#so I actually reached out and we had a nice and friendly conversation
potato-elf · 2 years
fellas I have good news - I picked up a diary and actually write in there to work through my complicated feelings instead of blasting them on main! (I say as I will vent a little bit in the tags but its a positive vent this time around)
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nats--sw · 3 months
Gold chain (pt5) | Leah Williamson
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You and Leah finally have a chat about feelings note: I have one more part to add to this series,, we need to find out what happens at Wimbledon, right? warnings: fluff and slow burn, a bit suggestive(?) nothing really pt1 pt6 my masterlist
"Hi, I stopped by to buy—" Lia was cut off when she saw Leah at the door, her face completely red and her eyes wide with panic. "Are you okay?" she asked, stepping inside without waiting for an invitation.
"I almost kissed her," Leah blurted out, still gripping the door handle.
"What? Who?" Lia looked around and lowered her voice. "There's a girl here?"
"Lia, oh my goodness, I kissed her," Leah said, trying to gather her thoughts. "I actually kissed her."
"Leah, what the hell are you talking about?" Lia asked, still whispering. "Who did you kiss?"
"Y/n… she— I kissed her, but it was just a peck," Leah tried to explain, covering her face with her hands.
"So what, she left after you kissed her?" Lia asked, trying to make sense of it all.
"No, she—" Leah's eyes suddenly widened as she remembered. She pushed Lia aside and rushed to the backyard. You were still there, now standing up and looking confused. Leah panicked. "I shouldn't have done that," she muttered, pacing back and forth.
"Wait, hang on a second," Lia said, still trying to catch up. "You kissed a girl."
"I wouldn't even call it a kiss," Leah said, frustration in her voice.
"And you like her."
"Yeah, but she has a lot going on right now. This would just mess things up for her and her career and I—"
"Wait, who is Y/n?" Lia interrupted, trying to piece everything together.
"Y/n is the girl I kissed. She's the tennis player, the one we watched last time, do you remember? This is the last thing she needs right now," Leah said, sounding regretful.
Lia sighed, taking it all in. "Okay, chill out. I need more information… Does she know how you feel?"
Leah stopped pacing and looked at Lia, a mix of hope and fear in her eyes. "I don't know. I don't think so. But now I've probably screwed everything up."
"Alright," Lia said, taking a deep breath. "You need to talk to her."
While that conversation was going on inside, you took the time to gather your courage and confront whatever was happening between you and Leah. She had kissed you, or at least attempted to, and you weren't going to let her run away from this. Drama like this was the last thing you needed.
With determination, you walked towards the house and stepped inside, finding Leah with her hands on her hips and Lia Walti standing a few feet away.
When you first met Leah and saw how close she and Lia were through pictures, it sparked a twinge of jealousy. Now, seeing Lia here, seemingly responsible for Leah's sudden departure upon hearing the doorbell, that jealousy flared into anger. Deep down, you knew Lia wasn't to blame, but the frustration bubbled up nonetheless.
"Y/n," Leah said, holding your gaze for just a moment before looking away.
"Leah," you replied seriously, feeling frustrated that the moment had been interrupted, knowing it could have ended so much better. Part of you wanted to scream at Leah, but another part just wanted to pull her close and kiss her.
"Hey, I'm Lia," Lia interjected, smiling as she reached out to shake your hand.
You glanced at Lia's hand with a slight frown, then looked over at Leah, who noticed the change in your expression. "It's nice to meet you," Lia said, trying to maintain a friendly tone.
"Hmm," was all you added, nodding your head as you took Lia's hand, giving it a firm and deliberately prolonged squeeze. 
Lia immediately caught on to the meaning behind your reaction.
"I'm Leah's teammate. We've been friends for years," Lia said, subtly trying to dispel any misinterpretations. "I understand you're a tennis player, right? I remember watching one of your matches with Leah."
"Yeah, ranked 4th in the world," you said, a touch of arrogance in your smile. You knew you'd slipped a spot in the rankings recently, but that wasn't something Lia needed to know. Jealousy had twisted Lia's innocent words into a perceived threat, which clearly wasn't the case.
Leah watched the interaction between the two of you with discomfort, so she decided to break the silence.
"Uh, I'd forgotten I invited Lia to dinner today," Leah said, her voice tinged with nervousness as she grabbed her car keys from the table. She glanced at Lia and then at you. "I can drop you off at your hotel if you want, or I can order an Uber, whichever is more convenient for you," she offered, fidgeting with the keys avoiding your eyes.
Lia suppressed an urge to intervene, Leah was only making things worse. She widened her eyes in surprise and then looked down, feeling the tension rise.
"Do I have to go?" you asked, pointing at yourself, visibly taken aback.
"Oh— I mean, I wasn't sure if you wanted to stay," Leah stumbled over her words, glancing at Lia for help.
"Don't worry," you replied firmly. "I'll go change and then get an Uber," you continued, remembering how Leah had lent you some clothes after breakfast to make you feel more comfortable. "I can't let you leave your guest here alone; that would be rude," you added, almost mumbling as you headed towards the guest room.
Leah just stared as you walked away without saying anything.
"Are you out of your mind?!" Lia hissed, giving Leah a light slap on the back of her head.
"What are you talking about?" Leah asked, rubbing her head where Lia had hit her.
"How could you even think about kicking her out of your house?" Lia questioned, furrowing her brow in frustration.
"I just didn't want things to get awkward. She seemed a bit uncomfortable around people she doesn't know," Leah explained defensively.
Lia shook her head, struggling to comprehend Leah's actions.
"She's jealous!" Lia whispered to Leah, lowering her voice even further.
"She's not!" Leah said. "Why would she be?"
"Because you kissed her, and now you're practically pushing her out to spend time with another woman," Lia retorted, her frustration mounting. "She must be feeling incredibly hurt right now. I've never seen anyone look at me with such disdain."
Leah took a moment to process Lia's words. She realized she had been kind of dumb about it.
"I feel like I'm messing everything up," Leah confessed, pinching the bridge of her nose with her eyes closed. "I don't know what I'm doing with her."
Lia sighed deeply and placed a reassuring hand on Leah's shoulder.
"I just... I think you're letting nerves get the best of you. I haven't seen you like this in ages," Lia remarked softly.
"I do like her, but... I'm not sure. I care about her a lot, but I don't know if she's ready for a relationship right now," Leah admitted.
"You need to talk to her about it," Lia advised, giving Leah a supportive pat on the back. "Don't let her slip away. She's hot" Lia added with a smirk this time, earning a playful tap on the back from Leah. "Ouch."
With your phone in hand, you walked back into the living room, surprised to find Leah alone, leaning against the couch with her arms crossed.
"I'm leaving now," you said, not bothering to ask where Lia had gone.
Leah took a deep breath and spoke calmly, her voice composed. She had regained her composure and wasn't going to let things get out of hand. She knew how to take control and wasn't going to let her racing heart mess things up again.
"You don't have to leave," she said, looking you straight in the eyes.
"Leah, cut it out," you replied, still annoyed.  "I'll get an Uber and that's it. Let's not complicate things."
As you headed for the door, Leah quickly moved to block your path, grabbing your wrist before you could open it.
"If you're leaving, at least let me take you," she said, her expression a mix of seriousness and sadness. "I brought you here, after all."
You hesitated, biting your lip as you considered her request.
"Please," Leah pleaded, her thumb gently stroking your wrist.
The ride back wasn't nearly as enjoyable as the ride to Leah’s house. Leah didn't say a word, only glancing over when she needed to switch lanes. The rest of the time, she stared straight ahead, jaw clenched and a deep frown creasing her face. Her grip on the steering wheel was tight, her knuckles turning white from the pressure.
She was clearly irritated, maybe with herself. 
“Or maybe with me?” you thought to yourself.
But you were annoyed too. You were often criticized for being stubborn; people always told you that you never backed down. But maybe this time you should. After all, you had been pretty harsh with Lia, who eventually left Leah's place. That was the one thing you could apologize for. The rest? That was all Leah's business. After all, she was the one who kissed you first, then decided to leave you alone in her backyard and almost kicked you out of her house.
You needed to talk, that was sure. 
"I want you to come with me to my room," you said in a low, almost embarrassed tone. You weren't about to apologize for acting like a teenager in a parking lot.
Leah nodded, and as soon as you arrived at your hotel, she stepped out of the car and followed you inside. 
The room greeted you with its untouched state, just your bags thrown on the bed. Leah felt a bit uneasy; everything seemed too neat and cold.
"Leah, I..." you began.
"Y/n," Leah cut in. She raised her hand, signaling to go first. "I'm sorry about what happened at my place," she said sadly. "I was too nervous. I don't know what I was thinking. I was overwhelmed because all I could think about was that I kissed you, and I'm not sure if that was the right move or not," she admitted, pausing between each word.
"What do you mean you're not sure if kissing me was right?" you asked, feeling a pang of hurt. Did Leah regret it?
"I... I'm trying to see things from your side," Leah explained. "You've got a lot going on, and I don't want us to be another problem on your list," she said sincerely.
"This isn't a problem," you said quickly, your brow furrowing. "You're not the problem. How I feel about you—well, that's more complicated. We're in this uncertain place, and it's throwing me off," you added, trying to articulate your feelings. "I might be impulsive, but I crave stability. When you kiss me and then seem to regret it, it messes with my head. If you want to kiss me, Leah, I need you to be sure."
"What?" Leah took a step back, her expression caught between surprise and confusion, as you leaned in closer.
"Do you like me?" you asked directly.
"Yes, of course I like you," Leah said, stumbling over her words.
"Good, because I like you too," you said quickly. "I want to give us a shot, Leah. I want to go on dates with you, watch you play, have you come watch me play. I want all of that and more, but I need you to be sure."
"I am sure," Leah said, straightening up where she stood. "But I'm scared this will interfere with your career. I know relationships demand a lot, and I can be pretty intense, but I also just want to be there for you, to hug you and hold you when everything feels overwhelming. I want to be the person by your side through the tough times."
Her voice softened with determination as she closed the distance between you, reaching out to gently cup your cheeks in her hands.
"I want to get to know you even more," Leah said, locking eyes with you. "I want us to be there for each other when things get tough, to lean on each other through the ups and downs." Her gaze held a sincerity that touched you deeply. “You're someone I really want to know,” she added softly. “Just getting to know a part of you was enough to make me practically lose it when I'm around you.”
Her words left you speechless, a lump forming in your throat. Leah's honesty and vulnerability caught you off guard. You struggled to find words, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment and your deepening feelings for her. But you knew you couldn't leave Leah hanging without a response.
You slid your hand to the back of her neck and pulled her close. When your lips met, it felt like everything clicked into place. 
Leah's lips were soft, and you couldn't resist teasingly biting them. Her hand traced down from your cheek to your waist, and it sent shivers down your spine.
"I think I'm going to fall for you," you murmured against her lips, resting your forehead against hers as you both caught your breath. Your cheeks flushed with warmth, mirroring Leah's own blush.
"Please do," Leah murmured, kissing you again with a gentle urgency. She guided you over to the couch, plopping down and pulling you onto her lap. She held you close, her arms wrapped around your waist, and the kisses kept coming.
You couldn't tell where one kiss ended and the next began, Leah's hands sliding down your back, sending shivers through you. Leah's lips traced a path from your jaw down to your neck, her hand slipping under your shirt at the same time, sending sparks through your skin.
"Wait, Leah," you said, placing your hands on her shoulders, trying to muster the strength to pull away. But Leah looked irresistible, her mouth slightly open, lips swollen from kissing and your bites, eyes dark and dilated with desire.
"Too fast?" she asked softly, her hands resting on your thighs, gently stroking them up and down. You nodded, not trusting your voice to come out steady.
"I'm sorry," Leah apologized, but her smile was sweet rather than mischievous. "Do you want me to leave?"
"No," you replied, settling more comfortably onto her lap. Leah took that as a green light, wrapping her arms around your back and pulling you into a warm, cozy hug. 
Because of the way you were sitting, Leah's head rested level with your chest, her ear pressed against your heartbeat. 
"Your heart's racing," she murmured, hugging you tighter. 
You didn't say anything, just hugged her back, clinging to her like a koala. 
"Shut up," you mumbled, feeling embarrassed. "Can you... I mean, do you want to stay the night?" you asked in a whisper.
Leah chuckled softly. "Well, it’s not like I have much of a choice," she teased, referring to how you had her cornered against the back of the couch.
"Are you uncomfortable?" you whispered softly, your voice muffled against Leah's neck.
"I'm comfy," Leah whispered with her eyes closed. "You're warm, it feels nice."
"Feels nice to me too," you replied softly.
You had lent Leah a pair of your pajamas after room service brought dinner. Now, you were both in bed, facing each other. Under the covers, your legs were tangled together, as if that was enough to keep her from leaving.
"I think it's time to say I love your eyes," you murmured, taking advantage of the dim lighting. It was dark enough to hide how flushed you were, but still light enough to see her reaction. "They're such a pretty color, and they sparkle so much. It's unfair that I've spent so much time looking at them only through a screen."
Leah held her breath for a moment, her heart racing. "Do you like them that much?" she asked, moving a little closer to you. You nodded. "I also like your eyes, your lips, your nose, god, everything about you... I never want to stop seeing your face ever."
You blushed even more, feeling the heat on your cheeks, but you couldn't help but smile. "Stop saying adorable things," you said with a soft laugh.
Leah took your hand gently, intertwining her fingers with yours. "You'll have to get used to it. I could make a list of things I have to tell you for every date we’ll go on."
"You're already planning dates?"
"I won't let you get away from me," Leah laughed, stroking her thumb over your hand.
You were silent for a moment, enjoying the feel of her fingers intertwined with yours.
"Sounds good to me," you finally said, looking Leah in the eye. "I'm ready for those dates."
Leah's smile widened, her eyes sparkling even more. "Then get ready for a lot more of this," she whispered, leaning in to give you a goodnight kiss on your lips.
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kurishiri · 28 days
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95k bonus . . . Liebe geht durch den Magen
— ꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— ꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ warning ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ none; it’s really just vogel being silly! hope you’re ready for the dari, nica, and ring galore, hehe.
Kate: A tea party with all of the members of Vogel…?
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Victor: Mhm, it seems like all of them have taken an interest in you. So they asked for a chance to speak with you.
Kate: Well, seeing as I’m the only one who isn’t Cursed, I guess it makes sense they would hold an interest.
Victor: Indeed. …How would you like to answer? It’s completely up to you.
V: …However, both parties hold their own secrets.
V: And we do often take care of them, seeing as they are diplomatic guests.
V: Should there be anything making you anxious, or you feel even slightly you don’t want to do this, or anything of the sort, then you are always free to turn them dow—
Kate: …Victor. I will attend the tea party.
Victor: Wait, really? Are you sure?
Kate: Since they have come here to deepen relations between the organizations, turning down an opportunity like this wouldn’t leave a good impression, I’d imagine.
K: And besides, I would like to be of some use to you and Crown, for extending such hospitality to me.
When I expressed my honest feelings, Victor’s expression softened in turn.
Victor: I’m grateful for your honesty. Well then, it’s about time I give them a response.
V: Ahh, but… I’ll have Roger listen in from nearby, so if something happens you can just give a shout, okay?
V: No matter the time and place, I’ll come running.
After Victor’s words resonated in my heart, several days passed——
Darius: Thank you for accepting our invitation, miss fairytale keeper.
D: Did you perhaps prepare everything on this table?
Lined up on the table was filled to the brim with snacks, causing Darius to blink.
Kate: Victor and I prepared them. We were hoping it would be nice if you could eat these…
K: And that we can be on more friendly terms as we’re chatting like this.
Ring: You want to be on more friendly terms with the ones who might kill you? I don’t see the point?
Kate: …Gh.
Nica: Riiing, now don’t go saying gruesome things like that. You’ll bother the Spatzi.
N: So sorry about that? Ring is a Jungfrau [1] who tends to get a bit more nervous around cute girls.
Wearing an amiable smile as he faced me, Nika lifted the heavy air around us.
