my head.
I also love little visuals like the mug Vox has in the talk show format, the scrolling text in the news show format, or Vox’s error message toward the end of their bantering. 
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(The scrolling text says: “I’m totally not worried about this guy and neither should you be. I totally wrecked his sh*t last time he tried me.”)
Alastor really gets under Vox’s skin and it makes me kick my feet every time. Their dynamic truly is everything, and I’m so excited we got this song that showcases it perfectly. 
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He clearly enjoys it too, what a little jerk.
Speaking of these two, Vox definitely had/has a thing for Al at some point, right? I mean…inviting him to the Vees for a start. Not to mention just the v i b e s. Poor guy though, it’s definitely one-sided.
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I love Al’s use of…modern…lingo. Truly a spectacle. That on top of it being a reveal of Al’s rejection to Vox’s offer 💀 I love this man <333
Last thing about this song, promise, but also I love the casual little lore drops and more pieces to the puzzle of the past that we get. Very exciting! Can’t wait to see how everything fits together once we find more pieces.
Okay okay, moving on. “Loser, Baby” is amazing musically as well as visually. 
Keith David’s voice definitely fits Husk in my eyes now, I see it, it works. He’s amazing. Does a fantastic job.
Not to mention Blake Roman’s performance was, of course, incredible as well. 
The big, upbeat, brassy sound in this song is amazing and I’m loving the trumpet in it especially (any fellow trumpet players? no?)
I love everything about this song. The visuals, voices, instrumentals, lyrics, message, all of it!
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Husk slowly going from “yeah you kinda suck lmao, but so do I” in order to not make Angel feel like he’s not being genuine, to sneaking in a better message of “we’re not perfect but it’s okay, don’t be so hard on yourself” (and getting Angel to believe/go along with it too!!) is amazing. It’s a perfect example of these characters being the best versions of themselves during musical numbers. 
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This song is what solidified Husk as number 2 in my rankings (and I’m sure I’m not the only one). I mean…just look at the way he moves, it’s so silly.
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(We’re going to ignore the Videoshop watermarks, okay?)
Overall, I’m loving this show so far despite some obvious issues with pacing n such and an overall rocky start. Especially loving the songs, which I think kinda make the show rn. 
If anyone wants to add anything (because I definitely didn’t cover a whole lot, just surface level stuff because even this took a while to type out) then please feel free to! Also ask me any questions you’ve got for me concerning stuff that has/will happen(ed) in Hazbin Hotel. I love HH discourse!
Thanks to those of you who read all the way through, sorry for such a long post lol <3
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vibratingskull · 2 months
Hewo! Can you do thrawn x female reader where he accidentally raising his voice/yelling,and then he immediately feel bad and things eventually get patched up
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Thrawn loosing his temper? Damn, that sh*t must be serious!
You hold on Thrawn’s stare. You hold your position, sure of yourself and your plan. 
Thrawn on the other hand... Doesn’t appear as convinced. 
“I can do it!” You insist, “If you give me the command of a special squad, hide the navette behind an asteroid that you will propulse with a tractor beam, I can come alongside his mothership, take down his crew and liquidate that fucker!” 
“I refuse.” He simply responds. 
The tone is controlled, calm, almost disinterested. 
“Grand Admiral! You know me and what I am capable of! You saw me in training, you saw my scores, you know my records and all my succeeded missions! I.can.do.it!” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Thrawn! I ca-” 
“I said no!”  
You start at the sudden shout. 
Did he... Did he just raise his voice at you? 
You were so surprised and shocked you took a step back, with a loss for words. Thrawn had never raised his voice at you before. 
No matter how angry he could get, he never raised his voice against you once! 
You gulp, so taken aback you have no idea what to do. Thrawn looks straight at you, gaze clear and decided, brows frowned and back straight. He raised on his feet when he shouted, slamming his two hands on his desk. You shudder under his gaze, not knowing what to say. 
“I... I just...” You feel your lips trembling and your voice cracks. 
Thrawn blinks and seems to snap out of his anger when he realizes how distraught you are. He skirts his desk and comes to embrace you, regretting his words. 
“Ch’acah...” He calls soflty, “Ch’acah forgive me. I did not intent to startle you.” He tries to soothe you, hugging you in his warm arms, pressing you against his broad chest, “But Nuso Esva is a trickster and a devious warrior. I do not doubt your capacities for a second, but he is too treacherous too reckon with a simple squad.”  
You tremble in his arms, slowly calming down from your shock state, hugging him back tentatively with shaking hands. 
“I just--wanted to be useful to you...” You manage to let out. 
“You are Ch’acah, more than you will ever know. But this man is too dangerous for you to take down alone. Your plan would work on any other target but this one, and I cannot bear to lose you.” 
You sigh back a sob, digging your nails in his white uniform. 
“If I let you die without trying to stop you, I could never recover from that. Please my love, understand that I am trying to save your life, not to disparage you in any way... Calm down my love.”  
His thumb comes to caress your cheek tenderly, pressing his palm against your jaw. He gently takes your chin to tilt your head to meatt his gaze. 
“Look at me Ch’acah. I am sorry for raising my voice, but I simply could not let you walk toward your death without putting an end to it. Will you forgive me?”  
His tone is calm and even before recoverng to its usual sterness, but his eyes... His eyes were begging, regretting the shock he instilled in you... 
You sniff a good time and smile to him. 
“Of course, Thrawn.” 
He looks at you intently before letting a sigh out and relaxing his shoulders. 
“Thank you, Ch’acah.” 
You push a strand of hair behind your ear to put up a front and look back to him. 
“Will you at least let me participate in the strategizing?” You ask, hopeful. 
You may not be able to take Nuso Esva down with a quick assassination mission as you do so well but you can still be useful in other ways. 
“Of course, my love. I take all your ideas seriously and await impatiently your opinion on my next plan.” He promises, a small comforting smile on his lips. “We will take him together.” 
This smile... 
Is only for you to see... 
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar@thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo @germie2037
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cloudystevie · 2 years
please write more daddy!andy i love ur writings <333333
pairing || daddy! andy x bratty fem! reader
warnings || trying to be a brat but failing, daddy kink, dd/lg overtones, mocking/condescending, age gap, voice kink, reader with she/her pronouns, oral f receiving, kissing, fingering, kinda mean but also soft! dom andy
18+ only minors dni, do not read. do not repost or translate any of my writing anywhere.
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you sighed and picked at your nails disinterestedly, watching clueless playing on the flatscreen inside your bedroom
it was now half past 9, andy had promised to be in your room a whole 30 minutes ago! you were gonna make him make it up to you for making you wait so long!
not even bothering to look up as you hear those familiar heavy steps trying to be disingenuous as they near your bedroom, no doubt in your mind who they belonged to.
and you definitely did not bother looking up when he opened your door and closed it gently behind him, clicking the lock in place
you can see from the corner of your eye that he seems apologetic and bashful, but who were you if not a little brat
“hey honey” his low baritone breaks the silence and caresses your ears, making you shudder
you were weak when it came to andy, so weak that you had to press your thighs together underneath the fluffy comforter to quell he ache growing between your thighs
when you ignore him andy is almost worried, he was planning on making it up to you regardless but when he notices the movement underneath the comforter he just smirks
you were just being the spoiled little brat you were
you roll your eyes in an attempt to piss him off but he doesn’t let you get to him, instead he silently walks closer to you and grabs the tv remote to pause the romcom you forced him to watch enough times that he had practically memorized the whole script by now
andy’s arms are on either side of you, caging you in yet still you avoid his amused gaze, trying your best to maintain your poker face despite wanting nothing more than to jump into his arms
“what’s got my baby so pouty hmm? daddy’s so sorry baby c’mon give daddy a kiss.” his face is so close to yours you can feel his breath fanning over your face and it takes all your power not to let your eyes flutter shut and succumb to his warmth
jutting your bottom lip out you reach for your phone, a picture of andy asleep surrounded by your stuffed animals as your lockscreen which never fails to make you smile
deciding to respond to some texts from your best friends and from a lack of response from you makes andy trail kisses down your neck, his beard scratching down the sensitive column of your bare skin forcing a muffled gasp out of you
“my poor pouty baby just wanted daddy’s attention hmm? daddy’s home now baby.”
you are weak. so. fucking. weak.
thus the whimper, “daddy.” and andys never been more delighted to hear your shy voice
“there she is, my grumpy little baby just missed her daddy so much huh?” he coos at you, kissing you everywhere he possibly could
you huff, “you’re late! 30 whole minutes! im mad at you!”
“aww honey you’re breakin’ my heart. daddy had to deal with some problems at the office, nothing little girls like you should concern themselves with.” he smirks, knowing he’s playing you like a goddamn guitar with all the right strings
your expression melts and you whine, fisting the collar of his tight black t-shirt and bucking your hips up, frustrated by the lack of attention to your core
“oh look at you needy baby, just need daddy to take care of you? is that it?”
“please daddy! please just touch me!” you whine which is met with a chuckle as andy tuts and slowly pulls the comforter off you, revealing your body adorned in your precious silk sleeping sets that never fail to get him hard
“look at you, dressed up so pretty for daddy hmm?”
you nod your head, bucking your hips up at the sudden wave of cool air caressing your skin
“all for daddy! please daddy touch me! been waiting so long!”
he shushes you, sliding your sleep shorts down the length of your legs, revealing your bare, dripping pussy and he can't hold back the groan emitting from deep within his chest at the sight
"daddy's gonna make it up to you baby until you forgive him." he speaks as he leans in closer to your dripping core, closing his eyes as your addictive smell engulfs him until he is no longer able to restrain himself, licking a broad stripe up the length of you and groaning, the vibrations making you twitch
"d-daddyyy!!!" you mewl, hand tangling in his cropped hair and bucking your hips against his face, chasing the friction you desperately needed
he begins eating you out relentlessly, flicking his tongue at your seeping skit and wrapping his lips and sucking your swollen button, making your back arch off the bed as your legs begin to quiver
he grunts, "you forgive daddy yet baby? you needa forgive daddy so he can make you cum."
through a fuzzy mind and slurred speech now that two of his thick fingers were pounding into you, mindlessly repeating "i forgive you daddy! please make me cum please daddy!"
your mewls increase in volume, the way your hole is quivering, sucking his fingers in, and your stuttered breathing let him know you're nearing your peak, so he pulls away completely making you whine in frustration, tears welling in your eyes and instantly spilling over
you were so far gone and andy had so many ideas of how to make it up to you
"aww poor baby didn't get what she wanted. maybe my dumb little girl shouldn't have rolled her eyes at daddy then."
you sob, pulling him closer by his shirt and buck your hips up, "p-please i'm so sorry daddy please didn't mean it jus' wanted your attention!"
he shushes you gently, tracing his fingers messily over your soaked pussy making you shiver while his other hand rubs your back in a soothing manner
"admit it then baby, tell me you act like a stupid little slut when this little pussy needs to be filled." he speaks down to you, directly in your ear and you knew one thing, you were certainly going to get what you wanted
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
UVE BEEN WRITING SO MUCH BENKEI STUFF OMG U CAN REJECT IF U WANT 😭😭😭😭😭 this topic is also like, pretty sensitive but maybe Benkei comforting reader who has sh scars? It'd highkey make me very happy since it's been a struggle 💕
I'm not rejecting this wtf I love Keizo Arashi and I dID NOT EARN MY SPOT AS ONE OF THE TOP WRITERS FOR HIS TAG FOR NOThinNNNgggGG!!!!!!!!! I'm GONNA WRITE IT
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Cicatrix: Keizo Arashi x Fem!Reader
wc: 971
tw: mentions of self-harm
You stare at the sunshine beating down on the pavement ahead of you. Winter is long gone, and so is your excuse for hiding yourself inside sweatshirts, sweaters, cardigans, long pants, or anything that would hide your arms and legs from the wandering eye.
"Babe, aren't you hot?" Keizo wonders, his face contorting as you walk with him across the street. He's dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans with his head uncovered. "It's like eighty degrees out here."
"I'm fine," you urge him, smiling. "I just get cold easily."
You hadn't found the chance to open your deepest secret to your boyfriend, but you knew the day would come. It would be months before Keizo mentioned it again, though.
That time, you were sitting on the couch with Keizo, dozing off as the TV played a rerun of an old sitcom. Keizo focuses on the show as you're cuddled up next to him.
"It's a little warm," he whispers, looking over at you. "You want to take your sweatshirt off?"
"I'm okay," you murmur, nestling closer under his arm.
"Okay, I'm gonna turn the A/C on." He moves to turn the air conditioning down a few degrees. You do feel guilty for making him turn the air on, but you know you've got to keep appearances up, even though you were terribly hot. Keizo climbs back onto the sofa and lets you rest on him, your head fitting just right on his chest while he continues to binge-watch his show.
Only an hour or so later, you hear Keizo rumbling to himself, his mouth muttering words you can't quite comprehend in the middle of your sleep.
"Baby, I'm gonna take your sweatshirt off. You're sweating a lot." You drag yourself from the depths of sleep to attempt to stop him, but the deed is halfway done when you shake yourself out of your comfort and into the genuine discomfort of--
Your fingers grab your outerwear as it surrounds your head, clutching it protectively before Keizo can see. "You're really warm," Keizo reassures you, and you know you're sweating, but it's a small price to pay to keep your secret hidden. "What's wrong?"
"I'm fine," you urge him, pulling the damp sweatshirt back on. "It's fine."
