#sn susan
eggsnatcheskneecaps · 2 years
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thenameofaslan · 5 months
Narnian Christmas
Helen Pevensie slowly lowered the phone back into its cradle, the conversation she had just had replaying in her mind.
“Yes, Mrs. Pevensie, we have a record of your husband…no, Mrs. Pevensie, we have no record of him being injured…Yes, Mrs. Pevensie, the captain was scheduled to arrive home three days prior…No, Mrs. Pevensie, we have no record of any ships being hit by enemy fire in transit…No, Mrs. Pevensie, we cannot confirm that your husband’s ship arrived…”
She grimaced, swallowing down the bitter taste that filled her mouth with every word. While the nasal, squeaky-voiced corporal had prattled on for ages, his words all meant the same thing: Your husband is missing.
Someone coughed in the other room, and Helen shook her head to clear the fog. She’d have to tell the children. Steeling herself, Helen strode into the parlor, where they were waiting.
“Mum?” Susan asked, setting her book aside. “Is there word?”
“No, darling, I’m afraid not,” Helen said, unable to keep her gaze from flickering to Edmund.
While her youngest son’s attitude had improved greatly since their return from the countryside—Helen had asked each of them what had happened, and they had all gotten this strange smile on their faces before denying that anything at all had happened—his attachment to his father had always been strong, as well as a source of contention between Edmund and, well, everyone else.
To her surprise, Edmund did not look bothered or upset in the slightest, merely grim. He was seated on the couch beside Lucy, and he wordlessly lifted his arm, allowing her to snuggle up against him. Susan reached across the space between her armchair and the couch, gripping Lucy’s small hand in hers. Peter, who had been leaning in the doorway between the parlor and the kitchen, straightened and walked over to the back of the couch, reaching down and gripping Edmund’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry,” he said confidently. “He’ll be home soon.”
There was something in his voice, a sureness, that startled Helen. She frowned at her oldest, but then she noticed that the rest of them were relaxing, even Edmund.
Susan’s eyes closed and she let out a soft sigh before smiling and giving Lucy’s fingers a squeeze. Edmund murmured something in Lucy’s ear, and she giggled. Peter smiled as well, tousling his younger brother’s hair before looking up at Helen. “Need help with the tea, Mum?”
The tea. I was making tea when the phone rang.
Helen nodded and followed Peter into the kitchen. As soon as they were out of earshot of the others, she turned to him, lowering her voice.
“Peter, I appreciate you trying to comfort your siblings, but the corporal said your father’s ship left the harbor but hasn’t arrived in port yet. I know you want to help, but I’m not sure giving the others false hope-!”
“Mum,” he cut in, looking amused. “I’m not giving them false hope. Dad will be home soon. Trust me. Have faith.”
He leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek before picking up the tea tray and heading back toward the parlor, whistling a tune Helen hadn’t heard before her children had returned from the countryside.
The Christmas Eve service at church was always full, and that night was no exception. Mothers, aunts, and grandmothers had much to be thankful for, since their children had come home safely. Helen smiled and nodded to the few parents she recognized before glancing at her own children, who were all dressed their best. One of Edmund’s old schoolmates had come by at the beginning of the service, pulling a face at Lucy, and Helen had felt a mixture of shock and pride as Edmund instantly placed himself between his former friend and his sister, his dark eyes narrowed in warning.
Her children had changed. Jim would be…
Helen’s eyes filled with tears. Oh Jim, where are you?
As a tear slipped its way down her cheek, someone slipped a hand into hers, and Helen looked down at Lucy. Her youngest smiled up at her, nodding reassuringly. Sniffling, Helen pulled her hand free and wrapped her arm around Lucy, kissing her daughter’s golden hair. Lucy rubbed her cheek against Helen’s sleeve and then rose up on her tiptoes. Helen bent down so the eight-almost-nine-year-old could speak to her.
“Don’t worry, Mum. Aslan’s watching over Daddy. Have faith.”
Helen reared up, startled. What, or who, was Aslan? And how on earth had her children gotten so wise?
Lucy moved away, slipping over to Peter. He reached down and lifted her up onto his hip with one arm, using the other to hold his hymnal as the congregation began to sing their last song. On Helen’s other side, Susan shuffled closer with her own hymnal, and Helen tried to focus on the hymn, her children’s voices still ringing in her ears.
