#snowpoint city
wishcloak · 4 months
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ranger-rai · 9 months
My partners are pachirisu, snover, and sneasel! They're a strange group but I love them. Pachi is team leader, Snover is a shy bean that clings to his big bro (and the instigator) Sneasel
Snover is a pokemon I don't get to speak about as much which is such a shame.
Snover is actually very helpful for snow traveling trainers and explorer's.
They can help so much with survival due to the berries they can grow on their backs. They don't freeze, and while they might be cold in the summer, berries that grow in their underbrush on their head are slightly warmer.
Their eyesight is really good in the snow, and they are use to rooting and moving through heavy snowfall and blizzards, along with Abomasnow, and you could ride on one through a blizzard.
They can do very well in the heat too, as their roots and create permafrost in Shaded areas, so they amazingly can spark growth in droughts.
They are a pretty underrated pokemon, and I wish more people knew of them.
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daily-pokemon-trivia · 11 months
The 12th of january is Junichi Masuda's birthday. Due to being one of the most involved figures in pokemon, there's a birthday gift for him in Diamond and Pearl (and later platinum + bdsp). If you go to Snowpoint city on this day, you will see diamond dust falling from the sky instead of snow.
This isn't actually the only time this happens in the series, just the first. There are some other notable dates that give diamond dust too! Like the red and green release day, mew's discovery date, dp release dates etc.
In some modern pokemon games it's become a birthday feature. Next time you play Scarlet and Violet on your birthday, try going to Glaseado Mountain!
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emily-mooon · 4 months
What's YOUR favorite playlist? Also I don't remember the number but what are some of your favorite vines? (If not vines then something similar)
This one:
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The blurb describes itself:
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I’m over them now but I love how the playlist I made to get over a guy I spoke like five words to has become my main playlist
I know it’s supposed to be one but I gotta share this chaotic one i made at like 13:
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The only song on there is snowpoint city from the Pokémon Diamond and pearl soundtrack. It’s not what you think though. It’s instead added multiple times because I had no idea how song repeat worked at the time so if I wanted to listen to a song on loop I did this.
In terms of vines I do like the one about Tim Hortons in a vine comp I saw here on Tumblr. Also the helium balloons in the car one. And the bill wurtz garbage can one. And the.. actually now that I think about it I like a lot of them
Thanks for sending in an ask <3333 :D
(Link to the ask game)
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timeturner-jay · 1 year
How about a drabble about your favorite Pokémon game? Maybe let us figure out which game/region it is through the story :D
(So normally, I would only take requests that are formatted with a character name and a one-word prompt, but you're a regular, so I'll make an exception for you. <3 I hope you like it!)
She remembers the first time she took this hike – looking back, she had been ridiculously underprepared then. She’s lucky that she survived it at all, and if it hadn’t been for the help of a cautious but compassionate wild Sneasel, who had guided her through the blizzard and to a nearby cabin, she knows she wouldn’t have. What had she been thinking, climbing this mountain in a skirt and a sleeveless top? Even at that age, she should have known better. Then again, she remembers how she felt back then, on her very first journey – free and undefeatable. She hadn’t been afraid of anything, because nothing had been able to stop her.
She knows better, now. Years of being the Champion have taught her the value of preparation and a level head. She’s still undefeated – she wouldn’t be the Champion otherwise, after all – but she has taken life’s lessons to heart.
She shares a smile with the Weavile walking beside her, older and all grown-up now, just like she is. He’s still perfectly adapted to his home environment of course, even if they don’t come here all that often; his steps are so light, he barely leaves a trace in the snow. She can’t say the same for herself. Her boots are heavy with crusted ice as she trudges on, sinking in deep with every step. Still, she is warm in her heavy coat and snow gear, and her eyes are bright as she takes in the beautiful landscape this far north. It’s harsh terrain, and it nearly cost her her life once, but she thinks it’s all the prettier for it. She loves the hike to Snowpoint City.
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pokemaster91 · 2 years
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Another Battle Point sync pair unlocked! Candice & Froslass are here to freeze their opponents!
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son1c · 4 months
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who says you can't?
I know that there's a Twilight Town in both Kingdom Hearts and Paper Mario
honestly ur so right. *BREAKS FREE FROM MY CHAINS*
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silliestofsillys · 1 month
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fukushublog · 1 year
and here i am being reminded how much other zoroark fucking suck.
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leafiion · 3 months
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im in love with you.
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realpokemon · 1 year
i don't understand the people who say that battling via battle simulators is "doing it wrong". sure you cant form a bond with simulated pokemon but i like using strong pokemon in battles. i live in snowpoint city how do they expect me to take care of a salamence
sorry theyre mad at you for. playing video games? hello?