"It doesn't sound fine," he presses, frowning. "I'm not going to hurt you, y/n. I just want you to be comfortable."
"Keizo, I'm fine. I said I wasn't hot."
"But you were sweating. A lot. Are you afraid I'll dislike what I see under there?" he teases, but when he sees the look on your face, he stops. "I'm sorry, y/n."
"You don't have to be sorry about anything." Your words don't reassure Keizo, though. He tilts his head to the side, blinking.
"You know I love how you look, regardless of how you feel about it."
"I know," you nod slowly, trying not to crack under pressure.
"I just want to ensure you know I'll never be offended about your appearance. We're taking things slow and not rushing into... things," he continues, wrapping his arms around you. "That doesn't mean I'll never want to be intimate with you. And if you have an insecurity, I want you to feel confident enough to tell me. Deal?"
"D-deal," you mutter, looking down at your arms. Keizo kisses your cheek and lays back down on the couch.
"You can lay on me again if you want. I won't try to take off your sweatshirt. Promise."
"Can we..." You pause, considering your request. "Can we maybe take a shower together?"
"Sure," Keizo nods. "It would be smart before we go to sleep."
In the semi-darkness of the bathroom, you undress on your own. Keizo is just outside the door, waiting on your word to enter. You step into the shower and turn it on, waiting for the glass door to fog up before you call out for him to enter.
You don't see Keizo enter the bathroom, but you hear him undress, and then a hand pulls on the shower door, letting him into your personal space. This is the first time he's seen you naked, and you're not even sure he can see you with your back facing him.
Keizo pulls you close with a tender grasp, placing a chaste kiss on your neck before tucking his face into the crook. "You like hot showers?" he asks, and you chuckle, the fear in your stomach subsiding a bit.
"Super hot showers," you reply, and Keizo laughs.
"I'll remember that." Another kiss is placed on your cheek, then he grabs the soap and a loofah. "Let me take care of you." You allow him to do just that, his motions careful and tender. You allow him to touch your arms, each finger running over the ridges, noticing silently. Keizo doesn't remark on the scars, and for a second, you wonder if he even really understood what he felt.
But when you're both done in the shower, and Keizo brings a towel out, you watch as he dries you off in silence. When one of your arms is dry, he brings it up to his lips and kisses the scars one by one, his eyes closed as if he were kissing the stigmata of a saint. He repeats this ritual again, then dries the rest of you off.
"Is this okay?" Keizo wonders, hands running up your thighs. You nod, feeling tears prick in your eyes. "Just as I thought," he practically sings. "You're still beautiful."
"You don't mind the scars?" you croak. Keizo shakes his head.
"Battle scars are just that. And you survived every single one." You toss your arms around his shoulders and hold him close, forgetting your nakedness entirely.
"Thank you," you whisper.
"No," Keizo sighs, wrapping his arms around you. "Thank you."
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still-grounded23 · 2 years
You Left me Here 
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(Warning: this is a story for mature audiences, and some viewers may be sensitive to the following contents (such as mentions of suicide, and loss of loved ones) read at your own risk)
I woke up in what felt like a different world. It was a world that I couldn’t be with you in, and I hated it. “Mrow~” Gnocchi , my cat, meowed for food. I almost forgot food existed. I hadn’t eaten for days.
“Good Morning kitty.” I cooed. I got up for the first time in maybe three days. I didn’t want to leave. Not when I could still smell your scent on your side of the bed. It was empty now.. We had everything. You left me. 
I gave Gnocchi his food. Maybe it was time I go back to work. I got ready, but I was already late enough. I walked out of my apartment. My world was upside down, inside out, and backwards. Everything seemed distorted. My world was completely foreign, and I was without you. 
I trudged to the subway station. My movements seemed slowed, and agonizing. From this train I can go to one of five places. Back to the hospital, to the place only we knew, back to work, to visit you, or I could stay here forever. I got off at the stop to work. I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing you just yet.
I walked into the office. You weren’t there, and I couldn't recognize anybody. I watched as some would be grouped together, talking and laughing. I wanted to smile, and I really tried, but I couldn't for some reason. I was an empty shell, and I was without you. I typed endlessly to get prices down. Over twenty calls went by the day until I needed fresh air during lunch break. I walked up to the rooftop. There were people all over talking with one another. I was surrounded by coworkers, but I was alone. I walked to the ledge on this late winter evening. I looked out to a potential sunset. In this distorted world, hands reached from the side of the building they tugged and pulled me until I gave in. flying…
    I woke up once again in the same bed that was ours. My world was more distorted. “Mrow.” I was greeted by our cat.
    “Good morning Gnocchi.” He was the only thing untouched by this new, foreign land. I could always tell it was him. I gave him his food from the kitchen. Maybe I should try to give myself some food today, but even with it right in front of me, I couldn't bring myself to eat. I looked in my cabinet. There was yet another empty bottle. I walked out of our apartment once again, ready for work but I was sure that wasn’t where I was going. I hopped onto the subway once again. I knew where I was going. Back to the hospital. My bottle was clutched in my hand, and I was without you.
    I slowly strode down the long corridor. I knew where I was supposed to go. So many people with distorted masks trudged those halls looking for their designated room where they were promised to be set free. My mask was breaking, and soon, I too would be distorted. “So what would you say is bothering you, miss-
Isolabella?” I couldn’t hear her say my name. My name is unknown even to myself. I swore that it   meant “lonely one”. It was only true now. I wasn’t always lonely, but now you aren’t here, and I'm without you. 
    The appointment was dim and boring. I got my prescription, but I don't remember my session at all. I was greeted by Gnocchi. I pet him and read the bottle once again. “One a day to make pain go away.” 
    I opened the bottle. If I want to make all the pain go away, I Sh–ld ta-e all of !t, r-ght?
    My eyes fluttered open. I awoke to Gnocchi resting on my stomach. “Good morning, Gnocchi.” I got a little meow in return. Once again I was on the subway. Maybe it's time I visit you once again. It's been weeks. 
    I arrived at your new home after getting off the subway and making some difficult turns. Each time I thought of seeing you, I couldn’t help but pretend you were still mine. There were no more tears left to cry, and I was without you. I stepped through the gate leading to a sea of carved stones. Your name was the easiest to find. I settled on the soft ground next to you. Though I truly thought there were no tears to spare, and my conversation was an attempt to be at least a little jovial, I could still feel the warmth of the streams of tears rolling off my eyes. My whole soul aches and my eyes are burning. You left me.
    I know you aren’t coming back, now. This world may not be just as foreign as I thought. I’ll see you again some day, my love, and I’m not sure if I could ever bring myself to hold a foreign hand. I'm not as alone, and I am with you, forever and more.
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tenderedsouls · 3 years
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      *      tags  .
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ tag name ﹕ 𝐉𝐈𝐍𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐊  𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍  .
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years
Your blog is everything I wanted and more. Im a lurker for your writings ahaha if you can guess who i am 👀
How about the guys reacting to s/o's death. Can be a group writing but if its too much, just Diluc, Childe, Razor and Kaeya would be nice. I think they would have interesting reactions >:3
First of all, Anon. I LOVE YOU. I wanted to write this out but thought it might be a bit too much but then you went and requested it!! I guess I have no choice but to write this out! >:) (That’s also why I did all the characters) second. Guess who you are o: may I get a hint? I have 2 people in my mind tho o: Warnings: Death, mentions of blood, angst. Pure angst.
Sidenote: The woman in this is my OC named Toxin! Whenever I need a really big, bad villain, she’s my go-to! That’s all!
Includes: Aether, Kaeya, Venti, Diluc, Razor, Xiao, Xingqiu, and Childe!
Scaramouche & Zhongli Here | Part 2 Here
You Die!
You ran as fast as your feet would carry you, desperate for an escape. A scream erupted from your lips as the ground shook beneath you, causing you to stumble and fall over. You had received an emergency request to help fight… someone. The request wasn’t very detailed but someone needed help and you couldn’t turn your back on them. So, you went ahead and tried to help.
You should’ve been careful. You should’ve brought help. But you didn’t and you were paying for your stupidity. The person that you were fighting was strong. She was tall, pale, and had long black hair. Her unearthly glowing green eyes were terrifying. She was fast and all of your attacks were unable to touch her.
As you ran, only one thought crossed your mind. The smiling image of your boyfriend. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you tried to run. How you wished you could be in his arms, feeling safe and sound.
As you ran out of the forest and down the field, the woman appeared in front of you, catching you in her arms and stabbing you with a poison dagger. You shrieked as your hands curled around her clothes. The sharp pain turned into a burning sensation and you looked up at her. Her face was inches away and she smirked, her eyes glowing bright by the second.
“Finally. But you’re not the only one I wanted to break.” What? What did she mean? Her head turned to the left and you followed her gaze and the second you saw what she was looking at, your heart shattered.
The woman pulled the dagger out and it seemed to vanish as she smirked at your boyfriend. The tears slid down your cheeks as you weakly reached out to him for help.
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“(F/N)!” His heart stopped as he watched the woman disappear and you fall to the floor. He sprinted to you, picking you up in his arms as blood poured out of the wound. “H-hey! Hey, keep your eyes open! J-Just stay awake!” He held your head against his chest, trying to calm himself, but how could he? You were bleeding out in front of him. 
He looked down and ran his fingers along your cheek as your skin started to turn purple. The poison had taken its effect and it was moving fast. You were leaving, you would leave him just like Lumine left him. He was gonna be alone all over again.
“A-Aether… I-I l-love you.”
“I love you too! You’ll be fine, everything’s g-gonna be ok.” Who was he kidding? You weren’t going to make it. But he couldn’t admit it. Aether still had yet to find Lumine and he’d never gotten over losing her. You, you were his light. You were his guiding start. You were his moon, his everything. 
To think that he could lose you? No, no! He didn’t want it. He didn’t want a world without you. A world without you was pure torture. So why? Why was the universe so hellbent on taking things away from him? Why did it demand everything precious to him?!
Why you? 
A pained cry left his lips as your hand fell to your side and that light disappeared from your eyes. “N-no. No, no, no, no! W-wake up! Please wake up! Do-don’t leave me! Don’t you leave me too! Not like this! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!” He held your lifeless body against him, his head pressed against your chest. He couldn’t hear it… he couldn’t hear your heartbeat.
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“No… NO!” He ran as fast as his feet could carry him and caught you before you hit the ground. The woman had disappeared but he didn’t care. You were… you were dying! How could he stop it? He wanted to stop the bleeding, he wanted to stop the way your color was changing, he wanted to stop time!
“K-Kaeya… h-how-”
“I was told to come here. A messenger came to me and said you called me and told me to come here.” He explained, taking your cold hand into his, pressing a kiss against it.
“I-I’m sorry…”
“No. Don’t apologize and don’t close your eyes. Please, just stay up a little longer.” He wanted to pick you up and run to the nearest doctor, but he knew… it wasn’t worth it. He wouldn’t make it. He’d never felt so worthless and weak. He swore to protect you and keep you safe and now that you needed him… he was useless.
“T-tired…” Slowly, your eyes closed and your hand fell limp in his. Kaeya’s eyes widened as the tears slid down his cheek.
“(f-f/n)? B-baby! No, wait! Don’t do this! Pl-please no!” He took your hand and pressed it against his cheek, but the second he loosened his grip, it fell. Kaeya shook his head, tears flooding down his cheek as a scream erupted from his mouth. “(F/N)!!!”
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Slow. He was too slow. Why couldn’t he be fast enough?! That woman, he knew her. He knew her and he vowed to hunt her down and tear her to shreds. But right now…
Venti picked you up with trembling hands, letting his now bloodied hands touch your cheek. He couldn’t even talk, his voice quivered as he looked down into your eyes. No. This wasn’t happening. You weren’t going to leave him like this.
“H-hey, love. E-everything’s going to be just fine. You’re fine.” He tried to keep his smile up but it was so damn hard when he knew the truth. He couldn’t do anything, he couldn’t even lie to himself. You were slipping away and all he could do was watch. He knew he was the weakest of all archons but why? Why couldn’t he be a little bit stronger to save you.
“I-I wa-wanna sl-sleep-”
“NO!” He frowned and pressed a kiss to your lips. “No, don’t sleep. Not yet. Just stay awake a little longer and then we can both sleep together tonight.” You weakly nodded, but you couldn’t stay awake any longer. You felt like you were moving, but your body was slowly going numb, until everything disappeared. “(f/n)? (f-f/n)? H-hey! Hey this isn’t a joke! WAKE UP! WAKE UP, PLEASE, PLEASE WAKE UP!”
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The second he saw the woman step away from you, a fiery phoenix flew towards her, but she’d disappeared before it could hit her. Diluc ran to you as he watched your body fall to the ground.
He fell to his knees and quickly picked you up, shaking you a little. There was something that snapped inside. He’d always kept his composure, but after seeing what had happened, his emotions burst out of him. He wasn’t in control of anything. He couldn’t control his thoughts, emotions… or your death.
“It’ll be fine! Everything’s fine!” He said, pressing his hand to the wound. You winced at the pain as your skin started to turn purple and blood spilled out of your mouth.
“I-I’m so-sorry.” He shook his head, taking your face in his hands.
“No. I’m sorry. I sh-should’ve gotten here faster.” He was still trying to convince himself you were going to be fine, but deep down, he knew the truth. He knew the ugly truth that was coming up.
