#so Erik got him the frog
hillerskaroyals · 2 years
ivar tweeting the trailer has to mean we’re getting more erik in season two right
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enjoythesilentworld · 4 months
Wille's Month - Fashion/Style
wow day 15! @youngroyals-events tack! <3
AU. Crown Prince Wilhelm finally meets his favorite artist, Simon Eriksson, at the Met Gala.
read below or on ao3. (T, 1.4k)
Wille took a moment to steel himself, inhaling one long, deep breath, before he’d have to face the inevitable. He could already hear the shouts, the camera clicks, and none of those were even for him yet. It wasn’t often he found himself surrounded by this many other famous people, especially not of this caliber, so he was a bit nervous. 
It was his own fault, really, that he’d found himself sitting in a black town car, in a stuffy suit, waiting to enter the most notorious fashion event of the year. But, with all of his duties as Crown Prince of Sweden, all of the handshakes and baby-kissing and ribbon cutting, he’d needed to carve something out that was his own. While he adored helping people and finding those tiny moments of joy in an otherwise suffocating role, Wille craved something that was just his. Delving into fashion had been his own personal fuck-you to the Royal Court at the beginning. They hadn’t been too keen on a big ‘coming out’ – and honestly, neither had Wille, not wanting to deal with all the drama – but the clothes he had a little more leeway with. Meeting with designers and learning about fashion was one of the few ways he could bring a bit of Wille into his position. If he wore things that were a bit more feminine or not-fitting for a straight crown prince, so what? The headlines would be what they were. It all helped him breathe a little easier, too, knowing that this part of his life was still his to control.
The theme of this year’s Met Gala was ‘Grimm Couture: Origins of Fashion’ and the dress code followed closely as ‘A Fairytale Encounter’. The royal-ness of it all hence why the Crown Prince of Sweden would be in attendance. Wille was honored, he supposed, to have been invited in the first place. It did seem a little bit too much like all the other events he usually attended – a night of rich people flaunting their wealth and pretending there were zero problems in the world – but the Court had insisted. Once he found out that Simon Eriksson would be attending, Wille had stopped putting up any sort of fight. 
With a final gulp of air, he nodded to the driver. A moment later, the car door opened, and a million flashes and shouts hit him all at once. Blinking away the initial shock, Wilhelm stood and waved politely, the perfect-prince mask slipping into place. Not wanting to draw too much attention to himself but wanting to fit the dress code, Wilhelm had leaned into the fairy tale aspect. He chuckled slightly at the thought of Erik seeing him now, parading around in a light green and gold suit decorated with lily pads and willow branches. It felt nice to still have an inside joke with him, imagining Erik laughing at his little brother, The Frog Prince, attending such a prestigious event. 
Slowly, he was guided, buffeted by multiple security guards, toward the main event and the main red carpet. He tried not to look too obvious as he glanced around, only really looking for one person. The saturation of fame in such a small space was astounding. Wilhelm was a different kind of famous from these people. A few tweets would be sent out by random people questioning his identity or purpose for being there and (hopefully) complimenting his suit. The rest of this crowd, though, were real famous people, renowned around the world. Like, for example, Simon Eriksson. The man was three-quarters of the way to an EGOT, and he was only 24. He also happened to be Wilhelm’s favorite music artist and the main star in his dreams. They followed each other on socials but had never spoken in real life. Tonight, Wille hoped, that would change.
When he got to the bottom of the stairs, Wilhelm spotted him. An absolute vision of sin, Simon Eriksson wore a deep purple affair, dripping in silver jewelry and pants so long and layered they might have been a skirt. His jacket was cropped and open in the front, revealing a bare, toned chest and midriff.  
Voices shouting his official title shook Wilhelm out of his trance, and he let his eyes linger a second longer before turning to the photographers in front of him. Wilhelm made his way up the stairs distractedly, posing and half-heartedly answering interviewers questions. He simply could not look away from Simon, who was working his way up the other side of the stairs. 
A few times, Simon caught Wilhelm staring and smirked devilishly at him. Wilhelm would whip his head back around and attempt to smooth his features, having to ask the poor journalist to repeat their question. Halfway up the stairs, Wilhelm zeroed into an interview Simon was giving right behind him. 
“Simon, Simon! Tonight’s theme is all about fairy tale encounters. What fairy tales inspired your look tonight?” 
Wilhelm couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder as Simon let out a warm laugh. 
“Well, I’ve never been much of a believer in fairy tales. But looking around tonight,” Simon said thoughtfully, then turned and made direct eye contact with Wilhelm, “it seems I might find a prince of my own.” 
Wilhelm, aware of their surroundings, sent a kind smile back, then quickly turned away to hide his blush. 
The rest of their travel up the carpet continued as such, sending flirty glances at each other across the distance and adding piles of fuel to the media fire Wilhelm was sure to hear all about tomorrow. He couldn’t find it in himself to care. Still, he did his best to answer the interviewers questions, wanting to be respectful of their time and also to plug some of the charities he was proud to work with. 
As soon as he made it to the top of the carpet, Simon disappeared into the crowd. Wilhelm didn’t see him for hours. In fact, he thought he might’ve left. It wasn’t until the evening was beginning to draw to a close, and Wilhelm was beginning to accept the fact he’d never get more than a teasing look from a distance, that he ran into Simon in the men’s restroom.
“Kronprinsen,” Simon said in a mocking tone, dipping into a small curtsy. His pretty voice echoed slightly in the tiled room.
Wilhelm groaned. “Please, no. Just– Just Wilhelm is fine. Wille.” 
Simon’s eyes were playful, and, at this closer distance, Wilhelm could see the intricate black and silver eyeliner accentuating them. Thankfully, it seemed the bathroom was empty, so no one would see just how weak in the knees Wille was feeling.
“Okay, Wille,” he nodded, “I’m Simon.”
“I know,” Wille blurted. “I mean, how are you enjoying the evening?
“Ugh,” Simon rolled his eyes, “I hate these things. All the fuss kind of makes me sick, but I’ve got an album coming out soon, so the label insisted. Plus, who am I to turn down Anna Wintour?”  
“Well, you look absolutely incredible, regardless. I’m a little worried you’re in the background of all my photos and stealing my shine.” 
The immediate light in Simon’s eyes was worth the slight blush on Wille’s cheeks. Unknowingly, they had both stepped forward, bringing them closer in the already small space. 
“Oh, dear,” Simon drawled, raising a hand to grasp at Wille’s lapels, “Are you nervous that people are going to notice you’ve been staring at me all night?” 
At their sudden close proximity, Wille swallowed dryly. His eyes flickered down when Simon wet his lips, as if in invitation. 
“How could I have looked anywhere else?” he whispered into the space between them. 
Simon hummed. “Were you planning on staying much longer, Your Highness?” 
“Don’t call me that,” Wille groaned again and reached out to wrap an arm around Simon’s waist, then pulled him in. “But, no, In fact, I was just leaving.”
The last bit of space vanished between their bodies and Simon tilted his head up tauntingly, revealing even more of that beautiful neck of his. “I see. Me too.”
“Do you need a ride?” Wille asked, breathing the words into the sliver of air separating his lips from Simon’s. 
“I’d love one.” 
That was the last Met Gala either of them attended. Three years later, the notorious fashion event had a much smaller audience as the majority of the world turned its attention to the highly anticipated summer wedding of an Ex-Crown Prince Wilhelm and EGOT-winner Simon Eriksson. 
