eris1521987 · 26 days
Mario Sketches I have made trying to replicate the official art style while drawing characters that have been depicted in said style. I hope y'all like it.
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lanami-legacy · 5 days
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Biska Girard and Jaks Karaay Snr based on The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
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Pharaoh's Horses.
After John Frederick Herring.
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marchsage · 2 years
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unova dexholders my beloved <3
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morninkim · 1 year
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another redraw, this time of last night's oc's twin brother
Hayato Ishino - JUMP Soldier
Ruriko here
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aethon-recs · 9 months
HP Rec Fest, Day 16 ❄️
@hprecfest daily prompts running through Dec 31. Goal is to find lesser-known or underrated works, even by well-known authors, to feature here.
Day 16: A Fic that Made You Laugh
Make a Wish by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 3k, complete)
Summary: Tom Riddle is wasting away in his hospital bed, far too young to succumb to such a terrible and mysterious illness. The only thing that gives him solace is the hope that football star Harry Potter might visit him in his final days. Why I rec it for this prompt: Tom's utter audacity in this fic is so true-to-character, and so funny. Also, I love that this is told from Riddle Snr's POV, which adds an extra layer of comedy (or horror, depending on how you look at it.) And! There are 3 alternate endings for this fic, and they each get better and better.
Do You Want Fries With That? (part 1) / Tom's Time Has Fry-nally Come (part 2) by jellybeantarot (T, 16k, complete)
Summary: Harry really needed some money, Dumbledore needed someone to dress up as Wendy, and Tom was the only one with the desperation to be Ronald McDonald. Why I rec it for this prompt: Harry and Tom as high school-aged fast-food workers is too good of a brilliant, absurdist crack scenario. Everything from the banter to the plot arc to Tom's SoundCloud rapper name had me in stitches. I can't continue describe this fic without ruining it — just go read it if you're in search for a good laugh.
Running list of recs:
Day 1: Favorite under 5k | Such a Noble Villain Day 2: Comfort Fic | In Somno Veritas | Ouroboros Day 3: Podfic | a taste so good (i'd die for it) Day 4: Fic with Art | A Soulmate Like You Day 5: A Non-AO3 Fic | The Anti-Midas Day 6: Unreliable Narrator Fic | Anabiosis Day 7: A Canon-Compliant Fic | In Your Soul is Sealed a Pleasure Day 8: A Canon-Divergence Fic | Thirst Day 9: A Rare Pair Fic | dust in your pocket | A Breed Apart Day 10: A Fest Fic | In Your Image Day 11: A Dark Fic | As Portioned from a Whole Day 12: A WIP Rec | Lover's Spit | Revolution of Configured Stars Day 13: A Fic >100k Words | One Year In Every Ten | if we were lovers Day 14: A Favorite Series | The Immortal Duties of Lord Voldemort Day 15: The Most Recent Bookmark | Creatures of the Dark we are Day 16: A Fic that Made You Laugh | Make a Wish | Do You Want Fries With That?
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Mario Is Jumpman
There is a hypothesis there are 2 Marios, and Mario's father was named Jumpman and fought DK Snr. This is incorrect and ignores the context of all the games.
The Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia on pages 17 and 237 outright states before Mario had been through SMB he was referred to as Jumpman and has been through DKA and DKJ. "Mario was originally 'Jumpman' the hero of the arcade game Donkey Kong." "He was often referred to as 'Jumpman' at the time, and the name 'Mario' first appeared in a 1981 flyer."
There is also the Classic Outfit which Super Mario Odyssey canonized. You can also get the Classic Outfit with the following description. "This outfit is still loved by longtime fans. DK has never been a fan, though." A detail further confirmed on the Nintendo Website if you take a quiz you get this answer. "Mario wore red overalls in Super Mario Bros. but soon switched to his now famous blue outfit." In fact the SMO Art Book on page 358 even further confirms this is what Mario used to wear. "The Classic Cap and Suit are modeled after his appearance here. Until his | appearance in Super Mario Bros. 2, his overall and shirt colors were occasionally swapped." Btw, this is probably referring to Lost Levels.
This further confirms Mario is indeed Jumpman, alongside a description for the DKA game from WarioWare Gold I mentioned in my Pauline is Lady post. "It was Mario to the rescue--for the first time!"