“D-Diluc… y-you’re pretty.” His eyes clenched shut at your words as a tear slid down his cheek.
“Don’t leave. Th-there are so many things I-I want to do with you. Pl-please don’t leave me. Wh-what d-do I do?” You smiled weakly at him.
“Y-you b-be the Darknight H-hero…” He scoffed and looked down at you.
“Without you… I’m nothing.” You wanted to say more, you wanted to deny his words, but you were so tired. Slowly, the world faded away and you could no longer hear his cries. “No! NO! NO!! DON’T DO THIS TO ME! STOP! COME BACK! PLEASE BRING MY (F/N) BACK!”
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The wolf within had appeared but he wasn’t able to catch up before the woman disappeared. He ran to you and picked you up, seeing the blood gushing out of the wound.
“N-no! (f/n)!” Tears flooded his eyes as he watched your color turn purple. That woman, she reeked of poison so she must’ve poisoned you.
“Shhh…” You muttered, holding your hand to his cheek. “D-don’t c-cry.” He didn’t know what to do. He felt so lost and helpless, but the worst part… he knew what was coming. He shook his head vehemently and tried to pick you up, but you let out a cry of pain, making him lower you back down.
“I c-can save you!”
“I-it’s ok… it’s ok, Razor. I… I’ll be ok.” He hated those words. He hated everything you were saying so much. Razor adored you, he missed you every second he couldn't be with you and normally, he’d never hate your words. But today… right now, he hated how right you were. He shook his head as the tears slid down his cheeks as he felt you slip away.
“Do-don’t do this t-to me. Not you too… they left me. Why do you want to leave me too?” You weakly tugged him down and made him kiss you, but half way through the kiss, he felt your head fall back and he knew. You were gone.
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He knew that woman that had done this to you. He knew her and he was going to make sure she paid. But right now… right now you were more important. Xiao took you in his arms as tears started to fill his eyes. He’d never felt like this before and he hated feeling like this.
You made him feel so powerful, so invincible, so untouchable. But right now, he felt so vulnerable and broken. If he had been faster, if he had just gotten here faster he could’ve saved you. He could’ve been hugging you, seeing your skin bright with life, seeing your glimmering eyes, seeing that dazzling smile. But no, he was a failure.
A sob escaped his lips as he watched you starting to slip away. He pulled you close, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“D-don’t do this. Pl-please don’t leave me. Y-you pro-promised you w-wouldn’t do this to me!” He looked down at you but you still had that angelic smile on your face. Why? Why would you do this?! You touched his cheek and spoke; your voice was a quiet whisper, but he heard it.
“I-I love y-you, Xiao…” He shook his head and glared at the sky before shutting his eyes. He didn’t want to see it. He didn’t want to see this happening to you.
“I love you too. S-so much.” He felt your body go limp and another sob escaped his lips. “Y-you pr-promised you’d c-come back to me.” He raised your face closer to him and pressed a kiss against your lips. “P-please come back to me. I-I can’t live without you… I do-don’t want to.”
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He sprinted down the hill towards where you lay, gathering you in his arms when he was at the bottom. He didn’t know what to do, there was so much blood, so much poison, and no hope. He fell beside you and pressed his hands onto the wound as blood gushed out.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, it’s ok, it’s ok, everything’s just fine!” You winced in pain in your torso, but it didn’t last very long. It only took a minute before you lost feeling in your legs and arms.
“Xingqiu… i-it hurts.”
“I know, I know and I’m so sorry! If I was faster, I could’ve helped you. It’ll be ok, I promise, my love. I won’t stop until you’re taken care of.” Why didn’t he believe his own words? Maybe it was the fading light in your eyes, maybe it was the color draining from your face, maybe it was the sheer amount of blood that poured from the wound… but Xingqiu didn’t have a single ounce of hope. Why? Why was the world doing this to him? Why was it punishing you like this? Did he do something? Did he commit a sin that was so unforgivable that the universe or the gods would punish someone as sweet and amazing as you?
He wanted to cry, but he bit his lip to hold the tears back. His eyes were glossy and his vision was blurry, but he refused to cry. He wasn’t going to show you the fleeting hope in him. He wasn’t going to show you that he was  a liar.
“Xingqiu… w-will y-you g-give me one l-last kiss?” His head snapped to you and he shook his head.
“It won’t be our last kiss! We’ll have more chances. We’ll have so many more chances.” He did kiss you however. It was short and sweet, as he returned to applying pressure onto the wound. His eyes flickered to you for a second before his entire body tensed. You were staring at the sky… with dull, lifeless eyes. “(f-f/n)? H-hey… hey wake up.” He gently shook your shoulders. “Hey, stop. Th-this isn’t funny! I know you like playing tricks on me but this isn’t funny! St-stop!!” Finally, he broke. He laid his head on your chest as his tears started to flow. 
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“NO!” Oh, he knew that woman well. He’d worked with her once. She was, indeed, powerful. She was a killing machine and there was a time where he was impressed by her. But right now he felt nothing but pure hatred for her. But that had to wait, because you… you were dying.
Childe pulled you into his arms, holding you against his chest and kissing your head. He was trembling and his emotions were a mess. Tears trailed down his cheeks as he looked down at you. The wound oozed with red and purple, so he knew you’d been poisoned.
“H-hey, darling. You ok? Everything’s just gonna be ok, you hear me?” You gave him a weak nod as you looked down at the wound. However, he took your face and made you look up at him. “No, no. Just look at me. Nothing but me.”
“I-I won’t… I’m tired.”
“HEY! Don’t you dare close those beautiful eyes on me! Everything’s going to be fine! Everything… everything is fine. Do you hear me? Don’t you dare even think about leaving me. Don’t you… don’t do it. Please, god I’m begging you (f/n)! Don’t leave me all alone in this world!”
“I-I ca-can’t stay…”
“Yes, y-yes you can! You can’t leave me, please d-don’t.. I-I don’t know what to do! What am I supposed to do?! Just go on, pretending everything’s ok?! JUST PRETEND LIKE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE DIDN’T LEAVE ME?!”
“Shh… d-don’t get so angry.”
“I-” He sighed, taking in a shaky breath, “I love you so much i-it’s hard to breathe without you. Do-don’t take away m-my reason for li-living.” You didn’t answer. You only weakly smiled before your eyes closed and your head fell back. Childe’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “N-no. No- HEY! No, no, no! Please no!” He held you against his chest as he let out a scream. What else could he do besides cry.
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Your boyfriend stood up, holding you tightly in his arms. There was only one thought in his mind as he glared in the direction the woman had gone. 
There was nothing left for him. So he wouldn’t stop; he would relentlessly hunt that woman down and tear her apart completely. That way, she could feel an ounce of his pain.
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vxmpycat · 2 years
"Scars" - Katsuki Bakugou x Fem! Reader SFW
⭐mentions of scars (NOT SH don't worry!!), self-consciousness, and mention of 18+ things!!⭐
(both reader + Bakugou are aged up to around their 20s!!)
Katsuki let out a hum as he looked in the mirror, looking over the scars littered on his body in various sizes. His brows furrowed as his mind started to wander, wondering what you thought of him, even feeling more self-conscious of his body, although he wouldn't take it too easy to admit out loud to anyone except for you.
In the meantime, you were cleaning the shared bedroom you both had right next to the bathroom your boyfriend was in.
There were clothes littered everywhere from when you were too lazy to put things in the dirty laundry basket, from when you both had your most intimate moments together, or whenever he got back from his hero work and didn't quite bother to put away his hero suit or gauntlets away- wanting to be in your arms and just being with you instead to hear your voice or feel your touch that he oh-so craved.
Some nights whenever your boyfriend got back from his work—if you're feeling a little more energized to get up from the soft bed you both shared—you eventually coax your Katsuki into the shower successfully to wash all the sweat and remnants of his day off, giving him a soothing shoulder massage under the warm water to relieve the uncomfortable pressure his gauntlets gave his shoulders. During those moments, you'd shower him in small gentle kisses and tell him how amazing and perfect he is, his body melting into your touch as he let his arms move around your waist, keeping you close to him as you both took care of each other in your own way.
Although, it was moments like these where Katsuki yearned for your touch in the back of his mind, focusing more on what he would describe as flaws to his skin.
"Hey, baby?"
You poked your head into the bathroom, slightly leaning in as your hand held onto the doorway frame.
Your boyfriend's eyes widened for a second, his head turning over to you quickly, slightly startled.
Your brows furrowed a bit, slightly puffing your cheeks in a soft pout.
"What's wrong, love?"
Katsuki hesitated for a moment, before he looked away, instead focusing on your favorite colored hand towels that were hung up by your sink.
"Nothing.. just thinking, babe."
"Katsu.. "
You dropped a dirty t-shirt of his onto the ground that you had loosely held, before making your way over to him and gently wrapping your arms around his waist. Katsuki's eyes trailed down to your figure, watching as you rested your chin against his chest to look up at him.
"I-" You sighed a bit through your nose, hesitating. "What's wrong, baby? And please don't say that there's "nothing" wrong.. Clearly there's something bothering you love.. I want to help you feel better, please."
Katsuki looked down at you a little longer for a moment, before slowly moving his arms around you as he spoke.
"I.. I'm just thinking about how in my work, I guess.. I get hurt a lot, which of course you know since I always make you s' worried about me.. uhm.."
You placed a soft kiss against his bare chest before pressing your cheek against him, looking over at the mirror at yours and his reflection.
Katsuki took in a deep breath before sighing, leaning down to your height from his 6ft something stature, nuzzling his face into your hair like he does mostly every time you both cuddle together. A soft, gentle smile appeared on your face as you watched the action through the mirror, tracing hearts on his back.
"Go on, baby.. I promise I won't laugh or judge, or.. do anything to make you uncomfortable, okay?"
Katsuki nodded a bit, placing a soft kiss on your head, feeling your lips place another kiss on his chest a few seconds after his action.
"...What do you think of my scars?"
He tensed as soon as he spoke again, tightly closing his eyes.
"Oh, baby.. what do I think..? Well I've told you this already, my love. I haven't changed my answer, you know.."
You softly smiled a bit, letting out a small hum as you held him closer to you, continuing to trace hearts on his back, one of them being a particularly large heart, tracing yours and his initials in the middle.
"But.. I definitely think that they're unique and they all tell a story.. I also think that those scars and stories will play a role in our future so you can impress our kids with your hero work and such.."
You smiled, giggling a bit as you felt him relax a bit in your arms, a faint smile making its way onto his face.
"And also, um.. I think- well, I know those scars show how brave you are, love. I mean, I've seen you out there and you're right, you get hurt a bunch, which definitely scares me, but overall, when you're out there.. you're just.. absolutely amazing, Katsuki."
As you felt your boyfriend slowly relax more in your arms, you held him a little closer to you.
"You're so perfect, baby. You mean absolutely everything to me, you know.. and even if you tell me you don't think you're perfect, you are in my eyes. And that's all that matters, okay..? Honestly, waking up to you is like.. presents and so many good things on a December morning, love. You're so handsome and strong.. you're my number one hero, Katsuki. You'll always mean everything to me."
Katsuki shifted in your arms a bit, tears welling in his eyes as he tightly closed them, burying his head into your hair more. You heard a soft and slightly broken "Thank you" as you started to slightly sway side-to-side with your lover, placing more loving kisses against his chest.
After several minutes, you gently pulled away from him a bit, cupping his cheeks in your hands to gently pull him down to your height and kiss his tears away as he rested his hands on your waist with closed eyes.
"Do you want to go over to the bed now, baby..? I cleaned the room up quite a bunch."
A gentle smile graced your features as you whispered up to him, watching as his eyes slowly opened in an exhausted way, nodding as he whispered.
You then gently coaxed him to let go of you, carefully grabbing his wrist, before walking to your shared bed with him, checking behind you a few times to see if your love was alright.
Katsuki made his way onto the bed, snuggling under the blankets in almost an instant as you smiled, carefully climbing over him before making your way into his warm embrace. You heard a hum of satisfaction vibrate from his chest, before he curled around you, burying his face into your chest and the loose fabric of his t-shirt that you happily adorned.
"You're s' good to me, y'know..?"
You kissed your lover's head, gently playing with his hair as you curled around him a bit, letting out a soft hum.
"I know, my love.. you deserve my kisses,"
You stopped, placing another soft kiss on his head for a small emphasis, before continuing: "And you deserve all these good things in your life.."
"..I love you.. so much."
You smiled, moving blankets over the both of you more, before snuggling back into him.
"I love you more, cutie."
:)) 🤍
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
hey !! i rlly liked your drv3 boys with a s/o who acts like mikan, i was wondering if you could do that with the trigger happy havoc boys ? tysm have a good day <3
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Trigger Happy Havoc boys with an S/O who acts like Mikan
Warnings: Mikan's personality/actions
Mod Ibuki: The support I got on the DRV3 with an S/O who is Mikan reincarnated is insane. I have a few more asks with this specific theme. Just, thank you. Thank you so so much! I'm so excited to write them.
You have a good day too, nonnie!
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Makoto is so caring
He always tried his best to make sure you were happy
If someone ever insulted or made fun of you, he'd be pretty angry
Specifically Junko, she likes to bug you
"S/O~ Can you show me what a cat looks like?" "A-Alright..." "No! S/O, please don't do that!"