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cherikdogfood · 3 months
For @desdemona2902 : Erik is getting drinks for them and some random asks Charles "are you working?" This happened irl. it was very funny but I don't think Erik would be amused.
Thank you for the lovely prompt! I hope you like it!
Notes: NSFW at the end.
Are You Working?
"I'll get us more drinks," Erik said telepathically, knowing that speaking out loud would be useless in the rowdy environment.
"Okay, don't keep me waiting for too long," Charles giggled, already slightly tipsy.
Erik sighed fondly and stood up, making his way through the crowd. It was a typical Friday night, the bar filled with customers, both human and mutant alike, mingling and chatting and drinking.
Erik asked the bartender for his drinks, the usual, and tapped his finger impatiently as he waited.
He wondered what Charles was doing right now. Probably thinking about his students, or the countless papers he had to grade, or about Raven and Hank's upcoming wedding.
God, speaking about the wedding, Erik was dizzy with all the things they had to choose -- the color scheme, the flowers, the vases, the cakes, the food, the chairs, god, even the napkins! He couldn't help thinking about him and Charles...
When it's their turn to get married (and it's a question of when, because they have talked about getting married and they just need to set a date), Erik knows he'll have to go through the entire process just like Raven and Hank -- picking the venue, the clothes, the chairs (he wants the chairs to be metal), the jewelry (he'll be hand-carving the ring for Charles, of course), and even the guest list (Erik wants to ban Azazel from coming since the last time Azazel got drunk during a wedding party, he teleported everywhere and smeared cake all over the place).
When the drinks finally arrived, Erik was listing the people he would be okay with as the minister of his and Charles' wedding. Number one, first and foremost, was Emma Frost. Partly because she was indeed an ordained minister (fancy that, Erik was sure she had mind-whammied someone into ordaining her) and partly because she was his best friend.
The fact that she was an ice-cold telepath who had asked (read: demanded) to be the minister for their wedding definitely did not play a part. And Erik was definitely not afraid of her, even after that incident when she used her telepathy to make him think he was a frog and shamelessly asked Charles for a kiss to turn him into a human.
(Charles thought it was funny and sweet, Raven had gagged, Hank had been embarrassed, and Emma had found the entire situation hilarious. She had also taken a video of the entire incident and threatened to show it to Azazel, who would no doubt laugh his tail off if he knew).
Even so, he loved Emma and Azazel and would not trade them for all the metal in the world. Maybe.
It was at this point that Erik knew he was much drunker than he thought he was, because the only times he would admit that he loved his friends was when he was really drunk, or when he was with Charles, because Charles was a telepath and his future husband and he couldn't hide anything from him.
Erik held the drinks in one hand and spotted Charles, smiling before he heard the most outrageous sentence that made his blood boil.
"Hey, are you here working?" A man asks, looming over Charles' small figure.
"Huh?" Charles looks dazedly at the man.
"I said, are you working? If you are, how much for a blowjob?" The man asks again.
Charles blinks owlishly and the man runs a hand through his hair.
"Or can I just fuck you? I've seen that ass of yours, I really want to squeeze it," the man chuckles lewdly.
Erik is thrumming with fury and all the metal in the room is vibrating subtly, and he should move, he should reach out to Charles and take him away from that bastard, but for some reason he can't move, he's rooted to the spot and there's nothing he can do but watch.
"You can't," Charles slurs, "I belong to someone already..."
"You're booked for the night?" The man asks, impatient. "Don't worry, whatever that guy offered you, I can pay double. Just name the price.
"I'm not booked for the night," Charles says.
Erik feels his heart drop and quickly reminds himself that Charles is drunk. Charles has no idea what he's saying. He shouldn't be upset. He should move, damn it, do something--!
"M'sorry," Charles says, smiling apologetically, "I'm booked for life."
The man is puzzled, and Erik feels himself soar into the skies.
"I said, m'booked for life. I'm Erik's," Charles says, speaking as if it's a matter of fact (and it is).
Suddenly Erik feels his limbs and shifts. He can move -- he wastes no time to walk (more like stomp angrily) to the man and glares at him. (It's at moments like these when Erik wishes he had Scott's powers instead, so he could blast this bastard away just by glaring).
"Charles," he says, putting down the drinks and snaking his arms around Charles' waist.
It's not enough, he thinks, so he gently cups Charles' face in one hand and plants his lips over Charles'.
He wanted to kiss Charles gently, but feeling the soft and pliant lips part obediently for him made him growl in satisfaction, turning the kiss into a heated one. Tongues and teeth clashed, Erik seeming as if he wanted to meld Charles into his own flesh and devour him.
Mine, he thinks, hot and possessive.
Yours, Charles replies, whimpering underneath him.
The sound is enough to make Erik's blood boil, this time out of lust. His drinks (and the man) are forgotten as he hoists Charles to his feet.
"Let's go," he whispers, dragging Charles out of the bar and hailing a cab. The ride back home is torturously slow, Erik trying not to just fuck Charles right then and there. It's a losing battle, really, because Erik's pants are already too tight and seeing Charles flushed and panting is enough to make him cum. To make matters worse, a drunk Charles means a horny Charles, and Charles wants more than just kisses on the mouth.
"Do you know what the man was thinking, Erik?" He asks, biting his lip and making Erik's dick twitch. Gott, that mouth, imagining it wrapped around his dick, sucking him off, the sounds Charles would make, tears spilling out of his cerulean eyes as he could do nothing but take it --
"Yes, oh yes," Charles moans, "That's exactly what he was thinking."
And Charles, the slut that he is, sends him image after image, Charles pressed to the bed, ass up in the air as Erik pounds into him, Charles lying flat on the bed, moaning and whimpering as Erik fingers him, Charles riding him until his legs are sore, bouncing on Erik's cock, Erik fucking Charles until he can't speak or think, forgetting everything except Erik's name.
When they arrive at their house, Erik thanks the driver, giving him a generous tip, and pulls Charles inside.
They don't make it to the bed before Erik fucks him, claiming him against the wall, because Charles is his.
Mine, mine, mine, Erik's mind sings as he thrusts into Charles' tight hole.
Yours, ah-- yours, Erik, please--! Charles pleads.
Erik grins. It's going to be a long, long, night.
[made by cherikdogfood]
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foreverunraveling · 6 months
Completely devastating that Erik may not have been who Wille thought he was. But…. Does this finally take away (or at least reduce the power of) the Queen’s trump card?
Every time she wants Wilhelm’s allegiance to the royal house, the Queen invokes Erik and Erik’s legacy. And Wille feels like he can’t “betray” Erik by abandoning the crown or going his own way. Well, now Wilhelm feels somewhat betrayed by Erik’s participation in a homophobic tradition. He realizes that the perfect image of his brother in his head isn’t real. It’s just Wille’s limited perception of a more complicated person. Wilhelm has to see that he can’t do this job that is killing him based on contrived perceptions of what others want or would have done. He shouldn’t begrudgingly accept the role of crown prince to uphold the legacy and ideals of a brother who was himself flawed and didn’t always do the right thing. Wille can’t even know for certain at this point that’s what Erik would have wanted—clearly there were things about Erik that Wilhelm didn’t know or understand.
