itsanerdlife · 3 years
Hey, I’ve read just about all your work (absolutely love them!) and was wondering if you had any good fic recommendations for any of the marvel boys?
Oh thank you so much. Ummm let’s see….
@iwillbeinmynest @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @bettercallsabs @captain-kelli @fangirlinsweden @sprinklesandsugarcubes @snowyseba @travelwithwords @writingfortheavengers @writingruna
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searchingforbucky · 4 years
FIC RECS (Part 16) :)
Hey guys, so here it finally is. The CEO!Bucky Rec List. Sorry its taken so long for me to get this out, I really have just been feeling not so hot. So it took me a while to get it done. BUT its longer than usual to make up for they delay. Reading these made me feel a lot better, so I hope you guys like it! :)
(smuts are denoted with a ***, theres a lot of them haha)
Siren song by @jaamesbbarnes
OKAY LETS START THIS OFF WITH A BANG! This is the first Bucky CEO story I’ve ever read, and it was like an amazing Segway into this AU. So reader has a crush on her boss, he supposedly doesn’t like her back, so she joins a dating website where she meets this mysterious guy and falls in love. Crazy right? Even more so that it’s actually her boss?? This was a fantastic story filled with mutual pining, fluff, some perfectly timed angst, but most of all, some of the softest Bucky towards the end that I have ever been blessed to read. I want him to talk to me like that :( really loved this one!
All My Stars by @moonstruckbucky
Let’s go right into another amazing story. So this one is about Bucky boring FCC a new assistant, one who he basically falls in love with, and oh holy hell shes engaged. Let’s see how this turns out. So I will say it’s not finished yet, but I think what’s there is amazing enough to warrant a place on this list! Meg is a genius in how she writes the dynamic between characters. You feel for all of them no matter what, Bucky is detached and the reader is oblivious and you just want to shove them together like dolls and make them fall in love! It’s definitely a rollercoaster ride, and I’m excited to possibly see where it ends up :) 
Chocolate Truffles by @soldatjbb
OH THIS ONE IS SO SWEET! Okay so this one is about the reader wanting to give her boss Bucky Barnes chocolate on Valentine’s Day, when she sees she got some flowers. So when I say sweet I mean tooth rotting fluff holy hell I loved it. They’re both the biggest shy dorks who obviously have feeling for them and it really made my heart swell to ungodly proportions it was not okay. Bucky is the sweetest most nervous boy, and the reader isn’t much better. In a matter of like 1k words I was already immersed and invested in this possible relationship it was crazy! Amazing 
Pleasure and Business by @notimetoblog
OK wow, this one is just fantastic. So James and the reader are set to make a deal. So there’s something about this one that’s just really mysterious, like throughout the whole story you kind a know what’s going on but also you don’t, it’s a really good story and really unique when it comes to CEOs stories because the reader seems to hold the place of power as well, I also really really love the dynamic between the two characters because it’s really playful and loving and lighthearted even in this business setting, and I never really completely got what The business deal they were making was, but honestly it doesn’t even matter because the story was so good.
A very important phone call by @suz-123 ***
LOL, OK so this one. All I’ll say, is that the reader is Buckys good luck charm, and he needed it for a specific business call. This one was a trip. it was filthy, but written so well. And just the general storyline, while he’s on the phone made it exciting like not just because it was sexy but because it was just really like oh my God what’s going to happen is he going to get caught?! And man Bucky has a mouth on him, but I’m not gonna spoil it but let me just tell you, Suz has a way with endings. I genuinely didn’t expect it and That made it that much more awesome
The Man by @interestedbystanderwrites ***
Oof! This one! Now this one was amazing. So this one was about the raider going to her exes wedding, when she meets Bucky Barnes, who just so happens to own the hotel the wedding is held that. there are night leads to some down and dirty times, which is how all times like these should. This one was just really fun to read, because not only was it smut but it was also interwoven into a storyline, and at the end you’re really left wanting more. There’s a little hint of sugar daddy in there at the end, which makes it like even more interesting. Super good.
Late nights at the office by @after-avenging-hours ***
Oh I love this one! And I think I love it because it’s a really amazing mix of the storyline, and really well written smut. So this one is about Bucky being the readers boss, and there’s a deal coming up so he sends her a request to get something done by a day that causes miscommunication between them. So I really like this one because Bucky isn’t portrayed as like a jerk boss as he is and some other stories which is really refreshing, like he was genuinely sad that there was that miscommunication and she stayed after, and I think that made it all the more rewarding when they didn’t have sexy times because you actually really liked both characters. And it was well written, and you were left wanting to know what goes on with them in the future. Lovely.
Surprise visit by @imaginingbucky
okay so I really love this one. It’s super sweet, Bucky is a very busy CEO, and the reader is an extremely patient and understanding girlfriend. It was really cute, especially the end. I love stories like this where Bucky is genuinely a good guy who loves his girlfriend and understands that he’s not being the most available to her. I love seeing the moment he realized he needed to do something, and honestly just seeing healthy relationships in fics is so refreshing, and it was really well written.
Not interested by @promarvelfangirl
Ohhhhh this one is like an OG favorite of mine. So this one is about suave cocky Bucky Barnes getting everything he wants in life, until you. The reader comes in and shakes his whole world and it’s the cutest. Seeing the tension they have throughout the story is exciting, but my absolute favorite part was the fact that throughout the story you can see his love her her change from lust to love, or at least that’s how I saw it. And like you also got to know him and understand him over time. It was a great read, unique story line, loved it!
Sweet Life by @jalepenobarnes
Okay! So now we have a man awesome POC!reader story!! I love this one, I don’t know if I would qualify it as a series of oneshots but maybe that’s what it is, either way it’s great. So it’s a series of moments that showcase certain parts of the readers life and her relationship with Bucky. This is just a really sweet story, it really showcases the life of a POC In the discriminating world, especially when it comes to business, and it really opened my eyes to how I read these stories. Bucky is also super sweet, When he loves, he loves hard and with his whole self and you can really see it in this story. It’s beautiful. 
Right person wrong number by @propertyofpoeandbucky
Okay! So this one I loved. It’s about the reader moving to New York to start a new life after a breakup. She wants to be a photographer, and in that time, she received a text from a wrong number. Let the whirlwind romance begin! It’s cute, it’s funny, it’s SOFT BUCKY! It’s really just a whole package haha. Also check out her other fics: White Lace, Let the Games Begin, My Best Friends Dad, and Ringing
Tongue Tied by @soldatbarnes ***
Oh this one was spicy. So it’s about Bucky being really stressed and busy at work, and his wife coming up with a plan to help him relax. That plan is very sexual, and provides a wonderful story to read lol. But I also like the tender aspect of their relationship that you see in little snippets, you can tell they really care about each other over everything else. And I think that’s really important to see in these CEO stories because usually he’s a jerk.
Let Me Help by @asirenscalling **
So this is a story about Bucky being stressed at work, and you deciding to help him relax. Obviously that answer is sexual lol, the best way don’t we all know. This was very smutty, not much to it other than smut, but it was really well written and very entertaining haha. Also, loved the little snarky back and forth at the end, it was cute!