In The Art Of Super Mario Odyssey on page 358 "This is Mario’s first appearance. He had no name at the time and was referred to only as 'Jumpman.'" Which is further confirmed by the imagery and festival of New Donk City, which the Art Book again on page 358 is recreating the rivalry between Mario and DK. Of course even further backed up by page 6 of the Donkey Kong Country manual when it talks about Cranky being the original Donkey Kong. "In his heyday, Cranky was the original Donkey Kong who battled Mario in several of his own games." Or the fact DK Snr. was Mario's pet.
There is also the fact in reference to the games Miyamoto said it's always the same Mario.
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yvesdot · 9 months
yves, if only theoretically wanted to break into publishing or lit mags, do you have recommendations or advice?
My primary advice is to get to know as many writers as you can, as well as you can, quickly. I’ve recommended joining Discord servers for this in the past and will do so again; the most active ones I’m in are Max's @goose-books server (I think you have to ask for an invite?), WTW, and writeblr garden. Participate in book events virtually and in person when you can. When you like someone's work, tell them! And mention that you're an author, too.
Disclaimer: I haven't made it into any paid magazines, largely because I find submitting and waiting for months at a time before working on edits exhausting, particularly in comparison to instant money on Patreon—so have that grain of salt at the ready! All I've done is publish the one book, twice, and release a substantial amount of short fiction on my own. People read it and liked it, and now I have lovely anons like you who seem to respect me enough to ask for industry advice. Thank you! Hope you like long posts.
The reason I say the above is that, in my experience, the entirety of publishing is just one big who-do-you-know. Utterly non-exhaustive list of ways "knowing people" has helped me in my writing career below.
I left a middling review on a trans author's book, and in the correspondence that followed we became friends. Rysz Merey went on to start tRaum Books, and because we were friends, we put out the Something's Not Right anniversary edition together.
When I was at my university, I was loudly opinionated about books and writing and art in all of my classes, and a professor's words about me in an email to an author they knew became the blurb for that same edition of Something's Not Right.
I read Tragic Accident (a flash piece originally rejected by an online magazine for, in my opinion, cisgender reasons) last night at Flash Fiction Forum, the heads of which I know personally because, after a high school internship, I was directed to a friend of theirs to volunteer at her writing camp. I sold a lot of copies of the original SNR to teens at that camp, and I've sold dozens of copies since by linking to the book in the Zoom chat and bringing physical copies to in-person readings.
Tragic Accident may have ultimately been rejected from the venue I sent it to, but I only had that venue on my list because my beloved friend Fer @asablehart posted in WTW a spreadsheet of places to submit. I still use that spreadsheet, filled with dozens of extra places I researched on my own, and pass it on to anyone who asks. Fer also read The Traveler Wife and gave extremely insightful feedback on it; we've since done tons of great critique4critiques together and they're still my go-to if I need wise words on a piece of writing.
When I held my event at Bookshop Santa Cruz, I marketed my ass off. I'd learned from my previous event at the Diversity Center in town and focused heavily on reaching out to individual people: posting in Discord servers, DMing everyone I knew, and telling everybody I met in December that by the way I would be reading at Bookshop Santa Cruz in January. I worked my job as an author and my book and my event into every conversation I had with a stranger that month. Everyone responded positively! People want to know what you're working on.
But at the end of the day, under a third of attendees were people I hadn't previously considered friends in some way. The majority of the people who came were family, friends, coworkers, friends-of-friends dragged along by someone I knew well, etc. One coworker couldn't come but invited their housemates, who bought books and left saying they would read Band Girls at home. One of the friends who came met me when we would ride the same bus every week to class, and I initially spoke to him because I fully thought he was a transgender woman (he turned out to just be an extremely fashionable individual). That guy helped code my website. Of the three people who interviewed me locally for promotion, two are people I'm friends with and one I cold-emailed due to his past work.
One of the major servers I used to invite people to both of my events is one I was only added to because I met a goth girl who invited me to her dorm to watch her inject E into her thigh and when I reported back on this to another transfem friend that friend instantly named her because they were in the server together and multiple people in it knew me from my creative writing efforts so everybody agreed to add me. I literally only had that space to network because I said "nice boots" to a girl whose special interest turned out to be DIY HRT at a protest party about the chancellor getting a raise.