Have faith.
Christmas morning dawned cold and clear, and Helen was woken up by the smell of coffee brewing and the sound of the children—particularly Lucy—doing their best to be quiet.
Helen made her way downstairs and found Edmund building a fire in the fireplace while Lucy excitedly told him about the view outside.
“It looks like it used to be at the pond,” she was saying. “Do you remember when we went ice skating?”
Helen frowned. When was the last time they’d gone skating? And what pond did she mean?
“Susan was always the best at it,” Edmund responded as he coaxed the flames higher. “I still don’t know where she learned that one spin.”
Before Helen could ask them what they meant, Susan appeared with a tray of mugs.
“Morning Mum,” she sang. “Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas!” Lucy squealed, hurtling off the window seat and charging her mother. Helen caught her in a tight hug, laughing. They settled on the floor by the tree, and Helen cringed inwardly at the small stack of presents beneath it. You all deserve so much more.
Peter handed out gifts. Helen received a lovely maroon scarf from the girls—when had they learned to knit—and, to her surprise, a new rocking chair from the boys that appeared to be handmade.
“We worked on it for ages,” Edmund said, looking a bit shy.
The children had gotten their normal gifts of soap, a few candies, a small book each, and for the girls, a small doll. They also surprised her by exchanging gifts with each other.
Lucy got a new knit hat of soft blue, a worn Bible, and a necklace with a lion pendant.
Edmund got a pair of dark green mittens, a second, or perhaps third-hand, chess set, and a pocketwatch with a lion on the inside of the lid.
Susan received an empty sketchbook, a small bottle of perfume, and a necklace similar to Lucy’s.
Peter received a dark red scarf, a journal, and a pair of cufflinks with lions on them.
They had eaten cinnamon cake and drank coffee and cider and hot chocolate, and Helen was lounging on the couch, running her fingers through a sleepy Lucy’s hair and listening to the radio when the doorbell rang.
Her heart jolted, and she sat up, startling Lucy.
No, no please, no.
The doorbell rang again, and they all looked around, wondering who would answer the door.
The visitor knocked, and Peter stood, giving his mother a reassuring look before walking towards the front hall. Helen squeezed Lucy tightly, hardly daring to breathe. She heard the door open and the murmur of soft voices. The door closed, and Peter reappeared in the doorway, a strange look on his face.
“Peter?” Helen asked, willing her voice to stay steady. “Who was at the door?”
Her son’s face twitched and then he broke into a grin.
“An answer to prayer,” he answered, stepping to one side to reveal…
It was hard to know who got to him first, or who knocked him over, but one way or another, the whole Pevensie family ended up on the floor, all hugging and laughing and crying. Helen kissed her husband and then looked around at her family, tears streaming down her face.
This was the perfect Christmas, she thought before catching Peter’s eye. He smiled and winked. Helen beamed back. Thank you for sharing your faith.
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not-goldy · 1 month
So according to not goldy the people who tag ministry in hundreads of numbers to tell them that a man is gay (mind you the man never came out as gay they just decided he's gay) and is forcing his sexuality to their fav are not the worst but people who yapp about jungkook calling jimin ugly is shitty on sns are the worst. Jungkook is not coming to see who's calling him what with not even 20 likes but when you tag ministry in hundreads of numbers they sure see it and want to look at dumbasses. If i remember correct someone on twitter themselves has posted about their interaction with officials and how they might look into it. Mind you they're trying to drag their own fav in the nastiest Scandal one could get in a homophobic country like sk but sure that's not worst according to not goldy.
And you can't go to jm's childhood to drag him neither you can go to his adulthood to question him cause guess what? There's Hardly anything to drag that man cause he's raised that way. a gentleman who taught others how not to be toxic mascular guy at his own childhood. He had that level of thoughts before even 18 when others used to go "men don't look at their selfies" lol. you can try all you want you can't drag jm. There's a reason he's called an angel by the fandom. "I can also go to jimin's childhood" you can't susan you can't. He's jimin.
"Persons who yapp about Jungkook calling JM ugly-"
When did Jungkook call Jimin Ugly????
Don't treat that as facts cos that never happened.
And most times he ranked Jimin last he ranked himself second to last so that's neither here nor there.
