#smiled this whole fight tbh such a fun way to use the location
mo-ok · 4 months
Denziman vs Datolar
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riseninsaturn · 2 years
oh??? pokemon au???? please take this ask as an opportunity to share more (if you'd like!) >_>
using this as an opportunity to actually flesh out some plot as opposed to me just kind of mindlessly thinking about it earlier-- i have a tendency to always make pokemon AUs regardless of the fandom i'm in because despite not playing many pokemon games im so obsessed with spending hours just looking at different pokemon types and moves and creatures, so.
i think plot wise we would have the classic Phoenix protagonist Edgeworth rival situation, Gregory can be the scientist father who dies at some point idk. Maya is one of the Water (? I feel like) trainers who starts accompanying Phoenix around, etc. you find out later that Edgeworth's adoptive sister, Franziska's, dad is one of the elite 4 who also doubles as Bad Guy Group-- Phoenix ends up defeating him, it ends platonic but over time they both grow up, Edgeworth goes to a different region to become a gym leader and/or scientist and Phoenix becomes a local gym leader (who eventually falls from grace somehow, idk something happens and he stops caring so much about putting up a good fight? idk)
I think w/ the Apollo and co cast we have more liberty to get funky with it since a lot of that earlier stuff is kind of following the generic plots of most PKMN games. TBH I cannot conceive of any real plot here and this is where I start to get more focused on just thinking about the types everyone has.
if i WERE to write a PKMN AU it'd be a few assorted ficlets in that universe or just one one-shot exploring it. I think that Ema is definitely a scientist interested in studying the PKMN who happens to kind of roam around the regions and keeps meeting up with Apollo, first coincidentally but at some point tries purposefully to hang out with him b/c friendship. Klavier is def a rival but I do think it'd be kind of interesting if he was a former Elite 4 or something alongside Kristoph? dunno but I do think that'd be cool.
it's late so I'm just going to kind of skim through a few websites but I want to put some genuine thought into this with different stats and strengths and locations etc, but just basic perspective on types & pokemon
Athena NEEDS an Audino. Then, either a Gallade or Medicham, because I think her having a Psychic + Fighting is very in character. I only think she keeps a few around-- I don't totally know her role yet in terms of this but her and Apollo are besties, naturally, and her and Simon are familial. (Note: Athena with a Mimikyu would be kind of iconic).
For characterization purposes SOMEONE needs an Absol. I think it would be cool if Klavier had one personally but I also could be on board with Edgeworth having one, I think you could take that in a few different directions for both.
I don't totally have reasoning for this but I think Apollo with a Wooper/Quagsire is REALLY funny. As a whole I'd want to give him a fairly diverse range of Pokemon, but leaning towards some of the more common ones, if that makes sense? Think he has a Pidgey evolved along the way, probably a fire/fighting, ground, etc.
The Paynes are known for fighting as a duo and both of them always have a Weezing.
This is a little out there but hear me out: Phoenix with an Abra (evolved along), because it's well established that he's lucky as fuck.
Klavier has a Malamar because I like to think i'm funny. He might also have a Sneasel though. fuck, I didn't want to make him a Dark type that was exactly the opposite of my point but i keep finding really great dark types for him LOL
Simon with a Honchcrow, obviously. Also at least one Dragon type for symbolism, or something.
this is the most fun thing i've done all day but unfortunately i have to sleep early for school tmrw :/ if you have more thoughts sully pls share always such a delight to see u in my inbox and notifs makes me smile lots. sorry for rambling i just have a lot of feelings about pokemon
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Wynonna Earp 2x07 Everybody Knows
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) Okay… the “Previously On…” brings up several interesting points from season 1 – Bobo telling Waverly she’s not even an Earp, and Wynonna not really buying they’ve truly defeated the seven revenants. I hope this doesn’t ruin my figuring things out on my own as I watch this episode…
2) The Creepster’s sisters are pretending they fell asleep like everyone else and that they don’t know about the widows, but Wynonna is not buying it. Trust your instincts, girl.
3) A+ writing.
WYNONNA: Mercedes wasn't Mercedes! Usually, she's a fun bitch, not a bitch bitch, which is like "Whoa, bitch," but - It's a bitch thing.
I also noticed this is how Wynonna deflected and avoided answering Dolls’ questions about her seeing a doctor. But like, when would she have seen one? She found out she was pregnant and then boom! 3 to 6 months passed and they’ve been fighting demons since then, so...
4) I genuinely laughed at this…
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5) Wynonna got a head rush and Dolls immediately called Doc and told him they had a Code Rainbow, and I can’t wait to find out how and when they came up with a code for Wynonna-related situations, and why is it called Rainbow? 
6) The widows are burning Clootie’s head and she whispers “Holliday” and what about the connection between Clootie and Doc? And now someone is coming after Doc?! But they seem to be from the Wild West, like literally? WTF
7) This is the most Wynonna thing a pregnant Wynonna could do…
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8) Dolls and Doc literally dragged a doctor to Wynonna’s to have her checked. Bless them. Also, bless the doctor. She seems like a cool lady who takes no bullshit and genuinely cares about her patient.
9) Doc is coughing… is he… getting his tuberculosis back now that Cootie is dead? Is their bond broken and he’s no longer immortal?
10) This is such a Spike reaction…
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12) Oh lord, Doc is having one of those days where nothing is coming up Doc! Now he’s been marked for capture and execution for a warrant that was filed against him 135 FUCKING YEARS AGO! Damn, these people know how to hold a grudge! Isn’t there a statute of limitations on these things?
13) Waverly is freaking out about Doc not being the dad, and tbh, so am I. He will be totally crushed!
14) And now Wynonna has to break it to him and he’s being the sweetest most perfect gentlemen and I’m crying?
DOC: So… May I ask - are you doing alright? WYNONNA: Of course you can ask. DOC: Things have changed since my day regarding male participation in these matters but I'll be as involved as you desire. No more, no less. All I want, and excuse me for being old-fashioned, is for you to be healthy for you to be as close to happy as possible. And I will do anything, I will give anything to ensure it. WYNONNA: You're such an asshole. DOC: Maybe I said it wrong.
He’s going to get his heartbroken, isn’t he?
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And of course, she didn’t tell him...
JEREMY: I mean, imagine the little rascal if he has Doc's piercing blue eyes and Wynonna's luscious hair. I swear, seriously, we are going to be defenseless against such a glorious creature.
He even wants to babysit their baby, and so do I! But why is he assuming it’s going to be a boy? I’d wager it’s a girl. 
16) You know, everyone gives Jeremy such a hard time, but he’s such a trooper. Accidentally or not, he just found some key evidence to figure out whether Mercedes and her sisters are the widows, okay? And he also figured out the location of the seal before that. He might be a doofus, but he gets shit done and he deserves some respect.
17) Nicole is mommysitting Wynonna and I love it, these two can and should become besties.
18) OMG Waverly just spilled the beans about the baby quite possibly not being Doc’s…
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No, she won’t be better off!!! 
19) So… Wynonna’s alter ego is Aphrodite and she is a stripper who worked at Pussy Willows. Sounds about right. But Wynonna is not about to tell her one-night stand that he might be a baby daddy. Instead… she plans on stealing a glass with his saliva on it to do a paternity test. That is the most rational way to deal with this situation.
20) WTF!
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Is she having a revenant baby?!! Can revenants even have babies?!
21) I died!
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22) And now Dolls is congratulating Doc and it’s like he’s inadvertently rubbing salt in his wound…
23) Nicole is getting hammered because she’s having all of Wynonna’s drinks. And now the revenant shows himself and he seems to be aware he had a one-night stand with the one and only Heir…
24) OMG Jeremy has just locked all them in here with his binding spell, didn’t he? Because they inhaled the thingy he was trying to bind?! This is not looking good for Doc! And Jeremy’s reaction…
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25) Nicole is the cutest and the dumbest drunk but she still has game, I love her.
26) They are literally bound together, like one moves, the others do, too… Please let this last forever…
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27) Or maybe not!
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This whole scene was comedy gold!
28) The Sheriff who is after Doc is a phantom, they cannot hurt him, except… Dolls did? How?!
29) Wynonna just said “Abort! Abort!” and apologized to the baby and I died hahahaha!
30) Well, I guess this whole being bound together has brought some issues to the surface…
DOLLS: This is about a girl? You're the most selfish guy I know. You do whatever you want, whenever you want, and then when you get in trouble, you bring everybody down with you. DOC: Oh, I thought we were gonna be mature about things. I was leaving to face my demons on my own, which is how I work best. DOLLS: Wynonna, that baby, they need you, so this whole lone-wolf shit that you're doing, it ain't gonna cut it. 'Cause guess what, Doc, you're gonna be a daddy. DOC: Well, it is quite possible that I ain't. I reckon that should put your mind at ease.
Dolls does make a great point about Doc needing to stick around for Wynonna and the baby, whether it’s his or not. But I think what Doc was trying to do was take his problems somewhere else and not pile them on Wynonna and possibly put her and the baby in danger. Fleeing is always his first response in the face of trouble, but he has stuck around, hasn’t he?
31) Okay, now they’re facing a whole army of ghosts. That should be a piece of cake.
32) Wynonna now needs to figure out how to deal with the may-be revenant daddy of her might-be heir/revenant baby. Waverly suggests offing him, but… that feels wrong, somehow? It’s the baby’s daddy, after all. Wynonna is looking for an alternative, though.
33) Doc is about to be executed and he’s just told Dolls and Jeremy that he’s not going down without a fight, and like, if they’re still bound, that’s going to be hilarious.
34) Dolls just spoke on behalf of Doc and called him his brother and I’m over here like awwwwwwww! And he literally saved Doc by outranking the Sheriff. He actually pardoned Doc! They’re bros in love!
35) Oh god, I take it back, I take it back! He so does deserve to be shot in the fucking dick!
DOUCHEBAG: I remember that night. You stumbling in all doe-eyed drunk, working those West-coast hips to a little Lana teasing out lap dances for free. WAVERLY: Stop it! DOUCHEBAG: The place was crawling with revenants, and here you were performing for them all. Of course, I was the only one that knew you were the heir. I admit I was hoping you'd be a bit more of a challenge. I always heard you had a mouth on you. And you do. Hmm, baby, one smile from me, and those legs - popped right open. WAVERLY: Shut - your stupid, sexist pie hole! DOUCHEBAG: I believe we were talking - about her pie hole. WAVERLY: Enough. DOUCHEBAG: You see, we always thought the best way to defeat the heir was to kill her, Lucky for us, she's a whore who defeated herself by letting one of us get inside of her.
Bless Wynonna, she shot him. I just can’t believe she let him go that far. She still doesn’t know if the baby was his, though. And I know that plot-wise it would be much more interesting for the baby to be an heir/revenant hybrid, but can it please be Doc’s? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
36) “As Earp as you and me.” Now, that was a trigger…
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Well, it was about damn time this was addressed, right? But like... now I’m afraid Waverly might be an heir/revenant hybrid herself? The douchebag mentioned it had happened once before, right? But then she would be an Earp... 
37) What a fun episode! Damn, this show is always such a wild ride, and I have so much fun watching it! I’ll continue to pray for the baby to be Doc’s, okay? Although I’m 99% it’s going to be the revenant’s because plot twist, am I right? And whose daughter is Waverly? What about her history, indeed? And how did she end up with the Earps? Who is she connected to?
38) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 224: More Like Slidin’ Go Fuck Yourself
Previously on BnHA: We caught up back to real time and learned that the Shigaraki Squad has been battling Gigantomachia basically nonstop for the past month and a half. Tomura in particular has barely eaten or slept (the others at least got breaks), yet is in an oddly good mood despite having not made much progress. Anyway, Twice got a phone call from Giran’s number, except that it turned out not to be Giran, because we of course know that the Quirk Liberation Army has captured him. Guess what else they’ve done! If you guessed “tortured him for a week and severed five of his fingers and placed them in symbolic locations to send a message to the League,” you guessed right and that’s pretty fucked up that you actually guessed that! So anyway, DetCEO, who apparently goes by “Re-Destro”, bragged to Tomura about how they have 116,516 “liberation warriors” spread throughout the country and have been preparing for this moment for generations. They want to tear down the world and rebuild it as a place where everyone can freely use their quirks. Almost doesn’t sound too bad, until you remember the whole “kidnap, torture, and dismember” thing (and the fact that Re-Destro killed poor Mickey Mouse just a handful of chapters ago). Also they knew Tomura’s exact location somehow, and Re-Destro threatened to sic all of the top heroes on them if they don’t cooperate. He told Tomura to meet them at Deika City in Aichi Prefecture so they can have an epic battle.
Today on BnHA: Re-Destro invites the Shigaraki Squad to a big ol’ murderfest free for all in Aichi prefecture. The squad takes a few minutes to debate the merits of accepting this invitation, with the most pressing arguments in favor being “they kidnapped and tortured our bro Giran” and “they know our location and will sic all of the top heroes on us if we don’t”, while the biggest argument against is the whole “it’s obviously a trap” thing. Ujiko, who’s listening in on the whole thing, warns that he won’t be able to lend them any High Ends for the time being. But Tomura doesn’t seem too concerned, and asks Ujiko to warp them over. His plan is to have Gigantomachia follow them and fuck up the Meta Liberation Army’s day, thus killing two birds with one stone for him. So they head to Deika City, picking up Dabi on the way, and are greeted by none other than fucking Slidin’ Go, who’s apparently evil. Huh. He leads them through the city, which seems mostly abandoned. “Seems” being the operative word, as it turns out the city is occupied by Liberation army cronies, who proceed to greet Tomura and the gang with some friendly violence. Tomura and co. respond in kind, and the focus shifts to Toga, who’s facing off with Kizuki from the Army who has All Might’s eyes and Katsuki’s quirk (a winning combo if I do say so myself). Anyway so now they’re gonna fight.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 226, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so apparently Re-Destro told Tomura to be at the location within the hour, because Horikoshi has apparently learned his lesson about long, drawn-out arcs. thank you god, thank you jesus
apparently they know the League can warp, so they won’t accept any excuses for them taking their sweet time
and this is super creepy tbh
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satellites. why didn’t you think of that, Tomura? here you guys are relying on secret traitors for your intel instead like amateurs
but seriously, it’s so creepy to have people with this capability and have them be the bad guys. imagine what kind of dystopian shit they’d get up to if they actually won?? it wouldn’t be pretty, I can tell you that much
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obviously go meet up with them and kick their asses. or, even better, take the gorilla with you
oh my god Twice I love you so much though
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Twice you are the Kirishima of villains. Tomura! listen to him! you can be villains who both win and rescue!!
oh my god Toga
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Twice is passionately saying that if there’s even the slightest chance he’s still alive, they have to go
now Compress is chiming in and pointing out that charging in with no plan is a very bad idea and that Twice always gets “attached” too easily. omg. stfu Compress. so sorry for actually giving a shit, dude
so what does Tomura have to say about all this? villain he may be, but his origin story involves being “rescued” by AFO after being seemingly abandoned by everyone else (or so he believes anyway). are you going to just leave Giran to a fate like that? and then there’s the matter of that satellite tracking you too
oh shit
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wow what a fucked up move dude. but effective though
ooh now he’s getting in touch with Ujiko and asking if he was listening in
Ujiko is all “you kids are always on your fancy little ‘radios’“ lol what. Ujiko it’s 2214, cell phones have been around for 250 years. get with the fucking times dude
meanwhile poor Twice is clutching his head and moaning that he’s splitting apart, but only Toga seems to care. ;_; ahh Twice
Compress is getting all hopeful and thinking that they can use the High Ends to battle the Liberation Army
but Ujiko is all “sorry but no”
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please stop calling them children you fucking creep omg. do you not even care
so Hijack Noumu’s name was “Hood”, huh? farewell, High Puns Noumu. it’s been fun times but I was seriously running out of things that start with “high”, so I’m gonna latch on to this Hood thing if you don’t mind lol
well we all know AFO being gone is more of a temporary inconvenience (:
lastly, it’s very curious how he says “difficult” as opposed to impossible. please give us the deets of how Noumus are made already Horikoshi. I know I’m gonna regret being so curious but I want to know all the same. open that big ol’ Pandora’s box
Compress is all “well fuck”, but Tomura says that wasn’t his plan anyway. oh?
I bet you he wants to use the recording of AFO’s voice to get Giganto under control
ahhh, yeah, it’s looking that way my dudes
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oh my god you guys
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fuck me. but just. it’s the first time I’ve ever been struck by a resemblance between the two of them, is all. something about the confidence in his smile. for once he’s not unhinged; he’s perfectly in control of himself and he is a man with a plan, and just. damn. boy you look like your grandma and I’m feeling those Shimura feels though
anyway, so it’s interesting that he’s also getting Dabi to meet up with them. meaning his plan is (for the moment, at least) beyond my comprehension, because I certainly can’t figure out wth he’s thinking right now
and now Spinner’s all “we’re seriously rushing straight in?!” and pointing out that they have no idea what they’re getting into and they’re going up against an army that’s supposedly 110,000 strong
ah, okay, maybe I did figure out his plan after all
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okay but then why do you need Dabi
now Ujiko is yelling in his ear “BUT WHAT WILL YOU DO IF IT WAS ALL A BLUFF?!”
and Tomura is all “well then Giganto will fucking die, s’no skin off my back”
Spinner keeps expressing doubts and it’s really starting to look like he may actually switch sides you guys
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Tomura is all “don’t make me say it again”
oh good he is fixing Twice up now
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... [headpats]
oh Tomura
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the good folks of Deika City might want to think about getting the fuck out of Dodge you guys
(ETA: they are all bad folks. you fuckers have only yourselves to blame. have fun being dusted, roasted, compressed, and floated twice over. and Goron pounded. and whatever Spinner fucking does. is it really just the samurai sword. whatever.)
oh look Dabi did join them after all
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you guys seeing them act like heroes is so fucking weird though. I know they’re our protags for this arc but still. weird
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why did you agree to come?? because you love them you jerk. and you owe Giran as much as anyone
petition to rename this the Villain Feels arc you guys
oh shit
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good instincts you guys! good eye, Toga!
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so there really was a reason chapter 219 was named after this guy, huh?? he had such a minor role but Horikoshi wanted to make sure we didn’t just immediately forget about him! holy shit. motherfucker did you even return all of those wallets??
holy shitballs this frictionless fuck hugged Katsuki and Shouto and no one suspected a damn thing
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as we know, Katsuki was right to call attention to this. but now we know Slidin’ was being intentionally dismissive of the villain’s tech in order to hide Detnerat’s involvement! son of a bitch. that might even have been why he was there in the first place
look at this piece of shit
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fuck this guy so hard
oh my fuck
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petition to rename this arc the Villain Feels/Stephen King Novel arc
holy shit
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well at least we know they’re all expendable. that’s good, considering the League isn’t likely to go out of their way to keep any innocent passerby from dying horribly. run that mission statement by me again one more time, Tomura? “destroy everything?” yeah that’s what I thought you said, thanks
wow and the big bads are here too already!!
