#small western farm house
quietplumbob · 11 months
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i kinda wanna recreate this house for the new horse pack... i mean i can do it now. yess.
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propertyaclmarts · 5 months
For more information about mini plot in western greens, mini plots in brijwasan, small farm house in satbari, 1000 gaj plot in ghitorni, farm house in jewar, please visit the - https://property.aclmarts.com/
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sailor-aviator · 7 months
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Nine
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Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Nine
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Language, Angst, Smut, Arrest, Admittance of feelings. Think that's it.
Word Count: 7.01k
A/N: And we're back!! I decided to combine chapters nine and ten together, hence why the chapter is so long. As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!! 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator! If You're feeling kind, please consider donating to my ko-fi!
Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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It had been weeks since the moment on the train, and you were starting to wonder if maybe you should move back to Baltimore. You hadn’t said a word to Jake since you stomped on his foot, save for the occasional comment about farm chores, and he had certainly done his damndest to avoid even looking at you it seemed.
You found yourself lying awake at night, thoughts drifting towards those of mossy green eyes and gentle touches that made your heart sing and your skin burn with longing. What little sleep you were getting was cut short by nightmares of faceless threats that grabbed at you, tearing your clothes and leaving you gasping for breath as you shot up out of bed. It wasn’t until your eyes would skim over the small, ornate wooden box that your heartbeat would slow and your shoulders would relax. You would crawl slowly out from underneath the sheets, padding over to your dresser where the box sat and run your fingers gently over the ornately carved flowers. Your heart would clench in your chest, and you would try to fight off the tears that gathered in your eyes to no avail.
Stupid, stupid man, you’d think to yourself, scrubbing furiously at your eyes before grabbing the box and trudging back to bed, laying it by your side with a hand on top before drifting back off into a dreamless sleep.
“You look like hell,” Bunny muttered to you one day, polishing a glass as Birdie sat beside you. The teacher had been teaching Bunny how to read, and she had started giving the other girl small writing assignments that she would check over.
“Your penmanship is getting better!” Birdie chirped at Bunny, beaming brightly as she slid the paper back across the bar, casting you a sideways glance. “And she’s right. You look awful. Have you been getting any sleep?”
You grimaced, scratching anxiously at the wood of the bar.
“I have,” you sighed, chewing on your bottom lip. “But it hasn’t been much.”
“It wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain blond that’s been moping around my bar for the past three weeks, would it?” Penny asked, giving you a knowing look as she set a crate of beers down on the counter. You refused to meet her eyes, glancing up when a familiar brunette sat down on the stool next to you.
“Your brother is worried too, you know,” Nat told you, studying you closely. “He says you’ve hardly been eating and that it’s like watching a ghost walking around the house.”
“He’s exaggerating,” you scowled, rolling your eyes. Nat gave you an unimpressed look, and you looked around to see matching expressions from the other women. You sighed, burying your face into your arms atop the bar.
“Somehow, I don’t think he is,” Nat muttered.
“Are you even going to tell us what happened between the two of you?” Bunny asked, face a mask of indifference as always despite her tone of concern.
“Does it matter?” You mumbled, glancing up at her. Penny huffed, placing a hand on her hip as she leveled you with a look.
“It does when I’ve had a moody cowboy practically drink through all of my beer every night for the past three weeks,” she frowned, concern still evident in her eyes despite her disapproving tone. “Whatever happened between the two of you, I’m sure it can be fixed.”
You didn’t say anything, eyes focused on the grains of wood underneath your fingernails.
“I…” You trailed off. “I said such horrible things to him.”
“What did you say?” Birdie asked you, leaning forward and resting a hand on your arm in comfort. You felt tears well up in your eyes, and you sniffled slightly.
“I told him that he didn’t know me, that maybe I wanted to move back to Maryland and marry someone there.”
Silence. You glanced up to see the other four woman all glancing at one another. Penny sighed, looking back at you with a grimace.
“It’s not so bad,” she offered. “You could have said worse, I’m sure. It’s nothing you can’t apologize for.”
“You didn’t see his face,” you countered, sitting up straighter. “And I tried to apologize, but he wouldn’t listen.”
“Jake is stubborn, that’s for damn sure,” Nat muttered, shaking her head. “He always has been, ever since we were little. You know he refused to take a payment for fixing Mr. Benson’s roof last spring? And then when Jake went to buy that emerald necklace for whatever reason, Mr. Benson had to practically shove the necklace down his throat because he wouldn’t accept the money from Jake. Pretty sure Jake snuck some behind the counter when the old man wasn’t looking, anyway.”
“Did you say emerald necklace?” You asked her, head shooting up from where you had rested it back on your arms.
Natasha nodded. “Yeah, it was that really pretty one that sat in the window for forever! I wonder what he did with it? I haven’t seen Sarah with it at all, and she’s the one he buys jewelry for.”
“You mean,” you swallowed, “he didn’t steal it?”
“Jake’s not that kind of man, honey,” Penny smiled. “He sure likes to give off that impression though, doesn’t he? He’d rather you think the worst of him before he corrects you. Thinks it’s the same as humility, the fool.”
“I,” you breathed, feeling your face grow pale. “I told him I wouldn’t accept it because I thought he stole it or bought it with stolen money.”
“Wait, he tried to give it to you?” Birdie asked, eyes wide. “And you told him no?”
“Yes,” you groaned, hanging your head once again. “I’m such a fool.”
“I hardly doubt that it was your own doing,” Bunny muttered, storing the glass she had just finished polishing. “Sure, you’re just as much a fool as he is, but it’s his own damn fault for not telling you.”
“That’s right,” Natasha nodded, turning to face you fully. “You two just need to sit down and talk, tell each other exactly what you mean and what you feel. Christ, I thought your brother was going to chuck that damn pocket watch at Jake’s head when he came slinking into the firm to give it to Benji.”
You sat straight up as your heart stopped, tears gathering in your eyes.
“He did what?” You choked, eyes wide in horror, skin pale and clammy.
Natasha regarded you, seeming to hesitate before continuing. “He came into the firm just last week, trying to give Benji this old, silver pocket watch. Said he picked it up while with you in Baltimore, and that he wanted to return it to where it belonged. I’ve never seen your brother so mad, Scout. I thought he was going to pass out from how loud he was yelling. Told Jake to keep the damn watch and get his head out of his ass.”
You were vaguely aware of Birdie blushing at Nat’s coarse language beside you, but your mind was reeling from the brunette’s words. He had tried to give your father’s pocket watch back? You thought you were going to be sick as you stood, moving to leave the saloon.
“Are you okay, Scout?” Bunny called after you, worry in her voice that was mirrored by the look on Penny’s face.
“I just remembered I have chores that need tending to,” you murmured, moving more on auto-pilot than anything in that moment.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” Natasha offered, already moving to stand, but you waved her off.
“No, no,” you frowned. “I’ll manage on my own, thank you. I have some thinking to do.”
Nat didn’t seem too sure, but slowly sat back down on her stool as you walked briskly out of the saloon and onto the street. The wind whipped at your cheeks, the cold biting your skin and turning it red. You made your way home, mind numb as you replayed Natasha’s words over and over again in your head. He wanted to give the watch back? Was Penny wrong? Were you too late to make amends?
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Your heart beat quicker in your chest as your mind ran a mile a minute, hardly noticing the ranch hands that rode up from the far field as you moved mechanically towards the barn. The horses would need fresh hay, and you were running behind on your to-do list for the day. You made your way up to the loft, pushing a large bale of hay towards the ledge, watching as it fell to the ground floor with a large thud. Making your way back down the ladder, you didn’t notice the figure that hovered at the barn door, too absorbed in your own thoughts.
It wasn’t until you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind as you moved to lift the hay bale that you were snapped back to the present.
“God dammit, Scout,” Jake hissed, picking you up and setting you down behind him. “How many times do I have to tell you that this isn’t a job for you?”
You stared at him, saying nothing as he turned around to start sorting out the hay into the different stalls.
“I can do it,” you muttered, taking a step forward. Jake glanced over his shoulder at you with an unimpressed look before going back to what he was doing. You took a step towards him, then another, and then another, and then more until you were standing by the hay, kneeling down as you pushed his hands away.
“I can do it,” you snapped this time, scooping up as much of the hay as you could before moving to stand, stumbling slightly in the process. Jake started towards you, hand outstretched to help you, but you stepped away, glaring up at him. You wouldn’t cry in front of him, you couldn’t.
Jake frowned down at you, dropping his hand back to his side as he regarded you. You felt your bottom lip begin to tremble, and you turned away, trudging towards the nearest stall and dispersing the hay.
“Scout, stop” he sighed, and you ignored him, moving to continue your task. As you made to make your way over to the next stall, Jake grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
“Stop,” he repeated, eyes earnest, shifting to worry as they took you in. You ripped out of his grasp, immediately going on the defensive.
“What?” You growled at him, mustering up all of the false bravado that you could as you met his green eyes. The eyes that you missed so dearly. He seemed to hesitate before squaring his shoulders and rummaging through his pockets.
“I wanted to give you something before you left for Maryland,” he said. You saw a flash of silver as he pulled his hand out. “It seemed only fair that you should have this back.”
He held the pocket watch out to you, the small bird still swooping at the bottom of the ornate design.
“What?” You asked, eyes widening as you stared at the watch. You couldn’t stop the tears that flooded your eyes, and you let out a choked sob as all of your emotions came crashing down at once. Stumbling to the side, a hand stretched out to brace against the stall door, a wail tore from your throat. It was a sound that even surprised you in how raw and unfiltered it was. You gasped for air, but none seemed to come to you as you choked out sob after sob, hardly being able to tell when one ended and the next one started.
Jake’s eyes widened as you fell apart in front of him, watching you wearily as if you were a wild animal that would turn on him at any moment. He took a tentative step towards you, waiting for you to push him back, but was instead surprised when you grasped at him, falling into his arms and latching onto his shirt as if it were the one thing that could keep you grounded. Your wails and sobs still rocked your body, tears now staining the white cotton of Jake’s shirt as you pressed your face into his chest. His arms enveloped you, holding you gently but firmly as he swayed you from side to side. A hand rested on the back of your head, slowly stroking your hair as he pressed his face into your temple. This was what you wanted.
Your cries and tears slowed to a trickle, sobs replaced by hiccups as you regained control of your breathing, Jake gently cooing at you the entire time. Jake moved to pull away, but you clung to him tighter, glancing up at him with wet eyes.
“Please don’t let me go,” you begged him softly, and you saw a whirlwind of emotion in his gaze as he looked at you. He seemed unsure on how to respond at first, but with a set of his jaw, he nodded down at you slowly.
“I’ll be right here until you’re ready to go,” he said. “I’ll hold you until you don’t need me anymore.”
You shook your head, closing your eyes tightly as you pressed yourself firmly against him.
“I’ll always need you,” you whispered, another sob wracking your body. Jake chuckled bitterly.
“No, you won’t,” he muttered, ire in his tone. “You’ll go back to Baltimore, and you’ll find yourself a husband. Someone who can give you all the things you want. Someone who can make you happy.”
He pulled away with more success this time, just enough to hold up the watch.
“You’ll give this to someone who’s deserving of you,” he whispered, his own eyes shining now. “Someone who you love.”
You stared at him, so many emotions swirling within you. This beautiful, stupid man who had insulted you the first time you met him. This man who had inserted himself into your life with little regard to social etiquette. This man who had pulled a gun for you when you were vulnerable and scared. This man who had carved you not one, but two beautiful presents. This man that had threatened to kill for you simply because you had cried. This man that listened to you and respected your moral code enough to go out and get an honest job. This man that stood before you, ready to let you leave without a second thought because he thought it was what you wanted.
“I’m not going back to Baltimore,” you said finally, face grave as you spoke. Jake’s eyebrows shot up in shock.
“You’re not?” He asked you.
“Jake, it’s been three weeks since we returned,” you replied, frowning. “If I was so eager to go back, don’t you think I would have left by now?”
“I think there’s a lot of planning that goes into something like that,” he countered. You scowled at him, pulling away completely now and putting some distance between the two of you.
“Nat told me you tried to give the watch to Benji,” you accused, glaring at the offending silver pendant.
“Did she tell you that he wouldn’t take it?” He countered with a frown.
“She did,” you confirmed, clasping your hands in front of you. “Said that my brother practically threw it back in your face, he was so angry.”
“That temper appears to be a family trait,” he muttered, and you had to suppress a smile.
You were still mad at him, after all.
“I figured,” he continued, taking a step forward, “that he just wanted me to give it back to you. It’s a family heirloom, and he has his own. It’s an important thing to you, and it’s only fair that you should give it to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.”
He held the watch out to you, and the two of you stared at each other for a moment. Slowly, deliberately, you reached out and took the watch from him. You ran your fingers over the plants and birds etched into the sides with care, contemplating your next words.
“You’re right,” you hummed, glancing up at him. His jaw was set, eyes glistening as he watched you. “This watch should go to someone who I can call my husband. Someone who can give me the things that I want and who will make me happy.”
Jake sucked in a breath, shifting from one foot to the other as you continued.
“Someone who is deserving of me,” you breathed, eyes shining as you gazed up at him. “Someone who I love.”
Jake hung his head as you finished, and you caught the faintest hint of a sniffle as you stepped forward. You took his right hand in yours, squeezing it lightly before opening it and placing the pocket watch back into his grasp. You gently curled his fingers around it, holding his hand in both of yours as you looked up at him.
His green eyes bore into yours, a questioning look on his face as he frowned.
“I don’t understand,” he murmured, shaking his head. You rolled your eyes, moving to wrap your arms around his neck as you leaned into him. Without a thought, he wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close as your lips hovered over his.
“You idiot,” you chuckled, eyelids drooping as you stared into his eyes, willing him to see what the two of you had known all along. “I love you.”
Jake stared at you, eyes widened in shock. He studied you, seeming to try and find any trace of deception. When he saw that there was none, a grin broke out on his face.
“You do?” He asked quietly, eyes sparkling with joy now.
“Mhm,” you nodded, leaning in closer so that your lips brushed his gently. “I love you, Jake.”
His lips crashed against yours, desperate to feel you. You kissed him back with just as much passion, breaking away after a few moments. Jake’s lips chased after yours, but you pulled away from him with a giggle.
“Come with me,” you said in a hushed voice, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the barn. Jake followed you eagerly, practically racing you up the steps and into the house. Your home was silent, indicating that no one else was there, and you quickly pulled Jake up the stairs and into your room.
Once you had crossed the threshold, Jake slammed the door shut, spinning you around so that you were pressed up against it. His lips grazed yours as his hands ran around to grab the back of your thighs, hoisting you up and locking them around his waist. His lips molded to yours as he pressed against your core, and you gasped as you felt the hard evidence of his desire press into your most sensitive parts, and Jake used this as an opportunity to slide his tongue against yours in languid strokes.
“Need you,” he moaned desperately, nipping at your bottom lip. Your hands ran across his shoulders, your right running up to tug on the strands of blond that curled at the nape of his neck. He let out a moan that had you grinding your core back against him, earning a whimper from the man in front of you.
“You have me,” you promised, pulling him back in for a kiss. His tongue was hot against you as you continued to grind down onto him. His hands moved to your hips, guiding your movements as he thrust up into you every so often. His lips pulled away from yours as he pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses from the corner of your mouth to the bottom of your earlobe. He sucked the flesh in between his lips, nibbling on it lightly before letting it go.