He wants to be around you often
Just to make sure no one is bothering you
And that you haven't fell
Speaking of falling
If you took a fall in front of him he'd be incredibly flustered but quick to help you nonetheless
If it was a...difficult position, he'd cover you as soon as possible with the brightest blush on his face
"I-I'm sorryyyyy!" "Don't apologize, S/O. It was an accident! Accidents happen!"
If you ever thought he was mad at you he'd feel so horrible, even if he did nothing wrong
"I-I'm so s-sorry, M-Makoto! I'll repay y-you! Sh-should I take my clothes o-off?" "S/O, no no no! You did not make me mad at all! And even if you did you would not have to repay me! Never! Also, don't offer to take your clothes off for me when you genuinely don't want to. You should only show your body to those you want, when you want."
Very supportive boyfriend
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Your personalities clash but somehow you got together?
He's loud and doesn't give a single fuck about pissing anyone off and you are, well, the opposite
To say he's protective would be an understatement
No one, and I mean no one, could or would fuck with you
The one time Byakuya told you to speak up, Mondo flipped
"Oh for Christ's sake. Will you speak up? No one can understand you when you're mumbling incoherent nonsense." "The fuck you just say to my S/O you pompous piece of shit!?!"
Then he proceeded to break Byakuya's glasses and give him an almost broken nose
Yeah, no one bothered you
If you took a fall in front of him, he will either catch you or help you as soon as you hit the floor
If you fall in a suggestive position, he'd cover you AS SOON AS A VIEW IS GIVEN
No one, and I mean NO ONE, is catching a peak at you trust me
And if someone laughs, oh boy
They have an angry and very violent biker to deal with
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd immediately think it was his fault because of his anger problems
"I-I'm s-sorry! D-Do you w-want me to t-take my clothes off?" "Shit, baby no. Don't be sorry, you did nothin' wrong. I promise, I'm not mad at all. Don't offer to take your clothes off for me unless you want to, not because you wanna please me. That's not how I want this relationship to be, and I doubt you disagree."
Mondo cares so much about you and just wants to protect you through thick and thin <3
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Yasuhiro thinks you're adorable
Like you could do no wrong in his eyes
He wants to hug you 24/7
Don't think he won't either
If anyone tried to be mean to you, he'd be so confused and upset
"Why would you say that? They did nothing wrong, so why would you say something so rude for no reason? Uncalled for, man."
If you ever took a fall in front of him, he'd be so late
Like you'd be on the floor and he wouldn't notice until you whimpered or something along those lines
"S/O! How'd you get down there? C'mon, I'll help you, don't worry!"
If you fell in a suggestive position, he'd still be so late to responding
But when he does he blushes so much
"W-Why didn't I save myself the trouble and predict this?"
But nonetheless he is quick to pull you to his chest and hide you from the views of anyone else who may have been around
If you ever offered to take your clothes off just to please him, he'd be a little upset
"S/O, I don't want you to do that just because you wanna make me happy. That doesn't make me happy, especially because it doesn't make you happy. Please don't do that. You're body is too beautiful to be shown just for the sake of satisfying someone."
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd be confused as to if he did something or not
"H-Hiro! I-I didn't m-mean to m-make you m-mad at me! I-I'm s-sorry!" "Hey, look at me S/O. Do I look mad? I don't think I do. I'm not mad at all! Don't apologize for something you didn't do, alright? I love you! Wanna do a reading with me? Maybe it'll cheer you up."
Overall, Yasuhiro's a slow but loving partner. He won't let you down. Except when you fall. Then he does.
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Another protective one!
Leon is so so so protective
You are his baby, no one is gonna fuck with you
Or else he'll take his bat to their knees
But say an unlucky fellow does try to do such a thing
They're going to be limping around for a bit
"Hey, S/O! A little birdie told me you wouldn't mind giving others a little show. Mind doing so?" "O-Oka-" "No. S/O, don't. As for you, you asshole, I suggest you walk away before I knock your fucking teeth down your throat."
He never stops telling you about how you should only show your body to those you want to show
He hates that you'd offer just to make someone happy
"Baby, don't do that. It's gonna make you upset in the long run. You're body is way to beautiful and perfect to be shown to others freely. Only show it to people you want to show. Promise me you'll do that?"
If you ever took a fall in front of him, he'd help you up as soon as he sees. Which is pretty quick
He'd immediately grab your hands and tell you that it's okay
If you fell in a suggestive position, he'd be as red as his hair, but he'd still race to cover you up and make sure you're okay
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd be angry with himself for making you think that
"A-Ah! I-I'm s-sorry I-I made y-you angry! I-" "You know I hate interrupting you, but I just want you to know you don't have to apologize. You did nothing wrong! Not a thing! I don't want you to think for a second you made me mad because you didn't. I don't think I can get mad at you, if we're being completely honest."
Leon wants you to know that you are absolutely beautiful and no matter what you will always have him by your side
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Chihiro is shy too, so he completely understands
He's seen first-hand what shy people go through, so he gets pretty worried when it comes to you
If anyone ever tried to mess with you, he'd step in immediately, even if it ended up with him getting picked on. As long as it wasn't on you
"S/O, stop pissing me off, will you? You're really getting on my nerves." "S/O didn't do anything to you. I d-don't even think they know you. S-So please leave them alone."
If you ever took a fall in front of him, he would try to catch you but end up falling with you
As embarrassed as you two were, you still found it a little funny
If you fell in a suggestive position, he'd be beat red but would cover you up as soon as possible
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for him, he'd be so upset
"N-No, S/O! You don't have to do that! I d-don't want you to offer to do that just because you want to please me. I w-want you for your personality! Your body isn't what I fell in love with!"
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd cry on the spot
"I-I'm so so s-sorry, Chihiro! I'll do w-whatever I can t-to make it up to y-you!" "S-S/O, y-you don't have to! Please, I promise I'm not m-mad! See? I'm not m-mad. Please don't ever think I-I am. I love you t-too much to get mad at you."
This boy loves you so much and just wants you to be as happy as possible
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Taka tries his absolute best to stop your people-pleasing ways
He believes it will hurt you in the long run, and he is right
Most things you do often result in you being extremely uncomfortable and sad
Taka doesn't want to see that! Taka wants to see you happy!
If someone ever insulted you, Atua help them
They will get detention for eternity
"Hey! S/O! You're really getting on my nerves!" "Ahh! I-I'm sorry! W-What should I do to repay y-you?" "S/O, that isn't necessary! You owe them nothing! If anything, they owe you an apology! So, apologize, right now! And you have detention for the month!"
Yeah, no one bothered you after that because no one wants detention
If you took a fall in front of him, Taka is probably the quickest to react
If he doesn't catch you, he is once again quick and immediately picks you back up
And if it's suggestive position you end up in, he will be redder than his eyes but still help as soon as possible
Taka might be the one that hates the fact you offer to show your body as compensation for potentially making someone angry the most
"S/O! Please don't do that! It is wrong for you to expose yourself like that just to please someone! You don't need to please anyone but yourself! So don't offer to show yourself unless you are positive that you want to!"
If you ever thought Taka was mad at you, he might cry
His voice would go down, a lot
"...I'm not mad...I promise. I would never get mad at you. I need you to know that. Please, don't offer to please me or repay me in some way. It...makes me sad. I love you."
Overall, Taka will always keep you safe. No matter what.
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Byakuya probably got annoyed with you at first
But as time progressed he slowly grew more attached
A protective instinct he never knew he had kicked into full gear
If someone Toko ever made fun of you, oh boy
He'd blast
"H-Hey, whore! I think y-you should r-really d-dress a little nic-" "I'm going to stop you right there. Don't utter another word. Someone as pathetic as yourself shouldn't bother insulting others. Maybe work on your own image before you try to 'correct' others."
If you ever fell in front of him, he'd probably scoff and offer his hand
He'd never admit it, but he worries every time you take a fall. So he always makes sure to ask if you're okay
If you fell in a suggestive position, he loses his composure for a moment and goes bright red
Once he snaps out of his little daze, he quickly takes your hands and pulls you to your feet
He covers you up immediately after you stand
One time, Toko was getting on Byakuya's nerves again and it was obvious he was over her bullshit
Because of this, you offered to take your clothes off to please him
To say he was upset would be an understatement
"How do you suggest such a thing so casually? Just because I'm in a foul mood does not mean I want you to remove your clothes just for my own personal pleasure. That's ridiculous. Don't offer yourself to me unless you want to. Put yourself before others."
If you ever thought he was mad at you, oh boy
For once, he'd completely lose his shit
"What on Earth made you think I was mad at you!? I don't understand, I just- no." Byakuya paused to take a breather. "No, I'm not mad. Not one bit. Just...just no. I know I don't say it much but I truly love you too much to be angry with you. I swear, I am not mad at you."
Togami doesn't mean to sound harsh, but he does get worried about you and your safety
He loves you too much to let anything happen to you
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jaesqueso · 3 years
On camera (m)
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Originally posted by @nakamotens .
pairing: fuck buddy!haechan x fem!reader
summary: you come over to Haechan’s place to play some games and have some fun
word count: 1,678
warnings: fingering, orgasm control (not really edging but close), oral sex (giving), voyeurism (I guess), protected sex, some comedy to lighten up the mood
a/n: this scenario has been stuck in my head for weeks, I think I needed to write it down to get it out of my brain! anyway, hope this is decent considering it’s my great comeback to writing, do give me some feedback! ❤︎
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
You meet Haechan at a party a few months ago. You two were getting along just fine but the alcohol involved in the night led you to a random room in the house. Clothes came off, bodies collided and waves of pleasure filled the air. You didn’t run into him until a few days later and, although you tried to avoid an awkward conversation about what happened, he came forward and told you he had a good time, he was not looking for a relationship at the moment but if you were interested you could occasionally get together and have a do over. Honestly you weren’t all that interested in dealing with the hardships of a relationship either and it would be nice to have a go to when you needed to get yourself off, so you agreed.
And that’s how you found yourself sitting on his lap on his gaming chair at a Thursday night, legs spread and his hand inside your panties.
“C’mon babe, you know I’m not letting you cum until you pass that level.”
Oh right, besides already being a mess as he pumped his fingers in and out of your very wet hole, you had your hands on his mouse and keyboard trying to pass a new game he discovered.
“Please Haechan, I’m almost there…” you moaned as you clenched around his fingers.
“Then keep playing,” he said as he slowed his pace, “this level isn’t even that hard.”
“It is when you’re not fully concentrated” you sighed in frustration as you tried to focus back in the game.
He moved you hair off your shoulder with his free-hand and started kissing your neck while still looking at the screen. The heat inside you was getting unbearable and you didn’t know how much longer you could hold your orgasm in, until finally…
“I did it!” You almost screamed and he smiled against your neck.
“Good job babe, I guess I should keep my promise then.” He picked up the pace on his fingers again and circled his thumb in your clit.
“Yes Haechan, please…” you moaned leaning back into his chest. It didn’t take long for you to finally get your release, legs shaking as you clenched around his fingers. He kept touching you slowly as you road off your high and once your breath came back to normal you took his hand out of your panties and stood up from his lap.
“Ok, your turn” you said with a smirk as you kneeled between his legs under the table. You pulled the waistband of his sweats and boxers just enough to release his half hard length. “Have you started the game yet?” You looked up and saw him looking down at you taking his time licking your juices off his fingers.
“I’m gonna start now,” he said as he removed his fingers from his mouth, “didn’t want to cover my mouse with your delicious cum.” He winked at you and then looked at the screen.
You started licking along his length and then focus on the tip as your hand pumped the rest of his dick. Once he got even harder you took him in your mouth bobbing your head slowly to tease him a little like he did to you.
As you started working on him Haechan was getting ready to start a new level on the game, until a notification in the corner of the screen caught his attention.
Johnnyboiiiii: Hey dude, you know you left your camera on right?
Shit. Before you had come over to his place, Haechan had been playing and video chatting with two of his friends, Johnny and Jaehyun. By the time you arrived they had just left to buy some late night snacks and he was pretty sure he turned off the chatroom. Well apparently not.
HC: …
HC: How long have you been watching?
Casper: When we arrived Y/N looked like she was cumming all over your lap…
Casper: I didn’t even know you were a thing!
HC: We aren’t a thing…
HC: But that’s not the point, Y U STILL WATCHING!?
Johnnyboiiiii: Dude she just went under the table, we got interested in what’s coming next…
Casper: Oh it’s gonna be Haechan, have you seen his face?
Only then Haechan realised he was bitting his lip as you still continued to bob your head up and down on his dick, clueless of the conversation he was having. But then he realised the fact that his friends were watching you two kinda turned him on and if they were so interested in the view he might as well give them a show.
HC: Mute your mics and enjoy.
Haechan grabbed his headset, placing it around his neck and turned his mic on.
“Hey babe…” he said while gently tapping your shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” You looked up as you freed your mouth.
“Come here,” he said as he pulled you up from under his desk. “I want you to ride me.”
“Is my mouth not enough to distract you?” You teased as you walked to his bedside table and opened a drawer. “What colour do you want?”
“Pink.” He smirked to camera clearly teasing the valentine boy and his recently pink dyed hair.
You return with a pink condom in your hand and handed it to him as you took your panties off, thank god you decided to wear a dress today. Haechan then pulled you to his lap, facing him, your legs on each side of his. He opens the condom and rolls it down his length. You align yourself and slowly sit on his dick. It slides in easily has he had previously stretched you out with his fingers and you were already so wet again. You lean you head back moaning at the feeling of him inside you.