Claire Oshetsky came to my event and I made a point of finally starting to read their book beforehand so I could honestly tell them it was cool when I signed their copy of Something's Not Right (it was cool, and everyone should read Chouette, and also Poor Deer, which I am on page 10 on and can already certify is fantastic). They were incredibly nice to me for no reason—well, because of those interviews I had, which led to them noticing another nonbinary author in the area—and ultimately reviewed SNR very positively on GoodReads. You can see what happened to the numbers afterwards. (I also sold a copy that day; when you sell roughly a copy of a book per week, you can absolutely make these connections directly.)
Tonight was Claire Oshetsky's event, so I showed up having read Chouette in full and asked a question during the Q&A and told them how cool their book was, and they invited me to a little post-event author dinner. (One of the authors introduced herself as "Karen" and described a prolific writing career very opaquely until her friend mentioned the name of her latest novel: Booth.) Everyone was incredibly nice and wanted to buy my book which was unfortunately sold out because of the aforementioned event, and a couple of people gave me email addresses so they could buy it later. I've been trying to meet local authors for over a year, and I met seven by accident because one of them came up to me to say it was nice to see Bookshop Santa Cruz had two nonbinary readers in a row.
Talking to David Sedaris at an event got me a job! He complimented my outfit, I said thank you I wore it for the interview with [x], and he did everything he could to help me network with the [x] people there. I was later told that my "chemistry" with Sedaris, among other things, helped me get the position. I would also find out that David specifically loves the last people in the signing line because they're the most patient; I happened to have waited until last because I wanted to have more time to talk to him.
I have emailed several authors with fanmail, and depending on how popular they are, I have gotten responses! I'm in a correspondence right now which netted me a behind-the-scenes look at an incredible draft, and thank you for reminding me because I need to respond and tell them how good it was.
Patreon is on pause right now, but I believe over half the subscribers are people I'm friends with in one way or another. I've tried nearly everything under the sun to advertise, and so far the only thing that's worked is "telling someone who has the disposable income."
The people who beta-read my latest release, Band Girls (18+), for me (which is the only reason it wasn't an unmitigated disaster) include my butch, who met me in a Locked Tomb server (naturally), a friend from a creative writing class in university who later became my housemate, and a good buddy of my butch's whom they rescued from the aforementioned TLT server. I literally didn't even notice that guy when we were in the server together and it turns out he's also a writer with a Giant Lesbian Women project who also wound up really liking Long Line (18+). Glories are all around you.
(Also, apparently my butch had that "how to write a blurb" post bookmarked and immediately recognized me, which is crazy. Imagine meeting some random author in a fandom server and they ask to see your [redacted] in DMs.)
Hell, my buddy Max Franciscovich read my book five years ago in the back of a car and had a transcendental nonbinary lesbian experience, and because he happened to be mutuals with a high school friend of mine, that friend sent me screenshots of him panicking about how he couldn't talk to me because I was too cool. I DMed him, and we are like each other's female husbands now. Undoubtedly we have each gained a substantive reader base from hyping each other's work at anyone in earshot. Maxserver, which I shouted out above, only has me in it because I know the darn guy. It's a lot more populous than yvescord in part because he is that much more active than I am, and can engage with other people's work more. I'm mooching off the labor of my best friend who pseudo-reached-out to me because I put a pronoun pin on a character's bag in the book I self-published in 2018.
Speaking of which: I self-published the original edition of Something's Not Right as a thank-you birthday gift to the Beta Reader. I seem to remember him reading my writing for the first time and saying something along the lines of "You do realize this is really good, right?" (I did not realize.) That was the first person to appreciate any of my original fiction, and it led to my entire career. We met on a class trip because he was the only person who would listen to me talk about Star Wars.
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I try to never ingenuinely be nice to people. This is not particularly difficult, because I like people and give the benefit of the doubt to a pretty extreme fault. I will occasionally be nice out of politeness, but everyone I mentioned here is someone I genuinely like whose work is fantastic. It wasn't hard to honestly say I liked them and their writing.
I also recognize that much of this is kind of just me blathering about Ws with no actionable advice... but it might give you ideas for where to go or who to talk to about your writing. I also want you to feel just how much of writing is about "networking" in a way that is not cold and manipulative and moneyhungry but actually just involves being genuine friends with other people. I think the sheer quantity of evidence here is helpful to understand just how much you can do for yourself by talking to the people you like.