“Say it,” he breathed, hand palming at your breasts as you let out a wanton moan. You tilted your head as he began to suck on a patch of sensitive skin, making you see stars as he nipped every so often, laving the spot with his tongue. “Come on, honey girl. Say it.”
“I love you,” you gasped when he gave a particularly hard bite to the same spot just as he thrust up into you. Jake smirked against your neck, letting your legs drop from around him as he pulled back. You whined at the loss of contact, which only made Jake’s smirk grow bigger.
“Don’t worry, pretty girl,” he cooed, moving to sit at the foot of the bed. “Can’t do what we’re about to do with clothes on, can we?”
It took you a second to understand what he was saying. You supposed you should have felt apprehension at the very least, but in that moment, all you could feel was a mixture of desire and…love.
You quickly undid the buttons of your skirt, letting it fall to the floor. You then removed your socks and shoes, followed quickly by your shirt and then your bloomers. You were soon left standing in front of Jake in nothing but your corset and chemise. While you had undressed, Jake had removed his own clothing, now standing in front of you in just his drawers. You felt a blush creep up your neck as he stared at you, a familiar warmth in his green gaze.
Jake walked back over to you slowly, raising a hand to unlace your corset. You sucked in a breath as it fell away from you, hitting the floor with a light thud. His hands moved to the bottom of your corset, pausing as he looked at you for permission. You nodded, swallowing thickly as his fingers gripped the bottom of the garment, pulling it up and over your head. You were completely exposed to him now, and you moved to cover yourself out of embarrassment.
“No,” Jake murmured, shaking his head as he gazed at you. “I want to see you, honey girl. Want to see what’s mine.”
You shuddered at his words, a jolt of pleasure running up your spine as you pressed your thighs together. The movement didn’t go unnoticed by Jake who chuckled lightly before turning you gently so that the backs of your knees brushed the bed. He laid you down, shifting you so that your head rested against the pillows. You reached for him, and Jake leaned down to press his lips to yours once again, licking into your mouth with soft, deliberate strokes.
You gasped when you felt his fingers trace your folds, gathering the wetness that lay there and stroking back up to your clit. Your hips jolted off the bed, and he hushed you, pressing his lips in gentle kisses back towards your ear.
“Already so wet for me, sweetheart,” he chuckled, drawing small figure eights onto your clit, and you mewled at the sensation. “Always so responsive for me. Always such a good girl for me. How did I get so lucky to have such a sweet little thing like you in my life, hm?”
“Jakey,” you breathed, locking eyes with his as he pressed a finger into you, causing your back to arch off the bed.
“It’s okay, honey girl,” he cooed, reaching up to stroke your hair. “I’ve got you, sweet thing. Always feel so tight and warm. Can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock.”
You felt yourself clench at his words and he added a second finger, scissoring you open as he continued to stroke into you.
“You like the sound of that, huh?” He chuckled, placing a tender kiss to your jaw. “Like the sound of me filling you up? Giving you what you need?”
You nodded your head vigorously, eyes never leaving his. He smirked once again, looking down at where his fingers disappeared inside you before glancing back up.
“Tell me what it is you need, baby,” he whispered, watching you fall apart as he added a third finger and hitting that spongy spot inside of you. You mewled, throwing your head back. Jake kissed down the column of your throat and over the curve of your breast. He took your right nipple into his mouth, laving the bud with his tongue. The sensations were becoming too much, and you felt the familiar tingle begin to grow in your lower stomach.
Jake let go of you with a quiet pop before switching his attention to your other breast. Your hands were still tangled in his hair, holding him to you as your hips raised in time with the stroke of his fingers, desperately chasing your high.
“Come on, sweet girl,” he rasped, gazing up at you from between the valley of your breasts. “Tell me what you need.”
“Need your cock, Jakey,” you whimpered, grinding down on his fingers. “Need you inside me. Need to feel you fill me up. Need you.”
Jake reached up to take your bottom lip between his teeth, sucking on it gently before pulling it and letting it go.
“You have me,” he echoed your words from earlier. “Now come.”
At his command, the pleasure inside you burst, washing over you in waves as you cried out, clawing at his shoulders as he continued to pump his fingers into you slowly, riding out your high. As you came down, he slipped his fingers out of you, and you felt bereft of his touch. You watched in awe as you raised his fingers to his lips, taking them into his mouth as he made a show of licking them clean.
“Just like honey,” he hummed. You reached for him, pulling him to you as you kissed him. You licked into his mouth, moaning as you tasted yourself on his tongue. You pulled back just enough to speak against his lips.
“Want you inside of me,” you breathed, staring into his eyes, the green swallowed whole by the black of his pupils. “Want you to make love to me.”
Jake’s breath hitched as he studied you.
“Are you sure?” He asked you, and you nodded, reaching a hand down in between the two of you to grasp his hard length. Jake nearly choked as you ran your palm up and down him, grasping lightly every so often.
“I’m sure,” you whispered. Jake’s eyes bore into yours before nodding, shuffling out of his own drawers, baring himself to you. Your eyes widened as you took him in. His shaft curved towards his stomach, the tip an angry red as it leaked pre-cum.
You swallowed thickly, reaching your hand out once more to run your fingertips over the head, moving down to grip him firmly. Jake let out a low groan, throwing his head back as you stroked him experimentally.
“So good for me, darlin’,” he moaned, reaching down to remove your hand. He shot you a playful wink as he slipped his fingers through yours, resting them by your head. “But if you keep that up, I’m going to come before we even get to the fun part.”
You smiled shyly up at him as he took a hold of himself, running his length up and down your folds to gather the wetness you so freely gave him. You let out a high-pitched whimper every time the tip brushed against your clit, and you threw your head back at the pleasurable feeling. Finally, Jake rested the head against you, glancing up at you once more.
“Are you sure?” He asked you, and you nodded.
“Please, Jakey,” you whined. Jake pressed a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth before leaning back. You gasped as you felt him press the head of his cock into your tight hole, the sensation foreign but not altogether unpleasant. He pressed a little more of his length in, pausing to let you accommodate to his size. He cradled you in his arms, leaning back down to whisper gentle words of encouragement into your ear as he slowly pressed more and more of himself into you. After what felt like ages, you finally felt the coarse hairs of his base press against your clit, sending a shock of pleasure up your spine that had you clenching around him. Jake let out a hiss, pressing his face into the column of your throat. Jake took your other hand in his, lacing his fingers through yours and pressing them on the other side of your head mirror to the ones on your right. He pulled back to look at you, eyes hazy with pleasure.
“I’m going to move now, okay?” He asked you, and you nodded, whining as he pulled back out of you slowly before thrusting back in. He continued his movement, brushing his nose against yours as his pace built, the head of him hitting that spot inside you with every pass. It wasn’t long before the vague discomfort gave way to pleasure, and soon your hips were raising to meet his.
“Such a good girl,” he moaned, giving you a kiss that was more teeth than lips. “Feel so fucking good wrapped around me like this. Taking me so well, yeah? Can feel you squeezing me, gripping me like you don’t ever want me to leave. Your cunt is so greedy for me and my big cock, huh? Such a greedy pussy, and it’s all mine now.”
You moaned wantonly at his words, your head thrown back into the pillows as he continued to rut into your soaked core. A squelching sound could be heard from where your bodies connected, but you didn’t have it in you to feel embarrassed. Not when his cock was hitting you in all the right places, his filthy words only adding to your excitement.
“Jakey,” you cried, feeling the pleasure begin to peak. Jake grunted as you clenched particularly hard around him.
“That’s it, honey girl,” he cooed, releasing your hand to cup your cheek as he gazed down at you. “Want you to cum around me, milk me dry. Milk me for all I’m worth. My balls have been aching for weeks. Havin’ to jerk off at the thought of what this sweet cunt would feel like when she drains me dry. Oh, fuck.
He gasped as your pussy spasmed around him.
“That turn you on, baby? The thought of me jerkin’ off to the thought of fillin’ you up with my cum? This pretty, little pussy is just begging me to come inside her, huh?” He groaned, thrusts becoming harder, and you could feel the coil begin to tighten.
“You close, huh, honey? I can feel how close you are. Can feel how hard your grippin’ me. That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me. Come all over my cock.”
His words were all the permission you needed, and you came with a loud cry, body spasming underneath him as he continued to stroke in and out of you as you rode out your high. Jake’s hips began to move faster, chasing his own high as he pistoned in and out of you, the sound of skin slapping echoing throughout the room.
“Gonna fill you up, honey girl,” he groaned, eyes glazed over as pleasure washed over him. “Gonna fill you up, and maybe even knock you up. How’s that sound? Just thinkin’ about you all round and swollen with my baby has me goin’ crazy. Want you leakin’ with my cum by the time I’m through with you. Everybody in town is going to know you’re my girl, and they’ll know how good I make you feel. How good I take care of my girl. Fuck.”
His words had you tightening around him. They shouldn’t have made you feel the way you were feeling, but the sight of Jake so lost in the feel of you as he neared his end had another orgasm ripping through you, right off the back of the first one.
“Knew you’d like the sound of that,” he smirked, thrusts becoming sloppy. “I’m gonna come so hard for you, baby. Gonna fill you up with so much cum you’ll be leaking me for days. Shit. Need to hear you say it, baby. Tell me what you told me earlier. Be my good fucking girl and tell me.”
“I love you,” you keened, barely coherent as wave after wave of pleasure washed over you. “Want you to fill me up, Jakey, please. Wanna feel you.”
“Shit, darlin’,” he gasped hips stuttering, and you felt red hot spurts begin to fill you. Jake pinched his eyes closed, lost in his own pleasure as he began to babble. “Fuck! Oh, fuck, I’m coming. I’m coming for you, baby. It’s all for you, that’s it. Take it. Take all of it and milk me. Jesus Christ. Oh, I love you. I love you. I love you so much, Scout. Oh…”
His hips slowed as his orgasm subsided, and he practically collapsed on top of you as the last tremors of his release rocked through him. You ran your fingers through his hair, skin hot and sweaty as you both calmed down. Jake’s head rested against your chest, and you let out a contented sigh as he placed a gentle kiss to the swell of your breast before looking up at you. His green eyes were filled with love and awe, emotions that you were sure reflected in your own.
“I love you,” he murmured, earning a small smile.
“I love you too.”
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You awoke the next morning feeling a soreness between your legs, but a pleasant buzz filling you nonetheless. You shifted, taking note of the strong arms that held you tighter against a broad chest at your back. Warm lips pressed gentle kisses up the curve of your shoulder and to your temple.
“Good morning, honey girl.”
You smiled turning to meet the bright green eyes of Jake Seresin.
“Good morning,” you greeted softly, turning so that you faced him. His head was propped up against his hand as the other one traced up and down your side. “I’m surprised you’re still here. I figured you’d be sick of me by now.”
“Sick of you?” He chuckled, shaking his head, leaning forward to meet you in a lazy kiss before pulling back. “I’ll never get sick of you, pretty girl.”
“So,” you hummed, glancing at him slyly. “What’s next?”
“Well,” he began, smirking lightly. “I figured we’d get dressed, and we’d go downstairs so I could make you breakfast, and then we have a repeat of last night.”
“Is that all you want?” you asked him quietly, insecurity rearing its ugly head as he spoke. His smirk dropped into a frown, and he shook his head.
“No,” he stated firmly, looking at you seriously. “No, Scout. I meant what I said. I love you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything. I intend to make an honest woman out of you if you’ll have me.”
You smiled at his words, biting your lip to keep from smiling.
“I suppose you’ll do,” you smirked, earning a chuckle from the blond.
“You’re such a tease,” he admonished, leaning in to press his lips to yours. You opened your mouth to him, letting him stroke your tongue with his in easy strokes.
The two of you jumped as you heard the front door slam shut, Bradley’s voice carrying up the stairs. Your eyes widened as you scrambled to get out of bed, searching for some article of clothing to throw on to preserve your modesty.
“Jake, I know you’re in here. I need your help!”
Jake cursed from the other side of the bed, throwing his trousers and shirt on as you threw your chemise over your head just as Bradley burst through the door. Jake scowled at him, moving to shield your body with his.
“Don’t you know how to knock?” He snapped, glaring up at the brunette. Bradley rolled his eyes, giving you an apologetic smile.
“Hey, Scout,” he greeted briefly before turning his attention back to Jake. “Look, I’m glad that the two of you have made up, but this is serious. I need your help to wrangle the group.”
“What’s going on? Did Javy sleep with someone’s wife again?” Jake scowled, watching you as you moved to put more clothing on. “If you hadn’t guessed, I’m kind of busy, and Javy is a big boy. He can take care of his own messes.”
Bradley shook his head. “It’s not Javy, it’s Bob.”
Jake and you became more alert at that, eyes shooting up to look at Bradley as he stood in the doorway, shifting from one foot to the other nervously.
“What do you mean?” Jake questioned, scrambling to put his boots on.
“Some men down at the saloon were saying some pretty nasty shit to Bunny, and Bob stepped in. That’s when I came to get you ‘cause I knew it was about to get nasty, and I need all the help I can get.”
“Shit,” Jake muttered, turning to look at you. He placed his hands on your shoulders, giving you a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I need you to stay here, honey girl.”
“What?” You frowned, shaking your head. “No, I’m coming with you.”
“Scout, please,” he pleaded, looking at you with furrowed brows. “This could get ugly, and I’d feel a lot better knowing that you are here at home. Safe. Will you please just do this for me?”
You regarded him for a moment, nodding finally, and Jake let out a relieved sigh. He pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before turning to follow Bradley out the door. “I’ll be back before you know it, okay?”
He disappeared down the hall, and a few moments later you heard the front door slam shut once more. You sighed, looking around the room before deciding to strip your sheets. It took you a few minutes to gather all of them, placing them in the basket by the door and moving with it downstairs. You placed the basket by the back door, eyeing the kitchen before shaking your head.
“Ridiculous,” you muttered, making for the front door. You walked briskly down the road and towards the saloon where a small crowd had gathered. You pushed your way through, earning jeers and curses from the people around you. Just as you made your way to the front of the crowd, your heart dropped, ice chilling your bones. You saw Marshal Simpson slam Jake up against the side of the saloon, cuffing his hands behind his back. Jake winced at the rough treatment, Simpson hauling him back so roughly that he stumbled a ways, glaring back at the older man.
“Is this all really necessary?” Jake drawled, sarcasm dripping from his tone as Simpson scowled.
“Yes,” the marshal snapped, pushing Jake forward as they began to walk. Jake’s eyes scanned the crowd as he moved, eyes landing on you, softening. He paused in front of you, and you felt the tears begin to stream down your face.
“Hey, sweet girl,” he whispered, glancing back at Simpson who glanced between the two of you. “Everything is going to be alright, yeah? Don’t you worry about a thing. I’ll be out as a free man before you know it.”
“You shouldn’t lie to her, Hangman,” Simpson said, casting you a sympathetic look. “We all know that this is the end of the line for you.”
Jake frowned at his words, moving to say something before Marshal Simpson pushed him forward towards the town jail. Jake cast looked over his shoulder at you, giving you a tight smile before being ushered through the doors.