“I want you to moan loud for me, ok?” He said while kissing your neck that was now exposed in front of his face. “I want everybody to know who makes you feel really good.” You were still clueless that these lines were all to tease the two boys listening and watching, probably with their hands down their pants.
“Yes…” you moaned as your started bouncing up and down on his dick.
His hands went to your back pulling the hem of your dress over your butt. And for his friends to have an even better view he pushed his chair back a little bit so they could see the full picture.
“Wait, what about the game?” You slowed your moves as you remembered he was supposed to be fighting against his orgasm as he played the game, just like you did.
“Oh we’re playing a different game now, don’t worry.” He attacked your neck again, sucking and bitting to win more moans from you. And that’s exactly what you gave him picking up your pace riding him.
Between you sucking his dick, to now riding him in his chair and knowing there were people watching, Haechan wasn’t sure how much longer he would last but for the sake of the show he wanted to make you cum again first. He moved one of his hands between your bodies and started rubbing circles on your clit.
“Haechan!” You moaned loudly at his touch, he knew that would push you closer to the edge.
“That’s it baby, who fucks you really good?” He speed up his hand on you.
“You do…” You moaned.
“Who gives you the best orgasms?”
“You do…” You kept moaning.
“Who are you gonna cum for right now?” He felt you were really close so he leaned a little bit a whispered in your ear, “Say my name.”
“Haechan!” With that you reached your limit and almost screamed his name as you came all over him.
He kept your hips steady as he started to pound into you now, ridding off your high while chasing his own. With you clenching around his dick it didn’t take him long to explode on the condom. You sit there for a while panting and leaving sloppy kisses in each others shoulders and neck.
After a while you leave a peck on his lips and get up to go to the bathroom to clean yourself up. As you get out of the room Haechan removes the condom, throwing it in the trash, and returns to the computer to check out the chat.
Casper: Oh shit, is he really doing this?
Johnnyboiiiii: Hey language!
Johnnyboiiiii: But damn, I think he is…
Casper: What did he say?
Casper: Is he teasing me with that pink condom?
Johnnyboiiiii: hahahaha I can’t with this guy!
Casper: Oh shit, he sure is giving us quite a view…
Johnnyboiiiii: Ok I’ll allow that one, sh*t…
Casper: And he keeps teasing us!
Caster: Although I can’t say I’m mad at this…
Johnnyboiiiii: What a show off!
Johnnyboiiiii: I bet he never says those things when they’re alone!
Casper: But she does sound good moaning like that…
Casper: I’m considering changing my name to Haechan…
Johnnyboiiiii: Don’t you think you changed your name enough times already?
Johnnyboiiiii: She’s getting up, STOP TIPPING!
Haechan smiled at the comments, proud of his performance, but quickly played it cool as you got back into the room.
“Hey.. come here.” He gestured for you to sit on his lap. “Have you ever thought about being watched?”
“Watched?” You were slightly confused with the question.
“Yeah.. while we do… you know… what we just did…” he hesitantly explained.
“Oh…” you thought for a second and then continued, “I guess I’d have to think about it but it does sound kinda hot…”
“Cool…” Haechan felt a little relieved with your answer but he still thought you should know. “Well what if it already happened?”
“What?” You widened your eyes and turned to the computer seeing the red light right next to his camera. “WHO WAS WATCHING US!?” You almost screamed as two notifications showed up in the screen.
Johnnyboiiiii left the chat.
Casper left the chat.
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milkjeontea · 3 years
temptations: a jungkook smut (18+)
synopsis: when jungkook comes home after a long day of work, your cute getup makes it hard for him to hold back.
warnings: dom!jk, daddy!jk, sub!reader, f!reader, reader is smaller in size than jungkook, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it babes), spanking, choking, slapping, daddy kink, jungkook is kind of aggressive, orgasm denial, creampie, etcc.
a/n: hi !! this is my first time posting smut, i hope you all enjoy hehe!! this is literally just pwp and i wrote it at like 5am cuz i was horny so sorry for any errors oops
"m-mhm, babe..." you whimpered, your boyfriend's head lost in the crevice of your neck, biting down and leaving wet, sloppy kisses. you grab onto his hair, feeling him smirk against your neck as he grinds his hard against your core, the only thing separating the two being your panties and his sweatpants.
you gasp as you feel one of his large hands sneak up your shirt, grabbing a handful of one of your breasts. you moan as his calloused hand palms your soft skin, feeling the delightful friction against your nipple.
jungkook had just been at work when he came back to your shared apartment and was greeted with you in nothing but his shirt that was incredibly oversized on you and a pair of cute white-laced panties. after that stressful day and combined with your adorable outfit, he couldn't help but immediately pin you down on your shared bed and shower you with the love he was waiting to give you the whole damn day.
"take it, baby," he groans as you buck your hips up against his cock, motivating him to go down on you faster and harder. you throw your head back on the pillow under you, your eyes shutting as you moan his name loudly, your back arching uncomfortably yet oh-so blissfully. he pulls back from your neck to bask in the sight in front of him, the sight of your face contorted in immense pleasure, the sight of you squirming under his every touch. he was enthralled by you; he found you so adorable yet so sexy.
he stops his movements for a second and you frown, your high that was just so close now feeling miles away. you pout, opening your eyes to look up at your boyfriend, who's face was directly above yours. "babe..."
he had a sinister smirk plastered on his face, loving how he was the one making you feel so good. his hand that was palming your breasts came out and wrapped around your throat, squeezing the sides gently but intoxicatingly. your face flushes, immediately getting turned-on from the action.
"why don't you call me something a little different, hm?" he purrs, the hand around your neck going up to cup your cheek, his thumb rubbing your bottom lip. "what am i?"
your mind blanks, too focused on the fact that you were so close to your orgasm. "um, my b-"
he shoves his thumb into your mouth, your eyes widening as you gagged from the sudden intrusion. "try again, sweetheart," he growls as he settles on his knees and his other hand inches towards your clothed core.
fuck- does he mean-
"d-daddy!!" you cry, your voice muffled by his thumb as he roughly circles your clit through your drenched panties, the almost-direct contact making your high come running back. you were so, so close.
"mmm," he grins, removing his thumb from your mouth as he pushes aside your panties and slips two fingers into your drenched core, his other hand roaming your breasts underneath your shirt. "thaat's my good girl. you wanna be daddy's good girl, hm?"
"f-fuck!!" your back once again arching uncomfortably as he finger-fucks you. your high was so damn close, you couldn't form coherent sounds. his long, thick fingers filled your walls so well, you were bound to come at any moment.
jungkook suddenly slips his fingers out of you, once again denying your orgasm. "n-no!! please-"
you squeal as he grabs you by the waist and roughly turns you over. his front pressed up against your backside, he grabs a fist of your hair and growls into your ear, "get on all fours. now."
you whimper at his harsh tone but immediately scramble onto your knees. you felt a rough slap against your exposed cheek, whimpering at the harsh feeling but immediately getting wetter. jungkook, of course, sees this, a drop of your arousal dropping onto the sheets below you. he chuckles and spanks you again. "ohh, so you like this, huh baby? you like being spanked?" he laughs sadistically, slapping your soft skin harder. you moan, your arms giving out as you fall onto your chest, your ass still up.
he grabs a fist of your hair and pulls your head up. he slaps your backside again and you moan louder, gripping at the sheets beneath you. "you're not my good girl. good girls answer when they're asked a fuckin' question. you wanna be punished? huh?"
"n-no! i'm sorry daddy, please let me cum..."
he tugs your panties completely off and abruptly pushes in three of his fingers. "a-ah, fuck!!" you yelp at the sudden intrusion. he thrusts them in and out rapidly, his thumb brushing against your clit with every thrust. he curls his fingers skillfully against your g-spot, your mind clouded with lust and the desire to cum. "daddy, please!!"
"you wanna cum, yeah?" he rasps. "you wanna be a good girl and cum for me?"
"y-yes!! yes daddy, i wanna be your good girl and cum for you," you whine loudly, your legs shaking with the need to release.
he chuckles sadistically, biting his lip from your cute sounds.
"well then, you're gonna have to fuckin wait."
he takes his fingers out of you, your high once again slipping from your grasp in an instant.
"n-no!!! fuck!!" you ball your fists into the sheets, tears welling up in your eyes. you were so close! "daddy, please!"
"oh, babygirl," he laughs lowly, spanking your ass with his hand wet with your arousal before lightly grazing your throbbing clit with two fingers. "i'm not letting you cum till i put my fuckin cock in you." he circled it agonizingly slow, making you whimper in response. he leans his head in so that it's next to yours.
"look at me," he demanded softly.
you turn your fucked out face to your boyfriend. the tears, the messy hair, the flushed face— it took everything in him to not fuck you right then and there.
"oh, fuck," he groaned under his breath, scanning your face. you blush, flustered from the attention. noticing this, he smirks before pressing his lips against yours, immediately slipping his tongue past your lips.
he grabs your shoulder, flipping you over so that you were now on your back, his lips still connected to your own. his tatted hand grabs your jaw as his other shifts down his sweats and boxers, releasing his aching cock from its confines. you feel it spring against your thigh, both of you moaning into the kiss.
he pulls away, eyes clouded with desire, burning holes into your own. he swipes his thumb against your bottom lip slowly.
"you're so fucking pretty, princess," he whispers in awe, your face heating up. "you wanna cum around my cock, yeah? you want me to fill you up?"
you moan at the sight of your boyfriend above you: his broad chest popping out against his tight white t-shirt, his arm clad in tattoos, his biceps popping, his dark, curly hair dancing down his forehead, his hoop earrings glistening in the light. he was a masterpiece. "yes, please, i need you, daddy..."
he chuckles, lowering his hand to wrap around your throat. "such a good girl, asking so nicely." he grabbed his shaft in the other, rubbing it down your folds before aligning it with your entrance. "tell me if it's too much, yeah, baby?"
"yes, daddy."
he pushes in slowly, both of you gasping. the delicious burn felt as if he was tearing you open, and your hands scurried to his broad shoulders to settle on.
"f-fuck, baby, you're always so fuckin tight," he groans, sliding the hand on your neck up to push his thumb inside your mouth. "just breathe for me, yeah? i got you."
"s-so big..." you whimper around his thumb, sucking on it to prevent from screaming out loud from his thick girth.
jungkook smirks cockily, raising an eyebrow at you. "yeah? is my dick too big for this little girl?"
you shake your head desperately, whining. "n-no! i can take it."
he inches more of his cock into you until you were filled to the brim, his balls flush against your ass. your grip on his shoulders tightens when he begins to thrust himself in and out of you, your nails digging into his skin. the mix of pain and pleasure was addictive.
"f-fuck," he growls, taking your hands off of him and pinning your wrists together above your head with one hand. "this little pussy feels so fucking good." his other hand travels down to your waist, holding you steady as he thrusts faster.
"a-ah, jungkook!!" you moan in ecstasy, completely lost in the feeling of him holding you down roughly and fucking you so well. you dig your nails into your palm, desperate to hold onto something but jungkook preventing you from doing so.
he pauses for a moment, pulling out of you.
"n-no, why—oh my god—"
he suddenly thrusts his whole length in you at once, making you cry out as it directly hits your g-spot.
"now you're forgetting my fuckin name, huh?" jungkook slaps you on the face, tears welling up in your eyes as a stinging sensation forms on your left cheek. "i take it back, you're not my good girl. you don't deserve to cum."
you whine, completely turned on by the pure dominance he exuded. "n-no, i'm sorry, daddy," you say frantically, "y-you were just making me feel so good! please let me cum..."
his grip on your wrists tightens, his fierce eyes burning holes into your wide, teary ones. "you wanna cum, yeah?"
"y-yes, please..."
"then fucking beg for it. prove to me that you're a good girl."
in all honesty, jungkook wanted to cum just as badly as you did, but you looked too good begging and being all desperate, he had to make the most of it.
your lip quivers from his tone, embarrassed but compliant nonetheless. "i-i need your big cock to make me cum. please daddy, i need you so bad, you fuck me so well! i'm your good girl, i promise..."
"shit," he curses under his breath, turned on by your incessant praise. "what a fucking slut you are." he chuckles before slamming back into you without any notice, his tip coming in direct contact with your g-spot. "you're so desperate for this dick, aren't you?" he repeats the action again, drawing out a loud scream from you.
"fuck, right there!!!" you cry as he fucks you with immense speed, sinful slapping sounds resonating throughout the room as he thrusts into your most sensitive areas repeatedly. he moves your leg to dangle off his shoulder, his dick reaching your g-spot with ease. he brings his hand down to roughly rub your clit with his thumb, pleasure shooting through you like electricity.
"fuck, daddy, i'm- ah- i'm gonna cum!!"
he bites his lip, slapping your engorged clit, your back arching painfully. "fucking hold it in, baby, we're gonna cum together."
your eyes widen, the pleasure all too much. "i-i can't-"
"you can and you fucking will, princess," he pants. "hang on just a little more for me."
a tear escapes your eye as you clench painfully around his dick in an effort to keep yourself from cumming. it was impossible to hold it in. "please," you whisper in a weak voice, "daddy, please..."
that was all it took for him to break loose. "f-fuck, cum for me, angel," he groans, his thrusts becoming messier. "cum for daddy."
you cum all over his cock, balling your hands into fists as he rides out his own high. you felt euphoric, your vision going black as your arousal squirts all over him.