I also think it's good practice to own the fact that very little of my microcelebrity success has anything to do with how good my work is. I mean, sure, I think it's good, but this should make it clear that my greatest strength has been my perseverance and my friendliness.
(Also, obviously, I have the immense privilege to have gone to college, to live in California, to get to all these places and meet these people and work with them. I had the money in the bank to publish and promote a book. This is not a small factor. I'm hoping to do a full rundown of costs and efforts to promote Something's Not Right's anniversary edition sometime this year.)
I also don't think I'm particularly good at socializing—I have a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, a difficulty with meeting people's eyes, and a mild stutter when I talk too quickly (which is often). A lot of people find me annoying or insincere because I act like a sentient powder puff, and when I'm not jumping up and down and meowing at people instead of saying "on your right," I'm complaining about the most widely-beloved pieces of pop culture and making two-hour rant videos about video games I think insufficiently scrutinize the concept of the nuclear family. I say all this to head off any concerns that perhaps I am just secretly very suave and social; I love talking to people, but I don't believe this is the case.
If I can summarize: nearly every time I've had any success with my writing, it's been because I made an effort to be kind to people I respected and share my passion for books and writing. I hit upon enough privileges and lucky circumstances to get the right circle of people to make all of the above happen. I think you can do it, too! I wish you the best. Thanks for asking ^__^
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royalpain16 · 9 months
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Anmer Hall has frequently hosted the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their three children during school holidays and, more recently, during national lockdowns.
The couple homeschooled their children from their Norfolk home during 2020, and they continued to conduct royal engagements there via video calls, which gave the public glimpses of the “countryside bolthole”, as Hello! describes it.
A source has told People that “there’s no airs and graces” at Anmer Hall, which is very much “a normal, busy family home”. Little is known about the inside, which is purposely “kept very private”, but its contemporary interiors are reportedly testament to Kate Middleton’s “accessible style choices”, a style advisor told the Daily Express.
The country pile is located in the Queen's Sandringham Estate, and was gifted to the Duke and Duchess by the Queen following their wedding.
The family home’s history
Originally constructed in 1802, Anmer Hall was home to the family of Hugh Van Cutsem Snr, the late university friend of Prince Charles, and visited by Princes William and Harry when they were children, Town and Country reports. Van Cutsem Snr's sons, William and Nicholas, are godfather to Prince George and Prince Louis respectively.
Anmer Hall reportedly has ten bedrooms, and boasts both a swimming pool and private tennis court. Following the birth of Princess Charlotte in 2015 the couple took up full-time residence in Norfolk, as William focused on his family and flying career with East Anglian Air Ambulance.
Since then, William has given up his flying career to take on more official royal duties and, with Prince George and Princess Charlotte now at school in South West London, the family had been spending considerably less time in Norfolk prior to the pandemic. It is, nevertheless, a firm favourite of the family for school holidays.
Refurbishment and renovation
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The installation of a new orange roof
The couple spent several million pounds refurbishing the Georgian mansion. Documents posted on the King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council website showed that the prince and his wife had applied for planning permission to demolish their existing tennis court and create a new one with an artificial grass surface a little further from the house.
The plan was part of a “comprehensive overhaul” of the grounds at Anmer Hall, intended to improve privacy for William, Kate, George, Charlotte and Louis. They are also said to have a new “glazed garden room” and a new kitchen, where the couple reportedly spend a lot of time socialising. The Queen “couldn’t get her head around” this habit when she first visited them at Anmer Hall, one insider told the Daily Express: “In her mind, that is where all the kitchen staff work.”
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Images of the "old kitchen" that was replaced (The Everett's are bespoke kitchen designers who previously leased Amner Hall)
Refurbishment for the vast house, described by the Daily Mail as a “secluded fortress”, was largely paid for by the royal family from private funds and is reported to have cost £1.5m. The decor has been brought into line with the royal couple’s tastes, and involved an extensive tree-planting programme to afford the Duke and Duchess greater privacy.
The property was also given a new orange roof, visible in the picture below.
The Duke and Duchess have also completed a £4.5m refurbishment of their residence in Kensington Palace, Apartment 1A, which was formerly the home of Princess Margaret.