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if the one on the left (Kizuki, just went back and checked) fights anyone other than Toga I’m gonna lowkey be rooting for her ngl
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like, okay, so you wanna come at us like that then?? fun! fucking bring it!
holy shit this guy is a politician??
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is that what he means by “party”? damn these guys are in the fucking government and everything
government, big business, satellites... look, no pressure here Tomura, but if you don’t win, I’m starting to think we are seriously screwed
anyway so Twice is all “who cares about these guys, where’s Giran?” and I have to admire his focus in the face of... all this
Hanabata is gesturing to the observation tower in the distance and says Giran is “waiting” over there with Re-Destro
and Twice is all outraged because they said they’d return Giran to them when they got there. “you filthy liar.” wow imagine that. bad guys lying about shit
someone or other appears to be watching everything from the nearby security cameras. probably RD. motherfucker
now these two guys are introducing themselves to Tomura because I guess they’d like to be disintegrated today
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nice knowing you guys. but not really
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I know it’s fucked up, but they had it coming, and that was some of the stupidest shit anyone in this manga has pulled in a hot minute though
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hard not to see an explosion and immediately think of my boy Kacchan! but obviously he’s not there, so what gives??
oh shit
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okay. okay hold up. gather my thoughts. can’t just keysmash, gotta get my brain back into working order here...!
motherfucker how did I know the girl was gonna fight the other girl. well whatever
and on top of that, that gesture with her fingers is giving me strong flashbacks to [S] Cascade from Homestuck
oh my god. hype for days. you guys. this is amazing
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bloodfcst-a · 5 years
Is there a plot etc you really crave to write?
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Y’all I have a lot of ideas so prepare in advance.
I know I certainly want to write with my modern verse a lot. 
I want to see Yuffie doing ordinary things, living an ‘ average ’ life because… in canon, she doesn’t have much of one. The only time she gets to be ‘ ordinary ’ is when she’s traveling around with a group of eco-terrorists who carry the name of a vigilante group who used her country as a bargaining chip against the enemy they’d just recently lost a war against. She needs some… average interactions with basic friends? That would be nice. @sharkapologlst @softestmood @cheiian + I know I’m forgetting others… but I’m looking at y’all !
I’ve talked about it a bit with @sharkapologlst & also @garrotejima ( @fatesrot you can bet I’m gonna drag you into this too ), but I made her a yakuza for a reason, and I want to write crime-based threads or yakuzie based threads. Part of it is bc… well, I’m not gonna lie, I’m a hoe for the Yakuza series. But also, nothing about Yuffie’s life is ordinary. She is a princess canonically, so I wanted that same sense of hierarchy to trickle down into modern era. We see Yuffie all the time getting down and dirty & in my assumptions of her, I think stealing / mugging / espionage is just really the top of it. I completely believe given the motivation and necessity, she would be capable of doing more. And I don’t want her to stoop down to just… a red light district girl. No, she’s definitely a person of importance, she’s definitely got something to defend more than familial honor, and she’s able to blend into her surroundings to get the job done. So… there’s that.
As for more ‘ canon-based ’ interactions? Let’s start with KH.
I’ve started experimenting a bit & reaching out to people, but I don’t think KH should be limited to just the restoration committee, because we see already she’s capable and involved in so many other things. That’s certainly the last place we see her, yes– but once Radiant Garden’s restored, then what? She may not be canonically a ‘ warrior of light ’ or ‘ princess of heart ’ ( that’s Square limiting themselves tbh ), but there’s certainly other roles for her to preside in. I’m sure Yuffie can be tech savvy, given that Cid’s her adoptive father figure. Why not help Ienzo? Or, we know that she’s capable of traveling to other worlds because she’s gone between Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden, Olympus Coliseum, and Traverse Town without Sora’s help or “ the heart travels going to and from the body ” shenanigans. Have her travel to other places! Sora doesn’t need to be the only person collecting Ansem’s reports, for example. Sora and Riku also don’t need to be the only people going to different worlds and fighting the Heartless. For the whole “no meddling” rule to exist, Yuffie’s done plenty of that already in canon and no one’s critiqued her. Let’s keep it up.
Also, KH interactions in general. @dawnled @thekeybladehero , other KH muses… let’s make it happen. 
Also, I know I’ve bothered @idno41269 about this, but uh… if you’re an FF character and you wanna interact in the realm of KH? Let’s make it happen scoobs.
As for the Compilation… I guess there are things I’d like to do, but not sure if threads or meta are the best way to go about it? Maybe even some drabbles from time to time. But here are some things to consider for sure:
Yuffie’s relationship with the Shin-Ra is complex. Because, certainly, as a corporation she thinks they’re evil for what they did to Wutai. She doesn’t agree with the concept of mako reactors, and has seen what they do to the planet– they’re not harmonious. But? Recall that when she’s in the pagoda stealing bombs that AVALANCHE has planted & returns them to the Player Turk, she’s conflicted not because of the Turks, but because by an extension she’s now helping the Shin-Ra…. She’s personally fine with Tseng, Reno, Rude, Cissnei, etc. I HC that the Turks were quite polite to Yuffie during the Negotiation Era. But certainly her feelings would be messy, especially in a post-war future where WRO is receiving funds from Shin-Ra, and the assumption later that the Shin-Ra are still an influential organization with an abundance of wealth, and thus access to resources. She will have to partner with them at one point or another to restore and create a better planet. But all the feelings in between are… wild, and I think it would be really fun to elaborate on that in more detail.
The “Treasure Princess Era.” Roughly from ages 9-13 you have Yuffie just… roaming the world, finding locations of suspiciously powerful treasures that Rufus has leaked to Godo, but her dad’s too shaken up to act on. That’s a lot to unpack right there. She’s traveling the world alone at 9. Who is supporting her? We know Zack, when it comes to the actual treasures, but what about the in-between? Her actually navigating, where is she staying, how is she viewed and how do people interact with her in a fresh-outta-war society? To anywhere with Shin-Ra influence, Wutaians were the enemy… do they spare her because she’s a child, or does she still see that wrath? I HC that as a teenager, certainly she would, and I’d like to write about that more later. But in her earlier years… I think that’s definitely some curious stuff to write about.
My default verse might be post-Compilation, but I’m still interested in writing things during it. Shenanigans on the Original Journey, stuff with like On a Way to a Smile, Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus, etc etc. 
There’s stuff that doesn’t like… neatly fall into these organization bins, right? Like, I love Ace Attorney and Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid, so I’d have to work a bit on figuring out how interactions with those fandoms would work. And I follow other characters & fandoms too. At the end of the day… if I’m following you, I’m intrigued by you and would be interested in writing with you at some point or another. So while I hope this gives you some ideas, I would encourage you to just poke me, or send a meme, or interact with an inbox or plotting call… something that would foster some interaction between us and further our writing relationship.
This was wordy, but I hope this is okay! Thanks for sending this in!
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So I just kind of want to like, let it sit in a bit.
Keith is orphaned. His dad is dead. His mom leaves him behind. Not fun. We know he has some memories and some hints here and there about who and what he is, maybe. But he doesn’t have a guide or a book and he’s lost. 
Along comes Shiro (just as a heads up I am not a Sheith fan and will not be supporting that here, but if that’s you you have fun in another sandbox. Thanks!).
I am going to go ahead with fancanon and assume Shiro was either kicked out of his family for being gay, or is also an orphan. But either way Shiro has no blood family is my assumption. 
He sees this kid with immense potential, and no one else. And he does his best to integrate that kid into a community and help them and give them something to go with. If that makes sense. It’s not you vs the world, it’s us vs the world. But we know from the show Keith doesn’t get on board. It’s him and Shiro (I would say big brother/mentor/father type) against the entire world. Keith is at odds with the garrison and Shiro is who smooths it over. He’ll do what Shiro wants. Shiro is his idol and his world. At least as far as we know. 
And as a kid who had a not great home situation, I had some adult mentors who were all I had, and all I lived for, and man. I was so sad when they moved on to other locations and lives. 
So we know Keith knows a lot about what’s going on with Shiro and his illness...
and probably knows Adam. But like, to me he’s probably not that close to Adam, or Adam wasn’t planned (even if supposedly as of season 2 gay Shiro was planned.) Otherwise I would assume if Keith was close to Adam he would have maybe stayed close, or kept in touch etc. Honestly with some kids who really need the attention he might have seen Adam as a rival for Shiro’s attention, rather than embracing Adam as a secondary parent. And like I have a lot of feels about Shiro and Adam but we’ll get there later. This is Keith’s time. 
So, Keith in all his wisdom, finds out that the Kerberos mission goes to shit. And the pilot is blamed. Pilot Error. And he knows that’s b.s. Even with Shiro’s disease there’s no way. None at all. Shiro is THE best that’s why he was chosen. Without Shiro at the garrison and with the garrison betraying him and blaming him like that, it makes sense to me Keith would bail. He’s a loner and he doesn’t realize he could use what the garrison gives him and go find Shiro, he just sees them as a new enemy. IMO. 
He’s obviously insanely smart and capable, because he finds out where the ship is landing, how to get to it, has access to explosives or can make them, sets them off appropriately without hurting anyone until the getaway chase... and scoops Shiro up and bails. 
I think it’s really telling he puts Shiro in his father’s clothes. I mean maybe that’s all he had, but I am sure he could have planned to have something else or maybe if he’d been heinously crushing on Shiro he might have some of Shiro’s clothes lying around. But he puts his father’s clothing onto his mentor/father/brother. And that’s what integrates him into a unit. 
Sure he and Lance clash, but they work together. Such as when the Castle goes rogue on them and they’re stuck in the shaft, while they fight, they work together. Even nonverbally when they see the door. Or on the balmera, seeing the ladder. Like did Keith understand Lance’s weird grunts and pantomimes? No. But he saw the ladder, and put it together. Even did a little small smile. 
I think that like, of course his temperament, like his lion’s, is challenging and aggressive and I think that’s what makes him a good second. Personally. It’s better to have the captain liked by all and have it look like the second in command is the dick. Even though logically you KNOW it’s the captain handing down the orders. But like, on ships first and second mate do the discipline. They run the orders. They check the ship. A good captain will, too, but it’s not his job. 
I think when Shiro tells him after the crash: I want you to take my place, what he’s trying to also do is get Keith to try and look at the team better. I need you to take over as I have, to be compassionate, understanding, caring... and Keith isn’t ready for that. I don’t think he’s necessarily capable of it the way Shiro is. 
I think his plotline should have changed when Shiro came back from the void. I think he should have lead the BoM or been a ranking member, and Shiro should have taken the lion back. The BoM is a guerrilla warfare group. If you leave a teammate behind to protect the whole, that’s fine. There’s hundreds of them. Have been for 10,000 years. 
There’s only 5 paladins. + Allura and Coran. That’s it. 
There’s no room for alone missions when you need Voltron, there’s no room for it being about yourself. That’s what makes Shiro a good leader. He assesses the situation and says to form up or to break apart and work as a team. 
Keith just isn’t a team leader in that respect. (Tbh he kind of reminds me of Gale in THG. He’ll blow up children to kill the bad guys because winning is what matters over human decency -not to say I think he’s lacking human compassion, I just think he wants to complete the task and move on as quickly as possible. Which is great in war... but also truly terrible.) 
And that’s... my long-ass rambling. 
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minijenn · 6 years
Universe Falls Chapter 56
Alas here we are having finally reached the midway point of Universe Falls and its... mediocre. Tbh I just wanna get to Chille Tid so this was kind of a rushed job. Either way it was fun to write Ford interacting with the Gems a whole bunch so there’s that. So yeah, enjoy!
Previous: http://minijenn.tumblr.com/post/175850198924/universe-falls-chapter-55
Chapter 56: Friend Ship
Like most Gem locations across the Earth, the Galaxy Warp didn’t often see too many visitors, much less any outside of the Crystal Gems, who only really stopped by the warp pad hub for routine checks now and again. However, that wasn’t currently the case as a certain green Gem was hard at work at the mostly downed warp hub, hoping to get it back to some semblance of working order again without garnishing the detection of her irksome enemies.
“Stupid broken warp…” Peridot grumbled to herself. She didn’t even hide her immense aggravation as she used her tractor beam to collect the scattered pieces of rubble that used to be the Homeworld warp and compile it all together to try and repair it somehow. “First my attack robinoids, then my escape pod, then the communication hub, and now this is busted again…” The green Gem sighed, shaking her head as the fingers of her free hand formed her touchscreen so she could make a report. “These Crystal Gems and their human allies are a menace… But no matter; I’m getting off this ticking time-bomb of a planet, whether they like it or not!”
Of course, as if right on cue, no sooner than a moment after Peridot had said this, the Crystal Gems themselves arrived on one of the few still functional pads the Galaxy Warp had to offer, Steven, Dipper, and Mabel accompanying them. The green Gem gasped in shock at their timely, yet still unexpected appearance as she froze in place, instantly dropping the pieces of the Homeworld warp her beam had been toting out of sheer surprise alone.
“Aha! There she is!” Pearl exclaimed, excitedly pointing to Peridot afar on the other side of the warp. “I was right! My plan worked perfectly!”
“Wow, and it only took five minutes to find her this time too!” Mabel said, duly impressed. “That’s a new record.”
“Good,” Dipper said with resolve as he drew the Sword of Seasons and set it to its flaming setting. “That means we can use the rest of our time actually catching her instead of looking in all the wrong places like we usually do.”
“Well, yeah, we can do that, but don’t be rude, you guys,” Steven frowned briefly before turning to Peridot with a bright smile. “Good morning!”
Of course, the green Gem’s response to this warm greeting was anything but warm itself. “Ugh! I can’t believe this! How did you know I was here?!”
“We found a secret way to track you, and we’ll never tell you what it is, even if you ask nicely!” Steven proclaimed with bold confidence as he taunted the green Gem out by sticking his tongue out impishly.
“And this time, you’re goin’ down, Peri!” Mabel quipped, brandishing her grappling hook.
“Peri?” the green Gem raised an eyebrow, apparently confused.
“Oh, you know, its like a fun little nickname!” Mabel smiled cheerfully. “Luckily for you, you have a very nicknamable name! I’ve already gotten so many out of it! There’s Peri, Dot, Dotty, Peri-D, P-Dot, Peri-do, Per-”
“Hey, Mabel, here’s an idea,” Dipper swiftly interjected, annoyed by the inappropriate timing of his sister’s rambling. “Maybe you could not give our enemies silly nicknames? Just a suggestion?”
“Aw, but where’s the fun in that?” Mabel pouted playfully before Garnet finally interjected.
“Peridot!” the Gem leader shouted, her gauntlets already at the ready to strike. “We’re here to-”
“And you’ll never get away with it!” Pearl suddenly interupted her apparently out of nowhere as she raised her spear high.
“Don’t you Gems and your pesky pet humans have anything better to do than annoy me?!” Peridot growled, stomping her foot down in obvious frustration.
“Nope,” Amethyst remarked, stretching out her whip in her hands. “We’re gonna-”
“Prepare to be annoyed!” Pearl cut the purple Gem off as well, quiet pointedly too, much to Amethyst’s confusion, as well as the kids’.
“Uh… ok…” Dipper exchanged a rather bewildered glance with Steven and Mabel at Pearl’s odd behavior before he turned to coldly address the still rather irritated Peridot. “Well, we’re not about to let you escape this ti-”
“Admit defeat now and maybe we’ll go easy on you!” the white Gem once again cut in, just as much verve in her manner as every before.
“Uh… Pearl?” Steven spoke up, somewhat concerned in light of his guardian’s over the top mannerisms.
“Ugh, I don’t have time for this!” Peridot seethed nonetheless, her free floating fingers forming themselves into a blaster that was rapidly charging with a ball of growing energy. “This planet has an expiration date and I’m not gonna stick around to find out when!”
At this, the green Gem let her blast fire, the unexpected force of it knocking her back as it went flying towards the Gems and the kids. The attack completely missed its mark, steering clear of the group on the warp pad and instead smashing into the large stone pillar directly behind them. While initially disappointed by her misfire, Peridot quickly perked up as the bulk of the pillar began to fall upon the Gems and the kids, however, they were thankfully saved from its crushing force by Steven, who summoned shield large enough to cover them all just in the nick of time. Though her attack hadn’t worked completely as expected, Peridot still let out something of a small, nervous chuckle as she picked herself up off the ground right as Pearl fiercely turned to face her again.
“That’s it!” the white Gem hissed, gripping her spear tightly. “I’m taking her out!”
“Pearl, wait!” Garnet ordered, but her teammate didn’t listen. Instead, Pearl charged, her weapon at the ready, towards Peridot, intent on finally putting an end to her longstanding nuisance. Even so, the green Gem countered her with her tractor beam, easily catching Pearl in its pale verdant glow and effectively immobilizing her as she began to spin her around freely.
“Ha! Sorry, but you’re going the wrong way!” Peridot exclaimed, flinging Pearl out of her tractor beam and back towards the group on the warp pad. Before anyone could really do much, the white Gem collided with Steven, knocking him off the pad and disabling his shield altogether. Fortunately, Garnet managed to catch the pillar that had been pressed against it, keeping it steady with her impressive strength as she urged Amethyst and the twins off the pad and out of harm’s way.
“Get her!” the Gem leader shouted, struggling to rid herself from the burden of the heavy pillar. Amethyst complied first, the twins not too far behind her until the purple Gem broke into a fast, rapid spin dash, zooming towards Peridot at a frightening speed. The green Gem barely managed to leap out of the way, leaving Amethyst to crash into the ruined remains of the Homeworld warp as Peridot made her ‘escape’, skittering across the Galaxy Warp on her disjointed fingers alone.
“Ha! You missed!” she laughed triumphantly. Her levity was cut quite short as something hard and metallic latched around the fingers of one of her hands, breaking their bizarre gravity and leaving Peridot to fall face first into the ground below her.
“But I didn’t!” Mabel happily proclaimed as her grappling hook zoomed back to her. “Your turn, bro-bro!”
Dipper didn’t even respond as he instead rushed forward, the Sword of Seasons charged with strong electricity in his grip. Peridot gasped in apt fear at the sight of the electrified blade and quickly scrambled to her feet, dashing as fast as she reasonably could to get away from it, but even so, Dipper was relentless in his pursuit to take the green Gem out once and for all.
At the same time, Pearl and Steven were both finally regathering their bearings after their rough landing off the warp pad. The white Gem herself was a good bit more dazed than her young ward, even as he began to quickly pick himself up and get back into the fight. “Pearl!” Steven exclaimed, somewhat exasperated as he nudged her weight off of him.