Your eyes scanned the street for anyone who might be able to help, but you didn’t see any of the other Daggers as the crowd began to disperse. You felt despair and hopelessness fill you. You had been so close to happiness, and you knew in your heart that Jake was a different man from the one the marshal was sent to track down.
Your eyes continued to rove over the townsfolk before landing on a familiar face. The pit in your stomach dropped, terror gripping at you as your breath came out in short gasps. Black, bottomless eyes stared right at you, a malicious grin on Isaac’s face as he watched you. You choked back a scream as he tipped his hat to you, and a wave of realization hit you.
This had been a setup, a trap. Isaac had planned this, and he had set the Dagger Gang up to be arrested. As far as you knew, Jake was the only one that had been caught, but that would have been enough for the man who stood on the opposite side of the street. You gathered your skirts and ran in the opposite direction, desperate to get away from the evil man. You had to find the other Daggers. You had to find Maverick or Tom. Someone had to have a plan on how to get Jake out of this mess.
You rounded a building off of the main street, leaning against it and sinking to the ground. You let the tears flow freely, the sense of helplessness overtaking you as you realized just how much trouble Jake was in. Even if you managed to get him out, there was no guarantee that it would be legally or without injury to someone, and yet you were determined to try.
You had just had a taste of what it would be like to lose Jake, and the thought alone sent another wave of tears rolling down your cheek. No. No, you would not lose him again. You scrubbed at your eyes, putting on a brave face as you stood. Squaring your shoulders, you glanced around to find you were alone. You made your way back, heading for Maverick and Penny’s home.
Someone would have a plan, and you were bound and determined to help.
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Tag List: @jakeseresinlover @haley-hotchner @queerqueenlynn @dempy @fanficfandomlove @aworldwideapart @stoptaking-the-good-names @maximus890 @sky2nd @devil-angel-winchester @hopip99 @hookslove1592 @lemmons1998 @yuckosworld @uniquedreamlandcheesecake @imamomof8 @pietrothemovie @kmc1989 @mamachasesmayhem @hangmansgbaby @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog @deliriousfangirl61 @hangmandruigandmav @na-ta-sh-aa @witchybabel @keyrani @i-wanna-be-your-muse @buckysteveloki-me @clancycucumber230 @dreamlandcreations @emotionallysalty @fandom-life-12 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @nouis-bum @topherwrites @squeaky-bumblbee22 @hangmansgbaby @goldenseresinretriever @bobgasm @linkpk88 @number-0-iz @xl-pr @stillreadingfantasy @shibble @horseshoegirl @Emandems10 @nerdytreeflower @roostersforevergirl @bucky-sdoll @alldaysdreamer @piceous21 @ziuridian @princessofglitterland @selse02 @eyeswidecovered
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useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
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Vil·la romana dels Munts (Els Munts Roman Villa) is one of the best preserved Roman villas in the Iberian peninsula, the Roman province of Hispania. It's located in modern-day Altafulla (Camp de Tarragona, Catalonia), in the countryside near the important Roman city of Tarraco (modern-day Tarragona). The villa's archaeological remains are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Archaeological Ensemble of Tarraco".
The oldest part of the villa dates from the 1st century AD, when it was a small farming villa, but it was soon abandoned. In the early 2nd century AD, the old villa was demolished and the place was rebuilt as a large, aristocratic villa: it still kept having a significant agricultural role, but included a magnificent and luxurious residence area. To get an idea of how luxurious it was, a normal 2nd-century Roman villa might have one marble covering, while Els Munts has hundreds of coverings made of marble imported from the Eastern Mediterranean and the North of Africa. The residence also had wall paintings, mosaic floors, statues, fountains, and artificial ponds. The villa also included a bath house and a the largest temple of the Mithraic religion known in the Western Roman Empire.
When the Roman emperor Hadrian stayed in Tarraco the winter of 122-123 AD, it's thought that this villa could have been the place where he was staying. A statue of Antinous (Hadrian's lover) was found in Els Munts.
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Statue of Antinous, Higea, and Asclepios found in Els Munts. Nowadays in Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona.
The villa was partially destroyed by a fire in the late 3rd century, starting its decline. In the early 5th century, it was remodelled into a Late Roman villa and then a Visigothic one, and was in use until the 7th century.
Photos by Quim Roser/Dep. Cultura, ArqueoXarxa, Manel Antolí/Tarragona Turisme, Tjerk van der Meulen/Ara, MNAT - Google Arts and Culture. Drawing reconstruction by Hugo Prades/MNAT. Information from Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona and Ara (Josep Anton Remolà).
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baby-jaguar · 6 months
Part 1: Meeting John Price
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Western AU; Mail Order Spouse Trope
WC: 3,131 CW: None
AN: My beloved! John Price! Would love to hear your thoughts and comments, as well as any questions. I hope ye enjoy <3
Please see the following for the explanation and precursors to the scene!
Introduction, Biography
Truthfully, you’re glad you didn't have many friends in town, as it meant no one to share unnecessary secrets with, nor did it spread any word of what you were up to in your free time. 
However, that isn’t to say that you trusted at least some people in the small town you lived in, such as your boss.
A scapegoat for you to write your correspondence letters was that you simply had to stay late on the farm, working extra long hours because of something that was messed up, or because you knew your parents wouldn’t argue with the fact that you were getting more money.
Feeling that you were a decent enough candidate for John to consider since you are working as a farm hand already, you decided to write your first correspondence the next day. Once sent, you received a letter back from him four days later and by god, did he sound like such a gentleman. 
You were able to soon confide in him on how you wanted to leave town, start fresh, but stick with what you know since you did work on the well-known “Loyal Laswell Farm,” and help out around their farmhouse with common jobs such as sewing, cooking, and even making a dirty barn looked organized- a man’s dream spouse.
With only two weeks passing and less than a handful of letters to be traded, you already had money and an open invitation to John’s ranch. Through your correspondence, John stated that he had already known of Kate Laswell, her having been a long ago buyer from him and even she had sought out advice on taking care of her lambs long ago. 
John connected the dots and realized that you were the trusty youngling that she hired early on; He already trusted your morale if Laswell had kept you after all this time. (And if Laswell did gloat about you once in a while, that was a secret between her and John.) After finding out about the mutual connection, you confided in her. 
Kate, already knowing of your family’s vices, was pleasantly surprised by your major turn of life events and how quickly your fate had been granted to you in the form of Price. She made sure your head was screwed on straight enough that if it didn’t work out, you could mail her and she would help you figure it out from there…
Kate’s wife chimed in and said you and Price would be a great fit.
The two women gave their aid to you in the form of gifting you your favorite horse to ride off on during your long journey. You only brought a handful of items from your parent's house, slowly, and used the remaining amounts of wardrobe you kept at the farm to pack up. With two bags packed and some food, feed, a gun being courtesy of Laswell’s wife, and a celebratory pack of cigars for John (Kate’s wedding gift), you were on your way. 
It only took you a week by horseback, luckily traveling near the Oregon Trail that had already had sorted paths cleared and lived-in, you only needed to stop when you and your horse did. You were able to send John updated letters, but were not able to receive them due to constantly being on the move. This left you daydreaming about him.
John wrote that he is originally from Deadwood, South Dakota. He comes from a long line of lawmen and followed in their footsteps in his early adult life. However, as John became sheriff and notorious for his hardened but fair demeanor, he began to see the justice system slip through the cracks right in front of him. Murderers would walk away and many left unjustly prosecuted in other cases. It angered and dwelled on him so much that he retired early on. John soon found his solace in the quiet mountain town of Pitkin, Colorado. John describes himself as a proud man who is protective and respectful, an old soul who loves his whiskey - and is looking for his strawberry wine. He is a weathered man who can fix any problems of yours, all at the cost of a shoulder to lean on and someone to spend the rest of his days with.
Coming into Pitkin, it brings forth a small town nestled within luscious green mountains and a strip of shops down the main road that highlights most of the town's activity. Riding through, you were an obvious sight to be had; a new face set out on a horse with minimal bags packed on the back. You didn’t seem like a traveler, no, you seemed like someone who was on a mission to find something- someone. 
Smiling and giving small nods towards those who stare, your cheeks have a faint blush from the attention as you ride down the strip and toward the end of the town. Soon, the signs have a label of a bull, a common connotation of a ranch, causing you to garner up a bit more hope and hold your head high as you click your horse into a canter. 
The sound of your horse's hooves thundering on the ground cannot beat the thrum of your heart; riding over the hill, you’re greeted with a breathtaking view of the Alpine mountains that dip into a valley with an absurd amount of leveled planes that make you believe the land was spread flat by an inviting entity. Your eyes come into focus on small black dots that move before you make out to be the shape of cattle grazing across the green and flowing grass.
There sits a house atop the hill that is before the dip of the valley, where a fence surrounds a large barn that is directly adjacent to the house. You bring your horse to a slow walk as you take in the view of the wooden house; it's a cabin-styled home but large in the additions that have been formed around the sides, making it one of the bigger houses in town. The barn rivals its size by double, and the open stalls along the side let you glimpse into the hay-filled homes of horses that linger near the fences. You have to do a double take when you see movement in the barn that is all too human-like, then pulling the reigns of your horse once a few feet away from the entrance to stop and watch. 
A man stands, low grunts leaving him as he stretches his back before grabbing a hay bayle and beginning to break it up. He wears a worn-out pair of jeans and a cowboy hat as his low whistling breaks the silence between the surrounding horses neighing at your new appearance. In an instant, you know immediately this is John.
To your surprise, your horse greets the others in a sharp jeer of noise, causing him to turn around in surprise his eyes dart up at you.
For a second, you’re humored at the look he gives, not expecting something so sweet as you to ride into his ranch and most likely expecting someone within the town to come to bother him. 
But in an instant, he knows exactly who you are. 
After his shock wears off, he sets down the hay and reaches up to take his cowboy hat off and place it on his chest as he walks toward you. Letting out a low whistle, his eyes roam over you with an enamored stare. “God was just showin’ off when he made you, sweetheart.” Comes the low timbre of his voice, sending a small fire of desire shimmying through your vertebrae. 
A soft smile graces your face in return, halting your horse for the time being as he comes up to you. “Good morning sir, would I be right to assume that you are John Price, the owner of this ranch?” You ask after a moment of your eyes trailing over him, taking in his face and ice-blue eyes while he approaches to help you down from your horse.
“That I am, Sweetheart. And I suppose you’re the one that I’ve been lookin’ so forward to meetin’, that right?” He asks in return, a small smirk taking his lips while he helps you lower down from the saddle. You smile at the extended hand, taking it as you swing your opposite leg out of the stirrup while feeling the touch of his other hand coming to caress your hip in a gentle fashion.
"I hope you've been as comfortable as one can be on a week-long ride," John comments softly, keeping his hand on you once you're firmly planted on the ground as his eyes scan you from head to toe. "How you feelin’?" He asks sweetly, now finding your eyes with genuine affection in his tone.
In response to his lingering touch on your hip, and feeling it travel to your waist with a brief squeeze before he lets it fall, you give him a small squeeze of the hand you're holding to. “Not too shabby; was able to get a room a few of the nights along the way. I’m thankful for the good weather I had while getting here.” You respond as you shift your saddle-sore hips for a moment and reorient your limbs to standing. 
"You're not so shabby yourself, sweet thing'." He compliments softly as he releases you, then grabs your horse’s bridle and releases the bit before attaching his own lead to it, and a small feeling of surprise crosses your mind at how easily he handles new horses. Then, gesturing for you to follow him. "Come on. Let me show you around." John leads with comfortable confidence, letting your horse sniff him while leading him to an open stall with some water and feed. 
“Thank you for letting me bring my stallion here, Laswell gifted him to me when I was sayin’ goodbye. Said you may remember him from when he was a foal?” You prompt with a tilt of curiosity at the edge of your words while you join them in the stall to unload your bags and take the saddle off.
Looking back towards him, his eyes are looking over the horse for any identifiers, hints that would make him remember. “Not quite sure I remember this one, sweetheart. He got a name?” John asks in response once finished doing a sweepdown of his mane and a quick swipe of his hair coat.
“Laswell said he’s always been named Captain.” You answer curtly, now looking to see his reaction, if any.
It takes a moment for you to narrow in on the way the left side of his mustache twitches slightly before he breaks out into an all-out smile. “Well, I’ll be damned…” John trails out as he moves back towards Captain's head.
His blue eyes shine in the light of the barn windows, meeting yours for a moment while a boyish charm takes over his face. “This slick bastard got you all the way over to me?” John speaks with a gruffness that intertwines with amusement; the way his hands move to rub over the horse's forehead and nose showcases a glimpse of a gentle side reserved for his animals.
As you scrunch your eyebrows up in confusion, John catches your expression and gives a hearty chuckle in response. “I helped birth this one the day that Kate came up here to buy some lambs. Her wife was cryin’, thinking that him and his momma were gonna die.” He answers before moving to give Captain a pat on his chest, a huff of his breath coming out in response. 
“He had both him’s front legs back during contractions. Had to help the mare by pushing his fat head on in to get him to readjust. Kate and her wife saw the whole thing.” He finishes with a hum and a distant look in his eyes only for a second, now coming back to your side and picking up a bag of yours.
“This all you got? Woulda expected a bit more from a woman movin' out west, especially to the cold mountains.” He states with a cocked eyebrow, eyeing as you bend down to hoist the remaining bag over your shoulder. You both give Captain a farewell tap before exiting the stall and heading towards Johns's house.
You wait on replying for a moment as you take a longer look at the structure, noting the wooden panels that exude a warm and weathered patina, a testament to the house's endurance against the harsh elements of the wild. The front features a symmetrical facade, with a steeply pitched gable roof that displays a combination of wooden shingles and iron accents. Windows are evenly placed on the front-facing sides of the house, and shutters open to allow glimpses into the inside.
“Didn’t have a lot to bring if I’m being honest. Just packed up what I liked and wanted, then left.” You answer with a confident nod, leaving it at that. “I did plan on finding some new or old fabrics to start making winter coats for myself.” You add on quickly, thinking over how quickly the chill must set in within the mountain valley.
You follow John onto the front porch of the house, “Ah, you do some of that fancy work or just plain work?” He inquires while gesturing for you to step inside the entrance. You’re greeted by a spacious entryway, designed to be practical and modest. The floors, made of polished wide planks, creak softly under the added weight of yourself next to John, a new soul to provide protection to in the house.
To the front of the entryway, is his living room, its centerpiece being a grand stone fireplace, providing warmth and comfort during the chilly evenings. Leather upholstered furniture invites warmth to the house, and you can see a good amount of hides used as a rug and even a throw blanket over the couch, while ornate coffee cans and some intricately shaped vases linger around the surfaces. 
The sound of your mouth opening and closing resonates in the silence of you two standing there before John shuts the door softly behind you and ultimately snaps you out of your daze. “Um, just some plain work. Never had the time or materials to work on some fancy clothes, would rather make things I know I’m gonna use.” You answer while moving to face adjacent to where he stands in front of the door.
His eyes track your own as your attention comes back to rest on him, a small smirk tugging on the edge of his mouth. With a quick laugh, he moves to place his left hand along your back, his cold fingers sliding to the place between your shoulders. “Welcome home, Sweetheart.” He smiles while speaking softly, leaning over to place a light kiss atop your head. 
