halopedia · 1 year
Check out the newest Canon Fodder by @ur-haruspis Halopedians! Giving lore to many of Digsites finds in the cutting room floor!
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Yes even the slugmen get discussed!
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Side note: Be sure to check out the Halo: Outcasts previews that are linked in article! We swear they are fantastic reads that will get you pumped for the book releasing August 8!
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dougielombax · 6 months
And who showed up on the doorstep?
Not a walrus.
Nor a fairy!
But rather…
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THE SLUGMEN!!!!!!!!!
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oni-official · 1 year
What do we know about the Slugmen?
Some sort of Lekgolo form.
The Slugmen!
Sounds like they stand around outside peoples houses.
The Slugmen!
They are very, very rare to encounter on the battlefield and, as we understand it, even within the Covenant.
In layman's terms, it's a Lekgolo gestalt similar to but smaller than Mgalekgolo, or Hunters. Instead of the frontline heavy infantry role that Hunters fill, it seems that the Slugmen are deployed in more support based roles, primarily sniping or attached to Elite squads. Generally lightly armored, but maintains the issue of enough individual Lekgolo having to be killed for the colony to lose cohesion.
They almost certainly stand outside people's houses. Silhouetted under lone streetlights at night at that.
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cookiepoweredtardis2 · 4 months
I've been thinking....maybe the working class people of Homeworld had something to do with the dots gaining sentience and the slugmen; maybe this was their way to kickstart an uprising.
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scorporia · 1 year
turns into a slugmen
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stonedrunkwizard · 6 years
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Aaaaand another one.
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uesp · 3 years
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"The Sload are hostile to all other mortal races, and though there is some evidence of diplomatic traffic between the Sload and the Maormer, there are also plenty of accounts of conflict between the Slugmen and the Sea Elves. This is no surprise, since both Sea Elves and Sload are at war with the rest of the world."
--Telenger the Artificer
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trupowieszcz-moved · 2 years
okay but like. drawing humanoid non-human characters will always be easier for me than drawing ones with a regular human face because. like. you dont see slugmen irl every day so you dont have every little detail of a slugman face memorized to the point where when one line in a drawing is a bit off you instantly know it
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wiratomkinder · 7 years
I had a teacher in highschool that would throw her shoes at students that fell asleep in class (we had a t-shirt fundraiser for the language department commemorating that and a few of her other interesting habits) and anyway my deepest bloodborne lore is that micolash's shoes are not untied out of neglect but instead for easy access
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lordrethandus · 3 years
Daily Writing Challenge 2021 Day 18
Collapse ( @daily-writing-challenge​ )
World: Original Story
Content Warning: Blood
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An unidentified alien presence had swept through the Gregori Space Station with murderous intent, devastating the defending terra with overwhelming numbers. To make matters worse, foreign cruisers slipped past the hole in their defense grid and were heading straight for Earth; if they couldn’t repair the quad phraaz cannons and plug the hole, their homeworld wouldn’t last the day. Captain Sabre pressed his back against a support beam, with the remnants of his platoon hiding nearby. Tall and gangly creatures clad in strange armor trotted by, speaking a wet language they could not understand; but as soon as there was a lull in their numbers, it was time to strike. “Light’em up!”
These alien bastards only had enough time to turn around before 20mm caliber rounds ripped them to shreds! Thick blue sludge splattered across the clean white floors like blueberry jam, revealing these aliens to be some sort of slug-like creatures -- disgusting! Captain Sabre stepped around the pillar and dropped to one knee to make himself harder to hit. Their ambush was successful but now they alerted every slug in the courtyard! “Fire at will!”
They poured out of the hallway with the same tactic they used to conquer the rest of the station -- overwhelming force. Their position was struck with barrage after barrage of laser blasts, melting the metal hull around them to sprinkle the platoon with molten rain, but their aim was terrible! Every terra dropped in this chokepoint, forty slugs were sent to meet their filthy maker; but they just kept coming! By the time the heavy repeater’s barrel was white hot from use, the slugmen had to clamber up a hill of their brethren’s corpses to get into the main control center. “Sir! There’s just too many!”
“Fall back to the rally point beta!” Sabre barked, dropping an empty cluster to slide a fresh one into its place. Twelve terra broke from their cover and ran as their captain provided covering fire, running and gunning backwards deeper into the station. A demolitionist flipped the safety cap off as soon as they were all inside, and detonated the charges in the hallway.