“O-oh, sorry!” Pearl exclaimed, flustered as she hurriedly stood as well, though by then, Steven had already taken off to peruse Peridot right alongside Dipper. The green Gem had managed to reach one of the relatively unscathed warp pads, only to receive the frustrating news that, much like all of the other pads throughout the worn-down collection, it would also be getting her, completely nowhere.
“Augh! Doesn’t anything work on this cruddy planet?!” she shouted, incredibly vexed by her very bad luck.
“I do,” Dipper said with a very satisfied grin as his ice-enhanced sword suddenly rammed into Peridot’s lower legs, not only knocking the green Gem off balance but effectively freezing her feet to the ground.
“And so do I!” Steven chimed in, summoning another shield as he ran forward. The young Gem tossed his weapon like a frisbee, and much to his luck, it hit its mark, striking Peridot squarely in the face hard amidst her trying to break free from the ice encasing her.
“Ow!” the green Gem cried, rubbing the sore spot near her nose and failing to notice Steven and Dipper wisely pull back as Garnet carried out the next attack.
“Amethyst, catch!” the Gem leader grunted, finally lifting the pillar she had been holding onto enough to send it flying at the purple Gem. Right on cue, Amethyst lashed out, her whip coiling tightly around the massive rock, which she wasted no time in hurling it towards the warp pad Peridot was currently frozen to.
“Destroy!” the purple Gem roared, the whip’s hold on the rock breaking as it crashed down almost directly on top of Peridot. As a result, the ice on the ground shattered and the green Gem was sent freely flying into the air, much to her noisy alarm.
Given Peridot’s vulnerable position, Pearl saw this as the perfect opportunity, which was why she wasted no time in rushing forward to catch her when she inevitably fell. “I got her!” she exclaimed, almost excitedly, the hope in both her voice and expression clear as she kept her sights on the green Gem and nothing else. “I got her! I got her!”
Unbeknownst to the white Gem, Garnet had the exact same plan as she did as her gauntlets disappeared and her arms stretched out to apprehend their green foe. As focused as they both were in catching Peridot, neither Garnet nor Pearl noticed each other, however, until they ended up ramming into each other, knocking them both to the ground roughly.
“Pearl!” Garnet snapped angrily, especially as, right above them, Peridot narrowly avoided landing on top of them by converting her floating fingers into rapidly moving helicopter blades. “Get off me!”
“Ah!” Pearl gasped anxiously, quickly getting up after Peridot swiftly flew away from them. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Knowing that her footing was still unsteady with the Gem leader, Pearl attempted to do her a kindness by helping her up, help that Garnet coldly refused as she sent her a fierce, frustrated glare, one that only deepened as Peridot safely landed on the warp pad they had all arrived on.
“Wow, this is just sad,” the green Gem remarked smugly, confident in her escape, even as the kids tried one last effort in rushing forward to catch her. “I almost feel sorry for you… Not!” Peridot let out a triumphant snicker, mimicking Steven’s teasing expression from before as she warped away, leaving a defeated, downcast group of Gems and kids behind in her wake.
“…Have a great weekend!” Steven called cheerfully after her after a beat of silence, only to quickly take it back as the twins and the Gems gave him a shared glance of annoyance for his amicability towards such an aggravating foe. A foe who, for whatever reason, seemed all but impossible to finally catch. “I mean… I hope her weekend is… not so great?”
“Ok, I realize that was a bit of a… fiasco…” Pearl huffed as everyone warped back to the temple, collectively disgruntled by the fact that Peridot was somehow still at large. “But, there’s still a silver lining to all this!” The white Gem’s manner was rather forcefully upbeat as she stepped off the warp pad and over to Peridot’s commandeered escape pod, which had only just been recently hooked up directly to the pad itself. “Now we know for sure that we can track her every movement! Whenever she uses the warp system, her escape pod will instantly detect where she is! Its only a matter of time before we capture her, and when we do, we’ll finally be able to close this chapter in our lives and move on! R-right?” she asked, turning to Garnet in particular.
The Gem leader didn’t respond, her arms crossed and her expression flat as she simply looked to the white Gem rather emotionlessly. Her lack of a response only made Pearl even more anxious as she offered her a wide, eager, yet also somewhat fearful grin, clearly eager to please Garnet in any way she could. A task that seemed much easier said than done, given how she had made essentially no real progress in smoothing things over between herself and the Gem leader since her foolish deception had all but ruined the bond of trust that had once existed between them.
Of course, such ongoing tension was quite easy for anyone to see, including Amethyst and the kids as they stood by on the sidelines as this bout of awkward, uneasy silence lasted for quite some time. However, as much as they all wanted to see everything finally be resolved between Pearl and Garnet, none of them really knew how to try and expedite that much-needed resolution. Well, save for Amethyst that was, as she hesitantly spoke up, starting with a heavy sigh to break through the veil of uncomfortable silence.
“Look,” the purple Gem began, looking back and forth between her teammates somewhat pleadingly. “Isn’t there something that maybe the two of you might need to talk about?”
At this, Garnet and Pearl took pause, both of them somewhat caught off guard as an uncertain, unreadable glance was passed between them. For a brief moment, it seemed as though one of them was about to finally fold and speak to the bitterness between them, perhaps even to the point of trying to rectify it. And yet unfortunately, they didn’t quite get the chance to as the gathering was unexpectedly interupted.
“Alright, Pearl, its finally finished!” Ford announced as he entered the house, carrying a small, round, metallic device. “It took some doing to configure something that could temporarily disable a warp pad, especially without one to test it on myself, but I’m at least 85% confident that it won’t explode and vaporize us all when we test it ou-” The author cut himself off as he glanced up from his invention upon noticing that the group present was larger than he had been expecting. “Oh… you’re all here…”
“Er, y-yes! Yes, we are!” Pearl exclaimed before either Garnet or Amethyst could even say anything as she rushed over to the author. “I’m very glad you could make it, Ford! Amethyst, Garnet, I asked Ford—I-I mean, Stanford—to help in our endeavors to capture Peridot, and I must admit that so far, his assistance has been quite invaluable! He already helped me link the escape pod up to the warp pad-”
“And, as I said just a moment ago, I also made this,” Ford proudly held his latest invention up. “I call it the warp destablizer. It can take down any warp pad for as long as necessary. Probably. Like I said, I haven’t had a chance to test it out yet. B-but, Pearl’s well informed me of your ongoing problem with this Peridot, and so what better way to test it than by using it to corner her so she can’t escape from you anymore?”
After outlining all of this, Ford and Pearl presented the other two Gems with eager, hopeful smiles as they presented the plan they had formulated together, a plan that would hopefully service them both when it came to getting them all back on equal footing. While Pearl very much wanted to impress Garnet in an attempt to get back into her good graces, Ford’s motives were rather similar, though they included Amethyst as well. After all, since his return to his home dimension, the author had only really had the chance to smooth his once cordial relations over with Pearl, and even that had happened out of sheer serendipity more than anything else. And even though Rose was gone and things had irreversibly changed from the past he had once shared with the Gems, a large part of Ford still very much wanted to at least make amends with his former close friends, if not repair their now-broken bonds altogether. And as far as the author was concerned, the best way to start doing just that would be to freely offer whatever aid to their cause that he could, an idea that Pearl had agreed with and even had decided to implement for herself to an extent.
In fact, the pair was so transparent in their desire to make a good impression that the kids were quick to pick up on, and, seeing no reason to not want to help them out in their earnest appeal, they decided to give them a much-needed boost. “Uh, wow!” Steven interjected, sending Pearl and Ford an impressed smile. “You guys really came up with a great plan to catch Peridot!”
“Um, y-yeah!” Dipper added just as intently. “I bet with that warp destablizer of yours, Great Uncle Ford, we’ll finally be able to trap Peridot and beat her at her own game once and for all.”
“And Pearl, your idea to plug her escape pod into the warp pad was a super one!” Mabel chimed in enthusiastically. “Peri wishes she was as smart of a cookie as you are!”
“Oh, well, thank you!” Pearl blushed with a chuckle, Ford nodding his gratitude to the kids as well. “S-so… what do you two think?” she turned to her teammates, though it was rather clear her question was more directed to Garnet instead.
“Eh, it might work out,” Amethyst shrugged, eyeing the warp destabilizer in Ford’s hands somewhat skeptically. “I guess its worth a shot seeing as how nothing’ else we’ve tried has gotten us anywhere close to catching that green dork. Right, Garnet?”
Even as the purple Gem lightly elbowed her in the leg, the Gem leader’s unfeeling expression remained unchanged as she seemed to almost stare both Pearl and Ford down silently. The pair exchanged something of a nervous glance under her scrutiny, which only seemed harsher as she continued to not even offer them so much as a word of approval, disapproval, or anything else for that matter. Which of course, only made it all the more difficult for either of them to guess where they might have stood with her, if she even still wanted either of them to stand with her at all.
Fortunately, it didn’t take too long for this uncertain silence to be broken by the escape pod of all things, which began to flash and beep as its touchscreen materialized. “It’s Peridot,” Pearl announced, placing her hand upon the screen as her eyes filed with lines of data and code. “She’s using the warps right now. Look!” The white Gem projected a holographic image of the globe, honing in on the exact location Peridot had supposedly just arrived at, which was likely somewhere in the northern parts of South America. “This is where she is. We’ve got her for sure this time.” Pearl pulled away from the escape pad, standing confidently beside it before leading the way to the warp pad. “If she thinks she’s got the upper hand, then she’s got another thing coming. And that’s us!”
While nowhere near as enthusiastic as Pearl, Garnet followed nonetheless, letting out a small, begrudging sigh that the others tried their best not to take note of. Even so, Amethyst simply shook her head somewhat sadly as she watched her teammates interactions, or lack thereof. The tension between them had bothered her ever since it had began, and though she had lately finally been able to vent some of her lasting concerns about it to Stan, the purple Gem still wanted to see it finally come to an end and for things to finally go back to the way they should have been. The only problem was, with the way things were now, it seemed as though that much-needed return to the status quo was never going to come about.
“Well,” Steven suddenly broke through Amethyst’s pondering, a small hopeful smile crossing his features as he watched the white Gem head to the warp pad. “At least Pearl’s optimistic.”
“Yeah, who knows?” Mabel asked, also smiling. “Maybe this just the swashbuckling, Peridot-catching adventure that Pearl and Garnet need so they can finally make up and be friends again!”
“It won’t work,” Amethyst concluded, crossing her arms doubtfully.
“Uh… why wouldn’t it?” Dipper asked, somewhat confused.
“Cause its not gonna be enough,” the purple Gem continued, looking towards her distant teammates on the other side of the room. “Pearl can hand Peridot over on a silver platter, but it won’t make up for the stunt she pulled to get Garnet to fuse with her.”
Before the kids could ask Amethyst to clarify on this, they were suddenly interupted by Garnet, who was just shy of standing on the warp pad alongside Pearl. “Let’s go, you four,” she ordered, the slightest hint of impatience in her tone. The purple Gem and the kids complied, somewhat anxiously as they bunched together on top of the pad, but before they could depart, they were interupted once again by Ford.
“Um, actually…” he began, apparently apprehensive, which was rare given the author’s usual confidence. “I was hoping that I could… accompany you all on this mission. As I said, it would be an ideal opportunity to test the warp destabilizer out, a-and… perhaps you’d appreciate another hand to help in capturing that Peridot Gem. R-right?”
While Pearl was about to speak up, offering Ford something of a worried, warning glance, Amethyst beat her to the punch first, her tone rather dry as she raised a rather caustic eyebrow at the author. “I dunno,” she said, her tone oddly not playful at all. “We already got Pearl and Dipper; I don’t think we have anymore room for another huge nerd on this trip.”
“Hey!” both Pearl and Dipper exclaimed in annoyed protest, sending the purple Gem flustered glares.
“Besides, ‘science man’,” Amethyst continued, her hands on her hips. “If I remember right, you used to be… kind of a pushover back in the day, what with us always havin’ to save you from monsters and ghosts and fairies and stuff. And we kinda don’t really have time to be doing that while we’re trying to tail someone like Peridot.”
“If you’re worried about me holding my own, don’t be,” Ford insisted firmly. “Believe me when I say that thirty years of traversing countless danger-filled dimensions has certainly plenty of experience in getting myself out of tight spots.”
“Pfft, I’ll believe it when I see it,” the purple Gem remarked, her tone still quite sardonic.
“Well, I think we should bring Stanford along,” Pearl said to her doubtful teammates.
“Oh! So do I!” Steven chimed in supportively.
“Me too,” Dipper said with an agreeing nod.
“Make that four votes for Grunkle Ford, cause I think so too!” Mabel proclaimed excitedly.
“Uh… well, I guess that leaves it up to you, G,” Amethyst frowned, glancing up at Garnet. The Gem leader was still as silent as ever as she stared directly at Ford for a moment, who shifted somewhat uncomfortably under her obscured gaze. In the end however, she surprisingly ended up relenting, her expression unchanged as she simply nodded her allotment and nothing else.
“Excellent!” Ford grinned, eagerly finding space on the warp pad with the rest of the group. “You three won’t regret this, I promise.”
“I-I’m sure we won’t!” Pearl cut in before either Garnet or Amethyst had the chance to say anything in edgewise. “Now, with all that out of the way, let’s get Peridot once and for all!”
Sure enough, the warp link had sent the group to where Peridot had supposedly arrived likely just a few minutes prior. It was a densely forested area, resting just on the outskirts of what was likely a jungle, though what was nestled only just a few feet away was much more interesting than the tropical foliage by far.
It was a spaceship, one that bore almost a passing semblance to a traditional flying saucer, massive in both size and scope. The vessel had clearly been there for quite some time, based on its obvious state of disrepair. Moss had claimed a good portion of its lopsided form as its three legs were set askew entirely. Regardless of its advanced dilapidation, the kids, and even Ford to some extent, were all amazed by the historic ship before them, even though, for the Gems, this sight was rather mundane at best.
“Ha! She’s desperate!” Pearl exclaimed, eagerly pointing to the ship. “Look at this! She’s cornered herself in there! We’ve got her right where we want her!”
“What is-”
“Excellent question, Steven!” the white Gem interupted her ward before he could even get his actual question out. “What we see before us is an ancient interplanetary Gem vessel,” she explained, projecting a hologram of a similar ship touching down on Earth. “Homeworld Gems used these ships to travel across the cosmos and land here on Earth before the warp pads were built.”
“Ah, so then its just like-” Ford abruptly cut himself off as all three of the Gems sent him very sudden warning glances, almost as if he was about to say something they didn’t want him to. And, upon briefly looking away from them down to the curious trio of kids beside him, kids who weren’t quite ready to hear something like that yet, the author wisely decided to refrain. “Um, i-it’s just like… a Sorbian freight saucer from Dimension Q-49! C-certainly not like any other alien ship that might still be hidden away on some unknown corner of the Earth!”
As Ford played his near slip up with a bit of an awkward laugh, Amethyst simply groaned in annoyance while Garnet let out an equally exasperated sigh, and as Pearl continued, it was clear that her exasperation was only about to grow. “Err, y-yes, well,” the white Gem perked up once more. “This ship before us landed here so long ago, that there’s no way it can be functional anymore. Peridot’s running out of options!”
“Pearl,” Garnet finally spoke up, her manner quite impatient. “We can’t waste time. We need to focus on the task at-”
“Ah, yes! The task at hand!” Pearl interupted, much to Garnet’s continued aggravation. “No more dawdling! Let’s go get Peridot!”
“After we set up the warp destabilizer,” Ford interjected, setting the device down onto the warp pad and pressing a small button on it after everyone had gotten off. The invention hummed to life and, after a brief flash from the pad itself, it seemed to lose its usual shine altogether. “Aha! It worked! Now, not only has Peridot trapped herself inside that ship, but even if she does manage to slip out of it, she’ll still have nowhere to go!”
“Uh, you do know we gotta use that to get back too, right?” Amethyst asked, raising a dubious eyebrow as she looked to the inactive warp pad. “Unless stranding us here was part of your ‘plan’ too.”
“Oh, there’s no need to worry about that,” Ford remarked with a satisfied grin as he held up a small button. “I can remotely reactivate the warp at any time using this remote.”
“Whoa, Great Uncle Ford, you really did think of everything when it came to that warp destabilizer,” Dipper said, thoroughly impressed along with Mabel and Steven.
“Well, I tried to,” the author smiled proudly. “It is still in its beta phase, however, so I’ll still need to work a few of the kinks out in the-”
“Ok enough with the nerdy science talk already,” Amethyst huffed impatiently. “Can we just go inside the stupid ship already?”
“Yes,” Garnet said authoritatively, leading the way inside the derelict ship’s wide-open entryway.
“Oh boy… this is bound to be… fun,” Dipper remarked somewhat dryly as the kids trailed after Ford and the Gems.
“I know! I can’t wait!” Mabel grinned innocently, hurrying after the others as the boys exchanged something of a worried glance before catching up to the rest of the group as well.
The interior of the ship itself was dark and musty, yet oddly enough, full of life in the form of unkempt flora just about everywhere. Clinging vines crept across the metallic walls, large patches of thick moss dotted the floor, and browning rust had taken its toll on the once pristine vessel, providing a testament to just how long the ship had been abandoned and forgotten until now.
“It’s more like a greenhouse than a spaceship…” Steven commented, amazed as he looked over the ship’s weathered entry deck.
“Looks like Earth won this battle,” Amethyst agreed as they all approached the ship’s large control panel. However, before any of them could so much as touch it, the panel started to active all on its own, glowing to life as a projected screen rose up from it. And of course, on that projector was none other than the green Gem herself, smiling smugly down at the startled group before her as she let out a triumphant snicker.
“Ha! You Gems and humans really are as dull as dirt,” Peridot mocked, acting as though she had the upper hand.
“You’re the dull one if you think you can fly this wreck!” Pearl exclaimed boldly.
Peridot, however, didn’t provide much of a reaction to this proclamation aside from a brief expression of confusion. “…What? Can you speak louder? Some of these communicators are gunked up.”
“So, that’s Peridot?” Ford whispered to the twins during this exchange. “Hm. You know, for some reason I expected her to be a bit more… intimidating.”
“We all did,” Dipper remarked, his tone and expression both completely deadpan.
“Pearl said,” Steven reiterated, picking up one of the nearby diamond-shaped mics and speaking directly into it. “You’re the dull one if you think you can fly this wreck!”