"thaat's it," he groans. "that's a good fucking girl." his seed empties inside you, painting your walls as he messily thrusts into you a few more times. he pulls out, cursing as he watches your pussy drip with his cum. "fuck, what a pretty little pussy you have." he grabs his shaft in one hand, lathering up and pushing his dripping seed back inside you. you mewl from the sensitivity, eyes struggling to regain focus after cumming so hard.
jungkook leans up to kiss you, placing one hand behind your head and the other stroking down your side. in contrast to his previous demeanor, this kiss was much more loving and soft. you both pull away, panting.
"you did so well for me, angel," he whispers, moving his hand to stroke your cheek gently.
you giggle softly, nuzzling your head into his touch as you wrap your arms around your boyfriend. "i love you, kook," you sigh, a wave of drowsiness coming over you.
he plops beside you, pulling you into a sweet embrace, caressing your back softly. you rest your head against his chest, feeling safe and comfortable in his arms.
"i love you more, baby."
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endlessymphony · 3 years
Hi congrats on 50 Followers !!!!
🧸 : James Potter x reader where he spends a lot of time with the marauders and kinda ignores the reader and forgets their anniversary. So they get into a big argument and James says something mean about her being a muggle born.
Happy ending please 😁
Thank you 🙏
thank you so much lovely anon!
pairing - james potter x reader
summary - james forgot your two year anniversary and left you waiting all day, just to come to your dorm and end up starting an argument
warnings - arguments, a bit of prejudice against muggles/muggle-borns, cussing
a/n - im really glad you guys like my james potter fics lol
you awoke, a rush of adrenaline and giddiness taking over as you practically shot yourself out of bed, almost tripping over the blankets you shoved onto the floor. you rushed over to the calendar hanging on the back of your door, bare feet pitter pattering on the hardwood floor, and yes! today was the day! the hearts circled in pen around the date only confirming your excitement.
your two year anniversary with the one and only james potter. your heart pounding a million miles a minute- feeling it ought to beat right out your chest. below the heart was written ‘surprise date’ in his handwriting, as he insisted that he could handle planning this date on his own. he was wrong, although you weren’t aware of that quite yet.
you spun yourself in a circle, making small noises of glee as you tossed yourself back onto your bed, thinking of what james might be up to. “oh merlin, i need to get ready.” you gasped, sitting back up and rushing over to your wardrobe.
it took an hour to find an outfit that you deemed ‘perfect’, settling on a top that you knew james loved. you spent another thirty minutes on hair and makeup, overjoyed to be spending the day with your beloved.
the waiting game began.
at first it was difficult to wait for him, adrenaline still rushing through your veins- body running off of pure excitement.
an hour passed, then two... then five, and soon it was much darker outside, the sun starting to set.
‘maybe he’s held up grabbing flowers, or making dinner reservations’ you thought, trying to push away the anxiety that was slowly creeping in to replace the high that you were feeling before. ‘oh! maybe we’re doing a night under the stars, how gorgeous would that be’
so, you continued to wait
but he never showed.
james finally came stumbling in to your dorm room at half-passed twelve, chuckling at the sight in front of him. you were wrapped up in a blanket, laying in your bed so that your back faced the door, hiding your hurt expression from him.
“hey, love.” he crooned as he walked over and sat down beside you on the bed, gently putting a hand on your shoulder. “the boys and i had a great day today, you won’t believe what we got up to!”
you slowly sat up, turning to look at him. tear stains on full display, mascara making them all-the-more obvious. james let out a small gasp, hand moving to cup your face. “oh no, what’s wrong? did something happen?” he gently smoothed his thumb over your cheek.
you pulled yourself away from his touch, throwing the blanket off like you had done this morning, but a different feeling had taken over by this point. anger. disappointment. hurt.
you dragged him by the arm and pointed to the date on your calendar, tapping the paper with your pointer finger a few times so he would get the gist. “what are you trying to tell me, y/n?” he asked, cocking his head to the side, trying to play the dumb card.
“you missed our anniversary, james. it’s been two years.” you felt defeated, like every ounce of life had been drained out of your body, and you were now an empty shell. “i waited for you” you began, “all day.”
“it’s not that big of a deal, let’s just do something this weekend instead.” he offered, a smile making its way to his face.
god- you wanted to punch that stupid fucking smile off his face.
“not that big of a deal, james? you left me hanging. ALL DAY i waited.” you were starting to get angry, your voice starting to waver as it raised in decibels. “you knew how much this meant to me! or so i thought you did, but lately, it’s like everyone else is MUCH more important than i am.” your hands balled into fists, brows furrowing slightly as you started to let him have it.
“and don’t you fucking dare say this isn’t a big deal, james potter.” you spat, voice like venom as your said his name. “you really let me down, you really fucking blew it this time, i am really fucking upset about this.”
“i should’ve known that muggles overreact over everything.” he muttered to himself, brows practically knitted together as he ran a hand through his hair. his eyes widened as soon as he said that, opening his mouth to apologize to you.
“you know what james, just fucking leave, just get out.” your lip started to quiver, eyes threatening to spill hot tears down your face all over again, you wanted to hold your composure in front of him. your heart felt as if it had completely shattered in your chest. “really? you really want me to leave?” it was his turn to feel defeated, face started to relax from its scrunched up state.
“yeah, i do. now get the fuck out.”
james looked as if he had his tail between his legs, shoulders slumping down as his whole body started to deflate in defeat. embarrassment. shame. “okay.” his voice was small, this version of him was completely different from the ‘regular’ james that you knew and loved. he walked out, turning to look at you, but you just slammed the door in his face.
you cast a quick silencing charm before you began to scream-sob. tears feeling as if they’re burning your skin- falling to your knees as you let the waves of heartbreak, pain, and anger completely take you over. you cried until you couldn’t anymore, head pounding and eyes starting to get puffy and red. you screamed until you couldn’t any longer, voice hoarse and throat feeling as if it were on fire.
you sobbed still, silently, nothing coming out as you had nothing left to give. “thanks james, thanks for making me feel so loved... so appreciated.” your voice was broken, cracking with every word. you laid on the floor, wishing that it would swallow you up, so you could disappear and never have to feel a thing.
you ended up falling asleep, the whole day taking it’s toll on you. you had nothing more to give, no more fight left in you.
james knocked on your door lightly, afraid that you were about to tear his head off the moment that he stepped inside your dorm. “y/n?” he asked, tone merely above a whisper as he slowly opened the door and stepped in. james closed the door gently, eyes finally falling on your figure laying on the floor.
he felt a pang of pain shoot through his heart. “i caused this.” he mumbled, taking a few slow steps towards you and sitting down. he felt tears welling in his eyes, a few managing to slide down his face as he looked at you. james felt nothing but remorse and disappointment for how things went earlier. he had completely forgotten about the anniversary- what a dick move.
your eyes flickered open, vision slightly out of focus as you try to figure out who’s figure is in front of you. low and behold it was james, crying, mumbling about how he knows he fucked up- and it’s eating him up inside, and about how much he loves you.
you began to sit up, blinking a few times to wave the sleep from your eyes. “james?” you asked, voice still torn up. his head shot up, trying to wipe away the tears with his hands. “hey.”
“what are you doing here?” you asked, “sh. don’t talk, you’ll blow your voice out.” james replied. “i wanted to come back and apologize to you. i feel awful about earlier, and i know how much i hurt you with my actions, especially with my comment about muggles.” he gently cupped your face again, “i didn’t mean it, i promise. i really didn’t mean it.” he sniffled, trying to keep the tears away, but despite his efforts- they returned. “i really love you. god, i’m a shitty fucking boyfriend, aren’t i?” james chuckled, trying to ignore the tears now steaming down his face.
“james.” you started, “no, y/n, i need to make it up to you for how terrible today was. i need to show you that you’re loved, and make you feel important and special, and like the only person in the world.” he started to trip over his words, talking fast out of nervousness, he didn’t want you to kick him out again.
“can we talk about it more later?” you finally managed to ask, “yeah. yeah, sure. definitely. you can sleep in tomorrow and i’ll go and get you some breakfast, does that sound alright?” he was rambling again, trying to ‘fix’ everything. you nodded, a small smile beginning to grace your lips.
“now let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” he stood up and offered a hand to you. “we have time for apologies tomorrow.” you took his hand hesitatingly, slowly standing up, legs a bit wobbly.
james walked you to your bathroom, grabbing you by the waist and sitting you up on the counter. he began to lightly hum to himself as he pulled out a bottle of makeup remover and some cotton rounds, pouring some of the liquid onto the round and gently starting to clean the makeup off your face. he washed your face and brushed your hair for you after, as well.
he helped you change into your pyjamas, and placed you into bed, picking up the blankets off the floor and placing them back on the bed- tucking you in. he leaned in and kissed your head before stripping down to just his t-shirt and boxers, placing his glasses on the nightstand, and climbing into bed beside you.
he spent the rest of the night whispering compliments to you, telling you how much he loves you and wants to be with you forever, and there was no shortage of apologies said. james held you to his chest, playing with your hair until the both of you eventually drifted off to sleep.
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midearthwritings · 3 years
Let your love wash over me
Fíli and you share an intimate moment.
Words Count : 1,641
Pairing : Fili x Reader
Warning : Nakedness? But no smut.
Author's note : Would this be considered fluff? I don't know. In my opinion, yes. Also I'm a sh!t at physical contact so I hope it's not too bad. I'll get better at writing these scenes with time, I suppose.
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The only real issue of being on a quest like this one, besides the constant threat of death, was that you never really knew when you would be able to wash yourself. So it was a relief for everyone when you found a stream and Thorin decided to set camp here.
After setting down everything, every member of the company, including you, went down to the water to take a well earned bathe. You watched as the dwarves took off their clothes, throwing them everywhere, and jumped into the water without a second thought.
And really, it's not that you didn't like their excitement, no, it was more of... wanting some peace and privacy. So you walked a bit further down the current, looking for a nice spot. You walked until you couldn't see them anymore, but was still able to hear them and you smiled to yourself. Yes, that would do.
"May I join you?"
You jumped a little, startled by the voice, and when you turned to look at its owner, you were met with Fili's radiant face. You looked at him, already undoing his tunic. You bit your lip, embarrassed a little. You liked Fili. A lot. Since you all met in Bilbo's Hobbit Hole, he had caught your eyes. You liked that he was caring, and funny, but could yet be serious and acknowledge his duties. He's going to be a great King one day, you thought.
"Don't you want to have fun with the others?" You asked, looking away as you felt your cheeks burning.
"I can have fun with them another time. Don't you think?"
You shrugged and turned your back to him, to give the prince a bit of privacy as he undressed himself.
"Yes, I suppose you can join me then."
You waited silently until you heard the soft sound of the water being disturbed, and you spun on your feet to look at Fili.
"Well, that was quick." You pointed out.
"Because there's no need to wait any longer." He replied, smiling. "Come on, the temperature's really nice."
"Of course. I just need to take off my clothing first".
Undoing your coat, you met the dwarf's eyes, who was still looking at you from his spot in the water.
"Look away." You ordered, folding the piece of clothing and putting it neatly on the ground.
"Why?" He asked, tilting his head with a smirk.
"Because I'm trying to undress, if you hadn't noticed."
"Oh, I noticed."
You rolled your eyes, sat down and proceeded to take off your travel boots.
"Then, look away. Or I will go and find a more private place to bathe. Alone." You threatened playfully.
The prince barked in laughter and raised his hands up in surrender, making you chuckle a little.
"Alright, alright." Fili said, turning his back to you.
An amused sigh escaped your lips and you removed the rest of your clothing. You leaned down, placing them in a well arranged pile next to Fili's discarded ones and made your way to the stream. As you stepped in, a shiver travelled down your body. The water was a bit cold but it was not unbearable. And once you were fully in, it was actually very pleasant due to the Sun warming your skin.
You looked back up at your blonde haired friend and bit your lower lip before submerging your body up to your shoulders.
"I'm done." You declared. "You can turn back around."
He obliged, the same enormous smirk still planted on his lips. You frowned and narrowed your eyes suspiciously.
"What?" You questioned, swimming closer to him.
"Nothing." The prince said, beginning to wash his forearms with a bar of soap— probably one stolen from Rivendell.
Deciding to trust him, you brushed the conversation off with the back of your hand and began to clean the dirt off your nails. Engrossed in your task, his happy sing-songing tickled your ears.
"What is it now?" You asked again.
"Nothing!" He assured, flashing you a big smile. "Trust me."
"No, I don't trust you." You answered, reaching to tug at his mustache gently.
Fili shrugged.
"Then don't."
None of you replied, letting a comfortable silence setting up between the both of you. You could hear the joyful laughter and splashing of your other companions who were bathing further away.
A soft smiled appeared on your lips as you thought about them. It had been a difficult journey for you, who had never seen anything of the world before. But you were glad you had agreed on coming along. These dwarves were now your friends and you wouldn't give that away, even for all the gold in the world. You even had grown fond of the Hobbit. Bilbo was one of the bravest people you had ever met, even if he was clearly missing his home. You understood his feelings, in a way.
Lost in your thoughts, you barely heard Fili when he said :
"Although, I wish to say you have a very nice backside..."
You let out an offended gasp and turned abruptly to face him.
"You looked!" You exclaimed. "I knew you had looked, you perverted dwarf!"
Fili was now roaring with laughter, holding his abdomen with both his arms. You groaned and splashed some water in his direction, cutting him in his track.
