#so I’ll add them lmao
harryshairclippy · 2 years
this weekend is my 11 year anniversary of liking 1D 🧍‍♀️🎂😅
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 5 months
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
hey!!! this is less of an ask and more of a fic rec tbh 😭 but have you read 'I May be Invisible, but I Still Look Good" by Dandy over on Ao3???? It's after the movie AND Leo-centric and like he gets cursed so his spirit is ripped out of his body. It's like 125k words of wonderful storytelling
OH- but for an actual question, do you have and fic recs?? or any AU's you think people should go check out?
I tried answering this before and it erased my reply orz
ANYWAY YES I HAVE read this and I absolutely love it with every fiber of my being.❤️ 100% one of my top fics to read in this fandom that I even go back to for a reread more than once. The characters are perfectly done and the set up for the story is believable with a fantastic payoff, highly highly highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t read it yet.❤️
As for recs, I’ve always been terrible at giving recs since my memory is very bad especially for ones I haven’t read in a while.😭 Off the top of my head I can recommend (note these are practically entirely Leo-centric since he’s my special guy you understand (the others aren’t forgotten at all though!!!) - and most of these are very very well known so you’ve likely already read them…):
[Note many of these are unfinished and may remain that way - please no one harass the writers for more, let them write at their own pace if they choose to write at all]
- The Neon Void by sugarpastels is absolutely incredible, the dramatic irony of it all as we follow Leo in the state he’s in and see just how broken all the Hamatos are by his “death” is just 👌👌👌 The fact that this places with one of my favorite tropes aka “Leo being in the Prison Dimension longer than canon” is just so good. Genuinely a thoroughly gripping tale that I highly recommend. It’s not complete yet (a lot of this list isn’t) but what is there is so amazing please read (though you most likely have read it already haha)
- little kid with a big death wish and firefight by remrose are another two you’ve likely seen but by god are they worth the read. Firefight isn’t done yet but it and death wish are so amazingly well written and really go into how trauma affects people differently and how ties with family can be tested in traumatic situations. Hard subjects definitely but very maturely done. (Also I misread firefight as firelight for way too long before I realized it-)
- Power Up and Times Five by pickedcarrotsandradish are both unfinished but I can’t care because what we were given is so good that I’m fine with them as they are. Both deal with Leo’s insecurities and bad feelings about himself and, very importantly, the fics go into how these insecurities establish a base for Leo’s very real flaws and how those flaws push him to act the way he does. Very interesting and compelling stuff here!! Power Up especially does really cool things for the boys’ mystic power ups, especially Leo’s, and I loved reading about the ins and outs of what they could do.
- Race Against Life, Death, and the EPF by Cass_Phoenix is just so engaging to read??? Like I love the entire set up for it - it’s feels so fresh and like you’re in Leo’s desperate situation yourself. I was so excited whenever a new chapter came out because the atmosphere was so well done.
- A Mixed Bag by GreatlyBlessed is SHOCKINGLY not Leo-centric for once haha. It’s not completed, but again, like the others above it is so good that I recommend it anyway. This story is actually a crossover between four sets of TMNT (‘87, ‘03, ‘12, and Rise) and the dynamics set up in it are SO fun I love it. Team 2 is my fave because you have literally all my faves on that team how could I not?? I also highly appreciate that everyone gets a chance to shine and that there’s no bashing at all, they’re all just very much in character and it’s refreshing to read ❤️❤️❤️
There’s a LOAD more that I could recommend I’m sure but I don’t remember them off the top of my head at the moment.😭 If I remember I’ll come back and add them in!