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patriamrealm · 9 days
Kinda funny idea: Kid who lives in snowpoint city sneaks into the temple, makes their way to the lowest basement unscathed somehow. Finds the dormant Regigigas, decides to take a nap there before they make their way back up. This becomes a regular occurrence, with the kid just making their way to the bottom of the temple, the statue keeping a vigilant eye out as they rest. Eventually they go in normal, and come out covered in moss, significantly more sluggish than usual.
Oh oh that’s actually adorable! I love the thought of Regigagus becoming quite fond of this kid enough to want to fraction off and this kid finding the statue being the safest most comforting space! Only add on I can think of is not only could the kid walk out covered in moss and more sluggish than usual but this odd little moss covered pokemon would be trailing after them too!
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kazerflame · 4 months
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Femi and Adalie! Residents of Snowpoint.
Snowpoint/Dream au belongs to @son1c
Adalie is from Snowpoint. She likes to read and spends most of her time indoors. The cold doesn't effect her much but still wears warm clothing because of her parents.
Femi on the other hand isn't from Snowpoint. She's from a city that was mostly destroyed by Infinite and Eggman's forces. While she was helping people get to safer places an eggbot(those beige one that appear in sonic forces) shot her while she was distracted. Femi only covered her face and chest with her hands. Her hands were amputated and part of her muzzle(or mouth) was burnt off. So now she wears a mask and her metal prosthetics.
A little after she got her prosthetics she began helping around the resistance. When it was announced that Sonic, Sonic, and rookie defeated Infinite and Eggman, she dipped right after and left the resistance and went to the most secluded place in the world(snowpoint). When she arrived she was quickly taken in my Adalie and her family. She doesn't like talking much about her past and says that her injuries from an accident. Femi is not a big snowboarding/skiing fan. But likes to cheer on the players.
(not canon) When Sonic arrives she recognizes him instantly. She starts asking him about his friends and how they're doing. When she notices Sonic doesn't have any memory of them she plays it off by saying, "I'm just messing with you!". This does make her wonder why Sonic doesn't remember a lot of stuff. When Shadow arrives she asks him about Sonic. They both come up with plans on how to save Sonic and make him remember and get him out of Snowpoint safely.
Or... After she asks Sonic multiple questions, Starline hears about this and gets a hold of her and wipes her memory of the whole resistance and everything related to Eggman. So the next time she talks to him and Sonic asks her more about where she got the whole resistance stuff and she goes "Huh? Who?". And she falls into Starline's plan as another villager.
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pillotalkin · 3 months
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It's Pokemon Day, so I'm finally getting around to posting this PokeExchange 2023 (@secretstantler) piece I did for Flufferdoodle (AO3) on here as well!
The prompt was about Maylene trying to tough out the Snowpoint City cold like Candice can, even though she Really Really can't... After reading that, I wondered if Candice might carry that jacket around her waist around for something other than fashion, and this comic is what came out!
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waywardstation · 1 year
Idea for a "Yamask/Cofagrigus Ingo" idea: Ingo's Paradoxical nature results in him coming back not as a normal Yamask, but as a Paradox Pokémon. Specifically, he becomes Iron Perigee, a Ghost/Psychic Paradox variant of Cofagrigus/Runerigus with an Ability (Spatial Vacuum) that serves as Volt Absorb/Water Absorb for Dark-type moves.
(Ingo looks like a Cofagrigus/Runerigus version of Old Sci-Fi Rocketships-except in all black, with stripes up the side reminiscent of the stripes on his coat, and that light up Pearl Clan pink whenever he opens up.)
Iron Perigee, or Raygurigus as it's known by the people of Snowpoint City, is a strange Pokémon: very little is known about it beyond references to it in the writings of the Pearl Clan and blurry photographs. However, what little sources on it say that it stands guard over the resting grounds of the Pearl Clan, dispatching all intruders with blasts of Psychic power and bursts of gravitational energy. Some of the people in Snowpoint say that it is the soul of the Last Warden, transformed into a Pokémon of steel and ectoplasm to better protect his clan mates. Others claim that it is the soul of one lost in time, transformed into a being of the future it came from, and stands watch over the Pearl Clan as gratitude for taking it in so long ago. Very few know the truth-that it is both of these things at once, and that even now, it seeks the memories of a time before Hisui-memories it lost long ago, before it arrived in these cold lands.
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Loving the space theme; it relates to the Pearl Clan, but in a more modern sense to fit with Ingo’s original timeline!!
Apologies for holding off on this ask anon, it’s a fun concept and I really wanted to draw something for it, so I had to wait until I found some time to do so!
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