An Unfortunate Convenience by @bucky-smiles
Ohhhhhhh buddy, now this is a killer one. So this one is about the reader goes out to celebrate a promotion, had a wonderful one night stand, and surprise? That guy was her boss. What could go wrong? This one was so awesome. Daisy is such a great writer, and this is a prime example. There were so many twists and turns and it was actually realistic you know? Like there wasn’t a perfect story, they messed up, he messed up, and it wasn’t all sunshine’s and rainbows. The reader stood up for herself and I really admire that! 
I’m so in love with you by @supersoldierslover
The description is right! This is so damn fluffy I cant handle it! So it’s about the reader and Bucky spending quality time together after he’s been super busy at work. It’s so freaking cute, all of the flashbacks, the way you can see that they truly genuinely care about eachother. Like, it’s one of my favorite things to see a relationship consisting of two people who love eachother. Nothin Better than reading about love. And Bucky, god Bucky is the sweetest in this! And let me say, I will also love Bucky Barnes forever. 
***Added later to the rec list
Home for the Holidays by @buckybarnesbeans
Stereotypical by @avasparks
Dangerous Dalliance by @justreadingfics
Business and pleasure by @snowyseba
City love by @chrevastan
A meeting in buckys office by @tetralea
Jr Executive by @buckybarnesappreciationsociety
Let Me Love You by @thewritersoldier
The arrangement by @buckbarnesjames
Executive Floor by @ackeviddlestan
Weekend at Buckys @marvel-media
Okay! Thank you guys soooo much for reading this. i’m sorry its late, but I had fun doing it :) I hope you guys like it! I have a couple more to read so check back for those being added 💖
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writing-mermaid · 4 years
The Princess and The Mad Hatter, prologue : Don't you see I'm the narrator and this is just the prologue
Summary : What if Snow-White wasn’t the fairest of all ? What if the most beautiful princess of the Enchanted Forest has been forgotten because she didn’t fell in love with a prince ? This is the story of a curse and of a love story defying all the codes of fairy tales.
Pairing : Jefferson The Mad Hatter x Princess Rose (OFC)
Warnings : None
Word Count : 626
Author’s note : I’ve already posted this, on my main blog, but I decided to rework on it to repost it. Hope you’ll like it. Don’t forget that feedback is appreciated and really important.
Song of the title : The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage - Panic! At the Disco
The Princess and The Mad Hatter masterlist
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Storybrooke, 2016
 Emma walks with purpose towards the edge of the forest, Hook glued to her steps. The blond woman is pissed off, decided to found, as fast as she can, the magic creature, potentially dangerous, according to Gold, which abruptly flown away from an item from his shop, creating a huge mess on its way out. Cars are turned upside down, windows are broken, and a mysterious purple trail shows a way to follow, the savior immediately rushes after that thing to avoid it to make new damages, her boyfriend just behind her.
 Once on the edge of the wood, they both scan the surrounding area to find their prey.
  “Look, there is something over there”, Emma points, walking slowly, trying not to frighten the figure she had spotted.
  The form on the ground doesn’t have anything of a monster or a magic creature, Emma notices once she is closer to it. It’s a human being, more exactly a young woman, lying on her stomach, the side of her face buried inside the feathers and the wet ground of the forest. Light white skin, with long auburn hair falling on her left shoulder. With the shape of her body, Emma immediately notices that the young woman is pregnant, and probably close to the end. Hook observes the scene, watching Emma gently pulling away the unknown woman hair from her face and then looking for her hand to take her pulse.
  “Bloody Hell !”, the pirate suddenly exclaims, while placing his right hand on his mouth, eyes wide open in a state of shock,
“What ?”, Emma asks. “Do you know her ?”
“Aye, love. I know her… She’s my princess.”
“What ?! What do you mean your princess ?”
“Not my princess in that way. It’s my princess, the one from the kingdom I come from, my birthplace. But I thought she was dead a long time ago…”
“Wait a minute, if I understand well, she’s the one you were talking about with Liam in the Underworld ? The one you asked for news ?”
“Aye, that’s her”, he answered. “How is she ? Is she alive ?”
“She seems to be okay.”, Emma tells him grabbing her wrist. “But she really breathes slowly, and has a very weak pulse, we need to take her to the hospital.”
  Emma gently turns the young woman on her back. She pulls off some other hair, in order to see her face’s details. If she really is a princess, as Killian said, she has the beauty but not really the look. Her clothes are very simple, but Emma’s gaze stops on the young woman’s face, she can’t see her eyes color, but judging only by looking at the thin lines of her sweet face, her straight and delicate nose and her thin mouth of the color of a pink rosebud, Emma doesn’t doubt that this young person, who she thinks is not even thirty, has something noble.
 While Killian bends to pick up his long-lost friend and takes her gently into his arms, while paying attention to not scratch his hook in the thin skin of her back, Emma thinks about what to do next.
  “If she’s a princess, and considering her state”, Emma says, pointing at the young woman's belly, “she might have a prince somewhere. We need a prince. Her prince. If she has been cursed, I suppose she’s going to need a true love kiss to wake up.”’
“Oh no Love, that not how it works with her”, Hook answers with a smirk. “Believe me, it’s not a prince she needs.”
“If it’s not a prince she needs”, Emma sighs in complete disbelief, “what does she need ?”
“A hatter”, Hook answers, smirking at her.
Taglist :
@the-geeky-engineer, @feelmyroarrrr, @winterschild999, @realgreglestrade, @hellomissmabel, @mandy19875, @howlingbarnes, @belleetlabeast, @theashhole, @sebbytrash, @crazychick010, @bionic-buckyb, @callamint, @just-another-fangirl777, @learisa, @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt, @mokacoconut, @marvelbase001-blog, @thefiregypsy, @snowyseba, @theycallmebucky, @buckysberrie, @speakcroissant, @fangirlwithasweettooth, @tequilavet, @iamwarrenspeace, @melconnor2007, @jamesbarnesappreciationclub, @mrshopkirk, @poealsobucky, @maiden-of-gondor, @jurassicbarnes, @abovethesmokestacks, @thisismysecrethappyplace​, @arawynn​, @sebbys-girl​, @captainrogerss​, @caplanbuckybarnes​, @supersoldierslover​, @totallynotashieldagent​, @crazy-little-thing-called-buck​, @4theluvofall​​, @supernaturaldean67​, @prettyyoungtragedy​, @papi-chulo-bucky​, @just-a-kj-blog​, @lenavonschweetz​,  @forever-graphically-frozen​,  @buckysglow​, @winterscldicr​, @bethanystan​, @asirenscalling​, @after-avenging-hours​, @winchester-with-wings​, @angryschnauzer​,  @callingmrsbarnes​, @suz-123​, @writingruna​, @sugardaddytonystark​, @angelicthor​, @themistsofmyavalon​, @redgillan​, @loricameback​, @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​, @farfromjustordinary​, @you-and-buckyb​, @bucky-made-me-do-it​, @lovelykhaleesiii​, @newmooneyfanfiction​, @lovely-geek​, @fanfictionjunkie1112​, @thefanficfaerie​, @littlemarvelfics​, @cordytriestowrite​, @firefly-in-darkness​, @caplanreads​, @my-emotional-self​, @searchingforbuckyfavs​, @buckybabybaby​, @i-alyssa​, @5sos-xmalumx​, @ravennightingaleandavatempus​, @atlas-of-the-world​, @mizzezm​, @welovecaptainamericaass​, @superunnatural23​, @barnesjamcs​,