(Forgot about AU’s- honestly there’s some that I see and catch up on when I see them but there’s just so many that it’s a bit difficult to keep track of sometimes! I’d have to go around and fully look through many before having a solid answer haha! The ones I do see are always so well done though, I may come back and add them here if I remember 😅)
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wickmitz · 13 days
what do you think mitzi’s type in men is?
hmm, this is a fun little ask! especially since her love interests, on a surface level, couldn’t be more different. we have :
zib : former long term boyfriend but not quite … they were very loose with labels, as we know from outside information and the way zib lives life in general. but despite this, whatever feelings fostered between them were intense ; enough so for him to stick around years later, resigned to a chained down lifestyle simply because he doesn’t want to leave mitzi. he’s very loyal in that sense! even if it’s not a conventional type of loyalty. we know that before bitterness seeped inbetween their bond that zib took good care of her, while also being a complete mess of a person ; someone perpetually scared whenever physical conflict is concerned and being a musically inclined man who very much treats himself as a free spirit, with a morbid philosophy and feel towards life. he’s got a major tortured artist aesthetic!! is a little gripped by melancholy and nostalgia … zib is a lot of things, and ambitious is surprisingly one of the many puzzle pieces that make up dorian zibowski.
atlas : ruthless gangster, has an eerie presence that frightens even the people closest to him. he is prone to a more quiet disposition ; never speaking and always a blot of unremarkable grey. but he is an opportunist! someone who can manage a business and take advantage of shortcuts and loopholes to become even more successful … basically he is wealthy and uses his assets well. but all of this is done with a manner of distance, leaving even those closest to him never having the full picture of who he was. it’s also worth noting that mitzi and him had eventual problems, which caused her to seperate. also perhaps has a heart of some kind, but whatever love he possesses is hidden under layers of blood and mystery.
wick : well-to-do bore, and i say this with all the love in the world for wick! but compared to previous paramours he’s rather clean and talkative … there is a constant earnestness to him that bleeds out, an honesty and a more conventional sort of kindness. he doesn’t hide behind smoke and mirrors and there’s never really a front he puts up around mitzi -- or his investors for that matter, hence why he’s treated as an ‘outsider’ so to speak. he is an alcoholic who loathes the details of his job but is more than passionate about the job itself and makes this everyone’s problem … he is a little helpless, in the sense he’d die without someone there to make sure he functions … and is, like zib, perpetually afraid of conflict. can be a little wishywashy and can come across as uncaring due to his cheeky tone … but he’s loyal and caring, with a hobby for the unusual ( bugs and rocks lol ) as well as being able to look past the gossip mill and see the actual mitzi may as he knows her, someone who’s going through a rough time and is either too kind or classy to be a brutal killer. he is hypocritical, a little snobby, and rather forward with mitzi too. kind of a flirt when he wants to be!
something that immediately stands out to me when looking at this lineup is that mitzi doesn’t enjoy a violent man. i don’t think she loathes someone who can so brutally or clinically remove others from this earth, but if she were to go for someone they’d usually be sweeter in a sense. it meshes well with her old personality and kinder heart, perhaps brings it out in her, and that sort of levity and breeziness is more enjoyable than, say, being fully aware of the dangers that lurk around every corner because the man you’re beside is prone to bringing it. she also enjoys more talkative types, someone who’s less quiet and demure and serious, and is keen on her men having a hobby they care deeply for ; some sort of long term goal to work towards doesn’t hurt either. and because of some scenes in the comic, i’m a firm believer that mitzi wants someone who can make her smile or laugh with ease, whether because they’re ridiculous by nature or genuinely funny! she has a sort of funny bone herself, enamored with gallow’s humor and darker jokes, so having someone who either a.) reacts hilariously in the face of her jokes or b.) who can return that energy with teasing or their own brand of silly is desirable. everyone could use a good laugh or two, a sense of joy injected into the bustling life they all live, and this all ties back to mitzi being more drawn towards the less stuffy types of men.