Now that Wilhelm realizes that he needs to stop idolizing Erik and fully become his own person with his own beliefs, there’s not really any reason left for him not to abdicate. In season 2, Wille told Boris that he couldn’t abdicate because of his mother’s expectations—and she has left him even more in the lurch than Wilhelm would have left her if he abdicated. She is an adult, with experience and a support system and preparation. She would still have a backup. At the very least, we know that this is Wilhelm’s perception. If neither Erik nor the Queen are compelling reasons not to abdicate, then what is? (Definitely not the Duke now that Wilhelm has well and truly seen how Ludvig moves through life with all the agency of an NPC.)
So… does Erik being maybe kinda shitty actually mean that Wille might let himself off the hook?
***Obviously in no way in favor Erik being a homophobic sexual harasser; just trying to understand how this new information might play into Wille’s thought processes. Also, I think it’s important that he abdicates for himself and not for Simon, if that’s what happens. To paraphrase my own therapist, “you have to change for yourself—not to save the relationship.” I love the romantic idea of Wilhelm abdicating because he can’t live without Simon, but that’s just too much pressure to put on another human being. Simon shouldn’t have to carry the responsibility of being “the guy who the crown prince abdicated for” (whether in their relationship or in life generally).
Abdication has got to be a decision that Wilhelm makes for himself, first and foremost. And removing Erik’s legacy from that decisionmaking process gets him just that much closer.
ETA: My current pet theory for episode 6 is that the frog from inside the snowglobe gets crushed/decapitated/broken. Don’t read too much into my thumbnail at this point, I guess….
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wilhelmsbee · 8 months
Okay honestly? I'll just take you up on that offer because I'm obsessed with your edits in general, but if you ever feel like talking some more about that Wilhelm edit you did to the song Ribs by Lorde??? Would love that because that edit lives rent-free in my head! (no pressure though, I just like the idea of like... director's commentary or something for edits haha)
preface: i talk ab why i chose each scene for the lyrics, then colouring/font, idk if this is the directors commentary you wanted but like this is how I think about all my edits
We're reeling through the midnight streets- initially, I actually wanted to start it on the this dream isn't feeling sweet line but it just didn't fit in instagrams 1-minute time frame ANYWAY This scene has always been the most painful to me. Wilhelm realises at this moment that he's truly, undeniably alone in his life. Everyone he trusts (or is supposed to trust) has left him, and he has nobody left to go to. He's alone, going through his own personal hell, finding out his only family cares more about public perception than him as a person. It's like the beginning of the worst spiral we see from Wilhelm. Its quite a literal scene-to-lyric moment, but also the we're part feels (to me) like him-as-well-as his public self. Crown Prince Wilhelm and Wille are such separate parts, and its all he has left.
And I've never felt more alone- The THERAPY SCENE! Specifically this is the I think it's better not knowing how it could feel scene, because that truly is the most heartbreaking viewpoint I've ever seen from a character. It was better not being in love because I couldn't miss it. He might be getting closer to the other boys in the secret society, as well as Felice, but he's not really breaking past the surface level with anyone. Not even Felice knows the depths of his pain, he keeps it all to himself. The loneliness crushes him, he wishes he didn't know how love felt. As far as he's concerned, he's never loving someone else again (true) and he's never going to be able to love Simon again (false). In this moment there's this feeling of emptiness. He has nothing he actually cares about, and he wishes that he never cared in the first place.
It feels so scary, getting old- He wasn't supposed to fill this role, giving a speech as the Crown Prince of Sweden about his brother's passing. Wilhelm's character (obviously) fundamentally switches after Erik's death. He used to be a lot sillier, more reckless and more willing to fight back against his parents. But now he's got every single eye on him, watching him. Put into an adult role at the age of sixteen, forced to carry the burden of spare his whole childhood, then suddenly forced to be the sole heir. Even if he had planned to maybe one day be the heir (which he didn't, judging by the he should be here instead of me comment) it wasn't supposed to happen until he was older and wiser. He stops acting like a kid because he can't be a kid anymore. The cuts between the frog/getting the frog/breaking the globe aimed to emphasise this. He's lost all connection to his brother, he's in a place he didn't expect to be until he was extremely old (if ever), and he's lost control of his own life.
We can talk it so good, we can make it so divine, we can talk it good how we wish it would be all the time- I wanted to frame Simon in this as a sort of healthy distraction for Wilhelm. He was the only person in his life who actually looked out for him and cared. They're happy and they're smiling, all the clips are intimate even if there's someone else there. It highlights how they care. It's good, it's divine. It's what kept him happy after the hardest thing in his life (so far). In this edit, he desperately wants it back because he knows how much it helped. It was the only bright thing he had. The cutting to Wilhelm alone in s2 after how we wish it would be all the time just aims to really enforce that he wished it was still like that, wishing for someone who truly cared and loved him. It's all yearning, pining, wishing things were better. Every single clip is a clip in which Wilhelm has been pining over Simon. There's an ache he expresses that was just so, so important to this edit.
This dream isn't feeling sweet- Lots of clips of Wilhelm trying to process things. He's been forced to change his entire life, after all being a prince is a privilege, not a punishment. The 'dream' of being royal crushes him, despite the fact he can't ever voice it. Walking down the halls of his castle, sitting in his private boarding school therapy session with an actual therapist, being driven home in a private car from the party where he was filmed fighting. These luxuries juxtaposed with his actual circumstances hurt. He can't complain because he's got it best in the country, but it isn't a system designed for him, it doesn't want to help him, it wants to make him conform. It isn't fair, but he can't say that.
We're reeling through the midnight streets- He's forcing himself to try and fit the mould while also being himself, and all it causes is pain. He's actively fighting against the institution he was raised in simply by existing. The panic attack from being perceived holding Simon's hand. Deleting his contact after his mother told him 'no more mistakes.' Trying to play nice at the dinner table even though his whole life was crumbling around him and the institution was failing everyone even though nobody believed him. The panic attack/anxiety vomit from Simon going public, against Wilhelm's institution, knowing that he might not be able to protect him. He's got no control in any of these scenes, its a desperate fight against himself. He's a publicity risk to his own family if he is true to himself, and he's a risk to himself if he isn't.
And I've never felt more alone- Desperately trying to comfort himself when nobody else can (or wants to) comfort him. After the fight at the party all his family cared about was the PR response. When August said that Simon would take the fall for the drugs, all he cared about was getting Alexander back. During the uniform tailoring, all Jan-Olof cared about was tradition and making Simon as background as he could. When Wilhelm gave up meditating to soothe his anxiety, he was upset at his inability to calm down, despite the fact he's never been given an opportunity to be calm. Nobody really knows about his mental health struggles, he just has to fight through them and desperately try to self-soothe. Nobody else will comfort him after all.
It feels so scary getting old- Each of these scenes show Wilhelm being viewed as his role instead of being viewed as a person. He clearly struggles with being viewed as just the Crown Prince of Sweden, especially since that was never supposed to be his role, so of course it hurts when he's viewed as just a pawn in the Royal Family. Especially from people he loves. Yes, it was undeniably hard when he first became the Crown Prince, and it absolutely would've crushed him to know that when he had a panic attack he couldn't be alone. But these scenes are interlaced with him being viewed as a political pawn by Simon and his mother. People he loves, people he trusts. He's just a public statement to his mother, and he's just a human representation of the Crown to Simon (in these scenes not in general ofc). He's never going to be able to be his own person again, because he's got a country to run when he grows up and a public image to form between now and then.