When he moves back from your space, which you want to ultimately follow as you feel his warmth radiate next to you and already adore the way his voice dips impossibly lower when speaking so gently, his hand slides down to the small of your back and gives a small tap to lead you forward. “Come on, let's get you settled in.” He beckons you while walking to a door that is adjacent to the entrance.
Walking in, John’s bedroom exudes a haven, signifying his rest and relaxation at the end of the day. The warm, earthy tones of the wood and furniture create an internal warmth, in contrast to the view of the surrounding mountains of green and glimpse over the cattle that wander the land, the windows laden with lace curtains.
The bed was the average size for the master bedroom; The double bed sat its headboard against the wall to the right of the entrance, facing the windows. A large red quilt adorns the bed while the bed itself is a robust wooden frame with upright pieces of carved and sanded wood posted taller at each corner of the bed.
In the corner is another stone fireplace, where an armchair sits to serve as a place for John to unwind, read a book, or reflect on the day. A well-worn wooden dresser stands against one wall, its surface adorned with a few cherished mementos - a faded photograph of him on a horse, a weathered pocket watch that has seen countless sunsets, and a small collection of polished rocks, each one possibly a reminder of a special moment.
"It's not much." He pauses before speaking again, his tone becoming more personal. "And I'd love to have you share my bed when you're comfortable. However, if you need time to adjust, I can set myself up in the living room. I don't wish to pressure you if you're not comfortable yet."
The sweet and respectful offer doesn’t fly over you, and a small smile rises over your lips. “Thank you, John. That’s awfully considerate of everything you’re doing for me. I don’t want to burden you with sleeping on your own couch, I wouldn't mind.” You answer while slowly walking to the dresser, placing your bag down by the foot of it.
“It may take a few days to adjust and get to know you, but-” you take a second to turn around and look at his form with a small shy smile, “I don’t think I’ll keep you waiting long.” You finish as a soft blush rises to the apples of your cheeks. Your hands come to interlace together in the front of your lap as his heavy footsteps make their way towards you with a bright smile that borders a smirk.
He stops in front of you, holding eye contact as he places your other bag down. “Ain’t no way in hell I’d be letting you sleep on the couch, sweetheart. But, I do look forward to hearing your answer. When you’re ready for it.” He speaks in a gruff voice, eyebrows raised to make sure you're taking his answer to heart and understanding, his warm hands moving to enclose both of yours within his grasp.
Bringing your hands up to his lips, you watch with rapt attention at his mouth puckering and in turn, making his facial hair move in the action, then leaving a warm and gentle kiss on the back of each hand.
His eyes don’t stray from yours while doing so, his blue eyes bring an inviting wave of ice- the kind you actively seek when you’re feeling too hot or need to wake up. “Now, how about I show you the rest of the ranch, babydoll?” He asks with a soft grin, pulling you just a fraction closer by the grip of your hands.
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mrs-illyrian-baby · 4 days
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An Invisible Thread | Illyrian Warrior!Bucky x Fae!Reader | Oneshot - 5k
After the war with Hybern your village is left defenceless. Despite only having picked up a sword to play with your brothers, you’re sent into the wilds of your island to track down the monster that has been stealing from the farms. 
But the monster is also on the move, and it won’t just be your limited skills as a hunter that are required to tame it or just your village that's pushing you to find it.
Warnings: the biggest warning here is Illyrian!Bucky, 18+ for language maybe, nothing scary here. Injuries, whump, hurt/comfort, some fluff, ACOTAR themes including fated mates/mating bonds. Rated W for whump and F for fluffy
Created for @buckybarnesevents Alternate Juniverse with all four prompts - fae, hunter, nurse and monster.
A/N: No ACOTAR knowledge required apart from Illyrian’s have big bat like wings and are hot as fuck. 
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and @reveriesources
Masterlist | Bucky Barnes
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You stood at the edge of the village, one hand on the pommel of your father’s sword and the other tucked into the fur lined pocket of your cape. 
After the war with Hybern the village’s protector’s had been depleted and, though you’d never shied away from practising with the bow and sword alongside your brothers, you had never imagined that you would become your communities only hope of protection. More suited to healing wounds than causing them, you shied away from the responsibility as much as you could. Spending your time replenishing your stocks of herbs and ointments and checking on the older residents of the village. 
Honestly, you hadn’t imagined there’d be any need for you to protect anyone. But then, isolated as you were on the Western Isles, you’d never thought that war could touch you either in your community of lesser fae. You’d never been bothered before, content to live quietly and ask for nothing. Yet here you were, back to the decimated houses and cottages of your villages, poised to leave them to hunt a monster. 
If the rumours were true, though, rumours of a beast running amok in the wild forest along the coast, then you had no choice. 
With a final look back at the squat white washed cottage where you’d left your mother, you set out towards your destiny. 
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Across the island, by the shore, a towering figure bent to drink from the ice meltwater trickling into the sea beyond. 
Blood dripped from their open mouth and they howled as the salt water mixed with the fresh. They raised themselves again and slunk back into the shadows of the forest, following the waterline. 
As you trudged you recounted the tale the farmers had told at the inn the night before. A huge beast, black as night, had been spotted raiding their barn. The island was small enough that everyone knew each other, every sheep and cow and ploughed furrow was accounted for by name and the farmers shared the large barn that stood guard over the far end of the open fields. No stranger could have arrived without them knowing, no stranger could have tied their boat without the fishermen being alert. 
But this thing was no man, it was a beast, a fury, sent to torment them and the assembled village had turned to you. 
If it truly was a beast, something that could fly and steal cattle and destroy crops as the farmers claimed then you had no clue how you would slay such a thing. Your sword was heavy and sharp, but your skills were still basic no matter how you tried, this was not your calling. Your bow was taught and your arrows true, but practising with your brothers was a jest. 
After the weeks and months without them, perhaps it would be a blessing to sacrifice yourself for the village as they had. To be relieved of the torment of their passing. 
Sighing you pulled a hard biscuit from your pack and continued on into the dense trees that occupied one side of the island. You could remember far enough back to when the forest took over almost the whole island, your brothers and father clearing a space for the now well tilled farmland that insulated the village from the wildness beyond. The forest and the farm lived together side by side, each animal and plant having its own sacred place within the system. Each farmer conscious of keeping the wheel moving each season. 
No one had ever feared the forest as they did now. 
Your first night amid the trees past uneventfully, used to spending most of your time outside the creatures of the night didn’t scare you, neither did they fear you, choosing to approach your fireside. You weren’t entirely convinced of their being a beast within the forest either, no beast liked to cross the salt sea from the mainland, even if they could escape the Prison, there would be little for a monster here. You told yourself over and over, as sleep took you, that any monster would head to the middle, and not to the Isles. 
It seemed more likely that there was something trapped in the trees. Nevertheless you made sure to set traps around the clearing before finally laying down to sleep. 
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There was a light in the forest, smoke pluming briefly before dying down into soft trails of grey that mixed with the iron sky, fading into the stars as the moon rose. Tempted by the smell it approached, its gait unsteady in the soft ground, weighed down by its own body, blood still spilling into the dry leaves. 
Closer, closer,  heaving its mighty body along the ridge of rocks that crawled across the middle of the island. It had been this way before, it had taken vegetables and savoured the earthy taste of them, raw and unwashed against its tongue. It had slipped into the barn and stolen a pail of fresh milk, still warm and buttery. 
Perhaps the smoke meant more food. But its body was tired, it groaned and slumped against a tree, wrapping into itself, a darkness thicker and colder than the world around. 
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In the morning you kicked dirt over the small fire, putting out the flame. The forest was still yours to protect, even if it did harbour a threat. 
You’d sharpened your sword before sleeping, leaving it unsheathed by your side. Every arrow in your quiver had new fletching, the ash carefully crafted from the few small trees the village grew at its centre, a protection against any further cruelty coming to your shores. 
The forest was alive in the brisk early morning air, the sky pink and lilac through the canopy, rising with the mist like a slumbering dragon, stretching and yawning into a bright spring day. 
As you ventured deeper you found the ground already disturbed. When you were younger you may have doubted yourself, wondering if the tracks were your own. But you could navigate well enough now, the sun high above you leaning into the west of the island, its heat peaking. 
Whatever it was that had stumbled through here had done so some days ago, dragging itself if the scars in the soft soil were true. It was larger than you as well, larger by at least a foot. You trained your eyes up into the trees and sure enough there were broken branches there too. 
At a trot you ran between the trees, following the path of broken twigs and scored earth. There was something else, something in the air by each tree, metallic, like iron. Blood, you could almost taste it it was so strong. But it wasn’t until the seventh tree that you saw it, marked high on the bark, as if this tall beast had propped themself against it, a red smear. And underneath there were a few bones, feathers and leftover vegetables.
If this was a beast, it was a beast that didn’t like carrot tops.
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It grew tired again. Sooner than last time. It looked into the sky, its eyesight blurring, as it made its way back to the cave it had begun to call home. Inside its howls were louder, but at least the rain couldn’t find a way in, at least the air was warm and the ground soft. 
It lay down and closed its eyes. 
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The sky turned darker, thick clouds billowing overhead, the muggy heat of an oncoming storm weighing you down. It was too far to return to your village, you’d never make it before the rain started and you knew what could happen if the lightning struck the trees, so a camp in the forest was out of the question. 
At this rate you could make the other coast before the sunset and you knew there would be shelter there in the rocky outcrops before the dunes crept into the island. With a sigh you hefted your pack higher and began the uneasy walk through the rougher terrain. 
The rain began to fall just as you crested over the cliff top. A fisherman had advised you of the safest ways across this portion of the island but your feet still slipped on the shale as you made your way down the rocky face. You’d spotted the cave while the sun was still high. With a view down the banks of rock and sand it gave you a good look out, close enough to the woods for shelter but open enough to watch the weather change. On closer inspection there was a significant plateau in front of the cave, perhaps enough to start a small fire to heat the stone inside and cook something hot if you were lucky. 
Slowly you inched closer, sword drawn in case something wild was also sleeping inside. You hadn’t seen the blood trail for some time but you had a lingering sense of something that had you tightening your grip on the handle. It tugged at you, tempting you closer and making your heart beat wildly. 
Once inside the lip of the cave you dropped your pack and pulled out a box of tinder and some twigs you’d collected along the way, stacking up the kindling into a small fire. But without the light from the sun it was hard to even find a spark. With a sigh you abandoned your plans for heat and decided to set out your blanket and try to sleep instead, hopefully that strange feeling would pass while you dreamt and you could wake up refreshed and ready to search anew. 
The raindrops were heavier now, fat and cold and insistent, driving you deeper into the cave in search of a dry space where the wind couldn’t blow the weather inside.
As your eyes adjusted to the dusky darkness you began to pick out details of the cave, the jagged rocks on the other side, the low rock just right for resting your sword and bow on and, at the back, something large. The darkness seemed to move differently there, a different shade of black that sucked the light from the rest of the cave. Whatever it was, it was huge but still. 
Slowly you reached for your dagger, too frightened to lunge for your sword in case it made the darkness move too. But it stayed still. Carefully, you moved your feet over the rocky ground, your toes light and body ready to fight. 
The darkness didn’t move, but it did make a noise, a deep grumble and for a moment you wondered whether it was the darkness inside or the darkness outside that had startled you. 
Then it moved, slow and deliberate, the darkness expanded and flared outwards, turning towards you and despite everything your brother’s had taught you, despite your own mind begging you to stay silent - you screamed. 
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It hurt, it hurt everywhere and all of the time. Its body ached, its stomach felt concave from lack of food and its head pounded from dehydration. The storm was close, the wind spoke to it through the rustle of the trees and the feel of the salt air, it spoke to it and told it to sleep, that the storm would pass but it should sleep. It shifted, stretching its aching body -
And then there was a scream. 
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You lurched back, scrambling for your sword as you fell, grasping for anything that would protect you from the monster that continued to grow before your eyes. Up and up it stood filling the entire back of the cave, its body unfurling and its wings spreading into the rock above. The tip of one unholy claw scratched at the cave roof and you screamed again, turning to run from it, to take your chances in the rain rather than stay a moment with this beast. But it had other ideas, reaching for you with one huge arm it grabbed you and held you, the other came up to cover your mouth, its hand so large its thumb pressed against your nose. 
Not a monster. A male. With hands and arms, tanned and windburnt from days in the forest. 
“Please, stop screaming.” It growled again and you went silent but you didn’t still, wriggling and writhing in an attempt to free yourself. “Please,” it said again, and it was almost sad, pleading. So you stopped. 
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He held you tight against his chest, his heart hammering, his muscles burning with the effort of his movement. Steadily he lowered you to the floor, careful to avoid the rocks that might trip or scratch you, and then let himself slide down the cave wall until he was once more huddled on the floor. 
“Please, don’t scream - my head.” He bent to lay his forehead against his knees, “the storm, lightning in the trees, don’t.”
He was so weak, so worried, so tired, he allowed his eyes to close, focusing on the sound of you moving. 
“Don’t.” He repeated and your footsteps moved again, closer, little rocks skudding under your boots, and then a small palm on the back of his neck. 
“You have a fever.” Your voice was gentle, now that the screaming had stopped, and your touch a relief, so cold, so soothing. “Rest.” 
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Now that he wasn’t towering over you, there was something vulnerable and sad about the so-called monster. His voice stuttered as he begged you for quiet and, against your better judgement, you allowed the sound of rain rushing over the lip of the rock and into the sea to fill the space, echoing into the cavern like a heartbeat. 
Lightning flashed, lighting up half of his face in clammy, pale light. You took a step towards him, still wary, still conscious of the stories told to you by your brothers, and you touched his neck where his hair had fallen away in long strands about his face. His skin was clammy too and cold to the touch, but he shivered nevertheless. 
“You have a fever.” You said, matter of fact, “rest.” 
He nodded and all but fell sideways into the blanket roll tucked against one side of the cave. 
“You too.” He grunted, and for the first time you assessed your own damp clothes and the way you’d begun to shiver. Quickly you stripped out of your waxed cape and boots, placing them carefully in a dry spot. Your shirt and vest were dry, protected by the cape, but the long trousers you’d worn were soaked through. 
Peering at the male you made sure his breathing was steady and even before you removed your trousers and slipped between your folded blanket in just your shirt and cotton bloomers.
Sleep did not come easily for the male. He kept to his side of the cave but his fever made him grunt and shout in his sleep, his arms and hands lashing out along with his thrashing body. So you didn’t sleep, you observed him instead. Waiting for dawn to break the storm. 
Even in the moonlight he was still big, tall and broad, his muscles showing even through the dark leather and ripped linen of his clothes. And he was winged. The source of the fear and confusion for your neighbours, as well as yourself. Airborne he must have looked as majestic as he was terrifying. An Illyrian warrior, so far from home, circling the village. No wonder those who had glimpsed him had been afraid. 
Now those enormous wings were tucked around him, glowing a deep red every time the lightning crashed across the sky, tiny veins picked out around the edges as well as a large gash in his left wing. It lay almost limp on the ground while the right was tucked in tight to his side. It looked painful and blood oozed slowly from the delicate membrane but only slowly. The cut to his side looked much worse. 
The sun was almost back now, a wan light filtering into the cave and allowing you to survey the Illyrian more closely, especially the cuts and bruises that littered his body. 