so atlas seems to be an outlier when it comes to her type in many ways, hence the later problems they apparently had in their relationship even if she did love him dearly. but, of course, atlas did have something very appealing to her that zib had failed to give, which she rather fondly recalls in the comic page vestige. whether zib likes acknowledging it or not, mitzi wasn’t as gungho about their normad life as he was … or, at the very least, when she lived another life besides that one, she realized she had a preference! and atlas gave her that path, that knowledge that she wanted something else, and seemingly for the very first time in her life … she felt like a proper lady, a feeling that clearly meant a lot to her. it wasn’t just the dresses or the wealth, it was the constant eye of atlas who could have any dame he wanted, but fancied her his wife regardless. it was having someone so respectable looking, dressed well and groomed well, being able to see her as something other than a sweating, exposed girl in a bawdy dress. atlas’s seemingly polite treatment towards mitzi was enough to garner her affections in spite of everything else, so i think she enjoys that now in others, ; folks who treat her as though she’s a woman in high society, men who don’t gawk at her or make lewd remarks immediately … she probably prefers the courting process now and the quaint dates ( that she doesn’t pay for, mind you ) that come along with it. she just -- likes mutual respect, i think. and who doesn’t? she’s been through a lot to get to where she is now, even if it’s a bad predicament, and she’d like for that to amount to something. some sort of acknowledgment, some kind of recognition.
however, it’s worth mentioning that her views on romance and all that it entails have been warped since the death of her husband. such a loss would change how anyone approaches their dating life, if they were to even have one afterwards … after all, mitzi’s whole problem is that she doesn’t want to move on from atlas and has thus completely romanticized him in her head, to the point that she earnestly believes she’ll be miserable forever without his presence. any problems she had with atlas have long since been erased by her tortured mind, leaving her with a profound misery she’s wallowing in. i think she believes herself as incapble of romantic or sexual inclinations nowdays, leading her to view the advances made towards wick as a necessary ‘evil’ for the sake of atlas may and little else -- when she genuinely does like sedgewick to a degree, and wouldn’t go on dates or kiss a man unless some part of her honestly wanted to do so. ( i also think she was attracted to wick somewhat even while married to atlas, but that’s besides the point ) so this is all a rather complicated affair! she is vulnerable and weak, is too aware of herself and the criminal underbelly squeezing in closer … add this on top of her still heavily grieving and having no one she feels she can talk to, you have someone who is rather changed. mitzi is so far removed from herself and who she truly is, or was, that there’s no doubt it’s affected her type ; now she’ll settle for anyone if they’ll just help her, and even then she’d be dispassionate if romantic entanglement of any kind was involved in that relationship. it’s not something she wants right now, and honestly, it all seems scary and daunting … besides atlas, zib was the only other man she’s ever loved enough to stay around for, so she’s never faced a loss like this before. has kept zib throughout all the turmoil and changes -- so this is, as far as we know, her first major loss where it concerns matters of the heart. it’s not shocking she’s so messed up after it, especially given how fresh it all still is. all of this rambling is to say that mitzi’s a little more stingy and cagey then she used to be about love or sex, and she has a lot of inner battles to face before she can fall for someone and be sure about it. needs to thaw, i think, and she would require patience and understanding from anyone who actually wanted to be with her. mitzi could move on with time ( i do not think she’s the type of widow who’d never date again! ) but it would take quite some time to do so. well, in a world where she’s allowed / is able to heal anyway!
while her type would probably remain the same, i could see her wanting a serious relationship more than she did prior to the death of her husband. has no energy for the loopholes, or the rationalizations, or the fickle nature that can grip someone’s heart. she has matured in a lot of ways since her band days and would take comfort in frivolous things like labels and promises of a future, together, as lovers. while what she had with zib was nice and is cherished alongside the freedom to do as she pleased while on the road with the band, i don’t think she misses it. having the stability and assurance of an actual relationship, with all the hardships that come with it, would be better suited for her. as long as she’s treated like an equal of course! i don’t think she’d be keen on her partner hiding anything from her, even if it’s meant to protect her, due to where that put mitzi when atlas was killed. she’d rather know and be disgusted, or worried, or scared than to not know about something at all until it’s too late … again. naturally patience and compassion would also be of importance, as would the usual things she loves like loyalty and a passion for something in life. and while never required, she’d be happy if the person possessed even a singular musical bone in their body! she still thinks artists, particularly musicans, are sexy after all … likes the angst and brooding that comes with it, the slight flare towards the dramatics … as long as they can handle mitzi in her pitiful entirety and do, to some degree, care deeply for her and will compromise … i think she could find some happiness wherever. bonus points if she can live comfortably for the rest of her days too, lord knows she’s tired of the constant battle of hucking and bargaining.