Royal Respite
Anmer Hall itself is a “comfortable, unpretentious Georgian” building, says art historian Sir Roy Strong in The Telegraph. With large sash windows, Anmer “has a gentleness to it”, but it is well located with ready access to the Duchy, Windsor, London and several racecourses.
“There is very little going on at all at Anmer,” one source told the Telegraph. “It is certainly not a social hotbed and there aren’t any fabulous shops to visit.”
The royal family are able to go about their business in privacy there with a “battery” of close protection officers on duty round the clock and all visitors “closely monitored”, the source said.
Since their wedding in 2011, both William and Kate have been spotted in the local area shopping, visiting pubs and taking the children to enjoy activities such as pottery painting. The Duchess is also known to have taken up beekeeping, a popular pursuit of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, too
Inside the Household
The Duke and Duchess have tried to keep their household staff “to a minimum”, Hello! says. In March 2016, they placed a discreet advert in The Lady magazine, which gave a “fascinating glimpse” of what life is like at Anmer Hall, “a life with children, dogs and jovial family meals at its core”, says the Daily Telegraph.” The couple were keen to emphasise in the advert that “discretion and loyalty is paramount.
However, it appears working in the royal household is a tough job. In May 2017, the Daily Mail reported that a housekeeper who earned £35,000 a year to cook, clean and shop for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their children in their Norfolk home quit her job after the post became “too demanding”.
Sadie Rice had worked at the couple's country home for two years, but reportedly refused to spend more time at their London home, Kensington Palace.
Utmost Privacy
Following the birth of Princess Charlotte, police in a Norfolk village near Anmer Hall handed out letters warning the media not to harass the royal couple, saying William and Kate had asked photographers to respect their privacy after being subjected to “a number of intrusions” by paparazzi with long lenses.
The three-paragraph letter said that the couple “have a more than reasonable expectation of privacy” while they are at Anmer Hall and on the Sandringham Estate.
It continued: “There have in the past been a number of intrusions into the privacy of the Royal Family which in the main have been as a result of professional photographers using long-distance lenses, not only to observe the Royal Family, but also to photograph them going about their activities on the estate.” As Town and Country notes, “A no-fly zone over the property likely does more to thwart the paparazzi, though.”
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snrguelph-blog · 5 months
🔧📱 The Art of Device Rescue: A Day in the Life at SNR Guelph 🎮💻
Hey, Tumblr friends! Ever wonder what happens behind the scenes at a tech repair shop? Let’s dive into a typical day at SNR Guelph, where broken gadgets come back to life!
🌞 Morning Madness: Our day kicks off with a rush of caffeine and customers. First up, a MacBook that took a coffee bath—better than your morning espresso, right? ☕️🤓 We're on it!
🕐 Afternoon Adventures: By noon, we're deep into surgery on several iPhones and a Galaxy that met the wrong end of a sidewalk. Precision tools and steady hands—every tiny screw and circuit matters!
🎮 Gaming Console Glory: In the afternoon, it’s time for console care. Today, we’re bringing a water-damaged Nintendo Switch back to life. Pro tip: Keep those drinks far away from your gaming gear!
🌆 Evening Wrap-Up: As the day winds down, we’re finishing up with some final checks and polish. Each repaired device gets a thorough cleaning and a quality assurance test. Gotta make sure everything leaves in tip-top shape!
🌙 Tech Tip Time: Did you know that keeping your device clean can extend its life? Dust and debris are the enemies of electronics. A simple wipe down with a soft cloth can make a big difference!
Thanks for hanging with us! If you’ve got a tech problem, or just want to chat about the latest in gadget care, hit us up at SNR Guelph. Check out our contact details and more cool repair stories here. Until next time, keep your tech safe and sound!
#TechRepair #GuelphTech #DeviceCare #ConsoleRepair #DayInTheLife #TechTips
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kekwcomics · 1 year
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WEIRD WONDER TALES #3 (Marvel, 1974)
"The Thing in the Bog"
Art: well, this is a tangled, messy one. It's a reworking of the cover of SPELLBOUND #22 (Atlas, 1952) with art (possibly) by Harry Anderson and originally coloured by Stan Goldberg (and edited by Stan Lee)… But bullpenners Marie Severin and John Romita Snr almost certainly 'remixed' the art and colours to re-present and make it more palatable to a 1970's audience.