At some point, he had removed part of his leather armour, discarding it to one side where the dark blue siphon blinked with light whenever he groaned. Without the protection of the armour and siphon, his side was entirely revealed through the matching cut in his shirt. It was deep and already looked swollen at the edges - infected, you were sure, probably the cause of the clammy fever. 
Despite yourself you allowed your tired eyes to rove over his body, the gaps in his shirt revealing the details of his toned chest, the swirling black ink running from his left arm, up over his shoulders and then down between his pecs and towards the v of his abdomen where the ink disappeared among a smattering of hair. 
Heat flooded your cheeks. He was an injured male, an Illyrian warrior, a revered race bound to protect your people. You were certainly not supposed to be drooling after him while he slept. 
You swallowed heavily and tried to concentrate on his needs, rather than your own. 
Daring to look again you followed the tattoos back up towards his face, long dark hair still tangled at his shoulders, a stubbled beard covered his chin, his lips tilting into a smile because - oh -  his eyes were open, bright summer sky blue, and tracking your every move. 
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“Hello,” he croaked and watched as you shuffled back against the wall. 
He closed his eyes again, as if even having them open was painful. 
“Hello,” you whispered, keeping a keen eye trained on him. 
“I’m Bucky,” he said, his head still pounded. “Can you pass me the canteen from my pack?” Without looking he gestured behind him. 
He listened to the sound of you moving and then the cool metal of the canteen touched his fingers. You introduced yourself but as soon as he started to move you hurried back to your side of the cave.
Slowly, so as not to frighten you, he sat up and took a long swig before offering it to you. 
You looked tired, wrecked, but not injured. You were back under your own blanket and he noticed the too-big trousers you’d been wearing were now carefully arranged on a rock to dry. Bucky hummed to himself, that was why you’d scurried back when he’d opened his eyes. 
Your eyes flicked to the trousers too, and then back to him. “They were wet, I didn’t want to catch a chill.”
“Sensible,” he agreed, putting a hand to his side. 
“You’re hurt, and sick, you were feverish.” 
“I was, I probably still am.” He agreed looking you over with the same interest that he’d found in your eyes. 
You were a very pleasant sight after so many nights alone, a wildness to your bonny face and full body. Even hidden under the folds of your shirt he could tell that you would be soft and warm to hold. With a groan he closed his eyes again. To be held and cared for by a female, to smell the spring breeze in your hair, to taste the salt of the sea on your skin. Maybe he was halfway to the afterlife and an angel had been sent to rescue him. 
“Thank the cauldron and the mother.” He sighed happily, swaying sideways and passing out. 
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The Illyrian had watched you with eyes that toed the line between hungry and hopeful. His bold gaze made you feel warm again, heat sitting heavy in your stomach, and then he mumbled something and slid to the side. 
Thankfully his arm stopped him from bumping his head, but looking at his now glazed eyes he had definitely fainted. 
Without thinking you sprang into action, rolling him carefully so that if he was sick he wouldn’t choke or swallow his tongue. His skin was cold again, but sweaty, sticking the strands of his hair to his forehead in curls. 
He needed help, quickly, but you had nothing of any great use in your bag. There was the canteen of water and some food in his own pack and a flask with what smelt like whisky in the side pocket. You withdrew the mess tin from your own pack and tried to make a fire again, hoping to boil enough clean water to be able to clean and dress his wounds. But the damp air and howling wind blew wet dirt over your kindling. 
Instead you tugged a strip of linen from the end of your shirt, trying to find the cleanest corner first and ripping higher until the long tails no longer brushed over your thighs but sat as high has your belly button, revealing your midriff to the chill air. Goosebumps raised over your arms, but you didn’t hesitate, tipping some of the whisky onto the cloth and gently dabbing at the gash to his side. There were splinters still protruding from the edges, which you pulled out as quickly as you could. 
Ash, an arrow, perhaps, or a long lance fired into the sky, judging by the way the gash lined up with the tear in Bucky’s wing. Bruises bloomed under his tattoos like flowers, colouring in the gaps of the patterns. He’d fallen, then, after the hit. Probably outside of the village. 
“Why didn’t you ask for help.” You muttered under your breath, placing a square of whisky soaked cloth over the wound and pressing down. 
“Because I was already ashamed.” Came the pained whisper. 
“Why would you be ashamed?” With a tug on his arm you helped him sit, passing a long length of cloth around his back, bandaging the makeshift plaster into place. 
With your arms around him you had no choice but to lean in close, your face below his, his breath fanning over your cheek. He held one end in place, leaning drowsily into you while you tied a tight knot on his right, well away from the injury. His left hand, clearly weakened by his fall, sat lightly on your hip, keeping you steady. 
“I let my battalion down, my friends down,I couldn’t fight.” His eyes closed again but his hands didn’t move, their hold surprisingly delicate until he began to slump to the side again, dragging you with him. “I was injured and, I’m not really sure why, but I flew here. It felt like the right thing to do, like the Mother was guiding me, so I let her.”
With a huff you tried to wiggle away, but his hand tightened. 
“I’m so cold, please stay.” His breath tickled your neck where he’d pressed his face into your collar bone and you couldn’t deny him. The tugging sensation in your chest was back and the thought of staying with him made you want to release it in a long contented purr.
Curling beside him you let his hand settle on your now bare waist, his broad palm on your back a relief from the cold air gusting through the entrance of the cave. 
Bucky’s breathing slowed to an even beat, his body relaxing into his dreams and you fell with him, pulled tighter against his chest, the smell of the whisky washed over you and his wing curled in, cocooning you in his embrace. 
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You woke to find yourself surprisingly well rested. The storm, having blown itself out battering the beach and forest, had made way for a bright morning. Bucky’s hand was still at your waist, but you’d moved in your sleep you were now facing away from him, his fingers sneaking under the hem of your shirt and tickling your ribs. From his steady breaths you assumed he was still asleep and allowed yourself a moment to enjoy the closeness of his body, the way his wing curved over you both, filtering the light into a pink glow and blocking the boisterous breeze now coming in off the sea. 
There was something right about the way he held you, comforting and close. Despite knowing you should rise, you simply couldn’t, as if that invisible rope that had led you in now kept you beside him. In his sleep he dragged you closer, his hand splaying higher on your stomach, his thumb pressing the underside of your breast. In response, your nipples pebbled and you promised yourself it was just the cold air, just the breeze and the morning chill and nothing to do with the wonderful pressure of the male’s body behind you. Nothing to do with his rich scent of whisky and peat and possibility. 
He hummed in his sleep again, nuzzling the back of your neck and then, suddenly, he was awake. His hand was gone and your chest felt cold without his touch. The sound of his wing claws catching on the jagged roof had you whipping your head around and staring into his eyes. 
“I’d say I’m sorry,” he whispered, “but that was the best sleep I’ve had in a long while.” A flirtatious smile played at the corner of his lips and you returned it. 
“Pretty warm under the wings,” you agreed, looking at the expanse of tense skin and complex structure that curled over you both, now flared out along the walls of the cave, and then, as quickly as the butterflies had taken flight in your stomach, they fell like lead weights.“Your wing, it’s not healing.” 
You reached out and ran a finger close to the gash. Bucky sucked in air and bit his bottom lip, his top lip curling over his teeth and eyes crinkling in pain. 
“Please - don’t touch me there.” 
“Does it hurt?” 
“No - yes - it’s - just don’t touch me there.” Bucky grit his teeth and shuffled uncomfortably, placing a large hand over his lap and using the other to guide your hand away gently. 
“I could try and heal it - if you let me touch. Like I did with your side.” 
Bucky looked down at the bandage around his middle as if it was a surprise, perhaps he really didn’t remember. Leaving his wing, you reached out and touched his forehead instead. He felt a little cold, you both did, but not clammy. The fever had broken. 
“Can I check your bandage?” 
He nodded, sitting up and pulling his ragged shirt up with one hand. Slowly you untied the knot and removed the linen, it was clean on the top layers at least and the bottom ones showed the blood slowing. His healing had kicked in, once the ash had been removed, and the previously angry and infected gash was now a pink cut, knitting together slowly. 
“It looks a lot better.” 
You sat back on your heels, unable to look away from the cut in his wing. It too had started healing, but it would be a while before it was closed. 
“Thank you,” Bucky said, sincerely. “I’ve been out here a while and - I should have sought help sooner.” 
“I’m sure it’s not easy, last night you said you didn’t want to let your battalion down.” 
Bucky flushed, his nose and cheeks going rosy and you watched as the colour disappeared down his neck and under his collar. 
“I understand, it’s hard to be brave sometimes, you want people to trust you and know that you’re doing your best.” 
He hummed in agreement again, “and is that why you’re out here?” He raised an eyebrow, lounging back against the cave wall. The movement made his stomach tighten and you watched the muscles flex under his shirt, trying to recall a time when you’d seen any other male like this, when anyone at all had made you feel so hot all over. 
“I was sent to hunt a monster.” 
“A monster?” 
“It’s been stealing vegetables and eggs, a pail of milk as well. Scaring the farmers.” You looked out towards the brightening sky and then back towards him with a grin. “He’s not so scary though.” 
Bucky returned your smile, his eyes softening as he reached out to guide your gaze back to his own, “I’m glad I didn’t scare you too much.” 
“Only a little.” You laughed. 
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Despite the gash in Bucky’s side healing over the next few days, he still remained in the cave during the few warm hours the afternoon afforded. His wings lay heavily behind him, the muscles weak and aching from his time spent dragging them around the woods and his injured wing searing with pain when he tried to extend it. 
With some help he made it to the cave entrance and watched as you picked your way around the storm swept beach in the distance. You’d been kind and gentle, despite your initial fear, despite the clumsy way he’d tried to get closer to you. And his heart swelled, hoping he could hold you in his arms again when the sun got low. 
Each night he'd asked you to stay next to him, and each night you'd agreed. But he was no fool, you pitied him and that would only last for so long until you refused. So he treasured every moment like a precious gift. 
It’d been a long time since a female had looked his way, weeks spent dragging himself around the woodland, months spent fighting Hybern on their borders, years spent training in isolation at Windhaven. All to miss this, the feel of the salt wind in his hair and the sun on his healing wings, to miss the feel of a gentle, feminine touch and the way his body responded, singing with happiness at the warmth of your body and scent of your hair. He ached to have you near again, just to know you were safe and cared for. Something in his chest pulled, as if his heart had truly skipped a beat and he closed his eyes against the delicious pain only to open them and see you again, your eyes locked on his, the driftwood you’d collected scattered around your feet, shock on your features. 
In a heartbeat you were climbing back towards him, running over the sand and up the dunes, scaling the rocky cliff face with strong, knowing leaps, and then you were in his arms, knocking him backwards with the strength of your embrace. 
“Bucky?” His name was half question and half exaltation on your lips and that feeling tugged at him again until his arms closed around your back, a hand on the nape of your neck drawing you closer. 
“Kiss me-” it was neither question nor demand, simply a statement of what you both so clearly needed. 
His lips were chapped when they brushed against yours, but warm nevertheless, he tasted of the sweet berries you’d found this morning on the edge of the woods and this close, your nose brushing against his, he smelt divine, perfect, the whisky on the bandages and the deep, musky, scent that was all his own. 
His uninjured wing curled around your back, folding you in a bubble of warmth where there was only you and Bucky and whatever this new thing was between you. You felt that tug again, the same deep feeling that you’d felt so often, and you pulled back enough to rest your forehead against his own. Bucky didn’t let you remove yourself too far, nudging your nose with his and pressing featherlight kisses to your cheek and jaw. 
“Bucky -” you sighed again and this time he answered, as sure and confident as the strong arms that tugged you against his body. 
“Yes, my mate?” 
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 3 months
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here is a little introduction to the original fantasy world i came up with for the eflorr trilogy.
series masterlist | pinterest board | playlist | masterlist
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Welcome to the world of Tyhmalaa. Our stories take place on the continent of Aton where the two major kingdoms (Eflorr and Obelón) have had a feud spanning decades. 
here is a little list of facts to give you a sense of what kind of realm this is:
currency: platinum, gold, silver and copper 
monsters: yes
magic: no
calendar: the year is just divided by the four seasons (each with 90 days in them) with 7 days in a week (Moonsday, Tidesday, Windsday, Thundersday, Fogsday, Stormsday and Solarsday) and the year shift is on the longest night of the year on the 30th day of winter
year the first story begins: 856 PR (post-rimesunder, an ancient white dragon that once froze the entire continent of Efira for 2 centuries till he was slain)
climate: the weather in Aton goes through all four of the standard seasons (sping, summer, autumn and winter), though most of the stories take place on the northern side of the continent, so it is on the colder side.
religions: there are multiple gods people worship (some notable ones are: Apa – goddess of wilderness and the sea, Kotris – goddess of knowledge, Cicero – god of war and peace, Zondür – god of atonement and love, Sona – goddess of life and death)
kingdoms on the continent: Eflorr (capital: Borün) and Obelón (capital: Ingorn)
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maps and doodles:
it took me around 30 hours of work to draw all of these, but it was super meditative.
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map of the continent of Aton.
⊠ squares = capitals
⊗ circles = smaller towns
△ triangles = speciality locations
the continent of Efira is located to the north east of Aton.
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Fort Borün. The ivy-covered stone castle on the top of the cliff is home of the royal family of Eflorr.
Elm Square. The beating heart of Borün, it is not only a central meeting place for all, but also the district where the majority of the city's shops, taverns, etc are. The town square gets especially sparkly during the seasonal festivals with booths are stalls crowding the market.
Willow Grove Cemetery. As the name would suggest, a large weeping willow tree grounds this cemetery that it is built around. Although Eflorr as a whole commonly isn't very religious, this graveyard does house a few alters and shrines to various deities.
The Valerian Ward. You'll find all manner of schools, museums, as well as Borün's beautiful aquarium in this part of town.
The Port of Borün. The city's docks are always bustling with excitement and possibilities.
The Western Farms. Up on the hill that swiftly blossoms into The Noll Woods, are a plethora of rolling fields and cosy cottages.
The Beach. Down the little steps on the northern side of the docks is not the only way to access this cove. Though the steep path some way further north is no secret, not everyone is privileged to the knowledge that the castle's cellar opens up into a cave system that leads out onto the beach. Created as a safety measure and a last resort for the royals to escape, the tunnels most commonly got used by the young royals as a daring playground.
The Tulip Neighbourhood. The homes in this part of town have generous courtyards that bring the households together.
The Dandelion Quarter. Part residential, this neighbourhood also houses a grand park (The Riverview Public Park), where combat courses/training are held every weekend, as well as The Water Lily Orphanage.
The Snowdrop Sector. For those not inclined for the bustle of the city's centre but still want to live close enough to the action often settle down in a little cottage out in this district. Many also chose to retire out here, living out the rest of their days in a cabin by the sea.
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The Barracks. Through the main gate lies a grand courtyard to welcome you to the castle. The surrounding buildings are designated mainly for the wardens. There are living quarters for them, training areas, armoury, small stables that also house the royal horses, as well as the city's small garrison.
The Western Wing. In here lies many of the more public spaces: throne room, ballroom, banquet hall, servants quarters, the kitchen, war room, the meeting room that's utilised mostly for gatherings with the town council.
The Conservatory. This secluded greenhouse was built as a memorial to King Edward III. who apparently had quite the green thumb.