This dream isn't feeling sweet- The lyrics are now getting more compounding, it's louder and it's closer. He's fighting to be heard, he's being ripped off of his desk, he's forcing down a panic attack because he needs to be happy for Simon. His emotions aren't allowed, he can't feel anything negative so he won't feel anything at all. Nothing in his life feels good anymore, so he's fighting the losing battle to just try to break even. Nobody would dream of this, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. He can't even voice that, though.
We're reeling through the midnight streets- Now he's reminiscing about when things were easier, but they weren't, really. Yes, the placard was there the night he first kissed Simon, but that was also the beginning of the horrific realisation he wasn't built for the world he is forced to live in. His mother says 'no more mistakes' and he already knows it means he has to leave Simon. When that doesn't work and it all falls out, he's left to try and clean his own image up by nailing the closet shut with every fibre of his being. His life wasn't better, he's grasping for anything to show him life will be okay again. Everything has crumbled and now he's got nothing, so he yearns for when he had something, even if it was just something to lose.
And I've never felt more alone- He is constantly left. Something that isn't brought up enough is how often he's just abandoned. He has no one to talk to, he's forced to work through his struggles alone because his existence is political and any sign of weakness being public could reflect badly on his family. He becomes the embodiment of the Prince he could never be. Walking to the lake and reminiscing about when he would be happy there. Being left alone by his brother, who didn't even reply to him asking to say hi to his mother and father, who he then never sees in person again. Then wearing his brother's jacket. He's alone, and all he does is pine for a time when he wasn't. All he wants to do is go back and do it all again, and he can't. But he also can't move forward, he doesn't want to, he doesn't know how.
It feels so scary- Only two scenes so I'll discuss 'em one by one: -At Erik's funeral, there's a more literal fear of getting old. I don't want to repeat myself more than I already have but obviously, that forced Wilhelm to grow up and be more mature, and act like a Crown Prince instead of just the Prince. More attention, less room for error. He's terrified of fucking it up, and there's nobody who can help him. -The breakup scene is more metaphorical. He has to grow up and figure out what he wants to do with his life, while also having to grow to understand what he actually has the ability to do with his life. He's not ready to do this because he wants things to be good and happy but it was ripped away from him. He can't just pretend everything is alright anymore, but the amount of maturing he needs to do seems impossible at this moment, especially knowing he was in love with a boy when he wasn't allowed to be. He tries to be both a Prince and Wilhelm and all it did was betray his boyfriend's trust.
getting old- Wilhelm shutting his computer and pressing his hands to his eyes. It's exhausting. He's exhausted. Constantly working to try and be who he's supposed to be as well as being himself and trying to navigate his emotions in a vulnerable state is just too much. He can't carry it all, so he just gives up for a moment. It all goes quiet, but not in a good way. When you're that overwhelmed, the lack of anything just leaves more room to spiral.
Intro: literally my handwriting. I wanted this to feel personal and almost like a desperate written plea to go back to when it was good, and what's more personal than my own handwriting am I right!!!
First chorus loop: Magazine font, it's in pieces and it doesn't match. There's a sporadic chaos, like he's beginning to feel it but it isn't there yet. The text isn't fully opaque, it's in front of him. We're seeing it before he does in this context. Trying to reflect how the media knows things before he does, like his brothers death, the tape leaking, all that good stuff.
Second chorus loop: Big, Bold, Unavoidable! I rotobrushed Wilhelm in every scene so that the text could be intertwined with him. He can't escape the reality of his situation, he is getting crushed by these feelings. The song gets louder and more claustrophobic, the text is in the scenes with him. It haunts him, it's everywhere. When he closes the laptop and it all goes silent, its not relaxing, it just makes you anxious in a different way.
I actually chose the blues from the intro scene, mainly in the night sky bit of the frame. Also! All the happy Wilmon scenes have a higher saturation, though you can't tell because of how I did the colouring. It just results in them being a little bit brighter, because things were good then and I believe it should feel good then, too.
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willesworld · 2 years
I have an autistic Wille headcanon to share!
Wille’s special interest is frogs. He got super into frogs as a kid and he and Erik used to search the palace garden for them but Kristina would never let them take them inside. So when Erik gave Wille the frog prince snow globe it was extra meaningful <3 🐸
oh my GOD i LOVE this
i spend so much time debating with myself what wille's special interest would be, and this is perfect. it ties into canon and is also related to erik and GAH. love.
i can just imagine a little wille wondering around with dirt on his knees and a little frog in his hand that he found in the garden. and he holds it so gently until he finds erik and holds it up for him to see. and ofc because we love erik, erik is so supportive and encouraging and gets all excited when wille shows him the frog.
send me an autistic wille hc
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t-the-ring-master · 6 days
Spoilers ahead!
A quiet place day one review!
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Late movie review for “quiet place day one”
finished it a few hours ago but C and I were playing a lot of stuff 🤣.
Plot: 6/10. Pretty much the same as the rest of the movies. But I did like the areas and how cool looking everything was.
Characters: 7/10. Love Eric. Sam was annoying in the beginning tbh but I liked her more as the story continued. I did tear up at the end when her and Erik split ways. The nurse deserved better but I knew he was gonna die lol. Monster went Yoink!
Scares: 5/10. I’m more of a shove it in my face, kind of person. I prefer scary games over movies to be fair. But I did think the monster in the rail road scene was pretty cool. When the nurse got snatched, my friend… we’ll call her Void. And I started punching air 🤣. Her poor dogs were so confused.
Ending: 8/10. Shockingly liked the ending. I thought the touch with the note was very on character for Sam, and it even made me tear up. I hope we eventually return to see what happens to Eric or find out more. Maybe he’s mentioned in the other movies (which I have not watched. I know for a fact I’ll hate the pregnant lady in the first movie because who the hell purposely gets pregnant during the apocalypse when you have to be silent? Girl deserved to die if she did.)
Over all: 8/10. Would watch again with my friends family. Void’s mom definitely found Void and my suffering funny lol. Their dogs also liked the snuggling. Also our friend’s mom had some buyers over for some frog tanks, and I’m pretty sure they heard the 3 of us discussing who would die first.
We decided.
C: would last maybe 2 days before sneezing and dying.
Void: a week as long as she isn’t in an explosion or something that would cause her to sneeze, he knack for walking silently would come in clutch.
Me: probably 3 days max before I ran out of my medication and I started having coughing fits from choking on my own spit.
Void’s mom(mama Void): 2 days max. Her and I would probably die together.
Void’s brother(Void Egg): dead immediately. Bro can’t be quiet to save his life and him and I would start talking hot wheels before getting snatched.
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forgotteneilionora · 1 month
OOC | Bastard Names
ok so the staffords being bastardized (i was working on the eilia/aria comment and yeah this happened hahaha) has got me thinking abt how that's handled in this world re: what they're called? and, since peasants seem to have last names in astaira, i was thinking that perhaps those whose parentage are unknown or whatever are said to be children of their region's landmark or perhaps symbol, whether highborn or baseborn, basically, like astaira itself is their parent? so, like, peasant or noble alike of uncertain parentage, according to region, would maybe be:
ó aigéan -- child of the sea
ó long -- child of the ship
ó rotha -- child of the wheel
ó sioc -- child of the frost
ó sliogán -- child of the escallop/shell
ó eanaigh -- child of the fen
ó loscann -- child of the frog
ó aigéan -- child of the sea
ó rosualt -- child of the seahorse
ó rotha -- child of the wheel
ó loch -- child of the lake
ó sliabh -- child of the moutain
ó caomhnóirí -- child of the guardians
ó sliabh -- child of the mountain
ó darach -- child of the oak
ó fianna [bána] -- child of the [white] hart/deer
ó réimse -- child of the reach/fields
ó sionnach -- child of the fox
ó eanaigh -- child of the fen
ó seilide -- child of the snail
ó réaltaí -- child of the stars
so yeah idk how we'd like to structure this but if we go w this choice, here're some examples we could use, based on key features of the areas etc! also notably i just used google translate for these so they're also probs iffy at best (tho i do know for sure that ó def means basically, 'child/descendant [of]') and we've also been largely using old irish as opposed to modern irish etc etc etc but yeah!!