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anagentinwriting · 4 years
January 2020 Reblog Challenge
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Reblog Challenge Masterlist 
Day 1: Burden of Proof Masterlist: Part 1 (Steve Rogers x Reader) When Y/N’s ex is gruesomely murdered, she is arrested for the crime. Her arrest and questioning is handled through the darker side of the law, and a twist of events has Steve becoming her lawyer. He’s shocked to see his client, his high school sweetheart who has been through hell. He’s determined to clear her name while she’s just trying to survive, with both of them trying to convince themselves that their feelings for each other died a long time ago. @sunriserose1023  Day 2: Burden of Proof: Part 2  Day 3: Burden of Proof: Part 3  Day 4: Burden of Proof: Part 4 Day 5: Burden of Proof: Part 5 
Day 6: Secrets and Sins Masterlist: Part 1 (Steve Rogers x Reader) You flee from an abusive situation and find yourself on the other side of the country, creating new friends and possibly finding new love. But will you be able to escape your past? To truly move on with your life? Or will everything come crashing down around you in the blink of an eye? @kaytizzle 
Day 7: Secrets and Sins: Part 2  Day 8: Secrets and Sins: Part 3  Day 9: Secrets and Sins: Part 4  Day 10: Secrets and Sins: Part 5 
Day 11: Secrets and Sins: Part 6  Day 12: Secrets and Sins: Part 7  Day 13: Secrets and Sins: Part 8  Day 14: Secrets and Sins: Part 9  Day 15: Secrets and Sins: Part 10 
Day 16: Secrets and Sins: Part 11  Day 17: Secrets and Sins: Part 12  Day 18: Secrets and Sins: Epilogue 
Day 19: Help Me Remember (Clint Barton x Reader) Waking up next to your best friend Clint Barton was one of your favorite things…until it wasn’t. @teamcap4bucky 
Day 20: Miles Away (Rockstar!Steve Rogers x Reader) Steve Rogers was known to most people as the lead guitarist for the Howling Commandos, but to you, he was also your boyfriend, or at least you thought he was. Lately, though, you weren’t so sure. He was barely around anymore and seemed to want nothing to do with you. Wrapped up in his own emotions, Steve won’t even hear you out, choosing to ignore you rather than confront his own failings. An unexpected phone call during the Howling Commando’s tour brings everything crashing down around him. How is he supposed to fix this mess? @snowyseba 
Day 21: Most Wanted Masterlist: Prologue (Bucky Barnes x Reader) The life you dreamed of wasn’t the one you lived. Day in and day out you tried to change the outcome, but somehow you always ended up right where you began. Fed up with it all, you wished upon a star and was granted with Bucky Barnes, and it wouldn’t take you long to realize that whatever mess you were about to get tangled up in, it would change your life entirely. (Disney’s Tangled/Modern!AU) @sgtjbuccky​
Day 22: Most Wanted: Part 1  Day 23: Most Wanted: Part 2  Day 24: Most Wanted: Part 3  Day 25: Most Wanted: Part 4
Day 26: Most Wanted: Part 5  Day 27: Most Wanted: Part 6  Day 28: Most Wanted: Part 7  Day 29: Most Wanted: Part 8  Day 30: Most Wanted: Epilogue 
Day 31: Keeping Score (Bucky Barnes x Reader) After hearing you begging Steve to pretend to be your fake boyfriend to keep your family off your back, Bucky quickly jumps at the chance to play your boyfriend even though you’re a hundred percent sure he hates you. What could possibly go wrong? (Fake-Dating AU) @all1e23​
February 2020 Reblog Mastlist
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I have reached 5,500 followers and wanted to celebrate with something special. The challenge will be to write a dark!fic with any MCU character(s).
Do I have to follow you to participate?
I’m not that much of a narcissist. You don’t have to follow me but it’s always nice. I won’t check any way. <3
What kind of story do I write?
Now this is a dark! challenge so I think you know what that means. A reminder that it doesn’t need to include noncon but the characters should be darker than their canon counterparts (how you do that is up to you.) However this challenge will not include underage, bestiality, or incest relationships. (if you write Peter Parker, make it an adult Peter and not high school Peter)
You can write reader, pairing, OC, or whatever you’re most comfortable with. Include all necessary warnings, please and thank you.
How do I get involved?
You will choose from the prompts listed below (for each, there is a NSFW gif [mlw, mlm, or wlw] or text message attached to it. You will select one and send in the following.
-your dark! character(s) of choice -your chosen prompt 
After you have sent in your ask/message, I will send you the image associated with your prompt. Please keep in mind that these will be NSFW.
What do I do when I finish?
When you’ve finished your fic, send an ask and tag me in your fic and include the tag #athousandwords
All fics will be included in a masterlist that I will include on this blog 😊
When do I have to get this done by?
November 8th, 2019
If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I look forward to reading all of your creations!
Prompts are below the cut!
gifs (m/w)
silk @salimahbicharara-comun
just a peek @vanishingod
knife play @aesthethotic
tied up @kaniac-22
ribbon @waiting4inspiration
clean @hysteria87
kitchen counter @blowmybackoutbuckybarnes
undress @sapphirescrolls
embrace @venusofthehardsells
wash away @friday-ocean
backseat @honeyhan-123
upskirt 1 @avintagekiss24
curves @sagechanoafterdark
steamy @notyetneedcoffee
red dress @hurricanerin
take a ride
under the table @siren-kitten-his
unzip @blameitonthecauseway
buckle up
while you sleep @buckyswinterheart
hands @threeminutesoflife
in my lap @shanominom
upskirt 2 @iwantutobehapppier
gifs (w/w)
under the skirt
lick me @siancore
kiss 1
kiss 2
together @cumtothedarkside
take it slow
too much @salimahbicharara-comun
gifs (m/m)
feel it all
on top
take it off @halflikeyou
the wall @siancore
speak to me
dinner  @tansypoisoning
innocent @blameitonthecauseway
mine 1 @persephone-is-here-omg
mine 2 @snowyseba 
mine 3 @docharleythegeekqueen
mine 4 @mom---nicole
need you
baby girl
yes, daddy @4charmed
moan @wolveria
don’t care @allaboardthereadingrailroad
bite your lip
beg @ronnie-rebel
wake up @fiction-is-my-friend-for-life
watch your mouth @marionberrywhite
princess @shotsbyshae
bend you over
*this challenge is like a mystery challenge. each prompt is a hint at what your image includes. choose wisely :)
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waiting4inspiration · 5 years
2k Writing Challenge Masterlist
A collection of the works written by the people participating in my 2k Followers Writing challenge
Find the Challenge HERE and feel free to join in on the fun
Morningstar by @oathofmaestro
Summary: A dark!thor fic with the prompt “I need you”    tw: noncon/dubcon
Keep Your Eyes On Me II Part 2 II Part 3 II Part 4 II Part 5 II Part 6 II Part 7 II Part 8 II Part 9 by @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy 
Summary- You are tasked with righting one of history’s wrongs and changing a man’s fate from dying on this battlefield so he can find his true path in life and follow it to create a better future. One problem. You have to get him to trust you, by lying to him and making him believe you’re a Valkyrie, instead of what you really are, a time traveling, shape-shifting, super soldier from three thousand years in the future. Easy…right? ( Vikings!Charlie Hunnam)
My Wet Dream by @lettersofwrittencollective
Summary: Dean calls you to help with a case involving a Succubus. Only, the case also involves an Incubus which leads to you and Dean admitting your feelings for each other. (Prompt: “Do you wish things were different?”)