Kate: Jung…?
Ring: Y-you don’t have to ask what it is! …And also, it’s not like I’m nervous.
R: But, I won’t deny… that you are… cute…
He was simply cautious around me; it was not as though he was really doing me any harm for now.
…Even so, though, I myself had become ever so slightly anxious.
(The members of Vogel are also Cursed, if I recall, right…)
(If they had such intentions, they could easily take my life.)
The fear that I had first felt when I started working for Crown started to paint over my heart, when…
Darius: …Are you nervous, by any chance?
Donning a childlike innocence, Darius looked into my face.
Kate: Ah… umm…
Darius: Well, well… if we did possess a strong ability much like Sir Rex…
D: I wouldn’t blame you for feeling powerless even while simply conversing.
D: But you can relax around us. My ability will not kill you.
D: ——In fact, there is absolutely no way it will. Okay?
Nica: Oh, me and my brother’s abilities aren’t really harmful too.
N: That said, it can probably make you feel really good and maybe make you feel a bit fuzzy, but that’s actually a good thing, isn’t it?
Kate: R-right…
(Just what ability does that entail…?)
Although I still held my doubts, I knew that their abilities didn’t pose a danger to my life, which ebbed my fear.
Darius: Now then, now that you know we mean you no harm, how about we partake in these?
With Darius’ encouragement, Ring quickly reached out to a cake in front of him.
Ring: Mm…! This is really good.
Taking large bites, the cake was gone before I knew it, and Ring then reached out for another snack.
Nica: Geez, Ring, why are you just taking whatever’s in front of you? Pick the ones that especially look good.
While saying so, Nica reached for a baked pastry diagonal of him.
Nica: I recognize this shape. Isn’t this from the high-class bakery near the castle?
Kate: I’m surprised you know of it! That shop——
Nica: Mn… hm? It’s good, but did it really come from that shop?
Kate: Well, what I wanted to say was that shop’s pastry shapes were the inspiration for these homemade sweets.
That said, this time, Victor and I did make our rounds around a variety of bakeries, and put this together.
And I tried to make homemade pastries here at the castle that were freshly made or were hard to obtain.
Nica: They’re ‘homemade’? So they’re basically cheap foods, in which case I don’t want any.
Kate: Eh—
Nica: Here, Ring, say ‘ahh.’
Nica pushed his half eaten pastry into Ring’s mouth.
Ring: Mn… this is also really good…
When he was eating it, Nica said it was ‘good,’ but maybe he’s actually not good with homemade pastries…?
Darius: Hey, miss fairytale keeper, this is Baumkuchen [2], isn’t it?
This time, Darius called out to me while pulling on my sleeve.
Kate: That’s right. We figured since you’re here, we could prepare some German pastries… or that’s what Victor said.
Darius: Ho-oh…
Darius used a knife to lightly cut a slice before he carried it to my mouth.
Darius: Here, have a bite?
Kate: Mn… mmm, it’s really fluffy and delicious!
Darius: I’m glad to hear. Then it’s my turn.
With layers of the Baumkuchen spilling, Darius brought it to his mouth.
Darius: Mm, it’s delicious. …But, I take it it’s not something made in most of England. So where did you get this?
Kate: Actually, while I was racking my head on how to make Baumkuchen…
K: Victor made a gadget that could make it.
In order to make a delicious Baumkuchen by the tea party, I practiced baking it day in and day out.
…I feel that I can keep the fact that for some time the castle’s snacks consisted of nothing but Baumkuchen to myself.
Darius: He made a whole gadget just for this? Hmm… he’s quite strange, I’d say.
Kate: I can’t argue with that… but I’m sure it’s just that he was happy.
K: Happy that you guys, who are also Cursed, have come to England——or rather, to Crown.
Darius: …The pleasure is ours. I’m delighted at how warmly we’re treated here.
D: I do like the Baumkuchen, so do make it again sometime.
Kate: Alright!
I was so glad he liked it that I gave an immediate answer, but…
(Making it is quite time consuming and requires skill… but I’ll try my best.)
Nica: This topic’s all well and good, but what I really want to hear about the Spatzi [3] herself.
N: You know, like what fragrances you like, or which types of guys you fancy, that kind of thing… what about you, Ring?
Ring: Mngh…!? U-uhm…
R: ………M-maybe, like, which color of the sky she most likes?
Nica: The sophistication’s lacking, I see.
Ring: And what’s the problem with that?
Darius: I do agree with Nika here though. I would also like to get to know you better.
D: But simply asking would be a bore, so how about we play a guessing game?
Nica: So, Ratespiel? Now we’re talking.
Darius: Let’s make it so each person can make a single guess, and until then, we can continue asking questions…
D: Come play with us, why don’t you, miss fairytale keeper?
D: If possible… I would prefer you choose a topic that pertains to yourself.
Kate: Alright, then…
K: Out of the foods on this table, which one is my most favorite?
Darius: Hehe, that’s quite a charming topic? Then let’s start.
Nica: Sounds good to me, though I’d like to propose another twist.
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N: The first person to guess the correct answer will be able to ask the Spatzi out on a date. Well, how about it?
Ring: A date…!? [surprised]
Darius: You do make a good point. A competition does call for a prize of sorts… well, miss fairytale keeper? Are you fine with this?
Kate: U-um, I think a date may be a bit——
When I tried to speak up, though, the three of them looked at me, causing my breath to catch in my throat.
Ring was looking at me with a guarded look, as though he were a guard dog who could tear my neck apart with a single order.
Nica was looking at me with a scrutinizing look, as though he was thinking about how to play with a toy.
And Darius was wearing an amiable smile, but his eyes alone were sharp, like that of a predator aiming for its prey——
With the three of them looking at me in their own way, I couldn’t bring myself to disagree, feeling myself surrounded by a heavy air.
Darius: ‘I think a date may be a bit’ what was that now?
Kate: …Nope, never mind. That works for me.
Overwhelmed by the pressure, I could only nod, and Darius returned the gesture with an angelic smile.
Like a signal, the tense atmosphere became more lax.
Darius: Thank you. Then, let the game start.
With that, the tea party proceeded such that Darius, Nika, and Ring asked me questions.
While the discussion occasionally went off track, this peaceful time continued to pass by——
Ring: I got it!
The one who had his answer ready first was Ring.
Darius: A friendly reminder that you only have one chance. If you miss the mark, that will be the end… are you sure you would like to answer?
Ring: Don’t worry, I’m sure of this.
R: The answer is——that fruit before your eyes!
Kate: …Miss.
Ring: Wh…!? I-I see… so it was wrong…
Ring looked a bit despondent at my answer, and though he looked like a guard dog before, in an instant, he looked more like an abandoned puppy,
and I had to desperately fight the urge to say ‘actually, it’s a hit.’
Nica: …Hey, Ring. Mind if I say how you got to your answer?
Ring: ‘How I got to my answer’?
Nica: When you were about to grab that fruit, the Spatzi said ‘go ahead’ to you with a smile and put it on your plate,
N: and so you held a positive association with that fruit, leading you to your answer?
Ring: N-now that you mention it… that might’ve been the case… it was completely unconscious…
Darius: Ahaha, you’re so adorably honest, Ring.
Nica: Well then, it’s about time I guess too. The correct answer is… this chocolate.
N: It’s a bit on the mini side, and it looks cute too, and not to mention the packaging is also intricate. It practically oozes the traits a girl would like.
Kate: Miss.
Nica: Oops, too bad.
As opposed to Ring, who seemed down upon getting his guess wrong, Nika didn’t show any signs of caring, even if he did.
It was as though he knew from the beginning his answer was wrong.
Darius: I would prefer you make a serious guess, or this game will really end up in a bore.
Nica: But I thought long and hard about what girls would like and picked based on that?
N: Besides, this is where a subordinate hands the torch to the master.
Nika gave a smug wink, and Darius shrugged his shoulders in response.
Darius: It seems I bear a great responsibility now. If I’m unable to answer correctly, I’m afraid the little miss fairytale keeper——
D: And Crown as well would be disappointed in me.
Kate: Don’t worry, I won’t be disappointed even if you don’t answer correctly. It’s just a game, after all.
Darius: Hmm, so you believe I won’t get the answer right, is that it?
Kate: That…
(If I’m being completely honest, yes, I did think that.)
(Because the answer to this question is… a bit special.)
Darius: Hehe, seeing you have such low expectations of me makes me want to try my utmost hardest.
D: Alright, I have my answer.
D: I see you were trying not to eat this chocolate cake, right?
D: Because you like it, you saved it for last, I take it. So, my answer is that chocolate cake.
I was about to reply with an immediate ‘miss,’ when he opened his mouth before me.
Darius: …is what a normal person would say, but that would be incorrect.
Kate: Eh…
Darius: The answer to your question is——-
D: ‘Everything here on the table.’
Kate: …That’s a hit.
Ring: A-all of it…!? Is that answer even possible?
Nica: Well, we never established that the said thing had to just be a single thing, so yeah, it’s fully possible.
N: But even so, way to bend the rules there, Spatzi. I didn’t think you had it in you.
N: …You really are an interesting one, aren’t you.
Darius: I did think it was a strange answer, but considering the little miss fairytale keeper’s character, it wasn’t too difficult.
D: Perhaps you thought something like, ‘If I’m preparing something for guests, I would choose the things I believe are the most delicious’… am I right?
Kate: It is as you say…
While consulting with Victor, I chose all of the pastries here.
So, that’s why if I were to choose my most favorite among these, the answer would naturally be ‘everything.’
Kate: It was a bit of an underhanded answer, so I didn’t think you would get it.
Darius: Hehe, but I did. Oh, but, I don’t think it’s underhanded.
D: After all, I take it you thought up of such an answer so that you didn’t have to assign winners and losers, yes?
Kate: Yes, there was also that. Since it was such a fun tea party, I didn’t want to label anyone as winners and losers…
Darius: To see you try to put us on an equal footing without assigning a winner…
D: You truly are sweet to the point it’s cloying… and kind as well.
Ring: B-by the way… will Darius ask her out? O-on a date, that is…!
Darius: Ahh, that nearly slipped my mind. Well, miss fairytale keeper, will you go out on a date with me next time?
Kate: …I will.
I didn’t have much reason to turn him down, and now that I got to talk with them like this, I started to become more interested in the members of Vogel.
(…And going out together with them seems pretty fun too.)
Nica: Okay, then, when you’re done with your date with Dari, let me know, okay? We can plan a date of our own then.
Kate: Eh—
Nica: The prize for the game was the right to ask you out on a date, but there’s no need to hinge something like that on a game, right?
N: Besides, if the answer to the question is ‘everything on the table,’ that would technically make my answer right, too, yeah?
Kate: I… guess so…?
Nica: And you caught my interest too anyway…
N: …Ah, that’s right. Since we’re talking about this, why don’t you invite the Spatzi on a date too, Ring?
Ring: O-on a date…!? I… I’ll pass.
R: …But when you go on your date with Nica and Darius, I’ll tag along behind you guys.
Nica: Wait, why though?
Ring: If she’s around, you’ll let your guards down and lose sight of your surroundings, right?
R: So I’ll cover those bases during your date.
Nica: Ehh…
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Darius: Hehe, thank you, Ring.
D: …Hey, miss fairytale keeper. I must say that half a day isn’t nearly enough.
D: Why don’t we take our sweet time chatting on our date, the two of us?
A smile played on Darius’ lips, and I couldn’t look away from his honey-colored eyes.
Just then, I remembered Victor’s words from before I went out.
—— Flashback ——
Victor: Ahh, that’s right, Kate. There’s one thing I should say.
V: If you wish to return to your normal everyday life after this month passes… you mustn’t let your heart get stolen by them.
—— End flashback ——
(It’ll be alright… I think I was able to enjoy this time today when I tried talking to them.)
(This feeling won’t blossom into love. Surely…)
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will vs darius jude vs nica alfons vs ring
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[0] according to our handy google translate, the title of this story, Liebe geht durch den Magen, translates to “love goes through the stomach.” I assume this may reference or be the equivalent to a similar English saying, “the way to one’s heart is through their stomach.”
[1] “virgin” in German nhdkshfds
[2] and here we have a quote from Wikipedia: Baumkuchen is a kind of spit cake from German cuisine. It is also a popular dessert in Japan. The characteristic rings that appear in its slices resemble tree rings, and give the cake its German name, Baumkuchen, which literally translates to “tree cake” or “log cake”.
[3] originally, I had Rotkehlchen, which is like the literal translation for “robin” as far as I know. Spatzi means “sparrow,” but can be used as a term of endearment in the same way the Crown members call Kate “robin” out of endearment. In his collection story event, he mentions that the word he used is German for robin, but it could be localized to something like “it is a German-equivalent term of endearment for robin.” Thanks to @.citrusmornings for providing this link!
END NOTES: did you enjoy this story? because i know i did, haha. i really enjoy all the vogel characters so far; they all have interesting personalities, and they bounce off each other in a fun way as well.
honestly, i’m still trying to sort of get an idea of how i want to sort of translate and write these characters. overall, though, i tried to give darius a more innocent air, with some hints of his nobility, while also having a strong sort of presence. and i tried to capture nica’s sort of casual and flippant (but also clever and sharp) air, which contrasts with how ring gets shy and flustered pretty easily.
i’d love to hear your thoughts!
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full masterlist 🕊️
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malfoys-demigod · 26 days
"So... care to tell me who that was?"
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ Logan Howlett x Reader
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A/N: I figured maybe one or two more last fics on Logan before my little break is over and things get so busy for me! // Y/F/N = Your friend's name Summary: A jealous friend (Logan) who sees you with a guy friend of yours in your classroom. [A very short but simple fic!]
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· ·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· ·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Logan had just wrapped up his last class of the day, feeling lighter than usual. The history lesson had gone smoothly—no ridiculous questions or headaches—and now, with the weekend ahead, he was in an unusually good mood. It was Friday, after all, and that alone was reason enough to be cheerful.
He had been thinking about how the week had kept him so busy that he hadn't had much time to spend with you, his closest friend at the X Mansion. Maybe he could make up for it now, take you out for the weekend, or at least hang out for the rest of the day. It would be a nice way to unwind together.
As he walked down the hallway, heading toward your classroom just a few doors away, he heard your laughter. That sweet, infectious laugh that never failed to make him smile. It was one of his favorite things about you, even if he’d never admit it.
But as he got closer, another laugh joined yours—deep and unfamiliar. Logan’s pace slowed as he reached your door and glanced inside. You were laughing, your hand resting on the shoulder of a tall, attractive man. The sight made Logan’s stomach twist, the good mood he’d been in quickly souring.
"Well, someone clearly missed my jokes," the man said, his voice smooth and dripping with confidence.
Logan’s jaw tightened. He was about to step inside, ready to interrupt, but before he could, the man leaned in closer to you, said something Logan couldn’t quite hear, and then straightened up, giving you a warm smile as he left the room.
Logan watched as you waved goodbye, still smiling. His mood darkened even further. He stepped into the classroom, trying to keep his voice casual. "So... care to tell me who that was?"
You turned, still smiling, but now it was directed at him. "Oh, that was Y/F/N! We go way back—haven’t seen him in years."
Logan nodded slowly, though the mention of "way back" did nothing to ease the knot in his stomach. "He seems... friendly."
You chuckled, clearly not picking up on his tension. "Yeah, we used to get into all sorts of trouble together. Actually, he’s taking me out to dinner tomorrow night. It’ll be fun to catch up."
Logan’s stomach dropped. "Dinner, huh?" He tried to keep his voice light, but the jealousy was creeping in, no matter how hard he tried to suppress it. "Sounds... nice."
Before you could respond, another voice cut in. "Hey, Logan, didn’t know you were into eavesdropping now."
Logan turned to see Scott leaning against the doorway, arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his face. "You must’ve been really interested in that conversation."
Logan glared at Scott, who clearly enjoyed seeing him squirm. "Mind your own business, Summers." For someone who was calling out Logan's eavesdropping, Scott seemed to have been doing the same, right?