but yeah! mitzi’s love life is vast and complex and i definitely see her as someone who is more flexible in type than other people are. though there are similarities between her suitors if you really look! anyway, i hope i was able to briefly touch upon this subject because my shipping brain loved your question and kinda went into overdrive, alas. tldr ; her ideal type is wick sable. sorry. once wick learns an instrument the wedding is back on!! … i’m kidding lol. well, mostly <3
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theamazingannie · 9 months
Finished the first two episodes of PJO. Got thoughts (if anyone cares). Putting under a read more cuz it’s a bit lengthy
Before I go into the cons (cuz I got some unfortunately), the pros:
Aryan is so cute I adore him
I love the main trio in general. I think some of the acting isn’t always great but their chemistry and adorableness make up for it
I especially love the percabeth relationship. Walker and Leah did a great job showing that doofus Percy and irritated Annabeth relationship. Especially their early on “Annabeth looking down on Percy while he understandably flounders around.” I cannot wait to see more of them!!!
Saw someone on Twitter talk about the armor adjustment scene and how it could be a parallel to them later on as their relationship progresses and I hope so badly that they do that
Love Clarisse. Does a great balance between being unlikeable and being unenjoyable
LOVE Mr. D. Had absolutely no doubt that Jason Mantzoukas would crush this role and am glad to see it. Perfect level of unhinged and unnervingness. Literally the perfect person to play the role
It has a decent script. Not perfect, but I like how witty Percy is and there’s a lot of good written chemistry between characters and I found myself chuckling a lot, which is great as an adult with a show targeted towards younger audiences
The scenery is GREAT. I always have a hard time visualizing camp in my mind while reading and I think the show perfectly balances a normal summer camp with fantasy. Would’ve liked to see more of it, like a proper tour, but I know there’s not a lot of time. Hopefully we get to see more of it in later episodes
Great fight choreography. Wish there was a little more of it. Again, maybe they were cut for time but the fight scenes just seemed very rushed. But what we did see was so good. Especially loved Percy’s little duck and roll thing he did
Which brings us to the negatives. I wish I didn’t have any, but unfortunately I have a lot. I base these both as a fan of the books and as a show as a whole:
First things first, the pacing. It’s awful. It felt like a bunch of random scenes clipped together. There’s almost zero flow between scenes. It reminds me of watching the deleted scenes in the DVD bonus features and the weirdly long pauses between some scenes added to that. Nothing felt connected
To add to pacing, everything felt really rushed. As I said before, I get that timing is an issue, but I felt sped through everything. Considering it’s a tv show and we were promised more than was in the book, I didn’t expect so much to be left out. Nothing too important, but as I said before, it could’ve used better transitioning between scenes. I was left kind of disappointed and I can’t imagine not reading the books and being expected to follow this
On that note, explanations were iffy. It felt like they wanted to rush through explaining stuff to get to other parts which is fine for us readers but I think new audiences might struggle to follow. There’s a lot of information that the audience needs to know and I don’t think they properly addressed everything
One thing that comes to mind as I’m typing this is the wheelchair. They never show what it’s for. They introduce Chiron at camp as a centaur and have him be one for the entire time and so to an unknowing audience there’s just a random empty wheelchair during a scene. If they weren’t going to use it, they should’ve cut that out
The scene with the Cloven Elders felt unnecessary. I get they want to explore other POVs outside Percy’s but nothing that happened in that scene felt necessary to the plot. Barely anything happens and most of what happens is explained verbally through Grover later. I wonder if the scene was cut for time but it probably should’ve been cut altogether. It didn’t add anything except a tiny bit of worldbuilding and having them go INSIDE the tree was weird and not even from the books. There’s like a whole forest inside the forest which gives me Dodona vibes which it shouldn’t