And I don't think Jungkook ranking Jimin last in looks is yalls issue. The issue is yall branding him AN EVIL HUMAN BEING, DEMONIZING him for teasing Jimin, playfully avoiding him on camera,
Ya running around people's blogs trying to convince them Jungkook lives in hell next to lucifer yall ain't shit.
Your evidence: he teased Jimin when he was child.
Well if your problem is with Jungkook's toxic fans tagging ministries take it up with them. Jungkook is not the one tagging the Ministry so yall can leave that man alone.
That's hardly anything to complain about Jimin from his childhood....
And when I say yall fools set Jimin up- you are no better than the JJK dragging their fave in one of the nastiest scandals in Korea.
So may be hop off that high horse?????
Yall and JKKs are the same breed cut from the same claw
And between them being homophobic and yall being child abusers, I'll pick the homophobia just as I will pick a bear over a man 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Jimin is HUMAN he's done things that are equally problematic but guess what HE'S GROWN AND LEARNED FROM IT.
Yall need to stop stripping his growth and humanness away from him.
At this point you are just objectifying him.
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designers-teaparty · 10 months
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vap0rwavedream · 1 year
Christmas headcanons
More sn headcanons as a Christmas gift.
∙ Aeon has a little mini Christmas tree in his lab that Marina decorated for him
∙ Loen is an absolute Christmas fanatic
∙ Yexiao always bakes a bunch of sweets for bake sales in Cloud
∙ Starhaven looks like a christmas dreamland in winter and with all the christmad decorations
∙ There is also a figure skating competition held on Lake Silvermoon
∙ Modric gets a group of people and goes Caroling around
∙ The Mercury Group does a very chaotic secert santa. None have ever gone smoothly
∙ Chi Xiaoyu and Vermillion Snow hve matching christmas sweaters
∙ Loen attended Susan and Willams's Christmas concert and Susan was overly joyed
∙ Caprico has never actually been a fan of christmas, even from he was a kid
∙ Aeon trys very hard to find a heart fet and unique chrismas gift for Loen but Marina makes it very hard to do so
∙ Ashley once played a very enchanting Christmas song in the Violin one year for a Chistmas concert
∙ Zoey used to play hokey when she was a kid. (i kind just put this in here because North Kingdom is basically just the Canada Of Miralad tbh)
∙ Nikki's favourite holiday is Christmas
There should Be more coming soon :)
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odinsblog · 2 years
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SMH. I heard Cassidy Hutchinson say something like, “I hated to see this after all the great things he did for the country.” She was talking about Donald Trump. Several others said the same thing. About Donald Trump.
Regardless of what you may hear Democratic leadership saying, calling Hutchinson and Liz Cheney “brave” or “good people” or whatever, please remember: they are self-described, lifelong Republicans and in the upcoming midterm elections and in 2024, they WILL be voting for other Republicans who want to keep Roe v Wade overturned; they WILL be voting for other Republicans who will vote for voter suppression and against the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Because they are REPUBLICANS. (If you consider yourself a centrist or a #VBNMW cultist, I’ll make it easy to understand: treat the Republicans like you would if they were Susan Sarandon).
SN: everything above includes Cheri Jacobus, the author of this tweet. “Never Trump Republicans” are still Republicans. Who are against bodily autonomy & voting rights, etc.
To be clear: I am thankful that the smaller minions are turning state evidence on the big criminal. Honestly, I am. But that’s what they are. Republican minions (who didn’t want to become the fall guy) making a deal, many of whom had to be subpoenaed. At the end of the day, they are the voters who empower the GOP to do all of the hateful, heinous, regressive things Republican voters support—before, during and after Trump.
Whoever runs shit at the GOP has decided they have had enough of Trump’s shenanigans—not because they dislike the 3 Christofascists he added to SCOTUS, not because they dislike all the tax cuts he got them—but because he became uncontrollable. Republican leadership has decided to go with Ron DeSantis. They’re trading up. Trump 2.0. They get the same racist, homophobic, Islaomophobic policies… they get the same Federalist Society SCOTUS nominees, and the same tax cuts, but they get rid of all the bad optics & unpredictability. With Trump gone, they can put the Republican mask back on, feign innocence and once again claim some modicum of “respectability”.