Scott just laughed. "Just saying, didn’t expect to see you looking so... tense."
Logan clenched his fists, trying to ignore Scott's taunts. "I’m not tense."
"Right," Scott replied, still smirking. "Well, have fun dealing with that dinner date, Logan. I’m sure it’ll be a breeze."
Scott’s teasing only added fuel to the fire, but Logan couldn’t exactly punch him—not with you standing right there, oblivious to the real reason behind his mood. Instead, he forced a smile, though it felt more like a grimace, and turned back to you.
"Guess I’ll catch you later, doll," he said, trying to sound nonchalant, but the thought of you having dinner with Y/F/N was gnawing at him.
As he walked away, Scott’s laughter echoing in his ears, Logan couldn’t shake the image of you laughing with Y/F/N out of his mind. He’d have to figure out a way to deal with this... and fast.
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rvtzu · 18 days
Soft moments with Na Jaemin as your boyfriend
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networks: @k-labels
At the apartment..
Jaemin loved the way Y/N’s laughter echoed through their tiny apartment. It was a sound that filled him with a warmth he couldn't quite explain. They were sitting on the couch, watching a silly rom-com. Y/N's head was resting on his shoulder, her hand casually playing with his fingers.
"You know, I think this movie is worse than the last one," she giggled, her eyes sparkling.
Jaemin smiled and squeezed her hand. "Maybe, but I like watching it with you."
Y/N turned to him, her eyes soft. "Me too."
There was a comfortable silence between them for a moment. Jaemin reached out and traced the lines on Y/N's face. She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes.
"You're beautiful," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Y/N smiled, her cheeks flushing. "You're not so bad yourself."
Jaemin chuckled and pulled her closer. They sat like that for a while, simply enjoying each other's company. It was a simple moment, but it was perfect.
At dates...
The sun was a gentle touch on Y/N's skin as she and Jaemin strolled through the park. The leaves rustled in a soft symphony, their colors a vibrant tapestry of autumn. Jaemin's hand, warm and steady, was intertwined with hers.
"Remember when we first came here?" Jaemin asked, his voice a low murmur. Y/N smiled, the memory a precious gem in her mind. They had been young, their hearts filled with a youthful exuberance that seemed to echo through the trees.
They stopped at a bench, the worn wood inviting them to sit. Y/N leaned against Jaemin, his arm wrapping around her shoulders. They watched the children playing, their laughter a joyful melody.
"I'm so glad we're together," Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible.
Jaemin turned to her, his eyes sparkling with love. "Me too," he replied, his voice a soft caress. "You're my everything."
As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the park, Jaemin stood up. "Want to go get ice cream?" he asked. Y/N nodded eagerly.
As they walked hand-in-hand towards the ice cream shop, Y/N felt a sense of peace wash over her. In this moment, with Jaemin by her side, everything was perfect.
Meeting his parents...
Jaemin had been nervous for weeks. This wasn't just any dinner; it was the first time he was introducing his girlfriend, Y/N, to his parents. He knew they'd love her, but the anticipation was still there.
When they arrived at his parents' home, Y/N was a bundle of nerves, too. She'd met Jaemin's friends, but meeting his family was a whole different level. Jaemin squeezed her hand reassuringly.
As they walked in, Jaemin's parents were already at the table, their faces lit up with smiles. "Y/N, it's so nice to finally meet you!" Jaemin's mother exclaimed, pulling her into a warm hug. His father followed suit, his handshake firm but friendly.
The dinner was filled with laughter and conversation. Jaemin's parents asked Y/N about her hobbies, her studies, and her family. She answered confidently, her voice filled with warmth. Jaemin couldn't help but beam with pride.
After dinner, they moved to the living room, where Jaemin's parents showed them old family photos. Y/N listened attentively, occasionally sharing stories of her own childhood. By the end of the evening, she felt like she'd known them for years.
As they were leaving, Jaemin's mother pulled Y/N aside. "Thank you for coming tonight, dear," she said, her eyes filled with affection. "You're wonderful." Y/N's heart swelled with happiness.
As they walked out of the house, Jaemin turned to Y/N. "How was it?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.
"It was perfect," she replied, smiling. "I feel like I've known them forever."
Jaemin couldn't help but smile back. He knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful family.
a/n: this is my first time actually writing abt nct.
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mimasroom2 · 2 months
“But you’re like…. real pretty.” A Mean Girls Ellie au
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Mean girls Ellie au but it’s only up until the burn book scene bc I do not wanna be writing the whole ass thing😭 Janice & Damian don’t exist in this au shhh we don’t need them.. we’re focused on Ellie. Also! Don’t worry ab the ages of characters plz LMAO just pretend they’re all in high school unless said otherwise. This took me a long time to write 2 be accurate 2 the movie so pleaseeeee show it some love ! Literally just mean girls but then I take my own route & they fuck😇
C/w: Regina!Ellie & Cady!reader have secret sexy time but that’s later 😋. Ppl are judgmental but it’s mean girls what did you expect. Uhh Ellie curses a lot ig. Strictly lesbian reader. Allusion 2 reader masturbating to Ellie but no details. David is their classmate (still a pedophile) & Ellie breaks his finger😘! Ellie is VERY morally grey. SLOWWWW BURNNNN.
You as Cady
Ellie as Regina
Dina as Gretchen
Jesse as Karen
W/c: 5k
𓆟. ° .• .𓆝 .• ° . 𓆟 . ° .• .𓆞
“Here’s your lunch. I put a dollar in there so that you can get yourself some milk. Ask someone where to do that, okay?”
“Dad, I’m fine. I can find milk by myself.” You roll your eyes playfully at him.
Today was your first day of high school. Well, actually public school in general. You had been living with your parents in Africa until you moved to the US, and that meant no more homeschooling for you.
You wave goodbye to your parents as they drop you off. “Yeah, I’m not worried. High school is gonna be a fucking breeze.” You think to yourself, turning around to walk into the school and you almost run face first into a bus. You look back at your parents and you swear to god your mom almost had a heart attack.
Great start.
“Thank fucking god.” You sighed to yourself. Finally the first few classes were done, and you could eat. You thought it was weird you had to eat on a schedule now, you could practically have lunch whenever you felt like it back in Africa, just like the grazing animals.
You can finally relax, kick up your feet, enjoy some nice quiet you time and-
“Holyyyy shitttttt.” You slowly take your headphones off as you walk into the roaring cafeteria. This is seriously where they expect you to eat? Sounded more like 100 dying elephants to you. You scoff and slowly start walking around, watching all the people at each different table converse with one another. There’s so many different cliques, and it seems like they just get worse as you go deeper into the cafeteria.
You stop in the very center of the cafeteria. You’re in front of a table with three people sitting side by side, not across from each other. There’s an Asian guy counting on his fingers, a girl with her hair in a bun and a really pretty smile, and a girl in the middle. She has her hair in a sort of half up half down style, freckles all over her face, and the cutest fucking nose you’ve ever seen. She looks up at you from her seat in between them, and you two make eye contact. Your heart practically jumps out of your chest. You’re completely mesmerized by her, but unfortunately the beautiful stranger keeps you from looking where you’re walking, and you run right into a guy carrying a lunch tray.
“What the shit-“ he starts, but then looks up at you. “Oh damn. Never seen you before. The names David.” He reaches his hand out to shake yours, and you catch him looking down your low cut shirt. He makes eye contact with you again and smirks, “How bout you pay me back for my lunch that’s now on the ground. Come with me to the tech booth after school.”
Suddenly you hear a voice coming from behind you, “Ew. Fuck off, David. No one wants to hit that.”
You turn around and it’s the girl you had locked eyes with before. You manage to say “Uh, hit what?” worried you’d somehow manage to get into a fight on your first day of school.
“You fuck off, Ellie. I’m just bein’ friendly. Plus, I bet she’d wanna hit. You see the way she’s lookin’ at me?”
You look between the two of them, still trying to figure out what they want you to smack. “Sorry, hit what exactly?”
The girl named Ellie looks you up and down, slowly. You gulp. “Do yah wanna have sex with him? Yes or no.”
Your eyes widen and you shake your head ‘no’ vigorously, earning yourself a laugh from the cute brunette defending you.
“Kay, it’s settled. No one wants to sleep with you. Move along, David. Can’t believe you’re in the same grade as us and yet you still somehow manage to be a pedophile.”
He scoffs and walks away. You smile politely at her, and try to wander off to find somewhere to sit. However, you can feel her eyes burning holes into your back, or maybe your ass, and she suddenly calls out to you, “Wait. Sit down. How come I don’t know you?”
You look around, point to yourself and say “Me?” Then mentally slap yourself. Who else could she be talking to?
“Yeah, you. Sit down, babe.” She nods her head at the seat in front of her, the way you’ve seen guys do. You sit down. You’re not going to say no to anyone defending you on your first day of school. And you’re definitely not saying no to the beautiful stranger beckoning you to sit with her.
The other two people at the table don’t smile as you sit down, they just look at Ellie and back at you. Ellie repeats herself, “How come I don’t know a pretty girl like you?”
You’re caught off guard, blinking at her while trying to think of something to say. “Oh, I’m new.” You shift in the uncomfortable plastic seat. “I just moved here from Africa.”
She raises one eyebrow. You notice there’s a scar through it. “Huh?”
“I was homeschooled.”
She grabs the chain she’s wearing around her neck and starts fiddling with it. “Huh?”
Do people not know what that is? You try explaining to her, “My mom taught me at home-“
She interrupts you, putting one hand in the air in a ‘stop’ motion. “No, fuck, I know what homeschooling is, I’m not stupid.” She leans in closer like she’s studying you. “So you’ve.. never been to a real school before?”
You shake your head ‘no’
“Shut the fuck up.” She scoffs and looks between the two people by her side, “Shut the fuck. Up.”
“I didn’t say anything..” You laugh awkwardly.
“Huh. That’s so interesting. But you’re like…. real pretty.” She raises her eyebrows.
“Oh! Uh thank you.” You look down, trying to hide your blush.
“Ahh, so you agree. You think you’re real pretty?” Ellie has this shit eating grin on her face, and for a second you think she’s no better than the guy who was hitting on you.
“Oh, uh, I don’t know-“
“Wow!” Ellie’s eyes suddenly light up. “Love the bracelet you have. Where’d you get it?” She grabs your arm without permission and looks at your wrist. She rests her chin in her palm and looks at you with beautiful twinkling green eyes, waiting for you to reply. Somehow you didn’t notice her tattoo until just now. It’s really nice - ferns and what looks like a moth. Fuck, that’s hot.
“My uh-“ You swear you can’t speak. You’ve never had a stuttering problem and yet here you are tripping over yourself in front of the most enchanting girl you’ve ever seen. “My mom made it for me.”
“Ohmygod it’s just like mine!” The girl to the side of her finally speaks up, then giggles cutely, “That is soooo fetch.”
Ellie suddenly frowns. She turns to her side to face the girl and scoffs. “What the fuck is fetch.”
“It’s like slang! Uhm from Jackson.” She looks down, away from Ellie like she’s ashamed of what she just said.
“So if you’re from Africa….. why are you white??” The one guy of the group suddenly says, staring at you, almost like he’s disgusted.
“Holy fuck, Jesse. You can’t just ask people why they’re white.” The other girl scolds him.
“Let me talk to Dina n Jesse privately for like one second, would yah, dollface?” You swear she actually winks at you.
You gulp, and nod, looking around trying to avoid making any more eye contact with Ellie. She whispers briefly to the girl, who’s Dina, and then to the boy, who’s Jesse.
She turns back to you, “Alright, jus’ to let yah know, we don’t do this very often. So consider this a big deal, alright?” Ellie grins at you. You just nod.
“We’re inviting you to have lunch with us every day for the rest of the week.” Dina chimes in, smiling widely.
You put your hands up, “Oh you don’t have to-“
“Fuck yeah. So I’ll see yah tomorrow.” Ellie interrupts you again. You really should get used to that if you’re going to spend more time with them.
“On Wednesdays we wear pink.” Jesse winks at you and gives you a big thumbs up.
The next day you enter the cafeteria and Ellie immediately flags you over, making a ‘cmere’ motion with two fingers. “There she is.” She grins. She’s wearing a low cut tank top, a little pink cardigan and leather pants. The tank top has writing that says ‘a little bit dramatic.’ You smile to yourself, somehow it makes no sense and fits her perfectly at the same time. You look down at your own clothes, a simple button up pink shirt you borrowed from your mom and jeans. Suddenly you feel way less cool, even though you’re somehow sitting with the most popular kids in school.
This time, you’re sitting next to Jesse, with Ellie and Dina across from you.
“Yknow how many calories are in this? Doesn’t say.” Ellie hands you some sort of bar and you look at the numbers on the wrapper. 48/120.
“Yeah, that should be 40%.” You hand it back to her, but your fingers touch hers accidentally. There’s butterflies in your stomach again, you realize they’re the same ones from yesterday. You thought it was just first day jitters.
She stares at you and keeps her hand there a moment too long, before clearing her throat and saying, “Fuck it. I’m getting cheese fries.” She pulls her hand away and stands up swiftly.
Dina watches her walk away then turns back toward you. “So. Are there any boys you think are cute?”
You try to think of the first girl your mind remembers that’s not Ellie. “Well, there’s this girl in my calculus class-“
“Who is it?” Jesse interrupts you, and Dina’s eyes widen.
You clear your throat, “Her names Cat.”
“No!” They both shout in unison, and it actually makes you jump a little.
Dina actually fans herself as if she’s going to faint. You swear you’ve only seen that in movies. “Ohmygod you can’t like Cat! That’s Ellie’s ex girlfriend.”
“They went out for a year. She gave her the tattoo on her arm.” Jesse chimes in.
You try to hide the confused yet pleased look on your face when you find out Ellie likes girls too.
Dina continues, “Listen, any exes are off limits to friends. That’s just like, the rules… everywhere.” She crosses her arms and Jesse nods. “Oh, but don’t worry. I won’t tell Ellie what you said. It’ll be our little secret.” She smiles at you.
At the end of the day, you’re walking back to the parking lot, just thinking to yourself. Jesse seems probably the nicest, but he’s basically got no head on his shoulders. At least from what you could tell. Dina’s nice too, but there’s something off about her. Maybe because she’s closer to Ellie than Jesse? You felt like you couldn’t trust her entirely. And Ellie. Fuck man, she’s absolutely gorgeous. You can’t get her out of your mind no matter what you do, you stayed up later than usual last night thinking about her… but that doesn’t matter right now.
Suddenly, you hear a car beep from behind you. You turn around to see all three of them in a classy convertible, with Ellie driving. “Get in, fuckface, we’re going shopping.” you hear her say, and well, you can’t really say no.
Ellie’s like.. a hot masc bratz doll. You never had any dolls. Especially not bratz. Your mom hated them. She’d probably hate Ellie too, thinking about it.
You four end up walking through a mall, and there’s actually a lot of people from your school there. The three of them are just.. passing by all these cool looking stores. You haven’t had the chance to actually shop yet since you’ve moved, and you don’t want to feel any more alien than you already do, so you don’t ask Ellie to stop by any of them. You’re all walking side by side, but Ellie’s the farthest away from you. She points at a shop labeled ‘Spencer’s’ and whispers something to Dina. Dina laughs and has to hold onto Ellie’s arm so she doesn’t fall over. You feel your face grow red, and you’re surprised to see that you actually feel jealous. Whatever she said must’ve been really hilarious.
Suddenly, Ellie stops walking and holds out her hand. “What. The. Fuck.”
You look across the way and see the guy who was hitting on you yesterday talking to a girl who looks about 14.
“Holy shit! Is that David?” Jesse steps forward.
“Yeah. It fucking is.” Ellie crosses her arms and scoffs. “And look who he’s talking to.”
This time, Dina steps up, her jaw dropped. “You’ve gotta be fucking shitting my dick.” Even from knowing her only two days, you can tell she never cursed like that, so it must be serious.
“Dina, who is that?” You ask her.