The Topiary Garden. A private courtyard separating the two main buildings is a serene space where one can come sit on a small bench and listen to the trickling water of the fountain in the centre.
The Eastern Wing. This part of the castle is home to the royal's private chambers as well as numerous other spaces such as the library.
The castle also has a basement that's not only utilised for storage (both of common items as well as the most precious that's kept safe in the grand vault) it also connects to a tunnel system that leads all the way out onto the beach.
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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everlastlady · 6 months
Can I request headcanons or one shot with stirker x female reader where they found out they are having twins kids? Spoiler boy and girl, could you do like from strikers point of view? I love you so much and your writing 🩷🩷🩷 (sorry if I weirded you out) 
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Father Striker HeadCanons
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✧- Author's Note: Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✧- Story Contains: Female Reader, Soon To Be Parents, Caring Striker, Protection, Sweet Moments, & Just Headcanons.
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𐃘 Striker is thrilled when he first discovered that you are pregnant but that only adds a bit more to his protective behavior towards you. He first discovered you were pregnant when he came home from a long day at work and you gifted him a pregnancy test in a gift box. He carefully hugged you and spinned you around. His sweet pumpkin was pregnant with mini pumpkins. He made sure to always stick by your side and take you to your appointments. Striker also couldn't wait to hear about the gender of the baby. But soon news came it wasn't one baby but two and soon he learned the gender was a boy and a girl. He was still thrilled he would was excited that you would be bringing a little boy and little girl into this world.
𐃘 Striker would stay up all night thinking of names even when you were asleep. He was thinking about names. " How about Annabel and Andrew, no! How about Jay and June. " But Striker would eventually shut up because he knew you needed all the sleep you can get to keep you and the baby healthy. Striker didn't mind helping you with your weird cravings. He would rush to the store if you want cookies and cheese or pickles with peanut butter. He would help you get dresses and wash up. He would clean up around the house and made sure that you are resting. He would massage your feet if they were hurting. He would rush you to the hospital if you were in pre labor pains. Striker kept a close eye on you.
𐃘 Striker came from a good home with loving parents until the demon royal fuckers took them. Striker promised to protect you and the kids. He already had the parenting skills and even read the books. He had fun decorating the nursery and you guessed it, Western Theme! Striker would also go through the trouble of baby proofing the house even though it wasn't needed yet since when you did give birth a majority of the time the babies would be feeding and resting. They wouldn't be old enough to crawl around or get into things. "Better safe then sorry darlin'. " Striker said as he made sure to cover up the electrical sockets.
𐃘 Soon the day came well the night where Striker rushed you to the hospital. He waited and waited until the doctors came out and asked him if he wants to see his daughter and son. The doctor lead Striker to your hospital room. He teared up and smiled seeing you hold the two small babies in your arms. He walked over was glad to look after the kids so that you can rest. The two eventually named the girl Jane and the boy James. Once you and the twins got to go home. Striker spent so much time looking after all three of you. Striker continued to let you rest. He smiled so fondly at the kids while they rested on his chest. " I'm going to protect both of yall, I'm going to make sure no one hurts us, that no one rips are family apart. I'm going to teach yall the secrets of the west so that you both will grow big and strong. " Striker would eventually put the kids to bed before going to bed with you.
𐃘 When the kids are old enough like toddlers. Striker likes to chase them around outside and while you make them snacks. He loves to read them bedtime stories and doesn't mind if they want to sleep in your guys bed. When they are much older like 12 years old. Striker teaches them farm work. Which becomes chores and to which Striker pays them. Jane likes to learn about combat with Striker while James likes to just learn about horses. When they are teenagers Striker doesn't have an issue with Jane tagging along with him on missions. Striker doesn't mind if James isn't into the assassin business. James is more like you wanting to learn about medicine and the medical field.
𐃘 Striker is happy to finally have a family, he promises to protect you and the kids. And he sure has kept that promise anyone who dares touch his family always ends up dead or missing. Striker won't loose another family.
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dreaming-medium · 7 months
Animals Without Direction
Chapter Eight - Twenty Laps
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As it turns out, when one hold declares war on another, it’s not like in the books you’ve read where the entire army marches and the leader makes a grand speech at the gates. In reality, it’s a handwritten letter from one Jarl to another with their terms and conditions in order for peace between them. 
Chan wrote up his letter immediately and sent it with the fastest messenger Miroh has. The poor thing was shaking in his boots after the Jarl stressed how fast he wanted that letter delivered. 
Part of you was worried that Chan would send you to deliver the letter like he had done previously. But he didn’t, and for that you were thankful. 
‘Not this time,’ Chan noticed your jaw clench when he spoke about someone delivering the letter. ‘The next time you step foot in Erbus, it will not be alone.’
It’s been a week since the messenger left for Erbus. It’s been a week since you revealed a sliver of your past to the Jarl. It’s been a week since you’ve known relaxation.
In that week, you’ve spent most of your time in the throne room or hovering nearby. Chan immediately started commanding different legion commanders to get their armies ready, to prepare for the worst. He’s leaving no stone unturned: sharpen the swords, smith more arrows, strengthen the armor.
Yes, they’re waiting on a letter, but it never hurts to be prepared. And if you know Erbus, the preparation is necessary.
Chan, Minho, and Jisung were all currently standing around a table in a room tucked away behind the throne room. Various maps and papers were tacked on the walls and tables. The table that the three men stood around was exceptionally large. It had the same map you saw a month ago spread out on top of it. 
Both you and Jeongin stood by the door on either side, your stance more relaxed than his. He stood ramrod straight with his eyes fixed on the conversation.
You were paying attention, but you allowed your eye to wander around the room.
A large desk was by the way with more papers and a globe of the world on top of it. There were compasses and other charting tools everywhere.
They’ve been discussing various plans for the stone forts closer to the western border and how they want to strengthen them; but they also need more protection to the north. 
Chan reaches over and grabs a small blue flag, placing it on the map. “I have been trading written correspondence with Eldred of Oakenmaw, a village to the north east of here. He owns Hollypond Farm, he is ready and willing to allow soldiers to house and set up camp on his land. Given how close to Inuin’s border his farm is, it is perfect for this.”
That was the letter you delivered for Chan. Eldred had given you one back for the Jarl, which you delivered without a hitch. Eldred was more than happy to send you off with a warm meal and enough food for your journey back to the capital. 
“I know not what will happen with the other holds once open war is declared. I do not know if they will show support for sides or if this will stay between Miroh and Erbus.” Chan explains.
“Miroh has a close relationship with Daefall, I am sure if this was to turn into a large scale war, they would stand with us.” Minho says to them.
“But the same goes for Bewaes and Erbus, they have been tied to one another in every conflict the land has ever seen. Their alliance is older than my bloodline.” the Jarl says back. “What we truly need is Upera’s alliance since they share a border with Bewaes.”
“And what of Inuin? How do you think their alliance would fall?” Minho asks, both of his hands placed flat on the table.
Chan shakes his head, “I know not.”
Minho nods and moves a few smaller markers on the map, Jisung places another red flag. 
“While we were in Erbus, it seemed that their military postings were light, not many soldiers to be seen around them. And if they were there, they were drinking or eating.” Jisung explained, marking several forts with little red flags. 
“They do not even suspect a declaration of war.” Minho adds, keeping his eye on the map. His lips in a sneer. 
“In past councils with all the Jarls, I have not been quiet about my distaste for Erbus’ treatment of Elves. It is almost an insult that Sisk has not taken these warnings seriously. If only I knew the true nature of this ‘banishment’.”
At the mention of the Jarl’s name, a shiver runs down your spine. Before living in Miroh, the stories of his horrible nature rivaled Chan’s. But after being here for a month, you’re sure that Chan’s stories were made to keep Elves from running across the border for safety. 
Their discussion makes you stop and think. You know for sure that Erbus’ military postings have some of the most evil fighters around. They use dirty tactics and are the ones who send the guards to slaughter the Elves. 
Your eyes narrow, words form in your mouth but you’re not sure if you should speak up or not. 
‘You could have stood in the room for that conversation, you are a member of the court.’ Seungmin’s voice echoed in your mind.
“My lord,” you speak softly. Chan immediately turns around and looks at you with a curious expression. 
“Yes, Y/N?” he turns his body to face you.
“Most of the military outposts are very well hidden throughout Erbus,” you explain, your eyes moving from him, to the map, then back to him, “I may know of a few, may I look at the map to see if you have them identified?’
Chan smiles sadly, “You do not need to ask, Y/N.” His voice is soft and caring, his eyes are warm. Minho and Jisung turn to look at you as you approach the map.
“How do you know of these hidden outposts?” Jisung asks.
You look down at the map, all of the ones you know about are not marked at all.
“My mother and father would tell me which places to avoid while playing outside.” A sad smile creeps on your face as you recall the bittersweet memory of your parents. They tried so hard to shield you from the horrors of the world. “Being a curious youngling, I would go anyway and sneak around to see what I could.”
Minho laughs under his breath at your statement, but the three stay quiet and watch you.
Grabbing about five red flags, you place them on top of each hideout you knew of. “Their top soldiers stay in these hidden forts. They send the lower level guards to the forts that are out in the open.”
When you look up, you see Jisung staring closely at you.
“I apologize if I overstepped,” you bow your head as an apology and take a step away from the map. Jisung was gone for an entire month to find military outposts, and you practically told him that he did a bad job at it. 
A warm hand on your lower back made you stop. “Do not apologize, Y/N.” Chan said from next to you, “We appreciate all the help we can get. Any information is valuable.”
“Agreed.” Jisung adds afterwards. When you look over at Jisung, he nods at you.
You then look up at Chan, the same warm expression on his face. The hand on your back is the only thing you can feel at this moment.
“Aye, my lord.” you bow your head once more.
The hand on your back twitches, “Chan.” he says, before dropping it and allowing you to go back to where you stood next to Jeongin.
The squire makes eye contact with you on your walk back towards him. He’s smiling at you a little, there’s a playful glint in his eye.
“We should focus more on trying to find these hidden camps then.” Minho says to them, leaning over the map and looking at the flags you placed. “Y/N, how recently did you see these hideouts? Are you quite certain they are still there?’
He grabs your attention from Jeongin. “I had not laid eyes on them in a few months before coming to Miroh, but they were there for my entire life before then. I do not believe they would shut them down.”
Minho never looks at you, he just nods and keeps looking at other places on the map.
“We should send another, smaller, reconnaissance team to Erbus to try and find these hidden postings.” Chan looks over at Jisung, “You just returned, so I want you to stay here. Send out a team of only five of your men. I want it kept secret.”
Jisung nods and moves towards the door. Before he leaves, you catch his attention by calling out his name. 
“I know not if it’s true,” you say, looking down at your feet. Jisung stops in his tracks, his head turned towards you with rapt attention. “But I have heard that the Elves of Erbus have created a marking system carved into trees to warn others about these hideouts. I have only seen one for myself; it is shaped like an Elf’s ear, the point facing the direction of the camp.”
You look up and meet Jisung’s chocolate brown eyes, they search yours. It’s only a split second, but it feels like you’re watching each other for an entire minute.
“Thank you, Y/N.” he says quietly before leaving the room. 
When you look up, you see Minho staring at you from the other side of the table. His mouth is behind his hand in a sort of ‘thinking’ pose, so his eyes were your only means of reading his face. As soon as you make eye contact with him, he looks back down at the table.
Chan and Minho begin talking again about various other plans.
“Will you be at training tomorrow morning?” Jeongin whispers to you.
“Aye, I will. Will you?” 
Neither of you turn your heads to face each other.
“Aye, I believe Changbin would have my head if I did not show up.” 
You both chuckle under your breath. Jeongin’s hand brushes against yours lightly, you make no move to take it away. The touch was featherlight but a zing of electricity shoots up your arm and your fingertips tingle a bit. 
“His morning exercises are getting a bit harsh, no?” You ask after a moment of silence between the two of you.
“I agree, aye. I think it’s from his nerves. Everyone is handling the idea of war differently.” 
All you do is nod in agreement, both you and Jeongin then turn your attention back to Chan and Minho.
You can’t sleep. Even in your large, cozy bed, your mind refuses to turn off. These past four nights, if you had gotten a collective two hours of sleep that would be generous. 
Thoughts raced through your mind, coming up with every single negative scenario possible due to the impending war. What was the Jarl of Erbus going to respond with? There was no way he would agree to Chan’s terms without a proper fight. 
What would your role be as his mercenary? You weren’t quite a soldier, you weren’t quite a guard, you fell somewhere in the middle of everything. Were you expected on the front lines?
The idea of fighting in a grand battle turned your stomach. One on one fights were something you could handle, but a bloodbath where you couldn’t tell your friend from foe at any moment? That was a different story. 
The closest you’ve come is a brawl in a bar, but even then you just threw punches and hoped for the best. 
With your body turned towards the window, you watched the room grow brighter with the sunrise. Sunlight streamed in your window. 
No time like the present to get up and continue with your daily schedule. 
As you discussed with Jeongin. The training has gotten harsher, more intense. The amount of laps that Changbin had the group do increased every morning. By the time you would finish, you’d be drenched in sweat, your legs screaming for you to take a break. 
You knew why he was doing this, but it still seemed like too much. 
“Five more laps around the keep!” Changbin commands. 
Five more laps. You can do five more. Right? 
It feels like cotton was shoved into your mouth, your teeth are throbbing in your gums. It tastes like iron on your tongue. 
You had already done twenty laps around the keep nonstop. 
Five more. Just five more.
You needed to push yourself, harder, harder . Finish the laps, Y/N. Come on, you can do this. Your body needs to be in tip top shape if you’re going to fight for the Elves freedom. 
Your fingertips go numb, the sweat on the back of your neck turns cold and clammy. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. 
The edges of your vision begin to fade. 
Maybe if you just slowed down, you’d be able to regain your stamina. The jogging pace you set began to decline. 
Your chest is heaving up and down, lungs desperately and greedily trying to suck in oxygen. It looked like you weren’t the only one struggling, there were many guards who looked a bit worse for wear. 
“Pick it up!” Changbin yelled from behind you, he didn’t sound winded in the least. He always ran at the back of the group to make sure no one was slacking. 
Where was Jeognin? Was he at the front? You bet he wasn’t even struggling with these laps. Sure, you trained as a mercenary, but never like this.
Picking up your pace, you swallowed the bile rising in your throat. 
You tried, you did. But after two more laps, your world began to tilt. Your hip flexors locked when you took a step, your knees buckled underneath you and suddenly you had a faceful of dirt. 
A low groan came from your throat and you tried your best to lift yourself from the ground as quickly as you could. But each time, your elbows would shake and buckle beneath your weight. 
Cursing underneath your breath, you shift your weight around to try and roll onto your back, but every single one of your limbs seems to be numb. Your mouth has never been dryer in your entire life. 
A strong hand grabbed your shoulder and flipped you over onto your back. Changbin’s eyes were full of worry. Sweat was dripping down his face, his tunic stained a darker color from all the perspiration. 
His eyes scanned your face but you couldn’t focus on his long enough. It sounded like someone had their hands over your ears. It looked like his lips were forming your name over and over again.
Changbin moved his hand from your shoulder and pressed the back of it against your forehead. 
“Sorry,” you tried to choke out, but your throat was drier than a desert. It only sounded like a rasp. Changbin’s eyebrows furrowed even deeper in concern. 