"Did you just...-"
"Yes I did." You interrupted him. "Now stop making fun of me or I-"
It was your turn to be cut off as you felt water crash in your face. You blinked your eyes open and spitted out what had entered your mouth.
"Fili I swear if you do that again, I'm going to drown you."
You barely had time to see the dwarf prince's lips curl into a smirk before another wave of water hit you, instantly followed by a third one.
"Fili!" You roared. "Will you just stop already?"
And his answer must have been no because you were splashed over and over again. You held your hands in front of you in a weak attempt to block his assault. You couldn't see anything, as you kept your eyes closed. So you decided to follow the sound of his laugh and swam towards him.
"Fili! Stop!" You yelled as you finally felt his broad shoulders under your palms.
Keeping to your earlier promise, you pushed him vigorously into the the water. You began to laugh in victory as he slipped, but you abruptly stopped when his arms grabbed your waist, dragging you with him under the surface.
You closed your mouth shut as the water filled your nostrils and your ears, and you wrapped your arms around his neck to keep yourself from potentially hitting your head against a rock. You felt his grip on your waist tightening a little.
When you emerged, you both gasped for air. You coughed a bit and felt your face heat at the proximity. He was holding you close against his chest, one of his palm flat against your lower back, the other on your hip.
"Are you alright?" He asked, so softly that you weren't sure he even had spoken in the first place.
You nodded with a small smile and brought one of your hands to his face, brushing away a strand of wet hair that was in the way.
"What about you?" You whispered.
"I have seen worse." Fili replied, chuckling softly.
You let out a barely audible giggle and bit your lip. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. And he couldn't take his off of you. Slowly breaking the small gap between the two of you, the dwarf prince pressed his forehead against yours.
It was as if time had stopped, letting you and Thorin's heir enjoy your time together. You felt safe in his arms, and you despised the moment when you would have to leave them.
"You know..." He said after a few minutes that had felt like eternity. "I didn't really peak when you asked me not to."
"I know." You said, smiling. "I trust you."
Tenderly cradling his face with both of your hands, you leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth You heard him groan disapprovingly and soon after, his lips were on yours.
His hand found its way up between your shoulder blades, bringing you closer to him, if that was even possible. You smiled softly and kissed him back, shutting your eyes.
It was exquisite. No, divine. Yes, that's it. It was divine. Fili's beard was rubbing roughly against the soft skin of your face, and yet, it was the most tender kiss you had ever shared with anyone. You could feel his fingers caressing your back in irregular patterns, making you shiver deliciously.
You parted your lips slightly, allowing him to explore your mouth with his tongue. And you wished for it to never stop, for it was the best feeling on earth. But yet, he pulled away and you let out a frustrated moan.
"You need to breathe, my treasure." The prince said, laughing quietly. "I wouldn't want to have you suffocating and passing away."
"Yes, you must be right." You replied, peppering his face with soft pecks of your lips.
He nodded and pulled you in for another loving kiss. You stayed like that, in the water, exchanging tender words and deep kisses, for the gods only knew how long.
When the time came to leave the comfort of the stream, and each other's arms, Fili took your hand and dragged you back to the river bank.
"So..." He began. "Now that we made out together... Can I take a look at your backside?"
"Fili!" You exclaimed, swatting his chest with your free hand.
But you found yourself laughing at the silliness of your newly found lover.
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dumdumsun · 3 years
And Dusk
A/N: Enjoy ❤️
Warnings: brief violence
Word Count: 1560
Chapter 14: The Countdown
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The walk from Elliott’s to Reginald’s took up enough of (Y/N)’s time. When she approached the door, she hastily wiped her tears before pushing the front door open. The house was wrapped up in its usual silence. It never really made noise unless she was home, after all. Rushing up to her room, she locked the door and set her puppy on the ground before changing her clothes. She avoided looking at Mr Pennycrumb as she moved about her room, throwing on articles of clothing and pulling on shoes. Opening her wardrobe, she dug into the pocket of one of her coats and pulled out a folded piece of paper. The note was pressed to her lips as she shut her eyes, a moment for the world to freeze only for her, before slipping it into her pocket. With a deep breath, she spun around to meet the expectant stare of her beloved pet.
“Nothing’s ever easy, huh, Penny?” She sniffled, kneeling down beside the bed to watch him lean down and lick her fingers. “This was supposed to be my easiest relationship, baby, and now I gotta leave you… I know we’ve only known each other for less than two months, but I’ll remember every single moment we spent together, bud. I wanted so badly to watch you grow up, to finally grow into that big personality of yours. But I’ll need you to be good for Mom… because we both know how Dad feels about you being around.”
The puppy barked and licked her face, clearing her tears as he did so. She giggled and kissed the top of his head.
“I’ll never forget you, Mr Pennycrumb. You absolute angel. I love you so much.” Standing to her feet, she slowly approached her bedroom door, giving the entire room one last look. She wasn’t attached to it. Not in the slightest. But there was one little savior who, sitting on her bed and tilting his head, she would forever be connected to. “I’m leaving you in the best hands possible. Goodbye, baby.” She breathed and shut her door. Covering her mouth, she sped down the staircase and towards the front door.
“(Y/N)?! Where have you been?!”
Wiping her tears away yet again, she turned to her mother and swallowed the lump in her throat. “I-I...��� She croaked. Grace’s frown softened before she crouched down in front of her.
“Honey? Is everythin’ alright?”
“Yeah, Mom, I’m fine… I just, uh… I have a really bad headache and it’s a little overwhelming.”
“Oh… I can get you some-”
(Y/N) quickly shook her head. “It’s fine. I was going to head into town, get some fresh air.”
“Well, that’s fine, hun, but you cannot run off like that. You nearly gave us a heart attack! You can’t do that to me. Y-You just can’t!”
“I’m sorry, Mom-”
“Especially right now… I-I wanted to talk to you.”
I don’t have time, I don’t have time.
“Have you,” Grace sighed and looked away, a very clear internal battle going on within her. “Sweetheart, do you notice anything about your father? Anything strange?”
Furrowing her brows, (Y/N) stepped closer. “What… do you mean…?”
“I mean with his work. Do you know anythin’ about what he’s doin’? With the meetings, the secrecy. I-I know it isn’t fair to ask this of you, but I… I-I need to know.”
(Y/N) glanced to the side as she weighed her options. She could always lie to Grace, tell her that she had no idea what Reginald was up to, his plan to kill the president. But she knew her mother deserved so much better than yet another lie from another person she trusted dearly. So, she lifted her head and nodded, hoping it was enough. It seemed as if that were the case, because Grace took a deep breath and enveloped the girl in a hug. (Y/N) sniffled and held her mother tight.
“If I find anything dangerous goin’ on, I’m leaving, (Y/N). I’m leavin’ and I’m takin’ you with me.”
The young girl widened her eyes at these words. “You what?”
“You’re my daughter, (Y/N), adoption be damned. I promised you I would take care of you no matter what. And if removin’ you from Reggie’s life will do that, then I will do what I have to.”
“And I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I love you so much, Mom…”
“I love you, too, hun.”
(Y/N) never wanted to get attached, she never wanted to build happiness like this for herself, because she knew it’d eventually get ripped from her. One way or another. Still, it was a fun ride while it lasted. Pulling away from the hug, she sniffled again and rubbed her nose. Grace’s smile was full of so much care, adoration and unconditional love that (Y/N) had to step away to let herself breathe. “Well… I’m going now. Um… Mom? Could you do something for me while I’m gone?”
“Please, take care of Mr Pennycrumb. I don't know what I’d do if something happened to him.”
Quietly chuckling, Grace nodded and clasped her hands together as the girl opened the front door. “I promise, only if you promise to be careful. I need you here with me, darlin’.”
“I promise, Mom.”
Stepping out of her home- of Reginald’s house, (Y/N) glanced down at her watch.
Thirty minutes. Shit!
Spinning on her heel, she sprinted her way in the direction of the alleyway. Her chest heaved, her breath was labored, and her arms pumped as her legs worked restlessly to take her to her destination. Locals scowled and gasped when she pushed past them, the girl calling out multiple apologies over her shoulder after the fact. She nearly ran past a corner she had to round, skidding to a stop and turning back around. When she did, she was met with a pair of dark brown eyes. “Preston!”
“You’re coming with me.” He huffed and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her in the opposite direction, back where she started. “I’ve been looking all around Dallas for you. I talked with your dear father and he said you didn’t mean what you said.”
“I don’t have time for this! Let go of me!” (Y/N) thrashed in the hold he now had around her waist. Preston growled and pinned down the arm she had just freed from his grasp.
“You never have time for me, (Y/N)! That’s the problem with you women! You always want the world to revolve around you! Well, you’re just gonna have t’make some time for me! Right now!”
“Goddammit! Let go of me, you little shit!” She shrieked. She freed her arm once again and reared her elbow back towards his face, but he quickly moved his head away to dodge it. The next second, she heard a grunt, and Preston’s hold on her was gone. Spinning around, she saw the boy on the ground, unconscious, blood dribbling from his nose. “What the hell?”
Her eyes moved up and widened at the sight of Lila dusting herself off. Her expression was almost unreadable to (Y/N), but she detected exhaustion. The two stared at each other for a beat before they both nodded. Lila turned her gaze forward and ran off in (Y/N)’s opposite direction. The young girl let out a breath, took one last look at Preston, and continued her sprint to the alleyway.
Arriving there, she almost crashed into the brick wall. “I’m here, I’m here!” She breathlessly called out to Five and Luther. “I’m here- Ew, what the fuck?!” She yelped, her foot almost landing in a splatter of vomit. Beside it was a groaning Klaus, the man muttering something about a strange dream.
“Thank god,” Five clenched his jaw and checked his watch. “Anymore last minute arrivals?!”
“Hey, I’m here, aren’t I?!” (Y/N) hissed and made her way over to the seething Five, who only spared her a glance before looking around the alleyway again.
“We’ve got a minute left.” Luther muttered and smashed his fist against the top of the closed dumpster.
Klaus groaned and placed his hands over his face. “What’s going on, guys? Are we going somewhere?”
“It was a simple task,” Five ranted as he paced the alleyway. “It was a simple task! All we had to do was be here. Didn’t have to fight a giant sea monster, no. Any army of mutants? Nein!”
(Y/N) checked her watch, sighing as their last remaining minute ticked away. Heading to the opening of the alley, she moved her head from left to right, hoping to see the last of her siblings rushing to their way home. But alas, no one arrived and she could hear the three behind her yelling at each other. The sound of clicking got her attention and she turned around to see everyone watching the briefcase.
“Goddammit.” Five muttered before bending down and picking up the briefcase by the handle, flinging it into the air. With a zap and a whoosh, their ticket to 2019 disappeared in a bright blue portal. The four watched as the portal disappeared, much like the first time they were left in this timeline. “We were that close.”
“That close…” (Y/N) sighed.
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormssymphony @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @keayastitties @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @xxeiraxx @camerondiaz48104 @georgeweasleys-gorl @theyaremorethanjustfictional @that-can-of-fizz @luckyzipperscissorsbat @cuupiid
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bumbleleewrites · 3 years
Cotton Candy
Written using this prompt. Thank you, @soft--dragon ! (Kudos on your latest fic, by the way. I was blushing./pos) Summary: After the theme park vlog, Wilbur steals Tommy’s leftover cotton candy. Tommy tries to take it back, but Wilbur puts him in his place. [IRL, family dynamics] Lee!Tommy, Ler!Wilbur, Philza
Word Count: 2k A/N: I have not written something this long in a LONG time, so this had better be good./lh
The trip to Alton Towers had made for an exhausting day for everyone. For Phil, it was the effort needed to supervise the two hyper boys that had tired him. For Wilbur, it was pestering Tommy and keeping up with the teen that had taken most of his energy. For Tommy, however, it was a combination of things. The constant activity and racing around the park had been exhausting, for sure. But the day had been extremely emotionally draining, as well. Between the constant anxiety the intense rides caused him, and being rejected by the girl from his school, it had certainly been a lot for one day. Wilbur and Phil noticed this, so after retrieving their remaining buckets of cotton candy, they immediately headed home. 
Tommy was reserved and toneless the entire car ride, hardly speaking and only half heartedly chuckling when someone made a joke. When they had finally unpacked their things and entered Wilbur’s home, nothing changed. He had just simply shuffled his feet over to the couch and flopped onto it. He was half laying down, with one leg on the sofa and one hanging off it lazily. After the other two had finished putting everything away, having been too sympathetic to bother the youngest any more, they entered the room themselves. Wilbur sat cautiously next to Tommy, clasping his hands together and rubbing his thumbs nervously. He glanced at Tommy briefly then looked away, sighing. Phil, meanwhile, chose a comfortable armchair parallel to them. He leaned forward and stared at the floor, knowing the boy would want some space. 
The trio sat awkwardly in silence as the faint sound of a clock ticking could be heard in the distance. Minutes went by, before Tommy finally cracked. He sat up a bit and gazed around the room. The other two looked at him, hoping for him to say something. “So,” Tommy started, “That was fun.” Wilbur smiled, relieved, and replied, “Yeah, it was.” “Definitely,” the eldest added.
Tommy exhaled.
“You know, I think we still have some cotton candy left,” said Phil, attempting to cheer him up.