[some examples of irl last names w this kinda thing: Ó Braoin (child of the rain); Ó Briain (child of the hill); Ó Broin (child of the raven)]
some alternatives to the above!!!
if the parents aren't known/acknowledged, you basically get either nothing and/or to lowkey make up ur own, whether you just straight up be like 'call me hannah montana' or the town calls you 'erik the red' for your hair, or you're known for your deeds like 'john [the] smith' or even 'sam [the] slayer' or whatever!!
you're known as ~sean of [insert town name here]
(some examples of the above kinds of naming traditions two can be found [ here ])
you get ur mama's name/you get a hyphenated name/you get ur dad's name
idk basically i was thinking abt the stafford girls' new status as 'bastards' and whether or not they're still known (to the varmonts at least) as staffords or if they have some new name now given their supposed illegimacy? i assume if so it'd still conform to the astairan traditions re: illegitimacy
all this being said, tho, regardless, i can 10000% see roderick being weird af abt it, if shiv pushes his buttons, and so, if by astairan tradition they keep their stafford name, i can see him thus supplying them w some ~other name of his own choosing or even a ~varmont bastard name~ if nothing else (do we think that'd be a thing?), or simply stripping them of ~any last name if it came to that so like???? idk!! alskjdflkdjfjkldsf
anyway, what're everyone's thoughts?
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@extrovertedd-introvert this one's for you
you can find a master list of all my headcanon posts at the bottom!!
pt 5 of wilmon headcanons ft. the boys being casually protective of and besotted with each other
wille is particularly fond of kissing the tip of simon's nose. it almost always ends in simon scrunching up his nose and smiling, which is so adorable that wille just has to do it again
wille has an official "crown prince" twitter account that he absolutely does not run himself. simon thinks that the account is hilarious with how much he knows wille would never say any of that stuff ever
since getting back together, the "simon" folder on wille's phone has grown exponentially. simon has a very similar folder dedicated to wille. neither of them has ever shown the other that these albums exist
simon is obsessed with basically any type of cola he can find. wille's drink of choice remains water, which simon and all their friends think is weird as hell
due to wille's anxiety, he's the type of person who looks up anything and everything he can about a new show he's watching so there are no surprises. simon, on the other hand, HATES spoilers with every part of him. they've made a deal when watching a new show together that wille is allowed to look up whatever he wants, but if he says a word about it to simon, they can't watch it together anymore
after erik died, wille got a new special interest/hyperfixation on reptiles/amphibians, particularly frogs. he has posters in his room and can give a slew of facts off the top of his head, and he's read the frog prince fairy tale so many times he has it memory. whenever wille goes on a new rant about them, simon listens diligently and without distractions because while he couldn't care less about the mating habits of tree frogs, he knows how important it is to wille
even though wille likes video games, he's never been into it the way simon is. even still, he'll gladly watch simon play for hours and wholeheartedly agrees whenever simon looks at him with a smile and asks if he wants simon to teach him how to play
simon is one alarm and done, but wille needs a minimum of five and at least three rounds of snooze before there's even a chance of him waking up
if simon is around however, he'll wake up to one kiss on the cheek and a hand running through his hair. his internal simon radar impresses both of them to no end
wille doesn’t have a lot of musical talent, but he did take piano lessons for years. simon knew he at least knew how to play a little from when wille had been showing him the school song, but he doesn’t learn that wille can actually play for real until one day when they’re hanging out in his room and wille pulls the electric keyboard into his lap, playing a gentle and clearly well rehearsed melody. simon is pretty sure he actually swooned at the sight
wille doesn’t play piano very often, and simon is the only person who can ever get him to do it. most commonly he’ll play when simon is having a bad day and needs a distraction, or when simon fixes him with those wide, pretty eyes because he needs help rehearsing a piece for choir. no one at school except for simon knows he plays
jealousy headcanons | pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4
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that0nebird · 1 year
So I've been really into acnh and our life so I started making a list of villagers I think the characters would have and here's that..!!!
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So for Qiu I was going purely based on vibes I won't lie, I feel like their island be super normal but in a very charming way.
So for their two Smugs I chose Shep and Henry. I think Henry would for sure be their favorite villager like look at that frog he is so Qiu coded. Shep is Qiu coded too so he absolutely stays. I have a feeling Qiu would just in general have a soft spot for smugs.
For their peppy villagers I chose Cheri and BonBon. I chose both of them for the same reasons I think step 1 Qiu would think they look very fun. They'd always be active on the island, like they would 100% be the resident island troublemakers.!!
For their Jock I chose Roald because look at those big dumb eyes, that scatterbrained bird has not a single thought rattling around in there. He would have been a starting villager that was too cute to give up.
For their Normal I chose Goldie and I feel like the reasoning behind this is obvious, Qiu's favorite color is golden (and who doesn't love Goldie?) She would be on one of their first mystery island and they would invite her ASAP.
For their cranky I chose Wolfgang because he gives me such step 2 Qiu vibes it's not even funny. Look at h i m like oh my lord there isn't a world where Qiu doesn't have Wolfgang on their island. He would definitely be a lucky autofill villager.
For their snooty I chose Whitney because of vibes alone. She's so adorable They'd have 0 choice but to keep her. Also step 2 Qiu would love her imo. Once again she'd be a lucky autofill villager.
For their Lazy I gave them Beau because 1 he's orange, 2 he looks like he'd be right at home in golden grove, 3 and most importantly like Roald they're a silly little guy with worms for brains.
And finally for their sisterly (Who I definitely didn't forget to add and had to poorly photoshop her on.) Phoebe. She's a phoenix that lives in a volcano, she is literally so cool they would love her.
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It's TamaTime™ I went in extra hard for my cottagecore queen!
For her normal's I gave her Molly and Stella. I chose Stella for multiple reasons;1, I think she's such an underrated cottagecore villager 2, Not only is she a cottagecore staple she also gives me major grandma vibes so Tamarack would definitely get Stella cause she reminds Tamarack of her Omi. 3, Stella is sooooo step 2 Tamarack coded oh my godddd. Besties for life I say. Now I chose Molly because she's the cutest little duck and reminds me of Tamarack in step 1 based purely on vibes.
Onto her cranky boys ofc I had to choose Dobie. Dobie is the grandpa villager and she would get him for a similar reason to Stella and that's because he reminds Tamarack of her Opa. He would have a home next to Stella and she'd use the Happy Home dlc to make his house a little office. As for O'Hare he was definitely an autofill she got too attached to.
For her peppy(s) I chose Felicity and Tangy. Once again both of my girls are so Tamarack coded. Felicity I'm more of a general sense and Tangy is one again giving me step 1 Tamarack vibes which I love. Also semi-unrelated but step 1 Tamarack definitely would love peppy villagers as a whole.