She answers you, but doesn’t look at you. She just keeps staring at the scene playing out in front of her. “That’s one of the damn kids I babysit. Practically my own sister. And fucking pedo David is talking to her.”
“Wait, what makes him a pedophile?” You ask, looking between the three of them.
“He’s been caught talking to girls who are reallyyyy young. Like, even though he’s 17, that’s still fucked up.” Dina answers. “Not just normal talking too. Like, full on crazy shit. Keeps telling them they’re special.”
You shudder and turn to look at him again.
“Yknow. I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to be a cannibal too.” Jesse states and looks at you.
Ellie huffs, unfolding her arms, “Follow me.”
You three speed walk behind Ellie as she makes a beeline straight towards David and the little girl. Dina and Jesse are muttering about how they don’t think this is a good idea, which makes you curious as to what the hell Ellie’s going to do to him.
“Who’re you talkin’ to, David?” Ellie asks in a sing song voice, which actually makes her sound way scarier.
He turns around and throws his arms up, immediately annoyed at Ellie for ruining his creepy actions yet again. “What the fuck do you want, Ellie.”
She puts her hands on her hips, “Don’t make me repeat myself. Who the fuck are you talking to?”
Shit.. you really shouldn’t be thinking about this right now, but that was really hot. You glance at the girl and she looks visibly relieved she’s not talking to him anymore, which says a lot. Ellie and David continue arguing while Dina comforts the girl and tries to pull her away from the situation.
“Ohhhoho shit.” Jesse says and points to Ellie slowly taking a few steps back from David while she’s still talking to him, which makes him follow her.
“What’s going on?” You ask him.
He shakes his head, “Just watch.”
“Cmere, David. Pretty boy like you got nothin’ to lose.” Your blood would boil at what she said, but it’s pretty obvious she’s faking it. Well, obvious to everyone but him.
She beckons him to follow her into a small hallway which nobody’s paying attention to. If there was one thing about Ellie, it’s that she could get anyone to do whatever she wanted.
You and Jesse subtly walk closer to them so you can listen. David’s so entranced by Ellie he’s not paying attention to anything else.
Ellie twirls a lock of her hair around her fingers, looking up at him, trying to appear cute and innocent. “Yknow I thought they were all just rumors.. but, I guess it’s true.” She looks him up and down, and makes it obvious she’s looking at his crotch.
He smiles at her, “What?”
She pretends to think, and gently holds his hand with both of hers, “Hmmm..” She looks away bashfully. You almost laugh at how oblivious he is. “Oh, I shouldn’t say..” she eggs him on.
“Nah, quit playin’. Just tell me.” He’s actually grinning so wide, he looks like he’s in a candy store. Does he really think people are raving about his dick that much?
Ellie’s face falls flat in a second, “I guess it’s true that you’re a fucking pedophile.” And she swiftly twists his hand in one motion, and you hear a crack.
Your eyes grow wide and he yells and curses at her, falling to his knees on the floor. She just taps her foot impatiently, waiting for him to shut up so she can talk.
“You’re gonna go and tell that little girl’s parents what you were doing. Everyone saw you, and now everyone can hear you screaming in pain.” She actually laughs. “There’s no hiding now, David.”
He looks up at her and yells, “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO TELL THEM!??”
“Tell them that Ellie is the girl who broke your fucking finger.”
And then she walks away.
Ellie drives the four of you to her house to hangout, you try texting your parents you’ll be home for dinner, but you’re honestly not sure. And it’s only Wednesday. As soon as you get there your jaw drops, this place looks like it’s out of a damn movie.
“Wow, Ellie. Your house is really nice.” You say, not looking away from it.
“I know right.” She smirks at you.
Dina leans in and whispers to you, “Make sure you check out her dad. Damn, he’s hot.”
You guys walk in and her dad immediately greats you. He’s holding a small chihuahua and it’s almost comical considering how big and muscular he is.
“Hey, Mr. Miller. This is Cady.” Dina motions towards you. He shoots you a little finger gun and puts the dog down.
“Jus’ wanna tell yah.. if yah need anythin’ don’t be shy, okay? No rules in this house. I’m not like a regular dad. I’m a cool dad.” He winks and turns toward Ellie, “Right, baby girl?”
She’s leaning against the counter. Her face is completely blank as she shuts him down immediately, “Please stop talking.”
Ellie leads you all upstairs to her massive ass room. You thought the outside was impressive, but this is crazy.
“This is your room?” You spin around.
Ellie sits down to take off her shoes. “Mhmm. It was Joel’s room… but I made him trade me.”
You take off your shoes too and look around. There’s pillows, posters, and pictures everywhere that are just adorable. You can see a selfie printed out of the three of them that Dina took.
“Hey, someone put on Take On Me.” Ellie says.
Ellie takes off her little pink cardigan. You don’t mean to stare, but how could you not? Her bare arms are so toned and defined..
She snaps you out of your trance, “Cady, do you even know who sings this?”
“Umm.. Weezer?”
She looks you up and down slowly. She sure loves doing that. “Ugh I love her. She’s like a martian.” She says to Dina.
Jesse walks over to a bookshelf and picks up a hot pink book. It’s the size of a photo album. “Holy shit, I forgot about this.” He laughs.
Ellie glances over to look at what he’s holding. “Damn. Haven’t touched that thing in forever.”
“Look at this, Cady. It’s our burn book.” Dina motions you over to look at it. “See, we would cut out pictures from the yearbook and write little comments.”
Jesse starts reading, “Abby Anderson has sex in boats.”
“Still true.” Ellie chimes in.
“Owen Moore is a fat virgin.” Dina reads.
Ellie snorts. “Still half true.”
She sighs and looks at you. You’re immersed in the burn book and yet, you can immediately feel her eyes on your skin. You look up at her. She has a completely different look in her eyes. Her stance isn’t as strong, she’s fidgeting with her fingers, and her eyes are glossy. She looks almost.. vulnerable.
You keep looking at her, puzzled, when she walks over to you and takes your arm. She’s gentle this time, opposed to when she did the same thing to look at your bracelet when you first met her. She leads you over to her ginormous closet. Dina and Jesse are still giggling at the burn book, they don’t even notice you two left. She steps closer to you.
“We need to get you some new clothes.” Ellie says. But her voice is lower and not as loud as when she usually talks. You try your best to control your breathing, you swear you could get off on just her voice alone.
It’s that weird stage or moment in time. Where you’re not entirely sure if the other person is feeling and thinking the same things as you. It makes you nervous, especially because you haven’t done this kind of thing a lot before. And especially because it’s Ellie fucking Williams.
She steps even closer to you. “Fuck. Needa help you out with clothes.” She mutters. You can barely hear her, she may as well be talking to herself.
She calls Jesse and Dina over with a few snaps of her fingers. “Can you two go make the four of us some drinks. Virgin margaritas.” She turns towards you. You’re just inches away from her face. You’re way too close. “Cady, what do you like?” She asks, making direct eye contact with you. “Lemon lime?” She asks, furrowing her eyebrows almost like she’s pouting, before you can answer her.
Jesse nods and heads out of the room. Dina gives Ellie a weird look, but pulls out her phone to look up recipes and follows Jesse downstairs.
You wait a few moments before you stop hearing footsteps on the stairs, then attempt to ask Ellie what’s going on, “Ellie, why-“
She cuts you off before you can finish, like how she always does. Usually it annoys you, but right now it’s different. Right now it means that she’s really the one in charge. She reaches up and fiddles with the collar of your shirt.
“Cmere, baby. I like you.. okay? You’re cute.” You weren’t sure if she was talking about you platonically or romantically. Her tone was so casual, like she was talking about what to have for dinner, and yet the way she was caressing you made your knees weak. Well, you weren’t sure until she pulls you in by the shirt and smashes her lips against yours.
You immediately gasp and whimper at the action, and become embarrassed at how inexperienced you are. But she fucking loves it, kissing you deeper and unbuttoning a few buttons at the top of your shirt. When she uses her tongue, it’s over. You moan into her mouth and your hands desperately grab at her. She laughs and you can feel the same shit eating grin she gave you when you first met her.
You break away, suddenly remembering that Dina and Jesse are downstairs and could be back any minute. “You sure they’re gonna be gone long enough?” You didn’t know how far she wanted to go… but you could guess.
She nods. “I’m sure. Between the two of them, yeah. Jesse doesn’t know how to make anything and Dina’s gonna spend at least 15 minutes making it perfect after she finds a recipe. Plus they’ll probably both spend another 7 or so minutes arguing wether they should really make it virgin or not. And my dads playing one of his shooter games. Trust me, having a big house comes in handy.” She leans in closer to you, “In any case, with how good I’m gonna make you feel, you won’t be lasting very long.”
And with that she immediately starts making out with you again. It’s sloppy and desperate and not something you would expect from Ellie. But this vulnerable side just seems so much more like her. You pull at her hair, and she fucking moans, the slutty sound sending heat straight down to your pussy.
You pull away again, and she looks up at you like she’s about to cry if she doesn’t touch you. You shakily nod and she bites your neck hard. Thank god you’re wearing a high collar button up.
“Fuck, Ellie.” You yelp, a little too loud, so she shuts you up by soothing the bite marks with her wet tongue. You whine for more, trying any way you can to pull her closer.
She hits a particularly sensitive spot, you gasp and open your eyes. You remember where you are, and look around in her closet. It’s a decent sized walk-in one. Everything’s sorted by color and style. Gorgeous shoes are on racks on the side. A nice fancy chaise is in the middle. You see a few name brand purses throughout. Between Ellie’s teeth and your envy for her life, you feel on fire.
“You always get what you want.” You seethe through your teeth.
“Shut your fucking mouth. Right now is about you.” She pulls away from your neck and reaches straight down to your jeans. She pauses, looking at you to ask for permission. You gulp, nodding to tell her you want her to. She unbuttons your pants and lets them fall down your legs just a little bit, to give herself better access to your panties.
She pulls those down too, and places two fingers to where you’re wet. She gasps, and you cover your face with your hands. “Shit, no.” She pulls down your arms with her non dominant hand, and quickly places a kiss on your cheek. “You’re not gonna hide from me, baby.”
You nod, swallowing. You can feel her making circles around you, wanting to push in. “Please, Ellie.” You beg. You’ve never sounded more desperate in your life.
With one swift motion she pushes two fingers inside you, and pushes you back so that you land against the wall. You gasp and are about to retort, but you accidentally cut yourself off with a moan as Ellie starts pumping her fingers in and out of you. Her other hand is up against the wall above you. You whimper as she picks up pace, this kind of stuff only happens in fiction. You don’t want to cover your face again, so you try turning away from her. She immediately grabs your chin with her spare hand and forces you to face her. “You better look at me when I’m fucking you.” She stares directly into your eyes.
You moan at how rough and fucking gentle she is at the same time. You don’t know why you’re surprised, but you can tell she wants you to enjoy this. Thinking about it, this actually doesn’t benefit her in any way. She’s not the one getting off. In fact, she’d be in major shit if anyone walked into the room.
With each passing second, she’s getting faster. Picking up her pace and making no attempt to be quiet, grunting in your ear. You look down and see her tattoo flexing as she uses her whole arm to fuck you.
“Yeah, you’re gonna fucking cum onto my fingers like you know what’s good for yah. Making a fucking mess on me, shit. So wet, dollface.” She mutters through her teeth. You knew she loved to talk, but she especially loves to talk when she’s making you feel so good.
Just a few more sentences and you’re coming undone, your legs shake and she has to hold your hip to keep you in place.
“Uuugh.. mm. ‘M gonna cum, Ellie.”
“Fucking give it to me.” She huffs out and curls her fingers up into you. Immediately white hot pleasure takes over you. You’re cumming on her fingers just how she wanted. She’s still holding onto you, making sure you don’t fall as she fucks you through your orgasm. She’s fucking magical, making your orgasm last as long as she can, until your eyes are rolling back and you’re whining that it’s too much.
You’re finally able to slow down your breathing and take in what just happened. God, that was good. So much better than when you fucked yourself to the thought of her.
Ellie brings the two fingers she used on you up to her mouth and sucks on them. She even makes eye contact with you until she’s done cleaning them. Your jaw was already on the floor. Now it’s 6 feet below.
You hear Jesse say “Fuck” from downstairs, so you quickly pull your pants back up and button up your shirt in a mirror. Ellie fixes her hair and walks out of the closet, meeting Jesse and Dina as they come into the room.
“She spilled one.” Jesse says, nodding towards Dina who’s holding a tray of now three margaritas.
“Are they actually virgin?” Ellie crosses her arms.
“For once, yeah.” Dina says. “So. Who’s not getting one?”
You practically march out of the closet, “I want it. I’m fucking thirsty.” You greedily grab the drink from off the tray and take a large sip. All three of your friends are staring at you, and you bring it down from your lips. “What! Trying on clothes gets tiring okay?” You whine.
“Fuck it. ‘S my house. I’m getting one.” Ellie says.
“And I’m not the one who spilled it.” Jesse sticks his tongue out at Dina, who rolls her eyes.
The four of you sit down on the couch in Ellie’s room. You’re sitting next to Ellie, she crosses her legs and puts her arm around you.
Dina and Jesse give her a look, but she handles it so smoothly, you swear she’s prepared for anything. “Fuck it, you’re officially part of our group now. Gon’ stay by my side longer than just the rest of the week.” She announces, lightly punching you in the arm.
Jesse holds up his drink, “To Cady?” He prompts, looking between you and Ellie.
She nods, holding hers out to meet Jesse’s. You bring yours up too. “To Cady!” All four of you say, and Dina squeals and claps her hands.
You look over to Ellie. She’s still holding you in her arm, she smiles softly, grabs your side and brings you in a little closer.
𓆟. ° .• .𓆝 .• ° . 𓆟 . ° .• .𓆞
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champagne bubbles. l Javi Gutierrez
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Summary:  a little champagne and the conversation changed
Warnings:  +18, smut, swearing, fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (don't do that)
A/N: scribbles. i know i should be more forgiving of myself, but i'm not. sorry for the mistakes. i hope you like it. 🖤
"It was a really good evening."
"Yeah, it was."
You felt the soft carpet that covered the stairs under your feet. Javi nonchalantly walked next to you. His unbuttoned shirt revealed his sun-kissed chest, but his hair was still impeccably styled. It was a pretty sight, especially after such a nice evening.
"They should show up at the office tomorrow to sign the papers." you continued. "I can't believe that after so long we finally managed to finalize this."
"It's your success." Javi smiled. "And don't look at me like that! If you hadn't been watching over me, I probably would have abandoned this project a long time ago."
"You can buy me flowers and it'll be even." You nudged him in the shoulder, laughing.
You went upstairs and walked down the wide hallway. The champagne was slightly buzzing in your head, but you felt good.
You have been working for Javi Gutierrez for a few years now. Your relationship had changed from a professional to a more friendly one some time ago, and it didn't bother you.
You considered him a charming, funny and big-hearted man. He, on the other hand, often repeated that you were his guardian angel and did everything to make you feel comfortable. It was easy to fall in love with him, especially since you accompanied him to most of the parties and meetings.
However, this was a line you didn't have the courage to cross. Despite everything - he was your boss.
"I thought Mrs. Castillo would do anything to get some kind of bonus from you." you said as you turned into the next corridor. "She didn't take her eyes off you."
"You think so?" Javi laughed. "I'll send her flowers and wine, she should be happy."
"That's not the kind of bonus I was thinking about."
You bit your lip, seeing how what you said fully reached him. Javi opened his mouth, but smiled and shook his head.
"That wouldn't be possible, sweetie." he stated, still chuckling "My eyes were somewhere else entirely." 
"Oh, really?" you thought of that pretty blonde who had arrived with one of the businessmen "I'm not surprised. She was pretty."
"You think so?"
"Yeah, I would swap bodies with her if I could."
You stopped in front of your bedroom door. Javi was watching you carefully, his hands hidden in his pockets, but when you finally mumbled a quiet "Goodnight" and grabbed the doorknob, he finally spoke.