He grinned before rising to retrieve it. Tommy immediately perked up at the promise of more sugar, matching his posture to Wilbur’s with his hands clasped excitedly. The brunet snickered and rolled his eyes. Their heads both snapped over to Phil, whose footsteps had alerted them to his return. He held a bright yellow tub in his hand and shook it theatrically. “Here, enjoy your diabetes,” he joked, before tossing it in Tommy’s direction. The boy in question, however, was unprepared. He jumped when the container bounced off his shoulder before it rebounded and rolled towards Wilbur. The taller one snatched it and made a move to open it, placing his fingers on the corner of the lid. “Hey, hey!” Tommy yelled, leaning over to grab it. Wilbur saw him and stretched out his arm to hold it away from him, smirking playfully. The youngest whined. “Phil threw that to me! C’mon, Phil, tell him.” The eldest laughed lightly. “Well, Wilbur did buy it. And you don’t need all that sugar, anyway!”
“Yeah, Tommy, listen to Dadza,” Wilbur quipped, bringing the tub back towards his chest. 
Tommy groaned and pounced on him, pushing his arm down to try to grab it. 
“Give it!” he shouted. 
Wilbur grinned cheekily and transferred the tub into his other hand, holding it above his head. “You bitch!” Tommy cried, grabbing onto the other’s shoulders in an attempt to gain leverage. The brunet yelled and batted at Tommy with his free hand. “Tommy, stop it!” he complained, smiling, still trying to lightly push him away. 
Tommy let out a strangled squeak when he felt Wilbur brush against his side. He suddenly flinched away, falling back onto the arm of the sofa. The other two laughed knowingly, and shared a look, before Wilbur threw the cotton candy back to Phil and leaned over Tommy.
“The hell was that?” Wilbur smirked. “Sh-shut up!” he replied, about to stand up to retrieve his cotton candy from Phil. Wilbur was too quick, however, and promptly squeezed the boy’s side. Tommy recoiled with a shriek, and the other two chuckled at his reaction. Wilbur beamed excitedly at him. “Tommy, you’re ticklish!” he exclaimed. The blond blushed lightly and shoved him. “Oh, this is too good,” Wilbur continued. He leaned over and pushed Tommy’s shoulder into the couch, preventing his escape. The boy squirmed, but was simply too tired for it to do anything. Wilbur placed his free hand on Tommy’s side, tapping his fingers against it menacingly. “Wilbur, c’mon, I- you can keep the cotton candy!” he protested. He reached up to shove at his chest, but was interrupted by the tapping turning into light scratching. He bucked in surprise and bit his lip, trying to keep in the laughter that was threatening to spill out. Wilbur tilted his head thoughtfully. “I have a feeling this isn’t a good spot for you,” he said. Nonetheless, he brought his other hand down to the boy’s other side and began spidering up and down them. Tommy let out a titter, his face becoming more flushed by the second. “Tommy, you can laugh!” Wilbur teased, but he meant it genuinely as well. The blond was conflicted, not knowing whether to feel reassured or flustered, but began giggling regardless. Wilbur hummed, pleased with himself, while Phil cooed at him from afar. “Aw, Tommy! I’ve never heard you laugh like that! It’s really charming,” Phil complimented. “Nohohoho Phihil behehe quihihiet!” Tommy yelled. 
Wilbur slowed down a bit, and turned to look at the oldest man. “Hey, Phil?” he asked. “Yeah?” “I don’t think Tommy here is laughing nearly as much as he could be,” he said. He began poking the boy’s sides, producing light squeaks that were peppered in with his laughter. “I don’t think so either,” responded Phil lightheartedly, “Try his stomach!” ‘Phihihl yohohou bihihitch!” complained Tommy, as Wilbur accepted the suggestion and scribbled against the center of the boy’s abdomen. His laughter increased in volume as he sucked in his stomach, shifting side to side. “Aw, is this spot worse for you, Toms?” Wilbur asked tauntingly. The blond’s flush grew redder.
“Nahah- fu- fuhuhuhuck ohohoff!” he stammered. The brunet only dug in harder, causing him to shriek. “Nice one, Phil!” said Wilbur, looking over to him. He smiled and chirped, “Thanks.” He sauntered back towards the armchair and sunk back into it, watching amusedly. “Just make sure you don’t kill him, yeah?” The brunet chuckled and returned his gaze to Tommy’s flushed face. The younger boy weakly hit his hands, still laughing desperately. “Don’t worry, I won’t,” he responded, slowly lifting his fingers off the boy, but keeping them wiggling. He smirked smugly, making a big show of slowly trailing his eyes over his body. Tommy’s laughter slowed, but he remained giggling in anticipation. “Now, where should I go next?...” he asked.
Tommy shook his head. He reached up to grab Wilbur’s hands, who pulled them away and tutted. The tallest’s arms were now raised so that his hands remained near his own face, shaped into claws. “Alright, Dampza, the choice is yours!” said Wilbur, in a tone comparable to that of a game show host’s. Tommy whined and covered his face. “Phil, Philza no!” he pleaded. Phil hummed thoughtfully. “PHIL!” he shouted, trying to push himself off the couch. Wilbur wrapped his arm around him, blocking his escape, and he groaned. “C’mon, Phil, he’s getting squirmy,” said the brunet. “His ribs, then,” he decided. Tommy shouted as Wilbur quickly slithered his hands under his t-shirt and began squeezing at his ribs. Too exhausted to put up a fight, he dissolved into shrieky laughter and arched his back slightly. His hands remained hiding his constant smile, and the way his eyelids squinted shut. “Is this one bad too, Tommy? Tell me, where’s been the most ticklish from where I’ve tried so far?” 
A coral tinge spread to Tommy’s ears. “Wihihil!” he shouted, as the man began vibrating his fingers into the slight gaps there, “Wihihihl! Pleahaha- plehehease nohohot thehehehre!” “Not there?” he mocked, throwing a glance at Phil, “Where shall I move, then?” “WIHILBUHUHUR NOHO!” “Armpits,” the eldest responded. He was still smiling fondly at the pair’s antics. “WIHIL PLEHEHEASE NOHOHO!” “Begging already, hm? That must be a gold mine, then. I’ll save it for later,” Wilbur teased. He slowly dragged his nail’s down the boy’s skin, causing him to giggle and shift his hips from side to side. Wilbur noticed this and snickered, placing his hands on them. “Well these are just begging for my attention now, aren’t they?” Tommy whined tiredly. His eyes shot open then closed again when he felt Wilbur’s hands drill into his hips. He howled, thrashing back and forth. His movements were so intense, however, that he started to slip off the sofa. Phil suddenly looked over concernedly, leaning forward in case he needed to swoop in. Tommy’s torso was halfway onto the floor when he felt Wilbur’s firm hand leave his hip and scoop him up by his back. The brunet stopped and gave the boy an enthused grin. Tommy panted in between his faint giggles. “Alright, Wilbur, maybe it’s time for him to have a break,” the eldest spoke up. Wilbur nodded. “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. There’s just one more thing I’d like to try,” he replied. He grabbed Tommy’s hands and held them above his head. “Ready?” “For whaHAH WIHIHIBUHUHUR NAHAHAH!” he shrieked, as the man shot his hands into his armpits and wiggled his fingers. Tommy’s arms darted down to his sides. He quickly realized, however, that this would only trap Wilbur’s hands there. He raised his arms and shoved at him feebly as his laughter began to turn silent. “Wil,” Phil warned, about to stand up to intervene. 
Wilbur recognized it was getting to be too much. He abruptly stopped and carefully sat back on his place on the couch. Tommy caught his breath before sitting up and glaring weak daggers at the older boy. Wilbur and Phil both stared at him adoringly. “You,” he wheezed, “You bitch!” Wilbur reached over and squeezed his knee warningly. Tommy recoiled with a small squeak that made the others coo and him blush. He pouted and crossed his arms, averting his eyes.
“I hate you both,” he mumbled. Phil leaned far over and ruffled his hair, at which the boy groaned with a poorly hidden smile. “No, you don’t,” smiled the other blond. “Yeah, Tommy, you love us!” Wilbur ribbed. Tommy rolled his eyes and gently shoved him. Phil sighed and shook his head fondly. He reached for the cotton candy, which had been shoved against his side, and leaned over to hand it to Tommy. He looked at Wilbur warningly while doing so. The brunet shrugged innocently, though a smirk remained on his face. Tommy’s eyes lit up and he accepted the offering gratefully, practically snatching it from Phil’s hands. “I thought you said he shouldn’t be having so much sugar!” quipped Wilbur. Tommy ignored him and continued to greedily open the tub. He dug out a large portion with his hands and shoved the fluffy blue substance into his mouth with a grin.
“After all that, I think he’s allowed,” Phil replied.
Wilbur smiled softly and scooted closer to Tommy, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. The boy flinched at first, but allowed himself to relax into the touch. “You want to watch a movie? Maybe Frozen?” asked Wilbur. Tommy smiled sheepishly at the fact that Wilbur had remembered him mentioning it earlier that day. “Mhm,” he responded, shoveling another handful of the sugary snack into his mouth. The brunet leaned forward to grab the remote and quickly lined up the film. Tommy leaned closer into him, and he beamed. The trio watched the movie peacefully that evening, poking fun at the overly dramatic parts and laughing when Wilbur attempted to sing along. And when Tommy fell asleep in Wilbur’s arms, with a nearly empty container in hand, they said nothing.
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whxre4cevans · 3 years
Pairing: Ransom x Reader
Word Count: 740
Warnings: None :) Just soft and fluffy for now (did I make ransom too soft in this? maybe but I have a thing for soft ransom😁)
Summary: Just a lazy morning with Ransom
A/N: Hey guys! ☺️ This is my first fic on tumblr and I’m so excited to start posting stuff more regularly. I have a lil passion for writing and starting with this lil blog will definitely help me indulge in my love for writing and my fantasies!! I am completely open for feedback and comments, I would appreciate them so much! I am also open for requests, I’d love to take some of your ideas! <3 Thank you so much for reading lovelies :) (this is kinda sh!tty but I promise I'll get better😚)
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The sunlight starts peering through the blinds and it causes you to shift around. You slowly wake up and look over to the six foot man lying down next to you. Hugh Ransom Drysdale. But he went by Ransom. But you addressed him as one of your many nicknames for him, and those were his favourite names. He was lying on his toned stomach, hair tousled, and lashes sitting on the peaks of his cheekbones.
Seeing that he was still asleep, you got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. After freshening up, you put on one of your boyfriend’s t-shirts and a pair of his boxers. You headed downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast for the two of you.
Grabbing all your supplies, you started to whip up some pancake batter, which was Ransom’s favourite. You sliced some strawberries and put out the whip cream and syrup on the table. You went back to your room to wake up Ransom.
You scratched his head gently, trying to wake him up.
“G’mornin’ handsome,” you said softly in his ear. Ransom shifted and groaned under the covers, the sheets barely covering his lower half.
“Hey,” whispered Ransom as he smiled at you groggily.
“I made breakfast, get up,” you said to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek and going downstairs.
“Get up!” you said loudly when you reached the stairs because you didn’t hear him getting up. You went to the kitchen and got the coffee brewing before you started making your pancakes. You poured out your first pancake and it came out a bit more deformed than you wanted. You flipped it around and then felt Ransom’s arms embracing you from the back.
“That one’s crooked (Y/N),” said Ransom, chuckling softly.
“Shut up, no it’s not Ran,” you said, being defensive.
“Yes it is, it’s not even round,” he said.
“Okay fine you make one, I’d love to see you try.” You handed him the bowl and he stood there, surprised that you actually handed him the bowl. He slowly poured the batter onto the pan and it formed a perfect circle.
“Ha! See that’s how you do it,” said Ransom as he laughed.
“That’s just beginner’s luck or whatever,” you replied and went to set the table. Ransom stood there with the spatula in his hand, waiting for… well he didn’t know what he was waiting for. Suddenly, you smelt a burning aroma. You turned to see that the pancake was burning.
“Ransom! You're supposed to flip it!”
“Oh shit, I didn’t know,”
You flipped the pancake to see it completely burnt. You took it onto the spatula and dumped it in the trash. You started laughing as you walked back to Ransom and he started to laugh with you. The two of you started to pour out the pancakes together. After making a stack of pancakes, you both sat at the table and started eating.
“Mmm, these are so good baby,” said Ransom with his mouth full.
“Aww thanks, you helped too though,” you said, smiling at him.
After you guys finished eating, Ransom washed the dishes and you scrolled through Netflix trying to find something for you guys to watch. You chose to watch your favourite show with Ransom. You laid down on the couch and Ransom came and sat down beside you, putting your legs over his lap.
“Are you wearing my clothes?” he asked.
“Yeah I am, I like how they smell like you,” you said, smiling as you brought the shirt up to your nose and inhaled it.
“Oh yeah? Well if you like the way I smell so much why don’t you just come to the real thing?” he asked, with his iconic smirk plastered on his face.
“I don’t know, I like the shirt better, it doesn’t talk as much,” you said. Ransom scoffed and started laughing. He grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap, tickling you.
“Stoppp it! This is why I like the shirt better!” you shouted while laughing. You finally pushed yourself off Ransom’s lap and fell to the ground. You were both laughing, and you got up and sat on his lap, pulling him in for a kiss.
“You can’t kiss the shirt though,” smirked Ransom.
“I mean…”
“Shut up,” laughed Ransom, pulling you in for another kiss.
thanks to @dbnightingale24 for being so sweet and motivating me to write PLEASE go check out her writing because it is SO GOOD!!
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