For her lazy you know I had to go with Erik. He's a cottagecore staple, a sweetheart, he's a sleepy little orange antelope and I hate to repeat myself (not really) but LOOK. AT. HIM. He even has a snazzy lil sweater. Love him and Tamarack would too.
For her snooty I chose Willow because she's so bright, cute, she's a sheep 🩷, her catchphrase is "bo peep" and because shes a snooty ofc my girl is going to tell you exactly what she thinks at any moment. For the third time we have peak Step 1 vibes.
Her jock is Teddy not for any particular reason other than I think he'd be a starter villager she few too attached too and conveniently fit the island theme.
For her Sisterly I chose Deirdre because she's a deer, she has a forrest as her home, and her starter sweater reminds me of one you can choose in game for Franky.
I will be adding to this later but my brain will implode if I think about this anymore right now.
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theredandwhitequeen · 6 months
Young royals series finale thoughts I had to wait a few hours because I had to get my haircut, so I’m ready now. I hope Ouch ouch ouch ouch, my poor crying boys Yay Felice is there so he’s not alone. Simon left that night. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 So many fanfics this week included him not staying at the castle Boys in the lake, partying  Simon and Sara, Simon not being able to go to school, because he doesn’t want to run into Wille Hugs Micke leaving the car to his kids, kinda sweet, but also heartbreaking  Class out side Wille asks Sara about Simon They banned Hillerska from operating. Jesus Blaming going on in the dorms, Wille and Felice.  August falling apart. I wonder if he was asked to talk Been warned for 10 years already August, getting cuddled by Nils and Vincent is kinda adorable and incredibly weird all at once since they can still graduate  The school closes at the end of school year. Sara, Simon, Ayub and Rosh Talking of starting over in Gothenburg  Wille the court wants to send him to school in Norway? Parents don’t even care or thinking about him They’re just looking at Queen’s mental health not the son they totally ignore and don’t deserve. I’m old enough to be his mom so I’m taking over.  August tells Nils and Vincent he’s the back up and he’s doing royal stuff and they’re like that’s horrible, before you were in with the family without working. Truth Wille checking books back in, Simon enters without seeing him I feel empty - oh Wille Henry interrupts  Pre partying - doing shots with the house father Felice and Wille’s talk oh my, Party Prince Also telling Malin he’s going and they can follow and watch him, is hilarious  The soccer field and the plastic grass a call back How do you know if you’ve got closure Revolution remix All 4 went to the party on the bikes Wille and Simon from across the room Wille and August Erik loved you, the video wouldn’t have mattered, thank you some one needed to tell Wille that. He needed to hear that his brother loved him  I have feeling for August, but I have bigger stronger feelings for You, for Simon and for me. Oh yes good Felice told the truth to the inspectors. Good for her Got up an hour earlier to straighten her hair and nobody paid attention  Stella being awful to Rosh and Rosh asking Ayub if her gaydar is off, he’s so sweet to her Simon and Wille Nils came out, ahhhhhh Good for Sara, standing up for herself  August using emotional blackmail  It’ll pass, damn girl Oh my god the pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy hell My poor sad babies Fredricka and Stella, ok then, Felice saw and heard The Song!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The nook 😍😍😍😭 The packing, the goodbyes in the hallway He threw the frog in the trash!!!!!!!!!! 😳😍 Sara’s hair is so cute. Going to graduation  They did Simon’s version of the school song, he was so confused  Boris and Wille  August’s mom and step dad were there for him, also cute picture  The Queen and Duke managed to show up Well damn I wasn’t expecting her to apologize at all. I hope you have a nice summer. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😳 Help Oh my god the talk about not wanting to be king is happening. It’s not his choice, none of it has been, his parents are listening to him. Said it’s not about Simon. 😳😳😳😳 In the limo He’s escaping his role and August saw him and his expression read oh shit He ran after the car.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🎊🎉🎊🎉🎉🎊🎼 The reunion was beautiful and Sara and Felice being happy for them is so beautiful  I love this little show so much.
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absent-o-minded · 2 years
Still too busy to start writing an essay so here's a (selective) dive into my emotional state whilst watching S2:
The Opening second of S2 because I was too excited and overwhelmed
Simon's reaction to getting the solo (I had to pause bc I was genuinely clutching my chest over how happy he was.)
When Wille was putting on the Ball make-up and started crying over how he was becoming exactly the thing he didn't want to be
Wille's reaction after kissing Simon for the first time since last Christmas
Sara's confession about the whole video INITIALLY, and then my tears got more violent when I looked at Simon's face. He didn't even need to say anything, you could already see it (To anyone who posted hate abt Simon this season - We duel at dawn.)
Wille's closing speech; I genuinely thought that he was just going to abdicate, I WAS NOT expecting that.
Stella's poem to Fredrika x the 'I'd rather be secretly in love with her than be some ex that she hates'....bro.
The flashback of Erik giving the Frog globe (specifically placed right after it smashes)
When Wille hugged Kristina and Lugwid (LISTEN, HERE ME OUT- Physicality is everything with and for Wille, and to see affection between himself and his parents was emotional.)
Seeing Felice getting her hair done in a salon x Her feeling comfortable in her skin and embracing her natural hair
The Book Discussion Scene - I am bias bc I'm a Literature student but it was so beautifully done
Simon singing THE song at the Ball
Wille's 'I met a friend last term who stirred new feelings in me...in a way, I wish that it never happened, because then I wouldn't know what it feels like' I'M DONE, DUDE, I CAN'T DO THIS-
Wille closing the curtains and then the two laughing...it's cyclical guys...
Rosh and Ayub being cupids on the bus and chanting 'REBOUND' (I can't even begin to describe how much I love these two)
Simon and Ayub arguing over what the actual name of Rosh's ex is ('Just like Yasmine.' 'Yasmina.' 'No, Yasmine' 'It's Yasmina, bro.')
When Wille was threatening the Royal Court with going on social media after watching the video of Simon x Marcus at the Karaoke place
Simon lobbing that ball at Wille during Doggeball (With BRUTE. STRENGTH. AND. SPITE.)
Vincent's 'GODMORGON FUCKERS' at the running meet-up
Wille's face @ Nils when he says that he matched with Marcus on Grindr
Post-Romantic Book Discussion SceneTM where Simon is like 'And we don't know what happened after...' and Sara just goes 'Well she killed herself' LSKSLKS
As sad as the scene was, I nearly lost it when Wille put on that fucking wig
Boris curiously watching the utter chaos of Wille's speech at the end as if he didn't 100% contribute to that happening
Speaking of the closing speech, very much amused at the Queen's '*0*' face at hearing Wille admit that it was him
Nils saying that Erik saw Boris and that he was 'LGBTQ' certified (Hello?...Is there a connection here?)
Exactly leading on from this - The rumour that Erik dated a girl who did OnlyFans? (This could've easily gone into the laugh list but my initial reaction was just 'wait, what did he say?')
Marcus saying dumb shit like 'I know you don't want to destroy something this beautiful' and 'You're not your Dad'. AFTER A WEEK (Dude...Go listen to 'Take A Hint' by the Victorious Cast 2012 and think about what you just said.)