"I think your body is stunning. What's more, I like it much more than that girl's body."
"Javi, I..." you gasped in surprise. "Thank you, I guess. How... How much did you drink tonight?"
"Not much." He shrugged. "And I'm surprised you could think I was staring at someone else. Especially since you're wearing such a sexy dress."
You felt slightly embarrassed, and his piercing gaze didn't make you feel confident. What's worse, you suddenly felt a strange shiver run down your spine.
"Was that another compliment?" you asked uncertainly.
"Of course."
"Thank you then."
"I could eat you out if you want." He stated, leaning slightly towards you. "I've been thinking about it all evening, actually."
He said it so naturally that you were sure he was joking. Because he had to be joking, right? You don't make that kind of offer in the hallway in the middle of the night.
"Javi, did you take anything?"
"Naah." He shook his head, smiling widely. "I'm almost sober and I'm completely serious, Y/N. Do you see yourself in the mirror? Fuck! I wanted to propose that to you earlier, but I chickened out every time. But tonight... Damn, girl! You looked amazing. Every guy there, and probably a few women, would love to be between your thighs."
You were shocked. It was the first time since you knew Javi Gutierrez that he said something like that to you. It was arousing, but you didn't think he could want anything from you, that he saw you as more than just an assistant.
"I feel a little uncomfortable." you finally spoke up "I mean... Your offer is really tempting, but I don't know what to think about it." Javi frowned, trying to understand your words. "You've never.... You've never spoken to me like that. Have you... Have you watched that movie we found on the streaming platform recently?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"About '50 Shades of Grey'. Have you watched it?"
"I couldn't sleep last night."
"But that doesn't change anything!" he raised his hands as if trying to stop you from jumping to conclusions. "I wanted your knees to buckle, sweetie."
"They definitely buckled." you nodded. "But out of fear. Listen..."
Javi stared at you with his brown eyes as if you were the most beautiful creature in the world, and that didn't make anything easier for you. 
On the one hand, you thought he was the most charming guy you'd ever known, but on the other - his words really affected you. Maybe it was the moment you found yourself in, or maybe the champagne bubbles were swimming in your blood in too large quantities. Finally, the words left your lips.
"Maybe kiss me first before you propose something more? That would be quite nice."
All the uncertainty and fear disappeared from his face in a second. He took your face in his warm hands and for the first time you felt his lips on yours. It was intoxicating. His lips tasted of champagne, and you felt his pleasant scent in your nostrils. He kissed you tenderly, but deeply, as if he had been waiting for this for a long time. His tongue slipped between your lips, caressing yours, and soon you sighed quietly.
"Is something wrong?" Javi asked quietly, moving his face away from yours and looking at you with concern.
"No. I mean... My knees buckled under me."
His smile melted your heart completely. You kissed him this time, placing your hand on the back of his neck and pulling him closer to you. With your other hand, you felt the doorknob and without taking your lips off each other, you entered your room.
Your hands easily managed to get your clothes off, although Javi had to help you with the zipper of your dress. He kissed every new part of your body that was discovered, his mustache and stubble tickled you pleasantly.
"Are you sure about that?" he asked when you finally managed to reach the bed.
"Yeah, and you?" he nodded "Does your offer still stand, Mr. Gutierrez?"
"Fuck, yes!"
Soon you were lying on the soft pillows when Javi made himself comfortable between your thighs. He threw one of your legs over his shoulder, and gently kissed your thigh as he approached his destination.
"I've been thinking about this for so long." he mumbled, and you felt a pleasant tightening in your lower abdomen "I was sure you guessed what was on my mind. When you were talking to me, my brain would turn off and all I could think was 'I wonder what she would do if I sucked on her pussy right now'."
"Jesus, really?" you giggled.
"Oh, yeah. And now, I'll finally find out."
He licked your folds, and then his lips sank into them. His tongue teased your clit, and his lips began to suck it, driving you crazy.
"Look at you." he murmured contentedly, running his fingers over your pussy. "So pretty and so impatient."
Two fingers slid inside you. It had been a long time since you had felt someone else there other than your fingers or a vibrator. You lifted your hips, but Javi held you with his other hand.
"Stay like this, baby. Just let me do it."
So you let him.
His fingers moved inside you with such precision as if Javi had instructions for your pussy. His lips found your sensitive bundle of nerves and after a moment you grabbed his hair tightly as you rubbed your cunt against his face.
"Fuck, Javi!" you gasped, feeling how close you were.
He couldn't answer. He was eating you out like his life depended on it, he felt your walls squeeze his fingers tighter and tighter. Javi wanted to stay there forever. Your scent, your taste, the way your body begged for more - it was addictive. His fingers were covered in your juices, he knew you were close.
"Jesus, please..." your voice trailed off.
He lifted his eyes and saw your breasts heaving and your body arching. You were so beautiful. More beautiful than ever before. And when he crossed his fingers and started rubbing small circles on your clit with his thumb, you finally flew off.
A sweet moan escaped your lungs. Your thighs squeezed his head, but Javi wasn't going to complain, he sucked your juices not wanting to waste a single drop.
"Fuck, you're amazing." he whispered as he finally sat up and looked at you. "I could spend the rest of my life there."
"Wouldn't you rather put something else in there?"
You didn't have to tell him twice. His lips found yours again. You felt your taste on his tongue, but you didn't mind. You wanted to feel Javi inside you, and seeing his hard cock, you knew it would be something wonderful.
"Javi?" you whispered uncertainly as he grabbed his cock at the base and ran it over your wet pussy a few times. "I haven't been with anyone in a long time."
"It's okay, baby. Me too. Since you showed up... I couldn't. A condom?"
"I know you're clean. I saw your tests." he laughed quietly. "I have an implant."
His tip slowly slid into you, and you held your breath.
"I'll go slowly, baby." he said tenderly.
And he did. His cock slid in slowly, and you felt your walls stretch, wrapping around him, welcoming him into your warm interior. Javi's eyes traveled from your face to where he disappeared inside you.
When he was completely inside, he stopped. Your body quickly got used to his presence. You felt filled to the brim and slowly began to want Javi to make a move.
But he had time. He took your leg and kissed your calf and ankle in several places, placing it on his shoulder. The new angle made him slide even deeper.
"You're so tight, I've never felt anything like this before." he whispered, tilting his head slightly. "I feel like I could come right away."
"Javi, please..." you whispered. "I need you to move."
"You need me?"
"Yes, I need you to fuck me."
Your words went straight to his member. With the first thrust, your hands clenched the sheets. With the second, all the air escaped from your lungs. And then all you could hear was the slapping of skin on skin as Javi pounded into you faster and faster.
You opened your eyes with difficulty, but the sight was a reward. Sweet curls fell over his forehead, his chest glistened with sweat. Javi breathed through clenched teeth, and his dark eyes didn't leave your face.
"Fuck!" he hissed "I need..."
He didn't finish the sentence. He lowered your leg and was already lying on you, resting his arms on your sides. You wrapped your legs around his waist and again you felt him pound into you.
This was something deeper, stronger. You felt his sweet weight on you, his hot breath on your neck, his lips that found yours, kissing you almost painfully. You wanted it harder, faster, more intense. You were already so close to another climax that when you felt him reach for your clit it was like salvation.
"Javi!" you moaned.
"I'm close too. Give it to me, baby. Please... I want to feel you!"
You came with a loud groan feeling your whole body tremble and your nails dug into Javi's strong shoulders. But he didn't even notice. The squeeze on his cock was overwhelming. He thrust a few more times and soon he spilled warm cum inside you.
You were breathing deeply still not being able to fully understand what had happened. Your bodies were wet with sweat and suddenly it seemed to you that the room was incredibly hot.
Javi lifted himself up on his shoulders and looked at you from behind his disheveled hair. The cutest sight you've ever seen.
"Do you think I could stay there for a while longer?" he asked, glancing between your thighs, his cock still buried inside you.
"I think he likes it there." You replied smiling and fondly stroking his rough cheek.
"Definitely." He leaned down and kissed you tenderly. "You know, I wouldn't want you to disappear tomorrow."
"Javi, this is my bedroom." You giggled and saw a faint smile on his lips. "I'm not disappearing anywhere. But you don't disappear either."
"I won't."
So he stayed. And in the morning you could repay him by disappearing under the sheets while he was still asleep.
Thank you for your time.
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shewrites444 · 1 year
ghost [xavier plympton x reader]
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[ inspired from ahs 1984, and of course written by me. super cheesy smut fic since i wrote this over a year ago and it has been sitting in my drafts, but why not post it for my ahs lovers. enjoy! ]
word count - 2.4k
[summary: the reader is a counselor at the former camp redwood, now camp meadow, and meets a very friendly, yet also flirtatious ghost during her first night.]
[warnings: dirty talk, oral, unprotected sex]
regardless of how much my mom and i argued, i continued to deny her stupid reasons to not work at camp meadow the summer. the second massacre of 1984 was not even in the current century, so i knew not to overreact about any possible harm coming my way. i loved a good thrill anyway, so maybe some stupid kids pretending to be the night stalker or mr. jingles would be the most enjoyable portion of the long week anyway.
after finally convincing my friend [y/f/n] to come with me, i was felt my decision was for the best. the drive was a few hours long and once we arrived, we were able to meet our fellow counselors and the head counselor, who seemed nice enough, and not very strict whatsoever.
"i'm going to try my hardest to make this week enjoyable for not only the kids, but the counselors as well." miss thompson smiled at us, nodding her head with respect towards the young group. "i know this place has a lot of bad memories, but with a new name, new cabins, and much more, we can make newer, better memories. if you guys have any concerns or questions, please let me know. i'm available anytime."
[y/f/n] nods, then raises her hand, which miss thompson acknowledges immediately. "what about showers? we haven't gone over that yet."
miss thompson told us we had to shower before midnight, to make sure we had hot water the next morning for the kids, in case they needed a bath or anything of the sort.
after taking turns one by one, i was last in line for my shower. i decided to wait until it was dark, so i didn't have any concerns about my friends coming to prank me with stupid, useless scares. they were all tired, cuddled up in their bunks and ready to prepare for the next morning, which would be extremely busy with the amount of kids the head counselor said we were expecting.
i grab my towel and a change of clothes, along with my razor, and made my way towards the showers. i set everything down before stripping off my baggy, light washed jeans and plain black crop top, then turn the water on, waiting until it's hot enough to step into.
i close my eyes, humming quietly to myself as i wet my hair, reaching over to grab the shampoo bottle. i squirt it into my hand, then sigh upon realizing it's all out.
"just fucking fantastic." i scoff, setting the bottle down and just deciding to shave instead. i grab the bar of soap and lather my right leg up, grabbing the razor and sliding it against my skin.
while doing so, i feel a cold gust of wind against my heated, wet skin, looking up with confusion as it suddenly stops. i shake my head, ignoring the situation and going back to my legs. after shaving, i set the razor down and glance to the shower next to me, seeing there was no shampoo in there, either. i really preferred to wash my hair tonight, knowing that it would be funky the next day, since we were expected to take the kids in canoes and swimming.
"looking for this?" i hear a low masculine voice, making me jump and squeak in surprise, turning around to see a blonde boy, dressed in a pair of white khakis and a teal sweatshirt, with a pair of white high-top converse. he had one silver cross earring, which hung on his right ear and shook as he stepped closer, holding a small shampoo bottle in his hand.
i blink numerous times, trying to fathom the fact that the boy was really there. he looked like he belonged in a different universe, or era, to say the least. i step closer and grab it from him, squeezing it in my hands to assure what was happening was actually real. i realize that if this is real, i'm bare ass naked in front of this random guy.
i snatch the towel from the sink, holding it over my body as my cheeks begin to heaten, and not just from the hot water. "who the fuck are you? and why the fuck are you in here while i'm showering?!"
he ran his fingers through his blonde highlights, laughing to himself, as if the situation was amusing. "well, i actually live here. i heard you and your buddies talking about the massacres that took place here earlier today. kinda disappointed you don't recognize me."
i wrap the towel around myself, stepping closer to him, and crossing my arms in complete confusion. "i'm sorry, but i don't think anyone just casually lives at camp meadow. this is like, a summer camp. i don't think it's legal to live here unless you own the camp, and the person who owns this place is a woman. so, i ask again, who are you, and why in the hell should i recognize you?"
"i'm xavier!" he yells in frustration, seeming offended i didn't know this infamous name. "xavier plympton. i was one of the few who were killed here in the '84 massacre. you haven't read up on the conspiracy there's ghosts here? you're looking at one from the 80's." he winks, watching as my eyes widen in shock.
"there's no way." i shake my head, looking at him from head to toe, completely flabbergasted by his unrealistic explanation. "ghosts can't just live here on earth forever, right? i thought you guys would at least go to heaven or hell, or something. not that i believe in that shit, but you'd at least go somewhere other than here."
xavier shrugged, taking a step closer to me, reaching his hand to my bare, wet shoulder. he smiled, sighing as he felt my skin. "i wish i felt like this again. being a ghost sucks sometimes. i feel so empty, so inhuman. i haven't felt someone so warm, so human, in years."
i pull back, pushing his hand off of me. "okay, um, xavier plympton. sorry to disappoint, but you probably won't be feeling this human ever again. now if you'll excuse me, i really need to wash my hair. thank you for the shampoo, but i seriously need you to leave."
he sighed, crossing his arms and lightly tapping his foot in annoyance at my resistance. "come on, [y/n]. i'm the whole reason you can even wash your hair. one more touch please, maybe on your face or something? it makes me feel normal again!" he whines, making a pouty face towards me.
"how do you know my name, weirdo?" i ask, looking at him with annoyance and a bit of confusion. "and no, you can't touch my face. if anything, that's the farthest from feeling normal. that's just being a creep."
xavier walked closer to me, "i do my research. i have nothing else to do around here, so why not eavesdrop on the new counselors before they're here forever like the rest of us, hm?"
my eyes widen as i walk back, hitting the shower water with my back, and feeling the towel begin to get soaked. i gulp, trying to scan him for any potential weapon. "well, if you kill me, then you won't be able to like.. touch my shoulder or whatever.. i thought you wanted to feel what it was like to be human, remember?"
he laughed, reaching to tug the side of the towel, biting his lip and looking up to meet our eyes. "i wouldn't hurt you or let anyone else do so, [y/n]. you're not like everyone else around here. you seem different, like you aren't afraid of a fucking stick breaking when you walk at night like those other pussy counselors. i mean, you came out here at almost midnight and showered all alone, so it's like you were practically begging me to touch more then just your shoulder.."
i blush, crossing my arms to make his fingers break from the fabric, breathing in and out rather heavily, as i felt my stomach turn at his words. "what would ever make you think i'd want you to touch me? maybe that's your brain, just because you've only had ghost pussy for like twenty years."
"maybe, instead, it's because you excite me." xavier snaps back with a flick of his pink tongue. he grabs the towel, slowly pulling it back off of me, then tossing it to the wooden floor. he grabs the shampoo, squirting some into his palm before lathering it up, gesturing for me to turn around. he sinks his fingers into my hair, beginning to wash it with soft, relaxing strokes from his fingertips. i close my eyes, practically melting at his touch and feeling my legs quickly drench with pleasure as he begins to kiss down my wet neck and soon to my bare shoulders.
this goes on for a few minutes, when he then helps to wash the shampoo out of my hair, and turns me back towards him. i watch him strip of his clothing, except for his light blue boxers, which showed off his stiff, hard length, poking directly towards my wet pussy.
i chew my lip, looking down at his length, before locking our lust-filled eyes. he moves closer to press his lips against my cheek, then smiles seductively.
"if i'm going to fuck you, i'd like to do so in a place more, comfortable. for the both of us, of course." he explains, taking my hand and pulling me away from the water. i look to him, raising a brow, and watching as he hands me the towel.
i follow him outside, as he walks towards an empty cabin, several down from the one i was staying in. i let him sit me down on the bed, where i pull the towel off of myself and set it on the dresser. i lay on my back, spreading my legs in his direction as he pulls his boxers down. he looks at me with a grin, chuckling as he walks over to shut my legs, making my sit up with complete confusion.