As I said before, the acting isn’t great at times. That’s fine considering I was a House of Anubis stan once (hence the icon). Acting is honestly not the most important part of a show as long as they have interesting characters with good chemistry (which they do!) but still pulled me out of it a bit. Some of the delivery was kind of dry
There were multiple times when I thought the direction could’ve been better. It wasn’t necessarily the acting (although that was part of it). For example, which Annabeth says “you drool in your sleep”. She says it very monotonously and matter of fact and just stared at him unmoving which is fine cuz I think that’s how it worked in the book but I think it might’ve worked better if she said it more petulantly and hurried away. This is very nitpicky tho and is mostly just opinion
Speaking of Annabeth, though: I wanted to see her more! I get we will see her plenty throughout the season but I love her and would’ve liked her to be introduced sooner. She meets Percy earlier in the books so she could’ve been introduced sooner. I also want to see her and Chiron interact (which we will hopefully get ep 3) so we can see that father daughter relationship. (I did like the way she was introduced though. They did that really well. I just want to see her more🥰)
A note for the next ep promo: WHY did it spoil that they were gonna be meeting Medusa??! That was supposed to be a surprise and they just gave it away in the PROMO????
One last thing cuz I’m mad. I already made a separate post about it but THALL-EE-UH???? That’s literally how I pronounced it when I first read it and was repeatedly told it was wrong and it was TALL-ee-uh so I switched my brain over and NOW you tell me I was right??? I knew some pronounciations were gonna be wrong but I was PRETTY SURE about that one
I definitely had more thoughts while watching (some that are extremely nitpicky that I’m going to force myself to ignore) but I didn’t take notes while watching and am already starting to forget details. Overall, I did love it, but I think a lot of the love came from my existing love of the series. I first read PJO 13 years ago and it was the first book series I truly fell in love with and remains my favorite to this day. A lot of feelings are my love biasing me both positively and negatively, and it makes me wonder if I would have chosen to continue watching the show if I hadn’t already had that love. Honestly, I don’t think I would. However, I do plan on continuing to watch and support and hopefully the rest of the season goes well!
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jinstronaut · 7 months
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
Polyshipweek23 Day 4: Soulmates
A little bit of context: one of my favorite soulmate/soulmark tropes is “when you touch your soulmate for the first time, you both get a colorful mark in the shape of where you touched” I also love the idea of a soulmate being someone who has a profound impact (not necessarily romantic) on your life, so that’s what I’m rolling with here!
Mal gets her mark from Jay when they're both little. Like, the first day of what passes for school on the isle kind of little. It was hot, and they weren't wearing long sleeves like most of the adults do, and they bumped shoulders and marked each other. The soulmark is a smudge of dark red on Mal's left shoulder. 
Mal was marked by her mother as a baby. Maleficent's mark is on her back, a double handprint in deep eggplant purple (Mal heard the name for the color long before she knew there was a food that went with it) and it's so deep it looks like a bruise. Not that many people see it. It's fine to be marked by a parent, but showing soulmarks still isn't something that people do on the Isle of the Lost. 
Mal doesn't mark Evie right away. Their marks happen when Mal brushes her fingertips over Evie's wrist, and between Mal's bare hand and Evie's bare wrist, her fingers come away a saturated, brilliant royal blue. 
Mal marks Carlos once they're in Auradon, as promised. Because it's a planned mark, they have some freedom with it, and she puts her mark on him as a full handprint on his right shoulder. (her left hand is stained red in exchange, but it's worth it, to have her mark so bold and bright and undeniable on him). 