I missed seeing the Insurrection as it happened in real time, so I’m glad to see the January 6th Committee going in so hard and sO thoroughly. (iMho, the only reason they’re able to do so is because they have the blessings of GOP leadership). If you’re at all politically inclined, it’s really worth watching. Hearing Trump’s own voice behind the scenes was really …. something. Hopefully, hopefully Trump will be held accountable.
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neosprivacc · 1 year
User @sneezemonster15, death threats, hate cult, Hinduphobia, and internalized misogyny
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Lmaooo this is actually so funny coz is this really the best you can do??? Really??? Typing 'kill yourself' ANONYMOUSLY??? What kind of cowardish shit have I seen from a spineless, brainless sheep which obviously lacks critical thinking and reading comprehension this time? I've seen more imaginative and creative comebacks than this. You're stuck in the 2000s.
Looks like I struck whoever this shit's nerve more than I got mine struck lmaoo.
May I remind you that whatever I said to user @sneezemonster15 NEVER include death threats nor an attack on their race/faith/sexuality/gender identity?
May I ALSO remind you what THEY have done previously?
@sneezemonster15 is openly hinduphobic and, as you all have know, is toxic beyond belief. And I’m here to simply amplify the energy back.
Receipt of them previously harassing someone: https://www.tumblr.com/captain-shippard/658715899257389056/hey-sneezemonster15-just-unblocking-you-for-a
Receipt of them being openly hinduphobic: https://elves-of-the-east.tumblr.com/post/659205646903902208/staff-i-have-report-an-account-under-the-name-of
Receipt of them sending death threats and/or encouraging death threats: https://elves-of-the-east.tumblr.com/post/664680298292953088/were-you-block-on-that-sns-post-and-also-was
Not really important, but my personal rant: https://neolilac.tumblr.com/post/703446037100150784/an-archive-of-my-conversation-with-user
Less important rant: https://neolilac.tumblr.com/post/703450062141947904/have-we-forgotten-what-a-fanfiction-really-is
My general impression of this side of the SNS fandom which I think is way worse than all the SNS antis I've ever met lol. People can still ship pairs even though they're not canon, Susan: https://neolilac.tumblr.com/post/703452416931250176/i-an-sns-shipper-am-today-years-old-when-i
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laresearchette · 7 months
Monday, October 23, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern
CRAVE TV 30 COINS (Season 2, Episode 1)
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Habs vs. Sabres
MURDOCH MYSTERIES (CBC) 8:00pm: Murdoch suspects the stabbing of a man at an oyster bar is linked to a former case involving harlots sold into marriage.
LISTING LARGE (CTV Life) 8:00pm: Odeen and Lamont navigate a new stage of their relationship as they help with each other's separate homes.
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 8:15pm: 49ers vs. Vikings
COUNTRY HOUSE HUNTERS: CANADA (CTV Life) 8:30pm: Stacy and Patrick hunt for the perfect country home in leafy green Maple Ridge.
VICTORIA (CBC) 9:00pm: Victoria faces the impact of cholera after Albert leaves for Cambridge.
THE TRAITORS CANADA (CTV) 10:00pm: The Armory opens its doors for the first time; two guests settle their scores at a Round Table.
HIGHWAY THRU HELL (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm: Team Aggressive navigates their way through the snowy chaos to join Reliable Towing'sDylan on a recovery; Jamie uses his LA Rotator to help truckers stuck in the snow;Highways Maintenance and Al have their hands full guiding drivers up the highway.
SCOTT'S VACATION HOUSE RULES (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm: Once upon a time, Susan's happy place was her cottage. But over the years, she has become burdened by all the fixes this waterfront property needs.
ACTING GOOD (CTV Comedy) 10:30pm: The race for Chief of Grouse Lake gets nasty, as Cousin Leon throws his hat in the ring; Paul finds refuge in an unlikely place.
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
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My Book Review
As a person who was enrolled in a sonic arts program and obtained a BFA in Music and Audio Production well over 10 years ago, I made sure to grab a knife and fork before I dived into This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You. This is right up my musical, analytical alley. 
Susan Rogers, who was Prince's sound engineer and currently teaches at Berklee College of Music, delivers a unique approach into the science and soul of music that creates an interactive experience for readers to understand their musical appetite and discover which listener profile — authenticity, realism, novelty, melody, lyrics, rhythm, or timbre — is their "sweet spot." 