"thought we were going to have sex, xavier. not play games, right?" i chirp, looking at the blonde as he sticks two fingers in his mouth, then pins me back down, sliding them to my clit, answering my own question. so no sex yet, only some foreplay so far, which was absolutely fine by me.
he came off as a man who wanted to skip the foreplay, but the second he pumped his fingers inside of me, i was thankfully my interpretation was wrong. i gasp, letting out a loud moan as he began to finger me, curling his digits inside of me with each thrust, in and out.
xavier leaned down to latch his lips to my nipple, sucking softly for a minute before pulling his head up. he looks down at me, pleased with my moans, while he reads my lustful expression.
"the minute i saw you walk into this camp, i knew you'd been needing a good dicking, [y/n]. the way you looked at those other counselors when they were introduced to you.. you've been wanting someone inside of you for awhile now, and who better then me, hm?" he talked into my ear, his hot breath against my skin as he worked his magic inside of me. "i could fuck you so hard tonight you'd never wanna leave camp, baby. you'd be begging for my cock from when you wake up to when you go to sleep. i can already feel how good your pussy is, so i may be begging you for the same later.."
i glance up at him, then down to his hand, as he rapidly finger fucks my insides. i'm dripping at his touch, my juices sinking between my ass cheeks and his fingers, visibly noticeable as he pulls out of me, moving his index and middle fingers to my throbbing clit.
as he rubs, i moan loudly, my eyes shut while he motions himself in front of me. he kneels on the bed, using his free hand to line up his length with my pussy. he pushes himself in slowly, as a way to warn me of what's to come. he was big, and it was now very obvious as he had already filled a substantial portion of my insides with not even half his cock. i nod with reassurance, allowing him to push himself into me, so deep his balls were pressing against my folds.
xavier begins to thrust, pulling his hand away from my clit and taking a hold of my own hand, lacing his fingers with mine. he smushes our lips together, the kiss entrancing the both of us as we become one through a sinful, yet so beautifully pleasurable act.
"you feel so good, [y/n]... dead or alive, this is the best pussy i've ever had in my life.. i never want to stop fucking you, baby.." xavier compliments me, giving me a wink as he raises himself back up. he keeps our hands together, thrusting himself inside as he lets out small moans, and continues to speak his sexual, dirty words to me.
he looks down at me, watching as my tits bounce with each one of his rapid, fast-paced movements. "how do you like this cock, sweetheart? so thick and long for you, hmm? you make me hurt with lust, babygirl. you make me want to cum deep inside you."
"please, xavier. please cum inside me.." i moan, nodding as i look up at him, my mouth hung open as he rocks my body in the bed. "that's all i want right now, for you to fill me up so good.. i need you so bad.. i need you to fill my pussy.. fuck.."
"and that i fucking shall." xavier pushes inside of me with one last deep thrust, filling my walls with his warm, thick seed. he pulls out, a small portion of white trailing from his head and to my pussy lips.
i sit up, panting as i pull myself off the bed, leaning down onto my weak, shaking knees. i place my lips on the tip, sucking the excess down my throat. he shivers at my touch, moving one hand to cup my cheek and insist i stand back up.
"maybe tomorrow night you can reward me with head, baby. you've got a big day soon." he pecks my lips, handing me the towel off the floor. "so why don't you go clean up, again, and i'll see you soon."
i smirk, nodding as i wrap the towel around my top. "xavier, please join me. maybe i'll wash your hair this time." i wink, watching him pull his boxers up.
he laughed, shaking his head. "i hate to reject the offer, sweetheart, but i need my beauty sleep, too. go get some sleep, because tomorrow night will be far longer than tonight's."
i turn around, my cheeks burning as i open the cabin door and shut it behind me, walking back to the showers. i couldn't believe i had just let a ghost fuck me, and that ghost being the xavier plympton. maybe i'd have to stick around camp meadow for longer than this week after all.
[ a/n - i did want to mention i will be writing much more in a few weeks - finals and college/work in general has been consuming a lot of my time lately, but i am hoping to find some inspiration for new fics soon! ]
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zuzuelectricbugaloo · 3 months
Crepic: Letters
Synopsis: What if Cross’s ‘secret admirer’ was none other than Epic, a scientist attempting to establish communication with alternate universes?
Rating: Teen (just in case because of swearing and the characters’ backstories)
Pairing: Cross/Epic
Word Count: 1,567
Chapter One: Dear Stranger,
There was a letter on Sans’s desk.
He paused at the sight of it. He usually didn’t get letters, most of the mail directed to XGaster from the King and Queen. The letters he did receive were usually from Frisk, the human prince. Frisk was his childhood best friend and would often write to him either for playdates or for casual conversation. Usually the latter consisted of him gushing endlessly over the spider monster in the Guard, Muffet.
Sans thought his obvious crush was adorable, and couldn’t help the twang of pity he felt for his human friend who remained in the body of a young child even as the monsters around him shed their stripes, unable to receive anything other than rejection for his apparent youth.
Addressed to “Anyone On The Other Side”. Quickly inspecting the letter and flipping it over with an inquisitive hum.
What a strange term. ‘Anyone on the other side’ of what? The fence? An allude to the ever classic joke of the chicken crossing the road?
Sans gasped.
Wowie! Could it be? He finally received his first fan mail as part of the Guard?!
He knew he looked too cool in his badass armor, and with this letter he (potentially) held within his hands definitive proof! At last, he would bathe in the shower of magnificent affection he deserved!
Any recognition of his character would always brighten his day. Especially when his father, XGaster, gave so little of it…
Sans eagerly and carefully began the meticulous process of removing his armor, dismantling the pieces one by one until they were nice and clean. Gingerly hanging it into its suit container in his closet, he picked up the letter and sat down, ripping it open with a phalange and slipping out the singular piece of paper from the inside. A small blue square the size of his thumb metacarpal slipped out of the envelope as well, falling onto his desktop with a tiny clink.
He dismissed the strange tile after a quick once over ensured it was not some kind of bug or malignant spyware and turned his attention back to the paper. Unfolding it, his eyelights began to read.
Testing, testing, 1 2 3
That was certainly an interesting choice for a starter sentence, though Sans had to admit it got brownie points from him for its ingenuity.
Whelp, here we go! Hopefully this spooky action at a distance doesn’t get me ghosted. It would really lift my spirits if this actually reached somebody, and if somebody wrote back.
Sans chuckled. Although he wasn’t sure what the writer meant by ‘spooky action’, he did appreciate solid puns and clever jokes.
Theoretically, if my math mathed right, this should arrive in an alternate re—
Written in black penned ink, whatever the other had written was scribbled out.
—whoops, can’t say that. If I am right then I’d kick off some kind of butterfly effect, knowing my rotten luck. Can’t have that. Anywho, if somebody does get this, do me a solid and write a letter back. Put the pod, the little thingy I’m sending over, inside the envelope when you’re done after you push the tiny button in the middle. And hopefully this’ll be a two-way trip and send it back.
If not, oh well. I tried. Ya miss all the shots you don’t take, amiright?
…My name’s not Frank, but I’ll be real with ya pal, I really do hope this works.
Laters gators, A Friendly, Far-Off Neighborhood Bruh
Sans flipped the letter over just to be sure that was it, and let out a small, perplexed noise. No further writings or any other strange devices. He picked up the pod and dangled it across his black-gloved fingers and gently tapped the letter in his other hand.
It wasn’t a letter of admiration he’d been hoping for, but it was a letter that had him no less intrigued. The casual, almost informal way the sender wrote, the purposeful witholdance of a name or address. All this, including the odd device he was currently running across his digits, he should probably take it to father and let him inspect it for himself before Sans did anything.
He felt himself whither a little inside after that contemplation. He could already picture the quiet, sullen disinterest. Maybe leaving with a curt remark that he is busy, or needs to resume his work. No, Sans should be a good soldier son and leave his father be while he thought about how to address his impromptu pen pal.
For starters with a pen or pencil, he thought, snickering at his internal quip. What would be the harm? He’d greet the mysterious author back, perhaps make his own joke, and hope the letter successfully reaches them since they implied it might not.
Sans couldn’t help but hope that it did work.
Frisk had been…distant, for quite some time now. The Royal Guardsman wasn’t sure what had happened, only knowing that ever since they were kids, there’s been this sadness in the human’s eyes, a contradiction of both sullen resignation and steely determination. The moments of time they spent together in joy farther and farther in between.
He missed his best friend.
He missed having a friend.
Mind made up, he opened his drawer up and searched for his favorite pen with the tacos decal that Papyrus had got him for his birthday and a piece of paper and unused envelope. Uncorking the cap, he set to work, pen scratching along the paper as he hastily wrote his reply, the scritches filling the silence of his empty room.
Elsewhere, the co-Royal Scientist idly spun around in his swivel chair, languidly kicking his feet in and out to repeat the cycle whenever his momentum slowed. The clock ticking by behind him echoing in the otherwise empty room. Machines of various designs hummed with electricity. The others had already gone home for the day, long discouraged by the same unsatisfactory experiments depicting the same depressive results.
The Barrier was unbreakable. No one monster, let alone all of Monsterkind, could escape.
While the others including his dear old man (ugh, gross, just jokingly saying that gave him the ick) sought the comfort of whatever idle fancy they desired outside of work, Sans preferred anywhere that wasn’t there. Under the same roof with the same cold, aloof man he had the sincere displeasure of calling ‘father’.
And he couldn’t help but stay and hope that his gambit paid off. He didn’t care all too much about saving the Underground. Gaster’s metaphorical heart was as dark and cold as the prison all of monsterkind found themselves entrapped in. He’d fought long and hard his entire life to make sure none of that darkness ever put out the bright light of his younger brother.
If he was right, if this worked, he could get him and his brother onto the Surface. And potentially, eventually, all of the Underground.
A soft buzzing hum of static. Probably one of the appliances, he mused. When did they last get that fridge checked out? He’d make a note of it.
Instead of trying to get everybody out all at once and failing, Sans would do it one by one and succeed.
If this worked, that is.
It had been months. Who knew if he was even successful?
Then again, who knew if time was constant for every individual universe? For all he knew, his message could’ve gotten lost in the stone ages. Although it would be the coolest thing ever if he could ride a T-Rex, Flintstones style.
He spins around, practically slouching completely back onto the swivel chair. There’s the wall again. The fridge. Gaster’s creepy as all hell determination extraction machine. The wall. His desk. Fridge. Wall. Creepy doohickey. Wall. Letter on his desk—
Wait. Letter?
Sans sat up so fast he fell up and over his chair with a yelp. Landed flat on his face with his legs and lab coat over his head. Ever grateful no one was around to witness his embarrassing tumble he quickly stood back up to grab the envelope and rip it open with slightly trembling phalanges.
Dear Mystery Writer,
Receiving your letter was quite the pleasant surprise! I’m not sure what you meant by ‘spooky action at a distance’, but don’t worry, I don’t have any intention of leaving you at a dead end, and if you are open to it, would like to continue these messages. From what I’ve heard, nothing lifts the spirits like clever wordplay over the grave-vine.
Sans chuckled, tentative grin widening further. So they liked jokes too, huh?
If so, I can promise I’m not too boo-ring of a conversationalist.
Another small buff of laughter. Well, they sure did uphold their word. His crummy mood was all but gone now.
What do you say, mystery writer? Fr—
Scribbled out blurb for the rest of the word and the sentence continued.
Sincerely, A Magnificently Friendly Neighborhood Dude
Sans couldn’t believe it. He was right. He was right.
He’d successfully established communication with another universe. With someone from that alternate reality.
Holy multiversal theory, Batman!
Sans’s soul pounded in his Soul like a drum, joy unrestrained as he scoured his messy desk for an unused envelope and a blank piece of paper. He had a letter to write.
And a penpal to befriend.
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lxstfathier · 8 months
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Here’s another random thought for the cachorrita series, based on this ask, hope you all enjoy it!! <3
Warnings: verbal abuse and mentions of trauma.
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“Stupid whore” one of the new recruits scoffs at you. “You know nothing about the military, you’re fucking useless, they just keep you around here because you spread your legs to everyone.”
A few minutes ago, you had tried to be friendly with him and have nice conversation while you both helped with the manteinance of the guns, cleaning the heavy weapons and taking out any bullet that might be stuck. Never you thought that he would end up saying such hurtful things.
And you’re so sensitive that, before you know it, fat tears start rolling down your cheeks.
“I- sorry” you say, not even knowing why do you apologize.
Yes, you might not be a trained soldier, but you’ve learned a lot about the military after all these months around them. Enough to be considered one more of los vaqueros. And no one had ever treated you so poorly until now.
“Don’t cry” he speaks again, annoyed and careless. “Stop being so fucking childish.”
You don’t want to cry. You truly do not want to, but he messed up with your feelings, so you take a step back and wipe your tears with the back of your hands, ready to get out of the storage room and go cry somewhere else.
But before your legs react, all you can see is Alejandro. And he notices your tears as soon as he enters the room.
“what the fuck did you just do to her, cabrón?” Alejandro raises his voice, taking the new recruit by his tactic vest and harshly shoving him against the wall.
That just makes you cry even harder. You still can’t stand loud noises, violence, or anything that reminds you of all the time you were held hostage. It triggers your fear. So, when Rudy finally appears, you run to his arms.
“Hey, tranquila” he says, wrapping you in a tight hug and trying his best to cover your ears with his hands. “It’s fine, you’re safe”.
It’s all too much. Too overwhelming. You don’t know how long do you stay snuggled in Rudy’s chest, maybe just a few seconds or long minutes, and even though you can’t hear clearly, the discussion between Ale and the new guy is more than evident.
When things get less heated, Rudy takes his hands off your ears, as a subtle way to tell you that it’s okay to hear and look at your surroundings again.
“Here we all take care of her” Rodolfo speaks, in a serious tone that is unusual to him. “So if you don’t like that, you can pack your things and go”.
But the guy doesn’t want to take a step back, not after trying so hard to get into the best team of the mexican special forces. So he just clenches his jaw and mutters a mediocre apologize, promising to never mess with you again, and then storming out of the room.
“Pendejo” Alejandro curses under his breath. “I was thinking about kicking him out anyway”.
“Si, we can find a better sniper who isn’t a complete idiot” Rudy says as he lets go of you, with a slight push that puts you right in front of Alejandro. Not to get rid of you, but in a careful way to share you with his best friend.
The colonel looks down at you, this time more tender than usual, you can’t see lust or dominance in his brown pupils. You can see love.
“Don’t cry, mi amor” he gently reaches out to you, wiping your tears with his gloved hands. “As long as we’re here, we will protect you from anything”.
You close your eyes for a moment, melting into his touch as you grab his wrists. And the rough material of his gloves on your face doesn’t feel bad at all, actually… it feels like home.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Just an apple... <?> - a Sandman fanfiction
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I dedicate this to @wickedly-grim who inspired the story by this post:
Can anyone do a fic or a fanart of a clueless reader tossing/handing Morpheus an apple and then Dream automatically thinking they are engaged now so he’s way more touchy and friendly with them (due to the fact that he thinks they are in a relationship now). All while the reader has no clue about anything, and is wondering why (maybe her boss) the scary king of nightmares is being kind and touchy with her?
If anyone doesn’t know, giving an apple to someone is basically a marriage proposal in Greece.
Ok. Let’s make thing crystal clear. Being human is hard. Being human who’s familiar with some supernatural power beings (yes, I mean the Endless) is ten times harder. Imagine riding the biggest rollercoaster in the theme park. And then add to it riding it after eating a really big dinner. It’s the greatest recipe for catastrophe. Or at least gastric catarrh. I mean, if you think about it – these being are eternal. They existed long before human race and will be around after any other living thing become extinct. They are powerful, knowledgeable, teasing and have undeniable effect on the human world. But then, it seems like it works the other way round too. No matter how smart the Endless may be one second, they are completely oblivious to customs and habits of people. And that can sometimes lead to some unexpected situations. Serious situations.