Jeongin’s face appeared above you suddenly, the same concerned expression crossing his features. Changbin said something to him and leaned down towards you.
It looked like Jeongin said something back to him but you couldn’t hear anything other than your rapid heartbeat.
Before you knew it, you were scooped up in Changbin’s arms, one arm under your knees, the other behind your shoulder blades. Second by second, your eyelids were growing heavier and heavier. 
With your ear against his strong chest, you could now hear and feel his heartbeat as well as your own. His voice rumbled in his chest and then he began walking into the keep.
Like a ragdoll, your arms and legs dangled from his gentle hold. By the vibrations against his chest, it sure felt like he was talking to you, but you couldn’t make it out. 
Eventually, you allowed your eyelids to close. But you didn’t fall asleep, no, your body still would not give into the pull of slumber. 
The world underneath you moved around with every step that Changbin took.
Once they stopped, you felt yourself being placed on a bed. Another, colder hand pressed against your forehead as Changbin’s arms came out from underneath you. 
Cracking your eyes open, you were met with the homey sight of the healing ward again. 
Changbin carried you to the healing ward, you were having definite deja vu, all that’s missing are the ropes keeping you tied to the bed. 
Felix stood on one side of the bed, Changnbin on the other, both of them were looking at each other and not you. Their lips moved as they spoke to one another.
Since no one noticed you opened your eyes, you decided to close them again, it was much easier this way. 
“... hard, Changbin. How do you expect anyone to fight in a war if they’re worn down.” Felix said lowly. It was a step above a whisper.
“And how do you expect them to fight a war if a few laps around the keep is what takes them down?” he responded harshly.
You would’ve frowned if you had the energy.
“A few laps?” Felix said incredulously, “Three laps around the keep is easily a league! Twenty laps, Bin, that’s too much.”
A beat. “She did twenty two.”
“That does not make me feel better.”
There’s a long moment of silence before Changbin speaks. “I need to get back to the training grounds. I’ll leave her with you, Felix.”
Felix only sighs and you hear Changbin’s footsteps leave the room and the door closes behind him. The hand on your forehead returns followed by a low curse.
He walks away from the bed but comes back quickly and what feels like a wet rag is placed on your forehead. 
“You can stop pretending to sleep,” Felix whispers, wiping away the cold sweat on your face.
With as much of a smile as you can muster, you crack open your eyes. 
“Hello, Y/N.” he smiles down at you. Pure sunshine.
“Hello, Felix.” you croak.
When he hears your voice, he frowns and turns around, picking a glass of water off the bedside table and bringing it to your lips.
Eagerly, you gulp down the entire cup. 
“Easy, easy.” He chides when some drips down the side of your mouth. 
With a strong intake of breath, you pull your face back from the glass. “Sorry,” you say, your voice is a lot stronger now. 
Felix puts the glass down and turns to look at you, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Each time I see you, something is wrong.” He frowns.
A sheepish smile comes over your face. “If I am not injured, how am I supposed to see you?”
Quicker than you could blink, Felix reaches down and flicks your forehead. “Do not be daft, we share a wall. You do not need to be in need of healing in order to say hello.”
You roll your eyes and mutter another apology. 
He thinks for a moment before his face falls into a sadder look. He was so empathetic to other people’s pain and emotions, it’s no wonder he became a healer. Everything about him screams that he loves caring for other people.
Felix sits down on the edge of the bed, his body facing towards you. 
“Changbin is pushing you all harder than he needs to be. I suspect you won’t be the only one that I see. I give it twenty more minutes before I have a ward full of soldiers looking for revitalization remedies.”
“I do not understand why he is doing so.” You admit to Felix. He stares closely at your face, eyes scanning every feature. 
Felix hesitates before answering, “I believe he is more worried about the war than he lets on.” 
You nod, looking away from Felix. The exhaustion from everything is sitting on top of your chest like a boulder.
“A war…” You trail off, keeping your eyes locked on the ceiling, “I cannot believe that this is really happening,” you admit softly. “I never thought that anyone cared deeply enough about the Elves to fight for them.”
Felix tenses next to you. 
“Why do you think so?” his voice sounds different, like it’s laced with a deep sadness.
You fiddle with the sheets underneath your palms, “That is what we were told our entire lives in Erbus.” a lump forms in your throat, but you swallow it down. “Over and over again it was simply ingrained into everyone’s minds that Elves were lesser, evil creatures. They even taught it in schools, propaganda is out of hand in Erbus. I had a friend when I was little that was so afraid of Elves because the guards told her that the Elves were plotting to kill her in the night.” You shake your head, trying to clear the nasty thoughts. 
“We had no idea that other places were better. As a child, I remember hearing my parents talk about moving to another hold. My mother begged my father to leave,many nights she cried and held him. Clear as day, I can hear his voice, ‘Why go through the struggle of picking up my life just for my head to be cut off in another land.’ Every day I think about how I wish he had listened.”
Felix stayed quiet for a long moment. You had just thought that he was processing your words, letting them settle in. There was a loose string on the blanket that your fingers continued to pick at. 
A soft hand cradles your cheek and brings your face to look over at him. His eyes are shining down at you with a gentle, compassionate look. It looks as if he grabbed the stars from the night sky and put them in his pupils. His thumb rubs your skin gently, swiping a stray tear away that you didn’t know had fallen. 
“Y/N,” he says your name so softly, it reminds you of the first fall of snow hitting the grass in the winter. “Why didn’t you tell me you were an Elf?”
Your jaw dropped open a little and your eyes widened. 
When did you?
“I did not- '' you begin to stutter. Like a fish, your mouth opened and closed over and over again. “I did not mean to– I just– Please, I– Only half, I–” Nothing was coming out right.
Your brain was so exhausted, you let it slip. After all these years, you finally slipped up. 
At this point, keeping your lineage to yourself was not self preservation. You knew Miroh’s stance on Elves, you knew you were safe. Now, it was more embarrassing than anything else.
You didn’t want their pity. Didn’t want them talking to you like an injured child who needed to be coddled. 
To cut off your rambling, Felix pressed his thumb to your lips. Immediately, you shut up. There’s a knot in your throat.
Your heart was racing, you couldn’t tell if it was from his touch or from his discovery of your true blood.
“It was not a tonic you took that day, was it?” 
You hesitate before shaking your head.
His eyes welled up with tears, a brilliant smile crossed his face. The sun was high in the sky at this time and it did not even hold a candle to his smile’s brilliance. 
Felix’s other hand came up to hold your face, his skin was so soft, his caress was gentle.
“I am so glad you are here, Y/N.”
A sob bubbled from your throat. It came up so violently and suddenly, you couldn’t stop it from happening. 
Your lip quivered and more tears threatened to come down from your eyes. 
Out of everything he could have said to you in that moment, nothing would have felt more like a blanket being draped over your shoulders than that, than those eight little words.
Felix’s smile turned sad and his eyebrows furrowed, “I cannot imagine what you’ve been through. But you’re here now, Y/N, you’re safe.”
Again, as if he could sense every emotion running like wild horses in your mind, he brushed away the tears as they began to fall down your cheeks.
Truly, in the month you’ve been here, you’ve never really thought about how safe you were. You never considered that telling anyone about who you were would not hold the sort of weight that it did back in Erbus.
But here, in Felix’s gentle hold, you let your body relax; and finally, after a month, you allowed your brain to come out of fight or flight. Like ice melting off the side of a mountain, your heart begins to thaw.
Sobs emit from your throat and you lean into Felix’s calming touch. 
He leans down and wraps both of his arms around you, lifting your top half up off the bed and into a hug. Your head presses into his shoulder and you squeeze him so tight. 
One of his hands comes up and rests on the back of your head, smoothing your hair down. The other hand stays on your back, rubbing soothing circles. 
You cry and cry. Cry for the little girl who had her parents torn away from her. For the teenage girl who pierces her ears with so many rings to hide the point. For the young woman who thought no matter where she went, that she would be spit on and killed. 
Felix begins to rock you both back and forth a little, he whispers small words of comfort into the crown of your head. 
He smells so good. Like fresh laundry in the sun. Like running through a meadow when all of the flowers bloom in spring. It’s the most comforting smell you’ve ever experienced.
His lithe fingers comb through your hair, undoing any knots that had formed since the morning. You hadn’t felt comfort like this in so many years. You never wanted to leave his warm embrace.
Felix’s whispers slowly turned into low humming and the rocking continued. The song was soft and his voice was deep and soothing. After your tears ran dry, you stayed in his arms.
You turn your head and let your ear press against his collarbone, his chest vibrating with each hum. 
A sleepy, weariness settled deep in your bones. 
“I attempted to go into Erbus once,” Felix says after a while of humming. He stops rocking the two of you as well.
“Aye, it was many years ago. There is a certain species of plant that only grows on the island off the western coast of Erbus. I wanted to study it for a potion. My hair was much shorter back then, I suspect it was easier for the guards to identify me.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, cogs turning in your brain.
Slowly, you peeled yourself from his embrace, but stayed close. Reaching your hand up, you gently tucked his hair behind his ear revealing a soft point. 
He’s an Elf too. 
This makes two members of Chan’s inner court Elves. 
You softly trail your fingertips down his sharp jawline, your eyes still studying his pointed ears. 
“What did they do to you?” You whisper. 
Felix smiles sadly, “I took one step over the border and the guards immediately began slinging the most vile words at me. Luckily, I had Jisung with me. The two of us turned and immediately went back to Miroh. Since then I never even go close to the hold.
“Knowing what I know now, I see that I was extremely lucky to only have insults shot at me instead of arrows.”
Finally, you met his deep blue eyes. They hold so much sadness in them, but so much wisdom and other emotions that you can tell he feels so deeply. His empathetic soul is reaching out through them to comfort you. 
Both of your hearts connected at this moment. He managed to break through and surround you with a comfort you’ve never known. Never in your life have you felt anything like this.
Felix is staring at you intently, as if trying to read your mind; perhaps he really could, you would not be shocked if that was the case. His lips part for a split second, his tongue coming out to wet them. He then pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. He looks like he’s weighing something in his mind.
As he opens his mouth to say something, a sharp knock comes from the door.
Both of you jump and split apart from one another. Felix jumps to his feet and you clear your throat, looking down at your lap.
“Come in!” Felix calls, his voice a little strained. 
About six guards stumble in, all panting and sweating buckets.
“Felix, is there any way we could–”
Felix cuts them off, “Revitalization tonics? Give me a few moments."
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propertyaclmarts · 6 months
Navigating the Farmlands of Delhi: A Comparative Analysis of Jewar and Kapashera
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For more information about farm house in kapashera, farm house in western greens, farm house in kapashera, farm plot in kapashera, farm plot in vasant kunj, mini plot in western greens, mini farm plot in south delhi, mini farm plot in vasnt kunj, small farm in Chhatarpur, small farm house in satbari, please visit the – Property Hub Acl Marts.
Reference taken from here.
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escapismmaxing · 4 months
skywing redesign + headcanons
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birds of the sky,,.,
physical traits
small little fellas, in order to be the fastest fliers they are the smallest of the pyrrhian tribes! but still bigger than the pantalan bugs
most of my headcanons really just focus around making them more flight focused
i know it’s canon that they have huge wings, but i make their wings fucking huuuuuuuge like their wings are discounted when scaling their size in relation to other pyrrhian dragons but if it wasn’t, they would be “bigger” comparatively
also their wing membrane stretches partway down their tail in order to really catch the air
their shoulders have locking mechanisms like albatrosses perhaps
also,,, for aesthetic purposes,, i think they have those little butterfly tail things like swallowtails or luna moths
they have short tails so less drag is created
their horns are very long and branching, but they bend back and tend to follow the curve of the spine/neck so that they don’t stick out and create excess drag when skywings are flying
this one exists in theory more than in drawings,,, but they would have those faceplates that owls/hawks/birds of prey have that angle air into their ears in order to hear better when they're flying
they have relatively small/thinnish bodies, with honeycomb structured bones (i really just redesigned them around flight tbh)
they don’t really have “spines” but they have plated scales that can be ruffed up around their neck
colors have a huge range, basically any color the sky can be a skywing can be, but i think maybe their eggs only hatch during the daytime? so they don’t overlap with nightwings in color a lot
i think reds and oranges are perhaps still the most common? but blues, purples, yellows, and even pinks aren’t unheard of
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i also think their scales can match the cloud formations during their hatching
culture and societyyyy/ family structure 
skywings have family units! not really nuclear families how we’d think though because i really hate limiting fictional dragons to a western understanding of family structure
however i do think fewer partners are involved, like 2-3, raising their hatchlings under one roof
still a strong community, but with dragonets returning to one house for the night
i think there’s certainly a “town” daycare somewhat that young dragonets will go to and be communally watched over
however skywings are comparatively more fractured than other tribes due to their home in the mountains, so it’s somewhat small pockets of dragons all looking after one another scattered through the mountains
as for school,, i think skywings have a stricter, more academic schooling model closer to what icewing schools are like? learning a variety of subjects in an academic setting rather than learning the family trade from the family
there are still skywings who have a family trade such as farming (herbs, root vegetables) and artisan trades like metalwork and glasswork. but these artisans often take in apprentices rather than raising their kids to be their apprentices
farming is pretty common because skywings don’t eat a lot of meat! in line with the whole,, bird,,, fast flying,, etc, they have to digest lightweight things that are still high in protein, so they eat a lot of seeds and leafy greens
they don’t eat a lot of “heavy” meat like cows, pigs, etc, and they tend to avoid eating birds at all. some skywings do eat fish and rabbits though
skywings also have a pretty strong hierarchy within the castle that degrades pretty fast outside of the castle
although this begins to fade as queen ruby takes over
there wasn’t the circle system exactly, but it was very clear who scarlet favored, and the favorings of the queen directly correlated to jobs and housing given within the castle walls
this falls apart outside of the castle, where towns are generally kind
skywings have a lot of festivals/celebrations surrounding flying, racing etc
adrenaline seeking skywings will have crazy dangerous flight races through precarious pillars of rocks
on the topic of sports, falconry is super popular and falcons and other raptors are considered holy by basically all skywings
on certain days, festivals will be held where skywings decorate their wings with beads, thin fabrics, jewelry, feathers, ribbons, etc, and flaunt their wings, perform some tricks, etc
flutes, pipes, and wind chimes are very common for music! generally just any using wind to make noise instruments is common, like an ocarina!
another example of me making music more present in the world,,, many skywings can learn simple ish wind charms that give them semi control over the wind, while this is helpful during flight, skywings also use wind charms to essentially play the mountains as a huge instrument!
of COURSE skywings speak with hoots and chirps and tweets and basically any bird noises. like any and all bird noises. which meeeeannsssss skywings can also be really good mimics! not as good as rainwings but still very good at mimicking animals and other tribes
fashion and jewelry
alpacas are very common in the mountains, so spun wool fabrics are very common! shawls and coats and capes are very common
skywings have very diverse jewelry since the mountains give them access to a lot of metals and gems, but a lot of this jewelry is for royals and nobles, and commoners tend to wear simple metal bands and piercings 
a lot of trade happens so thin, silky, gauzy materials are used for drapes and shawls
basically, a lot of fashion (especially closer to royalty and nobles) would be very inconvenient to fly in
and fashion for commoners is a lot more focused on wooly shawls and scarves to help skywings stay warm since they’re silly little guys living in the peaks of mountains
religious-y superstitions 
so. much. bird. idolization
there is somewhat of a bird hierarchy but at the same time all birds are good birds
a very common religious “pilgrimage” for skywings is traveling around the continent and going birding. making and keeping birding journals. 