The Dating Game II Part 2 by @collecting-stories
Summary: The reader concocts a plan to help Jonathan attract Nancy’s attention but things don’t go the way she expected when Steve enters the mix. 
Walk Me Home by @whistlingwillows
Summary: Being the lovechild of Tony Stark and May Parker has its perks. For one, you have Spider-Man as your favorite little cousin who you’re chaperoning for on his field trip. For another, you have Tony Stark as a dad. Or… had. You’re losing a lot of things in the wake of the battle, and with Quentin Beck back in your life, you’re facing a lot of shit, too.
Todoroki shouto x assassin! reader au by @bnhaandotherstuff
Summary:  You were an assassin,the best one of the organization you were working for. You’re tasked to assassinate an important man; only, the entire mission is a lie
Fun and Games by @geekandbooknerd
Summary: When Finan comes back home and you’re both needy, he decided to play a game with you when you both have to keep quiet. Warnings: SMUT
Baby Ivar by @inforapound
Summary: Your relationship with Ivar is anything but traditional. Yet you both are determined to make it work. Even in the bedroom. Warnings: SMUT
Reckless by @geekandbooknerd
Summary: After being injured on the battlefield, you and Ivar finally admit your feeling to each other when he scolds you for the possibility of being killed. 
The Spectacle by @tephi101
Summary: Reaping Day has arrived and you didn’t expect to have your name drawn. The male from your district wants nothing to do with you so you form an alliance with someone from another district. A man by the name of Jon Snow
Sparring With Our Tounges by @ejectur
Summary: Sparring with the God of Mischief takes an interesting turn
Bucky’s Reason by @snowyseba
Summary: Life is catching up with Bucky. He’s been different since Thanos’s snap was reversed. You can tell that he’s tired, and not just physically. He needs a break, but he refuses to step back. The news you have for him just might be enough to change his mind.
Alcohol You Later by @xbuchananbarnes
Summary: An account of all the times you were drunk and around Bucky, trying to admit how you feel about him.
Delayed Explanations by @kneel-begyourpardon
Summary: It was time to get the explanation of why your ex broke up with you.
It can wait until tomorrow by @p8tn0lish
Summary: You, Ubbe, and Hvitserk have some fun together until you have to go back home - which you dread doing.
Seven Feet by @mynameisfrankie
Summary: This is a Romeo and Juliet esque story involving my original character and Billy Hargrove. I have kinda used the story line of the series but some of the events may be changed. Also this is for @waiting4inspiration ’s 2K challenge
Monster (Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU) by @waiting4inspiration (AKA me)
Summary: You’re captured by a coven of hunters who don’t know that your head has already been claimed by a more powerful hunter. But he has different intentions on keeping you alive.
Today is where your book begins and the rest is unwritten by @writing-mermaid
Summary : Y/N is about to marry her fiancé Brock Rumlow. Tired of being a trophy wife, and just before saying “I do”, she runs away, helped by her best friends. She finds herself in Australia, where she will finally starts to be herself again.
Shower Talk * by @simam12
Summary: After a vamp hunt, you and Dean share a little moment in the shower. 
Do you think you could stab someone? by @kattlupin 
Summary: Starwolf imagine with the prompt: “I don’t think I could ever stab some. I mean, let’s be honest, I can barely stab a Capri Sun.”
To Fight Gravity by @medievalfangirl
Summary:  The dust has settled after Sokovia, leaving Steve and Nat to train the new Avengers. Their most recent recruit may be able to manipulate gravity, but falling for Pietro Maximoff was entirely out of her control.
Do you have any kinks? by @remus-john-lupin
Summary:  Imagine with the prompt “Do you have any kink?”
To Find the Light Again by @mrsalwayswrite
Summary: ABO fic with Bucky Barnes
My last eight letters by @bettercaptain
- Summary: Eight letters which you wrote to Bucky after his death.
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spectorbarnes · 5 years
sugardaddysebby’s follow forever
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i wanted to do something special for the people i follow and the dear mutuals that have made being on this website fun and worth the while. i really, really appreciate each and every one of you. i felt like quitting writing forever but everyone’s fics and creations made me feel inspired and somehow i am still here one year later. i have written for different fandoms before but none of them was as fun and amazing as marvel. - reina
tumblr crushes i’ve bugged too much and greatly appreciate they haven’t blocked me:
@crownstealer / @thedevilwearsvibranium / @papi-chulo-bucky / @sorryimacrapwriter / @sad-af1121 / @sebashtiansatan / @cherrynat / @suz-123 / @supernovasandcoronas / @lovelynemesis / @221bshrlocked / @jurassicbarnes 
other amazing cuties that make my dashboard better:
 @akamaiden @kingsebstan @piscesbarnes @buckmesideways22 @loricameback @all1e23 @callme-sarge @skishenanigans @mischiefsoldier @writingaftermidnight @revengingbarnes @godohammers @wi-atch @sebbies  @melodramaticfanatic @bluesteelstan @purple-mango @littlemarvelfics @buckyforbreakfast @interestedbystanderwrites @thorscock-y @stanclub @tropicalcap @moondancewrites @petitemistletoes @spicyatnight @softhairbarnes @caramell0w @viktordrago @jamesbvck @selina-kyle89 @softlybarnes @ferrtheferbie @buckylicious @rogrsnbarnes @whichwayisthebeach-seabass @hernycavill @jewelswrites-ish @prettyyoungtragedy @theimpossibleg1rl @peacefulwriter88 @sovietghoststories @supernovasandcoronas @papi-chulo-seb @sebbies @buckywithegoodhair @mywritingsblog @cumonbucky @snowyseba @buckaholic @persephone-is-here-omg @chewie-danvers @painfullythickimagines @callingmrsbarnes @redgillan @mercedesbarnes @peterparkyourassonme @buchanstan @killmongerdreams @fvckingavengers 
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Music Shuffle Meme I was tagged by @c-a-v-a-l-r-y! Thanks dear one!!! Rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people!!
1. Closer - Chainsmokers
2. Bad Things - Machine Gun Kelly & Camila Cabello
3. Oui - Jeremih
5. My Way - Calvin Harris
6. Starving - Hailee Steinfeld
7. Talk Dirty - Jason Derulo
8. Kids - OneRepulic
9. Down - Marian Hill
10.The Greatest - Sia
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moonbeambucky · 6 years
💖 end of year post 💖
Just wanted to shout out some of my favorite people, whether we’re mutuals or not I just wanted to thank you. Your blogs, writings or creations brought a smile to my face over the past year. To anyone I left out I’m sorry, I’m really ditzy! Love you all! 💜✨
# - B
@221bshrlocked @4theluvofall @a-splash-of-stucky @after-avenging-hours @angryschnauzer @asirenscalling @avengersandchill @beautifullybarnes @bookybuns @buchonians @bucky-plums-barnes @buckybabybaby @buckywilsonbarnes @buckyywiththegoodhair
C - L
@captainrogerss @elves-n-angels @emilyevanston @fanficwriter013  @green-eyeddragonfanfiction @hellomissmabel @hisredhenley @imhereforbvcky @jurassicbarnes @justsomebucky @lovelynemesis @lucetheding
M - R
@marvelous-fvcks @marvelous-heroimagines @mintmintdoodles @mywritingsblog @nataliarxmanxva @papi-chulo-bucky @persephone-is-here-omg @poealsobucky @propertyofpoeandbucky @plumfondler @redgillan @rotisserierogers
S - Z
@snowyseba @sort-of-good-grace @soldatbarnes @supersoldierslover @theassetseyeliner @thestonedsoldier @thewintersadie @ugh-supersoldiers @ughjoekeery @ursulaismymiddlename @valkyeries @violentlybarnes @whothehellisbella @winters-shepard
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Hi! So i have read all of your writing and I love them!!! But I was wondering if you recommended any other user who writes about Bucky?