When August was giving the whole mucho 'OOoo, but if he goes to the police then what about the drug stuff?' SHUT UP FAM
When Kristina told Wilhelm that should he fail to ascend the throne, then August would be next in line. (I mean, I already knew that this was coming so I don't know why I was shocked, but I was shocked)
When Stella said 'Yeah, we don't keep secrets' and Sara said 'Don't we?' looking directly at her. (My heart has never jumped sm in my life)
Wille legit pointing a gun at August (...If it was me walking by, I would look the other way. If I was a Hillerska student walking by, I would look the other way. If I was some random dog-walking-in-a-field stranger passing by...I would STILL look the other way.)
When Simon ran after Wille and called out his name as Wille was walking down the steps (My hands were flapping in excitement)
The 'They don;t have names' line. CINEMATIC POETRY.
I was really excited by some of the shots/angles this season bc some of them are beautiful (Just to name a few: The Corridor I Love You Scene, The First Look since Christmas Scene, The Ball Sequence etc etc)
When Sara just straight up told August that she wanted to sleep with him, no hesitation, just saying at it is.
When Marcus was batting back at Simon for breaking up with him (I was initially shocked and was ready to rinse Marcus, but after thinking about it, they were hard truths that Simon needed to hear…And as much as Simon shouldn’t have used him as a rebound, Marcus is still a manipulative gaslighter.)
THE SOUNDTRACK - It SLAPPED SO HARD. It was bop after bop. Was I crying whilst bopping at some. Maybe. Was I creaking my bed bc I was dancing so hard at some?
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
i typed this down in response to a comment someone left on my YR S2 teaser reaction (yes, i'm that nerd who responds to youtube comments with walls of text, this is known). i thought there was some decent coherent thought behind it (unlike in my reaction, which is just me word-vomiting all my immediate emotions, haha) so i figured i'd crosspost here in case anyone's interested.
on erik giving wille the frog prince snowglobe in a cut scene we never got to see in S1, and how wille associates the snowglobe with erik:
yeah, i've heard about that scene, and i think they did a good job of setting it up [that erik gave him the snowglobe] even without it-- that's where the headcanon comes from, to begin with. but for me it's even better because now it's not just some trinket that he treasures because erik gave it to him, but it's also something erik gave him to remind him of him, because erik already had one and wille already associated the frog prince with his brother.
so in essence it's now something that binds them together, something they can only relate to with each other and no one else: being princes. so i think this brief little glimpse in the teaser gives it so much more dimension than even the little hints in season one gave it. it's really very clever.
on where wille's "softer" reaction to kristina in the teaser comes from, whether it's just a product of depression or, as i said in my video, it derives from him being more naturally "polite" than i would've been in his situation:
as for krissy, i probably could've phrased it better, but it was just an immediate reaction and i was just kind of blurting out my feelings, lol. 😂 but yes, absolutely, i don't disagree that wille is definitely depressed, and that's definitely a factor in his behavior in this clip.
that said, my point was more about how even if depression is a factor, there's still a marked difference in how he responds to august than to kristina. with august he is very clearly angry, and doesn't hesitate to show it. with krissy he's more sad and disappointed, although we've heard him be quite harsh with her before-- raising his voice and even cursing while speaking to her. and my idea of it being because he's more "polite" (which, really, i should've said maybe "respectful" but that feels weird because i don't think he respects her much on a personal level at this point), what i think i meant with that is that there's this ingrained respect drilled onto him toward kristina since he was a child, in the sense that she's not just his mother, she's also the queen. and the way that ingrained respect comes out in this instance, possibly, might be that it makes him recognize that she's got such power over him that turning her mind on this is nearly impossible.
august he can destroy-- he's never liked august anyway, so he'll take to revenge with glee. but kristina is the queen. and he probably can't see a way to get her to NOT be the queen in this situation. and that generates a helplessness in him that i think might also be a factor in why he does what he does when she tries to talk to him.
like i said, if it were me, i would've slammed the door in her face-- but my mom is just my mom. she's not the queen of the country. that's a much larger power disparity to deal with and i think it's weighing on wille. so that's kind of why i suggested he's more polite than i would be; it's not necessarily a question of manners, it's more of an acknowledgment of the power differential between them that, at the moment, has to seem pretty damn insurmountable to him. i hope that makes sense?
i do hope that he'll shake himself out of that helplessness through the season, though. as i said, i want them to solve the kristina issue this season. and if parts of the monarchy have to burn for that to happen, then all the better. 😉
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So now that we got the Erik owning Toad for going into the pit has been established. Now comes the fun part. Various shit Toad will force Erik to get.
Toad: I want my own helmet and cape!
Maddison: Um...I could use a new wrench
Nekra: I want that bitch Selene to die.
Erik: Oh hope tool care of that. Twice
Oya: Oh cool
I am just picturing Toad running around in a green version of Magneto's helmet and cape.
But really, Morty, get your own fashion instead of trying to pull off Magneto. Toad in the comics has been due for a costume change for......decades, really. They gave him a decent outfit in Evolution, he should get something similar to that. Green and streamlined, you're not the jester anymore, Morty, you can just embrace the toad/frogness of it all.
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fouralignments · 2 years
No. 22, 35, 53, & 55
Sorry if that's too many at a time. I just love seeing what direction people’s minds go when they write and how often they step out of their comfort zone.
Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I will never ever EVER write in second person aka self-insert, character x reader. For me it breaks my immersion in a text. Its a pov that really hard to get right. First person also very hard to get right, I only read first person when its a professional author like The Great Gatsby; The Handmaid’s Tale, The Kite Runner or Dumplin by' Julie Murphy.
Magical healing Cock: as an asexual practically offensive and dangerous; its a step along the path and "justification" for corrective rape against the community. Its very preastive in the public consincsuness. I know it may seem that I did this trope in Morning Light, Charles did a lot of things to help heal both Erik and Pietro; Yes Charles is sexual with Erik, but its not the only thing and isn't a cure all.
Zombies: I do not like the sub-genre, I cannot understand FUCKING WHY The Walking Dead of all things become such a cultural phenomenon; just speaking about The Walking Dead plus Game of Thrones shifted the TV landscape into a darker almost grimdark direction. Personally I don't like grimdark, hopeless shows. I don't mind darkness, not every fucking show needs to be.
What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
There are many acceptations to the rules and depending on what type of villain ranging anywhere from your Disney villains, evil empires, magnificent bastards, and rivals. But anyway, I keep in mind what the villain's motives and worldviews are. I'm not saying you have to agree with the baddie, but don't strawman.
This is something that I learned from Trek, particularly bad Trek message episodes *COUGH* TNG's The Neutral Zone *COUGH* ST: Insurrection. Sorry...must have got a frog in my throat.
The motives and worldview shapes their actions/goals and the audience should understand Why they are doing something and should be able to follow their train of thought when they decide to something different.
How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
My creativity comes and goes and spikes; its effected by mood and weather; so it make my writing uneven. Like I actually have to feel up to writing. Sometimes I have long dry spells.
But would say I'm more like 70/30; I read a shit ton and write every so often. It doesn't mean I'm not thinking about writing, but sometimes I have to go like this:
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Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
I really enjoy writing for young adult! Erik and kid! Pietro, they have such a lovely dynamic. I do have to admit that I'm still not used to writing teenage/young adult Peter, I don't feel like I capture enough of the pop culture and Pink Floyd references; I do feel like I write him out of character sometimes.