multiple jobs revolve around the upkeep of birds, especially in the palace, there’s multiple different sectors that house exotic birds and are dedicated to the care of those birds
falconry is very common, as is all bird keeping
they’re not really considered pets as much as they are companions
when a dragons companion bird dies, it gets a skywings funeral since skywing and bird souls are considered to be one in the same
if you see a bird and the bird sees you it means fate has turned her wide eyes unto you. if the bird doesn’t see you it means fate passes over you (for now, it always comes back around)
scrying with feathers
like skywings will have bundles of feathers and then scry by asking questions and throwing the bundle of feathers onto the ground
the answer depends on the orientation of the feathers
since skywings burn bodies, but bones don’t burn, they keep the skeletons usually in very fancy clay urns
this wasn’t happening during the war with ruby, so there’s currently a huuuuuge project within the kingdom of recovering the skeletons and trying to match the bones to put them in an urn
it’s very slow moving work but dragons also think it’s essential
there’s kind of a paris esque catacombs being created under the castle where all the urns are ending up, but dragons are trying to make it look a lot more lively
gems embedded into the walls, skylights when they can, etc
skywings do the same thing with bird bones! especially the bones of companion birds
the birds bones will be kept in their own urn until the dragon dies, at which point an urn big enough for the bones to be mixed will be produced
also,, in line with wanting to make magic more prevalent in all the tribes outside of animus,, skywings being bonded with birds will extend the bird’s lifespan 
the bird wouldn’t get the dragon’s lifespan, but a blue jay would live to be ~20ish rather than 7 years
also (random but related to birds) some icewings were freaked the fuck out by skywings because icewings consider birds to be BAD LUCK. icewings who live not in the castle, but a little bit north of the more populated border, do sky burials with their dead because the ground is too hard for graves. so these icewings consider carrion birds to be kind, but also omens of impending death, so when they roll up to the skywing kingdom and some fuckass has a black culture absolutely chilling there’s a lot of 👁👁
i think skywings can be super cool and interesting but i do kind of struggle to spice up their designs,, bc i dont like drawing feathers. maybe one day ill learn! idk. but i think theyre funky fresh
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baby-jaguar · 8 months
CoD Western AU and Mail Order Spouse Trope
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Welcome to my version of a Wild West AU & Mail-Order Spouse Trope. Introduction of the reader scenario will be down below and a little digital art will be added in to show our lovely options of spouses. This is Gender Neutral.
This was my first Au and trope project I’ve worked on. While I learn and decide how I want to upload this, I hope everyone enjoys or just gets a kick out of this!
Introduction & Backstory
Your life wasn’t awful, per se, but sometimes you wonder if you say that to yourself to cope with what you’ve been through. Simply put, you were your family's breadwinner, caretaker, and damage controller. You were poor-ish, where you had to use scraps of fabrics to make your clothes, but yet your father could always afford a bottle to be in his hand, and your mother out on the porch smoking whatever she needed that day to cope and try to be a mom and wife.
Coat of many colors indeed.
You worked, and you have worked from a young age to continuously support your family as you didn't have a choice if you wanted to keep the roof over your head. Although, you were thankful that your mother was adamant you went to the schoolhouse and got at least a good amount of education.
After attending school for a few years until puberty, you were in the working class; your job as a domestic servant included the taste of farmhand, tailoring, and working to cann fruits that were grown on the farm. After a long shift on the warm and humid spring day, you walked back home to hear your father yelling as usual but stopped when you heard your name being spoken.
“As soon as we sell that damn nuisance, we’ll be rolling in dough. I can’t believe that damn bastard politician wants our kin. Said once he’s back from his campaign up north he’ll come meet ‘em.” He laughs before taking another swig of his drink, your mother laughing along with him as she has a lit pipe in the house for the first time in a long time.
Now, you to truly understand the depravity of this; the seriousness of her celebrating with a lit drug inside the house.
Your stomach drops, nausea rolling over you at the thought of them selling you off to the old and decrepit wealthy politician for marriage to get money. Money that they’ll blow through, having never learned to control their vices turned addictions.
A cold sweat breaks out on you as you swallow down the urge to expel the minimal amount of food in your worn-out body, and promptly turn around and walk back into town.
Walking the dark streets, you navigate quietly and hide behind the shadows of the night with only a few dimly lit light posts flickering their oil flame light. While walking the edge of the closed shops, you see a dirty newspaper thrown on the ground and almost step over it until a small headline catches your eye.
Your eyes scan quickly over the matrimony company advertising for men located in the frontier lands, each searching for promising spouses and wanting to marry soon. You read over the information, seeing that the listed men below are located in newly booming towns out west, a few even located in mining towns or having their own company.
Your body zings with a chill of adrenaline at the thought of diving head first into chance and change, but you knew something much better could be awaiting you…
Should you do it?
looking around, the humid and small town looks back at you as you enter a hardened state of mind; What would become if you stayed here? The disgusting politician's new toy just to break? Your parents are already planning on how to drain their funds dry within a month of letting their addictions take over? You don't have friends, your boss is the closest thing to one just because you spend hours each and every day working.
You're gonna fucking do it.
Taking a seat, your eyes quickly scan down the page of advertisements, looking over the small blurbs of descriptions offered. The correspondence cost would be 10 cents, meaning you have one chance to get his attention and get the new life you need.
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Simon Riley Biography, Meeting Simon,
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John Price Biography, Meeting John
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Kyle Garrick Biography, Meeting Kyle
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John MacTavish Biography, Meeting Johnny
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Phillip Graves Biography, Meeting Phillip
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Alejandro Vargas Biography, Meeting Alejandro
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igotbloodonmyhands · 3 months
Alive / Part VI
Note: I have no idea about Soaps family in canon, so this is all what I hc it. Word count: 546
When Soap had said that his family had a farm, Ghost didn't expect this. It was a giant area in the middle of the highlands, wide paddocks, fluffy sheep and green trees. According to Soap a rocky beach was only five minutes from there. As soon as Ghosts old pick up truck pulled in the drive way, they were swarmed by Soaps mum, Molly, a small, middle aged woman with rosy cheeks and a flour covered yellow apron, who pulled her son into a tight hug. "Ma wee baby!", she exclaimed, pressing a kiss on his forehead before looking at Ghost and extending her hand. "Simon, ah take it?", her smile was big and genuine, apparently not minding the black surgical mask. "Yes, ma'am", he shook her hand, not able to resist a small smile himself. She shushed them inside, and Ghost felt a bit misplaced in the comfy kitchen, where a middled aged man, a woman and a man, each with a toddler in their arms sat on bar stools at the aisle. They were all so... lively. Big smiles on their faces, seemingly unbothered by the 6'2, completely dressed in black and rather intimidating figure in their house. "S'nice to finally meet ya, lad", Soaps dad, Callum, said, firmly shaking his hand. "Y' too". He glanced over to the other man and woman, judging from the likeliness, the woman was Soaps sister, Isla, the man then must be her husband Alec. They both smiled at him. Isla pointed to the little girl in her arms, introducing her as Ailsa, the boy in her husbands grasp as Archie. The urge to hold them suddenly overcame Ghost, scaring him a little. He hadn't felt that since Tommy was the same age as them. The interaction was awkward in itself, but strangely not unpleasant. Ghost knew none of them , yet they seemed to accept him without question or complaint. Didn't ask questions about the mask or his work, just simple small talk, which didn't feel pressured or forced. It seemed like the warmth he knew from Soap ran in the family. "I got yer room ready", Molly interrupted his thoughts, Soap loudly joking with his niece and nephew in the background. "Since Isla and Alec are here too, you'll have to share a room with John", she winked. "Shouldn't be a problem, I hope?" Ghost looked at her for a moment longer than necessary. "Er, no, that won't be a problem, thank you", he hurried to say. Molly grinned. "John! Show Simon around, won't ya? I have to get dinner ready", she patted Ghosts shoulder before getting to work on the cooking aisle. "Yes, ma'am", Soap picked up his bag, wincing slightly, his shoulder still sore. "Give me that", Ghost mumbled and quickly pulled the bag up, letting Soap lead the way up the stairs to a room on the western side of the cottage. It was a small room, but cozy. Old wooden floor, floral wallpaper on the walls, a big window with a small balcony and plants all over the room. And one king sized bed. Ghost didn't know whether he should be happy or nervous. (Molly ships them. She could've put an extra mattress in the room, but then again, she loves weddings)
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This is how I imagine their farm to look like. Sorry if I accidentally posted you house
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kate-embershield · 1 year
Sso: Hey are you here for the riding program??
MC: yeah
Sso: GREAT, we’re never bringing that up again btw
So, just going to casually drag this blog kicking and screaming from the depths of Pandoria for a hot second to introduce an idea I’ve had for a wee while...
✨Jorvik Riding Academy ✨
Nestled in the heart of Jorvik, a quick ride from the city and connected to the current playable map by the tunnel in dundull, towering above the landscape as it clings fiercely from the cliffside Is Jorvik academy. A sprawling fort turned school, the imposing structure offers teachings and housing for thousands of students from around Jorvik and the world. With stunning facilities and miles of land dedicated to horsemanship, the academy offers countless programs from veterinary courses, Dressage education, western riding and more.
Unlocking central Jorvik, and by extension the Academy, would require players to have a high reputation with the Baroness & Jorvik rangers, as the Baroness initially starts the quest, requesting you aid the rangers in their expedition.
Clearing the tunnel would be a few daily missions after initially clearing the first roadblock. Clearing boulders and collapsed earth would be the rangers duty’s, every daily revealing small passages, caves and beaches, while the player clears brush and small debris.
Eventually the last of the blockages would be removed and Jorvik’s central plains would be free for exploration. Coming out of the tunnel would have the player meeting up with the Eastern division of the Jorvik Rangers, who would in turn point you towards the Academy.
Before reaching the Academy, Players would most likely want to explore an updated and expanded Jorvik city. Players would be able to explore the more rural area on horseback, the area mostly being NPC houses and a cafe or two. But once they ride into the more populated area, much like the current city, players would be required to dismount in order to go further. It would be mostly the same, catching trams to go to different areas, but unlike the current one, players would be able to get to these areas on foot as well, a few more cafes, restaurants and shops hiding in explorable alleyways and streets.
In order to reach the Academy however, players would take the main road out of the city, following it across the plains, passing a few farms, herds and a few mounted NPC’s, some sporting the Academy uniform. Eventually players would come across a grand gate nestled in a small forest, slightly ajar and sporting horses galloping across the wrought iron. Following the cobbled path, glimpses into the thinning wood would show jumps and obstacles set up, more NPC’s following the track. Continue following the road up a winding incline and you’ll be greeted with a grand stone arch proudly sporting the academy’s name and banners, green flags adorned with a silver pegasi. A little further would reveal the first building, a covered area much like the silverglade one, with a few daily races ranging from dressage, to jumping, and western trials. Climb further, passing more areas, some solely dedicated to certain disciplines, and you’ll find yourself at the front gates of the Academy, a towering fort resembling more of a small castle than any school. Once you pass through the imposing doors, a grand courtyard covered in greenery, stables nestled in the ivory walls.
The interior would hold classes as Daily’s, contents being the history of Jorvik and its people, learning about the different horse breeds and the origins of different riding disciplines. Daily classes would be held in the classrooms closest to the entrance, majority of the rooms being empty, great places for more close knit club meetings and roleplays.
The stables would be similar, a block sectioned off with the doors open to the world, allowing players from all over the server to stable their horses temporarily, being able to stable your horse next to your friends without relying on the home stable. These stables would also have a connected indoor arena.
This would also lead to another few levels in the personal stables, a few more stalls, bigger tack room with the ability to display favoured sets, an updated feed room with the current stalled horses names appearing on feed buckets, and a big upgrade, a personal riding arena. The ability to customise the home stable would be good here, being able to choose a style based on discovered areas, being able to display seasonal decorations year round.
Another addition included with the Academy would be players appartments, a dorm wing introducing the ability to have a private place for the player to display trinkets and ribbons attained trough play, and finally put the furniture to good use.
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Since the Academy teaches all disciplines, I’ve put together a handful of sketches of different sets, some basic ones purchasable after completing a tour of the academy, and more unlock-able after building reputation with the Academy's riding team. Forgive me for not including a western set, it’s still in the works. If anyone has any ideas on more sets, you are absolutely encouraged to voice them. I’m also still working on tack, though much like western, that isn’t my strong suit.
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I’ve also included a few more colours variations if people aren’t fans of the green.
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I’m currently working on a sketch of the academy grounds.
If you’ve made it this far, please share your thoughts and ideas, I would love to know what people think. I know realistically that Ashland and the rest of southeast Jorvik would be opened first if anything, and with devils gap opening soon, that is hopefully what’s in the works, but a girl can dream.
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eternal-echoes · 4 months
“The extent of the Church's charitable activity sometimes became clearest when it was taken away. In sixteenth-century England, for example, King Henry VIII suppressed the monasteries and confiscated their property, distributing it at rock-bottom prices to men of influence within his realm.
The monasteries were known to be generous and easy land-lords, making land available at low rents and for leases of long duration. "The monastery was a proprietor that never died; its tenantry had to do with a deathless landlord; its lands and houses never changed owners; its tenants were liable to none of the many... uncertainties that other tenants were."1 Thus the dissolution of the monasteries and the redistribution of their lands could only mean "ruin to scores of thousands of the poorest of the peasantry, the breakup of the small communities which were their world, and a future that was truly beggary."2
The favorable terms on which people had once worked these lands by and large disappeared in the wake of the monasteries' dissolution. According to one historian, "The new owners [of these lands], shopkeepers, bankers or needy noblemen, had no attachment to the rural past, and they exploited their lands in a spirit that was solely business-like. Rents were increased, arable land converted to pasture and large areas enclosed. Thousands of unemployed farm hands were thrown on to the streets. Social distinctions became accentuated and pauperism increased in an alarming fashion."3”
- Thomas E. Woods Jr., Ph.D., “How Catholic Charity Changed the World,” How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization
1. William Cobbett, A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland (Rockford, Ill.: TAN, 1988 [1896]), 112.
2. Philip Hughes, A Popular History of the Reformation (Garden City, N.Y: Hanover House, 1957), 205.
3. Henri Daniel-Rops, The Protestant Reformation, trans. Audrey Butler (London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1961), 475.
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jk-bees · 1 year
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“Take what ya want - Pay what ya can”
[Image ID: Digital illustration of a home blooming barrel cactus house in a desert. A pathway of bottle cap stepping stones leads up to a small wooden front porch and door. The roof of the porch is made from an old soda can with the text “wild”. The path goes along the side of the home to a farm stand selling cactus fruit, needles, and other goods. The roof and back wall are also old cans, the back wall showing a western scene with a horse. The path follows a “water” sign pointing behind the cactus.
Second Image: Close up of the farm stand. Text painted on the stand reads “Take what ya want Pay what ya can”. There’s a white payment box with a slot with the text “Pay” and “Thanks! ]
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