I’ve been around the Endless for quite a while now. No matter how crazy that may sound my best friend of them was actually Death herself. From the outside we must have seemed like an unusual besties but it worked quite well. I was rather quiet and observant with a bit of a snarky and sarcastic attitude while she was more of a motherly approach and love-for-live vibes. I suppose I was just telling myself we were complementary to one another. Then one day I get to meet her brother, Dream. Oh, god, what a meeting that was. At the time being I had a job as a waitress and their appearance out of nowhere almost caused me to drop the tray with the dishes.  
-What are u doing here? – I hissed as I spotted not one, but two of the Endless just casually sitting at the table.
-Just having fun, y/n – Death flashed me one of her widest smile.
-Fun? – I raised my eyebrow – you surely do, but your friend here seems like he is about to get crucified.
-He’s not my friend, he’s my brother Don’t mind his broody attitude, he’s going through a lot of things.
-Ok, well, ok. Nice to meet you….? What was your name again? Or more like what do you represent.
-I’m Dream of the Endless.
-His true name is Morpheus – his sister added – you can call him that.
-Under no circumstances ….
-Pleasure, Morpheus– I nodded and reached my hand towards him. For a second he was eyeing it with no intention of shaking so I just put it away awkwardly – right, is there anything I can get you two? We got delicious peas soup as a main course today.
-What is the purpose ….. – Dream started, lips pouted, still grumpy, but Death cut him off.
-We’d like that very much, thank you, y/n – she smiled again. As I left them to collect the order I was able to hear muted conversation.
-Behave Dream, be nice. She’s my friend and a really nice person to be honest. Besides, you are supposed to taste a bit of humanity to understand it better, so stop brooding.
-I am not brooding.
-Oh, come on, brother, you are scaring everyone here. Look around – she waved her hand and as a matter of fact all of the guest in the restaurant seemed a bit intimidated by Dream’s presence.
-They should be scared. I am the one who can give them nightmares after all. And trust me, some of them truly deserve them.
-Dream! – Death clipped him round the ear gently and got a sad and confused look in return – just observe. See how they enjoy their time together, please, for God’s sake just try to do the same.
-Here’s your soup. Enjoy it – I smiled returning and serving them their dishes.
-Thank you, y/n. This looks delicious. Dream? Is there something you’d like to say to our friend.
-She’s not … - he started but a cold glare from his sister made him change the sentence – thank you, I guess.
That was a year ago. Even since I was trying my best to warm Dream up to human race and show him that we are actually not that bad. Not of my own volition, but only because Death asked me too. She was worried about her sibling becoming some sort of eremite, detached from everyone and everything, denying any positive feelings that came his way. I couldn’t say no to her. So, I was balancing my job, crumbles of my social life and a relation with some certain Endless. If you can call it like that.
-Why are you always like that? – I asked him  one day while we were walking in the park.
-Like what?
-Distant. Cold. Black – I hesitated pointing towards his coat.
-Why should I be anything else?
-Because you are dream. Aren’t they supposed to be more vibrant? Emotional? Lively? What’s with the sad attire?
-I’d rather not speak about it.
-Of course not – I sighed. – But fine, let’s not talk. How about we get some ice cream instead.
-Ice cream? – he was dumbfounded
-Yes. Come on – I grabbed his hand and draw him towards the ice cream stall. I only stopped when I reached it, and then noticed the inexplicable expression on his face.
-Dream? Are you all right?
-You touched my hand.
-I guess I did….?
-Why? – I repeated not quite understanding what he meant by that – Oh, you’re seriously asking me that. Well, I suppose I was just trying to … make you move?
-And taking my hand was necessary for that?
-I… - God, he was really hard to be around sometimes. – I guess not. I’m sorry.
-Don’t ever do this again. It’s courtesy enough that I tolerate you and your presence.
-I’m sorry? – his simple sentence stroke a nerve in me. – tolerate my presence? Believe me if it wasn’t for the promise I made to Death….. – I shook my head – unbelievable – it’s not like I kissed you or something – Dream eyed me when I said that – whatever. Can we just get those damn ice cream and move on with our lives?
-I would accept that offer.
So, yeah, it was that kind of relation. We would meet every week to introduce Dream to every other human attraction. Sometimes it was something simple, like hiking sometimes something more complex (in Dream’s own words) like a visit to the cinema (which only happened once as we were kicked out of the movie theater). However, he was still pretty hesitant when it came to forming a bond. I felt him warm up a little but it was taking him literal ages. After all, what is time if you are an eternal being? Sometimes, if she was not busy, Death would join us. And since she was a foodie those meetings usually took places in my restaurant. Ironically, the place where me and Morpheus met.
-What can I get you today, my friends? – I asked and pretended like I didn’t notice Dream shudder at the words
-Surprise us, y/n. I’d like something new. And Dream will take the same thing as I.
-I am fully capable of deciding for myself.
-So what can I get you then, Dream? – I turned towards him
-I… I will get whatever my sister gets- he looked down almost shyly.
-Delightful. I got something special coming for you two right away.
If only I knew what kind of situation I would get myself involved in… I suspected nothing when I gave the Endless apple dessert. It was a hollowed-out fruit filled with creamy and a bit sour stuffing.
-Bon appetite – I obliviously smiled but it quickly faded away as I saw Dream’s face. – Is something wrong?
Death was quick to catch up on the situation but obviously she said nothing just sitting there trying to suppress her laugh.  
-Is that really what you’re giving me?
-Yeah, you said you wanted whatever your sister takes. Don’t you like it? I can take it back if…
-No. Thank you. I understand the message.
-What message? – I was confused beyond recognition but decided to let it go since it was Dream. – You know what, I don’t want to know. Enjoy your meal.
-Did she really just… ? – Morpheus asked his sister when the girl was out of sight.
-I know nothing. I do not interfere in your affairs dear brother. You go and figure this out on yourself – she answered with her mouth full with the dessert.
To say the next couple of day were crazy would be a serious understatement. Dream, who was unapproachable for the past year suddenly became more touchy. Wherever we were going he found every possible excuse to brush his hand against mine or stand closer than usual or even trying to grab my waist when we were walking. Not that I was complaining but that was highly confusing. One day when we were sitting on the bench he awkwardly moved so our thighs were touching and that was the breaking point.
-What the hell, Dream? – I jumped from the bench – what do you think you’re doing?
-I don’t understand what you mean, y/n.
-You’ve been acting bizzare for the last week. All that touchy-feely? All the affection? This is not you. I would risk saying you’re making fun out of me, but again… it’s you, so what is this about?
-Is this not how I should behave?
-Should behave?  Why?
-We are betrothed now, so the situation would require a bit of closeness.
-Come again? We are what?
-Where on Earth did you get that idea?!
-From you.
-Dream, I swear to God, elaborate on your sentences or I’m going to explode – I was rubbing my forehead in pure frustration.
-You gave me an apple and I accepted.
-I gave you…. Oh my god, do not tell me I got myself in some sort of Persephone situation here.
-In Greece giving one an apple means a proposal.
-IT MAY HAVE SUCH MEANING IN SOME ANCIENT TIMES! – I yelled but quickly calmed myself after receiving some damning look from the pedestrians. – Damn it, Dream. I don’t know what century you’re living in, but I;m definitely a XXI century girl. No fruit, vegetable or plant means engagement here. Do you understand me?
-Do. You Understand. Me? – I grabbed his coat and looked him straight into the eyes. – Do you?
-I do. Now, you might want to let go of my cloak – here it is again.
-Great.  I missed your warning tone. We are not and will never be engaged. Betrothed, if you like. But I got to admit that was a great development. Last Monday you wouldn’t even say we were friends and now this. However irrational it seems, I’m proud of you, Morpheus. You are growing.
-Maybe you are the reason of it – he smirked and for the first time it actually made me blush. Perhaps there was something new coming for this relation after all.
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for the "hand(s) on/at..." prompt – 16 and gerrymichael (just because i think michael would go insane for that)
And @moonisthedoor - if you're still taking prompts, "hand(s) on..." – 16. wrists, for any Gerry ship you'd like!
Michael wondered how he got himself into situations like this.
He thought he was just having a casual conversation, a chat with a stranger in a crowd about accessories and hair care. The bar was crowded and loud, Gerry was off somewhere doing something, and his drink was sweet and fruity and maybe had more alcohol in it than he was expecting. So it took him longer than usual to realize that the person he was chatting with was pretty obviously flirting with him and he completely hadn't noticed.
The bar was too queer-friendly for him to assume his conversation partner's gender. They were dressed femininely, but then again, so was he, in his favorite lacy skirt and dangly earrings. Whatever their gender and orientation, they were obviously interested in him, and he was obviously...not. For many reasons. But mainly because he was deeply in love with someone else. Who he really wished would come bail him out now.
"Where did you find that skirt?" they murmured to him, heavily lined eyes narrow and heavy. "I never have any luck shopping online." Their hand reached out as if to feel the fabric, or perhaps pet his thigh. Michael quickly pivoted so they missed, wishing he could run away entirely.
"Charity shops are your best bet," he suggested, straining up on his toes to better see over the crowd. Where was his lovely yet aggressive partner? They said they'd meet up back at the bar, but that was ages ago, where the fuck was he? "This was actually two skirts, I ripped the waist out of one and put them together to make it longer."
"Really? That's so interesting." They were stepping closer, thwarting his attempt to put some distance between them. Michael was running out of space to retreat, and was just wondering if it was time to bail without his boyfriend when a body inserted itself between them, pressing back into him with warm familiarity.
"Hey," Gerry greeted the other person, his voice bright and pleasantly threatening. "How's your night going?"
"Umm," they balked, caught off guard. Michael smiled and wrapped his arms around Gerry's middle, hugging him gratefully from behind. Gerry's hands found his, latching onto his wrists to lock him in place. The stranger's eyes flicked down to their hands, then back to Gerry's face. "Not...bad?"
"Good." Gerry smiled like a shark. "Let's keep it that way, yeah?" His hands squeezed, tightening on Michael's wrists, and Michael felt a pleasant rush down his spine at the possessive gesture. Not that he would have been so easily tempted away, and he knew Gerry knew that too, but it was nice to feel so claimed. To know that Gerry loved him enough to fight for him, even if it never came to blows.
Michael backed away, dragging Gerry with him into grateful retreat. "Thank god you showed up," he hissed as Gerry twisted out of his arms, keeping ahold of his wrists as he pulled him towards the door. "We were just talking, and then they were flirting, but I just wanted to talk about clothes and stuff!" His words were a bit rushed, his steps stumbling as he tried to keep up with his boyfriend. "That fucking sucked."
"Yeah, I could tell." Gerry backed through the exterior door into the night, a cool relief after the close warm air of the bar. "Good thing I came along to swoop in and rescue you. Save you from being flirted with." His grin was wide and ridiculous, and Michael smiled with him, full of glee now that they were out. He twisted his hands in Gerry's hold, reversing the grip so that he was the one holding onto Gerry's wrists. Using his height to his advantage, Michael pushed Gerry up against the nearest brick wall, looming over him and holding him in place.
"Oh yes, you're my big tough boyfriend, aren't you? So demanding and possessive," he exaggerated, and was rewarded by an even wider and excited grin. Michael knew Gerry loved this. He pinned his wrists to the wall and pressed in, chest to chest, and watched the pupils of his eyes grow wide. He knew Gerry loved his too. Leaning in, Michael ducked his head to run his lips along Gerry's neck, raising shivers in his wake. "However should I thank you?"
Gerry let out a staggered moan, trembling in his grip and filling Michael with a delightful sensation. "However you want," he gasped, any pretense of being an overbearing partner flying away as Michael kissed his neck. "Fuck, Michael-"
"Hmm, yes," Michael agreed, squeezing his wrists appreciatively. "I think that would do nicely."
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nomoreusername · 1 year
It's Always Been You
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Pairing:Aris x gender neutral reader
Summary:When a new group arrives at WCKD Aris's behavior is definitely off when one of them starts flirting with you.
Aris and I are opposites in every way. I guess that's what drew us into each other. I know I could tell him anything without it being spread around, and he knows I'm always here even if it's just to sit in silence. Plus, the fact that we had been here the longest out of everyone definitely helped.
We were eating lunch together as he told me what he heard in the vents. I was about to ask what he meant when the door opened. In walked a group larger than any of the others and looking very out of place. An Asian boy with dark hair looked at me and smiled. A different boy with blonde hair saw this and nudged him in the ribs. I laughed a little at their bickering, and the boy winked at me.
I looked back at Aris to see he was clutching his silverware so tight I thought it would snap in half. "Are you alright?"I asked.
"Fine,"He said, not looking at me. I reached for his hand like I always do when he's upset, but he snatched it away. He didn't say a word for the rest of lunch.
♡ - - - ♡
I had been trying to get him to talk to me for the rest of the day, but he would only give me a one word response. By the time dinner came around I was tired of it. I'm not frustrated he doesn't want to talk. I'm frustrated that he's being so passive aggressive. When he wants to sit in silence he always tells me. It's clear that's what he wants so why can't he just say that?
Eventually, I gave up on having a conversation with him and accepted that he wasn't going to tell me what was wrong today. He wouldn't even look at me.
As we sat in an uncomfortable silence I felt someone come up and tap me on my shoulder. I turned around to see the boy from this morning.
"What's up?"I asked with a friendly smile.
"You've been here for a while, right?"He questioned. "Yeah. Me and Aris actually,"I answered, pointing behind me. He just looked at me puzzled. "You and the boy in the hoodie?"
I nodded and turned around to see he was gone. He wasn't anywhere in the cafeteria anymore.
Worry flooded through me. He'd been acting strange all day, and now he's gone. It'd be one thing if he left, but the fact that he slipped out without a word is another red flag.
"Excuse me one moment,"I said politely before leaving out the backdoor. For some reason guards never looked at this one so he must have left this way.
I quickly yet quietly made my way to his room. I didn't even bother to ask how he got in as I banged on his door. When no one answered I knocked harder and started yelling his name. I didn't stop until he opened the door just enough for me to see him.
"I'm busy,"He mumbled.
"Busy with what? There is literally nothing to do here,"I reminded him. He just shook his head and mumbled something incoherent.
"Aris, please let in,"I begged. He didn't say anything as he shut the door. I thought he was just going to lock me out until I heard the buzz of the door opening so I could come inside.
I took a seat on the bed as he stood there awkwardly before joining me. "Are you okay? You disappeared halfway through dinner."
"Nice of you to notice,"He responded so quietly if I wasn't two inches away I wouldn't have heard it.
"I always notice when something's off. You've been off since this morning,"I said, reaching for his hand. He pulled away even quicker this time, as if my touch could burn him.
"Do you want to sit in silence?"I offered.
"I want you to leave."
"I'm not leaving you alone when you're this upset. I won't speak, but I'm not leaving you alone,"I said firmly, trying to look him in the eye. He just looked up and blankly stared at me. It was like he wasn't all there.
"I'll leave if you look me in my eyes and say it. If you look at me and tell me to go I will."
"You can't do this to me Y/N. I can't do this to myself. Just stop,"He pleaded, close to tears.
"Stop what? Just tell me, and I will,"I promised. "Stop doing that! Stop grabbing my hand! Stop running after me! Stop checking on me! Just stop making it so easy to love you!"He choked out through sobs.
I stared at him as he sat next to me close to breaking down. I didn't know what to say.
Instead, I grabbed his face and kissed him. I could feel him tense at first before kissing back like his life depended on it. I could taste the tears that had been running down his face as he deepened it. We didn't stop until we needed air.
"I'm in love with you Aris. I've always been in love with you."