Once again, Peridot didn’t answer right away, waiting for the message to relay to her clearly before she let out another mocking laugh. “Fly?” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I’m not using this vessel to fly. I’m using it to trap you!” With this, the ship’s entryway suddenly slammed shut, locking itself tightly as the group collectively spun around to realize that they were indeed trapped inside. An ironic twist of fate, seeing as how their original intention had been to trap Peridot herself. “Isn’t this nice?” the green Gem continued wryly. “No more Crystal Gems and their annoying human allies running around, messing up my plans, destroying my things… Looks like I’ve got you right where I want you. How does it feel to be so easily outsmarted, you clods?!”
“No!” Pearl gasped, her eyes wide with alarm at how fast the tables had been turned against her. Against all of them really, but when it came to her own plan, she could see just how quickly it was falling apart right in front of her in light of Peridot’s unexpected trap.
“Hey, uh, this is Amethyst,” the purple Gem said dryly, taking the communicator from Steven to address Peridot. “I don’t appreciate being called a clod, ya clo-”
“Enough talk!” Peridot cut in fiercely. “Prepare yourselves for annihilation! Hya!” With clear bravado, the green Gem pressed some sort of button or switch right off screen. The group before the control panel froze, unsure of what she had activated, but apparently it didn’t do anything as nothing seemed to happen at all, much to Peridot’s severe aggravation as she tried once more. “Hya!” Her second attempt actually worked, as the ship’s interior defense system readily began to activate. Before anyone could really think, a rain of laser blasts began pouring down upon the unsuspecting group, all of whom scrambled to dodge the resounding small explosions. “Ha! Yes, it works!” Peridot cheered, eagerly watching her under-attack foes. “Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!”
Amidst narrowly avoiding the lasers, Steven managed to take the initiative, thinking and acting quickly as he summoned a very large shield above him, one that effectively served as an umbrella against the blasts. “Everyone, over here!” he called to the others, who were still in the midst of fleeing from the seemingly endless barrage. Still, no one hesitated to rush over to the protection the young Gem was offering them, and somehow, they all managed to crowd together in a momentary attempt at taking shelter from the still ongoing lasers.
“This way!” Garnet ordered, spotting a small crevice in the nearby wall that would hopefully take them out of the line of fire. The entire group hurried over to it, all of them still managing to remain under the safety of Steven’s shield before cramming in through the opening to a long, straight corridor. As soon as it was apparent that they were out of harm’s way, the young Gem’s shield dissipated as he fell backwards in exhaustion, clearly worn out from the energy he’d been exerting through simply maintaining his weapon alone.
“Way to go, Steven!” Mabel cheered as she offered a hand to help Steve up.
“Three shields in one day…” the young Gem panted with a small smile. “Not too sha-”
Steven was abruptly cut off by a large, sharp spike that came jutting rapidly out of the wall right beside him. Several more appeared in quick succession, pushing out from both the walls and ceiling in an attempt to hit anything in their path.
“Move!” Garnet commanded and that’s exactly what everyone did as they rushed down the hallway of spikes, narrowly avoiding each one as they tried to find another safe haven. And of course, all the while, Peridot continued to taunt them, her twisted laughter echoing out of the ship’s intercom system.
“SPIKES!” the green Gem shouted zealously, though hardly anyone heeded her amidst trying to simply survive. “How do you like my spikes?!”
“She’s got the entire place rigged!” Amethyst exclaimed over the sounds of the rushing spikes. “What do we do?!”
“Let me handle this!” Ford answered, pulling a blaster out of his coat and taking aim up at the ceiling just behind them.
“Wait!” Garnet shouted in warning, knowing what was likely to happen, but it was ultimately too late. Ford fired, the blast hitting its mark in the ceiling directly and quickly compromising the practically ancient metallic surface. The entire corridor shook as a rather large fraction of the ceiling began to collapse, set to land directly on top of Ford and the kids. Fortunately, Garnet acted quickly, shapeshifting her arm out just in time to lasso it around the group and pull them out of harm’s way right as the heavy ceiling fell upon the ground where they had just been standing.
Luckily enough, in the aftermath of this collapse, the barrage of spikes seemed to come to an end at the end of the hallway. And yet, despite this momentary cease-fire, it seemed as though they weren’t entirely out of danger just yet, for at the very edge of the corridor, standing just a few feet away from them with her arms crossed and a triumphant grin on her face, was apparently none other than Peridot herself.
“There she is!” Pearl shouted, wasting no time in summoning her spear and rushing forward to attack.
“Pearl, don’t just-” Garnet cut herself off with a frustrated growl as the white Gem discovered the truth for herself. Pearl’s spear slashed its way cleanly through “Peridot”, only to discover that it actually wasn’t the green Gem at all. Rather, it was a mere holographic projection of her, one that resumed its pervious unchanging form just as soon as the weapon tore through it.
“Ha!” Peridot’s smug laughter echoed through the corridor, making it quite clear that she was watching her enemies’ every move. “You idiot! Only a Pearl like you would fall for an old trick like that!”
While Pearl was already quite frustrated, this comment in particular especially set her off to the point that she continued attacking the hologram once more, swinging and slicing at it repeatedly even though she knew it wouldn’t really do any good. The others watched her onslaught of aimless attacks worriedly, save for Garnet, who could only really respond to it with a disgruntled sigh and face palm before finally putting an end to it.
“Pearl, stop,” the Gem leader said firmly and the white Gem complied, panting heavily out of exhaustion. “This isn’t helping.”
“I have to do something!” Pearl exclaimed, her tone distraught as she kept her back turned to her leader. “I can’t believe I walked us right into Peridot’s trap. This is all my fault!”
In light of this morose proclamation, the corridor fell into abrupt silence, everyone looking to Pearl, who still refused to turn to face any of them, even as he spear dissipated and she hugged herself tightly. The kids exchanged a worried glance, all three of them readily wanting to reassure the white Gem, only for Garnet to halt any attempts at doing so whatsoever.
“…Let’s just keep going,” the Gem leader said stoically, her hands clenched into fists at her sides as she pressed on into the next room. Amethyst hesitated for a brief moment, looking between Garnet and Pearl before ultimately following the former, unsure of what to even say at this point. As her teammates moved on, Pearl remained where she stood, her head hung in despair to the point that she didn’t even regard Ford and the kids still standing behind her. That is, until the author apprehensively decided to speak up.
“Pearl, I… I’m sorry,” he began, his tone genuinely sympathetic as he took a step forward. “Its not your fault that we’re trapped here, its mine. If I hadn’t been so focused on that confounded warp destabilizer, then maybe I could have anticipated Peridot’s intention to trap us and found a way to work around it. I suppose that’s why I always relied so much on you three in the past: I always did have a foolish tendency to overlook the obvious.”
“There’s no way you could have known, Ford,” Pearl said, shaking her head as she finally turned slightly. “But I should have. I should have known better! I just keep… doing this! I keep making these mistakes and ruining everything, even my own attempts to set things right! No wonder Garnet’s disappointed in me. Even if I hadn’t tricked her into fusing with me, I’m still a failure all the same…”
While Ford wasn’t really the best at providing comfort, he did very much want to reassure the white Gem that this wasn’t the case. However, someone else beat him to the punch first. “You’re not a failure, Pearl!” Steven exclaimed earnestly as he stepped up to his mournful guardian. “You made a mistake, yeah, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try and fix it.”
“I’ve been trying to fix it, Steven…” Pearl sighed sadly. “But nothing’s worked… Sometimes I feel things between Garnet and I will never go back to the way they used to be…”
“Well, then I’m in the same boat as you are,” Ford said, just as remorsefully. “I understand why Garnet and Amethyst are both still upset with me, especially in light of… their formerly lost memories, but I never thought that picking up where I left off with them would be this difficult…”
“Aw, well you shouldn’t give up on making up with them yet!” Mabel urged encouragingly. “Neither of you should! I bet all it’ll take is a little more time and a little more work and who knows? By the time we get outta this rusty old ship, you guys could all be best friends again, just like you were before!”
“Yeah, I mean, at the very least things can’t really get any worse between you guys at this point, can they?” Dipper asked, trying to be reassuring, though the question didn’t really help either Pearl or Ford too much.
“Goodness, I hope not…” the white Gem muttered, cringing at the thought of things souring even more between herself and Garnet.
“Hey! Are you guys coming or what?!” Amethyst called, poking her head out from the corner her and Garnet had rounded a moment ago. The others simply nodded, knowing that, in light of the circumstances, they didn’t really have a lot of time to focus on repairing broken bonds. Escaping Peridot’s trap and netting her in their own had to be of the upmost importance now.
The next room the group found themselves in was surprisingly small and empty, having likely been a storage area at some point. Upon a first glance, it seemed as though it was a dead end, however, meaning that there really wasn’t any way to go but back. Garnet nodded to the others to turn around, however, before any of them really had a chance to, the entire room itself began to shake. In an instant, the ground gave out from under the group completely, a trap door opening itself wide as everyone fell through the narrow shaft to whatever awaited down below. Fortunately, Amethyst had the wits about her to summon her whip and toss it upward in an attempt to stop the fall. Its end found a low hanging branch grown in through one of the walls and coiled itself around it, giving the purple Gem enough time to summon a second whip to catch Steven, Dipper, Mabel, and even Ford as they fell past her.
“I-I got you guys!” she exclaimed as they all stopped in midair, though it was clear she was struggling under the weight of holding the four of them and herself up.
“Thanks, Amethyst!” Steven called back up to the purple Gem, even as pressed up against the twins and the author as he was. However, upon taking a glance at the ground very far below them, he was able to see that Garnet and Pearl had landed, mostly unharmed, in what appeared to be a small, deep, narrow chamber beneath them. “Garnet! Pearl! Are you guys ok?”
“We’re fine!” Garnet called back up, though she was almost immediately proven wrong as the floor, or ceiling rather, of the pit there were trapped in suddenly closed itself up without warning, trapping the pair inside.
“… Crud…” Amethyst whispered, her eyes wide as she realized what had just happened. However, matters were only made worse as her load-bearing whip suddenly snapped from the pressure put upon it, leaving the remaining group to fall the rest of the way down. Fortunately, with the pit covered as it was, this actually wasn’t all too dangerous of a drop as everyone landed rather safely in a larger room, one that, coincidentally enough, contained a surveillance screen that showed the very pit Garnet and Pearl were currently trapped in. Both of them had summoned their weapons and had frantically begun beating at the close walls keeping them trapped on all sides, though it was clear that doing so wasn’t making any progress in breaking either of them out.
“Oh no!” Mabel exclaimed worriedly. “We gotta get them out of there!”
“Amethyst, what should we-” Steven cut himself off upon glancing over at the purple Gem, who was transfixed on the screen. Or rather, on what the white Gem had just said to their leader on the other side of it.
“Garnet… I’m sorry…” Pearl sighed, her spear disappearing as she pressed a weak hand against the nearest wall. “Things weren’t supposed to turn out this way…”
“We’ll get out of here somehow,” Garnet replied, landing another brutal, but ultimately useless punch against the wall before her.
“T-that’s not what I mean…” the white Gem frowned, glancing over her shoulder apprehensively. “I really wanted to catch Peridot to make up for what I did… I wanted to prove to you that… that everything could go back to normal…”
Garnet was silent for a moment at this, her gauntlets held at the ready at her sides though she made no move against the wall upon hearing this. When she did speak, her tone was firm, almost cold even. “Catching Peridot won’t make things go back to normal. This isn’t about Peridot.”
As Pearl turned to face the Gem leader fully, the group above all found themselves rather surprised, especially Amethyst, who knew that this conversation had been a long time in coming. “Hey! They’re actually talking to each other!” she exclaimed with newfound relief.
“Who could have guessed that all it took was to trap them together in a cramped pit?” Dipper asked, also quite taken aback by the ongoing dialogue.
“Now maybe they can finally work things out!” Steven chimed in hopefully, more than ready to see the tension between his guardians finally be resolved.
However, it seemed as though they wouldn’t get a real chance to as the large set of crystalline gears above the screen suddenly began to turn rapidly. As a result, the walls of the pit the pair of Gems were trapped within suddenly began to press in, making the already tight space grow smaller and smaller by the second.
“Not if they get crushed!” Amethyst cried, alarmed just as much as the kids were by this sudden turn of events. Ford, on the other hand, opted to save his fear in favor of thought as he instead glancing around the room for what options were available to him in developing a plan to rescue the pair. And, after looking to the constantly turning gears once again, he managed to come up with exactly that.
“I have an idea,” the author announced, remaining somehow calm and levelheaded, even despite the frightening circumstances. “Amethyst, I need to see your whip.”
“What? Why?” the purple Gem asked with something of a scoff of disbelief.
“Because,” Ford began to explain, prying open a loose panel on the nearby wall to reveal an array of aged circuitry and wires. “If I understand the layout of this room correctly, then the charge from these wires could in theory connect to those gears to form a failsafe shutdown mechanism that might be able to keep the walls from moving in any further.”
“Uh… care to explain all that in English, science man?” Amethyst deadpanned, raising a caustic eyebrow.
“What I mean is that we need a way to connect these wires to those gears,” the author explained succinctly. “And I think your whip might do the trick.”
“And what makes you so sure that-” Amethyst cut herself off upon noticing the urgent glances all three of the kids were sending her, reminding her that this really was no time to be doubting Ford’s methods. “Ugh, fine…” she sighed, summoning a long whip from her Gem. She lashed its tip out, coiling it around one of the smaller gears before handing its other end off to Ford. The author quickly got to work, sifting through the wires in the panel before singling out the ones he needed and tying them to the end of the whip. All the while, Amethyst and the kids continued exchanging nervous glances back at the screen, watching as Garnet and Pearl pushed hard against the walls closing in on them, threatening to crush them both.
“P-please!” the white Gem cried, clearly desperate in more ways than one. “Tell me! How can I make you forgive me!”
“You can’t!” Garnet shouted back over the loud noise of the walls surrounding them. “You lied to me! You need to learn that there are consequences to your actions!”
“I-I’m sorry!” Pearl pleaded, tears starting to stream down her cheeks. Tears that she had been holding back from even before this mess even started. “I… I couldn’t help myself! I needed to feel better again so much, especially… especially after-”
“I don’t want to hear your excuses!” the Gem leader snapped fiercely, throwing her leg up against the wall in a futile attempt to keep it in place.
“But its true!” the white Gem sobbed morosely. “I just… can’t stop thinking about what happened that night all those years ago…” Pearl closed her eyes tightly, a tinge of distant horror in her tone. “The things I said… the things I agreed to… I knew better from the start but I still went through with it anyway… I was weak…”
Before Pearl could get anything else out, the walls surrounding the pair of Gems suddenly stopped moving, much to their shared relief. Unbeknownst to them, in the room above them, Ford had just finished establishing the link between the wires and the gears, the charge effectively managing to cut off power to them and keep them from rotating any further.
“Huh…” Amethyst remarked, impressed as she looked to the screen before glancing back at Ford. “I didn’t think that would actually work…”
“Well, what can I say?” the author remarked with a satisfied smile. “Over the past thirty years I’ve become something of an expert when it comes to hotwiring alien vessels.”
“Huh, no kidding,” the purple Gem said with the hint of a smile. “That’s actually kinda cool.” Amethyst took pause, her eyes widening briefly as she realized what she had said before rolling her eyes playfully. “Ugh, I can’t believe I just used the word ‘cool’ to describe you…”
“I’d like to think I have my moments,” Ford replied, offering Amethyst the same roguish grin she was offering him. A sure fire sign that maybe, just maybe things were starting to smooth over between the two of them after all. “Now all we need to do is figure a way to get them both out of there and-”
“Shh!” Mabel interjected, her eyes wide as her and the boys continued watching what was transpiring between Garnet and Pearl on screen. “This is getting really good!”
“We were all weak that night, Pearl,” Garnet said, glancing down amidst the new relative calm surrounding them. “You, me, and Amethyst. We all did something we regretted, something that could have ruined us all. And that’s why Rose took it all away from us in the first place.”
“But she never would have had to do that if I had just said say no!” Pearl exclaimed hotly, her tears still flowing intently. “I… I gave in… I let that happen… I let him trick us all… And even now, I’m no better than I was back then… No matter how hard I try to be strong like you… I’m just a Pearl… I’m useless on my own… I need someone to tell me what to do…”
“Pearl…” Garnet said, her tone somewhat gentler upon hearing just how hard the white Gem actually took the massive mistake from their past. Yet even so, Pearl continued, knowing there was no point in holding back the truth now.
“When we fuse, I can feel what its like to be you…” the white Gem said with a small, wistful smile. “Confident and secure and complete. You’re perfect, you’re the perfect relationship. You’re always together, always supporting each other. I just… wanted to be a part of that…”
“You’re wrong!” the Gem leader exclaimed, her unsteady tone catching her teammate off guard. “I’m not as strong as you think. I fell apart over this. Ruby and Sapphire were in turmoil over how you deceived me… I-I… I came undone…”
“Whoa, that actually happened?” Amethyst asked the kids, having only heard sparse details about the disastrous road trip a few days ago. Steven confirmed it with a nod, surprising both the author and the purple Gem, who both knew Garnet to be the kind to only split up in the most severe of circumstances. Which meant that truly, Pearl’s trickery had hurt her on a level that even the white Gem herself was only starting to comprehend.
“It’s not easy being in control,” Garnet admitted truthfully, her manner solemn, almost sad even. “I have weaknesses too. But I choose not to let them consume me. I struggle to stay strong because I know the impact I have on everyone. Please understand, Pearl,” her tone turned earnest as she looked directly at the white Gem, who was still pressed against the wall close to her. “You have an impact too. There are times when I look to you for strength. You are your own Gem. You control your destiny. Not me, not Rose, not Steven, and not even the mistakes you made in the past. But you must choose to be strong, so we can move forward. So I can trust you again.”
Pearl was silent for a long moment upon hearing all this, tears still brimming in her eyes as she met the Gem leader’s steady gaze. For the first time since all of this began, the white Gem realized that it was her own weakness that had gotten her into this mess, that had prompted her into tricking Garnet and had been what tore their entire team apart. From the moment her long lost memories of the darkened past had been returned to her, she had been sinking, drowning in her own remorse and guilt, the mistakes she had made and the problems she had caused threatening to crush her completely. And in her grief and her reckless attempt to free herself from it all, she had hurt someone she truly cared about, one of her closest and longest friends, to the point that she truly didn’t feel deserving of her forgiveness in the first place, as much as she desperately wanted it. And yet now, in light of Garnet’s inspiring yet still very pained words, Pearl began to realize something else: she realized that despite all of the weakness, remorse, and guilt she carried upon her shoulders, none of those things really defined her. None of those things made her who she was. Because in the end, Garnet was right; despite all the flaws of her original programming and all of the fallacies she had been hardwired with since her formation, she was still her own Gem. She had to decide what she was going to do and who she was going to be. And from here on out, that’s exactly what she was going to do.