"We each seek out different sorts of experiences and emotional rewards from our musical encounters. Some listeners favor songs that evoke sweet nostalgia, while others crave a groove that matches their inner rhythm. Some listeners prefer to let their imaginations wander freely when they enjoy their favorite records, while others visualize specific scenes evoked by a song's lyrics. Some listeners covet innovative sound design, while for others it's all about that bass."
I already knew where I landed — the timbre profile — well before I began reading, but it's a treat to go through the process in the shoe's as an alternative profile before you find your Goldilocks group. This book doesn't drag down a daunting path when it comes to any technological or neuroscience aspect. From the average listener to a producer, it's straightforward for music enthusiasts at every level.
SN: My listener profile is pretty obvious for those who’ve been following my page for some time. I’m always bringing up timbre — the colors (rich, warm, smoky, velvety, ethereal, silky, etc) of tones produced from musical instruments or vocal quality of singers that’s enthralling enough to make me close my eyes and ensue chills as I’m pulled in the zone. Chile, I be gliding. 
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Was so lost in my Capri induced fever I forgot to post this
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chloeworships · 8 months
Also if you are an immigrant watching this, you could be discovered. I would seek asylum or some help before you are 💔 If you live in an unsafe neighbourhood it’s time to relocate.
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The staircase 👀
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The Holy Spirit revealed to me that this spirit is a female Marine Spirit. Though she didn’t harm me, it’s still demonic 😭🥺 Be careful. I was wondering why she looked wet 🧜🏿‍♀️
Places mentioned:
Also the number 3 is significant
The faceless Angels with me looked like this but with no wings and no hair:
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SN. You know what’s INSANE the other day I was close to a Weeping Willow Tree and I was telling God how they are my favourite… why is the first image referred to as Willow Tree Angels. I just cannot babes 😍🥹🤩
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God knows many of these immigrants are suffering are grieving and are mourning…
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I love you too God and my Angels 🫂 Thank you for being here for us.
I love this Bible App. Thank you 🙏🏾
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tonkiiphone · 2 years
Define stockpile stewardship and its purpose.
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#Define stockpile stewardship and its purpose. free#
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'stewardship.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. The United States is evaluating its options for managing surplus uranium-233 (233U), which is a weapons-usable material like weapons-grade. If at one point along the supply chain a shortage (or bottleneck) can be perceived in advance by firms beyond that point, then those. National and international trade is dependent upon complex and interrelated supply lines from the raw material to the finished good. 2022 Yet under his stewardship, the North reimagined its economy while the Confederacy’s imploded. the act of accumulating STOCK over and above normal requirements.
#Define stockpile stewardship and its purpose. free#
Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press, That doesn’t preclude him backing Lightfoot despite his consistent criticism of the direction of the city under her stewardship, according to Duncan. Kathy Orton, Washington Post, 15 July 2022 Under his stewardship, Vlasic Foods sold 96 varieties of pickles, peppers, relishes and sauerkrauts across the nation. Commercial partnerships are in place for the storage, maintenance, and rapid transport of SNS assets. 2022 Llangollen thrived under her stewardship, becoming one of the major racing stables in the United States. The SNS is a network of strategically located repositories located throughout the United States that houses a vast inventory of antibiotics, antitoxins, antiviral drugs, vaccines, medical supplies and materials, and other pharmaceuticals. Over the centuries, its range of reference spread to the oversight of law courts, employee unions, college dining halls, Masonic lodges, and many other organizations. Kelly Bastone, Outside Online, 13 June 2022 Under his stewardship, the terror group grew from four hundred or so men on 9/11 to perhaps forty thousand today in Al Qaeda proper and its affiliates, which range from Morocco to India. When stewardship first appeared in English during the Middle Ages, it functioned as a job description, denoting the office of a steward, or manager of a large household. 2022 This includes refusal of bribery and corruption environmental stewardship confidentiality of intellectual property ethical labor relations and compliance with international, national, state, and local laws.įorbes, 25 July 2022 Retailers that build meaningful bridges with their communities improve environmental stewardship, fuel inclusivity among outdoor enthusiasts, grow participation in sports-and, yes, boost sales. Recent Examples on the Web The candidates and the party are no longer focused on the true vocation of the Tory: the careful stewardship of the nation and its institutions, upon which the Tory believes rest the country’s wealth and freedom.