Mal marks Ben with her elbow, entirely by accident. On their first date together, she slips and falls in the water of the enchanted lake, and Ben unthinkingly reaches out to try and catch her (or maybe not unthinkingly at all - maybe he knew all along what he was doing) and Mal's elbow catches him in the bicep, and her mark blooms deep orchid purple on his skin, smeared from the broadest point of his arm down to near his elbow. Mal's own sharp, pointy elbow comes away stained with a deep, saturated gold. (It doesn't make the planned betrayal any easier).
Jay marks Mal when they're too little to know better. He shoulder-checked her on their grubby excuse for a playground, and then instead of a bruise they both had soulmarks blooming bright and unmistakable instead. Mal's mark on his right shoulder is bright orchid, and it's the second-deepest mark Jay has. 
Jay's deepest mark is from Carlos, which is funny in retrospect, but hadn't been at the time. Jay's gloves have a little gap at the heel of his hand, where they cinch tight around his wrist, so he's got a smudgy half-circle the size and shape of the gap on his right hand, bright red with a little smear leading down towards his wrist. It's funny now, but it hadn't been funny at all when the little kid Jay was scruffing to try and intimidate him had squirmed too far and turned out to be a soulmate. 
Jay's mark with Evie was intentional. A mark that would be easy to hide, at Evie's request, so they'd both thought about it and decided it would be funny to un-layer from their leather armor and bump the ridge of their hip bones together. The blue stain is one of Jay’s favorite things to trace over and over when he’s alone for the night.
Jay's mark from his dad is dark red, not nearly as bright in color as the one he has from Carlos, but not as dark as his own marks. It's high on his shoulder, in the shape of a hand catching him there, and it's fainter than most of the marks that parents leave on their children. A shadow of ruby-red, like a colored chalk stain that he can't quite wash off. 
Jay also has a mark from the oldest Hook boy - from a barefoot kick to the ankle when they were kids. It's stormy blue, like the sky outside of their barrier gets sometimes. They didn't realize the connection until later, which was funny when they were fucking each other stupid in the back corners of the docks, and less funny afterwards, when their crews fell out and they stopped speaking to each other outside of threats growled in the market.
Evie shares an intentional mark on her hip with Jay, his deep red color dark like a burn against her skin. She hides it from her mother, and doesn't let herself regret the choice. 
Mal's mark is absurdly bright on her wrist, a two-fingered smear of color that Evie hides under thick bracelets. Sometimes she wonders if Mal's mark on her is as bright as the one that she left in return. 
Evie doesn't share a mark with her mother, because Grimhilde is careful, and always, always wears her gloves. (this is a lie, and her mother’s mark is buried under Evie's hair on what was once the soft part of her head. Her mother's lips, always rouged or painted, hide the blue that Evie left in return). 
Evie marks Carlos partially by accident. She's not wearing gloves, and he's not wearing sleeves, and she trips over her own feet on a particularly hot day while trying not to pass out from the heat that's making them all suffer, and she smacks her hand into his arm. The mark blooms red and bright on the side of her hand, and the matching mark on his arm comes up so bold and royal blue that it nearly hurts to look at. 
Evie marks Ben, which is strange for both of them. It's an unthinking, casual gesture when it happens. Evie's hands are bare at her sewing table, Ben sitting on the floor with Mal nearby, and she drops her seam ripper near his hand. They're so comfortable together that neither of them thinks before picking it up, and their fingers brush, and oh, they're stained bold blue and gold now. 
Carlos's first mark is from his cousin. Diego darts out a tiny hand to touch his baby cousin's bare leg, and leaves a bold orange handprint behind, near the delicate curve of his ankle.