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bellaxgiornata · 1 month
this might seem like a bit of a weird ask, but you seem super nice and i thought it would be okay if i asked you ! (also sorry if this is long)
i’ve been part of the daredevil fandom for a long time and i’ve been writing about dd for over a year and a half now. before i was writing for this fandom, i wrote fanfic about an entirely different genre for like 10+ years. when i was in the other fandom i wrote exclusively on wattpad, and i made a lot of online friends and was a part of writing communities and it made the experience so much better ! but since i changed directions (and started posting on ao3 first and wattpad second) i’ve had a hard time getting into the dd community.
i’m still new to using tumblr for fanfic so i haven’t posted anything of mine here/ followed many writers here (and i’m working on that !). but i was wondering if you had any advice on how to start chitchatting with other people in the fandom ? it feels super cringy for me to be like “i love your work, maybe you’d like mine !” bc i don’t want people to think i’m just trying to promote myself (i promise i’m not). but i miss being involved in online writing communities. it was one of my favorite things in the other fandom and now i’m struggling to find a place here. i try to respond to comments and have reached out to one or two writers before but it didn’t really go anywhere /:
so, tldr; do you have any advice on getting into the writing community/ making friends in the daredevil fandom ?
(and side note i love your work and have been reading your stuff almost as long as i’ve been writing— i’ve reread FFTD so many times and CANNOT WAIT for more updates on TDAYW and ATY !)
thank you !! sorry again this was so long
Hey friend!! This is actually a really great question that I'm sure you're not alone in wondering about! I definitely agree with you though, making friends in the fandom makes the experience so much more enjoyable. I used to write on FFN until I took a couple of years break from fanfic when I was in grad school. I had never made friends in fandom back then because I hadn't found communities and ways to accomplish that via FFN. Even when I came back to fic on AO3 and shortly after I started writing for Matt, I hadn't made friends right off the bat. But I always tried to respond to comments on my stories which is when I started to realize how fun the community was.
My answer is going to be long, so I'm going to put it below the cut! Also anyone else here reading this, if you have tips for making friends, please feel free to share them!!
Honestly tumblr I think is the way to go for making friendships. I have never used wattpad so I can't speak to the way it is set up, but AO3 doesn't quite allow for that too well because we can only communicate via comments. Tumblr gives so many more opportunities to meet lots of others and comment or send messages or share others' content with reblogs.
It's totally not necessary to share your stories on here, but I think that does help. Or to maybe even just promote your updates on your other platforms with links. Because it gives people an opportunity to come here and talk about your stories with you. But I think content creators, whatever you're making, probably make friends a little easier because we are providing something for others to (hopefully) interact with and consume.
As for reaching out to others, I cannot speak to how everyone would react because I know we all have different boundaries, but I think commenting/comment reblogging regularly on writer's or artist's work that you like is a good start. Or sending friendly messages or asks to someone. Just always be sure to be friendly and respectful.
I personally tend to notice the people I'm always seeing chatting in my notifications and then have made friends that way. It just seems like a natural progression if you're often talking to some people, conversations start to shift outside of just that content. Maybe to the show and then to other things. It's how I also tend to interact with others on here in order to make friends; commenting and sharing their work, sending asks or participating in their events, sending a message with something nice in it.
Though I agree, I think your initial comments to someone shouldn't be something about coming to read your work because it feels pressuring. I had a negative experience with that and didn't know how to handle that when I first got into the fandom and it made me uncomfortable because I never want to be rude or hurtful. So instead, maybe find ways to relate as a writer if you see them talking about writing in general, or other ways to make a comment that mentions that you also write. If they have time and want to read your work they will! And if not, that's okay too! I personally have a growing list of TBR and I mean nothing offensive if I can't get to someone's work, I just personally don't have as much time to read for example.
For me, I just sort of fell into making friends on here because of my writing. And I met so many other talented artists because of that and I've become "fans" of them as well and have had friendships form that way. And it's not just content creators, I've made friends with many wonderful people in the community who are reading my works too! It's fun to chat and dissect the show or to relate about other things (I'm a mom and have met other lovely moms here).
So my advice is to just keep reaching out and talking to people! Some conversations might lead somewhere and some might not. And that's okay! Everyone is different. I personally think the Daredevil fandom as a whole is absolutely amazing and full of wonderful and talented individuals who are more often than not open to making friends ❤️ I always am!
And like I said above, for anyone that has any other tips, please feel free to add them!
(And thank you so much!!! ❤️ I'm so glad you enjoy those stories!!)
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yanderederee · 9 months
Hello, i am sorry up front if this isn't a character you write for but i was so excited to see your headcannons opend. Can you please write headcannons for Mitarai, from the tr spin off, with chubby!f reader that just loves him so much and is into his hobby's? Like, she is all over him and is just so happy to be near him but is anxious around other people. (I'm really sorry if its confusing, english isn't my first launguage) thank you :D
I’m actually a big fan of Mitarashi/Mitarai!! Sure, he only appears in a grand total of like, 5 manga panels, but from what little we know of him, he’s extremely cooperative and easy to get along with! He willingly helps Baji often, and even tries striking conversations with him to be friendly!
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That being said!! I’d love to take up this ask!
I had inspiration to write a little Drabble > Headcanons, oops! I hope you enjoy..!~ beware, TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF!
Very rarely would you say someone made a real impression on you. People were just people, after all.
So it felt a little silly when of all the people to really take your attention, it was none other than Mitarashi himself. Sure, he may not have been much to look at. But he had a passionate heart, a caring and easily excitable nature that was so endearing to you.
He always did have a way of making you smile. Interested in the same hobbies; namely, Star gazing, there came times where you two would bump into one another accidentally.
“Ah! Y/n! I didn’t expect to see you out here tonight!” Mitarai yelled out to catch your attention, a large bag straddling his shoulder as he waved. It was late at night, but there was no better time than now to witness the Big Suspention.
*disclaimer, I do NOT know that the Big Suspension is, and google does not answer! Therefore I’m taking artistic liberties and assuming it is astronomy adjacent! (I know I’m probably wrong, so I apologize if I’m way off the mark here!)
You smiled, waving back enthusiastically and jogging to meet him halfway. It took a moment to calm your heart beat at his sudden declaration, but it was only Mitarai. He was easy to talk to, and outwardly kind. And similarly to you, apparently, passionate about stars.
“Is that your telescope?” You asked, pointing to his bag in tow. “Very observant; that it is!” He nodded, keeping up pace while you walked. “I was thinking about sneaking onto the school rooftop for a good view, but …” obviously, that wouldn’t go over with the administration very well. “So, I guess I’ll try my luck in the park just up ahead. What about you?” He asked, peering straight at you through the thick rims of his glasses.
Honestly, you weren’t sure where you were headed. It was a nice night to be out though. Maybe you’d hoped to simply wander around with your eyes glued to the sky. “Guess there’s not a lot of high vantage points around here, huh.. the park might be your best bet.” You agreed with his ultimatum.
Nodding along, Mitarai quickly went on. “I assume you wouldn’t mind tagging along with me, then?… u-unless you had something else in mind. You are looking to see the Big Suspension, right? Sorry, I kinda just assumed..”
You looked up at him, stifling a chuckle. It wasn’t often you were asked to join in on things, especially things you were actually entertained by. “I am. I’ve been looking forward to it. It’s nice to see someone who feels the same way,” you lightly nudged his shoulder. “And sure, if you’ll have me that is.”
It was only a short walk from there before you both reached the park. The sky was vacant, devoid of all clouds and light pollution. That was rare. Quick to set up your spot, you pulled out the blanket from under your arm, and unfolded it with a swift flick of the wrist.
Easily laying out the wrinkles, you crawled onto the fabric and sat victoriously before the vast night sky. Starring up admiration, your eyes twinkled with childlike excitement. You kind of forgot there was an entire person a few feet away.
“Pretty..” Mitarashi quietly whispered, causing you to nod. “Isn’t it?” You sighed happily; taking a quick glance over, only to notice Mitarai’s gaze starting right back at you. Both of you catching the other off guard, wide eyes sweep both your features before Mitarashi scrambled to look away in embarrassment.
“A-ahh, anyway..! I-I’ll set up,”
Mitarashi unzipped and reconstructed his telescope in record time. Seriously, he should get an award. “Impressive,” you nodded in recognition, causing the already flustered boy to grin in triumph.
It really did feel like the perfect night. Great weather, clear sky, light breeze, quiet and quaint. With good company to boot, you’d be lying if this moment alone wasn’t becoming one of your most sacred memories.
At school, while things were admittedly boring, you kept yourself interested wherever you could. Making friends was a little hard, given your normally timid nature. It didn’t help when girls would make off handed comments about your looks or diet; so straying away from the crowd kind of became normal.
Mitarashi was observant of these things. He personally took it upon himself to welcome in classmates who looked like they could use a helping hand. He’d even offered to buddy up with Baji Keisuke not too long ago, after having witnessed his terrible writing comprehension and math skills.
It was simply in his nature to reach out his support. And that was something you really admired in him. It didn’t take long for you to grow attached to Mitarashi. He was eager to enjoy your company, and often made sure to validate you in things you were insecure about.
As little recognition as he may get for his hard work, you knew it in your heart how deeply good he was. And it made your heart squeeze knowing you had him here now, all to yourself.
“Look, i think i found it!” He chimed only minutes later. Snapping out of your day dream, Mitarashi stepped back from the telescope, and offered it for your viewing pleasure.
Graciously, you swooped over, and placed your eye to the glass piece. Stars had never looked so clear. It was amazing. The rare sight in front of you kept you in awe for seconds, minutes almost. “I’ve never seen alignments like this!” You swooned happily, lifting your self free and rubbing your eyes to readjust to your surroundings.
That brilliant smile of yours, matched with your pleased laughter and wet eyes really did a number on Mitarai. How could one person be so beautiful? He was star struck while starring at you.
“What?” You asked, expression shifting to curiosity.
“… N-nothing!” He denied, hiding his embarrassment by looking through the scope again.
Gosh… both completely smitten by the other. It was cute. The overwhelming feeling in your chest was causing you to become antsy. You felt now might just be the right time…
“M-mitarai…” you said softly. Quick to give you his attention, Mitarashi looked up at you.
“I… think, I really like you…”
Ah, in awe once again. Mitarashi’s face completely went red. You?! Liking him?? It seemed unfathomable. He was at a loss for words. No way.
Stammering and flustered, you chuckled, only hoping he would feel similarly. “You don’t have to answer if you’re not ready, but… I’d like to see the stars with you again, soon. What do you say?”
Mitarashi’s words all but jumped out of him, straight from the heart.
“I… I’d love that..!”
… ♡
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Just a cute little thing about Robin, Steve, and Eddie getting high and having a nice time. And hints at future Steddie. 💛 The conversation in this is nearly verbatim a conversation that me and @friendly-jester had not an hour or so ago, and they suggested we sounded like Robin and Eddie getting high.. and i had to agree... So ... take that as you will 🤣 ( thanks for the inspiration love!!! 💚)
"They just make me uncomfortable." Eddie says, taking a long drag from the blunt pinched between his fingers before passing it back to Robin.
"Oh I get that. For sure." She nods sagely, hair shaking, before taking a long drag herself. She passes it to Steve, his eyes are foggy, but he takes it, takes a drag, passes it back to Eddie and let's his head fall back against the couch.
"Did you know they lure people into swamps and drown them?" Eddie supplies, stretching his legs out in front of him on the floor. They make a wide V, one leg resting between Robin's own, spread just the same.
"Kangaroos!?" Robin gasps, staring at Eddie. Blinking rapidly.
"Yes!!" Eddie nods aggressive, his hair shaking wildly.
"Demons." Robin says, stoic.
"I always knew it." She shakes her head, takes another drag, tries to hand it to Steve, he doesn't respond, his eyes are squinted, he's staring at the wall. She bumps his knee with her hand, he eventually waves her away, so she passes it back to Eddie.
"They pretend to be stuck and when people go to help them. They shove them underwater! They are evil beings!" Eddie continues, takes the last drag and stubs the tiny end out in the ashtray, next to their last one.
"I bet it's a defense mechanism." Robin says, blinking rapidly again, her head resting on Steve's knee before rolling to rest against the couch.
"Drowning people!?" Eddie says, incredulous.
"I bet it is!!" Robin says, lifting her head to look at him. Eyes bloodshot and darting around the room before coming back to Eddie again and again.
"Jesus christ. They're evil. Creepy, little handed, fucks." Eddie breathes, shaking his head. He scratches at his head for a second.
"I do like Wallabies though. I think that's what they are. Like, tiny Kangaroos that just stay small." Eddie says, making a little motion with his hands, indicating how they are in fact small. His hand hovering a few feet off the ground. Robin's head is nodding slowly, like she'd started nodding to agree but then just... kept nodding.
"Yes! The small Kangaroos that animated ones are based off of! Those are Wallabies... I think. Not 100% sure on that though." She shakes her head, looks up at Steve and smiles, he's staring at the wall, before looking back to Eddie, a sad look on her face. He frowns to match her as she says,
"I was so heartbroken when I found out how terrifying actual Kangaroos are." Her voice is quiet. Eddie bumps his leg into hers and then reaches over, curls his hand around her ankle in comfort.
"They're horrific. Like..." he takes a deep breathe, gathering his thoughts as they seem to float away from him.
"Like, solid muscle bouncing around. With a weapon at the back and the bottom. AND THEY DROWN PEOPLE WITH THEIR TINY..." his yell, that has made all three of them flinch, trails off, his thoughts stalling.
"Their... um... shit. What are they?" He raises his hands, Robin looks at him, eyes wide, and he makes a grabbing motion with both hands.
"Boobs!" She shouts, pointing at him and snapping her fingers. Steve snorts but doesn't take his eyes off the wall, his hand reaching out toward it now.
"Hehe! Wait what? No! No! This!" And shakes one hand in the air, using the other to point at it.
"Oh! Oh! HANDS!" Her own hands splayed wide in front of her, flailing in excitement.
"HANDS!" Eddie yells back, pounding his hand against the carpet between his legs, nodding as he points at Robin.
"HANDS! THEY HAVE EVIL TINY HANDS FOR THEIR EVIL DEEDS!" Eddie shouts. Robin nodding enthusiastically across from him, patting at his knee.
"They're TERRIBLE. JUST THE WORST!!!" She cries, falling back against the couch dramatically, the motion doesn't even draw Steve's attention. He's sitting very still on the couch, his finger moving over and over a small scratch in the paint on the wall of the trailer.
"Steve." Eddie says. No response. Robin cranes her neck and looks up at him.
"Steve." Nothing.
"Steve." Eddie narrows his eyes.
"Steve." Robin looks to Eddie and smirks.
"Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve!" Both of them calling his name over and over seems to do the trick. He drops his hand slowly and lets his head fall to the side so he can see them both.
"Mmm? What?" The little grumpy groan makes Eddie smile, his chest feeling warm and full.
"What are your opinions on Kangaroos?" Eddie asks, leaning foward impossibly far, his elbows hitting the carpet as he rests his chin in his hand, looking up at Steve. Steve smiles at him for a moment, slow, and sweet, and hazy. Then a frown crawls onto his face and he moves his eyes to Robin, then back to Eddie.
"What... what the fucks a Kangaroo?" He breathes, sounding confused and slightly concerned. Eddie's eyes widen, he looks at Robin, her eyes are wide open as well, and when they meet Eddie's it's all over.
Robin laughs until she snorts, and then just laughs harder. Eddie's laughs have gone silent, his face red as he slaps his hand against the carpet. Steve's on the couch, a small, satisfied smile on his face.
His friends are here. Laughing. Because of something funny he said. He doesn't remember what he said. Or what they'd been talking about. But he watches Robin and Eddie laugh and laugh and feels lighter than he has in years.
He slides down until his butt hits the floor, both of them reaching for him as they laugh, like they're trying to pull him into the laughter too. Eddie's hand is warm on his knee, his eyes bright as he smiles at Steve, laughter echoing through the trailer, beckoning Steve to laugh with him.
Steve grabs Eddie's hand, tangles their fingers, almost says something too much for the moment, but Robin snorts again and sets Eddie off, his eyes linger on Steve for the briefest moment before Steve lets himself be pulled in.
He lets laughter bubble up in his chest and fall past his lips as Robin and Eddie cling to him, and he clings to them, and their joy fills Eddie's trailer on a random Saturday night.
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