“…I understand…” Pearl finally said, her voice gentle at first before filling with renewed resolve. “I can’t give up anymore!”
“Good,” Garnet nodded, a ghost of a smile on her face. However, before any further resolution could unfold between the pair of Gems, a sudden, sickening snap was heard from up above. Ford, Amethyst, and the kids all gasped in startled unison as the purple Gem’s whip connecting the wires and the gears unexpectedly snapped, resulting in the trap room’s enclosing mechanism to boot up once again. Down below, the walls once again began pressing against Garnet and Pearl, who were already practically pressed up against each other as it was. If they didn’t act quickly, then they would both certainly be crushed in just a matter of seconds. “Pearl, there’s only one way out of this!” the Gem leader exclaimed, not even needing to explain her idea.
For a brief moment, Pearl gaped at her in surprise that she’d even consider such a thing after everything that had happened. But even so, she knew there was no time to ask her myriad of questions now. “Only if you’re ok with it,” she said, knowing that she never wanted to do this under false pretenses ever again.
Garnet simply nodded in response, outstretching her hand as much as she could for Pearl to take. The white Gem hesitated for the briefest moments before giving her own hand over, only barely holding back a sigh of immense relief over the fact that, even if this wasn’t all over yet, they had finally set themselves on the path to that point.
Back up above, Amethyst and the kids were essentially in an all-out panic, all of them at a complete loss about what to do to save Garnet and Pearl in the mere seconds they had left. Once again, Ford tried his best to remain calm amidst the increasingly dire straits of the situation, but as he looked between the now broken wires and the rapidly spinning gears, he quickly realized that he was searching for a solution that he had absolutely no time left to find.
Fortunately though, it turned out he wouldn’t have to find that solution after all as Garnet and Pearl discovered one on their own. The entire group above was startled stiff as the covered ceiling of the pit busted open, pierced by what seemed to be a massive drill that revealed itself to be a familiar war hammer as it suddenly stopped spinning. And, out of what was left of the compressing tunnel emerged none other than Sardonyx, her larger-than-life form jumping gracefully out of the trap her components had succumbed to. The fusion didn’t stick around, however, not outstaying her welcome this time as Garnet and Pearl harmoniously unfused. As amazed as all the others were by this miraculous escape, the pair of Gems simply exchanged a brief glance of understanding, neither of them needing words at a moment like this. The newfound bond of trust building between them already spoke volumes enough on its own.
“Garnet! Pearl!” Steven exclaimed happily as he rushed to embrace the Gem leader’s leg. “I’m so glad you guys are ok!”
“And that you used Sardonyx to bust out!” Mabel chimed in excitedly. “I only wish she could have stuck around a little longer. She’s so cool and-”
“Mabel!” Dipper chastised in a harsh whisper, giving her a warning look to remind her that the topic of the flashy fusion was likely still somewhat touchy to the pair of recently reconciled Gems.
“It’s quite alright,” Pearl laughed warmly as Garnet herself smirked. “Actually, I have a feeling that the next time we form Sardonyx, she’ll be even cooler.”
“She certainly will,” Garnet affirmed, her smile growing a bit as Pearl blushed slightly under her now accepting gaze. The Gem leader’s tone was still cordial as, for the first time all day, she finally addressed the author as he stood patiently nearby. “Stanford,” she began, taking a step towards him. “I saw you plan through my future vision. That was some quick thinking, using Amethyst’s whip to connect the gears and the wires like that. And even though it only worked for a bit, it was still a worthy effort. Thank you.”
Upon hearing this sincere gratitude, Ford was admittedly stunned into silence for a brief moment, however, he was quick to recollect himself, perking up quite a bit as he adjusted his glasses and smiled. “Y-you’re welcome!” he exclaimed brightly, more than glad to be on speaking terms with the Gem leader once again. “After all the times you three have saved me in the past, I figured it was only fair to try and do the same for you. Even if my attempt could have been a bit more polished…” the author frowned, glancing back at the mess of ripped wires sticking out of the wall behind him.
“Well, I know what will be polished this time,” Pearl said with a daring grin. “Us finally tracking down Peridot and getting out of here. Because this time-”
“We’ll do it together,” Garnet finished boldly, sharing this resolve along with the rest of the group as they prepared to finally move on to finish this mission. “Now, let’s catch ourselves a Peridot.”
The ship’s central control bridge served to echo the low grumblings and frustrated rantings of the green Gem standing before it, pressing various buttons in a frantic attempt to continue monitoring the interior of the ship. Of course, given the age of the vessel and its current deteriorated condition, she wasn’t really having much luck as all of the monitors before her showed nothing but static and none of her inputs on the panel seemed to be doing anything to bring any of them back up online.
“Ugh… stupid button here, I don’t know where anything is!” Peridot growled, slamming her fist down onto the aged panel angrily. “Blast this old Gem tech! Where’d they go?! Why isn’t anything working?!” The green Gem suddenly cut herself off with an aptly startled gasp as the wall right behind her was blasted cleanly through, courtesy of Ford’s blaster. The Gems, the kids, and the author didn’t hesitate to barge in on Peridot, who froze defensively near the panel, clearly having not expected the intrusion, especially considering her well thought-out trap.
“Surrender, Peridot!” Garnet ordered, her gauntlets at the ready to attack as everyone else grabbed their respective weapons as well. “You have nowhere to run!”
“We’re gonna get yooou!” Steven sang with a bright grin.
“And this time we mean it!” Mabel added, cocking her grappling hook. “Not that we didn’t mean it all the other times, but now we really mean it!”
“Ha! You really think this is the end?” Peridot asked, quickly resuming her former cockiness as her fingers formed into a blaster, which she took aim at the group before her with. “This is just the beginning… of my escape!” With this, the green Gem pointed her blaster upwards, firing instantly up at the ship’s ceiling above her, creating a large gap that would be more than enough to allow her to make a clear getaway. And for a moment, it seemed like that was what she was going to do as her fingers reshaped themselves into helicopter blades again, propelling her upward as she laughed manically at her foes still tethered to the ground. “Well, I’d love to stick around and watch another one of your pathetic attempts to capture me, but I guess I’m just too smart for the likes of your lumpy, clumpy clods!”
The green Gem continued to revel in her apparent victory, though it was ultimately short lived as something, or rather someone managed to latch on to her foot before she get too high out of reach. “I caught a Peridot!” Steven cheered, clinging onto the green Gem, even as she began to rise higher into the air with him in tow.
“Hey! Get your touch stumps off me, you Steven!” Peridot growled, trying her best to shake the young Gem off of her. In retaliation, Steven simply bit down on the green Gem’s oddly metallic toe, which only served to frustrate her even more as she tried flicking him this time to get him off. “Hey! You… you persistent little… whatever exactly you are! Release me this instant!”
“Not a chance!” Dipper shouted as he rushed to grab Steven’s foot before Peridot could drag him up too high.
“Yeah, consider yourself ‘anchored’!” Mabel added enthusiastically, grabbing onto her brother as well. All the same, the weight of all three of the kids combined still wasn’t enough to keep Peridot down as she continued to rise, albeit slowly, into the air.
“Y-you can’t stop me! None of you can!” Peridot shouted back down at the resilient trio. “When are you going to realize that, no matter how much you clods try to stop me, I’ll always come out on top?!”
“Maybe when you realize that you’re goin’ down!” Amethyst exclaimed, jumping up to catch Mabel’s foot and weigh the rising group down somewhat. Pearl was quick to join in, doing her best to pull the purple Gem down as she kept her nerve this time, knowing that losing it again would result in the green Gem’s continued escape.
“Don’t let her go!” she called up to the kids before briefly grinning down at Ford, who had added himself to this ever-growing chain.
“L-logistically speaking, this has to be enough to keep her weighed down,” the author said, somewhat strained from trying to pull all the others back.
“Not quite,” Garnet said, catching Ford’s ankle as he began to rise into the air as well. The Gem leader proved strong enough to keep herself tethered to the ground, holding the entire group and finally preventing Peridot from making any further progress in her upward escape. “Peridot! Your flight’s been cancelled!”
“Augh! No!” the green Gem growled, beyond vexed by her enemies practically successful attempt at stopping her. Even so, Peridot wasn’t about to let herself be captured so easily, and, although she hated to do it, she knew she had no other choice. With another frustrated groan, the green Gem pressed a seamless spot on near the foot that Steven was still clinging tightly onto. At once, the appendage detached itself from the rest of her body, finally freeing herself from the young Gem’s hold as she shot upwards drastically as a result. The chain of Gems and humans that had been keeping her grounded quickly collapsed as a result of this, though fortunately none of them were harmed in any way as they landed, except for perhaps in pride as they had to watch Peridot slip away from them yet again.
“Augh, this is just great!” the green Gem snapped, clearly upset at her now missing foot as she began to fly away. “You’ll pay for this, Crystal Gems! And you too, you meddlesome humans! I don’t care what I have to do, I’ll get you all back somehow! Just you waaaaaait!”
And with that, Peridot disappeared into the sunset skies above, narrowly escaping her long-awaited capture yet again, much to the mixed feelings of the group she had left behind in the ship. “Aw, come on, she got away again?” Mabel pouted, clearly disappointed.
“Ok, but it totally wasn’t our fault this time,” Dipper clarified. “We can all agree on that, right? I mean, she totally cheated with the whole detachable foot thing.”
The others nodded in agreement as the rose to stand, most of them in states of varying levels of disgruntlement in light of the unfortunate fact that their quest to bring the green Gem down had to continue. Steven, however, was mostly just concerned as he looked to Pearl, whose gaze was set in a determined expression towards the hole Peridot had just slipped out through. “Pearl?” he asked, coming to stand beside her only for her to smile back down at him warmly.
“Don’t worry, Steven,” she said confidently as she held up the remains of Peridot’s foot that had fallen with the rest of them. “Next time… we’ll get the rest of her. Right, Garnet?”
“It’s a good step forward,” Garnet nodded with a smile, one that only grew as the white Gem and the kids shared a laugh over this clever quip.
“Ha! Foot jokes!” Steven chuckled, spirits still high all around even as Ford curiously interjected.
“Hm… you know, I might be able to come up with some way to keep her from escaping again if I had a chance to study the specs of her technology up close…” the author mused, eyeing the green Gem’s foot thoughtfully before glancing up at the pair of Gems hopefully. “W-with your permission, of course.”
At this, Garnet and Pearl exchanged something of a wry glance before the Gem leader freely handed the foot over to Ford. “Knock yourself out.”
“Yes!” the author cheered, readily taking the foot and looking it over, more than excited to analyze such advanced technology. “Finally, a chance to investigate the inner workings of a piece of Homeworld technology firsthand! Just think of all the notes and blueprints I’ll be able to-”
Ford cut himself off as Garnet and Pearl both broke down into gales of laughter at his almost childlike wonder with something as simple as a mechanical foot, of all things. “Uh, looks like your nerd is showing, science man,” Amethyst remarked playfully, eliciting a bout of good-natured laughter from the kids as well. Despite the author’s slight embarrassment, even he wasn’t really able to hold back a flustered chuckle, one that soon turned into a full on laugh as he was caught up in the newfound wave of levity the entire group was soon caught up in.
The only one who didn’t join in on this merriment was Amethyst herself as she stood just on the outskirts of the group, though she still shared everyone else’s high spirits all the same. Because at long last, after what felt like an eternity of uncertainty and uneasiness on all sides, after a barrage of revelations and upheavals, after worry, dread, anger, and everything in between, they had finally reached the end. They had all made it through the storm and came out on the other side of it, perhaps reaching an even better place than where they had started from. True, things had changed as a result of that portal opening wide, as a result of long lost memories being found, but that didn’t mean they had to change. Because friendships as strong as theirs, both between the Gems and Ford and even amongst the Crystal Gems themselves, were destined to whether out any storm that came their way.
Which was why Amethyst finally let out a much-needed sigh of relief as she fell back onto the ground, smiling contentedly all the while. “Finally…” she sighed to herself as the group nearby continued in their reformed camaraderie, hoping that things would stay like this now and for a long time to come.
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kivablog3 · 6 years
Sylvia’s Cooking
I just got my first Stonewall 50 email. At the bottom of the email in the small print it says Heritage of Pride™, which means it’s still run by the same guys as always, except under more scrutiny now, after getting the march on Channel 7 and with the whole world coming next year to physically or spiritually fit into that little pie-wedge space on Christopher Street where the Stonewall Inn bar is located. This World Pride thing isn’t just an advertising slogan they came up with at HoP, it’s a Thing, like Stonewall 50’s a Thing. My therapist, who’s very active in the community and probably gets lots of interesting emails from various Things, told me it happens at a different city’s Pride each year.
And next year, of course, they’re coming to New York, because it’ll be the 50th Anniversary of the night Sylvia Rivera and her friend Marsha P. Johnson (who I never met, and who may have thrown the first punch, there are scholarly debates on this point, but I am told that Sylvia firmly insisted that she was the first one who punched a cop, it’s like the debate over Lexington and Concord, they’re not sure exactly where the Revolution started but we know that they started it) threw out the first punches to start the legendary three-day riot, rather than just get in the police van like always, right in front of the Stonewall Inn. The night the drag queens finally began to fight back. It made a sound heard ‘round the world, and it’s still reverberating, and if anything really changed the course of history in that wretched year of 1969, that surely did.
It reached me in the front seat of our car when I was with my mom one Saturday, when for once my sister wasn’t with us. I used to like tagging along on her Saturday visits to her office, wherever that was. As we were about to drive away from the small airfield where she worked as a secretary to go to some thing where co-workers were already playing bad country music, I asked her what a homosexual was. It was a sunny day and there was no one else around for a mile in any direction. It was the Summer of 1969, of course, and I was eleven years old.
I can only suppose this is just after I’d heard of Stonewall in the news. It was the first time I’d ever brought up sex as a topic of discussion with my mother, and I did this with some trepidation. I sort of knew this wasn’t her favorite topic of conversation generally, sex, much less transgressive sex. The kind hippies had. Maybe some of them were homosexual, who knew? So I persisted in my line of inquiry. What I didn’t know was that she’d been waiting for some version of that question ever since she’d stopped dressing me in dresses, when I was two.
She put the transmission back in park, turned the engine off, sighed, and for once didn’t light a cigarette before we started what turned out to be a lengthy, meandering conversation, which wandered after a while into related and then tangential topics, and which ended with me correcting her on some minor misunderstandings as to how gonorrhea was transmitted, at which point things kind of ground to a halt and she started the car up.
The whole thing probably took an hour. She used to joke that she’d had the Talk with me, the generalized birds and bees talk, because we did touch on conventional sex and How Babies Are Made, but that I had ended up explaining some things to her, instead, which shouldn’t have surprised her. I did read a lot, after all. I probably already knew a couple of things about homosexuals, but I wanted an explanation of how they actually Did It, and as squirmy as that made me, I wheedled it out of her. I could’ve asked her more about how a male-female couple had sex, but that wasn’t what was on my mind. She wasn’t happy about it, and did her best to make it clear that it was all gross and disgusting. I think she made a face when she was explaining lesbians to me. I liked the sound of the word the first time I heard it, tbh: Lesbian. It sounded soft and fuzzy.
I remember wondering about the feasibility of anal sex, as she sketchily and hastily outlined it, which apparently was what men did together; but what women did together sounded really kind of fun and not nearly as difficult. She didn’t want to talk about that, though, and I do remember that it was around there that the discussion went off into the weeds, to things related and not. Eventually we ended up at syphilis and gonorrhea (aka “VD,” or venereal disease, where venereal=“vaginally transmitted,” rather than “of or having to do with the goddess or planet Venus” — clearly a term invented by men) and I explained some of the then-current science on transmission to her, i.e., you don’t catch it from dirty toilet seats in public restrooms. Not girls, not boys, it’s a myth, mom. They told us in science.
All that was fifty years ago, as of next June. The following June, in 1970, they had the first Christopher Street Liberation Day March, so 2020 is the fiftieth anniversary of the March. But next year is the Big One. It looks like this anniversary will be just as controlled and careful as the 25th anniversary in 1994 was huge and utterly chaotic and wonderfully random, with 200,000 marchers from around the world. We took over Central Park. We took over freakin’ Midtown. It rocked.
Well, not next time. No more of that anarcho-festive celebration stuff. Now you have to be part of a signed-up contingent to be part of the march, and those slots are limited. And no more hopping in-and-out from the sidewalk, apparently. They want everyone in a marching contingent to wear the same t-shirts, ffs. It has to be controlled, as well as going backwards (starting a few blocks north of Christopher, past the Stonewall the wrong way, and up Fifth Avenue, what the fuck?) I’m told some of the people in the Village are tired of the crowds and the noise. They can do what people do in Austin when SXSW comes along: leave town. Tiniest quantum violin playing.
Now that it’s a TV show, I guess it has to run on time and look good on camera. They’ll have a beautifully made-up drag queen doing commentary like last year, along with the usual probably-white cis-guy-&-cis-gal parade anchors. I don’t know where they find those. It’ll become another tradition soon, that trio as parade anchors, now that scientists have established that str8 people in statistically significant numbers will watch drag queens on television and thus advertising time can be sold for this event. It’ll be just like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, or the Fourth of July, only with One of Us in the booth along with two of them.
“And you know, Mike, the rainbow flag has been a unifying symbol in the LGBT community since it was first designed in 1978, and did you know that originally it had eight stripes….” There will be carefully-timed performances in front of the Stonewall, and commercial breaks. Some of the stories people tell will break your heart, some will make it sing. Plus commercials, did I mention the commercials? You can record it and FF through them. I did. I stopped this year to watch Chelsea and Rusty talking about Sylvia, which is what makes me think of them all, along with the fact that Sylvia and Marsha deserve statues, and you get reminded of that every June. I’d love to have a statue of the two of them at the Stonewall National Monument, which technically is the little triangular pie-slice shaped park, the benches and the wrought-iron fencing, where you can sit next to the statues representing gay men and women from the 1980s. They should add Sylvia and Marsha.
The whole parade on TV represents some kind of weird queer communications breakthrough, I guess. And now that it’s on every year, I suppose it has to be faaaaaaabulouss! I guess we can record it and go, too. And watch. There were some forums recently at the Center, maybe just one, where people could come and complain about the corporatization of Pride, and the most-of-us not marching thing, and the reverse-route thing where it just kind of ends around 28th Street for no apparent reason, and ask for things they won’t get, but that part’s over and it’s time for Early Bird sign-up.
Whatever. Sylvia and Marsha are the mothers of us all, both trannies and everyone else that fits under this patched, unwieldy tent called “LGBTQ.” We argue, some of us incessantly, about which part of the tent is what, and whether this part is even really part of the same tent as that other part of the tent, but no one argues with the fact that Sylvia and Marsha put up the first tent poles. That may not be the most elegant metaphor, but I’m going with it. Never apologize for your art.