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eclipsecrowned · 10 months
a shortlist of muses + romance
muses who are already committed to their person, and that’s all they need: adam, lisa t*pes, odette, aleary ibn’jiang, eugenie danglars, melisande, peter l*kas, er*qus, isa, riku, susan d*lgado
muses who are already committed to their person, but open: nikolai, mystery whitethorn, evi kholin, theophania forrester, joanna l*nnister, henry w*nter, daniel m*lloy, bensiabel, danielle o’ the wold, ariadne, laufey, odin, sigyn, enkidu, john pr*itt, nyx, azumaya hana, laszlo cr*vensworth
muses who are single but it’s complicated because of their dynamic with a third party: ada w*ng, un*hana bane, jonathan cr*ne, maria albescu, kascheyvna, kokoro kyriakou, zelda, l*stat de li0ncourt
muses who lost their someone, and aren’t ready to move on just yet: clare poe, am*lthea, eva portinari, jeannie n*pier, severina ulpia, seth plate, mercedes de morcerf, nish*kiyama akira, aspasia, orpheus, freyja, gwynevere, br*ska
muses who idealize romantic norms, but shy away from the reality of it: br*enne of t*rth, artemis, tanith, z*vran ar*inai, einmyria l*vellan
muses who want love, but for some reason or another consider it beyond them: hel lokadotter, claude di montoya, brunhilde, in*go m*ntoya, mordaunt, yelizaveta molyboga, mercy lee, charlotte d*shayes, max th*mpson jr, shalendra, mira snow
muses who have the wedding, house, and kids names all picked out, they just need the other half: vera sudcliffe, hnoss
muses who want to settle down and find the one: mina wakefield, aria m*hariel, karin lindholm, cristina dragfy, zoltan szilagzy, eric d*lano, gareth h*wke, catherine hamilton, aqua, oswald c*bbplepot, viktor r*znov
muses who are looking for something real, but no rush to commit: laerion vel*ryon, raisa wolfe, pip b*rnadotte, bruce w*yne, lucien, nuala, edgar baines, modeste lachapelle, candelaria silverio, eleirch merch iaen, fenrir, utgard-loki, melanie k*ng, lucienne, l*thric, steven deschain, inessa briar, titus draut*s, steria kyriakou, l*rten cr*psley, catherine rice
muses who want something casual, nothing serious: johnny mactavish, roxelena angethier, nish*kiyama yuko, h0id, danae spencer, sh*va alomar, kayden connors, marika corvinus, odessa h*rkonnen, mercy lee, sarah w*lliams, josette st. yves, melinoe, lucy bierce, astraea l*cis cael*m, aer*th gainsb*rough, marvin br*nagh
muses who want to find a bit of fun in the sack: gensai shizuka, asha gr*yjoy, s*raphina p*tchiner, susan howard, ciaran, taran l*vellan, cyra cross, megaera
muses who want to bedhop like an olympic competitor: n*shitani homare, damien priestley, mary deschain, crowe alti*s
muses who just want the hurting to stop: dream, moash, michael m*rbius, aeg*n iii t*rgaryen, elsa, anais butler, ard*n l*cis cael*m, jon sn*w
muses who do not want love, they want power: cirila montoya, julia mayfair, h*nnibal l*ctor, asena nesimi, uma of the isle, damien thorn, v*serra t*rgaryen, dracula, gabrielle de li0ncourt, miss lukas, invi, alb*l nox
muses who do not want love, they want shenanigans: the mole, the host, kris lindholm, sorcha dempsey, merel van breda, sylphr*na, the snow queen, anna, victor d*shayes
muses who are baby, actually: lyann* b*lton, r*xas
no: roose b*lton, the weasel
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shiningwizard4284 · 2 years
I’m pretty sure Marina and Susan would get along like a house on fire! Aka very strong but very destructive. They’d be so chaotic together, Aeon’s library would never be quiet cos they’ve both rigged it with pranks!
Marina deserves a buddy so I drew them laughing together!
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lavander-aavaros · 2 years
I want Susan to have a little crush on Loen when she gets older. It’s short lived and not reciprocated, maybe Loen gives her a “thanks but I’m already taken” (by Nikki? Aeon? Neither?)
I don’t think she’s close enough to Nikki to see her as an older sister, but they’d definitely talk about it
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evernights-dream · 2 years
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Guys I made art
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