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lanami-legacy · 11 months
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"You'll come and visit us again soon?" Biska asked fondly.
Listen, I can't stop thinking about the depressed single dad and the killik joiner! These two live rent-free in my head!
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zahri-melitor · 7 months
Black Canary #12 (2015) is uhhhh certainly a comic. It feels like it is trying really hard to start transitioning the character over to Rebirth while tying off the n52 story.
Because the 'life flash before your eyes' story is told by time markers and it does a whole lot of weird shit.
Dinah Laurel Lance is used as her legal name, not Dinah Drake Lance.
Dinah's noted to be 26 years old at as the time of the Black Canary 2015 run. Which I guess works with the tight age timeframes for everyone else but also...been a long time since a Black Canary was actually that young on page in main continuity.
If you count through the future sequence, Dinah is pregnant with Ollie's kid at FIFTY THREE years old (when Ollie dies in space). Yeah. Uh. Healthcare for superhero families is doing well.
She's 69 years old (heh) when she's busily dying of Mystery Disease.
Also as she conquers the demon...okay I'm a sucker for some cameo art.
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Yeah that’s your family right there, Dinah. Your mum on one side and your sister on the other.
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rcsthewriter · 11 months
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Character Introduction: Xander
Our Protagonist
Xander Holt Marsh; 18; Male; Scandinavian-English; 28/12
Reserved; Introverted; Driven; Compassionate; Independant
Born to an English father and a Scandinavian mother, Xander grew up somewhere in Scandinavia. His early days were made up of running through deep forests, fighting mythic warriors with his friend, riding horses with his mother, and hiding from his father. After his mother's untimely passing, Xander's father tore the young teenager away to England, taking over the longstanding family business in London. Marsh Snr. attempted to quash any semblance of Scandinavian heritage Xander had by employing dialect coaches and keeping Xander confined to the family estate with tutors.
After a brief stint in a private psychiatric facility to treat his "Utterly ludicrous delusions and lies", Xander has mastered the art of not mentioning the strange, almost fluid auras that exist around most people. During his final year of study under his congregation of tutors, Xander must decide which university he'll be attending. His father is set on him attending the University of Oxford, his alma mater. Xander receives an unsigned letter about attending Caldwood University. Marsh Snr. is decidedly unimpressed but after much back and forth, he gives in.
Caldwood University seems like a beacon in the dark. A place that can give Xander the connections he so desperately wants, while also helping him get answers about his strange abilities.
✏︎ 70% of the time he's thinking in his mother's native language
✏︎ Doesn't have a driver's license
✏︎ Keeps a journal made up of thoughts and pressed flowers
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smbhax · 1 year
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Java-based, free Wizardry clone.
Wiki (JP): https://freegame.gamewiki.jp/javardryintroduction1/
Software page (JP): https://thu.sakura.ne.jp/games/javardry.htm
English Windows version direct download link: https://thu.sakura.ne.jp/games/down/Javardry01_eng.zip
Windows version requires Java: https://www.java.com/en/
English web version: https://thu.sakura.ne.jp/games/html5/Javardry01/Javardry_eng.html
The artist
made the art available for other games too; a couple other games on Steam using the art are
Demon Lord Reincarnation: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2395150/Demon_Lord_Reincarnation/?snr=1_5_1100__1100
(looks like Javardry clone but stylizing the graphics in b&w and adding screen shake : P)
Buriedbornes: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2153310/Buriedbornes__Dungeon_RPG/?snr=1_5_1100__1100
Free-to-play Japanese (I think) but in English mobile-first(?) loot RPG where you just pick the next dungeon room to go to with some hints as to what sort of room it might be.
Wizardry: The Five Ordeals has similar art--although it's based on a 2006 Japanese PC game, so maybe the Javardry art was actually inspired by TFO's: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1308700/Wizardry_The_Five_Ordeals/
I think those are all Japanese dev teams. Javardry has a big scenario-creation scene among Japanese users https://wikiwiki.jp/javardry/ , but none in English--maybe because the Javardry editor is in Japanese.
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pcstan · 1 year
On an happier note I am really excited for your art I loveee it so so much you are FR one of the best people/artists in this fandom
THANK YOU I LOVE YOUUUU!!! I have 2 posts planned, one being the shirt cut memenwhich is almost over Snr the other being a special lil PC post I can't wait to talk about.
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