And it’s kind of okay, I think now, or at least I’m trying to convince myself it is, that I never realized “who” Sylvia was, even though at least two people said I should talk to her because I was “interested in politics.” Hm? Oh, ok. No one ever said why. Ffs.
But it felt sort of like I knew Sylvia, the way it feels like I know these professors and other people who my wife works with, after I hear her describe them a few times. She’s a union delegate as well as a math professor, so she knows a lot of people. By now I also know a lot about professors in general. And in the same way I realized after a while from talking to people around T-House, conversations in which she came up, often at vital junctures, that Sylvia was the Mom around the place: she made dinner, I knew that much, and she did a lot of other things to keep Transy* House, Chelsea and Rusty’s house, from burning down, falling over, and sinking during those raucous years around the end of the 20th century. She seemed quite nice when I was introduced across a crowded room downstairs, which actually happened twice I think. She smiled and said hi, I do remember that. She seemed nice.
That, in and of itself, was quite difficult for some people I was around back then — this was and still is New York, the Attitude Capital of the Western Hemisphere and, during Fashion Weeks, the Tribeca Film Festival, and the General Assembly, perhaps the world — but from my brief impression she seemed genuine, and older in a reassuring way when I was twenty years younger. She gave off these hippie-mama vibes, just by making dinner. In a house where a whole lot of chaos happened, and necessarily so given how many trans kids with no other home came through there — because Chelsea and Rusty never turned anyone away, not as far as I know — not to mention how much fun was had there on a regular basis, at least some of it destructive of property, she just looked to me, in a vortex of drama, like a pole of stability.
Maybe that’s shaped by how people talked about her. Everyone said how nice she was; but I wasn’t over there often enough to run into her when she was (a) there and (b) had a free moment, and didn’t know I should prioritize it anyway. And there were other people using up the oxygen in the room at any given time, including me. But it would have been awesome to truly know her.
I knew other people there, had my own reasons for being there. I lived with Kathleen and our two-year-old son in an apartment which was also on 16th Street, in Brooklyn, two blocks away. It was the Nineties, so it didn’t seem unusual to me that there was a house full of transfolx a short walk away, nor that my friend Jamie knew everyone there. Like, she knew everyone. She was the other pole of stability then, around the turn of the century. She doubtless knew Sylvia pretty well, and she probably told me enough to form an impression.
Now Chelsea and Rusty own a bookstore upstate, and T-House is long gone, replaced by the ineluctable tidal forces of gentrification, although there’s a queer history tour that stops at the site and tells a short version of The Story. I wish sometimes they could have a sort of T-House reunion, somewhere, somehow. I would very much like to find Jamie again, even if only online. And I do still wish I’d gotten to talk with Sylvia.
Footnote: Everyone back then except Chelsea, more or less, called it that, but without the “s,” if you get what I mean. We don’t say it anymore, at least not when younger transfolx are around. People get really upset, and if it’s only been used to hurt you it’s a painful word, I get that. Yet it was our word then, and it didn’t hurt at all. It was a warm, friendly word. It was what we called each other, lovingly, and no one else had any reason to use it, and I miss it.
this article also appears at https://medium.com/@kivazo/sylvias-cooking-1b1b4f24e780
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hacden-blog · 7 years
( ANGEL by FIFTH HARMONY. ) that song always reminds me of hyerim 'hayden' jung. she is a twenty-one year old cisfemale that has lived in honey county for sixteen years, currently residing in honey court. hayden is a animal shelter clerk and street artist, with a reputation for being hard working, courageous, candid, &. apprehensive. it’s hard to miss her at the lake in town, especially since they look so much like jung jinsoul. ( as penned by kels, 23, cst, she/her. )
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hi! i’m kels, the always working or sleeping mun behind my precious babe hayden! i like short walks to the fridge, binge watching all the kpop videos, and avoiding all kinds of responsibilities cause being an adult is the worst :) ok that about sums me up, just click that little heart down there if you’d like to plot and i’ll come invade your i.m’s in probs like .2 seconds <3 
hyerim was born in gangam, south korea to a mother who was obsessed with the finer things in life. she jumped from one wealthy man to the next, but ended up getting pregnant by one who was kind of already married so he paid her to keep quite and never speak to him again.
hyerim didn’t live in korea long before her mother decided to escape this town and head to the good ol’ US of A and ended up finding a cute little place here in honey county where, you guessed it, her mother tried her hand at seducing even more men here! 
seeing as this is a smaller town, the derogatory terms toward her mother quickly began to spread, and with hyerim’s father now putting a stop to his funds, the two found themselves in south country
quick fact: hyerim got tired of trying to correct everyone when they pronounced her name and took up an english name of hayden that she’s been using since third grade now 
hayden was often bullied in school for living in a ‘broken’ home and having a mother who can’t seem to stop sleeping around and bringing random men home and odd hours of the night
this led to hayden lashing out pretty badly in school, always getting into fights and causing trouble mainly b/c she wasn’t going to just sit there and get bullied w/o fighting back, but her mom didn’t really care so nothing was really done to stop it
her mother ended up prego once more when hayden was about ten and suddenly had to help basically raise this baby b/c her mother wasn’t doing so well w/ her so there’s no way she’d raise this one well enough, especially since she wasn’t getting her necessary ‘funds’  
so around her new little sister ( i’ll think of a name later ) she made sure to act responsible and kind, showing her sister how to truly act and grow up with a much better attitude than she had
but once she was at school or lurking around town, hayden grew into her troublemaker ways, vandalizing the town with her street art, stealing a few items here and there and causing a mess with other roughed up kids 
life was like this most of the time for hayden growing up, and all she had to keep her sane was her sister, her art, and taking up a job at the local animal shelter which began to soften her harden shell and teach her to be a bit more careful with her actions
one thing their mother loved to do was play the lottery, hoping one day to take home the big jackpot and leave this horrendous town behind for good. only a few days after turning eighteen, hayden thought it would be funny to buy her own lottery ticket, just for shits and giggles, only to find out that she in fact won the big jackpot lottery of 300 million dollars
hayden kept this quite, b/c the last thing she wanted was attention for winning such a large amount of money so quickly. what she did do, was give her mother 100 million dollars from the earning and told her to leave her and her sister alone. her mother didn’t even question it and disappeared without a trace
hayden moved her and her sister out of south country and into honey court where she bought them a nice and spacious house where they could finally have their own room, and hayden could have her own art studio. 
she doesn’t flaunt her money by any means, and still dresses in her usual ripped up jeans and crop top with her favorite, and old, leather jacket. if anything she mostly spoils her younger sister and tries to provide her all the things hayden never got growing up. she still works at the animal shelter full time, and still leaves her mark on the town with her incredible street art that she happily cleans up after a few days so people don’t get too pissy
if anyone asks where she gets the money from, she just says her wealthy father passed away and apparently left all his money to her. she won’t, however, lie about what happened to mother b/c she hated that women more than anything and is happy to let anyone know who’s curious that she paid her mom to leave town and never look back.
hayden has also been helping rebuild the town in any way she can and help improve what the fire had destoryed
she’s also adopted a corgi and a black lab from the animal shelter she works at. the corgi is her sisters which is named wiggles cause she likes to wiggle around a lot. the black lab is hayden’s which she named raven from teen titans 
hayden is rough around the edges. she was born to take care of herself and never rely on anyone. being bullied as a kid taught her not to trust people too much, and she probably only has one or two close friends
she judges a bit too quickly sometimes, and it’s a habit she’s trying to break but she just doesn’t like being around a lot of people and rather isolate herself in her art studio
if you do get lucky enough to catch her on a good day, you can actually see her beautiful smile and contagious laugh that only a rare amount of people can produce 
she adores her younger sister, will do anything and everything for her tbh
has never been in love, doesn’t know what it’s like or how to be romantic and sappy, maybe dated a few ppl but for the most part just sleeps around cause like mother like daughter 
has a heart of gold deep down if you can actually get past her defense mechanisms <3
the best friend that knows hayden inside and out, knows her whole backstory and secrets of how she got all this money, can trust each other with their lives and love each other dearly
first kid that befriended hayden when she moved
maybe a bully in school, someone who hayden dislikes even to this day
fwb’s pls, my girl is pansexual so ;)
someone who was a troublemaker like her, they hung out a lot and wrecked havoc on the town, but now that she moved to a different location and is trying to clean up her reputation, they’ve grown apart? maybe this friend is trying to pull her back into old habits
ex’s, maybe hayden was too cold for them or didn’t open up enough and they broke it off but this person was the only one who ever got close enough to make hayden wonder if this was what it was like to truly adore someone in such a way
someone who likes to pick on hayden for fun, get under her skin and maybe are curious as to who she really is as a person
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kmjxngins · 7 years
dating | jongin
dating series minseok | jongdae | chanyeol | kyungsoo | jongin
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q: boyfriend jongin please and could you elaborate on how faithful he would be or not
a: honest l y i spent so much time trying to pick a gif bcs he’s so adorable ?? in ?? everything ?? or maybe this is my bias showing asdfghjk jongin is so soft i hope you like this a lot!! i had a lot of fun and feels doing this headcanon c: thanks for requesting bebs!
♡ jongin smiles a lot, you realise ♡ when you first meet him ♡ and his smile is really, really nice, and genuine ♡ you can see that he likes meeting new people ♡ while he isn’t as outgoing as baekhyun on the first meeting ♡ he subtly sneaks into the conversation subconsciously ♡ and you feel yourself being drawn to him ♡ he has this quiet aura about him ♡ that not many other people have ♡ he’s quietly confident and you can tell that while he’s bubbly ♡ and seems carefree ♡ that he does have his serious moments too
♡ you witness firsthand his serious moments ♡ when he dances ♡ you had walked past the practice room  ♡ and found yourself mesmerised by the gracefulness of his dance ♡ his moves are fluid ♡ yet sharp ♡ and he knows all his good angles ♡ how to draw certain movements out and when to keep things short ♡ he’s a really good dancer ♡ saying that he’s a really good dancer is kind of an understatement ♡ you stare through the glass door and you don’t realise that the music stopped ♡ and that jongin is staring back at you through the mirror ♡ with a knowing smile on his face ♡ like he knows that you were captivated by his dance ♡ you’re kind of embarrassed ♡ but you try to make it up with a small wave through the door ♡ which jongin responds to with his own small wave ♡ you try to slink away but jongin motions you to come in ♡ and you feel compelled to go in ♡ because you don’t want to keep up with your questionable actions
♡ when you go into the room tho ♡ you’re kind of nervous ♡ you’ve never been alone with jongin before ♡ it’s always been a group that you’re with him and honestly ♡ you’re not very talkative ♡ so you don’t know what to say to him ♡ but he start the conversation going ♡ and you’re really grateful for him ♡ and his slightly outgoing personality
♡ you see jongin around the company more often ♡ you don’t know whether it’s because you’re hypersensitive ♡ or that you both just cross paths more frequently ♡ whatever the case, you’re slowly getting closer to him ♡ and you realise that he has a heart of gold ♡ he worries a lot about the people around him
♡ jongin moves pretty fast tho ♡ you don’t know whether it’s because time flies whenever you’re with him ♡ but he confesses very early on ♡ maybe because you have daily facetime conversations ♡ late into the night ♡ so you both know a lot more about each other ♡ maybe equal to how much your closest friends know about you ♡ or maybe more ?? ♡ but whenever you share your stories ♡ he’s always genuinely interested and reacts well to everything ♡ he also tells you a fair share of his life ♡ you know he owns dogs ♡ dogs !! ♡ you fall in love with him immediately ♡ no but, really, you’re starting to like him ?? ♡ more than a friend, possibly ♡ his personality is very endearing ♡ and you feel relaxed around him ♡ you don’t feel the urge to impress him with fake personalities ♡ because you have the feel that he really treasures you as a friend ♡ and you do too
♡ so anyway ♡ you say yes of course you do ♡ and jongin is elated ♡ he’s told you about his past relationships  ♡ he’s pretty open about it ♡ but he also tells you that you’re different ♡ you don’t know why, but you’re inclined to believe him ♡ maybe because he’s nothing like your ex either ♡ he’s sincere, open and truthful ♡ and he isn’t afraid to share his opinions and listen to yours ♡ which you really appreciate
♡ as a boyfriend ♡ i think he’d be very faithful towards you ♡ he has a strong sense of loyalty towards exo ♡ and he’s held his passion for dance for a long time now ♡ so when he loves you, he really does ♡ whole heartedly ♡ he’s extremely invested in this relationship ♡ and treats you like you’re his only one
♡ when he goes on tour ♡ he never fails to text you or call you at the end of the day ♡ which turns into a long conversation ♡ because he tells you about his day ♡ and you reciprocate ♡ this is kind of the way the both of you cope with a long-distance r/s ♡ even if it’s just for a while ♡ he also buys you little things from every tour location ♡ even though he usually doesn’t have much time to go out to buy things ♡ sometimes he even bothers his managers to get them for you ♡ he’s so sweet asdfghjk
♡ honestly tho i think he’d be pretty touchy ♡ i mean have you seen the way he is around the other exo members?? ♡ especially chanyeol’s vlive ♡ you should go check out chanyeol’s vlive ♡ but yes imo he’s q touchy with the people he feels comfortable with ♡ not the nsfw, uncomfortable touchy ♡ more like unconsciously touching your ears ♡ pinching your cheeks lightly ♡ playing with your hair ♡ or squeezing your hand with his when you’re already holding hands ♡ you’d be like ♡ wyd jongin ♡ making you feel soft and warm ♡ o kay sure ♡ are you not warm now? ♡ not really ?? ♡ he pouts and you can’t resist it when he acts this way ♡ so you relent ♡ i mean i was warm already but i guess it’s fine ♡ after which, he proceeds to hug you ♡ tbh it’s just an excuse because he likes the feeling of you ♡ again, not in a sexual or weird manner ♡ but he feels at home whenever he’s with you
♡ he’s so !! soft !! ♡ his hugs are literally the best ♡ he kinda towers over you ♡ so when he wraps his arms around you ♡ you feel so safe and so protected ♡ his warmth being your comfort zone ♡ he’s also the big spoon when you nap with him ♡ or when you’re on the couch ♡ your head is resting on his chest ♡ his heartbeat lulls you to sleep ♡ and you like that feeling very very much
♡ you always worry when he goes for dance practice ♡ because you can’t even count the number of times he’s gotten injured ♡ his waist isn’t really strong ♡ not as strong as it used to be ♡ because he keeps on straining it without proper rest ♡ even when he’s granted permission to sit out of dance practice ♡ and he tells you that he sits out ♡ you can tell that he didn’t do any of that ♡ you know in a heartbeat that he did dance ♡ he’s far too headstrong for the choreographer to stop him too ♡ you know because there’s a slight limp in his step ♡ and he’s walking just a little bit slower than he usually does ♡ and sehun had also told you about his practising ♡ sehun isn’t very thrilled either ♡ none of the members are, tbh  ♡ but you all know that jongin’s a perfectionist  ♡ and while you nag at him to take care of himself ♡ and fight occasionally ♡ you know that you aren’t going to stop him from pursuing his passion ♡ so you just support him wholeheartedly ♡ and help wherever and whenever you can ♡ like when he hurts his waist ♡ you’d massage his back and put patches  ♡ or when he sprains his ankle ♡ you’re the fastest to ice the ankle and tape it ♡ so that the injury doesn’t worsen ♡ after which you get a tight hug from jongin ♡ he’s grateful for you, and it’s also his way of saying sorry
♡ when the both of you get an apartment ♡ you both have fun decorating it ♡ and despite his busy schedule, jongin never fails to help you out ♡ you both also adopt a dog !! ♡ his name is cookie :> ♡ you and jongin adore it ♡ you also go on walks together with cookie ♡ and your heart always feels so, so full ♡ because, yes, this is what you’ve always dreamed of
♡ in essence tho ♡ jongin’s the epitome of a perfect boyfriend imo  ♡ he’s cherish his loved one very very much !!
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chocobabyporcelain · 7 years
Noctis and his S/O running away so he doesn't have to marry Luna.
Anon… Did you just give me an excuse to write that songfic I’ve been daydreaming about? I think I love you, wow.
Also, I’m sorry this has taken so long, I’m kind of a fail at life, tbh.
Song in question; Runaway With Me from The Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown (Caleb Hyles cover, I love this man’s voice).
Tagging: @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit @itsmootothecow @insomniasix @mp938368 @ffxv-milkshake @bespectacled-girl @insomniacapples @itshaejinju @expectogladiolus @bluechocobo @airlea-sicarius @diadyn @birdsandivory @alicemoonwonderland @mandakatt @zacklover24 @eternallydaydreaming2015 @danceswithdinosaurs @valkyrieofardyn @hammerhead-goddess @1000wolflover @stopmopingstarthoping @dreamiggy @mostlyvoidpartiallysass @grumpyoldmoogle @yoitssabrinee @amicitonia @theyearofdiamonddogs @unerring-connoisseur(I tag mutuals, if you want to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know asap)
You wish you could say that the announcement of Noctis’s engagementto Lady Lunafreya had come as a shock to you, but it really hadn’t.Noct and Luna had been good friends since they were children, theyhad a bond that you could never understand, and you were okay withthat.
It took you a little while, but you’d made your peace. Noctis wasgetting married. Soon enough, you two would have to go your separateways. And that was okay. It just meant you had to take full advantageof the time you had left.
For the past couple of days, the two of you had barely left yourcomfortable spot, curled up on the sofa, binging TV shows, playingvideo games and talking. You shared memories, laughed and joked, andsimply enjoyed each other’s presence.
That’s not to say you weren’t hurting. You were losing the bestperson who had ever stepped into your life in what you perceived tobe the worst possible way. It hurt like hell, of course it did. But,while you had never met Luna, you knew she’d be good for Noctis.You knew they could be happy.
And you knew you could be happy for them. In time. Once you’dgotten over the initial hurt and inevitable bitterness, you were sureyou’d be able to smile sincerely and wish them both the best.
The point is, you were coming to terms with it. Were.
“Y’know,” Noctis held you close, an arm tucked around yourmiddle as the two of you spooned on your couch. “I’ve never beento Galahd before,” he mused.
You hummed, still focussed on the old classic movie that you insistedNoct needed to watch. One of your all time favourites.
“I’ve been through there in the car, but I’ve never beenthere.” Noct pulled his arm from around you, earning a little whineof protest that died down as he began idly twirling locks of yourhair around his fingers. “I’ve been having this… daydream, Iguess.”
You sighed. “Noct,” you whispered. You knew where this was going.You couldn’t do this.
“We have this cottage in Galahd and it’s absolutely beautiful. Alittle chilly in the winter, but it doesn’t bother us at all.”