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And so many more. If you want any more recommendations, feel free to check out my Fic Rec page 😊
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221bshrlocked · 7 years
Maggie’s Milestone Celebration Writing Challenge
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Wow I’m so shocked. I truly am because I never thought people would like my writing. You guys are so amazing and I really love each and every one of you for your support and kindness and messages. Thank you for being so patient and kind even when I don’t post regularly. Hopefully this works. It’s my first writing challenge and I can’t wait until I read all of your fics you guys.
So this is going to be a little different. Since I’m always getting song requests, I thought it would be cool to have the prompts as songs and you get to pick who you want to write it for.  But I am switching this up a bit. I’ll have a prompt list of 40s songs for those of you who want to write for Bucky, Steve, Peggy, Howard Stark, etc. The other twist is, if you don’t want any of the songs I put, you can use the lyrics of your favorite song to write for whomever, even if it’s for Bucky, Steve, etc. So basically you have a never ending prompt list. 
I mean you don’t have to but it would give me the confidence boost I need if you followed this weirdo
Reblog this post so more can join.
You can write for any Marvel and DC character you want. Extending it to any of Seb and Chris’ characters.
Absolutely no Peter Parker smut. I mean it. You can write fluff for him but no smut. You can write Tom Holland smut but again. No Peter Parker smut.
Have to be 18+ to write smut.
Can be smut, fluff, angst!
Preferably a reader insert but you do you!
Deadline is February 1, 2018 so post it whenever you’re done.
If you can, include the song lyrics in the fic because it adds a little flavor to the story.
Can be a one shot or multiple chapters or a series :)
Tag me in your author’s note and use this in your tags #221bshrlocked5kcelebration. I will be following both of them. If I don’t reblog your fic, it means I didn’t get the tag. Send me an ask telling me you wrote it.
500 words minimum. No maximum.
Shoot me a message telling me what song you picked, who the character is and “genre”. I will be adding them to a masterlist so everyone can see who’s writing what.
If you feel the need to drop out, let me know so the song could be open for someone else.
I tried to link as many of them as I could find. Happy reading and thanks to everyone who joined. 
40s Songs Prompt list:
Duke Ellington - Take The A Train @spidey-linquentimagines w/ Bucky
Doris Day - Sentimental Journey @poeticblissme w/ Bucky
Tommy Dorsey & Frank Sinatra - I’ll Never Smile Again @hymnofthevalkyrie
Perry Como - Till The End Of Time  @buckylovelybarnes w/ Bucky
Bing Crosby - Swinging On A Star @rebelslicious w/ Tony and Pepper
Billie Holiday - Lover Man (Oh Where Could You Be) @september-stardust w/ Steve
Ella Fitzgerald - Dream A Little Dream Of Me @curvybihufflepuff w/ Bucky
Bing Crosby - I’ll Be Seeing You @sexylibrarian1 w/ Chase Collins
Jimmie Davis - You Are My Sunshine @parkerrogersgirl  w/ Steve
Dooly Wilson - As Time Goes By @magellan-88
Margaret Whiting & Johnny Mercer - Baby It’s Cold Outside @lovelynemesis w/ Bucky
Perry Como - Prisoner Of Love @sherrybaby14
Perry Como - Some Enchanted Evening @bugalouie w/ Bucky
Other Songs:
A Day to Remember - If It Means a Lot To You @snowyseba w/ Bucky
Simple Plan - You Suck at Love @disrespectfullcalum
Calle 13 -  Darle LA Vuelta Al Mundo @milychetto w/ Loki
Lady Gaga - Million Reasons @4theluvofall​
Billie Holiday - I’ll be Seeing you @grace-for-sale w/ Bucky
Demi Lovato - Lonely @actual-bucky-barnes-trash 
P!atD - When the Day Met the Night @strange-marvelous-weirdo w/Bucky
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writing-mermaid · 4 years
Siren, part 1 : Do you think I'm stuck up 'cause I'm always picking fights?
Summary : Y/N is a mutant, a Siren, the last of her kind, with deadly dangerous powers and a hidden past. If most of the Avengers likes and get along with her, Steve doesn’t, and it’s getting worse when Y/N and Bucky become close. After all what can bring two broken souls together if it’s not a dark past.
Pairing : Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings : Language maybe
Word Count : 1 479
Square Filled : @star-spangled-bingo : Nick Fury
@buckybarnesbingo : Free square
Author’s note : I have this story on my WIPs for a little time. I hope that you’ll like it. This story is also my entry for @sourpatchkidsandacokecan ‘s Little Darlin’s Mystery AU Challenge, the prompt I chose is Siren AU. Don’t forget that feedback is appreciated and really important.
Song of the title : Can’t Pin Me Down - Marina and the Diamonds
Star Spangled Bingo masterlist
Bucky Barnes Bingo masterlist 
Siren masterlist
Buy me a ☕
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“And this is the main entrance of the facility”, Fury states, showing the doors on the plan of the HYDRA base.
He presses a button and the plan disappears. He grabs two case files and make them slide on the table.
“Y/L/N, Barnes, the both of you are going”, he adds, sending the folders towards us, at each side of the desk.
I open mine, looking at the information printed on the white sheet and then, rise on my feet.
“This doesn’t look too complicated; I can do it by myself.”
“Same, I don’t need a partner, I can do it alone”, Bucky says, before standing up.
“The both of you sit down !”, the SHIELD’s director almost yells, “I’m the one giving the missions orders, the fact that the both of you are Avengers doesn’t change the fact that I’m the one in charge here.”
“Yes, sir”, I answer, sitting back on my chair, my blood boiling in my veins, Natasha watching me from aside, perfectly knowing that I rather work alone than with someone because of the abilities that made me a part of the Avengers.
Fury finishes his presentation while I am still angry at him for not letting me have a solo mission when I am totally able to do it by myself.
“You’re leaving in an hour”, he concludes.
Everyone around me pack their things and exit the room, Fury first. I am still sitting and move my chair from the right to the left and from the left to the right, sulking like a child. Yeah that’s really mature Y/N, congratulations…
“Y/N are you coming ?”, Nat asks, leaning on the door frame.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”
I follow Natasha out of the meeting room, my file in one hand, the other balled into a fist. I have already proved myself during missions, and I take my suppressing medicine that inhibit my powers when I am around people. Yeah, I must take suppressors, or everyone around would probably jump on me. That is, maybe, the worst aspect of my powers, thing that appeared during my teenage years.
“So, you think that mission is going to be easy ?”, she questions, while we are heading to my bedroom where I need to take my pill of the day.