However, with my novel writing of My Son Comes Back To Me, I was genuinely shocked of how Sabah Nur was received as a villain, some of my readers don't consider to be a villain. I do enjoy writing his character as I have ton of freedom with it and its very interesting writing an immortal character; his cultural references are different; how he views the world; an older sense of honor; I took refence from B5's Lorien; Leto from Dune. He's a very different character to write to convey just how old he is like I actively look and search archaic words that have fallen out of the lexicon, even try to find older writing because their sentence structure and the cadence Sabah Nur speaks with. Sorry if I can't stop talking about him.
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fairyfandommother · 2 years
'Young Royals' Season 2: An unhinged and unhelpful guide (it's a reaction, let's be real) to the First Four Minutes (Part 2).
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Scene 3, continued: Wilhelm, now wearing what we can assume is Erik's coat, wraps his arms around himself and sniffs the material. He pulls a pocketbook from the front breast pocket with the letter E on it and reveals a lighter with the words "once a brother, always a brother" engraved within.
The picture/painting of Erik over Wilhelm's shoulder as if the late Crown Prince were there in spirit. Looking on in case Wille needed something. "I got your back. bro."
Wille sniffing the jacket did things to me. I could have gone my WHOLE life without that. I feel so sad for him.
And then Wille finds the pocketbook?? This could mean so many things!! My brain went haywire when I saw it!! Either it was something Erik bought for himself to represent Wilhelm (which aww), it was a gift from Wilhelm (or another member of the family) to him again to represent Wilhelm (less aww but still aww), orrrrr it was a gift from the members of that secret society that August, The Asshole, and his lot have.
Oooooh, the drama and implications. I'm living for it.
If it is that last thing and I'm not just spiraling, I'm sure the fact that Erik held August in such high standards is a sour thought for Wille in this moment.
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Scene 3, continued: Prince Wilhelm removes the lighter from its case.
REMEMBER HOW I TOLD Y'ALL TO KEEP THE BEHIND SHOT OF WILLE IN ERIK'S ILL FITTING JACKET?! Well, it's the same jacket but the ill fit is less obvious here. Almost like Wille is accepting his role after seeing the "once a brother always a brother" thing, and if my suspicions are correct and it has something to do with August, the jacket not looking as big could mean Wille is accepting that he has to wear this costume but it doesn't mean he'll read the same script as everyone else.
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Scene 3, continued: Wilhelm tours his brother's room. Hand grazing a ceramic statue of a green frog wearing a crown, and several photo's of the princes as children that Erik has stuck in the frame of his mirror.
This is quite possibly the only bit of personality that is in this room and shows who Erik was.
The Frog Prince is such a... weird story idk. The story goes that a handsome prince was once cursed by a wicked fairy to inhabit the body of a frog until he could get someone to let him eat from their plate and sleep in their bed for three nights. He meets a spoiled princess who reluctantly agrees to let him do so with her should he do her a favour (retrieve a toy from a pond). Depending on when the version you're reading was written, the curse is either lifted by the Princess throwing the Prince against a wall or her giving him a kiss.
It should be noted, however, that in some iterations, the Prince has a loyal servant named Henry/Harry who has iron bands fixed around his heart to prevent it from breaking when the Prince gets cursed and when the Prince is freed the bands break because he is so happy...
Idk that sounds pretty gay, why does Erik have that?
ANYWAY! Erik sticking pictures of him and Wilhelm in his mirror got me choked up again this is so sad we had him for like five minutes what mess is this??
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Scene 3, continued: Prince Wilhelm pulls a photograph of Prince Erik and August Horn, The Asshole of Arnas, from Erik's mirror and puts it to the flame.
Of course, because they were bros™, Erik also has a photo of him and August. Of course.
Wille using Erik's own lighter to burn that shit is giving me the sustenance I need to carry on in this scam called life. How dare he stand next to Erik.
Notice the framing of this shot replaces August's burnt head with Wilhelm's. Ooh, they've done so many fun things with the visuals. I love this show.
Also, Burning photographs is so final! August will never recover I fear.
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Scene 4: August Horn, The Asshole of Arnas, exercising and eating alone at Hillerska Skolan.
Oh, he's losing it...
First of all. Fuck him.
Interesting, though, that it seems like August stayed at Hillerska over break, or perhaps he's just... very early... things are still rockey at home mayhaps?
It also seems like we'll be seeing more of August's apparent obsession with fitness. Many have speculated that this could be the early stages or even the throughs of an ed. Time will tell.
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Scene 4, continued: August and Wilhelm have a text exchange wherein August begs Wilhelm for forgiveness but Wilhelm makes it clear that his mission is to make August's life a living hell.
Look at the weasel pouting in the last frame... are you finally realising that there are consequences to your actions? Aww... boohoo...
Look, I know he's a kid and he's got problems of his own but like... I kind of don't care? He's a shitty kid and if he suffers for the things that he did, tough luck? LMFAOOOO. I love hating him. He's an insufferable prick and that's okay in fiction.
Also very telling of his character that he's not apologising because he's genuinely sorry but because he needs to be forgiven in order to absolve himself of guilt for what he did.
It's not "I'm sorry I hurt you, I'll make it up to you however I can" it's "I'll do anything if you just forgive me".
If someone is aplogising to you simply because they need your forgiveness to not feel guilty, please run away. Apologies only work if the person apologising is truly remorseful for whatever it is they did. Expecting forgiveness after practically destroying some ones life is a major red flag.
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Scene 5: Sara Eriksson (Frida Argento) and new character Markus (Tommy Wättring) come back to the Eriksson home. They are greeted by Linda Eriksson (Carmen Gloria Pérez) and while Markus excuses himself to the bathroom, Linda informs Sara that she has received a letter. After opening the letter, Sara joyfully exclaims that she "got accepted".
First of all. Fuck her.
I don't care what y'all say. What Sara did was No Contact worthy.
Markus being in the Eriksson home???? 👀👀👀👀
He's going to the bathroom???? 👀👀👀👀
The bathroom that's right next to Simon's room??? 👀👀👀👀👀
I'm a Wilmon girl to the very core of my femur but Simon deserves a love that doesn't also come with complications and heartache. Especially if it's platonic love, since his mum is really the only person solely in his corner.
Ugh, do I have to talk about her? *heavy negro spiritual sigh*
Sara getting an acceptance letter could mean that August actually pulled through and got her room and board at Hillerska, or it could have absolutely nothing to do with him. This will be an interesting dynamic to see moving forward. And I really don't see that letter being about anything else.
That being said, Linda's excitement and warmth toward Sara probably means that she has no idea what Sara did and the mother-daughter affection could change verrrry soon.
It'd be nice to see a contrast in the way August is begging for forgiveness and whatever Sara will do whenever shit hits the fan (BECAUSE IT WILL HIT THE FAN!!) because despite what she's done, I think Sara does genuinely love her family and seeing how hurt Simon is likely going to be over what she's done will likely also have her groveling but... authentically.
Of course this is me working on the assumption that Sara will care at all. She's supposed to be weighing the benefits of old and new allegiances this season so... she could also just... not give a fuck. Simon probably won't be boarding so it'll make that decision easier for her...
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So, that was it! That was the First Four. (does the title card look a lil... different to y'all???)
I'm sad we didn't see Simon (in real time) or Felice but I know their introductions to the season will be great. Them and Linda and Wille and Madison are the only bitches I trust in this house!
I'm so excited for Season 2, you guys!!!
I feel like I've been typing for agggeeeeesss... is it November yet? 👀
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