“Noct, please.” Tears began welling in your eyes, refusing to beblinked away.
“We have a life there. A life together. It’s perfect, andonce all the drama of us running away blows over, the guys can visitus all the time. I know they’d never tell anyone where we are. We’dbe so happy.”
“Noctis!” You sat up, wiping away your tears before youdared to look at him. You sighed, shaking you head, eyebrows knittedtightly. “What are you thinking of?” you asked.
Noctis fixed you with a look that concerned you, but also warmed yourheart. A serious look that said he’d planned this all out alreadyand was waiting on your ‘yes.’
“I’m thinking of our future,” he replied. He reached out andtook your hand, lacing your fingers. “We can be happy, Y/N. If wedo this, we’re saying no. We’re saying this arrangement meansnothing to us, that we’re going to be together whether they like itor not.” Noct pulled you into his lap, holding you close andresting his forehead against yours. “We could have a perfect life,Y/N. All I want is to be with you,” he whispered.
You let out a heavy breath, still desperately trying to fight thetears. “I want that, too,” you whimpered. “But we can’t dothis.” As you pressed a kiss to his lips, you felt it all bubblingin your chest. All the emotions, all the words left unsaid, all thetears you were holding back. “I love you, Noctis,” you sobbed.“So much. You have no idea how hard it is for me to just… wishyou well and let you go.”
“So don’t!” Noctis’s voice cracked. “Y/N,” Hisshaking hands landed on your cheeks, his thumb wiping away yourtears. “I’m not trying to tie you down here, I’m just saying wecan do this!” Noct kissed you again, his hands moving fromyour face to hold you more securely around your waist, pulling youcloser. “I’m not prepared to let this end.” he whispered.
You’d stopped trying to hide it, crying openly now. You let yourhead drop onto his shoulder, sobs racking your entire body.
Noctis gently kissed your temple, running a hand through your hair ashe hushed you.
Never in your life had you been happier than you had with Noct. And,even though everything in you was screaming that you shouldn’t,couldn’t do this, something in your mind was urging you todo it. Be selfish for once.
What were you really losing if you were to run away? A family thatonly spoke to you when they needed something? A low salary job thattook everything out of you and gave nothing back?
No! You were crazy to even consider this. This wasn’t going tohappen. You’d get passed this, say goodbye, get over it and smileas the man you loved married another woman. It would be no big thing.
Except, that wasn’t strictly true. You knew watching Noctis walkaway would be your undoing. You’d keep up appearances, smilepolitely and carry on. But inside, you’d break a little more eachtime you heard his name.
If there was a chance for you two to remain together without hurtinganyone, then of course you’d take it, but this? Was this even anoption? Could you face the consequences?
“Y/N,” Noctis eased you back, his hands dropping to your hips ashe once more rested his forehead against yours. “Believe me when Isay nothing hurts me more than the thought of losing you.”
In all your years on knowing and loving Noctis, this was the firsttime you had ever seen him this open, this honest.
And that was it.
“Okay,” you whispered, tears still thick in your throat.
You sat in silence as the words sank in. Noctis’s grip on your hipstightened, though it did nothing to quell their shaking. “O-Okay?”he parroted.
“Okay,” you replied, with a sob. “Let’s do it.”
Noctis pulled you in for a searing kiss, his hands suddenly in yourhair. “Yeah,” he whispered as your broke apart. “Let’s doit!”
And so, you did.
Your whole life was wrapped up and packed into the back of Noctis’scar. A short goodbye given to your parents in a short letter. Givento Ignis in a folded note left on the dinning table of Noct’sapartment. He’d pass the message along.
Months passed you by. Weeks of living your life on the go. Living outof suitcases, eating at crappy diners, sleeping in sleazy motels. Itwas hard, but it was fun. It reminded you of old movies you used towatch, curled up on the sofa with your dad.
Yes, you missed your family, and you were sure they missed you to.But you didn’t think you’d ever been happier.
And maybe you never found that perfect cottage from Noct’sdaydreams, but maybe that didn’t matter. Maybe the bungalow you’dfound, with it’s shingled roof and tiny garden, was even moreperfect than anything either of you could dream up.
It had been almost half a year now, since you and Noctis had foundyour happy little home together, far away from the city. The tinygarden out front was now your pride and joy. Your little flowergarden, complete with a small strawberry patch.
You were there, in your little garden, tending to your flowers, whenyou were startled out of your thoughts by a sharp bark.
When you looked up, you saw a dog with black and grey fur, staring atyou almost inquisitively as he sniffed at your peonies. “Noctis,”you called through the open door of your home. “We have a visitor.”
Noctis appeared in the doorway, looking understandably pensive.
The dog bounded towards Noct, barking happily.
“Umbra?” Noctis knelt down and scratched behind the dog’s ear.“Hey, buddy. How’d you find me?” he chuckled.
Then he saw it. That familiar red notebook.
His heart was in his throat. His mind raced as he untied the bookform around Umbra’s neck, thinking of all the things she could havewritten in it.
He thumbed through the pages, locating the newest message. And hesmiled.
Of all the things she could have said.
‘I’m so happy for you.’
Beneath her message, she’d pressed a single white violet.
“Take a chance on happiness.” Noctis muttered.
Noctis looked at you, sat there amongst your flower garden. Dressedin your ratty old gardening clothes, your hair slung up in a lazyponytail, stray wisps blowing with the breeze, and soil on yourcheeks, you were still the most beautiful sight in the entire world.“Language of flowers,” he said. “You should plant some whiteviolets.”
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heybinnie · 7 years
i dunno if anyone watches steven universe but i gotta dump sth here
steven universe au
some context
there is Homeworld, located in space, where gems are made and are from
the three-ish people who lead Homeworld are called the Diamonds
every other gem kinda worships them and has to follow their every order
thousands of years ago, Homeworld set out to make Earth like this place to experiment making gems and shit and basically just rekt Earth for their own use
which is BAD
so basically the Diamonds suck
so Rose Quartz, right, shes a gem from Homeworld who saw Earth as a beautiful place and something worth saving
she believed that all life on earth is beautiful
SO she betrayed her own home to protect her new home, that is Earth
she started a rebellion called the Crystal Gems
whoever joined her had to remember that they could be killed, and if they won, they couldnt go back to Homeworld and have to stay on Earth
so they went to war with Homeworld called the Gem War and they won!!!!!
but the Crystal Gems lost a lot of their members
until there was only Rose, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl left
Rose (Whos a gEm REMEMBER) she falls in love with a human
Rose gets pregnant!!!
their baby and her cant exist at the same time
so rose has to give up her physical form so that her baby can live
which means
her baby will be half human half gem, and will thus have her gem
so her baby lives, but without his mom
thats steven
and bc she led the rebellion, steven has to ‘deal’ with everything his mom left behind
which is a lot of stuff
about where Steven lives!!
he lives alone in this house, but its like connected to the Temple where the Crystal Gems live, so in a sense its basically just a big house with a huge weird basement so they all kinda live together idk how to explain this
lives on the beach!!! its so cute i love the place
sanha is steven (*starts crying*)
his rose quartz gem is on his chest, over his heart
has never met his mom
so never really knew the love of a mother but it never really ~occurred~ to him until she becomes really important
so anyway sanha is a sweetheart
also is musically talented in every way
likes to sing random songs out of nowhere
likes to mess with his ‘guardians’ a lot aka the rest of the crystal gems
but they all have a soft spot for him no matter how much he messes up
he always does his best bro
and its so cute bc hes just the baby brother and hes surrounded by a bunch of hundreds or thousands of years old gems lmao
sometimes hes left alone at home when the rest of the crystal gems go on missions too dangerous for him
and when his dad is busy
hes alone at home
and its really quiet and the painting of his mother hangs on top of their front door, and sanha gets really lonely and just cries sometimes
so when rocky comes over his chest always fills up with warmth and relief
to sanha, his family is everything
also adorable. absolutely adorable no one can say no to his face tbh
jinjin is garnet??
hes created the exact same way garnet was
his gems are in the same places--both palms
jinjin loves the concept of love in general
bc hes literally made out of love
like legit
hes a fusion: a sapphire and ruby who werent supposed to but fell in love, and gems do this thing where when theyre really emotionally bonded and stuff theyd fuse? which is like. thats a lot of trust for each other ykno
so jinjins a fusion
people look down on fusions bc theyre usually thought to only be useful to like fight but jinjin exists because of love
and jinjin honestly doesnt care about what people think of him bc he exists
but he feels very strongly for fusions!!
hes also considered the ‘strongest’ because hes a fusion
also the de facto leader of the crystal gems
always calm and level headed but occasionally likes to crack a joke
everyone loves him
jinjin is jinjin in the sense that he is always kind and likes to make sanha laugh
soft spot for sanha
sanha trusts him a LOT
often looks to him for advice, when something goes wrong, for safety and warmth and protection
eunwoo is pearl
he hides his gem beneath his bangs?? bc hes embarrassed :’)
pearls are considered only useful as ‘accessories’ and servants to the Diamonds
gems from Homeworld think of pearls as the ‘lowest’ gems
but this boy learns to love and be confident of himself come FIGHT ME
no one owns eunwoo man he’s his own gem
hes really super duper smart
sometimes he and jinjin fight bc he sees things more logically>? while jinjin acts more on intuition and stuff?
mj makes fun of eunwoo sometimes bc he doesnt know how to have fun? but then right after mj helps him so thats kinda cute
but also eunwoo berates mj a lot bc 
well its mj
also chides sanha a lot when he doesnt keep the house in order
often helps to clean up
anyway hes considered the ‘closest’ to Rose Quartz bc hed been fighting by her side the longest
so he misses her a lot but eunwoo doesnt blame sanha for any of it; he loves sanha all the same
but then bin THE LION comes into the picture and eunwoo gets this weird but warm, familiar sense of comfort from bin, something he remembers feeling around Rose when she was still around, so he likes to hang with bin a lot
even if bin the lion likes to lie on his face and whap him in the face with his tail and leave fur everywhere
mj is amethyst
but like....hes an amber
his gem is on hiS BACK between his shoulderblades
the history of amethyst: amethysts are ‘made’ on earth, theyre made mostly to be soldiers and fight for homeworld
somewhere above pearls on the hierarchy i guess
theyre made in the Kindergarten, where there are these holes in the walls where the gems would come out of
at some point mj’s kindergarten kind of became like a ‘bad place’ and every gem that grew out of there were like parasites
so that Kindergarten was abandoned
and mj, the hole he came out of, his hole was smaller than everyone else’s
he came out smaller than everyone else
he was considered a ‘defect’ and weaker than the others
anyway bc the place was abandoned and he had nowhere to go since no one wanted him, mj just stuck around alone by himself for hundreds of years
until Rose came along (when she was still alive of course) and offered him to join the Crystal Gems
and Rose taught him love and how he was worth fighting for and he mattered and that he wasnt a defect, not a parasite, that he deserved love and to be loved and to love others and
im emo
MJ IS MJ hes the mood maker and always makes sanha smile whenever sanha is feeling down
hes kinda like the glue that keeps the gems together
loves to have fun
but he gets really uncomfortable whenever the topic of the other ambers or the Kindergarten is brought up like hes super insecure of where hes from
he tries to smile it off tho but he really just doesnt like talking about it
protecc mj
ROCKY!! IS CONNIE!!!!!!!!!
who sanha really pours his heart out to!!!
and rocky as rocky doesnt give him shit ykno but he real talks sanha
a lot
rocky also doesnt care that sanha is half gem and half human; like doesnt care and just likes him for him
sticks around through thick and thin and hell and highwater
believes in sanha, holds a lot of faith in him
but hes still your Rocky Swag
always listens to sanha whenever he needs someone to talk to
actually likes to hear about all his adventures with the other Crystal Gems
likes to touch and poke and prod at Sanha’s gem too
like he’d sometimes kinda just pull down on sanha’s collar just so he could look at his rose quartz gem sparkle in the sun and its so pretty he kinda wished he was a gem
anyway eventually he starts to really worry for sanha and wants to fight the bad guys with him, doesnt wanna be protected all the time
so rocky learns to fight
from jinjin
and rocky becomes especially good in combat and stuff and learns how to use some weapons from eunwoo (specialises in weapons) 
honestly rocky is a gem like hes a GIFT
sanha’s so thankful for him
but he also feels really bad bc he feels like hes pulling rocky into his own mess and putting him in danger
but rocky doesnt care he just wants to be by sanha’s side and help him wherever he can and support him all the way through
im emo
rocky also holds sanha quietly when he cries about his mom
which starts to get more and more often
bin....is lion......................................................
basically Lion is this uh lion that Sanha found one day when they went on a mission, and Lion is all pink and stuff and followed him around and all the way back home too
the Crystal Gems were unsure about keeping him but sanha thought it was HELLA COOL to have a pet lion and they all eventually lost to His Baby Face
no one can ever say no to that face
anyway bin is called Lion bc sanha has no originality with names so there
bin is actually a gem
he specialises in shapeshifting? so when rose was still around he was in lion form a lot
BUT HIS GEM waS cracked in the middle of the gem war
and usually when a gem’s gem is cracked they start to get real weird until the crack gets bigger and bigger and eventually it shatters which means they die
but when rose was alive she healed him but could only do it like halfway? like it was a rushed job so he was stuck as a lion during that war
and then when that was over he was kinda left behind bc rose thought she’d lost everyone already
idk bro
so basically bin’s been stuck as a lion for TOO LONG until sanha found him
but sanha doesnt knoW hes a gem bc bin’s gem is hidden so far beneath is goddam thicc mane so no one ever knew
also my friends who may not know
Steven’s Lion is pink
this means binnie will have pink hair and skin imagine that
and he kinda kneels to sanha (even as lion)
but also maintains that whole im-older-than-you-respect-me-u-brat vibe
bin the LION comes along on one of the Crystal Gems’ missions with sanha
his gem cracks and his form starts to get real weird, changing between lion and other animals and shit
sanha cries A LOT, buries his face into bin’s mane and stuff and it soaks right frickin thru
hes naked
everyone screams
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 186: Lunch and Then Some Light Noumu Battling
Previously on BnHA: The New JP Hero Billboard Chart Top 10 rankings were announced and the heroes each gave a short little speech. My new adult bird son Can You Smell What The Hawk Is Cooking stole the spotlight by basically saying, “y’all need to stop being such bummers, we’re the best that the world’s got now so let’s fucking act like it.” We learned that Hawks is basically a hero prodigy, having started his own hero agency at the tender young age of 18, and now having risen all the way to #2 at age 22. Anyway, he then handed the mic over to Endeavor who went with the short and sweet “just watch me” route, for better or worse. Afterwards Endeav throttled Hawks a little bit in the privacy of his dressing room, and Hawks apologized and then said he actually needed Endeavor’s help for something. “Do you remember the Noumus?” I then proceeded to lose my shit, as we transitioned to some unknown location where an unknown figure was talking to an unknown Noumu with a Kurogiri face (!) who could TALK BACK (!!!!). Then I really lost my shit omg.
Today on BnHA: Endeavor and Hawks go for a stroll on their lunch break. Hawks casually saves like 15 random people and attracts a crowd of fans seeking autographs and selfies. Meanwhile Endeavor attracts one (1) fan, and tries to offer an autograph of his own only to send the kid running off in tears because Endeavor’s aloof attitude is apparently what makes him cool lol. So as Endeav tries to sort all of that out, he sits down with Hawks in some fancy high-rise restaurant. Hawks tells him about some rumored Noumu sightings that he’s been investigating all across the country. He says he flew out to the locations, but couldn’t find any evidence. He theorizes that someone might be purposely spreading rumors in order to sow fear among the general populace. And he says he wants Endeavor, the newly crowned number one here, to be the one to put the people at ease. Meanwhile he himself just wants to chill out, and he would like nothing better than an ideal world so peaceful that heroes can just relax. Anyway, so then that Talking Noumu from the last chapter comes flying at them from out of nowhere and smashes through the glass and is all “WHICH ONE OF YOU IS STRONGEST.” So Endeavor goes to fight him.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 208 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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I think this might be my favorite SJ cover like, ever?? is that a huge overreaction? but like, Deku looks so cool. and I fucking love the colors so much. and don’t think I didn’t notice the distinct BakuDeku theme of this green and orange aesthetic, Horikoshi. because I did! notice! gosh these colors look so good together don’t y’all agree. okay fine I’ll shut the fuck up
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this was such a badass cover and then it’s just. completely ruined by the text in the background being all “TOAST ‘EM”
(ETA: that text was so distracting that I honestly didn’t even notice the Noumu in the background. completely missed that. so observant lol. I probably would have noticed in Mangastream’s version, which says “seething!” but that’s pretty funny too tbh)
jesus Endeavor calm the fuck down and put yourself out already. why are you always so fucking angry
holy shit
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well now, that’s one hell of an opening hook
the text is all “ever since I could remember, I’ve lived at the whim of others.” and apparently this dude found it suffocating
so here we have a disgruntled office worker about to shoot the place up, presumably? or like, the quirk equivalent of that. how fucking creepy
oh my GOD
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what the fucking fuck oh my lord. every so often Horikoshi is just like “lol I thought of a really weird thing. let’s just roll with it and see where it takes us”
so this man with his weird humiliation kink thinks he’s all that, but!