“It’s just a recognition mission, just have to look, enter and see what HYDRA is up to. Nothing too complicated. I don’t understand why Fury needs to pair me up with somebody else…”
“Maybe because it must be really dangerous.”
“Reconnaissance mission Nat, I’m not a child nor stupid !”
I enter the room, Natasha on my heels and open the drawer of my nightstand to take a little box with the medicine the Wakandan scientists made for me based on the ones Helen Cho gave me when I first arrived here a few years ago.
“I don’t understand why Fury wants Barnes to babysit me”, I put the pill inside my mouth and swallow it with the small bottle of water that stand on my night table. “Like I can’t do anything by myself”, I continue, angrily, closing the cap.
“You’re the newest here, one day he will let you do solo mission.”
“That’s not as if I am a newbie Nat, I have worked for the SHIELD for five years now, trained for a long time before. And with all that I endured before; I had the hopes that somebody would entrust me with a solo mission…”
“Oh sweetheart, that’s not about your capacities or anything”, she says, putting one of my Y/H/C strands behind my right ear. “Fury is just being extra-cautious with HYDRA. They played with us so many times. Besides, going on a mission with Barnes is not the worst thing in the world.”
“You’re right, the worse for me would have been to go on a mission with Steve. I still don’t know why he hates me…”, I sigh.
“I don’t think he does. He’s just being extra careful and protective.”
“Steve Rogers, mother hen.”
We both burst out laughing just before someone knocks on the door.
“Come in”, I yell, trying to catch my breath, while Natasha is still crying of laugh.
“I just wanted to see if you were ready”, Bucky says, after he opened the door. “Is she okay ?”, he asks when he sees my red-head friend trying to calm down.
“Yes, don’t worry. Give me five minutes and I’m all yours.”
“So, in five minutes you’re all his”, Nat says wiggling her eyebrows, when Bucky closes the door after him.
“Nat ! Stop misinterpreting what I’m saying”, I slap her arm saying this. “You know what I meant.”
“Oh, please Y/N, I’m kidding, stop taking everything literally. Maybe you should get laid, it would do you some good.”
“Sex is not the answer to everything Nat”, I sigh.
“No, but it would do you some good. When was the last time you had a good shag ?”
“Nat !”
“What ?! Maybe you should try with Barnes. It would do you real, real good.”
The door opens at the same time, revealing a blushing Bucky on the other side.
“I’m ready”, I tell him, nonchalantly, trying to hide my embarrassment because of what Nat just said and that he probably heard through the door. “Are you coming ?”, I ask him, going towards the changing room.
Natasha leaves us and in silence, we walk to the elevator. When we reach the equipment floor of the Avengers facility, Fury is waiting for us, with Steve and Tony.
“Come here darling, I improved your suit. The fabric is more flexible. Totally in match with your fighting skills and those powers of yours”, he says, smiling and handing me the new black fabric.
“Thanks Tony, I really appreciate !”
While I am looking at my new outfits, I can feel Steve’s gaze all over me, and what he’s saying to Bucky.
“Be careful Buck, we don’t know what’s going to be in that HYDRA facility and I don’t trust her”, I hear him.
“She’s an Avenger Steve, and she worked for the SHIELD before that. You should trust her.”
“I’d like to, but I can’t. There are some blank years in her files, Fury seems to be the only one knowing where she was and what happened to her during that time, but he didn’t tell me and said that it’s hers to say when she’ll be ready to reveal it. And I don’t like this.”
“Let her prove herself Steve, I’m sure everything is going to be okay.”
He pats Steve’s shoulder and walks to his locker from where he takes his uniform.
“Go now, little one”, Tony pushes me towards locker room, “I want to see you in my outfits.”
“Out of context, that sentence would sound really suspect. And I’m not sure that Pepper would appreciate that.”
Tony sticks out his tongue and pushes me in the booth. “Make it quick, I want to see if it fits.”
I roll my eyes and start to change my clothes to those Tony gave me. The suit perfectly hugs every of my curves. I lift my arms above my head, and the fabric is really light and moves with all my movements, according to Tony, it’s also waterproof and it comes with removing gloves. I really must thank him for that new outfit.
“Marvelous !”, the genius billionaire says, when I go out. “I’m really proud of myself !”, he adds, admiring his own work.
“Please Stark, if you’re done, I’d like to talk to Y/L/N and Barnes before they leave.”
Tony and Steve step back, and Fury approaches us.
“Don’t think that I send you there as a team, not because I don’t trust each of you as agent and that you’re not capable to deal with it by your side, but we don’t know what to expect in that warehouse, we don’t know how many men are in there, nor what they’re doing. Barnes, you are strong and fast, Y/L/N is fast too, she is lighter, and has some skills that can help you outside if things become out of control. Now do you understand ?” We both nod. The Quinjet noise is heard and he gestures towards it. “I think that’s your cue. Be careful.”
With that, he leaves and lets the both of us deal with each other.
“After you”, Bucky says, letting me pass first, with that very 1940’s gentleman thing he has.
“Thanks”, I answer, stepping into the plane, putting the first emergency bag down and taking place behind the control.
Bucky steps in right after me and takes the seat next to mine.
“Are you ready, partner ?”
“As ready as I think I can be.”
The hatch opens, and we pass through it to go to the HYDRA facility.
Taglist :
@the-geeky-engineer, @feelmyroarrrr, @amrita31199, @realgreglestrade, @hellomissmabel, @mandy19875, @howlingbarnes, @belleetlabeast, @theashhole, @sebbytrash, @crazychick010, @bionic-buckyb, @callamint, @just-another-fangirl777, @learisa, @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt, @mokacoconut, @marvelbase001-blog​, @thefiregypsy, @iamthemaskhewears, @snowyseba, @theycallmebucky, @buckysberrie, @speakcroissant, @fangirlwithasweettooth, @tequilavet, @iamwarrenspeace, @melconnor2007, @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​, @mrshopkirk​, @poealsobucky​, @maiden-of-gondor​, @jurassicbarnes​, @abovethesmokestacks​, @thisismysecrethappyplace​, @arawynn​, @sebbys-girl​, @captainrogerss​, @murdocksmartinis​, @supersoldierslover​, @clintbartxon, @totallynotashieldagent​, @crazy-little-thing-called-buck​, @4theluvofall​, @supernaturaldean67​, @prettyyoungtragedy​, @papi-chulo-bucky​, @just-a-kj-blog​, @lenavonschweetz​,  @forever-graphically-frozen​,  @buckysglow​, @winterscldicr​, @whothehellisbella​, @bethanystan​, @re2d2, @asirenscalling​, @after-avenging-hours​, @mrs-squirrel-chester, @winchester-with-wings​, @angryschnauzer​,  @callingmrsbarnes​, @suz-123​, @writingruna​, @sugardaddytonystark​, @angelicthor​, @thatawkwardtinyperson​, @themistsofmyavalon​, @redgillan​, @loricameback​, @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​, @bringpietrobacktolife, @farfromjustordinary​, @you-and-buckyb​, @bucky-made-me-do-it​, @lovelykhaleesiii​, @newmooneyfanfiction​, @lovely-geek​, @fanfictionjunkie1112​, @thefanficfaerie​, @littlemarvelfics​, @cordytriestowrite​, @firefly-in-darkness​, @caplanreads​, @my-emotional-self, @imaginingbarnes-deactivated2020​, @searchingforbuckyfavs​, @buckybabybaby​,
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 years
fic anon: thx for the recommendations here’s some of mine Leather and Lace- @myattemptatfanfic Dissonance- @bookybuns Letters from Rebecca- @give-buck-his-plums Knight in Shining Armor- @rebel-scum-stuff Business and Pleasure- @snowyseba Literally anything from @buckyywiththegoodhair
Funny thing, I'm reading all of those already. 😂 but thanks anyway!