BOOOUUUUSSSHHH! The explosion may have eviscerated the slugs running blindly forward, but the sweet and merciful vacuum of space sent the rest spiraling into Earth’s gravitational pull. Alarms deafened the terra before the forcefield kicked in to secure the breach, and right on queue the slugs continued their charge.
Captain Sabre pressed his finger against the comm relay on his helmet and barked, “What’s the situation with those cannons, private?!”
“Thirty more seconds, sir! Almost have them back online, sir!” The voice replied beneath the hail of molten rain. They didn’t have thirty more seconds. Hell, they didn’t have ten! They were running dangerously low on ammo and their weapons were so overheated that their barrels were starting to warp!
“One last push!” Sabre dropped his overheated rifle and began lobbing the rest of his grenades. “Everything we have!” Another minute and they’d be chucking rubble next! These aliens knew no other tactic than charging, with zero regard for their own safety! When he chucked his last grenade, Sabre was forced to draw his magnum! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! It took several shots to drop a single slug, but their numbers made it a waste of ammo at best. It was hopeless -- even if he could get close enough with his combat knife he doubted he could pierce their armor with-!
Giant towers of reinforced grick steel slowly turned toward a nearby alien cruiser, knocking it off balance and disabling its shielding with a twelve-hundred gigaton payload! The next shot tore it in half! The other three cannons obliterated the passing fleet! It was even enough for the slugs aboard the station to turn tail and flee back to their boarding craft!
Captain Sabre was down to his last round when the sweet rush of victory knocked the wind out of his lungs and the strength from his legs. He dropped to his hands and knees while he was deafened by his platoon shouting in their comms, forcing him to pull off his helmet despite the foreign contaminants sprayed all before him. Without the air filtration blocking the stench of the dead, the terra was exposed to an oily pungency that smelled like rotting cheese mixed with urine; but he was too relieved to care.
Thanks to him and his team, fifteen billion terra were saved. If the other stations remained steadfast, this would be the turning point in the war. Soon reinforcements would replenish their ranks, and he could go home. Soon… soon he could kick his feet up and take a brea-
“Captain! Look!” Sabre glanced over his shoulder to look at his platoon, noticing the faint orange glow on their visors. When he turned to look out the window, his heart dropped to the floor. Africa was burning, with a wind carrying the flames far faster than any natural means. The Pacific ocean began to boil into mist, and even from here they could see the land turning into blackened glass. Fleet Command was unresponsive. They were cut off from support, in a station filled to the brim with slug corpses, and their homeworld was burning. Hundreds of millions of people dead.
The magnum slipped from his fingers while he witnessed the decimation of his people.
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allthingstamriel · 5 years
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Inktober day 25, 26 and 27 - Various (Thank you for the suggestions!)
"The flame atronach is a powerful Daedric summoning associated with elemental fire. Crystalline elemental fire compounds called fire salts may be salvaged from the remains of banished fire atronachs."
"The coral kingdoms of Thras, a set of islands southwest of the Chain in the Abecean Sea, are home to a godless tribe of beastmen called the Sload. These amphibious slugmen, perhaps the most hated race in all of Tamriel, were long thought to be extinct."
More inktober drawings >
(click for better quality)
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dougielombax · 1 year
They’re here!
Are they here now? Like, in the building?
Oh good god…
The Slugmen….
Well, escort them into the waiting room.
I’ll be down in a minute
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daggerfall · 5 years
I thought the Sload were extinct? All I know for sure is that they wiped out like half of all life with a plague
"After the Sload released the Thrassian Plague in 1E2200, which claimed more than half of the continent's population, the largest allied naval force in Tamrielic history sailed to Thras, slaughtered all the Sload they could find, and, with great unknown magicks, sunk their coral kingdoms into the sea.
Sadly, it has been reported that Thras has risen again, and that its masters, the Sload, have recently been seen in various areas of Tamriel. Citizens are encouraged to avoid these beasts, and contact the nearest Imperial authorities when they learn of one's existence. Much is remembered about the slugmen, and has been collected for you in the nearby sidebar. Be vigilant."
Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition/The Wild Region
Granted this is from 2E 864, so who knows!
All I think is that they should vote
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jessica-problems · 5 years
I’m just now getting into the lore of the Elder Scrolls, and this stuff is bananas. It looks like generic high fantasy on the surface, but it’s got so much crazy shit going on.
highlights include:
In the dawn era, when the gods were running around and still putting the world together, linear time hadn’t been invented yet. Stuff happened. And other stuff happened, and causality could go every which way. two events could both cause each other.