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did Hawks just shoot fucking feathers to cover this man’s R-rated parts
also if Endeavor is even 1% like his youngest son, his favorite food will be soba. moment of truth!
goddammit, Endeavor’s just completely ignoring the question, and he’s actually focusing on stopping the flasher guy while Hawks continues to talk about food
lmao now this stupid fucking dog is running out into traffic
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don’t worry kids, Hawks fired off more wings to spirit sweet, stupid Schwartz away to safety
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you had me until “chicken liver” Hawks but I guess I could keep an open mind
does Hawks ever actually make eye contact with anyone
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I’m starting to feel like he’s the type who would deliberately turn around if he ever did happen to be facing the same direction as whoever he was rescuing. he only does casual rescues
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oddly enough I’m liking him less than I did before. Too Cool For That Shit is just not my type. I prefer Too Grumpy For That Shit and/or Actually Fully Enthusiastic And Earnest And Will Do The Uncool Thing Without Hesitation
but I have a feeling that what we see might not be what we get here, so let’s just wait a bit. idk just a feeling about him. because he sure as heck didn’t have that meteoric rise by not giving a damn
(ETA: okay so! needless to say my fears were unfounded as it turns out Hawks’s thing is not Too Cool For That Shit, but actually Too Tired For That Shit, which is actually one of my favorite types. Too Cool is just the persona he puts on because it’s what’s expected of him. but in actuality the reason he seems so nonchalant is because his heart isn’t really in it. this was never something he wanted to do; it was something he was more or less forced into because he was so talented and With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, and so it didn’t really matter what he personally wanted or didn’t want. in other words, Hawks is the very first Reluctant Hero I think we’ve had in this series. he’s someone who is more or less trapped in his role, and by now he’s become very, very good at what he does, but more than anything he would like to one day not have to do it anymore.
but of course not only does he not have that option, he’s somehow managed to get himself in way deeper than most of his peers will ever have to worry about. not only does he have to contend with the everyday stresses of hero life, but he also has a fun undercover double agent mission to worry about! so add in the fear of being caught and the stress of having to play both sides, while all the while trying his best to make sure no innocents get hurt! and having to think about all of this constantly!
basically, up until now I wouldn’t have thought that anyone could come along and actually contend with Aizawa for the title of Most Exhausted Character in the series. but not only does Hawks contend, I think it’s actually no contest. and yet he does it anyway. without complaint. well with a little bit of complaining, but under the guise of being a lackadaisical young twenty-something who isn’t particularly concerned about anything. 
he actually ends up confessing more to Endeavor than I would have expected, given all this. like he was straight up confiding in him. that all turned out to be completely true. but because he says it with that carefree smile, you don’t realize at first how much he’s just kind of quietly suffering underneath it all. like that dog in the house on fire saying this is fine. like, no it fucking isn’t, but he puts on such a good act of being completely unconcerned. it’s astounding in hindsight.
my god I have so many fucking feelings about Hawks apparently. I didn’t mean to essay this much and there are probably more essays on the way too lol. I love my tired bird son too damn much and I hope to god he doesn’t get himself killed fffff.)
anyways he’s signing autographs and giving interviews and shit, and meanwhile Endeavor is just completely being ignored
okay now they’re acknowledging him, but it’s the usual “man, he’s scary!”
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this kid knows what’s what. Inasa was fucked up for years because of his I Asked Endeavor For An Autograph trauma
now Endeavor is silently and intimidatingly turning his head toward the kids and walking over
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by the way these children are fucking adorable and I want take them all home and give them sandwiches and juice boxes
(ETA: I’m so glad Can’t You See-kun is even acknowledged in-universe as the most adorable child on the face of the earth. if anyone ever deserved to become a beloved meme it’s him)
oh shit Endeavor’s making an effort!!
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he’s really trying to fix that image omg
but it’s not working!
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oh snap. it’s just like All Might said, huh. remember he told you not to try to copy him and to do your own thing, Endeavor
the kid is having a meltdown now and saying that Endeavor doesn’t need fanservice and that the lone wolf attitude is what makes him cool
okay but you can be a lone wolf and still be Not A Dick, though
now the kid is running away crying. jesus christ. well so much for those juice boxes then. maybe I’ll just give them to your shark-looking friend
Endeav’s just staring in confusion and wondering where he went wrong
where you went wrong is being a dick for 40 years. change isn’t just going to come overnight. but you need to keep at it! if you want to be nicer just be nicer, and eventually either your fans will warm up to the change, or you’ll get new fans
(ETA: I stand by this, for the record. I know this arc is doing a whole thing of showing how Endeavor can be a different type of hero than All Might and still be someone that people rely on. but in addition to this I think that if he genuinely wants to be more approachable than he should just keep working at it even if people are naturally going to be really confused by it at first)
anyways so now we’re cutting to some fancy high-rise restaurant and Endeav and Hawks are eating in what seems to be a private room
or more accurately, Hawks is eating, and Endeavor is just sitting there with his arms crossed same as always
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are you sure Shouto isn’t adopted? that kid loves stuffing his face during serious discussions
(ETA: lmao and he even does it yet again at the end of this arc. I don’t know why I’m always so tickled by this but I just love it)
anyway, so Hawks is replying that when he wants something he just goes for it. “it’s just my nature”
he apparently tried to draft Shouto after the sports festival! interesting
but he says he’s glad that he ended up with Tokoyami in the end
wow but kind of a dick reason -- “Shouto-kun’s brand took a hit after he failed his provisional license exam”
is he just trying to rile up Endeavor here? interesting
Endeavor says Hawks knows a lot for someone who never went to U.A.
which we kind of already knew (that he’s not a U.A. alum), because otherwise he would have been involved in the Kamino mission. but I wonder where he did graduate from. is he a Shiketsu alum?
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how mysterious
(ETA: in the Mangastream version he says “I’ve always been a good observer, you see,” which is something that gets called back to later)
anyway, now Endeavor’s getting impatient and demanding to get to the point
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yesssss more info about them omgggg. how are there even Noumus anymore with AFO locked up??
okay so Hawks is reiterating the stuff we already know, that “scores” of Noumus were captured along with All for One at Kamino. and that since then, even though the League has been active, they haven’t been able to confirm any new appearances of Noumus
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hmm, I see, so it’s going to turn out that it was B
(ETA: actually now I’m wondering if there might be a C and this is purposely trying to mislead us! because everyone always assumed that AFO was the only one capable of producing Noumus, but what if that isn’t the case though?)
Endeavor says that since Hawks wants to team up, that must mean he’s actually found proof of this so-called “rumor”
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oh my god Endeavor. why couldn’t we have had you during the last arc. you would have had us out of that bullshit basement in no time flat
(ETA: for real, this arc is only what, nine chapters? the man knows how to move things along)
okay now Hawks is saying that this isn’t the only place where Noumus have been sighted, and that there are rumors all around the country -- though not in the news -- and people have been gossiping
oh for fuck’s sake could you get to the point already Hawks. stop dramatically building up to it
blah blah he heard it from locals when he went on a business trip, and he did a secret investigation at that time but wasn’t able to turn anything up
so he says he got interested after that, and flew around the country to investigate further
so apparently there were similar rumors cropping up in completely unrelated parts of the country, with slight variations
but in the end he wasn’t able to validate any of the rumors
so then if this is all true, how many of these Noumu 2.0s are there??
(ETA: and is any of it actually true? it’s hard to say at this point. I’m learning toward “yes”, or else why bring it up in the first place. there’s gonna be a Noumu arc coming up in the future at some point I think. Noumu Wars)
so Hawks is continuing to munch on his yakitori and he says that ever since the incidents at U.A., Hosu, and Kamino, everyone knows about the Noumus now, and he wonders if it’s just “some asshole with a motive to spread unease” who’s spreading rumors throughout the country
okay but we the readers know for a fact it’s not! and you wouldn’t have called Endeavor to team up if you really thought it was just rumors. so when are you going to get to your point
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...no way he’s talking about All for One, is he? "a criminal from a long time ago.” someone who wanted ability users to be free. was AFO the Magneto of his day once upon a time?
(ETA: actually, thinking about this more I think maybe it was the mysterious Destro who was mentioned by Gentle not too long ago and who I’m still hoping to learn more about. he was the leader of the Quirk Liberation Army or something along those lines wasn’t he? definitely sounds like a Magneto type)
he says that the more fear a society has, the more these kind of delusions sell and spread
Endeavor is again telling him to stop being a dramatic fuck and to just get to the point
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seriously?? you invited him to lunch just to ask him that?
Endeavor’s asking him what his angle is
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did fucking Hawks just admit he wants to 420 blaze it. in my good Christian manga. which takes place and is published in Japan where weed will get you thrown in fucking prison for the better part of a decade. something tells me this is Jaimini’s Box taking certain liberties lol
(ETA: yeah, in Mangastream’s version he says “sit back with a nice cold one” which is much more in line with Japanese culture lol. still, Hawks does give off that stoner vibe a bit, can’t deny)
aww, but this part is sweet
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though you do know you’ll end up putting a lot of heroes out of a job lol. safer world = no need for heroes. I’m sure most heroes would take that trade-off any day though
so now Endeavor is being all quiet and seemingly thoughtful
and he’s looking out the window
and... whaaaat is this
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...do not fucking tell me this is a Noumu
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holy fuck it’s a Noumu
um, what? can we back up just a sec? we just had a whole long discussion all about how there have been no verified Noumu sightings since AFO was locked up, and now one just happens to show up the instant the #1 and #2 heroes are done having their little talk?
lmao and now the hostess is coming with the check
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maybe this Noumu’s uncannily good timing was cancelled out by this lady who has the worst timing that any human person has ever had in the history of existence
holy shit look how dramatic this is!?
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Endeavor is telling Hawks to lead the evacuation
Hawks is asking “what about you?” as if that part wasn’t obvious
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RIGHT? suspiciously good timing if you ask me. I don’t have any real clue what’s going on yet, but damned if this is a coincidence
anyways now Endeavor is showing us just why he’s the current number one!
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and next chapter we’ll apparently get a whole Endeavor battle. well I hope it’s interesting! this arc is off to a bit of a weird start for me, but I think it’s because several of the pieces have yet to fall into place completely. there are a lot of weird coincidences and things that seem Just A Little Bit Off, and I feel like once we learn why, I’m going to be like, “ohhhhhhh!!”
(ETA: yeah, needless to say there were a lot of “ohhhhhh!!” moments and this arc is incredibly dense on a reread. so much going on here omg. this is good stuff)
no bonus today! I almost ran out of time to even put tags. anyways, toast ‘em Endeavor
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multifandomshipping · 8 years
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Hey, me again~ First of all I have to say how much I love your blog. You both are putting so much love and passion into it and I really appreciate this. You both totally deserve all the followers you currently have and all followers that are going to find this block and love it like I do. So a real big thank you for doing this ❤
And I wanted to ask if I could get a “Theme Week” Ship? It can be smutty if you feel like writing it but it hasn’t to be 😉 I hope I answered everything correctly, because I was a bit confused in the beginning tbh 😅
Fave Character: Hermione Granger
House: Slytherin
Fave location: Black Lake or Slytherin common room
Fave spell: Legilimens
Fave teacher: Professor Snape
A person you don’t like: Ron Weasley
Blood status: Pureblood
Who is your love/BF: Jeon Jungkook
Fave Animal: Fox
Which HP characters are you shipping: Hermione and Draco
@heartprincesselinachan-blog Hey again lovely :D Aww cutie you make us so happy with the text you wrote that’s amazing ! Thank you so much we really appreciate it and we want to say a big thank you too because we have such awesome followers like you ❤️️ Here is your scenario sweetie ;) You are most compatible with J-Hope 😊
1st year: You got the letter from Hogwarts 1 month ago and you were really excited. You were getting your things for Hogwarts in the Diagon Alley with your family when you meet a girl,” Hey I’m Y/N nice to meet you !” She looked fierce at you then she said to fast,” My name is Hermione and I’m a Muggle ! Do you want be one of my new friends ?” You laughed at her,” Well yes sure Hermione you seem very nice and eager.” She smiled,” Yes I always am and I love learning ! Do you know a lot about magic ?” You nodded,” Yes I’m a Pure-Blood and my whole Family works at the Ministry of Magic !” She was shocked,” Wow that’s cool I want to work there too when I graduate from Hogwarts.” The conversation lasts for about an 1 hour and she became your new best friend. At Hogwarts you were nervous but Hermione assured you that you two will get into Gyriffindor. When the Sorting Hat was on your head he said,” You have a good soul and you’re very clever so Gryffindor would be an option for you but I in your future you will change a lot and you won't be the same person anymore. So.... Slytherin it is !” You were about to cry what did he mean ? Why would you change ? Will something bad happen ?. Hermione and you were still meeting and you ignored the stares from the other Slytherins. You had 2 new friends called Yoongi and Hoseok.
2nd year: The other Slytherins did not accept you because you were a good person even some of them harassed you but Hermione defended you. She asked you to come with her, Harry and Ron to solve the mystery about the Chamber of Secrets. You helped them as much as you could but Snape was watching you all the time. One day you meet a cute boy at the Black Lake. You said,” Oh a Hufflepuff I never talked to one I heard Hufflepuff’s are the nicest people on earth is that true ? My name is Y/N by the way !” He was very shy and began to speak,” Eeee...mmhhh my name ii..ss Jungkook ! I well... I think yes we a...rre nice.” You began to smile of how cute he is,” Don't be shy Jungkook I’m not bad just because I’m in Slytherin !” He smiled and said goodbye then he run away. You loved his black hair and bunny smile. You told Hermione about him and she said,” I think I like Ron Y/N what should I do ?” Your mouth hang open,” Ron ? RON ? nooooo he is not your type ! Maybe Draco ? He is way better for you ! She made gag sounds,” EW no not Draco I would rather die than date him !” You shrugged and walked back to the Slytherin common room. Yoongi and Hoseok were sitting on the Sofa. Yoongi said,” Hey Y/N do you want a chocolate frog ? My brother send me them today.” You nodded and took one. You said,” Are you guys bad or why do you think that the Sorting Hat has sorted you into Slytherin ?” Hoseok swallowed,” No not bad but maybe we treat people a little bit colder .” You said,” But I do not ! I am so friendly.” Yoongi laughed,” Yeah too friendly for sure !” You sighed and went to your room.
3rd year: Draco asked you if you want to hang out with him a few weeks ago since then he became one of your friends. Draco said,” You are very beautiful Y/N why do you hang out with that Muggle girl and Harry Potter ?” You waited a few seconds before answering,” I like her, she is very nice and a good friend ! I can relay on her and she helps me with homeworks.” He shook his head,” You don't have to be her friend ! I’m reliable too and you would be accepted from the other Slytherins.” You thought for a minute,” Well we could try that out but I will hang out with her once a week.” He nodded. You walked to the Black Lake to meet Hermione. You two hugged then she said,” So what do you want to talk about ?” You took her hand and said,” I don't want to hang out that much with you anymore because I’m friends now with Draco and the other Slytherins would accept me !” She glared at you,” Ohh just because you want to be accepted you hang out with false friends ? Their not even your “friends”. You were about to cry,” No Hermione they are my friends and you need to accept that ! Just because you are not popular you say something like that !” She screamed,” THEN GO TO YOUR NEW FRIENDS I DONT NEED YOU !” Then she walked off. Hoseok and Yoongi saw what happened and asked you,” What was that about ?” You didn’t say anything just hugged them both for comfort.
4th year: What the Sorting Hat said was true you changed and became one of the bad ones. You, Yoongi and Hoseok are the Trio of the bad side along with Draco and his friends. When you heard about the Yule Ball you decided to go with both Yoongi and Hoseok. You wore something short and sexy. Everyone was looking at you. Hermione couldn’t understand why you became so slutty. When one of your jams came on and you danced wildly and rubbed your butt against Hoseok’s, Yoongi’s and Draco’s pelvis. You where turned on the first time in your life and you loved it. At that night you made out with all 3 of the boys. Since then you were the hot girl of school and you had a lot of boyfriends. You never felt love but it was fun. One day you meet Jungkook in the corridors. You smiled at him and rubbed his arm,” Hey cutie do you want to eat lunch with me ?” He shrugged you off and said,” No not interested ! I’m not one of your lovers.” Then he walked away. You loved him but you didn’t wanted to change your style because you liked it. Hoseok became your first long time boyfriend.
5th year: You are so popular now and every boy wants you. Hoseok was very jealous and one day he said to you,” Y/N just stop you have me now why are you dressing so revealing ?” You were annoyed and said,” Because I like this style and the attention !” He was about to cry and said,” Well then I’m breaking up with you !” You said,” Fine go away I can handle that .” Then you walked away. A week later you got a new boyfriend named John. He is hot, very tall and strong. One day he trapped you against the wall and kissed you wildly. You were used to do that but this time he wanted more. He touched your boobs and undid his jeans. You screamed,” WHAT ARE YOU DOING ? I’M STILL A VIRGIN AND YOU ARE NOT THE RIGHT ONE FOR ME SO STOP IT ! He just laughed and began to undress you. You fighted against him but he was too strong. But then you heard a loud bam and John was on the ground unconscious. Hoseok saved you. You cried into his arms he carried you bridal style back to your room. You said,” Thank you so much Hoseok I love you ! He tried to rape me and you saved me my hero.” “Shhhhh Y/N don't talk you need to sleep baby ! I love you too.” He forgave you and you were once again a couple.
6th year: You changed your style once again completely to innocent and everyone ignored you again. It does not bother you because you had Hoseok. Yoongi helped to be friends with Hermione again and it worked. Hermione and you were best friends again. Draco were disappointed in you and called you a betrayer. This life made you happier and you knew that Hoseok is the love of your life. Hoseok showed you the Room of Requirement. You two imagined to be in a warm and cozy Cabin. The fireplace was on the right and a big queen sized bed was on the other side. You two hugged each other and looked into the fire. Hoseok began to speak,” Y/N I love you so much ! And I want you to always be with me.” You smiled,” I want to be with you too !” He smiled and kissed you. The kiss grew more passionate and you wanted him. You broke the kiss and said,” Hoseok I’m ready !” He looked deeply into your eyes carried you to the bed,” Are you sure ? I don't want to hurt you !” You smiled and nodded heavily. He began to kiss your neck and you moaned for the first time. You pulled him in more and ripped his shirt off. He unbuttoned you blouse and kissed your breasts. The other clothes came off pretty fast and you saw his erection ready to enter you. You took a deep breath and he trusted slowly into you. It hurts but you don't want it to stop. After a few minutes the pain was away and you assured him that you were alright. You moaned louder and he trusted into with a fast rhythm. His moans became louder and his penis twitched inside of you. Your orgasm hit you hard. You both were so happy and totally in love with each other. The other day you woke up next to a naked Hoseok. You kissed his full lips and saw the hickeys you left on his collarbone. He said,” Good morning my love. Are you okay ?” You smiled,” Yes I am just a little sore but fine. That was the best night of my life.” He caressed your arm and gave you a light kiss on the forehead,” Yes mine too sweetie.” You two dressed and got back into your rooms. Hoseok told Yoongi and you told Hermione. She was shocked but happy that he is the one you love.
7th year: You didn’t liked the fact that Hermione was with Ron all the time. Hoseok tried to calm you down because you were scared of Voldemort. The day came and you, Hoseok and Yoongi fought on the side of Harry Potter. Luckily no one was seriously injured. You became a good Magician and learned everything from Hermione. After graduating from Hogwarts you married Hoseok after 2 years. You two have 3 sons and 1 girl. They are named Ichiro ( that means first son ), Youngjae, Win and Nami. You work at the Ministry of Magic and Hoseok owns a Candy shop in the Diagon Alley. Hermione visited you with her kids every weekend. Sadly your kids and her kids couldn’t go to school together because her children go to a muggle school.
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OMG that BTS Hogwarts pic is life 😍
Thats my very first time ever writing a smut so don't be angry with me when I described something wrong I’m so shy 🙈
I hope you like it and sorry for not choosing Jungkook but you are most compatible with J-hope by the answers you gave us❤️️
Feel free to request more lovely !
Thanks for requesting 😊
Have an amazing day 🍀
°Admin Kookka
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