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waiting4inspiration · 5 years
2k Follower Writing Challenge
In celebration of reaching 2,000 followers, I’m letting you all chip in and wow me with your writing.
1) You can write for any fandom you want
2) Any pairing is cool with me (reader inserts, OCs, ships from that fandom, etc.)
3) It can have smut, angst, fluff or all of the above
4) Tag the appropriate warnings
5) There is no word limit. Write to your heart’s content
6) Must be a new piece. You can make it into a series if you want to.
7) Tag me in the works or send them to me (whichever works best for you)
8) There are 2 categories, Sentence Prompts and AU Prompts. You have the option to chose from both categories. Or you can choose from just one category.
9) Try and pick ones that haven’t been chosen with your intended character so that we can have some variation. Maximum of 2 work per person, please.
10) This is open to anyone and everyone. Send me an ask or a message with the prompt/s you want as well as the character
11) Deadline: 31 August
Everyone understand? If you’re a bit confused, feel free to send me an ask :))
Sentence Prompts:
1) “I loved you ‘cause it was easier than loving myself!” @mynameisfrankie (Billy Hargrove)
2) “I need you.” @oathofmaestro (dark!Thor) /
3) “Do you wish things were different?” @lettersofwrittencollective (Dean Winchester) /
4) “ Am I ever going to see you again?” @writing-mermaid (Bucky Barnes) /
5) “Is that a threat?” @ejectur (Loki) /
6) “How did you find me?” @bnhaandotherstuff ( todoroki shouto ) /
7) “I don’t want to be alone right now.” @tephi101 (Jon Snow) / @medievalfangirl (Pietro Maximoff) 
8) “First one to make a noise loses.” @geekandbooknerd (Finan) /
9) “I wish we could stay like this forever.” @simam12 (Dean Winchester) /
10) “I wish I never met you.” @6blastrushturbo9 (Izuku Midoriya) /
11) “Car sex looks so much easier in the movies.”
12) “And you wonder why you’re still single.” @kisses-holland (Peter Parker) /
13) “Let’s do something crazy.”
14) “I don’t think I could ever stab someone. I mean, let’s be honest. I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun.” @kattlupin (Wolfstar) /
15) “Do you have any kinks?”
16) “I’ll walk you home.” @whistlingwillows (Mysterio) /
17) “It can wait until tomorrow.” @p8tn0lish (Ubbe+Hvitserk)
18) “Don’t you ever do that again!” @geekandbooknerd (Ivar) /
19) “If you keep looking at me like that, we won’t make it to the bed.” @inforapound (Ivar) /
20) “If you ever come near me again, I will knock you so far into the future you’ll be meeting you’re great-grandkids.”
21) “You think you’re so cute with your…youreyes and hair and face and…okay, yeah you’re kinda cute.” @xbuchananbarnes (Bucky Barnes) /
22) “Please don’t do this to me.” @bettercaptain (Bucky Barnes) /
23) “Are you drunk?” @inforapound (Ivar) /
24) “Stop teasing…”
25) “Damn, you’re strong for a little thing.” @snowyseba (Bucky Barnes) /
26) “Don’t call this number ever again.”
27) “My ex? Yeah, I’d still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or a baseball bat.” @kneel-begyourpardon (Bucky Barnes) /
28) “Even monster need help some times.”
29) “I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.”
30) “Boo.”
AU Prompts:
1) Angel/Demon
2) Assassin @bnhaandotherstuff ( todoroki shouto ) /
3) Blind Date
4) CEO/Boss
5) Fake Relationship (dating/engagement/marriage) @collecting-stories (Jonathan Byers) /
6) Forbidden Love
7) Hunger Games @tephi101 (Jon Snow) /
8) Mafia @queenofallthyfandoms (Bucky Barnes) /
9) Neighbor
10) Porn Stars
11) Royalty @queenofallthyfandoms (Bucky Barnes) /
12) Stripper
13) Soulmate (timer/color blind/first words on skin/ sharing pain etc.)
14) Vampire/Vampire Hunter @waiting4inspiration aka me (Bucky Barnes) /
15) A/B/O
Tagging people who I think might be interested: @tephi101 ​ @youbloodymadgenius ​ @geekandbooknerd ​ @allvikingsfanfic ​ @starflowerallan ​ @dreamwritesimagines ​ @lol-haha-joke ​ @evanstanwrites ​ @inforapound ​ @supernaturalvikingwhore ​ @oathofmaestro
Feel free to tag other people. The more the merrier XD
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I??? DONT???? KNOW??? HOW??? LIKE? WHAt?
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Barnes Traditional Get Together Bucky x Grandniece!Reader by @after-avenging-hours Reader approaches Bucky in the Avengers Tower and tells him about the rest of the family. Ongoing Series
Inked Destiel by @winchester-with-wings This essentially a soulmate tatoo-esque fic but it is amazing and everyone should read this, especially if you like Destiel. Ongoing Series
The Middle Name No Pairing by @percywinchester27 Sam wonders why he doesn’t have a middle name and asks Dean about it.
Limits Bucky Barnes x Reader by @emilyevanston tags not working Reader and Bucky decide to play a foreplay game that they got as a gift...
Confident Bucky Barnes x Reader by @belleetlabeast Sam Wilson is an old friend who you reunite with when you become the new War Machine after Rhodey retires. Luckily, taking that position also means meeting Bucky... Ongoing Series
I’ll Be With You Bucky Barnes x Reader by @belleetlabeast Reader is a nurse who happens to be a nurse and the daughter of one of Bucky’s old flings. When they run into each other, literally, a relationship begins to bloom between the two of them. Completed Series
For Your Convenience Bucky Barnes x Reader by @brighterlights Reader works in a department store and a love triangle-esque relationship forms between her, Bucky, and Steve. Completed Series
Liberty Pirate!Bucky Barnes x Reader by @softwintersoldier Reader is the daughter of a governor and sneaks aboard Captain Barnes ship in search of adventure. Ongoing Series
Three For Fun Bucky Barnes x Reader by @marvel-ash For Bucky’s birthday, you get him a very special birthday gift.
Double Date Bucky Barnes x Reader by @marvel-ash Reader goes on a double date with her friend and Bucky ends up acting like an asshole the entire time.
Uncle Steve Bucky Barnes x Reader by @marvel-ash Just some fluff with Steve being an amazing uncle to your new baby.
Round The Block Bucky Barnes x Reader by @marvel-ash On your way to Comic Con, things get dirty in the back of the limo.
Sebby’s Hair Sebastian Stan x Reader Reader is a hairstylist for Marvel and is asked out by Sebastian while working on his hair.
Privacy Interrupted Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers by @marvel-ash Steve and Bucky read your journal and read all of the fantasies that you had written about them in there.
My Real Name Bucky Barnes x Reader by @marvel-ash During super sexy sexytime, Bucky asks you to call him by his real name.
Spa Day Jensen Ackles x Reader by @bringmesomepie56 Reader and Jensen run into each other at a hotel spa after being put into the same room accidentally.