There are four entire extra continents that haven’t shown up in the games at all, each with as much stuff as Tamriel. One of them was once ruled by a tiger guy who became the largest dragon ever, with sick tiger stripes, but maybe it was only a metaphorical transformation.
None of the moons or stars or planets are actual mundane celestial bodies. The two big moons are maybe the corpse of a god, or maybe they’re two other gods, or they’re the afterlife. The stars are little holes where light from heaven leaks out. The sun is a really big hole into heaven. One of the constellations isn’t made of normal stars and actually just wanders around the sky.
The dwemer, or ‘dwarves’ were actually a type of elf, and this one time their king was screwing around with the heart of the god whose corpse might be the moons, which he found in a volcano, and he poked the wrong part, and all the dwemer straight up vanished. Just *poof* all in one go.
The aedra(nice gods) and daedra(mean gods) are actually, like, the third generation of abstractions created by even higher being for various functions.
there are Jabba-The-Hutt slugmen that live in the ocean and mostly just exist to be dicks, I guess.
All the history and lore about the above is written by fallible in-universe historians and scholars with incomplete knowledge.
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ebficnotes · 4 years
Lorebook: Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition/The Wild Region - the sload
The coral kingdoms of Thras, a set of islands southwest of the Chain in the Abecean Sea, are home to a godless tribe of beastmen called the Sload.
These amphibious slugmen, perhaps the most hated race in all of Tamriel, were long thought to be extinct. After the Sload released the Thrassian Plague in 1E2200, which claimed more than half of the continent's population, the largest allied naval force in Tamrielic history sailed to Thras, slaughtered all the Sload they could find, and, with great unknown magicks, sunk their coral kingdoms into the sea.
Sadly, it has been reported that Thras has risen again, and that its masters, the Sload, have recently been seen in various areas of Tamriel. Citizens are encouraged to avoid these beasts, and contact the nearest Imperial authorities when they learn of one's existence. Much is remembered about the slugmen, and has been collected for you in the nearby sidebar. Be vigilant.
Collected from the Notes of Bendu Olo, West King of Anvil and Baron-Admiral of the All Flags Navy, and Dealer of Swift Justice to the Foul Spot of Thras:
Life Cycle: Juvenile: Disgusting little amorphous grubs.
Adolescent: Soft, squishy octopuslike things that cannot emerge on land.
Adult: No outside limit to age or size. Individuals seen on land in Tamriel tend to be older, corpulent adults; the trait of greed is common in these individuals, and they excel as merchants and smuggling entrepreneurs. Younger adults lack essential surface survival skills, and are rarely seen on land. Older adults collapse under their own weight unless buoyed by water.
Gifts: Perfect memory. They cannot read or write, but they remember everything they see or hear.
Magic-adept: All land-traveling Sload know the Recall spell at a high level of skill, and use it casually and frequently as the default mode of travel. It also provides the best defense; they teleport out of difficulty instinctively. We must be on our feet!
Liabilities: Poor grasping ability, weak tool use. [Sload slowly adapt their outer integument to conform with surfaces and objects, permitting them to pick things up or climb things like disgusting slugs.] Slow! They think very quickly, but never enough to suit their careful, deliberate personalities. They move slowly, and act slowly. It takes them a long time to come to decisions. They can answer questions quickly, if they choose to… which they seldom do.
Cautious. They have no word in their language for adventure. The closest equivalent means 'tragic disaster'. All their heroic myths are about individuals who sit around and think for years and years, consulting cautiously with wise Sload, until finally they act - always deliberately, always successfully. All their mythic villains act quickly, and always fail.
Morally Repugnant: Every Sload individual encountered has been a grasping, callous, godless, self-loving schemer. They do not seem to experience or display any familiar human emotions, though they are skilled diplomats and actors, and produce gross, exaggerated parodies of human behavior [laughter at lame jokes, weeping at apparent misfortunes, furious tirades at folly or ineptitude]. They have no compunctions about blasphemy, theft, torture, kidnapping, murder, or genocide. They break laws whenever they calculate it in their best interests. They do not perceive or honor friendship or loyalty in the familiar human terms, except for a cheerful affinity for those who defeat them or trick them in any endeavor. The adult form does not apparently reproduce, and shows no interest in the fate of its offspring.
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stonedrunkwizard · 5 years
here there, i thought i had seen a full body image of your Slugmen, but i can't seem to find the post anymore. Did it get taken down or something?
It's still right there, buried under lots of other stuff. I've reblogged it for your convenience.
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