His mother leaves a lot of marks on his body, but none of them are soulmark-bright. Her marks, the ones that she leaves on other people, a white, like a floury handprint, or an old scar on pale skin, and he can see them on the faces of her henchmen every day. For a while he would count the silvery-white burn scars on his skin and beg for them to fade, to prove that they wouldn't turn out to be soulmarks after all. (They aren't, and they do all fade in time). 
Evie marks him by accident, on a hot  day when she sways a little too far and catches hold of his arm for balance. The blue smear from her hand is pretty. A nice change from red and black and white. 
Jay marked him a long time ago. When they were too young to deal with what it meant. The mark is dark and vivid, but mostly hidden under the collar of Carlos's jacket. Jay hides his under gloves, and it feels safer that way, so it doesn't hurt to keep them hidden. (it hurts anyway). 
Mal is one of Carlos's last marks. She puts a hand on his shoulder, after they already know they have two marks in common and are pretty sure they'll share one too. Lifting his shirt for Mal's orchid-purple mark is one of the first times his back sees the sun, and it feels right. Her mark sits lower than Jay's, not hidden, but something just for the two of them. 
Carlos marks Ben. It's one of the first times he leaves a mark on someone, rather than the other way around. It's almost an accident. Ben reaches out his hand while they're in the forest behind the school together, like Carlos is a princess who needs help climbing over the fallen tree on the path. Their hands are bare, and they both know it. Carlos reached out to take his hand, and the mark on Ben's palm blooms red and bright. The gold he gets in exchange feels like a new beginning. 
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oldb1og · 2 years
my childhood crush on dr facilier from the princess and the frog has resurfaced super strong and has me in a very tight choke hold- all i wanna write is him being a simpy malewife like gomez addams bc something abt him screams that
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I'd love to know more about Dinners, Dates, and Something in Between pls 👀
It started as just a little idea of Abby and Nate trying to plan dates, just for life and work to interrupt their attempts. So Nate decides to do a sort of impromptu dinner at Abby’s apartment to make up for it.
Started as a small idea that ended up with a much larger word count then I’d been planning, and it kind of kept growing the more I worked on it lol!
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pallases · 10 months
another 30% bc he insists that we focus hard on content that doesn’t appear at all and only gives three fucking problems that instead cover completely unrelated topics and doesn’t bother with partial credit and when you go to him for help outside of exams he tells you you just need to read the book properly 😍 i love it here SO much
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mitchmarner · 2 years
i’d honestly rather people shamelessly steal my gifs than do the half-assed “all credit goes to the owners 💓” bullshit. it just shows that you’re aware it’s shitty to steal other peoples work but still can’t be bothered with the 2 seconds it takes to type out their url.
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greghatecrimes · 1 year
i am having (very minor, outpatient) surgery in the morning and i’m Nervous about it but yknow what? at least it means i get the next three days off work and i can lay on my sofa, play Zelda, and watch a crap ton of House.
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klwl-truck · 2 years
you know what? i’m doing it anyway, CHARACTER ASK BINGO!! you can send any character through the asks (doesn’t necessarily have to be from haikyuu, but it would be better), and I will determine my opinion of them based on this VERY scientific chart 😙
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causticsunshine · 1 year
my friend in tattoo school worked on me today 💗
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first one is a fine line quote in my bro’s (very childlike) handwriting on my left arm, and second is the (beginning of a) parkour tattoo on my right thigh, also for my bro 🥰
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
FUCK. THE SONIC SPLATOON POST. I FORGOT ABOUT IT. my brain sucks so bad i got hung up on a minor logical inconsistency that i couldn’t resolve without compromising my vision so i just stopped making progress and my 3 day time limit was up so my interest drifted to. playing splatoon. and watching people play splatoon. which you’d think would make me more interested in talking about splatoon but it didn’t. and now i’ve got other things to spend my time on. whoopsies
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mabaris · 2 years
probably gonna make the poor little meow meow polls live this afternoon, HOWEVER if you have any characters you think should be included, my inbox is open! there is still time to put names in
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