Assistant To The Captain Steve Rogers x Reader by @amarvelouswritings Reader is a newly hired assistant for Steve after he refuses to get one himself. Ongoing Series
Hexed Dean Winchester x Reader by @nichelle-my-belle While on a hunt, reader and Dean get hexed by a witch that makes them pursue their deepest desire.
Kiss The Girl Bucky Barnes x Reader by @bovaria Bucky sees the reader at Tony’s parties, but is too shy to actually talk to her.
Off Limits Dean Winchester x Reader by @dancingalone21 Reader works at Sam’s bar and Dean falls in love with her. The only thing standing in his way of dating her is Sam... Ongoing Series
Oh Baby Dean Winchester x Reader by @dancingalone21 Reader crashes her car into Baby, making her Dean’s enemy... Which doesn’t last long since they then work together. Completed Series
Picture Perfect Dean Winchester x Reader by @dancingalone21 Reader sees Dean’s profile on Facebook and lies to her boss saying that they are engaged in order to get a promotion. Completed Series
Puppy Love Dean Winchester x Reader by @dancingalone21 Reader notices one morning that her dog has snuck into Baby, her neighbor’s car from across the street... Ongoing Series
Dirty Minded Cap Steve Rogers x Reader by @fvckingsteverogers Reader wears glasses to work one day and it turns Steve on more than she knows...
Peeping Steve Bucky Barnes x Reader (lil’ bit of Steve being a pervy perv) by @fvckingbuchanan Steve watches as Bucky and reader have sexy time.
Captain Steve Rogers x Reader by @callingmrsbarnes Reader kisses Steve while on a mission, almost blowing their cover, which leads to some smutty smut smut.
Ink Chris Evans x Reader by @fvckingbuchanan Chris has a kink for tattoos, which is a good thing because reader has two in some NFSW places...
Splash Steve Rogers x Reader by @atari-writes Some very smutty bathtub sex amiright or amiright?
Slow Burn Dean Winchester x Reader by @dancingalone21 A friend  sets you up with Sam on a blind date, but things you guys just don’t hit it off. When Sam sets you up his brother, Dean, there is definitely a spark. And guys, Firefighter!Dean?! Completed Series
What Are The Odds Dean Winchester x Reader by @dancingalone21 Before the reader left for college, she had a one night stand with Dean. Eight years later, Dean learns that he has a daughter in an interesting way. Completed Series
Infatuated Steve Rogers x Reader by @theunholygrails When the reader turns to Steve after a break up, Steve finally takes a chance and expresses i=his feelings for the reader.
Imagine Wade & Peter Being Turned On By You Wade Wilson x Reader x Peter Parker by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord During movie night, you spill some popcorn on the ground and accidentally show off your ass.
Stand Down Bucky Barnes x Reader by @timeforsmut “Reader has been going through a bad depression and tony still has her fight. However, she throws her life on the line when Bucky wakes up and he tries killing her, but part of him recognizes his old girlfriend”
Swab Yer Decks Pirate!Bucky Barnes x Reader by @caplanbuckybarnes "When Bucky finds a childhood friend, will he risk everything to protect her? Or will he risk her life for a lost treasure?”
You Are Not My Mother No Pairing (Supernatural) Sister!Reader by @percussiongirl2017 Reader doesn’t trust Mary when she comes back from the dead and finds her dealing with the British Men Of Letters behind Sam and Dean’s back. Completed Series
Delta Bucky Barnes x Reader by @papi-chulo-bucky ABO!Universe: “Reader is a rare being in the a/b/o cycle and finds herself along side the Avengers. She manages to hide her true nature successfully until she catches the eye of a certain blue eyed super soldier.” Completed Series
The Ultimatum Dean Winchester x Reader by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes Reader wants to leave the hunter live and have a family after Dean almost dies on a job, but Dean wants to continue hunting.
Untitled Dean Winchester x Reader by @daydreamingintheimpala Dean falls for the reader at a motel after he sees her for the first time.
Fault Bucky Barnes x Reader by @bxckyfxcknbxrnes “Bucky had never been held responsible for what he’d done, but you, oh god, everything that had happened had been your fault, and Bucky knew it too.” Ongoing Series
Mess With Them Steve Rogers x Reader by @redgillan Steve and the reader have a secret relationship that they are keeping rom the rest of the team. Completed Series
Every Other Weekend Bucky Barnes x Reader by @amarvelouswritings Bucky and reader have two kids but end up getting a divorce. Ongoing Series
The Boss 70′s!Bucky Barnes x Reader by @lancefuckrr Bucky owns a strip club and the reader is one of the dancers there. Completed Series
Untitled One Shot Bucky Barnes x Reader by @lancefuckrr It’s the reader’s first time and Bucky tries to be soft about it but the reader accidentally calls him “Daddy”.
Awkward Discoveries Bucky Barnes x Reader by @rosekgold In which Bucky finds something that belongs to you, and uses it to propose an offer.
Happy Birthday Bucky Bucky Barnes x Reader by @4theluvofall tags not working IT’S BUCKY’S BIRTHDAY
Just The Three Of Us Bucky Barnes x Reader by @fandom-writes Bucky is dating a single mother reader and the ultimate fluff ensues.
It Feels Nice Bucky Barnes x Reader by @avasparks Bucky comes back from his last tour in Afghanistan and gets a service dog and meets the reader in the park during a late night walk.
Faking It Bucky Barnes x Reader by @supernovabucky Reader has to go to a family reunion and asks Bucky to pretend to be her boyfriend.
Good Boy Stevie Steve Rogers x Reader by @lady-thor-foster Steve really enjoys having you on top during sex. Ongoing Series
Imagine Giving Steve Head Steve Rogers x Reader by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord After a mission, reader gives Steve some head in his room ;)))))
The Maid Dean Winchester x Reader by @super-slick-fanfic-chick Sam and Dean hire you as a maid for the bunker and give you a less than conservative uniform to wear ;))))))
Evermore Bucky Barnes x Reader by @snowyseba *Based off of “Evermore” from Beauty and the Beast* Bucky spends days planning his proposal, but on the night he’s about to do it, something comes up that brings you away.
In This Light Bucky Barnes x Reader by @bovaria Reader and Bucky were friends when they were kids, but were separated when Bucky moved away. When they run into each other on the set of a photoshoot where reader is the photographer and Bucky is the model, things get interesting... Ongoing Series
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moonbeambucky · 7 years
Pop Culture Meme
I was tagged by the amazing @valkyeries
Rules: tag nine people with excellent taste
Colour(s) I’m currently wearing: Spiderman shirt and kitty pjs
Last band t-shirt I bought: Don’t remember
Last band I saw live: Hmmm i think it was The Guess Who (they played at Epcot for the Flower & Garden festival)
Last song I listened to: Alexander Hamilton
Last movie I watched: Justice League
Last three TV shows I watched: ER, Conan, Stranger Things 2
Last 3 characters I identified with: Rebecca Bunch, (fictionalized) Larry David and Hermione Granger
Book I’m currently reading: I’ve been in the middle of “A Storm of Swords” forever!
Tagging: @a-splash-of-stucky @supersoldierslover @poealsobucky @theassetseyeliner @sort-of-good-grace @buchonians @buckybabybaby @snowyseba @lucetheding
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